OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, June 14, 1911, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1911-06-14/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Call Leads in
sports AiriiiA
COMMERCIAL 111 T lfll \
SOCIETY ■■■- ■■■V
l^ J)
1,700 Armed With Rifles and
• 300 With Bows and Ar
rows in Sonora
Their Hostility Is Due to Re
fusal to Return Lands
to Them
Mexican Troops Being Rushed
to Scene to Hold Them
_' in Check
TUCSON. Ariz.. June 13.The
Yaqul Indians are on the war
path in lower Sonora and 2,000
Taquls are reported to be in the
field. 1,700 armed with rifles and 300
with bows and arrows. The greater
part of the Indians are in the delta of
the Yaqul river, but many bands are
reported in the mountains in the small
camps, so disposed, however, as to be
easily mobilized.
Delay by the federal government in
answering their demand for the return
of the vast areas formerly inhabited by
them, which were given to former Vice
President Corral and former Governor
Torres, has made the Indians restless,
and they have now added to their ulti
matum the return of thousands of acres
occupied by American concessionaires.
■ General Ojeda, commanding the fed
' eral troops in Sonora, has been dis
patched from Hermoslllo with 1,500 men
to hold the Yaquis in check, while Vice
.Governor Gayou is arranging a confer
ence between the Yaqui Indians and the
federal authorities at Mexico City.
Governor Maytorena is reported to be
still in Guaymas and leaving negotia
, tions in Gayou's hands, as he, believes
the latter can best pacify the Indians.
Admits, However, That Whole
. salers ( and Manufacturers
Are Classified
KANSAS CITY. June 13.—1 nan at
tempt to show that the Southwestern
lumbermen's association had a so called
"customers' list." which it sent to
members for the purpose of blacklist
ing all wholesalers and manufacturers
• who sold lumber direct- to consumers,
* the state called Harry A. Gorsuch, sec
retary of the Southwestern association,
■•to the stand today in its suit to oust
• {ha so called lumber trust from Mis
souri. . •;
• Gorsuch admitted there was such a
list, but said it was merely a sort of
.business guide for members. He said
he did not recall ever sending out lists
= blacklisting wholesalers.
• Charles S. Welth. president of the
Central coal and coke company of this
pity, "startled his hearers with the
j statement that the cost of producing
yellow pine had Increased 88 per cent
' from 1898 to 1908. He said it was the
j supply and demand, and not the price
I list, that controlled prices. He de
clared that the only curtailment of
* output by the association was that of
■ 1904.
Mr. Keith denied there was any
agreement to fix or control the. price
of yellow pine, or to limit competition
In the state of Missouri.
Replying to a question by the state's
attorney. Mr. Gorsuch admitted that
the Southwestern lumbermen's associa
. tion had a so called "customers' list,"
and continued:
* "It contained information of value to
•the retailers. If a wholesaler persist
ently shipped lumber of inferior qual
! ity.or had the habit of,passing up old
.'orders and filling new. ones after there
J was an advance In the price, that in
" formation was dispensed. These were
• some of the many purposes of the
, customers' list."
**." Mr. Gorsuch testified that the whole
salers, and the manufacturers of lum
ber were members . of the • Southwest-,
crn * lumbermen's association ; until
1907. when the membership was re
stricted to retailers.
Postmasters Must Keep Identity
of Customers Secret
AKRON, 0., June 13.—Deposits made
In the United States postal savings
banks can not be attached by creditors
in any state in the union, according to
Postofflce Inspector George Pate, who
today completed his first inspection of
the bank opened at Barberton, O. Ab
solute secrecy must be maintained as
to the identity of depositors and courts
are* helpless in any attempt to force
postmasters to produce their records.
Ambassador Rockhill First Pre
sents Them to Emperor
peror Nichols gave an audience today
to American Ambassador Rockhill, who
presented Rear Admiral Badger,*- the■!
.-^aptalns and 12 other officers of the
Visiting American battleships. Follow-
Ing' the reception the Americans were
the guests of his majesty at luncheon
st ..the 1 Palace.*:.! ".!.,,. .;
THE San Francisco CALL
Mary Garden Sails
With Bad Headache
And Yellow Hosiery
[Spec:,:/ Dispalch to The Call]
NEW YORK. June 13.—Mary
Garden sailed for Europe today
with a headache, 45 pairs of
shoes and 50 pairs of bright yel
low silk hose. She said so her
self. She admitted that she had
taken too much champagne the
night before and demanded ice
water to cool her parched throat-
Miss Garden wore an abbre
viated hobble skirt and a pair of
the canary hose. Fifty pairs of
the latter were a gift, and she
purchased the 45 pairs of Amer
ican made shoes. Referring to
the foolish old duchesses in Paris
who criticised her handling of
the head of John the Baptist, she
"The frumpy, wrinkled, old
dowagers, what do I care what
they say?"
Baking Powder Man, in Divorce
Testimony, Tells of Flight to .
Keep Out of Asylum
LOS ANGELES. June 13.— R. B. Davis,
aged manufacturer of baking powder
and reputed multimillionaire, in his suit
for divorce against Jennie Davis, many
years his junior, today told the story of
how he planned and made his escape
from their residence in Riverside drive.
New, York, in September, 1908, after he
had brought himself to believe that it
was his wife's intention to have him
incarcerated in an insane asylum.
Davis said that having, been told by
his nurses that any notes written by
him would not be delivered to the per
sons for whom they were Intended, he
wrote a letter to a friend, Henry Bar
ney, and threw it out of the window to
a passerby, who mailed it for him.
j In this letter he told Harney what he
believed* to be' the purpose of his wife,
and arranged a way to have a revolver
and clothing conveyed to ; him and set
an hour for an automobile to call for
Harney complied with his requests,
and having left the house In accordance
with his plan, Davis said he went to a
bank where he had $65,000 on deposit
and had a certified check for $60,000
issued -to him. so as to be ■, provided
with funds in the event of an effort to
tie up his property. *
Although 68-years of age and very
feeble, Davis was on the stand the en
tire day and gave his testimony in a
clear, concise manner. He said that he
had objected to the effort of his wife
to undertake the running of his busi
ness, of which, he said, she had not the
slightest knowledge.
The court Is holding under advise
ment the question as to whether the
plaintiff is a legal resident of Califor
nia and questioned him closely in re
gard to his movements In California
since his arrival here two years ago,
bringing out the fact that he had not as
yet established a permanent home!
The court also refused to permit the
question of sanity of the plaintiff to be
made an issue ln the case.
VITERBO. June 13.—Something of .. a |
sensation was occasioned at • the
Camorrlst trial this afternoon by the
testimony of several women, who said ,
that they had been offered money by '<
the wives of some of the prisoners and
also by Alessandro Lloy. one of the j
lawyers for the defense, to deny depo
sitions . previously made by them to
swear falsely. One witness added that i
she had refused to see Lloy and had
notified a police official of two attempts
made to have .her commit, perjury.
Licy Jumped to his feet and shouted
The president of the court Instructed
the police official to tell what hap
i pened. In the meantime, the prisoners
In the cage inveighed against the
woman.' calling her a spy. §sN_B_B_f_JG|
The police official said that the moth
ers and wives of the prisoners had
tried to take: saveral of the . witnesses
to Lloy. . . : ' •■.',''
Lioy was highly Indignant, and asked
the official 'if he knew of anything
against him. to which the official re
plied that he knew Lloy. had spoken
with Erricone's mistress at "an inn in
J Vlterbo. The president of the court or
dered the proprietor and chambermaid
of the inn to be interrogated on this
At this point Lloy became furious
and said he would not permit himself
to be, made the constant object of in
quiry. ,' He preferred to abandon his
post. Lloy then took,off his lawyer's
gown and left the courtroom, and the
president suspended the sitting.
I "•
Disagreement Over Norgard Kil
ling Ie Expected
' WEAVERVILLE, June 13.— case
against' Thomas Hayden, on trial for
the murder of Morris Norgard, went to
the Jury at 2 o'clock this afternoon. At
7 o'clock the Jury'had not reached' a j
verdict nor asked for instructions^ The !
impression is general that a disagree- 1
ment will result. . --••'■!
-.•• -i ' .'•■■■: ■•-.- ■ ■ ,
*• - •
Lawyer Admits He Was Counsel
for Two of Steel Combine's
Roosevelt and Morgan Likely
to Be Called by House
Congress Committee Determined
to Sift to Bottom Methods
of Combine
WASHINGTON, June 13.—Frank
B. Kellogg, special counsel of
the department of justice in
, the prosecution of the Stand
ard oil company and better known as
the "trust buster," told the Stanley
steel trust investigating committee o
day hat he had for years been special
counsel of subsidiary companies of the
United States steel corporation in Min
nesota and that he had no apologies to
make for it.
Chairman Stanley declared that the
committee would summon any one—be
lie the president o fthe United ______
or J. Pierpont Morgan— in order to as
certain how, certain railroads, owned
by the steel trust, were able to declare
enormous dividends on small capital
ization. It Js probable former Presi
dent Roosevelt and Morgan will be
asked to appear before the committee
when it holds sessions in New York.
Committee Wants to Know «
"The chairman and this committee."
said Stanley, "want to know how and
why certain railroads are able to pay
100 or 150 per cent dividends and put
$4,000,000 or $5,000,000 into their sur
plus when their capitalization is only
$4,000,000 or $-..000,000. That may be
all right, and it may not.
"We will summon the president of
the United States. J. p. Morgan or any
other person within the purview of the
power of the committee to get the
whole truth "and nothing bu the run."
"I hlnk we ought to summon both
those persons." said Representative
Young of Michigan, a member of the
committee. . .'. . ... ,
"'You mean the former president of
the United States, don't you?" asked
Chairman .Stanley.
"Yes, of course," Young replied.
Kellogg referred to a letter he had
sent to the committee in which he ex
plained that he and his firm—Davis.
Kellogg & Severance—had for , years
represented the Duluth and Iron Range
railroad and the Duluth, Mesaba and
Northern railroad since 1901. subsidiary
companies of the United States steel
Received $15,000 Fee
Denying that while acting as special
counsel for the government he had per
formed any services for the steel cor
poration. Kellogg frankly said that a
fee of $15,000 for services previously
performed had been approved by offi
cials of the United States steel corpor
ation and paid to him In October, -1907,
after he had undertaken trust prosecu
tion for the government.
"There has ben a good deal said."
Kellogg told the committee, "about my
connection with the government and
with the steel corporation. To com
mence with, I have no apologies to
make. I have explained to this com
mittee my services with these subsid
iary companies to the steel corporation.
They were purely local. They did not
concern the steel corporation as an or
ganization. Just prior to 1906 I argued
some mineral rights cases in Minne
sota and presented a bill for $15,000.
This, I believe, was approved by the
steel corporation in 1907.
Always After Business
"Since 1907 I have given my time to
the government in the Standard oil and
a few other cases until they were con
cluded, and-I have done little If any
other business. My firm has still con
tinued as counsel for these roads and
both my firm and myself are taking all
the legitimate business we can get. '
. "I have no apology to make to the
American people for appearing for any
corporation or individual. I ' have
never advised the organization -of any
corporation or the operation of any
corporation under the Sherman law. I
wish to make this statement;as broad
as possible." .
Kellogg testified there. was nothing
concerning his relations with the steel
trust railroad companies that he would
not disclose to the committee. .
International :and Great North
ern Sold for $12,645,000
-• PALESTINE. Tex.. June 13.—A com
mittee said to ' represent the Gould' In
terests purchased the International and
Gr#at Northern railroad at receivership
tale here. The road sold for $12,645,000.
YEARS ARE remarried
CHICAGO, June 13.—Benjamin :' R.
Morgan, 'aged 33- years, and Mrs. Julia
A. Morgan,*;* 70 years old, ""after •being
divorced 35 years, were remarried here
yesterday. :: t ' :'" ?■'-'"-'•*'?• -:!
Poorest Snow Ever Seen in San Francisco
E. G. Lewis Properties Sought'
to Be Foreclosed by
... '.~T~. ■ . ;-.-,'.-;
. ST. LOUIS, June 14.'—A receiver for
all of the properties of E. G. Lewis at I
University City, Mo., an Injunction re- I
straining the representatives of the
syndic.-*te of magazine publishers from !
exercising authority? under the recent
agreement taking, over the properties
and a foreclosure * on all Improved
property of the University Heights
realty and development company are
sought by two suits filed today In the
United States circuit court. The prop
erties are valued at, it is said, between
$2,000,000 and $3,000,000. * a""*
'.The suit for a .receiver, was filed by :
23 creditors. It is directed against E.
G. Lewis, the- Lewis publishing " com
pany, the University Heights -.realty !
i and development company, •' People's ;
saving trust, company. United States j
fiber stopper company. University | City ]
art museum society,. St. Louis County i
land title company and the representa
tives of the syndicate, which took over
the Lewis property.
Charges are made -.gainst Lewis and
his companies by the creditors In their
petitions. It. Is represented that all
of the Lewis corporations are Insolvent
and .that their aggregate; indebtedness
amounts to more than $5,000,000. it is
charged that ruin, destruction and
death have followed in the wake of
Lewis' ■ enterprises/due to 'misrepre
sentations made, to investors in his cor
porations and securities.
' It is also charged that the reorgan
ization plan of the syndicate Of; pub
lishers Is a scheme further to deprive
the creditors i of the corporations of
their money. ' '.
Lewis Discusses Case
though unwilling to make a. definite
statement, regarding the suits insti
tuted against him at University City,
Mo., today. E.G. Lewis,- who lectured
here:, tonight in the interest of the
Woman"*;league, said that he believed
the actions to be a continuation of the
long battle that commenced seven years
ago. when receivers took charge of the
People's savings trust company headed
Jby 'him. - •!*
■' ''■ ' i '-... '.'.;' ."/-.'.'V* -"...
Albany Chemical Works De
stroyed in Resulting Fire' ;
ALBANY, N. V., June 13.—One man is
dead, one is missing, and six others
are in a serious condition as the result
of an explosion In the distilling 'room
of the Albany chemical _ works on Van
Renhesselaer island this afternoon. I
Eire, which immediately followed the
explosion, destroyed'the greater, part of
the plant, causing 'a loss estimated'at
$100,000 and threatened the plants of
the Standard arid Texas oil companies,
where 4.000,000 gallons of oil arid gaso
line are stored. • .
: The missing man is Frank F. Adams,
superintendent of the works,. who was
seen to fall Inside'the burning build
ing." :
Marysville Graduate of U. C;
Loses His.Life
YOSEMITE, June 13.—Redwick ? Reh
fues, a graduate ,of the University of
California, was drowned' In the ; Merced
river in the valley ; this afternoon, and
despite efforts of" the cavalry here his
body has . not been ...found..:. Rehfues.
who ' was with 'a • party of friends, at
tempted to cross the *; river on 'J a; log,
and. slipped. sHe 5 was from Mary ville.
House Leaders Agree Upon a Resolution to Investigate
and, if Possible, Reform the Business
[Special Dispatch io The Call]
WASHINGTON, June Recogniz
ing that the democrats of the-house
must. soon face a demand for parcels
post legislation, which it will not be
possible to stave off longer than the
end of the present special session of
congress.- Representative \ Burleson of
Texas, after a conference with house'
leaders.-has devised what he offered as
a constructive substitute for the par
cels post idea.
It Is to eliminate from the transpor
tation scheme of this country the ex
press service. In the opinion of Repre
sentative Burleson, the express service
is unnecessary and an expense in 'the
scheme of transportation, doing a serv
ice which he believes should be re
quired of the 'railroads; or, if; trans
acted by express companies, should.be
HEALPSBURG. June 13.—Grandma
Electa Kennedy of this city, who re
cently, attained the age 'of 101 ; years.
was tonight initiated as a member of
the Eastern Star. She is supposed to
be the oldest person ever taken'lnto
a lodge of any kind and is undoubt
edly the oldest living member of the
order she has just joined.
• - The Initiation was hailed, as a. gala
event by the Eastern Star women of
Sonoma'county, and it was necessary
to run a special train from as far. south
as Petaluma to accommodate the scores
of visitors "who desired to attend the
* FAIRFIELD, June 13.—A divorce of
extreme Interest in army circles was
granted quietly here today, when Mrs.
Agnes L. Schillock, daughter of Briga
dier General Thomas McGregor, ob
tained an interlocutory decree against
lieutenant Colonel j Paul , Schillock hot
the medical corps. The case was heard ■,
in Judge Buckles' court.
Mrs. Schillock was married In 1896 at
WASHINGTON, ' June 13.—Postal
savings depositories in the far west
are being better patronized than those
in other parts of the - country an-;
in other • parts of ' the '" country, an
cock today. Of the postal savings
banks opened May 1. , Bisbee, Ariz., and
Tonopah, Nev., led In the amount of
deposits the first month, with $11,800
and $10,300, respectively.
', The first 93 of these offices estab
SAN PEDRO, June 13.—Theodore
Fulton,- in charge of .the] local offices
of the . West -Coast- steamship company,
today announced a reduction of $1 on
all - through, first .class,- tickets .to ■ the
north. This rate will become effective
YESTERDAY: Highest temperature, 54;
■f> lowest Monday night, 48.
fog in the morning; moderate west wind.
done ;at rates at which the service
could be rendered by parcels post.
In order to pave the way for an ad
justmtmt of the speedy small freight
problem so as to forestall the demand
for the installation of parcels posts by
requiring the railroads instead of the
government to give this /ervice, Burle
son today Introduced a resolution which
plans a most sweeping investigation
into the whole express transportation
system of the country.'
. The resolution seeks to inquire into
the capitalization,, investment' and're
turns of the express business, the rela
tion of stockholders of these companies
to other transportation lines, and the
control, direct or- indirect^ of one ex
press company over another. This in
vestigation ( Burleson would have con
ducted by the bureau of corporations. •
ceremony. Fully 300 members were
present" and in honor of the unique
neophyte the city hall and plaza were
brilliantly Illuminated with hundreds
of electric lights.
When Grandma Kennedy, still sound
in body and keen "of mind, made her
appearance in the hall,,she was: given
a hearty welcome. In reply to a ques
tion as to whether' she was afraid to
"ride the . goat," she -said:'
"I rode astride a mule for 1,400 miles
during the Mexican ' war and I think
I can ride an Eastern Star goat without
any fear."
Fort Meade In South Dakota, when her
father was connected with the depart
ment of Missouri. Duncan A. McLeod
of San; Francisco, attorney • for the
plaintiff, pleaded for a separation on
the ground of extreme cruelty. "
■The SchlUocks have two : children,
Thomas *M. and ■ George W„ and these
the court awarded to the custody of
the mother. Mrs. Schillock resides here
with her father.
lished received $126,800 the first month,
and on May 31 had on deposit $400,000.
There will be in operation July 13
-650 postal savings offices,, 100 addi
tional offices having Just been named,
-50 to be opened July 10 and 50 July 13.
■ ~ Among the -new depositories are the
' following:
Turlock, Chlco and. Salinas, Cal.;
•Sand, Point, Ida.; Glendive, Mont.; Al
bany, Ore.-,:Sedro Wooley, Wash.
in a few days, when the steamer Fort
Bragg sails for Portland via San Fran
cisco. Fulton r lntimated that the fares
would probably go several dollars be
low this rate If competition war
ranted * '■' ■■* ■*■ * .: * ■ ■ ' ..'
Woman Brought to Office in
Hanlon's Auto and Asked
to Sign
He Admits Sending for Widow
and Having Papers All
Ready Prepared
,■■-. .
IN the game of battledore. and
shuttlecock being played in the
police commission, with Chief
Seymour and Near Chief White
as projectiles—a game in which yes
terday's developments left White in
his temporary position of vantage— a
significant feature is the manner in
which Mrs. Anna Postler was induced
to bring charges against Seymour.
Hurried late. Monday afternoon
from her store in the Mission to the
office of Charles F. Hanlon, attorney
for the police commission, in Han
lon's automobile, she was apprised of
the intention of Hanlon and.Theodore
A. Bell, who are associated in the
legal business of the commission, and
was asked to sign the charges which
Bell had already drawn up. She was 1
then taken back to the Mission in the
automobile, after being cautioned to
maintain- secrecy concerning the
whole proceeding.
Conflicting Stories -•*
. Her anxiety to obey ; these instruc
tions -was evident when she was seen
yesterday. at her home, 14 Vicksburg
street. She said that her lawyer had
told her to say nothing, and when
asked for the name of the attorney,
gave that of F. J. Castelhun.. She
also declared that she had caused the
charges to be drawn up in his office
In - the 'Investors* building at Fourth
and Market streets and that he had
known of her Intention for a long time,
but had advised her to wait until the
proper moment.
' When asked later about the 'matter,
Castelhun'said:. * '
" "I have attended to Mrs. Postler's
legal business for a long time but I
never heard her speak of filing charges
against Chief. Seymour. I don't believe
she ever dreamed of doing it until yes
terday, and she did not consult me. I'
knew nothing about, It until she told
me. this morning. I did not Instruct her
not to talk about it." '. ■ . .
Business Manager Talks
When the automobile sent by Hanlon
arrived at Mrs. Postler's little paint
shop, 3247 Nineteenth street, she In
sisted upon taking Andrew. P. Jensen,
her business manager, along with her
to the , Phelan building. - Jensen evi
detly had not been told to suppress the.
the matter, or else disregarded the
order, for when asked about it he said:
'Hanlon and Bell sent the automo
bile; out for Mrs. Postler, and I -went
down with her. We went to Hanlon's
office,' and It was there that she signed
the papers. She never said anything to
me about bringing any charges against
Later, in talking of Mrs. Postler's
efforts to collect on two insurance poli
cies held by her late husband, he said:
'The Woodmen of the World and an
other Insurance company have been
contending that they should not pay
Postler's insurance In full, as they say
he committed suicide. It looks now as
If she may get the money, because
Bell has promised to help her. He told
her that In Hanlon's offlce yesterday
Admit Sending for Her
Attorneys Bell and Hanlon admitted
sending for the woman Monday after
noon, after Judge Seawell's decision
had, quashed : the . charges preferred by
Captain O'Day, but declared that. she
had voluntarily signed' the papers and
was even anxious to do 7;so "after the
matter had been put to her," In Bell's
words.. They enjoined secrecy, because,
as Bell said, It > was their right to do
so, : since they are ' now her 1 attorneys. i
He continued:
'"■When O'Dcy first-filed the charges i
against Seymour, I went out to the j
Mission to see Mrs. Postler and verify j
ODays statement., I sat around for an j
hour, playing with the children until
she came in. She told me her story
and I. took it down in writing, so that.
I was able to draw up the charges be- j
fore sending for her. -'
"At the time we did not need hen ex
cept ; that we had Intended; to put her
on the stand to testify against Seymour.
When - the writ of prohibition was
issued yesterday, however, we decided
differently, arid Mr. Hanlon and I sent
for her to come to his office.
/; "She came in his automobile, bring
ing 'a; man* from her store with her.
She' si fried. the pavers : voluntarily," after

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