Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS, : COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL SECTION SHERRY SHIPPERS GLUT THE MARKET Rain Damaged Fruit Abun dant and Cheap—banners - Make Large Purchases ■;! Choice Feed Barley Offered at a Decline December Option Sells Down The , wholesale commission market was swamped with cherries and aspara pus yesterday, the usual Tuesday dou ble dose of, both articles coming in on top of a liberal carryover from the pre ceding diy, and as a lage percentage of the offerings was in poor shape, prices receded to new low notches. As on. the preceding day, the receipts of cherries consisted largely of rain dam aged fruit, and as any thing that showed the least trace of dampness had to be sold hurriedly, prices were In favor of buyers, ** who demanded .round conces sions, and sellers were willing to meet them half way. The canners, too, were able to dictate their own terms in buy ing cherries and their prices ranged from -' cents to 4 cents a pound, with the outside figure paid only for the best selections of Royal Annes. De spite liberal purchases by canners and hucksters at low rates, the market was far from being cleaned up at the close I and receivers seemed to be expecting lower prices for today. Canning prices lag asparagus were reduced to 40 and W 1 cents a box and retail tradesmen dhl not want to pay much more J for general offerings, although favored brands sold at $1 and sometimes at $1.25 a box in a small way. The "grass" was more or less wilted and in rather poor shape generally. - I DYNAMITE Has killed thousands of * men and made thousands of widows - and orphans. ' DYNAMITE, too, has accomplished wonders in the commercial world. Millions of pounds are used every year | in farming. Incidentally, millions of dollars have been made out of dynamite. ADINITE Does all that dynamite does and is absolutely safe. ADINITE is patented and the patents for the United States ; and' Terri tories are owned by the Adinau Safety Powder Corporation.i ADINITE is a, proven success. One thoroughly experienced powder expert writes: "■Regarding* the demonstration of Adinau explosives re cently given at Hutchinson's Quarry, which I had the pleasure of witnessing. I Wish to state that in my opinion you have an explosive that will fill a long-felt-want in the mining world. The powder did as good if not better execution than any high v explosive of equal strength now on the market. Also, con sidering the fact that it is absolutely safe to handle, non -•ireezing and fumelees. which was proven at the demonstration, inly should recommend it to all users of high explosives." This letter, and many other original letters from prominent mining men and experts, may be seen at our office. THE ADINAU SAFETY POWDER CORPORATOR is incorporated under the laws .of the State of California, with a Capital Stock of $1,000,000.00 divided into ten thousand: shares of a par value 'of 5100.00 each. MANAGEMENT George C. Holberton, Manager of the San Francisco Dis trict of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, is president of" the Adinau Company. Mr. Mark Wolfsohn is the Secretary of the Company and the Board of Directors include: Mr. Chas. J. Durbrow, Secretary Selby Smelting and = Lead Company. ' Mr. L. A. Phillips, Manager Refining and Producing Oil Company.;' ■.-.-.... Mr.V. G. Bonaly, Superintendent of the Forks of Salmon River Mining Company. The Management of this Corporation is such as to warrant j the confidence of the investor. Any Mercantile Agency or anyj Bank in San Francisco "will.vouch for the reputation and high ;! standing of these men. There can be no doubt but that theJ I corporation's affairs will be conservatively managed. J * From the sale of Treasury Stock it is proposed to construct*; a plant with an initial capacity of 3,500,000 pounds per annum. Actual figures from the most; conservative estimates indicatevj an earning of not less than 24% per annum on the amount j of money which it will cost to equip and' operate this plant.V The construction and operation of the plant will be under j the personal supervision of !the inventor Louis Adinau of Bel gium, formerly Technical Manager of the '\Societe Beige dcs j Explosifs de Surete" (Belgian Corporation of Safety Ex-j plosives) at Vil6rde, near Brussels, Belgium. Mr. Adinau is at present connected with the company and has personally conducted successful demonstrations of ADINITE. We are offering the first block of stock at an exceptionally *low price for immediate subscription and advise its purchase. From the 1912 report of the DuPont Powder Company the--, following statement of income for 191 Land 1912 is taken: COMPARATIVE INCOME ACCOUNT AS OF DECEMBER 31st V 1911, 1912. Gross Receipt 5;............. .$34,389,560.00 , $36,524,623.00 - Net Earnings ;...........:... 6,544,709.00 6,871,744.00 Total deduc. from Net Earnings 5,032,280.00 4,973,446.00 Surplus for year... V .........; 1,511729.00 1,898,297.00 Accumulated' surp. to date.... 16,662,755.00 18,561,053.00 If you have idle money, either a large or small amount, it will be to your interest to investigate this offering.; Call today for detailed information. • • American Bond Company + A oth Floor, Call Building, 3d and Market Sts. v San Francisco, Cal. Prospectus will he mailed % upon request either by -. telephone or mall. 4 TIOLF.FIIONK SITTER 4719. Receipts of nearly all orchard fruits I Receipts nearly orchard fruits showed Quito an increase, and as a consequence prices were inclined to sag*. Apricots alone showed steadiness. i but sellers were unable to maintain -thehigrh prices quoted for choice-,. Roy* I als on the preceding day. .Peaches ana I plums were weak and lower" owing; to the?;greenness of the- offerings,!?while I tigs .continued "to .-decline on increased | arrivals from V Arizona and California i points. '.New green apples found,;few, i buyers, while fairly colored new; crop Astrachans brought: a stand; ia id box.* In tho berry linelstrawber-. I ries were merely, steady at * about pre vious prices . with i the ,wet* and soiled 1 condition of the offerings against heavy trading.' Crated raspberries and black berries from- the south found prompt sale at well maintained prices, -while loganberries/ continued to.r decline, though supplies V were not large. -~- The first chest of * mammoth blackberries of the. season came, in from Watson ville and found a buyer at $10. Prices for chest raspberries ranged • from 2 a0« --to $1 a drawer, as :■- to condition,?* etc, Currants were firm and higher -< early, but sold off later,, while s gooseberries held steady all ;day.? There were -no new arrivals of cantaloupes, ; and hold over lots were * offered at $1.50. for ; special crates and $•#< for larger packages.?.: / •- With the exception of asparagus and green corn, prices for vegetables were generally?firm. Receipts of?Brentwood corn showed another increase * and the receivers made, further cuts In, prices, thereby forcing 1 a decline in winter lots. Rhubarb, string beans, summer squash. etc., continued to find favor with buyers and everything that was of any account was quickly; disposed of.;vv Marysville cucumber- were offering in small lots at $1.75 a box. New potatoes were-nrm. with nothing but trashy stock, selling below $2 a cental. Onions were weak with sellers shading j the quotations ?on round lots of new reds ■ from the river. In the grain market V the December ' barley option continued dull and weak* with further declines recorded ;in the nit "The contract was I approximately one cent lower on the day. The July, I option had one lone sale fat $1.49 ./a i cental. Cash barley had an easier tone and offers to sell choice feed at 1.46 Vi i a cental made that figure the ruling price at the sample tables.; Cash wheat and corn were rather easy, with the lat ter slightly lower, while oats were i firmly held at the previously quoted » rates. Beans were steady with Man- MMmmmmmmr THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1913. SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS Monk H|>ot* i outnumbered -{' strong V one**: in VNew ; \(<rk stock list. v fusibility ot fail rote J decision pre y vents heavy selling. Boston copper ? share ; market ? dull and;featureless; *'» I ;-vei-l(eui * crop" : news sends cotton **■ futures down. >-."■ .;*.', Local bond trade shows some im .',;*,?? provement. ?-'''-.'? V.V'Vc'v':;-- "-?? Failure of "Philadelphia firm weak-, 72:7 ens Tonopah slocks. Other Aevtyia mining : securities ~i? continue null. Rally.;;follows ; early drop in Chi .; cago wheat pit.'" ' ;{' easier. ■ ' . ■}. , ■'. Local spot grain market somewhat Cash barley? offered at a small de cline. , *" ■.-■ ■'•* December barley ." option { sustains * -7j another:loss. ••-.. **"'-, Prices -* for; grain *•' hay,., continue to weaken. ; *..■...-" V- \X:X : New.,-. ; ; alfalfa - In " demand, ? because '""■'' of its,cheapness. Several kinds '- of * ; beans quoted ;: higher. ■'.*;? , Fruits and vegetables ■--. in - ample supply. 7 '7.y7y"y , Egg .?*•*;"': market ~ i V continues ..'- to ii strengthen. "-. -v-." .--v V,??•?'.'?■ Butter holds firm at Monday's ad vance. '.;'"-' *-.*v - I'lmHf)- market still overstocked V with hens. ': : X-.-■'"' : 7'y7.-y churian butters,-blackeyesarid'red"kid ney's , quoted * higher. .Henry C. Bunker, .chief * inspector of t/io - Grain . Trade?.association'V of the Chamber., of V; Commerce,*** reports;, the stocks of wheat on'; hand ?in * regular ' warehouses i and on.' the wharves : June 1 as 8,931 itons, against 14,286 j tons on the corresponding date a year ago. % The stocks of barley were ? 17,i>06 tons, com pared with 11,404 tons last year. Other stocks were 2,347 tons of-; oats,? 1741 tons of corn, 18 tons of bran and 156,709 sacks 'of ; beans. •;--■-. The;, stocks f. of 'beans on the same date last year: were ,163, --408 r sacks. Receipts, in May were 17, --624 tons of wheat, 6,601 tons of barley, -,164 . tons of V oats,, 481 tons *of corn, ,1,569 tons of bran, 32,487 sacks of beans and 9,299 tons of hay. v w-v y ■-. In j the dairy-produce market butter remained very firm v; at vMonday's ad vanced quotations, and according to the views expressed ;by ;ra?" majority of Vthe trade,?; there f was ; nothing to indicate that-prices would, take a lower V range. .The best* evidence of the "firm state; of the market ; was the; readiness with which stocks j moved off. whenever of fered. Receivers, were carrying heavier stocks than they could readily dispose of in regular trade = channels lat a < profit, ? continued -\ to put their? surplus holdings in cold storage.?: Fancy Young America cheese was half, a cent higher, that being the only price change in s that line. V? Prices for eggs were higher all j around, the advance being half a cent { ins extras and firsts and one cent in ; seconds and selected pullets..- Every | one was talking higher prices for eggs; particularly*.; fur V the v upper grades. Strictly first *■ quality stock is J: becom \ ing scarcer right J along and it is the ■ consensus? of opinion that ,the market j will stand another advance,without mi i creasing cost at retail. -■- I '■■ ;"y ßeeelpt** of Vl'rodnce ' June 3 i Floor, qr sks...V I,l_B Leather, rolls ... 145 ■ Wheat, ctls .... 820jTallow*, vqtls . .... 105 | ; Barley, ctls .... B,3os;Hides, No ....... 800 I Bean?, sks ,'..."."4,276;i > elt»,;"No ■ **..'...".". '7 I 136 | Corn.' ctls .*;.....'" •«•". I.iiii*', I'hls *;...'.'. miO I Middlings, Kks .. ' V I.jO ;Sugar, ctls V*.;.... ,".kim) < L Potatoes, ska ... SBC Wine, gals" ......5,000 I Onions., sks ..... I,ISO Brandy, sals-.... v 100 ' nay, tons ../..; 330 I.amber, M ft ... V4O j Wool, ska 403 Italslns, b55...... 800. I I Cornmeal,. ctls .. 600|UTea£oek, No ... 100' li v; V... V. OREGON ? V.v-. ' ■'•.: ?? Flour, qr ?fcs.„.lo.339ißraa, s=ks :..'.....'..' - 85« > \ Wheat, ctls .... 9,440 - '. . •-■•* *•' ': ' . .: "* '-WASHINGTON. X,. V Flour, qr;isks...": 0.390'8ra0, .sks *..*.;...' 800 Wheat, ctls ..*, 3.53."> ■-,>■>*' fyy- 7■ '■ *-" Wheat and. Other Graina . - CASH WHEAT. 9 California white Australia,i. . nominal: Califor nia club, y $1.<57%@1.70 per ctl: northern club, $i.07V.jl.7o : Turkey red, $1.77V,<&-1.82%; Rus sian red, fl.6"»@1.07V»: forty-fold, $1 .~()f<i 1.72% ; i bluestem. $1.77 1 -*'a 1.82'•'. :■ . ...... < \< - <>'- ;-';".' •• ; FUTURES : .-j.-."^V;..'-*':• d: .->," ■ •:-JsO-quotations.**' '.--»- -j- :.-."-W,.'k2 i ...t _-...:.., :■'"'- •"'■•-;•.■•■ CASH BARLEY V* .'< Choice feed, $1.4t>h per ctl:-Ko. l do. $1.42%h ! @ 1.45; lower grades. $1.37%@1.40; shipping and i brewing, nominal; chevalier, nominal. i - -;..i. -FUTURES"-•■-. ■ • ■.-"•■' 11 a. m. Session •'- July sold at $1.40 and 'December at S1.42%fl 1.42%, -closing; at the inside, figure. 'The far , off ' May option was quoted at $1.40,bid, $1.40 asked. ; ',;.■".: * I p.m. Session •'•'■.*' ."■'• ".■'".:-' * December sold'at $1.42% and July closed at, $1.41 asked. '•'-';:.-' -..- "■■• ■.-' ■>-. ■-.,-' k s - Oats—White feed. $1.62% 1.75 per ctl for No. 1'to choice; black, $2.50@2.75; red. $1.7.">(<i2. Corn—Eastern yellow, carload lots. Sl.514il.52 per ctl: do white, $1.53@1.54; Egyptian, white, $1.70@1.75; Kaffir. $1.45Q1.50. ;\ ■ Rye—$1.35^,1.42'i per ctl for northern. Butter, Cheese and ;Ej?s« '■ I; feales on the Dairy exchange yesterday were confined to : eggs, ; 10. dozen cases of :firsts selling at 22c and 10 cases of seconds at 20c a dozen on the regular call. ..At -' the,: Informal -session ' 10 cases of selected ; pullets were sold at 21 Vic a . dozen. ' . :-'-':. :-;;-:'Receipts were 138.400 pounds of butter, 41,600 pounds of cheese and 2,260 cases, of, eggs. \ . The I following : are official i quotations estab lished by ; aataa, bids mid ; offers ■ on * the ; floor of I the Dairy exchange.* Prices' in ' the street;,- while i governed by ; the, exchange > quotations, % generally, ! range from l%c to 2%c higher, owing to the various charges to be added: . ? - ; BUTTER, PER POUND :■ '-..';' _—-__—_—— . ti ; «h iff", Tjff Iff l-ffy. g- g ': I' 'lL ! ££ *-< ' «-i » S" = e E S '< "i J "* ! *" a s M - M 1 13 ' I o - . ..-••--.' -a . ,-ooj I « . I -;-->-"; . ts . ..m Extras -..,.. .|27%c 27%c)27%cl27c| }27%c|27%c Firsts ...,%-.'.{20%c 20%cl27c- !2C%c!27c -[27c r,. The average quotation for extra butter .for the Adelaide Star Mines, Limited Sale of Reduction .V''" ! Plant Kiant ' Tenders are invited for the ; purchase ?of the plant ;in rela tion to the v Smelter, /Concen trator and Sampling Works of the abore? company, situated at Golconda, IVer. • . The plant in question embraces' * Engines, Boilers, V Crushers, V Cor- ? nish Rolls,-; Huntington Mills. Steel Conveyors, Bucket Ele -3 vators, etc., : etc. ; Several hundred i feet of shafting and Belting,' with fittings and connections, together with large assortment of Pulleys and such like accessories. : Also a Five-Stamp Mill which has - never -been erected, ,{■■., Many of the units in connection with the aforementioned plant ' are In first-rate condition, such V as, for example, the Main Engine, which Is an 18x42-inch, Noncon densing Corliss Valved ; Eraser &V Chalmers. ,- yX There ?is. v also: a large ; assort ment of * Fittings, V pertaining to * . such a*: plant, a large amount of .which' never have been In", serious operation.* - -- \~' " X. The. basis of purchase must be '* for the .wholei'; plant as ', it * stands, Including the buildings. There will be no splitting up. ' Details of Inventory can be had, on application to •■-; - JOSEPH RALPH 317 McCornick Building , Salt; Lake City jfflß Phone Wasatch 511 week : ended Saturday, May 31, was •27 7-12 ■ per pound.-?. . -■~...-,■-..■ i .-? — .. >„. ?...- . *;iCheese—'Fancy •• California flats, 15c.jper|«lb,' steady; Vdo - firsts, 11 '-''• tjsteady ;*g fancy Young Americas, 17}^c,*firm; Oregon '■ fiats, Tit'"-, steady;; do Young ittcricas, 18c. firm; New York fancy, •_•*.?,/L*<>i..c, steady; :'•<■ Wisconsin , fancy, ■; 17@lSc,; steady." - , ' • fipes— -California fresh,* per-dozen,j cases ' in cluded: -77- v-. ■- 7 i -7 7- : .;..? Grades -.- '< I 'tor Un . 1 ;-»>•>• .:«.- - *? i ?*?v CtlJlS '. v rsts/*:.' ootids J .I'*,.,I ,,,,lVr. >-, -IV 19c C |23%c %c22c;-.- C -20c t» I''1p 11..:.: | lUl/.n T;i.- 19c... •'!*• - V V Portland Mutters Market - PORTLAND, June -Butter —City creamery extras; : * (AIM ... park, Sfa; country -.-■ creamery, -■'-OIiNV ; YEgg Market >in Nearby Counties' , (Special 'DispatchHo The Call). * PETAUMA, June o.—The egg market «Vs steadily • strengthening,' ami today, after -: receipt of • transactions sof ; the San t Francisco \ Dairy and Egg • exchange, - quotatlons ? for/extra .5 ranch: were marked up ?%C 5 and for selected pullets lc.vv? --*& Dealers and speculators offered for extra ranch and 20c; for, selected pullets. - ?, V: The delivery was not heavy/ and is- slowly in creasing. :■- '?' - ':'!-?-. , ?■-.'.. ': 7 -vv '; V: SANTA: ROSA, June 3.—There 5 was Vie ad ranee; on S first i grade " and lc =on second *or ; pullet grade • eggs ' today on receipt lot; advices * showing the ; morning :transactions on ;• theY San ■ Francisco Dairy« Produce. and ; Egg exchange.-;,...' yy.,-,yy-,- The local dealers * today paid 22)jc a dozen for first grade and-19c a dozen for second;or; pullet grade. eggs" delivered ", yesterday.* .> 'V;'•'•'? ";;* * 7. i The" cold storage • season' is« rapidly I drawing (to an end;'?with;much smaller stocks put away than usual;'* ■'-■■■'■: ' '■■•'■ -. .?. -yy y.-y "y * 7-- ?.*--'" * ;: vV;vv,,' v SANTA? CRUZ,'. June 3.—Eggs •of V all Vgrades advanced slightly 7in price I today," ; ; local * egg | ex changes 1 paying.; outside quotations. Extras iof best 1 quality brought' 2.". 1 v\ while V seconds and selected pullets commanded 21c, an advance of lc. * potatoes, Onions - ; and ; Vegetable- Potatoes—New ? white V?2@2.50 ? per 'ctl; do garnets. $2; old 'crop Bnrbanks.'; 50@75c;per etl.* -,-A Onion's>*ew;river red. 00&70 c per sack; ; Ber muda seed, Mttfoal; Australian. $4fr;s per ctl.#4 Vegetables—Aaparagua, 4-4 0c@51.23:?. per;;*? box; : green peas. per sack; Half. Moon Bay, 4'ti, I'jc !" r •lb; ; racwtabers, $191.75 per box; do Texas, $2452.75 per crate; garlic, new,; 4c<j,sc per, lb; cabbage,«sl per ctl; cauliflower, 40' a 50c per dozen; ? green peppers,* 15&23 C per lb; carrots, 75c per ' sack; artichokes, $1.25@1.50 per crate; rhu barb, ©§1.23 per box; string beans. fa per. lb; summer squash." 85c@$l per box or crate; do river. $2422.25; - Italian squash, 25@33c 'per [box; Florida tomatoes. 9464.50 per crate; * green t corn, ; 40c * per ■:■ doses, for. 5 Brentwood and ; 20(§;3Qe - for? other kinds. " ■--'..yy-y----- : '. 7.y.— -7 ■*.:. V Deciduous and Citrus ; Fruits ; Strawberries— $4 00-per. '. chest : Banners, $406;.' other"varieties, $-"'<v 1. : ?W ;.i Other berries— Raspberries, $1.5002 per ! crate and? — V per chest; blackberries,-; $1.50@1.75; gooseberries, GoCtc7sc' per drawer;' in • bulk, 40Sc ; per lb; loganberries, per chest. ', - ! ■•; Currants—OOcosl.2s per drawer. ,- '"*•-': \ .--!? Cherries --Black. 60eg >.">•.- per /drawer; *? Royal ' Anne, ;etc.,VGso9Oc? per drawer; loose,"". 306 c j per ; lb for; black; 407 c for Royal Anne? and 2 f -.i 1-: Cor j white. •■ ■- v'?v*' : '. *V/.'.;,'•?:->';'.>,"■"••. '■■ *"■".';. .*■'■;■' i • Apricot?—sl3l.6o per crate; small boxes, 60c ] 0$1; lugs, $1.00??; 1.85. .--.-.- -..- j ?, Peaches—Ssco?l.2s per box. - * i ".Fig5—51.7502.50 per box. v. V ,v v "v V* i * Plums — flyman, $1.1001-50 per crate; : other ! kinds, v $101.25; ' cherry plums, .. 50003 c per i drawer. *" v, 74;. .: •.-. -.: ..*■..?,;■-.' ;\ ■2* Apples ; (per box),-Ben Davis. 75c051; -New- j iown -pippius, (' $1.5002; new,; apples. 6Ocosl j for 1 common and $11.25 for choice Astrachans. ?v . j * ? Citrus' Fruits (per box)— Navel ; oranges. $2.50 ' 04.50; ? late } Valencia, $505.50 for fancy.i $40.) 4.50 for choice and $1.7. 47,2. for standard; seedless '.grapefruit. V? $2.5005; > lemons, 5.V../7: ! frosted lentous. $101.50: lenionettcs, $405.50; ] Mexican HmeS, $t;.50'"7.5i*. =;,-'*- .?'•,*,! • Tropic*! ; : Fnilfs—Bananas,," 3&3% c - per -lb for Mexican, $1.2501.75 per bunch for? Hawaiian and I -i-'oiv.- lb for Central American; pineapples, V $203.50 per , dozen : for". Hawaiian and • $202,50 | for Florida." .* '.';• vV'V? v.;-.*■;■->■ ■ Dried Fruits, Kn!.s!ii«, . fiuim nnd' Honey Prunes—Spot, bulk basis, 3fte per lb; 50s. %c higher; 40s to 60s, none In. first bands, -V Oilier fruits, 1912 crop: ,<? ; ; v.-' v ■*'..'•', .- ; .----■; '•-"-....?? y- Stand- -. V , ?.. -.Extra •-■ 50 11. boxes'— ard VChoice Choice : Fancy, Evaporated apples .... V"4"'ic '. --5c '■{: 5%c Apricots .:'....... '.»'.• llcv? 12c V 13c * Peaches ."'... 7..: 7.. 4" 4 ■ ,y: :<c V :-s',£c *0c" Pears -~...,::..:;5ftc "Vie; y77ftc ; 9%e Nectarines-". .'V.;...... •"■•* 6 '■-'• -, • tic • 6ftc. ' Futures 1913 1 crop- Prunes-, ■4e for 60s to 90s nnrs ifta for "50s ;to BCs: ► apricots,* 50 lb .boxes uafaeed,** 12e for standard, wkfte for: choice, for extra choice; and; 13*>2<" /or fancy; peaches," 50 lb boxes, 1, 5c for standard, 854e if or .choice,? 5%c for extra?choice and 9ft<- fancy. -5, v t ?v iv-. y y Raisins— ljooae iiiii*ai '?. 334 c, i4V4c? and?4J4e for 2, 3 and 4 crown, r-speciivel.v; 2. 3 and : 4 crown ". layers,-. O-V. $1 and $1,26,f respectively: 1 5' crown .Behesa ' clusters, $1.70; li crown, imperials, $2.2o;;seeded.? I: lb boxes.. 6%c for.fancy and 5c for choice, with he, usual differential 'for Jl2 os boxes; : seedless sultanas, 30s. 4; 4 c; do Thompson,' Sc for,unbleached.: 4 V,*'v'' -■;■". ';* !- Ve;-j v* —Jobbing ■ prices to* the . trade: 2- Walnuts," 16018 c" for No. 1- tshell.*. 11012 c for No. 2,118 c for . standard aiid - 19020 c = for - budded ■ per lb: almonds,; 14010 c; pecans;*; 10018 c; * Brazil, • 13c: peanuts," 41 .. @%ftc; plnenuts, 1.1014 c. ' .■? Honey—Fancy water white ' comb, * 15'•;.. <316 c; dark to V amber, 13*4014 ! ,£c;? white - : extracted, nominal - - ;UolOc- per, lb; light amber. So9c; amber, 7? >-c: lower grades, Oo7c per lb.; : Beeswax—33o34c per lb for light and 29@31c for dark. I v Dried Fruits in New York ?: NEW YOIIK, : June Evaporated Apples I Quiet, ii Fancy, 7%oS»ie; s choice,* 6%06%c; : prime,*s%*fis%c.'; -: ■-• y-yy"-'.' - ■-' '." ■?: :*,>■.:** ! Prases— Firm. California, 3%012c; Oregon*, |-5%09c/-V:-'.v V. .-- -"- -,v. ' . Apricots— Firm. - - Choice.. U011&c; ; extra 1 choice. 11 % 012c/fancy, 12%013c. ; ;, • :. Peaches—Firm. ■ Choice, U : ;ida7c; extra choice; I V7©T%c; : fancy,.7 a ioSc.r;-? "V "-X v. i. Jtaisins—Steady,/ S : Loose muscatels.' 4%os*ic; I choice to; fancy seeded, 506% c; seedless;? 5*40 . oTic; London layers. $1.2001.40. ■ v. Beans, Seeds and Hops Beans f (per ■", ctli—Lima. V $5.3005.40: " Jlanchu rlan butter, $3.7508.85; bayos/$3.2003.30; large wlitte, 8 $4.7004.90 ;Vi small >J white. ■>, $5.5005.60; pink/ $3.3003.40; cranberry.* nominal; Manclm rian do, $3.(303.90; blackeye. $3.2503.40; red, $3.8504; red kidney; $3.0503. garvanzas, $3.5003.78; horse < beans," $202.25. ~-.y '; .-*• t Seeds—Mustard, —; flaxseed, £504 per ctl; canary, Ooyy.c per lb; alfalfa, 14018 c; rape, 2%03%c;? timothy/nominal; -hemp,. 3c; millet, •-",<. 2%e. .. -v VVVV ' V '.:..' Dried Peas— $303.25; par V ctL V Hops—California. 7 1912 i crop, ' to growers/ 180 20c?- per, lb : for . choice ; and - 10015 c. .for.. lower grades;::."-.. '.VvVV*'*' - ::*-'"'--"'" '-:.'■'•' Flour.andJFarlriaceonaiGoods vV,: • I Floor : (net per bbl)—California 1 family extras, $5.6006; 'do bakers'-*; extras, $4.G00.>.20; super fine, _;$3.9004.10; Dakota patents, 6.4007.40; Kansas Vpatents,* $600.25. ■ ..-**;? V-.?.*'"-. -—y-.-,~:.\- . y Farinaceous' Goods—ln' 10 lb : sacks are quoted as? follows, per;looi>lbs::;CGraham : flour.*; $2.90; entire wheat I flour/ $3; buckwheat I flour, $5; : self rising sbuckwheat; flour, $5.50; .wheat;, meal, $4; rice flour, . $6.50; : rye flour, $3.70;-rye- meal, $3.00; cornmeal, ; 'i yellow.', and -: white, $3.25; ;f extra - do, $3.80; oat groats,' $4.00; buckwheat groats; $8.80;, hominy, $3.70: * cracked! wheat/ $3; farina, $4.10; pearl?barley/ss.soo6;?split;peas,*; $6 for;yellow and* $7.50 ? for. green. *>• In 25 ? lb'; sacks 10c ; lower for all and 20c lower for 50 lb sacks. ■; ,-.; Hay and V Feedstuff*;;/ : VV. Komprs & Co.','" In ' their weekly . hay letter, say: "Nothing ' new .developed i during the s. week *to change;-' the hay .'■* situation. ,-* Receipts V continue about the same/? total arrivals for the week being 2,240 tons/ against 2,383!t0ns |the week previous. A large s portion :• of * these arrivals */consisted'•" of I flrst * cutting ; alfalfa, which ;Is coming i In' rather freely from the 8 river district, but: Is % moving, rapidly so? (hat '-there ilsinol accumulation on the market. § Grata hay continues to weaken in price/ owing jto the j lack lof demand on the j part; of » the : consuming ?-* trade, buyers j evidently ? desiring k to ' wait until.the market for new hay is established before 7 making -,- any purchases •; except j for Im mediate requirements. vv: .;,-.-.=• yy. ,-.■:■•. ■..•yy-yy; "There ? lias been very little new grain May brought? to "market a3 jet. ? Tlie ; quality of the new>hay|seems,.to:be excellent,?; and If it is not damaged Iby ? lute i rains jlt will give * satisfaction: both to;dealers' and ■ consumers. '.?:?/, <yy,r ■ "The * demand? for* alfalfa • throughout the in terior £ continues*' heavy 1 and | It f is I being 1 shipped from the j fields to consuming | points asifast as it is i baled.V>- Prospects - are ; that 1 the < demand s for, alfalfa i will I continue * heavy 4 right I along Ibecause it is the cheapest feed'available." - y-yyyX. Foodstuffs * (peri\ ton)— Bran, 7 $27029; *' shorts. $30031; s middlings. $33035; v rolled -, barley,; $31 : (Te 32;/rolled i oats S for feed. -, $30037- 2 cornmeal, $35.50036 50; 'm cracked sf corn, :-* $33.50036.50;: chopped « feed, * $18023; ! evergreen I chop feed. $21 in i car I lots * and I $23 j for jobbing 1 oilcake | meal, 20 . ton i lots $33.50,*, 10 ton ' lots $36/ 5 I ton ! lots $36.50, small i lots ] $37; J cocoanut i cake or meal, nominal; alfalfa i meal, carload -i lots,«* $21, -; jobbing 7 $22; '■ Eureka? meal, J carloads lots ? $21.50, jobbing." $23; vlirorator, per ; ton/ $22.'2|v : *:? • - y ' 7.2 y_. '''7 Hay (per ton)— Fancy wheat j hay,V $24025.50; No.ll' wheat ' and wheat and oat/ $20.50022. good ' to; choice do, r $17.50020;! lower ,» grades, 5 $I*olß/ barley and oat, $17020;? fancy i tame "j oat/ $210 22; sr other - do. $17.50020; a wild l: oat."2 $16019; *> stock hay. S1 alfalfa, $14015.50. -7 v Straw—'lso9sc per bale. * % -- Poultry and? Game v"?v Although poultry handlers f continue to report a good I demand (for I large, young chickens,'; such: as - j young | roosters, fryers s and * good "i sized broilers, the I market lis * far from * being *in a * satisfactory phape. Tlie 3 market i still I shows | the ! effects lof recent ! heavy arrivals \ of' hens '■■ from * the east and f rom ? state \ shipping | points.« Three I cars Jof l east ern f hens. Including; one ; that was * held over 3 from last a week, have s been 5 marketed*; since fi Monday," causing I decline lln I prices I for Imported $ stock and I general * offerings \of California fowls.*!! Cali- I fornia white- ■ Leghorns are | more In | evidence than I anything 1 else ) and i they J are s dragging | badly 3 at low and irregular orices, while extra large stock : sells ! rapidly. * Small : broilers ■. are ' alsoVvery, Weak,' owing Ito I continued } liberal arrivals, and they J are '■", quoted lower. The abundance ■of small broilers, has: checked ;the' sale ;of . squab pigeon*, which are > also s cheaper. Yesterday's | arrivals % from * state V Oil Stocks SAX KRV.\tISCO V STOCK? EXCHANGES Bid. Ask. Bl<l. Ask. Araal-Oilv ..82.00 v, _ V m -i&- - Crude . 17..™ 39 Ak*o*Oil . .40.00 - -_ 'peerless ...: — 4.50 Bay City '".".".'.: —V 53 pyramid .... 0!), ,10 Caribou .'..•.-? 75 ". 85 Republic ... l'» :- — Home ..;.. —■: 2S Saner! Dough. 1.43 — III; Crude .-'.'.-. --,- ?: 05 Sliawmat ... — DO Maricopa 3*}. 'It I —Sovereign' ... 'OS 10 Mascot:?;.*.."'- 75 7 '7— S\W-V&?B 77:- 35 ■:■' IS Monte'Cristo' 7.". -V— Tim■■' *i.r.*.*:-l. 10 * -r- Ore-alt 'Oil.. V 70 — Wolverine *.. * 50 — SALES-' 11:13 a. m.— ;300 Pyramid *,V. .'.'.".'V.'V,;...V.'...'.'.*'.'.".*..V .11 ; yy :* Informal — ■*** ■ - -■' --"*'- vv;- .'•..;" '. "■'■ ' V -1100 Maricopa 3* Vv.....V........ .7.7. -.'■" .1"V Maricopa 99 r.rr..--.;". ..V.....:. .*..- V'.U'' 1000 Maricopa'36 y: 7777777.: .".". 7.7". 7.7.7 ■■ ''. li V LOS ANGELES ? OIL, EXCHANGE (Special Dispatch to The' Call) SrVDSx f ANGELES,- : June 3.—Trading In Amalga mated Oil -i was . tbe- feature: in today's | business on the local stock exchange. 1 ? Sales of 00 share* were posted at $81.23. In the off board trading a sale of 1100! shares <of Amalgamated * was I recorded Sat $52.V.: Outside, of ,the activity ;in Amalgamated the volume of business was j -small.l with the ; majority, of issues weak. i> National * Pacific sold at 3%c.' with': sales of 15,000 ; shares. Midway Northern posted sales of 2.000 shares at SVjC. - The Consolidated Realty, company has increased Its dividends from 4 to 6 per cent,? payable semi annually, June land December. The next' dividend will be paid June 15,"*?? Books close June o. i ■ v-:* ? s M The »Wests Coast > Oil l company declared « a divi dend of $1.50 per share, payable June: 14. v Books close 'June; 10.* vw. - -..-.-. .yy yyyyyy 7 -'yy .; 2. The Amalgamated Oil company declared a divi dend :of $1 per share, payable, June. 24. *« Books close June. 19. " . v': v *v. ■' .The call: ■ '. Producers • Rid ? <? Asked Amalgamated Oil CoV-V....... 81.00 82.25 V American Pet. Co. (pfd) ......'70.00 .t" 80.00 American Pet Co. (com) 50.00 ; 05.00 Associated ! Oil'Co :"V.:..... 7. 40.00 ' 40.124 Bear Creek Oil & Mining C 0... . : .C's - ; -.",*—■ j California Midway Oil C 0..... .10 : .15 Central Oil C 0.:..'..'.....;.... . — .95' Columbia Oil;... ...v.. ?-- —,- '■■■ .S4Vi Continental Oil Co .......... "— .15 Knee on Co.*;-:*v. ....7..... ;.vvv; — Vv.. .so:?? Fullerton Oil Co ............ '2.00 .' y S.OO GlobeOilCo..:-.*.*;*.'.:.*.."...;. V .01 'V: V .03 Jade Oil :C0......'.........v.. 06"i ■ .•',.',-— '-■■" Maricopa Northern Oil Co. 2..77 - .04, -. .04*^ Maricopa Queen 0i1;C0........ — '-...' .55 - Mexican rPet.' Co. i (pfd).:..... — . 100.00 V Mexican' Pet.* Co." (com* .. ;".7.. 82.50 v —- = Midway Northern Oil Cor...:;>? 08% ' .09-4 National Pacific Oil Co. ....*.:. r. 03% * ' .03% New Pennsylvania Pet. C 0.... ,- — * .55- Palmer Oil C 0.................. * 10 77 27 —,. ■- Pennsylvania Midway. Oil Co.. "■'-, .07ft-2-72 ' — .' Petrol Oil Co :*....".. ..v ■-': , —;■< 7-r 3.00- -■ Rice ; Ranch Oil C 0..'.:*........- 75 -V 1.10, Union Oil Co.*.*:. 222.7. .*. .: 78.75 27 80.00.-?.-: Union' Provident 0i1:C0...... .80.00 :.7 88.50 Halted f Petroleum Co .*.."...*r.**80.00;.? * 87.00 United Oil Co.'.'. 7".:: : ........ IS X " ?.22% We* Coast Oil Co. (pfd) .....: 80.00 ?• 10.00, Western Union Oil C 0.,.'.':... 70.00 ** 100.00 7- -- -*' ■ -y-yy y SALES. -'•■ 7 ry. .---- ,; - ,"y ::-- - ".-.' t Morning Session 5,000 . National Pacific Oil C 0.'.......;..*.". ' 03*-; -..-' 50 Amalgamated Oil ;C0".": "77:2.72.7. .* 81.23 2,000 Midway.Northern Oil C 0.*.*......... .OS l^ Off Board fy>y-y * -v -100 Amalgamated Oil C 0:.........:..: 82.00 , Afternoon Session - ?j -X ? ' 124 Amalgamated Oil Co :...-:.;";*..... 81.12% *7 $1,000 Associated Oil bonds ".;;;.. 99% 4,0<>0 Midway . Northern Oil C 0... .'.*..... 'V ,- -OS ft 175 Bear Creek* Oil & Mining C 0.....". * ' .62% '. 124 Union 0i1,C0.......-*:;...... "27.7. .80.00 points ■ were well i above 200' coops, most of them coming ■* from the Petaluma: region."? »*"?"*': -y . V; : *" ; p Poultryi(per dozen) —Hens, $4.5005 for small, $607 for large and $lOol2foriextra;s eastern < bens,'* 10020 c per lb;?: young roosters. $9010; ' do extras, $10012; old roosters, $4.5005; fryers, $B@9; broilers. $4.5005 . for I large, $3.2503.50 for medium and $2.5003 for small; ducks, $30 j 5.50 for old and $7 09 for young; geese,' $2.5003 1 per pair; pigeons. $1.50: 8quab5.?51.7502." v.! M Game (per dozen)— Hare, $1.7502-25; Belgian hare,* $408.*, ;' . . ' v AVbolesale Fish Market > *%y &\. ■Prices (per lb) —Salmon, Vlie; 7 halibut,',', 10c; chicken halibut, ; 'codfish,* Be;|red' rock, 8c; black , rock, • Gc: i barrlcuda, 8c; r sand * dabs, y, 7c; soles, i Cc; kingflsh,; (>c; ■ carp,. 4c ;* smelts, ■; 12%e; silver smelts, -—; •= herrings, 2 4c; V tomcods, * 10c; small striped bass. 12lie; Icrge do, 10c; sea bass, 8c; ' shad, sc; i catfish, 10c; ■ shad roe, 15c; trout, 50c; crabs, $2.50 per dozen. ':'■: v - yy\ '■ The above quotations ■ represent t. o. .b. prices j for cleaned fish, Iced;and;boxed. Meat Market :;?■-..- ' : ' : WV DRESSED meats 7'Xy---, ■';::■-. -■.'■: Slaughterers', rates to dealers and butchers are as follows:^v"-v.- : .' ?-:,-■ ■■ \y yyj-y^'K--.--. v. 77 Beef—l2ol2l4c • per lb lor : steers, • 11012e, for cows end heifers. 1 , * '".*"'; v ??'-'-v., .--•?. v : v '-.'Veal—lool2c for large and v 11@12%c f. for small. ; Mutton—Wethers. * 10010%; 7 ewes,v B@9c. ;V* •j-Lambs—lOc-per lb-, ; spring lambs, 11012 c.' 1 > Dressed pork- (per lb)—11012 ftc. Vv v LIVESTOCK,-MARKET VV v The following quotations fare, for good, sound livestock, delivered lv - San • Francisco, V gross weight: ? - VV? ' "-' '•■ V ---*- •: -"*-';:- "\i-- '.'■ -'7 -'■'* '■ Grass fed; cattle—No. :1- steers, oyer 050 lbs., TO7 »4 c" per lb; '* under : 050 lbs. 6 % @7c; second ■ quality, "-. all weights, GH®6\c; thin, undesirable «teers,*=4os^c.. . : No. 1 cows and heifers, 6@G\ic; > second qual ity,';..: &Vi@s%c; .common to thin, undesirable cows, : 3fa:sc. V'V ,v ? ■?.;>.?;;, , ■-.. '.77y ■" Desirable bulls and stags,- 4Q4is,c; half fat or thin bulls. 2©3 c. -*-.•»' -.-; •-?•'-■•?■•-?■ - -: '■-.; ■;- •-'.; -. :■- Calves—Lightweight, 7 per lb, 7c; ; medium, 6V-c; heavy, 506 c. v . ?:-i?, Sheep—Desirable wethers, 4%<25c; ewes, 3%<&4.\ ?" ;v ■'■- - -„■ '- -*■" v Suckling Lambs sft^LGc. ~.- >v v I 'Hogs—Hard grain fed, weighing 100 to 150 lbs, 7>4c; 150 to 250 lbs,7>4-is7%c; 250 lbs and up, G%o7c. / ... " ' - {■'■'. Provisions -■..'."■"■ Hams (per lbi—California, H. H. brand, 20% c; M. '&. L. brand,' 21c; picnics, 14 ftc; .-Primrose, 22c; Eastern Star. -21 Vie: skinned, 23c; Monarch,' 16%01O%e; picnic, 14%cv?»•'-vV: v yjyy § Bacon—Primrose, 4 to 9 lbs," 31c; Eastern Star, 4 to (*, lbs 20c, 0 to 8 lbs 28c, * 8 to 10 lbs 26c/; 10 to 12 lbs 25c; Arrow, Bto 10 lbs 25% c,** 10 to 12 lbs 23% c; s medium .bacon.'V 19% c; light medium, l»%e; light dry.salt bacon,* 8 to 10 lbs 22c, 10 to 12; lbs 21c;isngar cured, 6 to]B lbs, 24c. "•■ •-**: yy.-• m California 5 Bacon—M.> &. IL. brand/ 61to 8 1 lbs 27%e, 8 to 10 lbs 26% c; H. H. brand, 6 to 8 lbs 25% c, 8 to 10 lbs l 24% c, 10 to 12 lbs 23ftc. :- ? Cottolene— Half * bbls. 11 %c;,; 1 i tierce, lie; \ 2 tierces/ 10 r 6c; 1 5 .tierces/ 10% c. per, lb; * Oallfene, 10% c for 1 tierce, 10% c for 2 , tierces, for 5 tierces :and? 10% c for half bbls and tubs; 'cases,- $7. * , '■'-' .yy-'yy; ■*? * * • '•■■■-:. 7: Eastern Lard and Oils, Western; Meat Brand— Lard, tierces 14% c. COs c, (per \ case) •? $7.38, .- 10* $9.15, "6s $9.23, 3s $9.30; compound lard, tierces o%c/ 50s (per' case); $5, '•= 10s $6.30, gss ? $6.35/' 3s $6.45; yellow j cooking oil, 60c per gallon; white cooking oil, 62c per * gallon;" salad oil, :65c] per gallon. V." ,-'-•"'--', - - -':•-' ' * -7Xy ..■■; -r. -yyy. ■'-- California Pure Lard, M. & L. Brand—Tierces,i 14..; cans, 1. to a case," $7.37% /4,t0 - a case. $11.90; large tins/ 6 to a case, $9.15; medium, 12 to a case, $9.22%; .small,* 20 to a case/ $9.30. /- California Compound H. H. ' Brand— fierce basis, 0% c; cans, 11? to a ■ case/ $5; 4 to a case, $8.10; tins. C to a case/ $6.30; 12s. $0.37%: 20s, $6.45; '■ M.*- &'L. - salad oil, tierce basis. 66c; M. & L.' cooking : oil; COe for white ' and 58c" for. yellow; Biscols. tierces 11% c,* buckets ll%c,;half bbls ■■■ 11%, cases ? $7.50. *■?.-,-' ? ' : 7'y -f.yX'x if Beef— Extra s family, - family and extra < mess beef/ $24 ; ? per bbl. .-■' .:■"_•//' v. .-' /: --'"f- ":■''' *r Pork —Extra prime, in barrels, $23; pig pork, $28.',;.. •. X Hides, Tallow, • Grease and Wool ' Hides —Heavy and* medium (salted! steers.*? 13« 14c; r. light 13014 c; t cowhides,*- 13% c; i bulls » and stags. f*%o9%c; salted kip, 14016 c; salted veal and * salted calf. * 18c; ' dry hides, * 24%@25%e; culls, 23c; '< murrain, * 23% c: :■ dry * calf i and ? veal. 28029 c; dry kip, 23%025%c; dry salt chides, 16% c; -i dry . bulls .-' and ; stags,*l7%c; i sheepskins,*; short #wool;**. 25050 c; ? medium. ** 50080 c; st long wool.; 1; lambs. * 40065 c* for long and; 15035 c fori short wool; > milk lambs, 10c; ,. shear-] lings/ 20026 c for No/1* and for No. 2; horse-; hides, salt. % $2.7503 for large prime <and $2,250, 2.50. for No. '1: * medium, $1.7502; "> small. -7500 • $1.25;»c01t5, 25(3 30c; horsehides., dry, $202.25 for large, $1.5002 y for '-.-, medium/. sOcosl ~* for small and 25050 c for, colts; goatskins/ prime an goras,-75c051: medium, 25050 c; hair goats, medium. 25c; kids, 5010 c. < ■-■■:,[ 7.--'.. --1-7 Tallow—No. -? 1-* rendered, • bbls, ; 505?lc; cans and drums/3%@5c. - 7i; Grease — - per " lb. •■■;. Wool Market dull' and : nominal. = W V. V ■■VV.HorseaV and i MuIesVVV;;V XX'K- The following quotations for -horses and; mules are furnished by the Butchers' j and Stock; Grow ers' ' Journal: v .7.-7. 2y-y; ;. ■2y7,-X yXy yy -.'<-, ''The > local * horse * market j sagged badly, during the week. ■*The. two auctions. held' here ; developed the i fact s that I there • was * practically no | demand for horses that would rot classify; as heavy dray age 'type ;and ready for work. ~ ' j "Thes prices realised i for;: the \ offerings—which comprised light * to 1 medium weights—was i disap pointing to the shippers. Horses that did change hands were sold at prices from $10 to $15 below recent sales.?- ?. y '.» - -X „. ****?" S V ... ft? '"Hie \ consensus of * opinion s among ? dealers lis that the season's ' market Is S practically over, and also 4 that "*. unless } some v» change 3 for the s better occurs In I pasturage | and hay J prospects there | will be lan Indifferent j Inquiry; for, any, kind |of | equino until next; season.'« All * the (other < horse 1 markets of the country are booming and ; prices are stead-; lly advancing.- | _ -(| Desirable drafters. 1,700 lbs and 0ver..5200 % 330 Ujjht ! drafters, 1.630tt0? 1,650 lbs ;;..:>250*3285: Chunks. 1,250? to < 1.500 lbs;T. rr.r.*..r;T| 200*3250 Wagon horses. 1.250 to 1.330 lbs 180<g225 Delivery wagon*horses,* 1,060 to 1,260 lbs 135® 150 Desirable J farm \ mares. *.*. ..:*:**.:..... ,v..'.' 100@125; Farm workers ;".".". 22:722: ................?? 75@100 MULES—MEDIUM TO , EXTRA m*em ■A 950 lbs," 4 to .7lye_rs;;-f.':V.V. :;.:'...~.\ 5750125: 1,000 lbs,"* to .7.year5;....,:.....'....'.. 125-RI7S 1,100 lbs, 4.t0.7,year_.*.".........."..... 150®200 1,200 lbs, 4 to 7 ) yeart.**r.v.T.*;. .;vr.~v::2000250 M Over _C years old range from $15 to $251 lower. V Note—Shippers to this market must have horses close Ito I type, with j age, l bone ! conflriaatlon y and * style, to command extreme quotations. '.;••-_.. General Merchandise Bags-Standard.Calcutta grain bags. . 9<39%.c: Sua Questin, B%c: wool bags. 50& c for 4 aad : 48c »for; 3i JV lbs; '-fleece*; twine, 9 J-ic" per jib;.-bean ! bags, kc.c. <:' - ■ ':••-* OilY (quotations:are for barrels) —Linseed. COe .per gallon J for ; boiled: and ; 58a i for raw,*; 5 ] bbl • lots I4e > less," 4 , cases ;fa i more; i Bikers' JA A castor,*? cases, 5 4 gal lons t $1.11,*;? 10 f gallons g $1.00; ;: commercial castor, iv cases,? China nut. cases,i,7s@Ssc l>er ga.llon;lextra||bleftebedt* a winter sperm -oil.* SOc; natural winter sperm ? oii,' Brtc; pure lard oil,' Nse; winter strained lard oil, 75c; pure ueatsfoot oll,sß3c;Spalnt;on,i:3o@4oc.V .. > -...>.;;-.":-?-:-V M. Coal Oil. Gasoline, etc.—Pearl : oil Ma bulk ; Pc," in cases 10c; headlight oil, bulk r loc, l in eases 117 c; Eocene, in * bulk f lie. in * case* * 19c; * Elaine, t2o*> s c; t- Red a Crown s gasoline, in .-; bulk * l6V^c,* r : in I cases engine distillate, in bulk Be, 7in cases 15c; i gas ;machine ?>"liue, in bulk 37c,* in coses 44% C; varnish makers' and v painters' naphtha, in: bulk* 13Hie, in -uses ' __V>.,'■ -: Turpentine—ln cases,' 59c: f 10 case lots less; drums '3 and t Iron | barrels, 52c: Aroturps, ~, cases 3fa, Iron - barrels ■ and i drums' 2fa 5 per gallon. -v Rosin—X, $0.45; H. $8.50; WO, $11.10 per bbl of 260 lbs. --vv- .-tt-'-'V" 77 ■ - : I --, lied■• : and V White- Lead—Bed, 9®B%e; white,: I 7?i@BHc;'perlb;:do in 5 and 10 lb lots, yftc 1 and 7J/4c, respective!v. .7- v:. ?: r-. * REFINED SUGAR MARKET, v. v The Western Sugar Refining company quotes as 1 follows, net cash: 3$ Fine ) granulated. 4,(K>c; i can- granulated, ; 4.60e; J fruit granulated. 4.00 c; H. &; F. crystal'domlnos, 5 lb cartons ia leases, 8.40 c; do 2 lb cartons in caws, 8.00 c; monarch bar, 4.85 c: ■ tablets, in half-bbls,; 5.10 c; *do in 25 lb boxes, 5.35 c; cubes, J 4.55e: monarch powdered, 4.70 c; XXXJt powdered, 4.70 c; candy granulated, 4.70 c; " confectioners* *<A,*: 4.00 c; beet i granulated, 4.40 c; I extra 10,1 4.10 c; c golden *C, .• 4c; ■D, 13.90 c. Barrels and 50 lb bags 10c, half bbls 25c, boxes '50« more \ per ? 100; lbs ; than t tor > bags of JIOO ■ lbs net. Bar *in■3s *■ and ;40lb , tins: $1.70 i more,; jin'> 8 and *10; lb tins' $2.35 ' more per 100 lbs. than the price for, this-grade in 100 lb' bags. . . " X The « California f and ■■■ Hawaiian Sugar Refining 1 company 4 quotes <as ..; follows: ? Granulated I basis. 4.00 c; C. & 11. fine standard, 4.«0c; f coarse, dry granulated, 4.00 c; .* confectioners' .* A. 4.Coc;;barry, ! 4.00e: I powdered, % 4.70 c; | cubes, 1 4.85 c; 1 VHigrade" bar. 4.95 c; * bricks • (in I half bbls), 5.10 c; brlcts jin 25] lb \ boxes), 5.30 c; H. •&? E. crystal dominoes :15 lb I cartons ?in ? cases) ,**■ S.4OC; do :2 ? lb; cartons: in cases,** 8.90 c; ' extra ?. flne V dry * granulated - (100 lb bags only). il ; 4.40 c; extra C. ■ 4.10 c; golden C, -■ 4c; : yellow D, 3.00 c. Additional per 100 lbs: In 1 bis ' and j5Ol lb I bags, JOe \ more; I half I bbls/ 23c 1 more; boxes. 50c more for all grade*. Bur in 35 and 40 lb < tins. $1770 i more, in •- 10 •lb ' tins, i $2.35 ; more. 1 Minimum order, carload weight. ' Livestock* Market CHICAGO CHICAGO,' June 3.—Hogs—Receipts, 15,000. . Weak 5 to' sc. under ' yesterday's , average. Bulk, $8.0508.70;; light, $8.5008.80: '7 mixed, $5.450 8.80; heavy, 7, $8.2008.70; rough, $8.2008.35; pigs, $6.0008.30. -■'■-■> ; , --•■■ - iii Cattle— Receipts, 2,000. Steady. Beeves, $7.10 08:80; Texas steers,; $0.7007.50: western,' $0.80 and feeders, 15.8008; cows and heifers,*; $3.6007.80; calves, $7.7."011. *~ / iv Sheep Receipts,*? 17,000.,,.;: 510w, .generally steady. X Native, $4.9005.05; Vwestern.? $505.75; yearlings. $5.5006.35;;Tamb5,; native $5.5007.40, western $5.5007.50; spring l lambs, $608.75/ . ;,y-.. :-.. .7 v KANSAS CITY ,-■ V KANSAS CITY, Mo.,' June 3.—Hogs—Receipts, 21,000; -x 5c V. lower. : f Bulk, $8.5008.65; * heavy. $8.4508.55; '* packers ? and butchers, - $8.5008.65; light, $8.5508.07}*; pigs, $7.5008." - - jy Cattle—Receipts. 9,000. * Steady. Prime fed steers, $8.2508.05: dressed-beef. steers, $7,400 8.25;: western steers, $6.7508.15; southern steers, $5.5007.65; cows/$4.7507; i heifers. $0.2508.40; stockers i and* feeders, $0.5008.05; bulls, $3,750 7.25; calves, ;$7010.23.v» *." .•..*.--■,. \. r ?>" >~-:-• . v-Sheep—Receipts, 9.000. ■; Steady. Lambs, $70 8.35; 2 yearlings, v. $3.5000.75: wethers, , $4,500 5.75; ewes, $4*25.35; stockers and.'feeders, $4.5005. ;-' :.:;.« - ■ '-• yy V"*>' MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS Cotton Market - (From V.. F. Hutton & Co.'s private wirelV .a NEW YORK, June 3.—Cables were better than due,*; and the weekly; weather, report more favor able than expected, but the market had do snap/ and ■ the : tone. was heavy . during > the; greater part of the session. s Continued liquidation of near po sitions was the main feature,. though the failure of! yesterday's * bullish ' bureau report to stimulate j spinners' buying • was a. distinct disappointment |to ■■ the longs. -.7-y.y :■ 7"- .- ?■.-;-, ■-.- .?• s ,r Spot "closed quiet. 10 points lower. Middling ! uplands, 11.70 c: do gulf, ll.flfe. No sales. I v -77.77. COTTON .FUTURES. v-Year ; v:.- Option Open ;: High Low Close June 2 Ago : ! June ...:. ..... :..:v. 11.29 11.39 10.40 ! July ;. V 11.54 '.'; 11.54 11.38 . 11.30 11.49 11.10 ! Aug.. /.." 11.41 11.41 11.28 -. 11.28 11.38 11.06 ! 5ept.....,11.24 11.24 11.11 11.11 11.20 11.12 I Oct;/"...-; 11.15 11.16 11.04 11.04 11.13 11.29 Not :.:,.: 72.......7 7.: ..2 11.02 11.11 11.29 i Dec.*.... 11.14 11.16 11.03" 11.03 11.13 : 11.8$ Jan ;*.... i 11.08 11.11 ' 10.99 10.99 11.08 V 11.32 j Feb //.. "-vy:..":. :•*... /./ ....-. P 11.00 »11.00 11.30 March... 11.18 11.20 11.11 V 11.09. 11.23 11.46 Boston Wool Market ...V "'^ I r V BOSTON, June -^Trading. In - domestic wool consists ? largely of. clearing out old stock at sac ! rifice ; sales and moderate purchases -of :■ the new t clip at ! fair : prices. ??-*;:/\-: •. ■-;. -" .»* ',?* 7:t i* - The s heaviest recent ; sale was several hundred ; thousand * pounds * of; unwashed i Ohio Delaine -at ; Territory wools move slow, moderate trans- I fers being made at 22c to 23c for medium. Buy -I:ing has : been more■' pronounced in the west,* 6 espe r In Nevada .and Utah, where .the * greater ; part of the new clip has been absorbed./ ' - '■■•&. Offerings of Texas stocks are limited, and Cali fornia < wools are very;quiet.'* ■';- -' * ?~ ". ■> * :,-. Leading I domestic I quotations range as | follows: Missouri Three-eighths blood,. 23024 c; quarter blood,* 23024 c. ■/./,' •■,..-. ;i ; Scoured basis: ... * ' '■J, TexasFine 12 months, :■ 53055 c; flue 6 to 8 months, "47048c;;floe; fall. 46046 c. '- •■* ..'/*, "^California Northern, 52053 c; I middle county, 50052 c; I southern.': 48049 c; fall *, free. < 48050 c. ?>v Oregon Eastern No.? 1 j staple, ■ 64055 c; eastern clothing, i 53055 c; ; valley No. ?1. 53054 c. V »V"-»V Ijj Territory—Fine - staples. 55056 c: - fine »medium HAMBURG^AMERICAN Largest 400 Ship* in the W 1,306i819 WORLD M TONS '"IMPERATOR"! Vll World's ' largest ? ship, will ; make i her H ' '?;■*: first trip from HAMBURG June 11, ■ *'■, V ■ v arriving at > New i York June ■ 18. f V: te a ■, SAILING FROM NEW YORK S "x fl Wednesday . .Jnne 25; 11 A, Mi H V £ g Saturday .... July 19, 10 A. M. 9 V H Satnrday X. V Aug. 9,11 A. M. By. ■ : end ■ every three ; weeks ;. thereafter, B -"- H Enabling -. passengers 7to g- arrive 7 lit M*. i. -€~ ■; LONDON '-■ and PARIS ;on ' sixth ? and ■ ? H In HAMBURG on seventh day. Books gH I ?■*?■;now,open;for:season.*:- .''.'. H - - § ■ LONDON, PARIS, HAMBURG 8 * SBi{Victoria Lulse VI". June ; 10," 10 a. m. ! H " ' .2 HI President Lincoln .. June 14, 3 p. m. H * X, B sll I •Pennsylvania..... .Tune 17, 9 a. m..8 " yy ß >■ kmstiks,:."777:77. .".'.June 19, 10 a. m. B X yiMiMtavatatoryry:... June 85. 11 a. m. B ;; : a-?B? {•Patricia June 98. 12 noon B :*?B Kaiserin Aug. Vie. ....Jnly », » a.m. B ■ Kronprinsessin Cecilie.Jnly 8, 10 a. m. H '-Ci fl *" 5 'Pretoria *.: .*. :"rr. July ■ 18, 1 p. m<* ■ >■: *■:Pies. Grant..,......Ju1y Is, 10 a. m. fl i "Vi fl | •?. |2d f cabin 1 only. ? J First i cabin f only. fl *' B ' * ! •Will call at Boulogne. - INew. ■:■; B." Vfl S> 1 Sail: from t new ; pier, foot of 83d fl t X | st.. South Brooklyn. ---■ ' : -.'■,,? ?Vg ; • fm'i 2 MEDITERRANEAN I ,Vfl v Gibraltar, Naples i and Geaea H * BCTAII steamers of this service ieavs ■ from NEW PIER. Bsd st.. South ■X, B Brooklyn. Take 80th St. Ferry, Mij I S. S. fi**«» V(11,000;tons) ;. VV ? I - ;,VlV''; ? v; J uly 1, 3p.m, E_ j". • 'fl ;S * S. M«ltko (12,500 Tons)V- -v« I f _____ July 15, 3 p. m. ■ r;» H* S. S. Hamburg.', .".-August 0, >JO ar m.t fl * vvfi S. S. Moltke r.-.-:vr August 29, 11 a. m. flj 4 1 CRUISES J £§8» ? V" TO THE LAND OF THE V» - C-VflcV- " MIDNIGHT sux.yyXxfß'X » JUNE. JULY and AUGUST. XX'Eyy Wk ■ Write for Information 'M. \ BAMBURa-iUffiRICAN / LINK B ' 160 Powell st. :: 7 : m " i^;•*Phono• Kearny 2946 ?- mf -y "■-- ' \_. : San ■: Francisco .' _W_y x Cal. Xx#.*y{ix:y FRENCH LINE| . CUE. OLE.' TKAN3ATLANTIQUE Wj niß-BCT LINK ITO 1 HAVRE—PARIS ■ FROM NEW YORK TO HAVRE ■ - •- Every Thursday 'at; 10 a. th. • "77y,% Em Sailing Every Thursday and Saturday.•.-:-.- M Trance-?'.•* .*77.Jxtae s 5; La vole July "Eh La Provence.. Jane 12( La Provence.. .July 10 |M li Lorraine. .June 19) La? Lorraine . July IT fl FrancoW^""^ June 26; France July 24 ■ Kf! FROM i MEW YORK TO ) HAVRE fl Every Saturday at 3p. ra. v^ {.X{ V'V-' |& Niagara June 311 Chicago ....... Aug. *2 am Chicago trTTtT. June 2S!Rochambeau .. Aug. 16 ■ Bicliainbeeu ..July sjVlrginie r. ;V. Aug. 30 ■ Niagara ■ July IO.La To-iralne. .";Sept.! 6 ■ YuttAZl >BROS.,.Paci-a Coast 'Managers, 630 9 ■'petsm Montgomery Street, San ! Francis c o. ■ CABIN .-» OFFICE. q 6731 MAEKET | STREET, ■ . ' staple. 54@55c;*. fine clotlilng, 504252 c;* tine ;my dium I clothing. 49€>50e;-. half • blood combing. ?50 £fs2e; 13 three-eigbiUs * blood «■ combing,; 45 1 5_50c; iiuarter ; blood - com hi ng,-47 018 c. '?'** ? "- •■•."- v *; I'ulled—AA. 524t54c; A supers, 48*3 52c. . v; Hew York Coffee* Market V (fCW V YORK, tout 3.-rCoffee— Futures openedf at*unchanged 1 prices ;to an 5 advance of a' point *on; scattering corerlng and sympathy with rather? steadier;; German I cablet?,*, but soon • weakened un der > renewed f selling." ■ which * appeared »to be '. for, both t accounts. The close was steady Con coTcr inp.■ -.y-. ■■....- yy-:y.:.; - -:7.y-..y..7 y,y-: 1 ? Spot easier: Rio, 7s. = lM4c; Santos 4a, 12?ic. Mild quiet ;. Cordova.*' 14@17c. nominal. .-■'-.- . V v: ;v':*v; COFFEE;FUTURES* : .Option , Open , * High v? Low * Close*. June ir; V. 21': . ';■'... *. .V V"... .V .":. .4;" v -9.21 c July "...:.".:. to.»9e .-*.' 10.35 c . 10.25 c 10.24 c 'Augustr.'.'.'.'.-.V. '.-'.".. ' "-.*.'....::■.- 10.34 c September.".".. 10.56 c 10.58 c 10.42e 10.43 c 0ct0ber?...:.:.'...... ......: ...... I<>. 4.!<: November.'*..'.:.....*... ...... ;.."... '10.44 c December ... 10.57 c 10.60 c 10.43 c 10.48 c January "..'.';..V ..'.... ■'..- ...... 10.47 c February V*.;". -*...'. ....;...*-...... 10.49 c March .-..*.'r.**.-10.62c 10.65 c V 10.50 c 10.51 c April *."'.-.*.*.'.".". •■•..".-.-:." .......;.... 10.52 c May:%;..; ;.*.'? 10.05 c 10.06 c V 10.50 c*: : 10.53 c ? Sales, 71,500 bag*. V ( hfcn«o Produce Market "pyXM .CHICAGO," June 3.—Butter—Unchanged. Unchanged. Receipts, 25,543 cases. • V ■',' X Chartered for "Lumber ; The schooner j Lottie! Bennett Is' under ■ charter ' ! for * lumber r from v Grays Harbor .- to -2 Valparaiso,*; I tor : orders, at: private-terms. ■-„ •;' v V 10 days $49 Including Berth and Meals Vancouver and return All-expehse, suit-case-cruises from San \ Francisco ,to Vancouver, B. C, and 'round-the-eound, Vtea daya' ; pleasure X voyaging the same steamer for entire trip; ; leave San ) FranciscO-every Tuesday at 2 p. m., back? again a week from follow- Friday; see v Victoria, Seattle, Taeoma, Port Townsend, Everett," Anacortes 5 and Bellingham. ASK FOR FREE FOLDER PAOHC COAST STfJ\MS«iP COMPANY 653 MARKET ST. (PALACE HOTEL.) r • •"'. '?Phone --Kearny 493 V OAKLAND: 1226 BROADWAY Phone Oakland 58S0 810 fl P ORTLANDf JH| ■ROSE CITY sails 1_ noon to- I _fct__ _W H** I***1 *** * r, -_s* >r,h * 'np"'" '''"''• p |LOS "ANGELKS 1 SPAOI beaver mm 11 a. 'in. s *li?l™r*TL"l tomorrow,? Thursday I, June fl .BEAVER v=- F,r " t f '* ass - •? T - 3 * i * $8.33;.. I mTvwH second, $5.35. Berth and I KOSECITYIIc' Included. y " T " T'v'f • ticket "OFFICES V '--.X*o "22 Market; vtrL Sutter 2344 B V ij£g3T*!& '"Oakland Office.' 1228 Broad- li - §T~' H o* ,rkri *V Office. 2105 Shat-.. II y Pacific Mail HONOLULU—JAPAN—CHINA PHILIPPINES • SIBERIA 8,000: tons) .*".'. Thursday. ; Juno * 12, CHINA.* calls at MANILA (first saloon ac- * -- commodation 'at reduced rate)..:...... . - ■-"."....*.%:*.:.....:.;.....*. Saturday, June 21 MANCHURIA - (27,000 . tons), * calls * at f. •-'.-. ; MANILA. 77. ........... Thursday, Juno 28 . :-■■ y PANAMA LlNE iy;.,i;X.{ MEXICO,«CENTRAL AMERICA. PANAMA; NEW YORK, SOUTH AMERICA. EUROPB, ? ACAPULCO . 77777:.: ..... .Thursday, > Jus* S; V EXPRESS SERVICE—PANAMA-'* 7X.y v-v- yv; YORKv * - . "*' 18 y days" to '■' Panama. 20 days to New York. PENNSYLVANIA ; (frt. and pass.).. .Jobs 28 PACIFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP: COMPANY. ? Flood bldg., San ■• Francisco.; Phono Kry. 3620. tarn*assmammi^ sSS_Ss_sS_SS5 ——i—■i—iSS J ■ AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY v Tehuantepec Route • - Regular Faurt Freight Sarrloa NEW YORK 4 TO PACIFIC ' COAST PORTS 'AND' HAWAIIAN v ISLANDS, sailing; : from New ? York : every six days, making direct connections with Pacifio . steamers sailing from Sallna . Cruz. *'■■ Hex., every six days for San Francisco. PACIFIC COAST V PORTS .* TO NEW YORK, v Also 'i to Mexican .and*all. prin- \ cipal > European V «?orta %■, under -y through rates and through bills of lading. Sail- I ings: from San Francisco every ;12 , days. j- For rates and further particulars ap ply to ■* DEARBORN & LAPHAM, Gen- I eral "Agents, 1 8 Bridge street. New.York- WILLIAMS. DIMOND ■St CO., Genera* .Agents, ? Pacific ? Coast. v 310 Sansome st., San Francisco. TOYO KISEN KAISHA '. ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. Shinyo' Mara ; (new), via"Manila direct.7.. ■•*-•...*...;..-.".*•,::-;.■;:......*;:. Wednesday. Jon* 4 8. S. Cbiyo Maru, via Manila direct.... v ..:: ;..r.*r...j y: .."..*:vr,. Wednesday, July X £. 8. Nippon , Mara ? (Intermediate t service . sa- ? ■ - loon accommodation at reduced rates) r*X7.: 7.2.777.-:: 7:7. ....Saturday ,tt July 19.; 1913 S. S. Tenyo Mara, via Manila direct. v .;,;*..*. - -y-r.7'7.2 Saturday. j_jf 19, k. 1913 !"•*- Sttaasars «all < from ■'■ company's I pier. No. 34, '■! near foot of Brennan street, at 1 p. m., for Yoko hama and Hongkong, calling at ■ Honolulu. Kobe I I (Hiogo) •; and - Nagasaki * and. Shanghai.** and I con certing . at . Hongkong I with ■ steamers i tor "Manila.: : Indian etc. v No cargo '. received -on • board ion ; day Of sailing. Bound trip tickets; at <■ reduced rates. m For freight: and passage. apply iat * office, fourth floor. Merchants' . National ■ Bank building. - 033 Maiket St. * W. H. AVERY, Assistant: General' Manager. A Splendid * 10,000 Ton Steamers X « SIERRA. SONOMA and TKVTIRA B $110 Honolulu ■ y^S & P :Sydney $300 |SYDNEY 1 S " o^™' SH AUSTRALIA ■«* UAT 9 gfl VIA"- HONOLULU AND * SAMOA \ H $325 'tiei Tour. South Round tin World. $600 ■ -teas,* 5 $325. Honolulu. Ist class: 2ad class $380 * I Sanrn. Awst'all*. Hew visiting ■ five ' continents 9 Z-alio4. Tahiti, etc. aad world's gtul dtist. - ! ■ Honolulu Sailings June 7, July 1. 15," Etc. 2 mo. > i 3 g Sydney sailings July I, July 29, Etc. 2 p. m. y. fm Write « Wire Now for Berths.",?-Send for Folder. Hi '"■ : OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., PH 073 Market j St. Phone j Sutter 048 AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND v Sydney via Tahiti aad Welliagrta* S.K. MOANA* (10,000 tons) sails 11 a. m.,' Juno 25 8. 8. AOBANGI (9,000 tons) sails 11 a.m., July 23: 8. 8. TAHITI (12.000 tons) sails 11 a.m.,. Aug. 39 UNION S. S. CO. OF N. %., Ltd. ■V ■'.- HIND.^BOtBH'*' CO., General Agents '-7 r - '•''"? Tel. Doug. s 8100. "■: Ticket lOf floe,: 670 * Market ■ St.l UnUill 111 II s- s - ' WILHELMINA, June 4. HUNULULU 8- 8- HONOLULAN.,June 10. iiunwhwk* S- S. LUBUNB. June 24.* New ; steamers,"* 13,000 ■', tons. - Leave ; Pier No. * 38. Bound trip, $110 and up. Direct 'service? to?th« ' volcano. MATSON* NAVIGATION CO. SOS Market Street 19