Newspaper Page Text
SKIPPING NEWS GATHERED I FROM THE SEVEN SEAS Movements of Vessels Ply ing Between San Frari cisco and Other Ports Continued from Pbkc 12 ■• H,:!i " I to nationality, and free . expense. Navigators »re cordially Invited to set of chart! I directions of the world are kept at nan.i ror comparison and Kftnaec and the latest I?/,?™ ,, ' » w «y« be obtained regardie« iipnts. dangers to navigation and matters of in it-rtst to ueean commerce. B. O. BARTHAI.OW. Ueatenant, U. S. N., in Charge. \ Weather Report United States Department of Agriculture— •r Bureau. San Frawiseo. Feb. Iβ, 1013. KAIXFALL DATA STATIONS - E •? I B?8 rg ■ I •■" I X j 7- i Enreka Red Bluff Sacra neat .... Mt. Tamalpats San Francisco .:... San Jose Fresno ....;...... Independent- •.'.... San Luis Obispo... Los Angelas... San Diego O.Ofl 84 M BS 23.51 . 18.21 KM 7.24 0.09 B.S8 12.6S 4.:^9 0.00 15. si 14.M 10.01 O.(-> ft.M U.8T 0.29 .06 10.60 4.67 0.00 2.79 6.OT 2.03 LSI 5. 88 0.8t 4.7'.) .V. 7.14 MO 4.35 !• ! o.oo :;,44 | c..4i 2.67 PACIFIC COAST STATIOXS In the following tables the maximum aod mlnl mum temperatures and rainfall are given: BTATIOK8 - 7 ~: =!b ? 5 S I r , H stations Z t- , » z f :■_ 0.0< Kurcka .. . a 71 ■ Helena ... Honolulu . ..]72 60 O.W' Kaligpell ...Uβ : Lee .\ngt!' Modena 5fi Mt.Tamalp'is'eo . ■- 16 0.24 ! ... .ITS 44|0.00 I !'t. Beyes Lt •"•.'.i 49 Portland Sβ 1C 9.08 URed Bluff...:ro'4r. o.oo liReno Sacramento.. 70 Iβ 0 00 : salt Lafcr. . <:in D 0.00 S. Francisco. 66 50 0.00 Sao .1 JujO.OO SE. Farall. [ Spokane .. •Samnalt . iTuooma .... ' > 5016.10 - : i 481. J2.24 ToDopah .... .">!:, W'nUa Wai ; \'iiniernu<_( If" ataa 82|10(O.Oo 64 i.lilies. EASTERN STATIOXS Abilene ?■> ::j .<X j KooxTille ... Louisville . . . 16 :.4 .00 Huston _• -;;; .00 Hnffalo 20 U \!<>-)lr.;il .... - Uoorbead .... 28 18 .00 I'•liver ... I" , " M( - 2 New York. ... " North Platte. W 80 .00 I»nlutU >klal»oma . ... < ■ .....30!.. .00 rlttubnrg .... I! ■ IS .0* Roswi 11 M 2e(.0e - -■ St. Louis |5i Bay. . . J? 4 .OT >3t. Paul ' ■ rampa <E Havre | o |28 20 .01 Huron Washington .. '•• ■ :<> .(if. Winuipcjj ...|14 -1 .00 SYNOPSIS Or WKATHEB CONDITIONS re baa fallen steadily ovpr Washlng - n ami also California. Uain has been tro« Kureka northward. - - n -ire reported in the last i. liish southerly winds prevail from the mi nth of the Colotobla river Dortliward. Pleasant weathi-r is reported in the Rocky mountain sec ! the plains ttate*. A moderate disturb ■ ' ■■-:;!■> the lake region, and light snow has fallPa fv< to Buffalo. Snow is al*o falling on the New England coast, with high east winds-. Temperatures are unusually high in Kan t-as, Nebraska. lowa and the Dakotas. On the Pacific s!ope tenipe.'.iturf's are above the normal. ",i l'i'u.jings have been n!iovf 70 degrees. On the coast cooler weather day. FOBECAST -t ms'le at San rraneHoo for the 30 hours ending at midnight February 17. 1913; San rranoKeo and vicinity—Cloudy, cooler Mon day, probably light rain; moderate southwest wind. Santa Clara vallr-y—Clopdy cooler Monday; ate rootb wind. ■!fii f o valley—Cloudy, cooler Monday, vitli lijxiif rain; nnxierate south wind. San Joacjuin valley—Cloudy, cooler Monday; light west wind. California south of fhe Tehachapl—Cloudy, cooler Monday; light smith wind. A. G MeADIE, District Forecaster. HVDROGRAI'HIC OFFICE T)epth at mean low water, entrance to harbors. PLACE r"r. ! Dstp ; rays ar ■ Remarks iel working north eri; u. -. ect water over bar, vrltli inner bar P. S. •aring KB. (mag.). Nehaiem . remaining abou i, 5 i . lit Jhannel to the wthwart and changing a little lo the north. Jhanne! south of rangp 130 to 200 feet. la jrood shape. 1W .. i| Channel : "lit far y it Jmpqua .. . 0 Strangers entering should keep r'lnsre well open to northwarfl. .. 5 Beet watiT .".(Xl feet from I blar-k buoy at end of I jetty. .. 4 Channel straight. Aids I in good order. . 30!Channel almost Straight I otit f-lightly t4 north- i ward. iy. 1 r>. north- jannel ward. it. imB ■ a 30 ft** deep nearly tHmliiR hasin. gan Diego! 3fi 'Jan. 311 S«n r«U" -::■ Sep. .'(■vlJepth~i'n~dredge<I chan- I 1 pel. eye •2Gi: .'cannel etn good wiritb. *LOUIS SLOSS & CO. Investments J. C. WILSON & CO. MEMBERS \i:\V YORK STOCK EXCn.WGB TilW COTTOX XX( HAXUE CHICAGO ROAid) Of TKAUK Tilt: STOCK AMD BOND KXCHA.VGE SAH FItWCISCO ■LAIN OFFICE >!Mlm RuildiuK. Snn Franelnco. BRANCH OFFICKS— Lea Anßolo*. Snn i)i<- i>. < nrunndu Beach, Portlnnd, Ore.. Senttle, Wn«h., Vanronver, H. C. I»rJvut«- Wire. Chienco, Ifrw York. f ] INCORPORATED O CONSULTING and * ' CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED SO Pine Street New YorK ANGLO AND LONDON PARIS NATIOxNAL BANK SAN FRANCISCO 4 BOND DEPARTMENT Dealers 1* luvcatmeat lion&m ~ j WIRELESS REPORTS FROM SHIPS AT SEA MARCONI WIRELESS These reports are received directly j from the Pacific coast stations of the >!nrt-onl VTJr<-les« company: STEAMER NORWOOD—S p. m.. 23 miles north if Point Reyes. STEAMER F. H. LEGGETT—B p. m., 27 miles nort:> i t Petal Sur. STEAMER ENTERPRISE—S p. m., 317 miles | from Lightship. STEAMER PORTER—Left San Luis at 9 p. m. STEAMER WHITTIEE—S p. m., 4o miles north I : Point Arena. STEAMER WABETENAW—S p. m., 286 miles north of S:in PrtDciace. I STEAMER CUZCO—Left San Pedro at 5:30 ;i. in. STEAMER TOPEKA—B p. m., 27 miles x north of Point Reyes. STEAMER LTJCA6—S p. m., 12 miles south of! Cape Blanco. STEAMEK FENWICK—S p. m., 18 miles south iif Cnjie Blanco. STEAMER CHANSLOR—B p. m., 132 miles north of Monterey. BAHGE 91—In tow tue Dauntless; Bp. m., 60 miles south of Ssn Francisco. STEAMER WILHELMINA—From San Francisco for Honolulu: Feb. IS, 8 p. m., 1.1U4 miles out. STEAMER NILE—From Honolulu for Yokohama; Feb. to, S p. Bβ., 42 miles from Honolulu. STEAMER PERSIA—From Yokohama for Hono lulu: Feb. Iβ. I p. ni., Sol miles west of Honolulu. STEAMER SONOMA—From San Francisco for Sydney; Fib. I*. 8 p. m.. 1,300 miles out. STEAMER HILONIAN—From Seattle for Ilono -I'ilr.: Feb. 15, I p. in., I.7JS miles from ] Tateoefc. STEAMER CITY OF PARA—Feb. 15, 8 p. m., L'T.l miles south of San Francisco. STEAMER TAHITI—From Sydney for San Fran- Feb. 15, S p. in., 1,400 miles from San Francisco. SBATTLE, Feb. 16. STEAMER CATANIA—Taeoma-San Luis; off Point No P STEAMER ARGYLL—Seattle-Port San Lnls; off Clallain bay. ASTORIA, Feb. I*s. STEAMER CUEACAO — Northbound: crossing Queen Charlotte sound at 7:43 p. m. STEAMER ASCTJNCION—Port Angeles-Snn Fran . MO miles north of San Francisco at 8 p. m. STEAMER STANLEY DoLLAß—Southbound; 75 mile* foutii of Grays Harbor at 8 p. m. SIEAKER NAVA JO—Northbound; 120 miles of BUOCO at 6 p. m. STEAMER COLUMBlA—Southbound; 50 miles s<>utli f>f Columbia river at 8 p. m. STEAMER DRAKE—With bnrjre 95; northbound; 2.". miles unrth of Grays Harbor at 8 p. m. STEAMEE QtJEEN—San Francisco-Seattle; 52 miles nortli of Blanco at 8 p. m. KAST SAN PEDRO. Feb. 16. STEAMER WILLAMETTE— Northbound; 4 miles north of Point Vincent at 8 p. m. STEAMER PARAISO—San Diego to San Pedro; 12 miles north of Point I.oir.a. STEAMER YALE—Point Hueneme at 6:20 p. m., ■■ound. STEAMER SANTA ROSALlA—Southbound; 590 miles south of Sim FmtK-isi-n. STEAMER CITY OF PARA—Feb. Iβ, 273 miles south of San Fruucisuo, southbound. EUREKA, Feb. 16. STEAMEK NOME CITY— Off Gorda. NOME CITY—2S miles north of Blunts reef. STEAMER CENTRALIA—G p. m., 10 miles north of Blunts reef. STEAMER NANN SMITH—2O miles north of Seal rocks. STEAMER RIVERSIDE—S miles south of Point St. Ch STEAMER MAVEEICK—23 miles south of Cape Blanco. STEAMER WHITTIEE—Out 1:15 p. m. STEAMER VANGUARD—In 3:30 p. m. STEAMER F. A. KILBURN—Out 1 p. m. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific (Special Dispatch to The Call) EUREKA, Feb. IC—Steamer Vanguard ar rived late this afternoon from San Francisco with freight, mail and pameofen. Oil 8-tfamer Whit tier crossed out this after noon bound for southern California points. With freight, mail and a large number of passengers tne steamer F. A. Kilburn departed this afternoou for Sau Francisco. SEATTLE, F*b. Iβ. —Arrived—Steamers Sado Maru (Jupancst■>. Yokohama; Northland. Bertha, southeastern Alaska: Jefferson, Skagway; Prlace Rupert <Br.), Print e Uupert. Sailed --Steamer > Euckinan, Sun Francisco; Prime Rupert (Br.l. Prince Rupert. TACOMA, Feb. 16. —Arrived—British steamer Antilochup, Liverpool. Departed—Steamer Catania, San Francisco. SAN PEDRO. Feb. 15. —After having discharged feet of lumber for The Charles McCormSck Lumber company at San Diego, steamer Willam ette returned here, took passengers and freight for the Merchants' Steamship company at Saa -i'O and cleared for Portland to reload. I acttte Coast company's steamer Stata of Caiifornia arrived from San Diego, and after tak '!)!_' paaseogen and additional cargo proceeded for San Francisco via Santa Barbara. Norwegian iteamer Com arrived this morning froia Iquique, Chile, after an uneventful voyage, nnd afti r discharging 7.",o.000 nitrates for W. It. Gryee & Co. proceeded for Sail Francisco with remainder of cargo. Steamer Yale arrived this afternoon from San Diego, and after taking pasetftgera and addi tional cargo proceeded for San Francisco. Stenmer Harvard arrived this morning from Pan Irauclseo with good passenger and freight Bats. Steamer Kiamath arrived this morning from Portland and S:ui ITraociaco carrying passengers and freieht for the Merchants' Sti-amship com pany and a cargo of oreosoted piling for the city of Los Angeles and lumber cargo for the Cfaarlet MeCormiek Lnmber company. The Pacific Mail steamer Seward, which lost its rudder off Uaxatlan south bound and which is returning north in tow of the tng Sea Rover, is expected to arrive iit this port during the night. Sir; mer Rose City arrived this afternoon from Portland via Astoria and San Francisco, bringing passengers and 1.100 tons of miscellaneous freight xehandiae. The Rose City will clear on the return trip tomorrow. Arrivals during the night will include steamer Mandalay, from Crescent City via San Francisco, with passengers and freight for the West Coast Steamship company and 400,000 feet of lumber for the Southern California Lumber company. Steamer Speedwell discharged a partial cargo of lumber for the Southern California Lumber company and proceeded for San Diego with the remainder, thence for Coos Bay to reload. Schoooer Alvena arrived from the Columbia river carrying 0T.%,000 feet of lumber. PORTLAND. Feb. 1«. —The steamer Bear ar rived today from California coast ports with a fair passenger list and a full freight. The steam schooner San Pedro arrived today from San Francisco with a cargo of general merchandise* ainl will load lumber for a return. A. ortinger. general agent of the paWMigw department of the San Francisco and Portland Steamship company, arrived from San Ftan claco on the steamer Hear. The oil tank steamer Atlas arrived from Cali fornia today with a cargo of fuel oil for the Standard Oil company. taamer EtMaoke arrived today from Cali fornia ports with a large freight and passenger list. Cnptain P. Westfall of the German bark Mimi, went übore a few aiiles norili of the ir trance to Nehalem bny while heading for the Columbia river, arrived today fmm Bay City «ml by appointment met B, M. Cherry, Lloyds* agent, at Astoria, at the office of Anderson and Crowe here, where he examined his awaiting mail and receded instructions to await the iirrival from Seattle this morning of Mr. Taylor, German Lloyd agent, who is to make thp final . as to the disposition of the stranded ASTORIA. Feb. IS.—Steam schooner Olympic, cftlfO of lumber for California, has ar • ivii! down the river and will go to sea when the bar moderates. The Staadocd Oil Rteamer Atlas has arrived In port from the sound ami will tow barge No. 93 to California. Steamers BOaaoke and Bear, with freight and ■ is from Sa-i PedfO ;m.l \\\iy points ar riveii iv port to<Jay and proceeded. « . *. Shipping Intelligence ARRIVED Saturday, Feb. 15. 11:18 p. m., ttmr Flfteld, Scbllllnsky. 44 hours D: pab-eugers and merchandise to A. F. Eetabrook. Sunday. Feb. Iβ. 4:48 p. m.. Ktmr President. Thomas. CM hours .ittip; passengers and merchandise to Pa cific Coast Steamship company. 9:05 a. m.. stmr Daisy. Smith, 74 hours from Portland; 800.000 feet lumber to K. S. Freeman. 0:50 a. PS., stmr National City, fiostrom. lft from Fort Kragg; boUDd south, called In for fuel. 10 a. m., stmr Eureka. Faria. 101 tours from Buttle; 1,508 sacks irbrat, 2.500 tons coal 200 cbm'B explosives to Pacific Coast Steamship com pany. 1:15 a. m., stmr Elizabeth, Olsen. 44 hours from Bendon, passengers and mercbaDdUe to E. T. Kγ S;M a. m.. stmr Byades. Yonnsrrpn. 8 days 4 boon from Hilo; merchandise to Matwjn Naviga tion company. L. in., stmr Sea roam, llenricksoti, 14 bonre from Memioctno, via I'oint Arcua 11 hours; 200,000 feet loaber to C. H. Ilicpins. MS a. v., etuir titriTCTl. 4ti hours THE SAN FRAN« J from Eandon; 220,000 feet lumber to Sudden & ■ Christeaaoa. 4:45 a. m., stmr Norwood. Knn<lsen, 33 hours i from San Pedro; ballast to Sadden & Cbristenson. C a. m., stmr Redondo, Erickson, 36 hours from Coos Bay; 620.000 feet lumber to C. A. Smith Lumber company. 2:20 p. id:, stmr Fort Eliasen. CO botra from Astoria; 600.000 feet lumber to K. : K. Wood Lumber company. 3 p. m.. stmr Avalon, Christenson. 70 hours fro;n Willapa Harbor; bound south, put In for fuel. 11:10 a. m., stmr Albion, Jacobeen, 70 hours from San Pedro: ballast to Riehardsou & Co. 12 m.. stmr Quinault, Walvig, 64 hours from Raymond; feet lumber to Hart-Wood I Lumber company. ' 12:20 p. ni. stmr Hunalei, Hamma. 40 hours i from San Pedro: passengers and morchaudlse to Independent Steamship company. 12:3." p. m.. stmr Aurelia. Cnrey. 4." hours from ban Pedro: ballast to Trower Brothers. 5:88 p. m., etmr Necanicum, Mattson. 80 hours from Astoria: 800,000 feet lumber and piles to Hammond Lumber company. SAILED Saturday. Feb. 15. — p. m., Btmr Riverside. Pahlqnist. Seattle. 8:S& p. m., fitmr Siskiyou. Hansen. Beliingham. 11 p. m., stmr Nome City, Hansen. Seattle. Sunday. Feb. Iβ. 0:10 a. m., schr Fred E. Sander, Erkren, Ev erett. 4 p. tn.. stmr National City, Bostrom, San P. dre. 4:20 p. ci., gtmr Eureka, Peulsen, Monterey. O;#Q a. m., stmr Aztec" Holland. Ancon. 10:55 a. tn., stmr Norwood, Knudsen, Grays Harbor. 12:15 p. m., stmr City of Topeka. Zeh, Eu reka. 5:20 p. m., Ktmr Aurelia, Carer, Astoria. 9 a. m., echr Monterey, Kelly, Monterey, In tow of tug Navigator. 11 a. m., stmr Noyo. Matsen. San Pedro. 7:20 p. m., stmr George W. Elder, Paulsen, San Pedro. 9:30 a. tn.. barse 91, Monroe, El Segundo. in tow of tug Dauntless. •1:25 p. m., etuir Potno. Lllleland. Albion. ~:~>0 p. m., stmr Saglaaw, Lunstedt, Willapa Ilurbor. Sißo p. m., stmr Arctic, Under. Fort Bragg. 4:40 p. m., stmr Avalon, Christenson, San Pedro. WEATHER REPORTS POINT LOBOS. Feb. 10, 10 p. m.—Weather hazy: wind northvrest. velocity 12 miles an hour, DOMESTIC PORTS SANTA BARBARA—Arrived Feb. 16, etmr State of California, from San Peuro, and sailed for San Francisco VENTURA—SaiIed Feb. 10, 4 p. m., ttmr George Loomis. lor El Sogiindo. I'ORT SAN MlS—Arrived Feb. lrt, 7 a. tn., stmr W. S. Porter, from Astoria, and ssllod 10 l>. m. for Astoria. Sailed 6 a. m., tug Defiance, with bktn Fullerton in tow. for San Francisco. Arrived 7:30 a. m., stmr Santa Clara, from San Pedro, and salted 2:30 p. tn. for San Francisco. FORT BRAGG—Arrived Feb. Iβ. stmr James S Hjfrjtins, for San Diego . ABERDEEN—Arrived Feb. 1* 7 p. m., etmr Aberdeen, hence Feb. 12. Sailed Feb. IC. 8 a. m., schr Ethel Zime, for San Francisco; 4 p. m.. Fttnr Temple B. Dorr, for San Francisco. EUREKA—Arrived Feb. Iβ, 3 p. m.. stmr Van jr.mrd. hence Feb. 15. Sailed Feb. Iβ, 1 p. m., stmr Wbittier, for Port San Luis; etmr h\ A. Kilburn. for San Francisco. POINT REYES—Passed Feb. IC. S:10 a. m.. stnir Quinault, from WiUapa Harbor for San Francisco. COOS BAY—Arrived Feb. 16, etmr Alliance, from Astoria. Sailed Feb. 16. 8 a. m.. s>tmrs Nann Smith and Washington, for San Francisco; 9 a. m., stmr Rochelle, for San Pedro. LONG BEACH—Arrived Feb. 14. stmr Francis* THE Yale and Harvard I "The Ships With the I Perfect Service" ' Wi These two boats are I;:;: j the most luxuriously ''-.: ■ appointed vessels ply- iiilj-l&'f ingr the «Pacific Coast— :• • swift, silent and safe. \ 'i They sail every >lon diiy, Wednesday, Friday si nil Saturday for LOS ANGELES ;:>! and every Wednesday and Friday for SAN DIEGO ROLWD TRIP RATES For Tickets, Foldera, etc, apply Pacific Navigation Co. jjijiiJlHj 680 Market St. ' j Phone Sutter 310. 86 Market St. U Phone Kearny 142. Oakland Office, 1130 Broadway. ■ : ■•:'':J':«i-:! : . : ;-; :^:^; ::-! : :':«: : - : :'->-'»' : ' :: '' ; >^ : - ::^^; : :: - : >^>i' :i "^ SACRAMENTO RIVER STEAMERS CHANGE IN TIME Until further notice Steamer Navajo will leave San Francisco, Pier 7, Pacific Street Wharf, for Sacramento, daily except Sunday, at 8:30 A. M. Returning will leave Sacramento, X Street Wharf, daily except Sun day, at 9 P. M. Southern Pacific ATL AjVTI ri L LONDON-PARIS-HAMBURG PRES. GRANT Feb. 27, 12 noon iPRETORIA March 6, 9 a. m. PENNSYLVANIA March 12. 11 a. m. AMERIKA March 15, 11 a. m. tUamburg direct, second cabin only. MEDITERRANEAN Madeira, Gibral ar, Algiers, Naples and Genoa S S CINCINNATI (IT 000 tons), Mar. 11, 10 a.m B 3 HAMBURG (11,000 Tons).. April 5, 9 a. m. 8.8. MOLTKE (12.."00 tons;, April 13, 8:30 a. m, •B.S. HAMBURG May 20, 8 a. m. •Omits call at Algiers and Madeira. CniriCrC TO TEE LAND OF X U IuLO THE MIDNIGHT SUN. Scotland, Orkney and Faroe Islands, Iceland, Spitzbergen, North Cape, Norway From Hamburg during June, July and August by S. S, VICTORIA LUISE, S. S. BISMARCK aiid S. S. METEOR. BOOK NOW. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 160 POWELL STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. Phone Kearny 2046. FRENCH LINE CIE. GLE. TRANSATLANTIQUE DIBJBCT LINK TO BAVRB —PARIS Sailing Kvi>rv Thursday and Saturday. FROM NEW YORK TO lIAV UK Jivery Tliur>ciay at 10 a. vi. ILa Provence..Feb. -v i La Provence. Mar. 20 J France Feb. 27 f France .Mar. 27 ILa Touraine..Mar. 0 La Touraine..Apr. 3 !La Lorraine. .Mar. I.*? La Lorraine. .Apt. 10 FROM NEW YORK TO HAVRE Every Saturday at 3 y. m. R(K'hamt»eau..Mar. $ ! Chicago Apr. 12 4j Mar. 13 | Caroline Apr. 26 Niagara Mar. 22 Niagara Apr. JN m beau. .Apr. 5 Itorhanibeau..MH.v 3 FijGAZI"BROS. p Pacific Qgast M&nagcrs, 630 SUeet, ta.n Francisco CABIN OFFICE, 613 MARKET STREET. CALL, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1913. H. Leggett. from San Diego, and sailed Feb. 15, 3 p. m., for San Francisco: Feb. 15, 11:30 a. m., strnr Coaster, from San Pedro, and sails Feb. 17 for San Francisco; Feb. 15. 2 p. m., stmr Cas par, from San Pedro, and sailed Feb. Iβ. 8 p. m. for Redondo Beach. SAN PEDRO—Arrived Feb. 10. stmrs State of California, Yale and Willamette, from San Piego: Ftmr Harvard, heoce Feb. 15; stmr Rose City, hence Feb. 15: stmrs Klainnth and Speed w<-11. hence Feb. 14: eebr Lucy, from Umpqiia. Sailed Feb. 16. stmrs State of California. Yale, Willamette and Fair Oaks, for San Francisco; stmr Lnkme, for Eureka. SEATTLE —Arrived Feb. 16, stmr Jefferson, from Skugway. Sailed Feb. IC. 2 p. in., stmr r.i'.ekma:), for San Francisco. Arrived Feb. 10. 11:80 a. in., stmr Northland, from Ska|rwayj Jap stmr Sado Mara, from Victoria. Saiicl let-.. 16 11 :.'><> a m.. stmr Argyll, for San Francisco. TATOOSH—Passed in Feb. IC, 5:40 p. m., Br stmr 11, S. Dollar, from Kahului for Seattle; 9 a. m., Bttnr Multnomah. heuce Feb. 13 for Seat tle. ' VENTURA —Arrived Feb. 10. C:3O a. m., stmr George I.oomis. from F.l Segundo. ASTORIA—SaiIed Feb. 15, 0 p. m., stmr G. W. Fenwick, for San Pedro. Arrived Feb. 13, midnight, stmr Breakwater, from Coos Bay; Feb. Iβ, 8 a. m. stinr Bear; 10 a. ta., slier Roanoke hence Feb. 14: 9 a. m., stmr Atlas, from Seattle; stmr 8»a Pedro, hence Feb. 13. Sailed Feb. 15, 9 p. in., stmr Portland, for San Pedro. EUREKA—SaiIed Feb. 16. 1 p. m., stmr Whit tier, for Port San Luis; stmr F. A. Kilburn, for San Francisco. TACOMA —Arrived Feb. 16, Br stmr Antt lochus, from Liverpool via Victoria. Sailed Feb. 16, stmr Buckman. for Seattle; stmr Zapora., ISLAND PORTS HONOLULU—SaiIed Feb. 15, 5 p. m., Br Btmr Nile for Yokohama. OCEAN STF.AMERS NEW YORK —Arrived Feb. lb". stmr Campania, from Liverpool; etnir Baltic, from Liverpool; gtmr Kaiseria Auguste Victoria, from Huniburg; suur Patricia, from Hamburg: stmr Argentina, from Trieste. Sailed Feb. Iβ, stmr California, for Glasgow. BOSTON—Arrived Feb. 16, stmr Carpathla, from Liverpool. HALlFAX—Arrived Feb. 16. stmr Grampion, from Liverpool. MISCELLANEOUS Captain Clark of the Fort Point life saving station picked up the launch Eiriily I with dis abled machinery off Fort Point this afternoon and towed her to the station, where R. O. Tiaeo, ths occupant, made repairs.^ MAILS ACROSS THE PACIFIC The following falling dates and clos ing times of trans-Pacific mails are based on the latest information fur nished by steamship companies. They are subject to change on notice. Paper PACIFIC OCKAX TK AVICI. Berth and Meals Included in Fare LEAVE FROM PIERS ft AND 11 Lor AnicFles, San rfOicso, * Santa Itarbara President or Gov'n'r, Feb. 17; Mar. 3, 10, 2 p. m. Feb. 24, 2 p. m. •State of CaL.Feb. 18, 20. 27; Mar. 0, 11 a. m. •Only steamer calling at Santa Barbara. Seattle (Direct), Taoomn, Townwnd, Victoria, Vancouver, Alaska President or Governor. .Feb. --, Mar. 1, 11 a. no. Queen Feb. la, 11 «. m. TJmatilla Feb. 25,2 p.m. City of Puebla Feb. 18, Mar. 4, 2p. m. Eureka (Ilumboldt Ray) Topeka.. .Feb. 12, It, 21, 25; Mar. 2, 6, 12 noon Alaska Cruises, 1913. LeaTe Seattle Spokj«ne..June IS; July 2, 16, 30; Aug. 13, 10 p.m. Hight reserved to cbauge this schedule. TICKET OFFICES—PaIace feotel. C 53 Market street, Iβ Market street and Broadway wharf. Telephone Kearny 492. OAKLAND —122 C Broadway; tel. Oakland 5680. BERKELEY—2I2S SUattnck ay.; tel. Berk. 44. C. D. DUNANN. I'assenger Traffic Manager. THE ' S^- 1 ""-■" -''^TSiKi-y 810 j Portland! 3; ROSE CITI sails 12 coon, X j Wednesday, February lsitb. H ; First cia>>s $10. $12, ¥15. D t Second class $6. Berth aud H int-als included. S Dead LOS ANGELES !' irJzHVZ HEAR sails 11 a. m. Tries- I BEUVErf (lfl J. February 25. First H •H«r.7«.J,, c] ** s *"- ;: -"- $5.33. Second H ROSE CITY ,iass fa&- Berth and ji fWrfkVIII meals -fnrlii.led. TICKET OFFICES i 722 Market: tpl. Sorter 2344. "I S Kast t.t.; tel. Sutter 2452. i| Oakland offle?. 122S Broad-j| ff wsy; te! Oakland 1314. U.—,. Berkeley ofnce. 2105 Sbat- H tuck; tel. Berk. 331. \ Jy I Sacramento, .Tas. Warrack, ll ({ Uμ f#ra&PORIIANDB A ca eM PACIFIC MAIL, <£/LC HOXOI/ULU. rStO Round Trip $110 THE BIG FOUR— "Mongolia," "Manchuria," "Korea." "Sfherla," Also "China," "Persia" and "Nile" for Honolulu, Japau, Manila, China. Next Sailing: "PERSIA" (too local passengers or'freight for Honolulu) March 8 PA TV AM A LTTVE For Mpxlco, Central America. Panama. Connecting for Kurope and South America. N'pxt sailing (passengers* and frplpht): 'PKRU" .....February 22 mow kxpress p\ssi:.\<;rr »nd FREIGHT SESUVICE DIRK.C T FOR PANAMA A*D NEW YORK Next Salline: "PENKSYLVANIA" March 22 Full Information at General iillici's &S4 Flood Rldic. Ticket OHiccs 722 Market St. Phone Kearny :!62i). ©AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY Tehuantepec Route Itejcular Fa»t Freight Service NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailing from New York every six days, making direct connections with Pacific steamers sailing from Salina Cruz. Mex.. every six days for San Francisco. PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEW YORK. Also to Mexican and all prin cipal European ports under through rates and through bills of lading. Sail ings from San Francisco every 12 days. For rates and further particulars ap ply to DEARBORN & LAPHAM. Gen eral Agents, 8 Bridge street. New York WTT.LTAMS. DTMOND & CO.. General Agents. Pacific Coast. 310 Sansome St.. San Francisco. evONPY SHORT LINE AUSTRALIA 19 DAYS VIA HONOLULU AND SAMOA SPLENDID TWIN SCREW 10.000 ton sleamen "SIFRRA" "SONOMA" and "VENTURA." $110 HONOLULU *88&ift»i SYDNEY $300 ROUND THE WORLD—S6OO first cabin; $380 second cabin, via i.'eyloa, Kgjrpt, Italy, etc. Liberal stopovers. Honolulu Pα!lings— Feb. 2.>, Mar. 11, etc., 2 s'incy Sa'.Mnes —Mar. 11. April 8. etc.. 2 p. m. Write or wire NOW for berths. Send for foMer. OCEANIC SIEAMSHIF CO.. «73 Market Pkooc .Slitter 648. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND *y<!?iey via Tahiti end Welllnctnn S. S. TAHITI (12.<WM) toDS) sails 11 a. m.. Mar. 5 S. S. MOANA (10,000 tons) sails 11 a. m., April 2 S. S. AOEANGI (9.01)0 tons) sells 11 a.m., Apl 30 UNION S. S. CO. OF >'. 7... Ltd. HIND. ROLPH & CO., General Agents. Tel. Doug. 3100. Ticket Office, 679 Market St. Uftllftl 111 II S. B. HONOLI'LAN, Ftb. 18. HONOLULU s. |. jsggs^i-^ 12. N(>w et'-amers. 15.000 tous (iisplacenient. I#aTo Pirr No. 38. RouuU trip. $110 up. LMrect service to the volcano. MATSOK NAVIGATION COMPANY, 2(tS Market Street, Saa Frniiciaco. mails for the Hawaiian Islands close one hour earlier than times given: For Australia—Steamer Maknra leaves .Seattle February Iβ; ordinary mail closes at 0:30 a. m., February 17, and registered at 9 p. ni.. Febru ary Iβ, Steamer leaves San Francisco March 11; ordinary mail closes at 11:30 a.m. ami registered at 10:30 a. in. For New Zenland —Steamer Makura leaves Seattle, February 19; ordinary mail closes at 8:80 :•. m.. February 17. and registered at 9 p m., February Iβ. Steamer Tahiti leaves San Fr.iucisco March 5: ordinary mail closes at 8:30 a m. and registered at it p. in., March 4. For China and Japan—Steamer Cyclops leaves .Seattle, February IS; ordinary mail closes at 9:30 a. m., February 17, and registered at 0 p. m., February l<;. Steamer Nippon leaves 3«m Fraaelace February 21; ordinary matt closes at 10:30 a. m. and registered mail at 9:30 a. m. Steamer Sado leaves Seattle February 23; or dinary mail closes at 9:30 a. m.. February 23, ami registered at 9 p. m.. February 22. For Manila —Steamer Empr«M of India leaTes Seattle February 19: ordinary mail closes at 8:30 a. tn., February 17, and registered at 9 p. m., Febrnary 16. Steamer Nippon leaves San Francisco February 21- ordinary mail closes at 11:30 a. m. and registered at 10:3u a. ru. Steamer Sado leaves Seattle February 2.">; or dinary mail closes at 9:30 a. Bβ., February 23, and registered at 0 r>. m.. February 22. For Hawaii— Steamer Konolulan leaves San Francisco February IS; ordinary mall elopes at 3:30 p. m. and registered at 3 p. m. Steamer Nippon leaves San Francisco February 21; or dinary mail closes at ll:30 a. m. and registered at 11 a. m. Steamer Sierra leaves San Frsn- Cisco February 25; ordinary mail closes at 12:30 p. tn. and registered at 12 noon. For Tahiti —Ster.mer Tahiti leaves San Fran cisco March f>: ordinary mail closes at 8:30 a. m. and registered at 9 p. m., March 4. CITY MUST KEEP WALKS IN REPAIR, IS OPINION Responding to a question from the supervisors' street committee, City At torney Long- has rendered an opinion to the effect that the duty of re pairing sidewalks on streets accepted by the city prior to 1871 rests upon the city, provided the entire street, and not merely the roadway thereof, was accepted. The obligation to construct area walls rests upon the owners of abut ting property where such are being maintained. The supervisors desired the advice that they might be guided In ordering the narrowing of certain side walks. The city attorney also issued an ! HAfI.WW TRAVy!!, See the CRA\n CANYON OF THE FEATHER RIVER and THE ROYAL GORGE The "Panama-Pacific ,, Exprena and The "lftl.V Mail Train* Lcare Union Ferry Depot Arrive 9:10 a fStookton, Sacramento. Salt Like, 1 8:45p ■I Denver. Omaha, Chicago, Kan- > i 7:30p 1 Eas City, St. Louis J- 8:30 a 4:10p Stoektou 10:20 a • Throujrh Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars ▼!a Denver & Rio Grande and Missouri Pacific, Rock Island lines and Burlington route. Dlrlnif Cars and Electric rights. ydI&S&K Schedule Effective Nov. 6, 19.2 UNION FERRY DEPOT i VIA SAISAI.ITO I Arrive 7:40 a Petalnoia, Santa Uosn. Healds- I burg, Cloverdßle, Uklah. Wll ! llts bonsrvale. **Sebiistopol. 7:05p B:lsa'Sonoma, Glen Ellen rt6:osp) B:lsafPt. Reyes. Camp Meeker. Motite f tC:35p ) I Rio. Duncan Mills. Cnjndero ) J7:33p f B:4sa'Petslnnia. Sitnta Kosa. Guerne ville. -Mo'ife Rio. Duncan , f te:3sp J Mills, Cazadero (leaves from \ j Daacan Mills) 10:45 a Petnluma, Santa Rosa. Healds- I burc 5:05p 1:45p Petahima. Ra-ita Ro*a, Oiierne vllle, Monte Rio. Duncan Mills 10:35* 12-4.">p Pt. Reyes, Cnrnp Meeker 8:15p Petalnma. Santa Rosa. Hoalde burg Cloverdale. I'kiah, Willite, 'Sebristopol ll:S^a 4:45p Sonoma. Glen Ellen 9:35« 6:15p Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Heaiae- I htirg 0:^» ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA SAUSALITO Rausalito. Mill Valley, Snn Rafael—Daily every 30 minutes from 6:45 a. m. until 6:43 a. ni.: hourly until 2:4*> n. m.. then 3:15 p. m. and every 30 minutes until p. m., then 7:45. 9:15, 11:15 p. m. and 12:30 a. m. Kflirfnx—Loavos t6:4.> 7:15. 7:45, 8:15. 5:45, 915 0:45, 10:45, 11:15 a.m.; 12:45. 1:45. 2:45, 3:15' 3:45, 4:15. 4:45 f<:l". 5:45. 6:15, 6:45. 7:4o! 9:15, 11:15 p. m.; 12:30 a. m. San Quentin via San Rafael —Leave dally at 9:15 a. m and 1:45 p. m. Tiburon and Belvedere —Daily every hour from 6:45 a. m. until 1:45 p. tn.; then 3:15 p. m. and every hour until 6:15: then 7:45,9:15 and 11:15 p. m. and 12:30 a. m. ♦Arrives daily 10:35 a. m. **Ajrives Sundays 7:05 p. ra., week days 6:35 p.m. tExfept San days. tSnndsys only. fSaturday» only. Red Line Transfer Company's agents are an fttmigfd to "!'i'f>k h:\"zn"f 'Mr-ct froni rp* ;^«>nce. MUIR WOODS MT- TAMALPAIS^^P VIA SAUSAUITO FERPY * ONiON DEPOT, FOOT QF WARK£T STREET \ HmndTrin, $t.BO, ftnMntd Trip. $2.90 V j it.Sw Ffwcisw [ Iv-Mnlr Wwte | tv. Mt Twalyah^ ; We«kd«y| SmdtyWeekjiyl Scnjay iWcet Jty Sowiay " 9:45«"8T46« t 7:2O» 11:50*| 7:20t JO:4C« 1:45» 9:45« 1:40p112:50p 1:40 i 11=40* ♦ 4:45* 10-<sa 2:40 i 1:50p 4:45p 1:40 - 11:45* 4:50p1 2:50p * 8:35p 2-40P 1:45 a 3:sopi 3:40 a 2--4SP I 4:4ori 4:40> •Saturdays only, t Mondays oaly, % Mt. Tamalpais only. ( Sauaalito Ferry—Tel. Kearny 4980 Ticket Offices Market—Tel. Kearny 2751 ( 874 Market—Tel Douela? 4407 General Office—Mill Valley. Cal. T-> Mill Valley Sub. 81 M Tmrao!TaaatHi:"asd "Milrin" are always«»in t« pwstj II %V A>n~I\TKKI ! KBAX HOI ■ K>^ mYm Roofc Uarri UUad N«vy Yard VaJJejo. Napa. St Heieoe. Calietog) Boats leave 700 0:45 a m.. 12:30 3.20 600 8.30 p. m. Dock and ofSoe North End Farry Buildinjt Phones Hearoy 40ft Utais a U carta I For Folders, Tickets, etc, apply I I Pacific Navigation Cα, 680 Market St., S. F. \ iOYO IiiSEH KAISHA OniE\'TAl, STEAMSniP COMPAVY S. h>. Nippon Maru (lnfermer!i;ite service saloon accommodations at reduced rates) Friday. February 21. 191.1 R. S. Tenyo Maru Saturday. March 1, 1913 S ti Sniuyo Mara (nfw), Tta MaiiiU direct Saturday. March 22, 1913 S. S. Chiyo Mara Saturday. April 10. 1913 Steamers sail from company's pier. No. 34, near foot of Brannan st.. at 1 p. iv., for Yoko hama and Hongkons. Mlling at Honolnln, Kobe (Hlogo) and Naprsakl and Shanchaf. and con necting «t flontrkong with steamers for Manila, India, etc. No cargo received on board on day of sailing. Round trip tickets at reduced rates Tor freight and passage apply at office, foartli floor Western Metropolis National Bnnlc build Ing. 625 Market St. W. H. AVEBY, I Assistant General Manager. AUCTIONSALES E. CURTIS AUCTIONEER Office and Salesroom, Van Ness at Saoratnento. Phone Franklin 2264. The old established house of CURIIS—no connection with any branch. AT AUCTION ?5 HORSES 75 Wednesday, Feb. 19.1913 By order of J. D. Redllek of Klaraath Falls, Ore., we will sell eeventy-nvo head of broken mares and eeldlngs—all young, sound, smooth, good boned blocks, weighing from 1,200 to 1,500 poimds. Many of them have been worked up to date. Mr. Redlick has sold his ranch, which makes disposal of mis stock absolutely neces sary. Sale takes place Wednesday. Feb. 19, at 11 i a. m. at J. B. Horan's Sales Yard corner Tenth and Bryant streets., S. F. No outside horses taken. W. 11. lIORD. Auctioneer, 704 Market St., S. F. J*> AT AUCTION T^ 65 HORSES AND MARKS— IT. MULES TUESDAY FEBRUARY IS, 1013 AT 11 A. M. By order of Thomas Gleason of Klamath Falls. Ore., and others, we will sell 05 all purpose horses and mares weighing from 1.000 to 1,700: also 115 head of ' footsore city mares and 15 head of good work mules; 1 dandy Shetland pony. MISSION SALE STABLES, 4.!0 Valencia st. near 15th. Outside Horses Sold on Com mission. 11. COHEN. Anotimip.r. opinion advising: the fire commission that in making a promotion the board is not limited to the selection oj one TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE FROM FEBRUARY 17. 1913 VIA OAKLAND PIBR Leave (Foot of Market Street) Arrive (Subject to change without notice) 2.15 a Livermore, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton, Lodi, Gait, Elk Gmve, Sacramento. Rose ville. Auburn. Colfas 10.40p 2.15* Sacramento, .Maryevilfe, Biggs, Cfcko. 10.40p 6.40 a Richmond, Port Costa, Martinez, Antioch, Bynn Hot Springs, Tracy, Patterson, N'ewman, LO3 Uanos, Ingle, Kennan, Fresno 11-59p 6.40 a San Leacdro, Uaywari, Niles, San Jo* 6.50p 7.00 a The Statesman—Richmond, Vallejo Junction (Vallejo), Port Costa, Beai'-i*, Susia, Elmira, Davis, Sacramento *. 6.50p 7J20« Goldfield Pass.—Truckee, Hazen, \Va bueka Hudson), Mina, Toaopah, Goldaeld, Laws, Keeler.. &lOa 7.20 a Richmond, Port Coeta, Beniuia, Sui* eiin, Dixon, Sa.'rarnento 7.50p 7.20 a Elmira, Vacaville, Rumsey 7.50p 7.20 a Rosevilie, .\hrysvillo (Oroville), Red dins, D-iasmjir 10.40p 7.20 a Davis, Woolland. Williams, Maxwell, Willows, Hamilton, Corning, Red Bluff 7.60p 7.20 a Niles, Fleasanton, Livennore, Taor, Lathrop, Stockton (Oakdale), Loui, aacramento 7^op 7.20 a Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, Herman, Fresno 4»30p 7.40 a Richmond, Va!lejo. Xapa, Caliatoga, Santa Rosa, Crockett, Port Costa... 6.10p t7.40a Avon, Walnut Creek, San Ramon, Livermore t6.50p B.ooa Newark, West San Jose. LO9 Gatos, Wright, Felton (Ben Lomond, Boul der Creek), Santa Cruz 8.50p 8.40 a Port Costa, Martinez, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy (Stockton), Merced, Berenda, Madera, Fresno, Fowler, Selma, Traver, Goshon Junction (Hanford, Armona), Tulare, Bakers field 4.30p 8.40 a Visalia, Lindsay, Porterville, Ducor.. 7.1 Op 8.40 a Yosemite Valley via Merced 4.30p 9.00 a Irvington, San Jose 7.30p 9.00 a Niles, Pleasanton. Livermore, Stock ton ("Milton), Valley Spring, lone, Sacramento 4.30j> 9.00 a Ttwlumne, Sonora,Jamestown, Angeb. 2.50» 9.00 a Atlantic Express—Sacramento, Truc kee, Ogden, Salt Lake Qty, Denver. Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago 8.30p 9.00 a Tonopah-GoldSeld SUndard Sleeper.. B.loa 9.00 a Vallejo Junction. Vaßejo j 7 | sO p 9.40 a Richmond, San Pablo, Pinole, Vallejo Juaction, Crwkctt, Port Costa, Mar tinez, Avon, Concord, San Ramon.. 6,1 Op 10.20 a San Francisco Overland Limited — Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Chicaeo 2.10p 10.40 a Vallejo, Mare Island. Xapa 1 2.50p 10.40 a Stockton. { '^qJ 10.40 a Los Angeles Passenger—Port Costa, Martinet. Byron Hot Springs. Tracy, Stockton, Merced, Madera, Fresno, (Hanford, Coalinga, Viaalia), Bakere fieid, Los Angeles 7.10p 11.20 a Shasta limited—Portland, Tacoma, Seattle 8.50p 12.00n Richmond, Fort Costa, Benicia, 3ui-l 10.30 a eun, Elmira, Dixon, Sacramento.. / 11.10 a 12.00n Davis, U'jUiaras.Coluaa June, Willows, Germantown. Oriaad, Hamilton 6.50p 12.00n Marysv-ille, Chico, Red Blufl 4.30p I .OOp Nile*. Irvington, San Joee 2.50p 1.20p San Leandro, Niles, Centennlle, New ark, (iledwood), San Joee 7.50p 1.40p Newark, Alviso, Agnew, Santa Clara, West San Jose IO.OOp 11.40p Wright, Boulder Creek, Santa Crui .. lO.OOp 2.40p San Leandro, Nilee, San Jose 7.30p 3.00p Benicia, Winters Sacramento —Wood- land, Tudor, Yuba City, Marj-sville, Oroville H.IOa 3.20p Richmond, Port Costa, Martinea, Byron Hot Springs, Modesto, Mercsd, Madera. Fresno 10.40p 4.00p Port Co3ta, Martinez, Concord, Walnut Creek, San Ramon, Livermore 9.30 a 4.00p Richmond, Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga, Glen Ellen, Santa Rosa. 9,30s 4.00p Niles (Ceutervilkj, Newark), BunoL Pleasanton, Livermore, Tracy, Stockton, Lodi, Sacramento !2.50p 4.40p San Leandro, Hayward, Niles, Pleas anton, Livermore 8.30 a 4.40p San Joee 9.30 a 4.40J Tracy. Patterson, Newman, Loe Banoe, Kerman. Fresno.... lO4Op 4.40p Valley Flyer—Fort Coeta, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Modesto, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Goshen Junction, Tulare, Bakenneld. Mojave, Los Angeles 12 BOp B.OOp Vallejo, Port Coeta. Benicia, Suimm, Sacramento, Rosevilie, Lincoln, Wheatland, Marj'sville (Oroville), Gridley. Biegs, Chico II .30a B.OOp Davie. Arbuckle,. Williame. Willows. Orland. Tehama 10 40p 6.00p Newark, West San Joee, Los Gatoe... 9.30 a 6.20p San Leandro, Lorento, Hayward, Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Tracy, Stockton..' 3.10p 6.20p Owl Limited—Port Coeta, Tracj-, Fresno, Los Angeles B.loa 6.20p Hayward, Kites and San Jose 6.50p 6.40p Eastern Express—Ogden. Pueblo.Den ver, Kansas City, tit.Louis, Chicago. 8.30p 6.40p Port Costa, Benicia, Suisun, Elmira, Sacramento, Colfax, Truckee, Reno, Sparks 8.30p 7.00p China and Japan Mail —Ogden, Cheyenne, Denver. Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago 3.10p [ 7.00f Port Coeta, Byron Hot Springs, Stnck ton, Sacramento, Coliax, Truckee, Reno 3.10p J7.00p Richmond {Vallejo), Port Costa, Mar tinez, Concord, Walnut Creek, Pleaa anton, Niles, Oakland 12.45 a 6.20p Oresnn Expre^ —Serrarnento, Rose ■ville, Miljeiiße. Re<Jrling (Klamath Falls'), Ashland, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane I.IOp O.OOp Mt. Eden, Alvarado, Newark, Santa Clara, San Jose 7.50p 9.40p Bakersfieid, MeKittrick, Hazieton, Monarch, Moron, Fellow, Shale 7.50 a f 8.40p Richmond, Port Costa. Tracy, Mo desto. Meroed. Madesa, Freeno, Hanford, Tulare 7.50 a §.4Op Hanford, Armona, Lemoore. Huron, Coalinga 7.50 a 9.40p Visalia, Exeter, Lindsay, Porterville, Ducor, Fanoso 7.50 a 1 Portland Lsprees—Da\is. Willowe, Red Bluff, Weed. (Klamath Falls), Ashland, Roseburs, Portland, Ta coma. Seattle 7.30 a I NETHERLANDS ROUTE From Pacific Street Wharf This route offere exceptional opportunity for Aoto mobilists to reach all points on the Sacramento River: Colliasviue, Emmaton, Rio Vista* Isleton, Ryde, Walnut Grove, Vorden. Courtland, Clarksburg, Sacramento. Steamer Navajo leaves San Francicro 5.30 a. m. daily except Sunday, arriving Sacramento 7.00 p. m. Stopping at all point* en route. Leaves Sacramento 9.00 p.m. daily except Sunday, arriving San Francisco 7.00 a. m. No stops cslroute. Steamer Modoe or Apache, leaves San Francieco 1.00 p. m. daily except Sunday; arrive Sacramento 4.00 a. ta. daily except Monday. Leave Sacramento 10.30 a. m. daily except Sunday: arrive San I'raaciaco 11.30 p. m. gteppins at ail points en route. AUCTO^ALES \MARK J. LEVY AUCTION CO. Office and Salesroom 835 Mission et Pays highest juice for u'.l kinds of furniture, merehantfist, etc. Houses boofffet la their en tirety. Goods Fold on cdtnißi»s*on. Phone—Suttrr 120 V) AT AUCTION, MSDAY, FEB. 18th AT I AM) S P. M. WESTERN HORSE MARKET AT 14TH and VALENCIA STS. Two cars gentle broke Utnli Horses. 4 to 8, weijrht 1.100 to 1.700 peunda. Owe oar eastern Oregon Horses, 4 to 6. Velght 1,100 to 1.400 pounds, all gentle broke. We will hitch any of these horses up CM trr them our for yon. All guaranteed as re presented, or money refunded. E. STEWART & CO. W. HieOIKBOTTOM, Auctioneer. ?w AUCTION SALE we By order, Binjr Kee. Sacramento river, on ac count of failure of potatoes and lease of land. will sell to hijjjest bidder a carload of Horses and Mares, used hy him on his ranch. Sale takes place at California Commission company , .*. 201 to 200 Valencia street. San Frgneisco, Thursday. Feb. 'JO, 1913. at 11 a. m. Stotk can be se«n t » to date of sale or bought at prW.ue sale. California Commission Co. KEW YORK SALE STABLE. >-?"> 138-340 Fell 8t ✓W? JI'ST ARRIVED! One carload draft and wagon horses; some nice, hip mure*: all young, sound. Also good tuares and horses, footsore, 1,400 te 1.600 lbs., for farm work. Phone Market KS77. JOP. I.EVT. name from the civil service eligible list, but may choose one of the three highest. VIA COAST LINB Leave (Third and Towcsend Street*) Arrfrv (Subject to change without notice) t 8.05t Valencia Street, Ocean View, Colma, Cemeteries, Baden, £an Bruno t 8.35 i 5.45 a South Sac Francisco, San Jose, Morgan lull. Giiroy, Sargent, 1 ajaro, Watson ville, >anta wai B.oop t 5.45 a Los Altos, Mcnta \i?ta, LonGatoe..* 8.45* 7.00t Coaster—Sap Ji re. Kcrganhill. Giiroy, I'sjaro, Castroville, Salinas, Soledad, King City, Faso Roblee hot Springs, San Luis Cbifpo, fcurf (Lompoc), A Santa Barbara, Ventura, Oiiard, Los Angeles 10.30p 7.00t Holiiitcr. 'iree 1 inee—Watsenville, Santa Cruz—Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 10.30p t 7.05 a South San Francisco, Palo Alto, San Jose. Way Staticus 7.50p t 7.05 a I.oe Aitns, Kurt* \i?ta, los Gatos. ..§ 3.25p B.oo* Shorn Line limited—} aso Robles Hot Sprinps, Santa I arbara,les Anjrelee. 8.50p 8.05* MavGeld, Los Alton, los Gatoe, Wright. Glenwood (Boulder CreekX Santa Cruz, W atsor.ville, Castroville, Del Moat* Mrntcrev, Pacific Grove 9.05p 9.00 a San Jose, Morpanhill, Giiroy. Sargent. Selinae, Scleded, San Mipiiel, laso Robles Hot Sprines. San Jus Obiroo 4.00p B.ooa Eoilifter, Tree linos—Watronville, Santa Cruz—Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 4.00p !0.40t South San Francisco, Burfingame, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Mayfield, Loe A!- , 12309 tos, Los Gatos. j 7^2Gp 11.30 a Valenria Street, Ocean Mew, Colma, Cemeteries, laden, San Pnmo 1.85p 11.40 a South San ban Joee. t 8.20 a 1.20p Saturdays or'y—San Mateo, Red wood, Maytield, Mountain View, San Jose.... :il.00» 1.20p Saturdays only—Los Altoe, Monta Vista, Us Gatos. {3.25p 2.00p Del Monte Lxpreps—San Joee, Mor ganhill, Giiroy, Barftent, Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, 'Salinas) I £3O> 2.00p Eaatoa, San Mateo. Palo Alto, San Jose 8.40 a t 2.10p South San Francisco. Redwood, Santa Clara, West Saa Joee, Loe Gatos, Wright, Felton, (Boulder Creek), Santa Cru* f 11.30t 3.00p South San Francis™, San Mateo. San Jope, Morganhill, Giiroy, Tret Pino*. Salinas 10.10 i 3.00p Watsonville, Santa Cru*. Caetroville, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 10.10*. 3.25p Buriingsrae, San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto. Mayfield, Loe Altos, Loe Gatos 8.45p t 3.25p Wright, Boulder Creek. Santa Cruz.. tH.3Ofl 4.00p Sunset Express —Turaoa. Deming, El Paso, Houston, New Orleans, Chi cago 1 8. IBs 4.00p Washington Sunset Route—Waahing ton, D.C., New York and East 9.1 Uβ 4.00p Salinas, Paso Roblee Hot Springe, San Luis Obiepo, Santa Barbara, Ventura and l.os Angelee 0.1 Sβ 4.00p Kansas City, St. Louie, Chicago 8.15 a 4.20p South San Francisco, San Joee t. 7.25 a t 4.55p Santa Cru* Limited—Mayfield, Loi Altos, Los Gatos, Feiton, (Boulder Creek), SanU Crui t 8.46 i t 8.05p Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood. Palo Alto, Mayfield, Santa Clara, Ran Jose ft t 6.30* t 5.20p Redwood, Atherton, Menk) Park. Palo Alto. Mayfield, Mountain View, Sunnyvale. San Jo«e t e.OOe) t 6.20p Los Altoe. Monta Vista, Los Gatoe... f 8.40 a t 5.25p Easton, Redwood, Mountain View, San Jose e.4ot t 6.30p Loop—Valencia Street, Ocean View, Cemeteries, Sot:th San Francisco, 23d Street, 3d and Towneend t 6.40p 6.40p San Bruno, San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, San Jose... 7.45p t 5.40p Mayfield, Los Altos, Los Gatos t 8-40 a 6.00p Tuesdays—Sunset Limited de Luxe, New Orleans and Last. Arrive Sun days 11.00* t 6.00p Mi librae, San Mateo, Redwood, May field, Loe Altos, Los Gatoe t B.ooa t 6.05p 23<1 Street, Visitacion, South San Francisco, Valenria Street t 7.16p 6.30p So\;th San Francisco, San Joee 6.45p B.COp The Lark— Santa Barbara, Loe A aeclee 9.45 a 8.1 Op San Jose and Way Stations 7.30 a I O.OOp Los Angeles Passenger— Morsranhiß, Salinas. Paso Robles Hot Springe, Saa Luis Obispo, SanU Barbara and Loe A ngeles 8.26 a 10.05p South San Francisco, San Jose I 1.85p I 1.45p South San Francisco. Palo Alto, San J o! e 7.35e LOCAL FERRY TRAINS—ELECTRIC SERVICE Via Oakland Pier To Oakland. 19th St.. and Berkeley via Shattuck Ay». and Ellsworth St Line*.—Dai l> —From 6.00 a. m, and every twenty minutes until JL2O p. m., inclusive; then 9.00, 3.40,,11.40 p. m., 12.20 and 1.20 a.m. Additional boats Satiadaya and Sundaye only, 8.40 p. m., 9.20, 10.00, 10.40 and 11.20 p. m. To Berkeley via California St. and West Berkeley, Albany via Ninth St Lines.—Daily—From *6.C0 a. m., +6.20. •6.40, t7-00 a. m. and every twenty minutee until 8.20 p. m. inclusive; then 9.00. 9.40. IOiO, 11.00,11.40 p.m., 12.20 and 1.20 a. ra. Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only, 8.40 p. Ou, 0.20, 10.00. 10.40 and 11.20 p.m. To Oakland, East Oakland, Fruitvale <nd Melrose via Seventh St.—Daily—From 6.00 a. m., then every twenty minutee trotii 8.20 p. ttu, inclusive; then 9X"O, 9.40. 10.20, 11.00, 11.40 p. m., 12.20 and 1.20 a. m. Additional boats Saturdays ana Sundays only, 8.40 p. m.. 9.-0, 10.00, 10.40 and 11-20 p. m. Horseshoe to Oakland. Washinjton-Broedway. Fniitvale, Alamed*. North Side—Daily—From COO a. m.. 16.20, 6.40, 7.00, 7.i0, 7.40, fc.OO. 8.40 and 'orty minutes past the hour until 3.40 p. m.; then 4.00, 4.40, 5.00, 5.20. 5.40. 6 00 6.20, 6 40, 7.00, 7.40, 8.20, 9.00, 9.40,10.20, 11.00, 11.40 v- m., 12J20 and 1.20 a. m. To Vigorit, Stese, Puiiman. Richmond (Steam Service)— m t6.40 and 7.40 a. 10., 3.T0 p. ic., 4.20. s~'O J&2O p. m- Tβ Stonehurtt (Steam Service)—l6.oo. t«-40, t7.20. JlO.OO a. m., JUfi p. m., X2.OQ, 13.00, t3JO, *4.00, »5.00. «5.40 and p. m. Via Alarreda Pier To Oakland. !4th and Franklin SH.— 6.15. (5.45 a, m. and then 15 an A 45 minutee pact the bour until 7.46 p. m.; then 6.30, 9.15, 10.00. 10.45, 11.30 p. m. and 12.15 a. m. To Alam#d«, North and South Side— 0.15, 6.45 a. m. and then 15 45 minutee pact the hour until 7.45 p. m.; then 8.80, 9.15. 10.00, 10.46, 11.30 p. m. and 12.1.5 a. ir.. OAKLAND lIAR3OR FERRY AUTOMOBiLES. MOTORCYCLES AND VEHICLES From San Francisco. South End of Ferry BuiWlni, for Broadway Wharf, Oakland—Week days 6.00 a. m. and every balf hour until 6.00 p m., inclusive. Sundaj* and bolidavs 0.00 a. m. and every half hour unISS 11.00 p. inclusive. Boatt leave Broadway Wharf-- 1 AVeek days 6.15 a. m. and every half hour unti. 8.44 p, in. inclusive, Sundays and holidays, 6.15 a. za> and tvtff haL Lour untii 10.45 p. n>., inclusive. a for Mnrninf;. *Daily. p for Afternoon. tSunday eicepted. JSunday onfy. §Saturday only. a ________ UNION TRANSFER COMPANY Agents collect bagsag* >nd checks on trams or boats of Southern Pacific Company, and deliver baggage to reel dence. Tr.ay an authorized to check tasg»B» direct {ram rewdence. 13