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28 ARTHUR PELKEY JAILED ON CHARGE OF MANSLAUGHTER Under the Laws of Alberta Every Spectator Is Equally Liable Minister at : -Z the Ringside » Con tintied from Pas- 25 went open- and he breathed in short gasps. .. v„. '.■*'..??- .Z' Z / As he lay there Referee Ed Smith of Chicago ran. over and, began to count. No sign of returning consciousness was evident and he yelled,? "'Eight, nine, he's 'out." '? ; - ,/: ■■■'' McCarty * did! not * stir and It soon dawned on seconds," officials nd specia tors that h'ewasbadly hurt! The crowd, which had been yelling over Pelkey's victory, became silent. IST RNS CALLS FOR DOCTORS 'Promoter Burns was the first one to recover hi* wits. He began to call for doctors, and half a dozen medical men'responded." They, with the aid of the fighters' seconds, worked over the prostrate man? while he lay in the ring. Hypodermic injections of strych nine and digitalis were given, but they had no effect. ? While this was going on the crowd became a mob. Softie rushed for the ring, others fled. Mounted police soon secured the upper hand and restored order. % Finally, the prostrate form of Mo- Carty was carried from the arena and laid on the grass. J/Death came in a few minutes. Doctor Stuart announc ing it at 1:22. vyA deep silence followed the an nouncement that death had claimed the champion. Several conferences were held between those promoting the frght. : .? : . . .1. H. Birch, one of the doctors in attendance, stated that McCarty was not examined by a physician before entering the ring, so it was difficult to state the real cause of death. iff thought, however, that McCarty must have had a weak heart and that the excitement was the cause of its giv ing away. , : - "BLOWS III." BATB l**l'l.Kl"\ Pelkey made, the following state ment: • - "." v ? "I hardly knew the bout has started when the end came. I was putting little or no force behind my blows, for Tommy Burns wanted DC to get a line on McCarty." McCarney, manager for McCarty, said that McCarty had stomach trou ble for. a week previous to the bout.. McCarney said that -30 seconds be fore the fall, McCarty struck a crouch ing position such as he uses in de livering an uppercut and . winked at McCarney in his corner. v The physicians unite in declaring death _ due primarily to heart trouble and not to any blow, though admitting that Pelkey's right to the heart capped the climax as the heart was then al most bursting with blood caused by Mccarty's excitement. .Referee Smith of Chicago said: -'-'There wasn't a-hard blow struck and I was surprised when McCarty went down. . I prefer to make no state ments or to. say anything until after the inquest. I will remain in the city and I wish you would notify the au thorities that they can communicate with me any time, they desire and I will appear when it i is necessary. I will not go to Edmonton tonight to referee the Sealer-Welsh bout, and in no circumstances will 1 leave Calgary at present." ... EVERY SPECTATOR LIABLE Under the laws of Alberta every spectator is liable to be arrested for slaughter. ' Practically the last words McCarty heard were from a minister, when the pastor of a local church entered the ring, and after saying there was noth ing brutal in the preliminaries, asked the great** audience to think that they "were daily engaged In a similar fight in life. The minister said he did not disap prove of boxing; that he had boxed himself when he was younger. He concluded by inviting all present to church on Sunday. A respectful hear ing was given him. V McCarty was a native of Nebraska. His father was an Indian half breed. McCarty was well known in Calgary, where he worked until two years ago as a teamster, before he entered the prize ring. It was here that started his career, and here that he ended it. Wife Remains at Work : * FARGO, X. ]>.. May-24.—Mrs. Luther McCarty did not let the news of her husband's sudden death interfere with her duties in a restaurant here tonight. When first told of the death of Mc- Carty she refused to believe it, and when the death was confirmed she re fused to make any comment. X ~ Mrs. McCarty was working in a res taurant here when her husband became a claimant of the championship. She then went to see McCarty in their for mer home in Ohio, but soon returned to her work here. ■ McCARTY FIGURED LUCK? IN THIRTEEN CALGARY, May 24.—The average boxer and his manager are, full of su perstition. The exception to the rule appeared to be the combination of "Macs"—-Luther McCarty and? Billy. M - Carney. The heavy weight champion boxer and the heavy weight champion manager -were free. of all superstition, and their lucky, number was the old hoodoo combination of numerals—-one and threethirteen, the number of letters in each of their names..* Adorning the lapel of the coats of both McCarty a***) Manager McCarney were buttons bearing the number teen. They had the buttons made ex pressly for themselves and here; is the story as V unfolded* by -Manager- Mc- Carney recently: * : * V:: "Thirteen is our lucky number," said he. "i do not blame you'for wonder ing; they all do. ! Just follow me and you will" see*" Off we arrived at It. There are- thirteen.letters in the name? of Luther McCarty and the same num ber in Billy McCarney. There they are, count 'em? When lather and I met■ in 'Springfield, Mo., at the train we . left immediatelj", * going" from : Chicago to th c* Mi ss"3lirt * city*.* "*™*^"•—r**~** s * *"**' v: -,- •.f.**I*--"1 *--" train : left at 8:05 <-*■■. .m.—-thir-, teten again. Lkrtbef fepon ink bout ; ind returned to Chicago on a train that left Springrfield one after mid —l2.ol, This* is vanothfer thirteen. Someythirteens! .f;.' x"i r . .'*'• -"WhenylVsent M('*art.v nprainst Carl Morris, it was ; the thirteenth real bat tle'Of= h-i-y-career, end he flattened Mor*-* ris in"2 minutesahd .ill - ..nils of the si>th fr&sM7i: ' "*". V **J 1 ' f " -""-*-*V'y -■. / 'The bout with A] I'alzer,'' con tinued' • 'Btezyz Billy, "was? thesythir teenth Imttle-McCarty-had participated in within ayear and, he.', won from -Pal zer on the first" day: of '\•)]:',. He re teived $13,000 . for;-his two most im portant bouts, those .with"*Flynn and Palzer. ■-'.?.' -„...'"' *- ■ •-/£"" • ZZZz **1 - (•■pairing' ''name is i.\i bert E." Norton, and he is the best spar ring- mate hi , the world, both; person ally and as a performer. The, man who Luther McCarty, claimant of the world's heavy weight title, who was killed in the ring yesterday; and Arthur Pell?y (small-portrait) who delivered the fatal blow. has conditioned McCarty for all of his Important battles is r With him here, and his (name is Frederic Sears/ Count 'em, boys, the -names of the sparring mate and the conditioner, and you will find each: contains the* magic "number of thirteen. V "To finish with, Luther McCarty is* Sale of Stamped Waists z ;= :£& m $4 50 Wool Blankets < repe Waists, pattern* g\Q Ifm/S^w d/MlfrtiM%9 J**_r_fiK_T_f£) —-vv;* $3.85 1 i*i MXr /__^__# 3 White Saxon v Wool <fc Q Qr* stamped ready to embroid- «t/Uv- ~~~ -X FSz\ 1 - Vg^ ' Blankets, 70x80 in., *P*-*«CJ*vl er, will, embroidery cotton and. Corner STOCKTONand OFJmßEUStreets 5 lb., colored borders, $3.85 pair. needle: .Monday. 98c* each. .-. *•'..„';*; r . . • .* . -..• *r ■ ■•".■ --.v t- ■.. Great Reorganization Anniversary Sale A Sale of Wonderful Savings. Every department straining every nerve to surpass our Record-selling last year at this time. Summer Merchandise. Prices cut as never before.. Biggest Bargains in Sail Francisco. Starting Monday at 9 o'Clock — ! AH Trimmed Hats 250 of this Season's Smartest mffl Now at Half Price IA/_n._r_J 1 "^■-«|^r%' , a*^iir|-i :: \iil rC ■ '#-*wfeN tomorrow should be the biggest millinery day f f VIUI 1 CUIU_FCU- iV I__JIU of the year ' for the values-offered are really start .v,■".".',.;'- u-v??'- " *>■". /V;^PV-!^, < l',m - : - - n £': Every trimmed hat, every untrimmed shape, PoSitlVely Worth WBA - ; ( -Ol |fc TO, flowers, etc., are offered at half price or less. $37:50 :tO $65.00 W J **% PA $7.50 Hat 5.. .53.75 $15.00. Hats... $7.50. Will be Sold at mai%J __ .$lO.OO Hat 5...54.75 $20.00 Hats. $10.00 - A real sensation. ?An offering quite different \ and so on-iipH6:the highest pric_d Hat in the store A real sensation.-An ottering quiteidiiterent J -.Ao. -£?,ft/ ~, . x --. . .•, . ■ r from any that San -TTi' women are familiar -v/,>*"? ....A! ' ■'■'•":' v \ on can . select: a stun . creation alter foremost" from any that San.i Francisco women-are familiar •/ A>\M ? r> ••-• V- ,: ■'■•' '*? —v.*, • - : with. Every one of these suits is offered at a price A /'/fr\» Parisian ideas, at a price so small that it is almost ($25) which means an actual : saving of $12.50 to I. Wf TH 100 good to be true ' Be earl for a first choice. $40.00. Out of the entire number, 184 are $50.00 UM|| \l Great Flower and Foliage Sale suits. They are a leading Fifth avenue (New . I lit ju- j v.- -.* * . ? * .. , _. J„ ~ , \r --i \ i * • .. gy * i. i -i. 4-t \, i -l 4 i lit 1 '*"--' "■'-% r*-- : ' a bunch tor lowers and Foliage that sold un v York), maker's samples and overstock at the end \. J|i - lSCf rt ti «-n n™*-™ v;+ v i ■*■■ **• : " p -» . ' - ', . .-■.,.-•.■.*■."*-.*-'■■, ■■....-■■..>■■■ xt . , v•*\.%-» -tnlCI ' *♦*-*■■'■»'to $—tlowers ot: all descriptions— at an of his season,- secured 'by our ;buy while m New \.y imM uheard of low price. York a few days ago, at much less than half whole- 'J\ //"A \ljm ' •" „_. ogr , . * - ft^.i Sale prices ' //J A Hi I 25< t 351 and ao«* bunch for flow \f'i\' /\f\\ U ] ers worth many times those prices. The newest midsummer modelshigh - waisted \i //A - fol'l // ' ~T -—-—-____—_ blouses, Balkans, smart cutaways, combination suits in \i/m\§ ;; \®ll' '/ " '"' ' *""'" "■■"'"-'■ ■ ■■■ -\ ■ * ,- 7 ~ : ~T~^ -Bedford .*. cords, ■ eponge, I worsteds,', poplins and ■ novelty 1 I'M Wi \@ll I \\T " 1-. Z^ 1 J O • 1 .'y mixtures. All desirable colorings.? The suit "pictured ' II \ \&\\' ■ W *E-Sll OpCCialS y gives an idea of the distinctive styles, but only by see- y -^v;.-, : -jjf* |h| ; tj\ OA - yard ( for 25c Juvenile Cloth—3l inches wide * ing and trying them on can you realize what truly V j/'WjUP -&UC strictly fast colors; best wearing fabric made wonderful values they are at but; $25. each. // for children's wear. Over 40 styles to select from. **■ f*m j-*--. -- r>cl s yard for 35c Serge Suitings—2B inches wide; rnAnnmAtlSl I AVCAf SO L full range of new Summer colorings. 1 JlCll\_tfillCllCll SCI OdltJ 9*- yard for 35c Silk Stripe Tissue-Cloth—34 _ # _*»!/ 1/ 1/ i __<OCne\v' patterns to select from. *** Reductions Of l /4 9 l /Z. */2 and More 9z^y ard for 40c Silk Stripe Fashion Voile-Tn ~.,,,,./ v*" '■'•"' -••>•-:- --^-:T^ ; -&OC all :of the? season's latest stvlcs. on all of the broken lines and to-be-discontinued /'" r rft c .,, _ . _" * . , numbers of your favorite makes of Corset'; A_l_^ yard for 5 ° C Silk Stripe Dolly Varde'n Voiles __ . -, ' _ _, ✓» *tV/C— ln all the light evening shades. Mme. Irene Corsets , ; Bon Ton Corsets Florita Corsets *" ' Royal Worcesters f Successo Corsets ' Nemos, J. Bs. * Record-breaking Prices. If we have your will ' P.-ir-a fir-aaf Sillr Valn_i_ secure the Corset bargain of a lifetime. But, above * IVC ulcai 01ii_. V,aiUeS^ -' w " all things, come in' time. , Positively no exchanges. . 6Sc yard. for J leavy"Striped Tub Silks. Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, Successo, " The Celebrated Mme. Irene 75*f> yard for 36-inch Silk Ratine; all colors. Nemo, Florita and J. B. Corsets. Corsets-$4, $5, $6.50 and $7.50 $1.25 yard.for 40 in. $2 Brocaded Satin Charmeuse. $1.50 Styles, $1.10 $3.00 st vies, $2.00 "models now re- -Aa C?A 81.50 yard for double, width Crepe de Chine. $2.50. Styles, $1.75 $4.00 Styles, $2.50 diiced to .;,... ?1 . 85 vanifor double width Satin Charmeuse: '; THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY. MAY 25, 1913. glad to be back In this dear city, where he got t his?first real start and encour agement—Calgary, Canada—and if ; you do V the* V'one-two-three-etc.' over;e.the Calgary, /Canada, - you will? stop again on the nymber that: Luck and myself always count on as being our lucky one—-thirteen."'. ? V •/." /...'■/ OBITUARY NOTES PIONEER LUMBER MAN OF NEVADA IS DEAD .* • * '. ••*■'''' -* - - >.'*'* T'' * * V '-• - r'». Waiter I'ltn fort I, Tobey of V Palo Alto) -■-'■*■-.. --*.';;v»;f--. .-i-.' **"*--: .-'- »:" '".ir-;-*,;; Leaven I ar_«> Estate Acquired • Years Ago Walter Danforth Tobey, 71 years old, retired capitalist and former owner of large lumber interests in Nevada, died yesterday morning at his home in Ham ilton avenue near Hale street, .Palo Alto. He had been a sufferer for many months and a / recent/stroke; of V apo plexy resulted in his death.; / /■/ Tobey was 5 : born/at Wareham. ; Mass., in 1842 and when a?young/man came to Nevada/and /soon engaged /in/ the lumber business. {,/ He Va massed , a con siderable fortune in furnishing ? lumber for the Comstock mines ?"and ?'for \ many years was connected with - the CarsOn- Tahoe Lumber and Planing company. In 1893 Mr. and Mrs. Tobey came to California and four years - later/settled in Palo Alto, building one of the 'beau-; tiful homes in the Santa Clara valley./: Tobey is survived only by his f widow, Mrs. Mary Lincbln-Tobey. The funeral will be held from the residence at ) 10:45 Monday,"? morning, with V interment at Cypress Lawn. y "''''. Rev. William Klinefelter, 73 years old, chaplain and patriotic instructor of .Lookout //Mountain V post; - of "'v the ■'iN;Ofi> ! A".|'R.'*,« is*- s dead fit his home. 1522 *E Walnut street. Berkeley. His -son,- Rev. H. B. Klinefelter, is district ,;*.;■. superintendent V> of i; the j Methodist /?; church/ in the Philippines, while two /[daughters//Miss/Mamie/ Klinefelter and rMiss Elizabeth Klinefelter, are teaching in the islands. V: Other chil- Zv dren * are? Mrs.""A: .-Wesley * Me 11, ; Berke - ley; Mrs. Arthur. •Utt,?' Kansas, 1 ? and - r Mrs^?S;;Hubel^Vlo'^va , Falls,- la. Fol- lowing the /funeral/services tomor /row? afternoon from ? trieV, home?:* the /body will be interred in, Sunset View / cemetery. ' Services at v the / cemetery g§ will: be "conducted by Lookout Moun tain post and Lookout Mountain Re ■ lief corps. -' . . . . ? Major Mil ii it el ( hud wick. 73 years old, for many years a -resident of Califor ■/ nia and a former officer of the con federate army, is dead at his resi dence. 3215 Briggs-avenue/?Alameda? He was a ganger in the San Fran / cisco; custom house under Cleveland's " administration. - 'Major V.Chadwick T served through the ; civil '■ 'war./ He /spent six months in the federal prison -• .at f* Fort L' Delaware/ rather than take the oath of?allegiance. YOn coming to this coast he, was in the ; employ u 7oti the Wells Fargo &.?Co.? Express / company in San Francisco and : later in Modesto. He/was a member of Jefferson Davis-^chapter, ; , Daughters * /of the Confederacy, of San Francisco. / The j. funeral" will be held'; tomorrow. Billy Arlington, 7S ' years old. the V fa mous old minstrel, died yesterday/ in a Los Angeles hospital. »He was //stricken with heart trouble;; several /*days?, ago. on his return from a lee- V' : ture tour along the coastV. with his wife. Arlington/was,* with Christy's ■ minstreis in New York in 1858./!, He . was playing ? in Charleston, ;; S./J ('. when < the j first gun ,at j Sumter opened -/the civil war.'. For ',a"? number of years he had made his home in Los V Angeles. ?' ;?,/*:/*,?y -«, / Captain*. Charles :,:„,*>; Putruan. .', former -■;,;commander .of the Legion of ;- lowa, died * Friday;-night/at Cedar Rapids, la. /. For 50 years V he./was prominent in banking circles in that. ?V city."?- _;. v'? :"''■' PET AM MA PASTOR TO SPEAK Rev. -Ernest V Belden, Hart, pastor, of the'-. First -Congregational 'church/of Petaluma, "will preach at Bethany gregational church, Yin BartlettV street today, "at^V both services, exchanging with the pastor, Rev. Harold S. Tuttle. Sergeant S. A. /* Edgarly will :*- speak" brieflyyoniiVemmisce*>ces*,*of J the civil war the evening* service. '■". _• - ; /.*.*,' Births, Marriages and Deaths j . Marriage Licenses * : __+■ *"* -'' ' *- SAX FRANCISCO The following _nrri-ge licenses were - issued j Saturday. .May 21, 1915: BUCHBANEIt—Frank Buchbaner, 28,' til 273 Turk street/? and -Anna Thomas,"** 2."i, 12111 3?°Tnrk*Btreet.V, . vU -" V:..r-.j CI I.OCGIILIN — Elmer B. Ciiadro, ' 21, 38 | ; t Albert I lane, and \ Florence -C. * I.ougblin, IS," 40 j Albert lane, •■' '.'.-:*:.-■.;.'.-:-;?.>. - ' ' ' -- ELLIS— KIERNAN—John A. Bills, 21, Alameda, j • ; ;, and 1 : Florence C. Kicrnan, 20. 1517 'Nineteenth? ] a venue. *'v.v:'"'fe "■■■/■<-■:* /;,.V'-:■:. ■■.':'., ■:::• .">* '-;■>;/:':. i:-\ JERISICH—SISICH—Joseph?J. Jnrislcb, 27, 071 j *: : 'Orr,»street,'.'and fAuna-iSisich,; _•*'>. 1324 I.arkiu 1 -. i street.'.*-- 1 * '„.W:V*/„n-i -.■.•"•'-■ ■'.'-- '■' =''.'?. ;•■ ' ■>-, -:,■- zz-\ LARCENT— Robert L. Largcnt, 40. and. hHanah J. Wells, 33. both of* Winchester. hotel. ! LIXDKROG—HALL—Enoch 11. Lindkrog* 47," 576 i Clipper Street, and Hilda ' Hall. 50, 209 Van >•'- lluriii street. fX' '■;■•.•* '. ■-■■■.-:.'■■•'■ ■ *",-?•-" ?:.;:.'j NUNEZ—NAVARRO—Joseph Nunez,? 20. 1410 ZZ Ninth si avenue.'V and -Clementina Navarro, 23, j 2932 Goujril street. - . * •, '•*.>-S- i .CHECK— Sumner Q. Owyang. 24. 'j city Sof i? Panama, and - Sarah i Lav ; Chuck, ?* 17, | j Court land, ■.:"'"-;'. •:;.'-. - „• : ':'.'■''.;.-:.; PORTER—WT- Frank B. Porter, 27, and ; Jet i L. Towt. 24. both of Salinas. i ''-**-'-^' f .'■;-.•■-.-:-'.-*-."-1 ROCIIEoET-CONTRERAS - Arthur'" H. Roehfort, j '■*". 2.""), and Maria de: J. Con trews, 1 "" 27, both of Oak- i ?'*■ land. <- "-'"*." - ""'- '.;".:-:■;■."?:.•■:":'-•,** .-W'?",'' '..■'•.-">-'•.-.*:.■,--.'?, SCOLINI-^GIIILARDUCCI—Gnstave Soolini. 21. | ■-",!" and 3.Maddalena'.' tihilardiicti, 17, J both ;of ■ 1282 I '-, V Fourth la venue.";?*''-*. "--"V ,■' '■'.*- ;'-'? ;'"».-*:V:- SORENSOX—SIMPSON—EineriSorenson,^ 22. and ;»"'Blanche'lV;Simpson.* 21. both of Sacramento. fZ TRAVAGLINI — eoßSlXl—Riooardo Travaglini. *". 24. 1727{ ('rani " avenue : and Edith Corsini,? 21, 37 child place. ..VERBEU — .RATLIN* — Abraham V. ( Verl-er, ? 24. "vy Fresno, and; Molly. Ratlin, 18, 722 'iirard ' ..street.* *.;.- V. '~*:•» ;-_ : .-... .. .; V- *.* *-. -, - 'V.U.KKH- UOFTMANr-AJVsion E. Walker.' 20. Z , *!>.""> .Golden ; Gate "avenue,-; and >Florence A. Hoff ',-''"* man, 22,> 373$ Twenty-second street. * - ' '.> ,WELL&~DALy^RobertiW"ells,'?C4.V and Frances : V J. Daly,- 18, * both fof 3425 * Nineteenth | street. . .WERNER—POPE— Frederick Q. Werner. .'l7. 480 ':'*■ Elds strcoi, - and Anna ■' M. *'Pope,. 38, 255 Chat- V- tanooga street.;" - •„;- ■-:>- ?.' ■• WHITE--c,A'j*JENS"—John H. White, ■ **_, V and ■"•'. Guadalupe liatjens, 20, both 'of 94. John : street. OAK LAM) . - The., following V marriage licenses ; were Vlssued Saturday,;May v 24, 1913: ■.*"; - . "",;-.■ ANDERSON—Edward -Baker. _ 25.".? and V.V Julia Anderson. 27,> both \of * Oakland.' ."". .»- :V • CHAIN—I'ASAZOS—A-gMtt Chais, 3*', and Marie' Cgsasos, ,2(5,: both of Oakland.-,'.?• ■-■ ■*.■■ V.' '-J""** FlLE— HOWK—Charles A. File. Oakland, and Nellie C. Ilowk,"*. 23/. Omaha;- Neb. GEORfiE—SILVA-i-Frank >. J. ? George. .;2.".;/ San *V? Lorenzo, and, Pauline: T. . Silva, 20, \ Hay ward.' :. WICHELL— Charles IW. Kohl, 4:!. Oak- I land, and ; Mary. E. Twiehell. Crass ; Valley. JV.V WHITE-,-NOLTING -William Stephen White,* 28. ; '.".«ljbs Angeles, and Hazel M. Noli ing. 24, Manila,- P. I. -' ■:-•• ■■ i -■:■' ; "--- '. BERTHS v ELLIOTT—In this city. May 7, 1913, to the. wife i.of Thomas S. Elliott, a" son."'**;*' " -;.*•* FAIRBANKS , th'« city, May 11, MS, the Wlfa ;of Harry Fairbanks a son.*'; y*.' -, \- "'."..• gass— May 83, 1913,' to tbe wife :of -M.. C..Cass, .-'* it daughter. .-. ,: ~ .'=-', HAINES—May 19, 101.{. to the wife of Allie ;:.: Haines (formerly Rhea. Harris a daughter. ~ HANSEN—In Palo Alto,. May 21, 191;;. to the -■■'■ wife v of. Harold A. Hansen (formerly - Florence ! ;: Canavan),* a son. ;-: ■ ...;.,? ; * .-?| MARKWART— In this city. May 2*'. -1913, to the j *;•. wife'- of Earl H. Mark wart- (formerly Florence i t. e Woodall);ia ~.|). *;-. *. '=.-' ', :;.?:?.?, STACKPOOI. --In this city. . May 24,1913. to the T- wife .if M. W. Stacfcpool*"a.son. v: ■'- " ?? Z : z<Z7 ';' /vMAKKIAGES; ;*. :: .; JtF§~, WATTS-s-SMITII—- In this city,-May 10,; 191.1, by *."* Rev. B. M. Oavis, * pastor of :■ Westminster Z. Presbyterian • church,/ George W. -.Watts'?and -?; Harriett F. Smith,"* both of San .Francisco. VWV ? ~ F ~~7' ~7z DLATHS 7 Z, 7'/z-zZ Aglus/VCaVmelio!.... 17}KIelnfelter.*-Rev. W. 79 Birth, Jacob -.....'. 49 Kortjohn, T Charles L. 57. Bergfeld. Robert ;. . «2 .McClano... Charles *_L. 3 Berry; John. *.... ";.:?~ Macon," Robert A. ... .41* lilack. « Samuel M.V. 56 May, : Mayer 1".':'.".:.. 6.""" Brandon, 1 Maria iV'tV**.*'-—» Mencham, 1 Wm. H.. **_ I'rushor. William 1". •'.""• PistolesLvAugtist.-.*;. 7S ; Buckmaster,"Martt*:-:*7e Reese. \ David R.V.T. 78 Ball i.\ ...... I Infant i i Richards, Charles M. 43 Finn, Annie C. :■';'.".". '.',:> '■ land. Henry M.. * 5 Fester. Alexander.". V '<:', Slieppard, Johanna L. 32 Krankhauser,'- Marie.. 71 Simpson. Robert* L.. .48 Glorgone," Annie.. . 1 .v24 Voss,* Henry.%. ...'.•. .55 Hall, Ida E . :*;..... 30 Wtt-DB, Mary •.. .'.07 Hall. Lucy E.*.....t 3.1 Welsse,. Cora E?.\. — llassiim. Edgar:..;'. 391 ;":^-V——— Hennessey. Bridget. —■ Harnllton-Selk. .. (Cardl llu.-sev. Albion ('.... SO McCarthy ..... (Cart) Kelly, Mary E 54 ;' \ ■:..-;".''?. "Z-Zr- ' AGltrS— In this city.. May? 2*"*. 191.0 Carmelld Agios, dearly --'beloved-.son- of -Mrs. '-Rosanna . i agios and the Vila te V Francisco Agius. and .-.''•' ■..,,•-- ~■-*.. '- ,"•■-»•■ --.-r-■!■--.'..., f: brother, of Joseph ; Agios, a" native^ of Maxaro, Malta, aged i~ years. " A member of .'Malta Protective Association of ■' California. :; ,-"/?!.. »;Friends and --*acquaintances are ;respectfully •V Invited tto > attend y the ' fune/al - today is in day). May 25, at 1 p.? m.. y from parlors;; of ,»*Valerite, s i*'Ma-iii!;; Marais & -Co.. 019 V Green - street. Services ■ will •; be held "under . auspices' of Malta Protective Association of California. BARTH—In this city, May 24. V 1913, Jacob Earth, 5 * beloved -brother"?? of -Mrs. Katie - Clay ; burgh of San Francisco 'and'Mrs.*;Fanny Block. •;r.Mrs.' Sophie 5 Nathan, Mrs. Elise Epstein,;and ■r. Mrs. Julie ; Somnier of i Prag. Austria, ;; a native .; *of 'Austria,';' aged 49 i years , and 18 months. *-V -OpH Funeral services will be held; tomorrow ; (Mon r*s davi, at '10" o'clock r. a. - in., '• at - his 1 late resi 1, dence. 2300 Kj,Washington ~ street. Interment : 4 privates;« Please omit flowers. ;? BERGFELD— In "Oakland, May 21. .1913." Robert • j Bergfeld. * beloved ■- husband »of Elizabeth Berg feld. loving 3 father*: of. Mrs. Minnie Schaefei*; Mrs. Emma Lntlev. Herman 11., Elizabeth and >U Robert F. Bergfeld. and loving grand father; of S Robert and "Jnanita -Bergfeld. and uncle. of *F. : V Dus*!. a > native s "of Hanover. Germany, aged 02 years 6;. months and 7 ; days. « . -* - • - "KMCremation; took \ place ■? at - Oakland - Saturday. May 24, at 2 p. ni. ; . Strictly private. BERRY—Tn this city, May™ 22. 191.1. John, dearly beloved -."■ husband ,-."• of, Amelia : Berry,; .loving,son* of Marie Berry and the late Sonren 15 Berry, and brother iof Peter Berry and , Mrs. - Caroline .• Olsen, V a ■/ native ■ of '. Den-nark, , aged V 34 "i years. KCA-r member of Golden % Gate Aerie *. \ No. 01, iF. O. -E. 1 (Milltown, Wis., papers V" please 5 copy.) V'": ■■-•- ■ ' *' '- V Funeral will take place from Eagles* hall. ■ftj _7_ Golden Gate ; avenue, , today.• (Sunday}," at 10 a. B_, under the auspices of Golden Gate Aerie J No. 01,. F. O. B. Cremation Cypress H Lawn cemetery, by electric from Thirteenth B and West Mission • streets. Remains at parlors „ • of,; Harry Glynn & , Co.. > 4054 Twenty-fourth ■Z street near Castro, until 9 "o'clock this morning. BLACK—In this city* May 2",. 191". Samuel M.. beloved; husband of ; Rose Black, '; beloved father lof Lilian and Samuel F. Black and Mrs.; W. E. ',Dearaorff,;a; native of Franklin, Pa., aged 56 ..i years 11* months and 19 days.*- ..;-.,„; -'Hie funeral ; will take place today (Sun day!, May 23, at 2 o'clock p. m.;, from his late residence, 1274 ■"'■- Green . street.'-". ■'? Interment is "*. (strictly private} Cypress Lawn cemetery, by <;..:automobile. *,~, v • -. BRANDON—in this 'city. May 23, 1913. Maria "•Brandon; (nee : ; l'*eeney),', beloved mother " Thomas ; Brandon, , Mrs. Mary Culltaii. Mrs. Kate Perry and the late Delta Lee and Edward Brandon, and grandmother of Mrs. Oscar Han- Isen and Mrs.""; Genevieve -Johnson.| a |native of f; County vßoscommon.'*.lreland.*? (Scranton, Pa.", Jv papers please -copy.); - , "..." Notice of .-: funeral hereafter. Remains at : the parlors of D. I. Kenny company, 1652 Eddy -.-street near Steiner. * BTJCICMASTER— In this city. May 2?.. 1913. -; John |Charles. - beloved husband "of the late Annie Buckmaster. and i loving • father of Mrs. v Richard % Lynch and*, George :; Charles Buck-; ,•■_.". master, a native Nova Scot la, aged 70 years .■■>ll " months and*. 14 days. \ A member of Wood. Wire and Metal Lathers' Union, Local No. 111. V'-;*-Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in • - vited /to .• attend. the. funeral services today (Sunday). May 25. at 2:30 p. m., -at the parlors of 11. F. .'Suhr?&* Co., 2919 Mission I ? street between Twenty-fifth ' and Twenty-sixth. V-;lnterment private.;"'',* " T" '•'.."" BRUSHER—In Oakland. May 24. 1813, William /;, Francis,;' dearly beloved ■ husband of Minnie A. Brusher,"iloving father of Gerald J., William I F., Mary, ■ Harold and "Winnifred' Brasher, .* de l voted son ■of Mrs. Winnifred Brasher, . brother . of , John Brusher. MrsV M. Madlne. a native of ■ San "Francisco, ('a!., aged 45 years: 7 months • and 22 days, ~-": : - ..- ; . ■;■■"•;"■.;; >;. - : ;V.- V. DALL-iln this city. May 21. 191.**. Neil Zech -; Ball, . dearly beloved. son of Cornelius G. and ViJuanlta Zoch Ball. a native of . San Francisco. raged 3 vmonths, and 11 days. .% /"".'*; FINN—In Oakland, May 2::. 191.'!. Annie Cecelia; j **jdearly : beloved' wife '<. of ' John F.> Finn, ■ beloved daughter of : Mrs.*-Mary Boban,- loving sister of Z Mamie * Boban * ami ; Mrs. John -, W. '■ Mott, aunt :'.. of Colin Devlne, a J native of ' Sacramento,-' Cal.; aged .'l.*; years 8 months'and 10 days. (Sacra-' y memo papers please copy.) - ■ •-V ; -/V* Friends acquaintance! are respectfully in ;. vited to attend, the funeral tomorrow (Monday),," . ; May, 20,\ 191:;. at '.1 o'clock a. m.. from her late -v residence, 1615 Thirteenth street, thence to St. 1 ; Pat rick's | church,** ".where 1 a I requiem ( high : ' mass will be I celebrated | for the repose ) of : her soul. H commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m.*,. Interment y St. Mary's cemetery. - ?•". . -. ; : FOSTER- in Tucson. Ariz.. May 80, 19*13, , Alex ander, beloved husband <of Neilie Foster, a 11a ( live of Georgia, aged,s3 \ears. V '- Friejids and acquaintances are respectfully in- I vited to attend .the funeral .services tomorrow. II (Monday), May 26, 1913. at 1:30 o'clock p. m.V I at the: parlors of the Albert* Brown Company, SSI Thirteenth street, Oakland. Interment pri 'ate. '•. - . ■ -. "*.■<' FANKHATJSER—In V; this cily. May ." 22,*' 1913," ; Marie, beloved wife of.the late Christian Fank hausor, .and loving mother of Albert Jr. and V* Clara 6 Fankhauser, Mrs. E." Siininoff. i Mrs. J. g Soboslay and the late Bertha. Fankhauser and i ~ Mrs." Mathilda Kugler. a native of Switzerland," T -aged, 71 years 4 month- and 7 days. , A mem ber of <St.'*rMarkns** Frauen Vereln, and Wal "?- halla Rebekah - Lodge ; No. - ISO, I. ; O. O. ■ F., ? (Woodstock;;: 111., : papers'. please £ copy.) ." -. & /Friends, and acquaintances ■ are respectfully • .invited to attend the funeral services Wednes day. May 28. at IO:.*"*!' a. m., at her late resi jldence, 10701 Fulton | street near'Buchanan. | Re ,.» mains ; will :-bef at ! the parlors> l of H. F. | Suhr ;.' ■&■ Co., Y 2919 Mission street. between Twenty- ' E fifth and. Twenty-sixth, until Tuesday morning, .•Interment private.-;- ; - • :" ,;, GIORGONE Passed away, in this city. May 2*'. •' 19].*:, Annie, esteemed wife of -Frederick? L. m Glorgone, beloved-mother; of Freddie Glorgone, ;; devoted daughter' of "August and Kate Tlgone 9of l; Ekiah. Cai., and devoted: sister? 01 Ralph, \ :-*•: Joseph and Freddie Figone.'V a native of - San 1 ' Francisco, Cal..' : aged: 24-years* 3 'months and j 1810 days. •■-.-*(Uklah, Cal., 1 ; papers please copy.) -:." * Friends and acquaintances ore respectfully in- j ;.vited to attend the funeral tomorrow.' (Monday), ! :•.; May 26, 1913, at : 1= p. m., ■*. from * the funeral j . pallors of G. , laechcri & Co.. 1543 Stockton ; street, thence to Sts. Peter ami Paul; (Italian) : % church for services. V Klnly.omlt' flowers. HALL—In ;Oakland;- May, 23, "1913, Lucy Emma j ■■". Hall, dearly beloved wife of Ralph Hail, loving mother , of Myrtle .: Viola *- * Hall. »;-- and in fant son. daughter of the late Theresa Kelly, and loving sister of Mrs. R. Harris. Mrs. H. j Prldeanx, Mrs. p. G'.-Sanborn and George. IL. Vi Sherman-and William J. Kelly, .1 native of :- San.Franclsco,' v aged :33 years and f 7.days.';.< *■*"'-'Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in-? H vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday ;;* May 2d. at 8:30 a.; m.. from the.» funeral par ■i& lors ,Of ; II.; F. Suhr "& - Co.. i 2919 ' Mission street ; * between -Twenty-fifth ami Twenty-sixth, thence .(•to St. James churchy Twenty-third and Guerrero ; streets, where a requiem . high mass "* will be :< celebrated . for the repose of bet soul, com ., mencing at 9 a. 111 Interment Holy. Cross come 4,:tery. by automobile.;-'"_;-' .;.•; -. ,; , HALL—In this city, May 22, • 191.1. Ida Alma *M Hall, wife of W. C. , Hall, - mother of Robert j j-C* Hall, and daughter of Mary. V. Freshour 1 t - t t, of Berkeley, sister of Bruce A. Monro of this i ,»"' city, a .native of ;YreUa,;GaL,:aged 30, years 0 i -.'l' months and 8 days. :■■;"■' V . --^ 1 Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In- VVylted "to- attend * the i; funeral ? services today g| (Sunday), at-1 'o'clock; p. "m..- at her late resi ;.Vdence,-2009; % Golden" Gate- avenue.:.;,* Cremation j V Cypress Lawn cemetery,'- by automobile. y HABSTJM—In Z this V city. May 22, 1913. ' Edgar *yHassum,"*;" a snative^ of Sweden, aged .39 years "_—__—-« --———————-____-______________, I WHEN THE UNDERTAKER" ?;fBl§i ; y ; i BECOMES NECESSARY ] SAVE - HALF the ~ Funeral *- Kxpensc :'-.--•-;:;.;■ v;*>•-.:Telephoiityy z:ZZ MJUUS S., €»EAU Market 711., . Oakland 4©43. - Independent nt, the Trust \ ; .THE; GODEAC FUNERAL SERVICE : will : a* r.-'furnishiyforV: $75 embalming, shroud,; ' "i y silver y mounted,"";: cloth / covered » casket, " V hearse and -two carriages." and give ; per >V:.V.'sonal supervision. »-.-''; ..-—."..', V -.- -y TRCST UNDERTAKERS WILL CHARGE ? .-"-youVs7si? for the casket r; alone, and all? : their prices are proportionate-:* V* . ,: *-,•■ Godeau Funeral ; Service Saves Yon ; Half.V* ■ «Auto ambulance, carriage, and autos for hire.' % SAN FRANCISCO. * . OAKLAND, f; V: 41 VanNessiav.rvtiVy '~ 2210 Webster st. %;303, Columbus ;ar. ; " -Phone Oak. 40 :- William A.-Halsted"- "B. P. Halsted, jjl JLMeSiIIsM <§_ C©» j 2822 Senate Siira3_ I j " • Phone Franklin 6263. j| Established by.Wm. A. Halsted. 1883 I ■ 7 ~'~'- *'°? connection with : any ; other. es- ij I j tiblishraent. ;>- .■; vy ; ;:.' .. ~ ; j" CE-METEKIES AND CEEMATORIES Cy{press Lawinii , CEMETEIY ASSM. I 2QB> _-_©w®§ IBNiiiMkg 9S>5 St. SETTER ("93. . - HOME J4IC7. l < tej® Cemetery i: Phone, Mission 334 .*<&£?*>* »«* All arrangen cuts ; for burials or ; cremations '• made, at I city * office. lor : cemetery." ;*; Special. atten- J tion given ?• to ; REMOVALS "' from> old 'cityV cenie ' ,tedes.-*s«i Entire * cemetery -; under perpetual i care. : guaranteed '*, by * our " Perpetual * __■•_ Fund %: of »400,000. .- . i • • •""' ■*■'* * - * '"^^fe . . 5 months and 7 da vs. ~A- member, of the Paint ers' Union, Local No. 19. J ""?';**"'" •• '-«■ ' ».-"::-***< Friends and : acquaintances are,respectfully in - vi ted to "" attend ! the t funeral -* today*. (Sundayi, at-'10:30 •■.'a.-.'.-' in., y from the >* parlors of*".■ A. 4vWhite. 1214 Eddy street near Laguna. V Inter s';;.' ment , Mount : Olivet; cemetery, *by ; automobile. "V HENNESSEY—In *. -'this ?• city, ; * May : ; 23,?V 191';," H» Bridget, beloved! wife" of the " late Michael Hen nessey,- and loving mother of ? George J., Al beit E. Hennessey "and Mrs. M. 11. Haas, a native of Kilkenny,',lreland. 'f""V*"VV V*:V; Friends * and '.'acquaintances -j are respectfully *£ Invited sto attend <. the funeral '.tomorrow (Mon ?:-day i, "• .May 26,*. Ill, at' 9 o'clock *a.*, in., from . Vthe* residence; of her \ daughter, Mrs. M. IE v Haas,' 2490 ; Post I street, thence to .St. .. Dom .'-• inic*s ; church/?, where fa solemn requiem high j ma-s | will be * celebrated for * the repose ;of ; her soul.- commencing at o'clock*; a. m. In terment Holy Cross cemetery, by automobile. HUSSEY -In Oakland, May 24. 1913, Albion C. * - beloved husband; of Abbie*Frances; Hussey, a Z navlte of Jefferson,: Me., aged <SO years and 11 '■^months. -V>.»y ;""■•-'•-* -..-..::-.-■-'.-"y't"'** ***.-■■. "-:•'■ \ Friends are respectfully invited to attend the ... funeral tomorrow (Monday) .'yMay' 20, at '2:30 ;-. o'clock; p. m., '•* from hi*" ■ la,l resilience. * 121S y East Thirty-seventh';street. Interment private. KELLY—In Kentfleld, Marin county, Cal.. May -,-•.24, Mary E.,, beloved wife of John G. Kelly, mother of "James M.*, John G. Jr. and Marguer- V ite J. Kelly, a native of Boston, Mass., aged •:34 years.; :-. V \ VV , ».-.;'■?■ ••- '■'• "-' Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains, at the . J parlors of McGinn Brothers, T523, Eddy street. KLEINFELTER—In Berkeley.'- May 23. 1913. at his late residence,: 1322 Walnut street,-. Rev. V William * Kleinfelter. beloved ' husband iof Ellen ~: KleinlVltcr, and father ■* of Rev. I). * 11. Klein felter and Mamie and Elizabeth** Kleinfelter, £ all of the Philippine islands, Mrs. A. Wesley m Mell of Northbrae, Berkeley, Mrs. S. B. Huber V of lowa Falls, la., and Mrs. Arthur Utt of Man -11 hattan, Kan., • a native of i Ohio, | aged 170 years | 3 months and 8 days. A member of Moines. la., Conference of - the ; United 4 Evangelical church,* and of Lookout Mountain Post No. 88, G. ; A. R., of Berkeley. >-? . .':,'" Friends are respectfully Invited to attend, the gj funeral I services - tomorrow (Monday), May 26, ? ; 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m..V at his late residence. V-1322 ; Walnut * street between Cedar and Vine, Berkeley. • c ;.'-■ •• VV* KORTJOHN—In -Adams Springs, Lake county. ; Cal.. May 2.1,* 1913. Charles i... ! dearly beloved husband ofMarie-KortJohn, and devoted father E of Alice and the late Lulu. Charles and Louie - KortJohn,x a V native Vof yWlttstadt, y Germany, .;■-. aged 57 years 11 months 'and 5 days. -r A mem ber of the Hannoveraner Verein and San Fran cisco Lodge No. 1, Od. 11..5. WX- « : " """■■ *--,-Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend'the. funeral : tomorrow (Monday),: V at 2 p. hi., from his late residence,** 1036 Grove street mar Central avenue. : Interment ' Green-; | lawn cemetery (vanlt). by electric car from ?■; Turk aud Slelner streets. -\ MoCLANE—Charles 11. MeClane, son of First Ser geani and Mrs.-Thomas K. MeClane, aged 3 ; years and 7 ; months. ' - V r "Services in post chapel; Presidio, at 10 a. m.. *<"tomorrow (Monday)y:May 26, Ell.*:. Interment "'. at San Francisco National cemetery. MACON—In this city. May 24, 1913. Robert A. Macon,; dearly beloved husband, of Olive Macon, a native of Tennessee, I. S. A., aged"4l years. - r Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in ;..'■. vited .to i attend the ' funeral ■; services; Tuesday,' . May 27,; at 111 a." m., at the parlors of Valente. . Marlnl, Marais & C 0.,649 Green street between Powell and Stockton. . Interment National cemetery, by carriage. V ■-".-..;'. \ , V MAY— In: this city. May 2.1. 1913, Mayer May. .-. beloved' husband* -of, Amelia May, and ; father I of Carrie _*~ Felix A.. Milton M.. Angelo M. and Hilda M. May. a native of Bavaria, Ger many, aged CO years. -.Portland, Ore., papers please copy.) "... '..- The funeral will take place tomorrow (Mon davi, May M, at 1:30"o'clock, from bis .late residence, 1328 Fell street. Interment private.. MEACHAM—In Sari" Mateo. May 23, 1913. : Wil liam Henry, beloved husband of Kate Meach am. loving father of Jeannette Meacham and Laura Collins, and devoted grandfather of -Virginia Collins Hale, a native of San Fran cisco, age,d 8_ years. I"month and 3 days. PISTOLESI—In Alameda.. May 24. 1913. VAugust V Pistoles!, beloved husband ,of Christina \ Pisto le.-.!, and loving father of Augusta. Isabel, Ca millo and Octavius Pi-tolesl. a native of Italy, aged 78 years 2 months and 20 days. - Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday), May.2o.-. at 9 o'clock a. m.*,; from his late resi dence. 2303 Santa Clara avenue, Alameda (Park street; station), .thence to St. Joseph's church. where,a mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, beginning at 9:30 a. m. Interment V Holy. Cross cemetery, i via electric funeral car I .leaving foot of Market street, at 11:30 a. m. REESE—In this city. May 22. 1913. David R. , Reese, beloved\father of ; Mrs. William J. Richards of Scranton. 1 Pa., and the late Rees ; Reese of Carbonado. Wash., a native of Wales, aged 78 years 4 months and 7 days. '*"- Friends and acquaintances are respectful I v in vited -to ; attend , the funeral services •' today a (Sunday), 'May 25, at 2:30 p. m.. at the par lors, of 11. E. Suhr & ;Co.: 2019 Mission street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Inter ment Cypress Lawn V cemetery, ■ by ; electric I funeral, ear from Twenty-eighth and Valencia •■■streets.;"' ' ;.■..'■ '•"-'.,•, ■ - - RICHARDS—In this city. May 24. 1913, Charles H M., beloved husband of. Amelia C. Richards, *: and father of Vernon Richards, son of Mrs. C. j E. Wetmore, and brother of Margaret, George, ■ Thomas and John Richards and Mrs. William Carpenter, a native of - California, aged 43 _ years and 16 days. A member of Union Lodge ; No. 09.;K.,0f p.. Sonora, Cal. *. Remains will be taken to Sonora .this (Sun day) morning, May 23, 1913, on 9 o'clock train, where services and interment will take place. j v Remains at the chapel of the Truman Under taking Company. 1919 Mission street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. } ROWLAND—In this city. ; May 23. 1913.! Henry M. Jr.. dearly beloved son of Kate and Henry Rowland, , loving brother of Catherine . Row " land, a native of San Francisco, aged 5 years ;'2 months and 14 days. -".";-.; ■" .-Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in . vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Mondavi. May 26, at 10 a. ra., from the residence. of his parents. '2070 Folsom. street between Twenty second ami /Twenty-third, thence to St. Peter's church, Twenty-fourth/ and Alabama streets for service':. Interment Holy Cross cemetery' ;.. by carriage. * .. 1 -...■•—■ *' SHEPPARD—In this city. May 23. 1913. at her - 1 late resldence.VTO Hartford street. Johanna E.. dearly 'beloved- wife of Charles Sheppard." ami mother of William ; and Herman Shepperd, de ; , voted daughter of John and Marie Hollwegs anl loving sister; of , Mrs. E. Mahl. Mrs. A. Buehn, Mrs.V 11. Schaffner Jr., Tillie Hollwegs and the late: Bertha 'nollwegs.-' a native of San .;-Francisco,.aged 32 years 1 month and 23 days. - ■ A member of Norddeutscher Frauen Verein.* * ? ,- friends and acquaintances are respectfully In- I, vited to attend a the funeral services tomorrow I ;*-; (Monday), * May ■ 26. at 2 p. m.. ■at the parlors j; of 11. F. Suhr & C 0.." 2919 .Mission street be- I tween Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth.- Inter ; ment -Mount Olivet. cemetery. ' * - ; NORDDEUTSCHERV FRAUEN VEREIN— the * officers ' andVmembers: You are hereby re quested to assemble at the parlors '. of II '1* ; VSuhr ft Co.. 2919 Mission street between Twen . I ty -fifth and Twenty-sixth, tomorrow (Mondavi j, at 1:30 p. m.. to attend the: funeral services of our J departed sister. Johanna E. Sheppard ,By order MRS. FRED EGGERS, President ' -„;■ MRS. MARIE PAPE, Secretary. ; ? SlMPSON—ln*?Alnmeda,"".May '24,'? 1913, Robert V. Lee I Simpson, beloved husband Of; Virginia G ..Simpson, loving father of Samuel G., Mildred' Virginia. Robert Lee Jr. and Warren G Simp' ;V son, brother of Dr. J., A. Simpson- of San Frnn i :" r cisco.: John z and James. -Simpson •>of Montana ! 4 and --.William Simpson I of, * Kansas, ? a "native of i Missouri, aged ;4S years 11 months and 7 days * j VOSS— In this city. May 22, 1913, Henry Voss'' "I brother of Mrs. J. Gilllg of San Francisco arid - Mr-. B. D. Baldwin of Makewell, .Honolulu, a' I* native of a New "York, aged .55 years and • 3 months. ;;. " Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In : vited to Vattend the funeral services today . (Sunday), V May ; 23, at 1 p. . m.. at the parlors .Vof H.*F..Suhr & Co.; 2919 Mission street be * tween ■ Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Inter j-. ment ;private. "."Please omit flowers. ", ! WATSON— In th:s city. May 24.V 1913, Mary, I beloved wife |of the' late .William* Watson, and mother iof '<■ Harry. William. 1 Charles. Daniel I and I the late 'John § and Richard .Watson, a .*• native, of VListowel,; County:. Kerry, Ireland, .; aged 07 years. - ~:'..--', *'■-■: Friends;; and? acquaintances .are respectfully H iuvlteiF-toVattend: the funeral ;. tomorrow (Mon -1 -.'day).;at: 8:4*1 ; o'clock, from! her : late residence,' * i 381 COOK v street? thence sto Holy Cross; church, ■\ where a requiem■;high ' mass will be celebrated V for ■ the.; repose »off her,- soul.-"■commencing «at j * 9:30 o'clock. ; Interment* Holy; Cross cemetery, i V\hy*carriage. "."'."-- .*':*.'. ! WEISSE—In this city, May 24. 1913. Cora Ella' -:-* I>elovf-l' mother ;of . John ; W.. Victor L. and Walter.; H. Weissf, .a' native of Portland, Me. *? "* i.ZZ : 'CARD : OF THANKS. V HAMILTON-SELK - We \i'-. extend V our since,, ! '..: thanks |to j friends' for,* the sympathetic respect I:. expressed, during our late bereavement. z •■';'."* . ;-?-*"*'.* V?" JEROME'- HAMILTON I?-V?V?;.«v'"V? ■"■*■ MINNA SEEK. \ 7 - CARD <ie THANKS. ".;..,.. j MCCARTHY— family of the late Johanna Mc i;.; Carthy wish to *. thank their.; many - friends foi i..--the -floral * offerings and .' sympathy /extended t( them in their late bereavement. [• ■- v '? : ZZ7,'. : ■" : FLOEISTS ~~ '" i F , lor !.* "«3 Powell' st .* ; Knmxjß. L^w-BU.pb.--^ butter kind! iff- FLORAL WORK and = choice CUT, FLOWERS^ J. J. O'COfmoK^^J l^. '.tel.% Mission ;50S*".; ■-, **-_•,nil work a". specialty. » I_)ir@wß_ <S_ !oSi 31 i6t r h!^ j', Val. ;1 union: I funeral * writ. spec. V? Tel. Mkt. 5725. ; ! SIURKLKY-MANN CO.. the leading florists. 129U \ Z'i Sutter: | Franklin ? 2094. Frank 5 Sblbeley, VMgf. '■.■ I I'NION FLORISTS.. phone Market —Funeral * work 'a I specialty, ts, 3017 16th st. near Mission. Ik . '& LASSKRRE, ,*■ Hil3 * Ellis* St.—Country .; order* ***I solicited}cut J Bowers: art ; designs;, large stock. I PARK p FLORAL. V 1437 1 Halght | St.; * phone I Park I 1;; 230—Cut flowers, ulnars, etc. ■ B. Groves, Proa,