Newspaper Page Text
SACRAMENTO LEVEE WORK ESTIMATED AT $33,000,000 Reclamation Plan Calls for! Removal of More Dirt Than Was Excavated in Panama Canal FLOODS' SAVING TO MAKE IT PAY Loss $15,000,000 in Five Years—3oo,ooo Additional Acres to Be Available TVflnite plans for controlling , the Rood waters of the Sacramento valley, affording an opportunity for colonists to develop vast areas of agricultural land without fear of the dangers which have existed in the past, have been completed by the California debris commission, nnd the scheme has been explained by Major Sherwood A. Cheney of the L'nited States army en gineering corps, in charge of the work. The total amount of material to be moved in the enlargement and rectifi cation of the river channels and. the construction of levees on the rivers and by passes is one-fourth greater than the estimated excavation for the Panama canal, says Major Cheney. The widening of the river channel below the mouth of Cache slough calls for the movement of about 145,000,000 cubic yards of material, or two-thirds of the Panama canal excavation. This material is soft and can he handled by suction dredge?. COST AT 933.000.000 The general problem is. states Major Cheney, that the capacity of the river channels is proportionate to the low and medium flow of the streams, but this capacity is insufficient to carry the discharge that occurs annually during the rainy season and totally inadequate to carry the occasional great floods. The estimated cost of the whole I -work is $33,000,000. The plan has re ceived the approval of the war depart ment, and the state of California favored it by an act passed at the last session of the legislature, but congress has imt as yet adopted it. "The California debris commission iioncluded," says Major Cheney, "that provision must be made for a total discharge of 600,000 second feet below the mouth of Cache slough, which is more than twice as much as was pro vided for in any of the previous plans for flood control. "Briefly stated, the idea of the proj ect is ,to make the river channels carry as much of the flow as is pos sible by raising the river levees to reasonable heights, to allow the excess water to spill into the basins over fixed weirs, to carry such water through the basins in by-passes defined by levees and finally to widen the river channel below the mouth of Cache slough suf ficiently to carry the flood flow. RECLAIMS 400,000 ACRES "The reclamation area amounts to about 400,000 acres. In the present condition of the levees, less than a quarter of this area would be reason ably safe from overflow from a flood of tho magnitude contemplated in the plan. "The proposed levee system on the Sacramento river begins just below Stoney creek and Chico creek, where the levees run out to high ground, and' follows more or less the lines of such levees as there are up here. On account of the shifting character of the river channel above Colusa, the levees here must be a mile or two apart. "By the time we reach Moulton's landing we find the capacity of the channel insufficient to carry all of the water, so a large part of it is let out Into Bntte basin over a weir to be built at the Bite of the present Moulton break. "Below Colusa the banks of the river are stable and the present levees on the banks of the stream are to be raised. At the Tisdale weir another relief opening Is provided, but the sill of the new weir will be seven feet ■higher than the present one, making the river channel carry more water than it now does. "The water from the weirs at Moultons ' and Tisdales is carried through Butte and Sutter basins in a bypass defined by levees. On the Feather river, the levee system on the west side begins a few miles below Oroville, on the east Ride below Honcut creek, and all of the water is carried in the river chan nel or in overflow channels adjacent thereto, the Yuba and the Bear rivers being tied in by levees running to the high ground. "At the mouth of the Feather river it is estimated that provision should be made for a total flow,of 450,000 second feet from Sacramento, the bypass and the Feather. The Sacramento river from the mouth of the Feather to the .\merican will take, with the levees ♦ raised only 50,000 second feet, leaving 400,000 second feet to be passed into Yolo basin over the weir at Fremont, ■ At Sacramento the American brings in 120,000 second feet, while the ca ftaclty of the river channel below, even w;t!i tho levees raised as provided, is only Iβ ■ ond feet. Therefore a relief into Yolo basin is provided by thei wr-ir at Brytes bend. At the head of Grant island the river divides into Old River and Steamboat slough. . The new levi i work required stops at ■feout Walnut Grove, as the flood plane below that point will be lowered as a ilt of tin.- proposed enlargement of river channel below. i UIAL is PItAJTJCBD Bet* • Colusa and Yolo basins th< natural low ridge running out to the river at Knights Landing. It is impracticable to drain Colusa basin into tin- river above this bridge. provision has been made for a canal rough the ridsje to carry the hill drainage <P f Colusa basin into Yolo basin. The water reaching Yolo basin by the several channels mentioned, as Well as that from Willow slough and Putah creek, is carried down betweert bypass levees to its outlet at the mOUth of Ca. he slough. "Below this point we have to take , ;) i. •'"' Second feet from Yolo basin and 100,000 second feet from Steamboat slough and Old river. This is -lone by widening the river channel 1o about .i.dOO feet and dredging it to a deptli of 2fi feet at low water." Altnougrn th< estimated cost is great, .says Major Cheney, yet it does not seem disproportionate with the benefits to be. realized. Iff- names the losses of the floods of iyo:i at $4..-.00,000. those i.f the 1907 flood as somewhat greater, an<l the totnl for L 904, 1907 and 1903 as $11.000.fT00, and states that 400.000 a< res of land now in reclamation dis l| trtcts receive adequate protection and 400,000 more yet to be reclaimed will V. effected. . QUALITY AND PRICE BEING EQUAL f to those of Eastern Manufacturers, why send millions of dollars away I I from California that would give employment to thousands of people? J Save Labels From Goods "MADE IN CALIFORNIA" WEST IS WELL CARED FOR < <iim revs Make* for California l'ontoflices J imperial Dispatch to The Call! WASHINGTON. Feb. 16.—1n the pub lic building: bill reported to the house California is well provided for. The (oliowing items are appropriated for postoffleos in that state: Oakland. $75,000: Bakersfield. $100.- T0O; Red Bluff, $60,000; San Pedro, $60. --100; San Luis Obispo, $S0,000; Willows, For a postoffice building , site at Mo 3esto $20,000 is appropriated. A bill also provides $100,000 for a new 'ice, federal court and jail at Cordova, Alaska. Note — THE CALL'S label gathering campaign is open to all per wns and the premiums n>ill be paid promptly on presentation of CE.R TIFICATES. Rules for The CalPs Label Gathering Campaign Rule I—Labels and Sales Slips must be of goods advertised on this page, have their cost price marked on the margin, and must be presented at THE CALL'S label department Saturday afternoons, only Rule 2—Labels and Sales Slips representing $1.00 worth oi purchases will entitle their owners to one CERTIFICATE, $10.00 worth ten CERTIFICATES, etc. Certificates are redeemable by THE CALL in premiums—see list. Rule 3—Labels and Sales Slips must be gathered in the process of legitimate consumption among families. This rule will be strictly interpreted. Labels coming from improper sources, such as manufacturers, printers, etc., will not be accepted. This measure is taken for the protection of all participants. EXTRA TALLIES. The value of each label or sales slip can be increased 20 per cent if it is accompanied by its ad clipped from this page. So keep THE CALL'S label page and clip the ads. RULES FOR THE COMPETITIVE PRIZES (The competitive prizes comprise a motorcycle, gold watch, $50 in gold, etc.) Rule A—All persons desiring to try for competitive prizes must enter their names with THE CALL, so that the standing of con testants may be published. Contest for competitive honors will cover a three-year period. Rule B—Contestants will be credited with all CERTIFICATES cashed in for premiums except when no increase in their standing has been shown for three months—they must then begin anew. Rule C—Contestants may enter their names and begin working for competitive prizes at any time. This Page Always Changing=== Watch for It Next Monday +»♦♦♦♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »-»-»"»-»-»-»■♦■-»-♦"» ♦♦♦-•-♦-♦-♦■♦-♦-♦♦♦-♦ ♦♦♦-♦-♦ ♦ ♦ Hwl SI h lit HI - ' m^Bßfciß^y^P l°HSm ♦ i ~ ...^...j ♦ I F.plcurrn oar ♦ ♦ I BVjflß I thl " '" < " lifor - * ♦ I a nla'ii best ♦ ♦ BBhSS Cracker ♦ : Mutual Biscuit Co.: SAX FRANCISCO » ♦-»♦--»-♦ »♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦ • ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■HHBIfIIseBGSSfiBaSKB »■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦-»♦♦♦♦♦■♦♦»♦■♦-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i I " ! { 4, NATIVE SONS** ♦ tfITOMMBW^ LWHMIHMHIH * * j Hi iiiiMfliiknaHllPß'ik Mill ♦ THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1913. HOUSEWIVES ARE COLLECTING LABELS Three Thousand Enrolled as Auxiliaries of League More than 3,000 housewives of San Francisco, already enrolled as auxili ary members of the Home Industry League of California, are to join The Call's big label collecting army and in this way do their share to promote the prosperity of the California wage earn ers and factories. This important ad ; "Pearson" Nails j (Cement Coate«l) * MAKE BETTER BOXES ♦ ♦ COSTLESS —MOST XC GNOMICAL J 4 Uied by Califcrr.ia manufacturers ♦ ♦ ♦ A. C. EULOFSON CO. ♦ ♦ 315 MO\AO.\OCK BLOG., ♦ X San Franclaco . . California 4 ♦ a : Save I XL Labels \ *MIMMI I I Vi* * IBEHHHBBBt£yniliiaitwiii hhTiJtz«&£Z!L*JßmßߣA&BttU2] 4 f l VIXIX* * " <? V r< '1 J Mabiiitr \ i i ! SURETY \\ Automobile j>l I // COMPANY \\ Plate Glace / » I ♦ /OCSCSE&IDB\ H'li-Klnry f I' I ♦ (jBiBEBBaBeWJ Elevator ■ It J ♦ \V "*lt3i!«. // Accident ' A I 4 ouif*«H» Health V ♦ 4 Comi»«n*a- 1 C I J tl«n /El ♦ C B. OUWfORD, PfK. f f ♦ ♦ Place Your Bnelnewi With ♦ J Yonr Own Home Company J dition to the ranks of The Call's label gatherers was decided upon last week as a result of the manufacturers' in dorsement of the label campaign. The auxiliary members are a potent factor in the home industry situation in California. It is expected that they will be the means of running up many big scores in the label gathering con test. ' Miss Mac Wilkin, commissioner of the Home Industry league, in charge of the auxiliary membership. Is en thusiastic over the union of forces with The Call. HOUSE TO rtOUSH CANVASS The auxiliary members are obtained by a house to house canvass of the residential districts' of San Francisco. The Home Industry league has a num ber of women doijtg this work. Pledge cards are used which the applicant for membership i.s requested to sign, which binds her to the practice of buy ing the products of California factories, in preference to goods of outside man ufacture, when the price and the qual ity is satisfactory. There are no taxes of any sort on the members of the auxiliary division. The subject of home industry is ex plained to them and then they are asked to choose between contributing to a $r>00,000,000 annual drain from this state and the proposition of keep ing the money in California for the general good of all interests located here. MAILI.Vt; LIST I I 1 iIIII II At the last meeting of the Home In dustry league J. C. Kortiek announced that a mailing list of the entire aux iliary membership had been made. which would be used in pushing the label campaign. All the members of the auxiliary membership will be no tified of the splendid campaign that The Call is carrying on, and will be asked to co-operate in the work. At present the auxiliary members are asked to buy home products on the grounds of loyalty and indirect bene tits—both sufficient reasons in them selves —but it will be pointed out that the bifying of California's products can be made a profitable practice by entering The Call's label collecting campaign. ICI'I'OUTS WILL BL: HKPAID In tfiis campaign every person who gives time to collecting those labels upon which The Call has put a price. will find that their efforts have been well repaid. It matters not if the amount of labels gathered is great or small —The Call's method of reward provides a premium or a prize, or both, for every worker. The representatives of the Home In dustry league that are out. getting new members Of the auxiliary division will hereafter make The Call's label campaign a feature of the auxiliary members!] ip inducements. All house wives will be urged to avail themselves of the splendid opportunity to acquire, jAPerfectShorteningj : Cakes f ?• f> tPastry 3 G ° Vt f : Doughnuts Illigi Ins P Vd : * I rißßi * llel, Yo " s * wce PJ ♦ r ™"^lll' : j!T Indispensable for sani- 4 ♦ m *%S» Ol terts ami (iisinfi'ctM. T ♦ ™ >r«*i H Cedar-Sweep Co. I ♦ &_ ,"~> •- wt 715-17 rtrannan St.T ♦ iSfciii. *''•**" '-.iTiiM San Krimcisco. 4 y-SCllllinijranp? Howard B Parker? ♦ Sales MaDager. T ♦ _. X VI fi D 9 H* 4♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»•♦••♦♦» ♦ jSnowdriitStarchj J MAKES PERFECT CAKESt ♦A new California product that I |ehould find a welcome ln every! ♦ kitchen. 'Perfectly pure and espe- 4 t daily prepared to produce "Feather ♦ « Flakee" ln fancy cakes. 4 ♦ ASK YOUR GROCER ♦ t ♦ ♦♦♦<»»♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦ I It. rilli 1 " ■ ♦ ♦«♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»»»♦♦♦ ; BLtWU; W ♦ with easy effort, innumerable at tractive additions to the household furnishings, offered in the premium list of The Call's label page. A per usal of the offers made by this paper will show that food products, cash of fers and other methods of compensa tion, are among the attractive points of the campaign. KORM OF PLEDGE CARD The committee in charge of the aux iliary membership of the Home In dustry league is presided over by Colonel George Pippy, head of the Columbia dairy. Colonel Pippy sub mits the following form of pledge card which is required to be signed by aux iliary members: "In accepting auxiliary membership in the Home Industry league of Cali fornia. I hereby promise to buy 'Made In California products on all occasions in preference to all others, quality and price being satisfactory. I also promise to always inquire for 'Made in California' products to induce store keepers to handle such articles. I will do this in a spirit of patriotism, to en courage California industries and to make California prosperous." After the objects of the label cam paign and the auxiliary membership are explained there is very little trouble obtaining the signature of the housewife. It Is apparent, at once, that as a stimulus to the home indus try campaign. The Call has created a premium bureau to reward loyalty, and the public spiritedness of this move has obtained the commendation and the support of thousands of per sons. VARIATION IX LABELS The labels coming into The Call of fice continue on the Increase. There is a noticeable variation in the kinds of labels turned in, demonstrating that the boosters are on the lookout for every article advertised on this page. During the early part of the contest there would he great quantities of labels of a certain type turned in, but srince the contest has gained head way, it has been shown that as far as the net value of the labels was con cerned, the difference was not great. This is on the principle that one uses a 5 cent article about 10 times more frequently than a 50 cent one, but in the end the consumption, represented by dollars and cents, is nearly the same. SHOULD HE KEPT FLAT It must be borne in mind that the cost prlcf is to be marked on the mar gin of each label. The volume of labels turned In is too great to admit of this work beint? cione in the label department of The Call. When the prices are jotted down on the margins, the work of tabulation and checking is rendered much easier. The labels should be kept flat, and, if possible, crinkles should be pressed out. The price of every label is increased ♦ KOR ♦ ♦Headaches and Constipation{ ♦ TO I'ROVK ♦ ▲ It Is. far the superior of any foreign water ♦ i or drugs we will put a fast' in your home ♦ T ou a 10 ilavw' trial. Write or phone x , VEHOMCA WATK.It CO. + » 3138 Mnrkrl St. 4 ♦ A * ff§ I va4m W nAil ♦ ♦ 3 vTcain Tr Ocai > ♦ V ln a faked wheat— ♦ ♦ iJj&S&JzSrdi manufactured from* ♦ '^γ , cream of the * ♦ California wheat—7 ♦ and by t ; ZxzfzZ IH. GOULD COMPANY J t >*"""* "'J Sold by Grocers ♦ ♦ WHEAT lOc P k «T- ' 'or 250 * ♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ iA genuine Naphtha Soap forj t washing without boiling [I » or rubbing. * Ithe standard: : SOAP CO. : t San Francisco. ♦ ♦ ■ ♦ 4 ♦♦♦♦»♦ ♦♦ »»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ■»-» ♦ t ffj?' j^THinfoS?jA" BLJND;|gB I I t ♦ ♦-■»♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ f •Photo Finishing* : AT CUT RATES ♦ Ibest work unran pricks* I PROMPT SERVICE 4 ♦ "WHY LET IS DO ITT" ♦ t Sunset Photo Supply Co., Inct ♦ S»» MARKET ST. f ♦ Next to Fifth ♦ t "Save Our Sales Slips" ♦ M 1 o-ko-nqT! NOT COFFEE J T More Dellelona Than Coffee ♦ t Competed of California - ■ Be«t Grain and * ♦ Fruit*. Ho Adulterant*. * t If you here not tried MO-KO-NO jon + Z' h*T« missed the best cereal drink*. ♦ MO-KO-XO PURE FOOD CO. t ? San Jose, California ♦ ♦ S«rred at Boot Bro*. S. 7. Cafeteria ♦ by 20 per cent when it is accompanied by the corresponding advertisement appearing on this page, so be sure that each of the labels has attached a clipping of the advertisement. It is suggested that label gatherers read carefully the rules and conditions, for this will facilitate their work. LIST OF PREMIUMS (Premiums Made in California When Possible) 10 CERTIFICATES Chafing TMsh Ferfc Batainr Sntt (Men's) Collar Button !Cold Cream Chafing Dlah Spoos Punching Bar Boston Garters Tootb Powder Bracelet Talcum Powder Tennis Balls j«5 CERTIFICATES Sharing Stick Base Ball* Manicure Set Spoon Tray 15 CERTIFICATES Locket and Chain Ladle Baseball Bat Tooth Brush Neck Chain Roller Skatw Shoe Polisher Carring Knife Six Ice Te» flpoooa Automatic Safety Hair Cotah Sharpener Vase Razor Strop Pocket Comb Whisk Broom Chafing DUh Tray rTmbrella Nlil Clipper Six Bntter Spreader* Watch Chain ik nvnTivirATvm Handled Nappy Watch Fob 25 CERTIFICATES ou puh ** Military Brashes Harmonica Baseball Mac* w " """ ____„„..._ - .!_.. Scarf Pin Dnmb Belle 150 CERTIFICATES Catcher*' Mitt Indian Clnbe Leee Cortalna Ten Pot« Fielders' Mitt Candle Sticke Hammock Table Scarf in CWRTIFirATFS ft" , "* *** Sharing MlrrW Four in gfkWKdS. WUU "' ** Ready *"* "* Safety Blades Manicure Buffer Bread Tray Air Rifle Hat Brush Table Mate U. 8. Fla* Cuff Buttons Cuff Buttons Sugar Shell Vinegar Cmef Tennis Net Pocket Knife Bath Towel BilTer Picture Frame Croquet Set Razor Strop Butter Dish Running Shoee 50 CERTIFICATES IwMte? *** " Ggn St«Te Mi l Meat Fort (tat FI«hIDK Reel Sugar Tongs * b get F-encln* Foils ffieiir- 1 *" F"t cln i.u"* Collar Case Tennis Net SftSK &«*•♦ I Nut Set Men's Bathinc §olt B,C "* „„ «..««■ Pirkle Fork Foot Ball (Rugby) 250 CERTIFICATES Butcher Knife Rugtr and Creamer 12 Unen Nipkln* IK CFHTIFICAVW-β Pl* Bet Tool Chest 75 tEnIIMIAIES m.-,, Ti\m. Trurelin* faHA -. . t»«ii« !n Q *i, Fern Uin, iraTcunj i a?^ Dumh Beil!» Batn Brusn ti.tkl Tt«» \filltar-r Krnehee Rssssa brjsr H?& S^* 12 Gillette Safety Pie Knife 300 CERTIFICATES Blades [Tennis Racket Ante Strop Safety Ouitar Doll Tennis Shoee Raror Mandolm Tie CTasn Boxing Gloree (Set) Gillette Safety Baior Banjo Checker Board Fencing Foils (Set) Opera Olaaeee Violin Case Clothes Brush Association Foot Ball Six Tumbler* Accordion Pepper and Salt Set Violin 100 CERTIFICATES 400 CERTIFIGATES Pocket Book Water Color Bet Water Pltcner IVaa* Boudoir Clock Fountain Pen Bake Dish ■ 3>l Music Ron Card Case gO O CERTIFICATES Alarm Clock Prophylactic Hair namerm. I Rifle TT : " Food Chopper Brush SSSn " Six Tea Spoons Scarf Pin Shot** r--™,^-™.. Sraall CarTlnjr Set Wallet CERTIFICATES Three Table Dok Collar Set ef DUhei Field .^i' ,, * 1 Six Orange Spoons Oolf Stick Suitcase Candelabrum Six Oyster Forks Baseball Stoe* TraTelinj Bas; In addition to the above premlnms any article er merchandfae adrer fleed on thla pase *vlll be Riven by The Call to toe extent of two per cent of the amount of label* turned In. In addition to the regular Hat of premium* the following eompetltlre prizes v»ll! be offered: A GOLD WATCH, donated by A. C. Rulofson, president of the Home Industry League of California. FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD, donated by the Home Industry Lieaerue of California. A MOTORCYCLE, of etandard mak-e, donated by The San Francisco Call. BOOTH'S ' CRESCEVT BRAID SARDIINES The Sardine that i« <Jirtingml«hed from WL^y^rj * **~^W^^ m * *>V lts superior food ralue ajid flavor. \gAW A Pound Can 200 Everjrwhert * Horn* Prodact of the Ilisfaeat Merit Packed la the Famous Bay of Monterey t WATER—WATER— J ♦ IRRIGATION—IRRIGATION J I DON'T WORRY about a dry nimi. < I Insure against it by boring wells, thereby } T securing a bountiful supply of pure water. ( o GET THE BEST < iWELL CASINO: 0 Manufactured by t W. W. MONTAGUE & CO. < ♦ Established 1858. * ♦ Pioneer mannfactureri in this line. ' t SAN FRANCISCO. } : NOXFAT< llf MAD E I N DOES JUST THAT! < ♦ It will remoT© su- < I pprtluous flesh where- « I I r%. I f\\f T~ A Til ever applied. A IPM lIX r*ZV I Can be used on all' ? Ilil \Ji\l i\ IJ] or any part of the J ♦ « Pleaeant to use. * ♦ - - .irvikincii't entirely harmless and ♦ EL C. ALEXANDERS c , iaraD - tee d. j X REDUCING CURE THE NOXFATCO.: X * rt-nm.v HTotxyw-PRK- ( K. C. Alexander). . ♦ l r, ° Franklin St.< ♦/) IsJdv •m : i-: 1-1 San FrancNoo « f (yf^e— at S"tie=3?*&' Phone Park 4396. , 4 ♦■♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦»♦ < ;LABEL DESIGNING: ♦ AND I LABEL PRINTING : ♦ Beautiful Two-Tone and Multl- * ♦ Color effects by Label Experts. Es- < ♦timates promptly and cheerruliy ♦ given. • J ! Address "CHIC DESIGNS": ♦ Care Call, "Made ln California Depot", I < a « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦-•-, : Says I XL Labels ; ♦ Xo better wash- J ♦ clothes, dishes J ♦ etc., made any- \ I where. Made in; ♦ |ir ht *gK&&- 1 California. | ♦ *>olrt by AH Grocere i TRUSTEE QUITS IN A ROW San Aneelnio Official Resigns In Fire Limits Dispute (Special Diipatch to The Call) SAN ANSELMO, Feb. 16.—Charles R Gagan, town trustee, resigned from th« board Saturday after a bitter wrangle among the members and several prop erty owners over a petition presented by the latter to amend the building ordinance to permit the construction of frame buildings within the flro limits. Gagan , s resignation was tabled, ami the board not only refused to amend the ordinance, but extended the limits of the fire district. '■»♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» ♦ " Dishes. x^n^^^ sM '\Ml t ;;The Standard »-f ;;.;■''.f^ <- San Francisco. X '<>♦»♦»♦♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦-♦- jlBS; J Canned Fruits, Vegetables, J ♦ ♦ t Catsnp, Preserves, Kcaey, j ♦ * t Asparagus, Etc. t ♦ : Su|H!rior 4P*k Kccfl a ♦ ♦ Reasonable in Your 1 Mb Ngllp' Heffle t I r : ♦ When you buy goods J "Made in California ,, t ♦ ♦ You help yourself. I Always look for the ♦ t Maker's name. 5