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12 THE^CALL : Address ■ All Communications to THE SAN* FRANCISCO CALL Telephone? "Kearny-' 86"— * tor the Call. .The Operator Will Connect You With the Department You Wish. BUSINESS OFFICE AND EDITORIAL ROOMS, Market and Third Streets. Open until 11 o'clock every night in the year. : - * - ._ — • MAIN CITY BRANCH. 1657 Fillmore Street near Post. ■„ <", OAKLAND OFFICE, 1540 Broadway. Telephone Oakland 1083. — / ALAMEDA OFFICE. 1435 Park Street Telephone Alameda 559. BERKELEY OFFICE, 2011 Shattuck, Avenue. Telephone Berkeley 77. CHICAGO OFFICE. Tribune Building*. W. J: Morton Company. NEW. YORK OFFICE, 200 Fifth Ave nue. W. J. Morton Company. LOS ANGELES OFFICE/ 102 West Twenty-third Street. "Home phone 22417. . William W.VWincup, Agent. WASHINGTON NEWS BUREAU, Post Building. Ira E. Bennett, Corre spondent » *._'■■•' NEW YORK NEWS BUREAU. 516 Tribune Building. C. C. Carlton, Cor respondent. Foreign fliers Where The Call Is on ,:?: : ■ Flic* 7 7 7. : „{ LONDON, Eng...3 Regent Street, S. W. PARIS. France....... .53 Rue Cambon BERLIN, Germany..Unter den Linden 3 ALL POSTMASTERS -ARE AUTHOR IZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS Sample Copies Will Be Forwarded When Requested. : Mail Subscribers in ordering change of address should be particular to give both NEW and OLD ADDRESS in order to secure a prompt- and correct MEETINGS—LODGES ? CALIFORNIA Chapter No. 5, R. A. m %9mß9\ M.—Stated meeting THIS (TUES- ■£___■ DAY) EVENING, at 7:3n o'clock, K__3___r 21.15 Sutter street, and M. M. de- fDBCT ■ grcc. EDWARD PEABODY, {___■_■ Secretary. tS___F MISSION fonmiatiiierv No.;-41,-: K. T. — ■•*•'_> Stated assembly THIS 'TUESDAY! Tgj»n EVENING, .i' 8 o'clock. Mission Ma- (Of» sonic temple, 5066 Mission street. Or der of the temple. Ail fraters cordially in vited. By order of H. : HALL/ Commander. A. HAWKSLEY; Recorder. __ RICHMOND Lodge No. 375, F. &A. M.. « Ist ay. and Clement st. —Officers and - members are hereby notified to assemble JsjF THIS (TUESDAY) AFTERNOON utrwA 1 ;.".o o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral Of Brother CHARLES \V. HAGEN BAUGH, late a member of Havre Lodge. No. 55 - of the state Of Montana. * 11. FOURNESS. Secretary. ORIENTAL Lodge No. 144. I*. & A. M.— . M . Stated assembly THIS (TUESDAY) . -_f%^ EVENING, at 8 o'clock. AA C. W. DOBIE. Secretary. ..■'■' ▼ ' PARNASSUS Lodge No. 3SS, F. &A. If. _. Stated meeting THIS (TUESDAY) mfft* EVENING at 8 o*clo«*k. /U\ W. A. HOYT, Secretary. '▼ > GOLDEN GATE Lodge No. 30. F. &A. _- Stated meeting THIS (TUESDAY) _J%_ EVENING at 7:30 o'clock in Fraternal TkVjT hall, I. O. O. F. building. Market and 'WA 7th sta. EDWIN L. MEYER, Secretary. PACIFIC Lodge No. 136. F. & A. M.. 1739 -.'_»'. Fillmore Stated meeting THIS a/V (TUESDAY) EVENING. 8 o'clock. AA GEO. L. DARLING. Secretary., ;.,/. ▼ > UNITY" Lodge No. 131, I. O. O. F.. SsnßE&g 7th and Market sts. —Election of officers THIS (TUESDAY) EVEN- v ING. June 3. A full attendance requested. I. T. WILLIAMS. N. G. OFFICERS and members of the Friends of the Golden Gate Verein are requested to attend the funeral of our deceased friend, MRS. M. J. BRIEDENSTEIN, at her late residence, 2711 , Pine St., TODAY (TUESDAY) at 12:30 o'clock. ANNA SCHROEDER, President. MARY A. SULLIVAN. ReC. Sec. ""> MEETINGS—SPECIAL ~_ MECHANICS' Institute, 57 Post St.. San Fran cisco, quarterly meeting notice. The quar terly meeting of the members of the Mechanics' Institute will be held at the Mechanics* In stitute bldg., 57 Post st. (3d floor) on Thurs day, June 5, 1913, at 8 p. m. JAMES G. SI'AULDING recording secretary. __!_____ nL^ST^AND^UND^ LOST—Boston terrier, male; brindle. left white face, white breast, screw tail; carries owner's name..: and ? address; liberal reward for clew leading to recovery. 1120 Post st. *■ -'■■•*■»*■ Saturday evening, lady's gold watch; lost on Fillmore st. between McAllister and Clay sts.- initials K. J. B.; reward. Finder please return to 2767 Clay st. . ." LOST Receipt books, Market, Gongh and Haight sts.: suitable reward. Return to JAS. DB SUCCA, par*." lodge, Golden Gate park, or 3403 26th st. •"- : .-".■■ . : . -".■.'■ '■ -'. LOST— Lake St., small satchel containing lady's purse and watch with name on dial; reward. 146 21st ay., B. D. . * $20 REWARD for pearl and diamond breast pin lost Monday. Return to Mrs. Grauman, 2180 Post st Keepsake. *.*.-"■ * LOST— gold eyeglasses Friday, May 30, near California and Pierce its.; reward. Return to 2610 California st. . LOST— watch; Shreve on face, EL C. L. on back of case;? reward. •■ H. C. . LUNT, •*.-•■ 16th st. ■'-■?-,-'- _^ LOST—Lens door of Solarclysse lamp, from city to cemetery; reward. : Return to 1120 Post. LOST—Bunch of keys; reward. Return to MAX MA IN* LOCK. 300 Golden Gate ar. ' SPIRITUALISM MEMBERS OP CALIFORNIA - STATE SPIRITUALISTS' ASSOCIATION REV. DR. ALLEN, clairvoyant and medium; spiritual advice daily; developing class Fri days, B. p. m.; test circle Tuesday, 8 p. m., by Rev. Max Hoffman, 16S4A Ellis St.; phone West 3537. • . ~ .- .■ OAKLAND SPIRITUAL CHURCH, 529 12th St.— Meeting tonight at 7:45: Mrs. Cowell, pastor; lecture - messenger. Dr. Becker; <F. K. Brown; solo. Mr. Ed Clarke. ? / :; MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD— consultations dally from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.; circles Sun., . Wed.. Fri.. Bp. m. 1439 Fillmore st. CIRCLES (trance)— Mrs. McDonald, 393 Dolores; Mod. 2, Tues. 8, Fri. 8, trance reads, daily. MRS. S. SCHRODER—Or. Mon.. Wed., Fri.. 8; Thurs.. 2: rdgs. daily. 1355 Eddy; West 5428. MRS..WALLACE—CircIes Wed., Fri. eve; test to all: con, dally. 1219 Fillmore, r. 49; Wesr7sB2 ~ SPIRITUALISM MADAME REYNOLDS, Ordained Spiritualist Clairvoyant Medium—l give you Just what I see and. get. My place is private; no signs. Hours 9a. m. to Bp. m. Rooms 104-5 Wind , sor hotel. 238 Eddy St.; Franklin 3822. ..: MADAM VAN ALLEN'S Institute of Psychology, 1626 Sutter st. —Readings 25c, between 8 and 9 eve.; bring a picture; pupils in the occult; 1 open door and walk: in; cut this out. ; MMEV . YON WALT, ord. mcd., readings. 66ft Minna, bet. 7th and Bth. Mission and Howard; tests Tues.,' Fri. and Sun., 8 p. m. MRS. LE FEVRE. 420 Haight St.—Healing, spir • Itual development, different phases. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8 p. m. . MRS. GOETZ, medium and clairvoyant, card reader; 50c and $1. 396 Waller st. cor. Fill ; more; teL Market 5289. LOTTIE BUSWELL — Line readings, lessons daily; circles every night. ; 1359 Webster st. ; -*;■ phone West 7061. - '. • . ORDAINED spiritual trance medium, clairvoyant E. L. HERRING, Countryman bldg., Van Ness and Ellis. .■>■>.- .-■..;■_ y '-77; .2:7-77- . -■ >..-:-,., 5) *?,/f» Clairvoyant V card readings. Mrs. Laura Allen. 16S4A Ellis st.; phone West 3537. SPIRITUAL PALMIST. Egyptian card reader, , Gts.. $1. 923 Valencia st. bet. 20-21st.: No sign THEOSOPBICAL MEETINGS THEOSOPBICAL PATH, -illustrated monthly, edited -' by : Katherlne : Tingley; •'-■;- theosopbical manuals and other theosopbical literature- o( the Universal ''Brotherhood and ; Theosopbical Society. Point Loin a. Cal. SMITH BROS., 4*2 13th st.,: Oakland: 1220% and 1004 FlU more - St.. San Francisco. - ' '- "' T£EATMENT THE MARECHAL NEIL. 408 SUTTERV ST., ROOM 322— STEAM. -ELECTRIC, BATHS, SHOWER, NEEDLE SPRAY. SCIEN TIFIC MASSAGE. SHAMPOO, DANDRUFF CURE. MANICURING.* LADIES' PATRONAGE SOLICITED." HOURS, 11 A. M. to 0t P. M. GRADUATE nurse; elec. light; J salt water, Nau • helm baths/ultra violet ray treat, for weak ness; Union Square bldg.. rm. 308 (leaving ele vator turn ,to right)/ 350 ■;post; j, Douglas ■ 5888. LA RUE INST., 484 Eddy st; ph. Franklin 2181. Electric sweat, hot tub bath and scientific mas sage; lady;j attendants for = ladles;; we treat rheumatism,' neuralgia and stomach trouble.'/;; GEO. D. GILLESPIE, doctor of V mechanotherapy, electra 1 therapy * and i chiropractic; i specialist s la dregless *» methods :of 7 treating - nervous ? and chronic diseases. ? Room 6011 323 Geary st. , DAMON - INSTITUTE —EJectrte sweat, hot* bath, scientific massage; t lady J attendants. ♦ 1300 Gold en Gate a v.? corner Fillmore; phone West 8774. HAIR on face never grows again when treated by me with electric needle; 25 yrs. practice. MRS. NETTIE j HARRISON/1008 1 Sutter ; near j Hyde. TRAINED nurse gives elec. baths: scientific mass. ,and elec. ? treat, or ; rheumatism". and i stomach trouble. ?: 406 Sutter," office 415; ph.' -Butter 4281 * SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT .■_-_■_-' '- ■'-•■'■:'' 7 Continued '''' ;* ' ...... VAPOR ? baths,"elec; rlb.v - blanket 1 sweats, 1 * mas - sage; ladies V Mon.; • Wed.*; £ Fri.; £ gents Tues., Thurs., Sat. 824 *, Laguna- st.;' Market 3651. ?, THE 7 FRANKLIN— EIec. ; treat.'. V blkt. sweats, ~: mm. baths,' scientific mass.;; grad. nurse; phys. j rety Office 532 ".Whitney bldg., ; 133 Geary st. V;,* Elec. lgt. sweats cure rheum.,' lumbago, etc.; tub I: baths, rib.. treat; 10-9:30; open Sun. 830 Mkt, j'-'.; st., r. 516. " ::7-'' 7777" x ;;r' ; :-- , --.?w::"?-';.--": NEW I management I baths I and 1 massage y institute. y 1409 Bush St.; > phone Franklin 5131. ! STEAM ?and -sulphur: baths, elec. blanket v*fl»*ra -111 tion mass;- lady attend.* New I mgnt.'i 2022 Sntter. I '.*: SANITARIUMS '{{:: _ _- : ' : v/T ! WOMEN'S nursing 'home? and Hying in hospital; V .Dr. Harconrt. M. P.. in charge. li'L'S 'Haight j"~~ > BUSINESS? PERSONALS "T NOTICE— Call wilt 'not" knowingly print : ille ; - gitimate " advertisements. ~ If V any. reader can "" "■■ furnish information 1 that any > advertisement 'in this ■ column' Is not legitimate, send it to ■ The --; Call in confidence, and if : found correct the ad ■k7 vertisement will be; discontinued. -■..-- :. "/ .* . MORPHINE, OPIUM and drug habits treated at home;i no pain; or detention from ' business; ', no V payments ; until, cured.* i-7 Call' or write in 1 coufl * V deuce. INDIA I DRUG ; CURE ; MFG. CO., . 714 McAllister st?::" 7777 -."'-' *;■'' ; :-' ': ' .;.*?' ,AA- —MY wigs, toupees | are I ventilated/ perspira tion proof. Mr. Lederer in' charge gentlemen's : dept., 22711 California' st ; ' ladies' hair » goods, ? 1809 Fillmore :st:.2:{ Guaranteed.? Estab. 1866. FULL course lin chiropractic that I cures | all | dis *-- eases; $25 Vto f students entering- this month only; diploma given. , DR. 'W. RIEDL,: ? 410 V 20th St.. Oakland. Cal. 7:7 V 7 7 ..... ,?,-; .;■■; : JACOBS V YOST, - Room 404. 244 Kearny * st. " If you want - a partnership in a good - paying business, reasonable,.- see us 'at' once. JACOBS YOST. ; ;.?v■.:.-.:.■'■>■ •„?.:■•-..-;"'-?.,. ■:.?'.--' - 77- -.--■-■■■'>■ MRS. L. E. HARTMAN, vibratory and electric ,'. specialist; ■": rheumatism,' impaired »circulation, , nervous trouble. 757 Paciflc bldg.: hours 10 to 6. MISS BERNARD, steam! baths and electric treat ment; Van's Mexican hair restorer; select pat : ronage only. 7 215'O'Farrell st, S. F., office 5. VAPOR and tubs baths,- mass.| treats., elec. and : manicuring. , 1114 Dlrisadero st '■' near ; Eddy, -y STEAM bath and scientific massage; pimples re ?; moved from face. ? 1306% Post nr. Franklin. 'OR. MISS JOHNSON, I graduate j Swedish masseuse. 1 1075 .Gough cor. Ellis; phone West ,7862/^?:??,y MISS MARTIN, rib.,' mass., "* scalp treat Offlce 17, 1012 Fillmore; hours 10 to 9; Sun.. 12 to 5. German nurse; vibro elec. mass.,.scalp treat., elec blanket; chiropody: Room 24-29, . 1028 Market. MISS BOBBlNS—Scientific mass.*; blanket sweats, chiropody, i Offlce 21. 1012 * Fillmore; hrs. 10-9. MISS MOORE—STEAM BATH AND • MASSAGE INSTITUTE, 1709 O'Farrell st Hours 10 to 9. GERMAN NURSE; Nauhelm treatments; bath, . massage,: vibration. 626 Hyde at. near Geary. MASSAGE, baths, chiropractic; lady attendant. :■,- -.410 20th st, Oakland; phone Oakland 8611. MISS F. BURKE/ medicated baths, scientific .massage/magnetic wave. 1015 A G. Gate ar. jf TUB aDd steam baths; massage treatments and '' manicuring. ? 25 3d St.. apt C. * near Market. GRADUATE masseuse. ELM A'" MADISON. West bank bldg.. 830 Market, r/ 407. - Open Sunday. DRUGLESS meth.; elec. light bath, alcohol, * oil. with manip. 1415 O'Farrell;; 10-9; tel. W. 8915. ELEC. light, cab., tub baths/rib. treat.; newly ; opened; hrs. 10-9:30, open Sun. 830 Mkt.. r. 51-3. MISS F. GIBSON, masseuse—Face and scalp I treatments. 34 Ellis, room 310; boors 1 to 10. RODIA INST., newly opened; elect, and scientific treatments. - 809 Eddy St.; Franklin 7847.* • WELLS. MAGNETIC AND SCALP TREAT MENTS. 1065 MISSION; ST.. ROOM ■ 55. SCIENTIFIC mass., electric treat., given by pro fessional nurse. 457 Ellis, apt 4-5, ground floor. LOUISE PASCOE, eastern massage and elec. rib. I treatment. Room 211, 34 Ellis St.; hrs. 10 to 10. MAGNETIC massage by I trained | nurse: i refined patrons only. 1437 Buchanan St.; hours 12 to 9. ELECTRIC therapeutic treatment; tub baths. MISS RAY. 406 Sutter st.r. 312; hrs. 11-9. FACE, scalp and all kinds of massage, by diplo matlc nurse." 832 Market; 35 Ellis; r. 202.vy BATHS and beneficial treat given by grad. mass.; rheumatism specialty. Mine. Pumas. 866 Post ETHEL GEARY, bath mas. parlors; elect, treat. Moved from 727 Geary to 627 Ellis; Frkln 9503. MISS ENGEL," graduate masseuse, gives sulphur baths and massage: : * 598 9th St.; Oakland. MISS F. ROGERS returns from Chicago June 18. 84 Ellis st. Office 301. KATE NETTLES—If you are In city/call up 60 Ormond. hotel.' -":>.•.-■ f l ' ' ■"■ __^_^____ PERSONALS / . ~ UNHAPPY girls will find a woman friend to ad vise and help them at Roekhurst Center/ 130 ? McAllister St.. daily from 2 to 4 p. m. Tele phone Park 5937. - » ■ MAN with $500 to take half interest and manage small manufacturing-; business that is making good money. 101 Franklin st. - ' . - /INFORMATION TV ANTED ~~_ $10 REWARD. will be paid to the j person wb< : first ii communicates the **• present address foi "•. Andreas Euemark, from Apcnrade. nord Schles vig. Germany. ? Last heard of in Soledad, Cal J. M.JUHLER. Spreckels.?CaL. -. TTT~. MATRIMONIAL -": IWil /£\ T°? Wi "V '■ Hundreds tired living:, alone, _VU_** 4 _dr*_i*s. U anxious for early marriage. Call or write MRS. HYDE, 2677 Mission st. MARRYMany s wealthy members : wishing earlj - marriage; confidential; descriptions free. MRS. WRCBEL. 1420 West st., Oakland. PARTIES wishing to marry, call or write MRS. MILLARD. 2209 Sutter: details 25c; W. 4780. ~~ CLAIRVOYANTS »©F. GAIRLAMIS) ■7. THE ONLY AND ORIGINAL. 30 YEARS ?IN SAN FRANCISCO. • World's greatest. clairvoyant, palmist, astrol oger, mental : telepathlst; will cause things jto be as yon desire; tells everything: dates. Important Information, all revealed; health, luck, marriage, business, - mining, treasure, • lawsuits, - evil influ ences,: spells, weak habits, love troubles/ and tells ;: full name and * everything ' you * wish -to know. Hours, 10 to 8. Consultation free. 1144— MARKET 5T.—1144 * ? FOR READINGS BY MAIL. SEND •$!.; AA— V V PROF. J. K. SHAW, Genuine clairvoyant/ true and reliable; tells full names,?: gives: advice -on , lore,*, marriage, divorce, business,- patents, ; changes, deaths,", wills, deeds; removes evil influences; reunites separated; read ings Vsoc: satisfaction guaranteed. . 25? 3d st., next to Hearst building. ■ "* V -•-■'-• *- ?. A—PRINCESS ZORAIDA: she has no equal; she ?V tells your name and exactly.what you called for without asking a question; special reading 50c. Hours' 10-9; closed Sunday. - 1843 Fillmore jst MISS ZEMDAR. young, gifted Clair, and palmist; . a " wonderful prophetess; 1 hours ; 10. to 10; * ladles ?; Coc/ gentlemen $1. 1106 Divlsadero near Turk. IF * you - are 2 in .: trouble ** or '-. heartbroken * or I have been :, unfortunate, come y and consult MME. 'i ADA; she ;will cure ; you. 7 1177* McAllister? st. ' A—VERA MARSH, medium; 966 Market st. opp. Empress theater Your, name and special read ing 50c; hours, 10-5; until 9 p. m. Mon.-Sat. JEANNETTE WALLACE/2266 Mission St., tells names, everything you want to know; . read ings 25c. ;,--..- -.•.-...* :.::-*". :':7 72' ■■'_. MME. DEVENA—Card reading,/ 25c: • and: 50c. 2331 Mission st. near 19th; tel. Mission 1881/? MME. LEONTDA. palmist; ; cards*/ clairvoyant; honest, readings,; mines , spec. :- 948 McAllister. ANNA DIAMOND, reliable reader and :magnetic healer.* 1122 Market st'-* room 2. '-■■- '-.--. EDUCATION AL .■'.-' ?' JB©@lfflEElFlkG ?: /? ■ - Learn - bookkeeping: you 'i will *, never regret it. Short, thorough, practical course/ Invldidual In struction. Moderate price and' easy - terms. Don't delay. -Send tot booklet. --■-:" W. L. ■-,- DAUTERMAN, .Expert Accountant. : . ',?::'/: Phone Sutter 4.104. ■'','*/./; ..*, 1252-6 Flood^ bldg. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence - School. 1109 <■.' Market ; : St.,y near * postofflce. - ■ Improve i your :,-' spare time.-.??;,?;/-"-■j-'-'j'aSHflHWK-*'-' "■ ETHEL COTTON STUDIO of expression, oratory, v after dinner and extempore speaking/ 1112 Mkt. FISK TEACHERS* AGENCY. 2161 Shattuck ay., Berkeley. Cal.. room 4. Wright block. -■■■7>: -•■ EMPLOYMENTS OFFICES AAA—DOUGLAS 3532,? Home C4605---Best Japa nese, Chinese. « Filipino help; all kinds of work. ? < ASIA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 410 Grant' ar. Tel. West 1731. * v yV V? Quick Serrice. T. TAMURA & CO.. 1621 Laguna s st;*r JAPANESE- EMPLOYMENT;; OFFICE HORI: & CO., 1711 Post St.; .TEL/WEST, 2803— v Japanese-Chinese - employment :; office. :/.??.* ; 7 ALL kinds of help furnished with "care/ dispatch. West 5688. j OSCAR HATS UMI, 1513 Geary st. C. D. KINNEY.' Chinese employment bureau, sue ? cessor to J/ Conn, 785 Clay, at.; phone Douglas ./J 3162. .?;?--/'./?;-..;.-??- ;77 ?., *• . v■ : -~,--, -,- ■ . STAR ? Emp. , Japanese-Chinese * help. W. v KODATA. 1610 Geary: tel West 167, 527Q6. ■ HJ_lHm_J_E_**lT WANTED ~ FEMALE A-l =- ELECTRICAL V man *of» 16 S yrs. 5 ? experience wishes a ; position. Capable '* of handling * men .; and producing" results. ? At present. employed. j; j Refs. from' present '!. employer, ■if ' desired. Ad* dress Box 431, CaU office. -.-...'■■?■-'.■■ ■....-- -7 ■■--.-:■. ■■-'.7-- >.'=' 7-.--■■■7. ■ ?..'■?.'. ~.???.■;-..?.-..-'■■?;■ ■••■ .-.•?.???...'. : ?' " -?■".. ■■■: .?''.-.;-■__-,_- /• '.- I- V' '. ' TILE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JUNE 3. 1913. > EMPLOYMENT WANTED _ _ ' FEMALE—Continued IBS- •?; -.- i ?? ACME EMPLOYMENTS COMPANY, 1260 GOLDENGATE NEAR FILLMORE ST. ----77 "7 TELEPHONE WEST 7205. ■ . > Reliable help; furnished at all • times, p Call I and see us or ring us up llf you are looking; for. work. Call s and l see -us i and J leavej*your.' name g and| ad- V dress; we ' will *do the ■ rest. - 2 Oar fees are . reason ! able,-? our | specialty practical,"! and trained nurses, ! have them , subject to call, day or, night. ... ~ |A— ' reliable 7 readings -'come "to MOTHERS.' [ -77 2195 Mission st, bet. l"th and 18th. :V ; , ? COMPETENT young | Finnish I girl, speaks ja ' little ** * English, wishes . a position for general » house -;• work; V wages ' $35 i per ,* month. & Address MISS ~ P. R., 68.Ray. a?„ ' San; Francisco. . *'-_'- *•£—:—L.—;—. COOK—Neat, sober I man, 1 37. economical;** wants X situation* In s private ; family; do * some g house -27, work; vreferences." Address H. F.. room, 10, \rj C2l Clay St., San Francisco. CAPABLE dressmaker and talloress wants work; ■■■* $3 per :- day. Room V 9.* 1455"? Pine I st.;;: phone j- V Franklin 2896. ■:.',*:- 7-■ '■■-' -•;':-*-?? -7-77 :■-.---.■■;. ! COMPETENT;, young 7- German " laundress VV wants Iv-, work ?by. the : day;;can do fancy ironing and can - giro best of local reference.* Address 1949 Web ; ster st. >■- ;',-■ ;•;■- .-?"■.':?" -':'."*■■'27-s~'>*'"■' COLORED lady i wishes position in private family I, tas i cook -or h general. house worker; * good ; refer j * ences. ,V Boxy 2755, Call *' office. ''?-»: y- ';'■•■. j COOK wants place, city or country. 1260 Golden j Gate ay.;*,tel. 1 West 7295. :-: * .■•-■-.- COOKING housework is wanted by, a compe s v ten t 2 woman: ; $2.50 ** a > week; * city.; or, country. ??? Box 487?* Call office. - .. .- COMPETENT couple desire situations-, hotel, "as ? cook • and helper; . $75. MISS j DILLON, 1138 /? Turk • st::'.' 7< :- •?. -' ■■ 7 '■7-..7,-72.7y77*;y : ,7-7. 7. ■. EXPERIENCED - young' lady wants ' a position as . : cashier; can give: best of references. Address 0. P., 227 Clara st. J,,.-:■'-. yU x 7y<:72- A yy,-; EXPERIENCED nurse would like position in the fV country; j can • furnish .*, best *of * references. Ad y dress , box ; 3311;*: Call office. .v V^"'V. -.'; r FINNISH girl wants general light housework la city or country.'.* 932 Grayson * st., Berkeley; : phone Berkeley 8021. GOOD ranch cook desires situation, any part coun ? try; $35 to $40...M15S DILLON, 1138 Turk st. GERMAN woman with *a> small "t boy i wants v' housekeeping -or housework. ■-. Phone Valencia ,r 1320. "-*■■-. LET me do your- mending; 15c per hour and car fare. Box 465, Call office. - . -.-. LACE CURTAINS done up like new; 35 cents a j j pair. ; 2687 22d St.; phone j Valencia 2591. ■■:■ *■■■ MIDDLE AGED , French widow, good, 2 practical -. nurse, ? wishes/ position yto .7 take ; care »■ of * In / valid; .hare best« references; % city *or country. ;/Address box - 3700, Call office. -: :-.:■. iS -V"? '-..-- MIDDLE < aged woman, fine cook, wants position; /will go short distance in the country; wages $30 to $35; good refs.? Box 6279/ Call. Oakl'd. NEAT, young German girl desires situation, faul tily; $30. -MISS DILLON. 1133 Turk st. ;%"■, PRACTICAL nurse 1 wants position, city 3or * conn *, try. V. 1260 Golden; Gate ■ ay.; ; tel. 6 West . 729.'.. - RELIABLE woman would take care of children ■'% during > parents' f absence in the evening. ' Apply ASSOCIATED CHARITIES; j tel.- Franklin 708. REFINED young lady pianist would like position. ?; Address box 3310, Call offlce. y:y '■-,■*;'•--■* . SITUATION wanted ,by a ? young * woman with 5 X year - old girl as - cook in a nice family. -~ Tele •?.• phone "Berkeley 4378, or address box 4833, Call ?roffice;- Berkeley. ; - 7:"77. '';??V '■:,?,";■ - ■';\. SITUATION WANT ADS IN THE CALL WILL 7- COST 10c FOR 4 LINES, FIGURING 7 WORDS yTO A; LINE. <7 .. r -~-. .7-7 :'■;■, 7..;-, -■ ::--. ,-..■ STENOGRAPHER wishes position ?as *. beginner 'with reasonable.wages; Oakland preferred. 6225 San Pablo a v.. Oakland.',?* .;?. ?>.?.; WANTED— PIain sewing at ladies' houses, $1.50 V per day. Box 2778. Call office. . ■',■--:,■..:■ YOUNG lady,i? experienced child's nurse, desires w position r In- Santa Crus jor- in ~ country. Box 364, Call office.;,'.--'.?-*..'"■■■;:•-■, ■■ ■.-■.. --;; YOUNG woman desires position as ; second- girl, chambermaid or nurse girl, city. Phone Valen- Vela 2234. ; 4532 24th st. . .--"■■> 77. .y...... ..,.? YOUNG i woman 'I wishes; work ;In ; small' family; good cook;,wages $25. Address ; box 230, Call. V. " . i'. 1 " , ■ "t EMPLOYMENT WANTED 2^,7-1777 ?~V;''''"-'- r \ M . At '-.'-. 7y: r;7yyy. '■'- 7 A YOUNG ' nan,*' 19 years Vof i age, V would 1 like position l to' work in . hotel-; V any other - good • position would ;be . accepted. ? Can give best references.; W. UATTICK. 740 Laguna ; St. ; ' AMERICAN, middle aged; not strong, but active, y wants light • work' on private place; > can - milk ■ and : care ' for - horses; wages - $15 - per month. Box 334,' Call offlce. V ■ ? * v yy *. ALL round ; waiter,? middle - aged, V desires ?a ? posi tion in a hotel or boarding house; city, or coun- V try. * Box 3538, Call office. BAR KEEPER. 31; < honest and sober, speaks I German and French; - can wait at tables; will- V ing to do porter work also; city or country. Box 3889.* Call office. : . r .? -"•--■;'.:.■".'.'-. . BUTCHERS J-How woold you like to hire a real •:■ slaughter house "■ man; don't ; like Frisco. 126 3d St.. Carmel hotel.*-Box 68. ?■ {??;*„ v ? : BARBER, ; good man. wants good Job. or shop to buy; city or country. Box 6365. Call.» Oakland.' 37. 'economical.V wants a -situation in private place; good* private family references.;' Address H. F., 621 Clay St.. R.i 10. CHAUFFUER and coppersmith, doing all repairs; married; desires; steady * position lln* or - out *of ... town. ;",■ Box' 179, Call office. CARPENTER? (union) -wishes position ' with con | tractor where can act as watchman on job. :■:■. Address box A, Call offlce. ;? ;?- .??.-?:'--:', - CARPENTER, j good all round 'man, wants a I: position; builds l cottages cheap; day or i con i; tract.?- Phone Mission 7752. CHINESE cook wants position in private family; VV wages $45 to $50 per month. LEE SING. 311 V sth St.. Oakland. ? - ':.\77--.7 EXPERIENCED shipping clerk, knows work thor- V oughly and I well educated, over 7 years* expe rience at selecting orders, crating, packing and shipping,* desires employment; moderate salary. 7. 80x.489. Call office. -? : ?;; ? ■. ; ..%..- ? - EXPERIENCED stenographer.:- and | clerk desires 8 employment with." some 1 reliable I concern in the country;, first class reference*. 5, Box 41, Call. EXPERT accountant, employed,'.with spare time, will: keep; books.", audit or systematise; | highest -; reterences. *" Address box 344, Call offlce.V, s" EXPERIENCED waiter V and ; bar : tender; X good 7; reference; ' wishes '-> position. V T. J. HOLDEN Sunset hotel, 153 Market ?st,;city. ;'-?-.. ?. GERMAN-AMERICAN, age 40, wishes position, v*. private - place; "• farm i resort: i good horseman, gardener, poultry, milk; can batch; take charge *.-■: owner's absence references.?y Box ;346, { Call. GARDENER (head), first class, 38. single, sober, : - experienced, In ■■ hothouse s (orchids), greenhouse, ??:landscape and ' bedding work, wants situation! > Box 338, Call of flee.' '• -ft:: • MIDDLE - aged - Croatian, who '■ can speak, ? write 72. and read eight modern ".. languages. -, wants. posi tion translating; guaranteed. ..- Address box 317. ? ■ Call offlce. v.'-.-■.-•■■ '.. :■■■ . --;" ; 27.27i:-77:-..,- •"./'. ' MAN ami wife, ; bartender and ■ waitress, would -■i? like • position *in summer resort." Address Box 351, Call office.? .--* --7 ? ;,%..;:.;■ MAN AND WIFE: . MAN AS ** CHAUFFEUR*. M WIFE AH : MAID; "REFERENCES.v ADDRESS BOX 3333. CALL OFFICE. . . - PHYSICIAN i and I surgeon: without license wants • position:' anything;. pleasing >' appearance; ' big personality; will , travel. y? Box : 34. ; Call ■ office;^ PAINTER, 9 paper ? hanger ■ and ; tinter; ?* all »tools"; •*. work from owners," day or contract; good work; low * prices; "»references.: - 1729 * McAllister "- st.; 72 phone -.West 7501. -p-yc' yy ?..>; -, .7.: ■ ,?.-.?,:?'?. ; ; PAINTED;.* good mechanic,* reliable, wants work; . y good > work .** reasonable; 2, has ■> all : tool*. { 1033 2 ? Capp '--. St.; ? phone :. Mission 5818. : ?'.:.. . * POSITION I wanted by 2. man X and ; wife, ' good on -; meats; 5 salads, .ice * creams, v also i pastries • and ':-, .general?' cooking -in hotels,-•' clubs, U summer re i j sorts ■or * hospital. ■ Phone . Franklin » 8764, box V 330.? Call office. 777.777.7.7.: 777777 t ? EELI ABLE, '. sober ; man 'of » family J wants V posi :V? ; tion ;as ? ! night *> or" day.' watchman Vat *» moderate • wages, in apt. house ? or ; other * place. * Box 61. Call ■ office. -, ■-■■ r*"-'"? VV-'*'', V' 7 ' SOLICITORS — 2 young | men" want | positions( as ':- solicitors; prefer the printing line. Address box 486. Call office. ;.-"-'-;"-? yt-.-^-o,y •?-:■?■ • 7 •77---7 '{{ SPANISH ' SPEAKING AMERICAN V Well .educated; can : speak.: read a and writs lan , c guage like a < tire. -~ Phone Oakland 3894, or ~ address < box 16291," Call 1 , office,*;- Oakland. ► and y. will gladly talk things ; over. ■ :777hy7y i y, SITUATION '.3,wanted 3 by _ good t barber; ■ steady, y. married, sober V and \; reliable. Box 479, Call. SITUATION wanted— | around I printer I wants I position *60 ', country 5 paper. :• P.*= P. ■ HASSLER, IGOS Milvia St..t: Berkeley. , ?. 777777. SITUATION lin *" country i. wanted Vby schoolboy 5 ' S surveying v* or" cattle 7 ranch ' preferred. 1618 Arch St.. J Berkeley. ■ : •■ 7 SITUATION ' WANTED % ADS '& INS THE #. CALL 7 WILL COST TEN* CENTS I FOR FOUR LINES: FIGURING SEVEN ..WORDS TO A LINE. WATCHMAN, sober,! reliable man, wants I posi tion. W. E.. phone Pacific 7463. ■ ■ ' WANTED—By | man of I middle | age.V with * refer- f* ences ■to date *?from last ;place,---a? ; position -ito fi care for poultry,' horses, garden- and - lawn; ' net >,:.- afraid of work. > Please ■. address lat once JOHN ?D, O'SHEA, - teosa i 14,': Goldfield -s House, 652 Sacramento St. - WANTED— Situation, city or country;" by a sober, Va willing, middle | aged man; understands j care of ■ horses, garden, chickens and rooms; * good refer y ences & furnished: * willing *to work s for room, ; board • and laundry, as; a ' starter. Box ' 488. Call. WANTED—By Al * all . round j office man. 3 ? position •*-; * J office • manager,** credit s man *or ** bookkeeper; vdo 2 not t* use l liquor ,«or '■'■■. tobacco of any* kind : /: and ? can s furnish s very 3 best of 1 references *Ad-" dress box 3500, Call office. •'- --WSimb »?^F N 2. : mn ' : 27. "7- tall . deancut appearance, i$ stenographer, *• bwa *««_*ai good *a penman, de ll !I?" 5 X£ !t '?? Vof tnist.-"****! Phone | Franklin 461; r00m.8.6; if out please ? leave phone, number. EMPLOYMENT WANTED , •__-. ■ >: MALE—Continued . _. 1 {YOUNG M Scandinavian, talking W German's and - \ m English, wants Kts job in «saloon«or| grocery ; store. •.-,. Write CARL HANSEN. 730 Central ay.; tel, W. 1482. _^ YOUNG' man, speaks four languages, with knowl ■ edge lin I bookkeeping s and- business, desires I po --{& sition; , best of. references. Box , 245. Call office.; 2 YOfe* NGI men' want \ positions lin j printing "office, 5 g, where % they/ will 1 have Sa« chance to ? learn I the •-^businessjffe Address box 485,1 Call' office. ' ; FEatALE PHELPMWANTED >; ■?;;;' WOMEN wanted to act as I agents for an f article , tej all i women need; 4large ?. working: field s and 1 flne ! profits; 1 make "83 ?to $5 daily easily; * steady ■:" employment; "-" we ? are manufacturers. Write quick for attractive'■' terms and particulars. 14 MERUM SPECIALTY CO.. 003 7th ,ay., ■_r Seattle^;? Wash. - ' . ! WANTED—lntelligent 7 young V woman ''"i for f< posi- VVtlonj; of adjustment clerk. Requirements— '?,' tact and -. ability to meet-people, ''together': with ! ■ taking rVtelephone 2 orders ?; properly and 7 filing ; 7'■. complaints. • Apply:*>: superintendent's,?* office, '7 HALE!BROS.;-;Market and■ Fifth ;stV;.-::'■ - * V :"■ 7. 7 WANTED, tor. 8 general % housework.*? a | competent ?; middle - aged ' woman 'in t good! health; ? family •of 11 three, living in h bungalow Rat?. Carmel f by .% the *;;-. Sea; wages $25; wanted J until November 1. : y P. O. box 42. ■ Carmel,': Cal.'?,' 7yyyyy 7-,; -~ PRACTICAL - help V will ? be*' given ? any .1 woman or H girl whose i livelihood is affected' by the passage 77 of the * redlight : injunction and ■• abatement" law." Apply ':-.. by • telephone. at San Francisco, Park 2797;: Oakland,: Lakeside 3229. V?" J *: : '■■''*■'■■; ADVICE '- FREE ; IN t SACRED ! CONFIDENCE jon > . Intimate '!; family «affairs.*"? damages,*?, etc.; *, suits . ;.: or - defenses ;c guaranteed; { successful ? or', no ;' fee.' 7y We advance costs; 3 ■ well known attorneys.! I ■ LAW INSTITUTE, j 15th j floor, V Chronicle; bldg. | WANTED—Quiet, «; refined % woman ?' for ;•**' ali few r" *; months' in country ? home, to | assist sewing and I.; mending; occasionally: companion 5 for. children. -' : Apply ,-r stating.' references, age T and *, salary ; ex ; pected. Box 481, Call. ■';: ~ LEARN ! how to : make j corsets; you I can j make $15 ■to $231 per: week ; ( corset I makers are scarce; our : • system - easily * learned. ?!: LA FRANCE TAIL ■ ORED CORSET PARLOR. 47 Grant ay.: -F? LEARN HAIR DRESSING—The Famous PEAVY "7 (P. « V.) s SYSTEM; enroll * now.". *" CALIFORNIA' SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING. 967 Market St., .; 2d floor,! nr. Empress theater. Write for booklet. BOOKKEEPING thoroughly taught in 3 months; 99 practical, course,*;' private lessons, day or even ing; > get Vmy booklet. ■- W. ?L: • DACTERMAN, expert accountant, 125*3 Flood bldg.**. Sntter 4394. WANTED representative ;in j San Jose dis trict to deliver goods;- female remedy; $500 cash required;- $200 month: no soliciting. CHUALE COMPANY. INC., 904 Market St.. S. I". WILL sell Ito ; young J woman 1 who has . some | type ■ writer experience and I business j ability a half I Interest lin I good, growing I business; I $250 cash required.'*..;, 30 ; Bacon ; block, '- Oakland. :?? LADIES and 1 girls to tint pillow tops jat home; *■$6i to i $60' per ' dozen; experience 2 unnecessary Hat starting. WORLD'S FAIR ART ASS'N,: 927 . ■ Broadway, j Oakland, ? room; 30, ? 10 ;-. to 4Vp. : m. HAIRI store i and > beauty ? culture * parlors'? appren -77 tice wanted;;*!am 'giving :■ individual v lessons. NEWMAN HAIR STORE AND BEAUTY . PARLORS. ,1406 Polk st. ! V . WANTED— |or German cook' for j private ?,? home. Also 2 second • girl. *?' Applicants please call *at f superintendent's ! office, HALE; BROS., Market?and Fifth st. * WANTED —Quiet, refined woman* for ■ few months In country'home to assist sewing and mending." *; occasionally -■' companion for 2 children. ? Apply box? 377, Call'office; ?'?::,! WANTED «to act *as - adjustment 2 clerk who ?- understands '* detail '? office work. Apply Supt's - office,*- HALE ; BROS., - Inc., Market at >■ sth^st.?.-.'?;-?*.,.? ? y?^?-;"?■ -.- 2-77-7, '~y--7-y... ~2.y.:--., WILL exchange trained nurse services (either in ymy horne 5 or«otherwise) for.? diamond ? ring .' or furniture; references exchanged. Box 274, Call. YOI'NG * dady * would .- like position working ": sev :.; eral v hours *in the t evening V 5 at !-*. switchboard work. Address box 32"., CalL offlce. .:* ; : WANTEDExperienced I sewing i machine demon y strator and j operator. Apply Supt's ? offlce, 9 to ;11■ a. ■ m.. • Market •at .sth st. ? ? ; ; ' WANTED—Voting ladies to train for nurses; paid m while learning. -; ST. ANTHONY'S ? HOSPITAL, 827 Brush st;" Oakland. :'.-.-.-,: y:y.-y;.y:■.-. 7;. WANTED—A comperent .lady bookkeeper;, state 1 age.v salary expected and references. ?• Box 284 . Call office. '--:' ;-.y -y: ■■■-'■ : -;vr;x. ■yyy-.yy.,.--. -..■..;,; GIRL J to; assist *at 1 housework;" 4 adults- - some y '.washing; evenings, Sundays off; $20. * 44*6 Oak.' WAITRESS for coffee. house. . Apply at • 381 3d ?- street - ....... - - ~.. WANTED—Stenographer capable of meeting ladies 7ln reception office, who can! invest $300; abso- I lutely safe: j $75 month to start: quick advance to right party. CHI "ALE COMPANY INC., ' 904 Market at. San Francisco. ■ •?' ■&f-/fe{i. -'■"i "' S 22- UNPAID WAGES - COLLECTED^. KNOX,; 1205 Call bid.—Suits,l liens;"attachments; ■ time checks cashed; debts collected everywhere.. I MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Janitors. - Apply - superintendent's of fice, THE EMPORIUM. WANTED "FOR, U. S. ARMY— bodied tin married men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, jof good character: and j temper ate i habits, who can -. speak, read |and| write the English language. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer,; 600 - Market; St.. \ San s Francisco, Cal. - - - BECOME V independent; % learn s standard "-.?- trade; -short time required; large field; always in de ... mand: pays $125 Ito $200 5 monthly;,we furnish position or start you in business; day and even ing classes; moderate./*;: WESTERN WATCH AND ENGRAVING SCHOOL. 904 Market st. ; ' WANTED—-Steady; J reliable man ! who can " invest I $250,. with his services, for ' light 1 outside work -'■;-. In ; good, growing ? business; will pay 1 $100 per month to start; no experience necessary; duties -. easily 4 learned. * Call room 30, Bacon: block, '■-Oakland.': 'V, 7 ..'yyyyy.; .:-'- .-;.-;;? . BE \ an 7 Al : barber; ■", learn by V expert,":, practical '.? barber; ! - reasonable terms; ; position Iguaranteed ! :.. in - about ' 3 weeks* s time <or will assist you to ! : start in business if ; you are * able. £ CALIFOR NIA BARBER COLLEGE. 145 3d st. ? ;•?,?' YOUNG I man, be : a i.barber VI f teach; you quickly,: yV thoroughly and furnish ; tools: s I?' give you actual ! I shop work and you | keep '•■ half the receipts; : over •■ 16 * years In business. V; BRISCOE.! 755 • Howard '■ st.; cheapest.andibest place in city. :~ - ? ?*- WANTED— MAN LIVING' WITH PA RENTS FOR? CLERICAL WORK; MUST HAVE SOME' KNOWLEDGE OF * SIMPLIFIED BOOKKEEPING; STATE AGE, REFERENCES AND SALARY EXPECTED TO BOX 88. CALL. STENO. *- wants V educated and careful : reader ito read anatomy L and >:other 'technical? matter;?. 2 B hours each evening ; Mon.. -Wed.l and Fri.: about '* 150 words per minute; 25c '- per hour. Address STENO., room 56. Hotel St. Cecile. ?;? WANTED— Young s men" to V train i for real ■> estate salesmen; we pay big commissions on the finest cheap j lots yin - Alameda 1 countyi* and help ( you -, with your ; sales > while you?learn; ( call •at ; once. KING & THOMAS.' 814 Exposition building.;:*.■:;■ ■?>■ WOMEN, learn J the I barber trade; % MOLEB '■7 graduates '-: always f>- get ;| top V wages; "..; positions -guaranteed; we have 38 schools in all principal :. cities; .. call or ? write. MOLER * COLLEGE, 234 ■;■ 3d at. below Howard.> 777 o.-.:■-..; I ; NEED G00D.5 MEN ■ everywhere, : ; part or all' time; learn my business; make money ; with me; J no experience needed; desk and full outfit free. -?k,W.•■ M. OSTRANDER, Dept. 25, 12 West 31st j ■ St.. New York. ;.-,fc«?-i'?v.:V'-- ">.,V>'-''. -?* 7.17- \ AA — AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING THOR- \ OUGHLY TAUGHT IN THE SHORTEST POS ; SIBLE I TIME: POSITIONS AWAITING I YOU.V I -2070-78 MARKET ST.?':.:?*-:";:' 777' : .. - | BRIGHT men? for positions jln new: hotels V light j 72 work, short s hours,*; big ■? pay; -t experience «* un- ; necessary; send no moneys Address MANAGER, :;'1337.30th place, Los: Angeles, Cal. . * " < ■ ] WANTED—Steady:man;? good opening|for. willing j ;; worker;' $30 ? weekly: f experience | unnecessary; y $250 cash required. Call 46 * Kearny st., r. 410. WANTED— men | roomers; 1 new hotel; new : H furniture; best rooms In the city. $2 per week and up; one week's rent free. HOTEL MIN NICK. 345 3d st. - * ■' * WANTED—4O men and women Ito work lin our 'f- barber i shops; ?■ noS experience « necessary. Call g HAIGHT'S -. BARBER SHOP, 790 Howard|stAV^ SEAFARING "■ help I wanted— Men 1 shipped I to? all . parts of tbe world. * W. B. SWEARS,"? Pacific Mall;dock.: pier 42; Kearny 2159. ;:*:*;? y r LOCOMOTIVE i FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN: | wages , % about \ $100; i experience; unnecessary; ; send • age, i stamp. gRAILWAY^ care Call. ; .J7*: :■::-*-.?.?_:! NONCOM.**! officers, U. sS. A., retired, may learn 1 g£ of something Ito their j advantage Iby 1 addressing box 448. Call office. WANTED— SPECIALTY OR 'ADVERTISING ,% MEN. APPLY ROOM * 1044 »PHELAN S BLDG. M BETWEEN 11 AND i 1 O'CLOCK ■ SUNDAY, j 777. DOUGLAS HOUSE.' 758 Harrison st. near 3d—200 ] 77 hard : finished : rooms; ** large 1 reading' room; | hot • M water; j rooms i 25c" a day. $1.25 and $1.50 week. LOCOMOTIVE J FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN,: wages •; about'• $100; :?-experience V. unnecessary. Send y age, stamp.;; Railway, care :Call?; :*?' 72 :■-??::'!.,:' WANTED—Salesmen ?■ to t sell I stock In? a manu ; facturing & concern; ':: commission 25 i per * cent? G. A. SPARKS. Redding. Cal., • ; . 7 1-. 1 YOUNG I men > to I learn I driving £ and ? repairing ** of ; 72 antos ' and '. trucks ; in j our shops. 2070 Market: St. BIG ; MONEY mailing circulars for others; copy- H righted I Instructions 25c. f CATAWBA AGENCY, Yorkvllle, S. c. :y ..-y ■■■> . :y'■-W'&.'ill'ZM VSV WANTED— to t learn I trade; S paid while learning. Apply 447 Minna st.. top IfloorJUgai LEARN AUTO AND TRUCK DRIVING AND "m CARE; j day: arid j evening classes.llB4lf Market.l * AUTO MOTOR ENGINEERING SCHOOLS,**®* Corner , 67th' and 'Adeline sts.*; Oakland. ■ Est. 1906. * '77'mmasa MALE HELP WANTED WM Co«tiane4 IVANTED—Practical farmer for country home |f close * into J city. Swiss "■ or German I single i man if; preferred. Apply Box 446, Call, giving ref -s?s erences, age f and ; salary j expected. ; - *"•' " ■ WANTED—Experienced | furnishing I goods | sales y man t who 1 has i thorough % knowledge t of j men's ? furnishings. -?.;-.; Apply*; superintendent's office, V 5 HALE; BROS., Market and ! Fifth st:?. yj? »V MEN I wanted—Wrappers X and » packers t for I our ?:*•- great - June ?: white; sale.',;; Apply supt's ' office, Bth floor.-? Thes Emporium. ~<»;?'-?;..-■-> -■-.-?:>'■:••?:?:';' WANTEDMen to learn cigar making; pay while ff learning. Apply 502 -.Washington *j st. > room . 54. MAN with $150; guarantee $50 month or better; no experience. 10 Clay st. at stand. FIVE men wanted to learn automobile driving in m one week; ■ guaranteed; $10. S: 20 12th st ,> V ■ II * -BShSmi - Auto | driving, S repairing; | satisfaction JHr5* iU , yk guar, t: Eastern rAuto \ Ex.. 312 Gough/ MAKE $1 an hour: classes and by mail. BS. F. Bj SHOW CARD SCHOOL. 915 Van Ness ay. ?.' BOY-* 16 % for I general i work V- in * wholesale '■-, house. ?? Box 480,' Call. -y.: -'. .': y ~: y y PORTER wanted. V Apply "at ~ 254; B.: St., San w? Mateo/? .-;--::;'"-?-?-»'\- j :-'-?"-? '•••-.-•.■■ -~""-' :■ ■ -~'-■ f\yy WANTED TO LEARN TRADE VfS. BECOME "5 Independent; S? learn 5 standard '§; trade; .. short ' time : required; large ; field; I always in de- I mand; pays $125 to $200 monthly; we furnish 1 position or start you in business; day and even- lugs classes; : moderate. * WESTERN WATCH ? AND ENGRAVING SCHOOL." 904 Market st.g 4 WANTED! for Californiav"and?Colorado, experi .:' : enced • salesman - for a,? strong, ' medium priced ;.-■ line -of : suits, cloaks - and 1 skirts ? for ? a promi .,? nent '. house ;in •? Philadelphia, established | since ?' 1886, that caters, to the - leading ; bouses. Must • be '2 posted ' in * the ? line ? and : well % acquainted ■ 'f; with ?, the * trade. 1 ??:: No ** objections :-- to s carrying . 1 nonconflictlng lines. Party with Al references ? '"■ only i considered. MABGOLIES *-?&.' HARRIS,* ?: Philadelphia, Pa. ": -.'-_ ??..;. ■:■ ? -~ ■;•.*,. --. .-■■■ r;*, ; -; SALESMAN * open ; for.- position;: can .. make I good selling f. anything; ; ■ lots 't of experience -. selling ■ stock - prefer | mercantile line; I know | machinery •;-.•■ and, chemicals; * can <* not * consider i anything * un '?less **■ some ? salary attached; references. Box ' 872. Call offlce. ■:-.."?:-?■ ;. :'■,'??'!?:?■ 7-U WANTED—Salesmen i to ; sell 7. our - line " of ; fancy :': fruit | ciders Ito * grocers.: confectioners I and | gen- I eral j stores :in I tbe | small - country j towns; salary $125 per month and expenses. CROWN CIDER *?'* CO., 207 :S. Commercial > at., V St. Louis, * Mo., department ;_.:??: ■'■/.:'. .: . * ? SALESMANOne familiar j with and experienced Bf in the sale of woodworking machinery and hav ing an acquaintance with the planing and saw- V mill •- trade tributary 'to • San * Francisco. BAR ;*>: RON, RICKARD ? & '. McCONE. 139-149 Town ■iksend st..'San Francisco.; :: - .' *:"■•• SALESMEN—Coast ■ territory ; open; I must be pro :,:. ducer; "7 excellent t- opening; ;- ; staple V line; y. ex ; \ penses ' advanced ?■ against commission contract; references * required. .? BARROWS < COMPANY. ? 800, Wood ward ay.. Detroit., Mich. *■■;.■'■■: . x ENERGETIC 7 salesmen -"' to 2 assist ■<■ in Increasing ' I the -attendance' at the? exposition; 'liberal. com :-:■ pensation; ? attractive V duties. :*- 518 . Crocker _?:bldg.; i call bet 11 and 12. J : -.:;;.:?r.- '.;*;':??;.;-.- ".,:-e MEN. of: neat '*■ address ~i to V solicit S subscriptions; ■"I new,-- attractive, proposition; |no - boose I fighters; salary. Apply crew manager,' Oakland Tribune, .'Ba. m. Thursday. .*■ ■ ... LIFE ; insurance \ salesmen place' our ! new: policy - anywhere; I salary and \ commission jto live ? men. -■- Address 383. Call office.' .:\■7i7'7;.\: '-•* '-;■.-- *-;■-.^ LIFE * Ins. :- agents;:-- good ' salary £ for producers; ,; only new Idea; one kind of policy. Box 383, Call*. office. ■■---■- -:'--■ --■■:■'. <:■■-■. -•-'--::■■■" •-;-■■< AGENTS WANTED I . WAIOTEID) - - None but good? men- need apply , •*:;?/? to place the 4 treasury- stock of t - ''-- --. '.■■••■ an! established "land company. ■ * 332 BANKERS' INVESTMENT ? BLDG., ■".-:•; 7,7-1 ...:-■' , 742 MARKET ST. ■ '-'■ -*.■■.■'-.- BARBERS AND SUPPLIES ?^ COUNTRY V barber - shop; i- 2 i hydraulic ;? chairs, 3 wash bowls. 2 mirror cases, vibrator,'new cash : register, etc.; - good ? location; ' doing ? fine ; busi- : .: ness; | reason-. for s selling, sickness; ; cash :-. price V:s3oo. 'Address box 411, Roseville, Cal.. .:..-: --.-.>; FOR rentßarber shop; established business: excellent location; present barber :is -opening larger place. J Call V Sunday .or Monday, v 2214 V Hopkins St.- ? take ? Dimond V car to 13 th and •"" Broadway, Oakland. - ■'*'-....,.-:-■•?•..;•...:..;•.. ■..-*/ BARBER' shop for ,sale. 2 chairs; steady; 2 fur 's nished ; rooms, ? rent I and | water; $15; flne j loca- E tion, good 1 business; I reasons 1 for,. selling, owner leaving city; > price $200. Address 3510, 25th [st .->?,?-* f<* BARBERS. ATTENTION! *'':"??';? " : ', V V . OAKLAND OFFICE..THE CALL. '---'■'■ 15-10 BROADWAY. PHONE OAKLAND 1083. FOR j sale— Elegant '5 ' chair i barber shop, ? located SS In l the- heart -of 1 city; 5 long - lease. v. Inquire 3. BARKER, 94 Turk st. 7y-,- -.. •.'.??' KOKENi hydraulic P.\ chair; nearly < new; Barker -: vibrator; *- hack •'« work ' stand for 3 > chairs; 3 mirrors. 1431 Park st''Alameda.*' _ BARBER shops and locations that will double In 7: value- fine ? place • for , lady barber. ,*- See my ?$2 •;; hair dryers. * 394 Hayes st. '-..f-7- '-"-*.:. ;^y-y WANTED —To ; trade, < a good - pay 1 up to date. I 4 chair shop for one in the country. Box 6441, ?! Call 'office, Oakland. >;.? -Tyyry FOR rent—Barber location,* doing I good' business; am opening a bigger place. 2214 Hopkins st; take Diamond st. car. FOR • sale—Good % 2 1 chair- shop; '■• receipts -, $40 V a week; or» exchange ? for shop ' with 3 V rooms; *1 $225.. 205 Guerrero st: ■::'■."■ :: >: :■??;:■'?' ,;,'■ .:■- --.:■■ BARBERS wanted who are in trouble with their : razors. Call or write *to CHAS. RICE, 3054 ... East 24th st.'V?;.'; -.- -7.,..-.., .-■■■■■ ■?-.:,; ,■ .-.■; --- ■-; ; „ y WANTEDA barber every evening and Wednes- II days, : Saturdays and i Sundays ' for next week; -• must sbe a • union - man. 704 Chenery: st., Glen H P*t*:y!/;\yy:;;yy T -!* '.7 ■, 7 y -.y 7.77-7-y; FOR sale—4 ; chair shop," centrally located, up !to V,; date, £ $750; ■* or' will exchange ? for t other * shop. Box 352. Call office. ?< 7 ■'■ 2 CHAIR barber shop for sale In Mission; good reason ; for selling. ,t Apply ; box' 255, ? Call. , V BARBERS' UNION• free emp. agency.-* ROE H. 9% BAKER,* sec, 804 Mission st. ; j tel. Doug.* 1443. $60— Half Interest In transient barber.' shop. it 12 Sacramento st. near Market : and : the s ferry. , YOUNG; colored porter wants; job -in? shop; good shiner.;« Phone ; Douglas 1238; Vroom: 3. 77 MAC. BARBERS' Protective * Employment sec | retary. ,W. BA RON. 775 Mkt. ; tel. Kearny 5384. WANTED—I 1 revolving | chair and 1 'or 2 "mirrors, V in good condition."- Box 6402, Call 'of flee. Oakld. BARBER wanted. 1234 - Broadway; " one ?that ■7 ' can speak French ? or» Italian: ;; steady . job. THE smedicated shampoo,' D. 'M. 5.,; will , increase lg your business;: sold by all barber supply houses. 2 CHAIR barber shop for sale: 1 first ; class; going' Bj to country. 516 Columbus ay. near, Green StSSm CALIFORNIA' Olive Soap will save yon time and money. Get! it at BAUER'S, 59' O'Farrell st. tfe? WANTED—First class barber. 2140 Fillmore st. BARBER wanted! evenings and Saturdays. '.-■;Alca £\ traz: and' Telegraph '* ays.. Oakland; ■ -.';■ - 1 chair shop, open 4 years; must be sold; make your own price. 4226 California st..;"-;?.' V?* ELEGANT 3: : chair barber T shop, located in heart of city; long lease.- 309 O'Farrell st.???, FIRST CLASS steady barber. -154 3d st. ■ FIRST CLASS barber.wanted.? 31 Ellis st. WANTED—Porter at 490 Slitter st. V . . ? .PORTERS wanted '2i at' - BELLEVUE < BARBER &'.SHOP,?TayIor, and Geary sts. vy 77 ?,>• :yy >y- FOR I sale—Bootblack stand, 41S ' 12th V St.,: $50; '¥\ pay to 1 owner. ?-; 461 22d': st. . . " : .; ' . -.-;,-., WANTEDA good barber: short hours; bring 2'\ tools with you. 317 Bush st. '.■■■-'■■" ;;v t '.i\.V;,.??'...? FOR RENT—Bootblack stand; good chance for : right party. 19 4th st. -; y '~ '7..■:■•'■■:. ■■■:>;-::."-■•--■ UNION barber wishes J position, steady or extra. 1320 Jefferson!st;: Oakland. ;>y ; FOR '' saie, cheap—4 «chair,'* 10c shop. : 670 Wash yington ?rt.*?near* Kearny. y ,; : 7- ■ 2,7y~ ! -7:-:.7'77^ GUERRERO'St..VIO4I near Twenty-third—Barber Si?shop; 4 )rooms;| rent '■ $20. V ,:?>■, .._7i':2.2y:.:.7 EXPERIENCED "porter, wanted; short hours. Bar : ber hop. 17. 2d st. ,' - BARBER shop outfit, 3 chairs, complete,*! for, sale '.?.'cheap.-.77?Market st. WANTED—Good 1 union barber; I steady job. Call at 154 East at. ' • • ' '.-.^teßßS WANTED—First class i barber; ' short ; hours. 2V 231 ? Sansome st. - . . ■ WANTED—One ?or ! two ' chair : barber shop. * * Box ?;, 477, Call office. ; ■...<■ '-*:-., .'• WANTED—Manicurist in ' barber shop. Apply. at ; M 79' Sutter, st WANTED—Barber for Saturday and Sunday. 113 m Broadway.* * - -- BARBER ? wanted; j must be < steady. "! 730 f- Turk 27 street. - ""'-'. BARBER wanted steady. 1000 Valencia st. near 21st. * v 1 BARBER wanted • for Saturday and ? Sunday.?! 280 . ,8_ j st. ; _*j■-. ...-,-. '..---. .. .^*rrr-i&tWl&ttXr.«*?i£i&i&tSr. _"^P"»»"»MlMM-i-_»-_M__»____M_^__p_M_M__«_»____»_y SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING WANTED—An astigmat lense m forWdtS |I will , exchange j rectilinear 1 lena j and cash, or j39 year Waltham gold watch, or -Willi pay cash; || also ■ want good field or marine glass. Box 1 280, Call offlce. « If SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING TO EXCHANGE .-■'■':"-■■-■■' ' .■"^? ; -ytContInned-. . . I BUY second '.> band % trunks of all !* descriptions, and s pay l the * highest 1 prices 5 for s them. Address WM. LEE. 707 Mission j st.; j tel. Douglas ' 3192. WHAT J have you \ to; exchange \ tor ' No. 4 * Victor '■-ii phonograph? *f Is equipped & with S $15 ; mahogany st ''Music s Master*'J? horn and 7 has \lO V inch % turn \% table; lisJ in splendid ; condition.?? Box 9. Call. M I7A. well Hi. established % business; " centrally V lo- J - cated; s worth \ $800; ? for part; cash; j* stock farm ■-'": Implements > must -go!on . my ? homestead.. Box 7i 472, Call*: office. :.'{7-7,777 7 '.'■'. '-" ■': !• .j-7 :-;.-. '-2'2j CLASSY WINTON ! SIX' ROADSTER," late" model, is like new; exchange for small car. y 2070 Market.' - BICYCLE—-Snell; 3 value; $55; !f wish Vto * exchange for Mauser auto-plstol or something. I can use. X"Address l box i 443, s Call * office. *' 2 f ' PRINTING—SmaII, >nice !* plant I to v exchange for S cheap i lot. Address ; Box; 430. Call office. WILL exchange a-i, second i hand S motorcycle ■- in ;M: good condition for $25; or what you have. The ■j$ machine -isJ at ' 172 O * st." Address ' box > 475, H- Call ot&ce.yyy:: '-T'.-yy l 2-77\,--: -y7.7-7 ? -y, HAVE £an - excellent I gas | range \ and hot 'water B heater \ with I connections; j used about 31 months; I also Ia f reversible \ Scotch; rtig. - 9x12 .- feet;- new; :. will exchange for anything. useful. What have - you? 7. Box; 3321. Call - office. .? - ..-'. '-'-'/■ * y' " ?•■."■ WlLL?exchange one 1912 V 7 11. ?P. twin; Indian ■ and one 1 1912 j "LJ H. P. twin | Yale • motorcycle, B completely! equipped with ( presto; tanks, lamps, -'"speedometer,: etc., for nearly new launch; must •'}''<. be in . perfect condition. ? Box • 3232.1 Call i office: HAVE fine Shetland pony;'? harness -; and saddle." V■„■ This j outfit' cost * me. $200. , Will • exchange ' for "V Indian "or Excelsior motorbike of late' model; ■y; must. be 1912 and twin;,„ Box , 6406, Call ' office, Oakland. ! ''7;7'--; -: : 7 "277y.yy..y; ??■?"!?■ WILL exchange $35 oxygenator j (modern .method '*' of 1 curing i diseases '* by using oxygen *to 1 purify V the sblood);; for typewriter;- L. C. Smith ■-' pre 7. ferred, or *. what; have ; you? Box '* 8338;*.Ca11, v- WILL EXCHANGE good paying j rooming : house, V; 19 rooms, lease; all 4 full, for i small ranch -or U property. -y 174 Church . st., at j 14th and Market. AUTO waited ;In exchange! for country I bowling alley business. :*.; Value . $300. V ■~ C. A. HART * VIQSEN, R. -■■■ R. V No.; 3, Watsonville, Cal. V; SAMELSHAIR shawl, very old,, good * condition,' ~ Edison phonograph, ■& with t recorder ? complete; . ■ old 1 bullseye; plate ? camera,*' 22 ■ Remington ? rifle ', -collectively ? or : separately;;: want ', good. kodak, or what! have you? Phone West I 3138. ?V? .'■'. ~! ? ;■;■-•;■ ■;■ : ;2.y ? . -J." y-. 7-77777 . WILL * EXCHANGE a?! twin . motorcycle, 1912, y complete *■-< outfit, : ; for • Mascot r ; Copper.?• stock; ;:. value ' $173. jy Care box . 6148, Call; of flee. -7. "> WANT! to ; exchange j Clipper spring box i couch ■ for 2: sanitary? wire couch. Address box 484, Call t*.Otfice2p-7'y. r y .■.. ..? :.•■■%■', WANT to I exchange | head . lounge; for good j trunk. ■7 Address b0x!444,; Call .office.-;' ;■: ;> I HAVE! a ' well ;bred| mare, good' buggy, and har ness; will take In exchange a twin motorcycle. This 1 is;, a tough mare, " fine * rider * and 'drives double and single, : Address box ' 3013. i Call, r LATE * model Colt's '41 * caliber ~ revolver,"? belt and ?y scabbard, a 20 j pwt. j gold chain and other Jew ; elry to exchange for sets of books in good con-" V; dition or photograph; disc " records.?-. Box 3378,* V?Call?office,? - ■■-■;■ ■,??? ?:.;?.. -7.7 7 777727- 7 y EXCHANGE f for 1 I ton truck or diamonds, ? floe ; ? Victoria, 1 V double ; set ?of • silver; mounted har- V ness, !•*brougham, • seat ' 4 people, new.i cost g $1,700; Victoria j cost $1.500. | Box : 3322, jj Call. y\ WILL** trade Al violin j for!; good V phonograph, *or H something of equal value; no agents or dealers. Address L. G. CROSBY. Hotel; Gray, 757 How- : ard - st; S. P., Cal.. box 3230. ? ? 2.-77 . : ■-.■ WHAT v have you vto trade •; fors diamond -. ring, value $90? Address 730 Henry St., Oakland. ?; FINE •* steel -' windmill.* large - ranch V range, farm II Implements,*- furniture *of V 5 •: rooms > and - other * useful goods. ft Want auto delivery, motorcycle; V or; what have you? Box 6316, 'Call,? Oakland. EASTMAN ;kodak. 3A,' with?tripod?and?leather y, carrying j case (and I extra lens; will exchange for y a ' good ? watch; y Howard - watch * preferred. - Box j. 3025. ?Call?offlce. yy7- ?";. 7:77■..-;.■■■;.■- ■;. 7;: ; y~-<,. WILL exchange ' slightly used ' Kohler & ! Chase -..2 piano; cost $350, for twin cylinder . Excelsior or I Indian i motorcycle; must be iin good condition. ! Box 2509. Call office. ;;?:/./ .^ I■. HAVE V a wire. haired? males fox '! terrier V dog, ; "about 1 year old; good :watchdog, fond of chil dren. What have you in exchange? ? ; Box 3112, a.- Call offlce. y-<-><-\ 7 .<.C ■,■''■-, *•■•- ■■~■■;■■ 7 -yyy ..-■ WILL exchange 1 $35 Stewart banjo, 1 $20 pearl :-. inlaid I mandolin and 12 1 pianola music rolls for phonograph or a good guitar or folding camera. ■2, Address -,-- box - 3057. Call 1 office. ?? y - -:. EASTMAN S kodak No. I3A > and V carrying -i case, H brand I new; I also 125 ( volume ?,Werner encyclope :>■ dia, new, with fin* bookcase. What have you? y Box;? 113.V Call ■*office.; ?: *-?!"-■:-*.- ? ...:.-■ WHAT V have ? you to ' exchange • for the rent of I nicely ?■ furnished "i room fin modern ■ flat? - : Also ; good Garland ■ gas:. range, elevated oven?V, Ad -5 dress 'box 200, Call office;. V '.'I I j HAVE ' a complete I. *C. S. course 'in salesman ; 7 ship : fully paid up. This course is strictly up 27 to f the ' minute and cost $60. ' - What have you r to trade for it? Box 3027. Call office.? ??y STEEL 1 windmill, large'range,-.2 '■ incubators. 300 :I to 400 egg. capacity; - lawn mower; total value 7. $150,: to -exchange. What *• have you to offer? ; % Box 6294, Call * offlce, Oakland. - " -V ? FINE new; bay county map,' shows ' roads, ' resorts, "*; everything, cost $5, for singing canary or Aire dale : pup,, or - what have you ? - Address .; box ,3763,, Call office. .7 '7, *,■: -.!>?:. ?■•-'?;.'V SMALL i collection jof ! autograph letters '« and : sig- M . natures of j famous people for, revolver. 38 cali- B ber preferred, ? and man's corduroy outing coat and vest. - Box 6348, Call offlce, Oakland. 1-: HAVE j nice ; mahogany. bookcase;* office, table, 4 chairs, cabinet letter file and mimeograph; also V*. 6 * assorted v brushes.: Want * first ' class ? grama : .phone, or what have you? Box 682. Call, Oakld. 2 CYLINDER' Bulck,V 22 - horsepower, - with dcliv lery -. body, lin good condition; 3 new tires; Just :? been overhauled; value $200.? What have you? -j Box 8674, .Call office. 'y,y, 7 7,y- '!*■■*?-? -:;;-■;:■:; CHILD'S ; foot I brace, age; 3 years; < dressmaker's ;-* chart; 2 -young Maltese kittens; will trade for >- something useful, y-. Box ? 6425, V Ca11, 7. Oakland. WOULD like to V exchange '•- a $25;*> pearl V inlaid "7 mandolin,; with * case,' for 'a • rolltop desk. \7 Box '*; 6428,*? Call .office, Oakland. *-.'■ , -. V ; EXCHANGE for diamonds (perfect unset), water -., colors 'by good ? artist; value $15 to ' $50 : each. Box 3371, Call office.- V; v ! '*■■ •-;-;.-.. . ; I HAVE 14 - months '■: old ■ beautiful ' mahogany.! col ored ! Indie bulldog; will exchange for. almost ■y anything. > Box ■ 3419; Call office. ; ■>■-?';. V:. *--. - WILL 'exchange for diamond a l twin cylinder Ex ?« celsior V* motorcycle - with V tandem -' attachments ;:•■:/ and Presto lamp.*j* Address . box 2642, Call. ;*: LADY'S i large chip ;-! diamond 'heart >< and -:gold 9 chain; also gent's gold watch; child's crib pre- r v ferred.,, Box 8377,. Call office. - y:y- • ; V '■,';'.-'.. NO. 7 - REMINGTON * typewriter :In good condi •v>tion, Vto exchange for • what have you? Box ?■ 6197.? Call office, Oakland. . -y.. ; - WILL* exchange tent. 20x40, used one season,? for ? a 3A ? kodak •-■ and *a * shotgun. ; : Box 6405, Call y-: offlce, Oakland. V -''7; 7-7-7- COMPLETE whitewashing outfit; 1 Woodin & J Little pump, hose, etc. What have you to ex- T-. change? '.y Box 3616, Call; offlce. V V V - *::V BICYCLE, almost new. i high . : grade \ make, will •; exchange *■ for -1 something valued to $15. - Box 77 3831,* Call Office.*;' ;» * ■■'";:?;■'? ■*"--■■'* ■:-" - : -;-! WILL V exchange 'good 1 7 i year * old V gentle ■ horse. S«| will work :or *. drive * single i or; double, for cow sg. worth $75. Box 6200;* Call ; office. Oakland. v WILL exchange | new Hampden watch.ll7 jewels, SS gold * hunting " case;; for :, good * high 1 power ; rifle; 7 value of watch $25. Box 3985,* Call offlce. I',. FARMING tools, 1 ranch | wagon;! cart,"- buggy,*• har ii ness;: cream ; separator, In j exchange; for. house hold goods; or what have you?■? Box 3907, Call. GOOD ; milk ! goat, 2 ? quarts I dally;' 8 kids •!* in ? 2 H years sold for $20; want *a . Shetland pony ;or value equal to $15. 80x;3034/Call office. -'■%■■; HAVE* a diamond : ring- wish to | exchange for 2 P row accordion. Miller's preferred. -Address box >y 3340, Call office:???:.!? k 7:: :7 '. -■777yyyy: 7; 22 PHONOGRAPH I disc records ; I will * exchange S5O '■1 records, 25 ;12 inch and' 25 : 10 = inch * for ,: same V? number of records. ? Address box 2338.'.Ca11.VV,;.': WILL exchange '{ a* : female:; English "* setter, I%' ■■!>' years! old,* well * trained for 'hunting; for ;an In cubator. Box 3341, Call office. . ? !? - V I ? HAVE j a "fine violin to • exchange \ for . typewriter gStfe' or small' printing press.*!' Address box 194;? Call. FOR exchange | handsome I sea coat, size H 36. almost new, latest design, : for good. upright '?; piano.'*? Box 6354. Call office;; Berkeley. >,- -s -y : WHAT i have i you ":to I exchange?, for V new ISS note 2-1 $700 ! Standard * player piano? Box ? 3898, * Call. WANT typewriter In'exchange for Belgian hares, '- Pekin ducks, good • baby i buggy. Box' 22. CalL FINE [standard i size' billiard" table,* good as \ new; f : ; full - set I cues, > balls, scoreboard % rack: V etc.;* to : > exchange ;• for good upright: piano. Address .box 'it 374, Call;office. ;; 7-yy-::y7 ::■. WILL exchange I surveyor's j services ) for %35 : acres -of farming land. Box 371, Call ' office. 7y:yy: NEW*Buescher? clarinet ior clarlphone, C. L. P.; j| will j take ; diamond;*; Box, 0424,; Call j office.i Oak. WILL exchange ?Bxlo. view camera-for .'a 1 5x7/Mc ; Ipherson.1 pherson. y, 6 Van Ness a v.". I J WILL! exchange ''■ a t good \ bicycle; for ;' a , camera.' a Box 104.-Call office.y*-*V ; * y 7.7"277 7- -;-y BOXED; candy and chance * cards," cost $60.-:, What m have ! you to offer I £ Address box 3764, Call. *.*..- HEAVY 22 caliber rifle in '•■ exchange for: sewing m machine. Call -,732A-:Natoma ? st>>- 2 ,;-,,? ONE collie dog for furniture; prefer library table or Writing desk. Box 3807, Call V .?; 77. PAR ROT I for I exchanged for \ brass * bed \or phono a graphs?? Box 327. Call? offlce. WIRELESS—I want V a tuning coll or "j a loose coupler. Box; 6451. Call *"offlee;; Oakland. FINE BANJO, cost I $100. What I have; you j in' ex gchange?gßox 4832. Call; office, Berkeley. TO I exchange-^- Fine fe violin f for saxophone. Box i*3302,";Ca1l- offlce. . '.---v>'.:".;.v;.'-.. -..-7^^S>^m^^ WILL exchange I sliver 1 watch I for small | fireproof safe. Box 429, Call? office. . ■7y^.......7.y,,yy.. / ..y ...*■■-:. #,* ■* *~ " ~?„ ' ■ SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING TO EXCHANGE - -7;7\.-, "?'.:.. Contt-tneri ■ . ■ .:* WHAT "have you! to exchange for an electric taa tSM <m child's *' willow s crib, mattresses, carriage * an* - ( « eoeart; also 300 yards of carpet, rugs and tout - ing bed, s value $150?!.*; For . whole .want k motor cycle or autocar and pay difference. Box 0300, ;■!■; Call office, Oakland. •-'; VV:- -'-.' ■-' a ONE iron orchestra-music desk, two Hamilton - music *. racks, *' nickel - plated; % leather case t for one; one i new ** platen -roll? for typewriter;; one *-''A. V. M. coat and cap, and 7*-i; one I. C. S. bookkeeping * and *> business V course. , Trade or . sale. 'Box, 196. Call offlce. ; ! I. HAVE >4* very large 3 ; medium and 2 small X' trunks,";' also' 0 > leather '■> suitcases - and V grip* In ? good order; : value $75 for. lot; cost over $200 originally; iwant? something 1" can use." What have you? Box 6420. Call offlce. Oakland. WILL - : exchange J furniture |ofa 9 V room furnished flat for a 4 or '5 passenger automobile. Box 6332.* Call office. Oakland.- ; . V All correspondence will be answered promptly by the following advertisers: . When vonr AUTOMOBILE needs PAINTING or?' REPAIRING, you s want r the BEST ? WORK , DONE at the LEAST POSSIBLE. COST, don t yon ? * Then i see« us. v WE CAN and WE .DO do EVERYTHING In AUTOMOBILE,WORK. S. . AUTO vIREIPAR CO. BSOV-fitack S& MAKE ©IFFEiEt w A THREE-TON Kissel Truck. One .l***.**** this truck,was sold to a merchant for J 4 --".".' will sell now for $1,000. Make offer. STEr- SON-RENNER DRAYAGECO.. 309 East st. OUR BUYER?has Just shipped In a lot of truck ~. *% sprockets; . these will be on our floor j Tuesday \ and thereafter until sold; these are a. big find • and will not last long. ; V » : AJ^':^LWkm^:&^^^*\ , V 405' GOLDEN GATE i AY.--! ?-' DURABLE DAYTON AUTO i TRUCKS." ■.*:':■> --■'■ Owing to change lb agency,' we have a number .-*.. of 2 and 4 ! ton trucks for sale; liberal discount.;,. MOTOR DRAYAGB {CO.. -633 Stevenson near 7th. ' — ■ -. FOR sale— 3 ton Kissel 1 truck; about 1 year :y ago; sold to "merchant i here for $4,200; sale "price now $1,000; make offer. '- ' STETSON RENNER DRAYAGB CO., >: 309 East st.;. r city. '-*'•. ? * OTTO BAUER—RADIATOR LAMP REPAIR CO.. 548 POLK ST.. S. F.. SPECIALISTS IN RE- . PAIR OF LAMPS AND RADIATORS: PRICES V" REAS;; WORK STRICTLY? GUARANTEED. $495— New 1813 METZ specials; 4 cyl.. 22% h. p.. 5 ' speeds 'd. ~- Why buy used cars? * Write for particulars. L. J. BORIS, agt. 1255 Van Ness. FIVE PASSENGER 4 cylinder 30 h. p. Kline Kar - in good condition; will sell or exchange for city '{i or country property. CRONE, 516 Pacific bldg. A H~TO«nu*7™t7T--M Repair " and 1 Brazing VWorks— iMuHlMlmWinm work, right price; -guar anteed. BUSCH ? HARTMAN. ' 710 Golden Gate. CAN save you $130 on a new 1913 or 1914 Win- V ton 6. 5 See Barry ' Cool, V Pathfinder Motor Car id Co., Sail Francisco.- :7 :■■'■'■'■';:. 7 ■'?', ?■??:;??..,?... - WILL*' trade good first 6 per: cent mortgage -'.-" securities .* for automobile. ; Address box 476, y' Call office. A*? ■';■'■•*;- !-■:?* -'!■-*-.;:- "■ -■'•■' ■-■■■.{■ 77 OUR rebuilt automobiles are no higher, -and you buy from people you know. H. O. HARRISON ; CO., Van Ness? ay. and Post st. ? SEVEN PASSENGER car,' 40 ?h. p. and 60 h. p.: also landanlet body; good condition. 621 Eliza beth st; Market 2498.. !?; : i! - jJUc#StoS Lamps, -Hoods, Fenders, . re- paired.! 665. Q.G.; Mkt. 1254. C AUTO lamps and" horns, sample . line, : selling cheap. BOESCH LAMP CO.; 1135 Mission st. TS*n" TS^Tf—t Golden « Gate V Vulcanizing Works— If li& is-'ilfiil Promptness; est given.* 720 G.G. ay. M^Mmo~Z^^r]^^, __—-■". ; ' ,-', ;—■■;-,•■ . 1 y $225—Mitchell roadster,' newly painted and •y hauled! 7. 130 Van Ness-; ay. Tel. Market -y[ . ; ,7;PASSENGER, 70 h. p. Thomas Flyer; very rea •'...• sonable. HOTEL' ALEXANDER. ? . 5 PASSENGER. Oldsmoblle In perfect running order; $.''oo. 2075' Grove st. AUTOMOBILE LOANS ~~ AAAA—Money loaned ? on ? automobiles at hanking J ; rates. C. E. HERRICK, INC.. 611-13 Mer * chants Exchange Mdg.; - tel. Douglas 135!**. BICYCLES AND vMOTORCYCLES" THOR—WORLD'S ; GREATEST MOTORCYCLE*. ' Explains the reason why the 'oldest and most ex perienced riders are rapidly swinging over to th* THOR two-speed motorcycles. We have their old machines for sale; cheap. Get < our catalogue or call -? for "practical.; demonstration. Pay while using. Open evenings till 8. Sunday till noon. PACIFIC MOTOR SUPPLY.CO., A. Freed, ■ President. 1440 1 Market st. Branch? 924 South Main st., Los .Angeles. ■ ' * - THE largest stock of second. hand motorcycles on* -"■* the coast; -come? and see 'us first before you buy; we always sell for less; agents "for Pope, . Indian < and ; Thor motorcycles; motorcyles ' sold .; one-half i down -. and *$5 a • week; ?a ■ few: of • our ! bargains: - One Indian,? $40* • one : Thor.' 4 ? hp.. ? $75; one Indian;- 4 hp., $110; one Excelsior. 4 ?>' hp., $75; one Thor, *■- 6 hp., $125; one; Merkel. 7] fully equipped, «:7--bp.,~ $175; one Indian, 2 ? speed, :at a bargain. SAN FRANCISCO * MO TORCYCLE CO.. A. Chellnl. ! Mgr., 1010 Golden Gate ay. '?',-..■ - . - . . ~ ,? 1913 ' Twin ; Excelsior,; $263; ' guaranteed to carry tandem over Castro st. Call for demonstration. : Open: 8* a. m. *-, to 8 p. m. 1548 - Market st.; ph. - Mkt. ;■ 5663. BENTE &' BAUMGARDNR. DAYTON for reliability,* strength and perfect fin ish; see the Dayton 9 b. p. 8 inch tires, $290; .•■>' Immediate del. - A. Zimmerlin, 1630 G. G. ay. 1913 twin De Luxe, chain drive, 9 h. p., $300; 7 * h. p., $290. MAQGINE ft HOOKER. 1626 Mrkt HEISE i BROS., the " old, reliable place, experts In -y motor and bicycle repairing. 1806 Market st R.S. : PIERCE,* ; Emblem motorcycles and bicycles. f Cal. agt., J. T. BILL; 857, Golden Gate ay.. S. F. '•■ LOT "of* second ; hand bicycles cheap. I. W. HOT'CHIN. 1 1104 Valencia st. . -■-;''■*::-''->"- J _ t ;'*f? MUSICAL bargains Expert * repairing; V buy and .-".**. sell. Cal. B. ft O." Inst, 40 Haight. st, S. F.; VPk.: 850. 3548 E. 14th, Oakland; Merrltt 1011. PIANOS 1 rented at half rates during 'summer 7 season. HEINE I PIANO; CO.. 37 Stockton ■ st. . PIANOS •to rent;! no cartage."- BYRON * MAUZY, Gold Medal Pianos,'* 250 Stockton st. • ?"*■' STORED bargains—s9oo player piano. $225 cash> $250 on time. '?>■ 37 Stockton st-?»;:- ,y ■.*-•-. ' -■ .? r * AND % SUPPLIES WALTER ! 37: WOLF, dealer— typewriters of , all j descriptions;", expert repairing,: typewrit ;-: ers • inspected j and 1 rented • : ribbons for ail ma chines; carbon * papers ■ and office supplies. 301 Bush St.; phones,? Dougles 4113, i ?-? y .-.** Rebuilt Remingtons and Smith Premiers, $25 up; terms; rent 13 , mos. * $3."« Remington Typewrite! -fr? Co.. 276 Bush * st.. Oakland, s 1527 Broadway. WE! sell at $3* month * standard S rebuilt Reming " ? tons' No. 7 : and Smith * Premiers No. 2. guaran !--. teed: ' ALEXANDER'S, 512 Market- st. ? OAKLAND Typewriter Exchange. 1435 Broadway, *" : Oakland, dealers ;In - all - makes of; typewriter*." • FURNITURE FOR SALE ~.'" FREE—-Furnished 2 Rooms, * Housekeeping Rooms, - ." ! Rooms 1 With Board, To Let and For Sale slgm given away, to want ad : patrons. An the clerk i^for^onejwnen■ you insert your advertisement. *"•_>; Ty, STSSTT _MT ; Bed - and ! springs Vv complete,: $2.50;: $18, solid oak dresser*. $7; dining chairs, only 50 cents each. 730 Lars : kin ut. ■''-•■■■■■■-.■ ■;--■■' ■'■*:7.7'77, ■..'.". .*■:'. Js; VI .-- ; ■■■':.■;- . 7 FOR sale—Furniture of 5 rooms," beautifully fur-" Vjg nished, all ; ! new ,T t with lor k, without * piano; yas second hand men need apply.*? 2942! Howard St. $1,000 'worth 2 of.! furniture.* carpets, ranges and - mdse.: nil,descriptions."McßAE.' 555 McAllister. 1, l- ■'...!. 'J I', ' " " -1 .' .IV ■***" v FURNITURE WANTED ■•' J. ROEDEFBLD h buys and f sells J second i hand ! .?; desks, library.: and office furnishings; complete stock always on band. "7 855 Mission st between ; 2; 4th * and: stb; ■ phone ; Sutter j 12Q9.;1,r<-y L. VINCENT, auctioneer, 601 McAllister st.; tel < Horn.- 83404, Park 1805—Pays the highest pg'«- c -? for * furnished i bouses, 5 flats, 7. etc. ; 1 spot | • <A" V . , WANTED—To t buy household "* goods.l? furniture v etc. Phone Market ,"iO4 ' ; '-. x- OFFICE FURNITURE^,^^^^ LARGE asst. office furniture at •very low prices" see us first. GAI.LICK. 941-45 Mission at >' SSM2' Continued on Nut ~P«£« '