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36 DEALERS PROTEST ADVANCE IN MILK Special Meeting Held to Oppose Increase of 2 Cents a Gallon •Aroused by the report that the Pro dHcpW exchange- co-operated with an association of milk shippers, and raised the wholesale pric# of milk 2 k cents a gallon, several members of the milk dealers' association met In a special session" yesterday at 1020 Valencia street to take steps toward mutual pro tection and to discuss methods for meeting the advance In price proposed by the producers' association. The rep resentatives of the largest milk firms in Pan Franctsrn were responsible for call ing* the special meeting, and after sev eral hours of discussion it was voted to withhold action until the dealers' as sociation had received official notice that the new schedule Is effective. Th« consensus of opinion among- the members of the association was that the producers would riot persist in in- Teasing the present price of milk when it protest has been made by the dealers 1 association. It w^s said that each year an attempt has been made to raise' the price 1 cent a gallon, that the move had failed for the last three years, and that thU la the first time that the pro ducers have asked for a 2 cent in crease. It was said that whe"n official notice ha« been given a protest will be made. "In tfte event that we are forced to ac cept the 2 cent raise In the wholesale price, of mHk." said George •ger of the Dairy delivery company, "the retail price will be raised accord ingly. We are not greavly frightened by this reported move on the part of the producers, and It Is probable that action by the dealers' association will have effect." W. L. Garlock of the Garlock dairy said that the present price of the pro ducers' association was Ifi cents a gal lon fof the milk handled by the asso ciation, ajid that the dealers had no alternative than to ac r«ept the increase in price if a protest by the dealers' as sociation has no ef|eft. The matter will probably rome up for decision before the dealers at their next meeting on May ;".. +• ,—_—- — .- ♦ ! Music in Golden Gate Park I ♦ -- _____—_ , The following programs will be ren dered in Golden. Gate park, the first la afternoon, and the second to morrow a.t«rno,on. as a special May day offering: Charles H. rmtiau. director. Ar.tlifm. "Star Spangled Banner." : Man-b. from, "Suite Paettque" ...........Blocb Va!»p. "Sympatble- .«... >fezza Capo Orerture. "Ra.rokiy" Kela Bel» "The Warbler"* Serenade" . Pf-rrr Exrerpts from most admired Works «f Wag ner -,* .Godfrey Ororture. "Ma»K*nl*lln" » Aub«r .. (By request > ■ c Suit*. "Americana"" .Tharban tiems from "Morrr Widow" F. L«bar (By request* Selection. "SrriDjr Chicken" .Carle March. "Gen. 2itmn»" Seltzer i'America." .>.r.; M V AY PROGRAM* o Charlei- H. Caiwasa. director. Anthem. "Star Spangled Banner." March. "Queen of Sheba" G«wßod Waltz. •Drparas of. Childhood" Waldteufel !'""»"■, "f«J»T it..: Leutm-r Sceneg from Carmen ; Bizet "Ooiimfrnm Chocolate Soldier" .... . ....Stranu KantaMe. "Original Gyper Life"...... .L» Thlcre "Screnaile"- (adapted for hand by S. Hor»ti , "AlMnii" '"*"<* ' Schubert Selection. "Three Twln»"V.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.Ho<>chn« Mareii. -Stars and Stripes" Souta j "America." QUAKE SHAKES SANTIAOO-Santitgo. Cub* April 2!).—An earthquake was. felt her* th ni'irnlnc. No damage was done, but there wan great alarm fir a time. ,-.," I TAN BUTTON SHOES • The universal demand /W /f J is for tan" button shoes— . - IS>jjf >f they ar,e the swellest foot- ■' I *$/f' J&I wear of the season. The . pds : /\ ||| : . call for them has • been , %&: \ I L* jM ; tremendous; at most y\^' shops you can hardly get : \^^^^, a pair. But Sommer & We show herewith a Kaufmann are ready, as ghoy %?^ h mi **" button m ■■-• - i • shoe with full broad, toe, always— shipments short vamps' and high have just been received. hec] s; a? excellent article. if^. ; xi i it -made of a- rich imported .More tan styles here than tan Russia calf. *- in all other shoe stores. Price " ''V'"- 4 Similar styles also at /ML f3.50, f5 and f6.50. y^J kkV The same style a$ illus /A Ab tratrd in white buckskin, B» Same style a<; above in r^^JSIW Sf white canvas, $3.50 and A Strap Purtjp with a wing nT/ A tip, a striking low shoe that i ft &l yTJ has all the features of modern If sfj A' J shoe art.. Medium toe, high - If*&/&/& Cuban heels, pretty buckles to , .; >^C-r^f v/# match shoes; fancy wing . tip. •" /ssh*J !^hW' In patent colt, tan Russia or p"*'^^^/ black 1 gun metal calf .... $3.50 <■ »f~"^^ In black suede ... $4.00 : T r ••„ , L - i v '„••*"•"". This illustration shows —: —,. . . ....... —° , „ ——» A the swellest tan Russia A large assortment in CHIL- ' calf :b _* toni shoe that has r»Dr\/'C cunrc '■--* ■ ever been on sale, and we UKLN 0 SHVtX pumps,' have-shown' some good strap sandals, high or low cut ones. The toe is exceed- Duc^s^in, palen/ leather, gun lines ire extremely grace metal calf; in fact, everything . fui- and > together with a ifc/iV ,V.,«:#>^#-. ■ new tip,;ittmakes com //ia/ « up-to-date. bination that is a^ .'" i ' ' ... stunning. ' Price r.V.yTr o Mail Orders Carefully Filled • ; Write for Summer Catalog . : $*mn2er& Ifcufmaim . .836 to 840 ..'. t^T> r 119 to 125 Market St istqres ; Grant Aye. • • near Stockton 'Y*^" -' near Geary MAN, FORGETTING SIGNAL, IS KILLED Mine Fireman Fails to Wait for Bell and Skull Is Crushed j KEXXETT. April 29—Hans Hanson I lost his life at the Mammoth mine last evening, when lie; stuck his r head out from behind a boiler, where he had takerf refuge. He was fireman of the furnace that warms the change room. The fuel used is old mining timbers that are shot down a chute from the tunnel above. . ■- A bel! Is runs when a timber Is on the point of starting, warning the fire man to gret behind the boiler for eafetv. Hansen had obeyed the signal hun dreds of different time?, but last even ins he forgot himself and stuck Ills head out too soon. A timber struck his head, crushing his skull and causing almost instant death. Hansen was fin years old. a native, of Sweden and un married. Burial will be in San Fran cisco. . San Francisco's store 1 54 Geary St. I The ladles of San Francisco I «pii the Bay District can now ij secure here Cawston 'famous I] prize medal plumes at produc- I j er'n price*. 13 We-are showing' now the new IJ Amazon Bands for the helmet 1.1 turbans, wlllowed Crown Sets, j; "Willowed . Crown Pom Pons, \\ Am«zoned Plumes In the new I fashionable shades—Helen Pink. IJ H King* Blue, Coral, American w II Beauty and those exquisite I H- Pistachio Greens. Also feather ii 1 trimmings by the yard, all sizes H 11 and widths. 11 NEW STYLES I Cawston | Ostrich I Feathers I BEAUTIFUL COLORINGS]} I All r»w.«tnr) Ffntbcr* posse** that rich , 11 in»t*K»- graceful curl »nd Ion?.- wide . fln»» , whl<"h I hate m»<lp . them , famous I and whirh are not to be found in «fb»r m»k<"«. Your Old Feathers Valuable A little now C«w»tpo stock djed; one of the new shades and added to y<mr nld blurt material will give an entlre ■ ly-uetj atipeiraiiaF.^.: - ■'" • - Cawston Ostrich Farm - • THE OMB YOU HAVE READ fi ABOUT IS ! THE NATIONAL f\ I MAGAZINES FOR 25 YEARS. H MAGAZINES FOR 25 YEARS. 1 Located at South \ Pasadena I THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL. SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1911. ♦ ♦♦*♦»♦♦♦«♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦*»♦♦»*♦•»♦«♦««♦«»♦♦♦»♦♦«♦ »»»♦■♦■-«■ y.«i^.»» »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •-♦"»•■»■»-»■♦■< ♦ »♦»♦»*♦♦•*♦••♦♦♦«■»******** The $1 Size Silk «)r i-- ~m] Womcn>s One-Piece AO~ : Sailor Collars ZDC MjtlHQI BROlt House Dresses for 4 1 silk collars that make the "plainest suit Took JP i llLjWW^g^ggC AV;i Ml* 1 8a^3Ljlt 1 these, and they are worth that price. Made X dressy. All the wanted plain colors, and black " ?, WHEMII I M r^T = *^f"*!F &=lUB^^E^ of Linene with square neck, short sleeves ana a 4 or navy with white stripes. * : N^gggy NEXT^TO^THE EMPnßllJM^gf&g^' neat gored skirt.; ■ -■'.■:•' " J Man-Tailored Suits The Big May Sale Infants' Wear | MiSSCS* and WOmen'S ; SiZeS, 14 <t| f* , W/E carry one of the largest stocks on the coast of the best of everything for t ♦ A A Th h f *■ W-\-'- babs wear marked at prices which are at all times the lowest— the new I ;10/44^:'JHC;p^^ yOU vVcF SaW 31 ■ •_? summer stocks are now complete/md at their best. . . \ i^v Aside from the advantage of selecting from , fs*%§>\ ' ttf^^t 'f+Sikr/'Th T 1 ITT! P r>r\ra ie hut complete assortments, we offer, during the first '&?■• *fjK *«**£& ♦ . '■j^k^Ußm- -L' one n f the charms week °* May' extraordinary inducements to buy S\ZiL J£*r>-^ ii • JEs^ //T ~%£Sk W^' UUC Ul LIIC dial 11 Jo . . , _ . . . —T*\ /Am^%^ r\ ♦ Jr MxJEiM WF/ ■"n'f 4. h h j baby s outfit at once. Among the many specials /^a |■J\ n ImWj vh '.: Mj&ffiMM Wr 9'these handsome ; 6 J v ( X i, Cjt)/i/|i |l' )J\ • ttmffi'W Aq'thPTSirtnrpcrhovv^ 40f for Infants' 75c Nainsook Dresses— QMfl\Ww.\\. , / \R t &Sc£k As the picture shows 4VC eral pretty ]ong and short styles with Jii I 'IF/ I llft • tß*^^^^^^ they are very Smart .; lace edged neck and sleeves. One pictured. l • s|i\\||/| 1~ / V\ t gSmlm^ and dressy and yet a .£ for Children's 65c Skirts-Lonsdale cam- Ijf | ll^TTnr ° /^^?y^^^^^% practical Style, Suitable "-^tOv brie in waist effect, trimmed with tucks II :. I '..'• 1 ' J!K V ♦ jE^W^^^^Sk for any occasion ; where 'of embroidery—sizes. 1, 2 and : 3 years. ' ; I 1 1! | I I}^^^^^ I \ fej|| a tai 10r SU i t may be CJ C A for Children's $2.50 Dresses—Fine \j^/^^^^^ : ivjf3ii WOm. ■'■"' :; v Yl«t/U Victoria lawn, elaborately trimmed Vs"v^i^^?3 2- ♦ 3|£S -rr^lW^^^^ ti-» Vi A w^^ Dc lace. Dutch neck, short sleeves. See )^^^^^^> /o^/^lPl\ I i^S^ Of SUCh excellent ma- *« for Infants' 65c Kimono- Daisy f llHlf i||| 5 SlSit^S terials— tweeds, home- flannel, collar, front and sleeves edged s*^ j~ llf|i-lI|M * ffl fc T:t| fl spuns and serges,' in all r with or ink scallop. '^^ni^^^wn^^^ ♦' ' il^M S Sal °^ c Stylish grays, in * €*l 7^l for 5 Reefer Coats—Scotch cheviot Lr-\ \ C*Uiilii [j[ M;: i^S^W tan, Olive, navy blue :?—:;•? in ]'ro^ mi^ Q > silk;velvet collar; J«gL i^SSk : ||?^tf^^»j. au\ j . "0 especially well made. Style as pictured. JKv^lS #pi 9 t iiSlrH-^ —^ DlaCiC Cl OC for $2 Normandy Bonnets—Tuscany - :: &ffiiTi-~'£m And the wor*<man- yi.LO straw, pink, blue and cream ribbon IfflSfillSlr^fj ' ship is Of SUCh high trimmings. One style pictured. ' fl^^^m^\ "' I K^^B ■ C'aSS that the best ou 7^f for Infants> $1<25 Lingerie Bonnets— W^^m^^^Mm : i I Ft^ff^^p'/ COUld ever do in San Many styles, including fancy Dutch ef- f^"^! Iffl \feSlnii® * i P^s3li Francisco, would be to fects. "Ribbon, lace or embroidery trims. . JsHf B^^® : /ffefi fw-y-iw-te. 25c rsKssxs^^^flMiS&i 11 ffiS^ PT c Un $2500 wearing garments at a very low price.: : f mm*, Just an even hun- • Bloomer Dresses ?'-25 tm W : h v t.minin dred in this lQt, start- Diuumcr urttMts yy y t t i ro|:i^H-f^|//iilf intr MnnHau ot The most practical garment ever devised for a of] pf ri ♦ 1 ' jh^3S^^' mor|aay at child> Bloomers entirely detachable. Easy to LI Mx 1/ \! ♦ll ■■"]f.- •'* :<;'^^^, ' a put on. Easy to launder. Dutch neck and short ..^^r7^ •-•'•'- ki J^L ♦ ' Ur $15 00 EdCH sleeve styles of pretty ginghams and percales.. ■■"■■■+ \ jy *- • .."-/ Sizes 2to 8 years. One pictured. . . ♦ .— i ♦ Ladies' Wash Dresses Small Wares at Small Prices Misses' Middy Blouses j For Street and Country Wear ,,-, , ,;•: .-,,;, '-^ v ivrONDAy^eoff,/aii,si; Aft - ! M bray, cadet blue, tan, $<)>95 M^^^^to^^^afLS^ f* splendidly designed and made Og^ ]: XTA bray, cadet blue, tan, < * _ . . , v . . splendidly designed and-made A^V^ pink and lavender, Dutch CB. i^^J^^±^ 2 Wl.te Galatea Blouse JJ*I neck short sleeves, skirts, with panel 35. -.Steel Scissor,, all W.:..■.-...•..25*; 10c Hair. Nets! SX^ each::::': ti 7 braid trimmed navy collar and laced j tront and back—the neck and front but- Children's Pin-on Hose Supporters. .10^ We Cabinet of Hair Pins for '' ; :s<>"; frOnt? at only 98*^ each. These are par- I n"h we embroidered—all sizes, 34 to 10c'Pearl Buttons, the d0zen.......... s<^ Sc Easting Cofton. spool..!'.!'.'.'.!'.!'. 2< Ocularly smart garments for both city 1 44. Would be cheap for $4.00. / ::: 5c Package Common Pins, Monday.. 3* Clothes Brushes, each ...:....:...25<i and country wear. ... .'■':: ** ♦^♦^^^^^^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^^♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦^» »>»<♦♦♦ »^^^^^^ „„,,,,,,,,,,,,,; Ladies' Suits " ■ s®llilK. ■ ; —Made to Order '^S^^^^^ $ li CA Skinner /r*'iP~ f «P # H •OU Satin : )BF f j ZZZZZZ Lined lj(^L *■* * Re 8- $4« Val. /< i \ ill This Offer /s Made I /m* Ml /or a Short Time Only / ft Mealy lb@OTfiaW |p)Si(t° | - w® iil@ Ih©Ms,,.'ste.' ■ 81; Remember, fit, style -. ll |^S and workmanship. ij^ guaranteed. ;. Open * %lfl Saturday till 9p. in. Arcade Floor—Suite 234 Phelan Building. ; ■ «*«»».... .. .^■^.^.^^.^.^ *tiitinMim )M)tM<))t| , Oakland Office of [468 11 th St. The San Francisco Call \ 1- »♦ ♦♦♦♦♦»>♦»»♦.« ♦♦> ♦ ♦. ♦ t'»»»»»».».M?»»»»»»MTrt.».>»»♦« WHATSIIBI Pi|| BUSINESS IN § FRANCISCO TODAY? Answer: Subdividing and Home Building. This is the business of buying real estate at wholesale and selling it at retail. You know the profits there are in subdividing. Maybe you have helped these profits along by buying lots from the subdividor, and you in turn have made a good profit.. Very well, BUT— HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE THE SUBDIVIDOR? Haven't enough capital? What? Well, suppose you and I and a hundred or a thousand other fellows put our mites together, and go into the business on a large scale. Look interesting? Investigate it. Let us tell you the plan, and exactly what safeguards are offered to guarantee you a square deal. Even though you can only spare $5 or $10 a month you can invest in this company and be insured your full proportion of the profits of the business. CALL AT THE OFFIC§ OR MAIL THIS COUPON FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION USE THIS COUPON SAN FRANCISCO INVESTMENT AND BLILDING COMPANY, "AN iKANCf SCO INVESTMENT AND X 47 Whlttell Bid*., l«« Geary St., Sao Krandwo, ml. DUiLDIiIU LU. Please send me complete Information. It is understood address .'...". ?}..■:.[ 166 GEARY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.