Newspaper Page Text
12 LEGAL AND OFFICIAL Continued _^_ "~~NOTICE TO BONUUOLDERS -of - HONOLULU PLANTATION COMPANY Notice is hereby piven that pursnant to the provisions of tliat certain mortgace dated the first da* Of MAY. A. P. 190 S. which was exe cuted by tho HONOIILU PLANTATION COXT PANY to the MERCANTII.K TRUST COMPAN.Y of SVN I'KAXCISCO. as trustee, those certain one hundred <I<X» of the bonds secured by said mortgnce. ami hereinafter designated by their numbers were on the 3rd day of February. 191.5. selected, drawn and designated for payment and redemption in the manner provided in said mort cage Said bonds so selected, drawn and desig nated for payment will b« paid at the office of Ihe company "at No. 503 Market street, room 201 BOOKER * LENT BUILDING. In the city and COOfity of San Francisco, state of California, at the rate of one thousand (1.000) dollars per bond and accrued Interest on the first <l«y of May. 1913 Such bonds shall be surrendered to the company for payment, redemption and cancella tion as provided in said mortgage nnd Interest thereon shall cease from said first day of MAX, 1913 Tlie following are the numbers of the bondf Po seiectci, drawn and designated: Numbers 10. 1Q tl V> BO M 65. 72. M. -»5. n<i . 111. 112, Mβ. VoTwtuii 158. 182. l£. 1«. Wβ. 204. *>ofl °r' °41 MS 247 -'■"■"• 25§. " ,,r >. -•>•'. tn, •*:'«' 2si' 290! 2Mi 290. 306. 312, Sl5. SM, VAl' Sβ M 0 MO! 351 l "<■..->. SrtS. 370. 574. 3SO. 881 352. W» »l ."02. my Wβ. 414. 427. 428. 4".l 457 458 52f1. 54.-?. 657. .'.77. 554. r.QS. bIS. eio. on! So: or,e. vn. e»! tu. m 732, 74 . 743 744 747 881, B». 854, SoJ. b.B. 881, 898. BO*. 941. 168. 978. 979. 952 rtosiectfullv J- A. President Honolnln Plantation Co.. Market ■t.. 201 HOOKER & LENT BLPG.. Saa Francisco, Cal. Pated Feb. 4th. , NOTTCK tn piih!i<«--lla*lnsr bought ont the entiie interest of the Western Pacific Restau rant, Or, Bryant st., all outstanding bills must 1,,, ~> nr before February '2<K IBM. JOSFPH MOSTCH. PROPOSALS AHD BIBS ANP ERECT tttm Coal bandllnfc Machinery " n, ' Accessories for Tw.. Coattmc rii.nts—Sealed propoMla will »**• ceivc.l at the office of the General Purchaning off'rer Isthmian Canal Commission. Washington. 11 'c "until 10:30 a. n>.. April 14. 1913. at which time they will *c opened in p-.ibllc. for f\iniisb- Ibx tne abore-mentloned article*. Masks and reneral information relating to this circular (N<>. 7«S) may ho ohraieed from this office or the of fice- of the Assisting Purchasing Asrents. 24,>.; New Tort city; Whltney-Oetral j building. New Orleans. La., airf l |lV f> North Point street San Tranoisc,. Cal.: also from the 1. S. F.ngineer offices In the following cities: Seattle. Wasi • Los Angel ■- :.inv>re. Md.: PWI- Ddelnhia Pa.: Pittsburgh Pa.: Boston. Buffalo N V.: Cleveland. Ohio: Cincinnati. Chicago. 11' : St. Loois, Mo.: Petroit, Mi.-h • Mihv.iukpp. Wis.: St. Paul. Minn.: C'aat a Term.: Louisville. Ky.: Mobile. Ala.. and GaITMtOO. T-\-.: Commercial Club. Kai sas City, " ■■ '• °f C>rnmerce. Quincy. 111.. md Commercial Club. Tneoma. Wash. —F. C. ftoKg*. Majw. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., Gen rral (Officer. OFKIi'F CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Chronicte I 1., Feb. 17. 1913— Sealed tin will he received here and at office Q. M Ft Gibboe Alaska until 11 a. m.. May IT. I!>i:{ for furnishine wood at Ft. Oibhon and stations Faitl'anks Circle, Nnlato and Ejrbert. Information here or at Ft. !. VdN SCIIRAPEK. C. Q. M. Classified Directory for Ready Reference _A>TIQTES ANTIQT'K rn.ihoenny furniture: hie cut In prices for 30 flays. KUMMER. 2551 Sntter: W. 147e i ; I UTOIMAMS—CERTIFIED PUB. ■'. RCCKSTELI.. C P. A.. 3d loarCtaM Sr>reckel« (C:iH> tiiii'dinc: phone Kearnv 4151. ARCHITECTS IF you contemplate Imildinp or desire to hare a capable architect superintend construction of hide., call, write O. E. Evans. 2367 Mteton ft. igSATEKS GOLD —Rl''h ore: ntnalpam bought; assay*. ."""Oc. Pioneer A<=«nv office. 546 Mark.-t «t. nr. Suiter. _ ATTORNEYS R. W. KING attorney. Grant bids.. Market and "th. room 320—A1l cases; low fees: not nine to advance or for consultation. Phone Market 912. HARRIS A. HEBB. uttnrnpys at law: W. T. B«M. uotnry paMfe. Room 709. Hearrt inii'dinir. • BABIJCARRIAGES A FIRST CLASS carrtHjre. fully upholstered, with back curtain, half inch rubber tirea. en amele.l handles, for $10. roriTFirs RATTAN work?. H4i Wmttrt «t BROMIDE SOLAR rRINTS SOLAR PRINTS. Ise; Vromldee. 86e: ronvexlnz. TsrDlshlng. frmmen 30e >ip. CHICAGO COPT CO.. ]021 Gol'len Gate »v. BI;SI>ESS COLLEGES HK.AITVS BCSINEXa (OlJ.KiiK—School of Civil. Electrical. Mlninz. Architectural: day, eveninz: establMied 1863. 42." MrAllfrtrr st. SAN FRANCISCO BT'SINKSS COI.T.KCK. J»OS Market st. opp. sth—Day and ovf-nin™ <ni*lae*. ATI. reart reporters recommend GALUGHER MARSH Rii«irifs r,,r, L -r '••:.■, Market st. BFTTONS A>D PLEATING STEKI.K'S Button Wta.. 222 Fliis nr. M.'ison: ph. Fmnklin 4521 and C 4".21: nail orders soMfltert. ( AMFORMA HERBS T\"KFK free—For $2 we cure catarrh, deafness end apthma; for ?5 w» cure Hood poison with tbockli tee. If rt«k. call for ■aaplc*. UKRB RKMKDT CO.. MT MipM at CARPCTJCTjB \M\fl S. F. COMPRESSED \ilc CLEANING CO.. 397 Sutter st : phone Kearly 6SS2 fBLCB WACOM peta, ruga quickly, tin>r<nnjhly cleaned on Beer without retiim-nl: cvtiinatfs fi'ei. WHEN you become distrusted with poor work. s*>rid your carpets to J. SPACLDINQ & CO.. rebanw »t.; Doogla« JWB4, Home .T2347. CARl'irrs cleaned rm Hie Honr: cend, TIIK LIGHTNING HOUSK > I.KANKRS. Ph.,np Kran!in WHO, AA — National Carpet Beatini: Worts —Hampton A Bailey. 844-343 Chorch: Mkt. ISO. Mfet. 190. WATT'S reliable carpet r-leanlnx: alteration*. mnti - 444 Dlrtaider*: ph. i'-irk r^tn CATAJtBH AND PBAFWBW KAR n relj cored; new: antisepti , '; 1 week free to convince. DR. COTTINGHAM. expert ear. no«e. 821 Market, rm. 402. Co> Sl m PTIOH CURED Consumption curable. I.ivinp specimens. HXL re coveries to health. 1895 Slitter. SE. cor. Webster DETECTITE AGESCT BCHKBIDBR Detective Aeencv. SIB>M dmnt bide.: ejp. operatives. Park IS4O. night Pk.3694. BIWMtS w ARTIFICIAJ TEETH -"THIS ONE THING 1 DO." DR. C. E. WILSON. 523 Geary, suite 604. DR. IRA U. LEEK—AII kinds of dental work. 517 FHlinore n»?ar Oak. * "dress making DRESSMAKER tnd destPMT. direct from Fields. Chicago, desire* with several la •iieb who appreciate exclusive designs; charges Bodcnta. Phone Franklin 140 T. room 403. for aiipointment. IIcDOWKLL'S DresKinaklng an<l Millinery School —Evening classes; patterns cut to order. 121 Geary st. nr. Grant hv. ; tel. Douglas 5731. I'ERCIVAL I>HKS>SMAKI.\<; SCHOOL, 3d ay. and Kast 12th St.. Oakland; tel. Merritt 1051. • iiiWNS tot all occasions by expert fitter from N. V. Franklin 2283, apt -'OH. FILES BKCtTT OLD fllee renet by new process. TIM Clay t>t., Oakland; phones Oakland 0171, A 2754. X. B. WALLET, furrier, suite, coats, skirts; re modolinp and repairing of furs nt lowest prices. J74f,-4K Fillmore nr. Slitter: Oak'J. 1337 B'way. AD KOCOIK. 222 Monaduork buildlnß. 681 Mar ket f>t. near o<l—Remodeling, repairing, dyeing et po[,nlar prices; raw furs bongnt. HOLLAND'S GYMNASIUM, 1966 PAGE ST. AT PARK— LADIES , . GENTLEMEN'S AND DREN'S CLASSES; SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BEGINNERS IN BOXING; MASSAOB. FRITZ AND CLAIRF HOLLAND. IN.STKICTORS. hatchi>(j~Yggs, chicks WHITE Indian runner ejrtrs. 12c each; ducklings, ZOc caoli. L, T. TUTIXE, Pt-taiuuiu. INSECTS EXTERMINATED^^ QUICKLY and permanently by the INSECTICIDE CO.. 657-659 Puelan bldg. .;■-' ;.:"■. ~-•.■,-;■ ' ;.;• :-■•?. INVALID CHAIRS i T^ SOLI), rented, exchanged; manufacturer of Eames tricycle chair. 1714 Market et.: , tel. Park 2840. SALE j NEW lumber. $10: shingles. $1.50; rustic, $10: doors. $1.10; send lists. , SWIFT & CO., 10th and Mission fits. ;. :"* "V , . MATERNITY" BOMBS S. F LYING-IN HOME. 1101 Oak st—Adoption. PR. LORD, res. phy.: confmt.. $25. Mkt 4469. i PATENT ATTORNEYS ARTHUR L. SLEE. registered patent attv. and mechanical expert: U. S. find • foreign patents solicited ■ best results obtained in shortest V time. 704-70." Foxcroft hldg , fi» Post st. DKWKY STRONG * CO.—Founded ISM: U. S. and foreien patents: inventors' guide: 100 mechanical movements free. 914-916 Crocker building. San Francisco. • - C. P. GRIFFIN, ex examiner U. 8. patent office: U. S. and fnrpirn natentn. • 704 Pacific hide. ' H. C HTHROKDER. patent, trademark attorney. 417 First National Bank building. Oakland. j^ PAINTING AND PAPERH ANGING *) PAINTING, tinting, paper hanging: I good work, reasonable nr'eee. J. C. ROMAINE. 1620 Turk *t : Wst R2IO. . , '.■-■•..'• ■ • -'■ -' PENSIONS M TT SAMMIS nension attv.: n»n»ln*i«. bark pay, l««t army papers secured. 3415 22d. unite 2* PHTWCIAire -SPECIALIST IX FEMAI R COMPLAINTS— Established, i" - 1 *- F. for 20 years; mire and quick results: strict, reliable prad. physician: no detention from home or occupation: my method* are orieinpl »nd are not used by other specialists: antiseptic and painless: my offices nre so arranged that the utmost privacy is as snretf- con«ult-<t'on and advice free. Room .5. ■ 10.25 MARKET ST. between Oth and 7th sts.; hours 10-4. fi:3o-n: Sunday. 11-". ■i a— SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN When worried consult this leadlnr special fst , entisentic end painless treatment: Imme diate result*- advice free: private sanatorium when rMiulred: HOURS 10 to 4. Weetbank Hrte.. WO Market st- room 605. __^ IF worried consult at once: painless treatment: confinement. $25, with nnrse. Suite ; 101. 787 Market st. -'- \'-' -'; ■- »;> -' ■' x ,' DISEASES met «nd worsen epednltv , ; physician. mi m, mi. PEW DRUG TO.. 123 3d st. CASWH snccewfr , " , "- *'p<"te«l by direct ' and X-ray. CANCER INST. 703 Van Ness it. m? YOUNG CHINK***! HTvRB no. <«»=tab. in V. P. 19K?} cure* nil diseases. 1R44 Slitter et. POSTVfiT- STAMPS STAMPS for cnUpctions album*. ratatMW*. etc.: collection* bo"«-M. E. P. Seebohm. 2SO Market. B\BY chicks on hand, all kinds. If* op: e«tg», feeds, etc. COUISON CO.. 137S Market st.. 8. F. ~STA3niERING STAMMER? Method of cure explained FREE. M. L. TTATFTET.P. 191* Grov». Oakland. Cal. STAMMERING — arraranteed: cons, free: est. ' 2" years. Mr*. M J. L. Crane. 1?VV? P'vleiriVro. SANATORIUMS TOURISTS, sightseers and nervous people can ! ->v<> all the comforts of a borne. Address MPS. DAVIS. Vista Grande. Cal. STORAGE AND MOTING TANS EXCURSION rates east on household (roods: $1.75 per hundred to Chicago: through car service. BEKINS VAN & STORAGE CO. WILSON BROS CO.. fireproof storage, moving, packing, shipping. Removed to 1636 Market st. near Hulrht: phone Park 271. PIFRCE-ROPOLPH STORAGE CO. 1450 Eddy st.: phone West 82S. Home 52«28. TRUSSES BROOKS rupture appliance, an automatic air cushion , satisfaction guaranteed. Call or write G. B. RICHART. 241 Monadnock bldg.. S. F. IXL elastic truss: Cal. inven.;est. 25 yre.; (mar. • cure for curable rupture; pes. retainer. 218 Ellli ' I CLARK. GANDION CO., exclusive truss, elastic hosiery, braces, etc.: lady aid. MIPS Market. ~ WTM)OW SHADES APVANCE window shade factory, put np at short notice. GEO WAI.COM CO.. 1131-39 Sutter st. '; Births, Marriages, Deaths | ~m'ujruges COCHRANE— SCOTT— Tv this city, February 14, 1013 l.y Rev. W. E. Pugan. pastor Stewart Memorial S<"nr,.i United Presbyterian church, Alexander Cochrane ami Mary Ellen Wilson Beott, both <>f San Francisco. "DEATIfsT - j Arata. ('arnliui .V);Leahy, John F 52 Benjamin Lizzie ... 25; Mettnon. Johanna S. — Bettencourt, Mary .. 23 McCnllongh. Caroline 72 Breen John II 41! Nieman, Christian .. t>B Bryan. Charles H... 79! Nutter, Lyman E...5G Carberry, May A — Olande. Albert t>4 Coftin. Arthur W. .. 55' Pauson. Ida <>1 l)e Urioste. Adolfo.. —|Plutt, Martin o4 Felling, Anna —jPuree, Julius E W Fenelon, Richard J.. 4s'Uaabe, Charles E 4. Garsruillo, Mary M.. 18 Kedington, Henry W. OB Gavin L. J , Ryan. Matliew 8 Gehhardt. Johann ... 02 Sampson, Emily 46 Graher. Elizabeth.... 46 Sehmeding, Bertha.. 4.2 Grenuiiiger (Infant >'Sennit*, Margaret ..06 Hafedorn, Lena A.. 28 Sbeefeu. Bridget ••• — Hasae, Annie M —jSoule. Prof. Frank.. 61 Musing. Henry R. .. 72i Waite. Mary C 44 .Uikicri (Infant) Williams. John H...B*} La 1 •i-anchi, Antone. t>2 Wrage, Helmuth ...47 l.iiinli. Catherine ... — Wulff. Carl 2K Lastretto, Gerolamo. S4|Lapham (Card) ARATA—In this city, February 15, 1913, Caro- I'na. dearly beloved wife of Louis Arata, and loving mother of Emlle, George., Fred. Lena, Pelphina and Agnes Arata, and devoted sister of Mrs Sortina Canesso and tbe late Giovanni I , arata'of San Rafael. Marin county, Cal., a native of Genoa, Italy, ageu 50 yt.-ars Z months aud 7 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tuesday t. February 1«. 1013, at H> o'clock a. as., from her late residence. 252 Pixlty xtreet off Fill more near Greenwich, thence to Sts. Peter and Paul (Italian) church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her «oul. commencing at 10:30 a. m. BENJAMIN—In this city. February Iβ, 1913, Lizzie, dearly beloved wife of George Benjamin, aDd loving mother of Russell Benja min, a native of New York, aged 25 years. Remains, at the parlors of Suhr & Wieboldt, 1388 Valencia street near Twenty-fifth. BETTENCOURT—In Half Moon Bay, February Iβ, 1913, Mary, beloved daughter of John and Isabel Bettencourt, and loving sister of Man. uei, Rosie. John. Annie. Joe, Isabel, Frank. Boos and Laura Bettencourt, a native of Half Vo'U Bay, aged 23 years 4 months and 9 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend tbe funeral tomorrow (Tuesday). February is, leaving her late residence at 9 a. m., thence to the Catholic church, at Half M"o:i Bay, where a high mass will be cele brated for the repos-e of her soul, commencing at 10:30 a. m. Interment in Now Catholic Mietery. at Half Moon Bay. BREEN -In this city, February 14. 1913, at his late residence, lf> Lagiina street, John Mat thew. K>n of Anne and the late Thomas Breen, a native of San Francisco, aged 41 years. A solemn mass of requiem will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, today (Monday). February 17, 1913, at Sacred Heart church, commencing at 9 o'clock a. in. Interment (pri vate) Holy Cross cemetery, by automobile. Kindly omit flowers. BRYAN—In this city. February Iβ. 1913, Charles IL, beloved husband of Jean Bryan, and father of the late Charles Bryan, and brother of Sophia Bryan and the late William Bryan, and i;n<le of JohD Bryan and Mrs. M. A. Edwards and Mrs. Hoax and the late Jesse Bryan, a native of Loed*. England, aged 79 years 5 months and 2tf days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral Wednesday, Febru. ary 19, at 1 o'clock p. m., from King Solo- WHEN THE TTXDERTAKEB BECOMES NECESSARY SATE HALF the Funeral Expense. Telephone JJUGJUS S, G©HJ)EAU Market 711. Oakland 4045. Independent of the Trust THE GODEAU FUNERAL SERVICE will fornlsb for $75, embalming shroud, silver mounted, cloth corered casket, hearse and two carriages and give personal supec- TRUST* UNDERTAKERS WILL CHARGE you 975 for the casket alone, aud all their prlftrs are proportionate. Godeau Funeral Service Saves You Half. Anto ambulance, carriages and autoe for litre 6AN FRANCISCO OAKLAND 41 Van Ness Aye. 2210 Webster St. 305 Columbus Aye. Phone Oak. 4045 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, VJIX v v mon's hall, 1739 Fillmore street, under the auspices of Exeelslor Ixwlpe No. 106. F. & A. M. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by elec tric funeral oar from Turk Rnd Steiner streets. Remains at the chapel of Halsted & Co., 1122 Sutter street. CARBERRY— In this city, February 14. 1913. May A., beloved daughter of Patrick and the late Mary E. Carberry, and sister of the late Charles Carberry. and niece of Mrs. Jane A. Wilkinson, a native of Kan Francisco. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral today (Monday), February 17. 3913. at 8:30 a. m., from the par lon* of Monahan & Co.. 2339-41 Mission street near Nineteenth, thence to St. James church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment (private) Holy Cross ceme tery, by automobile. COFFIN—In Tracy. Cal., Febrnery 15. 1913. Arthur Wallace, beloved husband of Mary Ixniise Coffin, and father of Mrs. Don C. Mo- Cord, Mrs. Jackson Smith and Miss Jane Coffin, and son of Mrs. E. J Barrett, and brother of A. F. Coffin and Mrs. Prentise Selby and Mrs. Sam Breck, a native of San Francisco, aged f>3 years 2 months ami 21 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Monday). February 17, at 2 o'clock p. m., at his late residence, 31 Moss avenue. Oakland. Cremation private. DE URIOBTE—In Paris, February S. 1913, Adolfo de Urloste. beloved brother of Fldela de frruela of Paris and George d<> Urioste of San Francisco, a native of Bilboa, Spain. A requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, at the Spanish church, Broadway and Mnson street, at 10 o'clock, tomorrow (Tuesday), February IS. FEILINe—In this city. February 15. 1913. Anna, beloved wife -of Louis Felling, aud mother of Mrs. E X Stanley of Spokane. Wash.. Mrs. K. C. Schrader and Mrs. 11. Peters and Louis P., Arthur J., William F. and Lester 11. Fell ing and the late Frank J. and Edward L. Fell ing, a native of Germany. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Mondavi, at 2 p. m., from the parlors of Ashley & McMullen. 325 Sixth ave nue between Geary and Clement streets. In cineration Cypress Lawn crematory, by auto mobile. FENELON—Passed away, February Iβ. 1913. Hichard J., clearly beloved husband of Eliza beth Fenelon. and loving father of Gertrude. Raymond and Margaret Fenelon, and beloved brother of Thomas P., Michael. Rev. Andrew A., Sister M. Angla and the late Martin Fene lon and Mrs. Kdward Butler and Mrs. W. J. Paris, a native of County Carlow, Ireland, aged 48 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at the new funeral parlors of Gre«n. Ryan & Pono hoe, 431-437 Valencia street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. GARGUIXLO—In this city, February 14, 1913. Mary Millicent Garguillo. wife of Joseph Gar- R'liUo. and beloved daughter of Mrs. J. F. Murphy, a native of Seattle, aged 18 years 10 months and 4 days. The funeral will take place today (Monday*, at 11 a. m., from the parlors of Mcßrearty & McCormlck. 91.". Valencia street near Twen tieth. Interment Cfpr—t Lawn cemetery, by 11:30 a. in. train from Twenty-nfth and Va lencia street. GAVIN—In this city, February 15, 1913. L. J. Gavin. Remains at the parlors of the Western Un dertaking company, 1236 Valencia street. No tice of funeral hereafter. GEBHARDT— In this city. February Iβ, 1913, Johann Gebhardt, a native of Bayern, Ger many, aged t'2 years. Remains at the parlors of Suhr & Wieboldt, 1353 Valencia street near Twenty-fifth. GRAEBEJft—In this city. February 15. 1913, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Charles F. Graeber. and mother of Frank and Gladys Graeber and Mrs. Roy L. Williams, and sister of Mrs. Phil Fahy and Mrs. Paniel Mackenzie, a native of San Francisco, aged 40 years 9 months and 8 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral today (Monday). February 17, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. in., from the parlors of P. I. Kenny Company. 1652 Eddy street near Steiner. Incineration Cypress Lawn cemetery, by automobile. GREKNINGER—In this city, February 15, 1913. Francis 0., dearly beloved infant son of Fran cis C. and' Josephine Grenniuger (nee Miller), a native of San Francisco, aged 17 days. Funeral will take place today (Mondavi, at 10 o'clock a. m., from late residence. 4120 A Tweuty-fourth street near Castro. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. KAGEEOSN —At *;st in this city, February 15. 1913, Lena AlvTna Hagedorn, dearly beloved daughter of Alexander Carl and the late Lena Hagedorn. devoted sister of Mrs. W. Webster, Mrs. A. Aitcbinson, Mrs. J. F. Otto, Henry, Alexander Jr., Otto, and the late Alvln. Her man and Fred Hagedorn. and loving and de voted friend of Mrs. Anna Punkhase, a native of San Francisco, nged 2S years 1 month and 25 days. \ menibfi of Metamora Stamm No. 4. P. T. U. O. R. 31.. and Martha Washington Council No. 2, Daughters of Liberty. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Tuesday), February 18, at 2 o'clock fy. in., from the parlors of Suhr & Wieboldt. 1385 Va lencia street near Twenty-fifth. Incineration Cypress Lawn crematory, by electric funeral car from Twenty-eighth and Valencia streets. METAMORA STAMM NO. 4, P. T. U. 0. R. M. —The officers and members are hereby re quested to assemble at the parlors of Suhr &. Wieboldt, 1385 Valencia street near Twenty fifth, tomorrow (Tuesday), at 1:45 p. m.. to attend the funeral of our late member Lena Alvina Hagedorn. By order JOHANNA MOSER, Secretary. HAGUE—In Oakland. Cal., February 15, 1913. Annie M. Hague (nee Vinnicombe). beloved wife of Jonathan Hague, and sister of Mr--. John Trehane, and aunt of William and Birdie Hague of San Francisco, a native of Exeter, England. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Tuesday), February IS, 1913. which will be held at the parlors of the James Taylor Company, northeast cor ner of Fifteenth and Jefferson streets, Oak land, Cal.. at 11 o'clock a. m. Please omit flowers. Take Key Route car from San Fran cisco to Twelfth and Jefferson streets, Oakland. HUSING —In Alameda, February 16, 1913, Henry Richard Huslng, belovoil husband of Caroline Husing. and loving father of Charles F.. Henry J. and Caroline V. Husing and Mrs. William Brims, a native of Germany, aged 72 years 5 months and 6 days. JUKICH—In Sausalito. February 15. 1913. Eliza beth, dearly beloved daughter of Frank and Pauline Jukich, and sister of Martin. Helen. George, Louie, Frank, Russell, Paul, Mary and the late Marion and Ernest Jukich, aged 8 months and 6 days. The funeral services will be held today (Mon day), February 17, 1913. at 0 o'clock a. m., at the home of her parents. Water street. Sau salito. Interment Fernwood cemetery, Sausa lito. LA FBANCHI-In Sonoma, Cal., February 15. 1913, Antone Ln Francbi, a native of Switzer land, aged 62 yean. Funeral will take place from W. V. Francis , undertaking parlors, at Half Moou Bay, this (Monday) morning. LAMB—In this city. February 14, 1913. Cath erine Lamb, dearly beloved sister of the late Rose and Julia Lamb, a native of Ireland. Friends nnd acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral today (Monday), February 17, at 8:30 a. tn., from the per lors of the Western Undertaking Company, 1236 Valencia street between Twenty-tliird and Twenty-fourth, thence to Mission Polores church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, com mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage. LASTBETTO—In this city. February Iβ, 1913. Gerolamo Lastretto, dearly beloved husband of the late Angelina Lnstretto, and beloved father of Battlsta Lastretto, a native of Italy, aged 84 years. Friends and acquaintances nrp respectfully in- Tited to attend the funeral Wednesday, Febru ary 19. 1913, at 1 o'clock p. tn., from the par lors of Valente, Marini, Marais & Co.. 64!) Green street, thence to 441 Broadway, where (services will be held tinder the auspices of the Garibaldi Guard. Interment Italian cemetery. LEAHY—In this city, February 16. 1913, John Francis Leahy, beloved husband of Mrs. Cuth erlne Leahy, and father of William and Her bert Leahy and Mrs. John Fancort, a native of Boston, Mass., aged 42 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at the cbapel of Julius S. Godeau, 41 Van Ness ave nue. MATTSON— In this city, February 10. 1913. Jo hanna S.. beloved wife of Matt W. Mattson, nnd loving mother of George. Esther. Edna and Elsie Mattson. and sister of Mathias Mattson, a native of Finland. Friends are respectfully invlled tp attend the funeral services tomorrow (Tuesday), February IS, 1910, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., at the parlors of the Truman Undertaking Company. 1919 Mission street between Fifteenth and Six teenth. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery. MeCULLOUGH— In this city, February Iβ. 1913. Caroline, beloved wife of James McCullough, and mother of Ernest. Charles. John. James, Alfred and Frank McCullough and Mrs. John Houghton of I>os Gntos. a native of Belfast, Ireland, aged 72 yeiirs 11 months and 22 'lays. Frieuds and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tuesday), February IS, at 2:30 p. m., from her late resi dence. 1061 Polores street near Twenty-fourth. Interment Cypress Lawn pemetery, by automo bile. NIEMAN—In this city, February 13. 1913. Chris tian W., beloved husband of the late Bertha Nieman. aud loving father of William ami CEMETERIES AXD CREMATORIES CEMETEIRY ASSH. 2©& H®w©s MMoag, •UTTER 695. HO MB J4167. Cemetery Phone, Mlmlon 3341. All arrangementa for burial* or cremation* ! ' mad* at city office or cemetery. Special atten- ! tion firen to REMOVALS from old city cem»- | '< terlea. Entire cemetery under perpetual car*, guaranteed »*# wuf i'«t«iukl Cue fund <U . |4vO,UOVt " I Loui-s Niemau and Mrs. William O'Shaunessy and the late Emma aud Albert Nieman, a na tive of Germany, aged 08 years. • Remains at the parlors of Mcßrearty & Mi- Cormick. 015 Valencia street near Twentieth. The interment will take placo in Holy Cross cemetery today (Monday), by 11:30 a. in. train from Twenty-fifth and Valencia streets. NUTTER—In Oakland, February 16, 1013, Ly man E.. beloved husband of Martha E. Nutter, and father of Eugene C. Nutter, a native of Massachusetts, aged 56 years. OLANDER—In Oakland. February 15. 191 H. Albert, beloved husband of Mary Olander, anil Btepfatbec of Mary E. Thompson, and grand father of Mary A. and Robert A. Mullholland, a native of Stockholm. Sweden, aged t>4 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tuesdiiy'l. February IS, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., from bis late' residence,' 1249 East Twelfth street, thence to St Vcthony's church, where a re quiem high "mass will be celebrated for the re pose of his soul, commencing at 10:30 a. m. Interment S:t. Mary's cemetery. PAUSON—In this city, February 16, 1913. Ida. beloved wife of Frank Pauson. and devoted mother of B. 8., J. W.. Pr. C. A.. E. 11., Gertrude, Jeanuette and Rose Pausou and Mrs. V. Wilson, a native of Germany, aged 01 years. Services anl interment strictly private. Kindly omit flowers. PLUTT—in this city, February 15. 1913, Martin, beloved husband of Anna Plutt. and loving father of Edith Genevieve and Charles Plutt and Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. J. Strehli*. Mrs. T. Knox and Mrs. F. Guzman, a native of Au tria, aged 54 years 3 months and 17 days. A member of Court Southern Heights No. 1150, aud A. C. Benevolent Society of St. Joseph. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Tuesday). February 18. 1913, at 9 a. m., at the chapel of Julius S. Godeau. 41 Van Ness ave nue, thence to Church of the Nativity, where a high requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by auto. PURSE—In this city, February 13, 1913, Julius B. Purse, a native'of Charleston, S. C, aged G3 years. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Tuesday), February 18, at S p. tn., at Gray's chapel, Geary and Pi visadero streets, under the auspices of Golden Gate Lodge x O . 2007, G. U. O. O. F., and Court Bournemouth , No. 7504, A. O. F. Incin eration Cypress Lawn cemetery. RAABE—In this city, February 15, 1913, Charles Edward Raabe, beloved son of Maria C. and tlie late Charles E. Raabe. and loving brother of Leon S. and Frederick Otto Raabe, a native of Mission Bluff, Cal., aged 47 years. A mem. b"r of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 44, F. &■ A. M. (San Jose, Cal., papers please copy.) FYiends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral today ( Monday"», February 17, at 12 o'clock noon, from Golden Gate Comniandery hall. Sutter street between Steiner and Pierce, where services will he held under the auspices of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 44, F. &A. M. Interment Oak Hill cemetery. San Jose, Cal., by 2 o'clock train from Third and Townsend streets Remains are at the parlors of Theodore Pierks & Co., 900 Pivisa dero street corner of McAllister. REDINGTON— In this city, February 15. 19in. Henry W. Redlngton, son of the late General Alfred and Lucy K. Rediogton. and cousin of Gorham King of Red Bluff. Cal.. and Miss Fanny Kimball of Brooklyn, N. V., a native of Maine, aged 62 years 10 months and 11 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services today (Monday). February 17. at 8 p. m., at Gray's chapel, Geary and Plvis adero streets. Remains will be takep to Sac ramento, Cal., tomorrow (Tuesday) morning for interment in the family plat. RYAN— in this city. February 14. 1913. Mathew, beloved son of Mathew ami Cntherine Ryan, and devoted brother of Mary lirigid and the late John Ryan, a native of Sau Francisco, aped 3 years and 5 months. The funeral will take place today (Mon day», February 17, 1913. at 10 o'clock c in., from the residence of bis parents, 634 Athens street. Funeral and interment strictly private. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage. SAMPSON—In this city, February 16. 1013, Emily, beloved mother of William Sampson and Mrs. E. L. Cooroy, and daughter of Ellen and the late John Warne. and sister of Wil liam and Alfred Warne, a native of England, aged 46 years 10 months and 27 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend th» funeral services tomorrow {Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. tn., from the chapel of Halsted & Co., 1122 Sutter street. Inter ment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by automobile. SCHMEDING (nee LEHMANN)—In this city, February 13, 1013, Bertha, beloved wife of Charles Sehmeding, and loving mother of Ed ward S. I.ehmann, a native of Germany, aged 44 years 2 months and 20 days. Remains at the parlors of 11. F. Suhr & Co.. 2919 Mission street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth, and will bo shipped to Chicago, 111., for interment in family plat. 3CHULTZ—Tn Oakland. February 14, 1913, Mar garet Scbultz, beloved wife of John H. Schultz, and mother of Peter A., John P., Herbert P. and Laura M. Schultz, a native of Canada, aged 50 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral today (Monday). February 17, 1913. at 1:30 p. m.. from Melrose Baptist church, corner of Forty-seventh and Bond street. Interment (private) Evergreen cemetery. BHEEHAN—Tn this city, February 14. 1913, Bridg' t. beloved wife of the late Patrick Sbee han. a native of Ireland. The funeral will take place today (Mon day), at 9 o'clock a. ED., from the parlors of the Henry J. Gallagher Company, 2.197 Howard street near Twenty-second, tltene* to St. Agnesj church. Masonic avenue and Pape street, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the re pose of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock b. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. BOULE—In Berkeley, February 14. 1913. Prof. Frank Soule, husband of Adelaide S. Soule. and father of Beach C. and Pouglas Soule. a native of Miss., aged C 7 years t> months and S day». Funeral services will be held tomorrow ("Tues day), February 18, 1013, at 2 o'clrtck p. n>., «t the First Unitarian church, corner Bancroft way and Pana street. Interment private. WAITE—In this city, February 14. 1913, Mary C, beloved wife of Harry Waite, beloved mother of George and Edward Trout, Mrs. M. Kerwin, Mrs. M. Meade, Mrs. M. Ivers, sister of Michael Mella aud Mrs. A. Kolb, a native of Arizona, aged 44 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in viteii to attend the funeral today (Monday). «t 8:13 a. m., from tlie parlors of the United Undertakers, 2600 Howard street near Twenty eocond. thence to St. Patrick's church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 a. m. In terment Holy Cross cemetery. WILLIAMS—In this city, February 14. 1913, John Henry Williams, a native of Richmond, Va.. aged Sβ years. Remains, at Gray's chapel, Geary and Pivis arfero streets, will be taken to Richmond, Va., this (Monday) afternoon for Interment. WRAGE—In Pruitvale. Cal.. February 15, 1f)K!, HMmuth, beloved husband of the late Lena Wrage, and devoted son of Mr. and Mrs. I'etrr Wrage of San Jose. Cal., and loving brother of Mrs. P. Anderson and the lato Mrs. George .Torgensen and John Homann, a native of Ham burg, Germany, aged 47 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vitri ( to attend the funerel Wednesday, at 2 l>. m., from the parlors of Suhr & Wieboldt, ISffi Valencia street near Twenty-fifth. Inter ment Mount Olivet cemetery, by electric car from Twenty-eighth and Valencia streets. WULFF—In this city. Februnry IC. 1913. Carl, beloved son of the late Peter and Catherine Wulff, and loving brother of Peter, Jtihri and William Wulff and,.Mrs. P. Zaiser and Mrs. H. Steinbrook and the late Henry. George and Emll Wulff, a native of San Francisco, aged 26 years 1 month and 24 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tuesday i, February 18, at 10:30 a. tn., from the parlors of H. r. Suhr ft Co., Wtt Mission Mreet be tween Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Inter ment Cypress I/awn cemetery* by Southern Pa cific train from Twenty-iiftu, and Valencia streets, MARINE ENGINEERS' BENEFICIAL ASSOCIA TION NO. 35—Officers and members are re quested to attend the funeral of Brother Rich ard Penihan, today (Monday). February 17, at tO a. m., from the parlors of Barry & Scully, 027 Valencia tstreet. E. C. HAUSSHABDT, President. VINCENT CARROLL, Rec. Sec. INTER NOS riRCLE NO. 215. C. OF F. OF A.— Officers and members, you nre respectfully re quested to attend tbe funeral of our late com panion, Mrs. Mary Turnbull. from the parlors of the T'nited Undertakers, 2606 Howard etreet near Twenty-second, today (Monday), at 8:45 o'clock a. s>. MRS. L HARRISON. Chief Companion. MISS JENTZSEU. Fiu. Sec. CARP OF THANKS. LAPHAM—We herewith desire to extend our sincere thanks to our many friends, the J. Breuner Company and the employes of the J. Brcunpr Company, for their comforting sym pathy end beautiful floral offerings extended during the sad hours of our late bereavement, the loss of a devoted husband and father. MRS. E. LAPHAM. PKt BE^ut F tI" R V 3 KRY SO BEST "iN* TOWn!" Yofs Hyde st. near Ca!. PHONE FRANKLIN 208. IT stHu mission J. cDo Vy) Bet. 23<1 & 24th. Tel. Mission ~S)SH. Knneral work a spec-laity. BROWN & KENNEDY. FLORAL ARTISTS. 3091 16th nr. Valencia —Union store; funeral work a specialty at lowest prices. Pbone Market 5725. ONION FLORISTS, phone Market 3285. Funeral work a specialty. 3017 6th et. near Mission. PARK FLORAL. 1437 Haiglit et.; phone Park 336—Cut flowers, plants, etc. R. Grores, Prop. CLEIS 4 JACOBSON. German florists; artistic de. fcifcns specialty. 942 Fillmore »t. Park 363. 6HIBKLEY-MANN CO.: the leadlne florists, 1203 Sutler. Franklin 2WH. Frank Shlbeley, Mgr. READY REFERENCE GUIDE OF FINANCIAL AND WHOLESALE FIRMS FINANCIAL ABSTRACTS—TTTI.E TXSI'R*NfE CITY ABSTRACT & T1T1.81X5.C0..70 McAllister AXtVAirCKS MADE O\ DIAMONDS MORGEX JEWELRY CO., 883 Market gt. BANKS FOR SAVINGS * fTlif AKnorifttrrl «nvlnjr» Konkn of S. F\> FRKNCHAMKR. RANK of SAVINGS. 10R Slitter GERMAN SAVINGS & LOAN SnC.SW California HIBERNIA 8. & L. SOC Market and McAllister HUMBOLDT SAVINGS BANK. 753 Market st. ITALIAN AMF.R. BANK. Monty & Commercial. SECURITY SAVINGS HANK. ?,IK Montgomerj. n«XK« AND TRUST COMPAWim AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK. Merch Ex. hMr. ANGLO ft I.ON. PARIS Nat. Bfc.. Pin»-Bnn?ome. ANGI.O r\L. TRUST CO.. Market and Sansnme. CROCKF.R NATIONAL BANK. Crocker buildlnK. FIRST FEDERAL TRUST CO.. Montsrom'y Post. FIRST NATIONAT, BANK. Montpomy an<l Tost. INTER. BANKING COUP.. Montgom'y anil Bixh. MERC. NAT , !. BANK OF S. F.. 404 California. MERCH. XAT. BANK. Market-New Montpom'y tTNlON TRTPT CO. OF f*. F.. Market-Grant ar. WELLS FAHGO NEV. NAT. BANK. 2 MontK'y. Bo>n<« wn stocks (Member N>w York Stock exchange.) BTRNE ft >trPONNELL. M>rchantg' Ei. hMg. nnxne—wmrim>Aii * torpor atton TORRANCE. MARSHALL & CO.. SIX) Sansomc BYRNE ft MCDONNELL. Merchants' E*. bldg. N. W. HAI>SEY * CO.. 424 California *t. Ooo<lwln. Garhv ft Holton. Ins.. Ist Nat. Bk. hid. E. H. ROLLINS & PONS. First Nat. Bank bid*. WILLIAM R. STAATS CO.. 40n Monfrmery nt. LOUIB SLOS3 & CO.. Alaska Commercial blrtir. BTit Avr> lOAV ro"i'»^'"^i CAL. HOME BLDO. LOAN CO . Hearst buUflln*. CASUALTY AND T>fABII-ITY INSUR ANCE trXTTET> STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY CO. (Borland ft Jones). Firet Nat. Bank bldjr. PIPRB nnvj>« liUXDBORG MORGAN CO.. First Nat. Bank bid. FTR** , , INSURANCE rOMPANTKS OOVTTXENTAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., FI DELITY PHENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO., Arthnr G. Xenon ft Cn.. 413 Monti-omerr et. TfORTH BRITISH * MERC. INS. CO.. 2.14 Pin*. FTHE TT*-«T r » «TVCB RirVim/lli AGT!I. EDWARD BROWN * PONS. 202 Sannotne et. HVRTTR4WB BHOKF»« 080. E. BILLINGS ft CO.. 812 California at. MABTVV! ?jf«rß.*vrS! CAITTON INS. OFFICE. Ltd.. 320 Califemla et. AND TBAT>r,I|AP»r« DEWTBY. STRONG A CO.. 9tl Crocker bolldJar. PfATR fjf,4«« INSURANCE PAC. SURETY CO. (T.E.JanesK lut Nat. Bk. W4. EI«T»TR BAT.nWTN * HOWF.LL.. 315324 Kmnr «t KAHN ft FEDER. 209 Montßomery et. KPECK A CO.. 125 Sntter *t. THOMAS MAGEE ft SONS. 5 Montgomery »t. RPAI, K«T*TK—OAKLAND LATMANCK REAL ESTATE CO., 1214 Broadway 3. R MACDOXALD ft CO.. IR2» Broadway, r. F. PORTER (sue. A. J. Rnvder), 1230 Brdwr. RBALTT BONDS ft FIN. CO.. Inn.. 14th Franklin WICKHAM-HAVEXS Ineorpomted. Oakl'd Pink of flarinpe bide.: Pan Francisco. He»r«t bld|j. HAFR PEPOSIT VAULTS rrWVT NATIONAL VAULTS. First National Rank bnlldlnjr. Boxes; $4 a year. SURETY BONDS TTTfTTED STATES FIDELITY AND' GUARANTY CO. < Borland ft First Nat. Br.nk bldg. J^HOLESALE^ YCRTYLEMB GAS LIGHTING B. D.' Mkt. Everything: in thtu line AGBirriTrßAi. rw^^fWWTi JOHN DEBRE PI>OW CO.. 631 Brannan et. PACinO IMPLEMENT CO., tn-im K«n««» rt. AIR COMPRESSORS COMP. AIR A GEN. MACH. CO.. 41 Stewi*on. ARMY A XAVV GOODS—TENTS, ETC. LEIBOLD & CO.. 217 210 Market et. ASBESTOH ifr PT'ff nfVfi MAT^rSTTr! H. W. . DRVS MAN'VTU,E CO.. 2d & Howard. ASSAYER ANF> CHEMIST ABBOT A. HANKS. e3O Sacramento st. AUTOGRAPHIC REGISTERS AT7TOGRAPHIC REGIRTKR CO.. &% n«m«itlB«. »lTOMonu rs 3. W. L-EAVTTT A CO.. 801 Golden Oat* β-r. AUTOMOBILE DFMVERY WAGONS THE OAKLAND MOTOR CO.. 642 Van Neaa »t.; direct factory branch. AUTOMOBILE*—WRBTItT C ARS CANNING & VINTON AI TO CO., 453 G. G. ar. AI'TOMOBIIR TnrCK« AT7TO SALES CO. (A'.ro fr Veiled 811 G. O. tr. CONSOLIDATED MOTOR CAR CO. (Pope-Hart ford. AW) Van Neee ar. RELIANCE! AT'TO CO. (KnoxV 1«W Van Nwe. * STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. (Federal). V«n New and (Joidsn Gate ays. AITOMORIIE * CARRIAGE SPRIXGS BRTTS SPRING CO.. BS9. Folsom «t. T"A'T« AMTTS HARRIS-VBVILLTf C 0..100 136 Potr^roar. B»BBTTT' WRTAI. A\D «O».T»V|R Ot. Weet*rn Smelting: A: Rfjt- Or.. s?pMr-Fol!>om. BAGS—NFW AVD SBro\n HAND. BoroHT *vn tioin J H. LEVY BAO CO.. 814-r>lfi Front et. B*ns »vn pvri-api AMTIS-HARRTS.NF.VILLK C0..100-12fl rotr«waT. BBMIS A BRO. BAO CO.. Sansome and Vxllejo. BAGS, BURLAPS AND SECOND HANI> WESTERN BACI CO . 149-153 Hay *t. BAKKRS' TOOLS AND ST'PPT.IES JOHN G. lUS & CO.. W»->4I Mission et BELTING, PACKING. HOSE. RUBBER r.oons. f-tc. OORHAM-REVF.RE RUBRER CO.. 50-60 Fremont HOATS *VT» t,AT'\rHFl< JOHK TWTGG & SONS. Illinois and Klght^nth. BOOKS H. 8. CROCKER CO.. 565 wt. book Bi>*r»^:««! THE HTCKS-JtTDP CO.. 61-65 Flrnt *t. BOOTS *\n SHOES BTTCKINOHAM * HECHT. Second and Mission. E. J. EGAN A CO.. 13r.-U3 Bueh nt. GEORGE * MARVIN PHOE CO.. 216 Market «t. NOLAN-EARL SHOE CO.. 2ft Fremont rt. near MnrtcPt. manufacturers of the Petalnma «ho*. BRASS AND COPPER TUBES, RODS A\n WIRW NAT. BRASS A COPPER TFBF. CO.. (W9 Mlyolon BRKtITiBS A«I) BOTTI,ER"» FREDERICKSBrRG BOTLO. CO.. lßth-Alnbama TACOMA BOTTT.ING CO.. 23f10 Harrison »t. JOHN WTELAND BREWERY. 240 Second tt. THE WIKLAND BOTTTJNO HOT'SE. 240 Second. ' BRIJSHES—JANITOR SUPPI^IES WILLIAM BT'CHANAN. e23 Sacrament" at BUSINESS COLT EGE GALLAGHER-MARSH BUS. COL.. 12Se Market at. Shorthand, typewriting and booklteeplnc. BUTTER. EGGS AND CHEESE FRED l>. HILMER CO., 129 Perie et. GENAZSSI A GARZOLI. 109 Claret. KINSMAN A MILLER. r,4.T Dstls st. ROUSSEL A DAVIDSON. 413 Front »t. CALIFORNIA WIVES THE CALIFORNIA WINE ASS'N. 180 Townseed. THE ROSENBLATT CO.. 300 332 Second it. Clooea-Lombardf Wine Co.. inc.. Battery-Green. ITALIAN-SWISS COLONY. 1235 Battery st. ARTHT'R LACHMAN. 45S Second st. CANDY M4NUF\CTT RFRS COLLINS MCCARTHY CANDY CO., 25 31 Beale. COAL DEALERS W. G. STAFFORD A CO.. 234 Steuart «t. rOFPRK. TEA AND SPICES M. J. BRANDENSTEIN A CO.. :,U8«lon A Spear. JONES-THIERBACH CO., 437 Battery at> MCCARTHY BROS.. 107-109 Front Bt. rOPPRR SMITHS OSCAR KRENZ COPPER A BRASS WKS , Inc., 4RI Foleom. Wine and Brewery work specialty. SANDERS A CO.'S COPPER WORKS, Beale and Howard. Winery and brewery work epeclalty. COSTUMERS—THEATRICAL AND MASQUERADE GOLDSTEIN A CO., SB3 Market et. _ , CROCKERY—GLASS—SILVER WARE OTTENHEIMER BROTHERS, a 33 Mission et. DIAMONDS ALPHONSE Jt'DIS CO., 704 M»rket t<t. CARRAU A GREEN. 112-114 Kearny et. GEORGE GREENZWEIG A CO., Inc. 150 Poet. DREDGING A MIXING MACHINERY Golden State A Miners' Iron Works, 249 First. DYEING AND CLEANING J. ALLEC. New Parisian Wrks, 2140 Folkhii et. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO.. 807 Mission et. ELEVATOR MANUFACTURER^ OTIS ELKVATOR CO.. Stockton. N. Pt. & Beach EMPLOYMENT AGENCY MURRAY A READY. TCT-788 Howard Bt. FERTILIZERS CALIFORNIA FERTILIZER WORKS. 444 Pine MOUNTAIN COPPERS CO.. Ltd.. ISO Pine ef. FISH DEALERS •A- PAiAJDXKI. MO CUjr »L — v For > DRY—CASTINGS E?rrrapßiSE foundry co.. 2902 Ninete^t*. FRUIT (RD PRonrCE A. LBVY A J. ZKNTNF.R CO.. DaYle-Waehißf , *. L. BCATENA * 00., 104 Wa«>hlueton et. F. P. PB LEON CO.. inc.. 108 Waehtnftee. GARCIA A MAGGINI CO., Dmmm A W«*h*e. L. J. HOPKINS .1- CO.. 433 Front st. FTRMTIRE PHOENIX FT'RNITIR!: CO.. 621-K23 Mleeion. MILWAT'KEE FURNITURE CO.. 954 Mlaelop »t. FI'RRIERS ; LOFSTAD A EVANS. Inc.. 251 Poet et. GR\l\ AND HAY I PRODUCERS , HAY CO.. 166-167 Towne*e<! et. i GASOLINE E\r.IXES MARK-LALLY CO., 23.V249 Second et. j STANDARD GAS KNiJINE CO.. 10 California et. \ G*SO» nfß ENGINES AM) SCALES FAIRBANKS. MORSE A CO.. 651 MlMton et. GRAUV AMI BKi'VS BRAT BROTHERS. 200 Sacramento et. I BARNARD * BUNKER. 149 California «t- I SINRHFIMER & CO.. 149 California «t. ! EMIL WATERMAN. 255 California et. GUNS AND SPORTIXG GOODS COLCHER BROS.. ,MQ Market *t. HAY AND GRAIN SCOTT, MAGXEH A MILLER. 40 California ft. '. HEATING CONTRACTORS GILLET SfHMID CO.. Inc.. 198 West Mleeion et. i HIDES, WOOL AND TALLOW W. B. SUMNF.R & Cα. 220 Townsen.l et. i HOTEL RANGES AND SUPPLIES JOHN G. ILS A CO.. 839-841 Mleelon at. JAPANESE GROCERS OKADO A ICHIDA CO.. 323 Clay gt. j .lEAVELRV ROXES AND TRAYS MFHS MANUFACTURING CO.. 114 Kearny et. ; JEWEIER—MANUFACTURING H. W. TI'CKKY. 130 Geary at. IKWEIRT ALPHONSR XfDIS CO.. 704 Market et. CARRAU & OMEN. 112-114 Kearny et. MAYER A WEINSHRNK. 717 Market at. ML SHUSSLER A CO., 704 Market tit. JEWELRY ENGRAVER , *—MEDALS AND ?ADGF.>« GEORGE LARSON. -TeiVlfr*' bcllrtlng. 190 Poet. Jl\K, RAGS. RI'BRKR AND IRON CHARLFS HA RLE V CO., 650 SeTenth et. I.ACWa Aim KMHROIDERIES LEVY A BRO.. In".. ie-18 Sansom* et. 8A173R BROS. & CO.. 49-M San»«ne et. CURTAINS CALIFORNIA CURTAIN MILLS. Inc.. PC Third. LADTES' HAT MAMTACTIRERS PARISIAN HAT CO., 760 MlB«!on at. ! i,*T)ip*i' Waists »\n «mrrATERS NEWBAUER BROTHERS. 37 Battery nt. FlTTrnws AND srPPTIWI H. W-. JOHNB-MANV7LLE CO.. i I.ITHOGB APHFRS BRTTTON A RKY. .ViO Sscrstn-rto et. GALLOWAY LITTTOGRAPR'G CO.. 511 Howaril. O. E. OLSFN LITHOGRAPn'G CO., 3TO Jackson. I,ftO«H LEAK SYSTEMS THK HTCKSJFDD CO.. M «5 Flrat »t. M'MBER DEALER* ns'ION LT'MBER CO.. lfiOB Crocker bnildlnf. MArHl\Kl»V—T*o\r» MAKTVCI A. L. YOING MACHINERY CO., 26 Frerßont nt. MACHINERY—«AWMII,L AND WOOD WORKING THE EBY MACHINERY CO.. 35 41 Main «t. MAGNETOS FOR AVTOS AND MOTOR HO*T«—TVNOSTEN LAMPS K. .T. HALL CO.. .'.07 M!«.e!on «t. M4RIVE ENGINEER*!—««IP B'LD'RS FNITED ENGINFTCRING WORKS. 224 Spear st. MEN'S GOODS KET'STAI>TER BROTHERS. Fir«t and MI»Mon. METALS—OLD AND NEW Gt. Western Smelting A Rf«c. Co.. Spear-Fol»om. MOTOnr-VCLES (INDIAN! THR TTKNDFE MFG. CO.. 234 Van New* tr. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES CALIFORNIA FILM EXCHANGE. R4 Serenth it. NOTIONS—FANCY GOODS—RIBBONS J. B. CROWLF.Y. Sβ Third st. NOVKI,TIE« * STREET MEN SITPPL'S E. BLOCTI >fERC. CO . 241 -24.-! Murket at. NITS NITS SCNSET NUT SHELLING CO.. 245 Ciay Ft. Oil, *>'!> "SYSTEMS STAPLES A PFETFFTt. Stenwrt rt. PAINTS—TIOLXAPKEL'S ING COMPOSITION C. G. CT.I.VCTI & CO.. 144 Davis it p*tVTS. OT» S ANO «T,ASS W. P. FrLT.ER & CO.. Mission and B«al» etc. R. N. NABOH A CO.: offlce and worke, 131 Potreri* ar. ; utorp. r>4 Pine Ft. PAPER ROTES. FOLDING PACIFIC FOLDING BOX CO.. 718 Mission et. PAPER WAREHOUSE ZELLERBACH PAPER CO.. Battery A Jaeknon. PHOTO-EVGR AVERS' SUPPLIES— " PRINTING INKS GEO RUSSFLI. A RKFD CO.. 84] Hay at. PIPE, PTP!C FITTINGS AND VALVES COMP. AIR .V GEN. MATH. CO., 41 Steyrnson. PORK AND BEEF PACKERS POrTH S. F. PACKV; A- PROV. CO.. 407 Front. poT«Tor«. ovioNs Avn beans WIT.T.TAM A. CrRTTS A CO.. 212 Drumm St. WOLF A SONS. 245 Drumm xr. POULTRY AND EGG RECEIVERS BIANCHI POULTRY A- PROD. CO.. 317 Wuh'e POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK SVPPL'S GEO. H. CROLEY CO.. «31 Brainan Bt. POULTRY. TURKEYS. HONEY, BROOM CORN W. C. PRICE CO.. Poultrrmen's Tnlon. 509 Clay PRINTERS H. S. CROCKER CO.. 56."> Market et. THE HIfKS TT'DD CO.. M-85 First at E. C. HUGHES CO.. 151 Minna st. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS .TAMES H. BARRY CO.. Inc., 1122 Mlnelon et. PIMPING MACHINERY SIMONDS MACHINERY CO.. 12-14 Natoea et. RIBBONS AND FANCY GOODS KLEIN A LEVY. Sir. Market st. RICE AND BEANS If. PHILLIPS A CO.. B Main Bt. f?T T W r *ETI fi(K>T)« COODYFA.R RTBRER CO.. 557 Market «t. RUBBER STAMPS. STENCILS, ETC. PATRICK A CO.. BfiO Market et. saws \■Vγ* machine knives SIMONDS MANT'FACTrRTNG CO.. 14 Nateme, 1 - SCRAP IRON AND METALS |ST7GARMAN IRON A METAL CO.. fll7 Brannan. SCHOOL FIUMTIRE — OPERA CHAIRS THE A. H. ANDREWS CO.. 72! M'.eeloe et. SCHOOL SUPPLIES H. R. CROCKKR CO.. Rfio Market et. SEED GROWERS AND DEALERS O. C. MORSE A CO.. 48 Jackson et. SHIP CHANDLERS JOHNSON A JOSEPH CO.. 34 36 Sacramento et. STATIONERY H. S. CROCKER CO.. 565 Market et. STATIONERY. PRINTERS AND LITH OGRAPHERS SOHWABACHKR FREY STAT'Y CO., 543 Mrkt. STOVES AND RANGES BRIDGE A BFACH MFG. CO.. 22d and Indta. BURVEYIN G IN S'TR UMENTS—DRAW. IVG MATERIAL THE FREDRICK POST CO.. KTT Market et. TAILORS' TRIMMINGS C. W. R. FORD CO.. 164 Sutter Bt. TANKS. COOPERAGE, ETC. GEO. WINDELER. 144 Berry et. TELEPHONES AND SWITCHBOARDS TEL. ELEC. EQUIPMENT CO.. 612 Howard et. TRUNKS AND «i"TT CASES HIRSCHFF.LDER & MKANEY. 519 Market «t. L. ABRAHAM CO.. 102 Battery et. FRIEDBERG GRAI'NAT'KR CO.. 103 Front et- TYPEWRITERS L. A M. ALEXANDER. 512 Market et. Special retrallt 6 R»»t[iincton for $36. payable $3 month. UNIFORMS ERNST E. ERBE & CO.. 883 Market et VARNISH MANUFACTURERS TAMM A NOLAN. Ml Potrero «t. MAGNETOS FOR AUTOS AND MOTOR BOATS—TUNGSTEN LAMPS R. J. HALL A CO.. Mission st. WALL PAPER *r;HL BROS.. Inc., 717_>Iarkpt »f. W A TFR WIIE EI.S PELTON WATER WHKEL CO..lath A Harrison WHISKIES BERLIN A LEPORI. Inc.. 520 Wahington et. Controllerx at Pinrllngame xrhtsky. \vnoT~E\ S ~XnD TRIM MINGS " ARNSTEIN. SIMON A CO., Third and Mlsaiea. .T B\UMi;A!iTKN A CO.. 751 Market St. ©BTMEE WOOLEN CO., 28 Gear/ »U J I NAPA CITY RAMS AN OBSTRUCTION Steamer Loses Blades When Wheel Hits Submerged Substance San Bruno Creek Investiga tion Planned to Clear Channel The river freight steamer Napa City, Captain Melvin Brown, was crippled late Saturday night in proceeding up San Bruno creek with a loaded bare. in tow. The Napa City's wheel struck a submerged substance and several blades were broken, damage amounting to $500. This is the second accident within two days in San Bruno creek, and an investigation will bo made today t>. determine what is in the channel t<. obstruct navigation. The big I , *"}? , '' launch Mearin while proceeding up tno channel Friday night lost a propeller blade. . ~ Both craft have been navigating the channel for many years and tW* }• the first accident at that point. It believed that a new obstruction ha» been formed m the channel. The Napa City was towed to Oakland creek by a Peterson launch . roi re pairs. Both of the disabled craft are owned and operated by Captain J. -M. Brown. BARKENTINE ARCHER DELAYED The barkentine Archer, with auxil iary power, is 26 days out of Roche Harbor for this port and it is feared W the craft is having trouble. The new gas producing plant recently installed on the Archer has been giving consid erable trouble and this is believed to have occasioned the delay. The Archer recently was overdue many weeks on a trip out of Roche Harbor and was almost given up for lost. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES The Harrison liner Craftsman is due today from Puget sound to complete loading for Liverpool. The Craftsman is taking a big cargo of canned goods and dried fruit. The Craftsman a cargo will probably be as large as that of the lost Harrison liner Workman which went on the rocks near Rl<> de Janeiro last year with the largest cargo of the kind ever consigned to Europe. . , The Matson freighter Hyades put In yesterday morning, eight days from ililo, with 23,204 bags of sugar. The Norwegian liner Cuzco 13 due Tuesday with nitrate from the west coast. T . The new steel steam schooner jonn A Hooper, here from the Atlantic coast, proceeded to California»City yes terday to discharge coal for the gov ernment. The Hooper will go in the coast lumber trade for Sudden & Cnris tensen. . , , The Union liner Tahiti departs Thursday for Sydney and way ports. The Pacific Mail liner City of Sydney is due Saturday or Sunday from west coast Mexican ports. The next liner from the orient will be the Persia, due Tuesday of next week. Army Tranaporti The Bnford is at Ran Francisco. The Crook is at San Francisco. The Logan left San Francisco January 9 lot Manila. The Sheridan Is in port. The Sherman sailed February B for Manila. The Thomas left Manila February 2 for thi* port. Movements of Steamers TO ARRIVE 8tr«tnpr H mn bold t ;'■• A. Kilburn.. .jheb. 17 San Dieco & Los Anf..'state of Cal jFeb. 17 Loa Angles & Way I'ts Santa Clara [Ft*. IT San Dice) & Los Aug.. VjiIp Feb. l^ Puget Sound 'Craftsman ;t'"t>. Li I.os Angeles 'Paralso Feb. 18 [.os Anjjoles [Willamette F.-t.. l> TocopUU i [Adorna :>eb. ls Iquiuue & Manzauillo. .<'u7a'o £e*. ' s Ix»s Angples '.Rose City Fβ*. is Hnmboldt Vanv-uanl f*b. 19 Ilumholrtt INorth Fork Feb. Iβ Hombeldt [city of T..peka..;Keb. 18 Portland !(auilno .teb. r» r.os direct Harvard peri. Iβ t'ort Bragg Arctic I Feb. 11 Seattle & Tacoraa BucScman [Feb. Iβ I'di'tland & Astorin YeeenUte \h?b. Point Arena & Albion. . Porno Feb. -'' Port San Luis COM Hay jFeb. L'> Sydney via Tahiti Tahiti Feb. 20 San Diego & Lee Au?..i>". W. Elder.. iFeb. 2«) Los Angeles direct Vale Feb. -1 Balbot- * San Pedro... Kansas City ,Fet>. £1 Pvnt Sound Port>< I'matllla Feb. 21 San Diefro & Los Anjr. .:President Feb. -' Fort Bragg i Brunswick Feb. 23 San Piepo & Tx>s Ap(.. Harv«r.l Peb. 2U S.ii. Cruz & San Dtefo. Oolomblu [Feb. -2 Balboa via Acapuioo. ...,('ity of Sydney.. 1 rl>. '-"_• Portland & Astoria JJear Feb. 2^* Portland & Astoria Northland |Feb. _'L Feb. i Feb. Portland & Astoria 'Roanoke iteb. 1Z I "" TO SAIL Date I Steamer Destination | Belli Pier Feb. 17 FitlcM Coqnllle Klv. Feb. 17|Carlos 'Portland ... l>1). I'iPresident 'San Diego... Feb. ITJYale I Los Angeles.. Feb. 17!Hanalei jbos Angeles.. !••.■!.. Iβ Sedoodo Com Bay !Vt>. is Klizsbeth loquille Kiv. Feb. lSUVillamette .... Paget Sound. Feb. lSIHooolnUn Honolulu ... Fob. IKJCity of Sand. F'eb. 18'Ad. Samp*ou...'f'uget Sound. Feb. litiTamnlpais Portland ... Feb. l'JiVauguard I/« AnReles.. Feb. lOiParaiso Portland ... Feb. 19 : 1*. A. Kllburn.. Humboldt ... Feb. l9JRose City Portland ... Feb. lOlPuoenlx Humboldt ... Ktli. l'.VSea Foam Point Arena. Feb. 19]Bri]nswlck !Fort Bragg.. F.<t>. 15) Harvard 'San Diego... Feb. 19;Santa Clara jl-os Angeles.. Feb. '20 Daisy iWillapa Har. in,. zOlYownlte s«u Dlffe... F'.'b. 2O|Co*«ter Portlmed ... t'rii. aolstate at C«l.... J8ea Dleje. .. Feb. -1 Falcon Paget Sound. Feb. 21 Yale San Diego... Feb. 21 Nippon Mara. .•Hongkong ... Feb. Sljeeo W. Ulder. ,1'ortland ... Feb. 22!Cooe Hay Pt Sun Tuts. Feb. 2S[Harrard i-oe Anseiee.. Feb. --' North Fork.... Homboldt ... Feb. 22 Craftsman ir.iTerpool — Feb. 22il*em Balboa Feb. 22|Beekm«!i Pogel Sound. Feb. 22 President Pugct Sound. Fet>. SSIBoaDoke San Diego... Fob. 25:Nortbl«nd I.os Angeles.. I 5 ptn 4 pm 2 |> in 4 pm ;; pm i 2 pm 112 m !io am i 5 ptn j 2 pm i :i pm r> inn 4 pm r> pm 112 in Itt nj 10 am i •* P™ 3 pm 4 pm 2 pm 8 pm 2 pin U am ."> ptn 4 pm 1 pm 12 n> 4 pm] 4 pml ! 12 m ' r> pm 112 mi I :; pm ; 2 pm I I pml ! •> pm; 27 2T <) 7 10 •J7 10 U :»s 9 10 r.i 27 s 13 40 27 4 "t' 13 .11 27 J» 38 7 r.t 4O U T 138 To SAIL FROM SEATTLE Destination Steamer i Datp Skagway & Way Ports.Ueffereoa lFel>. 17 Koillak & Way Ports... lYukon \f'-h. SO PIER DIBBCTOBY NOBTH W MAKKKT STRKET IMer .'!.... Washington !Pter 17 Union I'irr r< jBcks'.a IMer V.i Union Hct 7 PadSetPier 21 Mibe [■i«T !• Broadway llFJer 23 Greenwich Pier 11 Broadway 2|Pter 2'i Greenwich l'ior 1! ViiH.joJMer 27 Lomba Tier 15 Green IMer r>1,..., Powt SOUTH OF MARKET STRESrT Pier 2.., Mission 1 Pier 24 8| Pier 4 Mission 2IWw 28 * Pirr « Howard 1 Pier 34 B Pier 8 Howard 2jPior .:e Kren Pier 10 Howard 3lPI*r 38 J Pier 12 Folsoin 1 Pier 40 1 Pi»-r 14 Poison) 8 Pier 42 \p. M. S. B Pier 10 Harrison!Pirr 4t ! Pt«f 20 St<i!art;Pier r>4 Fr» Suu, Moon and Tide United StatPS toast ami gMdcttc wiiryey—Timn and helßbts of tides at Fort I'mnt. wvt city f/ont Mission street wharfi. *<\<\ 3H mlnuti's MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Sun rises <j : fis Sun sets b:s\ ; srtv 4 ::!1 n m Full moon February 20. af .">:."4 p. m. Last ijuarter moon. . . .rVbrnary 27. at 1:06 p. tn. ITimo! ITlme] |Time| ITlnel Feb.] 1 Ft I —I Ft I i rt I Ft h wi :h wi il wj ii w 17.. IS.. 19.. 20.. 1:231 S.5I l::v, :,.!. 3:(»i—t».T'.ie:l« 4.< 2:82 B.2 K::::>i e.i 3:54'—O.eho-W 4 3:a:i! 2.k it.-.: (•..: 4:S8j—liotll 30 s! 4:28 2.3 I0:«3 5:201—<t8 0:06: 5.3 .".:«>! 1.«i11:27 8.21 e:0lL-0. ; 0:41! 5.4' fi:12l 1.4112:22' .1.8! ti-H, o ! 1:18| o.«' T:0*| 1.11 1:10! - r ,.4: 7:2(> 6 5.1 .... ■>■» O.I U. S. Branch Hydroirraphlc Office A branch of the United States nomographic Office, located tn the. Merchants' Exchange, is maintained in San Francisco for the bfnefit*r/>i — _ m B ,k Continued on ]»xt race