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22 TWO BILLS TODAY END EAGLES’ SHOW Matinee and Evening Perform' ances to Be Held at the Valencia Theater Several New Attractions Have Been Added to Exceptional ly Strong Program With * matinee and evening per formance the Eagles' big show, will conclude today at the Valencia theater. The advance sale promises a capacity house at both performances.. Sine" the opening of the show on Wedaesday the performances have been steadily improving. Among the new numbers to be in-' troduced In the program this after noon ■nd tonight are <~iu# Ehrdman and "company. Baby Chapelle and. Wal ter Camhroun. Ehrdman !i a charac ter impersonator and will contribute a novelty, in which he will, be assisted on the piano by Alfred Brownlow. Baby Chapelle, the little golden haired midget, will contribute a specialty of he£ own and will also sing "Stop, Stop, Stop." Walter Cambroun is a fieWUprofes sional singer, a tenor of splendid qual ity and range, with a great deal of magnetism. He was one of the- prin cipals in the Eagles' show at.lios Ange lrs. lie has been in town several 'days rehearsing for his appearance -this afternoon. He will introduce ■ some new songs. All ' the favorites who have been pleasing large audiences since the be ginnii - of the season will atao be on the bill with a change of their spe cialties —Kddle Healey. Joe Eckstein, Gus I'olmann, Martin F. Welch, Syl- Xewman,' Jack McGee, Myrtle Crowe. Edna Burke. I-oretta O'Neil. Edna Snow, Lillian Kelly, "The Christy Girl," Dorothy and .7<vuinp Vfenrier Xaillen, little, Ethel Fallon and the rest. • ■ '": iloncia wil] ll morning and batches of reserved for box TUBERCULOSIS ADDRESS AT Y. W. C. A. ROOMS Exprclses today at tlie • YrmnK Women's Christian association at 1?49 O'Farrell street, loffinnin^ at 4 o'olrffk, will he devoted to the suhjfict of tuber culosis. Jlrs. John F. Merrill will pre side at the afternoon meeting and there will be short addressee on tuberculosis by I>r. O. H. Richardson of the Tied Cross society and Miss Marie Jorßen sen, visiting nurse of the tuberculosis society. The sciolist will tie Miss w. P. Trenchy of Alton. 111. AH ■women are invited to the meeting 1. OneofThese Letters is to You «■#■• " * f VT O I* J I*t LETTER. NUMBER 1 (as we can prove to you j four new-eec tic lines will Which Is Yours/ Read M hem — mr.homebuilder : be running to ban'rrancisco. ( WllrillN SIX " ▼ illCla Sb . I OWr& • I\tsd*a I lICSIl 1 MR. HOMEBUILDER. . MONTHS many thousands of dollars will have . mwwiMHM am , M r,»i m .. WMM i bbbbsks!. mbsuhki Are you tired or living m a dismal nat Are you b . BERKELEY SQUARE on con ■■■■■^■■b" ■■■ ■^^■■■i^^" t^^^^^^ l^^l^na . j £ -, & t » l • been spent in BLRKLLLY bUUAKL on con tired or hanging to a car strap on your way to busi- - .li.i i ; r r i- j ♦ t '*••.'• • . s * -\ a *• j £ • jj^jf-i crete balustrades, electroliers, fountains, and similar ness? Are you tired or noise and dust and togr X lft ' ' " : "• " . Would you like a house of your own, and garden, ornamental features. # • Would you like a house or your own, and garden, : ■"' tf gßKgS^il|lll3fc*»^ s and fresh air, and pleasant, healthful surroundings HORieS NOW Being Planned . . .^g^^* 8"^^B**^^^ for your wife and children? WITHIN SIX MONTHS, also, dozens of yJ^^Cftlt\P t rt^^^lb^ Then Try Berkeley \ beautiful houses will be going up in BERKELEY jP? VAmU; IV "It's too far away," do you say? "Too great a SQUARE. There are SIXTY-FIVE homes Jo^ ■ distance from your business?" "Too much car already in other parts of NORTHBRAE PROP- M^ HOW TO GET THERE— fare?" Well, let us see. ERTIES, and BERKELEY SQUARE will M If from San Francisco, take KEY ROUTE or^^ TkJ.*,, XZU.~ R/?:«..,« A * ™A * O^iv*e kuild UP *ar more raP^ly than they. This . PACIFIC train to Berkeley Station. Ilk Thirty-Five Minutes aiWi 5 Cents means QUICK RESALES and it means BIG £f , nilrlßUl " Al da tke an car Berkeley is from 30 to 40 minutes from the busi- PROFITS. . B9 . #to Berkeley Station, and ask the conductor for a transfer to % thTwch^ An^thVfa^e to $ 150 Immediate Profit m the car marked pjjMaiiimJ^ vk* the commuter is just 5 cents. The same as for a Did you read in yesterday's CALL the plan of t Come into our office, corner Shattuck and Addison, and get the "blue tickets V' crowded streetcar, isnYit? °, nlj' from Berkeley it T" T,'^ "^ 1^ l!™™' ? M for a free car ride to and from BERKELEY SQUARE. They are yours foi » ls a c°ol' room well ventllated boat and electrlc here ' but lf y°" T^°^P Y°^ fegjfe I the asking today arid tomorrow (May Day). . 1 train- ,_ „ ' n ,„ . . msures you just $150 IMMEDIATE PROF T ■ _ v: 1 The Best Part of Berkeley in addition to your other profits. This is the special i* W% ■ If* ■ &^m F m*> wf N The choicest part of Berkeley-the choicest resi- inducement of this special sale. Only you must 1 KArkplpv Viiiarp I ««atonce ■ UVI AVIV J VIUUUI V I BERKELEY SQUARE. It is reached directly PTTrr^DIM. M , xt ,i it • • • i rei i M by four separate electric lines, already built, direct , LETTER NUMBER. 3 llTake the Northbrae car, on University avenue, west side of Shattuck. m from San Francisco MD ciruTccrn I and ride to The Circle, adjoining BERKELEY SQUARE and its beautifu' § tWm r^l Z^ U^^r «m MM SIGHTSEER: m parks. Spend the day as you please. M V, , TO iJerKeiey sqUare , As far as you know, you are neither a HOME /I *A - ■•■ • j . j »li .-,.,... 4 , j ; M Don t delay, but come at once— today. The lots BUILDER nor an INVESTOR. You are the '%& "r yU oTi_rDD e\c yu m • \l° ♦ lhe conductor # all lie on a gentle western slope, fronting the Golden very man we want in BERKELEY SQUARE %of the NORTHBRAE car. He will give you 5 cents to reimburse M Gate, with unobstructed view. The winding, .ter- TODAY-/oJai/, if possible; if not then iomor .. % you;for your outward trip, and will also: give you a free transfer M raced streets> the sp l en did oaks and running stream, row, MAY DA We shall keep o^^W °° ?"- '^m. 'if you wish it. m fa e res^ green i awns and brilliant flowers in front both days. . •• Take That Free Car Ride JF tr^L^~t these make ♦Berkeley A Delightful Ontiivcr • • ' ' j^F SQUARE just what we claim, the most beautiful ** l/tsilgnuul \JUtmg TT^\¥\ A ,^T residence property ANYWHERE. Come out to the parks, and on the slopes and • 1 V/l/r\ I ======= under the oaks of BERKELEY SQUARE. '. \. ■ _--i^^ •' LETTER NUMBER. 2 Come out and bring r your luncheon. This is the • : MR INVESTOR: ay ay season an<^ you owe {^ls outing to your- . Only a word to you. If what we have said above self and family. is true, you can see your opportunity. It's only a lit- Free Car Tickets HP! _ tie down and little month be very large. Call at our office on your way and get free car ' MlkM° *\ JPJ&" r\ .i' of profit on your investment must be very large. tickets to and from BERKELEY SQUARe! IVIAQnn-lVlrllll ttl P C,ftn\l\A I\V tt Certainty Of Quick Re-SaleS They are yours for the asking. All we wish, in iVlQwVll Ifflylr HIIIV %^^/a»»|J*»l»jr "It's easier to buy than to sell;" that's what inves- return, is that you tell your friends about the beauties • . ' v tors sometimes complain. But here there will be of BERKELEY SQUARE Read directions for Comer Shattuck and Addison Berkeley Station no such experience, within six months your outing in the : big circle to the left. LECTURER ON COOKING SHOWS HOW TO TEMPT MAN WITH DAINTY DISHES Meat and Oyster Loaves Served To Women Mrs. -Bertha Palmer iHaffner proved yesterday 'to the large crowd that at tended The Call's free cooking lectures 'that she could reach the heart of man by her methods of cooking and knew J the dishes that would bring him to her | .feet. . This came about because the Frances IVillard Women's Christian Temperance union, which had engaged yesterday afternoon, Inquired of Mrs. Haffner if men would be permitted to partake of the refreshments. • Having admitted that she would be delighted to welcome them, the next thing to do was ro decide what dish was most likely to please. After much deliberation , she decided on meat roll with a Spanish I sauce, hot biscuits and coffee. The most hardened wretch who ever encumbered the face of the earth could not have resisted the appealing , fragrance of that steaming loaf or the dainty little biscuits, crisp and brown, that accompanied them. • "When Mrs. Haffner wants to be lib eral, and she" wanted to be yesterday, she takes tor her meat loaf a cup of mixed veal and pork, and as much lean pork as she can get at that. To this she adds one cup of soaked" bread | crumbs, some melted butter, thickened with flour, salt, pepper and two eggs. If she has to make her own sauce she adds to her rdH seasoning in the shape of onions and parsley, just as when she has the ends of steak or other left overs to use up she contents herself with that instead of the more desirable I pork and veal. But yesterday she did not have to make her own sauce. She used a can of • the Del Monte brand of Spanish sau"ce, to which she added some parsley, chopped fine,.and some young onions nicely fried in a mixture of butter and flour. " ■ Wh«n Mrs. Hail uses parsley for seasoning she: .prefers the firm green stems rather" than the -fresh crinkly leaves because, she says, the .flavor is so much stronger. Havintr made one digression from the plana for the day, which were dainty serving and' cooking she tried another and asked how niany knew how to make an oyster loaf. One woman out of all th* hun j>r»sont was willing to admit that she tenew lieuy to make It 'after a man ner of frjr own." take a-loaf of sandwich bread and cut off the crusts, and then with a sharp knife, carefully cut a square In the middle tfbout an inch from the and scoop it out. making a deep cup. with the pastry spoon, you paint the bread with melted butter and toast it. and v<m have the cunnlngept little THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY. APRIL 30, 1011. Baking Powder Biscuits Made by Mrs. Haffner i! Here is Mrs. Haffner's recipe for making baking powder bis cuits as prepared and served at The Call's free cooking lectures: Sift flour, then niesmure four nips of flour with : two rounding teaspoons of baking powder, and n teaspoon of ' salt, Sift again and add a heaping; tablespoon of lard, /which must he nibbed, through the flour until perfectly smooth.. Measure a cup and a half of nweet milk, pour It In ■lowly, mixing; It with a spoon. 'When mixed turn on floured board, and roll lightly until It in possible to flatten out with the, rolling pin a quarter of an Inch In thickness. , Bake In a quick oven. brown boat you ever saw. When the boat was finished It was filled with fried, oysters and sliced pickles, the toasted top was readjusted, and there lay an oyster loaf in all its perfection. ,-■' , Then came the special lesson of the day. Mr^. iiaffn«r did not know lf hens j went on a strike in California and con- I sequently eggs got high, but the women whose ears %T4 attuned to market ■prices found this statement amusing. However, unconscious of the mirth she ; had provoked, Mrs. HafTner used eggs with a lavish hand. Shirred eggs wore the first on the program. Another little boat was made of bread, and buttered Inside as well as out. and the egg, whole and entire, was dropped into It, peppered, salted and put away to toast. By the time the bread was toasted the egg was shirred and when a few sprigs of parsley had ; been ait<!c<l by way of embellishment it I was a very appetizinp; Then Mrs. Haffner showed a little witchcraft on tha side —how to make one egg look like Hl'ree. took one egg, separated it, and, having- salted the white, heat It until i absolutely stiff. Then she beat the I yolk, added to It a tablespoonful of i milk and an eighth of a teaspoon of j salt. Then half of the beaten white i was put with the yolk and the whole ! turned in a frying pan on which some butter had been melted and beaten \ lightly. "When It comes to beatlnjj or stirring the cookinp: epgs, don't wreak ven geanre on them," she said. "JAtt them lllfhtly from the bottom and you will have nice, fluffy scrambled eggs. It only took a mtnute or two Jo do the scrambling, and then the egg* was put into another toasted boat and piled high with the remaining white and put One Egg Made to Serve Instead Of Three into the oven. In another minute it was taken out beautifully browned, and little sprigs of parsley were tucked into the top and set as a garnish around the plate. Then Mrs. Haffner told them how to test a man's affection. "Sometimes," she said, "when your husband has been sitting up with a sick friend or has been detained by business, so that he doesn't get home until about 2 or 3 o'clock In the morning, he doesn't feel like eating anything at all for break fast. If you prepare him a dish like 'three in one 1 and that doesn't tempt him, you may give him up as a hard ened .case." Here Mrs. Haffner said that If there wan any man present who had not gone through the experience of extending his sympathies to a lick man friend until the wpe small hour*, he might pass the dish for the women i And right there, from amonff the as sembly, a man had the temerity to go straight up to the front and pass the plate to the amused and tittering crowd. Another piece of witchcraft was made manifest in the Easter salad, in which delicious rosy cheeked apples and luscious yellow pears were made out of Isleton creamery cpfrs-. You pick out some long. Slender eggs for the pears and somp little round ones for the applps, set them In a pot of cold water and boil 10 minutes. After removing the shells you dip them Into a pan of cold water. Then with some of Folger's Golden Gate harmless fruit coloring in red, yellow and gr^en, you paint the egg—for a pear, first sreen, then yellow to get the russet color, and then some more green, dipping It con stantly Into cold water so as not to sot the color too deeply. , For the apples, you press at both ends to shape them and you paint them green, then yellow, then red, then some more green and red until they arc per fect. You put a little black speck at one end and use rose leaves for garnishing. Two apples and one pear set on crisp, fresh lettuce leaves make a delightful salad. After showing how to make baking powder biscuits, Mrs. Haffner spoke | again about the bread contest and i urged the women to send In their i loaves, which, after the Judging, will be turned over to the directors of the children's hospital. Mrs. Haffner wants to Judge thous ands of loaves and she will not be con tent with hundreds. "If I am disap pointed," she said, "when I go to Los Angeles I will tell the women there what the men ; here snld about , the women of San Francisco." CROWDS TROOP TO SUMMER RESORTS Lure of Mountain and Seashore Finds Response in Many City Residents Cits folk are beginning to find the lure of mountain and -seashore irre sistible, as Is usual at this time of year. The .summer- resorts''are fill ing:,up and reports, of delightful out ings are received every day by friends at home. Here are some of the vis itors who .registered ; during the week: PARAISO HOT SPRINGS FROM SAN FRANCISCO•• Mr. ■"William Macklnto«h Mist May Allen » George A. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. U. 0. Miss Alvlra I^tj Jewell - Mrs. O. r. HaWnjr HIM Itn by Jewell „ Mrs. Krwln -M. Cooper G. W. Burnett TiT Krollnsc 11. C. Warwick Tim McGrath I»«t«T. McGltncby Mr. and Mrs. W. V. O. I* Mp»cl BrTftn ■ I. V htary Hoyd B. Jntiah A. It. Patrick . \ n riughoff Ptnlrl O'Connor K. O. . rntbal I*. Fancll Gus Stelly ' William Jc««« IS Fol/ser Mrs., Alti'Tt Hall J. 11. Kelly Mrs. H. B. Konls Frank 0. Brpwptir Mrs. I*. I 7mt««Piv Mrs.-T.l* Henderson Mrs. T. I- Ilpnil«r»on Herman M. I.i-vy William 11. Dawnport "Ml«s It.Mills • Ous ! mbitn Mrs. T. T. Lnmson 0." Held I>r. J. F. MrKenna .1. William! . Miss Alexandra Shlelda ;. . FROM OAKLAND Dr. Gears* TI. r>»rrl.k Mlm Clara I* Taylor Dr V A. Derrick Mill Ma«l(t« (7. l!l" Miss Vlda 11. Derrick Ml«» Margnret Smllcjr I w. U Moldt and wife Mid* >W]<* V. ot*r Mrs. W. 11. Colllnn F. I" Itmnlfl Mlsa Laura C. Mooro .In^t-ph llsnnnn Mrs. h. McDonald < Francl* MpI>W«M Bernard McDonald,. B. K. Wlwarda H. Cmmmpy Ml»a NVHIo Shurra Raymond Crummey Mr». Ilfnnlngcr li;n\l mTIII l'l-Acna Henrr TTHtiMin. Harry McOowan Jr.. Tlnlph Mrs. Bertha Palmer Haffner, The Call's cooking expert, Is using Islcton Creamery Butter Jf^ i Exclusively "^feL m The reason $Whj£r'^i>y/\ *or this " \ that it's the jor^\ I purest ' that M itit can be had. f Pft iSfSP This aBO PI accounts for II caw £& the tasty If NY? 1' liMfrtvT i« shortcake &.O V SBkIISI baked at the ft B:M*^^^ ' tSS? c yes" Everywhere. J. S.-herxer. Santa Clara; r Dr. * nd MJ*- w r- J\- j Kaowlel, Thomas Hunter, Los Onto*; I. "• ™t tle.fH. Werner. Mis. Sybil Mni«™.ww- Til : r. A., Marriott. Palo Alto; Dr. GeorpE. Jackson. lone; Mr. and Mr*. A. Roozl. Mim L. E. IJicuora. Stockton; £•?.■• John IVJou. Rev. Father Closa. San Juan Bautlsta; Miss Hazel Hackett, Alameda.; FROM MONTEREY AND SALINAS Mr. nd Mrs. Charleg G. Miss Hu^H^ White Mi.a Maude Crowder r.»on White Mr. and Mrs." r.;-W. Mis* Mary Doud | Sargent _ . •: Mr«. Kvn llickox Mr. awl Mrs. **■ J. a. J. .1. Doonoc Chappell Mtefl iH.linl Rot. I . Hro^T?*. n Ml«« HortAiaii Smith Edward N. G'" ,„_ i Ml*» Laura smith ; , Mr. and Mr*. F. Hellam HOTEL BEN LOMOND FROM SAN FRANCISCO # ; Alfred A. Flelff lET" lkCn»h*i? MIM Hannah Blgney • KM B. Ollhnly W. CtmpbeH 'C. W. Wilson ■- P ' FBOM BERKELEY Mrs. Yenas C. KennlelUrs. Clarence Leach FROM OAKLAND, ; A. K. Mtinson AHier Tyler . C. Munson ! Mis; Myra shade G. P, lieanmont and A. J. Edwardt wife - - - ' ■ • - FROM OTHF.R PLACES J. W. Sanderson.* Sacramento; Mary E. Gllhulz, COOKING WITH GAS We invite you to attend the splendid series of lectures on Domestic Science by Mrs. Bertha Palmer Haffner At Hale Bros.', Market Street Every afternoon, from 2 to 4 o'clock Practical demonstrations of good cooking on "Reliable" and "Jewel" Gas Ranges. We are giving as free prizes two of our best Gas Ranges and one Humphrey Automatic Gas Water Heater. We want you to become, a member of these classes and get a splendid Gas Range free. Start tomorrow. GAS AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. 441 Sutter Street Ross- j' H Remington. Ettrekj; Ml» Gladys | P^?le Roq"el; F. N. Pfelffer," P. F. Brott. San jo»Vr'G««« MOHunston, Mm. Annie Morgan, j Santa Crut, .i^lpMßsw ■■;■'■•■ TIICH MOTTOTAIN lAVIRIT FROM SAN FRANCISCO Mrs.C.D; Brown / i Walter Story and wtrV Miss Ada F. Brown J. J. Doltn. wit. .ad' L. L. Quimby . daughter * FROM MILLS COLLEGE !» ; c Elizabeth A. 9 Herrman SS^sSth \ \ Maiid O. Eo«s Mildred Smith , Althta R Moorea Ella Wytnana -. . Slgne E. Hatelthora Sadl« Towle > t Ha«el C. i LatUrop, ' ■ Frances Kendall - f!ena Simpson P< Mrs. 0. B. Wym.n Bara Mothorn . FROM. OTHER PLACES P V Quick. Berkeley; Dr. H. O. Howett, ; H D Howett. J. Vincent Neal. San. Rafael; Dr. j arid Mrs. Tom Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Smith,; Alameda- H. W. Hcnrickson and wife. Oakland: , Miss K. Dempsey, Miss M. Llndsey. George Hoadley. Oakland; W. E. Jfealey Jr.. Santa • Rosa- "MIM Kmma Stark. Miss Nell Rlckajii, Mrs. W. U.McKeMle.,Fresno. !TWO YEARB FOR ACCORDION THEFT r Hutchlns. who pleaded gnlltj- of the theft „• en accordion from (i. P. .Miller, was »* : tenced to two ■ years' Imprisonment In Ban i ' Qu«ntln by Judge CabaniM yesterday,.