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DIAZ BELIEVES CORRAL'S TALK IS MISQUOTED Cable toquiry Sent to Vice President in Spain as to Truth Rebels Become Active in Vicin* ity of Montezuma and Aqua Prieta Continued from Puce IT 'or povefnor of the state of Tabasco in the last election/ <md that party now w reported to be politically opposed to FresidtnC Diaz and his group of friends. -Th appointment perhaps can mi taKen as an indication that the po litical power of President Diaz is de clining." CT.'i'-.'-i* The statement that there are 5,000 '"s"rrec In the state of Puebla is challenged here. The last reports re ceived hero showed that there were about 3.000 of them and that only- a ■ mall percentage were armed. This report is Rome weeks old. however, and it is admitted that the revolt in that state may have grown rapidly with the reports of «uccess in the north and the growing knowledge that the govern ment can not control the situation. Madero. speaking of the revolution in the state of Puebla, declared that ne had been assured that any peace tprms accepted by him would be ratl- Bed by revolutionary leaders of Puebla. Or the alleged interview with Vice President Corral he had this to say: '1 am not sure that Corral made the statement credited to him in Diarlo, '"it I do know that when the revolu tion was In the formative stage it was a part of ,the Diaz-Corral strategy to spread the" impression that the United States} would intervene' In behalf of the Mexican government. This was tt» make us appear unpatriotic. How- I ever, the revolution got underway and iR winning, yet there has been no in tervention.- The government therefore is now trying to make it appear that the revolution does not ow* its spread to the unpopularity of the administra tion, hut to foreign elements, which they allege have come to the aid of the uprising/* T\\AZ SCOUTS -L' CORRAL CABLE Mexico's Ruler Does Not Think Assistant Blade [Special Dispatch to The Call] r OF MEXICO. April 29— Presi- dent Diaz granted an interview today to The Call rorrewpondent regarding the "•alleged, statement of Vice President M Corral cabled from Kantander. Spain, to y City of Mexico newspapers saying- the ,■; revolution In Mexico was fomented by Americans to bring- about intervention. •■"■•■; "I can not believe Penor Corral made •■: such,- statements," said President Diaz, •..' "for in many conversations with -me he : has' always ' expressed views directly | contrary to those with which he. Is cred ited in. the cable from Spain. I can -. see no reason why he should have /; changed his opinion In the short time ' '.: he has been gone. :';>•' "He as well as myself has always "'been most friendly to the Americans, . and we have no reason to believe they o have acted in any way unfriendly to • this government •or attempted In any way to "foment the'revolution." '•' Thep the correspondent put another ' -question %to President Diaz, which caused Mexico's ruler to become em ■'phatlc. "General Diaz, if the revolutionists '*! should Insist" as their only condition for making 'peace that you should resign ,", ;the office iof president would the result be peace or war?" .'»% The president started to answer the query emphatically, but Colonel Porfirio I>iaz Jr., who was present, interrupted and said. to. his father: "I do not think it. is wise to answer ~-.^that question at this time." •//President ' Diaz acquiesced in his ''•," son's suggestion, but a moment later • • y.turned to tlie correspondent and said, "•^.'with evident '■motion; •'-.', '%"Wh"en my ; country Is concerned ""' -.there; is no sacrifice I will not make." Inquiry Sent Corral WASHINGTON', April Ambassa dor Wllsorf at Mexico City, having pro tested against the interview with Vice t " President Corral printed in El Dlaro, charging" Americans with fomenting the revolution in Mexico, the state depart ment waS informed today that the Mex ican government had ■wired Corral, who is in» Spain, an inquiry as to whether the interview was authentic. . • In the same dispatch to the depart -1 ment. Ambassador Wilson states that ;, the Diaz "government had expressed , willingness to do everything possible .to stifle anti-American sentiment. Ever .since fhe revolution in Mexico b^came'general the pro-Diaz papers In ; that country have been publishing ar '"« tides which-Vere anything but pro , American, and there hvn come to be a suspicion that they were inspired. '.'.."Many here believe that the Diaz re ' " gime would welcome American inter vention as Us only hope now. i- REBELS MARCH ON MOCTEZUMA Major. Barron :Starts in Pursuit From Aqua V '?■' ■, Prieta . DOUGLASi Ariz.. April 29.—Despite peace hegiHitftions at El Paso the rebel i a ° activity in fhe state of Sonora, across the border from here, continues* un» ' abated Today a band of insurfectos, numbering between 500 and 1,000, were reported marching southward toward tozuma from the country around Kacozari, 75 miles southwest of Doug las c . Major Luis Barron, commanding the rurales at Aqua Prleta,* left there with > 300 picked men In pursuit, following the " receipt "of. Information of the rebel movements. It is believed that Juan rabraj is the leader of the rebels, and there iso a HKellhtfod that th« forces of JJarron arid Cabral may come to gether nea^Fronteras. .■ -> Many of the rebel leaders of Sonora, Including Antonio Garcia and Oiron, have been In El Paso conferring with Madero Garcia has - returned to So "ihora from El Paso bearing a new com -^nisslon as chief of ' the .■ rebel forces. Many bands of • rebels, each numbering from 15 to 40 men, are roving the coun try, moat or them seeking leaders. The National Nemo Week Celebrated **£ g?» r_* * Business Hours From 9a.m.t06 p. m. As distributers for the Nemo corset, The Emporium Commencing tomorrow, Monday, May Ist, f The Em announces its spring showing commencing tomorrow. ' . ,iiip mmn^Zmwmmm ...,,. ... . , -#\^- . porium will open at 9a. m. Cafe; at 11 a. m. . Seldom a Day Planned So Brimful of Choice Offerings at Such Undercut Prices as Prevail Tomorrow , '—' ——; : : ———v |# ':'■ .. f\ff, •■■■• ■•' T" — "——r — r— ;—''"" ' " ' "' ' ' ' ' * • " ; ■■"■■■'■■■■ ■- t Special: 300 of the New }/2 Off Just Here From New York A A fIRJL Tahoe Hats the Better Hats Suede Bags r\ IF J&> The Craze of the Hour-Underpriced Commencing Monday morning For the Firgt 72 Purchasers Monday Jo^d&ifesl i ' lists are light in weight* It rf# AC porilim's stock at $35 Or Over— ■ & *dM /* t sS:' appHqued with silk B(TfifS^^|!SS3l -msJSW ."S^.^'-ffilr.fw'tP f •*«? 50 percent discount. Just half the $Hi, *f S^Sk'^taS.?^ fi^»«S \ tTWW in white, burnt and black. if Original price Oil all CXqUISIt.C drOSS ■ purse to match. Colors RIISISS'SsB M'W 25?^ffl.'SS?li. dS M. hats, rich in flowers and plmnnso. ■ i^SS !££ |HHi ■■ xI '■ far higher prices. (Is///oor) -l lllS' Of COUI'SC, includes all the -*■** A Special at this price. ©^^^^SP^^^^ models and pattern hats. __''_1_ : (First floor, first aisle) WUB&MmmKwBBmA ■ • ■'.'.■".. ■■'.-■'■ ■■ ' . ... ■ :- ■ ' ; -•.:..-•■■■ ■■--•■ ■•■->••■- ■ . ■ ■ ■" • ■- . --.....■■»••• .- Summer Calls for Silken Wears — Four Silk Events Monday — Every One a Money-Saver 600 Pairs of 16 Button Length, QilL- RiKkrmc Every Style and Color to Be Desired Double Finger Tipped, Guaranteed PUK IVIDDOnS Included in This Lot of Women's Silk Gloves 72c Pair : t/^fZ %t . Silk Hose 95c Pair . _—osw^^^v mil Gloves which you would rejru- 7 • 1 1 O \ \7" i Til The overplus of one of the best jft> Sj^^jg^bf larly pay for more than this sale DOTIS m I to 3+> * dXd Lengths manufacturers in this country, price. If the name of the maker For the first time ThC Emporium secured the pound bought at a liberal trade discount AST! B P tss^SwmSßi\ %a&&n were quoted, it would be a suffi- , \s';':'r%- ... _ ■ , , . ... . ■ ,.'■ ■ . , Sii>s&%\ &&M??r Si • fcsj lent guarantee of their quality. >'arda^e OI a milL Supremely high grade, fine silk ribbons on account of the varying styles /wit 3^ §I|f Nyi^tf*!!! i ' I'.'^ '^ . 'at prices unheard of before. . : and broken color assortments. tylmaK- hlb\ «M . Sove^is.perect, v 5 000 Yards All Told Hence the large savings on the ||I 19 i ' HHHf ' ii^ button length ■ Mousquetaire style .. D y UUU I atCIS All 1 old, - ,•, t , ". 189 ISf/l •'lll I '^S of tricot weave silk in white, black .' , . 'r i rrr.jt very highest grade gauze, medium |||| ,■■[// '■■-•IiHB '^H and pongee shades. Sizes in the m'lo O inch Widths and heavy weight pure silk hose §Nm\ f/WK ■' jSk 81l lot ranging from sto 7. Bar- Satin taffetas Plaids and stripes Rich satins in re £u!ar outsizes and flare ■ I (SSiil jSfflM ifjji gain?' (/n Special Sale Section) Pin checks Moire silks Shepherd checks ,top styles—black and colors. |H7 ( LMwi / MliP* iiflli C i i . i il Warp prints Persians Ombre stripes /-\ ? ". . v -■' 'JMM? '¥*$$k'\ t— IPWII seventy-two cents the WT PfintS rCrMa"5 °mbrC ftriP" Only ninety-five cents l M JOT ™ . pair Prices 3c, 7c, 13c and 19c a Yard the pair Wc/W^ 7,000 Yards of Plain and Fancy Figured Messalines at About Milling Cost Only 39c a Yard for These Exquisite Shimmering Silks mm Fresh from the mills at about mill cost, 3,000 yards of 18 inch plain Also 4,000 yards of fancy striped Messalines, so popular for summer dresses.- Messalines of a very lustrous high .finish, made of exceptionally fine quality Various^ striped styles and 7 other assorted styles, which give a selection of ;36 J? ' %Jjr *f silk yarn. Some 30 different shades ate represented, including the new coral different patterns to choose from. Truly handsome silks, far underpriced, which pj \J yd a? well as the staple cream, white and black. Shown in window display. must be seen to be appreciated. Commencing Monday at 9a. m. under' Dome. $^m if^k 7C Model French Serge/buttons to the side; tan navy, -Copenhagen;, 1 San Francisco's best White hair line stripe, black worsted, black and white braid collar effect. " /ft jmm^ il ' I 1,/J} XaVy and tan'serges ' trimcd with embroidered pongee. . moneys worth. As an Gray sharkskin- fastens to the side with large frogs, black satin collar. 5h ©^ j 2s^ Black and white checks. Black satin on collar, apple green pipings. i nsta ,* ce o £ the values Plai" tailored navy .'su't'.of fine quality serge, by a high grade maker. t f |H^ JJBL'-'-^Jr "' ■ Misses' suit in navy and tan serge, sailor collar and braid bands. . " ' Navy serge suit, satin trimmed shawl collar, trimmed with - button's. MamAGL Jff - • '; ' Navy and tan serge suits, satin bailor collar and frog ■ fastener. »;V^ W catal°gued- 7 .Black and, white checked suit, = strictly tailored; Hercules braid trimmed. ' mmm^'^"^ Ginghams, Fresh Printed Lawns and Shirting Madras Priced the Lowest This Season A «ale of raat Importance for the «aalltleso£ the fabrics offered.' ; A «ale of equal importance for the liberal money Barings on nevr fabrics. ♦ 9 Washable Dress Ginghams Pretty Printed Lawns and Batistes Zephyr Ginghams, 32 inches wide Fine Shirting Madras, 32 inch jm '..a, a I.J^V 1 Special 9c yard Far Underpriced 9c yard ' Very Special J2licyard Sale Price 12Yc yard ji g I m M A large range of fine checks, hand- Thousands of yards of pretty printed . This lot constitutes the surplus of a : 1,200 yardss in all of these fine shirt- ■ -: Mf\ g^ . m^j some plaids and staple patterns, which patterns on sheer lawns, organdies and ! manufacturer's over and short lengths.; ings. All are on light grounds with JH 1 ■j£j''£& ..^W will launder to perfection and are tin- fine silky batistes. Standard fabrics Many of the patterns are equal to the neat stripes in colors. Practically any " -<Mk. ''■ ■mUti<-r^^ ; excelled in quality at the special price, at an unusually low marking. Save at 9c. finest imported French ginghams. combination wished for may be had. Added Attractions for the Second Week of the House Cleaning Sale , Most opportune for the semi-yearly cleaning and renovating which interests all good >^L. -V housekeepers. Hundreds of items at money savings. Specials too for the garden maker. /fg) >v Jzismk 25,000 FEET OF GARDEN HOSE JUST RECEIVED FROM DIAMOND RUBBER COMPANY. FULLY GUARANTEED. FOOT. 10c, 12^c, 15c. vlfeflSt / JSP " "llf^^^^M^ House Brooms, made to our special Spring Clothes Pins, the dozen, 5c Garbage Cans, large size, for $1.29 Rug and Carpet Beater Special, 15c \wl^U SfL^ ';;>"^?BBfl& order^for thwjialg Snrri-,1 39c Cedar Sweeping Compound, 19c ■ / Window Screens, adjustable, 25c Mothproof Bags, 25c and 50c Mil"] \v ff^T^ 5^- -imn»|| S Feather Dusters, save > Me, 48c ash Boilers, copper bottom, $1.69 Lawn! Mowers, fully guaranteed, $2.95 White Shelf Paper, 10 yards for 3c 2^ =g^== J^:&r > L J—^^^wj Step Ladders, 5 ft., steel braced, 95c Roll Toilet Paper, 8 rolls for 50c Garden Rakes and Hoes, at, each, 25c Scrub Brushes, 3 styles, 10c and 15c ill,-, _ _^ "^^^^^ Self-wringing Mops, save Vi at 69c Package Toilet Paper, 5 pkgs., 25c Washing Machine,2oth Century,sB.9s, Mixed Paint, small cans, yj price, 5c |lpwsls=l THE SAX FRAXC-TSro CALL, SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1911. 21