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ON GUARD AGAINST DISEASE Officials and Citizens Join Forces ERNEST A. MOTT-SMITH Secretary of the Territory of Hawaii ONE of the greatest assets in health matters which Hawaii posseses is the constant and de pendable interest of its residents in matters of public health and sanita tion. This interest exists among the oriental as well as among the Cau casian population. Its manifestations run in many directions and have al ways been enthusiastic and steady. It has generally taken the form of hearty co-operation with the territorial board of health and federal service. It has arisen to every emergency and has not stopped when the emergency was over, but continued during ordinary times, when no imminent questions of public health were at issue. Hawaii has firmly established this reputation of civic In terest at home and abroad by actual work and not by mere talk or mere or ganization. In 1895 a cholera outbreak of no mean proportion occurred in Honolulu. The infection undoubtedly came from the orient. The emergency was great. A call was made for the citizens to organize | a citizens' sanitary committee and corps to assist the territorial board of health ,In stamping out the disease. The re sponse to this call was remarkable. The citizens immediately effected and put into operation an organization un der which the entire city was dis tricted, policed and quarantined, a twice daily inspection and census taken, all cases of sickness promptly reported and within a short time the disease was stamped out. In 1900 plague broke out in Honolulu. The same process was gone through. CLEANUP DAY In 1911 cholera again broke out, and within an incredibly short time was eradicated, the mortality, with the ex ception of two Portuguese, being con fined to Hawaiians. This was followed a few months later by a "cleanup day" campaign which was organized, put into operation and financed by the several improvement clubs of Honolulu. Im mediately thereafter the citizens organ ized and conducted a mosquito elimina tion campaign at a cost of $100,000, which has so diminished mosquitoes In Honolulu that they are now hardly noticeable. In matters of health, clean liness and sanitation the people of Hawaii insist that not only shall public officials, but also individuals, do their share in the maintenance and continu ance of health conditions. The city is now on the eve of another cleanup day campaign, and the indications are that cleanup day will become an annual affair. * • * Hawaii Can Combat Easily All Disease Hawaii, like other communities, has •*fceen assailed from time to time by con tagious diseases. With the exception of the two smallpox epidemics which.oc curred in 1852 and 1881, and a small outbreak in 1910, the outbreaks of cholera in 1895 and 1910 and that of plague in 1900, there have been no serious outbreaks of diseases of a con tagious nature. Whatever cases have occurred In the last 10 years have been promptly and efficiently met by the health officials and organizations above named and without danger and with very little inconvenience to the pub lic. The recurrence of these is growing less and less as time passes. There are the usual occurrences of mumps, whooping cough, measles and occasion ally diphtheria and typhoid, such as are found in any community, but they are promptly met and usually occur in modified forms. The general health of the territory is good. Hawaii is a healthy place in which to live It has been aptly termed the "Paradise of the Pacific." The place is unique. It has many scenic attractions, Interesting sports and customs. The temperature is semitropical, never too hot in the summer nor too cold in winter. The islands lie 2,000 miles away from the nearest mainland coast in the track of the northwest and the north east trades which blow steadily from March until November and intermit tently during the other months. Hence Hawaii with its sea isolation, sur rounded on all sides by a vast expanse of the Pacific ocean, with its salubrious and healthy climate, is enabled to con trol and combat the introduction of diseases from without and to prevent the spread of disease from within. Our state boarders are the sea, our assets perennial sunshine and healthful winds. Hawaii Is not the endemic focus of any disease. Every disease has been introduced, principally from the orient. Before the advent of other races dis ease was practically unknown in these islands. The native race waa composed of healthy men, women and children. The usual and destructive ills of mod ern civilization were absent. Mosqui toes were not to be found nor any of the other Insects which play so impor tant a part in the transmission of dis eases. These were all introduced into Hawaii from without. Hence it is im portant that the precautions taken at the ports of entry should be complete and efficient and the outer defense be strong. OUTPOSTS AGAINST DISEASE The outer defense against the intro duction of diseases consists of the United States pubHc health and marine service and its station in Hawaii, the federal immigration service and the territorial board of health. The func tions of the public health and marine hospital service are well known. That service has absolute quarantine pow ers against cholera, yellow fever, sSftllpox. typhus fever, leprosy and plague. The efficiency of the service is beyond question. The federal Immi gration service has authority to re ject and deport immigrants afflicted with other disease. The territorial government has control of internal health matters and concurrent jurisdic tion with the federal government over vessels and passengers entering the harbors' of the territory. Its quaran tine powers extend and apply to the whole category of infectious and con tagious diseases. These three services work together in hearty co-operation and form an effective barrier against the introduction of diseases from with out. * In addition thereto the territorial board of agriculture has among Its' other functions, quarantine powers over tuberculosis in cattle and rabies in dogs. The activity of the territor ial board of health in internal health matters includes among other things a complete system of inspection and sanitation in which each house is mapped and the owners and occupants recorded. Fumigation and disinfection work is carried on; a system of vital statistics and the maintenance of 24 physicians under government pay In the various districts of the territory, whose duties are not only to report births, deaths and marriages and issue birth certifi cates and burial permits, but immedi ately to report all cases of sickness of a contagious or anjnfectious nature as well as to take care of and treat indi gent persons for sickness of any kind and to pass upon the location of dai ries, markets, slaughter houses, laun dries and the like; the maintenance of an insane asylum, a mosquito cam paign and an efficient system for the and treatment of all diseases of a contagious or Infectious nature. No person coming to the Hawaian islands need fear contracting any unus ual disease or any disease for that matter. Very few communities look after their general health conditions more consistently than this community does. The purpose of Its health de partment, with Its elaborate organiza tions, its liberal appropriations, its system of care and treatment of Indi gent sick, its facilities, among oth ers, for quarantine, disinfection and fumigation is to make these islands a "Paradise of Health" as well as the "Paradise of the Pacific." There is no reason why this can not be done with the facilities at the disposal of the federal, territorial and county services and .with the advantage of a fresh, brisk and healthful climate and sea isolation. The territory has already gone a long way toward this consum mation. * * * Statistics Prove Rumors False " 'Leprosy in the Hawaiian islands. It is increasing at an alarming 'rate among the white population. One Hawaiian in 34 is a leper. Lepers may be'seen in the streets of Honolulu almost every day. The law governing segregation of lepers is feeble, concili atory and inefficient and does not pro tect public health. The whole subject is governed by politics,' " quoted Ernest Mott-Smith, secretary of the territory of Hawaii, to the interviewer. "These and like statements are the head lines and body material occasionally met with in daily papers," he continued. "Then again writers of fiction have touched on this disease. "For dramatic effect the subject is easy. To depict it needs no Imagina tion; the bare mention of the affliction is alone sufficient. It is, and has been, pictured as the highest form of martyr dom—a horrible living death. Worse still It is now so considered and has been for centuries. Some even regard it as an adequate and fitting method of personal expiation, while others hale it as an opportunity of dying in a blaze of glory. These statements are not unfounded. Applications have been received in Hawaii from soldiers, nurses, doctors, divines, clerks, in fact from people in all walks of life in the United States and elsewhere begging the territorial officials that they be allowed to go to the leper settlement on the island of Molokal that they may there suffer and die. "To those who are-rfamillar with lep rosy this sentiment is all rot. It is in maudlin contrast with the high pur pose and devotion of the Catholic brothers and sisters and of the officials and others who are ministering to the afflicted at the leper settlement on Mo lokal. These people are not afraid of leprosy. Nor do they seek to get it; nor do they hope nor contemplate dying of it. LITTLE DANGER OF CONTAGION "The fact is, leprosy is one of the least, if not the least, communicable of diseases. It can not be communi cated by direct innoculation. It is not hereditary. Eminent medical authori ties have held that the disease Is not even contagious. No qualified authority goes further than to claim that it is more than very mildly contagious or communicable, and then only under very special conditions, or Because of the peculiar receptability of the host through anemic or diseased conditions, accompanied by filth, poor and re stricted diet, poor ventilation, poor sanitary conditions and the like. Lep rosy is seldom If ever communicated by direct contact, though such contact may be daily and intimate, as will be shown below by statistics concerning Kokuas at the leper settlement on Mo lokal. "A person of clean habits and diet need have but little fear of contract ing leprosy. "Hence while there are several means by which leprosy is known to be com municated, means by which it has been ■-M l «v « m.V' ■ » y™^TaTN af'l A H* aM / tj'i X ij^ T\ A A g t /""M i ,4 popularly thought to be communicable. It remains to be ascertained how it act ually Is communicated. The Incubation period of most communicable diseases Is known, as also the means of com municability and degrees of virulence These facts are unknown In leprosy. "But few months have elapsed since the bacillus of leprosy has been suc cessfully grown artificially, this having been first accomplished by M. T. Clegg, who Is now developing his discovery in the federal laboratory near Honolulu. The incubation period and transmlssi bllity of the disease are now receiving close attention and some light may be thrown upon these important points so that In the near future a cure for the disease may be discovered. The dis ease Is not incurable. There have been natural cures and some apparent cures. The uifnculty is that the universal specific Is as yet unknown. DOES NOT SPREAD AT MOLOKAI "The facts aho%'e stated are not based on theory. They have been learned from actual experience in Hawaii and do not differ from facts learned from experience in other countries where leprosy has been or is present," con tinued the territorial secretary. "There is # good deal of leprosy in other parts of the United States today. "In regard to hereditary and contact the following statistics are Instructive: "Since 1003 there have been 156 chil dren born at the leper settlement on Molokal of whom but one, who was not removed at birth from the leprous mother, became a leper. It has been ascertained that if a child Is removed at birth from the mother and from con tact with other lepers it will not be come leprous. During the last 46 years there have been 234 Kokuas at the set tlement of whom 156 have been there more than five years, 97 more than 10 years, 67 more than 15 years, 43 more than 20 years, 21 more than 25 years. These Kokuas are the helpers and per sonal nurses of helpless lepers in most cases the husband or wife of the leper. Hence the contact between them is daily and intimate. Of these 234 Ko kuas over a period of 46 years only four have acquired leprosy at the set tlement. Not one of the officials, doc tors or nurses connected with the set tlement on Molokal since its establish ment In 1866 has acquired leprosy. Father Damien contracted leprosy, but that was an extraordinary exception to the experiences of others. "It is a fair question: Is there any truth in the reports in newspapers and periodicals which are contrary to the records of the settlement? LEPROSY ON DECREASE "Leprosy Is not on the Increase in Hawaii. It Is on the decrease," de clared the official. "Moreover, there is a material diminution in Its virulency. From a statistical standpoint it may be. said that one Hawaiian in 70 is a leper. But to convey the Impression thereby that one Hawaiian in every 70 met with in the streets or at large in the country is a leper is a crime against truth. The figures mean no more than this, that the Hawaiian and part Hawaiian population in the territory is estimated at 38,000, of which 550 are lepers, seg regated over a number of years, who are now confined at the leper settle ment on the island of Molokal. The lepers are not allowed to remain at large In the community. "In regard to lepers wandering at large, an inquiry on this point was made a short time since of every prac ticing physician in the territory, with the consequential effect that there were no lepers seen at large who were not then or shortly afterward apprehended by the territorial board of health. The value of this testimony arises from the fact that all physicians are required by law, under penalty of a fine and for feiture of license, Immediately to re port all new cases to the health author ities. All sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, po lice officers and school teachers, as well as other officials, are also required to do the same. Moreover the territory maintains 24 physicians under pay upon whom is laid this duty of discov ering cases of leprosy. These and many other means and precautions are em ployed to remove the afflicted from the community. The segregation law is backed by a warrant of arrest and for cible removal If necessary. A case oc curring among the thousands of tour ists and the more thousands of soldiers who have come to Hawaii is yet to be heard of. "Among the 6,000 people made home less by the great Chinatown fire of 1900, which occurred during the plague outbreak of that year and destroyed moi*a than 30 acres of congested and crowded quarters, In which were housed people of all nationalities, but three lepers were found, and the existence of these had already been known to the health authorities. These 6,000 people were individually bathed and given a careful inspection and examination by physicians before being placed in the quarters temporarily erected for them. The chance that there are more lepers among them is very remote. The de plorable house and living conditions of that day have not been allowed to re cur. "Leprosy is confined almost wholly to Hawaiians. There are a few cases among Portuguese, Japanese and Chi nese. Among American, British and German there has been but one case since 1910, and but very few cases be fore that date. Almost without excep tion, every case hae been the result of extraordinary contact with or exposure to the disease." Alexander &Baldwin, ud. OFFICES: Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, T. H. Mehlhorn Building, Seattle, Wash. 82 Wall Street, New York, N. V, Alaska Commercial Building, San Francisco, Cal. t , —-—^—_____ OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J. P. COOKE President and Director. W. M. ALEXANDER First Vice-President and Director. J. R. GALT Second Vice-President and Director. W. 0. SMITH Third Vice-President and Director. J. WATERHOUSE Treasurer and Director. E. E. PAXTON Secretary and Director. GEO. N. WILCOX Director! W. R. CASTLE Director. S. A. BALDWIN.. ~ Director. • j Sugar Factors, Commission Merchants and Insurance Agents AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company. Kahului Railroad Company. Haiku Sugar Company. Kauai Railway Company. Paia Plantation. Honolua Ranch. Maui Agriculture Company. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Hawaiian Sugar Company. American Central Insurance Company. Mcßryde Sugar Company, Ltd. New Zealand Insurance Company. Kahuku Plantation Company. General A.F.&L. Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Haiku Fruit and Packing Company, Ltd. German Alliance Insurance Association. Kauai Fruit and Land Company, Ltd. Switzerland Marine Insurance Company, Ltd • . .. . .». ......... __ __ . "i. 7. . __ i; «. I.i» ..»»»■.»■> * m ■ >"»'■• ■>■■•■■> ■•">■«'■>"« »«,.«i.»,i>m»..«..«,. > ,.> '.'.ii. i' » i» i. »n>'i«i »n» i.i » i. »■!» | a i >,i i>i,>.i>i.>.,».■>..»■■« ...» i. ........■>.■.....«..!■» ■*-.».-.-....-»......-.-«..«..»..«.. > _ < .^.^ !.,» »l » >■ .1 .1 .!'.■ » . » ....■..■■.■l. .I. $ .1.1.1. ... .1 » .11.1 .Mt' ... ....!». .1.1 .1 »l . |l HI | | | H HI » .1 |.1|1.|11|11|1.|1.|.1..|,. ..1....■!. !<.... >■ ..1.■!.■...1.' .I.' »■■»■■.■■.■■»■ »-.-.-»•'» » 1.1. « 11. —..■«..»..«..». .«■■»-».., ' . ■ ■ / B 9 aHB HMM|HairiHi|MM H ■fm^M^ff vi;^B: aa» M ~Mmz ' Rr ■ , . .'■* . ""''"'ii'i'iiaMiiiall IWat C. Brewer & Company, limited Established 1826 PLANTATION 40—KCmmt ShiDDIIIIL INSURANCE] AGENCIES! Hawaiian Agriculture Compaay, Kan. mT 2** — '- ¥ ___._„ «_ „ # ¥ i»-«.«^i PepeekeoS««« Company. Hllo. IsUIIIIIIi>MUII dllU Caledonian Company ot Edinburgh. «»«r m„i ~ .... Scottlah Union * National Inaurance of Edinburgh. Co«mmlal Uoion A».m« nM Co. ot London. kE Kll.uea, Kaai. UCnerai MerCnanlS AneH«. and Foreign inauranee Co. Hllo Sugar Company, Walnuku, Hllo, Hawaii. Paauhau Sugar Plantation Company, Hamakua, HawaU _ _ ______ AGENTS Hakalau Plantation Company, Hllo, Hawaii. FORT STREET Hutchlnaon Sugar Plantation Company, Kan, Hawaii. *\/«»A wittuui, Walmaaalo Sugar Company, Walmanalo, Oahu. TTriWrtT TTT TT 1> TX Taomaa Pineapple Company. Honolulu Plantation Company, Alea, Oahu. Win VJjUJLiU, A. XI. Baldwin Locomotive Work* of Phlldelphla. C. BREWER & COMPANY, Limited, An Hawaiian corporation, was founded as early as 1826, and 1* tne Islands, the largest quantity controlled by any one concern said to be the oldest American Mercantile organization west among the several agency houses of Honolulu. of the Rockies. Among the earlier names Identified with the House of The business, first begun by Captain Charles Brewer and fl^7. <F nl t itX^ G J ne^t t }u ned P , e Vl r Bushman Jones its rirst presi- James M. Hunnewell oarlv traders in th« Parlflr from K«v %L Dt \ Cna / 1 ?? R - Bisno P. of the Bank of California; the late t« . fu „l A JT ii ZT Charles M. Cooke, Henry A. P. Carter, at one time Hawaiian England, carried on business through the whaling period as minister to Washington general merchandisers and agents of the whaling fleet. Final- _. " ly, with the wane of the whaling business, became interested tt-,,,??^-^! 6111 B ?f rd * °t, directors are the following: E. in the sugar business and has steadily expanded as a factor Cl"enc? IS rL %oSke S /"r cdtVw of the sugar development of Hawaii since 1876, the year that g 0 a £ c alorge R Carier&nd R T Ckfoke Gartley. the sugar industry received its initial impetus through the v BB ™" LWierwna «• *• Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty with the United States, in 1883 The business of the concern is confined to agency lines, the firm became incorporated with a capital of $500,000—while # representing very substantial plantation artd steamship hold today Its capital is $2,200,000, with a reserve and surplus ad- lngs, insurance representations and incidental connections. This ditional of $3,000,000. house is the general agent of the Oceanic Steamship Company, On January 1. 1910. C. Brewer A Company, Limited, took cSis* betWeCn B * n Franclsco ' Honolulu and the Australian over the business of William G. Irwin & Co., Limited, which substantially added to its greatness as a mercantile organlza-* The Saa Franciaco correapondenta of this firm are: Messrs. tion. For the year 1911 the house represented the production Welch * Co. of 244 California Street, and J. D. Spreckela Broa. of 132,000 tons of sugars about of the product of Co. of 106 Davie Street. 3