OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, April 22, 1913, Image 19

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1913-04-22/ed-1/seq-19/

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Speculative Trade Restricted
to Narrow Limits—All
Spot Grains Firm
7 irst Cherries of the Season
Reach Local Market
From Vacaville
Br Jjfl speculative barley market was
practically at a standstill yesterday,
mi«v trades in the. May option and as
™^'.. m, -' re in the December contract
ocal nit % l n e ,i a y s dealings in the
n A, Pit. Sellers remained .very, firm
«•«,. ,V v,eW!S - however, and buyers
■fw i ♦ bli J"L ed to Pax stiff price? for the
•<pK lots that changed hands. , Receipts
of barley over the weekend were heavy
and included some large lines from the
north, but the influx had no -effect* on
*Pot prices, which remained as firm as
'wi% ~ . Cash wheat was strong: at,. Sat -,
urday s general advance and the other
spot grains- stood as before quoted.
' " ar s e bean handlers continued ;to re
?£* a fair shipping: inquiry for pinks
and small whites. Hay remained firm,
here stocks keeping closely cleaned up
The feature of the wholesale fruit
a market was the arrival of the first box
"of cherries for the season, a small
drawer of the Belle of Orleans variety
be i. nX received from -Vacaville by Ja
cobs. Malcolm & Rurtt. The cherries
were very small, but they were well
c ? lod, and the drawer found a buyer
at S3. Desirable | offerings of straw
- .ifrries continued to find prompt Bale
at steady prices, with the Banner va
riety leading In point of demand. Ar
rivals of Lonprworths from Palo lAlto
were badly shaken up in transit, which
impaired their value. The apple mar-
KPt was very strong at the recently
advanced nuotations and some handlers
were predicting another rise in prices
ior Wwtown pippins. .'■;
The oanners took advantage of large
receipts and an easier market for as
paragus yesterday and '•"■lined fneir
hi,] to 75 @90c a box. whicuprioes sell
ers were obliged to accept. Prices' for
graded "grass" in the local trade
ranged a little tower. .-Nine sacks of
string and wax beans the first for the
season —came in from « the Con.eheila
valley and found buyers at 20£635 c a
pound. Summer squash from the same
place went at $2.r.n a crate. Peas were
in increased supply, but the shipping
demand <- continued to hold prices
5-tead' . New potatoes were lower. while
<%'d crot) goods were a little steadier.
The onion market showed decided im
provement, with sharnly higher prices
r/uoted for old crop Oregon and river
Tne dairy produce market was steady
to firm, with prices for butter stand
ing exactly ""the-same as ;at the close
of last week. Small lota were goinsr
"ito mid storage, according to report.
New California Rat ch»pse was half a
• lower for' firsts'. The recent firm-
in eergs seemed to have passed
nTr .. f, "' extr declined half a cent on
Cue exchange.
A newly arrived car of eastern bens
and n Portion of a car that was held
•T-er from last week comprised the bulk
of Yesterday's poultry offerings. The
market opened rather quiet, with 20
'"■°nts a nound the relies price for, hens. i
Prices for domestic fowls ••were-largely '
nominal in the absence of supplies. ■■'.*
Receipts of J'rndnee April 21
Flour, •,r M.s-.... 4.535!Pe1t«. 50 .... 1,100
u'lu-t. etls .... '•'■• r*- its. hdls .... on
Farley, rtls .... •V"M; r,iruf\ bbls ...... l 2.-.n
Oats. ot!s . . . . "SOfllßiicar, rtls .13.200
<*orn. ct's fiOMWlne. sal«: ..... 80..">00
Bonn*. sks» ....; .*Wl|n r and.r. pals .... .".O
rotators, sks ... MA Meal alfalfa, etc. 20.
Onions.-, sks ;\ ..: .- 2r.n!Coal. tons ...'.... 300 i
Hay. tons ...... ."Is:r,nm!w, M ft.... 20
Wool, bales ..... 321(P*ner. rolls ..... &3S i
!'<*o'i. sk» ...... ."00 Apples, bxs 17:,
Alfalfa f«>f<T. sks r>no!Orflnsres, fcxa 1.400
I.pather, rolls ... sn!Raislns, bsa 2.050
Tallow, ctls ... 4\ -
Flour, qr sks.... O.rvtOl Wheat, ctls 3.020
FL.ur. <|r «;k«. .. . 17.007! Hyp. ctls .. . ...700
IYh»ar. .ft« . n.flifl'Pran. sks 5,044
Itarlcy. ("tie ... 12.<W."ISh«Wte. .'ski! ...... 400
<«nts, ctls ' .. 4.1 s<) Potatoes, sks --1&1
Onions, eratrs ;.'.- ..". » 500
heat and Other Grain*
California wliitp Australian, nominal: Califor
~n!n flub. .«l.oo(fil.e2V' ner-ctl: northern .club.
$t.COfiI.C2U: Turker ml, $1.77U<fi1.52i..-.: N Rw.
sism red. ?i.r,7i..'. 1 forty-fold, *i.6."i<f?l.67>i:
bluestcai, $1.71\..r<n .<»">.'.. " :
No tradinp. ' Ma.r, northern, closed at $1.43
bi.7. :"-: 4 ;•■.•. ask«!. »
riio!cp fe*d. $1.45 n»r ctl: No. 1 rio. $I.4o<p>
1.42 ii; lower cra'lep. $1.3."®1.57 , 4: shippiDg and
brewing, nominal: cbpvnllpr. nominal.
II 1. m. Sess'on i
May—So sales. 51.411 bid. $1.42' asked. -. ;
Ttpppinbpr—sl.4l"i for opening, hisb, Jow' and j
closing. . ■ . : !
, ; 2 nt R. S<*^si"ii j
Mn.r >!'! at Si .4" T •'■, and ppepmber sit ?1.42. i
Oats—White fpp<l. 5i.:..-.«/ 1.02' '■■; red feed,
larcrlv nomSnal, *).<\~fi i.sr»: black, nominal.
Corn—Eastern yellow, rarload lots $1.4501.46 1
n«r rtl: do n-bit*. tl.iflei.47: EgyptiaD. white,
' SI 8801 Kaffir. SI.-!'?/l.'.O.
Rj - «v—Market dull, with prices nominal.
Halter. Cheese anil I-'ice*
Sales on the exchange yesterday a/m a* fol
j(in-«: Kzs*. 20 ensps of rxtne at : It* snd '40
nf • i.'.f a dozpn: r'ln-ti'. 100 new California flat
firsts »t lie. and GO fan-j- Young Americas at
14<- ri pminif.":
Rp<**lpt« n-prp 152.400 pounds of butfpr. 11,000
pounds of ciirfsr- ;-lnl 'J." 14 CX*+* of og-<=. i
Thp followlrijr are official quotations pptablisbed
by cfilp!«. b'<l* and offprs on the floor of the Dairy
pjtrtijinjrp. Prices in the street, while governed by
t!»p pxclianjrp OTotatfons.jrenprally range ■ from
I'ie to 2%i<" hisher. owing to the various charges
to'b* added: , :
p.nTTnrt. I'KIt ['OIXIi " '•'•--'-' '"
: = 1 "5 * h h
Grade*- ; ? -■' r^ , -" r
■ I «| ~ r, -» I a 1 -a;-
ixtras ...... 'J<V l-'fio [We !'.'<ic i2. r )C i'J.V
ir«tt ......J24c|24c -♦•• |24c -*'■ |24c
trail ......!
irstR I ..'.. ■...!
The average quotation for extra butter for the
wet-k ended Saturday. April ID. whs 25 5-Cc
i..T n>.
Che««c Fancy California flats. 12 l ,c per Ib, j
firm: iV) firsts lie, steady: - fancy- Young Amer- |
ica. He. flrrn; Oregon flats. 17c,- steady; do
rntM Americas. "!-•■. firm: New .York' fancy,
20ft«20»4r; steady: .Wisconsin j, fancy. _
ctendr: local *t«rase flats, IT*?.- weak.
Ec«rs —California fresh, per dozen, eases In
eluded: ' ■- :••'•• ' -. ':"-- -: ■* •:"' " --
. . 1 - >■ ! >• I -►-:->■ " > :■ -■>■:'
. Grades —• **J f, * •".' -■ ~'~. ' -' X : -'
Kvtfns HOC jUOc , |2Oc Jl'->^c
Tirsis .......USc lS^oliSiic!lSVicilSW!cilS\ic
K*!*fM pnllftsllTc 17c |l7e |7f :■»"<; 117c ;

SKsv;,.-.; -,-.;.;.;;;-^
I'.Kiy .Market In Xearny Counties
fSneclitl Dispatch to The; Call) A'
I'KTAi.I'M.A. April 21.—The official price of ex-<
trn' ranch dropped a half cent today after receipt i
(if ir.-insnctkMiH of the San Frnnclßco' Hairy J
K?e exchange, :. There was no eharse in :selected
pullets. The prices quoted were; 18K< for extra
ranch ami I6c for selected pellets. The delivery:
ira* hesrj., _ ~; /.•.",''".»•*.'..-■■-v
SANTA ( HIV/,. April 21.—Eggs have again fid
mmed n half cent. lt%t being the.ruling pride \
at the i;»r«r e.iebangp for ' extras of'best -grade. . i
Firsts eomniscded 17c with the : supply heavy.
' Seconds' lir.niebT We. I'oultrymcn. continue to
. '■(«•!■ to the home,market.
SANTA ROSA. April 211—There; was a (imp of j
' '• per dozen In the/prices of eggs on-.the local;
market.today 00 receipt of;ndrices showing the
morning transactions of the; San; FranHson | Dairy
l'roduc* end V Kffg exrhanpe. leeel dealers: paid
1 . c ' -'.c. per dozen for; first and • ir>c ; for WC4M ." or
pullet grade egs* dellrcred i Saturday. :The pro
duction Iβ T«ry heavy at the present lime.
Portland Butter MnrUrt
PORTLAND. April 21.- Butter— Hty and
country creamery extra*, solid pack, SO»ic.,r- - ; :
Potatoes, Onion* and : V>Ketable«
rotatoce (p*r ctn— River Bnrbent* 3r>®r>oc:
- r.'.inpoc do. [email protected]; Oregon do. vQHiG.*: sweet
Ymi.- (303.35; new J potatoes, S%f|3e per
'pound; do. 3He«%C. -
Onions (P-γ rtl)~ yellow. BfeMl; Ore-
F«n d.». [email protected]; A.iwlralian, R.rintKla
i*eed. $'i So per crate;* green. '.'."fw;-r»()c per box.
-\>ffetable»— Aeparafu*.* .76c®51.25 .per box for
;,.,l 1,, «tiolce,'>-with traded wtrs brfnejnf $1..W
«M.40;-. preen: peas. J SWT'.'ic per »•; ;do : '•tele-
P'ionf *' 4*1..,•; ciK-ismbPrs. 85e€4«l per done;
J carllc per Ih: rahhaite. .10«40c per ctl;
: .«tilie'owrr. per dozen; green peppers ; -
6f»)c per Ib; ..-arroln. 75c per sack: celery |1..>0 j
£/••■ pec craW; lettuce *50c51$lf D" , ' crate 1 fur .
e-.ptr wate. lettuce. u ucj*i
southern: .sprouts, 7«Sc per lb: artichokes.', 10Q
■ 25c per dozen; rhubarb. 30@S5c per box;', do San
Jose.* ?15j1.25; tomatoes, Florida, $45d4.50 per
crate. . . . : 4 - , •
nrridnoim ' z and J Cltrn* 'i Fruit* .;
Strawberries—Txirijrworths;,Csc@?t per drawer;
Banner.; brand, 7",<'Wsl: Matlnda. etc.. 50@75c;
small- crates. $1.7502.25; large » do. $3.50(0;4.' -;
/Apples (pertbox) —Fancy: 4 \ tier reds, : CV^SI:
! choice do.: 50@75c; s northern Spitzcr.bcrgs. - $1.25
I 61.66; : Ncwtown pippins, 90c<251.25 for 4 tier,
CS(!|S5c for 4\% tier. .
; . Citrus Fruits (per box) — Navel oranges, $3.75®
14 i for fancy and 52.5tiM.".50 s for chniee;; seedless '
grapefruit, $2.50@5;* Florida do, $5©C; lemons.
$sf(|e.sO; v frosted «lemons. $l(gl.5O; lemonettes,
$4«4:sO;;slexican limes. %'■'■ ■; V ' "
Tropical : Fruits—Bananas, ;■ 3V> @4c "= per lb for
Mexican. [email protected]. per bunch for Hawaiian
and 3%@4c per lb for Central American;, pine
aPPles, [email protected] per dozen., :
. Dried 1 rnlts, Ralslun. ~Snt* end Honey
Prunes— Bulk basls.-2%((?2'Kcppr lb; : 50s are
I ,i<'. 40s to sOk 2c and 30s 3V-C higher.
Other fruits, 1912 crop:"
; '. Stand- - Extra '■
50 lb lioxes — ard Choice Choice Fancy
• Evaporated apples .... •' 4Hc '- SVjC
Apricots .......... svic 10c"--■•■"■-■...:'■'■• 12c-
Peaches ....;.;...5c -.14c n*ic>, 6»4c
Pears .......-.:..»'. str. c :."•'- oijc 7-.c '. Hi«
Nectarines ...*.;....*,' 5%c: ■Cc flUe
- Raisins—-At sweatbox." 2'-c per )l. to growers: |
loose muscatel.,3c, 4',4c and 4>«.c for 2. 3 and 4 ]
crown, respectively: 2. 3 and 4 crown layers, 05c, ]
$1 ; and .'51.25 respectively;Js crown ;l>ehesaclns- j
I ters,: $1.70: ■C; crown; Imperials. $2.20: seeded. 1 :
jib l>oxes. r.i.'.c for fancy and 4?ic.for choice. , with |
the usual differential for 12 oz boxen; seedless
snltaaan, $o*. 43,e; :do Thompson.- 6c ' for ; un- i
bleached. ' . ■. i
' Nuts—Jobbln? prices .to the trade: Walnuts. j
I lGtfTlSe for No. 1 softshell." 11 (a 12c for No. 2. 10c !
for standard :. find 10ft?20c' or j budded ' per . lb: ;
I almond*. ]4fal<s<-: pecans,* I6«218c: Ilraril. 11@ ,:
13c: peanuts 4-. -'«r 5 '.»c; plnetiuts. 13@14c. '■■■• -;- . j
■-'■'■: Honey— Fancy" water , white comb,■■-. 13%4tMe{
dark to amber. <314 V>c:V white * extracted, !
nominal st 9(1?. 10c per lb; licht amber, S@9c; ]
amber, 7fr/Sc: lower grades. Q%lc per 1!'. -' - ]
x—38834c per lb for Mc&£ and 29531 c '
for dark
Itenny, «*«■«! •» nnd Hops
Beans (per otn—Lima. Mt.SOe6.SS; Japanese
'better. $3.55<<J4:bay05,.53.20<f?3.30; large white.
$4.20(<i4.30: small white. 54.50®4.n0; nink. - 53.50
4i".CO: cranberry, nominal: blackeye. $2.75(5J2.95;.
re.l. $3.e04»3.50 ; ; red kidney; 13.00Q3.M: gar- ;
ventas. $3.2."< , horse beans, $1.7502.23. -.;
Mustard. —; flaxseed. $3.854 per ctl;
I canary. :.>.. '■■>;>.<■ per iilfalfa. lCitlS<'; rape.
2Vi«S3Vic; timothy, nominal; hemp, 3>«c; millet,
,: 2' 4 <a2Vir. O". - : : . ■-■•■- ■ ..:.:
--'-'•■Pried Peas—Green. $.V' 7".2."> per ctl. .
Hops,—California. 1012 crop to growers, 20<<*21c
I per lb for choice, 15(£jl8c for medium and 12',-jC
(or common. ■- s r :./■-■ i;vi ,: ;."' . ; ;
Flour and Fnr;ii:iecons Goods -'.;•", • i
•- Flour (net per. t>bl)—California fsrallv extras,"'
I $S.GO®G; do bakers'- extras, [email protected]; super- |
I fine, [email protected]; I Dakota patents, [email protected];
j Kansas patents. $GsjC.2s. - - ' : :
F»rl:v"<<ius Goods—lnlOlb sacks are quoted
as . follows: Per 10C . lbs—Graham flour.'. $2.90; |
I entire wheat flour, $3; buckwheat flonr. $.": self- !
I risin? buckwheat flour,- $5.50: wheat meal. $4; I
I rice flour. 50.50; rye flour. $3.70;, rye meal. $3.00;
! eormneal. yellow and" white,". $3.25; extra do,
I $3.50; oat Croats, ft.fiO: buckwheat Croats, $« SO;
hominy, $3.70; cracked' wheat,~ §:!.!)(>; farina, i
$4.10; pearl barley. $. r >.."Of«C; split peas. $0 for |
yellow and 57.50 for tree*. In 25 m sacks lOc ;
lower for ail and r 20c lower for 50 lb sacks.
".- Hny,"-. and Feeclstnffs
Feedstuff* (per ton) —Bran. $2.V<?2." ."0;
shorts, $25.50Q2G.50- middlings.- (a :;.'>: lulled
j barley. $20<530: rolled oats for feed, JCWeM; ,
i corn meal. 134<935: cracked ■ corn. $34(0'." > .5;
j chopped feed, S19O2I: everareen ■ chop feed. $21
j in car lots and $23 for jnbMtie: oilcake meal. 20
; ton lota $30.50. 10 ton lots $35.90. 5 ton lots $30.
! small lots $36.50; cocontmt cake or meal, nom
i inal: alfalfa meal, carload lota sis.so. jobbing
i $16.50; Eureka meal, carload lota $21.50. jobbing
$2?.: vigoratcr. per ton. $22.-
Hay (per font— Fancy wheat : hay. $25@26:
j So. 1 wheat and wheat- and oat. $22(«?24: etwd
ito choice do.' 5lf"3l;1: -lower srrades, [email protected];
\ barley and -^t . S)s/<, 2\: fancy tame oat. $22®
' 23.50: other do. $isr<?22; wild oat, $IS@2O; stock
hay. [email protected]: alfalfa. $15@18. . :
—09#80e per bale.
Poullr? nnd 'Game
Poultry (per dozen) Hens.. $5<H • for small.
[email protected] for. larjte ; ami $10ftJ12 for extra;
eastern hens. 19(5'20c per lb; young roosters. $og|!
10; do extra. $106/12: old roosters. $4.r>o<H.'i; fry
! ,;•<. $869: broilers, $s.©C> for large. $3.">0'34 for
i medium and $3 for . small; ducks. $."(JJ7. for old
i and $.V»7.:2 tot yonns; Reese, $2.50454 per pair;
I pigeons. $1.50(g2; squabs, $2.."[email protected]; Belgian
i hares. $40S per dozen.
Game (per dosen) — Hare, ■ [email protected]: gray
I geese. f3; brant, [email protected]; white geese, $1.50
j<52.25.. ■-_ ~ -. .;•■ ~--..■ ■": ~ :
Wholesale Fish Market
Barracuda,; perch and shad- were lower.yester
[ day. Catfish were 1c higher. -—
I Prices (per Ibj—Salmon. 12HC: spring. salmon,'
—; halibut. 12% c; chicken halibnt. 10c; codflsh, ■
Be; red rock.. 10c: black rock, —: yellowtall. —;
: barracuda. 10r- : sand dabs,- sr-: "soles. 7c; kingfish,
:8c; carp. sc; smelts, 12 J /Ac; silver smelts. — ■: her
i rings. 4c; tomcods.'lOc: small striped bass, 12%e;
large do. —: perch. Cc; mackerel, —: white bait:
—; Khad. 3c; pike. —; catfish, lie; prawns,
12V»c; sliaa roe. 25c; crabs. $2.50 per dozen. -
■ The above : quotations represent f. o. b. prices
for cleaned fish, boxed and iced.
."Meat Market
Slanfihterers' rates to dealers ( and botchers are
I as follows:
Beef — IT. to !2c per Ib for steers., 10&©llc
for cows and heifers.
Veal—ll>-i@l3c for large and UH#tM6« for
small. ''■'■ .. ' -: ■■' <-.- .■ ■■ ■ ■'. ■ - - ■-■ ■■ -.<■•■'■
Mutton—Wethers. loi/.Ollc: ewes, lOiJJlle.
Lambs — per Ib; spring lambs, 13@
j ICe.
. Dressed Perk (r>er lb>—l2<3l3<v
Tlie following quotation* are for sood, sound
livestock, delivered in San Francisco, gross
weight: -
No. 1 - steers, over 0."0 lbs ~ v j<<i~i%c perlb.
under 950; lb* ■ !%<@T%c: second quality, all
■weights, C'/i@7c; thin," undesirable steers, 4Vi
@3c.-. ■•>- , :--- : : . - "-■■ ■■ '■ . ■■'■■■■ :
No. 1 cows and heifers. GVj(n,G%c, second qual
ity. s%@e%C; common to thin, undesirable cows,
4@4>sc ■ :,-. -'■-; - . . ..:- ■■-; • :<-■> . -
'Desirable bulls and stags, I 1 ■'s'c; half fat or
tbln bulls, 2@3e.
—Lisrhtweisrbt, per Ib, 7VSOSc; medium,
~'i~' •■; heavy, ~<'fific.
-SheepDesirable'. wethers, unshorn. o(g6;4c;
ewes. Ti(flo\ic; shorn sheep, lie to vie less.
Sncklln? Lambs —7fj7%c per lb. :
Hogs— Bard pcrato fed. Veijrhinsr 100 to 130 lbs,
SVic; 150 to 230 lbs.B>Ae; 230 lbs and up, Be. ;
: I*rovision«4 \ /■ -**"
I Hams (pcrlb>—California. 11. R. brand. 20HtC ;
Aγ. & l>. brand. 21c: picnics. 14Vic: Primrose.
tl%e; Eastern Star. 21c; skinned,' 22'-jc; Mon
arch. 18>...WlH'.',c; picnic, 14',-^. - ; -' v
■ Bacon—Primrose. 4 to C lbs, -"0c; Eastern Star.
4 to 0 lbs 28c, 6 to 8 lbs 27c. 8 to 10 lbs 230..10
to 12 lbs 24c: Arrow. 8 to 10 lbs 24We. 10 to 12
lb- 2.'"' .c; medium bacon. 19i£c: lic;lit medium.
191/ic; ilpht dry salt bacon. 8 to 10 lbs 22c. 10
to 12 lbs 21c: sucar cured, 6 to S lbs. 24c. >->-
California Bacon— M. & L. brand: 0 to lbs
27'jc. 8 to 10 Ib« 20' .c: I!. H. brand; C to 8 lbs
2.-.i'.c. S to 10 lbs 24''c. . ■ ■
Cottolene—-Half bi.is. 10c: 1 tierc?. IO%e: 2
tierces.-10%c: 5 tierces. lO'.\c per lb; Califene.
liM .c for 1 tierce. for"2 tierces. 10%e for
3 tierces and 10% c for half bbls; and . tubs ; :
; cases. $7. "_■ ■■ -■] ■ ■■. ■■.. ■- - :^~,-'- : ":'■'■ y. -~
"Eastern Ijird and Oils. Western Meat brand —
i Lard, tlerce-i 14'>. 50s(per caseis7.3S. 10s «n.15.
; .*>« $0.23. ?>* $9.30; comr>ound lard.vtierces OVic.
riOe(per cflße)?4.Sß, 10s $C.l# f.s $0.23. 3s $6.30;
yellow cooklns oil. 58c per gallon; white cooking
: oil. 60c per " $ra lion r salad oll.(13c per gallon; ; ,
California Pure Lard. M. '■' A; L. brand —Tierces.
! 14i£e; cans, 11 to a case, $7.37 <': 4. to a - case.
$11.90; large tins. 0 to I ease. $9.15; medium,:
12 to a case. $9.22M>e; small, 20 to a case. $9.30.;
c California £ Compound . Lard. ~ ; H. "V- 11. brand— ,
Tierce basis. 9V4c;' cans, 1 to a case, $4.57:4
to a case,' $7.90; • tins," 6 to a case. $0.15:12s;.
$0.22% per case: 20s, $(5.30 per : case; M. "'& L.
' salad oil. tierce; basis. 03; M. & L. cookine oil.
50c : for t white : and— for "yellow; t- Eisrola. » tierces
11 %c. buckets ll%c. half bbls 14%f, cases $7.50.:
s ;Beef—Estra z family,' : family' and - extra - mess
beef. $24 per bbl. ... ~
Pork—Extra prime. in barrels. $23; pig pork.
$28, plffs' feet. $3.50 for half bbls; $2.25 for 25
lb kegs and $1.50 for kits.
'■■■"' Iliilm. ."TnllofTt". Wool and Greame
;9 Hides— Heavy and medium 'salted steers," tli'.c
>,: 14 >-.<•: lipht. lSet4c; eowlilde««, 13014 c; (tags,
S i Vi6io%r:, salted kip : 14"1>: saltedr Te«l and !
salted calf, IT®ISc: dry bides. 24%/g2S%c; culls.;
23f murrain." 23'/c:- dry calf and. venl.> 2THO
28V6e; dry kip, 23%933%e: dry,:salt: bMW,
](;ii*.c: dry bulls.and; utair*. jr.(9l"c; • Kbcepskins,
short 85@50c: 'medium.: 50'i|.S0c;'»lonp'wool.
SOc@s I.ls;";lambs.* 40i?i«"c for lonsr > and > i."w:r.
for short wool; j milk lamb*. 10c; spcarMngfl, '2Ofiß
25c for ■ No. I and , 10 , for; No ., 2:; horsehides."? salt.
$2.73@." , .'.f0r'' lance prime, and 52.2."@'J.50 for No.
1; medium $l.7s@2;iemnll. 75c©51.25: c01t5.123
§fsoc; horsehides, dry. [email protected] for lnree. . $1.50<9
2' for i medium, 50c<g$l for «mall and 25®30c for
colts: ROatsklDS, prime ansoras.;7se@sl; medium,
S'ifiilSOc; lonj hair goats,. 40c; medium, 2oc; '. kids,
s@loc. v ."' :;•"■ '."' "•.: ■■ :?:'■■' ■"■ "":'.,'■••'"''' ■-. . ':■:
;v\Tallow—No. I*rendered, bbls, 5(g3%c; cans
and drums. 3HQSe. '
*■* Grease—2#3c per In. ,
Wool — Price* are wholly nominal T with very
little -trading tin, progress. ■■__'
Horeen and Millet :
• Thei following quotations for horses• and "mules
are furnished ■by ■ the : Butchers'- and ■ Stock Orow
ers . Journal: .
Desirable"drafters. 1,700 lbs and ever. .98000350
Light' drafters 1,550 to 1.630 1b5..:.:.. 230rft2S5
Chunks 1.250 to 1 .500 1b5....r>.:; 1 ..:.. 200^250
Waßon'horses;>l.23o-t0.1.."w0;ib«..-...'. ISO@22S
Delivery wagon horses, 1,050 to 1,230 lbs 135631fi0
Ueslrable farm mares fr. :i. ... .*.....;..' lOOrti 125
Farm '■ workers ::.\.vr;".V".........-■..;.... . 75®100
050 lbs,' 4 to 7 years $750126
1 000 lbs, 4 to 7 year5..V.*......"...: — 123@175
1,100 lbs. 4 to 7 : years .";..'..". .' 150(fj200
1 200 lbs,' 4 to 7 years : 200Q250
Over 7 years old ranee from $15 to $25 lower.
y O ic —shippers »o this market must have horses
close -to". type, with 5 age. bone scon formation and
style, •to command .extreme j quotations.' '
. General Merchandise
Bag* .»t:in<JariJ Calcutta grain bee*. 9'i®9 ! Si«
Qnentin, i RV'.c; - wool bass. . sOi4c . for 4 and ' 4Sc
for Ci,i •* lbs"; " fleece '< twine, " 9 YjC >■ per t lb; * bean
I bats. 814 c: , ~ • - : ■"*
:-. Oil - (quotation* '< are; fop barrels)-—Linseed. SBc i
) ppr'gallon] for boiled • and' S6e i for raw. 5 ; bbl |lota
1c ; lens,' cases > Cc ■■ mor*: Bakpr'e AA castor, cases,'
\ 5 gallons $1.11. 10 gallons $1.09: commerplorcas-:
! tor. In i cases, 90c: \ China s nut, cases. 75@85c 5 per
i gallon;:extra bleached winter sperm oil. 80c; nnt- (
I ural winter i sperm ! oil. SOc: >pure| lard i oil. XCi i
winter strained lard ; oil, 73c; \ pure ■ neatsfoot , oil.
SGc: paint oil. So(g4oc. " -hr r-C : * ! '
R| Coal Oil. Gasoline, etc.—Pearl: nil. In bulk i 9c.
I In cases 16c; Headlight oil. in bulk We in case*
I 17c: r- Kocene, In bplk = lie. in J cases 1 19c; '. Elaine. ,
2Rc: ; Red Crown" gasoline, in bulk : 16*4ev: in , cases
j 23i{,c;:enjclne distillate, in Be. in cases 15c:
• sras machine pasoline. in bnlk 37e.*in case* 44% c:
varnish - maters' ; and { painters' r naphtha, In \ bulk
15Uc..1n cases 22>4c. - - ; . , - :''-■,'
:Turpentine—ln capes,,R4c; 10 case lots. l"sc :
drnra«; and Iron barrels," 37c: Arotnrps; cases,
iron ; barrels or drnirts 2.V per gallon. f-'.-l": ■~? c .: ;
;': Rosin—F. $9.45; H. $9.50; WG, $11.10 per bar
rel of 2SO lbs. ■':■-■■■.■-. --.';.•.■. ,■■ ■'•-•-'-,■.•-_. ~.<■: ';,-■•
Red and. White Lead— Rod. %€MV*', white. 7%
ss'4eiPer5 s '4eiPer lb: do in 5 and 10 lb lots, 7Wc and
"■if, respectively. ■' V:v ■ ;'. ~ :' . ;
The Western, Sugar Reflnln? company quotes as
I lows. ■ net' cash: *-; Fine « trramilate.l. 4.50 c: - can-;
n<-rs" ? granulated, 4.50e: fruit ' granulated;.'4.soc;
IT. & B. r crystal doininos. '. 5 lb ' cartons; in cases,
S.SOc: do 2 lb I cartons In ' cases.- 8.80 c: monarch
bar,;4.BT»c: i tablets. •in < half bble.i sc: ;d01n23 lb
boxes.« r..2.V: ; cube*. 4.7".c- monarch powdered,
•••fle: XXXX powdered, 4.Coc;;candy granulated.
4.(W; confectioners' ; A. 4.soc: i beet,*grnnulated,
4.30 c: extra •C, -' 4e:' golden" C. * 3.!WV; * l>, f 3.SOC.
Barrels and :50 lb Iwtlts t lOc. half bbls 2.V. boxes
we > more i. p«r 100 : lbs than; for b>»ss of 100 lb-«
I net. -.'■ Bat in "i23-and 40 lb tins $1.70 : more;-In
j 8 and 10 lb tins 52..1.'. more per' 100- lbs than the
prlcp for. this grade in 100 lb bags. ■ ;,; v '^
The , California- 4 and i Hawaiian 'Sujraf - Refining
company; quotes ?as ; follows: ' Granulated basis.
4.50 c: C. & H.- fin* standard," 4.50 c; coarup ' dry
granulated. 4.,V>c; confectioners A. 4.5<V: berry.
4.50 c: powdered. 4i6oc: cube«. 4.75 c; "Hijrrade"
bar.: 4.BT)c: ' bricks (in ; half >bbls) ,•■ sc; bricka (in
2.. lb boxes); f 5.2.V: H. • * E. " crystal domlnos, (5
lb I cartons In ' cases) : -8.30c: - do' 2 lb cartons In
leases. -. S.SOc; 3 extra , fine dry granulated a (100 .lb
MM 0n1y).\4.30c; ;extra C. ■ 4c; golden :C, 3.00 c;
yellow D. 3.80 c. r Additional per 100 lbs: In ;bbls
and 50 -lb ; bags,; 10c ■■ more r half bbls. 25c , more:
boxes, more for all grades. ;■ Bar in 35 and 40
lb tins. $1.70 more: In 10 lb tiny, $2.35,m0r*.
Minimum order, carload weight. ~,"" . -f
" ! Cotton Market *,
(From V.. r Hun.,,, & Co.'s private wire.V -
- NEW YORK. April 21.— 'Hie !locr.l. cotton > mar- |
ket opened unchanged to 10 points lower and mi- I
ii'ciliately sold off to '* new low lev»>ls. An Ideal I
weather ■ map. a 1; ; prospects of rain in Texas, ,
•v! fie * needed, encr.uragpd the sbears.';-. Rome stop !
orders uere canirht at* the -lower figures, helping |
alone "the; decline. '-\ Tlie -bijr spot :•. people- wore I
credite<l with being g.v«i buyers of nil options on
the decline, and Liverpool contributed to the late
slrfnerth ,of the market,i which;rallied from 7to
Or points from; the low. The renewal -of .the de
(lining tendency seemed ■to Inspire , more general
offerings.'' but . tffey •were not ; agaressive. , and the
j market held : fairly, steady around the " low", point
I of. the day. v-1 1 was ; reported' increased > offerings
an.! :stoi> orders! would appear! when (July broke
iwlow ll.flOc. : but "the market took 'the offerings
well. It looks n* thoncrh it has been:oversold.- •; f
1 Spot , closed quiet and unchanged. Middling up
lauds. 12.loc; do tnilf. 12.40 c. Sales 100 bales
• COTTON Ft;Ti;nF.S; - - ' . Year
Option— Open High Low" Ciena Apr.l 9P, ago
April .v. v>.. ..... . 11.0.7 ; ll.f« ,11.44
May ... 11. 11.08 11.r>8 11.07 11.03 S 11.54
.Tune ... ..... %.-.: 11.70 11.04' 11.57
July .... 11. CO it.7o 11.5s 11.en 11.er? 11.es
Av.s ... 11.4". 1i..-,?, 11.42 31. 11.47 11.70
Sent ... 11.27 11.30 11.27 11.35 11.20 11.70
Oft .... 11.24 11. 11.2-1 11. :".11.2 ft 11.77
Dec .... 11.27 11.35 11.20 11.34. 11.20 11. 54
-Tun .... ■■ 11.2.1 lI.CO 11.22 .11.20 11. '2" 11.
Mar r ..... ..... 11.34 11.27 11.90
Livestock Market
- : • . ;.-- CHIC *
CHICAGO. April Cattle— Receipts. in.000;
market steady. to stronp. 8eeve5,j57.25Q9.25;
Texas . steers. ; f6.755J'7.00; 1 western.;: $7''aS.U);
stackers and.feeders. Sfi.in/JiS.IO: cows and heif
ers. $3.90<55.40: calres. N.5eM.90. ' ': ' •
■ Hogs-— Receipts. '- 42.000: i market steady Jto 5c
lower. Bulk. $A.05658.a0; light. |5.96#8.58;
mixed. $x.»i><nf>.2~>: heavy, $8.7009.20; rough,
$e.70«8.8R; r>ie<. $7(Rn.ie. -■ :. ■ '" •
Sheen—Rpceipts, 22.000: market steady. Na
tive. ?6ff17.10; western. $0ifi;7.15: yearlings, M.M
®7.85; lambs, Dative. [email protected]; western, $6.75
©5.75. •.: ■ : = :0l- .. ■~. -- --,-'■;. :- .--.-.'.■;.
-■ v? ; ' - : "•' : - KANSAS-' PITY ''"-'-:■: ■'■■■■■ -.; *" '■■'■,'
--•KANSAS CITY; April 21.—Cat tip- Receipts.
11.000: market steady: to rstronc. : Native steers. ]
$7.25@1): southern steers." StV.'iOiitß.r.n; southern j
cows and heifers.; $4..%0<ti-2. 1 >; ; native | cows and j
heifers, $4.50G5.50: stockers and feeders, , 96.504J 1
8.00; bulls. [email protected];;ca1ve5, : [email protected]: western j
steers, $7tf}S.4<»: western cows. [email protected]. [
Hf«rs—Receipts, 7#V>;- market stpadr. ' Bulk. ,
$8.73*38.95: hp.-iry. S*[email protected]: packers: and i
butchers, $8.75@5.'95; light. $8.85©9; pigs, $7.75
5K.25. .■,,.:.:■ •..• .:'. ; u r . -■'■;,.. v..;<"- .■■■'-. ,i
I Kheep—Receipts.' 10.000: "market strnrur. Mot
tons; , Wee.eO; Colorado lambs.:. $7.2">'<i.'*."o: |
rase* wethers and yearlings. [email protected]; range';
ewes, [email protected]. •"♦■ - ::. ,: . 'v-:-,-* ~-A,- - - j
SOUTH OMAHA. April 21.Cattle—iteceipts. i
I 3,300; • market - hiphrr. •;■;- Native ? steers, r- $7.60®
j S.GS; 1 cowe and. beifera, "' $5.50!g;5.15: western
I steers. to.'/Kfi 8.2".; Tesas steers. J 1607.75; cows
j and heifers. ;$5Q7.50: calves. $7f??ft..".n. - ; V
,Hog« — Receipts, • 5.900: market lower. Heavy,
[email protected]: light, $5.7.->i7»;S.SS; pigs, $7.γ-i ■■'..■- ■
bulk ofsateS. $B.7o<fj S. "t. ' : . :■. ■-■.::
Sheep—Receipts. 10.000: market steady. Year
linßs. [email protected]; wethers, 5G.40'37; lambs,
i *7.70<35.7.V ._; - ;•"...•... -7 - - .•.. : • ' -■ . .
•Xnval SfnreK—Turpentine and Roam
SAVANNAH, Cα.. April 21.—Turpentine-
Steady .at " 40c." Sales 71 barrels, receipts," 407.
shipments 217, stocks 17.000. ■■} .;.-:": . ": . :
.; - Rosin — I „-: Sales none, • receipts ; 525. shlrv
mpnts 1,4:>6, stocks 01.050.--;Ouotations: A. B
54.50: C, D, $4.10; E. *4.1.".- F. $4.20; C. «4.25;
H. $4.30; I. $4.40: X, $5.20; M, $5.50 ;N, $5.80;
WG, $c; ww, $c.25. ; : :-■<
Dried Fruit* Iα New York . : :.'-,
: " NEW YORK. April , 21.—Kvaporated Apples—
In better demand. -Fancy.; 7@B'ic; choice.* s%st
j C-%c;:prlme. 51i@5Vic..; :- , - .-. . .-._.■• .
-'.; Primes—More active. Callfornias up to 30-40S,
ZVt(SU%c; Oregons. SKQIHe. -- .;:
Apricots-^Firm.i-Choice. ~inv,«loy.c; extr*
cIjoIc*?; ll@ll%c;Tfancy.-ll*iPl2»4c.. V :.* ; '.- ..
Pca<?l)p«—o'iiet. Choice.- extra
i choice. Ci\r,/7,. : fancy. 7Mi@So. •.■ '. ■- >'.'■;
Raisins—Qniet but firm.g I>oose mn«catels.,3*t
fa <;'.,'■: choice in fancy seeded, "4?«(f?CVic; seed
less, ~<\,(<is"+<■: London layers, [email protected].
■ Chicaeo Produce Market ...:•■
.• CHICAGO. : April 21.— Batter— Steady. Cream-"
eries,-27ft^34c. 4 i -, . " : , '
: E?:gs—Steady. ; - Receipts. 20,307/ cases: .at
! mark, cases Included. sl7Vi<fclSc;;ordinary, firsts.
j lCU««lCaic:" firsts. 17H@17%C. ,
4 ELGIN. 111.. April i 21.—Butter—Firm, 33c. "
?i Catherine Hnzzanti to John C. EwaM and wife,
lot in S line of Kills street. 30, X of Farren aye
' nue, i: .'SO by s 75: $10.;. ■ ".. ~.' '-.ly-. '-[ .'.:,
:• Johanna Lunny to > Charles ■W. Lnnny. lot" in S
line of Twenty-fourth street. 279:11'/. W of San
chez. W 23:514 by 8 114; Rift. ~,u ." • '■
', Marie and.Helene Mlpuet to Mary A. William
. son, lot in X line of Larkln strept. 07:0 8 of Pa-'
ciflc. s23by B 68*: $10. . V - ;
•The McCarthy: company, to Gustavo E. Wester
holm, lot 14, block 49, City Land association;
\ $10 -■-V-γ ) - /... '<;:.-:-.•- .-■ -. --; \ ■--:;./:■:- X : - : ~~.. ~
1 Crocker Estate company to r.pmpl - Luoma. lot
54 and W linlf of lot 55. block 23, Crocker A ma
son tract: $10. *;.-,: ■■ -. -"••■. ,:,;• , .•■.;•
-Edward A. Rullis Sr. to Edward A. Bullis Jr.,
! lot in W lino of = Stoiner" street.-. 32:3 • S of Geary
street: 8 22 t.y w 88; $10. -~■■•- ■;■•••■'"*...-.;■■.-.- -;;. :
W. J. MeWhirfT-r and wife.to 11. E. Drake and
wife, lot In S line of II street. 00 E of Fifteenth
avenue. B 80, S C7:C to the intersection of a line
; drawn from point in E line of Fifteenth avenue.'
distant S3 : 8 of -: H street. XI-: to a point W of
Fourteenth avenn>\ 50:9 S of Lincoln way, SW
61 to the intersection lof_ a f line * drawn i S from
point j to;:beginnlnjr-and: parallel;, with : X line of
■-Fifteenth 'avenue,'■•N , parallel with Fifteenth ave
nuei"3:B:'slo.'V*» t ;--: ■....;■:■/-. :;■-■■• : ■•^■•v. i :
''James-Marian! to Ellse .>fnrlanl.' half of lot In
B line of Bryant street,- 130 S of Twenty-third. S
20 hy-E 100: fin. * . ."• •;/ :". - : ■,:■;
' Frank l. :■" Little and wife to Frank E \llyn
N half of;lot' 101. , block 33," FaTrntount Land as
sociation: $lfl.%" ! ;: ■, ' ' ■ •.'"'.•
;,"'.William; Mitchell and; wife to Vincent '■ Fatfa
anil wife, lot :I5 and " X balf of lot 30. block * E
;Lakevlew; $10. - ■'.■• -V-' .'• ■■■: /" ■'"■;:'" -.vr.^r \-■■■.:"'-.■?.
l'aeitic Surety company to GoonV Qiion «'lieonn.
let lin iX. line -of A Washington - street, 137:0 1 W of
Unpont streetrW; 32 by X,7*>; $10.- : . .
i-i. Boston' Investment mmnanj to r -Fernando !i Nel
son. lot at SK corner of II street and Thirty-first
avenue E 240 by.S G00:,$10. ; ; - : y ■-.■■'■■■: ■■■••■
i'B'nal; B'rltß Endowment 4 Fund *. as-soclatlon to
Martin Hanson.* lot at :NK corner of Twenty ei"ht
and Xoc streets, E 13.". by N 14; $10.
Mary J. - Merrill to Darld and Niels
Schultz,U«t in W line of Twenty.first avenue |j 100
H of, Geary street. S 2.". :by W 120; $10. ; ■".■<
'I?M".V IJ:ifa<>l ;■ I* f Alice.; Blr<om. -lot lin B line ■of
Lyon street. l«S:ll% of Ixtmbard StlS:* , *! '
B ; 113:2*. N 78:2 H.: W H2:G«<,: *10. ./ ". '".'■ ':
1; City- Realty.i . 'nipany to ; Robert ' Cnjjfrr - and
wife, lot nt-SETcorner-of l> street and Serrnth
avenue, s r>o:bytEr93; $10. : v •.--:: .?':>*:.-■.';■:-..■.■:■ -.->;-'
*i Thomas'- I". Andrews and wife .to °: Lei and " S
Prior, half; of ; lot ; at: SW corner <of : Twenty-fifth
avenue, and *Xl street. X W:: 000 iby,:NE ? 200. ■ and
half of eight other pa reels; $10. ".-■ , ;,?:!
C: Charles F. Libby to Katherine Libby. lot nt S
corner "of Irving street and Thirty-fourth; a»enne
X 23 by;E fis;-jiift.<->., i,,:-. \, -
r>; The Pacific ...Telephone; and Teloj;rai.h conipHnv
to Ogrlen "Mills. lot In X: lino ofttßoslilntreetV'
306:7 E of > Montgomery. F. ;CS:O by i X.tr,7:(!;i Jin'
<*~i G eorge C. ; Dal la more to S Marier »Delia more : lot
In W line* of 3 Douglass j street, 25 N of Ocean
road. X;2t.;.1.y W 100: (rift. ~ _
55 lUchael Ague* Walker to Oeorise ' Larson let
Il f i. Fainnotint Land association: $10. V*CSSts*ES»
I. R. Webb <Bdmlni(rtrator of the Rotate of
John C. Turner, deceased)."» to A. J. Furtado and '■
: Mabel sL. Fnrt«do. * lot in X line of Twenty '
eighth street 127.2 - W of Diamond, W 2V5",
by N 114: $11201.35. als^B
Bayview Land company to Antonio Camlcia lot
11. block 005, Bayview 1 tract, subdivision 2:
grant. - „
■ Kdward F. Flinn et al.-to-iTM.n W. Flion lot
In N liii" lof Bush % street. S3 VWI of Jones' W
27 by TO; $10. ■ ■ -
Natalie 11. Davit to Julius .7. Thiebaut. lot at ;
NE corner el Army and Guerrero streets X °C(J
!.y i: 80: .*!(».
' Ki'.UiUd C. Mattisou to Theresa Mattisou, lot
In W line of r.«ikfn street.-2SN of Greenwich. 51
25 by W 105:9: gift. ' '
v?f Roxanna L. Wheaton ;to ;■ Henry F. ; Blanchet .Tγ..
lot *■ in t- SK tine \of ' llarrlsoii; street, 77:8 ;SB' of
Tlilrd.iNE'2.TbT SE; SO: $10. .•■•,'.; c .-.
M Robert i Hubbs I and 5 wife 'to FrttJi Ira Dableren,
lot 32."; Mock 4. Syndicate's I first | addition: » $10.
. 3 Carl Oemer and wife to Raymond K. Merville.
lot ?a 11 S\V £ corner iof ! TUvera s street « and \ Twelfth •
avenue W 57:0 by 300; $10. ■•■
fit riinrles : Ouist/and * -wife ftos F. .T. Pnarte{ «nd
n.intej -T. White, lot in W line of Ponsrlass street,
iZSsa , X of I'wenty-flfth. X 2" by. W 114; $10. :
7tnil«linir Contract* "
S Fdward iH. Morris with William H. Gr«hn-T»
erect , a two story, frame, bntldinir (flats'* In R line
of.Mlssion street, 350 S of West avenue , , 25x83:9;
$4.02.-. \ ' .. ' - , .-« . ,/ ■'. •
-' Pasqfale Canella ; "id '.Frank' C. 'Amoroso '■ with
F*r»«k C. >moro«o—To erect.' Hired #tnry fr»m<» j
hnil'Tinsr (fl.itx) In Tin** of Kearny street. 5G:9
S <>( Oree.V-'ir.TSO; Se.KOO, ,•„>
'iDiiTld * nnrl > Ida ;A. Hiner with ? George' V. Nfo
•ransland—To erect % a»two I sturv . and basement
fram* building ■ (n:iartm»>itß> In SB line of. Clara
sirrct. J , : of Slrth: $4.«f>o.
y* Tlif>r Geortca i>. A. Hf>s I cnnrnan.T j with Tlerrlne's
Mlir:cott>ptny and Thorns* W. Alton—To er<>ot a
two I storr (ipurtnifiit | hnfld|;<e In • X Hue of I Green
strpet;-*l93:3n4"W:of< Jones, "r\V-'45-by* N 3l'O:
?3.«T.0;-■'■.■' ■-■ ,■ " ■: i :-'. >•'■■:■' '"■-■-:?;?-.--.:^-:^':;i..-.
,-vsrranrln P. «nd Mary C, Dunnltit with i William
F. Prrv<-r— All work- t-TPept gfl* and elertrio flx
tnres.foi* a ; two eto'v frnme bntldlnu'lniNW-Unf
hf>Mtwi|(Mi street. 123 8W of Francis SW 20 by ,
1 NW.100; 14.9 K. • ■ k •
nonnl«indent of 3S Anton in Forwarded
-~:': From Toledo Factory to ' Rui
ttian City
■ The demand of Europeans for popu
lar; priced American automobiles con
tinues to Increase, according to G. W.
Bennett, vice president of the Willys-
Overland company j of; v Toledo, Ohio.
Every day several Overland' cars leave
the Toledo plant consigned to foreign
dealers and on ' February 28 a whole
shipload stnrted J from Xew York city
for Odessa,'' Russi- The>Odessaer;Kom
merzbank;; which in English ;Jmeans
the ißank Jof ' Commerce :of ; Odessa, re
cently:; asked for 35 Overlands, as the
initial; order for an ; agency they i pro
pose \to establish "I in % the"; Russian f city.
The gears'-;,were % shipped from the fac
tory to New York city at various times,
the last,'. of the consignment reaching
there*<; February 23. ;It was found ad
visable to ; not ship 5, the cars;on^.several
boats because of uncertainty of deliv
ery and finally the ; steamship Aristea
of : the Gans line solicited the shipment,
agreeing to make « ':&\: special; j trip ; to
Odessa. The remainder of the Ari&tea's
cargo was 'consigned to Lisbon, Portu
g-al, but, with the;;big-; Overland order
as;an. incentive, the officials of the line
decided* to send her on to Odessa, sev
eral hundred miles farther. -r.:
Joseph Holle Predict* Marked Increase
in 101.1 Busings*
"Motorcycle enthusiasts, like automo
bile enthusiasts, have come jto a reali
zation of the need of ordering their
machines In . the winter to be sure of
delivery in time for the opening of the
riding season," says Joseph Holie, local
dealer Jin ...:. the Harley-pavidson. •; The
demand for motorcycles %is 9 far in ex
cess of the: number; that can be imanu
factured by the makers possessing an
established reputation. The , situation
in the motorcycle industry; is very sim
ilar to that In the automobile industry.
"The experience of thousands of 1 per
sons s vho were disappointed last spring
in not obtaining their mounts ias early
as they had hoped has awakened the
public to the fact that; the ; demand for
motorcycles Is far in excess of the sup
ply. : ; The result has been that a large
proportion of this " season's*' production
has been ordered and that many 1913
models.- already have been delivered. -
f£-"I predict that more than twice as
many ; motorcycles will be used in San
Francisco this year than 'there I were
last year. This prediction is not mere
guesswork*." ;lti is.:. based upon the , or
ders received thus IJ far by dealers and
the I number of machines already deliv
ered." ■: '•* . ' '•• <■■ :■' -,- • '•■■ '■■ ■.■' V. •""
R. S." Da via Back From Trip Into Brit-
i»h ; Columbia
• "The northwest is a market that will
bear watching- by the automobile deal
er and manufacturer," says i Reginald
Sharp; I>avis, assistant manager of the
Oakland Motor company, who has just
returned from an extended trip-through
that section.. = Davis {spent considerable
time in Portland, Seattle,l Spakane, Bel
lingh.Tm, Kverett, Tacnma and Vancou
ver, British f Columbia. Davis says:
"Vancouver, B. C, is : one of the livest
automobile 'towns on the Pacific coast.
The ; short ; time 3 I was there our agent
disposed of ten.'of'the Oakland models,
.which ' brought the ; total up jto ; about
100; Oakland cars Vi nth . Canadian } t own.
At Victoria the agent sold three Oak
lands during my visit. This ie s Inter
esting from a commercial I; standpoint
when it Is considered f that ! besides pay
ing the regular catalogue price, a
buyer lin that section has to also pay
"0 per cent duty. • In the face of this
handicap in' competition ':. with foreign
cars, our agents have ; been able v; to
successfully,: compete, and x are leading
in sales over the foreign makes.
Bride of Less Than Mouth Will Prob-
' . '. "_ , • ably Die , ;
(Special ; rilspatch \to \The Call)
; WHEATLANB, • April • 21—-Charles
Voker of Woodland came here last
night, hunted up his wife, who is cook
in a local boarding house, told her ;he
was goi rig: to J kill her ,' and when 5 , told
to go ahead, fired. * She will probably
die.i; The Vokers • had been married I less
than a month. l ~ .
Citizens of Sacramento Heartily Join*
in Movement *
(Special nispntfh to The Cain
SACRAMENTO, April 21.—Sacra
mento city enjoyed a general cleaning
up > today.,.inv accordance with the. call
for a "clean up day" that was issued
by the Chamber of Commerce. • Refuse
and dirt, piled high in boxes, barrels
and sacks in the alleys, was carted
away by 32 " ; : wagons under the direc
tion of Commissioner of Streets 'Burke/:
The residents heartily joined in i the
When Teddy Tetzlaff drove his Fiat
to ;; victory jyAn^ithe 1 :. Owensmouth road
race" last Saturday he Sscored another
win for Miller tire?. Thfs gives Miller
more ■ road race " victories *: during the
last year. than .all other v makes com
bined. Teddy averaged over 70 miles an
hour in the Owensmouth race - but the
tires stood *up ; without':; showing great
wear and from all indications they
would have withstood 'even a greater
speed. _\
■ . --~'■: - .-r-; ■" ■- — „. i ■■■■■■■■-. ■ "■■' -- ■,:' — ■■'■'■■
Among: s;recent automobile deliveries
in Washington wore those of a Stud
baker "35" limousine to Senator Joseph
W. Dixon of Montana and of a Stude
baker "35" touring car to Representa
tive C. B. Miller of Minnesota,
H. I.* Owesney, manager of the local
Winton branch, reports that B. W.
Parker, vice president and general
manager of the White Star Steamship
company, which operates a fleet of pas
senger steamers son the great lakes, has
taken delivery of a 1912 Winton Six,
FIVE HURT IN $100,000
Eight Buildings Destroyed
in Blaze Starting in Knox
Lumber Yard
pSACRAMENTO,'^ April 21.—Five per
sons were injured in a fire starting in
the Knox Lumber company's plant
early today. Eight -buildings were - de
stroyed and the : loss will amount to
more than $100,000. • ■
The Injured are:
a ; Martin Shea v of r^Marysville. broken
hip and out.-, about head and body, i in
curred when 'he fell from the second
story of ri a lodging: house. He .was
seated £in the A window near ; his bed
watching the flames. <'l It is believed , : he
dozed 'I and fell while asleep. ; --*•'-" ■ '
John*; Thompson, foreman. Standard
Oil company, head cut when' a garbage
can I fell , from a;; second story window
of the Athens hotel.;.*'-"' : :S'-^:yili:u^'~l
Dick Trengrove, foreman engine com
pany ■ No.V; l. i; burned ; " by live wire f- on
hands and face. " ' ' '
:■'> Matt , J Ruddicli. engineer of ■ company
No. : A;-\ right; hand caught in > Jlywheel,
;: Patrolman Reith, scalp ; wound when
a trunk thrown from a window of the
Athens hotel:grazed his head. -;
* The buildings destroyed were: . .
Frame building of the TV. F. Knox
Lumber,; company, ■ and -several \ thousand
dollars worth of j lumber: ~l\ frame i office
building■ of Friend & Terry Lumber
company,--iahd several thousand dollars
worth of lumber; ;: two story Athens
hotel, conducted ': by Japanese.
I -.'i Other j^:buildings damaged were the
warehouse of the Plumbers' Supply
company, the warehouse ?of the i Crane
company, and A. ;S. Ilopkin & ; Co.'s
warehouse. r> ; "- '■:■:." ~ : :-. "■"■■' x - : ' ■;: ;: :: ■'■'.' ■••-,.
(Special Dispatch to The Call)
/" SACRAMENTO, April 21.—-Bids were
received v for state highways in £ San
.ivTateo, Santa; Clara and Ventura coun
ties today by : the ~ state i highway - com
mission. The lowest bidders were: j San
Jose to Edendale road, 4% miles, A.
Keating- & Son,? $17,819.75; San Mateo
to Beresford, 2 miles, Raisch Improve
ment company, $19,233.85; north bound
ary of . San' Mateo to ' Daly City, . % mile,
Flynn & Treacy, % $14,040; Oak Grove
drive ;to Bellevlew drive, :Burlingame/
2 miles, Clark & Henery, $3,688; \ south
boundary of Ventura ;; to ';% Newberry.
Park, 8 miles, George A. Rogers. $67,'- ;
922.90. --: -y s .-: ' -~ = ".";.,;;.; ;: . : .; _..:-.^■
B aj HP " B 9m H"' i fln ml
and <Ue ROY A GORGE;:
The "Pannma-Pnclßc Express" With
.' Observation Car* and .
The "1915 Mall ,, Trains ,
-' - - - ' ---.-. ■ -■■ ---
; Leave Union Ferry Depot ■*-/. Arrive \ |
9:10 a fStockton, vSacramento, 4 Salt) e:3Op r
, , i Lake. Denver,*Omaha.-'Chi- 5- "- '.
7:30n I cogo. Kansas City. 1 St. \ Louis J 8:30*
4:10 p......... ... s -Stockton .;:....... 10:20 a '
I Through Standard anil ' Tourist Sleeplnir ' Cars I I
via Den.<& Rio:Grande*A;; Missouri Pacific,- .-;
"-: Rock - Island ;■ Lines ** and , Burlington X Route. -< ;'.
■I : Dining Cars and Electric Lights. , : -.
•;<;.-, Market St. Phone Sutler 1651
: 1326; Broadway,; Oakland, i Phone •
' Oakland 132 ' * O ,;
y|sB Schedule Effective
rr§M 2 ] Nov. 6, 1912
v&y San-Franelsco
Leave l':\ ,; :. VIA SAUSALITO J |: Arrive ■ \
; ; 7:4sa|Pctaluraa.-Santa Uosa,'Healds-I '"'■;.',..
I burg. Olover(lale.slTkiali.;W'il- \::.■",.; ~ ;
, I - lits. ■-Lmijrvale, .**ScbaBtopoi.j '.■.;".'-.;'" .
•* I Fort Itragg :;........... ,| ~:(C>p •■.'■•
B:lsa,Souoma, Glen r< E11en.:........*;i f t<J:O,">p ) : »
.- -I- -. •-; - : ■' ..-Ilte:3r.p i |
• B:18a n*\vps, Camp Meeker, Montei } te:3spi j i
v ! Rio, Duncan Mills. I'azaderoT J7:3sp} • |
*S:4sa '■ Petri liima. Santa'Rosa,.Gue.rne-K-;•■>'
■ villc. Montr?-Rio. DuncanM tfi:Sr.p ) i
• '* Mills, 'Cazn«lero;(leave3 from! ( J7:"sp y \
:>. ■I i Duncan Mills) '■.'.". .".'••".. .j ..'.'"'
10:45aH*etal»ima,: Santa.: Rosn.,llpalds-r -/ -' ' , ;,
: , - i burg ■...........'.:....;.::... !, - o:o.'p '
l:4op;Pet>iltima. Santa Rosa, <;uerin»-j
, ;'•:■■ i-. ville, ; Monte Rio. ■■;, Duncan! • ..
! Mills ::.:.:.......::.:... ! 10:35 a i
f2:4sn;l't. -j Reyes, "Camp i Meeker:; . i....;..;..
3:15p IVteluin'a, Santa Rosa. Healds- '
'" - I Inn ■ Cloverdiile. - '.. L'Uiali.i .
-. ; Willlts, ■■-. Sebastopol ...... [ I 11:SS«
" 4:4r.p Sonoma, :. Glen:; Ellen :'..~...;.". I. - i l):3oa -
C:lsp'l'etnliima. Santa Rosa, Ilealds-; ": --■"■■*. ' :
:; i burg .! 9:03 a ;
:; Sausalito. Mill Valley. San '; Rafael— f
every .-'. 30 r- mlnu ten --. from . $:43 *j a. 'm. until :45
a. m.; • hourly until' 2:43; p. m.: then »'3.13 p. m.
and every 30 - minutes until « <i:4."> ,p. m., then ■
7:45. 0:15. 11:15 p. n>... and 12:C0, a. m;w :?m .
Fairfax—Leaves +i;: 45. 7:15. 7:4.*>. 8:15, 8:45, !
0:15. 9:45. 10:45. 11:45 a. in.; 12:45. 1:45. 2:45. I
3:15, :!:45. , 4:15. 4:45. 5:15. 5:45. C:l5, 6:45," I
7:45, S):15. 11:13 p. m.;12:..0f1.m. •
w San ■ Quentin '■ via - San Rafael—-Leave ?- dally at «
9:l* a, m. and 1:45 p. in. ■ ~•' ■
Tiburon ; and Belvedere—Daily . every hour from -
e:4s;a.ira., until s 1:45 p. m.; tben 8:13 p. m. and \
every hour until j 6:15;, then .7:43,. 9:13, and 11:10 \
p. i,i. Mild 12:.10 «. m. 1 : > ■■-■-.:": Os^Xvj.
•Arrives daily 10:35 n. m. •♦Arrive* Sundays
7:03- i>. ni.. week day* OUIO p. m.%>f Except Sun- -
days. tSundn.Ts only. ' only. ,
-I,lied i Line. {Transfer i Company's i agents j aro ail-, '
tliorized i to'; check baggage direct' from J residence. i
MUIR WOODS ..rfllk
' ' ' ' OR ' ' ' awl >^B '
Bw<Trl».llJo;C«BWbiM<TrO t IT ,
ffmMn W«A<ay StaJMj WaetJhy S-day]| i
9:45 i 8:45* t 7=2o* 11:50 a 7:20« 10:40«!
1:46p 9-45* iUo»112:5O> 1:40* 11:40*
♦ 4:45M045* I 2:40p 1.50P 4:45p |1:4«P
.11:46 a 4:50»l ?:50p * »:36p 2:40»
1:4Bp 3:50p *:40»
2:46r J 4:40yl 4:4»
•Saturday 8 only, f Monday only. % Mt. Tamalpaii only.
■ - ■ ( Sansalito Ferry—Tel. Krarny 4980 >T
' ■;? Ticket ; Offices < 687 Market—Tel. Ream y 2751 ~
* - . - / 874 Market-Tel. Douglas 4407 -
General Office—Mill Valley. Cal. .T-J Mil 1 Vall-y Sub.Bl"
"Timi • f Tfflsjlpji:" jad "iiJrl as" an ihms ip« In mitt j
ifanlSMi N»vy "Ymf "ViUejo. St Helena. cS«ta«
Bwt* taavc 700 945 a bl. IX3O. 600. 840 p. a.
Dock m< oCcs. NortJj tW Terry Bmldlat
, nmm Hmrv 40k Madt •It evta j
Telegram From Vevey. Switzerland,
Xot Filed fby Joseph . Martin,
-' but by a' Woman
, VEVET, 'Switzerland, : April 21.—In
vestigation made with regard to the
telegram 'filedi at Vevey : 'last' Friday
saying: ' . ._ -. ..-. .' ■ --; ; - ..■ ■■■
; "Cease ■; inquiries. ' All well. '. Writ
ing.—-Martin," received; in London by
a friend of Joseph TV. Martin, makes
it * apparent that the message was not
handed in at the telegraph office by the
missing Memphis cotton dealer, ; and it
now is practically certain that he , never
visited Vevjey. ?-j;:.. : \ -.;■;>:. -;■■■;• ■
Further inquiries tend to show that
the sender of the telegram was a ? beau
tiful woman who probably was act
ing as Martin's emissary. > ; V " ,'. :? '; [
The American legation at Berne has
officially r announced that it has no
knowledge i tka* Martin ris s staying in
Switzerland, and, consequently,* ; the
news , that the police intend to arrest
him in tliis country Is not true J
Mi.<«M ' Beaatr Maxwell Defeats Her
.'-'Father for the OSce .
"i FRENCH GULCH, April 21—Miss
Bessie Maxwell, school teacher, has re
ceived :■ appointment as postmistress
here, succeeding her father. :E. L. Max
well, who was also an aspirant for the
position.", ■ • Miss f ; Maxwell had ' stronger
political backing than her father and
won. The salary is r $800. /::.- ,
RAILWAY eatei ! f , ' y / ' :
sKI VAmIB■ B 2i Jk °™ Jf A■ ■■ IJ■ ■■
, Leare :.'■• "(Foot of Market Street) :~* ;' Arrire
(Subject to change without Botiee)'
2.18 a Livermore, ? Tracy, Lathrop, V
: Stockton, ; Lodi, . Gait, , Elk ' Grove, :
■■■;.:■".. : Sacramento. Roseville, Auburn, Col-; ;
-i >&«;.-.:.:/.;;.;:;..:;.;;.;:.. r: 10.40p
"j 2.18 a Sacramento, Marysviile, Biggs. Chico. 10.40p
6.40 a Richmond ■ Vallejo), Port Costa, Mar- : , . '
. '.-■>"* :tines, Antioch, Byron Hot Springs, <
■; ; ' • Tracy, J Patterson, Newman, Los : ■■ '■ '.
"■ - Banoe, Ingle,' Herman. Fresno .... II .20p
■ 6.40 a San Leandro, , Hayward, Niles, San «
■•• .-.^:--J0ee.;;;..;^r:v.v:.::.;,..;.'..:^e.10p ,
.; 7.00 a Richmond, , Port Costa, Benicia, S>ii-"
- ■-•:.■■■ ■-"-.--, sun, Dixon, Sacramento ...."...■. 7.80b
/ 7.00 a Ebsira, Vacarille, Winters .......:;. 1.1 Op
-\ 7.00 a Rosevii'.e. Msrysrille (Orovilk). Red- ■
v> ding, Dunsmuir ..."...1....... IO.4Op"
:- 7.00 a Dsvis, Woodland, Williams, Maxwell, ,
'.- Willows, Hamilton, Corning, Rod
-.; -■.:■-- :Biuff/;-..v.v::T:vvv/.v./;;;./.-:/.,-■ 7.800
7.20 a The ■ —Richmond, Vallejo >• .
Junction, Port Costa, Benicia, Sui
eon, Elmira, '- Dixon, Davis, ; Sacra
mento .. ...v...';.....:"..".........' B.Bop.
'"'-■ 7.20 a Niles. Pleasanton, Livermore, Tracy, ■
. Lathrop, Stockton (Oakdale), Lodi, » : :
;V 5acraraent0.'.'...r.;.'.:...:....... 7.30b
7.20 a Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, ! :
f / Ingle, Herman, Fresno;*;.*.....i... 4.30p
7.40 a Richmond, Vallejo, Napa, : Calistoga,
Santo Rosa, Crockett, Port Costa.. . 6.1 Op
7.40 a Avon, Walnut > Creek, San Ramon, -
' Livermore .-.;-; T .;-..";..1.. v .. ..*..•■ : 0.1 Op
, B.ooa Newark, West San Jose, Los Gatos, -..
, Wright, Felton (Ben Lomond, Boul
der Creek), SanU Crus :.:....'...* 8,600
8.40 a Port ' ; Costa. s - Martinet, Byron Hot
,: Springs, Tracy (Stockton), Merced, ',- ■
Berenda, Madera, ■ Fresno, Fowler, -'r ■'■-'■'■~
Selma, ? Traver, Goshen v Junction V ,
(Hanford, Armona), Tulare, Bakers- .
•'■.■' field..'...'. ......;,.."..;;.'.... .,.., 4.30p
'■:'/}. 8.40 a Visalia, Lindsay, Porterville, Ducor... V 7.1 Op
. 8.40 a Yosemite Valley via Merced .V....... -'• 4.30p
9.00 a Iryington; San J0e5....././..../..;. 7.30p
:'- e.OOa Niles,- Pleaaanton, Livermore, Stock- - !
-■ ton, ('Milton), Valley Spring, lone, •
'■ :; : ■ '■■• ■■■■■'■ '■- Sacramento. .: :/;."...■;..'.•...•/.:v :^ x j 4.30p
; v ■ - 9.00 a Tuolutnne, Sonora. Jamestown, Angela ; 2.50p
-::'. B.ooa %llejo Junction (Valine), Port Costa,";' -
l»i- - '.;' Benicia, Buisun, Davis, Sacramento. . 10.40p
• - 9.00 a Goldfield Truckee, Haien, Wa- '
• ba«ka (Yerrington, Hudson)/Min&».'
;. v ~ Tonepah, Goldfield, Laws. Keeler.. B.loa
-, 8.40 a Richmond, San Pablo, Pinole, Vallejo : .. i-■
-:; Junction, Crockett. Port Costa, Mar
! tinei, Avon, Concord. San Ramon.. * 6.80p
: 10.20 a "Pacific Limited"—Ogden, Cheyenne,
Omaha, Chicago—Salt. Lake City, ?
-- -;-:•- Denver 8.50*
10.20 a Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento, Col- V ■ q i
' . fax, , , Truckee, Reno, Hasra, Love- : !
lock, Winnemucca, Battle Mountain,
Palisade, Elko. Wells, Cobra ...;..' 8.50 a
V> 10.20 a Kilea. Irvington, San Jose .......... 11 -20a
10.40 a Vailejo, Mara Island, Napa.......... 12.50p
10.40 a Stockton '. : { '§;?£ j
10.40 a Los Angeles Passenger—Port Costa, . 1
r ' - ; Martinez, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy,
Stockton, Merced, Madera, Fresno, -
(Hanford, Coaling*, Visalia), Bakers- ■ > j
: ' field, Los Angeles ;';.......'.. 7.10p j
til.2oa Shasta Limited De Portland,
Tacoma. Seattle .f/;.::?;;/:.;;/. B.Bop \
12.00n Richmond, Port CoeU, Benkia, Bui- v< ' |
'-':-' sun, Fairfield, Dixon, Sacramento.. ? 4.30p \
12.00n Elmira, Vacaville, Winters......./... 7.60p
12.00n Davis, Williams, Cohisa Juno., Willows, ;-- |
" ■ German town, Orland, Hamilton B.Bop :
f : I 2.00» Marysviile, Chico, Red 81uf1.'..../...' 4.30p
I.oop Niles, Irvington, San Jose :T..■.:/;;. I.BOp
. ■ 1.20p San Leandro, Niles, CenterviUe, New*
• ark (Redwood), San J0ee.'.v....... 7.80p 1
. ' 1.40p Newark, Alviso, Agnew, Santo Clara,' -J ■» I
West San Jose /. v. :'."'.. /. //r.'. ..*;..•; 10.00p
: f 1.40p Wright, Boulder Creek, Santo Cnw... 10.00* i
~ 2.00p Overland Limited De Luxe—Denver, I
'..-..: Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Chi* -
: cago /.;;.. v:rr/.:v.. /....../..:. 9.30 a
v 2.40p San_Leandro, Niles, San Jose .;. 7.30p
■3 3.00p Benicia, • Suisun. Sacramento—
-. "£ land, Tudor, Tuba City, Marj-sville,; ■ '
"• - 0r0viUe;;....,;..^.../;.....;... ll.lOa
1 3.00p Elmira, Vacaville, Winters, Rumsey/. 11.1 Oa
■ 3.20p Richmond, Port i Costa, *■ Martinez,
• Byron Hot Springs, Modesto, Mer-,
v ced, Madera, Fresno :..."....... 10.40p
4.00p Port Costa,' Martinez, Concord, Wal-j'
nut Creek, San Ramon, Livermore. / 9.30 a
:.. 4.00p ' ~..r.:::->\ ;> Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga,.: --
- ■■-■■-■■ Glen Ellen, , Santo Rosa;:;-/.:..7... 9.30 a
r 4-OOp Niles (Centerville, (, Newark), SunoL •
Pleaeanton, Livermore, Tracy, Stock- *-~
»"-- - ton, Lodi, Sacramento ..:./. 12.50p
• : '. 4.40p San Leandro, Hayward, Niles, Pleas-/ 1 8.30 a :
i -'r; a- anton, Livermore ,'.v."//.v.";;".\ $ 10.1 Oa
4.40p Irvington, San J0ee.....;.'.....;/... 9.30 a I
4.40p Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, "
v : Herman, Fresno ;'/";v/;... //.T//.".. 10.40p
. % 4.40p Valley Flyer—Port Costa, Byron Hot =
P '--"■"Springs, Tracy, Modesto, Merced, .
Madera,' Fresno, Goehen Junction,
Tulare, Bakers&eld, Mojave, Loo '■'
£ Angeles. ;;.;;v:;r...:r....v.....12.80p
B.oOp Vallejo, Port Costa, Benicia, Sukm,
: Sacramento, -' Roeeville, - Lincoln, -■•■-;/ .
.-.■- Wheatland, Maniville $ (Oroville), : " • ;
1 ;-' ° Gridley, Biggs, Chic 0.'............ I 1.30p
- B.OOp Davis, - Arbuckle. ■ Williams," Willows, r -
';. <• :' Orland, Tehama /:/.../..../."* 10.40b
gi S.OOp Newark, West San Jose, Los Gates... 9.30 a
B.oob Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Tracy, ? : ;
v. Stockton :'. /;..... .T .vWCV.-* 10.1 Oβ
8.20p San «Leandro, Lorenao, Hayward, ; "
" v Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Tracy, -i" ;
■ ■-*_ -.-•= Stockton/.?:/:..;..r/.v....;.;.. ; '2.80p
i. ■■: 8.20p Owl Limited—Port s Costa,' Tracy, -
Fresno, Los Angeles:/;........... B.loa
8 6.20p Hayward, 1 Niles and San J05e..'..... / 6.10p
:46.40b astern Express—Ogden, Pueblo, Den- ' -
ver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago. 1.30p
■i 6.40 a Port Costa,' Byron Hot Bprings, Tracy,;.' .. ■ >
- l ■•:;• Stockton, Sacramento, Colfai, Trac- .
-- ks. Reno. Sparks/;;.'/.... '.:.;■: 1.30p
I 7.00b Richmond ( Vallejo), Port Costa, Mar
: tinesJConcord. Walnut Creek, Pleas-:
h'Mm anton, Niies, Oakland .tf///; ::.\f. 12.48 a
vg 8.20b Oreson s Expresa—Sacramento. Rose- -
■' vine, Marys>il!e,* Redding (Klamath
Falls), Ashland,! Portland, Tacoma, '-•• ': - 1
Seattle, Spokane ■ :. 1.1 Op
9.00p Mt. Eden, , -Alvarado," Newark, Santo v * ;.
.:■-• ?&z> Clara. San Jow ::".'■!'. .-.'.•".v."/;'.''."'. 7.80p
■ir 8.40p Bakersfield,'S McKittrick, ■ i Haxelton, • * r
*, Monarch, Moron, Fellow, Shale.... 7.60 a
Is: 9.40p Richmond, Port CosU. Tracy. Mo- r'"' '*
■■-■-■-':. ■" 1 desto, Merced, Madera, - Fresno, ,;
': -■^^Sj : ;-Hanford, ! .Tulare/ , ::-;'//.^;-.V-. J .VV:;.r',TBOa
iff • 9.40p Hanford, Armona, Lemocre, ? Huron,?r'■*'*'
Coalinga.;/;.'. /. /; /. /:/v:./..... 7.60 a
...8.40p Visalia. Exeter, Lindsay, Porterrille, : ;;
' Ducor, Fam050..:....-.:......?:/. 7.50 a
% 10.20p Portland f Express—Davis, Willows, .-•«..
\\ -. -/:; Red Bluff, Weed, (Klamath Falls), -
• ■' Ashland, Roeeburg, Portland, Ta- . ,
: '-'::■'-•- .:.:coma, Seattle 3 : 1 .;:.-/.';;/;/:.;...;*-*7^0ft
* 11.40p California «Mail--Ogden,'>i Cheyenne,- ■ **.
; % 1 Denver, Kansas' City, Omaha, Chi-;
cagor??T"f ffT^ffnr?T^TTffd";:?Z : rfc - 8.30p
: $; IMOpPort j Costa, Benieia, Suisun, Davis, fi ■" -.
Sacramento. Truckee, Reno. 8.30p
-.- ,• -■■■; ■■ . v From Paeilte Street Wharf ; *.... ,-'. .. •
:' This j route offers '• exceptional } opportunity . for Auto
nobUists to reach all poiats oa I toe Sacramento River:
Comnsville/ Emmaton, Rio Vista; Isle ton, Ryde, Walnut
Grove, Vorden, Courtland, Clarksburg, Sacramento.
Steamer Navajo leaves: San Francisco 8.30 a. m. daily
( except Sunday, arriving [Sacramento 7.00 p. m. > Stopping
at alt points en root*. 5 Leaves Sacramento 9.00 p. m.
daily except Sunday,l arriving I Baa } Francisco 7.00 a. m.
No stops en route. - •■ <
a»eemer,Mo4oe or Apache, leaves San Francisco 1.00
p. m. daily oxeept Sunday; arrive Sacramento i. CO a. m.
daily except Monday. Leave Sacramento 11.30 a. m.
daily except Sunday; ; arrive San Francisco 11.30 p. m.
Stopping at all points ea route.
Every * Railroad v. Line - Mad* ; Defendant
In Hearing; Before Interstate Com
merce Commission .
WASHINGTON. April 21.— Every
railroad : -,i line ; in ,' the ;■ country ;. was ■„■ a
defendant ■In a hearing today before the
Interstate commerce commission in a
proceeding instituted by the national
baggage committee; attacking as illegal
and unjust the excess> baggage rates
exacted ;by the carriers. : To an extent, .
likewise,'; every: traveler who may carry
baggage *in excess 'of -150 pounds is a
party in Interest.
Four years ago the railroads- In-*
creased their charge for excess weight
of bag-gage from ; 12** per cent of the
,first class V passenger fare to 16H : per;'
I cent. ■•„"•-. t''\ '.■'■'■'■'".'.' : ■•* "■■.,■."■ ■■.• :'*'■•'. . V : ; '.''■.
-? Testimony was introduced today to
show that the 'commercial travelers in
England are permitted » to carry SS6
pounds of i bag-gage ;on a first class
ticket, and ,in Canada 200 pounds.
." ■ ■ *-.\ -'•'- -- ■--- -*, -■ - ■ . ~ -'■ ■' ■ " ,
Crushed in Lake ■ Michigan Ice CreW
- % *of : Twenty-two Saved ;• L; *
MILWAUKEE, April 21.— steam
er I Uganda, • grain r> laden, t bound ' from
Milwaukeei- to Buffalo, sank Bin Lake
Michigan Sunday night ? near the straits
of Mackinac after being crushed in the
ice, ' according to '. information > brought
here today .by I the ; crew of the Anna ;C/
Mlnch. The Uganda's , : crew, -consisting ,
of 22 persons, was rescued. ,
r-f VIA COAST UUVB : : - I
Leave ; (Third and Townaend Streets) Arrive J
(Subject to change without notice) -V
t 8.05 a Valencia Street, Ocean View, t'olma,
Cemeteries Baden, San Bruno .... f 8.35» j
"* 8.45* South San Francisco, San Joee, Mor- - ft«j
. _ ■ ganhill, Gilroy, ? Bargent, Pajaro,' >%. V,
'-->- Watsonville, Santo Cru» ..".'..v.... B.oop
♦ 8.48p Los Altos, Moata Vista, Los Gates. .. J 9AS* ;f..
; 7.00 a Coaster—San. Jose, Morganhill, Gil-:
.■•■■'■->- , V roy, Pajaro, > CastxoviUe, Salinas, , ■«
: Soiedad, King City, Paso Roblee Hot r
; Springs, v San ?: Luis Obtspo, Surf ■.
■ '•; (Lompoc), Santa Barbara, Ventura,
« *«. e o £ nard »"" Angeles./............• 10.30p i
7.00t Hollister, Tree Pinoe—Watsonville, * i
:.S Santa Crui— Moate, Monterey. - .
. *«"•» Pacific Grore.. . ;/.v......... | o 30a
t 7.08* South San Francisco, Palo Alto San - i
* ,„. ir Jose, Way 5tati0n5.;......;..;.... 7.50p
■ I'iSt I? A OB, V? ,1 ? 4 Viat *> -*• Gatoe .. { 3.25P
B.ooa Shore Line Limited—Paso Roblee Hot
it A*, ;i »**2 a &» 8 ' nta . I*™.1 *™. I^aAngeles.■ 8.50p
B.oBa Mayfield, Lob Alton, Los Wright, '
Glenwood (Boulder Creek) Santa • ■
;... Crus, Watsonville, Del t '
»«« « Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove.... 9.08p '
o.ooa San Jose. MorganhUl. Gilroy. Sargent, 1
• ; Salinas, Soiedad, San Miguel/Paso > -- • ;
•a m. r, blee Dot SpringsjSan Luis Obispo. 4.00ji
; 9.00a Bollister, Tres Pinoe—Watsonville. •- -
• Santa Cruz—Del Monte, Monterey, '
j - ; - Pacifio Gr0ve;:;..:;.....;.....;.; 4.000
10.40 a South San Francisco, BurlinKame, San
Mateo, Palo Alto, Mayfield, Los /12.30 i»
:, „,, ..Altos, Los Gatoe ..;........... I 7.20p
11.30 a Valencia Btreet, Ocean View, Colma, ;
■■ ; «*. Cemeteries, Baden, San Bruno ..;. 1.53p ■
1 ! «5* South San Francisco, San Jose.... ... t 8.20 a •
* 1.20p Saturdays only—San J > Mateo, • Red- ' •.-;*/'
: '■> wood, Mayfield, Mountain View, :J - .Xi';'
, „ „ San Jose .. J -.v... 5 :r.:.r.:v//?/.?. til. OOp ?i
1.20p -Saturdays , only—Los i Altos, Mont* - i
-V»ft-^\ LoeGatos --•••"."■. ..::.... I 3.250
- 2.00P Del Monte Express—San Jose, Mor
;-■ \ ganhill, Gilroy, Sargent, Wateonville,
: Santa Crui, Del Monte, Monterey,
- «A- » PacifioG » (Salinas);...'.:...-..; 12.30* 1
2.08p Easton, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Sao >
■■• f' ,, -- •;■'■ J05e...:......;.;vv'..'■'.■■ a > 8.40 a '
t 2.1 Op South San Francisco, Redwood,' Santas "
Clara, West San Jose, Los Gates,
. Wright, Felton, , (Boulder • Creek), V ,
Santa Crus ..:....:^............ til.3oa 1
; 3.o©p South San Francisco, San Mateo, San ■" " '
"•"'-' Jose, Morganhill, Gilroy, Tres Knot, ' '-■ '■
Saunas .....;......... 10.10* 1
3.00p Wateoaville, Santo Crux/Castroville, * -
■_. « Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove. 10.1Oβ
3.25p Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood. •
- ■;•- Palo Alto, Mayfield, Los Altos, Lot '• . -' : . ;
Gat05...;..........v.r. '.. f 8.48P '
t 3.28P Wright, Boulder Creek, SantaCrui. .'. fl 1.301 '
4.00p Sunset Express—Tucson, Deming, El * •
v Paso, Houston, New Orleans. Chi
,,. . •-- : cago ..;"..*...;..,.Vi." ' ■"'""'* 9 15a
; 4.00p Washington Sunset > ".
.._ ton, D. C, New York and East..'■;' 9.16 a
-«.00p Saunas. Paso Roblee Hot * Springs,"
San Luis Obispo, Santo ! Barbara, ■
. „ Ventura and Los Ange1e5......... 8.15* '
4.00fl Kansas City, St. Louie, Chicago....... 9.15 a
. 4.20p Bouth San Francisco, San Jose ..::'. \ 7.25 a
t 4.56p Santo Cruas Limited—Mayfield, Loe
Altos, Los Gatot, Feltoa (Boulder
* •«. mL ? ek) ' Sml * Cna.........;...:.t 8.45«!
t e.Oeplßurlingaine, San Mateo. ] Redwood, '
■■:■;■ ; Palo Alto, ; Mayfield, : Santa Clara,
■'y."' San J05e.........:. - ..;.. r .;..v. t 6 30a 1
t 0.20p Redwood, Atherton, v; Menlo ' Park, '
},/■■ T; Palo Alto, Mayfield, Mountain View,
* . »*. Buaayvale, San Jose ....;........ f 9.00 a !
s'2op Los Altos, Monto «■*■• Los Gates. .. t 8.40 a
t 0.28p Easton, Redwood, . Mountain View, ' - ■%
_ .ii Z San Jose '•'• •*• • • • • •"•••'• •'•■ • • • • .'• .9.40* ' '•
t 8.30p Loop—Valencia Street,' Ocean ' View,
: ; > Cemeteries, South San Francisco,. v,,
Mm _ 23d Street, 3d and Townsend ...:.. f 8.40 a
8.40b San Bruno, San Mateo, - Redwood,. .
. . m~- Palo Alto. Santa Clara, San Jose... 7.48p
t 6.40p Mayfield, Los Altos. Los Gates....:. J 9.40 a
e.OOp Tuesdays-Sunset Limited De Luxe,,
; New Orleans and East. Arrive Bun- .
■ day 5.'....."...;■..:.;".;..-....".-, H.OOa
t B.OOP Millbrae. Ban Mateo, Redwood, May
. -field, Los Altos, Los Gates..'..:;:.. f B.ooa
t B.OBp 23d f Street, Visitacion, South: San : i
'■■ --■ m Fr&neisco, Valencia Street..:...:/, f 7.18i»'
, 8.30p South San Francisco, San Jose ...... - 6.45p
; ; B.oop The Lark-Santa Barbara.Los Angelea 8.45e) ) :
.5-12? San Jose and Way 5tati0n5..;....."...,, 7.30 a "'
I o.oob Los Angel« Passenger—
: " • i.'Balin»s.-Paso Roblee Hot Springs.
' .; Ban Luis Obispo, Santo Barbara and . , '■'■
;-. ■■■'■■ : , LoeAngelee.:.;.;.v.v:...r:v.;.;:- 8.25 a |
: I O.OBp South San Francisco, San Jose . .. 11.55b :
: 11.489 South San Francisco, Palo Alto, Sao' 'f • ■ ■ 1 -
•■■ /;.? Jobs /.T.v. V........... .... ... .i 7.36 a .:
.-""- : Via Oakland Pier;-: v "',:' < '
To Oakland. 16th St., and Berkeley, via Shattuck Aye.l
•■ and Ellsworth St. Lines.—Daily—From 6.00 a. m., and j
- every twenty minutes until 8.20 p. m., inclusive; then :
r ; 9.00,9.40,10.20,11.00,11.40 p.m., 12.20 and 1.20 a. m. '■
Additional boata Saturdays and Sundays only, 840 !
E ; p. m., 920, 10.00, 10.40 and 11.20 p. m. ;, ££'. ; v '
1 0 Berkeley via California St. and West Berkeley, Albany
via Ninth St. Lines.—Daily—From •β-oo a. m., t6.20.
j *6.40, f7.00 a. m., and every twenty minutes until 8 20
i> p. m., inclusive; then 9.00,0.40,1050,11.00,11.40 p. n>.,
12.20 and 1.20 a. m. Additional boats Saturdays and
Sundays only, 8.40 p. m., 6.20, 10.00,10.40 and 11.20 i
>p.m. ~:. 7 y:.,,;-:'~r; ;vr-; : -f : -: ~-■?■ -T-■>.;.: :':y- ■■■•;:•",;:> J;
To Oakland. Washington-Broadway. East Oakland. !
Frultvale and Meirosc, via Seventh St.—Daily—From
18.00 a. m., then every twenty minutes until 8.20 p. m., I
.• inclusive; then 0.00, 0.40, 10.20, 11.00. 11.40 p. m.,
- 12.20 and 1.20 a. m. Additional boats Saturdays and
s! Sundays only, 8.40 p. m., 0.20, 10.00, 10.40 and 11.20 !
p.m. . - ,--■ U
Horseshoe to Oakland, Washington-Broadway, Fruitva!?, I .':
>: Alameda, North S«»—Daily—From 6.00 a. m., t650,'
.-, 6.40, 7.00, 7.20, 7.40. 8.00, 8.40 and forty minutes past . ft
I the hour until 3.40 p. m.; then 4.00, 4.40, 6.00, 5.20, A
5 8.40, 6.00, 6.20, 6.40, 7.00, 7.40, 850, 0.00, 9.40,10.20, .
\ 11.00,11.40 p.m., 12.20 and 1.20 a.m.- '" • .-<<
To Vfcorlt, Stefle, Pullman. Richmond (Steam Service)—
tti-40 and 7.40 a. m., 350 p. m., 450,550, 6.20 p. m.
To Ste««rwm * (Steam 5 ServteeV-ffi.oo, t«-40, t7.20. '
s'taxo.'f 10.00 a.'m.rtlso p. m., J2XO." :3.00. +3.20. i
•4.00, "exo, '5.40 and t«5O p. m. ': :
" '*" Via Alameda Pier "
To Oakland, 14th and Franklin Sts.— .. ;
- 6.15, 6.46 a. m. and then 15 and 45 minutes past th« I
hour until 7.4.5 p. m.; then 8.30, 8.15, 10.00. 10.45, !
11.30 p.m. and 12.15 a. m. .
To Alameda. North and South Side—
1 6.15, 6.45 a. m. and then 15 and 45 minutes past the )
- hour until 7.45 p. m.; then 8.30, 8.15, 10.00, 10.45,
, 11.30 p.m. and 12.15 a.m. - j ■
From San Framiseo. South End of Ferry Building, for -
% Broadway Wharf, Oakland—Week days 6.00 a. tn. and
v every half hour until 8.00 p. m., inclueive. Sunday*
: and • holidays' 6.00 ,a. m. and '■ every; half , hour until
; 11.00 p. m.. inclusive. I Boat* leave Broadway Wharf- •
Week days 6.15 a. m. and every half boor until 8.45
Ip. m., inchj»ve.*jj Sundays and holiday*. 6.15 a. m.*,' j ;
and every half hour until 10.45 p. ra., inclusive. ' , j
a for Morning. . •Dailr. " p for Afternoon. " j *
fSunday excepted. ', >■ JSunday oijy.t ; {Saturday only,
a Monday. . . j
Agents collect baceagt and cheeks on trains or boats of
Southern Pacifle Company and deliver baggage to resi
denes. They are authorized to check baggage direct freM

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