Newspaper Page Text
Number of Sports Items in Yesterday's CALL 106 Chronicle 63 Examiner ~,. .85 VOLUME (XII.—NO. 60. CONFESSION OF SLAYER CLEARS ROSENTHAL CASE Police Lieut. Becker Held as Arch Plotter in Slaying of Gambler Jack Rose, With Pals, Before Grand Jury, Tells Startling Details of Tragedy Forced to Put Victim Oat of Way to Save Self; "System" Is Implicated , $ — [Special Dispatch to The Call] \ -j. yEW YORK, July 29.—A lon* I step was taken to night In the j I clearing up of the murder of j Herman Rosenthal, the gam bler, by the Indictment, arrest and ar raignment of Police Lieutenant Charles Becker after sensational confessions be fore the grand jury by Jack Rose. Bridgey Weber and Harry Vallon, in which they declare that Becker not only Instigated the murder, but threat pned that unless they saw to it that Rosenthal was put out of the way he would frame up a job on them and send them up the river for a long stretch. Becker is held in the Tombs for murder in the first degree. Rose further admitted he had been for several years the graft collector for Becker and his go between with gamblers. It was a most unusual and sensa tional scene at the criminal court building tonight when the remarkable climax of the most remarkable case In New York's criminal history wai The gamblers. Rose, Vallon and Weber, had told their stories to the district attorney and had agreed to go J before the grand jury. Judge Mulqueen I wu notified and promptly called the I >rrand jury for the first night session ever held in the criminal court build- J ing. The story told the grand jury points to many officials higher In the police department than Becker. The chief witness. Jack Rose, gave testi- H •■• that made the grand jurors sit ha'-k in their chairs, fascinated and And this, perhaps more than anything i else, stands out most prominently in Three main witnesses before the grand jury. Rose, Bridgey Weber and Harry Vellon, were so afraid of the I "system" that they begged not to be sent back to the Tombs, fearing that they -would be killed before morning. District Attorney Whitman was so convinced that their fear was justified that he selected a number of his own detectives, all trustworthy men and This Promises to Be the Most Prosperous Year America Has Ever Enjoyed J.R. HAMILTON Former Advertising Manager of Wanimaker'i, Philadelphia (Copyrighted) ALL over the United States the cup of prosperity is running over. So, if you do not get a chance to drink out of the cup itself, at least get under the drip. There has been a wonderful crop both of PRODUCE and PROD UCTS. Potatoes and pianos have both gone down in price. The same is true of fruits and furniture, and in fact of EVERYTHING in which cither nature or man has had a hand. The sun and the rain and the courage and the wit of man have done the work. Now there is one important commercial difference between PROD UCE and PRODUCTS— and that is in the TIME to buy. The best time to buy produce is IN season; the best time to buy products is OUT of season. FRUIT, for example, is cheapest now because it is IN season; FURNITURE is cheapest because it is OUT OF SEASON. In all these big furniture sales and piano sales, these sales of rugs, of draperies and of house needs of every description, THE PRICES ARE DOWN TO BEDROCK becaue the real season for manufacture and for distribution is past, and the "CLEANING UP TIME" is here. Every maker as well as every dealer is converting his "EXTRA" merchandise into cash- His season has been BIG, but as usual, his OP TIMISM has been bigger, and therefore he has more extra stock than he knows what to do with. You will find values in these summer sales this year that you have not seen before in many seasons. Don't miss them, whatever you do. It is good for everybody once in a while TO REALIZE HIS DESIRES. Look over your homes; see what is wearing out and renew it now from these bountiful sales. When you are through with this article turn to the ADVERTISING on the other pages. This paper is FILLED with it and good values are running over the edges. Why should you buy those chairs or that rug NEXT MONTH when the price has gene back again to where it OUGHT to be? Why not buy all you need right now and DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of your own prosperity. A These sales are valuable to you, every one. And every sale that is WORTH WHILE is appearing RIGHT HERE IN YOUR PAPER from day to day. Make some of this good, overflowing prosperity YOUR prosperity. At lea»t get under the drip. THE San Francisco CALL Great Leader of Island Empire Goes to His Fathers YoshMo, Crown Prince, at Once Accedes to the Throne THE PRINCIPAL FIGURES IN THE GREAT TRAGEDY OF TH& FAR &4ST. IN WHICH ENDS THE REIGN OF ONE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST RULERS AND BEGINS THE REIGN OF A NEW EMPEROR Yoshihito. Japans new ruler. The Doteaget Empress Haruko. The late emperor, hi uisuhito. well armed, to stand guard over the three gamblers in the district attorney's office during the night. The Instructions of these men were to see that no harm befell "Weher, on Continued on Page 8, Column £ SAN FRANCiBdq JTUIfiPAY, JULY 30, 1912. DEATH REVEALS LOVER'S PERFIDY Heiress Alleges Deceased Fiance Helped Sacramento Realty Dealers to Swindle Her [Specie/ Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. July 29.—A shat tered romance in which Miss Isabelle Garwood of New York, reputed to b« worth $2,000,000, and Dr. R. A. Ramos, j a physician of Brooklyn, played the stellar roles, was brought to light by ; a civil suit filed in Sutter county by i Miss Garwood against SchreJber Brothers to cancel the sale of 600 acres of land near Nicolaus, for which $96,000 was paid. j Miss Garwood in her suit alleges that she was led to purchase the land on misrepresentations made to her by local realty dealers and by Doctor Ramos. According to Mies Garwood. she and Doctor Ramos were engaged to marry. The physician left his home in Brook lyn to come to Reno, where he took up his residence preparatory to securing a divorce. Miss Garwood came to Sac ramento. Desiring to invest some of her wealth in valley lands, she was shown the Sufter property and on Doc tor Ramos' advice paid $35,000 down for it. Ramos returned to Reno and secured his divorce decree and a few days later was stricken ill. He was brought to Sacramento and died. Miss Garwood says she learned after his death that he had been paid: $1,300 to Induce her to buy the Sutter ranch.! SHOT FOLLOWS PLAUDITS; WOMAN MUSICIAN KILLED Bullet Is Sent Through Window at Finale SAN BERNARDINO, July 29.—Mrs. Camile Ruex, daughter of John Luna, a wealthy pioneer Mexican settler of this valley, was shot, probably fatally, by her husband, Camile Rues of San Diego, at midnight, Just a* she had finished playing a piece on the piano at an entertainment given in her father's home. Rues flred through a window while the guests were applauding Mrs. Rues' performance. She fell over on the floor, and before any one' could reach Rues he had fired a bullet through his head and lay dead on the ground. i LOVE FOR FELON BREAKS UP HOME OF OAKLANDERS Divorce Sett Mr*. JoJ* W. Tonics , BopenwJi With San Qaentin Convict [Special Dispatch to The Call] OAKLAND. July 29.—" E. J. Tomp kins versus J. W. Tompkins. complaint in divorce, deeertlon," was the legal door to oblivion opened here today to engulf the inex tricably tangled past of Major John W. Tompkins. former state warden in San Quentin penitentiary, his once beautiful wife. Miss Emma Allman Tompkins, art student and society woman, and the sinister figure of W. P. Gordon, former* convict, with whom she eloped. That Mrs. Tompkins was wearied of it all and desired to cut the last thread which tied her to the events of the last decade was Indicated by her petition to resume her maiden name, Allman, which she renounced for Tompkins' 23 years ago. Her request was made in spite of the fact that they have a grown eon j who bears the name of her husband. Escapade With Convict Two years ago the Tompklns were In fhe limelight when Mrs. Tompklns locked her husband out of their home in Fruitvale and a month later was found with Gordon in an apartment tn San Francieco, when Gordon wae ar rested for passing a worthless dcaft. With Gordon's return to prison Mrs. Tompkins announced that she had had her eyes opened, that ehe wished never to see Gordon again and that she would devote her life to caring for Tompkins and making amends to him and to their son. Harold. That was tn August, 1910. She said today in her divorce complaint that Tompkins had finally separated from her December 28 of that year. Every effort was made to conceal the identity of the parties to the suit filed today. The use of the Initials and the fact that only once was the word "her" used In the brief complaint to give a clew to the question whether husband or wife was plaintiff Indi cated the hope of secrecy on -her part. j which her attorneys reflected. That Coatlaaed on Page 3, Coloaui S COW SWALLOWS STOLEN JEWELRY ISptial DUpeich to Th* Cefl) JOLJET, 111., July »».—-Three weeks ago a email box of jewelry was stolen \ from the home of Miss Josephine Schultz of 417 Blackman avenue, this I city. Today it was found in the stom ach of a cow butchered In the Adeler slaughter house. The cow was turned into the slaugh ter house from s> farm situated eight; miles from Joliet. No clew can be \ found to trace the- Journey of the Jewelry from the Schults home to the farm. The articles taken from the stoaach of the animal were two brooches, one diamond ring, a btaeetet and a woman's gold watch. They were put through a cleansing process by a Jeweler and re turned to their owner. WATER RIGHTS LEAD TO DUEL Trinity River Fanners Shoot Each Other in Quarrel of Long Standing [Special Dispatch to The Call] WEAVERVIL£e, July 29.—A batUe of bullets was fought this evening be tween Samuel "W. Hellar and' Brice A. Trimble, well known farmers on the south fork of Trinity river. Trimble fired four times at Hellar and hit him once, breaking his leg. Hellar flred twice at Trimble and hit him once, sending a bullet through his right ear. Each claims that the other flred first. The shooting occurred at a point where water is diverged tor irrigation. Trimble and Hellar have quarreled for years over the water. Finally they took their troubles to court. The case was tried in April, but Judge Bartlett has not yet decided it. Hellar, who weighs 250 pounds, was rendered helpless with a broken leg three miles from the nearest house. Trimble returned to his home. No ar rests have been made. None will be made until District Attorney Gweir re turns from San Francisco. Hellar. the worst injured of the bel ligerents, is a brother in law of Dep uty Sheriff C. W. Halnes of Alameda county, who has been summoned here. U. S. LOSES IN TICKET SCALPING [Specie! Dupatck to The Ceil] CHICAGO. July 29.— Theater ticket speculation proved an unprofitable business venture for the United States government. as well as for Harry N. Waterfall, said at one time to be one of the biggest ticket scalp ers in the country. When Waterfall filed his petition In bankruptcy he scheduled only $63 as sets. His contracts with s> number of the downtown theaters, however, atitf beld good. The government appointed a court officer to continue the busi ness. The report made to the referee in bankruptcy today showed that the. government official* has actually lost the $53 remaining to the credit ot WaterfalL . fQHjbm E WEATHER I rdSwlfnfXbC — Highest temperature, 60; $R TODAY —Cloudy un- I settled jrfath*, sprinkles in the morning, brisk *- of the Weather See T*g« 17 j DARING RESCUES EFFECTED AT FIRE Twenty, Horses Are Burned in Early Morning Blaze; Four Cottages Are Destroyed [Special Dispatch to The Call] OAKLAND. July 30.—Twenty persons narrowly escaped death in-a fire which started in the stable of the American Creamery company at Fifteenth and Kirkham streets shortly before 1 o'clock this morning. It was necessary for the police firemen to break In the doors with axes and fight their way through flame and smoke to effect the rescues. Twenty horses were sacrificed to the flames in the efforts to save the women and children who ~ved in cottages ad joining the stable, all of which were a mass of flames , before the department arrived. The stableman who attempted to save the horses was rescued from the burn ing structure by Heathors, the foreman of the creamery. Both were burned about the face and hands. The creamery company belongs to J. H. Silvexa. The total loss is estimated at $50,000. The flre Is thought to have started In the grain loft of the creamery stable and was not discovered until it had gained considerable headway. All the cottages burned were located on both sides of the stable, along Kirk ham street. These were totally des troyed. The cottages destroyed and the fami lies who occupied them are as follows: At 1502 Kirkham street, Charles Brock, mother and five children. Henry Gould, wife and four children at 1802 Kirkham street. CHURCH SOCIAL ENDS IN WHOLESALE MURDER Revolver Fight Starts Over Pay ment for Ice Cream [Special Dispatch to The Calf] SUL.MVAN, Ind.. July 29.—During* a revolver fight at a church social, which etarted over the payment for a idate of ice cream, two men were killed near here last night and three otners fatally wounded. In all more than 140 shots were fired and It was discovered that fully one-half of those jpresent were armed. A number of those la attendance were badly crushed in the panic that followed the shooting*, i PRICE FIVE CENTS. JAPAN DONS MOURNING FOR HER RULER Mutsuhito, 121 st Emperor of the Land of the Sun, Passes in Peace Into the Land Beyond the Sun 20,000 SUBJECTS STAND MUTE AT PALACE GATES Widowed Empress Haruko Ends Long Vigil Alter Pitifully Begging Physicians to Prolong His Life AS DOWAGER SHE YIELDS TO THE PRINCESS SADAKO TOKYO, July 30.—Mutsuhito, for 40 years emperor of Japan, died at 12:43 o'clock this morning. Yoshihito, Haru-no-Miya, reigns under the formula provided by the constitution promulgated by Mutsu hito. "The Icing is dead; long live the king!" Mutsuhito, who was the one hun dred and twenty-first emperor, passed gently away. He had been uncon scious - many hours prior to his death, and the empress, the crown prince and the most prominent officials of the household and government were at the bedside. Harnko, now dowager empress. yieWs to Princess Sadako, the young -empress, who-ie the mother of three sons, of whom the eldest is Hirohito. Science Fails at Task Harukp has won universal sympathy because of her untiring vigil in the sickroom, where she remained con tinuously for 10 days. Even on the last day she pitifully begged the physi cians to secure a short respite for the dying emperor. Everything known to science was done to prolong the life of the $ov ereign. The whole nation watched pathetically, because the death of the emperor would establish a new epoch in the history of Japan, and the people cling , almost fiercely to the tradition with which the dying monarch appeared indissolubly linked. Outcome Inevitable The outcome was inevitable from the beginning of the trouble, July 19. Death was due to acute nephritis, otherwise known as Bright's disease. This was complicated by diabetes and an intes tinal affection. As is usual in such case.*. , the patient on occasions showed marked signs of improvement, followed by a re lapse. p After July 25 the condition of the em peror gradually became worse, with • high fever, weak and irregular pulse : and shallow respiration. When the physicians recognized the hopelessness of the case every prepara tion was made for the end. The impe i rial princes, the ministers and notables were summoned to the palace and re mained in the outer rooms for 24 hours, i A few of the oldest, who have been closely associated with the emperor, were permitted to Bee him, while the . public, contrary to custom, was taken . into the confidence of the physicians, t who issued bulletins hourly giving de [ tails of the progress of the disease. Even the last announcement—that of the death of the emperor—was made within an hour. 20,000 Bow in Grief ' At the end upward of 20,000 subjects ' silently paid their last homage outside • the palace gates. It was a marvelous scene when meg -1 sengere silently mingled with the • crowds and scattered announcements •of the emperor's death. Deep emotion Why Is It?—^p. Why the greatft X demand ior\t W&L&iP Equipoise Eye Glasses ?—Very easily explained j —because they «M!N{ are giving satisfac- (mw. tion. As to comfort, I * the wearer forgets VI .. he has them on. Put on and taken oil with \J/ just the thumb and finger. Wear One. California Optical Co* (W.D.Fniiimere J.W.Darta A.R.Fennlmor*) 181 Poet St San Francisco 1221 Broadway Oakland (C. L. Hoguc «t Oatl«nd Store)