Newspaper Page Text
38 ASSOCIATE OF HENEY GIVEN A FEDERAL PLACE Former Partner of Graft Prose* cutor to Be Assigned to fn* terior Department Appointment as Assistant At= torney General Indicates Change in Policy Charles W". c«>hh, former law partner «>f Francis J. Heney and associated with Hen«y in the Kruft pinsecutions. will be appointed assistant attorney general for the interior department. He will suc ceed Oscar Lawler of Los Anseles, who filed bin resignation when Ballinger was •ucceeded by Secretary Fisher. , - rresi*pnt Taffa determination to rat ify Secretary Fisher's choice of a suc cessor for Lawler was announced'in formally In Washington yesterday and *übsei|uently-confirmed by Cobb him self, %vho,sent this message to his asso ciate. Jotvn If. Rlordan: l "The president : lias ' decided to ap point me ..assistant attorney general. This has Just been made public here." Th* appointment at Coi.'i to succeed lAwler is the second Jong step in. the president's seeming determination to effect a complete change of policy in the department of the Interior. -I-iawler was an organization man, f committed to the policies of Ballinger and a champion of his cause. ' Cobb Is a progressive, «;hosen by Secretary Fisher because of his associations' with the progressives ■nd because of th^ir recommendations. a VICTORY SCORED BY KK>T . „ The appointment of Cobb probably means that £an Francisco's efforts to Hetchy water will not batted by an unfriendly legal ad viser to the new secretary of the In terim-. There is another and equally inter , phase of the appointment of It is a distinct national political for Congressman AVilllam Kent. proKressive, and incidentally for Fran cis J. Heney. Xheir first crumb broken from the administration loaf is sub stantial and r>f vastly greater impor tance than is suggested by the place itself. Rumors of the probable appointment bb have been in the air for sev eral weeks. With those rumors was ■1 the name of John I>. Works. $Bnlor senator from California, elected as » progressive. It now develops that th<» appointment was Secured by Con gressman Kent; that the selection of made by Herfy and that if "Works has had any part in the proceed ings it has been entirely subsidiary. HF.NEV HAD TOE UEITIAL . Incidentally. «ome idea of the new -Order of things in the department of rthe interior may be gathered from the ■fart that Heney had the refusal of the place. This does not mean that Presi dent Taft was a party to' the offer to Heney, but It may b°e assumed from the appointment of Cobbthaf if Heney had accepted the Offer that was made to him the president would have confirmed th» selection as he has the selection of Cohh. •' * •. Secretary F'ishet. an ardent conserv ationist, h reformer and a friend of Oifford Pinchot. is also an old political friend and associate of Congressman K«nt. They did politics together in Chicago. When Miner succeeded Bal linger he went to Kert saying. "I want a high grade California man to succeed Lawler." Kent recommended Frnn'-is .1. Honey, and the place was offered to the graft prosecutor. He declined to accept the place, and recommended in his stead the appointment ef his former partner, Charles \V. Cobb. President Taffs con firmation of the selection is a big con cession to the progressives of Califor nia, as well as an earnest of executive intent to give Secretary Fisher a free hand In his department. ASMITED IX GRAFT t ASES Cobb is well known to the local pro fession In San Franeigeo. where he has won an enviable reputation as a leader among the younger members, of the bar. He has taken an active part in a num- , ber of important cases. Cobb was formerly Heney's partner and was engaged with him throughout the San Francisco graft investigations and trials. The office of the firm of Heney. Cobb & Dwyer -was then in the famous "red house" 1 in Franklin street between O'Farrell and Geary, in which many of the spectacular events and trannaettons ot the graft prosecutions occurred. While enffßßed In the prosecution of the graft cases Cobb seldom appeared In the courtrooms where the cases were on trlaK He was the office lawyer of the prosecution, and most of the briefs tiled and the outlines of the many legal arguments presented during the vAri nuft trials were prepared by him. In addition, he drew most of the indict ments whirh were returned against the graft case defendants. I' Is a native of Gllroy. He first practiced in San Jose as a partner of Ed Rea of that city. He was an acknowledged leader of the bar in that < ity prior to his removal to San Fran cisco and his association wlt"h Heney in H« once ran *r superior judge in Santa Clara county, but was de feated. ° STUDENTS TO PRESENT THREE ACT COMEDY "Parish Priest" Staged by Mem- bers of Sacred Heart Preparations are well under way "for the presentation of the "Parish Priest." a. three act comedy drama, by the pro rooters of the leasrue of the Sacred Heart tomorrow and Tuesday evenings. Th* play Is an ©daptaClon from the original version as played so success fully by the tate Daniel Sully, ancj is to be produced under the direction of Charles A. Baxter, professor of dra matic art at Sacred Heart college. Pnveral clever amateurs wi)J b°e s*pn in play, among: them being Frank Meagher, Frank Maiyux, Raymond Flood. Anthony Moltoret, Francis Ashe. Walter Conly. Lawrence Lewis, all of' whom are students at Sacred Heart college, and the Misses M/ie Devlin, EDIMn Forde. Mary McCarthy, Tina Wunmaleer, Mac Reynolds. Catherine Berry, Mary Winsor, oXance Cary, Marie Hilderhrandt Ethel Qilnjartln and Irene o Specialities provided for in connec tion with the performance on each night will Include Miss Wong- Him. a graduate of St. Boniface's school, Mlbs Annie Orlflln and Irene O'Connor, a cUver child dancer. An excellent musi cal program has been arranged and will be given by an augmented orches tra. Walter Conly will assume the char after ot Father Sullivan, the parish priest. The promoters o£ the league of the Sacred Heart members not long ago were seen In the 'Holy City." The "Parish Priest' will be gjven in Sacred Hearj parish hall. Fell and ViUmore Mrcets. Attorney CW.Cobb, Chosen by Tatt as Lawler's Successor RAILWAY DEPOT ROBBERS CAPTURED AFTER CHASE Paso Robles Office Looted by Masked Men PASO ROBLEB, April 29.—The South ern Pacific passenger depot in this-city was entered late last,night by two masked men, who held up Night Agent WardweH and compelled him to hand over his cash, amounting to $42. They then made a hasty departure. P were soon in pursuit of the robbers, who were encountered and captured by Sheriff Younglove and several deputies near the Salinas river. TEETH PEABODY ERFECTLY AINLESS DENTISTRY PEABODY Dentfstry is a Perfectly Painless Dentistry, Painless" in every sense the word implies: • \\ hen we tell you that by the use ©i the" Peabody Method 1 we remove without pain broken roots, which arc indented in your gum, causing stomach disorders and an .^offensive breath, that all the mouth-washes in , Christendom cannot eradicate, we mean exactly what we say, Without Pain. o When we say. that there is not one branch of dental work or dental surgery that cannot be accomplished by the Peabody Method, without any "nerve-racking pain, we mean exactly what we say—WITHOUT PAIN. We arc the originators, discoverers and sole practitioners of the Peabody Method of Perfectly Painless Dentis try. 0..."" ° ,■•-'.. Remember these words:, Peabody, Perfectly and Painless. They re synonymous. Our secret lies' •in a preparation discovered by us, which we are ■pleased to term Cplione. 0 Here is a fact, and it will pay any tooth sufferer to fead and then heed. i We have found a way and have used it long enough to prove its worth— to kill "a live nerve which is exposed in the tooth without" causing any. painl whatsoever. ■ .Again we repeat, Peabody, Perfect ly and Painless are synonymous".; *>'': Our Sterilizer for instruments ,' im- | ported by us from Europe at a great cost, is the only one in America, and is the only Sterilizer that abso lutely eliminates all blood poisoning, sluffing of the gums. etc. > As an advertisement.Peabody, Per fectly Painless Dentist, will make the following • - Special Prices for One Week Only fl5 guaranteed/ 1- ■ -- ; • i d>K 1 •et of teeth...,'. .....'. ;' «Py j 22-karat $10 .'*- • • *a\ gold crown .. .i ................. "V* Pure gold .• ;\V..V . .;' . ; <ji fillings ........./.....,......... «Pl I'nlnlrkH Extraction* Frff. :'\A ' twenty-year guarantor* with all work.: I',ininln»<l<>n« Kree. RonniM 81A-11-13-13-14 WESTBAMv'; BUILDING S3O '•Street:'. Phone Sutler ■ 2I."SK. Hour. N:3O to 5:30 I *^;;>; ; » -* *i>iiiln,VN HI to 12. -- ».- -,■., ! '" Kveniue*—\Vc«lm. anil Sat»« 7 to 8. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1911. CUSTOMS OFFICE IN NEW BUILDING Stratton and His Force Move Into Commodious Rooms Next Door Jt was house moving day for Col lector Stratton's force yesterday, as the change of offices was made from the old appraiser's building in Sansome street between "Washington and Jack eon streets to the new custom house adjoining. Kvery man worked overtime, and most of the force will be busy today settinp things in order. The new cus tom house is one of the handsomest government bulldlnga in the United States, ami In simpler taste than the roco'■<) po,<itoffice building. The only complaint comes from the first floor, which is dark and If 1 nil y?r£~~£2£2^ If* BCD {''SJiniimA SX. nrn rtn ' \^f jilT^tx^. ■ "tit SHARE yr^r SHARE . , "z' '<!7 .■ ■■ .■ :; .■ ". h ■ SAN FRANCISCO HOME BUILDERS AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $500,000 "We are surprised at the great number of people who recognize the fact that San Francisco has awakened and Is starting an era of home building that will rival all Southern California. • CONTRACTORS Contractors, who know'conditions!, have called at our offices, and re marked. "You people are on the right track. I don't see why som* one did not start a co-operative building company long ago. .1 will join you and tf>lr my friends what a great future the San Francisco Home Builders 'haye 0 before them." : ■.• -: EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES Men- of note, from New York have come in and subscribed for San' .Francisco Home Builders stock, saying, "It is marvelous how your City has been built-up. Js'ow everybody will turn their attention to building a home. "'San Francisco Home' Builders have struck the psychological mo ment to present their legitimate stock offering to the public. Los Angeles ■Homo Builders may have done big things and paid'large dividends, but San Francisco's opportunity is a hundred times greater than the one pre sented in the Southern Metropolis when the first home building company PRIDE "• ■ Everybody knows the pride a resident of San Francisco takes in this great City. After the fire the object was 'to build up the downtown dis trict. "We can live in a shack temporarily." they would say. Now that we have the Fair,; that pame;prltle will prevail In the residential district, and all San Francisco will he proud of the new homes that are shown to • the sightseer who comes to visit the Fair.- . .: ■ . :^ .. Southern California was built' up by the home building companies," ;and the San Francisco Koine Builders should do more to rebuild the resi- , dence district of San Francisco -than "any other one { concern. -.-, ■•'■<-. . -;'; Stand by our good, solid board of directors by sending in your check for as many shares of stock as you can-afford. to carry, and your divi dends should never be less than S. per cent on the amount Invested. Be sides getting big returns on your money you will have the pleasure of beautifying the City and helping a worthy man to • build a home. Don't overlook the. sure ndvrnce In the price of stock. 10,000 HOMES It has been stated by men who talked over the great work to be done by the San Francisco Home Builders that at least 10,000 people have failed -to get money at the Banks to build a home in and around San Francisco because their lots were too far out and th,e Banks could loan all the money they had to spare right down town. . What we know is that we have a waiting list of people who want to see-- the plans of: houses and build at the earliest possible moment, and it Is no exaggeration to say that we could put our entire capital to work building" homes if it were all paid in, and just think what that means to the stock holders who will furnish the money.. . ..... OUR STRENGTH is In the number of stock holders "we have. Undoubtedly* each stock > holder will have ten friends, and they are sure to talk of a home some day. and they will refer their friends to the San Francisco Home Builders if they are stock holders or have friends who are stock holders in the Company. ~ Buy 500 or 1.000 shares of stock today, as the Company Is assured of success by the widespread Interest that- is being taken In it, and the sub scriptions that are pouring into our office. '. SAN FRANCISCO HOME BUILDERS The San Francisco Home Builders la modeled along the lines, of sev eral of the most successful home building companies of SouthernV"alifor nia. All the good points of these companies have been used, and some strong additional points have been made. . ■ ; -.. The San Francluro Home Builder* In formed nlonar con»«Trntlv»» linen. Our policy la "No speculating; in unimproved roal estate} no building of hnu«M until /they are told." Thus wf nave interest on the capital in vested.. We Milt pay rnKh for whatever we buy, thus making thousands of .dollars eneh year on discounts. . . ■ ■ ... , Kvery dollar Invented in eneh ' home vie build will earn 8 per cent Interest on deferred payments, y m well an a 'contractor's profit on the building of the house. • • «• - ■ ■ ■■ :•■-: We can see no reason why the San Francisco Home Builders should not go on a dividend paying basis of 8 per cent within the first six months of its existence as a corporation. The people are here, and many more are coming In every hour of the day, and they all want to own a.» home in sunny California, as the fame of California bungalows.; has reached every corner of the globe. We have been offered more contract* for home* than no can complete In the next three months. OFFICKns AND DIRECTORS IN. n. CAMPBELL President K. 1. WDKRKIN . Vice . President ''■./■ J. D. lIV .\ES " ''« Secretary and Treasurer ■ ° .'. VmRECTORS : X. B. CAMPBELL..Manager of the Trust Department of the Marine Trust and Savings Bank, San Francisco.- • • WM. W. ELLIS.... Secretary of W. G.Stafford & Co., Coal Merchants, San Francisco. > -•■ . V J. D. HVXES .Public Accountant, Brother of the Publlc\A.dminlstra tor of the City and County of San Francisco. H. E. IRISH Merchant, Santa Cruz, California. ■ V. AY. SWANTOX.'.Capltalfst. Santa Cruz. California. K. I.ANDERKIN.. .Builder, Oakland. California. , %V. H. DEAN.. ....Stocks and Bonds, San Francisco. '■■..'. \.l '. ADVISORY BOARD .* I . T. i. WEST ...... Of the firm, of West & de Journel, Attorneys, - San ■ ■MIMBMM Francisco. ' ; ■ R. P. MORREI.I*... Architect, Stockton; California. . ■:"".'- "■'■-• W. <'. SHEPPARD.. Contractor, San Francisco. ' , '. , ',•* E. F. ■SACAR.'.V... Vice President of the firm of Sagar-Loomls Company, - . San Francisco. . - ' v ADVANCE IN PRICE : Don't delay, an the price In wore to go up, and perhaps without notice. . You can buy for'cash or on the installment plan; 10 per cent to accompany the order, and 10 per cent each month until paid In. full, and when a divi dend Is declared you will "receive yours on the amount you have paid in. ; OUR PLAN la prepared in booklet form. You ,had better send for a copy of same. ~ A coupon is attached hereto, for your convenience. .. *■ WHAT YOUR MONEY WILL BUY INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS ■ ■ Payable with ■" : Payable with - Shares. Price. Order. Monthly. Shares. Price. Order. Monthly. , 250 * 25.00 ■KM ■ s.r»o 3,000 $ 300.00 $ 30.00 : « 30.60 500 50.00 5.00 r..on 5,000 500.00 RO.OO 50.00 1.0041 100.00 10.00 10.00 10,000 1,000.00 100.00 100 00 2,000 .200.00 20.00 20.00; " \ . SAN FRANCISCO HOME BUILDERS SAGAR LOOMIS COMPANYV ; :. GENERAL AGENTS • ' Suite R33 Phelnn Bulldin«:V San Franciisco, Cal. :, Telephones—DouKlan MWJI; Home 1-3742 • . 320 OCHSNER BUILDING, SACRAMENTO, ( AL. SAGAR-LOOJtIS COMPANY, General Agents SAGAR-LOOMIS COMPANY, General Agents :'Suite'SW;-'Tlwlah;Wil«.?' y - *,ilp 833. ' Vivian BUI*, , ';. -"'•'.■■'■', sun ' Francisco. Osl. ;••" i-- - ; r; San Francisco. c.ii ■ ; • . * Pl»anr enter mv subscription for ......... «^n.~ri«-.: - ' / shares of the SAN.: FKANCISCO HOME '"'""'•nvn. _ . - HI ILI'KRS «t:thp cround floor prii-p 10 Plp»im> soivl m<> ynwr booklet * srivinc full; oputs por *h*r«». vlndofwl find $..... ."., .-as Itiforumtlnn rfßnrdinn the SAN l'R\M'lB('(lS first for filli• 'imt-iimnt on K»m<-. 1 aurce to HOME Bril.l>i:RS- i>tan of. operation,, and, pty [he balance at the r«t<' of.*lo l>er ctnt otiliec*;: •-.,.- , ... <# '";, .'■: ;■:■;. ; -- of the irabsci-lplion price encl» roontli. ... . ' • ' ■ , name .............. I : NAMI: ............-..;.....;................ ADDB ..: ] ADDUKSS ... 5... ventilated. But the upper floors fare better. Any Woman Can Have Beautiful Hair (From French Beauty Monthly). "No woman should use water upon her hair oftener than once in two months," says M. Fournicr, the noted French scientist. "Dry powder only should he used. Moisture causes the hair to lose its color and in time be come ihin. "Any woman desiring abundant. j lustrous hair should use a dry sham- I poo every two or three days. Mix jfour ounces of powdered orris root i with four ounces of therox. Sprinkle I about a tablcspoonful of tnis mix- I turc upon the head: then brush the j powder thoroughly through the hair. ! This will keep it light and fluffy, and ! beautifully lustrous. You will soon | see piew hair starting to grow. This ! treatment is the only thing that T am ' sure will produce a growth of hair. "While plain orris root is used as a -iiampoo by many women, still, no such results can be obtained as by i using the formula I have given." i.'-:; ;; ■ ';■ STATEMENT ; '■■■ ' ' ■"; ,: : , . / OP THE CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA, IN the STATE of PENNSYLVANIA, on the 31«t day of December, A. D. ■ 1010. and for the year ending on that day. v Published pursuant to the provisions of Section Oil of the Political, Code and complied from I the annual statement filed with the In surance Commissioner of tbe State of California. ;. capital ysssEgSBs£L Amount of capital stock, paid up In cash ...:....;.. $4,000,000.00 ; ASSETS " . Real estate , owned by company..... - $315.3*0.00 Loans! on mortgages ■ '.- 288,275.00 Cash market value of all stocks and ■ • ■ ■ bonds owned by c0mpany......... 12,444,904. | Cash in company's of flee.... 1.988.90 I Cash. ,In banks..... ; 1,390.993. ;. Interest due and accrued ...'....•• 63,207.75 Agents':balances-representing. busi- ~ ness written subsequent to ' Octo-.' ber 1. 1910...... 1,387,794.28 BUI* receivable, not matured, taken | for marine risks 26.543.14 - Due from other: companies for re- . i Insurance on losses already paid.. 83,678.24 Salvage claims ........: 70,500.00 ( Total assets ■...:...:..'..;...'... $18,040,285.42 j LIABILITIES Losses adjusted and unpaid....!....' $106,526.11 I Losses In process of adjustment or in suspense ... ■ ...:...;.. 967,577.57 i Losses resisted, including expenses.. 25.59Q.52 Gross : premiums on' fire risks run- . i , ning one year or less, $3,707,- ■ 818.39; reinsurance, 50 per cent.. 1,853,909.20 Gross premiums on fire risks run ning more than one year, $7,226,- , 784.43; reinsurance pro rata...... 3,793,187.80 ] Gross premiums on Inland navigation '••:'■ risks. $872,648.12; reinsurance 50 '• per cent ............... 436,324.08 ' Gross premiums on marine risks, $567,727.22; reinsurance 50 and 100 per cent 293,995.17 ( Commissions and brokerage due or to become due 80,000.00 I Reinsurance premiums and return -■ ' premiums- . 22,576.75 I Amount reclalmable by .Insured on perpetual fire insurance policies.. 746,438.51 I Total liabilities ......".....'..... $8,327,931.49 ! ' INCOME I Net rash - actually received for Ore premiums '.$6,255,596.09 I Net cash actually received ■ for ma rine premiums .'....:.. 2,735,115.74 I Received for Interest on mortgages..- . 17,694.21 < Received from Interest and dividends | on bonds, stocks, loans and from ' I all other sources .." - 648.178.07 | Received for rents ..7.........'...■ 10,605.19 Gross profit on sale or maturity of ledger assets 53,102.50 Income from all other sources , 15.174.61 j Total Income ill $9,644,41 EXPENDITURES Net amount paid for fire 1055e5..... $3,140,"86. , Net amount paid for marine losses.. 1,488,433.24 Expenses of adjustment and settle- . • , ment of losses 67,669.07 j Dividends to 5t0ckh01der5.......... £60,000.00 < Paid or allowed for commission or brokerage 1,980,793.57 ] Paid for - salaries, fees and other charges for officers, clerks, etc... 565,540.41 Paid * for state, national and local taxes 232,585.64 Gross decrease In book value of ■ ledger assets .. 622.27 Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets 600.00 Renfs ...........°... 40.29K.00 All other expenditures 484.597.41 Total expenditures ............ $8,371.627.00 Fire. .. ; Marine. Losses incurred during ■-. ' - ' th« : year........... $3,190,236.40 $1,604,984.73 RISKS AND PREMIUMS ' Fire Risks. ■ Premiums. Net amount of risks written during the year $069,836,846 $8,035,342.33 Net amount of risks : . expired during the year 597.661.249 7,384,897.02 Net amount in force December 31, 1910. 919,888.«6» 10,934,552.82 . ; Marine Risks. Premiums. Net amount of risks written during the year $759,827,134 4,345,658.02 Net amount of risks . expired during the year r...: 747,906,787 4,343,778.24 Net amount In force December 31. 1910. 66.341,504 1.440,375.34 EUGENE L. ELLISON, President. T. HOWARD WRIGHT, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this IMb day of January, 1911. ■ ■■■•■; ■■ .■, : ■ - THOMAS A. MacDONALD... Notary. Public. J. C. JOHNSTON, GENERAL AGENT, "•" ' 343 \ Sansome Street, "..:■. SAN ; FRANCISCO. ■ - , CALIFORNIA. I : —; .. . j STATEMENT OF THE CONDITIONS and affairs OF the QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Of x™ York. In tlie state of New York, on the 31st day of December, A. D. 1910. and for the year ending cm that day. Published pursuant to the provision* of section 611 of the Political Code and compiled from.the annual statement filed with the Insurance Commissioner of the state of California. CAPITAL. Amount of capital stock, paid up In cash ...' . ;....... $1,000,000.00 ASSETS. Loans on mortgages.. ... '. $65,000.00 Cash market value of all stocks and ■ * ■ bonds owned by company.. 7,776.444.KG Cash in company's office . 8,861.74 Cash In banks 353.708.15 Interest due and accrued. 71,949.38 Agents' balances, representing busi ness written subsequent to October I. 1910 .... 749,175.65 Bills receivable, not matured, taken for fire rinks.... 157.50 Due from other companies for rein surance on losses already paid..... 591.88 Total assets $9,025,888.86 LIABILITIES Losses adjusted and unpaid.. $109,662.28 Losses in process of adjustment or In suspense 257,115.05 Losses resisted, including expenses.. ' 54,532.00 Gross premium* on fire risks running J&tBBA one year or less. $3,082,499.32; rein surance 50 per cent. 1,541,249.66 Gross premiums on fire risks running more than one year, $4,575,335.83; reinsurance pro rata.............. 2,164,093.57 Grow premiums on inland navigation Si risks, $4,492.40; reinsurance 50 per cent :.....:..;.. * ;» .2,246.20 Gross premiums on marine risk', i«- ■ $2,864.03; reinsurance 100 per cent'l' 2.364.0.1 Taxes due and accrued.............. ' 78,894.46 Commissions and brokerage due or to * . r.*:"- >■■. • >become due .....■...:..........*... 6,962.89 Reinsurance - premiums ■ and : return • - premiums ....'..:«......'. r.9,i55.9l All other liabilities. 00.402.90 Total liabilities ....,....'...... $4,886,763.95 '■; V .-^ _, ;•.•'" ' INCOME." s '-,". . \ Net cash actually-received .for flre " premiums '......"...........$4,009,024.98 Net cash actually received for, ma- • * - rine premiums 22,501.63 Received for interest on mortgages.. 2,950.00 Received from Interest and dividends . on bonds, stocks, loans and from !'■ all other 50urce5.................. 307,368.31 Gross profit on sale or maturity of -.ledger assets.... ..... 6,5.12.65 Income from all other sources ...... * - - 32.51 ■ ; Total income... .$4,948,430.08 •"-■..-> '■• . EXPENDITURES . . .. ■" ■. Net amount paid for fire losses (In cluding $301,863.18 losses of , pre ■■'-•' vious years) .............; .*.......52,283,500.21 Expenses of adjustment and 'settle- •■-* " ment of 1055e5..■.;..;v..".-.;i.'...^ » 05.168.57 Dividends to stock holders ;....: 300,000.00 Paid or allowed for commission or brokerage ..J 849,055.33 Paid - for salaries, fees and . other -. ■ charges for officers, clerks, etc.... '453,891.69 Paid for state, national and local ■ taxes 109,724.77 Grow i decrease la bot* value of , ■ ledger a55et5..................... 6,552.63 Gross loss on sale ;or maturity of ■ • ledger assets...... .■..-.........;.. 300.63 Rents ............................. - 86,765.15 All other expenditures 200,223.81 Total expenditure! ............. $4,355,482.81 ■■.'•• ; ■ ' ■ : Marine and Losses incurred during Fire. . . .Tornado. the year..".,.:.....52,324,681.45 $10,657.94 RISKS AND PREMIUMS Net amount of . risks Fire Risks. Premiums." ' written during the ;' year .............: $508,020,464 . $6,029,690.07 Net - amount of • risks i : expired daring the • . year .~.f; 459,844,093 5,658,213.34 < Net amount ' in : force v. December 31. 1910.. 676.036,479 7,637,855.15 . .:■'.• . * (RISKS AND PREMIUMS Net! amount' of I risk's Marine Risks.': Premiums . written during -. the v ■ / year #..... .$3,916,460.00 $23,236.23 Net amount of,„ risks •- expired ; during .. the ■ • .-■,',. '■■'• year -...'.1..;....;. 5,272,735.00 16.273.82 Net ? amount *In force - • . - r December 31.' 1910.. 643,725.00' 6,850.43 GEO.W. BURCHELL. Vice President. : N. S. BARTOW, Secretary. ■,; "jgHMMi 1 Subscribed and sworn .to before me this 2lst lay of January. 1911. ' *' "^WOMiriawajfa»Mat»| ■......,•''..; T. LIVINGSTONE KENNEDY. - ■> ..-■ '■ ->'^HM| Notary Public. ROLLA V. WATT, \ MANAGER PACIFIC COAST BEAXCH, ■ Royal Insurance Building. •„ •:;, v- ; SAN FRANCISCO. ; , . {% . •; ' ! WEEKLY CALL, $ L PER YEAR! The Call's Booklovers 1 Contest CUT ALO.\G THESE LINES —~~—~— . """ ■ '^— ~ —■—ii What Book Does This Picture Represent ? j ■ ■ - . ..: . ( ' ■ ■ " ■ < > ■■■■•■■• :.-'■■■■-, ... • ' I 1 . .■ ■ . ' .-'■ ..■■.- • ' ' ' '■ ■ - : ■ * . , . 1 ———-——: —■——-.- { 1 Automobiles, Player Pianos, Libraries, Phonographs < i And Over 500 Prizes Without Cost to j • THE CALL'S "Booklovers' " Contestants • ■ ..-._■--.. - . - (i 11 4^H, ■:■ >t. ,|. .|. ,t. ■!■ ,;. ,i. ■!■ ■;. .}..i^}^^MHMi..l. lft .I-I- ■!■ ■!■ ■:■ ■!■ .|. -M. <. n ■!■ ■!■ ■!■ ■!■.{. |. i> .|.»■!■ fl » | i 4» a *< ■ 1 Title .......................... - ± i IV Author ..: :. .....v.....^......«,..., •}• 4 ' ;j J Author ....- A . .., |j! . V ■- ' ■ ■ ■ ■■■" :": ■ ■'' ; ♦i I !'! Your Name ...'. .. (aa .. .„>-.. .....>.<.....« ?i i :? $;; ; • v Street and Number ;.....................-...«.....:. 4j; I• • City or Town ....,_,........... '. ........;...... ; ra ... : ... .^; .J. 4 • it CityorTown •■«=♦• •t! | ■ No. 22 April 30, 1911 No. 22 1| i«v Wait until you have all the answers to the pictures before *< ■ [ $ sending them in, for no partial lists will be considered. % ! COT ALONG THESE LINES • Rules of the Booklovers 9 Contest: 1. All persons are eligible to enter the contest except employes of The San Francisco Call and members of their families. Each day, for 77 days, there will be published in The San Francisco Call a picture which will represent the name of a book. Beneath this picture there will be a blank for the contestant to fill in the name of the book and author. *. --- : :-: ■■ 2. Cut out the blank and fill in the name and author of the book and your name and address neatly and plainly in the space provided. " •: '3.' »' No restrictions will be placed on the ; way in which answers to the pictures may be secured. Each picture represents only the title of one book. If you are not certain of a title and wish to send in more than one answer to each picture you may do so. NO MORE THAN FIVE ANSWERS WILL BE ACCEPTED TO ANY PARTICULAR PICTURE. Incorrect answers will not count against contestants If correct answer is also given. . More than one an swer should not be put on the same coupon. Extra coupons should be used for extra answers. All answers to the same picture should be kept together in sending in the set. 4. It is necessary that pictures be sent in with the- answers, order that all answers be uniform. Additional pictures and coupons-may be obtained at The San Francisco Call office by mail or in person. Answers will not be ac cepted unless they are properly filled out on the coupon appearing beneath each picture. • Each answer must be written on a separate coupon. . :6. When you have all 77 answers fasten them together and bring; or mall them (IN A NEAT. FLAT PACKAGE— FOLDED OR ROLLED) to The San Francisco Call office, addressed to the BOOKLOVERS* CONTEST EDITOR. Prizes will be awarded to the contestants sending In the largest number of cor rect solutions. -: In the event of two or more persons having the same number of correct solutions, the person using the smaller number of extra coupons in his set of answers will be declared the winner. In the event of two or more person* having the same number correct and using the same number of coupons, award* made on the basis of neatness, but if the ties can not be decided in that way the value of the prizes will be equally divided among them. 6. More than one prize will not be awarded to any , one family at one address. ■'?iilil llf'WWHl il|M • 7. Only one complete set (comprising not more than 5 answers to any on* picture) .of answers may be submitted by any one contestant. Awards will be made strictly according to the merit of each separate- list. The names of more than one person must not be written on any one coupon. 8.- AH answers will be considered on their merits. The first filed will have no preference over the last filed, provided only, that answer 3 to be considered must be filed within the time specified v.-hen the last picture appears. 9, The awards will be made by the Contest Editor and five well known citizens, whose names will be announced later., This contest is limited to con testants residing in the states of California, Oregon and Nevada. . . ■ 10. • The correct answers to the series of pictures will be filed with a local trust company or bank a week previous to the close of the contest. Entry to the contest may be made at any time. The first illustration was published on April 9. 1911. All communications or letters of inquire concerning the contest should be ad dressed to the Booklovers' Contest Editor. San Francisco Call. San Francisco, Cal. Rules for Awarding Honorable Mention Prizes: 1 Five hundred and five prizes will be awarded to the five hundred and five contestants (those winning -a. grand prize excepted) sending in a complete set of answers having 25 or more correct solutions, irrespective of the extra coupons used. 2. If more than 505 contestants send in complete sets of answers havinr 25 or more correct solutions, then the awards will be made on the basis of neatness. ■ : - . ■ Among the Prizes Which The Call Will Offer Will Be l»t —VELIE, 1911 Fully Equipped 40 H. P., 5 Pass. Touring Car. 52.100 2nd —FORD, 1911 Fully Equipped 20 H. P.. 5 Pass. Touring Car".' $875 00 4th PRIZE—FORD, 1911 Fully, Equipped. Open Runabout .:.- arrk'no On exhibition at THE STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. *'7B#o° Van Nessand Golden Gate Ayes. * „ 3rd PRIZE—KOHLER * CHASE Mission Style Player Pian0......... *R5O nn sth KOHLER A CHASE Mahogany Finish Player Piano... * $7501)0 6th PRIZE—KOHLER * CHASE Mahogany Finish Player Pian0....... sers'oo ; Now on exhibition at the Music Rooms .of KOHLER & *""MIW ■ ■ . - ■■■ CHASE. ■-: ■--■-■■ --_.■■..■■■,.• -7 th PRIZES-LIBRARY of 800 Volumes, Bound in Leather aaxnnn Bth —LIBRARY of 350 Volumes, Bound in Leather........... ' ?>4-.'nf> 9th —LIBRARY of 300 Volumes. Bound in Leather............ "■ s^in'on • These Libraries are selected from the World Famous T" :'. . "EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY.", On «ale at Book Stores ' .*' everywhere. '-•>* • - 10th PRIZE—COLUMBIA GRAFOWOLA "REGENT," Mahogany Finish iron on 11th PRIZES-COLUMBIA: GRAFONOLA "MIGNOX," : Mahogany Finish' *""•"• . - with $25 worth of Records ..................;....., ' «i-« nn 12th PRIZE—COLUMBIA GIIAFOXOLA "MIGNON," Mahogany Finish'!! gisoon 13tU PRIZE— COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA -ELITE," Mahogany Finish **ouuw . . with $25 worth of Rec0rd5.............................. . ' «.. 14th COLUMBIA f.IUFOVOI.A "ELITE," Mahogany Finish.! $100 00 15th COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA "FAVORITE," Mahogany Finish, *loOo° . ■ • with $25 worth of Records ....'....;.:.... ■;-.-•...».-.;,, - «* m 16th COLUMBIA GRAFONOI.A "FAVORITE," Golden Oak Fin- 9iiO°° :. ■-■: ish, with «35 worth of Records..:.-... ...-;..;.... ■-- __ 17th PRIZE—COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA "FAVORITE," Golden Oak Fin- m'°'m ish, with $15 worth of Records. .•...:............,... , Mnn 18th PRIZE—COLUMBIA "PREMIER" GRAPHOPHONE, Mahogany Fin- " *™ i r Ish •".,■..•." •••••••••••.•".,•...«..'.....'... «n nn T PRIZES—<I» *» 2R. Ibclublv*). each good for one COLUMBIA *"*•"" - "CHAMPION" GRAPHOPHONE ...."......:... ". . .."... 9178.00 ■ THE HONORABLE MENTION PRIZES S5 PRIZES — Silver (fine weave) Mesh Bags, $7.30 each ; $"62 Bo 30 PHlZES—Thirty -Seta of 10 Volumes of Standard Authors, Leather Bound, $7.00 per Sat ■..:....*.■..'.....-.v.:...;v.t;..-.:.... C2IA.M 20 PRlZES—German Silver (fine weave) Mesh Boars. $5.00 each....... !'sioooo' 250 PRIZES2SO 5 lb. Boxes of PIG'N WHISTLE Famous Candles, $3.75 — ... -.«';!■' per box .....■...".••...:.....*.:........■. - $03750 150 PRIZES—3O of each of the $2450, $3.r.0. $4.00, »5.00 and $6.00 Mer- **""*ow cantlle Self Filling Fountain Pens. Sold by leading dealers everywhere .:......,...............;.;-" 883000 20 PRlZES—Handsome Satin Lined, Gold Plated Jewel Case's, $2.00 e'u. $40.00 FIRST PICTURE PUBLISHED APRIL Sth A Different Picture Will Appear Each Day. ■ Save Every One. A BOOKLOVERS* CONTEST CATALOGUE In response lo numerous demands from contestants The Call has issued a Booklovers' Contest Catalogue, containing the names of ap proximately 5,000 books .with their authors. This catalogue is copy righted by the Booklovers' Contest Co. of New York. It has furnished the Booklovers'Coutes t Editor the titles represented by the. pictures that have appeared thus far. and the 77 correct titles will all be drawn from this catalogue. The edition h limited. If you desire a catalogue, place your order at once. Contestants are not required to secure a cata logue; it is issued only to aid them. To be had at the San Francisco and Oakland offices of The Call. 35 Cents Each. 40 Cents by Mail.