The demami for The New Call's 6A. M. edition is increasing. It has been a from the start llKlxM TcmpernMiro Ye«t«»rday, J52: I.owpit Toeaday «ht. 44. For detail.* of the \\>ether ■** page 1& San • more hours of sunshine rfaHCISCO yearly than Boston, New York, PhilacVl- Hag phia, Chicago, Puta- , r ***O burg or St. Louis. VOLUME CXIIL—NO. 54. SPRING VALLEY REFUSES FINAL OFFER OF CITY Difference of $500,000, Aside From Impounded Money, Blocks Sale After Many Attempts to Make Bargain —Rolph Hopes Director ate May Retrieve Situation FIXES PRICE AT $37,000,000 Company's Representatives Insist on $37,500,000 and All Money Hitherto Tied Up by Court — Rupture Comes at Night Confab That Failed of Results Terms Submitted by City What Spring Valley Asks City offers $37,000,000 Half the impounded money, equal to 07r>.000 Spring Valley a«k* 5.",7,r.»(».000 AH the Impounded money, equal to 1.3T.0.000 Both Hide* asxee to the vliy obtaining; 1.000 acre* around Mer ced lake*, and the «prlnc Valley J.SSO acres; al*o. 971 acre* Searw vllle lake land".. Two blorke hounded by Market and Church street* and Dnhoce avenue. \ d of $500,000, aside from Impounded ; ■ ' • . stands in the way of Spring Valley selling out to the city. city offered $.">7,000,000 and half !he impounded money to the water 'ompany yesterday. The company* de- V!!ned. insisting on $*I,. r ;OCU>OO and all the impounded funds. This the city refused to give. As far a? Spring Valley's,- spe ial negotiation committee is concerned, all negotiations are off, but Mayor Rolph hope* that the company's directors and stock holders will appreciate the lib ity's offer, and accept. climax o* the recent negotiations, . have caused seven conferences : in Rolph's office since De me Irist night at a meet - office of the city's I '■<• ami the s=pe '•. representing , Spring , Both siiles laid thejr cards table ;iT!'l they failed to agree. v.-ater company's representatives : that the ultimatum of the city lla [<-ft them no course except to ,<■> the offer and go back to their ors and ask that they be dis r-ri from entering , into further »< iations. \T STEP CONDEMNATION If the deadlock proves permanent, the step toward acquisition of the by the city is condemnation. A resolution requesting the city attorney to begin condemnation proceedings al ir-ady has been submitted to the board of supervisors by Supervisor Bancroft. 1* is now in the hands of the public lee committee. While there is a difference of but half i million in the prices named by the city and Spring Valley, the impounded money is a big item, amounting to $1, --359,069. Spring Valley wants all of it. The city proposes an equal division. There is thus a difference between the two offers of $1,175,000, representing the iifference of $500,000 and the im mded money difference of $675,000. But the city officials do not consider the matter in that light. They point .> .t that the question of who will get i c impounded money is an uncertain one. The courts might decide that all of it belongs to the rate payers, or that all of it may be kept by the water company. Since its fate Is so uncer tain, they declare that their offer to sive half of it to the company is most liberal. In its previous offers the city always allowed Spring Valley all the impounded funds. I-RIOR OFFER $38,500,000 Prior to the terms made last night tuation between the city and the irater company rested on Spring Val ley's offer to accept $38,500,000 for all its properties, with the exertion of 2,300 acres of Lake Merced lands. The ■ iy had offered |."5,500,000 for all the properties. Including the Iforced lands, an.i refused to accept the company's • o inter proposition. The differences between the city's offer "f $ns,. r .Oft,ooo at that time and it:- jn;, 000.000 offer last nißlit la due to the pity's trilllnyness that the com ;i;iiiy retalti a !nrjje portion of prop i necessary f<>r wrkter sepply purposes. MAYOR ISSI'ES ST\TKMI-:\T Mayor Rolph. in a Ma foment made last night following , the conference, ■ plains how these properties figure in the city's offer and sets forth the two propositions in detail, concluding with C'oßtlaued on Page 4, Column 9 "The People's Newspaper" j Ends Life With Gas As His Phonograph Plays Tune He Loves Former Member of Imperial Band Commits Suicide to Air He Favors "While a phonograph, his sole posses sion of valu*>. was playing the stirring strains of "Die Wacht am Rhein" and other military airs of the fatherland. Frederick Seidler, formerly a Jan in a German regimental band static j in Hamburg, but of late years de crepit laborer, committed suicide Tues- , day night in his room at 1029 Ellis street by inhaling gas. His body was found yesterday afternoon. According to Mrs. J. J. Brodmet* el matron of the house, Seidler, who had passed middle age, was passionately fond of band music and took great de light in his phonograph. Seidler left $23 to Fred Wienke, a friend and former fellow lodger, now a patient at the city and county hos pital. FORMER CALIFORNIAN TO SUCCEED REID AS REGENT C. B. Alexander, Whoee Wife Wa« Mian Crocker, Probably Will Be Named h congratulated her on her good sense. The messenger boy was detained but could give little information to his questioners. Lent night after being carefully in structed Miss Meyne boarded a. Haight btreet car. Another passenger was Dβ "An Independent Newspaper , ' Mr. and Mrs. F/ft/ep /. Shepard and Lyndhurst, at Irvington-on-the-Hudson, where they mill spend their honeymoon. fective Thomas Conlon. He eat far away from the young actress, but hie watchful eyes roved the car for a sight of the degenerate he hoped to arrest. DETECTIVE NEAR BY At Pierce and Haight streets he alighted from the car. At Scott street, a block further on Miss Mayne de scended from the car. A young man wearing glasses and a sqft, fiat black hat approached her and said: "Are you Miss Mayne?" "Yes," she responded without a tre mor. "Are you "T. X.?' " "Where shall we go?" was his next question. Almost ready to collapse, the brave girl suggested that as he was better acquainted with San Francisco than she he had better lead the way. He started down Haight street with the little woman beside him. She is not much more than four feet tall, or short. Inspector O'Connell, who had arranged the trap, stepped out of a doorway about the same time the de tective approached In front. Both grabbed at the same moment, and in a trice the physician was disarmed and handcuffed. "LET ME GO," HE SOBS "Oh, let me go," he sobbed, with tears raining down hie face. "Ife the first time and it will kill my poor old mother. It's the first time. I tell you. I.,et m« go. I shall kill myself." A newspaper man approached out of the darkness and led little Miss Mayne away. She afterward admitted she hadn't believed she could go through with the affair. Handcuffed to detective Conlon Dr. Weiss was taken to the hall of Justice on a streetcar and there was placed in detinue. The federal grand jury will act on his caee tomorrow. "She was the little girl I ever encountered," was the way In spector O'Connell and Detective Con lon characterized Mice Mayne last night. Shovrcm, Tat*. vOhjerj. jnodfrtff X. Trladn. MIDDLE AGED German lady wishes position in email family or bachelor's. Phone Mission $175 takes pair sorrel Canadian mares. 6 and T years old and full sinters. Thig team Is loir For Continuation of Thege Advertisements See Classified Pages AVIATION STATION AT GUANTANAMO IS OBJECT OF DEPARTMENT OF WAR Flying Ships to Guard Base of Protection for Panama Canal Entrance fSpprlai Dispatch to The C'allt "WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.—A perma nent aviation station at Guantanamo, Cuba, the protective base for the Pan ama canal, is the plan of the war de partment, and It is probable the largest aviation camp under the government will be located there. It is the purpose of the war depart ment to fortify Guantanamo in every way possible, and in this way there will be aerial protection. The planar of the "war departm-ent will be to guard the naval base to the limit of modern facilities. Aeroplanes aa a necessary factor In warfare have been recognized by the United States and It is believed that the patrol of Guantanamo bay can still be maintained by the aviators. Lieutenant H. J. Tower, command ing: the aviation camp at Guantanamo, has made a report on the conditions for aviation, in which he said: "Sev eral officers have already submit ted requests to be allowed to take a course in aviation and bunches have asked to be taken up. I intend to ac commodate as many as possible with out interfering with Instructions. Some days it Is apparently good flying weather all day, but I anticipate rather bumpy air during the middle of the day. I will be cautious on the first tryouts." Experiments during the.winter will determine the definite plans for the 'proposed station. Congress may be asked to make an appropriation to carry out the plan for its establish ment. MAID CALLS ARTIST 'PAPA' Wife Object* and Obtain* Divorce De cree Without Content :Siw > ' , isl IM#patch to Tlie Call) HEW YORK, Jan. 22.—Mrs. Hugh Dltzler, wife of the -well known portrait artist, today In the supreme court ob jected to her husband being called "papa" by a pretty young woman named Rnsplle. who formerly was employed as maid In the Ditzler home. Mrs. Ditz lor's objection took the form of a suit for a divorce and the artist's wife won an interlocutory decree. The artist did not defend the suit. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ISLAM YIELDS TO FATE; WILL FOLLOW ADVICE OF BIG POWERS Grand Council Agrees to Surrender Adrianople and Leave Disposition of the Aegean Islands to Nations of Europe — Allies Will Demand Payment of an Enormous Indemnity by the Conquered Moslems— Italy and Austria Stand in the Way of Greece in Matter of Final Settlement TURKISH ARMY DOES NOT WANT TO QUIT Depleted Treasury, How ever, Prevents Carrying On War — Negotiations for Conclusion of Peace Expected to Extend Over Term of Many Weeks— Plenipotentiaries to Peace Conference All Pleased With Result, but Some Fear the Ottomans Have Something Up Sleeves CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 22.—Turkey submitted today to the will of the pow ers. The grand council of the Ottoman empire decided In favor of accepting the proposals of Europe for a peace set tlement between Turkey and the Balkan aHres. As officially announced, the grand council "approved the government's point of view, declared its confidence in the sentiments of equity voiced by the great powers and expressed its wish to see their promises and pro posed assistance effectively realized '" It also asked the government "to'c\ j crt all its efforts to insure in the I future the safety of the country and the development of its economic inter ests." The question submitted by the Turk ish government to the grand council today was: Should the recommend i i tions contained in the note of the Bβ i ropean powers be accepted or re jected? The government frankly confessed ' itself in favor of agreeing to the sug gestion made by the powers. I FORMAL REPLY TODAY The Marquis Johann de Pellaviclnl. Austro-Hungarian ambassador and dean of the diplomatic corps at Con stantinople, will be handed tomorrow a note in which the Ottoman govern | ment agrees to the proposals embodied in the joint note with regard to the cession of the fortress of Adrianople and the future disposition of the Aegean islands and places Itself In the i hands of the powers. The joint note of the powers advised Turkey to cede Adrianople to the allies and to leave the fate of the Aegean islands to the powers for future de- termination. In return, the powers promised their benevolent support as long as Turkey deferred to their coun sel: The plenipotentiaries of the Balkan kingdom are immensely pleased over the decision of the grand counoil. "While it had become more evident in the last 48 hours that the other Turkish states men were prepared for the bitter fate that ends the empire's history as a Eu ropean nation. It hardly was expected that they would register their decision so quickly and so definitely. This action is so unlike the customary Turkish policy that soma suspicion is entertained until positive proof Is re ceived that Turkey may have cards up Its sleeves. One crucial point of difference re mains to be settled—the question of In demnity. The allies propose to levy a WILLIAMS —AND— HUMBERT SHERRIES JEREZ, SPAIN For Quality, (he Best Nine Grades CHARLES MEINECKC A CO. A«arT« P*cin« C«a»t, lUliuiyun *t.. c. r. I