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D-zring the past week a party of rep resentative San Franciscans returned from Astoria, Or., where they went to join that thriving city at the mouth of the grand old Columbia in celebrating its one hundredth birthday. Few cities in America have greater cause to be proud of their history than has As toria. Indeed, the founding of Astoria marked the founding of American civ ilization on the Pacific. It came, too. at the end of the most arduous jour ney ever made by trail breakers across a vast continent. The story of As toria is a vital chapter in the story of the west. If you do not know this story by heart, do not fail to read the brief account which is given on this page. A. H. Harris THE story of the planting of civ ilization on the Pacific coast goes back to 1776, when the Spaniards ;*'•/ founded the trading post that aft erward became San Francisco. .But the real planting of white settlements along the coast can he traced to John Jacob Astor, whose expeditions to the Columbia river in ISII resulted in the founding of Astoria and in the perfect ing of the claim of the United States to 'the vast territory known as the Oregon 'country. None of the great events involving territorial rights and settlement fol lowing the dark days at Plymouth Rock can be compared with the planting of civilization on the Pacific coast. W-"i. men dared the wilderness and sun.- «. the isolation and privation which fol lowed settlement in old Oregon It re quired leadership like that of John Jacob Astor to make the venture suc cessful. How proper, then, that the people of the United States should this year Join in celebrating the centennial anniversary of the great event. Astor's crowning desire was to estab lish a line of trading posts from St. Louis to the Pacific coast. In further ance of this object he laid plans to or ganize the greatest company of his day. In 1783 the Northwest Fur /company was organized by wealthy merchants of Montreal. For a long time this com pany held sway over the wintry lakes, and boundless forests of Canada. The power and influence wielded was sim ilar to that of the famous East India company in the realms of the orient. In fact, the Northwest company held feu- dal sway over a vast domain of forest and laka. About this time the United States government began to view with appre hension the growing influence acquired by a combination of foreigners over the aboriginal tribes and made efforts to counteract it. In 1796 agents were sent through the northwest to establish gov ernment trading posts on the frontier. I The object was to link the interests of Indians,- hunters and trappers with that of the government, to promote a better feeling, and divert this growing and important branch of trade into national channels. The expedition was a failure. Then there came to the front /the man of iron • will—John Jacob Astor. What -the United States government could not accomplish was brought to a successful conclusion, and quickly, too. Astor Jumped,.into the breach and laid his plans carefully and methodically. Quietly :he gathered into his ranks men of financial standing and men with brains. In 1809 the New York/legisla ture granted him ' a charter for the American; Fur company, and the pre liminary skirmish in/the succeeding great battle was won. The capital of the company was. $1,000,000. / Articles of agreement by John Jacob' Astor, Alexander McKay,/ Donald : Me-: Dougal arid Donald McKenzie —one Ger man and three Scots—were filed*, June 23, 1810, and the Pacific; Fur company was launched. Astor was to control all the movements of the .company from the: home office In , New; York. ; He was to furnish ships and >' money to f carry out the enterprise by.sea and river and land. ' Two expeditions had been de termined on. The mouth of the Columbia river was the objective point .of one expedition. The Tonquin, a ship of 290 tons with 10 t mounted guns and a crew of 20, was purchased on which to embark the ex pedition. A large cargo of merchandise suitable for barter with the Indians was loaded, also the frame of a coast ing schooner. An assortment •of i seeds for the soil was also / taken aboard. Twelve clerks, some of whom had seen service In Indian trading, were en gaged for the trip. Lieutenant Jona than Thorn of the United States navy, was granted a leave of absence to com mand the Tonquin. September 8, 1810. the Tonquin set sail from New York for the Pacific coast. It was a cosmo politan crew that Commander Thorn had to manage—Canadian voyageurs, trappers, and'adventurers from everywhere. - /. The Falkland 'islands were sighted. December 4, and December 7 the Ton - quin was ;' brought to anchor in Port; Egmont, where a fresh supply of wa . ter /" was taken on. Cape Horn was rounded/without incident and anchor was dropped at the Sandwich Islands in ': February.; ' Here a fresh supply of., water and provisions was obtained. February/28 the ship left the Sand wich , Islands, and March 22 arrived off the mouth of the Columbia river with all on board in good health. .Cap tain Thorn thought it prudent to stand off until the seas had calmed. After a few days the captain became impatient : and" 1 determined to , send a boat's crew to, find the -channel. Chief Mate Fox, John Martin and three Canadians /were ordered to man the boat. Chief Mate Fox, in , the ; face of the; angry seas, protested vigorously, but the captain was inexorable/and the k boat was sent out; No trace of 5 boat or crew was ever found. Two other 4 men, Aikin and Coles,- were also, drowned on a similar expedition:'. The waters having calmed, the Ton quin wat sailed into Baker's bay April; 6, 1811, and the founding/of a trading; post was begun. April 12 a called Point George, was selected. The great ftmbltlon of John Jacob Astor's life was being realized. The story of the daring and hard ships of the land expedition sent to the mouth of the/Columbia river by John Jacob Astor at the same time /reads like fiction. The undertaking of the time, the * most uniques expedi tion in ; the / history "of /America,/ tre ; mendous :in results, the plan of Astor Judged coolly in/the. light of later days, appear •as the dream r > of a man whose ; foresight / has seldom, -if/ever,* Planting American Civilization on the Pacific Coast been equaled In this country. /In 1809 Great Britain and the United; States were recognized rivals-, for the possession of the undeveloped north-, west. The territory covered half a million of square miles. The acquisi tion at this would enhance the power and wealth of any nation: very mate- ; rially. The wise men of England and of America were-slowly getting', their eyes open to the great possibilities of this unexplored region. The Astor land expedition started from Montreal in July, 1810, in charge of: Wilson P. Hunt,'" inexperienced,. in Indian trade. Hunt took /with him Donald McKenzie, who had traded and associated with the redmen for 10 years. Thirty men comprised the ,- expedition. The men were mostly Canadian voya geurs, hardened to toil and abounding in Indian experience. A large amount of stores, among which were plenty of arms and . ammunition, were. embarked In a large canoe arid the party started up the Ottawa river. Mackinaw, at the confluence of s lakes Huron and Michigan, was reached July, 22. Needed supplies were obtained here and August -12 the expedition was/en route to -St. Louis, - ; Mo. The route chosen was via; Green bay,' the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, to Prairie dv Chien, thence down the Mississippi. / At/Mackinaw,' Peter Dorm, a well known , and exper ienced interpreter, was attached to;the party. :'//// * ','. St. Louis was reached without Inci dent September 3. Here the expedi tion encountered.the Missouri Fur com pany. The latter threw every obstacle possible in the way of Mr. 1, Hunt; In car/ rying out project. : He succeeded In : recruiting 30; more men, however,/ and on October 21 embarked > his party and started .up the Missouri . river.'... At the mouth the Nodawa river,; 450. miles from St. Louis, he ; decided to ?.. remain for the winter, as the river had begun to freeze. Having heard alarming reports about the ; lndians along the [ route he-was/to follow. Hunt concluded ,to augment his force. He - left for St. Louis ; January 1, 1811,: one yof j his purposes . being to obtain the services of , a Sioux Inter preter. /He ; reached / the ', camp *; or: / the Nodowa April 17 ; with several/re cruits. Breaking camp, the party on the 2Sth reached the mouth of the Ne braska and Platte rivers May- 10, the expedition arrived at ;Omaha, 830 -. . ~\-. ..--■- .--. -- t" .mi ii, irr ■>i Hi Jti r* n ,m' ■— n._~lwn V miles from the mouth of the Missouri. In the face of ■ a' cold wind the men set out ■ to cross the Rocky mountains. Astoria, Oregon, Celebrates the Centennial of Its Founding by John Jacob Astor's Men as the i-"SSL Climax of One of the Most Arduous and V Heroic Expeditions in All History. Hunt, however, made/the: mistake of going in a southwesterly direction.; The party ■}. became lost f and struck .the \ Big Horn mountains in Wyoming. /' Hunt followed the Big Horn and /Big Wind rivers arid after many days reached the Rocky mountains. The ; crossing of this great range involved intense suf -■ - ' ' • '. ' ' v .l h*""(h-/-*.«* i*"V - , * v * t -» -'-V? fering. At times the men nearly fam ished t for want of .food and had to kill one of the horses to allay their hunger.-; The ; ; passage ;of the mountains being accomplished the expedition moved on until it •; struck Mad river. / Crossing ; the river the party proceeded westward. Here the greatest trials :of the ad venturers began. Wandering for weeks and months In the wilderness, reduced to the necessity of eating horse or dog meat, and worn out by; continu -£.» i .4,..■-*""'.'*■' /".*- ' ** - •"-•- , "- • » '-* "• ous walking,! the men were on the. verge In" i mmtm*-vf- r -.. in ii(iiini««iiiAii| in iimihiiii ij of despair. Hunt, however, never gave up. Pushing forward, a post built by Major Henry, but abandoned, was found on. the upper i'Columbia. and here; Hunt decided .to establisn a permanent post r-*-or.-i|i*^^w«^'«^»)WiWißM«B^^^f#z^,.- :"*~f.7<*»"- '-» i-- - - -»-,-" .%,*,. but the idea was abandoned. The con struction of canoes at this point was begun, and fifteen were finished. Octo ber 18, the weary pilgrims embarked and floated onward toward the west. October 21, a dangerous point was cm countered where the canoes had to be cautiously passed down the rapids with a line. The expedlti6n had traveled 280 miles without seeing a human be ing except themselves or catching sight of a habitation. Here a wandering tribe of Shoshones welcomed and dl v provisions with the party. • Hunt camped' here for nearly two weeks, dur ing which time foria was obtained from v< the Indians. // -~r v On resuming, the Journey rapids were encountered wherein a canoe was upset land Antone Clapplone was drowned and //the contents of the canoe lost At the mouth of the Watia Walla river a band of Indians was met who said that white men had gone down the river some time/ before. Hunt was rejoiced to hear this, as he believed they were of the party led by McKenzie and McLellan, who left Million f - .-..-•- . • The San Francisco Sunday Call the- expedition; In ; the wilderness. The Great FaUs of the Columbia (Cascade locks)/were reached January 31. Here the expedition learned the first tidings of the settlement of Astori^ "by parties sent out on the ship Tonquin from New York city, September 8, 1810. The blow ing up of the Tonquin by the heroic Lewis and the destruction of more than one hundred Indians was told .with awe. February 5 the canoes were" again placed on the river and the party pro ceeded leisurely toward trie: sea. February 15 the party came in sight ■ of the infant settlement of Astoria, and a shout of gladness went up from the tired and hungry party that awoke an answering cry among handful of men In the new settlement.*' The long Journey was ended./ The /Astor land expedition < stands - without a peer in the annals of> Ameri can history. Lost in the wilderness, / reduced to eating horse and dog ; meat. • menaced by hostile tribes of In dians, ; deserted; by half of the party, with; af > record - of one year, seven months-and five, days en route, with the less of only two men by death, the expedition managed by Hunt rivals any expedition of its character in the world. McKenzie and McLellan, together with the men who \ left the main party in the wilderness, • were on hand to greet Hunt and hie :.' men. There was great rejoicing when the Astoria con- ; tlngent was reinforced by nearly «0 „Xr men of experience. Hope, the buoy- ™ ant star, shone brighter / upon the » horizon for the few white men who were to establish civilization on the Pacific coast.