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EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO BRIDGE CONTINUES LEADING PASTIME Afternoons at Cards Keep Ma trons and Maids Busy in Oakland Season for Out of Doors Af fairs at Hand and Many Planned OAKLAND. 'April *2<l._ Cards, with bridge the favorite game, will- furnish the diversion of th« coming week, a dozen or. more hostesses' having clalrdcd their friends in large or small groups for an afternoon or evening. Tuesday Miss Elinor Parker will bring together a number of the smart set at the resi dence of'her aunt, Mr, E. A. Heron. whose house guest she is, for cards and an informal tea. The members of one' of the 6 local carM clubs will be enter tained «n the same day by Miss Evelyn Adams. An event of Tuesday will be the second In the soj-ies of bridge par tl»s which Mr-. George Hammer is riving. , % Events of the*week will be tlie large reception planned i, v Mrs. Charles S. Houghton on Wednesday afternoon in honor of her daughter. Mrs. T. Seymour Hall, formerly Miss Ruth Houghton and the evening' at bridge on. Thursday when Judge X. A. Acker and Mrs. Ack«r entertain. In.-honor; of Miss Charlotte Hall, Mrs. Thomas-Williams will entertain at luncheon and cards on Wednesday across the bay. Mrs. I Harry Howard will be the guest ,of honor 1 on Friday." when Mrs. Maurice Walsh asks a number of mutual friends to share her hospitality. The annual garden fete of the Ladles* relief society is assuming ambitious proportions.' Orloo a,gain the handsome residence, and beautiful grounds of the famous old Foster place at Orchard and Webster streets, will be the scene of euch a gathering as marked' its early days. SatufdaV, May 6, has been chosen ns the date of the al fresco affair, which f will assume ail the charming appoint ments of a May day festival" with some unique features peculiarly, its own. The society ■huh extends a general invita tion for the garden party, desires to Ha1m.,1,000 guests during the afternoon hours. 0 « The regular attractions of an out of door carnival will be in evidence, and the cpicturesqwe booths where good things te eat and dainty things to near nnd inexpensive things to amuse, will dot the spacious lawns. There will be ices served by Mrs. Frank Wcston, home made .candy bjj Miss Louise d,e Fremery, assisted bj- a coterie of society maids; peanuts and pop corn offered by Mrs. Louis., Ghlrardelll and lemonade by Mr?. H<viryt> Brill. Uw. Frank Green wood will serve tea. M"iss.Helen Camp bell is in charge of the fancy work ta ble, while. Mrs. II B. Kergan will show the it novelties in aprons for every W>ecasiorf. .Mrs* Harry Kast Miller ha« Wired n the services of seers, whose "gifts of ph»phecy will make them pop ular. A fish pond in charge of Mrs. Wil liam G." Henshaw -and the pony carts under the direction of Miss Elva-Mc- Graw, Will make the little folk happy. The Boys' retreat band have again given thefT .services for the day and will co-operate with the society women | in making the occasion a sifccess with the program of music, which they will furnish throughout the afternoon. . But the newest feature of the entire day will be the opening of the man sion • for " a cai^Q tournament which is being arranged by Mrs. Henry Bull. Bridge and five hundred will be played h>y the devotees of the popular pastimes and the indoors will 'prove a strong rival to. the festivities .with out. . Last December the society celebrated its fortieth anniversary, thus claim- Ing the distinction of being the oldest , organized charfty in the city. .In Its membership It includes representatives of most of the old families of Oakland ' and many of the smart set from the 'cities bordering the bay. A resume ; of the president's report at the annual ; meeting gives •some idea of what the j worsen ar% endeavoring to accomplish. • TniriiTg. the last 12 months 28 aged and 1 helpless women were given a home • in the Forty-fifth street institution. i Forty-nine children were admitted, 32 I of whom have parents living, the others i being orphans,, or half orphans. Of this ! number about half were of American I parentage, the others being of for i elgn birth including two Chinese. The women prominently connected I with the active work of the institution ■ Include: "■* t I M(m Matilda Brown I Mr*. J. J. Valentine ' Mm E. 8. Matbews Mr*. Thomas Pbeby i MiM *. E. Minor Mr« J. A Hill ' Mr* !»p*n<-i>r Broirtie Mrs. William G. Hen < Miss H»l»n r«mph*ll I " «n«ir Mr«. H. S. Kprgiin Ml«» F.liMheth GUI ! Vlm I.oul«e A*: Fremerj-i Mr*. Henr.T r;l»m ' Mr« R. A. Wfllm»n MtM H«ll> Bak»w#ll ' Mr« H. P. Matho* Mm. .IrfTer-on Mmrr i Mr,' F. F. Wonton Mn. E. C. William* If ! Mr«." < harW Batters Mr«. H*nrr W»<i»worth " j Mr». H»nr.T Bull Mm. A. H. Br»*d > ' Mii» Mod* Crpllln > Mr*. A. F. Cornwall I Mr*. E. Tff Garth\r«lte Mrs. Frank Greenwood • • • • Th« dance at the Home Club on Fri : day evening. May 12. for which 400 , cards have been Issued, will be an in teresting event, to. the younger mem- I bers of the smart set. The v hostesses ! will include: • ! Ml»» Helen Brerk Mi-* F.lra (,hirar<lHli « SIM Etta Sohr-vk Ml.s MlMr«><l WIN 1 Mi»» Phllerm Wetmnre M:** B»rh*r(i Bromwcll ! Mlm G»orjfl«D« Sn<*athcr, Mist Helen Worden | Ml«« rri»«'illa Hall ' The mothers of the young maids will assist them In entertaining their guests. Th« piedmont musical club is offer ing John W. Metcalf recognition on Monday evening. May 8, when the local composer's worß will make up a pro gram, arranged for- presentation "In Mowbray hall. Both the Instrumental and vocal numbers have been selected from the "Metcalf composition* and will rendered by his'friends In the Pied mont district. Saturday evening. May 6, had been chosen by Miss Edna Cowia for her marriage with l..awrencf Knox Mar •hall. The ceremony will take place in the Church of the Advent with Rev. Jerome Trivet* officiating. In the bridal party will be Miss Charlotte Cowie. Miss Ulla Marshall and Regin ald Marshall. A reception is planned following" the church service at the Cowie residence In San Leandro. . : Miss Cowie is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Cowie,' formerly of Stock ton. She finished her education In Miss Ham ii, school for girls in San Fran cisco, o Marshall is a graduate ,of - the University of California 1 and a member of the Theta Delta Chi fraternity.; He holds a position '< under the government in San Jose, where the new home will be made. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Marshall. :* • • t Miss Marjorie "Waldron will spend A,,, week end in Palo.Alto, the house .■•jest of friends. ■• • ■■ •:■■;-• ■.:.* On« Of the- affairs ai ranged to wel- Mrs. Christian Jorgensefl, wife of April and May Showers for Prospective June Brides Keep Alameda County’s Smart Set Busy Three of the prominent leaders in society on the east bay shore, who are being much entertained this spring. the well known artist, to Piedmont, will be the tea at which Mro. I^uis Ghirar delll will claim a wide circle of friends. The Jorgensens have leased the old Sutro place for a year or so and will divide their time between the town house and their summer places in the Yqsemite and at Carmel. • • • The announcement was made this week of the betrothal of Albert Eustis and Miss Jewel Villegas, the wedding to take place sometime during the fall. The bride elect, who has made her home in Oakland but "fe. few years, belongs to one of the- oarly Spanish families of the state. Her fiance is engaged in business on this side of the ba The news was told at an afternoon at cards at which Mrs. John Wallace Wyllie entertained a score of friends on Wednesday, the hand painted score cards bearing the names of the engaged couple. Wednesday evening the gave a masquesade ball in Rice insti tute. At the same time the members of the Duodeeim club entertained at a dance in Castlf hall. Mrs. I. A. Buchman has given up her home in Fourteenth street and taken possession of a new residence at 1230 First avenue. A score of friends i pitality of Mrs. Harry Bishop on Tues day evening last, when she entertained informally at cards, followed by a Dutch supper. * • • ■ Miss Clarissa Lohse was a hostess of the week, claiming a few close friends for cards and supper. ,- The fancy dress party for which Mrs. Frank White has sent out cards prom ises to be a pleasant occasion of the early month. Mrs. White has asked her friends for the evening of Saturday, May 6, entertaining in Mowbray hall. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Homer le Rallister and Mi** Josephine Hopkins. Tlie marriage took place Sunday at a prettily arranged [service at the residence of Mr. snd \ Mrs. seiberlleh. Rev. H. Burley of Met-] rose reading the ceremony. In th« | bridal party were Miss Mildred Hopkins and Fred le Ballister. The young peo ple will live in Oakland on their re turn from a tour of southern Califor nia. MRS. JESSEX HOSTESS AT BRIDGE AI/AMEDA, April 23.—Mrs. George Jessen was hostess at a bridge party at her Piedmont home today, when her guest list included a number of Ala meda society maids and matrons. Be fore her marriage. Mrs. .lessen, who was Miss Hazel Van Vorhies, made her home in this city. A dainty menu fol lowed the bridge play. Among the Alameda guests were: MISBM— Charles!s . Edna Siegfried Harry Clapp Hilda Van Slcklen Bert Scott Harriet Sargent " Raymond Snowden Laura Sargent William Heekmann Ko^i-let Henderson Perry Wood Marguerite Banm Will Bird Mevlames— Bayard Nour§» Leopold L»T Joseph Cowing . Robert Brotberton Val-: F. G. Sargent ' lean The Research club was entertained by Mrs. .1. Sandoe »t her home in Santa Clara avenue this week. "A Journey to Australia" was the subject of an illustrated talk by Mrs. Sandoe, Mrs. Q. Ross and Mrs. F. Warren. "War With Mexico" and *'The Future of the Aero plane" were the subjects of talks by M. Mclaughlin. The annual luncheon and election of officers of the club will be held May 27. Owing to the serious illness of her grandmother, Mrs. .!. de r\ Teller, Miss Mary Teller has recalled her invita tions for the reception which wa« to have been given at her home, S2B Tay lor street, San Francisco.-for the after noon of Saturday, May 6. Mrs. Teller lives in this city. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Moore enter tained at an elaborate dinner party In their new home in/San Jose avenue this week. California poppies ornamented the, dinner fable, at which were seated Miss Ruth Holt. Miss Hazel Holt. Miss Alice Davis, Seyd Havens, Samuel Downing, Edwin Davis and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Moore recently took . up their residence in the former home of the E. .T. Dodges. ' « . . Mm. George H. Mastlck will be hos tess at a house party for the week to be (riven at her Mill Valley summer home for several friends of her son, George Mastick. Tne guest.V.wlll be Miss Lavlnla Robinson. Miss T.elia Let son. Miss Rita Dennison, Miss Rose lAicey, John Coylc, Robert -Mills and Edward Seagrave. >: Mr., anil Mr*. Charles Mitchell and Miss Elspeth .'Mitchell'have'. left for an extended visit; in the east. Their former horn* was in Boston, but "the frilly removed to I this city two, years ago.' They'.wlll visit relatives In New York and Boston. ■':'■'' Miss T.aura Sargent will entertain many of her friends at an informal sewing bee Tuesday afternoon at her home in San Antonio avenue. MissjMarie Tyson will be hostess at a house ■ party at ■ the: country -home of her parents, t Mr. and Mrs.: George Ty son, at Saratoga from Friday■!to;Mon-, day. The party will travel to the coun try in automobile*' with Mrs. Tyson as chaperon.' The 'guests will be: .' ■' 1 Mlxs'Franem Ramsey Al Homphrleg Mis* Linda Bit«n ' Fr»<l JohD»f>n Mlim H*lpij Jf>tn»on iW!"D<)fil Hammon - Robert Weber i . •_ . • • • . Mrs. Edward Sturgis, wife of Captain Sturgls. V. S. A., has. left for a visit of a week in ' Healdsburg, where ;' she will be the house guest of Dr. and Mrs. 1 .Walter Sewell. • Mr». .recently THE SAN FEANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY. APRIL 30. 1911. spent a few days as the guest of the Misses Gertrude and Marian Mills at their summer home in Mill Valley. Mrs. Sturgis will sail on May o for Manila to join her husband. Miss Maude Hunt will entertain a five hundred club at her home in Ala meda avenue tomorrow evening. There are 12 memhors in the club, which was organized early in the winter. • • • Mis? Beatrice Blnna of Ban Francis co has been spending a few days as the guest of Miss Wanda Bryant Miss Bryant will give an informal dinner party for her guest tomorrow evening. Mr. iind Mrs. Bret Gilbert are visit ins li' platter's parent'-. Mr. and Mrs. It. '11. Scpliton. at their home in Pearl street. The couple were married in Sant;i Rosa a week ago. After a honey moon in the bay cities. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert will return to Santa Rosa to live. Gilbert owns a large ranch in the vicinity of the petrified forest. « • • Mrs. Charles Randall, who with her daughter. Miss Marjorie Randall, has been a guest at the home of her sis tr-r. Mrs, r.eorge Vongi, has gone to the southern part of the state. She will visit friends 8t Venice and other parts of the routh before returning to the home of her sister here. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wuizen, who formerly lived In this city, were among the guests at the Kappa Alpha frater nity dinner given at the Kappa Alpha house in Berkeley this week. The af fair was in honor of the married alumni of the fraternity. Miss Isabelle. and Miss Jessie Sher wood will spend next month In the southern part of the state. They will spend a portion of their time with their brother, Lionel .Sherwood, in San Piego and will visit the other southern cities. Mrs. Edward R. Allen will preside as hostess at a bridge afternoon In honor of Miss Ruth Waterman, the fiancee of Car! Anderson, Saturday afternoon, May 6. The marriage of the musician and Mr. Anderson will be solemnlied in June. Mr. and Mrs. Olaus Brandt of 215 Buena Vista avenue, celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary recently, when a number of intimate friends were bidden to a dinner party at their home. Mrs. Robert Fuller. was the guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George E. Williams, . 621 Lincoln avenue. Pink . roses and heliotrope were used .in decorative schemes throughout the .house. Many ; orna mental gifts for the. attractive bunga low, which Mr.! and Mrs. Fuller * have built at- 1311 St. Charles i street, and will occupy May 1, were showered upon the surprised guest of honor. ■ ■ ••■ ,', ■■ - • ' • ' • . Mrs. Earle Scofield. formerly Miss Marion Troy and Mrs. William Buch anan Taylor, Miss Anne Louis Danlells, shared the honors at a tea given by Mrs. 'Howard M. Flint at her Rich mond home today. • • • lOrn T/=>tf» Mecartney and Miss Chris tine Turner of this city will attend the dance to be given at Head"s school in Berkeley on Friday evening. May ,*. Miss Mfcartney and Miss Turner arc both graduates of the school. Mr=. Tda Phelps Edmonds, the fiancee of Mayor W. H. Noy of this city, has been the recipient of consid I A REAL I DIGESTIVE — I HELP Jf the stomach is too weak to properly di gest your food try HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It strengthens, tones and invigorates the en tire digestive system. Start today. YOU'LL ACKNOWLEDGE ITS SUPERIORITY erahle social attention since the an nouncement of her engagement to the chief executive of the city several weeks ago. The date of the marriage of the couple has been set for June. Rev. Charles I>. Mears of the First Congregational church will officiate. The following committees will have charge of th^ dance to he given by the Pi Delta Kappa fraternity at Adel phian hall, Friday, evening. M;<y o: Chairman, Edwin It. Anthony Jr.; in vitation committee, LJoyd R. Burton, Meredith Parker, Laurence Purcell and Robert Sheirard; music, Philip Plum- Hie r. Miss Minnie Kist is planning a trip to Yosemite:valley this.summer. Miss Kist is ■ frequent hostess at her /Ala meda home. She appeared in an ama teur society benefit performance : this week, singing and dancing in a double sextet. MRS. GEORGE r. REIMIARDT ENTERTAINS BERKELEY, April" -Mrs. Frank i W. Bancroft, a member of 1 the ; faculty j of the University of California, whose husband has lately Joined the faculty of the Rockefeller Institute. New York City, was guest .of | honor "at the home of Mrs. George F. Reinhardt in Durant avenue, Tuesday afternoon.. Mrs. Ban croft will shortly leave here to join her husband in the east to ;make, her permanent residence there and the re ception was in the nature of a farewell function. Mrs. Ueinhardt was assisted by a number of the wives of university faculty members and "others as fol lows:' Mr«. Benjamin ide Mi« i.i-,.-t Sprague Whe*l»r ■ . . Mrs. W. W. Henry *•• Mrs. Harry Beale. Tor- j Mr«. E. M. Lewis "" . rer Mrs. Joseph le. Conte Mi»» Marlarrt Hender- Mrs. Erpdprlrk V. G«y »on Mrs. E. B. Hathaway Mr, and Mrs. William Kip, who have been spending the winter In Pan Fran cisco, have returned to (his side of the bay to make their home. Mrs. Ralph Grover is entertaining as her house guest Miss T^orita Rouse of Los Angeles, who will spend a month here. This afternoon a fpw friends of the young North Berkeley matron were asked to meet Miss House. Married members i of i alumni ;of the University of California chapter of the Kappa Alpha; fraternity,;, who : are ■» liv ing in the bay cities, were entertained for dinner at the local chapter house in Durant avenue, Monday:- evening. Among- the guests of the evening were: Mr. and Mr«. Bidgeway-Mr. and Mr*. Freder- Lloyd Rowley lck Beetle Mr. and Mrs. Allen • Mr. ami Mrs. John S. ■ Ynngp Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wul7.»n Swan « Mr. and Mr«. Warren : Mr. »nd Mrs. Bailey Mi Bride : ■ McFarlan ■ Mr. and Mrs. T. 1.. : Ha alia Miss Maude Adnline "Wellendorff, president of the Piano club, will leave about, the middle, of next month for a year's tour of Europe. Mrs. H. D. Skinner is planning to leave here June 1 for a tour of th« east during the summer, autumn and fall, after which she will establish her home in Seattle. Miss Frances J QAKLAND QFFICeI I OF THE CALL I I MOVES I MAY Ist I I FROM I I 468 11th Street I 1952 BROAD WAY | Skinner will enter Vassar at the open ins- <>f the college year in September. Mrs. ihcinner and her daughter will be much entertained previous to their de parture. < A number of Berkeley guests went to Sutler creek last week to attend the Catholic ladies' aid society ball in that j titty. The grand march whs led by .Toseph Retatra and Miss Georgia Styles. * * * Bernard Maybeok and his wife, who have been camping near Watsonville, have returned to this city to their North Berkeley home. Maybeck, who iS a San Francisco architect, is his torian of the Hillside club. Miss Mary Renouf of Berryman street baa Miss Eva Hall of Pacific Grove as her house guest. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Castro in Mathews street was* the scene of a farewell party ' Saturday evening when a number of guests bade farewell to Mr. and Mrs. H. Reynolds, who will make their home in Portland. Among the guests of the evening were: Mr.' and Mrs. Frank I Mr. and Mr*. Frank Stewart f- Zcllch Mr. and Mrs." T. Farrar Mr. and Blr*.' M. Castro Mr. and Mrs. B. Got- Miss Klste Haste shell • Miss BOM Castro :' - : , • , • • ■ * ■ Mrs. Kathevine Sperry has been en tertaining Mrs. Chase and her daugh ter. Miss Ella Chase, who have been visiting in this city from Stockton. Miss Christina Hose entertained 7,0 guests at her home in Chanalng way at a musical last Sunday evening. Mrs. G. TV. Olds of Carlton".street,en tertained the members of the rink and Lavender club at her home last week; Mr?. D. F. Adams entertained the guests, of the afternoon with a number of readings and Mrs. TV. Haley sans a nutnbar of songs. Mrs. G. also contributed :to , the program. Among the ! guests were: Mr*. It. Richards I Mr*. R. Hoefflpr Mr*. F. K«anft' ' Mrs. F. Felt - ■">( - " Mm. r P. Flan«rom I Mi»s Irene RFotard Mr.-. TV*. Arthur • - Ml»s Irnu 'Arthur .;• '. Mr«. TV. Hairy Miss Deth ricasMnts Mr.«. A. P. Pl*>n«»nt» NOTED DIVINE WILL LECTURE TO GRADUATES Rev. Charles F. Aked to Deliver Baccalaureate Sermon BERKELEY, April 23.-« Rev. Charles F. Akod. formerly |of New York, but now pastor of the First Congregational church of Ban Francisco,'- will . deliver the baccalaureate sermon before the members of the graduating class of 1911 at the University of California in the Greek theater* the' afternoon of May 14. .This' announcement today completes the list of. events for the commence ment week, which starts May S with a daylight production of Racine's tragedy. "Phedre," by Sarah Bernhardt. The schedule follows: ' May 12—Senior extravaganza, Greet theater, 5 o'clock. : ■ Mar Senior men's banquet, Jule's cafe, San Kraneisco. 6 o'clock. — May 13Senior women's banquet, Hearst hall « o'clock. " May 14—Baccalaureate sermon by Rpt. Charles F. Aked. Greek tbeater. 4 o'clock. ; i May I." lans day, pilgrimage. 9 o'clock^ .. May. 13—Julia Marlowe »nd E.;H. Sothprri pre. mentation nt Shakespeare's "Macbeth," Greek ' theater. 8 o'clock. . ■ May 18—Senior ball, Harmon gymnasium, 8 ■ O'clock.' -■ -'.-... '" ■ *■■-' :.-.-,: •,: . .'..■ May. lfi—Annual I*lll Beta Kappa address; I speaker, OoTernor Woodrow Wilson of New Jer- ; sey. Greek theater. - o'clock.- • : . ..* ..;:■: -May 17—Forty-eighth commencement, '• Greek , theater. 9:13 o'clock.- ■ - • May 17---Aliijnnl luncheon, ratine near Faculty club. 1 o'clock, h. ■ May 17—President ; Wheeler's reception ■to ■ seniors, Hearst hall. S o'clock. SAILOR PLEADS GUILTY—I.os An(srle«; April 25>.—John ■ Etlwards. a sailor, about 135 * Tp»rs of age. today pleaded ' guilty, in the - superior , court to ««K»iiitin(t Mis* Julie father's home, which he had entered to com ''mltsburitlary.' Edwards may; recelTe'life Im prisonraenCNQBBBMHMIHninHIHBHBHHt PROFESSOR HUDSPETH TO ADDRESS LEAGUE Other Speakers to, Be Heard at Gathering •OAKLAND. April ». —C. K. Hiid speth, principal of the Washington i school, will be;. the chief speaker at a meeting- in the" school building, :to be. held Monday. .-May 1, ; under v the ' auspices of the Child's welfare'league. j His subject will ;be ."Talk It Over With j the Principal." Other speakers "- will be"; ; f Superintendent of Playgrounds George E. Dickie, who : will I talk .on "How i Playgrounds; Make Better jl Boys j and Girls:" Superintendent of, Schools ' J. W. rMcClymonds, "More Money for j the Schools—the Bond,lssue;" Mrs. Kli nor Carlisle, "Prevention the:- Watch- > word of the Child's Welfare League."''" ' Golden State Limited The Train of Limitless Luxury DAILY BET WEE N San Francisco-Los Angrles. Chicago and St. Louis via El Paso and Kansas City. LOW RATES for round trip excursion tickets East, in effect certain days "May to Septem ber. 1911. Long time limits on tickets and good for stopovers. Write and ask us for details SOUTHERN PACIFIC TICKET OFFICES: Flood Building Palace Hotel Market Street Ferry Depot Third and Townsend Sts. Depot Broadway and 13th Street. Oakland ROCK ISLAND 882 Market Street _^— I It doesn't cost you One Penny to satisfy yourself of the value and efficiency of the . Telephone and we'll be . glad to bring ; a "SANTO" right up to your home and show you what it will do for your house cleaning. '■ Sweeping and Dusting scatter the germ laden —you and' your family breathe it, and; in this way frequently .contract • Consumption, Diphtheria ■ and Pneumonia. Real Vacuum Cleaning with the famous, noiseless "SANTO" I is", the only solution, and you'll .; agree with us when you see it in practical operation. .... '.;,— ■ Telephone to-day—lt puts you under no obligation whatever. ■ LAUGENOUR SALES CO. 833 MARKET ST. Or Keller Mfg. Co., Philadelphia. ■! If 1^ 1' -" -" ■ ' BlL^"'1 '* I- al ■* a^^^^^HHßHßlaWas9 "*- "* J I BZ;^> J m4SESk^I IB 1 » ral HB9B IJKIMT^awHHwi ail r^ B " ! t m ii J Bio 4V- Oil KsSa .^gjlplitefefl Great Eye Tonic m g^ * %Mms§&V&' MAYERLB'S " GERMAN i.jXl KB J EYEVV'ATGB, abe treat :■ ■... -..■.'^Hf*'Tr. ■■ Eye ■ ■; Tonic. ■'' refreshes, cleanses and ■trensrthen* the eye, at all arncclsti, Met. by mail 65e. Mayerl«'a Antiseptic Bye-Glass Wipers, 3 (or 25c. GEO. MAYERLE, Graduate German Ex. pert - Opticiaa, x SCO; Market ~ «C, sa» Franclaco. ■■ -.. ' - ■■•>•■' . ;~'- ;• ■. ■ ■ - AUCTION SALE OF ; FINE LOT 'OF FURNITURE BROADWAY and 11TH ST. OAKLAND " All Goods Molt Be Removed at Oner ■ , , Your.Price. Is Oura> MONDAY, May Ist, 10:30 a v nv J^ A. Ml \RO A" CO., A netloneerii, ' T—TO RENT YOUR HOUSE^ —USE CALL WANT ADS—' +■'-': —" •'." '.• . •■' •• '; '' •—' • • "-♦; i 25 WELL KNOWN LECTURER TO TALK ON REFORM G. N. Niver Will Address Men's : Meeting OAKLAND. April 29.—George N". XI- , ver will be the principal ■ speaker at ' the men's, meeting at the Young Men's ; Christian association Sunday, afternoon ; at 4 O'clock. His subject will be "Civic ' Reform." .., Xivor has been on the lec tar« platform for the-liiat '14 • year? and is; ;tmong the ■ ablest tempera and reform speakers^ in ' the country. • The :Y. M. <'. A. trio will giv« a musi cal in the lobby at 3:15 o*-«>icck.'" __— » PSICE OF '•- PETROLEUM LOWERED — New , Y«rk. April 2fl.—The Standard oil et\mpvt>7^' • today unnounctil.«• rMnctlon of 15 rnntl per , '_■ 100 ealions in r»flnefl prtrol^um.^^HßSHßnßlHE J. A. .MUXIIO ,t CO., Auctioneers*. ''.?' "Will SHI- . . MONDAY, May Ist, 10:30 a. m. Broadway and 11th St., Oakland ' :. ' - .; stock or --.; ■/ ■ . . APGAR FURNITURE CO. Store Must Be Vacated. Ifullfiinx to Be "' Torn Doivb STATEMENT OF THE CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS OF THB ALLIANCE INSURANCE COM PANY OP rHir,ADEI>E.TA. In tka State of Penusjl-' Tanla. on the 31st day of December A. P.. 1919. end for the year ending on that d«r- Publls'ie'l pursuant to the prnrisions of section fill of tb» Political Code and compiled from the annual statement died with the Insurance Commissioner of the State of California. " ■■ CAPITA Amount of capital Block, paid ap In casb - 000.00 ' ■ ASSETS ;"*;•" Cash market Tallin of sll stocks and' ■ bonds owned by company ....... $1,506.04"."'1 Cash In company's 0ffice............ • 197 07 Cash in banks .. 1....... 155.77*.55 Interest due and accrued ■. 8,667.59 Agents' balances representing busi ness written subsequent to October M. 1910 ........ 129,061.17 Bills receWable. not matured, taken for marine risks .".. 938.57 Salrage claims 1.840.09 Total assets $1,807,148.75 LIABILITIES Losses adjusted and unpaid $1,073,00* Lowes In process of adjustment or in suspense ......:.....".;...;."..... &9.M3.00 Losses resisted. including expenses..' 2,500.00 Gross premiums on fire risks running one year or less. $450,835.07; . re insurance. SO per cent ........... 225,417.53 Gross premiums on Ore risks running ' more than one year, $462,829.73; . reinsurance pro rat.T ............ 253,304.13 Gross premiums on - inland narie* tlon risks, 189,382.03: reinsurance. 50 per cent 44,691.27 Gross • premiums •on marine " rl*ks. $141,336.00; ~ reinsurance, 50 , per cent 70.655.0rt Taxes due or accrued .............. * 6.WK).00 Contingent fund • 176.391.0S Commissions and brokerage due or to ■ ■• become due .....: 12.750.00 Reinsurance premiums •.....•-■...... ■ 2,753.91 Amount reclaitnable by insured on - perpetual fire Insurance policies... "11.136.53 Total liabilities. $907,148.73 INCOME • - Net cash actually receded : for ■ tin premiums $664,602.7.1 Net cash actually received for ma rine premiums 275,743.38, BeceiTed from Interest and dMdeodx -> on bonds, stocks, loans,. and from t s■■' all other sources .:...... ,V..;. .v - : 63,600.03 Gross profit on sale or maturity of ledger assets-. 11.925.00 Income from all other sources .....; 1.494.04 Total Income $1,017,367.17 I'Y-:: EXPENDITURES ' . Net amount paid for lire losses $313,462.54 Net amount paid for marine louses.. • 154,093.5 a Expenses of adjustment and settle-, • ■ -. ment of losses .' 5.171.45 DiTldends to stock holders ........; 30,000.00 l'aiil or. allowed for commission ■or ■ :■■ brokerage ..•• .....;.. 220,479.65 Paid ! for salaries, fees, and other charges for officers, clerks, etc... 85.572.23 Paid for - state, - national and local . r taxes ..... ••■••• ....:...... 19,641.74 All other expenditure* 60.076.tJ5 Total expenditures ...T.......... / $82*. 797.85 ■ .-■■'■- Fire Marine Losses Incurred daring ■ '- ~ - : the year ............$311,653.54 .$151,953.59 KISKS AND PREMIUMS ** Fire Risks Premiums Net amount of risks - n WnrftataCH written during th« year.576,249,014 $»17,724.U Net a moon t of risks *"**■ WiiMMmiii lalll li^Hil • expired during the year. 65,327.101 g17,229.8« Net amount In fore« De cember 31. 1910..:..:: 77.239.94* 913.664.50 RISKS AND PREMIUMS 1. *••'. ; f ■'.'■ '"■ Marine Bisks Premiums ! Net • amount ef risks - ■ ■ | -^ rrrttten during the year.536,935,2»S „ $412,607.71 i Net amount of • risks • ■■ • •. - ■ expired during the year. 83,720.043 384,411.83 Net amount In force De- •. ' sißgjf»ii nhuuMnHM cember 31. 1910..."-.. 9.011.287 } 230.718.53- ECGENE L. ELLISON. President." •*■ HENRY W. FABNUM. Secretary. T. HOWARD WRIGHT. Treasurer. , i ■ Subscribed and sworn to before me, ibis lTtbt - day of January, 1811. ■ y TBOS. A. UacDON'ALD. ' , ;, Notary Public. I J..C. JOHNSTON, i GENERA!/ AGENT, - 343 . Sanaome ' Street, SAN FRANCISCO. - " CA-LIFORNIA. CHICHESTER PILLS W^»—,:>* ! TnE DIAMOND BRAND, * a 1 y//*ii>N J La'tcst Ask y o«r Drutht for A\ " ji IJ itTJrL «'»<• In Bed and (inld neulilc\V/ t^---^il boi<: sealed «id» ■'"« Ribbon. V/ ' ffS t^Wl Take •• other- • Bur of year V ;;| C . : J*K DIAMOND IIKAKD PIU,«, f r M 'Vf B v yean known «B«t. Safest. Al»»jrsß»liaM« *<^&Sm BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE^