Newspaper Page Text
SHIPPING NEWS GATHERED PROM THE SEVEN SEAS Movements of Vessels Ply ing Between San Fran cisco and Other Ports Continued from Fasre 12 re, without regard to nationality, and free ; expense. Navigators are cordially invited to isit tb* office, where a complete set of charts M galling direction* of the world are kept at ami for comparison nnd reference, and tli : 11;:: " f> . ,r ilway« be obtained regarding 'Kins, danger* to navigation aud matters of in to ocean commerce. B. C. IUnTH.VI.OW. L.eutenanr. U. S. N., in Charge. Weather Report United States Department of Agriculture— Weather Burtau. San Francisco. Feb. 10, 1913. RAINFALL DATA STATIONS AM ~ J £ t 3 ; * ~ Kiirek.i ■iff nin Sit. Tamalpais S«n Francisco San Jaw Fresri.. Independence San I.uis Obispo... San !'i( go 0.02 <>.<*> 0.00 O.(X> 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.37 2S.T.S i:t.2I lS.W 7-4 12. Oo 4..19 I5.«l 14.98 10.01 8.90 14.8" 0.29 io. 4.CT 2.79 5.97 2.05 1.81 5.S6 0.87 4.79 12.55 7.14 4.3." 0.00 2.83 3.44 G.41 SJSl PACIFIC COAST STATIONS T n the following tables ibe maximum and mini mum temperatures and rafnfall are given: STATIONS I 2j ; STATIONS iiii'i I x : ■.-■": .. • ■ 28(0.00 . ~ - ,10.00 r>p] Moutp... 70 42JO.OI Rureka 56 4 4 n.u:. , Flagstaff . ..154122 0.0(j 74 0.00 lelo.oo l ...|72 60 O.OO 34 0.00 ell ... 4>; 36 0.00 \ ■._.-'[• s. 72 50 0.00 isjo .oo Mt.Tn; ".: i - W 0.24 .... 78)44 6.00 t8 32 0.00 Pt. Keyes Lt 38149 '".t" ,, ; id .... :,<; I B#d Bluff... 70 40 0.00 Kfim 62 3010.00 Kosebnrg . ..58 »-' 0.00 •I Sacramento.. TOI48JO.00 jiSalt Lake... 50 ::■ jSan Diego. .. (!0.48iO.00 ,S. Francisco. Sβ 50 0.00 IfSU) Joee eeUolO.OO IES. L. Obtapo. 72 42 0.00 Si:. I'drai: Spokaup .. : *Sumnilt ... 4-1 ;.\s 0.00 [Tacooin .... 540010.10 I'atoosh 4C Tonopal) 56 Walla Wai ITT inoemucc; " nuiH ;s2;10;0.0o -. Hid. 54 inches. i:\*ri:u\ stations » . . -<i l| Knorville ...Sβ Sβ .00 (•■ ■- .'« '■• Louisville . . 16)34 .00 H .... lempbie .... 62 Montgomery.. vi -ton . . iKi 36 .<» Montreal ft Moorhead .... 28 18 .00 "-*.,! .o New Orleans.. US 44 .60 J 126 • : New York. ... 50 " :- .■ ■ North Platte. 04 24 In .60 j . ...70 38 .00 Pittebnrg ....142 Eoswell 84 261.00 St. Louis |5C U .04 B ij-. ... J4 4 .Of sr. Paul.. . - ....'0440.01 r-tmpa [821441.00 : ■ 44 .'i Toledo 28120 .01 "4'M .00 Washington .. 50 [a<ksonvUie.. 84 Xl .00 Wlanipe* ...U* 4J.00 v'orsis or wkathkr conditions ire has fallen steadily over Was'.iing- OregOD ami also California. Rain has been Eureka northward. M Tatooeh 2.24 Inches are reported in the last 24 hours. High southerly winds prevail from the nth of the Columbia river northward. Pleasant is reported in the Rocky mountaiu sec- I tli" plains states. A moderate disturb rerlies the lake region, and light snow lea from Chicac" to Buffalo. Snow is also 'ailing on the New England cast, with high east Temperatures are unusually high in K«n 'as. Nebraska. lowa and the Dakous. On the F'acific slope temperatures are above the normal. In the Interior afternoon readings have been shove 7 i On the coast cooler weather may be expected Monday. FORECAST Forecast made at San Francisco for the 30 hours - at midnight February 17. 1013: Baa Franetaco nnd vicinity—Cloudy, cooler dajr. probably light rain; modcra'te southwest wind. Ssnte Clara valley—Clopdy cooler Monday; moderate south wind. ttneato valley—Cloudy, cooler Monday, with light rain; moderate south wind. San Joaqoln valley—Cloudy, cooler Monday; eat wind. < alifornla south of the Tehachapi—Cloudy, Mayday: light seuth wind. \. (I McADIE, District Forecaster. HYDROGRAFHIC OFFICE D' pth at mean low water, entrance to harbors. PI \CK : Ft. I Date a ■ - rl hanuel working erly. \V\Ua Coluns .] !, «n . :i- •. .1 2€ a ■. lit Bi»*f water oTer bar, irtQl inner bar V. S. 6aef bearing .\'E. ' - N. imag.i. banoel remaining about I same. '. CtChannel to the southward i and changing a little I to the north. . t> Channel south of range I l."",o to 200 feet. In I good shape. . ■_:<; Channel fairly straight i out for buoy. :n .1 0 i .tnpqua .. U. keep range well opeu ~ to northward. i Uost water :!00 f?ef from black buoy at entl of jetty. I Channel straight. Aids in good order. I Chunae! almost straight out slightly to north- ward. -3 an. th .! 1 i ward. ! - ' ran. C :iiannel 4(<0 feet wide, 90 feet deep nearly to turning basin. San : ii«n r-.. Depth in dredged chan- £r ! I iifl. nrl. .'seya I i !■ iy ; coed width. LOUIS SLOSS.& CO. Investments J. C. WILSON & CO. MEMISKRS M-AV YORK STOCK EXCHAXCE KI2W VOHIC COTTON KXfHAXGB CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE THE (STOCK A>D lIOXD BXCHAIKGB SAX FRANCISCO MAIN OFFICE Mill* BuHdiuK. Sun Franciaco. HR4\OI OFF It I:s — I,oh Anxelen, *>nu Dies«i Cornnndu Beach, Portland, or«*., Sonttle, Wwfc. t Vaucouver. B. C. Privntp \\ire. fllfM"! New York. INCORPORATED O CONSULTING and * CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS I PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES L FINANCED and MANAGED \\ SO Pine Btreet New York ANQLO AND LONDON PARIS NATIONAL BANK Jk SAN FRANCISCO BOND DEPARTMENT Dealers la Investmcat Keada >, J WIRELESS REPORTS FROM SHIPS AT SEA MARCONI WIRELESS Then* reports are received directly from the Pariflc -ooaat etatione of the Marconi Wirelen* company: STEAMER NORWOOD—3 p. in-. 25 miles north of Point Royps. STEAMER F. H. LEGGETT—B p. m.. 27 miles north of Point Stir. STEAMER ENTERPRISE—B p. m., 317 miles from Lightship. STEAMER PORTER—Left San Luis at 9 p. m. STEAMER WHITTIER—>S p. m., 4.". miles north of Point Arena. STEAMER WASHTENAW—S p. tn.. 286 miles north of Son Francisco. STEAMER CUZCO—Left San Pedro at 5:30 p. tn. STEAMER TOPEKA—B p. m., 27 miles north of Point X- . STEAMER LUCAS—B p. m., U miles sonth of Capp Blanco. STEAMER FENWICK—S p. m., IS miles south •I Cap« B! STEAMER CHANSLOR—B p. m., 132 miles north of Monterey. BARGE 91—In tow tutj Dauntless; 8 p. m., 60 miles of San Fruncisco. STEAMER WILHELMINA—From San Francisco for Honolulu; Feb. 18, 8 p. m., 1,194 miles out. STEAMER NIXE—From Honolulu for Yokohama; Feb. 1", S p. in., 42 miles from Honolulu. STEAMER PERSIA—From Yokohama for Hono lulu: Feb. 13. S p. cd., 551 miles west of Honolulu. STEAMER SONOMA—From Sun Francisco for Sydney: Feb. 15. 8 p. in., 1,300 miles ont. STEAMER HILONIAN—From Seattle for Hono lulu; Feb. U, S p. in., 1.7;;s miles from Tatoosh. STEAMER CITY OF P-ARA—Feb. 13, 8 p. m., 273 miles south of San Francisco. STEAMER TAHITI —From Sydney for San Fran cisco; Feb.'ls, 8 p. in., 1,400 miles from San Francisco. SEATTLE, Feb. IC. STEAMER CATANIA—Tacoma-San Luis; off Point No Point. STEAMER ARGYLL—Seattle-Port San Luis; off Clallam bay. ASTORIA, Feb. 16. STEAMER CURACAO—Northbound; crossing Queen Charlotte sound at 7:45 p. m. STEAMER ASCTJNCION—Port Angeles-San Fran daeo; l>oo miles north of San Francisco at 8 p. m. STEAMER STANLEY DOLLAR—Southbound; 75 miles couth of Grays Harbor at S p. m. STEAMER NAVAJO— Northbound; 129 miles Dortfe at Blanco at 6 p. m. STEAMER COLUMBlA—Southbound; 50 miles ■oath, of Columbia river at S p. m. STEAMER DRAKE—With barge 93; northbound; 25 miles north of Grays Harbor at 8 p. m. STEAMER QUEEN—San Francisco-Seattle; 52 miles north of Blaqco at S p. m. EAST SAN PEDRO. Feb. Iβ. ' STEAMER WILLAMETTE—Northbound; 4 miles north pt Point Vincent at 8 p. m. STEAMER PAEAISO—San Diego to San Pedro; V. miles north of Point Lotn.-i. STEAMER YALE—Point llueneme at 6:20 p. m., northbound. STEAMER SANTA ROSALlA—Southbound; 590 miles south of ihui Francisco. STEAMER CITY OF PARA—Feb. 16, 273 miles south uf San Francisco, southbound. IXKEKA, Feb. IC. STEAMER NOME CITY—Off Gorda. NOME CITY—23 miles north of Blunts reef. STEAMER CENTEALIA—6 p. ni., 10 miles north of Blunts feef. STEAMER NANN SMITH—2O miles north of Seal rocks. STEAMER RIVERSIDES—S miles south of Point STEAMER MAVERICK—23 miles south of Cape Blanco. STEAMER WHITTIER—Out 1:15 p. m. STEAMER VANGUARD—In 3:30 p. m. STEAMER F. A. KILBUEN—Out 1 p. m. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific (Special Dispatch to The Call) EUREKA, Feb. IS.—Steamer Vanguard ar rived late this afternoon from San Francisco with freight, mail and pMMSfI Oil eteamcr Wbittier crossed out this after noon bouDd for southern California points. With freight, mail and a large number of passengers the steamer F. A. Kilbura departed this afternoon for San Francisco. SEATTLE. Ffb. Iβ.— Arrived—Steamers Sado Maru (Japanesei, Yokohama; Northland. Bertha, southeastern Alaska: Jefferson, Skagway; Prince Rupert (Br.), Prince Rupert. Sailed —Steamers Buekruan, San Francisco; Prince Rupert (Br.t, Prince Rupert. TACOMA, Feb. it;.—Arrived—British steamer Antilochuß. Liverpool. Departed—Steamer Catania, San Francisco. SAN , PEDRO, Feb. ID. —After having discharged 050.000 feet of lumber for the Charlts McCormlck Lumber company at San Diego, steamer Willam ette returned here, took passengers and freight for the Merchants' Steamship company at San FrancUco and cleared for Portland to reload. 'I'lle Pacific Coast company's steamer State of | California arrived from San Diego, and after tak- • ing passengers and additional cargo proceeded te j San Francisco via Santa Barbara. Norwegian steamer Cusco arrived this morning from Iquique, Chile, after an uneventful voyage, and after discharging 750.000 nitrates for W. It. Grace & Co. proceeded for San Francisco with remainder of cargo. Steamer Yale arrived this afternoon from San i Diego, and nKer taking passengers and addi tional cargo proceeded for S;in Francisco. Steamer Harvard arrived this mornin? from Ban Francisco with good passenger and freight lists. Steamer Klamath arrived this morning from Portland and San Francisco carrying passengers I and freicht for the Merchants' Steamship com- I pany and a cargo of creosoted piling for the j city of Los Angeles and lumber cargo for the j Charles VrCormiek Lumber company. The Pacific Mail steamer Seward. which lo=t Ita rudder oil Mazatlan south bound and which i is returning north In tow of the tug Sea Rover, ; is expected to arrive at this port during the j night. .Stenmer Rose City arrived this afternoon from Portland via Astoria and San Francisco, bringing p:.s;-enp(Ts and l.lOf tons of miscellaneous freight and merchandise. The Rose City will clear on j the return trip tomorrow. Arrivals during tlie night will include steamer ] Mandalay. from Crescent City via San Francisco, with passengers and freight for the West Coast Steamship company and 400.000 feet of lumber | for the Southern California Lumber company. Steamer Speedwell discharged a partial cargo ; of lumber for the Southern Califwnla Lumber : company and proceeded for San Diego with the remainder, thence for Coos Bay to reload. Schooner Alvena arrived from the Columbia ■ river carrying 073,000 feet of lumber. PORTLAND, Feb. 10.—The uteawer Bear ar. I rived today from California coast ports with a 1 fair passenger list and a full freight. The steam schooner Ran Pedro arrived today from San Francisco with a cargo of general merchandise and will load lumber for a return. A. Ottinger, general agent of the passenger department of the San Francisco and Portlaud Steamship company, arrived from San Fran clsco on the steamer Bear. The oil tank steamer Atlas arrived from Cali fornia today with a cargo of fuel oil for the Standard Oil company. The steamer Roanoke arrived today from Cali fornia ports with a large freight and passenger list. Captain P. TVestfall of the German bark Mimi, which went ashore a few miles north of the M.tranci? to Nehalem bay while heading for the Columbia river, arrived today from Bay City and by appointment met K. M. Cherry, Lloyds' agent, at Astoria, at the office of Anderson and <-'r>«e here, where he- examined his awaiting Biafl and instructions in await Iht; arrival from Si-sttie this morning of Mr. Taylor. • ;<-rtuan Lloyd agent, whons to make the final d>.M:isiou as to the disposition of the stranded vessel. ASTORIA, Feb. Iβ. —Steam stttaosHtt Olympic, with ;i cargo of lumber for California, baa ar rived down ate «4ver and will go to sen when the bsr moderates. The Standard oil steamer Atlas ha* arrived in !"■!! from tba sound and wfll tow barge No.. 93 to California. Steamers IJoanoke and Bear, with freight and passengers from S;;u Pedro and way points, ar rlved in port today and pßMteflafl. Shipping Intelligence ARRIVED Saturday. Feb. 15. 11 :i."f p. m., s-fmr Fifield, Schillinsky. 44 hours from Baodee; passengers and merchandise to A. F. L'gtabrook. Sunday, Feb. 10. 4:40 p. m.. stmr President, Thomas, ~*l hours from Seattle; passengers and merchandise to Pa cific Coast Steamship company. B:0u H. in., sruir Daisy, Smith. 74 hours from Portland; 800,4)00 feet lumber to K. S. Freeman. 0:50 a. m., stmr National City, ftostrom. 15 hours from Fort Bragg; bouDd south, called in for fuel. 10 a. in., stinr Eureka. Farla. 101 hours from Seattle; l..".O8 sacks wheat. 2,500 tons coal. 200 cases explosives to Pacific Coast Steamship com l>ll ny. 1:15 a. m., ptmr Elizabeth, Olden, 44 hoars from Randon, passengers and merchandise to E. X. KniM. 2:50 m. in., stmr Hyades. younjrren. 8 (lays 4 liours from Hilo; merchandise to Matson Naviga t:■■!. • otnpany. 3:30 •■. in., stmr Sea Foam. Henrickson, 14 hours from Menfl<x:ino, via Point Arena 11 hours; feet lumbor to C. 11. Uijrgins. 3:15 a. in., Starr Brooklyn, Svenseu, 4G bouts THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1913. I from Bandon; 220,000 feet lumber to Sudden & I Christenson. 4:45 a. m.. stmr Norwood. Knudeen, 33 hours ! from San Pedro; ballast to Sudden & Christenson. 6 a. m., strnr Iledondo, Exickson, 36 hours front Coos Buy; 620.000 feet lumber to C. A. Smith Lumber company. 2:20 p. m.. stmr Fort Brngs, Eliasen. 60 ; hours from Astoria; 600,000 feet lumber to E. ' K. Wood Lumber company. 3 p. m.. stmr Avalon. Christenson. 70 hours from Willapa Harbor; bound south, put in for fuel. 11:10 a. m.. stmr Albion, Jacobsen, 70 hours from San Pedro: ballast to Richardson & Co. 12 m.. stmr Quinault, Walvig, 84 hours from Raymond; 000.000 feet lumber to Hart-Wood Lumber company. 12:20 p. n. stmr Hanalei, Ilamma. 40 hours I from San Podro: peMtagera and merchandise to I Independent Steamship company. 12:36 p. m.. stmr Anrelia. Carey, 45 hours from San Pedro; ballast to Trower Brothers. 5:35 p. m.. stmr Necauicum. Mattson. SO hours from Astoria; SCO,OOO feet lumber aud piles to Hammond Lumber company. SAILED Saturday. Feb. 15. — p. m., stmr BirenMe. Pahlquist. Seattle. 9:80 p. ra., stmr Siskiyou, Hansen. Belliiißham. 11 p. m., stmr Nome City, Hanseu. Seattle. Sunday. Feb. Iβ. 9:10 a. m., schr Fred E. Sander. Erkren, Ev erctt. 4 p. m. stmr National City, Bostrom, San Pt.iro. 4:20 p. m.. stmr Eureka. Panlsen, Monterey. !>:4o a. m., stmr Aztec. Holland. Ancon. 10:55 a. m., stmr Norwood. Knudsen, Grays Hnrbor. 12:15 p. m., stmr City of Topeka. Zen, Eu reka. 5:20 p. m., stmr Aurella, Carey, Astoria. 9 a. in., schr Monterey, Kelly, Monterey, In tow of tug Navigator. 11 a. m., stmr Noy<». Matsen, San Pedro. 7:20 p. m., stmr George W. Elder. Paulsen, San Pedro. 0:30 a. m.. barge 91, Monroe, El Segundo. in tow of tng Dauntless. C:25 p. m., etmr Porno. Lilleland, Albion. 7:50 p. ra., stmr Saginaw, Lunstedt, Willapa Harbor. 3:30 p. m., stmr Arctic. Under, Fort Bragg. 4:40 p. m., stmr Avalou, Christonson, San Pedro. WEATHER REPORTS POINT LOBOS. Feb. 10. 10 p. m.—Weather hazy; wind northwest, velocity 12 miles an hour. DOMESTIC PORTS SANTA BARBARA—Arrived Feb. Iβ, stmr State of California, from San PeTJro, and sailed for San Francisco VENTOBA— SaiIed Feb. IG, 4 p. m., stmr George Lootnis, for El Segundo. PORT SAN LUlS—Arrived Feb. Iβ, 7 a. m.. stmr W. S. Porter, from Astoria, and sailed 10 p. m. for Astoria. Sailed 6 a. m., tug Detiauce, with bktn Fullerton in tow. for San Francisco. Arrived 7:30 a. m.. stmr Santa Clara, from San Pedro, and sailed 2:30 p. n. for San Francisco. FORT BRAGG—Arrived Feb. Iβ, stmr James S. HiggSns. for San Diego . ABERDEEN—Arrived Feb. 15 7 p. m., stmr Aberdeen, hence Feb, 12. Sailed Feb. 16, 8 a. in., schr Ethel Zane. for San Francisco; 4 p. m.. stmr Temple E. Dorr, for San Francisco. EUREKA —Arrived Feb. IC, 3 p. m., stmr Van pnard. hence Feb. 15. Sailed Feb. 10. 1 p. m., stmr Whittler, for Port San Luis; etmr F. A. Kilburn, for San Francisco. POINT REYES—Passed Feb. IC. 8:10 a. m.. stmr Quinault, from Willapa Harbor for San Francisco. COOS BAY—Arrived Feb. 10, stmr Alliance, from Astoria. Sailed Feb. 16, 8 a. m.. ntmrs Nann Smith and Washington, for San Francisco; 9 a. in., stmr Rochelle, for San Pedro. LONG BEACH—Arrived Feb. 14. stmr Francis Yale and Harvard I j They nail every Mon- J dny, Wednesday, Friday j and .Saturday for LOS ANGELES and every Wednesday and Friday (or SAN DIEGO ROl'M) TRIP RATES For Tickets, Folders, etc., apply Pacific Navigation Co. 680 Market St. !i*|:!:|' i !;;;:;;£:; Phone .Snrter 210. W^] 86 Market St. Phone Kearny 142. S&lilji; Oakland Office, , 1130 Broadway. i tW ■ _.• • - ■ .. ■*» \ SACRAMENTO! RIVER STEAMERS • CHANGE IN TIME Until further notice Steamer Navajo will leave San Francisco, Pier 7, Pacific Street Wharf, for Sacramento, daily except Sunday, at 8:30 A. M. Returning will leave Sacramento, X Street Wharf, daily except Sun day, at 9 P. M. Southern Pacific LONDON-PARIS-HAMBURG PEES. GRANT Feb. 27, 12 noon March 6, 9 a. ra. i(PENNSYLVANIA March 12, H a. m. AMERIKA March 15, 11 a. m. •'Hamburg direct, becond cabin only. MEDITERRANEAN Madeira, Gibral ar, Algiers, Naples and Genoa S.S. CINCINNATI (IT 000 tons), Mar. 11, 10 a.m S.S. HAMBURG 111.000 Tous>..April 5. !t a. m. S.S. MOLTKE (12.500 tons), April 19, 8:30 a. m. •BS. HAMBURG May 20, i) a. ni. •Omits call at Algiers and Madeira. CnITICrC TO THE LAND OF IV U IOL J THE MIDNIGHT SUN. Scotland, Orkney and Faroe Islands, Iceland Spitsbergen, North Cape, Norway From Hamburg during June, July and August t,v S. S. VICTORIA LUISE, S. S. BISMARCK and S. S. M£TEosi_ BOOK NOW. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 160 POWELL STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. Phone Kearny 2846, FRENCH LINE CIE. GLE. TRANSATLANTIGUE DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE—PARIS Sailing Kvery Thursday ami Saturday. FROM NEW YORK TO HAVRE Erery Thursday ut 10 a. in. jLa Provence..Feb. 2u ( La Provence.Mar. 20 France Feb. 27 j France Mar. 27 La Touraiue..Mar. IS IL a Touralne..Apr. 3 La Lorraine. .Mar. 13 La Lorraine. .Apr. 10 FROM NEW YORK TO II VVIIE Every Saturday at 3 p. m. > Rochambeau..Mar. 8 k Chicago .'....Apr. 12 Chicago Mar. 15 [-Caroline ....Apr. '/rt Niagara ....Mar. 22 Niagara Apr. 20 Koehsu»beau..Apr. 5 Koriianineau..Ma.v 3 FUGAZI EROS., Pacific Coast Managers, 630 Montgomery Street, San Francisco OABIN OFFICE, 673 MARKET STREET. H. Lejryett from San Diego, and sailed Feb. 15, S p. ni.. for San Francisco; Feb. 15, 11:30 a. m., strar Coaster, from San Pedro, and sails Feb. 1? for San Francisco; Feb. 15. 2 p. m., stmr Cas par, from San Pedro, and sailed Feb. 10. 8 p. in. for Redondo Beach. SAN PEDRO—Arrived Feb. 10. stmrs State of California. Yale and Willamette, from San Diego; stmr Harvard, hence Feb. 15; stmr Rose City, hence Feb. 15; stmrs Klatnath and Speed well, hence Feb. 14; schr Lucy, from Umpqua. Sailed Feb. 16 stmrs State of California. Yale, Willamette and Fair Oaks, for San Francisco; stmr Lakme, for Btrreka. SEATTLE —Arrived Feb. 10. stmr Jefferson, from Skngway. Sailed Feb. l<s. 2 p. m.. stmr P.iickman, for San Francisco. Arrived Feb. Iβ, 11:30 a. m. stmr Northland, from Skagway; Jap stmr Sado Mara, from Victoria. Sailed Feb. 16. 11:80 a. m.. stmr Argyll, for San Francisr-o. TATOOSH—Passed in Feb. Iβ, 5:40 p. ni., Br stmr M. S. Dollar, from Kahului for Seattle; 9 a. m., strur Multnomab. hence Feb. 1U for Seat tle. VENTURA—Arrived Feb. Iβ, C:3O a. m., stmr George Loomis. from El St^undo. ASTORIA—SaiIed Fen. 15, 0 p. m., stmr G. W. Fenwick, for San Pedro. Arrived Feb. 15, mimiigiit, stmr Breakwater, from Coos Bay; Feb. 16, 8 a. m. stmr Bear; 10 a. m.. stmr Koanoke. hence Feb. 14; B a. m., stmr Atlas, from Seattle; stmr San Pedro, hence Feb. 13. Sailed Feb. 15, 9 p. m., stmr Portland, for San Pedro. EUREKA—SaiIed Feb. IC. 1 P- m., sttnr Whit tier, for Port Sau Luis; stmr F. A. Kilburn, for San Francisco. TACOMA—Arrived Feb. 16, Br stmr Antl lochus. from Liverpool via Victoria. Sailed Feb. Iβ, stmr Euckman. for Seattle; etmr Zapora, for cruise. ISLAND POUTS HONOLULU—SaiIed Feb. 15, 5 p. m., Br stmr Nile for Yokohama. OCEAN STEAMERS NEW YORK—Arrived Feb. 16. stmr Campania, from Liverpool; stmr Baltic, from Liverpool; stmr Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, from Hamburg; stmr Patricia, from Hamburg:: stmr Argentina, from Trieste. Sailed Feb. 10, stmr California, for Glasgow. BOSTON—Arrived Feb. 10, stmr Carpathia, from Liverpool. HALlFAX—Arrived Feb. 16. stmr Grampion, from Liverpool. MISCELLANEOUS Captain Clark of th.- Fort Point life saving station picked up the launch Emily I with dis abled machinery off Fort Point this afternoon and towed her to the station, where R. O. Plneo, the occupant, made repair^s^ MAILS ACROSS THE PACIFIC The following sailing dates and clos ing , times of trans-Pacific mails are based on the latest information fur- nished by steamship companies. They are subject to change on notice. Paper PACIFIC OCEAX TRAVEL I 1L "J Hi B^^2 Berth and Meals Included in Fare LEAVE FROM TIERS 9 AND 11 lios Angeles, San £>icgo, * Santa Barbara President or Gov'n'r, Feb. 17; Mar. 3, 10, 2p. m. Queen Feb. -i , - p. m. •State of Cal..Feb. 13, 20, 27; Mar. 6, 11 a. m. •Only steamer calling at Santa Barbara. Seattle (Direct), 'Iworaa, Toirnsend, Victoria. Vancouver, Alaska President or Governor. .Feb. 22, Mar. 1, 11 a. m. Queen Feb. 15, 11 a. m. Umatilla Feb. 25,2 p.m. City of Puebla Feb. 18, Mar. 4, 2p. m. Eureka (Humboldt Bay) Topeka...Feb. 12, IC, 21, 2o; Mar. 2, 6, 1C noon Alaska Cruises, 1913. Leave Seattle Spokane..June 18; July 2, 16, 30; Aug. 13, 10 p.m. Rigbt reserved to change this schedule. TICKET OFFICES—PaIace Hotel, 003 Market street. 10 Market street and Broadway wharf. Telephone Kearny 492. OAKLAND—I 226 Broadway; tel. Oakland 5680. BERKELEY—2I23 Sbattuck ay.; tel. Berk. 44, C. D. DL'NANN. Passenger Traffic Manager. •THE * BIG 1 PORTLAND KOSE CITY sails 12 noon, Wednesday, February l'.nh. First eia-* $10. $12, $15. r" Second class $6. Berth and meals i-neluded. RF A Q I7ds~ANGELES" irJZZzJZ BEAR sails 11 a. in. Tues- BEAVEP ''■<>■ February 20. First n«f>vJ»!i c ' labS * 7 - 35 - *8- 35 - Second ROxFCITY cl » ss i 5 -3 - B ertu Bnd RW-1,%,,,, meals included. TICKET OFFICES 722 Market; tel. Sutter 2344. 8 East St.; tel. Sutter 2482. Oakland office, 1228 Broad /f way; tel. Oakland 1314. (*k— :, Berkiley office. 2105 Shat- J tnck; tel. Berk. 331. t X 2 Sacramento, Jas. Warrack, Mg 804 X st. PACIFIC MAIL, It iC fT HONOLULU. JHOO Round Trip «110 THE BIG FOUR— "Mongolia," "Manchnrla," "Korea," "Siberia," Also "China," "Persia" and "Nile" for Honolulu, Japan. Manila, China. Next Sailing: "PERSIA" (no lecal passengers or freight for Honolulu*-; March S PANAMA LINE For Mexico, Central America, Panama. Connecting for Europe and South America. N'pxt sailing (passengers and freight*: "PERU" February 22 IfBW EXPRESS PASSENGER and FREIGHT SERVICE DIRECT FOR PANAMA AND NEW YORK Next Sailing: "PENNSYLVANIA" March 22 Full information at General Offices 384 Flood Bids. Ticket Offices 722 Market St. Phone Kearny 0620. $**%, AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN fjal STEAMSHIP COMPANY Tehuantepec Route Regular Fast Freight Service NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailing from New York every six days, making direct connections with Pacific steamers sailing from Salina Cruz, Mcx every six days for San Francisco. PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEW YORK. Also to Mexican and all prin cipal European ports under through rates and through bills of lading. Sail ings from San Francisco every 12 daye. For rates and further particulars ap ply to DEARBORN & LAPHAM. Gen eral Agents, 8 Bridge street. js ew York WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO, General Agents, Pacific Coast. 310 Sarisome St.. San Francisco. SYDNEY SHORT LINE AUSTRALIA 19 DAYS VIA HONOLULU AND SAMOA SPLENDID TWIN SCREW K» ; 000-ton steamen "SIFRRA." "SONOMA ,, and "VLNTIHA. $110 HONOLULU IKK&PSSt SYDNEY $300 HOUND THE WORLD —?600 tot cabin; 9380 second caMn, via Ceylon, Egypt, Italy, etc. Liberal stopovers. Honolulu Sailings—Feb. -o. Mar. 11, etc., 2 Sailings—Mar. 11. April 3, etc.. 2 p. m. \Vrite or \vir» NOW for berths. Send for folder. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., 673 Muket street. Phone Sutter 648. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND Sj«ln*y via Tahiti and Wellington S. S. TAHITI (12,000 tous) sails 11 a. in.. Mar .1 S. 8. MOANA (10.000 tonit sails 11 a. m.. April 2 8. S. AORANGI (9.000 tons) sells 11 a.m.. Apl 30 UNION S. S. CO. OF ». Z., Ltd. HIND, ROLPH & CO., General Ajenti. Tel. Doug. 8100. Ticket Office. 679 Market Bt. Uniini 111 II & - s - HONOLII.AN, Kcb. IS. nUNULULU S- S. μ-rmne. March 4. S B. WILHELHIXA. March 12. New steamers,' 13.WK1 tons displacement. Pier No. 38. Round trip. $110 up. Direct service to Vie voteano. HATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY, 368 Market Street, Sa» Fraaclac* mails for the Hawaiian islands close one hour earlier than time* given: For Australia—Steamer Makura leaves Seattle February 10; ordinary mail closes at 9:30 a. in., February 17, and registered at 9 p. m.. Febru ary 16. Steamer Ventura leaves S»n Francisco March 11; ordinary mail closes at 11:30 a.m. ami registered at 10:30 a. m. For New Zealand —Steamer Makura leaves Seattle, Febrnery 19; ordinary mail closes at 9:30 a. m., February 17. and registered at 9 p. m., February 16. Steamer Tahiti leaves San Francisco March 5: ordinary mail closes at 8:30 a m. and registered at 9 p. m., March 4. For China and Japan—Steamer Cyclops leaves Seattle, February 18; ordinary ninil closes at 9:30 a. m., February 17. and mastered at 9 p. m., February IC. Steamer Nippon leaves San Francisco February 21; ordinary mail closes at 10:30 a. m. and registered mail at 9:30 a. m. Steamer Sado leaves Seattle February 25; or* dinary mail closes at 9:30 a. m.. February 23*. aod registered at 9 p. m.. February 22. •"or Manila—Steamer Empress of India leaves Seattle February 19; ordinary mail closes at 9:30 a. m.. February 17. and registered «t 9 p. m., February 16. Steamer Nippon leaves San Francisco February 21- ordinary mail closes at 11:30 a. m. and registered at 10:30 a. ia. Steamer Sado leaves Seattle February 25; or dinary mail closes at 0:30 a. tn., February 23, and registered at 0 p. m., February 22. For Hawaii—Steamer Honolulan leaves San Francisco February 18; ordinary mail closes at 3:30 p. m. nnd registered at 3 p. m. Steamer Nippon leaves San Francisco February 21; or dinary mall closes at 11:30 a. m. and registered at 11 a. m. Steamer Sierra leaves San Fran cisco February 25; ordinary mail closes at 12:30 p. m. and registered at 12 noon. For Tahiti—Steamer Tahiti leaves San Fran cisco March 5: ordinary mail closes at 8:30 a. m.taml registered at 9 p. m., March 4. CITY MUST KEEP WALKS IN REPAIR, IS OPINION Responding to a question from the supervisors' street committee, City At torney Long- has rendered an opinion to the effect that the duty of re pairing sidewalks on streets accepted by the city prior to 1871 rests upon the city, provided the entire street, and not merely the roadway thereof, was accepted. The obligation to construct area walls rests upon the owners of abut ting property where such are being maintained. The supervisors desired the advice that they might be guided in ordering the narrowing ef certain side walks. , * The city attorney also issued an ■* 11 ys I I I I ■ b aJ vi [ I i I F -, I / i 4atS 1 ■ I ■P I |P M A 9 JOB I X H^B^H B "* h *** §91 cB See the GRAND CANYON OF THE FEATHER RIVER and THE ROYAL GORGE The "Panama-Pacific" Express and The "1915" Mall Trains Leave Union Ferry Depot Arrive 9:10 a f Stockton, Sacramento. Salt Lake. ] 8:45p \ Denver. Omaha. Chicago, Kan- \ "7:30p I sac City, St. Louis J ':30a 4:lCp .Stockton 10:20 a Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars via Denver & Rio Grande and Missouri Pacific, Rock Island lines and Burlington route. Hiring Cars and Electric Lights. Schedule Effective Nov * 6 ' 19j2 San Francisco UNION FERRY DEPOT I VIA SATSAI.TfO I Arrive 7:40 a Petalumn. Santa Kosa. Healds | burg, Cloverdale. Uklah. Wll ! lits Lonjrvale. •• Sevastopol. 7:05p B:lsa'Sonoma. Glea Ellen ( t6:osp 8:15 a Pt. Reye«. Camp Meeker. Moote f t6:35p Rio Duncan Mill.*. Casadero \ JT:35p 8:45 a Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Guerne ville. Monte Rio, Duncan! f t6:3.*p I Mills, Cazadero (leaves from! ( J7:35p J Duncan Mills) 10:45 a Petaluma. Sa'ita Rosa, Healds- I burg 5:05p 1:45p Petaluma. Santa Ro*a. Guerne vllle, Monte Rio. Duncan Mills 10:S5a f2:45p Pt. Reyes, Camp Meeker \ 3:15p Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Healds bnrp Cloverdale, I'kiah. Wllllts, •Sebnstopol Il:3Sa 4:4Sp Sonoma, Glen Ellen 9:35 a B:lsp'Peta!nnja, Santa Rosa. Healda- 1 burg fl:0?>a ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA BAUSALITO Pausalito. Mill Valley, San Rafael —Dally every 30 minutes from 6:45 a. tn. until 9:45 a. m.: hoiwly until 2:45 p. m.. then 3:15 p. m. and every 30 mtnutPß until 6:-I5 p. m., then 7:45. 9:15. 11:15 p. m. and 12:30 a. m. Fairfax—Leaves t6:45 7:15. 7:45, 8:15. 8:45. fl:15. 0:45. 10:45, 11:48 a.m.; 12:45. 1:45, 2:45. 3:15 3:45, 4:l*. 4:45 5:15. 5:45. 6:15. 6:45, 7:4.-. 9:13, 11:15 p. tn.; 12:30 a. m. San Quentin via Sau Rafael —Leave dally at 9:15 a. m and 1:45 p. m. Tlburon and Belvedere —Daily every hour from G:45 a. m. until 1:45 p. m.; then 3:15 p. m. and every hour until 6:15; then 7:45,9:15 and 11:15 p. m. and 12:30 a. m. •Arrives dally lOiSK a. m. •• Arrives Sundays 7:0," i>. m., week days 6:35 p.m. tExcept Sun days. only. fSaturdaye only. Red Line Transfer Company's agents are an t''<>r!zprt tn M'pfk bare«7e from n»«Mpnoe. MUIR WOODS 4f3Sm± or wltttfi«Sm MT, TAMALPAIS^^y VIA SAUBALITO FERRY "^£7 un:on depot, foot of markht street ; HwaalTrip, >I.tB . frmHn*Trip,>t.9O T tT.SwFriKbo I Lr.MßlrWwte i Lt. Mt Twitpih Weekdky Sraday Weekday Sunday WedrJay Sunday 9:45 a f?:45» t 7:20* li":so*j 7:20t 10:40 a 1:45p 9:45t 1:40p112:60p 1:40p I]:4ot * 4:45p 10-451 2:40» 1:50? 4:45p 1:40p 11:45 a 4:50» 2:50p * 8:35p 2:40p 1:45p 3:50p 3:4t0 2:4SP 1 4:40." ...... 4:40» •Saturday b only, t Mondays only. % Mt. Tamalpaie only. ( Sausalito Ferry—Tel. Kearny 4980 Ticket Offices Market—Tel. Kearny 2751 ( 874 Market—Tel. Douglas 4407 General Office—Mill Valley, Cal. T-> Mill Valley Sub. 81 "Tmn • f Tißuliii; ,, ni "Miiri n" art atwajt eiu ftr mstt OAV A*D IXTERUIBAJI HOI IKS^ Mara Island Navy Ytrd Vallejo. N»p». St Helafflf Caliitoga BeaU leave 700 945 «. B. 12:30. 320. 000. 830 pi at Deck and office. North End Ferr? Building. Phones Kaarny 40ft Meak a l> cart* P A CI ri^.9j£^J^^TßAV^EL^^_^ I For Folders, Tickets, etc, apply I I Pacific Navigation Cα, 680 Market St,S.F. ) YOYO KISEN KAISHA ORIENTAL. STEAMSHIP COMPANY S, S. Nippon Mara (Intermediate serrlce saloon accommodations at reduced rates) Friday, February 21, 1913 S. 8. Tenyo Mam Saturday, March 1, 1913 S. S. Shlnyo Maru (new), via Manila direct Saturday. March 22. 1913 S. S. Cblyo Mam Saturday. April 19. 1013 Site;: mere sail from company's pier, Nβ. 84, Bear foot of Brannan fit., at 1 p. m.. for Yoko hama autf Hongkonp. calling at Honolulu, Kobe (Hlogo) ami Nacfsakl and Shanghai, and con necting at Uougkonsf with steamrrs for Manila, India, cfle. No cargo received on board on day of sailing. Round trip tickets at reduced rates For freight and passage apply at office, fourth floor Western Metropolis National Bank build ing. '625 Market at. W. H. AVEEY, Assistant General Manager. AUCTIONSALES eTcurtis AUCTIONEER Office and Salesroom. Van Ness at Sacramento. Phone Franklin 2264. The old established house of CLRTIS— no connection with any brajjeh. AT 75 HORSES 75 Wednesday, Feb. 19,1913 By order of J. D. Redlick of Klamath Falls, Ore., we will sell seveaty-flve Lead of broken mares and geldings—all young, sound, smooth, good boned blocks, weighing from 1,200 to 1,500 pounds. Many of theea have been worked up to date. Mr. Redlick has sold bis rancU, which makea disposal of this stock absolutely neces sary. Sale takes place Wednesday. Feb. 19, at 11 a. m. at J. B. Horan's Sales Yard corner Tenth and Bryant streets., S. F. No outside horses taken. W. 11. HORD. Auctioneer. 704 Market St., S. P. JS* AT AUCTION £i? C 5 HORSES AND MARES—IS MCLES TUESDAY FEBRUARY IS, 1013 ! AT 11 A. M. By order of Thomas Gleason of Klamath Falls, Ore., and other*, we will sell 65 all purpose horses and mares weighing from 1.000 to 1.700: also 15 bead of footsore city mares and 18 head of good work mules; 1 dandy Shetland pony. MISSION SALE STABLES, 430 Valencia st. near 15th. Outside Horses Sold on Com mission. 11. COHEN. Auctioneer. opinion advising , the fire commission that in making a promotion the board Is not limited to tho selection of one RAIIAVAY TRAVEL TWAINS LEAVE AMD ARE DUE TO ARRIVE FROM FEBRUARY 17, 1913 VIA OAKLAND RIER Leave (Foot of Market Street) Arrive (Subject to change without notice) 2.15 a Niies, Livermore, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton, Lodi, Gait, Elk Grove, Sacramento, Rose ville,Auburn,Col'ax 10.40p 2.15 a Sacramento, Marysville, Biggs, Chin. 10.40p 8.40 a Richmond, Port Costa, Martinez, Antioch, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, Ingle, Keraun, Fresno II .59p 6.40 a San Leandro, Hayward, Niies, Saa Jose 6.50P 7.00 a The Statesman—Richmond. Vallejo Junction (Vallejo), Port Costa, Beaicia, Suisun, Elmira, Davis, Sacramento 6.50p 7.20* Golddeld Pass.—Truckee. Haxen. \Va buska Hudson), Miaa, Tonopah, Goldield, Laws, Keeler.. B.loa 7.20 a Richmond, Port Costa, Benicia, Sui sun, Dixon, Sacramento 7.50p 7.20 a Elmira, Vacaville, Rumsey 7.50? 7.20 a Roseviile, Marysville (Oroville), Red ding. Dunsrniiir 10.40p 7.20 a Davis, Woodland, Williams, Maxwell, Willows, Hamilton, Corning, Red Bluff 7.50p 7.20 a Niies, Pleasanton, livermore, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton (Oakdale), Lodi, Sacramento 7.30p 7.20 a Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, Ingle. Kerman, Fresno 4.30p 7.40 a Richmoad, Vallejo, Nana, Calistoga, Santa Rosa, Crockett, Port Costa ... 6.1 Op t7.40a Avon, Walnut Creek, San Ramon, Livermore t6-sOp B.ooa Newark, West San Jose, Los Gatoe, Wright, Felton (Ben Lomond, Boul der Creek), Santa Crua B.SOp 8.40 a Port (beta, Martinez, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy (Stockton), Merced, Bereoda, Madera, Fresno, Fowler, Selma, Traver, Goshea Junction (Hanford, Armona), Tulare, Bakers field 4.30p 8.40 a Visalia, Lindsay. FortemlJe, Ducor.. 7.1 Op 8.40 a Yosemite Valley via Merced 4.30p B.oOa Imngtcn, San Jose 7.30p 9.00 a Nites, Pleasanton, Livermore, Stock ton ('Milton), Valley Spring, lone, Sacramento 4.30p 9.00 a Tuolurnne, Sonora,Jamestown, Angels. 2.50p 9.00 a Atlantic Express—Sacramento, Truc kee, Ogdao, Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City. Omaha, Chii-ago 8.30p 9.00 a Tonopah-GoJdfield Standard Sleeper.. 8. <0a 9.00 a Vallejo Junction, Vallejo { *JoJ 9.40 a Richmond, Saa Pablo, Pinole, Vallejo Junction, Crockett, Port Costa, Mar tinez, Avon, Concord, San Ramon.. 6.1O» 10.20 a San Francisco Overland Limited— Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Chicago 2.10p 10.40 a Vallejo, Hare Island. Napa 12.50p 10.40 a Stockton. { 'gjjj 10.40 a Los Angeles Passenger—Port Costa, Martinez, Byron Hot Springs. Tracy, Stockton, Merced, Madera, Fresno, (Hanford, Coalinga, Visalia), Bakers field, Los Angeles 7.10p ll.2oaSbasU Limited—Portland. Tacoma, Seattle 8.50p 12.00n Richmond, Port Costa, Benicia, Sui- \ 1 0.30 a sun, Elmira, Dison, Sacramento.. / i I.IOa 12.00n Davis,Williams,Colusa June. Willows, Germantown, Orland, Hamilton 6.50p 12.00n Marysville, Chico, Red Bluff 4.30p I.OOp Niies, Irvington. San Jose...: 2.50p 1.20p San Leaodro, Niies, Centervilie, New ark, (Redwood), San Jose 7.50p 1.40b Newark, Alviso, Agaew. Santa Clara, Weet San Joie IO.OOp 11 .40b Wright, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz .. lO.OOp 2.40p San Leandro, Niies, i?an Joee V.3op 3.00p Benicia. Winters Sacramento —Wood- land, Tudor, Yuba City, Marysville, Oroville I I.IOa 3.20p Richmond, Port Costa, Martinez, Byron Hot Springs, Modesto, Merced, Madera, Fresno 10.40p 4.00p Port Costa, Martinez, Concord, Walnut Creek, San Ramon, Livermorr 9.30 a 4.00p Richmond, Vallejo, Naps, Calistoga, Glen Ellen, Santa Rosa. 9.30 a 4.00p Niies (Ceuterviile, Newark), Sunol, Pleasanton, Livermore, Tracy, Stockton, Lodi, Sacramento 12.50p 4.40p San Leandro, Hayward, Niks, Pleas anton, livermore 8.30 a 4.40b Irvington, San Jose 9.30 a 4.40p Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, Kerman. Fresno 10 40p 4.40b Valley Flyer—Port Costa, Byron Hot Springs, Tiacy, Modesto, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Goshen Junction, Tulare. Bakersfield. Mojave. Los Angeles 12 50p &00b Vallejo, Port Costa, Benicia, Suisun, Sacramento, Roseviile, Lincoln, Wheatland, Mar>'sviUe (Oroville), Gridley, Biggs. Chico II .30a 6.00b Davis. Arbuckle, Williams. Willows, Orland. Tehama lO4Op B.OOp Newark, West Sao Jose, Los Gatos... 9.30 a 5.20p San Leandro, Lorenzo, Hayward, Nile*. Pieasanton, Livermore, Tracy, Stockton 3.10p 8.20p Owl Limited—Port Costa, Tracy. Fresno, Los "Angeles B.loa 8.20p Hayward. Niies and San Jose. 6.50p 6.40p Eastern Express—Ogden, Pueblo.Den ver, Kansas City. St.Louis, Chicago. 8.30? 6.40p Port Costa, Benicia, Suisun, Elmira, Sacramento, Colfax, Truckee, Reno, Sparks 8.30p 7.00p China and Japan Mail —Ogden, Cheyenne, Denver. Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago 3.10p 17J00p Port Costa, Byron Hot Springs, Stock ton, Sacramento, Coliax, Truckee, Reno 3.10p J7,00p Richmond (Vallejo), Port Costa, Mar tinez, Concord, Walnut Creek, Pleas anton, Niies. Oakland 12.45 a &20p Oregon Express—Sacramento, Rose ville, Marysville, Reddinz (Klamath Falls), Ashland, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane I.lob o.oop Mt. Eden. Alvarado, Newark, Santa Clara, San Jose 7.50p 9.40b Bakersfield. MclCittrirk, Hazleton. Monarch, Moron, Fellow, Shale 7.50 a ! [ 9.40p Richmond, Port Costa, Tracy, Mα- desto. Mewed, Madera, Fresno, Hanford, Tulare 7.50 a 9.40b Hanford, Armona, Lemoore, Huron, Coalinga 7.50 a 9.40p Visalia, Exeter. Lindsay, Porterville, Ducor, Famoao «... 7.50 a f |O2op Portland Exprese—Davis, TVillows, Red Bluff, Weed, (Klamath Falls). Ashland, Roseburg, Portland, Ta coma, Seattle 7.30 a i NETHERLANDS ROUTE From Pacific Street Wharf "Ms route offers exceptional opportunity for Arsto nobltists to reach all points on the Sacramento River: Colli nsvilie, Emmaton, Rio Vista, Isleton, Ryde, Walnut Grove, Vorden, Courtlaad, Clarksburg, Sacramento. Steamer Navajo leaves San Francisco 5.30 a. m. dairy except Sunday, arriving Sacramento 7.00 p.m. Stopping at all points en route. Leaves Sacramento 9.00 p.m. daily except Sunday, arriving Sao Fraacisco 7.00 a. m. No •tops cnlroute. SttatTMr Modoe et Apache, leaves San Francisco 1.00 p. m. daily except Sunday; arrive Sacramento 4.00 a. m. daily except Monday. Leave Sacramento 10.30 a. m. j daily except Sunday; arrive San Francisco p. m. stopping at all poiata co route. ' AUCTION SALES MARK I. LEVY RUCTION CO. Office and Salesroom. 803 Mission et. Pays highest price for all kinds of furniture, merclnndist, etc. Houses bouslit iv their en tirety. Goods sold on comntneloo. Phone— Btttt«r 1209 AT AUCTION, TUESDAY, FEB. 18th VI , 1 A>D S I». M. WESTERN HORSE MARKET AT 14TH and VALENCIA STS. Two cars gentle broke Utrth Horses. 4 to 8, I Treipht 1.100 to I,7(X> pounds. One car eastern Oregon Horses. 4 to 9. weight 1,100 to 1.400 pounds, all gentle broke. We will hitch any of these horses up and try them out for you. All guaranteed as represented, or money refunded. E. STEWART & CO. W. niGGINBOTTOM. Auctioneer. ft? AUCTION SALE SS? By order. Binjr Kee. Sacramento river, on ««• 'count of failure of potatoes and lease of land. will sell to uijfjest bidder a carload of Horses and Mares, used by him on his ranch. Sale taken place at California Commission company's, 'Ml to 209 Valencia street. San Francisco, Thursday. Feb. 20, 1913, at 11 a. m. Stock can be si*n up to date of sale or bought at prirate sale. California Commission Co. NEW TOBK SALE STASIA. 883-340 Fell 8t AfP? JUST ARRIVED: One carload draft and wagon horses; some nice, big mares: all young, sound. Also good mares and horses, footsore, 1,400 to l.coo lbf>., for farm work. Phone Market 3877. JOS. LEVY. name from the civil service eligible list, but may choose one of the three highest. VIA COAST LjrSß Leave (Third and Tovrwend Streets) Ann* (Subject to change without notice) t 6.05* Valencia Street. Oce»n View, Cohna, Cemeteries, Baden, tan Bruno f 6.35 a 6.45* South San Francisco, San Jose, Morgan hill. Gilroy, Sargent, Pajaro, Watson viile, Santa Cruz B.oob t 5.45* Los Altos, Mot ta \ ista, lor Gatoe .. J 9.45* 7.00 a Coaster —San Jcsr, Motganhill. Gilroy, Pajaro, Castroville, Salinas, Soledad, King City, Paso Roblee Hot Springe, San Luis Obiepo, Surf (LompoC, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Oicard, Loe Angeles 10-3 Op 7.00 a Holliiter, Tree I ices—Watsonville, Santa Cnu—Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 10.30? t 7.05 a South San Fraacisco, Palo Alto, San Jose. Way Stations 7.50p t 7.05 a Los Altos, Afonta Vista. Loe Gatoe... § 3.25p B.ooa Shore line Limited—Paso Robles Hot Springs, Santa Barbara,Loe Anpeles. 9.5Cp 8.05 a Mayfield, Los Altos, Los Gatos, M'right, Glenwood (Boulder Creek), Santa Cruz, Watsonville, Castrovifle, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove.... 9.05j 9.00 a San Jose, Morpacbill, Gilroy. Sargent. Salinas, Soledad, San Mipuel. Paso Rebies Hot Springe. San Luie Obiepo 4.00b 9.00 a Hoiiirter, 'Ires linos—Watsonville, Santa Cruz —Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 4.00p 10.40 a South San Francisco, B-:-!ineame, Saa Mateo. Palo Alto, Mayfjeld, Loe Al- , |2 30b tos, Los Gatoe. \ j^to* 11.30 a Valencia Street. Ocean View, Colma, Cemeteries, Baden, San Bruno 1.55n 11.40 a South San Francisco, San Jose. t 8.20 a 1.20p Saturdays only—San Mateo, Red wood, Mayfield, Mountain View, San Jose J I I 00b 1.20p Saturdays only—Loe Altos, Moots Vista, Los Gatoe §3.25p 2.00p Del Monte Liprrrs—San Jose, Mor ganhill, Gilroy, Sarfent, Wsteonville, Santa Cruz, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, (Salinas) 12.30p 2.05p Easton, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Sao Jose 8.40 a t 2.1 Op South San Francisco, Redwood, Santa Clara, West San Jose. Loa Gatoe. Wright, .Felton, (Boulder Creek), Santa. Cruz t> 1.30* 3.00b South San Francisco, San Mateo. San Jose, Morcanhiil, Gilroy, Tree Pino*. Salinas 10.10 a 3.00p Watsonville. Santa Crus, Castroville, Del Monte, Monterey. Pacific Grove 10.10 a 3.23p Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood, I'alo Alto, Mayfield, Lot Alto*, Lot Gatos 8.48 a t 3.25p Wright, Boulder Creek, Santa Cru*.. f 11.30 a 4.00p Sunset Express— Tucson. Deming. El Paso, Houston, New Orleans, Chi cago O.IBt 4.00b Washington Sunset Route—Washing ton, D.C.. New York and East 9.15 a 4.00p Salinas, Paso Roblee Hot Spring!, San Luis Obiepo, Santa- Barbara, Ventura and Loe Angeles S.IBa 4.00p Kansas City, St Louis. Chicago 9.15 a 4.20p South San Francisco. San Jose .t 7.25 a t 4.55p Santa Crui Limited—Mayfield, Los Altoe. Los Gatos. Felton, (Boulder Creek). Santa Cru*. f 8.48t t 6.05b Buriingame, San Mateo. Redwood. Palo Alto, Mayfield, Santa Clara. San Jose t 6.SOe t 8.20p Redwood, Atherton, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Mayfield, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, San Jose t 9.00* t 8.20p Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatoe...? 8-40 a t 5.25p k»ston. Redwood, Mountain View, San Jose *.40t t 5.30p Loop—Valencia Street, Ocean View, Cemeteries, South San Francisco, 23d Street, 3d and Towneend t 8.40b 5.40p San Bruno, San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, San Jose... 7.48b % 8.40p Mayfield, Los Altos. Los Gatoe X 9.40 a 6.00p Tuesdays—Sunset Limited de Luxe, New Orleans and East. Arrive Sun days II .00a t 6.000 MiHbrae, San Mateo, Redwood, May field, Los Alto*, Los Gatos t B.oo* f 6.05p 23d Street, Visitation. South Ban Francisco, Valencia Street t 7.1 8b 6.30p South San Francisco, San Joee 6.46p B.oo* The Lark—Santa Barbara, LosAngelei 9.45 a 8.1 Op San Jose and Way Stations 7.30 a IO.OOp Los Angeles Passenger—MoreanhilL Salinas, Paso Robles Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles 8.25 a 10.05p South San Francisco, San Jos* II .58p I 1.45p South San Francisco, Pab Alto, San Jose 7.35 a LOCAL FERRY TRAINS—ELECTRIC SERVICE i Via Oakland Pier To Oakland, 16th St., and Berkeley via Shattuek Av#. and Eliiworth St. Lines. —Daily—From 6.00 a. m., and every twenty minutes until 8.20 p. m., inclusive; then 9.00; 9.40,10.20,11.00,11.40 p. m.. 12.20 and 1.20 a-m. Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only, 8-40 p. m., 9.20, 10.00, 10.40 and 11.20 p. m. To Berkeley via California St. and West Berkeley, Albany via Ninth St Line*.—Daily—From •β-oo a. m- t6.20, •6.40, t7.00 a. m. and every twenty minutes until 8.20 p.m.ind-isive; then9.oo, 940,10.20,11.00,11.40 p.m... 12.20 and 1.20 a. m. Additional boats Saturdays ana Sundays only, 5.40 p. m., 9.20, 10.00, 10.40 and 11-20 p.m. To Oakland, Washington-Broadway, East Oakland, Fruitvale and Melroie via Seventh St.—Daily—From 6.00 a. nu, then every twenty minutes until 8.20 p. m., inclusive; then 9.00, 9.40. 10.20. 11.00. 11.40 p. 12.20 and 1.20 a. m. Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only, 8.40 p. m.. 9.20, 10.00, 10.40 and 11.20 p.m. Hortethoe to Oakland. Wathington-Broadway, Fruitvale, Alameds, North Side—Daily—From 6.C0 a. m., t6.20, 6.40, 7.00, 7.£0, 7.40, 8.00, 8.40 and forty minutes pant the hour until 3.40 p. m.; then 4XO, 4.40. 5.00, 5.20. 5.40. 600, 6.20, 640, 7.00, 7.40, 8.20, 9.00, 9.40,10.20, 11.00, 11.40 p. m., 12.20 and IJO a. m. To Vieorrt, Steae. Pullman, Richmond (Steam Service)— T6.40 and 7.40 a. m., 3.20 p. m., 4.20,5J20 4JJ2O p. m. To Stonehuaj (Steam Service)—te.OO. f6.40, f7.20. J9.00. : 10.00 a. ra.. i 1.20 p. m., J3.00. J3.20, *4.00. »5.00. *M 0 and tC.2O p. m. Via Alameda Pier To Oakland, 14th and Franklin St».— 6.15 645 a. m. and then 15 and 45 minutes past the hour until 7.45 p. m.; then 8.30, 9.15, 10.00, 10.45. 11.30 p. m. and 12.15 a. m. To Alameda, North and South Side— 6.15, 6.45 a. m. and then 15 and 45 minutes past the hour until 7.45 p. m.; then 8.30, 9.15. 10.00, 10.46, 11.30 p. m. and 12.15 au m. OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES AND VEHICLES From San Franci»eo, South End of Ferry Building, for Broadway Wharf, Oakiand—Week days 6.00 a. m. and every half hour until 9.00 p- m., inclusive. Sundaje and holidays 6.00 x m. and even- half hour unlX 11.00 p. m." inclusive. Boat* leave Broadway Wharf--* Week days 6.15 a. m. and every half hour uiitii 8.44 p. m. inclusive. Sundays and holidays, 6.15 a. m, and every half hour until 10.45 p. m., inclusive. a for Morning. 'Daily. p*for Afternoon. fSunday excepted. only. ISaturday only. a Monday. UNION TRANSFER COMPANY Agent* collect baggage and cheeks on trains or boat* el Southern Pacific Company, and deliver baggage to resi dence. They an authorized to cheek baggage dirges free 13