OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, November 20, 1912, Image 10

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City's Future Largely Depends
On the Mayor's Eastern Mission
|\ of supervisors to Mayor Rolph and Supervisor \ ogelsang
as they left the city hall for Washington.
Possibly they don't need to "bring home the bacon" with them,
that being a matter of personal choice and domestic economy, but
what they are to bring home is the water to parboil the bacon in.
in support of the application of the city for the use of the waters
The mayor, the supervisor and a party of city officials go to
Washington to make what should be the city's last appearance
before the department of the interior and the national government
in the support of the application of the city for the use of the waters
of Lake Eleanor and the Hetch Hetchy watershed for a municipal
The trip is of vital importance to the city. Nearly $2,000,000
of the Hetch Hetchy bond money already has been expended by
the city in land purchases, preliminary work, surveys, litigation,
plans, estimates, expert reports, trips to Washington and in other
ways. But we have yet an irrevocable permit for the water. All
the expenditures have not been judiciously or economically made.
Henceforth, however, the magic of efficiency should be instilled into
the spirit of Hetch Hetchy procedure. With a city engineer who
is paid a big salary and is worth it, with a mayor whose energy and
business talent are dedicated to the cause of administering the
affairs of the city in the best way, with an alert and intelligent board
of supervisors, there should be a« efficient and manage
ment of the water supply development.
Our success depends upon Secretary of the Interior Fisher and,
behind him, on President Taft. Congress should act on their recom
mendations in this matter. The president and the secretary of the
interior will decide honestly upon the application of San Francisco
and as wisely as they may.
The highest purpose to which the Hetch Hetchy valley may be
put is to supply more than a million people with pure, fresh water.
We hope Mayor Rolph and his associates will be able to demonstrate
that to the people in Washington.
* I iHAT all private land holdings in the Yosemite National park
shall be taken over by the government and that the standing
timber shall be protected from the reckless forest denudation
■ ~" 1- of private owners has been recommended by
Lieutenant Colonel Forsyth. superintendent of
I the park. All Californians should support that
recommendation. But in extending govern-
I ment control over the entire park area no
policy should be adopted by the national government which would
defeat the purpose of San Francisco in acquiring the Hetch Hetchy
valley and the Lake Eleanor region, within the limits of the park,
for its municipal water supply.
As former President Roosevelt said, the needs of a city for a
pure water supply are superior to any other demand which may be
made upon the public lands. To dedicate the Hetch Hetchy valley—
which, it must be reiterated, while part of the Yosemite National
park, is not part of the Yosemite valley—to the purpose of supplying
with pure water a prospective population of more than a million
people, and at the same time not to destroy, but. father, to enhance
the beauty of the valley, is the highest good to which that wonderful
region could be put.
Apart from that, there are now in the confines of the Yosemite
park approximately twenty thousand acres of privately owned land,
consisting chiefly of timber claims. There is within the park a noble
stand of sugar pine, possibly the finest in California, and, in the
opinion of Colonel Forsyth and others interested in the perpetua
tion of Sierran beauty, it should be preserved.
The recommendation is that the government purchase the pri
vately owned lands. That is a recommendation which should be
Uncle Sam's
Chance to
Spare the Tree
The United States government has before it the opportunity to
preserve natural beauty and advance the catfse of conservation. It
should act at once, for each succeeding season will add to
of the denudation and to the value of the standing timber.
"Choi* singers are married," writes the headline artist. Yes, but
they don't always admit it to the contralto.
recalled was more remarkable than that presented by the
■*■ """ reported massing of a Russian army of 180,000 men close to
~ the Austro-Hungarian border. Press dis
patches, from different sources agree on this
as the numerical strength of the force that
Czar Nicholas II has mobilized in the region
. I named since the outbreak of the war between
Turkey and the Balkan allies.
Here is the coincidence: The last time Russia interfered forcibly
in the affairs of Austria-Hungary was in 1849, when Czar Nicholas I,
with an army of 180,000 men—the same as now at Austria's gates —
crossed the Hungarian frontier, "in the name of outraged legitimacy,"
as the ukase announced, and overthrew the famous Hungarian
patriot, Kossuth, after Kossuth, with characteristic boldness, had
deposed the Hapsburgs and crowned himself king of Hungary.
This proclamation of Russia's right to interfere in that territory,
so largely peopled with Slavs, kinsmen of the Russians, was followed
by a belated offer from the hopelessly defeated Kossuth to provide a
law, through the Hungarian diet, guaranteeing the equality of all
nationalities on Hungarian soil, but the law was worthless, owing
to the helplessness of Kossuth.
Russian intervention in this case, however, availed the Slavs in
Austrian territory hardly at all, for, while it relieved them from
Hungarian oppression, it resulted in Austro-German domination.
In effect it was but a change of masters, as irksome today at it was
in 1849
A situation, not greatly dissimilar now confronts Austria-
Hungary and that empire's Slav subjects.
Is the massing of another Russian army of the same size as that
of 1849, under a czar of the same name, only a coincidence, or is it
Is It
Or Threat?
* city, makes an important suggestion regarding the conduct of
the municipal grand opera house which is to
be built in the civic center.
The league's bulletin says:
In this city there are many lovers , of grand
pera who can not afford to pay regularly the
high price of admission. There is also a large
class who love music and who would be educated to grand opera, but
who do not feel inclined to pay excessively for that education. It is for
these the Convention league makes suggestion to provide, our idea
being that 500 or 1,000 seats should be reserved (in the municipal opera
house), at a regular rate of 25 or 50 cents, for just such use.
The plan of having popular priced seats in the opera house
should be adopted. Great credit is due the public spirited and music
loving people of San Francisco, whose liberality in purchasing boxes
and seats will make possible the construction of the opera house;
but the institution will be, in a sense, the donation of the whole
The "People's
Balcony" at
Opera House
Looking for a Place to 'Light
people, for most of the tax payers of San Francisco pledged them
selves by their affirmative votes on the civic center bond issue
amendment to contribute their pro rata of taxes toward payment
for the site. The purchasers of seats receive a visible and valuable
return for their money; the tax payer receives only the reward of a
good conscience.
The municipal opera house must be made part of the city's life,
and in no way can that be done so effectively as by having a "people's
balcony" with seats at a low price, where the music loving citizens'
of San Francisco can be accommodated in their own theater.
If some New Yorkers do know how to commit murders, the rest
of the city knows how to convict them.
a franchise. Of course, the material harm
done is not big, nor the example as evil, but
the personal intent is as reprehensible.
Under the administration of Wardet
Reilly at Folsoin prison, it is charged, the
butter and eggs of the prison farm were garnered by the warden
and sold to the state, much as a naughty small boy will pilfer empty
oil cans from a merchant's warehouse and then go around to the
front of the store and sell them back to the merchant.
The state board of control declares that it has discovered evi
dence of the petty graft tTiat existed under Warden Reilly and that
the former prison official has been forced to refund to the state $261
"Butter, Eggs
and Pound of
Cheese" Graft
In recovering for the state those sums of money the 'board of
control has done a good work.
It would be interesting to have the comments of the prisoners
who are incarcerated for larceny on the scandal of "butter, eggs and
a pound of cheese."
SAMUEL A PERKINS, a newspaper publisher
of Tacotra ami » national republican eommit
teeman of Washington, heads a party of
yachtsmen from the north who have ffflo here
to confer with Sir Thomas Upton relative to
an international race here in 1015. ta the
group are Klwond Wiles, and George S. Shep
bard at Portland, Miller Freeman. John Gra
ham and C W. Chandler of Seattle. They
have apartments nt the Palace.
* * *
P. H. SMITH, « capitalist of Los Angelen, Iβ at
the Palace with Mrs. Smith. He has many
fine horses training at Pieasanton end has
come up from the southland to look over their
condition. •
» # *
EDWARD BERWICK, a rancher of Partfie
Urove, who takes an active Interest in the
affnirs of the Commonwealth club and other
civic bodies, is at the Palace with Mrs. Ber
* # ♦
JESSE WALKER, a lumber man of Humboldt
county, and Miss Walker, are registered at
the Sutter.
*# * *
AUGUST STREITWOLF, an attorney of New
Brunswick, New Jersey, is staying at the St.
Francis. He is an assemblyman from his
* * *
NORMAN R. WATT, a miner of Pawson City,
is among the arrivals at the Dale.
* * *
CAPTAIW OMAR 3. HUMPHRET of .Seattle ifl
is among the recent arrivals at the Palace.
* * *
SAMUEL PARKER, a planter of Iftmolnlu. Iβ
at the Stewart with his son, James Parker.
* ♦ *
T. M, EBY, secretary of the state hoard of
equalisation, is a guest at the Argonaut.
* * *
M. 8. PROSSER. a business man of Honolulu,
is spending a few days at the Fairmont.
* * *
ERNEST PITSCH, a clothing niannfactnrer of
Berlin, is staying at the St. FraaeUs.
* * #
M. B. EEIM, a business man of Zurich, Switz
erland, is staying at the St. Francis.
* * #
CHAS. L. MCCARTHY, a slock raiser from Mel
bourne. Australia, is at the Beilevae.
* * ♦
GEORGE A. SMITH, owner of a ranch near
Corcoran, is stopping at the Argonaut.
* * *
W. A. BONYNGE, a Lee Angeles tanker, ar
rived yesterday at the t'nion Square.
intendent of plants of the American Telephone
and Telegraph company. Is at the St. Francis
with Mrs. Stevonson. They make thplr homo.
at Croton on the Hudson. W. l>. Staples, who
is al*#Clxted with the company at Kansas City,
is also in the party.
* * *
CHARLES P. FOX, editor of the California Oil
World, is up from Bakersfleld. and is regis
tered at the Manx. W. C, White of
Angeles and James M. Smith of Cbleo aw also*
registered at the Manx.
* * ♦
J. RUTLEDGE and Mrs. Rutle.lsre of Victoria.
B. C, are at the Union Squarp. Rutledge
is a well known business man of British Co
* * *
JESSE W. CHURCHILL, a banker of Yreka, and
Mr, and Mm. J. p. Churchill have apartments
at the St. Francis.
* * *
RAT T, BAKER, wh<» was formerly warden of
the state penitentiary of Nevada, is at the
St. Francis.
* % *
ROY WELCH, who owns a stag" line nt Wil
llama, Cal., is at the Stewart witb Mrs.
* * *
J, F, HARRIS, a manufacturer of Watsonville,
is registered it the Argonaut.
** • *
GION W. GIBSON, a rancher of Colasa. Iβ at
the Stewart wTth Mrs. Gibson.
* # ♦
J. LIRTCHMAN. a Long Beach real estate man,
is staying at the Stanford.
* # #
J. B. CABTLE, a planter of Honoinlu, is at the
Fairmont witti his family.
* # #
L. J. KLEMICER, a Merchant of Willows, Cal.,
is staying at the gutter.
* # *
REV. GEORGE W. HUNTER, of Los Angeles, ie
staying at the Baldwin.
* * *
H. L. JACKMAN, a lumberman of Eureka, is
staying at the Talace.
*" ♦ *
H. WHITE WICKHAM, a New York clubman,
is at the Bellevue.
* * *
R. MUELLER, of San Joee, is a guwt at the
* * *
L. F. MOOREHEAD, of Loa Aogelet, i* at the
Baldwin, *
Author of "At Good Old Slwaeh."
HEN the architect of the universe
Whad finished making , the United
States he had a large section of
material left over for which he
had no use. That was a great many
years ago. No use has been found for
most of it yet.
This waste pile was finally made a
.state because the republican party*
needed two more senators. When it
was admitted it had-60,000 inhabitants,
of whom 20,000 afterwards escaped.
For many years there were only 40.000
inhabitants in all of Nevada's 110,000
square miles. fltost of them were en
abled to exist by reason of the sena
torial contests which were held every
three years.
Nevada is a large patch of sand
hillg, sage brush and alkali, tied up
with a state line and mitigated here
and there by extensive gold deposits.
The gold in Nevada makes it palatabfe
like the sugar in medicine. Most of
the state is as devoid of humanity as
the moon and the man who will go
into eastern Nevada and settle down
will have 100 miles of front yard all
by himself. When the Union Pacific
trains cross Nevada the porters lock
the windows and pour tar in the
cracks, but even at that no passenger
rgets out of the state without carrying
a full line of real estate samples with
Nevada exists for the encourage- dens and Nevada is filling tip with real
ment of prospectors, politicians, pugi- estate agents. It now has 80,000 peo
lists and bored married folks. Its out- pie, a new railroad, several commeri
put per year is a ton of gold, one legis- cial clubs, Tonopah, Ryollte, Goldfleld,
latitre., a few prize-ring champions and Bull Frog and some brand new grain
several hundred divorces with high elevators. Watch Nevada growl
(Copyright. 1912, by Ceorge Matthew Adams)
Where must one apply for naturalization papers?
The following courts are the only
ones that have the power to naturalize
aliens: "United States circuit or dis
trict courts now existing , , or which
may hereafter be established by con
gress in any state; United States dis
trict courts in the territories of Hawaii
and Alaska, also all courts of record
in any state or territory, now exist
ing, or which may hereafter be
created, having a seal, a clerk and
jurisdiction in actions at law or equity,
or law and equity, in which the amount
in controversy is unlimited." In this
state you make application to either
a federal court as above, or to a su
perior aourt.
* * *
MISSING SFIIP—W. V. S.. City. ITas the
British ship I«ord Spencer, which sailed from
tlits port about 15 years ago. ever reached its
destination or has it ever been heard from?
That vessel, commanded by Captain
Leahy, loaded with grain and carrying,a
crew of 30 men and several passengers,
•sailed from this port for Liverpool via
Cape Horn, April 9. 1895. It never
reached destination, was not heard of
for a registered as "missing"
and is still so registered.
* *r *
WEARING CREPE—Subscriber. City. Kor
what member* of h» family should a man wear
crepe on his arm, and for how long a period?
■The custom of going into mourning
for relatives is becoming more and
more restricted every year, yet the
menwho still believe In this outward
show of grief, wear mourning for
father, mother, brother, sister, wife,
uncle and aunt. The time varies from
one year for father, mother* and wife,
down to three months for uncle or
* * #
RKSIPENCE—Fred Harris. Humboldt County.
Do the laws of California or the ordinances of
San Francisco require that the contracting par
ties to a marriage shall be residents of the city
i and county for a prescribed time before they can
obtain a license?
i No.
The Piano
WHEN* Paddy Roosky takes his seat
and thumps the shining keys, his
hearers cry: "They can't be beat
—such harmonies as these!" Delighted,
they applaud and laugh, and gather
round his chair, and ask him for his
autograph, or ringlets of his hair. It
is a noble instrument, this thing of
keys and wires; when handled by an
expert gent it boats ten thousand lyres.
But when Mt's played by some
who lacks the artist's knack, it's fiercer
than the iron boot, the thumbscrews
or the rack. Ten million blacksmiths
daily pound the keyboard, might and
main, and every day the horrid sound
drives nervous folks insane. Such' play
ers are the weirdest bunch beneath the
sun or moon; regardless of your grief
they punch the stuffing from a tune.
You may be lying sick in bed, and
longing for repose, with plaster casts
upon your head and splints upon your
nose; it matters not—piano cranks will
slam away next door, until you tie
yourself in hanks, and roll upon the
floor. Your house may be a house of
gloom, the undertaker there to take
your uncle to the tomb; and while you
tear your hair, pianos iti the houses
near increase your tears and woe by
murdering poor "Golden Deer," "White
Wings" or "Jungle Joe. ,, Of sorrows
we shall ne'er be stripped, they'll cling
like cockieburs. till all pianos are
equipped with Maxim silencers.
C"V'J fit oV Uβ ;£, By
Sure Sign
"It's almost certain that she'll marry
that good for nothing chap."
"Has the engagement been an
"Not yet. But they'll get married all
"What makes you think so?"
"Her mother and father have both
started in to knock him." —Detroit Free
Near Wise
"Why is it that so few people seem
anxious to talk to Mr. Carpington? Hβ
seems very well informed."
"That's just the difficulty," answered
Miss Dimpleton. "He's one of those
dreadful men who know enough to cor
rect your mistakes when you quote the
classics, and who don't know enough
not to do it."—Washington Star.
Look Out
*? Beware (of 5 a meek; looking , :man - : ''. or
mule. It may not" last.-^-Chicago; News.
"100 Miles of Front Yard All to* Him
class, imported principals. Reno, Neva
da, is the center of the divorce indus
try and no wife who desires to ex
change her husband after finding a
more attractive model need despair as
long as she has the money for a ticket
to Reno.
Nevada,'s service to the Union has
been to provide Mark Twain and Bret
Harte with western experiences, but
she is now preparing to be useful agri
culturally, thanks to the Truckee river,
whose attention has been diverted from
waterfalls to drainage ditches. These
ditches are turning the desert into gar-
TO REMOVE BHfNB— A. X k Is there any
way to remove sUiuc from a sorge suit?
It is said that to sponge the material
with bluing water, such as is used tq
launder clothes, and that to press the
goods under a thin cloth, while still
damp, will remove the shine.
* * * *
TWO STEAMERS—T. 0.. Bay Shnre. What
has bee-nine of the steatnf-rs ZeUu<lia and the
The former was turned into a barge
in 1906 and the latter is now in Japa
nese waters.
Abe Martin
Be it ever so mortgaged ther's no
place like home. Th' pen is mightier
than th , sword, unless it's a pustoffice
NOVEMBER 20, 1912
Ferry Tales
the grewsome ad
vertisement installed by the Society for
the Prevention of Tuberculosis in the
downstairs Southern Pacific waiting:
My attention was first attracted to it
by the expression of terror on the
face of a girl as she grazed at the ob
ject of this storm of indignation. She
was pale and trembling:, but rooted to
the spot as If fascinated with the hor
ror of it.
It is located on the east wall of the
waiting room, at the side of the big
doorway through which commuters pass
to. the lower deck of the broad gauge
boats. Unless you crawl through <p?
doorway you can not help seeing it.
The purpose of the exhibit is to call
public attention to the prevalence and
danger of tuberculosis. On a framed
card the words of warning are printed.
In the upper left hand corner is a
crimson cross. In the center an elec
tric lamp, underneath which is a brief
statistical record of the white plague's
work In a- year. And then, in letters
of black, the information: "Every
time this lamp flashes somebody in, the
United States dies of tuberculosis."
As an example of the old fashioned
fire and brimstone style of preaching,
brought up to date, It Is an eloquent
success. The champions of a material
hell, however, trusted to their powers
of description and the imaginations of
their hearers. The Inventor of this
modern device for arousing attention,
if he had been a preacher of the John
•Knox school, would have required a
brazier of burning coals on the pulpit
to emphasize his predictions.
"It gives me a chill," writes one com
muter, "that I don't get over until T
have reached home and mustered the
"I have lost my appetite for dinner
ever since it was installed," says an
"From a psychological standpoint, it
is all wrong." This comes from Berke
"It is more calculated to promote a
morbid state of mind," writes still one
more, "than to enlist intelligent sup-
in the campaign against the dis
ease."' -
* # * rift
The harbor commissioners may see iflf
your way and order its removal. I
hope they will. The homeward bound
commuter, loaded down perhaps with
the products of his wife's shopping
tour, needs to be cheered and comfort
ed. The end of a hard day's work is
the time we,begin to look for the sil
ver lining.* The anti-tuberculosis so
ciety may be very much in earnest, but
its methods are not exactly esthetic.
All of which has nothing whatever
to do with Herr Franz Bopp's chickens
that wouldn't lay eggs. Bopp is consul
general, representing his imperial maj
esty Emperor William of Germany. He
lives in Berkeley and is one of the best
known commuters. Some time ago his
small boy expressed a desire to keep
chickens and the consul, who is. also a
devoted parent, went out forthwith and
bought six of the handsomest chickens
he could find in the market.
They were installed in a scientifically
constructed coop in the consul's back
yard, and they were fed according to
the directions found in such works as
"Poultry Catering," "The Chicken Fan
cier," "Every Man His Own Egg Trust."
"How to Make a Hen and a Half Lay an
Egg and a Half in a Day and a Half,"
"How to Keep a Chicken From Cross
ing the Road," and so forth.
But never an egg did they lay. Herr
Bopp, satisfied from the proud appear
ance of bia chicks that they were get
ting a proper ration and assimilating
it a» they should, called Major Gerard
of tlie British consulate—another Berk
eleyan—into consultation. Ha suggest
ed that Henri Merou, the French con
sul general, who also lives in the col
lege town, might be able to assist.
As a result of this diplomatic con
ference it was decided that there was
only one explanation. Every chicken
had a more or less gorgeous comb on
the top of its head. Instead of cackling
in a ladylike manner they crowed
rather boisterously, and they were very
quarrelsome. It must be that they were
all foosters.
♦ # »
While Bopp was wondering , what he
would do about it there came from the
campus, which his home overlooks,
cries of: "Give 'em the ax! Give 'em
the ax!" It was an Inspiration, and
four of the chickens went to the head
Mindful of his promise to the young
ster, the consul went forth again and
succeeded in buying six sure enough
hens. Everything would be all right
now. The youngster would be happy
and there would be fresh laid eggs for
breakfast every morning.
The roosters, however, welcomed
their fair fellow prisoners witn such
outbursts of crowing:, each trying, per
haps, to demonstrate his fitness for the
presidency of the little republic, fhat
the neighbors complained to the city
authorities, who referred the matter to
the city attorney, who found an ordi
nance forbidding the maintenance of
feathered republics except under con
ditions that the limits of the Bodd lot
would not permit.
Herr Bopp is again paying 60 cents
a dozen for his eggs, but by way of
consolation has the memory "of a sue
cession of very fine thicken dinners
Young Bopp has transferred his af
fection to a family of rabbits

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