OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, August 14, 1912, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1912-08-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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Sugar Out put of Islands Increases Fourfold In II Years
Sugar Factors Co., Ltd.,
Solves Planters' Problems
//rriHE Sugar Factors Company,
| Limited, is a corporation, or
ganized In 1904 to facilitate the
transportation and marketing of
the sugar crops of a number of Ha
waiian plantations. The stock of this
company is entirely held by Hawaiian
sugar corporations engaged in the man
ufacture of raw sugar from sugar cane,
and the company acts as an agent or
broker to further the common object of
the corporations, Its stock holders," said
A. M. Nowell, manager of the company,
in an Interview recently given in Hono
The following table, compiled by
Manager Nowell, shows the growth of
the sugar output of tne Hawaiian isl
Year — Short Tons! Year — Short Tone
1891 14C.000'U»06 429,000
1890 220.00011911 507,000
SDOI 360.000
"It can be readily seen," he continued,
"that arrangements that were entirely
satlsfactory for the transportation and
marketing of the Hawaiian crop of 116,
--000 tons in 1891 might be entirely un
satisfactory when applied to the 1911
crop of 567,000 tons.
"The percentage of the total Ha
waiian crop handled by the Sugar Fac
tors company, Limited, varies from 80
to 85 per cent, and all of these sugars
are shipped in the raw state to the
United States mainland, a-portion going
to the Pacific coast and the remainder
to the Atlantic seaboard. The total
sugars controlled by the Sugar Factors
company. Limited, has increased during
the period of the company's existence
from 350,000 tons in 1905 to 475,000 tons
in 1911.
How most advantageously to trans
port these sugars and how best to mar
ket them after they arrive at their des
tination have been problems that have
occupied the attention of the Hawaiian
planters for a great many years. In
former years all such arrangements
were made by the individual plantations
thruugh their respective Honolulu
agents, while now much of this is at
tended to by the Sugar Factors com
pany, Limited. There is unavoidable
loss accruing to sugars in transit—act
ual loss in weight through the sifting
on account of handling and loss from
sweat dama#e, brought about through a
number of causes. A great deal of time
and thought has been directed to eco
nomical transportation of the sugars to
market, and while a consideration of the
freight rates, interest and insurance
charges has been of prime importance.
the matter of loss of weight in transit
>.as demanded attention. When this com
pany was first organized its sugars
destined for eastern delivery were
shipped by two routes—first, by sail or
steam to San Francisco, thence overland
by rail to New Orleans, thence to New
York or Philadelphia by steamer; sec
ond, by sail or steam around Cape Horn
to New York or Philadelphia. The first
routing was very unsatisfactory, the
cost being greater and, in addition
thereto, the loss in weight much greater
than by the all water route. More satis
factory routings have since been made.
Commencing with 1907, this company
ceased to transport its sugars to east
ern markets via tne overland route and
In that year Inaugurated the Tehuan
tepec service, the sugars being trans
ported in American-Hawaiian Steamship
company vessels to Salina Cruz, Mexico,
there trans-shipped by means of the
Tehuantepec National Railway company
to Puerto Mexico, where they are
again laden on board American-
Hawaiian Steamship company vessels
and discharged at New York or Phila
delphia, During the year 1911 89 per
cent of the Sugar Factors company,
Limited, sugars for eastern delivery
were routed via Tehuantepec, which
route during the same year transported
60 per cent of the total sugar under Its
control. During 1911 68 per cent of the
total sugars were delivered at New
York or Philadelphia, 32 per cent being
delivered at San Francisco. While the
use of the Tehuantepec route necessi
tates considerable handling of the
sugars so transported, the results ob
tained are very satisfactory. . '
"The steamship company maintains
an 11 day service, and those vessels of
the Pacific fleet that call at Hawaii are
six—four of 12,000 tons capacity and
two of 10,750 tons capacity. The steam
ers in the Pacific are of greater ton
nage than those In the Atlantic, neces
sitating a division of the cargo at Te
huantepec. Thus, sugars leaving Ha
waii l|i one vessel are delivered at New
York or Philadelphia in two vessels
and at different times. The first-half
cargoes average about 29 days in tran
sit from Hawaii to New YoVk or Phil
adelphia and the eecond-half cargoes
average 85 days, or a total average for
each whole cargo of 32 days. The time
In transit is divided, theoretically, as
Hawaii to Salina Crux 14
Salina Crua to Puerto Mexico (rail) 9
Puerto Mexico to Delaware Breakwater 8
Total 28
"The shipping season for Hawaiian
sugars covers a period of approximate
ly nine months—from the middle of De
cember to the middle of the following
During the season of 1911, according
to Manager Nowell's table, the sugar
shipped by this company reached the
market in the following months:
Month— Short Tona
December, 1910 4,000
January, 1911 28,000
February 27,000
March. 49,000
April 49,000
May 67,000
June 69,000
July 42,000
Auguat .4 68,000
September 43,000
October 38,000
November 21,000
Total 473,000
"The agreements under which the
Sugar Factors company, Limited,
sugars are sold," Nowell explained,
"make it imperative to ship the sugars
as Cast as they are manufactured, thus
making It impossible to influence the
market at San Francisco or New York.
When the Panama canal Is opened* for
traffic it will be possible to ship our
sugars from Hawaii and land them in
the New York or Philadelphia markets
in about 28 days, without breaking
cargo In transit and the consequent
loss in weight. The distance over
which the Hawaiian sugars are trans
ported when destined for eastern deliv
ery, via Tehuantepec, Is as follows:
Hawaii to Salina Crua 8.442
Salina Crus to Puerto Mexico (rail) 192
Puerto Mexico to New York 2,038
Total 6,670
The distance Tia tbe Panama canal will ap
proximately be as follows:
Hawaii to Panama 4,685
Canal (Panama to Colon) 48
Colon to New York 1,882
T»UI M 6,718
"It will thus be seen that the steam
Opening of Panama Canal Will
Expedite Landing of Sugar
Crop in the East
ing distance via Panama is approxi
mately 1.200 miles more than via
Tehauntepec, which means f*ve days
more steaming, but while it now takes
six days to transport the sugars across
Tehauntepec, the time consumed In
passing through the canal will be but
one day, which means that an entire
cargo could be landed in New York or
Philadelphia in the same time that a
part cargo now consumes via Tehitun
tepec, or in four days less time fo» the
entire cargo. If shipments are n.ade
by way of the Panama canal It shoald
mean a considerable reduction In the
loss in weight factor, besides, In all
probability, a saving in the transpor-
tatlon charges.
"The California and Hawaiian Sugar
refinery at Crockett, Cal.. is owned by
the Sugar Factors company, Limited,
and by one other Hawaiian interest,
the former holding a large controlling
interest in this refinery. The Sugar
Factors Company, Limited, transports
each year sufficient of the sugars under
Its control to run this refinery to its
capacity, which is from 150,000 to 200,
--000 tons annually. The remaining
sugars, arter the Crockett refinery is
supplied, are transported to the At
lantic seaboard and sold to the Ameri
can Sugar Refining company under con
tract. The sugar market of the Paqifio
coast and mountain states is supplied
by the California and Hawaiian Sua-ar
Refining company, the Western Sug»r
Refining company and by the beet
sugar refineries located in that section
of the country. There are no cane
sugar refineries located between San
Francisco In the west and New Orleans
In the south, or between New Orleans
in the south and New York, Philadel
phia or Boston In the east, and the en
tire United States market for refined
cane sugar is supplied by the refineries
located at these refining points.
"There is active competition between
the refining interests at these locali
ties," the manager asserted, "and there
must necessarily be a point beyond
which no refining company can expect
to market Its sugars in competition
with the other companies. As a mat
ter of fact, the San Francisco refineries
find a market for their sugars as far
east as the Missouri river. Beyond that
it seems impracticable to compete with
the eastern and southern refineries. It
is >for this reason that the Sugar Fac
tors Company, Limited, ships to Its re
finery at Crockett only 150,000 to 200,
000 tons of Its output of raw sugars,
for that amount, together with the re
fined output of the Western Sugar Re
fining company and the beet sugar
companies, goes to make up the total
sugar profitably find a market.
The balance of the Sugar Factors com
pany output, which Is about two-thirds
of the total, must necessarily be sold
elsewhere. Formerly all the Hawaiian
Hawaiian Born Japanese Are
No Menace on the Islands
ONE of the favorite fads of the
alarmists Is to point with fear
and trembling to the large num
ber of Japanese children who are
supposed to be growing up in the ter
ritory of Hawaii, and who are ex
pected, by the alarmists, to control the
electorate at some future day.
Japanese born in the territory may,
of course, elect to accept American citi
zenship and vote. Theoretically, they
might overwhelm the population other
than Japanese-American. But it is to
be supposed that people of other races
and nationalities will not cease to grow
and Increase.
The facts are that there Is a steady
exodus of Japanese children born In
these islands to the homes of Japa
nese parents in Japan. In other words,
a very large proportion of the Japa
nese send their children back to Japan
as soon as they are old enough to
This Is proved by the statistics. For
the seven years from 1905 to 1911, in
clusive, the departures of Japanese
children for Japan from the port of
Honolulu exceeded the arrivals by
6,734. In other words, excess Japanese
„ . 1W» I! *£ 190T I{ K» 1909 IMO 1911 Total
*«*•■ 1.W7 9SB 1.134 1,505 I.r.VS 1.608 1.608 9.648
P«n»ale MW __083 L 045 1.365 1.428 1,832 1,454 9,127
SSfi 2 2 37 1 9 21 2179 *** 37500 3ToC2 1^775
children born In the islands and sent Taking into consideration the death
back to the home of their parents in rate for this period, it would be safe t-
Japan amounted to about 1,000 a year say that during the seven years, inclu
for seven years. This exodus is go- sive, a surplus of 10.000 Japanese chil
lng on continually. dren. male and female, remained in the
It Is true that the parents of many
of these children previous to their be
ing sent away take out certificates of
birth showing that they were born in
The records of the office of the sec
retary of the territory gives the fol
lowing totals of certificates of Ha
waiian birth, which certificate, it should
be understood, is merely a record of
American birth, for the years under
Year— Malea Femalee Total
1906 8 0 8
180T 16 0 16
WOS 353 42 895
crop was sold on the Pacific coast, but |>
that was when the total crop amounted
to rtot more than 200,000 short tons.
When the total sugars produced began
to exceed the capacity of the refineries
tn California, by which I mean the
marketing capacity, it was necessary
to find a market for these sugars In
some other portion of the United
1909 715 «S 788
1910 2,611 825 2,938
1911 7 8 13
Total 8,708 443 4,151
Yw— Males Females Total
1907 2 1 3
1908 4 8 7
1900 , 4 0 4
1910 7 8 13
1911 0 1 1
Total 17 11 28
It thus appears that less than two
thirds of the excess of Hawaiian born
Japanese who were sent back to the
homes of their parents took out certifi
cates to establish the fact that they
were born on American territory.
The purpose of securing these certifi
cates Is undoubtedly to assure these!
children the right of free entry to the
United States should at any future
time rules be laid down by Japan or
the United States to restrict the move
ment of the Japanese laboring classes
between the two countries.
The Hawaiian born Japanese, as
shown by the records of the Japanese
consulate In Honolulu for the years
1905 and 1911, inclusive, a period of
seven years, amounted to a total of
18,775, divided as follows:
territory of Hawaii to become citizens
of the United States.
If none other than Japanese children
were born in Hawaii from year to year
the alarmists might have some ground
for their fear. The Portuguese-Ameri
cans and the Hawaiian-Americans are
more prolific than the Japanese, and
there are also the Chinese-American
and the Caucasian races to be taken
Into account. It should also be borne
in mind that there is a steadily increpoJK
Ing influx of Americans rrom the main
To claim or expect> that these Japan
ese children will control the electorate
in the sense of voting as a unit is pre
It should be remembered that these
Coatiaued on Pace S

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