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30 Diversion Is Plentiful for San Francisco's Maids and Matrons Continued From Page 29 mer was taken 111 and 'an operation proved necessary he went immediately, to one of the New York hospitals, where he has been ever since. It Is expected that he will be well enough to accompany Mrs. Thomas to New port this week. Mrs. Thomas was for merly the - beautiful Miss Oelrichs, a sister of Mrs. Peter Martin, ■'???•: .:???. ■#"??..' *- X * '??-■ Miss Gladys Boston and . Mfss Kath ? erlne Meigs, wljo have been visiting In Pacific Grove for the last six" weeks as the guests of Mrs. Bertellette, widow of Lieutenant Bertellette, U. S. N., re turned to this city a few - days ago. Miss Boston will leave this week with Mrs. Plum and Miss Plum for the James Irvine ranch in southern California, where they will remain some weeks as the guests of Miss Katherlne Irvine. * *-. • * :? ' "-??. "* ; - Tennis is proving quite as. great an attraction all over the state as ever golf "has been. In San Mateo every day sees some or other of the maids and young matrons trying their skill on the courts, and the sport seems to be growing in*popularity. 1 Miss Vera de Sabla, who has two courts*in her own gardens, is an adept at the game, as is Miss Amy Brewer, who has played In tennis tournaments since her pina fore days. * Miss Kathleen Finnegari? Mrs. Ward Barron, Vicomtesse de Tris tan, Mrs. Tom Driscoli and Mrs. Teddy Howard are also experts. ?.???? In Los Angeles, too, tennis yhas its patrons. Mrs. Sam Thomas, the?for mer Miss Grace Melius, plays a good game and always looks smart on the '•' tennis court, which nowadays is a very difficult feat. Miss Catherine Melius j in another . clever player, and ? Mrs. j * - Avery McCarthy, who Is equally, skill- j ful with the racket, entertains at a "number of fashionable tennis tea's in ; < her charming* home. In this she Is ably assisted by her attractive step daughter, Miss-Alleen McCarthy. ■»■'■•*' "?**'.• * Mrs. Frank.L. Denny and Miss Esther * Denny are spending a fortnight in New fork on a shopping* tour preparatory to going to the Adirondacks for the s * summer. Colonel Denny. is making ar rangements to* join his family within -the next four weeks. * * » ',"'. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin Mann 0 » o arid their daughter. Miss Eleanor Mann, .save returned to their home in Wash ington street after a motor trip to Sac o o ramento, where they passed a week. * * * *?■ Adieux will be said today to Miss o Cecils Hoffmann, who will leave for a six months* tour of Europe. Miss Hoff- S mann took her departure from San Francisco last Wednesday and went to Los Angeles to Join her aunt. Miss Marie Mullen, with whom she."ls.male 's ing the trip. The greater part of their sojourn abroad will be passed in Paris, o where Miss Hoffman will purchase her trousseau, and shortly after her return y to California her marriage to Patrick McGarry will be celebrated. Miss Hoff o mann/ Is the daughter of Mr. .Emile °° Hoffman of this city. Her mother was -*„. Miss Alice Mullen of Los Angeles. Since the; death of her mother Mis's Hoffman has resided with her aunts, ° Miss Emily and Miss Marie Hoffmann, and with her uncle, Henry Hoffmann, in their home in Green street. * * Miss Emily and Miss Marie Hoff mann left San Francisco- yesterday to enjoy a month's visit in Los Gatos. " .••''- -?4fr ■■ 7-7., » yy.^•'??:?. : -: : "??' ' Mr. and Mrs. Avery McCarthy, Miss c Aileen McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Dyke and Mr. and Mrs. Rose of Pasadena make up an interesting party who have motored to Santa Barbara to spend" the weekend as guests at the Hotel Potter. * ? ; ? '*»"•■ »**-?* ? *'■ *• A warm -welcome Is awaiting Miss ° Harriet Bradford, the daughter of Cap tain Oley Bradford, who will arrive in San Francisco this* week to spend the summer In California. San Francisco will not be her only place of sojourn, as the little lady has mapped out a . vacation schedule for herself which will carry her from end to end of the state and will enable her to visit all of its . most Interesting pleasure gardens. Miss Bradford has been attending Vassar the last year and will return to college In the autumn. That she is a; girl who chose a college career with a definite aim she has conclusively proved by her • application during the term just passed, having carried off all the honors of her class. Miss Bradford stepped into the social whirl for a day last summer, when she crossed to Honolulu to offi ciate as maid of honor at the marriage of Miss Thelma Parker and Henry Gall- Hard Smart, which was celebrated last July. Since then she has confined her self to the schoolroom and plans to do so for at least another year. .** * * After a delightful sojourn in Europe, where he was accompanied by his wife, Prentiss Cobb Hale has returned to' his * home In this city. Mrs. Hale did not come directly to California, but, In stead, is enjoying a brief visit at An napolis, where her son, Hamilton Bryan, who has been? attending the .United States naval academy for the last four years,*, will graduate today. Mrs. Hale and , Ensign Bryan will come directly to California and later the entire family will go to the Hale summer home at Shasta to remain until the end of the tutumn.* • ? ?'* ' * .-: # y\ The first Wednesday in June left no doubt as to the day and the month most popular for weddings in Chicago. One of the largest weddings of : the day was that of Miss Lillian Dorothy Magnus, daughter of Mrs. Jacob W. Loeb ;of 401 Fullerton parkway, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph us Busch of St. Louis, and Sydney L Berg, which? was celebrated at "8:30 o'clock In the evening in St. James? Episcopal church. Rev. James S. Stone,y rector of the church, read' the servica j Miss Aimee Ruth Magnus, sister of the bride, was maid of ' honor and the i bridesmaids were Miss Marie Busch of ! St. Louis, Miss Ethelynne Glass of Portland, Ore., Miss Nellie Calder of .: 3rand Rapids, Mich., and Miss Mildred Murphy and Miss Marie Magnus of Chi cago. . Adoiph B. Magnus was best men and the ushers were Lewis T. Woodruff,* •Harry Smith, Harold- E. Wiley, Allen Ripley and Edwin A. Potter. Little Lillian : Magnus, niece and namesake of the bride, was flower girl. The bride's gown was of white :harmeuse trimmed with pearls and she carried a shower of white orchids, rhe maid. of honor, wore white char meuse and lace and carried spring lowers. The bridesmaids were rowned alike in white charmeuse" and rreen chiffon and carried spring lowers. Among the out of town guests vere Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Busch, Mr. md Mrs. August A. Busch, Mr. and Urs. Edward Magnus and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Faust of St. Louis, Mr. and Krs. Edward Scharrer of Germany md Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Relsinger of v'«w York city. _ • '.'• '.■?'.". As a wedding gift the bride received i check for 5 a largo? sum ? from her grandfather, Adolphus Busch, ?of St [aouis. When It was learned that the ;heck had arrived on Tuesday with in Injunction not-;to open ? the enve ope until today all sorts of /rumors started as to the amount. One report ■aid ?$1,000,000, but according to Mrs. lacob W.Lpeb, the bride's mother, the ;xact figures were*close to the $20,000 •„;•>■— ;y. * y.,y --■.;■■■-. ■ '~X- y -.-■■' " • ■..?*.■-■- i ~ -r ' mark. The Outsider. Society Notes Marlborough hall, in Bush street, was the scene of a brilliant gathering Mon day f evening, when ; Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Hall entertained at a musicale promenade. The ?• foyer i and ? ballroom were . decorated? with ?| quantities of American Beauty roses massed against a background of evergreens and fern-; cry. Amusement in all : its ? varieties was provided for the guests, who num. bered more than 500. In the foyer the concert was conducted? special numbers being given by Miss Aldanita Wolfskill, Charles Bulotti,; Herman Heller J and M. J. Hynes*i downstairs, in the ballroom, a dance was held, and at the same time" a jolly cabaret was provided for the entertainment of the company in ? still another? part of the house. Assisting; the hostess In receiving her guests were Mrs. Gilbert Curtis, Mrs. W. C. Ral stop, Mrs. T. J.?Pearce,*: Mrs. S. X. Ja cobs and Miss Mary Stewart. ? ■ Mrs. Hall was handsomely ?gowned for the event in satin charmeuse draped in black Chantilly lace, with jet em bellishments and touches of turquoise velvet forming the trimming. Her jewels ; were rubles and diamonds, and she wore a * corsage ?of? lilies *of the valley.?/' '- - . " The gowns of the other women were equally ; attractive. Mrs. * Thomas J. Pearce. wore] an ex quisite French gown' of hand embroi dered pink chiffon over ; blue satin.* The bodice? and : train ? were draped with duchess lace traced with -;silver • and a quaint corsage of tiny pink roses, for get-me-nots and valley lillies in* a lace holder completed her # costume. y . Mrs? Gilbert Curtis?was?in heavily, cut steel beaded chiffon wrth American Beauty velvet. She wore a tiara and necklace -of diamonds. - y Mrs."R. W. Sands wore white prin cess lace? over white satin.. Mrs. J. W. Sutcliffe was gowned In I American beauty brocade. X. Mrs. C. X. Solaris wore pink brocade with a white chiffon tunic. Miss Aldanita Wolfskill was regal In white? chiffon over satin embellished with crystal and medallions of vivid pink. ' " V■, ' ?■'" x Mrs. Oscar Marisfeidt will entertain at a: musicals »next Wednesday after noon. Among those who will partici [ pate |in the j program are| Mrs. I John VJ?! i Meyers, Miss Helen Wilbur, Miss Alma j Birmingham, Miss Marion Stone,? Miss Edna Greggell, Miss"May.Driscoli, Miss I I Dorothy? Stone, Miss Marie v Spect,: Miss i i Dorothy.-Mansfeldt, Miss Adelie Bogart. I j Miss Wynonah Clark, Miss Martha j ! Stanyan, Miss Ethel Maass and Miss Marie Campbell. " v f "- •* * * Last Thursday ? marked the final meeting of the Berkeley club,' which was held in the home of Mrs. R. D. Rickard Ton Parker street. Following the program, which consisted jof \ vocal and instrumental . numbers, the | guests enjoyed tea. The y table represented a v miniature forest, in the center of which was ? set ay walled? garden y over whose y\ arched gate ?; was y inscribed "Authors' Garden." Within the garden 1 a? table was?set and about it ywere | seated = dolls "dressed? to ?represent? the i different I authors. - Mark Twain's I pho- j tographs •?? inscribed with quotations i from his writings,; formed the place j cards, while the favors - were bonbon - j boxes in the shape of little books. The j program was rendered by Mrs. Millie j Olds, Mrs. E. Moffatt, Mrs. F. W. Willis. Mrs. ? Elmer y Smith, Miss Margery Heath and Miss Zellam Adams. - ? The marriage of Miss Elsie ; Marion and Charles W. Boxton will be solemnized Jat 8 o'clock Tuesday even-; ing at the West Side 'Christian church. More than 300 / guests will witness the Impressive ceremony and later a re ception will, be held at the home of the bride in Mission? street. Attending the bride as maid of honor will ,be Miss Gladys?Boxton;< sister Xof ? the groom, while Miss Nellie and Miss Dorla Hip-.* kins will officiate jas bridesmaids. y The groomsmen ; Indue, Leo Rottanzi ;as best man, and as ushers G. L. Duffey, An drew M.?Garr in and Harry Thody. The couple : will go i south on their honey moon, and ;on ? their return will ? make their' home at 1411 Broderick street. ? # * * X The ":, engagement ? reception of : Miss Irma; Rosenberg arid s Dr. Louis I. ?S. Breitzteln '?.. will ? be? held ? in? the ? Pacific avenue!residence?of 5 the bride elect i be tween ; the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock this afternoon. • _ ? • : : ■ * * *: . ' ■ y Mr. D. Goldstein announces "the en gagement :of his daughter Maybelle to Philip Kaufmann, the? son .** of Mrs. P. J. Kaufmann of Alameda. ! The : confirmation of :' Miss Thtlma Barnett > will take place/next? Saturday at 9:30 o'clock ?in. Temple Emanu-EJ. Mr. arid Mrs.-M? J. Barnett will hold a reception; at their home, 384A?<Capp street, next.Sunday- Jffternoon between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. ■ Dr. and Mrs. . Flood are guests st the Hotel; del Coronado, as t are |6. V. Mooney of .'this city and J.'. J. " Francis of Los Angeles. Mr.? and Mrs. .7. W*est are making ar rangements to leave shortly for an (ex?* tended" European tour. ■ . * * • . * Mr. and ' Mrs. \ Philip Cohen are estab lished in their future home, the 4 Evelyn apartments, at? the corner of |Seventh" avenue and Lake streets, where they will be glad to receive their friends. - The confirmation of Miss Stella 611 --verstine will take place Wednesday, June 11. A reception will follow be tween the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock at 1576 Alicei street, Oakland. ? • * • Mrs. F..W.--Willis has closed her home In Piedmont and has gone to the Willis country home at Winters. She was ac companied by "her son, Howard, and' her daughter. Miss Ada May. Harvey R. Olds took his departure Thursday for the mountains Tuol ■"■■.■•■•.. '' 7 . "..'■-.' - ■■ ■■".■.,• ■■ ■ -. • _ ~ •.-, THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1013, -????? , county, where he will . spend the summer. lllp*••?• * * * Among the prominent San Francis cans whb sailed on the Kaiser Wilhelm II for Europe last week were: . C.*!F.*Bes JO. H. Ton der Bos ' Jose Costs Mrs. T. G. Danlells Mrs. E. Harms Panllsenberj O. Knecht G. Renaud , Mrs. Abraham Stern- Master "Stern Lieutenant C. J. Wolff G. J; Woltera ! Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Milton Flefe * Fiege - Mrs. Johanna Hosters - Mrs. 3. Hesniger A. Regenabarger • • ' ..# Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Crown will hold a reception to "i their friends? in honor of the betrothal of 3 their daughter, Miss Charlotte Crown, to Samuel Tobias f at 1! their home? 3802 California "'street?! Sun day? June 39. The hours of the reception! are from 2 to 5 o'clock. j I -• v • : i»»' ."■-,.•'** • X I • .»***. I* Miss Muriel Boxton was hostess,at.a | theater! party last i Saturday? afternoon, and later took her guests to tea in the I tapestry room of the St. Francis. The affair was given In compliment to Miss Mac meyer? the fiancee of < Frederick Hansen. The guests included Miss Ethel Graham, Miss l Marie Payne. Miss Emma Baker. Miss Mary Judge, Miss Evelyth Brooks, Miss? Nell!! Mahoriy?| Miss Mac ; Obermeyer, Miss Lillian Katz, Miss Nan Spencer, Miss , Vivian Hilmer, Miss Juanita Waterman, Miss Isabel t Porter, Miss; Eleanor .-Hallahan and Miss Flor ence Obermeyer. y? Miss i Muriel Box ton - and - Miss ; Lillian Katz will accompany Judge) and? Mrs. | Thomas F. Graham and Miss Ethyl Gra ' ham to Shasta county, where they will visit for two months. ♦ ;_ * • . The home* of Miss Grace Bellew in Silver avenue was the scene of a charm- I /4 \\*»~a. lm*-**m+>m+*± \\\\\r TOMORROW I Three Big Selling ? I 'x x Events Annual! Sale of lOC Ydo WASH GOODS Ij HI 50,000 Yards of Fancy Wash Goods consisting r y? jjjjj of Silk- Mulls, Fancy Crepes, Scotch Ging- ? II | hams. Fancy Stripe Linens, Silk Stripe Voiles, ?y| j Batistes, etc :,....• ■ 10c yard |l ' S| Regular values 15c to 60c . , I jl 5' |;|'l!| See Window Display . . Semra I - Annual Sale of GLOVES jijj * All Women's, Misses' and Children's Gloves in |||j • !| stock, except restricted lines, jj|j .I I.' . GREATLY REDUCED | |jil Long and Short Chamoisette Gloves, 40c pair '. I|| 50 Doz. Street Gloves, also 16 Button 1 11 Double Tip Silk Gloves 80c pair pf; |j|j Cape, Mocha, Chamois or Silk Gloves . 95c pair ?|| Cape, Mocha, Kid and Silk Gloves, xM regular $Lsb $1.20 pair | : 1 Washable Gazelle and Kid Gloves, I regular $1.75 '.?. $1.35 pair | il 16 Button Length Glace and Suede, ||| |I - regular $3.50 and $4.00.......... $3.00 pair jI? |]|| Similar Reductions Throughout the Stock 11| 11 h - ~~ ~" h-'-• •• JIII llilll Semi=Aini]nii!ial' ? k "'"■ Mill ■ ■ * M M J* vy y A ? **•» •** •» M VPlAwMyi* llilll ?1 Sale of • -;* . w —•'—. - ;:__ ■■:•■■. ■■■■■-. ' .■'■■ HI H HURT BOOKS || Books slightly soiled from handling or shelf j I 111 worn |||| AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES tj|| These include Standard Sets in cloth and --;-". llilll ■ - WL JJ„ " . ■■■■■■•■■:■> -■■■:•■ ■■'■>.. '■ ■ •"■ ; # , ". : " ■■■■■' '"'•'. - fllili Iji leather bindings, books of travel, biographies, ?; jj j | fiction, Juvenile, also foreign books. P j| l I j Sole Agents for PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS AND jl! PNEU FORMS |in,f gathering when the graduates of St. Vincent's academy were % entertained at a delightful party durnlg the last week. The rooms were decorated with roses ! and fernery, and music, games and dan ring furnished the evening's diversion. Those who enjoyed the affair were Miss ! Mabel Augusteny, Miss Alvina Bowland, Miss Rita Dowd, Miss Margaret Friet, 1 Miss Mabel Hughes, Miss Helen Kelly; Miss May Kelly. Miss Genevieve O'Con nor, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Alice Per. ry. Miss iEva Weindorf, Miss Grace Bel lew, Thomas Cribbins, Caspar Caduff, ! John Collins, Francis Gliebe, Arthur Fef i fefnan, William Keegan, Walter Ka mena, Emilia Rickard and Thomas Strat ton. # # * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Smith Jr. an ; nounce t the i marriage of their ! daughter, Miss Charlotte Smith, to Adoiph Mack. The ceremony was held Wednesday, May,2B*lnlßlloxi. s Miss. The future home of : the couple will be San Francisco. &X-X^7jXhX: '.♦:??•;*?? ♦' '*"-■-■■• Mrs. Charles Andrew Downie of Re gent street entertained at an informal dance in her home In Berkeley last evening in compliment to her children. Miss Mary and Edward A num ber of the high school; set participated. # # * Pln celebration of the ninety-second? an niversary of the Independence of Hellas, the San Francisco; branch of the? Pan-i Helleniounlori of America will enter- , tain at a concert at o'clock this even ing. The affair will be held In Scottish Rite ' auditorium. On the celebration committee are the president,* Richard de Fontana, consul of ; Greece, and Michael Scoortls, Dr. John Lephakis, ! Constaritlri Vavouris, George Panousos, George Steloudessand\George D. Pappageorge. * - "Before the concert will open aud dur- . Ing the intermission Hellenic folk music will be rendered. The • program follows: PART I Introduction by Richard do Fontana. • "Eke panegyrical address by Rot. C. Fappegeer- Vlolia' ooio.yfl" Fior 'd'lUUa.'^A^O^HnUAln- Violin solo, "II Fior d'ltalia," A. O. Hutcata ■on. Patriotic poems '?t>y- Nicolas and Basil Boa basis, "The Meaning of tho Celebration," by Profes sor Albln Putzker. ' PART II "Ancient and Modern a reeks," by John D.* Barry. Violin solo by Harold Hilton. "Th© Prayer to Apollo" (from "Elektra" of Sophokles), by Miss Virginia Shelton. :#s Pisa© . solo, j the s "II a Rhapsodic ' ■Ho»gwnS«i*MoP.l lisst). by Miss Elsie Louise David.-- ~ - : &#•#*;* ■ Recitation, Fleet Burners," by George D. Pappagoorgc: . , ** . ; ***&&*% -■ Folk. songs, with accompaniment,! by Miss T. Shelton. ""The" idle Colleen." from * Peggy Ma chree I (Irish); "Tsopanopoulo," the Shepherd \ Boy (Greek); "My Old • Ksatucky; Home" (American) «* WW%» .' * PART 111 , «epaM^* - A fantasy,-"The Dream >of J Phidias." iby Miss Shelton and Professor Charles S. Daniel. Danes of - Greeting \ (Seethoyen's i Minuet): % the Candle Dance | (Schumann's s Trnumerei) • * Dance of | tha Statue | (Moosltowski'a •; ftecfenadt)..." Music ■ aceom panitnent by Harold Hilton and Miss Irene Lloyd. * # # Mrs. Gerard Andrew Wilson ' enter tained at a large tea last f Monday? in compliment to Mrs. Leon Coggins. who will leave shortly/for an extended so journ In the east. ** . * The twentieth anniversary of Dr. Jacob Nieto as rabbi of Congregation Sherith Israel was made the occasion of general rejoicing last Sunday after noon, when the ladies' auxiliary of Temple Israel entertained at a recep tion in his honor. The affair was held in the Pacific avenue) residence of Dr. and ; Mrs. A?^rorisbri??? ir Asf Istiair* in re ceiving the-, guests were the officers '■y/.yXXI Continued fan? Next Pace ; . t r m ■?. -. W :-■?•-'-'?■'■ ■ ■ ®fo mm? fottflg Second Week of Annual Summer Sales The White House enters upon the second week of the Annual Summer Clearance Sales with many new and important reductions. v ? 'THE JUNE SALE OF' ■- , : Household Linens and : White Goods includes the greatest number of specially priced lines this section has ever displayed Linens from the world's famous makers offered at prices far below those regularly quoted for similar merchandise. DAMASK CLOTHS AND NAPKINS 500 Satin Damask Cloths, round designs, hem med, ready for use, size 66x72, regular $1.35 ... ...........:... ..... $1-00 each 500 Satin Damask Table Cloths, oval designs, hemmed, ready for use, size 66x90, regular $1.65 ........^r................... $1-25 each 100 Heavy German Homespun Breakfast f Cloths, hemmed, ready for use, 64x64, reg ular $2.00 ......! $1.65 each 150 Dozen Hemmed Linen Napkins, size 18x18, * regular $1.75 , $1.35 dozen 150 Dozen Hemmed Linen Breakfast Napkins, siie 20x20, regular price $2 doz., $1.50 dozen TOWELS 250 Dozen Bath Towels, good size and weight, hemmed, regular price 15c each .:.. 10c each 200 Dozen Hemmed Huck Towels, size 18x36, blue, white and red borders, regular price ' $2.25 dozen .... ? $1.70 dozen Splendid values in ODD LOTS OF TOWELS WHITE GOODS 1000. Yards Imported Dimities and Nainsooks in check and stripes, values up to 35c yard 9 Yards for $1.00 1000 Yards 1910 Sea Island Nainsook, 42 inches wide, regular price 35c yard 25c Yard 200 Boxes Reliance Cloth, medium weight, Nainsook finish, 36 inches wide, 12 yards to piece, regular $2.50 . $1.95 Pc. BEDSPREADS AND SHEETS Greatly Reduced SECOND WEEK OP SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE Broken lines of many of the best and newest styles grouped together for immediate clear- ¥ ance. Lot 1. Women's Shoes, high and low, selling up to $4.00 pair now 95c to $1.45 pair Lot 2. Women's Shoes, high and low, selling up to $6.00 pair .. now $2.45 to $2.85 pair Lot 3. Women's Shoes, high and low, selling up to $8.00 pair .. now $3.85 to $5.85 pair Also great reductions on Boys' and Children's : Shoes. I ■- i ' 4 The Annual Summer Garment- Sale Continues with added reductions SUITS, GOWNS, COATS AND DRESSES AT REDUCTIONS OF 1/3 TO to AND IN MANY INSTANCES MORE Special mention is made of the following lots: Blue, Tan and Copenhagen one piece Serge Dresses, trimmed with Irish collar and re vers ...'' $9.00 Tailored Suits in a variety of models, this sea son's newest fabrics, selling $45.00 to $75.00 at............... . $29.00 and $39.00 Silk Model Suits in a variety of combinations, formerly selling from $95.00 to $165 at ,$48.00 and $58.00 mmm -i ' ■■■■ !■' I■■ '*■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ni CONTINUATION OF ; ;-:" 4 Semi-Annual Muslin Under wear Sale All Muslin Underwear, French and American, atlA off REGULAR MARKED PRICES., A Sale of Silver Deposit Ware ■ Has been arranged to take ice in %he Silver ware Section (main aisle), commencing tomorrow. GREAT REDUCTIONS SALE OF LACES AH over Laces, 18 inches wide, regular $3.00 and $4.00 yard .$2.25 ' Valenciennes Lace Flouncings; 14 inches wide, unusual at ...... 50c yard On the Fourth Floor Canvas Couch Hammocks At $9.75 Each An exceptional value in a Tan Colored Couch Hammock, with mattress to match, woven wire spring and wind shield. ■ - ] *<#■■:* v.V?--?k X