Newspaper Page Text
MAY DAY FETE HELD ON CAMPUS Varicolored Pageant, Led by Queen and Proclaimed by Herald, Delights Crowd OAKLAND, April 29.-May day .at Mills college this afternoon attracted a laifre crowd of 'Society people, "the campus throbbing with life, When the program began at ; :3 p, o'clock.- THe PJftrant was carefully Handled, the 200 ; v Ithm'f flc' rating; keeping their place* for™, *, break. .The procession was i«« °5 grour8 ' among: which were dancers, fairies and choruses a va riety of costumes lent a wealth" or: color to the cortege. ,Af. the; herald announced the coming or the candidate to tie crowned, the ■voices of a Japge. chorus 1 filled the *ir And slowly the pageJTnt passed Into view, nm came the llower •girls. May nuoen, pases and attendants* then the rnlnuet pin*, Spanish, Grecian and fairy dancers.- The girls forming the minuet group were dressed In old time English costumes; the Grecians in flow ing robes of pure white, the Spanish, in scarlet skirts and orange, colored sashes and the fairies in filmy muslin. ■ „ I ■ Picturestiue might be a good" word' to describe the winding of, the May pole, in old English Rarb.:glrls, stated- i ly and graceful, formed an artistic pic ture as they directed the gaily colored' ribhons^nto Intricate designs-"upon the' white pol*. '.*; •• *. ; : Miss gMna Tan- and Miss Ila-gel-- . thorn directed the choruses, and dances' respectively, and May Molin, Edna fowler and Charlotte d'Evelyn acted as the campus committee. The. senior class served refreshments. The cast was': * ■ ■ 9,';*»7:----: •.-•; Helen BurKnnk \, 11 I 4 i• : Dorl* Foote 7»M 'J hmnt *• M»y ilohn Attendant*.......Arlpen 1.nn.1.v and Eapa Fowler => ; CUORI'S »!«•«»— • IRPdllM.l • . rr*ncU •-•; M»y Nlchfli • . J"«pw*ll I. Marls Nichols in I >.v Brtn.-k'' f I'linnsl ■ • • JlSHgler Moor , . .nlman StfTMßi- 1 • s* Calkins • 1:.-. i,h I R>ii>*rll ■ Van<l<>r>!th • '•. . . Smith JUstSais . • . " 'ranfield Cloootn '. •'■■. . ;foi * . • Uttirop • , ... huttrt I.ohn^r , ■. . Konzoae E.-WIIPPS '■'-■ -." ■ r.ord M. Wlcox - 1 .». Monlhan Ritchie • ' M&ejard £•«•* ' . •". A. Homage . I Tlio^n o • • ' ( Robinson » .. ' HKimoßd ' \ ' \ Kiag . ■ veron-a mi>tet • ' ' .»i:«fp»—. li'irtwi Val»«tde Letthoia* ' ' Mowi thorn I P..Terrier : Ttnukl . 4 Bleb«r . ,•_ Frlnck . • L*nioa ■ « • I Browu • . ■ . ' Madfson ' '■■ JKuhn , ' Pratt :. .' Manlpy I>. Sai'th-,.-3 : . JonM , Vniund - 0 *„:.• '. Powers . " ' Sturt»T*nt > o«:\ ". o. Adam* • < rcgsufl] •. .. M. Adamn • F. Yfttift . o . c. Ailamsi'ii . • , Plmnson I EI»« Kendall "■>■, * •• |Por. c«'h ■ ir - Mrtlantler • ' I . Thornburßb -=•: . : Morun * ' ■ Rlre . . j^Xdl- " . TV*t«nn ' .. .• IVttersca Younjt-^ c V . McLean • " ' < Hoffman -'-. •, *. I.! Nichols ■ gr«7 • . . [Reid' ' • " • ' Curdle .'.,'] • B?AXIfcH PASTERS n»len BMKiI '• Elsie MrClimatc ' < ■ Era Wrenn <c • '. '. Daphne Damon Arrtel Fnljer *, Edna Schorer ' <;raop G/lfflth »" ETellne Horn age ■ • ' Josephine Cres<i.T '• ' Olire Adamsen , ' GRECIAN DANCERS . . i Catherlo* IHU',. --s . Dorothy Clarke ... j „ J Morr'x XTaßner ' • Ollrc ll^n.Vr«on ' KllrahPth Ferrier »"Arthea Moorw « Mildred Smith I .. Am.T BiieHi. c. Ethel MIH<" . < Clara Schorer , " Zella Crawford •. Helen Rau<l '• : • LABOR LEADER WORKING FOR McCANYS PARDON Delegation Visits Governor De- neen to Plead Cause SPRINGFIKI>T>. Til.. April 29.—A, dele gation-of. officers if labor organizations, headed by "Johji ,H. Walker, president f<f,the united mine Workers ot*lllin*is, and Edwin R. Wrights president of the Illinois sta^e federation of labor, waited on Governor Dfeneen today :to ask for the pardon ot % former Pollcfe Inspector Edward ilgpaim'of Chicago, now serv ing a term in iollet penitentiary for aecepttaK money for police protection 6f improper places. Army and Navy Orders [Special Dispatch to The Call] 3HINGTON, D. C., April 2^.— The f'-llnwlng assignments an/i chanßes Jn the stations and duties of quarto- | rasters are ordered: Captain Charles I)o«-pr. quMtermaster, will proceed to San. Francisco and take a transport, sailing afcout June Jb, for the.Philippines "for duty. • Captain William It. Berts'*!) 1* rellercd frotn duty ill the Philippines at surh time as will J ! enable him to comply with this orde,r, and pro ceed to San Francisco in the first available trans- I port sailing from Manila after the arrival of | Captain I>o*ter. ■ • Captain WilUnra W. MeCammng Jr. will pro ceed to San KBsnclseo anil take a transport j sailing about June 5 for the .Philippines for jduty. ■ Captain Henry L. Kinnisnn.* npv>n- being re-, lipTi>d as quartermaster ami acting commissary of the transport Sheridan, will report to the de ° pot quartermaster at San Francisco for asslgn inent to duty as his assistant with temporary ctation at San Francisco. Captain Oljffard Game is relieved from duty | as constructing quartermaster, V«neourer tar- \ racks, ami will proceed to S*n Kranelsco, re porting to the commanding 0 general department ■ of California for alignment to duty as 'quar tennaiter at Honolulu, and In addition- to that t cHity will assume charge of. the army transport at that place. * •- -"• ° o Captain I-Jrank B. Edwards, In "addition to his ! other duties, will assume charge of all con- j struction work now miperlntended by Captain Moor N. Falls, Twenty-eighth Infantry. Captain John W. C. Abbott, upon being relic-red as quar- i termaster and actin? comralssary °o£ the i transport I.ogan, will report to (he depot quar termaster at Ban Krancisco for assignment- to j (lutj- a* his assistant, with temporary station at j San Krancisco. ° Captnin I-awrenee J. Fleming will report to I , the commnndin? nencral la the rhlllpplnea for Hpsignment to duty. Captain Charles C. Bart will proceed to San Francisco anil take transport sailing -atwut , June 3 for th« Philippine* for duty. Captain Henry ». Clark, after" the expif-atlon of his tour of duty In the Philippines, . will I proceed on the first available transport from ! , Manila to San Francisco. Captain Lawrence C. Brown will proceed to San Francisco and take •a transport sailing ib«ut June. 8 for the Philippine* for duty. Captain Trank 8, Long la rolUred from duty as constructing quartermaster, at Fort Monltrle and will proceed to San Francisco and take a transport sailing about July 6 for the Philip-, pines for asßigument to • duty as assistant to \ Oslooel John B. Bellinger, assistant quarterfnas- I ter general in charge of construction work at j Fort mil*, relieving Captain Howard S. Miller, | 'coast artillery <orp». ° Lieutenant Walter I* Finley. Thirteenth car. airy, now In San Francisco, will proceed to join : bis regiment. Xaral—Cable from the commander In chief of the United State* Asiatic fleet aaya IJeutenant O C. Pegram ban been detached from duty In command of the I'arafua to duty on the Monad nock. • . ■ ■ - ■' . Vacation Tour Unsurpassed Join the Southern Pacific's personally conducted excursion through California, Oregon. Washington and British Co lumbia from San Francisco on or about June 6th. SplendMly appointed train, sleepers, dining, observation, club cars, electric lighted throughout. Round trip 182. Tickets good for three months, covering. transportation entire trip; and sleeping car accommodations, : meals and side trips en route to Seattle. Side trip to Banff and the great Canadian Rockies at slight additional coat if de sired. For details see agents Southern PaclflCf ticket offices Flood building. Pal ace hotel. Market st.ferry depot. Third and Townsend depot and Broadway and. Thirteenth St., Oakland. • j MILLS COLLEGE GIRLS GREET SPRING WITH GAMBOL ON THE GREEN SWARD Grecian dancers on Mills college campus during the May day festival held yesterday. NEW BERTHS GIVEN TO NAVY OFFICERS Mare Island Sees Number of Changes Following Receipt of Government Orders [Special Dispatch to The Call] HARE ISLAND, April :<>.—With the arrival of Civil Engineer George A. Mo- Kay, I*. S. N.. today. Assistant Civil En gineer Samuel Gordon, I". 8. X., is made assistant public works officer of Mare island. Both officers have had their duties Increased under the new regula tions. Warrant Machinist J. C. Jones. U. S. X.. has been ordered to duty on the re ceiving ship Independence. •The yard molding shop lias just fin ished easting: 'a propeller blade for the j destroyer Hull of the Pacific flotilla. The collier Prometheus Is still at San ' Mail . Orders /xjjfo &jj i$ o\ ' Send for Our ' Promptly {jU^Ojj JL Jjl|lTOJt Fashion Filled ** HySr *•* Book Geary-Stockton Union Square Annual Sale of High-Class French Muslin Underwear We have gathered for this sale from Domermy, the home of Joan of Arc, in the Province of Vosges, France, a remarkable collection of French Lingerie that we shall place on sale . Monday,; May Ist Continuing for One Week Each' garment is fashioned with great cleverness from the daintiest of muslins, nainsooks and cambrics. The exquisite character of the needlework, the excellence and elegance of the embellishment, as well as the thoroughness of the workmanship, do full justice to those artistic embroiderers in that famous province. Think of being able to .purchase beautifully made, crisp, immaculate garments at such exceptionally low prices. We shall enumerate but a few of the marvelous values. CHEMISE OF FINE BATISTE and NAINSOOK, elaborately trimmed Qfl with fine embroidery in dainty designs. Regular price, $1.50. SALE jjb DRAWERS, EITHER CIRCULAR OR NARROW —Beautifully trimmed —made from sheer nainsook and batiste. Regular price, $1.50. ftA 4P SALE 11.13 GOWNS, HAND MADE, of fine nainsook or batiste —low neck— <TQ Cf| daintily embroidered. Regular price, $5.00. SALE .......... iSu.Ou COMBINATIONS OF BATISTE in skirt or drawer fashion, both (TQ IE - •.. Princesse or joined at waist line. Regular price, $5.00. SALE «bu./u BRIDAL SETS—Our! sets are marvels of the intricacies of art, and descrip tion fails to paint them as they are. You must see these gems to ap preciate both their dainty elegance and low prices. *- (M 4n (MOE FROM ....,,..,;..,.;:.....: ) IU >° J iZd I Ready=to=Wear Section This section has been reinforced with the addition of new* arrivals. Suits and Gowns which are refreshingly distinctive with the latest style points of the hour added. They will repay your interest. Wash Goods Section An important sale of Cotton Dress Goods of extra fine quality and design. MUSLINS in beautiful colorings, also INVISIBLE PLAIDS. FANCY VOILES and FANCY MARQUISETTES. These goods OP were sold 60c a yard. SPECIAL JjQ Ladies' Hose LADIES' GAUZE LISLE HOSE—Two hundred dozen in black, white and all ;■■ the new linen shades, with double heels and toes. Former •&4 flfl price, 50c. 3 FOR |;uU ON AND AFTER MAY 1, this store will OPEN at 9 a.m. and CLOSE at 6 p.m. THE SAX FRAXCISCO CALL, SUXDAY. APRIL 30, 1911. . probably will remain there until afier the Mexican revolution is over. Ten men have been transferred from the receiving- ship Independence to the destroyer Fnrrasrut. The Farraput will leave the yard in two weeks' time, as the Fox and Davis will arrive early next month to po into reserve and al low tholr officers and part of their crewi to De transferred to the de t- trover. Tlie new condenser for lightship No. 7i will he installed next week. Chief Boatswain C. A. Nygaard, U. S. X., former commander of the tujc Iro quois of the Pacific auxiliary fleet and assistant to Captain of the Yard Henry T. Mayo, U. S. X.. has been ordered to take command of the naval reserve ship Marblehead. SUICIDE'S FEAR OF RUIN IS PROVED GROUNDLESS SKATTLE, April 29.—Edward E. Brflim. thf lumbprman who committed suicide last night because of fancied business troubles, left an estate worth I, according to business associ ates. Ho had bftCome obsessed with the delusion that he was on the verge of financial ruin, although his affairs were in such condition that he. could have raised $375,000 cash In 48 hours. LAND NOW FLOODED WILL BE REDEEMED Of 26,000 Acres in Overflow of Klamath Lake 9,000 Are in California [Special Dispatch to The Call] KLAMATH FALLS. Ore.. April 29.— Returning from Washington, where he has been before the federal authori ties in connection with the overflow lands of lover Klamath lake. Abel Ady announces that he is ready to com mence work Which will turn 26,000 acres of land now covered by waters of the lake into farm tracts. This big project will be completed by draining the overflow lands and confining the waters of. the lake to a smaller area. Nine thousand of these acres will be in California. HAND OF A THIEF TAKES POKER POT Prowler Grabs Players' Stacks From Table While Game= sters Drink at Bar . BERKELEY, April 29.— Stacks of sil ver coins seen through an open window in the rear of a restaurant 'conducted j by John Peterson at the county line i north .of here proved too tempting. for i a thief, who thrust in his hand and 1 cleaned the poker table of about $400. Two of the players had a successful ! evening and about midnight suggested to two other players to have a drink iin tin adjoining- saloon. The men were | only g-one "for a few minutes, but dur ] Ing their- absence the thief operated I through th* open window, not leaving la nickel on the table. The players figured that the four gla&sr« of beer cost just $100 a piece- Of course a woman hates to tell a secret, but there seems to be no other way out of It. . '' ===== &£!%@r m = Actual %1 1. |f1 ■•-. Actual s Novelty bints s /^A\^msMll/fumMil& W^^vSSf ; (V Look at the illustration—a beautiful I.\ir\ 1 jglfflliilfwc <& Wt" model; made of imported hard finish man ¥6 yV y~9&m jß • .#** yP^tV nls^ mixtures; new sailor collar effect; .•; }ia^xvJi^«k S^H^h^. l°n? revers > fastened with handsome silk • / '.'6:1? 'A^ /%^^^^^^^g^^»i'^i*i^ ornament; lined with the finest quality / /^l'^U^^i^^^^V^' all s'lk Peau de c -y& ne ' skirt ' the very { ///*' $ * &v^§^ B\ 'ji^ICTSIBS^W latest, six gored, with the new loose panel f !'^i^Mr^^\^Sb\ * PvPv\ * This is but one ofthe three hundred t MJwM/iW Jlft^^v/^ \ I«£ and slxty suits wllich g° on sale to-mor *?2WsfcW&}' MTSiul "wll fOW at Sl. B-75- The others are all just '^^JH^li'lftrV xm\i lfcr>:' TII as PrettY- iust as carefully finished. This WWW-'i^%' IIKrVSr Mfc f|l season's very latest creations. Real $42.50 la Wffll/^WFffik 111!!* ' It: is 'mPos'^le to convey to you what fif{i!s*X y*\ WMm -;' V^B-WT'M a trUly Phenomenal value this is'until you w^m •/;{|^l»w J: :!! llllLw * 7°r those who do not wish a novelty wSCTaL'^Kr JBrvJ-j ;-'' I'fiifflß'lllSi Suit we have numerous exclusive models ;i'^ ■iSalJßwl in strictl-v tailored garments. Materials, 1 f i ''' vS^rfffitSl fine French serges, mannish effects and f^^Si.Wi' !-!)!^^iNn^ beautiful tweed?. Styles, all those which C^.i-^^^P> Mii i(^S§cil!l vKfe^ fashion proclaims correct. Values, gar- J/\ SNSvfiii'li'S !ffi^BlS \ WSM ments for which -votl would not hesitate 75f m¥\ ''• pwl'li \^^V t0 pay from $35*0010 $42-50 -\llwli Silk Dresses nfj'il'i.'fi i> ill i'yili^Wm' / I Charming costumes, typical $22.50 gowns, < ili'l •'■>/''' l!'t'7;l/;-!'ji![<!lf<W''iHB / H representing the various styles that are pop | »•' I j(■■:f'ii!/iF';M{'l!iim'||'iplffl / « ular this Spring, await you here CQ I7C yI ■ I ili!'!i# F%i kl'HiWl' ■'" It Made °f all-silk foulards and mcssalines, in >' I, I ■I 1 li/ .1) 'iljO if n'lnK'l'f ' '' /// stripes, dots and conventional designs, daintily I'-II"' '■ ;PS'!?ii'! l'f i'tlfisizi' " In trimmed with lace yokes and cuffs or in self ;^;-«: I • vHi : * i^'i ,'i ) f|l''l-SWli' l!l\ colored silk and fancy buttons. C»o »7r" If; mm Ik MpKIP// /\\ i^IlK VY clloLS >;iw flffra»V/ w *^v j 'Brllfrifll-M■'irl^BfJll }/"/ , Chic ' new' dress >' silk waists» in foulards, 9I IB ''!<■ »"'' *}!1 7' i( !s<wfii /l// fancy messalmes and striped pongee—every HtMallV i-'nii \V 1 $f-ffiTi/ I)'/ desirable shade. Models embrace the kimono tliSliil«^f I! 1' ■ / laflli«l '•\\ll/£* sleeves, Dutch neck, with the new sailor collar Mlil HIP/i '!/ Mffii«:i||/M effects; all very tastefully trimmed. Value ' 'I^Bl^T'' I wilfafflH[''f//i(wf! 7'so' special sale Monday Q>«y {\f\ r^Hißp. SOk Petticoats xtiisnßßUFy/' -Tu?t received- 60° °f our famous taffeta silk /J/!sLW B^f petticoats, guaranteed three months. Four vfflW^K^^' new models, every new fl»n £Jf? Exactly as Illustrated-$18.75 Sale Begins at 9 A. M. Market St. X&UPil^iOO^^kel St. cor. Taylor %^S C or. Taylor , «r . X^jg^^ .Wit *HJ IUI ifliPyiPk THAT NEW SUIT FOR j^S'-il^lffl P w R in q wilr EBI Select a WEEK or Small Mmjjsj&ft ** H| SMOaWEEKorSmaU^^M . Ml califorla 'credit 118 ■Ml CLOTHING COMPANY |il HIS 59 STOCKTON ST. I II v^»i^ OTarrell . UPSIaiaS g' turdl WMBS^^^ 'Mint Around From the Orphrnm" Evenings <*Sgffi|. B 23