Newspaper Page Text
10 TgEj^CALjL Addrcsa All Cnminunlcatinn* to THK SAN KKA\(IS(O CALL Telephone "Kearny Sβ"— Aek for The » all. The Operator Will Connect You Wilh the Hepartment You AVleh. BUSINESS OFFICE AND EDITORIAL, ROOMS. Market and Third Streets. ..Open until 11 o'clock every night in the year. MAIN CITY BRANCH. 1657 Flllmore Street, near Post. OAKLAND OFFICE, 1540 Broadway. Telephone Oakland 1083. ALAMEDA OFFICE. 1435 Park Street. Telephone Alameda 539. BERKELEY OFFICE. 2011 Shattuek Avenue. Telephone Berkeley 77. CHICAGO OFFICE, 902 Marquette Building , . C. Geo. Krogness, Adver tising Agents. NEW YORK OFFICE, 200 Fifth Avfc nue. W. J. Morton Company. LOS ANGELES OFFICE. 1027 West Twenty-third Street. Home phone 224*17. William W. Wlncup. Agent. WASHINGTON NEWS PUREAU, Poet Building. Ira E. Bennett. Corre spondent. NEW YORK NEWS BUREAU. 516 Tribune Building. C. C. Carlton, Cor respondent. Foreign Office* Where The Cell 1» <»•» File: LONDON, Enir...3 Regent Street. S. W. PARIS. France S3 Rue Cambon BERLIN. Germany. .Unter den Linden 3 ALL POSTMASTERS ARE AUTHOR , IZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS*. Sample Copies Will Be Forwarded When Requested. Mai! Subscribers in ordering change of address should be particular to give both NKW and OLD ADDRESS In order to secure a prompt and correct compliance with their request. MEETINGS— LODGES N GATE Cnrmnandery N". Iβ. K. jftJUl I 2135 Suttt-r st. — SMjted assembly jftff , TIHS (MONDAY* KBMM; a' s VJP ■ : Order of Red cKm. All frntere eously Invited. By order of the com !(-r. THEO. FliOl.l' M. Reorder. HOT: NT MoKIAH Lodge No. 44. V. A. A. A M , 2133 Slitter >t. — Ofiee— end mem- yy h-r- are requested to assemble MON- PAY. February IT. at 12 o'clock m., for the purpose of attend the ohsrquie« of our Ute brother. CHARLES EDWARD BAABK. Rv (irilrr i.f the Master. THEO. I'ROLICn. Secretary, EXCELSIOR 1....1 ire No. Mβ, F. & A. M.— A Officer* u»d membe— are respectfully yy ■■■nibie »t the hail, 17:!!) /\^\ i WEDNESDAY. ' w • 12:30 p. in., to atteml the funeral v late l.rotlier. CHARLES HENRY BRYAN, past master. By order of the W. If. 11. J. OWEN. Seety. Oil lI'KNTAI. Lodee No. 22. F. & A. M. Jk THIS (MhND.U ■ EVENING at T::'.O tfV third degree. Master ItaMH /V\ cordially invited. Hy order of the mas Mr. WALTER (~ ANDERSON. Secretary. RICHMOND Lodge No. SIS, F. & A. M.. * Ist jtv. md Clement st.—THIS (MON- WV l>AYi EVENING wt ~-.r,0 o'clock. third /W\ degree. H. FOUBNEBB. s.-.-ivtary. KING Solomon's liodge So. Mβ, F. & * A. M.. i~:s!t Fillroore Rt. — Second decree wy THIS (MONDAY) EVENING at 1:38 o'clock. HARRY n.VKHR. Secretary. RUCKUS AND STEVKDOBES — Special meeting MONDAY Feb. 17 lUi:: Important. THOS.'r. HEBBING, President. B. ii. FOLEY, Secretary. CHFttCH BKBTICES ___ A. A. LINDSAY. M. D.. pasmtaf through the city, will give two psychologic*! lectures at Aβ -••nitiiy hall. I'helau building, both free. Snn rlaj night. "The Manter if the Inn -- : Tkendaj night. "What Expectancy Can Do." Doctor Lindsay may be teeo at Hotel Columbia. l A\p_jWsD______ BCITABLE reward to yeiauw who may have seen pick up or have in possession my jewels; Hoo«U; chamois hag containing jewels valnaMe paper. MRS. NETTIE HARRI SON. IflW Sutter Rt. NECKLACE of graduated cor*! beads, cold set with cool; lost Sunday evrninc. February f. between Berkeley and Alameda. Return to Itf29 Alameda ay., Alameda. Phone t;c,7: reward KIR lost from Knights of Pythias hall. 113 Valencia st. to 172 Dorland st. No questions asked aad a liberal reward offered. Prized as a keep-nk<>. 172 Dorland st. LOST ivi,. 10, English brindle b_ ldog. Kinder ■•■ return to DR. BUELL. "01 Pennsyl iv ~r MO Bush St.. Deck apartment. il reward. FOUND— N'ar StaJiyao si. entzuKC to park, on Npw Y.;ir day. one nuto inner tube. Owner can I'.aT.. same ou identification. Address boi ■JA>>:'. Call frfflre. LOST— Pawl C'limcil AY. O. W. badce. fern Leaf camp. lost last Sunday: reward. LOUIS GORSE, :: 10 Teddy at. LOST—GoM Waltham watch and fob. monogram S. V .1.: reward. Return to Hotel Turpin. KOCND— IMb lest., Qreek letter fraternity pin. Reply, stating letters, box 2o4<i. Call office. LOST Seller, white, with black spots.; female. Return to owner. Church st.. get reward. LO*T -Lady'e gold watrit, banting case; initials : reward. Return to 234 2TUi st. S<lE> TIFIC TREATMENTS THK SttARECHAI. NEIL, 40fi SiTTK.It ST. COR. KTOCKTON -TUB, STEAM, HERB, ELEC TRIC BLANKET BATHS. WITH SCIEN TIFIC MASBAGE: PBEVENT AND CURE MANY AILMENTS: SHOWER. HOSE, NEEDLE BPRAY, SHAMPOO, DANDRUFF CURB. MANICURING. TRAINKD NURSE GIVES COLON CLEANSING FOR CONSTIPATION: F.LF.c. TREATMENTS; KI.F.C. LIGHT BATHS. 406 SUTTER. ROOM 417. PH. BUTTER 13f,2. SUNDAY. 10 TO 2. GRADUATE nurse; elec. Jlght; salt water, Nau lieim baths; ultra violrt ray treat, for weak ness. L'nloa Square bid., rin. 308 (leaving ele -1 tor tu:n to right i. 3SO Po«t St.; Douglas ."y.'i.Vj c;no. l) GILLEBPIK. doctor of rnecbano-ther«py. e'ectric therapy and chiropractic; specialist in (iruglevs inetho<ls of treating nervous and . Ilnf.n , , '501. P. 23 Geary et. UAMOS INST.. 484 Eddy St.; ph. Frank. 2181— IClec. Bweat, hot tub bath and scientific raas- 11.60; lacly ttendants for ladies. We tr.-at rheuniatisin. neuralgia & stomach trouble. BUSINESS PERSONALS A! KI.Ii TKli, weak, ueituva people: One week's frpi treatment ami iii»tli«-incr to prove the won i!«rf:,| curatlTC power of the n»*w method, "Ki-i;i" Srsteui of Parts. OfftYc open for busl netM Monday. Feb. IT. 110:; Pierce st. cor. Turk, over drug store; hours 1 to 3 and 7 i> m. NOTICE—UK Call will not knowingly print Ille gitimate advertisements. If any reader can furnish Information that any advertisement >n ihis column is not legitimate. send it to The Call in confidence, and if found correct the ad- T<Ttisemeiit will be discontinued. AA--MV wJks aud toupees detection; priTate :epartmeiit fur gentlemen, 2271 California Mr. Lederer in charge. Ladies' wigs, trans ition switches. 1809 Flllmore et. Hair poods Ruaranteed. Finn established 1886. A —KMINKNT CHINESE lIEUB DOCTORS All diseases cured; strictly confidential; con- Miltation free; hour*. 10-8. Sundays 10 5. DRS. CHAW 4 (HAN HERB CO.. 1910 Sutter et. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN, Tibratory and electric specialist; rheumatism, impaired circulation, nervoiip trouble. "."7 Pacific bldg.; hours 10 to 6. LADIES' hats cleaned, dyed, shape chanced to >tjle, innanns bleached, blocked: wholesale. IfUU. Greenbaum. iTIZVj O'Farrell; W. 7149. MISS BKBNABX), steam baths and electric treat ment: Van's Mexican hair restorer; select pat ronage only. 215 O'Karrell St., S. F., office 5. THE Valngeor elect, institute, elect, and Nau lieiia batlis. cit-et. sweat vibrator and scientific him-.: trained attendance. 140!< Rush nr. Polfc. GRADUATE of anatomy glv?e beneficial massage to select patrons only. 1721 Broadway, Oak land. GRADUATE masseuse. eliirojKxlist; first class •fork only. 1357 Washington st. nenr Hyde. UERMAN nurse, Nunheim treat.; baths, mas -ajr>-. vibr. G2R Hyde st. near Geary. MISS J(>HA.\SSO.\, (trad. Swedish mass.: genuine massage. 107 ii CJoiigh st.; hours 12-8: Sun. U-β. CABINET, rapor ami tub baths for colds and rheum.; elect, treats. 1114 Divisadero nr. Eddy. ETHEL GEARY, bath murage pnriors; ele. vib. treat. 727 Geary st. Phohe Franklin «r.0."?. WKI.LS , MAGNETIC AND SCALP TREAT ME NTS. IOfU. MISSION ST.. ROOM 55. DBUGLESS MKTII.: el*n\ bath, iilcohi.l. oi!. with niHiiip. 141.' n'Farrell; 10-H; tfl W. SfU.V Miss BELL, graduate masseuse; hrs. Sun. 12-5, daily 10-9-. ■i"! Westbank bldg., 830 Market Bt. TUB and steam baths; massage treatments and ruanlcurlng. 25 3d et.. apt. C, near Market. COBTEZ —Thermal bathe, salt glow, elec. Tib. 813 Van Ness cor. Ellis, enlte 203; hre. 11-10. —— MIIS. BTKWABT, mass., elect, and rib. treats for rtyum. and nerves. 1122 Mkt. opp. 7th, r. 3 MISS V. GIBSON. iiUMWiwf . face and scalp treatments. 3i EUit.. rui. 310; Urs. 1-10 p. ox. BUSINESS PERSONALS continued — | MRS. <;. " ANDERSON, nurse, formerly -■ of ■' 1709 O'Farrell st.. has returned from vacation east; will receive patients at her home; pUys.' refs. 1561 McAllister st. near Dlvlaadero. - MRS. ANDREWS." professional nurse, masseuse; physician's references. • 725 Turk st.; hrs. 12-7. SULPHUR, steam baths, mass., elec. vib. 2022 Sutter; phone Fillmore 1711. New management. TUB CLIFTON—Vaper baths and macs. lust.; elec. treat. 102S Market, office 20-30: 10 to 9. ELECTRIC therapeutic*, treatment: tub : bath*. BALDWIN St. RAY. 406 Sutter st.. room 312. FRANKLIN . Klectric Institute. ."..'.l-532 Whitney „. bldg., 133 Geary st. MRS. C. ROSE: 10 to 10. Electric blanket baths, chiropody Mrs. Bobbins, 1012 Fillmore, office 17. Hrs. 10 9. Park 7758. i STEAM mineral baths and scientific massage; male end female attendants. 471 Fulton at. ' | VIBRATORY massage for face and 1 scalp by MISS BMBRBEN. 1784 Sutter st. Hours 10 to 9. LOUISE PABCOB, eastern massage and elect, rib. treatment. Rm. 211. 34 Ellis st.: hrs 10 to 10. MISS F. ROFKiERS, late of Chicago, masseuse — Scalp treatment. Room 301. 34 Ellis st. . MASSAGE by trained nurse; refined patrons only. 14.'(7 Buchanan St.; hours. 12 to 9. COMBINGS bought and made up. EXPOSITION HAIR STORE. 2s.i O'Farrell st. ' PERSONALS IF Mrs. ' Urban Tuehscuer will . write to J. W. Ball of Auburn. Cal.. she will learn some thin? to her material advantage. " MR. BUICK, who whs on transport Sheridan, pltat write or call on T. C. S.. 92 7th st. MATBIMOiriAL WOMAN of 39. highly educated, traveled, ac complished, happy disposition, would meet com- j panionable man. MRS. E., care 2077 Mission j st.. San Francisco. - •'-.---'"- • ■ PARTIES wishing to marry, cell or write MRS. MILLARI). 2208 Slitter: details 25c: W. 4780. MARRY—Thousands tired living alone; all ages; call or write. MRS. HYDE. 2077 Mission st. _^mTTALISM LOTTIE BUSWKLL LIEN, readings daily, cir cles every night. 1350 Webster st. near O'Fnrrell." "■ -■■' ■ . ' MRS. GOETZ. mcd., cldir, card, egg rdg.. moved to 300 Waller; f»Oc-sl. Tel. Market 5289. MRS. 1.. H. KINNAIRD. onl.; con. daily. 10-4; circles Sun.. Wed.. Fri.. B p. in. HOT Fillmore. : ASTROLOGY " MISS STARR, astrologlst, reads your full life scientifically. 553 Eddy St.. Eagle apartments. CLAIRTOYANTS IPIROFo GAEJLAS® THE ONLY AM) ORIGINAL. 30 YEARS IN SAN FRANCISCO. World's greatest clairvoyant, palmist, astrol oger, mental telepathist; will cause things to be as you desire; tells everything; dates, important information all revealed: health, luck, marriage, business, mining, treasure, lawsuits, evil Influ ences, spells, weak habits, love troubles, and tells full name and everything you wish to know. Hours, 10 to 8. CONSULTATION FREE. 1144 MARKET ST. FOR READINGS BY MAIL SEND $1. Tib® Hs_.@_t£ w®_N_<sr_? ml pydnk eS__rv©y_sitt nun CM§ ©©GniQ&ryo S®v@ei y®_!r_ __ Mifitsu CALL ON HER AT HER GORGEOUS ORIENTAL SALON. 1507 FMllmore st. Phone Fillmore 2471. AA— PROF. J. E. SHAW. Genuine clairvoyant, true and reliable, tells full names gives advice on love, marriage, divorce, business, patents, changes, deaths, wills, deeds; removes evil influences; reunites separated: read- ; Ings 50c; readings by mall, four questions, $1. 25 Third st. next Hearst building. i A— KNOW thy future; consult PRINCESS, '/A »- RAIDA: she lias no equal: she tells your name and exactly what you called for without ask ins a question: she has read for the most re nowned people: special reading 50c. Hours 10-9; Closed Sunday. 1S4:? Filimore st. near S-itter. Mesdkuft E§te 9 Off© IR®_dl®ir Ordained medium, psychic palmist. 1414 Market st. Ridings 60e. • Hours •Hi a. m. to 9 p. m. VERA i960 Market st. loiip. Empress theater); MARSH ( clairvoyant; your name anil life reading ."<><■: hours 10 to 5; open until 9 Mon. and Sat. MISS ZEMDAR, young gifted clalr. and palmist; a wonderful prophetess: hours 10 to 10; ladies 50c, gentlemen $1. 1106 Divisadero near Turk. ANNA DIAMOND, clair., pannist, card read.; full facts revealed. 1122 Market St.. room 7. MRS. WATSON—Curd, egg reading; clairvoyant. 1002 McAllister Ft. corner of Buchanan. MMR. LEONIDA, palmist, cards, clairvoyant; honest readings: mines spec. 948 McAlllister. PALMIST wants work In or out of city. Box 2948, Call office. y. W. C. A., 1249 O'Farrell st. —Classes In Bible, 'languages, history, art, literature, physical culture, domestic science, dressmaking, mil linery, shampooing and manicuring. SPANISH, FRENCH. -ENGLISH. Italian, Latin; PROF. De FILIPPE. graduate Paris. Madrid; prepares for universities. • 1712 Bush St. THEO. VAN DER STEGEX. 'translator of business correspondence in all foreign languages; manu scrips. plays written. 2f>l Kearny, room 511. MAN, 40. wishes lessons in mathematics 2 or 3 t nights a week; terms per hour. Box 2438, Call office. - ■ .'.'- -■-■ ■ - ETHEL COTTON BTUDIO of expression, oratory, after dinner and extempore speaking. 1112 Mkf. PIANO without exercises for beginners; $1 a les son. WeEthaus Studio. 1324 Page; ph. Pk. 7532. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY. 2101 Shattuck ay., Berkeley, Oil., room 4, Wright block. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES >„„. I AAA - DOUGLAS 35.V. Home C 4665; best Jap anese, Chinese. Filipino help; all kinds of work. ASIA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 41*5 Grant at, JAAAA— Tel. West 1731. ■ Home 52613. T. TAMIRA & CO., 1612 Laguna st. Japanese-Chinese Employment Office. C. I). KINNEV, Chinese employment bureau, suc cessor to J. Conn, 785 Clay et. Phone Douglas 3162. STAR Kmp. office—.Japanese-Chinese help. ; W. KODATA, HilO Geary; tel. West 167. S 2706. ALL kinds of help furnished with care, dispatch. West 5688. OSCAR HATSUMI. 1513 Geary nt. HORI & CO.—Best Japanese and Chinese help of all kinds. 1711 Post st.: West 2803. S 2803. EMPLOYMENT WANTED FEMALE . A Protestant nurse, a thorough waitress, a young strong woman wanting cooking on a ranch, 2 second girls. 2 , first class cooks and many other good help are now registered at MISS IM.INKETTS EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 1896 Sitter st.; phone West 5825. , A TRUSTWORTHY woman wishes housekeeping position with adults; cook; wash. Address C. 1208 Golden Gate ■ ay. FIRST class millinery trimmer wants position, city. Box 2457. Call office. GERMAN Hungarian lady wishes work by the hour cleaning and washing; 25 cents per hour. 31) Llebig st. . - GOOD, steady woman, good worker and laun dress, would like work for Wednesday and Thursday; housecleaning also. Phone Market 6188. V • ~- '.. ■■-..,. ■ GIRL wishes day work or nursing. 390 Page street, , : ■■•...-,■■ -■■■■.■."■■■ -.;:,. ■;- " . , HUB BAND and wife want position to take charge apartment or lodging house, husband manager or clerk, wife housekeeper; city or country. Box 240,". Call office. LACE curtains laundered, 35<? up; good work. Tel. Mission 515. MRS. RAY. 3827 18th st. MIDDLE aged colored woman wants housework and cooking. MRS. J. JOHNSON. 1331 Castro St.. Oakland. - POSITION as lady's companion by a refined, in telligent woman; good sewer; no objections to leaving the city; answer by letter only. M. A. R.. 1671 McAllister st. -,:-,-. RELIABLE | woman for cooking and light house work, city or short i distance In country; refs. Please call at 2728 Mission at, STENOGRAPHER and typist, lady, 8 years' ex perience. desires position; salary $50. Phone Park 3582. • -; SITUATION WANT ADS IN THE CALL WILL COST 10c FOR 4 LINES, FIGURING 7 WORDS TO A LINE. ■ , : SWEDISH woman wants position |as house | keeper or to do cooking for few men; city -or country. Address 4515 Bond st. ' Melrose. Cal. WOMAN : want* . washing or cleaning ■by : the day. 320; Waller. Park 4226. YOUNG woman with a child would like position as housekeeper; good home more than i wages main object. • Please ■■ call or address MRS. J. M.. 090 McAllister st., San Francisco. = v YOUNG lady owning typewriter would like type ,.; writing to do at home. •/ For ; full > particulars telephone Franklin 3777. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1913. EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG Danish girl wants work, assist general housework;-can do plain cooking; wages $25 to start. H. LARSEN, 720 Hlllcrest drive, Daly City. YOUNG English lady desires position as lady's companion or maid: best of references if re quired. Address MISS BROADHURST, 303 20th St.. Kiist San Jose. Cal. YOUNG woman wishes situation as chamber maid in worklngman's hotel or rooming house; 7 years in last place. Call 435 First st. near Bryant. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE A man and wife, young and strong, want to work on a ranch; have good references and are capable. Write to MLSS KATE PLUNKETT, IM)G Sutter St., or phone West 5825. ALL ROUND young man would like to learn painter's trade for small salary; good scaffold man. N. GL'ILMET, 973 Harrison St.. San Francisco. BOOKKEKPKR wants books of small corpora tions or business houses to keep by contract, day or evening work. Box 2463 Call office, or phone Douglas 1739. BAR. TENDER, single, sober and reliable, will- Ing to do porter work; Al references. Box 24r.9. Call office. CHEF ((Jerinan), first class man on soups, meat and pastry, would like to have i>osition In hotel, restaurant or Institution. Address box 2419. Call office. CARPENTER, competent to take charge of any job, wants work; city references. Box 2441, Call office. CHAUFFEUR, good repair man. necks position, town or country. Box 23T>7. Call office. COMPOSITOR (news, ads, jobbing), sober, wants situation In oDen shop. Box 2451, Call office. CHOREMAN, 27. absolutely sober, wants a posi tion on a private place. Box 2350, Call office. EASTERN man. IS years' experience dry goods and groceries, looking for position; fluent Eng lish and German: Al S. V. reference; can do your card writing and window dressing; let merits of work determine salary: bond if po sition requires. Address B. A. W., box 248, Dewey bouse. 4th and Howard stR.. city. FIRST CLASS RIGGER AND CARPENTER WISHES STEADY POSITION, PREFERABLY ALASKA BUT WILL GO ANYWHERE; HATE BEST OF REFERENCES. GUSTAYE NYREEN. ROOM 851, HOTEL ARGONAUT, OR BOX 2888, CALL OFFICE. FURNISHING goods and clothing salesman de sires position; coast experience. Box 2347, Cm II office. FIRST CLASS automobile mechanic wants posi tion; does not talk English. A. MAMEDOFF. 871 Rhode Island st. GARDENER, handy with tools, especially good with machinist and carpenter tools, wants Nome work; city or country: sober and reli able: references. T. T.. 1617 Pine st. GARDENER, strictly sober, experienced all lines, flowers, vegetables, fruits and care of private place, good reference, wishes steady position. U<ix 2476. Call office. GARDENER iheadi seeks position; 20 years' experience: t; years in this climate; practical nnd scientific worker. Box 6083, Call office, Oakland. GARDNER —First class man who understands every branch of the business desires steady pofeitlon in private family; good ref. W. 8., iM2 Kearny st. GOOD, reliable man. with family, experienced farmer, wants position as working farm man ager, or furnished ranch to work ou shares. Box 28*;, San Leandro. Cal. GARDENER. 27. absolutely sober, wants a posi tion, city or country. Box 23M. Call office. GARDENER and caretaker wants situation In private place. Address PETERSON. H>9 Noe. HEAD GARDENER, first class. 38, single, sober, experienced in hothouse (orchids), greenhouse, l>edding. decoration and landscape work, wants situation, private place or institution. Address box 2182. Call HORSESHOES, sober, steady floor and fireman, capable of taking charge of shop, wants posi tion. Box 2120, Call office. HANDY man wants job: good reference. Call or address W. E.. 1107 Oak st. JAPANEiiE. good cook, wants position, camp or clob: w>ages $."0 up: have good references. TANO TAKA. IM Gouch St. West _Bi. JAPANESE, experienced first class cook, wants situation in private family; references; $10 up a week. F. X., phone Berkeley 0910. LANDSCAPE gardener, etc., strictly sober, ex perienced in all lines, flowers, vegetables, fruits and care of private place, good refer ences from the be«t city people, wishes steady position. V. GIANT, 49 Bannam piece. MIDDLE aged man, German, would like a steady position oa a small private place; garden work preferred: can milk, care of horse, do chores; wages $20 per month, bonrd and room. C. MILLER. 150 Jackson St., city. MEXICAN, speaking and writing both languages fluently, wishes position, any capacity: English steno. beg inner. K. G. GAL.LARDO, phone Market .'U"7. MAN. speaking German. French. English and Spanish, knowing all Central American repub lics, wants to travel with prospector or any other branch of business. Box ZUS, Call office. MAN with family wihhes position on ranch as foreman ;>»n give references. Address CROD DUCK. 750 6th ar. PAINTING interior woodwork finishing, frame gilding, touching up hotels and private resi dences: cheap, first class work. Box. 2433, Call office. PHOTOGRAPHER, understands studio or view work, will guarantee satisfaction; will work on salary or a percentage. Address box 2319, Call office. PARTY going to Japan can have good conveni ences by addressing JAPANESE STUDENT, box 6105. Call office, Oakland. POSITION as butler in private family. Address BUTLER. 2040 Scott st. RELIABLE man of 40, wide business expe • rience and ability, good appearance, wants po sition where he can later invest if agreeable. Box 2471, Call office. BOBER, industrious elderly German wants light work of any kind: thoroughly understands por ter, houseman, kitchen work, etc.; handy all round: city or country. Box 2440. Call oftjee. STENOGRAPHER desires position; 3 years' ex perience; experienced In bookkeeping, time keeping, collecting, general office work; Al references. Box 2270. Call office. SALESMAN—Auto supply, acquainted with Ore gou, Wash, and So. Oil. trade; moderate sal ary till ability is proven. Box 2470. Call. SOBER, iruluntrious man wants work; 12 years' experience in receiving and shipping; excellent penman: best references. SITUATION WANTED ADS IN THE CALL WIT.L COST 10c FOR 4 LINES. FIGURINO 7 WORDS TO A LINE. TRUSTWORTHY, active, middle aged, eastern woman, good cook, houseworker, wants perma nent position: reasonable wages. Box 6392, Call office. Oakland. WIFK and husband want position to take charge apartment or lodging house, husband manager or clerk, wife housekeeper; city or country. Box 2404, Call office. YOUNG Portuguese man, strong, to do any kind of work, speaks English, reads and writes a little, wants position for any family or apart ment house or do any work on milk ranch. Ad dress 62 Bernard st., San Francisco. Cal. YOUNG man, 24, at present employed, desires P'*>ition in hotel or office building and any work where knowledge of plumbing and re pair work will be usefull. Phone Mission 4543. YOUNG man, 23 years of age, desires position; Is thorough bookkeeper, stenographer and all around salesman and general office man; ref erences furnished: salary moderate; desires employment immediately. Box 2.398. Call. YOUNG gentleman wishes position in city fore, noons only in exchange for board and room. I. I). MILLER. 044 Fillmore st. YOUNG Japanese boy wants a position to do cooking or laundry. OBY, 1907 Bush st; phone West 5982. YOUNG man of 30 wishes to get situation in good paying grocery with Tiew of buying same. Box 2418. Call office. YOUNG man. good mechanic and able to do blßCksmithing. wants position, city or coun try. Box 2437, Call office. YOU furnish paper and I'll paper your rooms cheap; expert paper hanger. Box 2307, Call. YOUNG man wishes place to work for board and room; references. Box 2345. Call office. YOUNG Chinese cook wants position in family; $.H.» up. 8 Waverly place; phone China 328. FEMALE HELP WANTED AAA —Telephone operators. Permanent positions for ail young women and cirls. Salaries from $1.10 to $3 per day. Extra pay for evening and nigbt work. Salary of $1.10 per day P»W while learning. Call at TelepboD« building. Pine and Stelner •tB., San Francisco: telephone West 7595. Employment office open week days from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. AN Infant nurse not over 45 years old; wages $50; must give references Ha an infant's nurse. Don't telephone; call in person at MISS KATE K. PLUNKFTT'S employment bureau, 1896 Slitter oir. Webnter. GET married —Thousands tired living alone; all ages. Call or write Mrs. Hyde. 1>677 Mission st. EXPEDIENCES operators Oβ' waists and underwear. 203 Grant avenue. FEMALE HELP WANTED Continued A — A cook for American family, $o0: kitchen help kept: reference?. Two fancy ironers for hotel south: $40 anJ found. Two chamber maids for city hotel; must be young and strong women; $10 a week. Four second girls; $30 -$3.1. A number of cood housework girls. Do not telephone but call at PLCNKETTS, 1896 Sutter st. corner Webster. SCHOOL wishes competent dancing teacher. Juvenile and adulte; class and private; stnjse, fancy and ballroom dancing. Box 6109, Call office. Oakland. LEARN HAIRHRESSING—The FAMOUS PEAVT (P. V.) SYSTEM- enroll now. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL of HAiRDRESSING. 967 Market St.. second floor, near Empress theater. LADIES and girls to tint pillow tops at home; $6 to $60 per dozen; experience unnecessary at starting. WORLDS FAIR ART ASS'N. 927 Broadway. Oakland, room •*?•'?. 10 to 4 p. m. A—Make money writing st<>rie« or for news papers; big pay free booklet tells how. Ad dress UNITED PRESS SYNDICATE, S. F. WANTED—Young ladles to train for nurees; paid while learning. Call 827 Bruefc et.. Oakland. MILLINERS' apprentice girl wanted. Phone PUfimont 454. COLJLECTED__ KNOX. 1205 Call bldg.—Suits, ltenß. attachments; time checks cashed; debts collected everywhere. ____MAJLE^IEJLJPJW^[T^S^__ LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND BRAKEMRN for nearby railroads; wages $80 to over $100 moQthly; promotion to engineer, conductor; age 18-35; experience unnecensary; railroad employing headquarters; rushing business; thousands of men employed monthly; state age; send stamp. RAILWAY ASSOCIATION, box 2188, Call office. FREE illustrated book tells of about 300,000 protected positions in U. S. service-, thou sands of vacancies every year; there Iβ a big chance here for you, sure and generous pay, lifetime employment; just ask for booklet T-414; no obligation. EARL HOPKINS, Washington. D. C. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY—AbIe bodied un mairied men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temper ate habits, who can speak read and write the English language. For information apply to Re cruiting officer. 660 Market st., San Francisco, Cat. YOUNG MAN. BK A BARBER We teach you cheaply, thoroughly and without waste of time; tools furnishetl. We give you actual shop work and you keep half the receipts. lIRISCOK BARBER COLLEGE. ~00 Howard St., is conducted by the owner. Call or write. WANTED—By an expert poultryinan with prac tical experience, position as manager of a large plant utility or fancy, or to lay out a large plant; is an authority on all poultry subjects and lecturer. If your poultry is not paying I can tell you why. Box 2401, Call office. LEARN the barber trnde In the only legitimate colleges in the world; schools and shops in all large cities: wages paid while learning; beware of places unfair to union labor. MOLER BAR BER COLLEGE. 234 3d St.. San Francisco. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED for PAR CKL POST,; $90 month; thousands needed; San FranciKco examination? May 8; sample questions and (wachinjr sent free. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. 1"B. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED—Men and women to qualify for gov ernment positions; several thousand appoint ments to be made next few months; full in formation about openings, how to prepare, etc., free: write immediately for booklet G-414. EARL HOPKINS, Washington. I). C. MACHINERY salesman; must have a practical knowledge of machinery In all Its branches; must not necessarily be a young roan; a bond will be required; also references; all appli cations must be made in writing. H. S. WHITE MACHINERY CO., 650 Brannan st. RAILWAY m;iil clerks wanted; $900 first year, promotion to $I.SOO. Examinations May 3 in every state. Common education sufficient with my coaching. Full information free. Write for booklet V 414. EARL HOPKINS, Wash ington. D. C. WANTED—Reliable young man for light work; established business: $8o month to start; $l."> 0 required; steady place. Call SoO Market St., room 415. WANTED —A thoroughly experienced delicatessen man, capable and efficient to take charge; highest credentials aecearary; no loafers want ed. Apply room 420, Hotel Kirk, Eddy 6t, be tween 2 and 3 p. m. DON'T PAY to learn trade of automobiles, elec tricity, plumbing, bricklaying; make your work do it by actually working at tiip trade with us. etc.- nn'r short time required. UNITED TRADE SCHOOL. 1214 Call buildine. AN all around repair machinist; must be sober and must be a mechanic; no others need ap ply; all applications must be made in writing. H. S. WHITE MACHINERY CO., 650 Bran nan st. WANTED —A thoroughly competent paint and oil salesman: must have good record; good territory. Address, giving full particulars, Box 2417, Call offirr. PARTNER, manufacturing; each can nmke $150 month; experience unnecessary; price $250. 50- Washington st.. room 54. MAN with little casli to run cigar stand; handle own nmiey: experience not necessary if right man. 32S Bush st. WANTED —Few first class machinists (bench, open shop. Address SAMSON IRON WORKS. Stockton. Cal. WANTED—Structural draftsman familiar with detailing office and mill building work. LLEWELLYN IRON WORKS. Los Angeles. DOUGLAS HOUSE. 758 Harrison st. near 3d—200 hard finished rooms; large reading room; hot water; room 25c a day; $1.25 and $1.50 week. AI'TOMnBII.K driving and repairing. MOTOR ENGINEERING SCHOOLS, 57th and Adeline «ts.. Oakland. AUTO TRUCK driving and care taught; day and evenings; special courses arranged. 1841 Mar ket St. MEN to loam cigar making: make bis money while learning, f>o2 Washington st., room .%4. FIVE men wanted to learn automobile driving In one week, guaranteed; $10. 20 12th st. GOO practical ladies' hatter wanted. Apply 2.-.1 Post st. 5,000 men can get a 5c shave. 10c hair cut; no waiting; 15 chairs; clean service. 145 3d Rt. LEARN barber trad* free: make money while learning. CAL. BARBER COLLEGE. 145 Sd st. MAKE $1 an hour- classes and by mail. S. F. SHOW CARD SCHOOL, 915 Van Ness ay. GET married—Thousands tired living alone: all ages. Call or write Mrs. Hyde. 2f.77 Mission st. WANTED—Young man to learn printing and ad vertising; fine opportunity. 787 Market, r. 114. WANTED—Men without experience (young farm ers preferred) to lparn renl estate business, and after a few weeks' training to take charge of our offices in Canada and America: salary and commission. Kxpense grabbers Deed not apply. Apply at 812 Mills buildlug. SALESMEN wanted; no experience required; earn while you learn; write (or call) for list of po sitions open paying $1,000 to $5,000 a year. National Salesmen's Training Association, 4648 Phelan building;. S. F. Branches everywhere. AGENTSJVANTED JUST THINK—GORDON SAFETY RAZORS made to retail for 25c! Guaranteed equal to $.> razor; biggest seller out; samples 10c; guaranteed a lifetime. GORDON CO.. North western building, Chicago. 400% PROFIT selling our pillow tops : high grade work: easy sales: samples and catalogue free. LUTHER GORDON CO., Northwestern building, Chicago. WANTED —State agent for patented automobile accessory; fine seller; exceptional opportunity; $1,000 required for stock. Address W. A. S.. 3900 Sheridan road. Chicago. HI. WANTED—Agents in every town; best selling article known; mskr $6 to $8 a day. Investi gate now. GOODWIN, box 254, station C, Los Angeles. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES SLAUGHTER IN PRICES FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Here are a few of our special discotints: Strops and hones 22 per cent Razors and shears 20 per cent Lather brushes 15 per cent Combs, wbiskbroo/ns. tnuge 30 per cent Coats 22 per cent Neck dusters and razor cases 23 per cpnt Clothes and hat brnshes... 30 per cent Stand bottles and paper vases 25 per cent Talcum powder 30 per cent Witch hazel, bay rum and other toilet prepara tions 15 per cent discount. We hive a great many more items too numer out to mention. This sale applies only to store and mail order. PACIFIC BARBER SUPPLY COMPANY, 062 Market et. FOSTER & CO., 204 Westbank bldg., 830 Mkt. $273—2 chairs 1 hath; southern Cal.; best shop in town; rent $12; laundry agency. 3 K. H chair shop; good town in Sacramento valley; tlegant fixtures; fine transient aud whole pale location; low rent; lease; sacrifice. FOR sale—One of the best paying barber shops In the city; 4 chairs; long lease; cheap rent; good reason for selling; must be sold at once; a bargain. 1214 Polk St.. room 307; call between 10 a. in. and 12 P- m- MANICURE—Wanted position as manicurist; will pay commission to any one procuring suitable situation: experienced; first class shop only. Address box 2317. Call office. TOR sale—2 chHir barber uliop with .", living rooms in rear; good location: cheap rent. Inquire of L. FOTI, 628 Macdonald ay., KiciiUK'nd, Cal. 1 BARBERS AND SUPPLIES Continued COUNTRY I. barbers—Wooden poles £ reduced | %?, -;; barber chairs and I heaters cheap: •• freight > pre m paid :on j complete I shops; I Collender clocks ; free. 894 •■ Hayes ; st. ■".;■- ■•- '_,' :•:'■■■;, -A; :-i .-.;'--\:;v BARBER ■♦ trade ■ taught v free; » opportunity to :, make money •; while learning. - Call or write f INTERNATIONAL. BARBER SCHOOL. 790 i Howard St. v ; - * . -„•',' WANTED—To soil half |or all of ; a good paying v 4 chair shop, as one partner has other business; good lease and location. Box 6114, Call office, •;.-■ Oakland. ; "■ '■ ' ■".).•:-.■" ■" , .■ BARBER wanted every afternoon and Saturday; »-. must be union man. -.- ISO 7 13th a?.. East Oak • land. , , ■ '-':':.:. .} .:■■ .--. .-■.,.:-■. -. '-".-'•■.-.■' I WANT to buy : a country barber shop for spot cash. Address, giving full particulars, H. W., box 2425. Call office. , - -r: HAVE I'M seen the little "Bee" vibrator? The • strongest current. At BAUER'S, 59 O'Farrell street. ;; ;'" ' -•'. ■'■-' '- ". ;'■•'.:.■■; -- : -'.'..*.-'.■'■■•. -•'.;. WANTED —A young barber every ; evening and -: Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday.! 704 Chenery '••' st.. Glen Park. ■■ ■• ■■■;. v " : - ■■■■■■': ;', . -----. '- •> ■' ■'■■ '■• ~'- ■-'.•' BARBER shop. * 2 chairs, hydraulic, | for \ sale for i... $35, ; complete; going ; out of , business. : 4034 i •J4th st. - * ■■-■. '■■-' -■ -:■: ■:- ■■--■■■ -.-': - -*' ■■;--- BARBERS' union—Free . emp. agency. ■ R. H. BAKER. Sec. , 908 Market: tel. j Franklin 8583. r? , ;': BARBERS. ATTENTION! ■ OAKLAND OFFICE. THE CALL. 1540 BROADWAY. PHONE OAKLAND 1083. FIRST CLASS -barber wanted as partner in first ■■■ class barber shop. Inquire Washington Hotel Barber Shop. 348 Grant ay. . • ■ \ ■ ' SECOND HANI) . poles, $2 each; in good condi tion. 3262 A 22d st.; phone Mission 2470. ; GOOD barber wanted steady, to start today; i come early. f' 681 : Clay st. ■■ - , „'- -, : HEATKRS ; repaired: : new coils put In: heaters Installed. . 32624 22d st.: phone Mission 2470. FIRST CLASS barber wanted at ISO 3 Geary st. -.■■• near Flllmore. : : ~ - ' ,- ' . - ' r ; FOR sale —4 large mirrors; also 3 mirror com r-bination. ,, 447 Kearny st. . * ' FOR sale—First class furniture or complete out ; fit for one chair shop. 1255 Park St., Alameda. BARBERS' Union—Regular meeting tonight, 149 Eddy st. ROE H. BAKER. Secretary. . PORTER wanted at 727 Folsom st. '.'. SMART young barber, 8 months at trade, wants position, city or country. Box 2477, Call office. BARBERS' Protective Union—Employment secre tary. W. BARON. 77.% Mkt.; tel. Kearny 5384. LEARN . barber trade free; make money i while learning. CAL. BARBER COLLEGE. 145 3d st. BARBER, . first class, wants good ' country ' job. Address 1724 San Pablo ay.. room 26. Oakland. FOR RENT —Barber shop, completely furnished, at Melrose, depot. WYMAN LAND CO. SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. THE CALL will run your advertisement free for i one j week ij> this column —-you pay 2c for each answer received —no answers, no pay. . ■ / Bring your adv. to THE CALL office, not more than 30 words; it will be published one week free. No letters mailed In the city. All answers will be received and distributed, through THE CALL'S office. Third and Market, or our Oakland office, 1540 Broadway, Oakland. For every letter in answer to your advertise ment you are to pay THE CALL - cents. Your adv. is published one week. THIS OFFER IS FOR MISCELLANEOUS AR TICLES AND DOES NOT APPLY TO REAL ES TATE EXCHANGES OR CASH TRANSACTIONS. NO BUSINESS FROM DEALERS ACCEPTED. LA 808 oil painting. Christ Before Pilate, size £>x 12 ft., was on exhibition at the world's fair; also 2 organs, mandolins and banjo; would lifer* automobile. What have you? Box 6101, Call office, Oakland. , NEW Victor Victrola, mahogany, 14 record al bums, gold plated Round box. arm neck, coat $200; Red Seal Victor and Columbia records, cost $85; exchange for diamond or jewelry. Box 2105. Call office. BEEBJS Indelible check protector, new; cost $40; absolutely safeguards your checks; want binoc ular, oak sectional bookcase. 13 inch vertical filing cabinet, county maps or tailoring. Box 2090, Call office. .. WHAT have you In exchange for one large hand some I organ, suitable for church work; on© gent's clothes closet, paneled, medium size: one oak paneled double wall bed, clipper mattress? What have you? Box 2251. Call office. . : TO exchange—A high grade bicycle with com plete ; equipment, including carbide lamp. horn, pump, tools, etc.; also 1 Columbia graphaphone end 25 records; all In fine shape. Box 2088, Call office. . ; ; ;■ HAVE household goods, . cnalre, tables, stands, bureau, folding bed, etc.; also road cart. Ex change for field glass, linoleum, tools, harness, S tent or anything requiring less storage room. What have yon? Bos 6098. Call. Oakland. WANTED to exchange $375 standard - new : - .'(-pedal upright piano and $300 cash for good 1912 . runabout or touring car; must be in . good condition. Box 2333. Call office. - : $100 CHOCOLATE candies, and premiums and chance card outfit. Owing to illness can't Hue. What have you? Anything considered. Box 2393. Call office. WILL exchange painting, papering, tinting, let tering or carpenter work for typewriter, me chanics" tools, clothing jor anything of value. Box 2300, Call .office. : ; HIGH CLASS dressmaking and sewing of all kinds in exchange for typewriter, furniture, carpets or household goods. Box . 6121, Call office, Oakland. • r * • OLD STLYE but •in ; fairly good condition. Singer tailor'?, sewing machine; also 2 burner goose gas " heater, for what have - you? Box 2304. Call office. $20. CAKE or general display plate glass , ad justable shelf .HO inch by 48 inches* stand. ,On nickel plated uprights. Make offer, sub mit anything. Box 2358, Call ' affice. CAMERA, phonograph records, rotary printer, field glasses. 1 pair reed porch curtains, to trade for • anything useful. , Box 6099, Call of fice. Oakland. ; SHETLAND pony and stylish cart, ' harness and saddle; good to drive 30 miles any day. Will ' exchange j for good piano or good furniture. Box 2423. Call office. ': X, WILL trade my 7 passenger Garfonl Studebaker automobile. 40 horsepower, in good order, for a . smaller 4 cylinder auto that needs repair. Box 6097. Call office. Oakland. WHAT have you In exchange for one new Re gina. model A. pneumatic cleaner and tools; one oak roller top desk, 54x80 inches, paneled back? What have you? Box 2281. Call office. MEDICAL buttery, cabinet mineral bath. --t Ar nold vibrator and electric massage machine, all In Al order, to trade for furniture or any thing useful. ■ Box MOO, Call office, Oakland. WILL exchange $200 worth of good new salable goods (at agents' wholesale cut) for Victor Victrola talking machine of equal value, with records, etc. Box 2324, Call office. . ; "-' BEAUTIFUL French plate mirror, 11x3 feet, and No. 6 Remington typewriter, first class condi tion, for Vjctrola or high class phonograph. Address box 2326, Call office. MAGICIANS or others—l have 2 trunks of tricks • and novelties. What I have you to exchange? • My entire lot is worth $50. What do you want •' to exchange? Box 2327. Call office. HAVE ';-■, oak \' folding bed 1 with : new bedding, dresser. French ' plate mirror, copy book press. S etc. Will exchange for gentleman's diamond ring. ' Address : box 2395. Call office. ,',',;■:■/-... WHAT have you In exchange for one wide couch, almost new; , one solid j oak corner cabinet or ' bookcase, glass doors? : What have you? Box 2281. Call office. - t ; NEW stock of salable merchandise (used every where) costing wholesale • $545. to exchange for auto, diamonds or what have you? Box : 223«. Call office. ;■'.'.'% : ; : WILL exchange fresh water pearl jade necklace, also lady's long coat (about 38), ; for > good locket and chain or small solitaire. Box 2234, '-'.: Call office. .:,-■'■ •■"'■•-. I -:.- :■_..,:. : , • - „■■, •'-• -,;>■■:- '.;;;■ -. BUTCHER'S icebox. 6xS f ft., built to order, In sections, . easily . removed; will trade for' any thing of value. What have you? Box 2201, '■ Call office. ' ■ ELECTRIC sign ; "Dancing." both sides worth . $100 new; what have you to trade; ; ready to put up. supports and chains complete. Box 2143. Call office. -,'.; ■ : - 14 b. p. motorcycle engine, magneto, etc., with , extra engine, all . machined up. " cost : $750,' ex *.change for attito, 1U ton truck, lots, or what have you? j< Box 2004. Call office. , .■■<■ . ; WANTED —To exchange an 8 year old, bay mare, -'■■•'. weight about 1.000 lbs., free and gentle, worth $7.">. for a ieraey cow young and fresh in milk. :j Address box • 2308. * Call ■ office.^ y HAVE : 5,000 shares |in good local company, elec trical window cleaner, will trade for good mo . I torcycle (must be good), or for a good horse. Box 2077. Call office. ; WILL exchange small size lady's coat and a lot H of Victor phonograph ; records, also a pistol and telegraph key for small diamond locket or nice - baby buggy. Box 2312. Call office. <: ? WILL exchange one 3 hp., 4 cycle stationary or » marine gas engine, ,in good , order, value $35, for 1 4 cyl. high tension magneto. Box 2314, Call office. ■ .-.- :y . :,'..- ■-, ;;,: .-. WILL trade ■ small Victor phonograph with \ rec '.■ . ords, aor - 4 Tuxedo ; suit -v and overcoat, '? 30-8, •;" for good - : bike ;or s lady's locket ■ and > chain. ? Box 2311, Call office. , '' ■ WANTED —Couch, couch covers, , furniture or bedding =In exchange for banjo and .50 ft. sAI . garden hose and fittings, both first class condi tion. What have you? Box 2076. Call office. THREE foot, * seven I day » pendulum I wall ; clock. >v What ; have ; you ito offer? ;fc Box 1 2379. Call. if ■> WISH Ito "i exchange carpenter ior cabinet work. v Make offer. Address Box 2391, Call office. . SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING TO EXCHANGE Continued HAVE an excellent 2 cylinder opposed 10 to 12 hp. automobile engine; good for ranch pump; will exchange. What have you? Address box 23D7. Cal] office. WANTED—Compartment or wardrobe trunk; also email portable or standard typewriter in ex change for evening dresses; give particulars. Box 2008, Call office. WILL exchange fine old violin for folding kodak with anastigmat lens or for jewelry of equal value. Address box 20S0. Call office. WHAT in exchange for ladies' and gents' im ported saddles and bridles, also rubber tired runabout and harness? Box 2103. Call office. MAUSER automatic, latest model sporting and military pistol and carbine. 10 shot. What have you? Address box 20*7, Call offl'-e. DRESSMAKING or any sewing In exchange for trunk or lady's clothing No. 40 to 42. Box 2116, Call office. HAVE 5,000 good shares in local company. In corporated, to trade, part or all. for good launch or automobile. Address box 2104. Call. HATS quantity t.rass and stfel bells. 2*-« inch diam.. nickel plated. Oue nnis'.i; will exchange for electric iron complete. Box 2414. Call. GUITAR—Finely inlaid with* mother of pearl; cost $e0; tine condition: will exchange for diamond of like value. Box 239"_'. Call. WANT a first class player piano with music, in exchange for a very fine horse, buggy and har nesa. Box 2.toe. Call office. I HAVE a hand vacuum cleaner and a good rither, both brand new. in exchange for a typewriter. Box 2205. Call office. EXCHANGE $50 Victrola graphophone. cabinet and 4 dozen records for horse or farm tools. $05 value, or what have you? Box 2097, Call. WHAT have you to offer for a good 16 inch electric fan? Cost few months ago $25. Ad dress Box 2099. Call office. GUITAR, inlaid with mother of pearl: cost $(5."i: Al condition: will exchange for diamond of like value. Box 24r><;. Call office. WILL trade Ford touring car, fine shape, for auto truck, lots or acreage. Box GllO, Call office, Oakland. NEW E-astman kodak. Mα S-A, postcard size, carrying case, tripod; all the latest improve ments; cost over $'M. Box 2384, Call office. KEROSENE lamps complete: also charcoal iron for family use. What have you? Phone Mission 64R9. Box 24H9 Call. BOOKLOVERS' Shakespeare, beautiful new set of 31 volumes, cost $2.">, will trade for binocu lar or tailoring. Box 2389, Call office. ARTIST will give lessons in painting for dancing and music lessons. Box 2422. Call office. WILL give camera, watch or cash for 12 inch disk talking machine. Box 2095. Call office. NEW $250 miiltigraph and stand. What have you to offer? Box 2099. Call office. EXCHANGE tan overcoat size 40. cost $37.50, for a good watch. Address box 2096. Call. AUTOMOBILE runabout. Just overhauled, to ex change for motorcycle. Box 609. Call, Oakland. TO exchange—Pearl inlaid mandolin, worth $35. What have you? Box 6092, Call office, Oakland. HAVE a rubber tired buggy and sulky: what bave you to exchange? Box 2126. Call office. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES AD correspondence will be anewfered promptly by the following advertisers: REAL BARGAINS. IN USED CARS 1912 Buick. liHL' American. 1912 Kissel Kar. 1911 Anbott-Detroit. 1010 Winton. 1910 Oldsmobile. 1910 Stevens Duryea. Each one has been overhauled and is in first class running order. DON LEE, 512 Golden Gate avenue. Pfaooa Franklin X.".7. LEAIR.M ®EJVHM(S AMD Am> trucks EVENING CLASSES FOR DRIVERS NOW EMPLOYED. COMPETENT DRIVERS FURNISHED. IS4I MAIFHrSET ST. DURABLE DAYTON ALTO TRUCKS. Owing to change in agency, we have a number of 2 and 4 ton trucks for sadc; liberal discount. MOTOR DRAYAGE CO.. R33 Stevenson near 7th. 5 PASS. Stoddard-Dayton, $700; Z pass. Over land $6o0: 5 pass, new Howard, $800; 5 pass. Hudson. $650. CASWELL AUTO CO.. 145 Hayes st. COLUMBIA 50 ii. p., doul.lp chain drive. Btme bfrg carburetor, high tension magneto, fine equipment: would make excellent delivery truck. ,lfio4 Fairview, Berkeley. HAVE 19X3 30 h. p. 5 passenger automobile, run less than 1,000 miles: fully equipped; ned money and mnst sacrifice; make best offer. Rox MBS. Call oftic-. WANTED—I want a 1910 Packard 90 7 passen ger touring car, in first class condition, at the lowest possible ca«h fieure. Box 24W. Cnll. ■" TWO passenger car, fully equipped, for $100 cash; also one 4 passenger for $250. 2219 Grove st.. Oakland. 20 ACRES of gwd fruit land: price ?1.7">0; mtg. $500; will exchange eqnity for good second band auto. Box UOB, Call office. Oakland. OUR rebuilt automobiles are no higher, and you buy from people you know. H. 0. HARRISON CO.. Van Ness ay. and Post st. FOR sale—l!»l2 40 h. p. fon-dore auto, fully equipped; cheap for cash. 5212 Shattuck ay., Oakland. E. M. F. "30," detachable rear scat, splendid condition. $400. 52." 21st st.. Oakland. One Packard truck wittf one year's work. Phone Mission 5460. IF YOU HAVE TIRE TROUBUO, SEE A. 11. DEVERMAX. 411 VAN NESS AY. WE buy, sell, rebuild, nil kinds of autos. Va lencia Machine Shop. 1."2 Valencia. Mkt. fiO4l. ALL kinds of used automobiles for Bale at low est prices. Eastern Auto Exchange. 312 Cough. AUTO lamps and horns, sample line, selling cheap. BOESCH LAMP CO.. 1135 Mission st. AUTOMOBILE LOANS AAAA—MONEY LOANED ON AUTOMOBILES AT BANKING RATES. C. E. HERRICK. INC.. 615 Merchants' Et. bldg. Phone Douglas 1359. MOTORCYCLES^ QUALITY and serrlce. besides right price, on new or second hand bicycles, motorcycles: sup plies. A. Zimmerlin. 1080 Q. U. ay.: West 2472. 1913 Twin Excelsior, in chain or belt, $265; Excelsior, single cyl.. In chain or belt, $213. Bente & Baumgardner. 1548 Market, op. 12th. WE sell all mnkes motorcycles at right prices; repair sundries. A. O. PHILLIPS, 1274 Post. R. S., Pierce. Emhlem motorcycles and bicycles. Cal. agt.. J. T. BILL, 3T>7 Golden Gate ar., TYPEWRITERS AJTP SUFTUga WALTER J. WOLF, dealer; rebuilt typewriters of all descriptions; expert repairing: typewrit ers inspected and rented; ribbons for all ma chines; carbon papers and office supplies. 307 Bush st.; phones Douglas 4113. Home C2.">10. REBUILT $100 Rem. or Smith Prem. typewriter; No. 2 guar.. $36; $3 per .no. L. & M. ALEX- ANDER. 512 Market. L. C. Smith & Bro.. rta. OAKLAND Typewriter Exchange. 140."i Broadway, Oakland, dealers in all makes of typewriters. BEWCT6 MACHIXES_ ALL makes sold, repaired, rented. McXALLY, 2664 Mipsion nr. t&d. Phone Mis. 2(i2. M 35,-6. $20 —Singer sewing machine, drophead cabinet, complete. 300 Valencia st. near 17th. J^IXSTO^ME?rTSw PIANOS to buy or rent; lowest figures; easy terms. STATUAM'R. U'4 Hill et. nr. Valencia and 22d, manufacturers' agents; tel. Mission 4782. Tuning, repairing; factory prices. AN organ. $35; upriffht piano. $«o; Kimball piano, JISS; new piano, make offer: player piano, cheap. CURTAZ PIANO CO., 150 Post street. AT last and from now on no more cartage on rent pianos: 1.000 to select from. Call imme diately. HEINE PIANO CO.. 37 Stockton st. A—FINE assortment of pianos to rent, 10c a day SOOTT-CURTAZ. moved to 521 Hayes et. STANDARD 88 note Player piano. $27.">; elegant upright piauo, $100. PAIGE. 2.".l I'cst st. PIANOS to rent; no cartage. BYRON MAUZY Gold Medal Pianos. 250 ejtocktuu et. COMPLETELY FtTRMSHED APARTMKNT OK 8 ROOMS; LIVING BOOM, FUMED OAK: BT-'DROOM. BIRDSEYE; USKJ> 3 MONTHS: WILL SELL FOB 6NB-HALF COST. ISM LAHKIN ST.. APARTMENT ■".. FREE— Pnrntafeed ttoomi, Ilouj-ekeeplng Rooms. Rooms With Board. T«> Let and For Sale slsrns given away to want ml patrons. Ask the clerk for one wben you insert your advertisement. COLONIAL CircHs-iiu s" , : Arwmrn; rugs: set furs: lady's ncrUtee. 817 Eddy rt., apt. 12. FPBHITPBE WAHTMI J. BOEDEFELD buy* and sell* second hand desks, library and office fsrnlfbiega; complete stock always on bend. eSS .Mission it. between 4th and sth: phone gqtter 1209. L. VINCENT, auctioneer. 001 McAHteter it. :teL Home 83404. Park 1803. pays the 1 ichest price I for furnished houses, flats. rte.i M »pct C««h." BOATS AHP Sloop 27x0 «-i ft., skiff, cushion.-. lights.... |300 Sloop 30x10 ft., r> ii. i>. engine, lights, range, etc |38fl Pukkr bo«t. 7.-. h. p.. Doe* «f., tt'ni!s.S4 γ^w Speed launch lsx4Lj ft.. 2% li. p., n*K neto $ House boat 24:\42. ■"> moms $2. t launch 20x6. 4 cycle 111 li. p ?-'-"> Speed launch 22x44. 21 h. p ?'""' Speed launch, fa .-test «>n the '<ny. 17 h. p.. J" " House boat ft.. ."> room*, Terms ***> Towboat 85x7%, 15 h. p. Corihw BARGAIN o<to ft. well riz. drilling s in.. 12 h. p. engitu Tel. Market 8300. 812 Fell st. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS GAS stoves, gas water beaten. yes; second hand, but thoroughly rebuilt iind re paired: bargain prices. GAS AND ELECTRIO APPLIANCE CO.. 441 Sutter St.. next to the Kas company. FBUE Furnished Rooms, Housekeeping Room , ", Rooms-With Board. To Let and For Sale Figne given away to want ad patrons. Ask the clerk for one when you insert your advertise ment. FOR SALE—NEW and SECOND HAND carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories: bar fixtures of ail kin<!s: easy pay ments. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE COLLEN DEE CO., 767-709 Mission st.. H:ui Francisco. ACETYLENE (fas plant, 25 light, complete with burners, fittings, pipe. $100; also 7 h. p. West crn gas engine, stationary type, complete; both in pood condition. 11. F. D., box T5, Martinez. TA stamp collectors —Want.-.!, the beet offer fot, stamp collection, rained at fBBO, with dopll- cate will CO«t $769: tine stamps in collection; j no liberal offer refused. Box 2481, Call. ALL SIZES SECOND HAND WATER PIPE. Best quality standard water pipe and screw casting; guaranteed good as new; prompt ship ment. WKISSBADM PIPE WORKS. 181 ltth. ' SECOND HAND PIPE. Lirgeet dealers la standard pipe and screw cas ing; dipped: prices right; guaranteed first class. PACIFIC PIPE CO.. Main and Howard ste. CASH REGISTERS. Big stock second hand Nationals, guaranteed, cash or time. Cash Mercantile Co., 247 Pine sf. A BARGAIN —3 new pool tables complete with ivory tip cues; slightly used. Address box 2131. Call office. SECOND HAND counter with round corner*, suitable for cigar stand or lunch counter. Apply at .".21'i Fol-oni st. PARTNER in a well established tailoring business: a good opportunity for a good man. Box MM, Call office. HIGHEST PRICK paid for old buildings. RAPID WRECKING COMPANY, 115 Church St.: phone Market 52«4. NATIONAL electric ticket thrower cash register; also detail aud total adder; cheap. 579 Mc- Allister St. CASH REGISTERS bought, sold, exchanged or repaired. BOYAL NOVELTY CO., CO4. McAl lister st. EDISON AGENCY, moving picture machines and stereopticons. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk «t. CUMMIN'S postage stamp protector will Insure against stamp thieves. C. E. Sturgis, GO2 Mis. SAFES, new and second hand, cheaper than ever. THE HERMAN SAFE CO., 126 Folsotn st. ATTENTION —Saloon men: Fi&e collection deer ' horns for sale. Address 719 B St., Petalum*. MOTIOGRAPH moving picture mach.; wholesale beadqrs. EDWARD H. KEMP, 533 Mkt.. S. F. SAFE—Big second hand steel lined Jeweler's safe; snap. 600 Mission rt. below 3d. FOR SALE as a whole, 820.600 No. 1 new build ing bricks. Inquire at 134 Lick bid. FOR sale— Pedigreed Irish sorters. 3 months old. 2<04 Garfier st.; tel. Berkeley 2333. MISCELLANEOUS WAHTg HIGHEST prices paid for gents' second hand clothing. ML'SIN, i>7 3d 6t.; phone Kearny 3311. DRESS Miits, tiiTpfins, other good suits bought. L. SKOLX, "-'< Kearny st.:'trl. Kearny 2230. WANTF.I) -Stanch launch luill, 31 to 40x10 "r 12: Kivf full puttealan. J. P. 0., .'i. r >o gstfc «>-. WANTKD—is <«r 10 inch jointer, cheap for cash. 140 Ist «t.. San Fruielseo. POULTRY. PIGEONS. ETC. SACRIFICK sale—Buff Orp. hene and pullPt-. 11..V) each: white Orp. cockerels, liens aii'l pullets equally cli Pap. T>2<t BStt nr. AA—GOLDEN Koauti- Buff OrptnfftOD settings. J2.50: prize stock. H. ■. HANSEN'. . ar.; Tacific 2833. 19 It. I. Beds, yoiinc, laying chickens, $20, worth $40. 3439 2T>th st.: Market TH72. I'KT Incubator for snip cheap; holds 160 eggs. 1188 Nineteenth ay. South. POOB. CATS. FETS> ETI FOR pnlc. reasoniblp. a t'csutifiil prize winning St. Bernard dec -"•• F*«W old, woisrhe IT" poondx. Apply J. H. BRIEL. 1933 Oakdal -BV.. S. F. FOR Sail , —Hanilsnmely marked Boat, ball; brown and white stripwl; female; pedigree. 124.1 Folsom st. BOSTON terrier, male, perfectly marked; must sell; dojfs hoiinlrii. F'lione Smi.'Pt 840. AITTIOV SALES (Galnclk Itosinnis 941-4. - . MISSION ST. NKAR FIFTH --M. Gallick, auctioneer. Will pay biiriie?( price for fur niture, etc., or will sell on com mission. I'lioi'.p Kearny 6825. HOHSKS. HARNESS AND WAGONS H©]RSES MAEES MULES BUYERS TAKK NOTICE—DO NOT BUY BEFORE INSPECTING OCR STOCK, as we bare the largest variety In the city constantly on band. Fifty head of all purpose horses a meres, weighing from 1,000 to 1.700, from W to 10 years old; also 15 head of footsore dtp mares, weighing from 1.100 to 1,400; also 14 head of gentle broke work mules, weighing from 1,100 to 1.400 each: also one Shetland pony and outfit and wagons, buggies and bar ness of all descriptions. WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE KVKRV HORSE WE REM AND WE POSITIVELY HANDLE! NO WISP BROKEN HOUSES. ALL HORSES DELIV ERED TO AM) FROM BOATS" OR RAILROAD FREE (IF CHABOE. OUTSIDE HORSES SOLD ON COMMISSION. ALL HORSES HITCHED AND TRIED BEFORE WE AC CEI'T Yorn MONEY. ISE SIRE YOU GET Tlir: RIGHT PLACE - MISSION SALE ST VBLES. 430 VALENCIA ST. NKAR 15TH $190—TEAM AND HARNESS. They are both bay*, weigh 2,800; cloaely matched and short coupled, heavy boned chunks and kind, true w< rkerw. together with »et of g, M id doobia breeching harness complete: trial and guar antee given. 4:>'i Valencia «t. A— MARE: age 8; weight 1.X.0; color bcautitnl lilood bar; also business boggy; originally co>.t $14i': imt like new; only been used little: also fine set o< barneae. $12." for en tire (jiitfit; bees wed by collector. ChII _■• t C.'th it., flat A: ask landlady for collector. Bet. York and Bryant m. FOR sale—l team chunky marcs. $l.~r>; l team horses. $IT.">: 1 bum hone and harness. |125; 1 set chain harness. $12. :>v. 1 set breeehtnx har ness almost new. fSS: 1 Mddle bone, ride or drive. $".">. Will Ml] these horw Re fore buying cull «ml see them. All in good flesh and ready for work. 2521)6 I'iuy at. be tween fierce and Scott. MUST Uv aotd today, one n. «• exptvHg wagon, top piiHftoii, CoßCord baggy, baggj horse, one plow horse, (1 bnildlng lots- at j terms. RB5 Moscow st. ,-r. BrasS Ht. TKAM of nitres I.4ik) lbs. ♦■ach, &S><); two small sound yoeag i ors.-s. ettmp, wort sinsie or double. 1004 Treat aw near ssd et FOR sale —Brown borse, lbs., 8 years ol<! suitel'le for country; worker, Fol som st. iTU(iUU UUV&«® f rom Market. QUAST & SON FOR sale r -Han<!sonie park Stanhope: entnadcr almost new: H Uo a light surry. V2i:i fill— L THB FILLMORE BRANCH OS , Taa CALL la AT 1657 FILLUORE ST.