2 GLOOMY FUTURE FOR TURKEY IN WAR SETTLEMENT Grand Vizier Threatens to Resign, People Angry, Treasury Very Short of Money ADRIANOPLE READY TO BE CAPTURED General Commanding Army Besieging Place Shows Great Confidence suggest a war Indemnity of $200,000, --000 or more. Diplomats consider the outlook for Turkey as of the gloomiest character. Kiamil Pasha's resignation as grand vizier may be the next development. It is feared this would be followed by anarchy. The country is hard pressed for money and the condition and spirit of the army are matters of doubt. Observers of the situation in Lon don express the opinion that Turkey will reject the advice of the European powers and that hostilities will be re sumed. The representatives of the Balkan allies declare that they are ready to face all events. They say that no fewer than 400,000 of their troops are concentrated around the fortress of Adrianople and along the lines of Tchatalja while all the heavy siege batteries have been placed In position before Adrianople. General Boyovitch, the Servian hero of Monastir, asserts that within two days Adrianople can now be captured. AUSTRIA STILL MATCHING Although the mobilization of the Russian and Italian armies Is denied there is no doubt that Austria-Hun gary still maintains her armaments with the object of enforcing her claims In the Balkans, especially in Albania. ■ The plenipotentiaries of the allies remark that the attitude of Austria- Hungary is not so much against them as against Italy and that for this rea son, owing to the rivalry between these two members of the triple al liance, the Balkan states will suffer. They assert that Austria-Hungary is depriving Montenegro of Scutari only because, in case that city does not become the capital of Albania. Avlona, which is under the direct influence of Italy, will be chosen. King Goes to Front SOFIA, Jan. 14.—King Ferdinand and the members of the cabinet are starting at midnight for Mustapha Pasha. They wijll meet in that town General Savoff, the commander in chief, and the com manders of the four Bulgarian armies. Germans Show Interest PURLIN, Jan. 14.—The atrocities committed by the allies against the Mohammedan inhabitants of European Turkey during the Balkan war were the subject of a question .addressed to the government in the imperial parlia ment today by Mattheas Erzberger. leader of the clerical center. He sshafl what action the government had taken in the matter. Privy Councilor Lehmann of the Im perial foreign office replied that both parties in the war had lodged com plaints with the government in regard to the cruelties and atrocities com mitted by the other side. The govern ment had communicated all such com plaints to the country involved and had otherwise exerted its? influence to pre vent a repetition of such incidents. SALMON COMPANY SAYS CHINESE ARE TO BLAME Defendant i n Suit for Wages Disclaims Responsibility in Pleadings Made in Superior Court That Quan San Wo and Chin Way, wealthy Chinese contractors, are re sponsible, for the failure of 21 cannery hands to receive $180 each for seven months' work in Alaska is the conten tion of the Northern Alaska Salmon company, defendant in a suit brought by F. T. Putnam, representing the laborers on trial yesterday before Judge R. K. Clarke of Ventura county in extra sessions Ii The company dis claims responsibility for the failure of the men to receive all (heir promised pay, declaring that the 'contractors were to blame for a gambling orgy that took place on the voyage to the canneries and also that the contractors overcharged the men for supplies. The plaintiffs are whites, negros and Chinese. They allege that they were engaged by the Chinese contractors to work at the Alaskan canneries from March 1 to October 4, 1912, and were to receive $160 each. When they re turned to San Francisco some were paid $2.50, others $5 and none received more than $15. The salmon company does not claim that the men were not entitled to the money, but that the contractors arc responsible. The total sum sued for is $2,638. PENINSULA ATTORNEY RUN OVER BY TRAIN Kenneth M. Green, Former Republican Nominee for District Attorney Loses Left Arm in Accident (Special Dispatrh to The Cal!) SAN MATEO. Jan. 14.—Kenneth M. Green, prominent in fraternal circles, and former republican nominee for dis trict attorney of San Mateo county, was run over by a Southern Pacific train at South San Francisco tonight. His left arm was cut off. His side also was badly crushed. As soon as possible after being found on the track by the gateman at South San Francisco, the coroner. Dr. H. (}. Plyinire, rushed him 10 miles in hit automobile to the Red Cross hospital in San Mateo, where the stump of his arm v as operated on. He is expected to recover, although his condition is serious. NINE OUTLAWS KILLED Scouts aud Bandits Engage tn Battle .in South I.anao MANILA, Jan. 14. — Lieutenant Fletcher reports that only nine out laws were killed In the fight Monday In South Lanao between a detachment of scouts and a large force of bandits.' T*e military and constabulary are co of-Urating in pursuit of the band. Same Talk Thirteen Years Cains Notice at Last (Special Cable to The Call) BRUSSELS, Jan. 14 M. D. Andrimony, a member of the I-eljrlan chamber, celebrated for his speeches on questions of the consular service, was appealing eloquently for a reorganisation of the serv-<«e yesterday, when tbe foreign minister said: "That is the same speech you made last year." "Just so," replied the deputy calmly. "I have made It annually, word for word, for 13 years. No body noticed it before." ACCUSED MAN FORGETS ADDRESS OF MOTHER Church Members Stunned by Revelations Made in Story Related Continued From Pace 1 ister. Becoming acquainted with Miss j Metz, a well known soprano soloist of that district, he soon became engaged to her and later left for San Francisco. In September of that year he sent for her and they were married in San Ma teo county September 11. At that time he was preparing to go to Buenos Aires for the Board of Missions. He failed, however, and left with his wife for her home, after preaching a short time at Loyalton. After several months' residence at the Metz home, during which, accord ing to the statements of Metz, his ac tions while preaching became so no torious that he was ordered to leave. De Tovrea left, supposedly for Wash ington, leaving his wife at her parents' home. The next trace of him is found In the police records of Sandy, Klacka mas county, Ore., which show that on April 7, 1911, he was arrested upon a charge of assault, preferred by Mrs. G- L. Talmage. Released on $100 bail, lie disappeared. In June of t,he same year, in Ashland, Ore., De Tovrea (also known there as O. F. Horn) was charged with contributing to the delinquency of two minor girls, aged 15 and 16, but he escaped conviction on a technicality. RETURNED TO REDDING Notwithstandlng his expose In the newspapers through these two cases De Tovrea boldly returned to Redding, disguised with a mustache and glasses and under the assumed name of Martin Mclntyre. He was recognised through a hat formerly given him by hie father in law, and confessing he was De Tovrea told to leave town. He was working in a grocery at the time. The Richmond police are in com munication with the police at both Ash land and Sandy. It is understood there are additloanl charges which may be pressed against De Tovrea if It Is proved that he and the Rev. Mr. Horn are the same person. It Is even as serted that he may be liable for big amy; that he was already married to a girl in Washington when he con tracted the Redwood City marriage. SKATING RINK PARSON In spite of the identifications and the mass of evidence being collected against him Rev. Mr. Horn, who re cently became known far and wide as "the skating rink parson." because he opened a rinki-in the basement of the Richmond church for the members of the Sunday school, still maintains his absolute Innocence nf being De Tovrea. Propped up in bed with pillows, he said: "Why. it is ridiculous to say T am this fellow. If I were tnarried I would he apt to know it, and I can assure you I am not. I am not much of a "girls' man," as the people of Richmond will tell you. I suppose I am again the victim of the misdeeds of my mis guided brother, Edward, my twin. Though I weigh 30 pounds more than he does, our general appearance is iden tical. In fact. In school I used to change seats with him often when he did not know his lesson. "At the age of 10 we were both thrown out in the world to make our living as beßt we could. For three years wo sold papers. Most of the time I paid Edward's expenses as -well as my own, for he gambled away his earnings. Our ways drifted apart, and when I began studying for the min istry we separated. Since then I have seen him but a few times. Many times I have been dun«ed by mistake for his Xbt very long ago I saw him in San Francisco and he told me he was in trouble with some girl he had married. My mother, who "has been living in Portland, Ore., wrote me that he had been converted and was doing church work. IS ORDAINED MINISTER "I have my credentials of gradua tion from two theological colleges, and also my papers of ordination, first in the Christian church and later the Baptist. I was ordained a Baptist min ister In King City two years ago. All these papers T will produce at the proper time. From King City I went to Paso Robles. where I was pastor of the Baptist church for nine months. In April of last year I came here, where I have found a great field for both religious and humanitarian work. In September of 1910, when this Mac Metz, whom I would very* much like to meet, says I married her, or rather De Tovrea married her, I was hunting with a miner in Nevada and the Hetch Hetchy county. If necessary I will send for him to come down and testify in court. So you see it's all a great mistake, though I am afraid it will seriously in terfere with my contemplated plans for this parish. lam hoping that it may not be my brother but still an other person who may resemble me." FORGETS MOTHER'S ADDRESS Pressed for the names of his col leges, he said he was graduated from the lowa Christian college, whose lo cation he did not give exactly. Asked for his mother's address, he said she had moved recently and he could not recall the old address, as he made It a practice to destroy all letters as soon as answered. He was reticent in dis cussing the other members of his fam ily. Though denying knowing the name Martin Mclntyre, Rev. Mr. Horn a few minutes later remarked that his mother's name was now Mrs. Mcln tyre. The accused * minister became much worried when he was acquainted with the fact that, as he had been identilied as De Tovrea, he wa* liable to arrest on a warrant from the north should the Ashland authorities decide to press further charges and spent the evening in a highly nervous state. At times his statements were marked, with sincerity, while at other* he made' contradictory assertions and vague an- I swers. When shown both the photographs 11. C. Metz, De Tovrea's father In law, unhesitatingly picked out that of Rev. Mr. Horn as the man who had married his daughter. Metz Is at present stay ing at the Fairview hotel In Macdon ald avenue. Richmond, and is employed in' contracting work there. His wife and daught**, who recently -arrived from Reddis£, are staying at IK Ra mona street in this elty. Regarding Rev. Mr. Horn, Metz sajd: GIRL'S FATHER POSITIVE "It is of no use for that so called minister to maintain that he is not De Tovrea, my son ir law. I can pro ::-TkE:-sAyi;^ TRAGEDY ENDS ROMANCE Jadwin Met His Wife on a Tour PACIFIC AVENUE TRAGEDY EEADINC TOPIC OF CITY San Francisco Society Is Shocked by Murder of Mrs. Jadwin and Sui cide of Husband The shooting Monday night of his bride of seven months, Mrs. Minna Van Bergen Jadwin, by Donald Jadwin, wealthy young clubman and Harvard graduate, was almost the only topic of discussion yesterday, and condolences of all kinds flowed Into the home of Mrs. Edward A*. Van Bergen, mother of the slain woman. San Francisco society was shocked. A formal report was made by Coroner Leland in the morning after an exam ination of the bodies, that the husband and wife had died "as the result of gunshot wounds inflicted by Donald Jadwin " T4ie facts as related by the witnesses the evening of the Shooting stand virtually as before. MAIDS NOTICE NERVOUSNESS Jadwin entered through the kitchen of the house of Mrs. Anna Bauer, at 2512 Pacific avenue, speaking -to the two maids as he passed. They noticed his nervous condition, but before they had time to reflect on its probable out come he had entered the dining, room, kissed the young wife from whom he had been senarated for 10 days, and then shot her. Following that he turned the revolver on himself. In dvlng agony Mr«s. Jadwin jumped from her place at the dinner table, where she was surrounded by friends and relatives, and rushed into the hall, th" r e to fall in a heap. Her-mother was the first of the as tonished group to move. She ran after her daughter, crying, "Are you hurt?" as she knelt beside her. "I'M KILLED!" SHE GASPS "I am killed!" gasped Mrs. Jadwin, who but a few seconds before had been addressed by her husband for the last time as "Minzie." She lapsed Into un consciousness immediately, but opened her eyes twice before she died, al though she said nothing more nor showed any sign of consciousness. Several attempts at reconciliation of Jadwin and his wife had been made by Berrian Anderson. nephew of the slayer, but these efforts had all proved ineffectual. Mrs. Jadwin was due to become a mother, and this reason has be*»n given for Mrs. Van Bergen's de sire to keep Jadwin away from her daughter after they had quarreled. Rumors of troubles between the two are said to have been rife for some time. Previous to the occasion when Mrs. Minna Jadwin refused to talk t'6 her husband over the telephone, the oc currence ascribed as the probable im mediate cause of his temporary rage and revenare, he asked to meet her, and was refused. REFUSED TO MEET HIM AT FERRY Jadwin had intended to go east last Saturday morning, and so sent for his wife to meet him at the ferry. She refused, and Jadwin remained in San Francisco "We do not know -why he should have committed the deed," said Edgar N. Van Bergen, cousin of Mrs. Jadwin. "The separation evidently preyed on his mind." According to Van Bergen, Jadwin was last seen before his appearance in the Bauer home at Sacramento and Montgomery streets the afternoon of the tragedy. At that time he appeared perfectly sane, according to those who saw him, and also paid up an insur ance premium to a friend who was an agent for the company in which he was injured. This fact may have Indicated a desire up to that time only to com mit suicide and to leave his financial affairs in such shape so as to provide for his widow. Mrs. Van Bergen, it seems, was re duce 50 reputable witnesses at any time who will positively swear to the Identification. He lived in. my home as one of the family for many months, and I guess I ought to know him. If the people of Redding had known all they know now of his actions, he would never have slipped out of the town so easily. He says his mother lives in Portland, Ore. He told Redding people she lived at. Chico, yet 1 have beeri shown letters from her to him all of which were postmarked Everett, Wash. "Not only is tills man a good lec turer and a clever man mentally, but I have found him to be a good elec trician, a fine* painter and an all round mechanic. 1 understand he is also writ ing editorials for several papers and periodicals. This man, De Tovrea. can not let girls alone, and has never been in a community six months without becoming involved in some kind of a scandal." It is probable that, as a final means of establishing the disputed identity, the signature of Rev. Mr. Horn will bo compared with the signature upon the marriage license record in San Mateo county. DESCHANEL HEADS DEPUTIES PARIS, Jan. 14.—Paul Doschanel was re-elected today president of the French chamber-of deputies. He has been mentioned as a candidate for the presi dency of the republic Vichy (FRENCH REPUBLIC PROPERTY) g Natural Alkaline Water m IS Not Genuine IB without the word jßk S* | «>wi" ,i ' i ts-S-jjJwjMfrp^? l Unexcelled for table use. P^Hfc? Standard remedy for Dyspepsia, Stomach l|S|py| Troubles and Gout nraPfj j_ s k your Physician mm^ ■ VICHY BUSSES Mrs. Donald Jadwin as she appeared in costume at the charity Kirmess per formances previous to her marriage. luctant to have her daughter, who was young and inexperienced in the ways of the world, go far away from her after her marriage. In deference to her wishes, Jadwin remained west, continuing his position with the Gen eral Petroleum company. FUNERAL PROBABLY TOMORROW "The facts of the tragedy were just as related last night," said Eldredge Green, cousin of Mrs. Jadwin and close friend of her husband "They had been" separated for 10 days amd she had re turned to her mother's home. There really is nothing more to be told. None of the family is able to talk about the affair." "We have simply been stunned and we have made no plans, nor have our minds been in condition to talk about this terrible blow," said Frank B. An derson, president of the Bank of Cali fornia, whose wife Is Jadwln's sister. Funeral arrangements have not been made definitely, though it is expected that Mrs Jadwin will be burled to morrow. Jadwln's body will be cre mated and the ashes sent east. JADWIN AT SAN RAFAEL SCHOOL Jadwin spent part of his youth in Cal ifornia and attended the Hitchcock mil itary academy In San Rafael. His sis ter, Mrs. Anderson, who was formerly Miss Bessie .Tadwip, was living here, and he made his home with her at that time. Later he went east again and en tered Harvard, where he was well known as an athlete. His courtship of Miss Van Bergen was largely a case of love at first sight, their engagement taking place a few days after they had met on a steamer on the wav to Europe. Jadwin Intended" going abroad in April, 1911, but had no one as a companion. Hearing of a $arty of Californians with whom his sister was acquainted, he made arrangements to join them. This party was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Foster, their daughters, Miss Enid and Miss Mary Louise Foster, and Miss Minna Van Bergen. Eldredge Green sailed on the same 6hip with hia mother and father, and a friendship among the young folk promptly sprang up- Green and Miss Enid Foster became engaged before the boat reached" its destination, and their betrothal was announced to the Vest of the party. Jadwin found that he had once met Miss Van Bergen when he attended Hitchcock and their acquaintance de veloped. At a dinner in honor of the first engaged couple at the Carlton hotel in London, young Jadwin and Miss Minna Van Bergen admitted that they had become engaged also. Before com pleting their tour of Europe, Jadwin was forced to come home suddenly when his father died. The two weddings took place last spring, Mr. Green and Miss Foster be ing married in April and Jadwin and Miss Van Bergen In June. FALLS TWENTy FEET TO DEATH PNTARIO, Cal..' Jan. 14.—John Weir, aged 62, a wealthy contractor of this city, fell 20 feet from a veranda roof yesterday and was Instantly killed. He struck on his head. PRIZES AWAIT BABES AT BIRTH Wealthy Britishers Interested in National Maternity Benefits LONDON. Jan. 14. —For several days •many babies born in England will bring their parents all sorts of valu able prizes in addition to the materni ty benefits of the new national insur ance act, which took effect yesterday. The idea has so caught the public, that many wealthy persons are giving silver cups, porringers, spoons and money to the.first babies born In var ious districts under the new act. The first mother to become entitled jo the maternity benefit of thirty shill ings, was Mrs. Amy Gouldlng, wife of a Padington painter, who gave birth to a girl one minute past midnight. She was christened Georglanna, as a compliment to Chancellor Lloyd- George. Another insurance baby has been christened Lloyd-George Churchill. CLERGY CHEER STRIKERS IPuMorn of Well Known Churches De clare Public I* le Sympathy NEW YORK, Jan. 14.—A group of clergymen from some of the city's best known churches told hundred*! of strik ing garment workers in ma s meeting today that the public was with them and victory would soon reward them. The strikers, thus exhorted, declared they would remain firm in their de mands for better wages and sanitary working quarters. ' New Telephone Directory for _ '■' San Francisco > and Bay Counties Goes to press January 31 j Please arrange for chjvfiges riot later than • January 25 THE FACIFIC TELEPHONE /Z\ , HjßjK ANfi /ELEGRAPH COMPANY Vg^ . ■ - ■__* '-' ■--■ J A- ______*_,_.,___. ~* _H_t GAMBLERS HELD UP BY FORMER DETECTIVES El Pajso Police Catch Dis- States Offi cial With Goods on Him EL PASO, Tex.. Jan. 11—L. S. Ross, former secret service operative for the United States, and V. L. Schneider, for mer secret operative of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad, were arrested bjj the police shortly after midnight, fol lowing a holdup of 11 alleged gamblers. The police received a tip that the holdup would occur and were in wait ing in an adjoining hotel. They claim that they cttulrt see the crime' through the window and that while it was tatt ing place they'rushed in and 'caught Ross as "he was coming down th* stairs. The poliee*deelare they took $1,320.80 cash, about $3,000 "worth oi diamonds and three revolvers from Ross. The men who were robbed iden tified the money and diamonds. Schneider was not arrested in the hotel, but was taken info custody later In his offices in a nearby building, where he and Ross operate a detective agency. Ross' connection with the United States secret service ended a few months ago. I YESTERDAY'S FIRE RECORD + ~ —♦ 5:41-49 a. _n„ auxiliary box 526 —One stoTy brick southwest corner of Six teenth and Mississippi streets, owned and occupied by the Pacific Refining and Rootling company. Loss to build ing and contents considerable. One story brick adjoining, owned.and occupied, by same as factory. Loss to" building and contents small. Cause, tar kettle boiling oyer. Sale at Elders A Few Rare Library Editions FIELDING —Smith, Elder & PERCY ANECDOTES— U vols. Co.'s Edition de Luxe. Ron- London. IS2O. etc. Old full .don. 1882. 20 vols.. Three- morocco. Beautiful se *' quarters crushed levant. for 44.00 for $»2.00 TENNYSON —Century de Luxe POPE—Edited by Roscoe. 10 Edition. New York, 190*. vols. London, 1*24. Full 8 vols Three-quarters calf, for 32.00 crushed levant, for ..6.00 RHODES' HISTORY OF THK SHAK ESPEARE — Rare 9 hi *" UNITED STATES — With wick Edition. Edited by eight rare autograph lot- Singer. Ohlswiek. 1826. 10 ters inserted. New York. jols. I-ull polished calf. 1906. 7 vols. Half crushed for 6....0 morocco, for 57.00 LAVATER'S PHYSIOGNOMY JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S COM- —Profusely 5 PLETE HISTORICAL vols. London, 1789. Fine* WORKS—Collected octavo full Russia, for .16.50 set. London. 1880. etc. 16 CHARLES MATHEWS (CO vols. Three-quarters crush- MEDIAN) MEMOIRS — ed'levant, ISO.OO Bentleys Edition. Lon- CLARENDONS HISTORY' OF don. 1839. 4 vols. Three- THE REBELLION —6 vols. quarters crushed levant. Oxford, 1807. Old full Rus- for 25.50 sla. for 9.00 ANTIQUARIAN CABINET — GILFIIjLAN'S BRITISH Elegant views of Great POETS —Edinburgh, James - Britian. London, 1807. Nichols, 1860. 48 vols. Half Beautiful old full binding, polished calf, for 86.50 for 31.00 Library sets of Lonjrfellow, Maeterlinck. Kmerson, Sonthey, Trollope, Hugo. Etc The Sale continues with great success. Miscellaneous Books, Fiction at 35 cents. Children's Books, Pictures, Objects of Art, Stationery . Paul Elder <&, Company "The Best In Books and Art" Two-Thirty-Nine Grant Avenue, San Francisco It Sustains and Cheers Try it in the late afternoon Helps you work harder LIPTON'S TEA Sold in 1 lb., y 2 lb., y_ lb. airtight tins only f STOCKMEN WANT STRONG LAWS FOR PROTECTION Lever Land Leasing Bill Is Sndorsed by National Association XXIX. Ariz., Jan. 14.—The «m --i of the American National Live kssociation. which opened here already has developed a lively ; between ' Albuquerque, N. M.. Paso. Tex., for the next annual ~ Both had delegates working her cutest was for the presi- So far as could be le■•rned to he 500 delegates present were ?ard of Phoenix and H. A. Jastro ol Bakerafleld. Cal.. the incumbent. President Jaatro'B address was principal event of todays session, his plea for stronger federal laws to i guard the rights of stockmen luivmu been heard with close attention. One of the first matters of business taken up was the consideration of the Lever land leasing bill, a resolution in dorsing which was unanimously pass INJURED FOREMAN DIES J Eh to TUe Call) O, Jan. 14. —Adolph Garcia, „< k by the Lark Monday it the Red Crops hospital m. today. Garcia whs a he work of construction of ghway,"*and with (.core was only slightly injm i team across the Bouthc s at* South San Franci ddent happened. He v and treated by Dr. W. C. ifq is at present in Euri