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24 (w»*&3m 1 V y I AY* yV S j/ it U- CITY SUBSCRIBERS WHO DESIRE THE CALL MAILED TO THEM AT SUMMER RESORTS OR OTHER OUT OF TOWN PLACES WILL PLEASE NOTIFY OFFICE, GIVING PRESENT ADDRESS AND LENGTH OF TIME DESIRED SENT TO NEW ADDRESS. ON RETURNING PLEASE NOTIFY OFFICE, IN ORDER THAT SERVICE BY CARRIER MAY BE PROMPTLY RESUMED. := := :' FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN OPKXS APRIL lot . Three hours from San Francisco;, an Russian river, two miles of fine boating and bathing; livery ajid auto, hunting: and fishing: dancing, good music. Big fire place. No bar. 1H miles from Healdsburg: bus meets trains. $3 a day. $12 to $18 per week. Trout hatch ery in conectlon. A. M. EWIXG. Healdsburg. Wiifn "ommtmtcatlng with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. • I M ISk. M fl 6 ''hbtcrs. health I^^»^^K<T^FTl^J|^^B «a'f rs thin in *ny Amerci. IL< oalv - -til mineral, stum and himmam bath, having great corative qualities. We positively cure rheumatism anl stomach trouble. The hotel and bath houses have been thorough!, renovated and pat in excellent shape for this season. Our table will be sup plied with the best the market affords. The road 'from • lovetdale has been widened and put in splendid order for staging and automobiles. All kinds of amusements, including dancing, every evening. Round trip ticket good for six months via Qoverdale $8.00. Good hunting and fishing. Rites $2.50 to J3.00 per ay. $14 to Hi per irfk. Children from $7.00 to $9.00 per week. Special for families and long termers. For farther information call on Peck-Judah Information Bureau. 78» Market Street, or address R. H. CURRY. Proprietor The Geysers. Cal. When communicating with roil resort pleas* mgntlon the -San Francisco Call. AGUA CALIENTE SPRINGS Two hours' ride, via N. W. Par. or S. P. Ry«.. NO STAGING. Hot Sulphur Water, Swimming tank. tun. plunge and electric light baths, for Rheumatism Liver and Kidney complaints, Etomsch Troubles. Gumes, Amusements, Danc ing. Mil-!.-. Livery. Auto*. Long distance phones and po»tofflr» In hotel. Reasonable rates, terms to families. Writ* fnr booklet and rates toTheodor Richard*. Aqua fallente. Sonoma Co., California, or PECK It DAH CO.. 789 Market St., S. F. . When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. B-O-Y-E-S HOT SPRINGS Sonoma county. 4" miles from San Francisco. OPEN ALL WINTER. No staging. New ga rage; new hotel; swimming tank 75x150; theater; four orchestras; running water and electric lights. DR. PARRAMORE. Manager. When communleatin/t with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. Hotel Russell , MONTE RIO. Tho Garden Spot of the World. Snti'ima ountv. California. Srrijnmine. saddle horses, launches, four trains dally. Lons distance phones. Special rates to families. City agency. Bohemian Grill, 2634 Mission st.. San Kran<*isen, Cal. Whrn communl'ating with this resort please mention the Sun frnm-laoo Call. Fetters' Hot Springs NO STAGING Fwell hotel and cottages. Hot and cold mln- Til water In each room. Fine meals. Bath lt«use lot) feet from hotel. Tub baths and large »wltnraiac tank. Mr. Fetters has taken charge of M« own premises. Reasonable rates. For further Information address FETTERS' HOT SPRINGS, Aqua Callente, Sonoma county. Cal. . ' Wfcen <-ommnnlcatlng with this resort please mention the Man Francisco Call. Sully's^ Wlien rnmmnnlrating \rth this resort please mention the - in Francisco Call. HOTEL RUSTICANO SStnatPd in thr mn«| plcturpsqoe spot of the t*sutlful Knnoms i-nunty. Mountains, boating, ilnncinc. bmvlinK and other amusements. Rat<>« SJ> to $12 por'wrck. Special rates for families. For b~iklet address L. B. SELENGER, Lamp Meeker. foDoma county, T'al, When cf«mmuni»atlng with this- resoit ptaa&e mention the San Francisco Call. ' 1 » 1 ,i . OAK ROVE RESORT New Ideal spot with private picnic grounds for your summer vacation; rates, $7 per weak. Snuffle Board and games. Bus will meet all trains at Vergno station. German cooking. New dance hall. H.. KOERNEE. 11 Verano P. 0., boooma counfy, Cal. ;. . When commonicating with {his resort pleas* mention "ne Ban Francisco Call. OWN SIMMER HOME IN TAMD MPFIfFD MTNS. OB SONOMA CO. vnl»lr ITICCIVCK E<iD«blc climate •Lots $1.1 up. Cottages built. $100 up. Depot» ■ stores,. theater, .hotel, restau rant, post, empress, phone and telegraph offices, 1 hurdles and sawmill. Saosalito ferry. M. 0. MEEKER, Cltt)» Meeker, Sonoma county. When rommunlcating>-.wlth 1 this resort please mention the jSan Francisco Call. t'-, v SOUTHERN PACIFIC REACHES MOST OF THESE RESORTS SKAGGS HOT SPRINGS VELVET BATH AND BEST TABLE Nino miles from Geyserville. Sonoma county; two trains dally; fare $4.60 round trip, including: stage; automobile if desired. Natural hot mineral water at a 'temperature of 135 degrees; cure* Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver and Stomach troubles. Baths free. Swimming, hunt ing, fishing, livery, tennis, etc.; music and dancing. Table the best; ask any guest. Rates $12 to $16 per week. Write for booklet and reservations to PETER .T. CURTIS, Skaggs. Sonoma county, Cal.; Peck-Judah, 789 Market street, or Bryan's, 149 Montgomery st. When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. NARK WEST SPRINGS Sonoma county. Only ."14 hours from S. F. and but 7 miles' staging. Meet trains of N. W. Pa clflc at Fulton, both morning and evening. Sansa llto ferry at 7:45 a.m. or 3:15 p.m. dally. Round trip only $3.75. Nine mineral springs: hot mineral water baths; superb boating and swimming. Famous wild grapevine arbors—one 50 by 170 feet, covering hotel veranda and driveway. "The prettiest place in California" is the verdict of thousands. First clans table and service. Ref erences; Any guest of past 13 years. All amuse ments. Rates $2 and $2.50 a day or $12 a w-ek. Can now accommodate 200. Fnr further particu lars address J. F. MTJLGREW, Fulton, Cal. ■When enmnviniestlng with this resort please mention the San Francisco Cull. MONTE RIO "THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA" For hotel rates and particulars address C. F. CARS, Monte Rio, Sonoma county,' Cat. When communicating with this resort pl»**e mention the San Francisco Call. EV AVISTA A. Select Health and Pleasure Resort. ■''■ Santa ( ruz Mts.. between Alma' and Wrights. No staging— »li trains stop on premises. Boat ing, fishing and swimming; 2 hours from S. F. Fare. $2.50 round trip. Rates $2 per day: $10 and $12 per week. For reservations and further particulars address TROBOCK BROS., Props. P. O. Wrights. When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. EUVERANO VILLA A country resort for families. Open year ronnd. Good fishing and hunting. Dancing pavilion. Hot mineral baths. Rates $7 per week. For particulars write to EL VERANO VILLA. El Verano. CaL. or PECK-JUDAH CO., 789 Market St., S. F. When communicating with this resort pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. BELLEVTJE HOTEL El Verano, Sonoma county. The best is always the cheapest. Rates $8 per week: children ac cording to age. Bus to baths dally. Long dis tance telephone. Address 0. C. BENJAMIN, pro prietor. El Verano postofflce, Cal. When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. Lawrence Villa Park Sonoma family resort. Dancing hall. Bus dally to hot springs. $1 per day. $0 per week. Every thing to make a resort homelike. Address Sono ma. CaL When commTinJcsting with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. CAMPING F.ItNKWOOD PARR, on Russian river; fish ing, boating and r.athlng: tents and cots rented: w , f£? •*''• Write for circular, GLERNB & McLANE, Guernevllle. RIVERSIDE RESORT Country homes, \ mile from Goernevllle. Ideal •pot. % mile of rl»er frontage. $8 to $10 op per w»«k- r»r partlcnUrs, MRS. H. A. BTAGG. pro prietor, GuernerlUe. Sonoma county. ? s When oommtmlcatlng with this resort pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. - , ~? DR. C. C. O'DONWEM/S Sanitarium and summer resort. «len; Ellen to leas*, with BO odd cottages, furnished and partly furnished. Electric lights. To lease with hotel. )P>r!i' ,T WO €, r*llro»dB to the groonds. Eight trains dally. Springs, climate, bathing and boat 'D * •«*}• «nr Pl«ce in the world. Inquire or ad dress 137* Fulton St.. San Francisco.. WTien communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. . gITMMKRLAND, GUEKXKVIt,I,E, s CAJU. Bp«n4 your - racstion at SummerUnd. Fin. re »?»! , «»«>nable rates. All . under new man in %1 i it«ry conditions. Grand opening FRavk d« 00 APrlt 28' P»rticulars address FRANK 0. CABLSQN, GnernerlUe. CaL "uute™ memiS «*m°nnlc*«n* with thU resort please mention the San Francisco Call. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 3911. HARBIN SPRINGS Open All the Tear After Mar 1. KEW MANAGEMENT— ATTENDANTS. NEWLY rtminsHED throughout. NEW SERVICE. EXCELLENT TABLE. Our Own Garden. Orchard and Dairy. Famous I hot »nd cold curative mineral waters free to I guests. Hot Sulphur Plunge Bath. Vapor Bath. I Mineral Tub Baths. Mud Foot Baths. Arsenic Beauty Spring. Masseur attends If desired. NATURES REMEDIES for Rheumatism. Neural gia, Dyspepsia, Catarrh. Gout. Dropsy. Kidney, Liver and Stomach Troubles. Trout Fishing, Doer Hunting. Gymnasium. Handball. Bowling, Pool, Croquet, Dancing, Livery, Drives, Trails, Auto mobile Trips. Hotel, Cottages, Tents. Room. board, baths, $12 week and up. Round trip. $7 from S. F. at S. P. offices. Inquire at Peck- Jndah's. 788 Market St.. or A. Ws CARR. Man ager, Harbin Springs. Lake Co. BOOTH, CARR & BOOTH, Proprietor*. When communicating with this resort pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. SARATOGA SPRINGS— Fifteen different mineral springs for health and pleasure; positive cure for liver, kid ney, stomach, etc.; ~-i2 to $17.50 per week; we also have completely furnished house keeping cottapof". For farther information Inquire of .luinh Co.. 786 Market st.. S. F. .1. MAR TKNS. Bachelor P. 0., Lake county, Cal. When communicating with this resort pleas-e mention the San Francisco Call. LAKE COUNTY Take a trip to Lake county by Spiers* Calls tnga stagp line ov<>r the best mountain road In California. Grand scenery, easy carriages, care fill driver*. Round trip from San Francisco to Harhin. Spiers. Anderson and Mira Vista Springs, $7: to Adams, Bonanza, Seigler's. Hoberg's, How ard. Astorg and Glenbrook. IP. Stages leave C*llstoga 11:30 a.'m.. Sundays exeepted. Half hour for lunch at Calistoga hotel. Fifty pounds baggage allowed. Auto livery. Tickets on sale at Southern Pacific office. When communicating with this resort please mention The San Francisco Call. Anderson Springs Did the business in Lake county last year. Opens May 1. Address Miss Rose Anderson," Anderson Springs. Middletown, Lake Co.. Pal. Rates $10 to $12. When communicating with this resort please mention The San Francisco Call. SPRING HILL FARM The ideal place for rest Iron, magnesia, pure cold mountain water. Fishing, boating, bathing, dancing, croquet and tennis. Fruit and vegeta bles. For rates write to 1.. S. PETERSON, Mid dletown, Lake county, Cal. When communicating with this resort please mention The San Francisco Call. Seigler Springs Saturn! hot baths for rheumatism, malaria, etc., swimming pond; baths free; $10 to $14 wlr; auto livery. Miss M. Spauldlng, Seigler, Lake Co., Cal. When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. "MIRA VISTA RESORT" Opens May. 1. Rates $7 per week. Special for children. Write for folder to H. G. RICHMAN, Miildlctown, Lake county, Cal. When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. LAKEVIEW HOTEL LAKEPORT. LAKE CO.— Leading and best i ap pointed hotel in town. Headquarters for anto mobile ■ touring parties and commercial men. Phone Main 1. Gro. BMbc, Prop., Lakeport, Cal. When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. GIFFORD'S SPRINGS Elevation 8.500 feet. Trout stream, pine grove, home cooking, fresh air cottages, amusements. Rates *8 per week. For particulars. MRS. E. C GIFFORD, Middletown, Lake county, Cal. ■ When communicating with this resort * please mention The San Francisco Call., SPEND YOUR VACATION AT' * - ■ HIGHLAND SPRINGS THE QUEEN OF LAKE CO. RESORTS. ■ OPEN THE TEAR ROUND. . • , ■• New and Strictly First Class Management. : W. H. MARSHALL. PROP. ■ Information and booklets may be had at Peck Judab Inf. Bureau. 780 Market st. ; When communicating with -' this resort pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. Gilroy Hot Springs New)round <trlp-rate from San Francisco, In cluding' stayc. $5.45. Open year round. Folders at Peok-.ludah. 789 Market St., or W. J. Me DONALD, Prop. Auto service. ' • ■"•■; When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. . ■ EAU-DE-VIE SPRINGS ,". In the mountains, I^4" miles from Healdsburg and Russian river. Open May 1. Mineral spring, beneficial for stomach and urinary trouble. Petri fied forest.- A delightful place for rest or a good time. Rates $10 to $12 per week. Address R. L. LOW RE V, Route 1. R. T. D., Healdsburg,. Cal. . When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Ca11.?..'. '■■' ' ■ ' '■'■■■■ '.'-'' ' - ParaisO HOT SPRINGS Now's the Time to Visit California's Real Paradise _ Weather and • scenery, unsurpassed, Only 4 hours from San Francisco. Won derful natural hot soda and I sulphur; guaranteed for rheumatism, liver, kid ney and all stomach troubles. Expert masseurs. Rates $12 to $16, Including baths. Round trip. $6.85. -Including auto. Roads perfect. Autos already running dally. Leave Third and Town send 8:05 A. M., First and Broadway. Oakland. 7:17 A. M. » H. H. McGowan, Prop, and Manager, Monterey County. . When - communicating with this resort pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. HOTEL VENDOME SAN JOSE, CAL. Its features are homelikeness, beautiful surroundings, excel . lence of table and service. H. W. LAKE, Manager. When communicating with this resort pleas* mention the San Frsnclaco Call. HOTEL BEN LOMOND At B»n Lomond. Santa Cms Co.. Cal. Beautifully located on the San Lorenzo river. Finest of trout fishing, boating, etc. Only 9 miles from beach, Santa Ortiz. First class ac commodation, electric lighted rooms, baths at tached. Terms, $2.60 per day $14 to $16 per week. Special rate* to families. For further particular!" send for booklet or apply Peck-Judah Co., 78© Market St., San Francisco. Take train 8:10 a. m., 8:15 p. m.. 3d and Townsend st«., 8:27 a. m.. 2:27 p. m., Oakland pier. CHATFIEI.D & KASPAREK, Props. When communicating with this resort please mention The San Francisco Call. MOUNTAIN VIEW RANCH . AND COTTAGES. In the mountains near Santa Crux. First class table, clubroom. dancing pa vilion, bowling, large swimming tank, croqnet. Rates $9 and $10. Carriage fare, round trip. $1.28. Phone BR. 2. See Peck-Judnh, 789 Mar ket St.. or address Mrs. Tony Phillips, Prop., Santa Crux, Cal. When communicating with this resort pleas* mention the. San Francisco Call. PORDE'S REST Heart of Santa Cruz Mt).. surrounded by two beautiful trout streams: bathing; woods: a pic turesque place: $8 weekly: 2V4 hours from S. F. Round trip season tickets. $3.50. W. C. FORDE, Eccles. Cal. When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. OAKOLEN In the picturesque Santa Cruz Mts.. S minutes from Eccles station; 2 good trout streams, bath ing, tennis: 10 miles to Santa Crux; 3 miles to famous Big Trees; 'bom* comforts, with first class board. $8 per week. W. S. McNAMABA, Eccles, Cal. - When communicating with this resort pleas* mention The San Francisco Call. FINE LODGE In the mountains, only 2 mites from Santa Cruz. Bathing ■ and boating,; mountain . trails, . shady grores, ■ home garden, modern hotel, cottages, bungalows and teats. Illustrated booklet. Open May IS. J. M. SHOUT.TS. R. F. D. No. 1. Santa Cnu.. Cal.. or , PECK-JUDAH CO., 789 Market street, San Francisco. : ■• When communicating with -this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. . DEL PAJARO HOTEL .: CHAR. v CEBCHI, Proprietor.., Hotel and restaurant. * Pleasanti rooms. Ex cellent meals. ■Reasonable'rates;' Pajaro, Mon terey countr. Cal. ; Pboo* State 123. When:communicating with this resort pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. STAFFORD'S Is the Place to Spend Your Vacation Address W. 8. STAKFOKD, Manager, Soquel, Santa Crux county, Cal. 1 When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. . -■; v ■ '■ ' ' - ••- ■■ . ' .--■ . .' . ■ , - • ' h '■■ •■■■■ /: : • -■ TJILUC AID BROGKWAY LAKE TAHDE . The scenic. resorts . that - have made Lake Tahoe. famous. Open v June Ist under same management as in past years. Fishing season opens June Ist. June fishing always best. Temporary address, iiAWRENCE A COMSTOCK : Lincoln, Cal. When j communicating I with this retort please mention the San , Francisco Call. DEER PARK SPRINGS Lake Taboe." Finest snow effects for many sea sons. Fly fishing In lakes and streams. Tennis, Livery, Own Dairy,, Hotel. Cottages. Tents. Ex cellent table. Address owner. MISS KATHKR INE CHANDLER, 113 Duncan St., San Francisco. Phone Mission 3320. When communicating with this resort please mention The San Francisco Call. LAKESIDE PARK, LAKE TAHOE Hotel, cottages, house keeping tents, camping, store. New attraction*, 1911.. Estab. 1802. For illus. booklet and terms, add. A. M. HILL, Prop.. Stateline P. 0.. Cal.. or Inform. Bureaus of Bryan, 148 Montg'y st., Peck-Judah. 780 Market St., and S. P. Co.. Flood bide, S. F. When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. ELIM ME HOTEL CAZADERO REDWOODS Rates $12 and $14 per week. Everything new. First class accommodations. Hunting, fishing. "AMUSEMENTS OF ALL KINDS ; J. EDWARDS Prop.. Cazadero, Cal. When communicating with this resort please mention The San Francisco Call. YOUR VACATION Whether for only a week's end or a month, go to OLEMA Trout fishing and all outdoor spirts. Address KELSON HOTEL COMPANY, INC., Olema. Mnrin Co.. Cal., When communicating with this marl please mention the San Francisco Call. INVERNESS STABLES (AUTOMOBILE SERVirF, IN CONNECTION) AND POINT REYES EMPORIUM Finest turnouts of all descriptions, with thor oughly competent drivers. Rates very reasonable. All kinds of draying to all point*. Building ma terial of. all binds > and ecneral - merchandise. Campers, sportsmen and auto parties supplied at city prices. p. F. SCILACCI, Point Reyes sta. When communicating with this iesDrt plca&e mention the San Francisco Call. Linda Vista Hotel BOSS VALLEY, San Anselmo Station;. 50 mln : ntes from San Francisco. Ideal spot. Send for folder. When communicating with this resort* please mention the San Francisco Call. ■ ; Central Hotel OLEMA. Kali's Reasonable. 'Special rates for families l>y the week. Good accommodations. Write MP.S. V. TOGNAZZI, Prop.,; Olema, Cal. Readers when communicating with this resort will please mention the San Francisco Call. . . HOTEL INVERNESS Rates $10 to $18 per week. ' Open' the year around.- Rooms: with ' private baths.-Can take care of 80 people. I For particulars and booklet address J. R. REEVES, Inverness, Marin county, Cal. . . ■•. •• .. . ■ . . , , • ■ When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. * • ' JOSEPH RUE'S GARAGE AUTOS for hire. AUTO supplies. AUTOS repaired. Appointments made by phone. Phone Main 41. Halfmoon Bay, Cal. - When communicating with this resort pleas* -mention the San Francisco Call. : ■ ■ ■ ■ HOTEL CARMEL ; CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. -, •Homelike, clean ; and comfortable.-Liberal table. ' Carefully prepared food. Terms reason able. .AGNES D. SIGNOR. Prop. When communicating * with this resort - pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. ST. HELENA White Sulphur Springs i; Incomparable natural surroundings. Finest sul phur bath. Table?the .best. .MR. AND MRS. JOHN SANDFORD, Managers. When !: communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. ■ y • -■;■■ -■■'■! 11....*■■■ i.n —I—.i ■-,--,■." ,■. '■"■*.. COOKS SPRINGS For Health and Pleasure. fYtnlrc Wat ai* has » st* i<l* rep° looks waier tttlon for the CTre of stomach, liver, kidney, bladder troubles^ rheuma- I tism, etc. • . ' . ' ■ Naur 1-lrktol Modern •in all its equip i IICW riULCI ments. Now open for guests. AmUSPITIPIitt Swimming (1» largest rtlllUSemeniS swimming tank in j northern California >, dancing, bowling, boxball, : hunting, fishing, etc. Rates Hotel "m $12 to $14 per w.eek. with ■"^■**"*.': mineral baths free; cottages $4 per week up. R Oil t P Take S. P. train leavlng, S. F. 7 "'v'M*'vi a. m.. Sacramento 10:05 a. m.. get off at Williams and take auto to Springs. Fare by auto $3. Write or phone M. H. JELLISON, manager Cooks Springs, Colusa county, Cal. When communicating with this resort please mention The San Francisco Call. ? TENTS HAMMOCKS, CAMP FTJRJVTTtmE, ETC At Factory Price* •' = w.a.plummermfg:go. Front and Pine .Sin., San Franclico * NAPA SODA SPRINGS UNDER NEW MAKAGEHEKT Now open; altomobile springs meet* 2 trains dally. This resort is under the manage ment of R. N. Robertson, formerly of Parlso and Gllroy Springs. A beautiful mountain resort. for health and pleasure; newly renovated;, hot and cold soda baths; new electric light service; bowl- Ing, livery and auto service,- saddle donkeys for children. Write for booklet to R. N. ROBERT BOM, Prop., Napa Soda Springs, Cal. When communicating with this resort ■ please mention the San Francisco Call. "' BEAUTIFUL NAPA VALLEY Highland Farm, first class family resort, close to Calistoga, among the hills at the foot of Mt. St. Helena. Open air sleeping pavilion, aban donee of fruit, vegetables, poultry, milk. The cuisine is excellent. >> Rates $12 per week. Ad dress VOUNGCLA US & CO., Calistoga, CaL; When communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. TO LAND HOUSE Howell Mountain," near St. Helena; open year round; beautiful scenery;' pure spring water; home cooking; $6 a week. Particulars address THOS. McQUIE, Toland House. St. Helena. When eommnnicating with this resort pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. • ■WILSON'S lININ - A ■ delightful home In the ' mountains; eleva tion 1,900 feet; 12 miles from Napa; pure air and water; fruit, milk, cream and vegetables: phone: gas; $8 to $12 per week. • Folders at Peck's, 759 Market st. Address Atlas, Cal.. When communicating with this retort please mention the San Francisco Call. SOLID COMFORT HOME 1.000 feet altitude; no. fog; climate delightful unsurpassed scenery; baths; dancing ball; swim ming tank: telephone: $«* per week; stage meets train. SCHL'LER & SCHEBEN, Napa, Cal. When, communicating with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. ALTALOMA On Howell mountain. Milk, cream, fruits and garden. $9 per week. Rates to families. Dally mail. For booklet address D. B. HAMPTON, St Helena, Napa county, Cal. When communicating with this resort pleat* mention the San Francisco Call.: SEQUOIA SUMMER RESORT Theo. Gler's ranch, Nap*. 8 miles from Napa. only 8 boars, from San Francisco. Daily , mall •errlce. Fine mountain water. - Fresh dairy prod. nets. Fine lakes. Rates $9 per week up. New dancing pavilion. : Address F. WOLFF, P. O. box 120. Phone; Napa 18146. . ■ . When communicating with this resort pleas* mention the San Francisco CalL HOWELL, MT M WOODWORTH'S On east side, near the summit. Fine climate. Orchards, vineyards, etc. Swimming tank 32* 71 feet; residence 30 years; eleventh year ,of summer resort. Three or four days for answer by mail. ■■ - . ■,■■'•■■.« -■. ..■..■■'. ... WOOD WORTH & MILLER. St. Helen*. C*L ; When ■ communicating with this resort please mention, the San Francisco Call. HOTEL LA HONDA Beautifully situated in the redwoods. Tent ac commodations. Good trout' fishing. • ■ Long dis tance telephone.:* Bend for booklet. MRS. I.~J SEARS, La Honda, San Mateo county, Cal. ■ Readers < when ' communicating with this • resort will please mention th* Call. " : COMMERCIAL HOTEL KELSEVVILLE. ." , ; ', "-Open May 1 to the public. This hotel has been thoroughly renovated and is first class. '. Hot and cold baths; sample rooms.. D. A. KELJSEY, Prop. When communicating with this', resort please mention the San 'Francisco Call. , ..-■•■ -■ .-•■> H-pCATION • J&W3[- 1911 Ready for Distribution May 2d Hundreds of delightful place* at frbtch to spend yon summer outlnsr. Call at IVortbTrestern Pacific Railroad Ticket Offices, 874 Market Street, Sau sallto Ferry and 886 Flood Building;, San Kranclnco. . - "FOUNTAIN OF LIFE" Jones Hot Sulphur Springs Sure cure for rheumatism, malaria, potion oak, all skin and Mood disease*. Rates $9 to $12 per week." Stage connects at Williams, Cal. Pamphlet* at Bryan's bureau. 149 Montgomery St.. San Fran cisco, or write to TILDEN JONES, Prop., Sulphur Creek, Coluss, county, Cal. "• When communicating with - this resort please mention The San Francisco Call. ■ • ■BYRON HOT SPRINGS Rest, delightful environ ment', > beneficial waters, reasonable expense. In quire of Peck-Judah. any < S. P. Agt., or of man ager . at Byron Hot Springs P. 0., Cal. "When "communicating with this resort please - mention the San Francisco Call. '■> - Lake County Automobile Transportation Co. Passengers carried by AUTOMOBILE - and STAGES from PIETA to HIGHLAND SPRINGS. LAKEPORT, KELSEYVILLE. SODA BAY, BARTLETT SPRINGS anil UPPER LAKE. Fine mountain road, sprinkled dally. Time for lnn<-n at Pleta. Charges on automobile* extra In addi tion to regular one-way stage- fare to Highland Springs $1.50. Lakeport $2.00. Kelseyville (2.00 ' and Soda Bay $2.00. Tickets on sale at office Northwestern Pacific R. R. Co.. Ferry bldg.. San Francisco. Information Peck-Judah'a. 789 Market street, or address th's office at Lakeport, Cal. , * When communicating with this resort pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. - „ ■ ■ In AH the World No Water* Like The**. WILBUR ■ HOT SULPHUR SPRINGS ' Write J. W. Cuthbert, Wilbur Springs. Cal.." When communicating: with this ■ resort pleaso mention The San Francisco Call. RICHARDSON SPRINGS An excellent place to spend • your vacation. ' Ask your friends about them, or address LEH RICHARDSON, Cal.. care of Springs.. .When communicating with this resort pleasa mention The San Francisco Call. " ■ BELVEDERE i£ HILLSIDE INJT Opens April ;1, - • Address MRS. J. McCOLLUM. When - communicating with this resort pleas* mention the Ban Francisco Call. BOLINAS STAGE; LINE ':./':■ This Route for gale Stage leaves San Rafael daily, except Sunday. on arrival of 9:45 a. in. train. North Shore ALBERT SAVERS. Proprietor, BolUias., B ffi.trrs^,r resort pleas* mention the San Francisco Call. SCHAEFER'S GROVE i Ros« V«lley. Family boarding place. Team meet* ?J /mm?? 111 S l' °n?« 272- Address MRS. B. J. LINDSAY, Ross Station. CaL m^Tf biS *»m»M»lc»tlng; with this resort please mention the San Francisco Call. TAHITI : T»e Golden, the Garden of South Sea Isle*—B Day*' stay There Celebration (July Htb.) Fall of the > Bastlle Native feats, mystic rites of walking over "ed hot stones and .11 the re.t of It. Splendid drive way of 90 miles i around the 4 Island, unfolding tropical scenes of surpassing beauty. A delightful trip for C trr. atlo« n and pleasure. ' Steamer fare h. S. Marlposa. sailing June 29. BOOK NOW. sa^V™^^ b- co" 673 Market St 7IN? T HOK-nr n. t, Tele Pn<>°* 8M» 64.1. every twenty-one days. $110 round trip. ~" *°d ■i>