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BUSINESS, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL SECTION 62 NO DECISION MADE IN OAKLAND NOTES # Smith Trustees ? and Finan ; : ciers Still Working for a Solution of Issue -y Several Plans Under Consid ? eration to Meet Big Pay ment Due Thursday . • - ?• All rumors to the contrary, notwith standing the situation of the Smith trustees in the matter; of the payment of the $2,500,000 notes of the San Fran cisco and Oakland Terminal? railways, due Thursday, remains exactly 'as .stated exclusively in The : Call yester; day. This statement is made advisedly after conflicting rumors were,-* denied 'positively* by : John S. Drum, spokesman for the Smith trustees,*and by G. K. Weeks, local manager for N. m . Halsey & Co., who are endeavoring to finance ** the notes." ?????■ ??/ : -.„?!? » As stated yesterday, both the Smith I advisory committee and the underwrit ers and their associates are holding daily meetings to evolve a method of taking care of the notes and: of the floating debt of $1,500,000; but while each division is hopeful of successful ✓results, no decision has yet been ar rived at. •• - -yy-x '*:.-■ ,< i "We . have discussed a number or plans, but have not yet reached a de ?cision,' said Mr.* Drum yesterday. ■'. 'Any 'report to the contrary is erroneous. We have every hope of a satisfactory •-'solution." , y ' -.XX * Mr. Drum again intimated that his committee had no intention of placing '.-the Smith interests on a -bargain coun " ter." With securities of $26,777,200 jhe thought there should be'no difficulty in caring for the note issue at home. ; * '•Any statement that j arrangements have been consummated through us •to take care of the Oakland notes is in ; accurate,"' said Mr. Weeks of N. W. Halsey & * Co. "A-s far as we know -nothing definite has been determined, .he added. . , ■ . ? This statement had particular refer ence to a report that N. W. Halsey & "y Co. had arranged for a five year re ■ newal of the $2,500,000 notes and had also provided funds for taking up the floating debt of $1,500,000. *?-- y A prominent broker, who is in close touch with me situation, made this comment: "There is little cause for uneasiness as to the ability of the Smith trustees *to meet the Oakland note, issue of $2,500,000. As The Call, for the .first time, clearly showed today the s securi ties for these notes total $26,777,200. It is not a question of a solution but of v the best solution for all interests con cerned. ? ."' .?' ■> "The trustees probably have consid ered a score of solutions; the Halsey ."syndicate have offered several financing 'plans. With the floating debt- require ' ments $5,000,000 will needed to tide . over the situation. With such an amount of money--involved in these times of financial* Stringency neither ■trustees or underwriters are making hasty conclusions. 'But rest assured the issue will be .financed without sacrific . ing one of the 'finest properties in Cali fornia." ■' y, .;■". --- ' '-•*?''-?-•• "?!-,.'-* "'. Among financial men The Call's news that the United Properties' Company is to expend $1,000,000 upon* the Key Route I pier was . received with .enthusiasm rather than with surprise. These con tended that improvements of the plant 'at the present time would materially increase the chances of the Smith trus_ tecs to realize par value on the Smith holdings. •*-?-?* „ -■ * * * ' BERKELEY HIGHLANDS BONDS * _ William R. Staats company offer an additional block of $8,000 of the. first *.mortgage,. 6 per cent -serial bonds se >cured by the property known as Berke -ley Highlands, suburban to Berkeley. A total of $85,000 of the mortgage debt | -of $110,000 has now. been issued. The remaining amount will be offered for sale as the-moneys are expended by the Berkeley Investment company for <t permanent improvements of the tract. S November 15, 1912, the. date of issue, 'j_ the face value of the contracts ,of sale deposited with the Berkeley Bank of Savings and Trust company, the trustee, amounted to $248,273.50. By June 1, 1913, the face value of such con tracts increased to $454,778, which, in 6eluding the value of unsold lots, pro > vides a security to - the amount %of * $628,235.50, as against the | total mort gage debt of $110,000. y. June 1, 1913, $5,100 of the bonds were called. * - '.-■■ The bonds are issued in denomina tions of $100, $500 and $1,000, those now outstanding maturing quarterly ? from February 15, 1915, to May 15, 1920, /and are offered at 100 and interest -•netting 6 per cent £????? . '* .. .* *?*' * ' OIL PRODUCERS ORGANIZE * Producers of light oil have taken -steps to form an organization. At a .preliminary meeting Joseph Seeley was elected temporary chairman and J. W. Pausnn temporary secretary.:" A meet ■* Ing for formal organization will take place Tuesday afternoon in the 'Adams , building. General Petroleum is one of the companies included in* the rt or - ganization. , * * * ;■ CAR TRUST NOTES The Los Angeles and San Diego Beach : Railway company has applied to 7 the •railroad commission for authority to' issue car trust notes to the amount of I $28,000. The proceeds are to be ap plied on the purchase of three> new Sassenger motor cars of the storage attery type to be used on the : com - pany's line. • • * # # ijTO ?ISSUE WATER STOCK C' —O ISSUE Water company has ap- The Campbell Water company has ap lied to the railroad commission for au thority to issue $25,000 in stock, rep resenting- the investment *of new capi ■ tal in * the - business. The company BupfnlM water to Campbell. Santa ;*Clara county. t * *ft .■ m ft ' .PORTLAND BONDS to Portland, Ore., has accepted the for mer "offer of Henry Teal to take */000 series B bonds at 95.64 and , -rest. These bonds were readver ktlsed?«for sale June 5, but the : offer has been recalled. I* *. # ' * U. S. BANK CLEARINGS "X.y Volume of bank exchanges in ; May shows some falling off in . comparison with the same month ;a ; year ago, th« total at* 128 leading cities of the United 'States, according to the statement com **.plled.'*.byrß. G. Dun .&'-. Co., amounting '.to $14,0*35,929.651, a contraction of j 4.9 LOUIS SLOSS & CO "INVESTMENTS •-.*■ - J. C. WILSON & CO, ■-«?". ■■■*',':■ -MEMBERS':-*'. ''"** NEW- YORK T STOCK EXCHANGE NSW -YORK COTTON EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE - THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE -. SAN FRANCISCO 7yxy; XX MAIN OFFICE i ? Mill* BulldinK.' San Francisco, yyy BRANCH OFFICES—Lou : Angeles, «an* Dlego, Coronado Beach, Portland, Ore.. Seattle. Wash*;: Vancouver, B. C. ; private ' Wire." Chicago, New York. , E. F. HUTTON*& CO. 490 California , St. Tel. Douglas 2487 St. Francis Hotel. Tel. pouKlna 8982 • Members New York Stock Exchange BO WPS NEW YORK STOCK MARKET QUOTATIONS | E. F. Hutton & Co.. 4»0 California street, members of the New York Stock exchange, furnish the following list of bond and stock sales yesterday: v. ,Am I? Sales j? ? ? STOCKS " IHlghi Low I I Bid l*Afk ~X- Sales I? .STOCKS ??? IHlghi Low 1 Bid 1 Ask [...:... Urns-Chalmers ........ .*.... 7 I 7% . - 100) Do pfd .186 :| 06 ?16^!'6SM I* : 100 D0pfd...:..........;.:;. 14 15% ■■■ I.loo|Mcxiean::ret.'r..*. 61%1 61 fel I (.1% !; 12,800 Amalg Copper.... *69* 68% 68% 68% .[Mexican Central.' ...-.• 1' ™<-x I'--V-,200 later Beet Sugar -2iX 23% 23% ;23% .i.77.. Minn ASt hX... ..... ..... 12 13V&; :v-.-:-.---.-Lrl>oipfd.-.'V.-:i*.-. :.'..". ..Xx. '70 *•* 80-* *.-;".*.*.;: Do lst«pfd ."• ■ ••••• >40M 1 13,900 American: C 0.... 27 J -23% 24% 24%* y.T.'r.'. MSt &S S M ii'-'HS^IS 500 *Do pfd :.'.-.*;. 88 86 - 85% 86% : : 100 Do pfd .*..*.... 132 132 v 130 135 1.. 1;100 A-aerCar &iFdry 41% 41 41 41%- ?y,5300 Mo. Kan A Texas IS?. 19% '19% 19% : ......... D 0....... 7x.-y i-r.X. 108? 112 '..y.yy. 5-Do-pfds.*:.*.:.'- .'.*.';-. .*:.*".-. *54% isoy \YI • 500 \Xra'iil Cotton* Oil: 37% 37 x 37 37% , 500 Miami** Copper .. 21% 21% '21% 22' !;,.:v.?i-*I)o pfd.-...;..*.; :.;.. '.:.X 92*; 96 y 1,200 Missouri Pacific. 29% 28 r *28fc 28% .....*..'i'Am.u &-L'..r. i .r. xy.. .:x:-. 4% 4% ;..-.-.*:. National* Lead :.*... .".xx. 45% ■fyy ......:»:<D0>pfd.. *.,...:.. *-.... | ..... -16.- -19 v- -Do pfd '•;*.*;.*.;. 77.7. ..::: 102% 104 U. .....r.lAßier* lee Sees ::... i ...:'. 20*. 21 *; '..yy National * Biscuit. ..:.. ..... 110*. 111% i - 200f^n*r*i Linseed.... .*S% •S% *-• 8- ; • -8*54 ...... Do pfd :*.'.*:'. ;rr.*: 116*5 120* si ::: u'jOyil)optdy:::yy.. 23 - 22%! k23 * .25:/ .. v .... Nat Enamel ::*.•. :X7T. 7YX. ,9% 9% 4< JV Aiu r Locomotire. *30% -30? 29% o0«. 1,200 Nevada Cons ... 15 * 14% I; 14% 15 fc»* .......! bo pfd ...... .:... ..V*: 100 103** ...?.. x Air Brake*. :..?. I .'..'.. I 60*]: 6JT ;......". Amer, Malt *:..:. :...: | .X.7. 7% ;9y 100 IN Central . .7. 99 99 ,98% 98% : .; rDo<pfd....v;.v. 7:77. .."V. :46* 46% *.:.... N y C &St L. :-.:.. .'.XX. 53% 56 * 1,300 Am Smelt &:Befg 62% 61% 61% 61% ....... Do Ist pfd ... ...:. ..... 95 . ■ 200 .Do* pfd.:.....*.. i 99* *; 98% '08-; 98% v> Do 2d pf d ... . ...:. ."..".: .*••*.. **> , ....... jAmer Snuff.'..;.. ...:. .:... 160 ; 174 *, •-••loos Y'N'H'&'H:: 104 104 104 104%; .:::*...; Do: pfd .7... .:;.. „OS:C 104% ? .*.*- 500 N ; Ont A W.. 23? 27% *27% i2S^j ....... j Amer Sugar...... .*.... ..... 107 108 • r ; 10 j Norfolk /&? West. 103? 103 H 102% 1103 :• ! Do pfd......... .;.*.. .....110 115 ..... 'do s pfd*.:..;::'. .:... ...v. 82 90-, --......qAmer.Steel Foun ....: ...'.". 27 29 ;, *.*.. ** North American .*.... ....*. 66 -6R* -.'■ , IS? Amer "Pl* Tel " * \V- % l£ % IU 1 * 2?f i ?"i*6'66 Northern Pacific. 110% 110 2 110 V: 110%, ?, l,100 ; Al^ Tobacco *"-- r lO 208 2 91 X 213 Omaha yl.x.x-x.. ..:.. ...?. nsy 140 j• Do pfd......... 99 * 101* ..... • *no*Dfd *'***"' *"*" ;:T; 130 - 150?-i ; " ; ; H l^-^ n :::::::::::::: %& %* dSffVSftfi"- '18% 17% as? ' *is% ; ~..i..f Do.pfd 'yioVi -JLi 27 : l-«>ftO Pnc Tpl**A:*Tel * '6 26* 27% ■ 100 Allan Coast Line • Ss; ' lltvi lis* 2ioo r>«„ni«*. r«. 108% 108% 108% 108 100 Atlan Coast: Line i tii t *7,-.7 • -"• Pponio'«{f;as ** - .::.-. 106% 108*-,-; ? COO AT; A Santa Fe. 96% .95% 95% 95% yyy \£?£J&.cLi'-" '"" *"" yM neW. 200' Do pfd..:..:.-.: 97 97 - 96 * 97 *• • • ••" •-?:- 55•>■?"•' '* ••,•:;; «v X-iM 75% * pnrlnJi.iJtV™ «. *Ay,«« *o"!i/ oov .*>•>»' fl*>ti ■•'-• 400 <5% !70% ti^n ■*«_•.!• 8* »-% S* v -» ..."-?««*£*.:.!!* *•--- 90V, 92**v-* , 300 1* Do pfd:..'.;..*-.. 90% 90w 92; ....... PjCtQ&iSt--I* r ..-. "y JX™ {fe*x :: ! B^'%» st - ::.;::: g S' 4 g» 1.606j8 B T 89% 88% SS% 89 H :*'3»R^yK'K:ii«:i™|«!.7|, 500! California Pet... 33 32% 32 32% 300 Ray Cons ...... 17% 1.% I<% l*» 6,9oofCanadian Pacific.. 221 >" 219% 219% 220 < ....V.. By Steel .Spgs.Co ..... ...... -*¥, ,Xiy : 2,500 Chino: Copper...: 35% .35% 35% 35% }'•'-■" 7, Do pfd ':....... ..... .-•• .»»- voy -2.200C & 0........... 57% 56% 57% 57% 19,000 Beading*........ 157% 166% 150% 150% ;r.v:.. c & a........... .*•.■.?: :...-. > t*. izx ....... -Doastipfd*./. ..... .....* ; So |: ; ooy ; 2 s^ c Do7fd.::::::::irM% r M Sb •^o6Be?ubTi d c p s f Vi:::i9%;i9% %* ? % ?...:.. C&NW...* .7... :.r.. 126% 126% '.:.:..: Do pfd ....... -—;.•;;;;, .6% .77 vi •■ 1,600 CM& St P:.... 103% 103% 103% 103% 1,500 Bock i Island Co.. *15% 14% 14% ;10'-, ........ Do pfd....:..-.: .......-.:. 134? 138 -* -,■"-•, 100 Do ? pfd T :'.*.; vr; 26% 26% 25% 26% ■ SOOCentrai Leather.. 19% 19% 19 '19% ....... Burnley 77.7...'.. ..... .•••;• 21. ,r*X ....... |Do pfd*.....?. ..... ..... 90% 91 , ..-.;-.**. .' Do pfd......... X.7.. 1 ..... 43 « 200 C CCA St ... 46% 46 T 45 48 , 7.7.7.. Scars-Roebuck .. .......... I' l -' y IB J .?..... LDo pfd .....V. .*::.. ..... .:... 95 ...V... SS S & 1C0.... ::.......> », ; 23.,; ! 100 Colorado FA 1... -27- 27 26% 27% .....:.-; * Do pfd . 7777.. .7.7. ..... SOy 90%. ....... Do pfd ...:.,. r,.:'. ...:. ..-• 190,. ........jSt LA SK Ist •••••I-**** l IS? 16^ ....:.. Colorado. Southern .. ., ..:'.. 24% 28 " 300! Do 2d pM!.... ,7% *<%, V< ,■.?% ..*...:. Do Ist pfd .... '...... 66 .6S'*: : : ?.;:«.:. st*L'&-s*w.v..;. yy. ...... 26 ,27>| ■■600 Do 2d pfd Gas! i 31?" 130** 129? 130 %*■ -i't.'soO 1 Southern Paciic.". *93% ! 92% on,, 92% 600'Consolldated Gas. 131 130 129 !130 • 7.600 Southern Pacific. 93% 92% 92% 92% ? 300 Corn Products .:. ■;■&% 8% ?8% : - 8% *-1.300 Southern ?Ry...:. ,21% 21% 21% -1% ....... "Do pfd ...IV.. ../.!::/.. 63-; -6i-u Y:7OOYYDo-ptd77.777.7. 75 74 ..4=«- 75^ ; ....... CrexCarpet.:.... ..... ....*. I .73 ;J*S3 ? .' 100 Tennessee; Copper. 32% 32% 32% ? 32% ....... 1 Del A Hudson ..*. ..:....... 149 151 ;. 100 Texas 0i1.....:.-. 100 100 j 100- 100% ....... 'V W....V... 77.7. ..... .:... 400 .. Texas Pacific . ..v.: .-•• 11% ,13,-s VIODD& EG ...-.v.'.. 15% '15% 15% .15% x;y 100 TlilrdiAve.v:.. .. 29% .29% 29% 30 ? ? , 100 Dp pfd '......-. 28 2S 27 27% ..;.:.*. Toledo St LA VT ."..;.. ..... 7; ?8% :,-. 3001 Disfiil Securities. 10% 10% 10% .11% .77:77. * D0.pfd. ........ I -:..„• •;••• '"% ,",, ....... DuluthSS AA. ..... ....*. *5% 6% ;...*... Twin x City iRiT:: ..... •••.•• 102% .......p Do pfd ....... ..... ..... 110% 14 y ...v::*. 'Union B A P.... ..... ..... i *}% •• l,sooiErie ............ 24% 24% 24% 24% 11,700 Union Pacific .... 145% 144% 144% 144% SOOr Do Ist pfd .... 37% 37 36% 37-, ....*... IDo pfd .:.'.... ..... ••-.•? -Mf: •»jrf .......1 Do 2d pfd .... .?... ..:;*. 30% 31% ;...-..-. Cnitedßysjlnr.. ..... ...... 17 19* . 200 General Electric.. ...:. .*..:. 134 134% -.77.XX -Do pfd ....-, .;::. ..... 30 40 * ■ SOO Great Northn Ore 28% 25% 28 29 .:..::: D'S Cast Ira Pipe ..... ._.... ■*»% 10 ; v 1,700 Great»Northn pfd 123%' 122% 1122% 123% ......'. Do pfd;*.;...... ..... *i_**l ; *- : ?Sl4 Goldfield C0n.... 1%! *1% 1% 1% - .500 D*S: Rubber. 7...: : 59% .08y. -8 58% 100 Illinois Central .. 112% 112% 112 • 112% ....... ; Do Ist pfd..... ..... v .. v I™% 101% 200 Inspiration '...?.: 15% 15* i .14%! 15% .:'.'.*:.*. I• Do 2d,pfd.... ._. ..... ..... •;£-£ .»*g | 1,300 Interboro Metro.? 13% 13% 13% 13% 19.400 US Steel ; Cor.. 84% 54% 54% g« If 900 Do pfd ....... -48% 47% 47% 48 - 100 D0.pfd...:..:.. 104% 104* 104% 108 !..:....flnter. Merc .......... 3, 3% : 2,3Oo|Utah Copper. ... . 46 - 45% , 45% 45% .77.7. 1 Do pfd ....;.. .-.*... ..... 14? 14% x lOOVa-Car Chem Co. 27% 27% 26% -6% ....... 'Internitl Paper ..... ...7. "8% -9 ... f Do pfd........;- ..... -yy 102 lOj*^, .......i Do pfd....... I ..:.. I ..... 38% f 38% '777.77. Wabash j ••••• .=% ,-£*. .?..... ilnternatl Pump.. .'..:. :...'. :6%'7 * .:.;... Do pfd;.:.....*: :•-•• ••••• <; -';* ....... ;Do pfd ........ .'.**..-. ..... 25 23 Wells Fargo Ex....... ..... "2 lis !; * .....Jlowa Central .............. 5 '7 ? • 800' Western? Union.. 62% ;61 60 60% ?\ Do pfd '...........*.....*. 13 » 16 •' ' 100] West Maryland..! 34 ,34 o4 *£& y . 300 ! K C Southern 77. 23 22% 22% 23 ' ;.:...'. L\ pfd......... ' ..... ••••• ;oi!*- <»£,, ...:... Do pfd ....... ..;.'. ..... 57% 59% ....... Westlnghouse .... • •_••_•„• ?»., "V* 1.700 Lehigh Valley ... 151% 150 150, 1150% .?..Y.. WALE... ..... ••••.• *3» ** ....... Liggett'&'Meyers ..r.. :.r.*; 199 210 i» ........ Doilst'pfd..... ; ..... ••_••• }y "*» .•> 100 * Do.pfd *..:..;. 110** 105 105% 110 r :...T.? Do 2d 'pfd...... .-y yyy '■ »: :XZX ....... Lorillard C 0... ...X ..... 158 . ..... ....... Wisconsin .Central ...j. ■■••• .«- 4»^ .: Do pfd ....:...%.....:.-.....; 112 , lOOJWoolworth * t 88% 88% SS% 89 X 4.000 L A Nr.......*:.. 129% 129% 129 ' 129% *—■■--* -;' ; ---."" |.>;* ■. :'',*' ,■*,;:; ; - ? .; ;x, ........ fMackay ......... | ..... ...... \ 78%| 89 f 142,100— shares. sold. ...., * * per cent. Compared * with' 1911, how ever, , a fairly satisfactory -exhibit is made, there being * a gain over May in that year of 4.5 per cent. ,* Clearings by sections follow: . - **>\.: <>.. .• . - , . X:' . ;. . -". :;, . May. 1013 New * England .'.. "................ $774,189,770 Middle .:.................... 754.781 South Atlantic *..*..'...".... 777...'.xx 360,437,656. Southern .;:.....;........... 675,942,375 Central west 1,926,850.445 Western ........•.....'.......... - - 621.907,850 Pacific ......... .'...... .*...":.. 777-, ." 527.338.053 Total *- . .7 $6,073,420,930 New York city .........:.. y...: V 7,902.508,721 United States ................ .$14,035,929,051 '-'■". y -y.. xr •;-,-,-; • ~yxy : - r- May, 1912 New Etigland ..%....:*......" . $835,632,280 Middle ..;......".........*...-..... 1,083,304,710 South Atlantic ......; ..:...'.... . 373.201.55S Southern ....."...... 292,320 Central west .................... 1,837,905,632 Western. ...........i............ 600,491,388 Pacific 7..'.......:.. i. 511,143,716 ?tJtal ........................ $5.984,971.904 New York city .......*. 8,779,777.488 United States .............'.... $14,764,749,392 . May, 1911 New England «- ...;....'.;....?- $754,333,163 Middle ... ..1.77. ............ ...-*. 1,030,915,726 South Atlantic 343,713,134 Southern .. . ............. . 628,861,141 Central west ........"..........'.. : 1,698,838.889 Western ........... ............. :•_- 551,779,428 Pacific ,?'.; 466,155,033 ? Total ?...'. $5,474,646,514 New York city 7 7,958.624,009 United States ......... ?.? .v. .'.513,433,270,523 '■*."- ,:,:# .-,; * 7 * :?-'?-:* ■-'.*" '-..•■ utah POWER AND Flight y j The ■ Utah Power and Light company has completed .negotiations-'and made the initial f payment; for * the: Bear; Lake Power ;• company, of ! Montpelier, Idaho. The latter will perfect its title: before the property;passes. *. The consideration was in excess of $100,000. The property consists,of two plants, one at George town and another at • Paris. The J com pany 'furnishes light t and power j* for Montpelier, Bloomington, • Georgetown, Bennington, St. Charles and Ovid, Idaho. a ''' a a BOOST BANK CLEARINGS ' ? ; Dun's report of * bank clearings for May* shows improvement in San Fran cisco, Los ; Angeles,*iSeattle?. Portland; Sacramento and other cities on the Pa cifist coast, and while *a -7 number fof centers .* report loss,? the total " makes." a fairly vsatisfactory? comparison * with both i years. :-; The r figures in * detail; fol low:-*..,'-- : ■-; - * . * May- *??1913??*' I.? 1912 ?-j?:?' 1911??' San Fran.. $214,839,401 $207,871.07815199,364,514 Los Ang.. 108,809,053 99,653,310 ,82,590,422 Seattle .... ?55,177,625 .48,838,968 ?46,429,454 Portland... 51,467,133 48,594.638 44,518.677 Tacoma ... 11.286,983 18.389,613 17,724,484 Spokane';. 17.936, 18.932,336 18.259.914 Salt Lake. -25,403,803 29,951,495 25,207,790 Sacramento. 8,518.762 7,132,219 6,062,837 Helena .77. 3,500,000 - 3,357,419 ' 3,667,358 Oakland ... 15,773,844 15,788,212 14,170,637 San Diego.. 12.086.687 * 10,136.532 ' 6,500,000 Ban Jose... 2,637,962 ?; 2,496,998 .2,128,816 Total ... $527,838,053 $511,143,716 $466,155,033 i - '..".-. ??', 4fr • ..." ? 4fr '*? r 'y 4f * - -"":* "j'-'x '': T j LOCAL BANK CLEARINGS Local? bank clearings reported - yes terday: by ; the? San > Francisca Clearing House?; association were $7,882,554.92. Clearings ; for the ? week * ending; - June 1 7 were $52,227,014.41, as compared with $50,185,826.06 * for the corresponding week in 1912. *; : ?.?,* :f '.-:.:;■'*;'■-. ~ . '-*'.' .' * : ":.*'," " " : PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY Creditors *of * M H. Job, a local mer-! chant, 'filed: an Involuntary s petition; in I bankruptcy ? against Job •* yesterday In j the United States district court. It Ha \ alleged?that*he owes more than $1,000 ! and committed- an? act; of bankruptcy by. making 4 certain: preferred -" assign- I ments. ,•■ ■ .., -.-_, y. y-..7-: t y-y x\ *":. : —————?' "' ' '■" ".''".''.' ... '" ? * New York Bonds |y » y '7:x "- '" ' —" •" ' ",""■* *';" ,?' ""' "*- " ♦ U*S",ref 25;reg...100% Japan 4%s -T"...*.":'! 85% i Do coupon -....lOOr Kan Olty So ref 5s 96% Do 38 t .reg....-..103; L Shore deb 48.1931 89% Do* coupon ....103 s L.&*N ; unified 4s. 93% Do 4s reg....;. 113% M. X A Tex Ist 4s 90% - Do? coupon vV;;;ll4"~, sDo gen 4%5.... 83% Panama 3s coupon.lo3 ;Mo " Pacific 45.".*;. ."-. 66% Al-Chal " Ist :5s ctfs 49 Do • cv; Cs 7.7 .*.*;: 480 * * Amer :; Agncnl 65.: 95% N- R of;; Mex' 4%5. 80 ii Amer • T&T :cv ' 45.1Q0% NYC i gen 3%5.. 84% Amer Tobacco 65.119 •:" Do * deb i45:.r.*r.187% Armour'4%s ;;.*.. 89% NY.NHA H cv 3%s 75% Atchison i gen -4s :.: 92% Nor A WUst con 4s 91% •Do cv 48,1960..* 96 < - DocT^4s.-?:'.Vi-.;l02 X D0'cv;55....v;.~98 ? Nor Pacific 4s;r. 93% Atlan ;O'L- Ist 4s. 90% xVo3 3t*7:7.;7..77- 64% Bait A Ohio 45.. : 90% OiSlLinerfdgUs.lSO**..; .'4Dov3H>' .."..*.r.i 90% Pa cv 3%5, 1915. 96% Brooklyn *Tr-cv* 4s 86% Pa ecm';4sri;;.T.~;l9B% Central of « 58.102 « Reading* gen 45... 92% Cent-Leather* 55.. 94% St Li&:8 F*fgi4s.l6B% Cues , A Dhio 55.. 94% .: Do h gen ?ss.*.;tr. 55% •Do con?4%s;.-*..':82% StiL;SiW con 4s. 77% Chi i A Alton j3%s. 555 « Seaboard AL adj * 6s' 69 , C, BIA 1Q I Joint : 4s 94% So i Pacific I col f 45.. 89 B **: Do ■■ gen * 4b:\7 77X 92% vDo cv ' 4t777t77T.-i 85% CM* StP;cv;4%s.loO% Do Ist 45... 88% C.RI& col 48. 54% So 'Railway«:ss:;:: 103% i.% Do s ref f 45.:.".". .- 80% <;». Do * gen n4s r.*v;'r.l74%: Col So i r&ext 90% Union Pacific 45.. 96%: Del A Hud cv 4s. 96% Do cv 45..?.;; r; 88% Den & R G ref ss. ,69% :Do Ist: A ref 4s. 91% Distillers 5« " 7777: 56% U: S Rubber 65....100% Erie prior lien ; 4s.* 82 ~ Iv .S ' Steel ?2d ;' 55.. 991* '=.**; Do gen 4s ... .* 70 X Va'* Car 55.. 93% B'S Do fcv ' 4s. - ser ~8. 67% I Wabash 11 st&ext! 4s 50 _f 111 Oca Ist - ref 4s. 190 * = [Western Md 45... 75 Int * Met 4%f-., ...73% Westing Kiev ss. 89% Int Mer Mar 4%5. 58 [Wis Central is . 87% THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1913. :—___ .„„„.-_..,.....,.-„„. -J-_-....., ~., -~ ~,,- .XX'.X-.-'".«.yyj*--.. ■ ~,.,: . .....'.'..J.?"?.'?".. .....„?..'. . '-. -,-.*?' .J-J.Jjy '■■"■ x-» xY"' ; ■ '-■■■XXX r ■'"'■;.:*,*'"■■*> Xy*:*. '* 7 y I", "■• v -"- •'■*•"' • -'• ■"-'"" - :''''"7X " -". ,'*. \i New York Mining Stocks \ 1 -,-■" * : - ■'-■■■■"■■--•■' ■"■*" -"■-■*■*■ _—; —: — i Cora 7- Tunnel , stock ?S OR! Little * Chief,......:? 03 1 Com Tunnel bonds .12 Mexican .......... yytM I Con Va Mln Co.. " Ontario '.. -.00 | Iron Silver. '."..".. 1.25 Ophtr . 7. 7.7.7..... *- I Leadville Con x ... '-,:■ 081 Yellow. Jacket .... 15 _» "' - ,— — ** "- -r— — t v , .♦*.: : |? New York Curb Stocksll 2 •■ "x (From -E. F. ■ Hntton; & Co.'a private wire.) *y NEW YORK, Juae 7.— There wasyaj slightly better ' tone to. the 7 curb ; market j today, " but 1' not much activity, y The oils were airly? steady? I Tobacco j Issues" were? quiet V and, In * the * case .of - British-American*- Tobacco, there 'y was : a; slight improvement in price. 7 The I Tonopahs ranged? at higher prices than yesterday. ? . .?*?•: '*--..'■" ": Bid. Ask.] : Bid. Ask. Alaska? "X. X. X 10% : 10% Montana Ton.> % 1 % Anglo OH *. .* 10% 17% Mizpah .Ex -... 40 *45 Belmont .... 6% 6% Montg Sho..:. 02 .04 : Braden Coppr 6% v ,6% Nev ; Hills ... 0') « 95 X * Do 6s 135 140,** [NlpiSSlOi :..:.- 8% "S% Br■ Am Tob. * 20% !21 «. Ohio Copper:'., % , 11-16 British* Col..- 2% 2% PacG&K com 49 ,51 Butte &NY J % % -Dopfd .... 85 87 ..'; Chi .Subway.. 2 3% San; TOT *. 17. 19 21, . Cluett-Peabdy 45" 50 'Sioux Con,.. 2 -4-,. --*.-* Do pfd* ... 94 96 IS „W Miami.. 5, 7 - I Colorado ';; 177 10 10% So Utah '3-16 y; 5-16 I Con Aria ... -.%-. % Standard? Oil, *-...,'" "XX Davis Daly.. 1% 2% ex subs ...352 354 Dolores i 7 2 4j Do Cal .V.. 169 ;> 172 ~-,.. JEKRayo .... 1 ?2 I*: Do Ind ....913 * 318 ; ; I Ely: Con '.;;.' 5 . '"-. :7I? Do ' Kansas.2ss •* 270 .' ■; [El Paso .... 3% 3% Do NY.... 675 605 Emerson"....' 20 -33. Stewart'...'."".*:l% ?1 9-16 I -■*■■ Do pfd *..:.*:SO 90 Tobacco Prod.loo 110,'* First Nat ... 1% 2 ?Do:pfd.r.. 81 83 > Fraction 7..77 4 6* Ton of Nev.. "5- •-- 5% Florence 35 40 Ton Exten .. 2:2% i Giroux ;?...: .2% 2 11-16! Ton f Merger... 68 i7O * Old Daisy ..2 ,4 - | Trl * Bullion... % >?% f-ld Belmont. 3 K 5 Tuolumne v .*.2 1-16 2 3-16 I Greene Can.. 5% 6% Un:Cig Stores S3%* Si7y [ Hallinger: ...15*. 16 *> United Copper:%.?': % I Halifax ft." -.*.".. > ---. %* - 1 "■*. Do: pfd )*.... —. V 6 *■> i Iron ■* Blossom. 18" 135 [0 S 1 Light..". 8% *. 8% ! Int Rubber**.. -' 7% 9 West Pac Ry. 7 7% Jim Butler '':;• 70 72?, Do 5s - .... 75*4 77 1 Jumbo -Ex ?.. 22 ■23 ? West Pow ; pfd 40 .41 Kerr .'Lake ':. 3 1-10 3% "Do ? com ... 16 -18 • Keystone .... 1% 1-41 West End ... 1 11-16 !La Rose... 2 3-16 2 5-16 W'ettlaufer?..'.. 10 12 Lehigh 5 Coal.. 185 r. 195 I W'illysiOverld 50 60 ' Manhat Shirt-50' HO , Do pfd . 76 85. | *-- Do " pfd ... ;99 - 103 •, (Yukon ....... 2% 2% i Man ' Transit. 1% 1% Prairie :Oil -~ .290 ,296* ! Marconif; :...* 3% 4% Vacuum .;;.'. 173 177 ! Mason Val -;.?-• 5% s%iCont Oil V..155511925 '," Mays Oil ... 14 .17 Utah? Sec: ... 14 IS ' . McKinley.l 11-16 1 13-WX Do notes 777— 77 78 Miami 6s ...163 173 (Atlantic 595 605 - | Mines of Am. *2% 2%| * *; * ; i._»; _; _ ' x — '—y —-————-r—*: —-— _ '.*> .; i I Boston Stocks | I ♦ ???,.?.?"??,??' ??? : ' Xl. .. —T——^" v (From* E. :F. Hutton A Co.'s 'private wire.)? ; BOSTON. June 7. — market! was steady at '< the j opening,' with ?an i inclination ,to rally, though : the ? trading | was J small * and %• slow. y There ™; has been;a' tremendous cleaning up of; weak accounts in '#, copper '# shares,;- and '■£ if«, good < times * are s ever, com! again th market iis ■ in' a! position * for ■ a considerable € . advance. ;.; The market 'closed": dull and -.. uncertain.'*".- • ;* /?:■*:•■* XV' --xxx- ' x-<-' xx x - ....•* i ■••-'': BM. At-*.' * Bid. Ask. Adventure:'.. 1% 'l%|Shannon. ...V. 7% 8 *. Allouez 30% 31- ,Santa Fe«....l 3-1631% Arcadian *.:. 75 • 100 x [United * Shoe.. . 45-14 45% Ariz: Com ,;*::*? 2% :** 2V.\ .•-: Do «pfd .... 27 sX 27%: Alaska -.. 10 .: 10% (Super &: Bost.. 214 2% A*P ;..'.:.."".. -'"I*. . 1% Copper. 23% 24% yDo pfd ... 17 ; 17% Tamarack .... 23 23", Balaklala ... 1% '■■ 2-.- [Trinity ........ 3 3% Cal A Ariz.. 59**; 60* U S Mining.. 36*4 37 w. Cal" A Hecla.43o; 435 Do : pfd ,t. 77 46%' 46% i Centennial 11% 12%|Utah Apex .. 1% 1% Copper Range 39% 40 Utah ** Con ... 7% 7% i Daly West... 2, 2 7-16 Victoria ;..*... 90 100 East Butte... 9% ,9% Wolverine ... '46 48 Franklin 5 5% I Wyandotte?;.. 75 90 ? Granbv X 7... ?58 50.. Winona I ..*:* '• 1 1% • Hancock Y7: 16% : . 16% Greene '■ Can... 5% k6• ? [ Helvetia 35 .* 75 Giroux .v.*r*:.l 11-161% *j Isle i Royaler.. 19%* 20 >■ Ray.;Conf:r..;l7%sl7%. Indiana ...;.* 7% 8% Algomab >•.*. 7'Y 25 40 %'* ] Ken* j Lake ?■ 3 r -'.*?% Bos "v&S Maine. 158• 58 •' Keweenaw 1% l%|Bos & Albany.l92"H ' — -y\ Lake . Copper. 9% :10 * Bos Elev .;* 87% 88 [ La Salle....'* 3% 3%iUnlted Fruit..ls4 155 Mass "Con ... 2% ~ 3 * Swift::..:.. 104%105 4 3 Mich*: Mm **.*-.** 95 .-125?* Old * Colony .. 3% 3V, Mohawk .*.*.;• 46 -47? 'Mayflower ... 6 6% North Butte. < 25% '25% Zinc '..: 20% 20% Nevi;Con ... 14% 15 » Butte & Super 22% 22% North Lake.. — - ** 1% Island*; Creek.. 46% 47 Old'Dominion 5 45% 46 • Do pfd ...*. 81 82 05ce01a„.....; 81 S3 IB N 60 65 OJibway;v....;so 51 1 PK J.V.:;...'17?? 17% Quincy 59 60 [ Loans,* Exchange and Silver '• Commercial paper ....'."..'.... 5% «36"'? per cent I Loans on real estate.r.i:.:.*.;r:s%(36%s per cent ! Sterling exchange, 60 days.;..*.* i — @4.83%. * -•--.: i Sterling \ exchange, demand —©4.87 ..■ XxyX-.. j Sterling "■> exchange, cables. ..:*.-*?— @4.83 : • :*: | New '■ York! exchange, sight.'.. .".' — @ .05 ;. , New York .exchange, telegraphic — «n .07% .yy- *> i Hongkong "exchange, * sight;. rt:, —@ .48% •-,';, •Hongkong exchange, ; telegraphic — <m .4«% * xy:. New York silver, per ounce... — @ .59% * X I London' silver, per ounce. —@27% d '-. -CONTINENTAL New > York ?on • Paris .....;.... .v..."..; V.. 5.18% New York on' Mexico ?."7V?t;7mT?i ."." 77.~^- — '—j [. Berlin ion London f: rr. ;r;'r:T."'^ ~77777,7?77.~. 20.43%'; j Paris fon ? London 777;777y7777T7777777Z7 : 25:22 >X ];-■.', - ___-_-*^^^agSagß||MW: ; ? xX Ncr - York Money} Market - . 1 ' NEW YORK. June 7.—Money on call, nominal; | [no loans. m Time . loans,!* stronger k6O i days, 4%@4% j per ! cent;.9o days,. 4%@4% per cent; six months. 5% ,;@s%tipencenf*,- ;. i|» Prime I mercantile j paper. s% » per i eent."p^p? | fcfl Sterling | exchange, firm *at | $4.8315 1 for |60 day , 1 1 bills i and at l $4.8685 for ' demand. ;^*S^*^^^#_ * Commercial bills, $4.82%. Bar silver.-59% c. ' . * ". y.S Mexican dollars. 48c?-- .'■■■ : i Bands—Govern meat, Arm; railroad. Irregular??? " ■ ■ ,*■ ~j *■•.*■ ■ *'• .*,'..■•;. SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS " ? ■ m Quiet and steady V J market for Wall i street i -stock*. .._.? # : .m Shorts i' cover JR on i possibility 01 Minnesota rate decision. . ' > Some ;little improvement in Bos ton copper shares. * . '-"WSStfiß S Little change In prices for cotton futures. ... ««t Market >; for /, listed local bonds becomes I stagnant. ".' ? , Western PaeUc 5s reach a new • low! record ) level.?;-". H: *? ??- ***? ', YXXY ?3 Favorite Tonopah ? stocks > given * fair support. - '. ?*:T!|__ a » Wheat 5 sells * off ; slightly« in the Chicago pit. * ' - xx Enormous f carry; over of barley in this;state. . , Spot and?; speculative barley prices, vreaker. ... : Club wheat held Iby local traders. . XV Prices ; for old '; crop t hay ; gradu ally,!settling.■;■■ * ..X , X x" .»'■ ■, New crop 'alfalfa* finding ready . sale. »' ? ■'':-- XX- '•■* ': , Brisk i. weekend x trade > in y fruits ; and ; produce. '*'.'* ' • - ",fi, Butter and | egg" "•lose the week 1 very firm. : ;y:•-:■•»:XX-xx :- t yyx Y7 7-, Two cars iof eastern chickens, in for s tomorrow's I market. . . Turpentine and linseed, oil quoted lower. STOCK MARKET TRADING LISTLESS Speculators Who Took Hope From Previous Day's Buy ing Are Disappointed yy NEW? YORK, June ? 7.—Speculators who took the view? that? the rise in prices yesterday, coupled - with the spirited buying, indicated ; that : a turn t ing point had ■:'■ been reached after the long decline, were disappointed ; by to days-market. V". Trading was I listless, and* there was no demand for stocks such as might In dicate increased confidence in the out look?: for the market. Compared with the ) i earlier days of the week, however, } the - market made la*, favorable showing. There was none of the previous, heavy, liquidation or nervousness. s ,k ~*:."-'■? Such pressure as was directed at the list seemed to s come f chiefly from trad-] ers who were induced,*to" ; sell by the fact that there was little 'demand- for stocks, either i for Investment & buyers or : for ?speculative f operation** on the long side of the market. * " 1 . * ?* For a time ? after.**: the ;*' opening * some 'of . the ; important stocks | ranged* slightly, above yesterday's close. •■*• The o move ment ? was narrow -? and ? irregular -: and finally became definitely V-downward?; The decline was influenced by the weakness of Canadian, which Isold I*oft1 *oft 3 * points '«to 23%, a* new low •• figure. Weakness of j this stock ! was associated with a report that the federal govern-: ment would soon Institute * proceedings against the company, but the report lacked*?:confirmation,, and apparently was of the same? character as similar rumors • ■ affecting * other X corporations which "have been : "circulated through 5 the financial s district during the week. ; The bank statement;failed to disclose the cash gain of $4,000,000 to $5,000,000, indicated by known I movements of * cur-; rency, ii- the t actual x gain ** amounting ■'• to only $400,000. 2* The heavy liquidation of stocks § during ; the week was * reflect ed in a scaling, down in loans of nearly $11,000,000. - - .-' . . The bond A; market was I'■ Irregular. ; Total sales (par value), $1,112,000. ? .?United" States s 3s' andi Panama 3s ad vanced ' one-eighth on ; call ;on the week. Hutton's New York Letter - * * "There was *an .-■ absence? of selling pressure f- at the s opening • today, a al though . new issues showed moderate declines. Reading opened at;a? gain; of %•: and a similar . gain was 1 seen :in Cop per, ''j, while Vslight recessions were shown in Union and Southern Pacific." Other important P. rails * and I industrials .were 7 fairly ■■~ strong, with exception of American Can. ? Selling "of£* this stock % was .said? to -be due to rumors suit to be brought against the company. Trading*: element ;;seems disposed %.>,to even : up?? accounts *:. until after? it Is known whether;a'decision| in the Min nesota rate case will be handed down Monday ;* or not. News i that President Wilson was ; unlikely to approve?the at torney general's suggestion for heavy tax yon large a. tobacco ,tmanufacturers helped American Tobacco, whlch r opened up two'points -at 212 and shortly* after sold at , 215. Cables from Paris **stated that situation* was somewhat better to day, selling being less urgent s and de mand better : despite « unfavorable x; ad vices, from I New York. Probability of industrial ? crisis sln America continues to jbe I discussed, but general? opinion is that the American situation and moner tary -"affairs |in Germany: have i been I In tentionally exaggerated by. powerful in ternational bear operators." y > Wllnon's Views ;on*the t Market i% NEW YORK. ■: June 7. —The volume of business In * the - stock, 1 market I was ? considerably * reduced; today 5 and ■: prices 1 moved' Irrejrularly. The I pos sibility of rthe-■ supreme ** court*; handing | down a' decision in the" Minnesota rate case on --Monday: was .; responsible * for s some evening %up-: of s short accounts. ; We look ; : ; for *» some * Improvement in the > event ? of • a * favorable t decision « in '"; the 5 rate; case, but . there are Etoo \ many i questions? yet f un settled |to 5 warrant taking Ja* definite" position; on the market. . '.'••.' *.. Cotton— and • the ; balance of;the ■ list 'eased : a 'little; early .in. the ". day,-' but • the downward .tendency iwas i checked >later.'Si The 1 consensus ' of opinion -. is 1 that t there iisi a " fight In t progress * be- i tween V- bie interests." It 'Jsi a * traders' market,* pending further : developments *In '. the _* July ; option. *-'i BOSTON. June -, 7.The local coppers were in better * demand "i today, but f prices -> showed % little * change.' r Tight '•■* money 5 the c world | over * and f the cautions * tactics * of; bankers I are 1 the * largest | fac- ' .tors I: holding h the " market \ down, and ; until a this situation Jis * relieved i : we ? can * not hope ;, for an extensiveirally. * • • : - y ' • tS CHICAGO. June 7.—Wheat started . lower; with l ■easier; cables and * cool,** rainy .4weather»over I the winter^ wheat country;*®Crop experts in the field reported v expectations ? of>; disappointing •?; returns in > certain' sections,' but *in 5 the * absence fof I new: ; unfavorable J reports * the * tendency was 1; to 1 make sales * for Ia %. turn |by the"* local ■: crowd,*! who met i with l , little resistance. 1 still feel i that wheat; Is worth 90c, and advise buying at; that level.". "Weekly Clearing House Statement•'•?? *:'--: NEW YORK. June >. 7.—The statement of the actual 1 condition lof I clearing j" house banks ■ and ': trust I companies* for the j, week i shows t that ?. they * hold '-. $29,988,400 reserve :In f excess '; of > legal -- re quirements. *-< This lis| an | Increase»of | 779,900 from * last ' week. ->" The ' statement j. follows: * : " ? ;;,; Loans,*;! $1,904,443,000; * decreased $10,912,000. ?' Specie, $341,228,000: Increase. $842,000. .0 „ ■ Legal i tenders,l $8.3.796.000: I decrease,",' $439,000.! ' •**. Net '*' deposits, v $1,752,896,000; ® decrease.* J $11, --032,000. g Circulation. $47,081,000; I Increase. $19,000. r ; 5 Banks* cash i reserve iin vault. $359,525,000. ?;* ?' Trust companies' - cash 7 reserve •in i vault, $65, --4&9.000. *.-,,:.'. -yxyxxx'x-yx ,:*.Y*. :;,:■•■ *.-.;- ; 4 i-* Aggregate; cash reserve,: $425,024,000. .„<. „ **'*• Excess •. lawful * reserve, * $29,988,400: - Increase, ] $2,779,900. . " .••'..! ; Trust 'companies' reserve i with : members » carrying * 25 M per Scent 3 cash » reserve,*; $52,413,000. .: ,; ... xy xXsxXiy.yx :xxyyyyx>A '■ * Summary iof state 1 banks \ and { trust . companies in i Greater! New;, York,*! not l included * in» clearing house statement: -<."« -* - « Loans;: $567.028.000; decrease, $161,200. -. Specie, * $66,834,400; *■ increase, $231,700. :■ , • • Legal s tenders,3 $8,054,200: increase. $204,900. «J Total "■" deposits," 5 $640,608,500; ""< decrease, , > $2, --372,900."-'*-'. ; ■■ ■-.; ••." • ">--\ Condition of Treasury .? W WASHINGTON,^' June 7.—The condition of the United: States ; treasury ■at the beginning :of busi ness i today ■; was: M Working 5 balance. $63,789,520; in banks *, and n Philippine ■ treasury. $47,687,596; total of general'funds,** $136,622,362. * -.IsScdPCM I m Receipts 5 yesterday, $2,020,555; 1 disbursements, I $2.308.756.. . • •- ; I The < surplus 1 this t fiscal s year * is; $9,001,423, as against fa | deficit ' of i $3,882,866 last 'jear.>si|pi|i| I ftiThei figures "t for Ji receipts, disbursements, sur- I plus ■ and 1 deficit ' exclude ' Panama canal I and public debt transactions. 1 Cleartnars in Northwestern : Cities , j* ? PORTLAND, June 7.—Clearings, $1,826,632; i balances. $188,295. **■ * * **;.*«3e»gw ■y. SEATTLE, June k 7.—Clearings, $1,392,408; bal ! ances. $256,548. :?;?« .- - i TACOMA. June 7.—Clearings, ? $403,512; bal ances. $51,700. ' ' •Tswra-.fegpg M SPOKANE. h June 7.—Clearings, $790,318; bal ances, $86,759. =.. ■ - ■ • -"--Effigß- New York 1 and f London Metal Market ; S NEW YORK. June 7.—Tbe metal f market*; were dull, M * usual on Saturday. Copper (-non-' inal. Iron unchanged. - - I SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Not a single bond sale was recorded on the San Francisco Stock and Bond exchange yesterday. No one could remember just when such a: ; thing happenea before. Stock sales totaled 445 shares. , 7*xxX\> i ■:-:x': , yy>-7 : "y<->yXxyyyx x v ; Spring Valley Water held ;up and * even I improved to I $52.62%. ?, Sugar; stocks held firm; there was a better feeling in Associated Oil, which went at $39, while California Wine common also held well at $45. - ? ~ * In the open market $2,000 in bonds and 133 shares: in stocks were sola. Western Pacific 5s touched a new low record of $76, while Western Pacific stock brought only $7.12%. Pacific Gas common went at $49.75 and preferred at $86. "' LISTED SECURITIES ... , . SALES JUNE 7. 1913 Morning fSession 50 Spring Valley Water C 0........ 62.50 Board— . .• , 40 Spring Valley. Water Co ...7.7. 52.62% • 73 Associated Oil Co 39.00 ?: Street — ''**???* •! ■*~1 0 ; Onomea % Sugar C 0.... '.*-...;.:.'; 2*2.00 ? ? 160 California -Wine Assn ' (com)... 43.00 . v v*lo Spring Valley Water ,< Co .::...%* 52.37% ?• ;* 100; Spring Valley * Water - C 0........ 52.25 ,- * CLOSING ? QUOTATIONS ~ . „, . r ' ■' ■'■■■ ???? BONDS y ? "■'?■?. ?• XYXXXYyx'.iX Bid. Ask. *'?.- ~<"X ?- 7.7' X. - Bid. Ask, f":V.%Sy Bonds— Bid. Ask. Oakland Gas, L&H 55."89%*— Cal Fruit Canners... .116»r*il20 '■ •' --4s *<ruar' coup (ne'KO.ll3% — * Oakland Transit Or»«6s? — * 108 - Cals-Ins rCo 3(par/S4O). — : 76 >■■■■ 3s quarterly coupon:. 101&*— 1 -; Oakland Transit Co 55.; — 104 Cai Wine Assn '** pfd.. — 81% j Miscellaneous Bonds* '. Do Con 55.". .:...:.* — 102 ■ Do common *.*...'.. 42% ,50 Alameda Artes W ss. — 98 Oakland «Trac" Co ss. — 89 ,EI dv Pont de N pfd. 88 95 . Associated ■ Oil ICo ss. 97% —"S Oakland Water gtd ,5s —- ? 96% [ Fireman's -r Fund * Ins... —; 235 ; . Bay Counties Pow ss. 100 — Omnibus Cable Ry 65.100% — First Bank of S F. 223. — Cal Cent Gas AEI ss. — 101% Oro Electric Corp 6s .*!— »'92% German & L0an.3160 •' — * Cal El Gen ss, ser A. — 86 Pacific I Gas Imp; 4s. :t 86 *- — j Giant Powder Con.-.:: s—"5 —" r 82% Cal G&EI gin & ct3s. — 102 Pacific Gas & Elec ss. — 86V Hawaiian Coral & Sug. 25 • ■:—' 7k Do sunifying Jss. xx.'. 91% '92 Pacific Electric >Ry 5&.100• ft — \ Hawaiian ' Sugar < C 0... 26 ;:.„ 30 ;« California St Cable Ss.lOl*. 102 ; Pacific Light & ss. — -,; 96 ■'■> Honokaa 5 Sugar ;C0.*... — -5< ; California Wine 93 97% ;Do guaranteed os.. — 95% Humboldt; Savings Bk. — 129 ; Cent Cal2, Traction 55." — ■ Pacific Tel ?&;Tel:ss.* 96% 96%; Hunt Bros ;Co>, pfd... — -101; City Electric Co 55.. — 85 , Park & Ocean B R 6s. — 100% Hutchinson Sug Plant. — 16, ; Coast Counties LAP 5s — * 95% People's' Water Co 3s — 75% Mercantile; Nat Bank. — 220 Contra Costa Wat ss. — 98 : Sac El, Gas & ! Ry Ss.loo 101* j Mutual I Savings Bank. 77% — Do gen mtge 55.:.. 90 v 95 Sac & Woodland Rss 95% '— S Cal Power Co Con.; — 23; Edison El Of L A ss. 98% — Joaquin Lt &*P'ss. — - 99%j0nomea Sugar > C 0... .*2l%* — * : . Edison* Light & 66.106% — <*. SF * Electric :Ry 55.. •'— -' 90 Oro Electric* Corp pfd. ' —- 60* ; E I duPont Pwdr 4%s 53% — SF.Napa"&'Calls R 65.'97%! —?- Do common- r....... — ; 14 » First* Federal TrstSss.loo% — *• S F. Oak A S J«Ryss.'!9B;lol% Oro Water, Light & P.IOO t ' — *;" Ferries A Cliff H R6s. 96 -— > * Do*; — 92% l Paauhau, Sugar, Plant. 13 14 Great' Western Pow 5s 82 83 Do Con Ry ss. ::*.*.;'— ♦ 90 ' Pac Aux Fire Alarm. 2% — - Haw Coml & ss. — *?101?' SJ & S Clara R 4%5. — . 90 ', Coast Borax t pfd.loo%lol i.* !: Honolulu iR ;T & L 6s. 106 x- — * Santa '■ BarbaraG&El6s.- 97 - — * • Do ■■■ common : ;*...".". 80 x, — y [Lake Tahoe R& T 6s.* — 7 97? | Sierra" Ry of Cal 65.. —s. 100 Pacific Coast Casualty. — . 124 r. ! Long r Beach C Gas 6s. — 100 SPUR of C? 1c g 55.107 , 109 Pacific Crude Oil Co.. — 35c Los Angeles Elec ; 6s.'. 99%!—?. SPBranchißlof Cal 6s — 120 ? Pacific' Light, Corp pfd 71 76 j Los Ang Gas &El ss. — 90**4 is P R Ist ref 4s. 88% —| Do common*i.\.'r..~; 101 ,*—» * -JDo i Corp 55.'.'.'.....' — -<x 95;«■ iS Val Wat gen m' 4s. 80% — .'* Pacific Tel & Tel pfd- — 92 * ! Los ; Angeles Ry 55..102% — United Gas ! & : ss. 99%100%j * Do common ........ 34. « — ;. :*.>Do^ Corn 55.*..'*.*.*.'..;— 96% United R R of■.S l F 4s. 57 —#. ! People's, Water Co pfd.?r-.,: 50 : " Los Ang Light gtd 3s. —-100% Val Counties Pow' ss. — 100% I Philippine Tel&T Corp — .- 24 L A-Pac.R R lem ss. — 101. xx-.:;.y STOCKS y:« .* I Realty Syndicate — '-* 133% L A-Pac RR of Cal 5s — 98% Alaska Packers' ; Assn. —'•. 84 ? Savings Un !Bk .-& Tr.230 ,— . Marin Wat & Pow 99% — r Amalgamated? Oil Co. 80% — « Security Savings Bank. — 340 Mill« Val >&*MtTmßss.loO?—l American Nat Bank.. 131% — s S F-Oak ITr Rys.A,pfd — y 69% Nor Ry Co of Cal 55,107% — Anglo-Cal Trust C 0... 126% Spring Val Water? Co. 52% — r ' Nor t Cal* Ry j ss. :*?..:— 107% Anglo A Lon Bank. —-, 132% Sterling Oil f&-'*Dev..\ ; 1 . — *, ; Nor C;il Power Co-ss. — *100% Armsby Co of NY pfd —7- 100 ,- Union Oil Co of Gal.. SO —- !saDo ' Con ' 55.:?:.:'... —7■• 90 Associated " Oil' C 0.... 38% 39 V Union ' Sugar* Co.".*. 77.' —•* 22 ?.. 1 Nor Electric Co : 55... — '95 : California St R r 124% —X | Union Trust Co .*... .2530 ',- — ;•' I UNLISTED SECURITIES ? . ; ■ ■■; ■* :■■ ■■,■'■•■". SALES' JUNE;. 7? 1913 ' -y [ "' iSO, Honolulu Plantation (pool)?..*?. 20.00 ?! ? ? 50 Western Pacific RjX... :...'.;... 7.12% ??' ? 15 Pacific Gas A Electric I (pfd).T.*B6.oo? -y, $2,000 Western Paclflc Ry 55.......... 76.00 y: .* 25 Pacific.Gas * Electric:(com).. 49.73 ; I . f; The? following are the latest quotations for unlisted * securities *on the : San Francisco Stock and Bond exchange: .'* ; ' ?? - ? ' - - ,?'■''-" ??-""'???B0ND3 -- I Bid. Ask.) -■''::-:' : V ■'?. y" yy*'Bld.? Ask. :■;--?????.-.?.-■?:'?-.-: - Bid.* Ask. Sunset Telephone 5«.. — 105 [Nor West Electric 30 — - Alaska 1 Packers 6s. ..104% 105% Sperry * Flour i6s .V...V"— - 99%, Northern Elec pfd. 44%.—; Amer 1 River 1 Elec * ss. 94% 97%|Turlock Irrigation: ss. ,—.. - BS%| -±', Do \ c0mm0n;,'"...'..... 20 ;.. — -\ Associated Oil Ist ref 80 90 Union Oil Co * 55.... — 84 Oakland Bank of Say. — 252% Bay Counties Pow:6s.lo3??— - United, Light -&P> Bs. X '•- 90 Oakland Traction pfd. _—• 70, Blue Lakes Wat bds.lo2 *?— V United Properties — 44 Do common ~".......* — 20 Cal Northwestern ? 102% — Do debenture 65....:5 15 * Oahu Sugar ...7...X. 24% — Coast Val G_El Ist6s.l00:|101 ? Union Traction Co. ss. — 94% Ocean Shore?; By.-.".*...; 10 ,; — Gen Petroleum v 6s.":-:.r—?* 58% Villa Site & Dcv Co 6s 95% — Oak, Antioch & >E....;—.-IS% Honolulu Plant 65.... —> 101 s West Sacto Land 6s. — 100 Olaa Sugar Co ..:.xl ,?'.—';.•■' Hunt Land & Imp 6s. — 101 ■ West Mtjf & Guaranty — 97 * Oro Development* Co.*. —>40 . . Modesto Irrigation bds — ? 90% Western Pacific Ry 3s — 76 Orpheum stock :,...... 19% — ; Monterey & Grv,6s. — 97% lost-mite Val By 35.. — .83? Pac Coast Borax (01d). 206 —--, Mt Whitney *PoW'6s.loo '101% •**' ' '•«:*-«; STOCKS -■.:*-- Pacific Hard & Spfd. — * ,95. Natomas Dcv, 6s 77777 — 7 100 .■ Alameda Sugar ..:. .*. — 20 , Do common ~.:.'... — 25 > , >-. ; Do Land &Mm 6s.— 100 Bank of 1ta1y....."...131 .—* Pacific Port Cement... 59 -•—,,< Do 2d mtge *65.... —- 61 Bank of S*;u Jose — 170 Pacific Gas & Elec pfd 85% , Nor.' Cal Pow deb 6s. — -96% Buffalo Brewing Co.. 60*, 75 ~ Do common ..*.:..'. 49% — • Nor West Elec <subs). 103 ? 115 ** Cal Cotton 'Mi 115.'....: — 75 Palace Hotel" stock .*;*:*.—- 80 Oak A Antioch By ss. 60?- 80 * Cal«State;; Life Ins... — * 14 - [People's Water com. .*. — 3 .. oak.-*Antf&E'By-ss.'—l'Bl • Cal Pacific i Title pfd. — * 100 C Pet A Santa 1 Rosa*. Ry. 20% — ; Orpheumi,6s."..::.;r..loo. ■— " Cai ;Electric: gen pfd." 78% — . Portuguese-AmerSßank — 62 - Pacific Port Cement 6s 99 •■ '—" : "- Central 1 Cal Traction. 12 y 13% Poulsen? t Wireless ;*"...'.- —-, 26 *; Palace Hotel 65..:.-. — 107% Central N B of Oak. ;— * 170;. Riverside Cement ri'..'.'; 45 ■ —« Pet & Santa Rosa ss. — .97 « Central Savings Bank. —'-: 77% Standard Cement A.-.'.* 17 22% *r.Do6st.*..;;. .*;...;. 94%— Central *; Trust 4?:..:..116, '—. 'Standard * Oil: of Cal.. —; 187 - . Philippine Tel 55.:*.: : — 91 ' Cypress Lawn 3% 4% F, A Oak Term Ry.. —? 45 Do 6s. 77..'. .7777.77 —X : 98 x Ewa; Plantation * C 0... ,-,' 26 San Francisco Secur. ." 48 ,*; 60 Riverside Cement 65;.*77 79? First * Nat :Bk; of 0ak.200 . — '■*; San Joaquin Light &P — 22% Sacto Val Power 65.. — 96- French-American Bnk. — 100 IDo preferred*.:;: ..*. — 90 San Diego Gas &El 3s— 92% General Petroleum*.. > lS :, — < Santa Cruz Cement."..'.' — 37% SIF-'&S Joaquin Vss.f'—]„loß% Hawaiian*; Pineapple.. — * 40% Sperry Flour I .•..::::*.*— 25 * S'F ! & Nor Pacific ss. — » 108% Honolulu Plantation.. 20 —• ■Do preferred........ — 97% San'Joaq LT & P/ser El— 92%| i D0?p001r..*.:..;.V.. 20 21% Union * Say Bk of Oak. — 300- Sierra & F Pow 5». — .?97% Honolulu % Oil 7:777..XX 50c 90c •■ j Weed : Lumber '-, C0r."..*., — : 108 a Standard Cement 65.. 91%'— -- Italian-American Bnk. — 112% Western. Pacific t Ry.*".V * 7 ■ 7% [ Standard 'Electric ss. 84, f 96 Key Route pfd .'..... i 84% — ' Wells Fargo Nev 8k.168 — Sautu Cruz Cement 6s — : 84 * ' Do common t.".:.*•"•'".,— "* 22 • West Coast Life Ins.. — 200 IS? F Gas A Elec 4%s.<—- -90 Mascot i Copper ".".*...• =1% —?* West «Sacto s Land 5 Co. <—' 68 ; ?*:t Do non callable...7; 85 88 : Metropolis -j Trust ...70 •'—:■■* Western : Amer; Realty. — '20? \ South * Cal Cement " bds — "":- 5 78" Matson Navigation . ... :— •? 130 X Western * Meat *- Co. *.-. 102%118 i* South Cal Edison ss. — ?*- 95 * Merchants"Nat Bank. 85 95 Western States Life... 8 9 South Tuba Water 65.1005106 ?| Noble -Electric? Steel.. — "-. 9 '- Western • Power :pfd."..*47■;■"'— * South Pacific Coast 4s 87% —-' J Natomas Consolidated. — '11% .Do common ...:... — 16 So Pac S F Term 4s. 80 87 | -xXvyxXy. V*;. ~ .yiyy:x. : .y?,yy ;-- T y.y;:,;.,. Mining Stocks t — ' • A i few of .the ": favorite Tonopah stocks braced up? a? little on ( the? New York curb « yesterday, and the improvement in the east was ; reflected in the local market. ? Another spurt of buying activity in ", North ; Star , made that stock : the * big leader of an otherwise dull ; market on \ the : Bush street * exchange,? and? some *of t - its * neighbors .in the camp moved •' up a . little with it. - The total sales' of * the market leader J approximated j 25,000 shares, (and t, the a price started -to - go. up *« at the outset j and > continued ', to * improve 5 as * the » trading progressed.*' The - * close x was "; firm sat t6Bc,: *an advance of * 7 points over Friday's final quotation. Jim " Butler, Midway ; and : Mizpah: Extension i were all 5 i points" higher jon I the 5 day i and I the 1 Merger scored au advance "of* 4 ' points « early. : :-> Rescue and some j "of i the other ' low t priced i issues *of .' the group showed an inclination to .go up, but , there was', not * much doing 'in I them. <s*.. Merger' Mines was the ; only * Goldfleld • stock ' for which * there 5* seemed i. to *: be 'any „ particular s> de mand. It remained steady; at 19c.*;Small;blocks of! Goldfleld* consolidated t were j traded i around ( the low i level reached •' Friday • afternoon. The promi nent ; stocks' of * the ( outside i camps * were ' Inactive. all*day.V: X7'jyy ■ Xyx.yyx X Comstock trade was : light, • and ; in the absence of * aggressive I buying, support * all of - the -; north enders *: were 5- easy v. to weak. Small," sales *J of Mexican *. were * recorded \at ■ 62c,1 while', prices for the :'others 5 adhered * closely to: Friday's ; closing quotations;*;.;'.;" '-'.yy: X' xX ■' X XX" X ■-. XX* 7 SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE "■■X following were the sales ,on ! the San Francisco Stock J exchange * yesterday: ? .-.*• : :,-'■?" ■;■ y ; : xy X; > '■;'; *;* ~- ,'.'-,. •: Regular Morning >■ Session. • ■*.'..* '■ 300 Atlanta •.:.. 7.X 1613000 Moo -* Pitts * Ex. ;10 1600 Con Va ; M .;.;?; 05; 1000 North » Star .** ... 64 2000 Dcx W Caps. -06 1000 North 1 Star ... 63 »• 74 Dcx ' W:' Caps. - 1)5 1000 -. North ? Star« ... 66 2000 : Drad SB ? Butte. 02 s 500 ! Rescue ; Eula -. Y7'X 14 4000'Gld Merger M. 19, 300 0r0;.*..'...%.. .*?l2 -,500 Gould & Cur. * 021: 400 Sierra Nev ... 05 1000 Jumbo Ex ... *? 23 '700 Scorpion ... .*".. -'.; 04 •500 Kewanas '*?.". :'?o4|; 100 Ton Merger ... 68 1000 Man Con 7.77. 05, 200 West End ..1.02% * 200 Man Con ;..:.=? 04, SO West End «.:..1.00 'r -.*'*- *v"'< -. " , *'] Informal Session xxyxyYyyX xXx 1000 Atlanta, s 10. 151 200 Mexican r.7 .".".". Y 62 800 Best A Belch., 05 1000 Midway y.7. .t: 40 3000 Booth *.:*.:..:.? 04j 1000 Midway *"...:;: *42 5500 Cash ' Boy ' .... * 07 1000 Mis-pah ; Ex -. .. 45 - 500 Com Fraction. :: 04 10,500 North Star.*.y 67 LIOO- Crown ( : Point.. 19 0000; North* Star ... 66 1000 Dexter f 7777 7:7 XO2 1500 f North I Star » ... -* 65 2000 Dcx W Caps. ? Oft 150Q Do. 20 '."*.•"/ 68 •*soo;Dmdfld -Daisy. :03 1000 North j Star ; ... 68 *100"Gld - Con M...1.60] 100 Rescue Eula .. 13 .V) Gld Con M.. .1.6511500 Rescue *Eula .. 14 400 GUI Con M.1.62%11000 1 Ton Merger ... 67 4000 Gld Merger -MJI9 i 500 Umatilla ."'. V.7. XOS 600 Jim Butler .'.*S7l 600 West End ..1.02% 1000 : MacNamara ;..y 16 1500 West End ;..; .1.05 i- 500 Man ißig.Four.. 50 "."--'•-.*,-* ■■'.'..-'-' *-,'•. -■ r '\>' .. t.- ..: CLOSING QUOTATIONS; - .1 :-;.'..".. yr- s y.yyx. -.. CALIFORNIA < :?*:;; >XXx - ?; L, - ' 'Bid.Ask.' Central Eureka ?..."; 777.: :~7..'... 7.7..:".'. ". 12 — .: .-.-,.; xx - - ''-,': NEVADA . ' -~ " ' .. :?•■;• *.r '•''-" * xx. Comstocks**' .:'--.-':;-.:;. XX:. :X. - - ' Bid. Ask.l ; yxx ■-. "■ *- ?* Bid.Ask. Alpha v .*.'..... *■'— ,- ' 02, Hale ;& = Norc .* .* 05 -•- 06 Alta .*;vr.v:.".'.*?•'—??' 03 Julia ■ Con y::;7X — : 02 Andes ....... — OljJustice :.T..*..*.' 01 .03 Belcher* 77777.7 16 — .Kentuck Con.'. )-— 02 Best A Belch. 05 'X. 06 Mexican x7::.7.x 62".- 63 Bruns Choliar. 10 — Occidental* :777, -70 ,—- Bruns: Potosi.. 10 — [Ophir 11 .12 Bullion' ;;....— 02 Overman ..... — 25 Caledonia:;:;?. 75 xX— Votos\t7ft7V77X7 01 03 Challenge *:r;;; 03 —Savage ; 06 TO7 Choliar .-.:.:.? 01 y 03jS*g Belcher *.. 04 05 Confidence ' ... 19 *;"21 Scorpion ::....-'O3 :; 05 Con' Imperial.. ?01 02 Sierra ; Ncr ... 05 06 Con Va-M.....f 04 yOS Silver Hill' ... 04 — Crown Point.. 19 -21 Union Con ' — 09 Exchequer . ... 01 *,; 02 Utah f".: *.*. .77. . * — 05 Gould A Cur.; 02 03| Yellow** Jacket. 20 ?23 '■ Tonopah • District *;*ft ? ;t:."»"'' sj Belmont 6.17 6.30'M0n Pitts Ex. ;10- 11 Boston Ton •;;* 1 02 ;03 North Star ... 67 68 Cash Boy .;;; ?07.. OS Rescue* Eula v.: 14 15 Grt ' West' Con. 01 -* or Ton ; Extendi 77 —2.10 Halifax H .ir; "77 a' —1.05 Ton| Gypsy 1 Qn. 05 X 06 Jim Butler,.. 71 L 72 Ton Merger '■.-,.. ■: 67 «S MacNamara 5..* 15 * 16,T0n of ;-. Nev.. : — 6.00 Midway ...:.*?40? 41 Too)i 76 Con... —: 06 Mizpah Ex •.. 45 46 Umatilla?-.. .7; 03 04 Montana Y7. 1.20 7ik— | West End 1.05 1.10 <-. Goldfleld'District- " * Atlanta;.:...*.?: 15 ,s 16'Gld MergerJm. 19 20 Blue Bell ... — Ol'Grandma — Ol Blue's Bull ... — . 03 Great* Bend .. 01 02 Booth t..;.... 77 03 V 04jGrt s Bend Ana. — 01 Ci0i1>77777777 04 ?*OS Grt i Bend* Ex. — . 01 Columbia *5 Mi. 01 ;;.*; 02 Jumbo 'Ex '*.:.'. 22 23 Com I Fraction. .03 -04 Lone Star Con. 01 02 Conqueror * Con: — * 02,0r0 977T7T7T77": 12 13 Cracker Jack. — '01 RedjHllls ??::.? 01 ;.' 02 Dmd B Butte 02 . 03 Red Top . Ex.. —'101 Dmdfld Daisy. 02 04 Sandstorm« Ken /— -02 Florence r-*.'..- 37 ; y; v 4o Silver Pick Con 03 04 Frances ; Mhk.. —,-.**,' 01! Spearhead ; Gold — 03 Gld Con M. ..1,60 1.65J Vernal.>-..:-.;.--.— . 13 Gld $ Portland^— Xy 01 Yellow Tiger.. 03 ? 04 Gld * Kewanas.. 03 > 04 • - ' BuUfroe * District . • Bonnie Clare.. —vt Oil Sunsets.-.".-.*.:;.* — 04 Mayflower Con — 01] Tramp Con .. — 01 ! Wigs*?.: _•'*--, -.Manhattan District ! Dexter & Union. — 021 Man. Dexter ... 02 03 Gold Wedge.. 03 04' Man W Caps. 06 •07 j Man Amalgam — 02!Mln Hill Con.. — 01 ; Man Big Four ;50 — Mornings Glory. S- —■, 02 Man Con 05 Oft.Mustang Man.. — "02 • * . Other Districts * - -. Atlas Wonder. — Pitta*S < Peak.. 46 * 60 Eagle's t Nest.. — 02 Raw,* Coalition. —■■ 01 Fairvw IG * Bid £■—^ 02 Round! Mt .... 40 45 I Nev Hills ... 90 821 ?-i7??1*„S? t ~." Chicago Grain and Provision Futures '.?:■.; * ??'*.'-'.-'. (Furnished by. E. F. ; Hutton *& Co., 490 California street.) CHICAGO. June 7.The leading futures ranged as follows: 'v r,Wheat— ,; Open.. :. High **;-* -XX Low ! - Close - June 6 - -Year Ago Ju1y.;.....:.......;*...."..*. $0.90% •?■; $0.90% $0.90% $0.90% $0.90% $l.0»V September ............T...... . .90 .90 .89% „- ; :; .80% " .90% 1.05%' December ..;........... .92.. ? .92% "? ;- .91% ? •*-■ .91% • - .92% '- 1.06% ■"'•*•*. X Corn— ■■; - "*'■*. X'7y 'X .-* - .. .x. . -■■' .x . .■.■■.._• -.-.-. ■-*--■..* July ............... .17.:..-, : 58% '?-"-■' .58% ??-'<:. .58 ; ; .68% , .58% .74% -September ;...;;.V.;....;.• .69% ;. .69% *? .58% - .58% .59% , .73% 'December .... v.. .7..yi.« '*:. 57% ??.',*?. 57%**-?," .56% '.56% ■-.■■' .57% ? * .63 xx -Oats—.-.—* ... •-■:■ .-..*.•■ --.- : f>v. ~;:,;, -rs ~y -. : -x- ~-. . . '..-■.,;... ~,-../■. „•••*. ... ..\July*-...-.*..*...*....•.....-...?.38% .38% .88% . ■ .88% .38% .51% ?* v September .38 : '77 .38 ■" .87% ~? .37%. - .38% .'?'--<. ■■■■■' -December :............... .SS% .38% ', .38% .y. . - .38% .38% ?? ?.?~.42% ; " ".". ■ Pork *-;:■-"-.::. v; -■■ ■ ■ ,-...-;. ..---,.. .*■■.-,. :*..• -..'..-.: ."• - .;,„:■-■ July ;:..*;';.:'.....:..:.''...;20.47% 20.57% 20.47% 20.47% T 20.45 18.77% ,September .:............. 19.85 19.95 . "19.80 19.80 18.90 18.97% '•**-- Lard- ■ " ' -> '. ";•■ "- ■: *■ ■ y ■ ■:.'■.....■■■ *"* ■ ? July 10.97% :\x 11.00 10.85 10.95 11.00 10.95 *; September ............ 11.07% X,- 11.07% ■ 11.02% 11.02% .- * * 11.07% 11.15 October .?........V.;...;v.10.97% 10.97% 10.92% - 10.92% 10.97% 11.22% ■■'■xx.' Short Ribs— - . - -'■•-&- xx '-'* . y-- : - ■-.-■;■- ; -. x.x .-■....•-,.. .y '- '..:.-.-.-.:. ? s July-.-..-.;.::.;.■..-.':..;. 11.72% y 11.72% ? 11.67% 11.67% 11.70 10.50 ? September v. .v."..".../..... 11.37% ,-?:•; 11.37% .y. 11.35 •„, 11.35 •?... 11.87% - 10.65 -,0ct0ber*.:......;.........; 11.10- : x.,,■ 11.10 11.05 11.05 " J 11.10 .:..... 4 ~? —,",."....., —r-r- —,.",?' - ?.. ? r*"? I Oil Stocks i| ♦' '"' ■'—-—'■ '— "" '". —;— ""♦> SAN FRANCISCO STOCK* EXCHANGE sXyyyy ;. Bid. Ask.! ; Bid. Ask. Asso i Oil ' ; .85.50 39.00' Premier ..'.. SO ■- — Caribou ..... ;. 65 ' . —'Pyramid .... 13 * ;*, 15 Coal Central 20 x [Republic ... ?10' -15 De Luxe *.. — * ,*:SO S*F*&vMcK.' —14.00 111 il Crude .7;/'.:— XX. 05 8» WJ&-B. '..'>? 15::** — Maricopa 36. -15? * — 'Sunset *Mon.. — 1.05 Monte 1 Cristo Xx- 75 r '■' fBS Turner >'"'.'7.77 1.30 - 1.50 Orcutt •; Oil.. > 70 >';:■; —!Wolverine --'.." 50 7 — Peerless .... • — 4.50|W Oil Co. — 2.50 ~.,*-..-»_. .'■■■-:-.*-:' J ';.■> SALES?-* " T -".""",'■ : .11:15 a. m.— * * 800 Caribou .....7.77.77...1...7...... .65;. : 500 ■ Maricopa- 36 I.'. V.; 77.: '.*..........".. ; .15 * t\- .:■*; * -j informal' 1000 Pyramid -.-';'.-............... .**.. , <*".U y LOS ANGELES ? OIL EXCHANGE ; \ >'~, LOS ANGELES, June 7.Associated oil, which | has i been "■ sliding ■ downward -of ; late,' held : firm at the i morning session of : the local Stock exchange j today. %y Sales •of }, 10 , shares I. were :* posted : at > $39.: i National Pacific sold at 3ij,c to 3%c, with 11,000 ! shares % sold.' In *; the : off aboard trading y 1,000 ; shares ;of United I were 1 sold ;at ' 20c. ? The market j close was weak. I.The call: -* .. ?| Y\ Producers— '.. ?*.■":';': -; . , Bid. Ask.■:' , j Amalgamated; Oil . 7. ..'......., 80.00 -j"-' 82.00 > American Pet Coi(pfd)-....:.,70.00; . 80.00; American Pet Co (com)..;.;*. 50.00 ,-'65.00 *? Associated Oil C 0.:"..-...;.... 38.75 - 39.25 Bear ,Creek O & M Co .".... '~55 ? v i .65 .-. Brookshlre ...... 7.1.7. ."'. 77. V. '" — ' .65 California r Midway .-..V..T.*...". 09% — Central ■'7.7*77.7.:.:7.7... :.*.*.. .. — » -X .95..? Columbia 7:7:77...777.:;.Xy,—-7. ... .85% Continental '."; 7777777:77:7777. .'-' ' —•:.'.?. 15; 7 Eucltd«oii:Co;v.;:r:/:;:-;v.v. : ?—?---? .20 Fullerton Oil Co:.*.:;vr." **.";.*-'"' 2.00 '-.x-'l y, 3.00?- Globe«Oil."*.".".;*..t:-.*.*:....;;:.; .01 ■ :--.•'*.*;03*■'? Jade I Oil " C 0."..'......'.'..:..... "? .06 ■ .08 , Maricopa Northern 7.7777.777.,'X-x .04% Maricopa Queen"Oll^Co:.*:?..". — , * -.55; * Mexican Pet (pfd)?. 7.7777.7"-: — 7 100.00 ;■ Midway ; Northern.;%::::....'. 07% '-- ■ .08% National * Pacific .T.?; ;:;**.-..i. 0.314 -" .03% Ollnda *00j Co xx. :. f ; *.';; ..::.*.;'? . 36'- ;*. 38 Perm 1 Midway 1 Oil - Co.*;*.:*".*..':. .07 "V - .. — t Petrol Oil C« ::....7:::;...'7- — 7 ; 3.00?? Ricesßanchs Oil .".:r.*7r.T;r:r. ?. .75 1.10 Traders Oil Co 77777;. ;..::.; 37 .:-*. — "xx Union ...."..- *. 77.00 * 79.75 T ",. Union Provident ; 84.50 - 88.00 United * Pet «Co ;*:.:r::v ■*:.:;..? so. 00 -; 87.00 United Oil Co *:;*. rf;; :'.;*. ;-r.>*;: 19 * * - .21 v* West Coast Oil (pfd) 85:00?? ? — Western I Union ::'.. r.''.T7 7T77.7' 70.00 ' ? 100.00 ?' y/yy* ' i'■'*??;*:.;:'*: SALES '-.::."■" '•'? •';' ': i-Z-.Tt ,*-?■-'.;/.: Morning Session :. 5,000 National Pac1f1c:.:"..*...:....:.-...?.. 03% 6,000 ; National t- Pacific. ;r....".-; 'r.7'7. .'.f. '*? *.03*56 "rjlO A550ciated;*..'....*::;; 777.7.77.;.7.- 39.00 yy-yyy-, ..*. -Yy Off Board X?~ x -*?? 1,000 United .....*.t. V...7...7771.. ?.;;.?' .20: ? ■~..*.,,' New, York Coffee Market ??" ii NEW YORK, ' June * 7.—-Futures' "opened steady ! :ats an advance • of ': 5@9 J points lon 6 covering; and ! i I foreigns hu.ving, which 1 was supposedit# be*. In- 1 1 spired *** by "r less t favorable | Brazilian 1 crop I reports I, andhigher;European cables. The market:worked jup I several 5 points I more f during >■ the' morning, and closed at a; net advance :of 10*313' points.*, ; &s Spot, steady."& Rio 7s. 10%e; Santos 4s, 12% c. Mild, quiet.; Cordova.M4(ai7e nominal" ' ■ -'-~-„ "COFFEE ' FUTURES?-■-"..;■*.';.";?. ! Option '-' Open High Low Close July y: :7.'.77.7..f. 7.7. .;.;:;;.:.*:«;. :77.x. 10.14 c August .* 77.T. .... 1...'.:. ...... ..:;.. * 5 10.24 c September;... ...10. 10.34 c 10.28 c 10.34 c October, - 10.36 c November ."."'.*:';'.. .... ..xx. ..... .-. .... .v 10.37 c December;.'..... 13.35 c 10.38 c 10.33 c < 10.38 c January ..: ..10.40c February" "... ?10.42c March *.;.. .:t;:t; 10.42 c ; 10.43 c!. 10.41 c s 10.44 c April :..:...:...;.7 10.46 c May 10.44 c f 10.47 c X 10.43 c X 10.47 c :s Sales, ; 78,750 bags. Xy xx..yx y — . . Dried Fruit* In New York . Si NEW YORK. June 7.Evaporated Apples Barely J steady. Fancy @S%c; \ choice? 6_6%c; i prime, 5%<3,>5%c. Prunes— r M Californlas, 3%@12c; Oregons, 5%(g9c. , ' * . Apricots—Quiet but Choice. ll@ll%c; extra choice. 11 % @12c; ■* fancy. 12% @13c."s,Mf %*»S as Peaches—Firm. i**s Choice,* 9%@lc; t extra choice? 7fg7%: fancy. 7%@Bc. '' . *«ms^ Raisins —Quiet. Loose J muscatels,?' 4%@5%c: choice tto J fancy seeded. s@6V,c; I seedless,* 5%@ 6%c; London layers, $1.20_1.40. sWmsk > .... . ■;■: . . .. ..... -...'. ...;.. PRICE OF WHEAT IS DUE FOR FALL Holders Show Desire to Cash Profits' Before Official Report Comes Unexpected Kansas Rains and Foreign Bearish Re ports Cause Stir ;■;?CHICAGO. June 7.—Holders of, wheat showed'an increasing desire today .to convert profits into cash before the arrival of the government crop report Monday.? Drenched fields in southwest ern Kansas; where ■ absence of * rain, has beens*worst,* formed a decided incentive. •; : The % market, though ■ steady x at? the close, was %c to %c under -last, night. Corn finished %c down, oats < off %c at %c to %c, and: provisions ranging from 10c decline to Jan advance «of 2%c. • -'•Besides ■** good ? rains ? in t Kansas * and elsewhere In the winter crop belt, bear ish news regarding wheat included re ports of heavy cargo arrivals in Liver- , pool 4 and a notable gain in the English visible supply. Furthermore, domestic primary " receipts-?* were >.-> more than double those of last year, being 481,000 bushels, against 239,000; bushels- At the same % time; export clearances iof wheat and flour were light, equaling only 274,'-; 000 bushels. '?*-*'?" :< ?i :" : ?-.Warmer weather in the spring crop territory a tendency to prevent any , important-iraHy„by* the :.wheat*market.-A. In j,this 1 connection a- good .*, deal of in- v terest was aroused through assertions that m July l deliveries in* Minneapolis would"be on a large scale. Much ,of the 18,000,000: bushels on hand there was said' to be too moist and. otherwise * un suitable; to carry in ; elevators through the*summer;heat; * - : : ■.; '; In the corn v crowd new buyers were few and former ones more disposed to sell than ;to buy. Rural- consignments were piling up ' and -sales to the ; east were scarcely worth mention. The oats market flattened out under v big receipts in all directions.' ? »'*;-- . -'■ « *.<*■•; y. Pork ; dealers worried ■: over signs that one of the big packers had control of the *July,'? delivery. Commission house selling though made lard and ribs easy. Htltton's Chicago ? Advices ? "Wheat—Good r rains over' Kansas, lower Liverpool••; markets ' due * largely to heavy cargo arrivals there and the general %t desire '"£ of v longs X' to convert paper, profits into cash 1 . pending the pub lication of the government report at the close Monday have been potent fac tors ?in''* wheat :; today. Two points in Kansas ?: reported ; harvest begun*-- and yield light and disappointing. • Offset ting I this was weakness shown in. corn and oats, yesterday's bulges ;having:re lieved the market ,? of the . congestion on f the ,'. short ; side -and left 'It i with* no support. General public, interest was lacking. Reports from experts in the fields ;• show a -better- general- crop pros pect than was indicated by recent ad vices. r; Missouri - reports especially good and harvest is expected to begin Mon day. -i * y ''-i-r'": '*/■': -■' ?'* '-' ;'•*■ 'ty" : "Corn—Easier. * New 'buyers few and former buyers more disposed to sell than to *:*■ buy. .;: General .crop . advices good. Cash sales to east very small. *>* "Oats—Weak for cash « and futures. Receipts large hin ? all, directions,>east reporting Ohio and Indiana undersell ing Chicago i and Cleveland,» telling of heavy offerings from Illinois." ***-■?..''* v "Provisions —Dull trade. Much of the business centered In July pork, in which the holdings are concentrated In hands of leading packers." ■;.* .r * * ? ~ * - ■DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN GRAIN Foreign t Future* '?•? 'XyX-XXJ- LIVERPOOL '...?? •Wheat—' 1 ~'* July. •■■.* Oct. Dec. Opening 1..*............?7 5%?*. 78% 73% Closing ............... 7 5 • 7 3% 7*3% yJy'XX'x PARIS '.- ", ■:- Y*y' 0 ' 4 Wheat ?: ... June. "■ Sept? Opening ..;.......;.........$1:48% $1.41% Closing ?". .*....... .............. 1.49% * 1.41% <■* Flour," per barrel—'. --•"-•".. June. ■■■'• July-Ang. Opening ?.;...;*..*......."..... $6.64 $6.52 Closing ................... 6.65 -. .; : 6.55 New York ; Grain Market ?,:• NEW*' YORK, June : 7.—Flour—Steady,- with very little doing. * -r-:~ , 1 4 Wheat—Spot, easy; No. 2 red. nominal; No. I I northern Duluth, $1.00% f.0.b.; afloat. •; Futures were easier under Improved crop news and lower : cables. July, 957-16 c; September, 96% c. I* ? y Cosh Grain and:: Provisions I CHICAGO, June -« 7.Corn—Cash: ? No. 2,-59® 59% c: N0.*,2*wUte,";69%@60%;/N'o.-; 2 yellow. : 59%@59%c; No. 3, 58%@59%c; No. 3 white. i 59%_>60c: ; No? •3 ; yellow. -, 55%@59i4c; No. 4. I 58%@58%c; ** No. • 4 white, 69@59%e; * No. 4 i yellow, 58% @59c. - ! 'Rye—No.- 2, -61c.. ; ?*;■ y "Barley—67c.r" •' x-.-'y,. ...<*« -.;CloverseedNominaL ;'-'•-' -. y Timothy—s3.2s@4. * . * * i? Northwest Wheat *•'•*■■.*?' ' WASHINGTON ?. - '? ?,,?" ? I- SEATTLE,? June 7.—Wheat— : <S9c: . I forty-fold, 93c; club, 92c; flfe, 92c; red * Russian, I * 90c. A Yesterday's 'car; receipts—Wheat 7,, oats 2, > corn 2, hay, 5," flour 2. v -.■*.*"■■» '■:%"*.: " * «**■ TACOMA. ; June •'■• 17— -Wheat —Bluestem, -; 90c; forty-fold,: 94c;* ''83c ;*red 'life, 92c. *-* Car re ceipts—Wheat 1, hay 1." * •:' Xx.yy ■ '■"' : 'xX7x- ??':-? OREGON y y., y".?? ? - - PORTLAND. June 7.WheatTrack \ prices Club, .93@94c; .bluestem.* $1.0101.02; • forty-fold, 94@95c;« red Russian. 90@91c; valley, 93@94c. Car receipts-- ' 16,, barley 3, flour 6, oats 1, b»y,'6.*y';:,:',.?;,;.?-, y7,<% x;y: : jyxy ,?,-.-:>,>;.-. , Minneapolis Grain Market . i MINNEAPOLIS, Juno 7.—Wheat—July, 89% % 89% c; September, 91c: cash— '1 hard. 92c; No. „I<northern,*"*9o%(39l%c;:*No.*- 2 northern. *. 88%*389%c;. i No. 2 hard Montana. 80%®91%c; ; No. '3 i wheat. 86%ic., Flour—Unchanged. . *" ..-•-• ~"■.", . „-.'" ?.;..* ;*" Bran Unchanged. _ • "X .','•• '' ?. '- Corn—No. 3 yellow. 56@56%c.* ? ? ;ij Oats—No. 3 white, 37@37%c. Rye—No. 2, 55<_57c. * •■■..' .' Flax—sl.27% <_ 1.28%. • .. Barley—46@sSc. I •;*' Duluth Linseed ; ij DULUTH, June '*7.—Linseed? 5 $1.29%; Jul***, i $1.29% f bid; * September, . $1.31 %.. bid; „ October,, $1.30%. bid. y ' ■ . -...;, MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS ? ' > : Cotton Market ? (From E. F. Hutton A Co.'s private wire.) ??"\ by NEW YORK, ; June 7.The :market ruled ; quiet. and ' steady .; all day. July eased off a bit freer offerings by .» the' south, but ' recovered •on '- buying off by spot Interests, who sold August against it 11 to 12 points under. ' There seemed ,to be a lot of \ new 1 crop ; for■ sale { around; 20c " for" December. f Weather; map and-forecasts continue 'favorable to ' growing , crop.*; ** %,-'7-''/'" x.yx C-yyy * ■*.•>%•■*.*• < - r Spot closed 7 ? quiet and unchanged. ■: '■ Middling uplands, }2.10 c; do gulf,"» 12.35 c. - t*. ;yyy --, COTTON 'FUTURES?? f ? Year Option Open 5 "High "Low Close June 6" Ago June ;:*.??..:. :.:"..:?.*..;.* 11.69 11.73 11.10 July f"7777 11.80* 11.81 11.72 •*, 11.77 11.79 Y 11:15 Aug.".::..11.69 .11.69 •■ 11.61 11.63 11.69 V'H 21 Sept ;.:v.-.'?."'-*.".'.r:''....*."? 11.26* 11.28 11.28 Oct. ....11.17 11.20 11.15 li:i9>li:i9' 11.39 Nov. ...:.*.... ....'.'.::.; 11.17 11.17 11.43*' Dec. v.:.*11.15 11.18 11.11 11.17 -11.15* 1149 Jan 11.08 11.12 11.06 11.10 11.09 ?ll 4<l Feb./;...*....., .......:..; 11:11*11.10 jira March K7- 11.21 11.21 11.19 11.21 11.21 lOr xyxxyy—' " *~ ■----:-.*'■';*-; Xi y> ;? r Chicago Produce Market " ?>. CHICAGO. June 7.—Butter— Cream eries, 244(_27%c. • -*. .• • ." m Eggs—Unchanged.: Receipts, 15,585 eases ? At mark, cases 1 Included, ;-* 17(218c; ordinary 5 Aral* 17% c; firsts, 18c ***' ■• • tt^MX7 * ,a