Newspaper Page Text
ROO3IS TO LET i Rt.. 2224—Nicely Cv*l«bed bunny room, raonlng water, ss. v BUCHANAN st.. 1831 —su'iny front bay fHodow i> preferred. Phone ■a.>r;, Tat. EAKF.Ii rL, ,'l6—Sun. fare. room, running v>:iter. bath; $S: hoard if desired; private family. CALIFORNIA St.. 583. near Kearny—Furnished room: bath; $7 per month I-^l >V ' : army room, running water, fa; sialic ro . j week. FILJBBHT et., is-47 -N ,-<Ay furnishtd front room, with all com rULTOX st.. 826B—Nice sunny front privnt.- f,:ni!v: pli,,;i.\ hath: n-asonable. l ' l L F ' E — r,1 '"' is ne'l Rooms. Housekeeping Rooms Rooms With Board. To Let Kid For Sale sts;ns Jr!T, '' n ".it nd pntrosis. Ask the Iderk for our when you insert ymir advertisement. UOI GH st., 1315, cor, Geary—Clean, dry. ground RaltaWfl for a working man of ' ■• ■ sr,. ERRERO st.. s£3—To let. ranoy room, a nTT a':-le f.-r i ; . private family. HOTKL ST GEORGE. 1259 Market *t.. Bert ettj hail—-sunny rooms. $2.50 wit, up. Boc-$1 a day. HOWARD, 208*—3 rooms, suitable for saop or residence; rent $1.1. W»RTOLA. mis Larkln cor. Bntter—Large 1 Minny, s;-: ~t bath; 13.90 w-rk. PINK st., 2521, Bear Scot I -Cottage, 3 r bath: rent $10: onfnrnlehed. I'i'l.K 1925—2 - il>ts.: ■ ■ boi water: si- to $22 n.onrh. LVKH nt., !M7 —Lovely hronl meny bay win -t> of bath, phone. • room. $8. I, fnrnlshpd froot rooms, t; baj wtn<i"ws, facing park; ?7 .-i ■ 2238 I'ui ■ (, 5. 1 . S4SI, nr. G«?rrero— Purn«el -•■!it: l 1 rate 1 • ■ BOOMS FOB HOUSEKEEPING ■ turn* (I. !i bone; ■ ■ appreciate. 452 oak st. : do siua. AA — ALL suntiy, fitie-y farnlsbed, bay f->iir dee rble parior, with kltcbeo; ■.■.'>•> Urge dlniog ri-iin anil pantry kitcht-n. cheap; private home; ■ const ace v< appreciate. Apply 4."ii' . ARONA. 77i. McAllister—Sunny housekeeping rooms; also single: hot. cold water: reasonable. BAKEH st.. 1 .. coaeeetlag rooms; all conveniences; furnished for house kee; BBTANT M.. 1101, cor. :'h—2 large front rooms furnished for boaeekeeplng: low rent. BAKLR st.. I'-IS. neiir California —2 connecting rooms; all conveiiioiices; furnished for house weeping. UT.SII Bt., '"4.*.—'.' con venienfes. ?17: nlso 2 aonny front ruis., $4 irk. E newly fartslabed nsoy rooms complete for housekeeping, ?0 per month. Bath, iihone. laundry. CALIFORNIA st.. 23ST>— Nicely furniahea annoy rm. for ", also !nr;i> bnsem>>nt rm. for l.lillY (I i i-rauklin—2 nicely fun. p'innr bskpg. rooms. $12 aad $lti: siDgle rooms. $7 nml ?4. ELLIS it.. 1380—Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in modern flat, fx per week up IAIR OAKS St.. 4C4— Two t«. rhtee furnished arate, gas, coal J-tove. p! . yard; $15 up. FREE —Fnrnlfhed Rooma. Flousekeep!np Rooms. Rooms With Board. To Let and For Sale signs gWen away to went ad the clerk :e when you insert your advertisement. GOUGH st., ISIS, cor. Geary — 2 large, s : 1 large, with small kitchen, $10; ;ras rang* ; sink*. GEARY m.. 1224— One downstJiirs room, water, stove. SIO: aieo npstairi room. ress. IIAIGHT s;.. HO—Sunuj Uousek 1 $2 per n HATES sr.. 21 attic room aad k ; cnce. O'FARRELL, 1059. nr. Van N'ees—Large, sunny . phone, I'ree bath; $2.25 to $4 per week. . Ir<1 r < yds. linoleum, r> ,l ball «nd sr.-.: 1310 Leareiiworth et, ■JCTAVIA «t. 72j7. near O'Farreil— 2 rear base ment ■ <>ne large room, $15; one sln cle room $7. another $tf. . BT Bt., 144!' —2 furnlKbed sunny house keep- Wtcheaette; one house keeping room: reasonable. PINF st.. 2332 -J n.-vi-'r • - !e rOOSBS; bot wnter. tr«'e | : M Wee*. SUTTKB at.. 1464—1 U.-jre tekpg. nn.. kitchen ette. ?3 wk Kg. kitchen. ?4 ! wk.; alcgle rza.. Si.c>o wk. 1— D - >ed :i«-w'y ilar kitchen, bath. Wγ- t ■.ll'. 4. 7'T'RK Rt . for heoae uoaable; one big rooa for 2 gen ileme!!. $10 per moot fa; bath, phone. TURK. v, rooms, kltebea and closet. for h*kp*. ; batb. phone: reasonable. VAN Nl • < jitnc rooms ar j $2.50 pec week Dp; alao rooms. WF.BSTF.K s-t.. 1»5»—2 rooma, iinfuriisiicd. and '■ hltchen. for $8. WEBSTER St., 1933—2 nnfarai_ed rooms, with very reasonable; quiet j 18TB rt.. 3425. nr. Mlaslee—2 coßoectlnc ' keepins rooms. In order; bath, phone; up. ' Csth St.. r> v "C — Nice furnished froal keeping; gas, bath, | phonf, yard. BOOMS \M) TOAJMM)FFEIIIH> ! ELL a< - - • -' . -. electricity, 1 ■> ■ ' ■' er with- j ; . . fretß new Lowell j ; FBEE—Furnisbed Housekeeping Rcim--. ■ . .- . Let aad For Sale signs "giTen away to want «d patron*. A--k the clerk for • ■ ement. FIRST CI-AS.S room »nd board; cr.ivenieaces; . . 1724 Steiner: West S'Si. UAIGHT St., 106J2— UMU , r"uLa, v.-tth a! board. Phone 1 2722. iIAYKS rt.. 547—Cβ No. 6: board and room $3 and t>; per w< ek. Tel. Market 7481. j POWELL st.. 2013—1 ■ front room in I tty. with board. PIKRCE ~r . 815, nr. Mi I board; I ;,r-.>;-'*'•: ?■■*» P p r v-< 1.. | PINE Bt., 1030 Bear Taylor—Sonqy room < - faJ ; ■ - APABTMEIiT. PIEBCE APARTMENTS. « lAX BT., COR KB B PIERCE. y . Joel »l com fortable aiid lie most livaljle upartmenta in San l-Yan.-isco. TWO. THEKG AND FOOB ROOMS AND BATH. Ftefttn h<';;t nr,ri bflt wafer, wall r,p,K electric lights, lutt-rinr telephone, linoleum j ia kitchen and bath, gat ranse and biuudry tray | (•» >■•■■• bUciien, ba - itrance, carpeted I BATES ST. I , - - PASS THB DOOR. ; KTNG FOR APARTMENTS, XFUUNLSii %T ia AT YOfll SERVICE. I of the vacaoclee in apart > of thi' city. B. W. BLANCHABD J».. : - ;i ■■-. Investments. FIEWES T • Phoi tSB6. • A a Moet Enchanting California Structure, ! SONA. I In concrete aronnd a typical Spanish patio, wilb its Bowera and fountalna. No aparttnenia j.j % ■>.easing suri'oundingrt, more luxu Brenter liring facilities. Pereonaily eondncted by Uμ owaar. \ garnished or mil ■ beet; -. •> mid j 4 rooms; rent $30 to $75. no Frederick St.; I No. •'.» pass the df>or. " ' RIVi-;HSir>ii AI'AKTMKNTS. j n 1 busliieya districts; , San i' oeateet an ■ulent '2 and :'. room appartment boir;e; light halls; f.-'i-t elevator service; s; private i.nlis; comn best pf service. 50 Goldea •. ; i.. k off Market st. References. 1 v CAUMKI.IT.V AITS., 15th and Valencia sts.. ] ;>, blocks from Marti unny, 2-3-4 I : ! 3 riKjms. $30 < Op; -1 roome. $?5 up, ■ g ■■■•"'•■ h'-'.'i!. hot wa«*r, electric llfcbt, nut., ehv-it'.r: teJ. connec ms; prlT. bath-, prir. pgll;. ferry; tel. Park 2514. 7Z GLENARM AP A EtTM F NTS. 11-K1 Putter st.. phone Frankliii SROO. rjeani ' " : • i;! ' , most up to date apartment house in this city; 2 and 3 rooms; all modern improvements; every convenience; »leeant building: fine location; nice home for -,ts reasonable; reference. J| xitS. 2440 —Front sunny apt., compl< far. for Uekyc; o or 4 r., b.; fiicing G. G. APARTMENTS .Continued ____ AAA—THE CLADBTONB APTS., 706 Polk ft. cor. r,iidy—.Sunny hskpp. apts.; 1 room. Sl3 r ,f, r mo.; I reoffl*, $1:7 per mo.; 3 rooms. *3">; elec tric light, hot bath. Phone Franklin jjOtg; ATHENIAN APT., 948 Post st. near I.arU'.n— opeaed; 2 and :i rooms, furn'd and un ftirnM; .-ill lip-Ut. sunny; ilressins rooms, wall beds, refrigerators, elevator, janitor aervloa NORTHERN APT.. 850 Pine st. bet. and Taylor—CmnpleteTj f>irn a 3-4 rm. apt*., laeal in the city- all ontsi.le rooms; all modem im prove.: *te*Bl h*at: janitor serT. Just opened. DOKIS AP'rsl OPKN FOR INSPE." SE. cf'f. California tUrn »n<3 rental, all out am! Pierce. sii!' , rooms. ST. KLMO. 1452 Dlvisadero Ft. near Geary—Take Turk ami BddjT car: 4 rooms and bsth, fur nished. $25 f",'> month: references required. AA— COLUMBIAAPAKTMKNTS. corn.-r KUIa and Polk sts.; strictly modern; unfurnished family apartments: references required. ACROSS from Jeffenoo iwtare—BANDRINGHAM APART—KNTS. 11-".2 F..',ily st.: modem .ipts. YKIMJA HIKNA APTS.. ir.4 Sutter— -2-:l room*. bath: furn. complete: hotel service; refereacM. ARDBN APTS.. Post nr Lerkfn—l. li sml 3 mis. furn.; steam beat, bot water: $2<> to $."0 up. St. Ililaine. Las'ina nr. Geary—El. 23 4 rm. apts.; botel service: all (uisiiie FOOtB*; reas. FURNISHED AFAETKBNTS 2D :iv.. leu. oad Luke it— X«W»T l»'P"f> I, tlfuHy fnrnislie.l. corner- 4 roomB, batU: steam: 4 earn; Bcigbbocbood: dra*p i» rc ■poesible partlea. GATES UOTF.L. apt. Fill. cor. G.-ary-Strictly mod.: 2 ruis. $2o: ehißle rm.. Pr!. batb. $K> up. MISSION apte., 3351 18th st. r.Mu.r CvgP- tt room* r_Sbed; prlWta baths. ?i2TELS HOTEL EMPIRE, ill T«jlor <-.>r. Turk—Newly renorated; shopping tlistrict; close to theaters: day Tsc np, weeJt ?S up. batb $1 day ap. Edily par nt ferry. .'lii-Townsen.l S. P. our to Taylor. A HOTEL .STKANO, 4!T. OT'.urell <t. nr. Tay lor—Newly furstel fhont; I'lrpo, sunny 5; ?team lust, pbooeti; beantlxul lobby; $2.80 to 13.50 week: ?■'».? t.. $1 (!;.y. PACIFIC STATES HOTEL. 5.">0 Cal. eer. hearu.v. New. iindern, first class service; suites, private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water every room: ISe to $2 per day. ST. JOHN—IB2S Polk: modern minis diy. week or month, with er without boQßkeeptag; DOc to $1.r.0 ihy: apeeifll monthly rates. CEKTKK HOTEL, 1130 modern; steam heat, hot and cold water, elevator serT *■ f ; ise flay up; special rates by »ri-ok. Huria. FKA.\r;s;-(i. :;7:: F.llis it. nr. Taylor— OatalAe sunny furn'd rooms: bsth. phone, hot water la re—n; aervtee best: K2.80 to $i wk. POLK St.. 1214. cor. Slitter—Large, sunny, newly furnished rooru*: hot mid cold water: &> up. AI'BI'UN Hotel. 4.«1 Minna—Modern; bot water, baths, lobby; $2 week up: Me day up. HOTKL STAR. 1740 Ellis near Filltnore—New. mod. house: all couv.; tine. $2.50 up; transient. _____ FLATSJTO LFT ".. WEIGHT & CO.. . TEAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE. OWNERS GUARANTEED AGAINST I.oss FROM TENANTS. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. LET US ADYERTIS-E YOUR VACANCIES. $40 to $50, reduced from $38—MS4-30 Broad way nr. Scott; beuotJfnMy appointed flats of T ami 0 rooms; every possible convenience; newly finished in the latest *tyle and design; elegant marine view: large living room; bedrooms all tlalslied In white; and sunny throughout. 1658 Sacramento st. nr. Polk—2 and 3 room Rparttaents; Fteam heat, hot water, hardwood Boon, gas ranges, disappearing beds; elegant ma rine view; rents $2r> and tip. APARTMENT FLATS. 150 Jolce nr. Powell St., bet. California and Sacramento—" nntl 4 room apartment fiats, just completed; garden, electricity, open fireplaces. beamed eelHsgS, wall beds, janitor and garbage service. $28 and up. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Kent* $2.") and up. Ml<! LnrkSn nr. California at.—S room apart mc-Tits. compWely furnish- d: steam heat: every modern eonveul< . n .thing can be bad in this location at anjwbere n> nr thu figure. FLATS. 173 Dubcce sv.; fi apt. flats, newly renovated throughout: modern and up to date In every reepr-et; rents $20 ;md np. $55.00—901 F>ll st. or. Pi-rce: flat. 1", r. and 2 b.; electricity, prates; city and marine views: hardwood Boors; axeeOCßt location for rooniinc hoase. $62.50—12>'i Cslii. St. Dr. Leaven'th; middle ft.iT, ('. r. :ind b. : f, <l Op to ilate i.i every respect; hardwood flo<.irs through oat. $50.00—1181 Filbert f-t. nr. Hyde: upper 5 r. and b.; Fteam he&t, hardwood floors; city tad niarine i 533.00—_3 Frederick St.: lower. 5 r and b.; modern and up to date: just CO— plcted. $32.50—4.J1* California st. m. Oth «r.; upper flat. C r. and b.; yard, electricity, srrates. This lint is finished up to dnt>>. 130.00—442 Scitt st. nr. Fell; upp>r flat: yard: tee; newly renovated tfereogboat. If you ere looking for a nice, light, sunny Sat, sec this. jSn.rwi—i»r>,4 pi Pr i P r.r. nelght; upper. 7 r. and b. $2R.(iO— MO Carl nr. WUlard: upper. 8 r. and b. BO Landers rt. nr. Market: middle fiat, 6 '.: yard, elertrlelty, prates. 127.50 —124') Eddy nr. L.ignn.T. upper. Or. and b. |27.E»—4044 California nr. 3d ai.; t> r. aad b. $27..""-- Tee 7 , :, ;,v ur. Fulton st.; upper or. and b.: jsrtl: perfect condition. $23.00—1418 Larkia st. nr. CalifornJa; modern 4 r. apt.; steam heat; within walking dis tance. $25.00—420 Spn:>-*» st. nr. Sacramento: snnny. fietadied, slnnglod flat. E r. and b.; pan elei; 11 large closets, yard. $23.50—7 4" Clayton b_: mar: 5 r. and b.; and yard: bet. WahsT and Frcdericit. Bfteraateatn sr. ur. L.iurt-!; apper fiat. 4 r. and b.; yard; electricity, grate; ■ s.n'i sunny. Franklin st. nr. Lombard; middle: 4 r. !ii)(i b.; yard; elec.; grates; .\l. $20.00—28 Lloyd st. nr. S./ott: lower 4 r. awl b.; gntem; llgllt and sunny fhrnue-hont. $20.00 —"444 Sacra_eato st. nr. Walnut; upper; ." r. and b.; yard; elec; grates; mo<leru and np to date. $18.00 —r>24 Fell et. nr. Buchanan: lower, 6 r. and b.; yard; hard finish: -rood vU-w. $17.50—388 Liiy ay. ur. Webster t-t.: flat, 4 r. and b.: yard: grates; up to date. $15.00 — BCC Lander* st. nr. Market: upper flat, 4 r. and li : yard; Peerless boilers, grates. - -771 L'l.tb st. nr. Dotocea; lower fiat, 4 r. and b.; in good condition. HOUSES $00.00— -.".-'si Washington st. nr. LmireT: bonse, 10 r. and b.; yard; electric heaters. J50.00 — 1836 Baker st. nr. Sacramento; 8 r. and ti.: modern nml np to ■ y lot. $75.0fr—212.5 California st. nr. Buchanan; house, 12 r. and b.; f'i; Udty, $60.00—J10," Vallejo st. nr. Webster; house of 0 r. Bnd b. $35.00—570 Henry st. nr. 14th; 7 r. and b.: new ly renovttted tbrtrngboot; modern and up to dat f - iii ever , n (22.50—955 Mth st. :ir. Not-: fist, r, r. and b.; li--'lit mid HDBy; fine .1 -$13.56—i6« HaroM ■». nr. Bruce -1.. bouse of I r. and t.; perfect condition; key uext door; close to car line sToftsa $25.00—Store. 1376 9th ay.: excellent location for tailoring establishment; within half block of sew i-»r lino $25.00—Store, 15x80; Irving st. nr. 9th ay.; ex cHlpnt" lecation for fruit markr-r: will be put in order to suit tenant; medera. $25.00—3243 BacraateftW st. nr. Lyon; excellent location for dellcateMen; next to old es tablisi ' If you are hooking for a BOi«d pay Ins pro; this. APART>fENTB WANTED. WE HAVK CLIENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING: WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? L' Puts of sand 6 rooms In same building, not ore* $30. t; room flat, modern, steam heat, har.lweod '.'. ill go Bβ bigfc as $80. Let us know m have at TO LEASE - 224-32 (lur Kt.: 2 story and base ment concrete building, containing 8.400 square feet; elt , vatol: litrg..- jil.ite blj-'- wlodowa; rijrht • 1 "e.sii uf Uμ wliolttale district; rent rea itoiMble. gp;t orn cohfletb list of flats. APARTMENTS AND HOrSKS. WE IIAVK THEM IN ALL PAilTa OF THE CITY. J. W WRIGHT & CO.. 228 Montgomery st. SAY:: YOI RSF.I.F TIME AND TROUBLE BY GKTTING MY LIST OF UNFINISHED HOU6BB AND FLATS. B. W. BLAKCHABD JR. 618 820 BEWKS BLI>G.; PHONE SUTTER 2CBe CORKBB Dafcoce park and Portia t-t. —i>ower 0 Ilat: sun all day; pf.rk. flowers, lawn Bbrnbfi; choice fine loca ■- • rau -.iitile. 4TI! nv.. w::v 11 >t. Mofleia, lißht. ." rf«>m fat; lain beeeraeet awJ inclosed r*>rrh; i:a>. bath :ind electricity; t- r, >od facilities for |25. PI NIC et., IU7O, near Join s—A clisrmlnp. new :. Uuv* reeoM; Uvlag room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, bath, storeroom; sun la every room nil day. FRANKLIN nt.. 3348, I.Htwee.o Broadway «nd Vall.'jo et. —Klegant flats, 7 room? and bnth; marine \-ifw; rent moderate to right parties. ASH ay.. 25*-335, bet. Van Ness :iv. -aid Franklin .. < -iv.c renter —Two newly decorateil 4 roots u'ld batlr flats; rent, with water, $21!.50. 281) -t.. 44_—Flal of 4 room*, partly furnished: puatry. 1.-iindry: two latKe lots, Sac tat cuUivattoo nr '■>' i'-k"i!s: rest $15. GOLDEN GATE ay.. 624—Cosy 8 and 4 rm. flate, ' lncludinir gas. frarden. babtmeut; $12 and $20 per month: a snap. WALLEB ft., l-ttio. near Ashbury— Modern, up to date 5 rooms and batb; large yard end basement. FRANKLIN, 715, acer G. G. aT.—Corner Many upper flat 6 rooms: nmatog water in bedrooms. BELVEDERE it., • :.*, bet. 17th and Carinel. 1 llock to car—Suuuj- o rooms, up to tiate, 5^5. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1913. FLATS TO LET Continued FAIR OAKS, 83. nr. 22d—A pleasnnt. eoany flat of five rooms and bath. AH modern imp's. FILLMORE ft.. :i.;2-J—Sunny fiat <-f 8 law rooms; also cottage, modern; rent $1- and $13. BATTSCH st.. 46A. near Bth and Howard—Six rooms, hath. ras. \.ud; rent low. HAIGHT f-t., 1081, opp. Ruker— Nice, sunny, corner, lower 5 room flat. WALLER st., 433 A—Excellent 5 rooms tint, al most new. up to date. CENTRAL iiT.. M3 —Sunny Bat, 0 rooms and bath: yard; .«!.*. FLATS TO LET HAYK A LAROF. LIST OF nESIRABT.R FUR NISHED flats; in alt. PARTS of the CfTY: TITF.SF: VLATS HAVK ALL BEEN PER SONALLY INSPECTED: SAVE YOURSELF UNNECESSARY TItoTBLF BY GETTING) DE TAILED INFORM \TION tIKFOIiE LOOKING; IF YOU ABE NOT ACQUAINTED WITH THE CITY I WILL SEND A M VN TO SHOW YOP; NO CHARGE FOR MY SERVICES. B. W. JR. SIS-S2O HEWES BLDG.J PHONE BUTTER 25Qg. JF.KSF.Y st.. 818 — ClfMB. sunny upper lint o*6 rnouis r.r.A bat , :, completely furnished; $25. Phone Hrmclas L'^Sfl. apply nt office. 1182 Valencia; sunny nietff furn'd 5 reomi and bath, •*■-'■■■• * hjobsb. $2^.50. ASHBTTRy st.. r.4". near , Halgrtit— -Uaiiny. tor )iisi,i>.i (Ih*. 4 r. and !..: reat re**.; _4 LAOUNA. 1424. nr. (Jrarv -Nicely f;irn. upper 7 mi. lint : will lease or t:tke board fur pert rent. FORTY -FOURTH uv., 412 — Completely fnrn. flat, 5 sunny rooms. hnth: garden; $2-">: Clement r.irs. FLATS FOR SATE SCOTT st. near Hamilton K|a«r*-r3 ftjjg HMBJ furnished rooms; .'5 rooms pajr rent; $375. Box s<.lo. Call office. 1G57 KiHumrt* st. NATOMA «v. BlfiA. aeat *th— sllo aad $300; 2 5 room rl-Ms: on* <«■ hnth; all room* rented. OAKLAND FLATS TO I/ET LINDEN it., 3803 near car Hue; 2 blocks fro;;. . . Oak land BBM HOUSES TO LET FIJRXISH F, D foi: RENT—Nicely furnished G rooaa boo** plane; all modern eon*enfences. ISth and S_r ket st.: phone Oakland 4087. NINE rooms and bath, completely furnished; everything teat class; choice neighborhood. Phone Oakland 6030, I.YON st.. 200S -Fi:n:is!:P.| Jβ room shingled bosse; " to i; cooaths; furnace; Jl2-". Phone pnimon 9249. HOrSES TO LET ~-~-~ rSFIKMMIED BEAUTIFUL modem home neer Alamo square, -uituhle for n physician. 1216 Fulton st. HOUSES FOR SALE ftr SJj^HJRd SIX room furnished ttOOM at great sacrifice. 43(5 :;."rh ar. l>l. Pacific 5737. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET PHTFtTjB _M * H .SEND or call for our printed catalogue. GEO. W. AU*TIN. 1422 1424 Broadway, Oakland. BERKELEY HOUSES TO LET __ MODERN home of IS rooms, furnished; •'* bath?. furqace, garage, raaii's roots and garden: on sightly corner, in the heart of BERKELEY; 6 lor 3 ear. W. I". CIJ*I_AN, i>2s Mar ket st. reTTAfflsa to i ?;t ___ FURNISHED eottape. 341 Alvarado s=t.: baml ■ome cotmpp, r> rooms ami battr new rarpeta; Cower and rejfetable pa*dea ; $.'?o. T'A'KNTY-rnfUTil -; . J.rH':. n ,-. fMsM-'>--S--'7.r.^: ?i tin" •"-co fton wit-. I m>.; nr MISSION st.. 507. cor. I-γ. ghawmul Mo|. Vrplj , en {tread ISTH ;:v.. ir,7.' -4 H..v;i Ttne cotst artifticnlly furnish'd: adults: $ - J0 n>T month. PARIS, 317 —Furnished ■..•■■:•. m«J«rn, ■! roen '■!'t«.2p for adnH«: $28. Owner, MisaWtn M 2".. OFFirES AM> STOKES TO J : EJT_ MARKKT ST.. 2388—LARGE STORK TO LKT: GOOD POR ANY BUSINESS. EISPECIAIXT i:ISTAUEA.\T; KENT Hi.AS. AI'PLY D TO 12. i• i r>• nr <t : - ■" _" DPI Btfc at. bet. Kelson} and Qarrista. ■'■ :-t On stam! for ■ i'p. MISSION, enfc—Großnd Bo«r de_ and Man space for r> nr OAKLAND STORES TO LEAS- . THE ' , to, itow and loft: slit.i • f line o< haalnpex ''• n_i«liog best location/ GEORGE V.'. AUSTIN, 1422-24 B TO LEASB J^ut '.^ TJtn> .V FOX gale <-t leas-— lot CoxBo, Branoan it bet. .'id anil 4t!i. Owner. Prejtldfo a Tease. CONTRACT WO 31 K W A ICTEB BUILDING CONTRACTORS SToaa ani> offh c jhxtures TASK AND MILL WOKIT: JOBBING 140 FIRST ST. PHONK DOUGLAS 69t8. nOME_BTILDI NG DON'T pay rent: if you own n lot will bolld cottape to your likinc:; terras like rent. NEW ERA BCILDING CO.. 3288 HSseion st. OAKfc_K- REAL ESTATE ACTIVE CKNTKR BARGAINS I have aoise oatisnal bargains ou 12th, 14th and Ifith sts. between Washington and Market ate. There is more demand tor traaineM lecattooa here than iiuy district iv Oakland: resiiHs an .- caada ;i:ii.>i-r every day at attractive ,t! rancee, Improfemeatt plaoned for the imme diate f'lture arc in eNeess of any previous i'li provements. Tlits I* truly called the active i-Fiitvr aOd val;i' I will n.-iirly double here to the Bert year. It you w.-int to make KM money call IB nnd t:iTk this o^er. D. F. MI.NNKY, 4H 14th St.. Phone Oakland -7"-t east of Broadway. THE reaaoa WHY onr claeelfled columoi brlni; RBSULTB is thai they are ivad apd used by the most progrmtiTe and Bbrewd«el people iv state. Tii's paper Is read by oroneyed peo ple every day. They TRUST if, put confidence in irs every annoir.iceinenf. Here's your oppor tunity to get maximum returns nt a 1 .. cist. Oakland 15 i 0 Broadway; phone Oakland 1 1 83. GENUINB bargain; r»-ry attractlTe 2 story resi deuce; corner lot; Btartae ffev; one of the best and fi.'is led homes this sld t . of the bay; the tnterier sliiisi, r>f the beet; must be Been to b<? appreciated; must srll title week: at a bargain. Owner, box 6111, Call office, oak laud. NHW COTTAGB, 6 lar-rc sumy rooms and bath, just completed: 255 Cumberland st.. hot ween i'',;rcL and Bancßea, Kith aed 'jotii. half block a bore the Mirtrion park; price only $8,850, on » ;isy terma. '"all today from 1 to 4 p> m. FOR sale —12 room boase. completely furnished. This property i.- on streetcar Una and only 2 bloeka to either 8. P. Oβ. >>r Key H<^i:i<> ferries. For further Information call ;it _Bg Sth at., Oaklsn.i. « pbone fhikland G2ee. FOX sale — One of the most desirable lots in Rockrldge Piece. Terms $1,000 caeh; bai -BUCC iiiu remain. F r full information call at Bth it.. Oakland, or plume Oakland aaee. BARGAIN—Six ri»,ni eeeae and lot i<«;.\ i" , '; One location; must be s.-ld t\ eftec for In qulre a< ■< - - BARGAIN Nfin'y new 7 room boose, farnlgbed or unfuruishfil. Dii:» !.'. ~ . one Mer r:tt vm: JIERKELKY 111 Al. ISTAfjE^ LOW PUICKi) HOMES— r.v if a BAftOAIN All in ceutral Berkeley, convenient t<. cars, electric --ration, srl!'>'-'>. $2,100 C . story 5 roan] cottwre; rooms laree and ssinuy: $250 down and $28 a mouth. $2,.'<fK.t — 1% story 7 room nous. . large deck; built -t years; $2.")') down .-irrl $,2~> i tnOßth. $2,7s(>—New 5 room cottage, strictly coodera; south frontapre. W. P. ANDBKWB, r.:9 I'nciflc building. 8. F., or (ev'Tiinßsi 1002 Bancroft way, Berb< AEaiES®€l_ C®_satly lP_<i!P®ias lF_®nne y®w? wm& sdls to ©nsir WAKT AW) _)E1P 9 T _UATWAI{I> RKAI ESTATE yOUB choice of |ot> <>r actea on vt-ry easy terms; $350 and up; free bookie I and maps. H. R. ROBINSON. General Agent for Lands at Me>>k Estate, Bayward, CaL Oakland office 703 SjQdlcale bid. Tel. Ouk. 7520. J. W. WRIGHT & CO.. REAI; ESTATE AND INSURANCE, j . 228 MONTGOMERY ST. (MILLS BUDG.) RENTS COLLECTFb AND OWNERS ABSO LUTELY GUABANTEBD AGAINST U)SS FEOM TJSNANTS, FULL CHAIIUB TAKUN OF FKOPKHTY. MONKY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. WE ARK SOW LISTING PROPERTY FOR OUR NEXT AUCTION. BUSINESS HOLDING. $185,000—Pays practically C per cent net on the total investment; situated on one of S. F best business streets; CTerything occupied md uuUer lease; lot 40 feet front. 7VFAK LARKIN AND CLAY. $40,000—New. modern, ftp to date apartment boose containing β-a rm. spts., 3-2 rm. apis, and ."!-4 ;iu. apts.; hardwood floors, ■team heat, wail Ix'ds, etc.; reuU $445 per mo.; lot 86x112. DOWNTOWN BUSINBSB TROPERTY. I $40,t00 —New 3 story brick bldg. near r,rd and Howard st*. ;*- ftores aud 28 rms.; in esOM uver $400 a month; secured leases. DOWNTOWN BARGAIN. I $11,230—Elegunt lot, 50 ft. front; on car Hue; mritable for s-n:il! hotel or rooming bonce et email factory; best buy in tho district; Dear Bro«*m >"i<l Kearuy. SOUTH OF MARKKT APARTMENTS. $10,2,:>(i—Six 3 rm. apts.; rents $124 per mo.; tot dose to Seventh and Mis rion. r.RANU NEW. $10,250—Rents $113.50 per mo.; 3 elegant flats of 4-5-6 rnia. and ba. ea.; close to the Park Panhandle; worth $11,500. —— BEIHJCKD FROM 510,000. $9,2so—l'l'pant lot. 55x100 ft.; very well lo cated on I'lit..:i st. near prominent trans fer cor.; less than $175 per front foot, liargain! HAVES STIIF.KT CORNER. $5,250 —An unusually desirable corner; 60 feet front; worth $10,000j good locality; close to Filltuore. WESTERN ADDITION. $6,250 —Owner must s-t-ii; six and seven rooni3 and ba. ea.; dote to Broderick aud Clay. OWNER MUST SKLL. MAKE OFFER! $5,000 —Cozy seveu rooa res.: close to 14th and Castro sts.; Rood surroundings; hou<e unusually well constructed; lot i!Cxlls. See this. , CORNER—NEAR PACIFIC AND LEATEN- WoKTII. $4,250— Exrelleaf corner, 22x00; right la the heart of the city. RUNSTCT REBIDBNCB. BARGAIN ! ?4, loo— <'!..?<■ to i-;:: ST. and Lftwoln way; 7 room reafdence; jnst around the corner from GolUea Gate park; lot 25x120. MAKE OFFER! MAKi: OFFER! $3,500 — Cottage of ,; rrna, raid ba. with stable in rear; lot 27:<;xlOO, irregular; owner auxious to sell; close to Bush and Lyoa. BRYANT STREET. $3,7so—Excellent let; 45x100; vletnlty of 25th st. This district is Improving yery rapidly. BiftpSET COTTAcn. $3.750 — Excellent 5 1 ■■■ n cottage near Oth ar. and J st.; lot This is a low tgure. AJSBURT HEIGHTS. $3,500 —Key lot- level and ready to build on; onexeelled' fscilltii-s for light; 25x110; nur Frederick aod Shrader. NEAR HYDE AND UNION. $3,500 — Twe flats of •'! and 4 MMM ea.; rents $33 per Bao. ; anasoal bargain. NBAS NINTH AY. AND J. $1,800 each—2 ;■■•<. building lota; 2.'t120 ft. ea.; well worth the price asked. BARG AIN : H AROAIN! fl,BOO-~Exrellent lot 50x120, uear 2*th ar. and C street: cheapest lot la vicinltj; only half cash required. N!:\P. S9TH AY. AND B ST. $1.600— term-- 2 lot-. SSxIOO ft. ea.; propi rty in r 11;■- tocalttjr wii , advance t,-"v rapMly In value: make offer. $1,550—15t Jiv., Richmond Diet.; $25Q cash. $25 • > ft.; lot will he worth $5,000 in few j ■ woirnr rNVEsneATiKe. $100 rash, balance $10 per mo.: int. at 6 per cent per annum; well situated lot . I bloc! 1 %ta ftv. far line; has ;u rear; full purchase I • only |680 J. W. WRIGHT & CO.. 22S MontL'tmery st. I — ... , , I HOMRS protected f,y r< >l£ietiona on both elde» Iflth ami 1 ~th ny«. between Clement and Geary EH.;; terms lIjOOO cash, balance 6 per cent. $.:;.-, «ni ?4<> mocUi'y. $$,sfln —8 rtarat. *t; 000 -c room*. (s.Boo —'i rooms. $5.500—1> : 5."..."fi0— 5 rooms. $6,2Q0—6 rooms. F. XKI.SMX. Hull<l»r. on pr^mlsaa. Fi\ i.-.i'nirrv ownkus. Let me -• ■ yoe expense and worry by keep ing foot plumbing in order; all work guaran teed; TBc per h>.ir. Shop 700 Diamond et.; plintif Market #968, $*.50Q —8 fl;its of :;, 3 ;ind 0 rooms, ererytbtpg i:i first condition. Plate :;re entirely .■■•• and briag 940 per B»o. ; all street work and ekterralk complete: '. l>;ock to care. T. J. QPIXX A ( f>. -lOMO leth St. SOMETHING Goon FT lift'p tnooey; >6,750 aa'l subject t<* yntir offer: modern 8 reofli h<w»e iv Hnizht st.; lot 25x137:6. Mvwt he pnl.l. Be qalck. MKACHAM Jt BHERA, 1410 llaight st. $10,500- :'• new elegMSI Isti in Gacrrwo et. near 20tfa; ■"•. 9 ana i; nonuts every iatproremcnt known to tl.f builder i;ns bea applied to thesn flats; rente for $i'O month. T. J. QL'INX & Co.. !".,:» !■-[;, sr. SVCLL iioinc: 7 room-;, hatli. iarjjp rf-cpj)tion nail, s'lii porch, garage, Leatlnx system: cast side; floe location; Jest completed. L3S Hist ay.. between Lake and Qullforn!;i sts. :'.f! BBIGIIT »t.—The beat new 4 room home In all 8. F. for jsr.i). or for renr~*7.r>o per mo. yni. STILL, owner. 150 Laogton st. $3,e00 for 4 roern «h!s; Wβ cash, l)a!:tn-'i> !)ke Deal ISth and Dontlass etc. ow.vtK, 137 Albion nr. •» MODERN home <>f <> roonW, almoet completed; RaraiTP; pVeephvg porcli. T. OIBBON, Alvarado st. b*t. Nf." asd Seoefa**; pbone Mlsatop 57^6. \VI" <.pi) sill or rxebanfe your property anywhere. BgATTY & WILMS. 1405 Call bldg ! HAVE Standard Title Insurance Company. Mills bide., jr. Mire your title; sue time. s«ve rnotipy. $1,600 cash, balance $1,406 terra: ehftlceCiillf or ni;i st. lot, $51)0 liflow v;i !■;»■. ISo-c 24%t, Gall, $2,230- Coo cottajte of 5 rooips and beth. Call and see R st 47."> Army st. nxar Castro, I ja..... " '._l.-L.- — I WEPA SEAL SBTATB lAAAAA— $3,soo—Fine old home of 2 stories, 7 rooms. In very good condition: flooded with mm and suitable for arrangement into flats; large corner lot, 111x184 ft-.; suitable for 2 or more additional Louses: well located, 1 block from stHti'Ti. streetcars and shopping. This la my best bar**!*. K. M. siiAW, 1504 fark st.. A LAMBDA. TIIK prettiest new btuipalow around the bay: 5 reous* t)ic;ikfast room, laundry, cem-nted base nient. tmfTi't kitchen, bardwcxxl floors, every modorn "bulltin" device: lot 40*i:?n; n Rna p ; must sell; terms like rent. ROCKINGHAJI (bnllder), 11 o'clock daily, 2 to Sundays 1821 Elm st. FRUITY ALE BBJ3# ESTATE j LARGE lot: ."> toonw, farelshed and rented at 113.50; $1,100 take< it. Sunset ar. HEPWQOB CITY—B«»l Estate^ ELEGANT ROMS SITES, only $150 eaeb7~ss down and $•"> per month: Dβ Interest, no taxes. Write or call for handsome booklet. E. W. MAGHUOBB. 425-4SS I'belan hide 760 Market st.. S. F. AfiF.NTS WANTED MILL y REAL ESTATE^ TBKSS rlroke corner lots in»residetitial quarter; merit bargain. $.H,f.(rf». Apply to FATHER ROBERT SESNON, Mill Valley; telejibone Mill Valley 100. \ U hAHGK adjoining let*, - steeet frontages; smaM redwoods, sceotc. 252 4tii ar., s. f. SAB ANSELMO REAL ESTATB MORMN'.si!!!: tmel f« sales Hioiee residence kite; low price. Write MBS. A. K. DAY, San Anseltn (j, For particulars. SA>TA^CR OZ BEAILjESTATE_ bOMES, rancbee, fn-reape: exchange: price list. DAVID I. WILSON. Santa «'niz. Cal. COCIfTRT MEAjU ESTATE ■_ ORANGE. FKfUT. ALFALFA. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCHES. From 10 to 00,000 acres, and at all prices. Come and see rue. JL.STIX H. McKIBBIN, 717 Market St. Theme Keaniy ">059. ttealdence pbooa, Istrkeley 1959. L'.>ni) aero Sonoma county stock rancli ;it $li;.OU per acre. Dus ClO3, Call office. Oakland. Continued SO acres. Santa Cruz, $2,000. SOO acres, Lassen county; timber land; $12.50 nn acre. 20 acres, TnermaTito colony, Butte county; $1,500. 100 acres, San Dies*o county; $2,000. • 100 acres, San Maieo county; $2,500. 1540 Broadway, Oakland. 1. FRKKMAX, eg Poet st. FARM LAND FRAUDS! SOW to Avoid Them. Valuable Infonmthiß frop to any one contem plating the purchase of farm lands. I. FREEMAN, room "IT, 68 Pest Ft., S. F. SPECIAL ANXdUXCF.MKXT. 20,000 acres irrigated orange, olive, peach and general farmlog land seven miles from lac rainentn. j- [r.-r unit of the vast holdings of Natomas Coeaolidated is now open in 5. 10 ami SO acre tracts. Most liberal t-aled plan; very easy terms. Gcml settlers more desira ble than hUr'n priors usually charged fbr sim ilar high class land. Natomae Irrigated orange and olive lands proposition nbeoltltely dif ferent than anything <-ver offered before. Our new booklets are just off the press. Land Sales Department NATOMAS CONSOLI ■DATED OF CALIFORNIA, 17 Third st., San Francisco; Fonnn bide.. SacnußCnto, Cal.: 204 and 208 Hibernian li-tnk Mdg., Uoe Angeles. A rjREAT BAKOAIX IX SOI.AXO COUNTY Wo I:jvp a choice 0 acre farm located only 1 mile from X AIRFIELD, Poliino ■ O>.. within walking distance of High School, Court House, Stores. K. 1 , . Depot close by (few blocks). Electric line building mat t%& place. This pfsee lies quite lrrel, the soil is a rich sedi ment, fine for Alfalfa, Berrfe* or Orchard. We can sell this place for $930 and can eive terms of $55 Cash and ?.". per month. THIS IS WORTH THREE TIMES THE PRICE, act quick If yoti want It (We can give you more than 5 acres If you want It). LOCKS PAD DON CO.. S5 Montgomery St.. S. F. CITRUS LANDS! CITRI'S LANDS! CITBUB LANDS! For sale—",ooo acre* 18 miles northeast of Fresno eiry; T i;ve spring! on the place; water can b<B deTelojed anywhere on the tract; railroad runs directly through property; price, .$4O per sere; terra one-third cash, bal ance 1. 2. ", 4 and i> yeans, equal payments. Interest 0 pet rent. Will not entertain ox clianse for other property, liieul place for a townsite. I. B. DALY, Rotunda Forsvth bMg,, Fresno. Cal. " SUBDIVISION' AXXOUXCKMF.XT. 20,000 acres for, olives and other fmlts: 2.000 first unit-, your opportunity: 5. 10. 20 acre tricts; unflmlted water by gravity eye teat. Our oraaxsa ere PICKED, PACKED. SHIPPED, SOLD! ttom rts to eight weeks before other district*. No frost daager. Blcr prices for early fruit. Land price* low and terms liberal. O«< our tifw folder for p« r tleulam. NATOMAS COXSOTJDATED OF CALIFORNIA, 17 Third st.. Rxamfner bids;.: Fonir-i bldfC'. S'.icrimento. (|al.. and ?04-2<">s lUberniin Biuik bldu'.. tee Anselps. Gal. OPPORTTXITY IS KNOCKING AT YolK DOOR 'in Km of I!:' , very best land; only -p., inHps from the Santa I'Vs new division point; under new Oakdale irrieration district: every acre a s<>od one and the best proposition for subdivision on the market to diiy; !nnd adioininc is j*cliin«: for $175 an acre. Yon enn buy this fwF $120 an acre; good terma. EVANS REALTY CO.. Riverbank. Cal. S4O acres alfalfa and pr>tato Und, highly Un proved; buiMines. feuclng. irrigation system; all cempletet $1 Oft per acre. D. B. BKSECKEE. 529 Paclfl* liu'.Hinsr. S. F. BARGAIN, $2 20'^ — 12 a. (7 a. vineyard. 5 a. hsy land), 5 milm> from Santa Ko*a: proofl «oH. SNAP. $2.000 —5 n.. 4 milei of Senta Rosa; 4 r. house, hard finished; barn: 85 b< fruit treei- *Tsn i-esh»nc<» terms. S()N(.i- HOME FINDING CO., f.lrt Pacific botldlng. FOR rent —40 acres Mendocino county, fair bides.. food soil, some r-dwood; ,t miles from town; 250 In advance for two years' rent with op tion to purchase at $2,000. Full Information rrom owners. VALTEY BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 1007 2d st., Saeximeato. FOR sale —1.05 acres land: 1 acre planted to wal nuts; 2 miles from Santa Rosa courthouse; also 7.W cored <it Novatu. 1 mSe from station; also 3 fterea at I.os Altos. « mintitcs' walk from sta tion. Apply OWNER, S3l Uucoln ay., Palo Alto. Cnl. PLACER COCXTY FRUIT LANDS JPruit land Cor sa'e in the western part of Placer cootitr. Trycts from 20 acres to 160 acres. ALFRED B. CLARK, Lincoln. Placer county, Califotala. $1,500 cash buys equity in my beautiful 7 room home in Pants Barbara; $1,250 mortgage; half acre corner; rare chance. 251 Kearny st., room 4< > I - FOR the best list of cooptry property, farms, fruit and poultry raoeKeC, stock ranches", al falfs and timber lanes, (tena for new catato*. KOTHERMKI. fc C> >. 'J47 BOW bids.. S. F. 25 ACRES, nearly all plow land: 4 room unfin ished house: spring creek: good roud: I 1;., miles from station: $2,000, balf cash. ADAMS & DAVID. SURVEYORS, 325 Bush fit. 10 acre fruit and ihicken, ranch 4 ntUea from Santa Roea. s i mile to R. R., witii stock and implements. $S,80»». F. BOKKXKH, 488 4sth street, Oakland. FOR >ialc —A mountain home consisting of " placer clatn*; price $800. Addreae PAUL Oi:i.LRICH, Mar!pos:t. Cal. ORo LOMA —Best land unii water in San Joaijuln valley; $75 «n acre: 20 acres or more. " CLARK & RRBf. Market st. 80 NOMA COUNTY LAftftS PBTIALUMA bargain —4 acres, line location; 4 r. house, modern* j)lurnbiijfe". free ruunlut; water; baru and poultry buiUUngs: tine garden; fruit and poultry soil; fully equipped for 1.000 hens; terms. $500 cash. bal. $2,250. 5 years: a suap. Sebasfpol apple asd berry land, also. J. AY. IIORN, Petaliinia. Cal. FINEST Petalumn 1.-md, $200 per acre; easy terms. J. W. HORN CO., P"tnluma. WRITE J. VV. HORN , CO of PttalßnM for large. frre list of Sonoma county burjjains. . BRITISII COLUMBIA Rovernincnt farm and fruit lauds; new townsites; coal and timber lands; investments. Ho.! MANAGER, Sl2 Mill- t>l flg. REAL ESTATE '^ 10 acres, all in fruit, LodK nil level- Irrirated if dcsin'if; no letter lanii in st;-te/" Will ex change for city property: price $4,600; work , all done for this year. Box Oi''T. Cull office, Oakland. BUSINESS lot In San Krancisci., on Fottom st. brt. r,th an<l Bth, 23x185 ft., 2 frontages; will exchange for city or country property. OWNER, 612 Broadway, Oakland. 50 acres of fruit and grain land, buildings, ftock tools, etc., all In crop thi.s year. Sasta Clara county. $9,000. Wfcnz city. Box (iloi», Call office, Oakland. 20 acres of good fruit land: price $1,750; mtffe. $500; will txciJanjfe equity for good second hand auto. Bnx tiios. Call branch, Oakland. WILL trade 5 clear tmelneae lots on corner of Boulevard ay.. Oakland, for clear acreage; vjilue Sj,*iO(i. 251 Kt.. room 401. WE can exchange nOythlne anywhere. THE W. H. MACK CO.. 42:: Monadnock bide., S. V.. Cal WANTED —To buy a country place of not tes* than 15 acre*, between San Francisro and Sin Jose; must b" well located with sufacient good water for Jrrip:atio;i: prefer place at least par tially improved, but will take nntmprovid i? satisfactory. Thi* is buyer advertising. Ad dress box 2353, Call ofrice. I HAVE buyers for any bargain* in property on 12fb. 14th and ICtb eta. from Market to Wash ington, improved or Taeast. Apply at oace, D. F. MTNNEY. 414 14th i-t.. Phone Oakland 2103. .lust east of Broadway. ?yisi^ ss _ ( LIQUOR store, with bar in connection. Oakland, Cal.; fine fixtures: old established trade; great sacrifice on account otber business. Box 2313, Call office. ESTABLISHED clotbing bttSlaCM for Kulc or ex cbance tot country property ;>lonj; least; |«m ou account of health. Box 24.10, Call. BCSIXESS CHANCES Continued _««___ OKO. A. HFRRICK. ' 833 MARKXT ST. INVESTMENT BROKER, ESTABLISHED 1875. THE FOLLOWING ARK ALL. GOOD BUYS. SWELL SALOON FOR SALF—Small stock, $700. Plane, S4oo. Cash register, swell flx tqref; the retail liquor license; all glassware and tools. This Is :i beantlfullj Pr[u:pped place. I toilets, tiled flo<<rs. large kitchen and cookroom, nicely fv.ruished cardroom; rent. |90. New five years" lease. This must be SoM at oB«. Price, ft.250. I consider this worth at $4,000. I will explain ererythinjr when roo "an to investigate. G. A. HERRICK, AD MINISTRATOR. PARTNER WANTED—Ia old established shoe repairing business: adjoining city, two Shop*. This is n g<-<>(\ payiag business. Too can get a one-half interest or the whole bual lifss. Up to date machines and toois; every tliinsj first class. Call autl flDd out the partic ulars. FINE PAYING CORNER GROCERY with 3 Iff Ing rooms; present owner jroinij in business is Bonotnta; a nice little busiat-ss for man and wife. Price. fl.SOft, S'WET.L GBOCKRT AND LIQUOR BUSINESS: bdlefl fruits nr.d fe«et»blee; splendid neixhborhood ; comer; ivnt $40; 5 years' lease; owner iil aod must sacrifice. Price, SGOO. LOOK. If yoti have fSOO cash I can sell you Interest in wholesale business that you can puH oat not less t!iun WC per week. This is worth steady work the year arou'iii: ;iis!i!m prisy work and good profit on yenr Invested. asO. A. HERRICK. 838 MARKET ST. KOOM 201, COMMERCIAL BUILDING. FORTUNES MADE IN "KATURE FILMS; STATE RIQHTS SKI.LING: films ju*t re cpivi"i. Tin- la-if v.-nrd i;i moving pictures; Mmc Sarah Bcrahs.rdt in her favorite charac ter "Adrlenu* I.ocouvreitr." Three parts: also anutli-r feature Btm >< ['••rvel of photographic art Oedipus Rex, with Atounet Sully and full acting company from tba Theater Krancnise, Paris; 8.800 feet. 4 parts- IX)UIS MERCAN TUN. manager for Madsane Bernhardt, Oγ pheum theater, this week. ESTABLISHED business for J?a!e at a bargain for retsoni ensily explained: $".(m:k) in cash re qaircd; if you want to go into bmiaess in S. ]' lum a very inviting proposition. Box 2415, Call Office. $4.000 — Company working men's hotel and bar; no competition; 40 rooms- 90 steady boarders: 2 acres- SO chicken house?; 2 barns; hnrse and v;, eta; cash business; 4 cows: rent $125 mo. Kesr in. -ry maker in Cal. 2110 A Market st. WANTED —Partner who can inve*t from $.'i.">o to .sr>no on a good larestotmt which will bring large returns; at leaef per cent rm the «flo!l«r. Phuiie Franklin 08<J4, ask for MR. DOUGLAS. INTEREST in best paying cormern in city; ahont $15,000 to handle; property iakcn in pxchanpe; no uitiers Deed aasn-er; prin<Spals only. Box 8478, Call office. CANDY STORE In Mission st>; bo»T comer, doinjr n flue business: a snap. Don't fail to (-cc f&te; owner to leave towi); price $450. Innuir" nt 2596 Howard rt. THE time for Oakland—slo,soo h<*teX and bar for sa'e- one of the best in Oakland: frivestigatirn will prove tbis. Apply quickly to owner. Box 6113, Call uftic.e, OaklarKi. CANDY and notions: 2 furnished rooms; a nice home for man aiid wife: $750. 879 Ist «t. near Fult.m st. I'hcne Pactte »SBR 51 (,of-—Bakery, !:ilf interest; ."»•» horses. 2 new i»tit 522.50; 100 barrels flour month. 2110 A Market st. FOR SALE— Patent tot an ingenious devtce to be useri by ail grocery and delicate-sen stores. Address PATENT, \>o\ 23-')4. Call office. Fiii; ;i i e _(;f)od butcher business; good fixtures; Cheap rent: in a KOOd K r <>"' i!l S town in Marln county. 506 Monadapeln building BUSINESS for sale, sale agency, invoice price; an easy lirlog and bif money. 3 fasy sellers; good stock on bas«; $500. l"i BiiciiHnan st. RRSTAORANT — FoIIy equipped: rent $55; lease. S,o tiiis. Owner sick. Make offer. 210 4tb et. FOR sale —Liveiv stable, in good town with a poo<l I.M-at'.on. Address box 2420. Call offlce. FOR sale—Pretty Maltese terrier puppies; email breed, tee BtOCfc NatOOS St. FOR RENT— Restaurant, completely furnished, at Melrose depot, WYMAN LAJTD CO. PAYING grocery; invoice: opposttetsehool; South Berkeley, phone Piedmont "4fl. |290 — Barber efrop; - ohsfrs. sideboard, mirrors; rent $17: good trade. 211CA Market st. $400 — Candy, ice cream parlor; S llv. rooms; rent *22.r,0; eocl fix. 2110 A Market Rt. BAKERY—New store* comet Jones and Jackson >•■ ■. • apnrtraent district. LOPfliyG HOUSDS F6B BALE C.KO. A. HF.KRK'K. 833 MARKET ST. ROOM SOI COMMERCIAL BLDQ.. ROOMINO HOUSES; APT. NorSES: HOTELS; FLATS; LEASES. ESTABLISHED 1875. 42 BOOMS; LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING—AII rooms rento'l: clears fI2TS ebore H\-pense»: rent only $125 month; the furnishings end carpets of this house first class; price $1,800; a genuine bargain. 42 ROOMS— SwHipst apt. house In ?«n Fran oiwro; eieeantly furnished; rent oniy $6.50 per room; part cash. 100 ROOM HOTEL— Bant $7; clears $350 month: all mitside rooms: price $S,OOO, terms. This is a swell family hotel. OOMS —TRANSIENT: clears $150 month; rent only 180; price, ?t.OOO. Glid. A. KERRICK, 83a MARKET ST. A— CAMERON 4 CO. 714 MARKET St., ROOM "<M (Opp. Call). BANK REFERENCES. HOTEL. ROOMING, APAI.'TMENT HOCBES, FLATS. TITLES GUARANTEED. EXTRA wH] located, gore, corner, 138 room hotel; fine lobby; all lisrht rooms; private botba; long lease; rrnt $5 room; price richt. CHOICE civic center joe.; 89 rooms, modern building, cbeap rent, practically new; see this. FINE little 3.? room; cor.: rent $H2, lease; private bathe; nil full: pickup; 92.780. EXCHAXQES—4O, 60, 80, 1«6 room houses to exchange foe propetty nn>nn<i bay. HOTEL 130 rooms. Eddy Bear Market. Rent S7. Lease; book* for inspection. $5,000. 757 Market, mom '2:>7. I'l.A'i'--'I rooms; rent $2S; sunny; new furni ture; 4 rooms rented for $20.5u. Trice, $300. 7*7 Market, room 2:,7. OLD—DIAMONDS BOUGHT—NEW PEARLS BOUGHT ."^Q! GOLD BOUGUT r.vsjf Bwn ht ©EAMOMPS EOU «" T WK PAY »% MORE THAN ANY ONE ELSE 2*5. MONEY LOANED—ANY AMOf'NT 2* Old square cut ("lunoiids a , highest prices. MARTIN RRESLAUER MO Market St.—3d Floor, Room 801 ~INVESTME?fTS_ A. K. WHITE rOMPANY, STOCK AND BOND BROKERS. Moaadnock bids., San Francisco, Cal. Principal Dialers in Xonllsted Securities. WE WILL SELL: 100 American Telographone $2.50 1,000 BoetM Pacific OH 20 BOChic.-N. Y. Electric Air Line 8.20 it Copper. w 60 100 California State Life Ins. Co 18.50 1,000 Coin Cont. Look Cβ -TOO 5 Coin Machine Mi'«. Co 50.00 L.OOO Rubbard FUliott X A. !'!•.■•:, Stock I'arde Cheap Zacualpa Rubber Bβ,oo 500 Mn r 5.20 l<ooo National Wirclpss 1?. T> Oakland Hotel Uα, with Mα 40.00 15 Pnnisen WfreJesa M.OO 850 Pyramid Oil 04 Oβ Portland Concrete Pfle Co T. 60 500-*!. F. Life Ins. d> 1.25 V.'i Rofiiito Rubber 23.00 !.(•<!,- Tklewatet Soathern Ry Cheap Mortnce Co rrf> rtted Properties Bonds Bid "'i , . S. Caatier r>.r.o 100 Vulcan Fire Xss. '.'<> It BO SOWeatern States Life Ins. Co 11.73 WE WILL HIV: Mascot Copper, Slarcooj Ckle.-BT. V. Air Line. Ynlctn Fir.?. Poulsen Wbeleas, Call Switch. Western States Life. Am. Dref. By a*., I. S. Cashier, La Rubber, Tidewater Bontben an-l many others. a. c TviiiTE Company. Brokers. 523 Monadnock bqlldlas. Principal o'si!ers fn nonll«ted securities. WE WILL SELL: 200 Mascot Copper $2.20 I, f>oo National WlrelpM T. & T 13 600 C'alamoßt Ceppet .co S Bond & Uostgaxe Cβ TO r.O Wnstern States I.if.- Ins. Co 11.75 1,000 Tiilewater Sodthern Ry Cbeap Ami mil oteers In eniwuite to suit. CHESTER P.. ELLIS & CO., STOCK AND BONI> BROKERS, 714 Market st.. Opposite Call building. Largest dealers tn exclusively non-listed securi ties on the Pacific coast. Established 1899. HoaC7 loaned on approved and realty. H. A. ROENITZ. BROKER. ' T5l-63 I'liolan bldg., Sun Erancisco, Cal., BttyK and sells ail 1.».-al laeorasee, rubber, oil, mining and Industrial stocks aud bonds; spe ■hiUy, Mascot. WjAJiQA^ stocks an.i bonds sold; commissions moderate; refereacei exebaased; i-.vt .lct.iils; establisUad 14 sears, i'ust L.jx ID2H. New Xark. yrsES AXP MOigg PRODUCING Copper mine for sale or lease; Marlposa county; any reasonable proposition considered. Address MARK W. QUICK, owner, 1540 Broadway, Oakland. MOSEY TO LOAN KAN KRANCISCO * REMEDIAL, LOAN ASSOCIATION. INCORPORATED. 43 Fifth street. Phone Kearny 5349. Just across the street from Hales , . LOANS. Regular pawnbrokin? business done. Loans Isiade on diamonds, watcher. Jewelry and personal effects at the rate of per cent per month. No extra ehaffil* of any kind. Loans Made on fnrnlture, pianos anil warehouse receipt*, repayable In small monthly payments at th« rate of 2 per cent per mont'i. without ehareeg for recording, exirss or commissions of an-y kind. Stricrly private and confidential. The fun Pranctseo Remedial Loan Association Iβ a philanthropic institution, limiting the re tota to its Ktoc* boMen to 8 per cent per annum on the capital stock. A'AA- HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY WILL LOAN TOH MONET ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. KTC.; $10 to |200; LOW COST] CON FIDENTIAL: HONEST AND SQUARE DEAL. CALL OR WRITS OR PHONE. 357-9 PACIFIC BLDG.. FOURTH nnd iIARKEP PHONE DOUGLAS BMS, OAKLAND office. BIS First Bank bids. WON'rY icwried on furniture, pia'ios and other security; lowest rates; most farorable terms la this city; s»>t> others, then see me and be con vinced: will save you money; $2.25 weekly pays «."iO loan. Phono Market 8029. GEOROB W. MILLER. 3000 iota st.. souLnwest corner Mission, room .'!.'. LOANS tn salaried n"r.«'>ns. WAGE earners, TEACHERS. CITY EMPLOYES and OTHERS with FIXED incomes; also OTHER proposi tions, including advances on INSURANCE ami WAREHOUSE receipts; rntes rea«onah!e; pay nneiits easy. 4.':.'? Phelao Mdir.; ph. Douglas 3244. A—TREMAIN, with absolute privacy, any amount at 3 per cent on furniture, pianos, etc., witbont reaeral, • payable In installments or straijrht loans it lowest rat,-* cash, payments redncirg Interest; no commission*. 53.". Market ft- next rmpnrinra. wsa 811: ptionc Poaglas 24C5. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AND others upon their own nutnos: cheap rates; easy payments; conßdential. l>. 11. TOLMAN. 9-40 Phelan hldg.. nnd rm. 0. 460 ISt* st.. Oakland. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. Gold an;! Silver Smiths. 29-35 Kearn? St. LOAN DKPT. RATES 2 PER CENT PF.Tt MO. CASH advanced on salaries; no spr'iritr; lowest rates. 818 Merchants' y.xohansß fcolldtnj; phone Douglas 1411, acd 50S Call buildiug; phone Sutter 2537. AAA—SALARIED men and women accommodated without delay or publicity. Home Credit ami Investment Co.. 321 Phelan b!dg., third floor. $10 to $100 advanced on your salary; our rates are the cheapest in the city. Don't fail to see us. UNION CREDIT CO., H6O Phelan bids. OUR plan for ndvanclng money to salaried people IS DIFFERENT; ask for printed rate card: It tells story. UjfV Bros., 12 Geary St., room 505. AAA —Wajre earners, either men or women, pan make a loan in strictest coafldence at the Em ployes' Credit Co., room 244. Mornrtnoek Mrtg. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without indorser. MORRELL 1097 Monadnock bldg. SALARIED LOANS; other propositions. San Fran cisco Discount Agency, 411 Pacific building. WR loan ALL salaried people; save money by set ting our rates. 521 Phelau bldg.; Kearnjr 8347. GOLDEN GATE LOAN OFFICE. 110— Low rates on jeweiry. W. J. HESTHAL. LOANS on AUTOS, motorcycles and PIANOS'. MEYER BROS.. 114 Sansome; tel. Kearny ."...Jo. SALARY LOANS, $5 up; cheapest rates. V. D. DRAKE 948 Market st. _J*O\EI^T(^LOAN— ReaMßstate AAAA—WiII loan any amount at lowest interest on first, eecend and third mortgages, estate? '.t probate, undivided interest; deal directly wtth lender: no delay. R. McCOI.'JAN. 502-503 Call buildine corner 3d and Market: pboM Dough:i 2585. The oldest established and leading liuua cial agency on the Pacific coast. ANY amount on real estate, first or second inort- Rapes; no delay; rery lowest rates: If your property Is mortgaged nnd you need more money see ns tumediately. O. W. RECKF.TJ, Monadnock bide., fisi Market; tel. Douglas 2150. DIRECT MONEY NO COMMISSION CHARGED BANK INTEREST—Ist and 2d MORTGAGES. LOAN 20 per cent more than RANKS. SHADBURNE CO.. 71." Monadnock building. BO to loan st f> % on city property; ing loans a specialty. Stone, 07.'5 Mo.: . ?[Oj*EY wAjrrifcp 55ONEY Wanted for Al security at 7 per cent. Box 5110. Cal! offlee, Oakland. THF FILLMOItE PRANCU OF THE CALL i> AT 3R->7 KII.LMO! E ST The annual meeting i C the s-tock holders of the PAAUHAU SUGAR PLANTATION COMPANY will be held on BATTJRDAY, UABCB let. 1913, at the hour of 11 c'clo l< a. m., at the office of the company, room 406 Telegraph bnUUUng (No. 22 Battery street . Svi Franeiaco, I nla. for ttie purpose of electio - for II c ensuing year ami for tb: consideration and trip- acfion of such other bnsiocn as may ••om the meeting. Transfov books w Wednesday. February Id, tui". at the hour of ," o'clock p. m. By order -ii'ent. It. W. THOMAS, Secretary. Dated Feb. 14, I*l3. THE annual meeting of I ■ stock bolder* of trie KILAUEA SUGAR PLANTATION COMPANY will be held on TUESDAY. FEBRt:ARY 2T>. 191.1. et the Hour of !1 o'clock a. iv.. at the office of the company, room 40S Postal Telo prnph huildiDff San Fttneleco, California, for the purpose of directors for the esau ins year and for the cOßflldenttm and trin action of such other bi ttaeu v may c fore the m<'*»tinjf. Transfer boots "ill ciose on Saturday, February 15, 1913, at the hour uf 3 o'clock p. ni. By order of the pre* 11. W. Thomas. Secretary. STOCK HOLPKRS' MEETING. NOTICE —The annual mcc Ing of the stock tabl et* of the HONOLULT' PLANTATION COM PANY will he he'd on V, EDNESDAY. FEBBU ARY 26. 1913, at the hr of 11 o'clock at the offlVe of the e<v:; my, room 201 Hooker & I.ent buildlas. 503 Market .-t.. San Ft Cal., for the pnrpoee ■■' letting directors {•■<• the ensuing and for tho consideration aid transaction of each otlitj baaisea as Bk*f before the meeting. Transfer books *rl on Saturday, 15, 1!'1S. Nt tlie hour <. C 12 o'clock tn. By of tlw> president. \V. .T. M\TSON. Secrpta^T-. ANNUAL MEKTING—Th.- reg«Ul annual neM injt of tl fJders of MONTERKY COUNTY WATER COMPANY will >* the office of the company. Nr>. 60 California »t.. San Francisco. Cβ!., OB Friday, the 21 of February, 1913. at 12 o'clock uoou, for the of elect lag a of directors to Mf-e for the ensuirjf year and for the trans action of such other business as may come •>•■ {/ire th* DU«tlng. Tr-inifer books wiM ! .•» closed on Tuesday, rebrnary 11. 10i:i. at 12 ra. W. IT. HANNAM. Secretary. Kan Francisco. Cal.. February 6, 1913. In the District Court of the United States fw the District of Utah. United States of Amer ica, complainant, V. THE UNION TACIFIO RAILROAT) COM PANT, THE OREGON SHORT LINE RAI! ROAD COMPANY, THE OKEGON lIA!LROAI> & NAVIGATION TuMPANY. THE SAN PE DRO. I.OS ANGELES & SALT LAKE RAI 1 - ROAD COMPANY, THE ATCHISON. TOPEKA A SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY. THE soi/niEUN PACIFIC COMPANT, NOSTH ERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. (JRKA i NocriirUN i:\il-vay COMPANT. 'in;: FARMEKS - LOAN AND THttSf CWCFAttT, JACOB H. BCSUT. OTTO H. KA7JN. ! .: STH.r.MAN. HKNP.Y C. KKICK, WILLIAM .\. CLAKK AND BOBXBT S. LOYKTT, AS TECBTCC, DErXNL'ANTb*. r^ BWJM Pursuant to au order of the United I District Court for the District of Utah, made 1n the above entitled cause, notice is hereby give > that a plan for tl'.e <!tspor-ition of the stock of the Southern Pacific Company, owned by De fendants Union Pacific Railroad Company ar.-i Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, whicb plan also provides for the sale to the Unit.:. , Pacific Railroad company by the Southern Pa clfic Company of the stock owned by it In th« Central Paeiflc Railway Company, and the cancellation of thu lease of the Central Pacific Railway to the Southern Facifi pany, aad other matters, and a copy of an agreement embodying (he details of said plan duly executed by the parties thereto, and :•■ petition for the approval of eald pltn, have been tiled with th* clerk of the said Court at Salt Lake City, Utah, aud that the matter hu been eet down for hearing on written pointa before the said Court in the Courtroom of tho United States Circuit Court of Appeals at St. Louis, Missouri, at 10 o'clock A. M. ca the 24th day of February. 191.i. 1 NION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY OREGON SHORT LINL RAILROAD COM PANY Ry A. L. ttefater, PtetMtat. Salt Lake City. Utah. Febnmry Utfc, Wt Continued on >'ext !*«<£• 11