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START NOW! Reproduced below are facsimiles of the 21 pictures that have appeared thus far in the contest. Can you tell what books they represent? These are merely reduced copies of the back pic tures— for the full size pictures, with their coupons. Fill out the in formation blank. ' (r? ■ . 'nl P . I—^ y. uvT^y, gf i«t.,% i 1 l , Hi - -p^*^^ L'!'lli'Stit^, ■ ' ifffT^vTliFnTJiir^nilwnnmrii ii I i 'If* r kTfr ifllßlU^B <MK3lpUaH''uV h I iff?l jTyT^CTfrnlß WifcUffiK < —r- —■— 1 ' •*"' Cl v *■ -r I -»»Nj~j.*|E)r*4P*' " '■'>' >*>• This Is Your Opportunity! ■ . ■■■ ;Si ,' .. ' " """ ' '" '' ■ " ' •* ■■'■ • ■-«• -i JOIN THE CAUL'S .; . - ■•■""-•■■". . ' ' ' "■* * " t ■'"■■-.•■. - -^^ '_, " ..-*'■ ■ ' ....;..■ - - ■ , y ■ i ; ":■"..'■■■ '*..-.-. ..-',., ..'.' '.* - , . ■ -'..■ ■ ' . " .:, ','-. -■ -; ■ ■ ''" BOOKLOVERS' CONTEST NOW! Are you a contestant in The San Francisco Gall's great Booklo-vers' Contest? Three superb automobiles, three . expensive player pianos, three libraries of the world', best books, and hundreds of other magnificent. prizes—s3o ' in all, will be awarded to successful contestants by The Call. There is no canvassing, no soliciting, in the contest. It is a fascinating game for the evening hours at; home, AND WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE! Why not- find out all about this contest? It consists of a series of 77 pictures that will appear in The Call—one picture each day for 77 days. 'Each picture represents the title of a well known book, and contestants send in their > decisions as to what books they believe the pictures represent. : l THAT'S ALL. ' A : The rules of the contest are printed on the opposite page,, beneath the regular picture and coupon for today. Read the rules, and see how fair and square this contest is. Then fill out the blank printed herewith, and let us send you a circular giving all information in connection with the contest. ; Today the twenty-second picture : appears, and there are 77 in all, remember. The contest has just fairly begun. The circular will tell you how to obtain the back pictures and coupons WITHOUT COST TO YOU, and' after securing those back pictures and coupons you can go right on with the contest every day,. WITH JUST AS MUCH CHANCE OF WINNING AS THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE CONTEST FROM THE FIRST. c Fill out the blank and mail it to The Booklovers' Contest Editor, The San Francisco Call, San Francisco, Cal. . \ Do it at once! It may mean an automobile to you! : ■' " / USB THIS BUAINK TO OBTAIIN INFORMATION -—— — _4_ Booktovers' Contest Editor— San Francisco Galls Please send me a four page circular giving full information about the Booklovers" Contest, the free picture plan, and the catalogue. NAME ....;.. FULL ADDRESS .._ - HERE ARE THE PRIZES-YOU CAN WIN ONE! FOURTH GRAND PRIZE FORD OPEN RUNABOUT Fully Equipped, $775 f MOTOR CAR QUALITY The Ford motto is "High priced quality in a low priced car." Quality first, last and all the time, together with the lowest constituent price. A 20 -horsepower car, with power equal to any car three times its price. Quality and long experience make it possible for the Ford Motor Company to build these cars at this price. • FIRST GRAND PRIZE—VELIE "40" Touring Car, fully equipped— 2,100 SECOND GRAND PRIZE—FORD Model "T" Touring Car—Value 875 These cars are on exhibition at the local agency. Standard Motor Car Company VAN NESS AND GOLDEN GATE. * THIRD GRAND PRIZE Kohier & Chase Player Piano-Value $850 The Kohler & Chase player piano, - - which combines in VI HSSfIMHHMHMHHHHHHHM^HBBHBB^^iiMH .one instrument th« I TvfJm beautiful Kohier & I |Wl Chase piano and th« I latest and most lm- I W^^^^^Wm H? I proved player, is un- ■ W\ . CS conditionally and I WmSMmr- fi-!g l< i most enthusiastical- I HBi-a—*-M ly indorsed by such I great artists as Tet- I • razzini, Campaninl. I HBL- Bendtx. Mansfeldt, I I kJMM Frederick Zech, Her- I mmfrfffSpW^uuii Ife* man Genss, Otto I BHw^Bi Flelshner and scores I P«W™^^^^ --«i*(SWSJ. of others. It Is the I m^^^^'^ favored instrument of I ■ v>^h^»^; H^T musicians every- 91 *-^~m&e>- XII where, and its popu- I B*^^ larlty among those I * ■'■ 1 who know is due to I R0 its liquid, yet reso- I ■■-* nant, velvety tone, I and its artist's ac- I tlon, specially regru- I lated and triple re- I IS^^W HUb peatingr. ■ fc ■' 1 This Mission art I jjjjfe -t\ W^^^^^^kl^. style instrument, wk'-- -^P!, v'• pictured above, rep- T^-T*- \*4>T; r»sents the climax of BBI^ v "**' Kohier & Chase Wm players. You are cor- . dlally incited to call and ■ inspect It at the • stores * in ; San" Fran- ° ' , clsco or Oakland. FIFTH PRlZE—Kohier & Chase Mahogany Finish Player Pian0....750 SIXTH PRlZE—Kohler & Chase Mahogany Finish Player Piano.. ..$675 ■ All on ■ exhibition at the warerooms of KOHLER & CHASE ■. v. i 26 O'FARRELL STREET, SAN FRANCISCO: 1015 BROADWAY, OAKLAND , I THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1911. ■ 111 _ I lllf 'I I _ SEVENTH GRAND PRIZE 500 Leather Bound Books 188 500 leather bound books, value $350, from the W&iM^MtfmSffia world famous Everyman's library. These standard W//tysffiikSfflsMMlM books regularly sell everywhere at 3? cents each. W7Wc9mBC&2ffiMs3a '•loth binding; 70 cents each, leather binding. They Km^«s^^l6^a^^H Include all the master books of fiction, poetry. 'BB^raiXSSH&vlK&Sa* travel, biography, theology, history, philosophy •' " HK"*^ ■ ana oratory— the classics, and, in fact, the rv ~'MfflP*finfflMft» ' volumes that have been strong favorites with •.^BBMSETreaSfc^v* - readers for from 15 to 5.000 years. The Everyman's ■ iUHMßMirasa library edition cont-tins almost every book worth '.•,,^KBWHflf.jßsga •-■ while, in uniform binding. jT^M •MBfaaa ..I, mi -■> ~ 'A"«k. -■ «*• Soaks That Fit The »Ijfi§l?i 35 EVERYMAN 5 %&&£* f-1 BRAKY" ft?* s°' «very English speaking person JWiL &J2J\A VJL^JL b°?>" ;«' .every English speaking person will go to.any first class book store and fvofumeV^u 'wlflTgree't^at they are the most remarkable book values in text nrintine- and hinfi^? 1 l offered for the money. Ask to see these books at any book * stori Th« kSI volumes will Include many books you will want to read store. The 50$ EIGHTH PRIZE—3SO Volumes from Everyman's Library—Value 5245 NINTH PRIZE-300 Volumes from Everyman's Librar?_Val ue |ilo Sold by hrst class book stores everywhere, or write for ©articular* tO the publishers, E. P. DUTTON & CO., New York. particulars to , _ , ••••'•' " 1 ,.,,... .... ..,,.„..., ■■.■■..... . .^.> ' ;! Tenth Prize—Columbia Grafonola Value $200 dow|w^.^ei!^ h^ l [r% ?h r Pd he 0hh 0t neo 9f %&&?££&&?& SS^ 1"^ . » .«,.» .... .... TTTTl«lt»ti l><rt , |t>tl HONORABLE MENTION PRIZES ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PRIZES Mercantile Self-Filling Fountain Pens eS>f. famous, Belf-fllling Pens are made from the finest grade MB rubber highly polished and carefully tested. They are 14 kt Kold jrrMit, pointed, and will give a life time of service. * ' lrrldJuni : The Pens are constructed on the latest erlncirile Tn *m »v,«™ *v turns a slide which opens the barrel?'presses in! tffink • tube.- d? Ps '■ the U D "£ point in Ink, releases the pressure and the pen is filled. P pen <3Jsplfy aed. nS dCalerS everywhere carry the Mercantile Fountain Pen prominently Write for descriptive booklet to AIKEN-LAMBERT CO., NEW YORK CITY $ ......., ,- tt . t ., 11 . „„ , , 4 ., .,„,„,,.,,,, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY PRIZES Pig'n Whistle Candies There are 250 five pound .""UV.-i. ' People of refinement boxes of famous Pig'n *n4| TV TVfUAIIa readily recognize Plg'n Whistle Candles among the <&*% « ' "**^*ft If 1! 1,"* 1?. Candies for their honorable mention prizes. ° %>, " voV.^The: "iVn^Whiitf; The boxes sell at $3.75 j&fZ&C ' shop, indeed, is a favorite each, bo the total value of ° SrlihfnL s'^f c \or tnOM the Candies awarded is-^P^ «« lrn"t£e dfIiSSJS,^ ll d f5?: $937.50. Those who appre- f\\r ing the shopping houre ciate delicacy of flavor. Un/NU The"PIG'N WHISTLE purity and freshness ap- \vV • . ncriU.^^ .*I niJ:>lL'lj ' predate Plg'n Whistle: Jimm* no posVstreet Candles. 4»4/«foStp> 130 POST STREET '* ........... ■»■■«;«■""«■•—————-■■«'■<'■»■■» ■« . .... V. ,,,., ' 35 ; PRlZES—German Silver (fine weave) Mesh Bags, $7.50 each..? 262.50 30 PRlZES—Thirty Sets, of 10 Volumes of Standard Authors, . Leather Bound, $7 per set j^. '....'.. $210.00 20 PRlZES—German Silver (fine weave) i Mesh Bags, $5 each. .f 100.00 20 PRlZES—Handsome Satin Lined, Gold Plated Jewel Cases,, $2 ea.f 40.00 U ■ » ' _- ■■ ■^a&g*'" , ! 'i, Li *■■; • .■■ ■ •■'■■.■■■ ..-,'' ■■■■ YOUR CHAINCE! Reproduced below are copies of the 21 back pictures in the Booklovers' Contest. Today's picture, with its coupon, is shown on the opposite page. Can you tell what book that picture represents? Get the back pictures FREE and win a prize. Fill out the in formation blank. - , •^_ Btr p- I ....--. ' ' A hi . ! ___ i \d>' ' '^ - -thj Fg===g|====|P 39