OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, June 15, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1912-06-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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Saturday, June 20, Chosen as
the Day for Closing the Big
Rower Contest
Great preparations are under
way in. the Berkeley Garden City.
The boys and girls who for
months past have been carrying
on their garden activities in that
section of the campus set aside for
their use by the University of Cal
ifornia are planning to wind up
those activities with a great time
on the 29th of this month.
The big feature of the gala day,
however, will be the awarding of
prizes in the sweet pea contest,
which has been in progress since
last December. From all over the
state will come entries to the
flower show, and the enthusiasm
shown by all the agricultural club
members, north and south, speaks
well for the quality of the prod- -
ucts to be displayed.
Ever since the contest was an
nounced last year the boys and
girls have been making ready for
it. Many of them had their seeds
in the ground by the first of Feb
ruary, and no lady of royal favor
has been waited upon and tended
more assiduously than these same
flower children. Books upon
floriculture have been read, cata
logues have been perused, florists
have been interviewed and no
stone has been left unturned by
these wouldbe prize winners
which mig"ht lead them on to vic
And so the Berkeley Garden
City citizens are preparing to
make the 29th a day to be remem
bered long in the annals of the
college city. While the sweet pea
contest will be the drawing , card,
the greatest fun will come after
the prizes have all been awarded
and the flowers sold. For the
Berkeley boys and girls as hosts
for the occasion have arranged to
give a potato bake for the visitors
and their friends.
Now, a potato bake is not half
so uninteresting as it sounds.
While there will be heaps and
heaps of potatoes to be eaten,
there will be numbers of other
good things besides, such as pies
and cakes of the "mother made
them" brand. And then, anyway,
it's mighty hard to find anything
more delectable than a big, fat po
tato roasted out in the open. How
many of the Juniors have lived
this long without having tasted
real "spuds"?
While active work in the agri
cultural classes will be discontin
ued during the vacation months,
the garden industries will be kept
up at home by many of the youth
ful enthusiasts. Then, of course,
the fall term will see the garden
work reorganized with renewed
energy, and the progress made by
the boys and girls during the last
year will be no more than a mark
er for the*work to come. Every
thing will be carried on along a
larger scale and it is hoped to dou
ble the membership of the great
state agricultural club next year.
Several contests are being planned
and these will lend an added
activity to the general work.
If you have not been a
heretofore, make up your miufl to
be one next year, and get in line.
THE San Francisco CALL
He Also Extends Greetings to
the Juniors, Wishing Them
a Happy Summer
The Junior Call, Third and Mar
ket streets, San Francisco, Sat
urday, June 15, 1012.
Dear Boys and Girls :
I have been hearing so much
about commencement exercises
lately that I really feel as though
I were going to school myself. It
must be a very interesting sensa
tion to have a diploma presented
to you and know that your school
days have been a success. Puppy
says it's a heap more interesting
if you don't get the diploma. He
always was a pessimist.
I suppose with very few excep
tions the Juniors are planning the
pleasantest of summer vacations.
Some are going to the mountains,
some to the seashore, others to the
lakes, and so on. Mrs. Master
said the other day that she wa3
going to Alaska, where it was
really cool, but if that's all she's
looking for she couldn't find a bet
ter place than home. Anyway I
don't believe she'll go now, with
the volcanoes cutting all kinds of
capers, and even the rain turning
to sulphuric acid. That's the
trouble with a volcano; they're as
unreliable as the Pup himself.
That reminds me, I had an in
vitation to go to Alaska, too, but
the Editor feels that I'm needed
nearer home. I really think I
ought to be sent as special corre
spondent to the seat of the
trouble, but I reckon they think
some one of those mighty mal
amutes would gobble me up in one
breath. That's the sad" part of
being little; no one gives you
credit for being even a big little
Mother says I should learn to
be a contented person, but I'm not
so sure that a contented state of
mind is the thing I need. People
who are contented with their lot
in life, I have noticed, are the
ones who do not climb very high
in the world's affairs. You need
the little prick of the unattained,
the thing you still want, to urge
you on to bigger things.. And
nothing worth while is ever ac
complished without the accom
paniment of good hard work. And
so while I do not hope to change
my outward appearance to any
considerable extent, I have deter
mined to make such a good record
in other ways that my size won't
count very much. Look at Na
poleon ; he wasn't a dog, but he
was a very little man just the
I hope that just because vaca
tion is at hand the Juniors will
not feel too tired to enter the con
tests. Get to work on the puzzles
and you may win a book that will
prove a boon companion all
through the summer weeks.
There's nothing like trying, you
know. P>est wishes for a pleasant
vacation for each one of you from
the Pup and ALO\Z<>.

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