Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL SECTION 16 EXPLOSION AT DAM WILL LOWER COST Chief Engineer of • Pacific Gas and Electric Project Tells of Progress F. M. Smith Trustees Pay Interest Due on $2,500,000 Oakland Note; Issue Chief Engineer Frank-»G. Bftira, in charge of.;'; construction work In the Sierras by which the Pacific Gas and Electric company -will increase - It? hydro-electric generating 7 * system ,by 160,000 horsepower, reports / that ; the damage caused by .ah explosion 'of powder at the. 305 concrete dam 'was grossly exaggerated. He even figures that in L the end the explosion will; re sult in a considerable financial saving in the company. "It costs about $4 'a yard to place concrete on the dam," says Baum, "and by the use of derricks we can bring the fallen rock into requisition and put it in the dam at a cost of just half that amount. So we will save-the»company ?2 on every yard of ,rock;" ; There are 500 men ;actively; engaged on . Lake Spaulding*dam. The con crete mixers are. going-full, blast and special trains from Colfax and Wads worth, Nev., are delivering; gravel as fast as they can move It. -Engineer Haunt is confident that before snow j comes to stop surface* work-the big dam will be so ; far accomplished'as; to ; permit of the raising of the*waters of Eake Spauldlng to a height of fully. 888 feet and with that the. operation of the new power development down Bear valley. . ' ' ■ '■' - * The mile long tunnel leading from Spaulding dam to the canal which'will convey the water to the new Drum power plant, nine miles f below,, is com pleted. The canal is in process of com pletion and work is progressing rapidly on the regulating reservoir at the lower end, from which* the; pipes* will shoot the iter down a 1,376 foot drop to the power house in the Bear ■ river gorge. Steel for the power house is; up and two of the four electric power; gener ators to be installed are on I their way from the east. The Pacific Gas and Electric company expects, to be in a position to deliver electricity?from this new plant along its 100,000 volt double tower line before the close of the pres ent year. ■ ■» * * OAKLAND NOTES I Vl'Kit BST PAID Interest on the $2,500,000 San Fran cisco and Oakland Terminal .railways notesvvas paid yesterday by the P. M. Smith advisory committee. The inter est on the short coupons at four months whs ""50.000. The "memorandum ;of un derstanding" was partially signed terday and the members of the/United Properties committee, all of whom. are favorable to it, will sign today." The advisory committee ■* '; has received assurances of co-operation from - many creditors. ■?'• * * WOULD tZfCKBASH RATES Before Commissioner John if. Esh leman of the state railroad commission there was a public hearing yesterday, in the application of the Atchison, Topeka. and Santa aFe railway, 'Sierra railway and Southern Pacific company for permission to' increase rates be tween San Francisco. Sacramento, Stockton and other California points: The hearing will be continued. ' * * *- * / ,' SACRAMENTO BOND OFFERING Additional Information is at .* hand relative to the offering July 7 of $500, --000 Sacramento. city >schol district 4% per cent bonds. These bonds are [dated July 15, 1911, with interest January 1 and July 1 payable at the office of the county treasurer.;', Denominations are of $1,000 each, due $10,000; each six months from January 1, 1927, to * July 1, 1951, inclusive. A certified check for. 1 per cent of the bid is required. These bonds are ; the balance of an Issue of $700,000. $200,000 of which was sold to N. TV. Halsgy & Co. August 22. 1911. Proposals will be received up to 2 p. m. July 7 by the board of supervisors of Sacramento. * * * RIVERSIDE MATER BONDS The syndicate, composed of E. H. Rolling & Sons, N. \V. ; Halsey.;& "Co. and the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings, bank, Chicago, have elected, in view of the rapid sale of the first lot of $600,000. to exercise'its option on the remaining $560,000 city of Riverside water 6s. v This additional block of bonds is offered on the same terms as before; namely, par and in terest, to yield 5 per cent. Bonds now available mature $14,000 each year June 1, 1914, to 1953, both inclusive. The sale by the city/of the addi tional $560,000 bonds makes its finan cial statement as follows: /Assessed valuation 1912, $9,400,100*. total bonded debt, $1,307,000; water debt, $1,100,000; net debt, $147,000. - ANSWER TO AXTIOCH MORS There have been persistent rumors in financial circles that the J Oakland, Antloch and Eastern, railway,vhaving acquired a majority .of : the j stock of the Nevada County Narrow Gauge rail road, would standardize and electrify LOUIS SLOSS & CO INVESTMENTS W. C. RALSTON BROKERAGE CORPORATION Brokers, Factors and -Agents We will purchase or sell' on com mission Stocks and Bonds, also Lands and -Mines. * e \' Reliable, data and analyses of the underlying value of investment securi ties will be furnished. our clients. -~xt W. C. RALSTON, President Offices: Royal Insurance Buildinc. J. C. WILSON & CO. MEMBEKS XEW KIRK STOCK: EXCHANGE 7 NEW YORK' COTTON EXCHANGE :. CHICAGO tBO Alt OF a TRADE:.S THE STOCK AND % ROM) . RANGE "■-'.'- : SAN FRANflsro •■xx MAIN OFFICE .-•.>,. Mill* Building, San* Francisco. * x branch . offices—com Angeles, San Dle«o.;.Coronndo Reach. Portland, Ore.. Seattle,'; Wash.; Vancouver, B. C. .Private Wire.' Chicago, New York.>-; E. F. HUHON & CO: t»0 California St. Tel. Douglas,24S7 M. Francis; Hotel. Tel. Douglas 3082; Members New York Stock Mange i BONDS ANGLO AN LONDON PARIS NATIONAL BANK ; SAN* FRANCISCO BOND DEPARTMENT Dealers la Investment'Bno da -yyA NEW YORK STOCK MARKET QUOTATIONS | E. F. Hutton & Co.. 490 California street.^members. of the? New York Stock exchange, furnish the following list of bond and stock sales yesterday: ■ Sales I , STOCKS lllighl Low I Bid I Ask i 47.400jAnialp Copper .. ,1 65%| 62%j «65% (XX . * 1.7001 Amer Bee! Sugar.* 22% 36% 22% 22%; ...*.;/. Do (.id *.....'. ' X..X. .XXX. TO -*■ :80•.-;.-; 15,300 Amer; Can Co/.'.: 24%| .'22% 24 1 2*', 2.500 Do pfd ....... , Mft ; 81% 84% 84% 1.860 Am Car &;Py Co 88% 37% 88 39* i ....... ,Do pfdr.*.....v :.:.. ..:.. 107 168% 2,700 Amer Cotton OH. 86 34 | 3." -"- 35% ....... ,Do pfd .' ;! : '■*-''■;: 9;; .*/....: Air.T 11 &'L ': 4 - 4' . Do pfd'..:.*.:: !17 I Pi 1 *; ; 17. is; ; 566 Amer Ice' Sec'tics - v .:■ ! ,sl Ji 195 *' - 01 " ...//.. Amor Linseed* ..*. 7X:.. ./..: ! XS-x 18% .'..:*.;.j Do pfd :/..".:: ".x:x. .;:.. j ;2i->; 122 a •. l,3CoiAmer Locomotive 28% 27% 38% ;39». ../..;. Do ipf<i :.:;:.*. : ;*.... ' ..... 106 102«? ::jt:t. Amer Malt .:...: '- '■' ;: 10,. ...-;... 'Do ; pfd ..... .*. , .//:. ..... 46% 66 ; .."; 10,700 Am Sm&.Rfg Co 62% 56% (lift 61% ; : 366 Do pfd s ...v./. ~x' - 98 88.4 9i! ;..;..". Asset j Snuff .f... .:... .'.ff: 188 170 -'t-.T.*.? * J Do:pfd";:::.:.(, 'fx.x: ..::: 88 ? 106 . 660] Amer'Sugar:.:.*;. 166 UMft 100 107 100 Do pfd' ..:...*. 110% 110% 110 116 V 'lOOfAm- Stool ! dries.l 2.". j '.'. > i24%i 27 .■--: I ; l,3f"OjAtn|Tel &;Tel Cojl27ft 126% 127% 12.% I 200! Am' Tobacco* .."..1200 200 266 210* -2001 Do pfd ;."...,;;;) 98% iS- 86 a 101' ..... later Woolen ; ..'. :./.. ; ..... 16% 20% ....... Dorpfd ....... ::-.:.'. ://.'. 70 77% 5.200 Anaconda J.'..-:*.'.'. ,33% 31% '33 ; '3.'"% * > 000 Atl'c Coast-Line; 1113 113% 115% 110-; 11,900 A & Santa Fe. 95% 9*,*" 95% 86% | Xx 500 *Do . pfd .X". '.'/.-.. .98 *< 86% .86 ,' 97 4,700 Bait ■'&'• Ohio .... ;83 , 91% 82% 83 . ......*. Do pfd ......*: -;:..".-."/.".. | '75 j -79^. l.tii'xi Bethlehem Stool 27' v 25%j 20% 27% ; ; .300) Do pfd *....::. 65 * 63% ; 68% •60-. BR ......'../. j 86% I ; 84% 86% 86% :?',,700 California Pet...; 31 - 2Sft 31 31% 49.700|Canadlan PaciOc 218's 212% 215% 218% ! ' 11.10<>iCbino -Copper..-: . 34% 82% :34ft 34% 7.1001 C* & - 0.;.....'...". 56% r54 % ? 56% ; 50% ...*-*...*. 0}&; A'-./.r/.:.'. :-..".. ."..:'. | : 7!X I ..-'0.,-? :.;100C-G W-......... 111 - 11-. ill 11% ..'.-;..'-; Do'pfd ....... ! ../.. ....: 24 .24% : - 200 C & N W....... 127 126% 126% 127, o>oc>C M A- St P.*.... 102% 100% 102% 102% ! yjxGOO ; DOfPfdr:..'.':. ; 133% 1132% .133 133% -. i; 400 Central-leather': 19% ;18% -.10% 56 > v,200'•• Doipfd r...*.v: so- ' SS'a, ss% 9« :. ...:... Central.of N*J:7 './:': .*"...*, 270- : 300,-, /...*... ccc & stL... :v... :.... ; »'» ; aox. '..*.-;/.'. Do pfd......V; /.:.'. .XX. ;95,» .".:.".; /: 000 Colo Fuel & Iron 27% 2.".*»s 27% 27% ....;:.. Do pfd'..7/...: -.'./.. .-....:. V.- 180 X2X.X.'. Colo Southern .'./.:"/. .*. | :i'/.*.j 23% '24%. i ....... ;Do -Ist pfd,*... .*./.. ...".. '86 -'68 ■-.» ..'..'... Do 2d pfd; ."..'. ;....|:/... 98 ' 05"-, 4.50(1 Con, (las .....;. 129 " 1123% 128% 129% 2.oOOiCora Products... <9 r :sft |: 8% *9% ; 70*1 Do pfd ■?: .r.:.: 63 : : 63 -.*. c *- 6" ../.... Crcx Carpet..'... ./..'. ..... 00 7S ;....*.. Del :&:Hudson./. .'...'. :..".: 158 "J. 155 ....... D L;&-W.. . ..... ..... 380 395" ■■ ....... D &\RiG;......- ..... i ..... 15 '.; ,10! ... /..". ;Do pfd ."/.* ... '.■'*. 23% -20 i ' ,500 Distillers* See... 11% 10% 11% 11% ....... Duluth.S S & : A. ..... ..... 3% ;0;-_ ....:.. Do pfd ....... ..... :::/. 1"% ; I4f; 11.400 Erie .......:..:..] 23% 21% 23% 23% ; 1,400 ' '. Do Ist pfd ... f 35% 34% 35% 86 ■« ; v 300 Do 2d pfd *... . 29% 28% 29 29% ; ; 500 General ' Electric. 13.3 [130% 132 1 133% . I.loo.Croat % Nor.Ore/. 88 26ft 2S-,.- 29 ; , 5,600 Do pfd ...:./. 120 IIS 110% 118% . 1.9001fl FConr/V ■1% *1% tft 1% 600 Illinois Central..[ill* 110% 110 ; 112 ;. Inspiration >..-.;'.:{ 14% J 18% -14% ;15.; 3.600 InterlMiro-Metro. ! 14% ;13;T 14% 14% -6,900 Do pfd ;......! 51- 47 : 50% 50% ./..:*.: Inter Mer Mar..' ..... ...... 2% 8% :....:. :Do pfd/.. ..... 12% 14 ;300 Inter: Paper; .... 8% 8% 8% l-Oy -200 /Do. j.fd ....:.. 3S ; M 38 - 40;; . ..*:/.:|lnter; Pump ......... /..;. ;" 7% '9 ....::.|, ; Do pfd ....... ..... .///. ; 22% 27% ] 100 lowa Central.. :.*. G.. 6- I ■'.-. 5 --, 7 ...v./. 'Do pfd ....-.;: ....: ..:;. 13 16 1.300 j Katun - City ; So. 23% 23 - 2-';% 24 ~ 200! Do pfd ....... 57-j 57 ) 57. ISS 13,700-"-_e-O«b Valley.. 147% [143* 147 147% /:./: .:fLiggett & Myers' . //.: | .;.. .1190 . 214 ...V..*.h- Do pfd ../......... i ../.. HO;: 118 100 P." Lorillard -'Ca'. 152 152.' 150 157 ....:..| Do pfd ....::./..;...... 103 .110 ; I.aOOiD A N...•/./.... 128 r 127 120 ; 130*; .......|Mackay ./:....:.|..... | :./.. 76 so the latter, -preliminary to an extension of the Antioch line from Marysville to ' Colfax. . ' : "-'■ ..*' .' 'An officer of the Oakland, Antioch and t Eastern * railway : ; yesterday denied that that road \ had acquired 8 " control |of the Nevada county line? or planned s the extension "suggested.; The 'facts *of * the case; were, he said, that some ;of the officers and stock holders of the An tiochiline had bought! stock in : the Nevada, not for; thes purpose of con solidating a t,he : two roads, but simply as '■ a private , investment.;' .-■ xxxyxx: - 'v, - The amount* of * stock held: In the iNe vada line by Antioch-officers he thought might total: $500,000. There,; was no i plan, he said,* for j changing the Nevada line to standard gauge s ,nor : for its j electrification. y- ; . *.T , i X-- ' * -■ * -... ' * '--. . .WATSOXVILLE ;TRAXSPOBTATIOX San Francisco .financial •'■* circles* are awaiting - with * considerable , ? inter est ■•-; the plans of the new owners of the a Watsonvilie?" Transportation fcom pany* in ? the' proposed I extension 3 of« the rail line from.Watsonvilie to San Juan Baptista and .the'placing; of a fleet :of steamers in' service between Port wat sonville and San .Francisco.'-; Contfol of : the ' company * was recently;: acquired by a group vof .Milwaukee •, capitalists. A new bond issue --will, figure in; the financing 7 scheme. ' . .-; .■;■'«■■•-# -.-" *'- x ,**■-- • - *..; V 1,0*5 ANGELES' PALATIAL BANK "'"While F* California 'yis ,en joying; '; re-", markable development "in* all, lines; of business, yet. no part of ,;the ; business world is showing greater expansion*or. ' more progress! than {its > financial* Institutions," says the Financial Chron icle. "As an 1 evidence'of this there has just been completed in the new finan cial district of * Los* Angeles the mag nificent new home occupied by tlie First National bank of that city. The United States is noted; for its many handsome banking houses, but this institution's new quart ers; rank j second .to none. An ! idea of f the % magnitude ■**■ of/ these * new quarters may besgained from?:theifact that * the! space 'occupied by the bank is ] 17,000 square feet, 1 ;of which about 6,000 square feet is devoted to the use of 1 the* public alone. The main room< gives I an impression? of som* great court, the 1 effect-being ;carried out by its marble j walls and massive marble pillars, while a large fernery of tropical plants and j palms 'is placed " in % its center.- "' I The 'last:'official'-'statement; of the ' bank showed-deposits? of over $20,000,- | 000, while deposits of *.its;affiliated'in- ; stitution, the .?: Los * Angeles Trust '& and \ Savings bank (which is owned by the stock holders . f of • the First " National) were reported ,:at' : about $20,000,000,; making* total deposits "of about ' $40,-'j 000,000 in both 'institutions, y-: " i , ~ * *. * COLFAX IB.INK EXPANDS "\ v-'A certificate was issued yesterday. by the- state &> banking-- department to /the Colfax bank J of l Colfax, Placer county. to i add a savings* department, making it both a commercial and savings bank. * * * LOCAL BANK CLEARINGS Local bank ; clearings .yesterday, as reported by the San Franciscol Clearing House ".'association.':; .were";- $8,715,398.5"«. Clearings for the -week* ending June 12 were $47,902,231.91, as compared with 1 $50,976,324.1 for the corresponding, .week last year. Petitions in Bankruptcy Armand Cailleau, a ; local;;merchant,' filed* a petition in.bankruptcy yesterday. •in 97 the ; United a States '?.-. district •-.?■ court. His* liabilities are? 549,722.51 with $20, --140 in available assets. i? Petitions Yin bankruptcy -were 4also; filed xx by;: x the People's I Express-company-of i Oakland:' liabilities $5,136, with?'no?, assets; John F. D. Martin, a solicitor;; living in Oak land,*,whose * liabilities S are'"; $16", with no assets; Charlie *F. Fribufg.** produce dealer,- Sacramento., whose liabilities are $1,258, ; with $40 assets. - Loans. Exchange : and v Silver ' Tlie steamer- Siberia, .out;, for;,the" orient yes terday, took *$-103.155'1n': silver bullion : for China and 'India. "<':; The 'bullion was, forwarded'by local banks. ■-'•'"'.'.,,:"*:""' .-*---' ■ ■"-. ;-*=--■ ; 7.'- "xyy. Commercial* paper,*...;.-;...—.'. '. s i£ in c,"f; per ; cent I/Jans on real; estate ... '. .',.."*.5^ 01 <; 1„ • percent Sterling'exchange,*' 60 day*.... ~ffi4.S2si; ;-;-; sterling- exchange, demand .*;".'.*. r — (a 4.57;. Sterllngexchange. cable*! .:.'.— faI.SS N>-iv exchange, sight .:*.*."—'&; .02 ; (few York exchange, telegraphic — rh .08 Hongkong I exchange, night... . — fa. -;45»4 "'; Hongkong exchange, telegraphic '•' ,4* _ : y-- New York silTer. ounce.... '— (S .r.O'i 7x London silver,-.- per onnrc.';...'""— 'v 27 5-4 M % .CONTINKNTAI, • '^£^3 New York ron . Pars ;.'....-...'.'.;........ 'X 5.1 B%') j New York ; on ; Mexico ... ..V. ;*.*.;. r.V. .'.''-' —" ■'■' > a : Berlin on London ; .V......, .-*..... *.'.:;.*.,; 20.4314 ! Paris on' London :;. ':'. .'..;-... .*..'.. ;".*..: y 25.23 l ' .'Condition-. of .Treaaury ... ' WASHIXGTON\ f June 12.—The condition of the ;T!nlred;State»r; treasury;' at : the < beginning of busi ness today was: & Working!-balance.*! $40,010,558; 'In «. hanks ;, and .1 Philippine s; treasury. $.">1.751,866: i '-. total sof .* general fund » $137.530.909;» receipts 1 yes ;terday. >: disbursements. $1,432,875; 1 the surplussto5to dale this fiscal year is $16,100,209. : ■« again*! a; deficit iot $3.380.i»7 last year. The L ;ti gn res|f or receipt*, a disbursements; .surplus land! deficit,; exclude , Panama canal : and public debt ; transact lor*.. * - . .\ew. York Money Market ~*..,.- <; :': ■■:. NEW YORK, June 12.—Money on "call,'.easy] at 2<*i2i4' ; per rent; ruling rates. 2 per cent; offered :ati2;per*centr*;'./*J*^g|gafel^^s_^^^ E^Sf&. v '■ "* ;i:Time;loanF,*'f strong; 60 day?,";. 4'y.1 1 ; r per cent; THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 3913. Sales I STOCKS ' Illigbj how I Bid I Ask I Do pfd j J ?'*frr:|*64»/4 j 09% 1.30G Mexican sgPetffTv «UR i «60tes j«i % 100 MexicanS*Central. 10% 16% 10% WW 100 Minn:*.:&"'St'. 'L.-V. ;14 vl4;--. | 13 : >i! '14% iim, -Do-istipfd *.:; !SS'.32 j3l | fi'tn I.GOOJM St PASS M I20%'1lt; 119 ** \XSB% irx.'i?:' si)oipfdfr*;f*-T.:T?fr ??rft 132%|13«% I.lOOjMo Kan & Texas. 19% j irs% |29$| "20*8 Do pfd rr.T_r.-; :-..-.. :.... j |54« j 56% *«JWSOO Miami* Copper ... 21 ; 30% ;2i:-. ; s 21% X 3,800 Missouri I*Pacific: 28% 26 ! 25% 28% : ! xrmxU NationallLead '.xT: ! "TTfr; | >rr*:'i kS% \ r49*p ■ SOOj D0ipfd........ 10.'{«; 102" l"l 104 ■, 700). National Biscuit.. 107*14 105 b 107 108 I Do pfd "•??*/.• ffrfr: 116b 12oK; National Enamel , *""*©*£ 10% 2.4t«t». Nevada Coils ?f*!";': jls . 13%: 11% 15 / lOtij.N V Air Brake... 59 59 | ;SS;-*' !«)-« 2,100]N V Central ... '.»»% 88 ■• ;: »% 99% :..x...\sy-c ft At v.. /."//. .*:.■/. ir.i/ j 56 ?rrrrrdri>ovik'.pfdj?Tv m*?*" rf?.'. .so :t..~. I>o W pfd frr;*/'*//.-/: .x.y. «85^ *H v 3,4oojN* YN 11 ■■■■&> 11. 102 Hi 88% 101% l"'-! : L l;ooolN*Y<Ont.& W.';r: 26% 26%1 28% ',27*!; ;'* 2,000 Norfolk I &|; Westn 101% 100 f 101 \i 101 fi' V......1 Do pfd......*. :.. :mi \ ,90-;, 206 North American X Co (1.1 88 ! ,7."'.: ' 10,400 (Northern Pacific.*: J /_ 103 106 106% <»inaha | ?itt. 'rfrf. us**, 114 X.TX.X **; Da « pfd .*....;:. i '.""..:". .XXX. ISO '140 sort P«i*iflc;V.Mali:...'. '1<- 17 18% ; 19% 900 Pac;Tpl& Tel... : : 24% 34% 25 r 26% s,Sof»jPenii X I! Corrr 1 . 108% 107% 108% 108% 7d I.loo; People's Gas 107% 108% 107% 107% ■fy 1,000 Pittsburg C0a1...! ! 15%1 * 14% lo ■ '-15%' -a. 106 aDo ' pfd ;:•.:;.;': -74.:- ! 735. :''>''■■'■ j 78% ....... P C C A St 1....! .' I : PC % so% ;;--.'.-.'T. h'c Do-: pfd .*.". Y.V.; ; ...:. .'.'... Oil;. 117. :.., 400 Pressed Steel Car: SO% 20% 21 - ! 21% 100 Do : pfd *.. ...... 68 ; '"" 00 i .03 x 5.600 Rays Cons 17% 10%, v 17% 17% 700 IlySteel-Sp««'Co. -23. ! 22% 22%] 23% Xx:."-:: j *Dotpfd....':*..': :..*.. i '.X:--. ! 90- 92*. 114,iw Reading;".", r. .*.*:. 100 1.">1% ir>st, 155% .".''V.-.'.". Do Ist pfd I st 88% r:'.::.-: ;; Do 2d pfd I .".''.*".•: ::::. 85 I 85% 5 0,400 Republic & 1.. HS% 17ft 1&% 18% 600! ,-Do* pfd........ 75 72% 74", 1 f7o'« ;-;2.900 Rock Island C0...i 14% ; 13% 14% 14% 2.300 Do pfd I.:.;;-.'*: ' -23% 22% X-X-: .24% v:..;:: Tlunilev :........ ..... .:-.. ' ,20% ° :;oo j;Do:pfd 7X.XXX , 4.*!; : i '43' C ■42 I ,4> 2 : , 300 5...S ;S-&.1aC0.. -25:j 24% 21 I r20...;, ..•;;■.':■:! Do pfd.:."..;.: i :.x:. r.xv. ! Iso,.- ;i)2:;. --' coo Sear* Roebuck :. ICO ; |134%|1afl 100 StL ft sk Ist pfd, !.:.'.;1,12.; ;io-; -400 ; Do- pfd:::.".. ":. 1 :7,;* 6%1 *>\ i .'«i% :....'.: St i.&* \v:.:..(...:.!..... 26% 27% .:.::.-:! Do pfd XXX: '' ,fc W *22 Southern fiPaclflc.j.Oi l .; son, ; 03% .»..** 10. Southern rAnj*.*..'.:.j.2oft >.V.'% 26% 20% •?*.l,2ooUA,Dolpfd-;;..* ' 78% 72 : 72% M«] * i l,S(H)|Tenu' = Copper ... 80 .27;. j3O:-. ; ■•''•_ , : '4or)iTexas? Pacific::..! 12% 18 12% 12% ~.\< 600 Texas . 0U.:...*... '■<' x 84 , 96 t V>,y '■ 2,7oo|Thirri::ATetiue:..l 31*; ; 29; 31% .-•>•"*' .....;. Toledo St L & W :*..... ; "x~y ; ."-o% ....... Do pfd ::.:::. ' .'.*.".:' .::•• -12% Uy ..:... dTwinicity>niT:. .:-.-:•: ..:;*: 101 101% 200 Unions"BjJt P.. *% 4% *% \*% st lOOlUnloo Pacific..*.: 144% i.'.s'c 143% 1«% •1 300 ;Do pfd .....;. 86 79% '"*! s - . '-. r .-.uo United R Inv;Co2o'. .7% ;20.- _li^; ■■• 1,100 Do pfd ..*. :.t. :33 ;', 80% 33 v 33% 106 C S Cast I. Pipe 8% 9% 1" i 14; V.."..:. *; Do pfd;*"/:.'."..-. 1 .*'. r.. ."'-". -5 46 ; 48- ; --" "500 U:'S"Rubber. :*:*/: :,- .-..-•?, -»Sy • ..s' s - 706 Do Ist pfd -.'.'. 100% 88% ,100% 101 5. :7x. ' Do 2.1 pfd .*.:: .*-•:.'. :::*■• no;, ; 90-: 196 800 1' S Steele Cat. . 53% ' 50.* .'"X*% 63% - 1 N.Do'.pfd ~-..... 104% 102% 104 104% SO.lOOiL'taltS Copper ... 42% 48%} 41% 141% - o<HVVa-Car Ciiem Co. ;2i>% .20% ;2«% ■-'-;/- --30o! Do pfd ....... ', 88 '- 88 99 . . 160 . ....-.(Wabash :.'.:. '.'.'.: j :..:: j -V- ;; : 2., .;ft 100 ; Do pfd ~".'.:. .**. ',l)!ii ('..CJs i "ft - > ;.- ... j Wells Fareo Ex. ..... /:.".". 11° ,''. 100 Western Union.. 01;, 01 .; 88 M , sin west -Maryland.. 33% .32 : '2 M r , .......|a Do/pfd ./..... .-'.'•.• •:•'-'"• -.■•"' , •'*■ 2.000 Westlaaboase ..." 56% 54 .- ■ 56% :•>"*-; 200PW I. E....... ' *.'»% 4" ; ft; *% ...... Do Ist pfd . ..; ; If - -.«:;'■:* ....... : -Do 2d-pfd*..-**;: ;'--•'•'• -}/■ ■'■■f- i ,'JJ.*v -.-;'. 7. Wisconsin Cent.. .......... j .40., j 4 - ; '. 1.700 Woolworth *....: | W%| 88%| SS • Si) 537.000— shares sold. xyxy; r. 90 days, "4% ®5 • per cent; six -.months/? 5%<&.6' per cent: /■/.»- ..; 'Jr.-•':<!,>'*-. J x_7yy-y - '-/a-.//*/. -a Prime mercantile paper. fj%@fl per cent.- ■-, :r< '"'■■ Sterling ! exchange, ? strong, a with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.83 for 60 day bills and: at i $4.8300 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.82*54. . - Bar silver. 59% c. , • ' . -. Mexican dollars. 4Sc.r • - ' - ■ y : . Government -bonds, steady. Railroad bonds,, irregular. Clearings In Northwestern Cities / '.SEATTLE. June 12.— Clearings, 52,551,933; bal-' anccs,**s3o3,423.; .:: /■ <■ i*-. : /; ;/->*'/'.< •■-.' „„'//*-':/ ;« TACOMA. June '» 12.—Clearings, > $589,623; bal-, ances. $46,426. /■ x .-•■'• '■■'.- .»- : '*S;-i. '■*■■_'-;/*„„„■ '-. '/ ' 5V SPOKANE. June 12.—Clearings,' $.5..->o2; bal ances, : $94,377.■-'■'..-■' ";/:•; .' --"•"-"•„ j._ PORTLAND, June 12.—Clearings, $2.023.54.>; balances, $193,801. <> ;'_'/. k '>/'/'•' ' .V';—..' ■' ' ♦ ■■—— _______ "—"■' . ",. ; *' ._.,*,' — "-. ♦■ New York Bonds .4""''". 7 - '"" : " : _ """.."'"' '" f '" r " ''. v.'." v ~" *'•'. U S ref >'2s3reg.-;:*.100 i- (Japan 4%s /:..'/.;83b Do coupon ... .100 Kan City So ref 5s 08 li,, 3a"reg..:', X. 103 I/Shore deb 1931 89% Do .coupon ;'.'.:. 103b L ft Ni unified 4s. % * 'Do!4sfreg./:.rni3% ,M. X & Tex Ist 4a:91« /Do coupon/;.'./. 114. ; Do gen; '4bs.'.'. 83% Panama. 3s coupon.l"3 ./■ Mo; Pacific 45.. /v v 04% ' Al-Chal Ist ctfs 98% / Do*cv|ss. ;.T.-..-.;TS;J Amer Agrlcul ss. 80% IN It .of£Me__.4%s:tßo .? Amer T&T cv 99 [N V c gen 3%5.. 83% Amer Tobaccp 115 / Do deb: 45::./.'.r.81%' Armour»4b» .... 80% NV.NH& llcv,3b>*.s*-;? Atchison gen 45.. M Nor & W Ist con 4s 88 .-;,; Do cv 4s,' 1960.. 95% Do rv 4s."*: :.*.*. ll'<» y ' Do cv 5s 98%|Nor Pacific T 4s':'t'.tV 93 / Atlan C L Ist '4s. st%: :*' Do; Sa .//./.Vr/Vt63si* Bait & Ohio 45.. 90% O»S'/Line .'rfdga:4s."jßlsx Do 3%S ../'.. :78SVi,U'a cv 3%t, 1915.. 90% Brooklyn Tr cv 4s 86% Pa Vcon/45.*..: ;r.".199b Centrals of SGa * 102 v. Reading s gen -J 4s .*/.'. 92% Cent Leather 55.. ; 91% St L &; S F fg^m.l 88% Ches I& i Ohio 55.. »4%! Do sen ":l ss///V:':*** 55% Do con 4b'""" 82 / St a LIS&.W Icon's 4-. Td% Chi & Alton 3%a. 55 Seaboard AL'adJ- :,< 07' C/B & Q Joint 93% »0 Pacific col »;45..'50./ --'-/'Dotgen.*'4srr.'. 5 T'.*:92% 1 Do cv 4s 85 % C.M& StPJcv*4bs-100% Do Ist ref 4s:.'/ 87b C.RI&" Pac * col -■ 4s. 52% So r Railway .-< 5s ; r/. 10l % X?i Do :i ref 45...... 579,; i ''■ Da .'gen -45.v.: .*'..»7».«-, Col So r&ext 90% Union Pacific 45.'..95%. Del & Hud cv 4s. 96 Do:cv*4s;*//.*://. 87/ Den ft It G ref ss. 07%' - Do Ist *&:ref/4s. 81% Distillers '5s ?./.. .* 55 C S;* Rubber rr. 100% Erie i prior s lien *4s. 82% G S Steel -•* 55.. 98 '* Do gen ?4s 7 ."?'*:'" 06%!Va Car f Cberuf&s "fl 93 b Do cv 4s. ser B. (15 a :Wabash Ist&ext 4s 48% 111: Cen: Ist' ref "4s. '. 80 ■.: Western -" Md ,V 45... .15 ; - Int Met 4%s .-. /. 73% Westipe t EI- ,-v ss. ss . Int-MeriMar "4 bs:-57%l'<Yis,Central; 45.. ..; se% New York Mining Stocks Com a Tunnel f stock ; or, Little Chief ■.*.*."':: .'* 03 Com Tunnel bonds a 10' Mexican *.*.'...'.... .."r.'O Con Vh Mln Co.. 04. Ontario *...'. 2.00 Iron Silver I.2s;Ophir '....". .:V".''*Jlos Eeadville Con ,' ... '.i?j Yellow Jacket .... 15 -•——," .;;"-„;" '. "■"" "; '*~,""'/ "7 7 7Z" 7.7* | New York Curb Stocks I - t iFromfE.* F. Hutton A Co.'s private wire.) .a .*.'.* NEW YORK. 'June 12.—Tlie market today was quite " active, with ' most issues imfnf good's demand.' North SStar'3 was>.the F feature ;' in 3 the Tonopahs. being 82Vi bid;, shortly I after the? close. The. cop pers also ; Improved ,In t .tone, a ; Offerings '*;.- were sea reeling the ;.s Tonopah s list* and North Star in particular was - well r; bid «;f or n during | the § entire session. The * "ii ; shares ! were strong. a ■ ..,- Bid. Ask. X: 'X --.-V :■■'■'-:.y Bid. Ask. Alaska '<*".'".7:". *" 9% 10 (Montana '<■ Ton." X 1 ', g *-1 % Anglo Oil .. XI l* jMizpah Ex .. 48 A..0,- Belmont - '>'4 - '>•"!»iMontg She... 02 04 "at* Br Am* Tol». 21 21% Nev Hills ... 06 99 BradeniCoppr! 5% 5% Mpissing I .**; v ... S% 8% Do Os ...110 120 Ohio? Copper. .9-16 11-10 British Col.. 2 . '2i4lPaciG&Escomi42': ;44>* Butte & N*Y *"» - - % x Do. pfd ..". x~. .'B2 - 86 :;; Chi Subway.. 2 "Ms SanSToy ;...:*" IS , 2<> ;"■; i luett I'eahdy 4;'. 4S- jSloux Con.. 2 5 *Do jifd- ... I*2 07 S;W ; Miami.. 5 7 ■ Colorado ,'"..."." 1<» '■*-121* So? Utah ,4 ' 5-16 Con Ariz ...5-16 '■' % Standard .; OH. - a* Davis Daly.'.' l : 'i 2a -* ex subs ....143 ,146 X* Dolores ..... '' 2 -yy 4 ' Do Cal .... 167 170 ;* ELRayo 1 '2 I Do Did SOS 315 Ely * Con : XX.': --"0 '■■■ ;.; 8V: I.'"-,' Bo Kansas.26s . 275 S -■■ El Paso "1% .'"%! Bo N V....675 089 Emerson 20 SO 'Stewart ....'.." 1% 1% Do pfd ... SO 90 'Tobacco IProd'tOrfwllSM First Nat-... 1% 1% Do;pfdf?lrT* i |Bo'V4!BBS Fraction;.... 2 5 [Tonopah .4 11-16413-18 Florence :v:.:!5 .",8 * Ex ..115-16 2 1-16 (Brans r l%lllil6iTon Merger... 00 68 , Old Daisy -V; -2 »-*" -3 - Tri Bullion... »i Old Belmont:. 2 ' "5 * (Tuolumne 2*l-16 2* Orerne. Can;. 'XX,%: 0' Un CiX Stores SO St.ii; Hallinger ... ;13 1"'» 'I'nlted Copper % % : Halifax i ?'.::: y> I ? -'• i• _ I".- Do y pfd S 6 Iron Blossom. 125 !' 13.".t0 \_ -ISil.lghtff»7Hßß lot ! Rubber .. 7.V" BV_ West'l'ac'Ry. — i;a 4 Jim Butler ..70 71 ! «SDo|r.s"fV;**rt,?i73!it74S .lumlxi Ex -.. 22 2.*" "West 4 l'ow|pfd"4l 41 •* Kerr^Lake T. 8 t%\ D» com ... 15 IS Keystone .... 1 4 I*4 West ..End ;:;.*! .';UCfl>4 Lafßosei.*:.'., 2 ; 2»ilWettlaufer ..10 J gil2 W Lehigh 1 Coal..ISO KIOO a (Willys » Overldf.**.() 'W9o _\ Manliat Shirt 88 OOS *?Do-pfd-r.'r.'!BoSSß2f| Ds pfd ... 88 108 yukonj..:..:. 2% 2% > Man Transit. 1 4, 1 £ t'ralrie Oil . .2S.Sa 2ft."> *■ MarCOßi .... t; 41, Vacuum .f 170 17" Mason Val .. 4% m, Coal oil . ..1825 i;t*j.- v Man Oil ... If) illS - ('tab Sec ... 12 14 Mckinley 5 1 1 -16 113 18 ■;:I)«; notes:; - 1 - 72 .; 71 '\: Miami ...!fis 173 ; Atlantic; ref..585 . 500 .- Mines of Am. » ?i t% ■ - Boston Stocks t (From SE. F. Rut ton !'&! Co." il private wire.) 5_ i l BOSTON*. Jure 12.—The market s was 1 steady > but slow, with orders fairly well distributed throughout J the list. Stocks scoDtlDnedfdormanti but steady until after the first hour. when, iv sympathy with sharp j advances la New York, tlie coppers started** to rally, by noon advances of _\i\ to 11 3 point were recorded. About 1 n<v>n Bos ton snd Maine Was raided again and declined 3| pointsltdt"iO on fairly large f Ikjuldntton. paused jal fractional setback \in some of the copper shares, but thp market coon quieted down. , ne marker became little more act! lin 1 the after noon, with prices improving. '" „»*< Bid. Ask.! . •- ' ''.•'y-i81.1.f A«k. Adventure '-;..•* **! Vi — |ShanDoa i ..... 7«TEi7U' SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS Natural rally follows decline in New York stocks. Treasury department's currency plan a bullish factor. Copper share t market 1 has a quick turn for the > better. ' r: ?-T* Heavy! foreign g buying sends cot ■ •:■' ton *. future* up. Betters feeling |in listed local se '■'•■ curities. . . "''alaiS&^S Western Paclflc railway bonds still declining. yx- . .*«■_■ Tonopah mining shares" more ac tive and I flrmer.' '^SS Crisis :IBln|-lt^m«toek|affalr«gdeg presses : market. " ,1 ! Dry & weather / news fi boom* * wheat | In Chicago pit. ;"-V^ Cora f and % oats j also ' develop \ more strength. . Wheat % merely' steady lln J the local x r . market. \%PSW&PSi Further '' declines "in . spot'/ barley • and futures. ■•* Trices tor lima beans advanced again. . '■•-■- Egg market v. ; continues"- to , show /'lmprovement. Butter*-?'and./.- cheese aa before »?; quoted. • Potatoes; and vegetables I generally easy. * - ~yscS'/"£ Apricots and cherries still; In over- apply. / Weakness; develops in ; poultry "'market. Allouez :.'-.*-.:.■.* 29-% ,'JO Santa Fe 1 1% Arcadian ....75 — ' 'United Shoe.. 44% 4.. Ariz Cora ... 2% 3|.' Do ; pfd "f.Tr'l 27 2i% Alaska ..'..: 9%-"3% Super ft Boat. 2% 2% A*"Pjr7~ntT: 2% .— > Super Copper. 22 ; 23 y- Do pfd ... 19% — Tamarack 22 / 23 . Balaklala. ... 1% 1% Trinity //..:.-... 3 3% Cal«&'fArli? t :''Cob'6o' : i US Mining../ 33 So% Cal & Hccla:4l3/ 430 . Do pfd ?/.:/;4Kb 46% Centennial X.. 10% II - Utah Apex .'. *1% ;lb Copper Range 40 /'4ob Utah Con ... 7% '8; , Daly j West . 2% -- Victoria 90 100 East Bute... 9% 10 :' Wolverine ... 45 47 Franklin 5% — Wyandotte '..40.: 60; Uranby: ... ..* 54%:55 * Winona //:.:.' 1% ~ Hancock .... 13% 16%[Greene Can... 5% .'• Helvetia .... 35 CO "jGiroux 1%. 1% Isle; Rojale. . 17% 18 [Ray Con .... 17 lib Indiana .//;. 0% 8 Algomah >.'... 26 40 Kerr Lake .. 3 3b RosJi Maine.; 54 5.> Keweenaw .. 1%. 1% I Bos ft Albany. 192 — Lake Copper. 8% 9 - Bos, Kiev///;/ R7gf==K La'Salle;.//.. 3 b 3% I United Fruit..ls3 155 Mass Con/... 2% .*! ! Swift .../. //.'lolb 101 Mich Mm .. 95e 1% Old Colony .. *3b 3% Mohawk .... *13 43% Mayflower ... '">% 7% NorthSßutte.'2i% 24% zlnc/./r/.":':«/:2o - 28% N'cv ion ... 14% 15 Butte*&*Super; 21 21% North Lake.. I%X I % Island ; Creek.. *45 48 Old t Dominion 42% 43 ' Do I'M .... — ■' 80 Osceola 77 7S B N 50 60 Ojibway '-.."*.: 50-:85 / P X /.'".. ."."/.V 16% . 17 : * ■■ guincy : 56% 58 j -". . . , Mining Stocks north JendlComstock* mining companies **■ were** very much ■*depressed ffoit ? the Bush v street exchange I yesterday §asfa f result lof thel crisis r, in ** mining; a ffalrs I on; that * end fof i? the lode J, tha fi has * been | brought i about I byl t he'; feud be tween a the? Mexican UandfUnlon | managements andSthef officials; of J the; companies jf contributing to the (pumping < association. The > finances iof £tbe ted Virginia, & Union i and % Ophir com panics have become Zso x low,;:. because tl of 4 their effort* ; to J continue f mining;; work '•■ and g keep % the water |in the mines, that the situation has nar rowed |down %t to a 3 choice between *,-'- abandoning raining until more /funds/ are ' forthcoming .1 or .stopping 7 the pumps/.. In -.fact, *It was decided at al Joints conference i , of / the a directors |of the three "5s companies * yesterday % J that ft the & necessity of J husband Ing theirs resources made it imperative to stop mining for J the time being 'and! to devote all of i their I energies to ; keeping the* pumps going in 3* order ,f to k save the % valuable a machinery & and other ; equipment; in-the. mines. As a consequence, orders were wired to Superintendent McCormiek to I stop X all % work" on ' the i 1000 S level * of: Consoli dated Virginia and the 1600 level of Ophir. This step enhanced the weakness that has dominated the i Comatocfc list '; for some time _. past. '"*" and all of the. stocks affected ruled very weak at sagging prices! In $ the ':5 board { room ' yesterday, while " Mexi can I remained i steady at; O.'io on , small l sales. """■* The Tonopah '; stocks • were * firmer, and J the % gen eral outlook for that part of the "list \,waß.better, than llt 1 has 1 been f for 4 some | time i past"Si Heavy buying carried* North > Star up ■ to. 82c. an I advance of 110; points over Wednesday's closing level, and the S firmness In *: the ' leader t was "8 shared to ,v greaterf or f. less "extent; by the f other M issues J* of the group. West End ; was 'in; the limelight, again and. although i the" buying * was not - 4 so »spirited as ]on j the s preceding '■ day, the stock=was t firm * and higher ;- at i SI. I, when I the * board; adjourned. The Merger .». was also sharply higher, while Jim But/ let , Midway. MUpati .* and .Rescue j fill § moved r ; up several* points. '*\.«-' '" $j «,-«.»' .' -, VJITheJt Goldflelds were - moderately I; active,! but. except in ? the * ; case of j Consolidated, prices were generally i lower. The i leader of \the i camp J had ii sudden Jump to $ 1.K2% on sales of 1.800 shares. The | advance w represented?* a S gain i of $ 20 8 points over! Wednesday's ;closinfr.'bid.s.;;:Thei"ilergerJ sold'j atflß©l9c,'; Florence'at 37c and"Atlanta!at*l4c. • | m;>■ . *"-;'-. • -■■■■*•::■'"" '■ " -x- SAN FRANCISCO % STOCK | EXCHANGE '■■ j y Following t were : the ssa lea *on t the; San? Francisco : Stock ,: exchange • yesterday: xyTr'Tl", ;TV Regular* Morning i Session 1000 Booth' 5 .:...... 03! 500 Scorpion ...... a 03 1000 COO .Vs.M:.".. '»'."> -«100: Sierra? N>v - ... 02 4500 North Star .. 741 700 West ; End ..1.17>/ a 100 Savage ...... -o*s *. * ■X- -■-■..--'-.- Afternoon ' Session 6600 Atlanta j..:..'. ;14 2000 Mon ; Pitts ? Ex. It 100 Best A Belch. 05] 200 Nev Hills :. ..*, 90 5000 Blue' Bull ... 021*300 Nov Hills ...*. 95 100 Caledonia '..'.: 7512200 North Star ... 74 500 Cash' Bo- :... OS 5000 North Star ... 75 3000 C0D........ ;04 1000 North Star ... 76 3000 Com; Fraction:f<)4 2000 North Star ... 78 I 1.-id Con Imperial., 01 '2000 North Star ... '. 77 I 500 Con M 05,2000 North Star ... 7i) IK«, Old Merger""MsXlS 2000' North Star" ... 80 1000 Gld Merger M 11)1000 North Star ... 81 3500 Do. 30... 1«|Kt00 North Star ... 82 S 500;Gould '* A- Cur. :■ 01 ] 600 Ophir ...."...'. 07 MOO Queen.. 054000 Oro : ... ■"... x:t'.- 12 500'J Butler, b 30. 71 100 Oro ...:. ;13 0000 Kewanas ...'.. * 13.000 Rescue Kula. 15 1200 Midway ..... 4/0 2000 Rescue Eula.. 10 ?2<X)hMixpah XKx . X.'x IS; = 300 Sierra^ Nev -.".Va 03 ,10OO|MIzpah*Ext .*. 47 100 Ton Exten . . .2.00 2000 Mon Pitts Kx*. 12 ; 400 West Rod ~«r.1:20 1000 Do, h 30..: 12 ! 600 * West End fr.'P.l 74" 3000 Do, - b ,"• 60.-.'".■■■> 12| : 100 Yellow Jacket: x- 21 ;:- ... a-,4-Informs! •= Session ., ii. *■ - 1000 v Atlanta .V. ..v"1411000 Mon Pitts Ex. .11 4000; C o D.;......* 2500 North Star^"^Bl' 29.000 Conqueror : C.*% 02 5000 North Star ... 82 ? 300 Floreu.-e .'...'..; 37 1000 ■' Do, h- 30 .'..". 83 ,1800! Old t Coo :M; 1 iB2 : 500 xx Do.; b 30 tVTtm 82 200 Oould ft Cur. 01j!800;Ophlr .......'. Os 1000 Jim Butler .. %'. 71! 500 Sierra Nev X^*M 02 »300 Jim Butler .. .To Ton Exten ...2.00 11:00 Jim S Butler ilir: 721 200 Ton' Merger ... 00 2000 MarNiitnara .. 17J1500 Merger ... "73 200 Mexican . .*;'-.".-.--.63 1300 West End 1.25 2000 Midway ; /': , .':'::-':4ii;"^- i 'tf'.;^ < '-: "y;-"' *: .' =. . -Account. Rales *- 900 ■Confidence;;'.'.*'. 201 100 Union Con ... .06 100 Mexican :..:. 631 --'; ■- CLOSINGItQGOTATIONS ■■'■xy .. ''V- .'"^CALIFORNIA'^: 7xy'77'XxyyTx X X '■'.-.-,-■ '.• V- .'Bid.Ask.l '.• ' ' Bid.Ask. Brunswick Con""* — I'OO SoßEureka ; 'MlX —3.00 Cent Eureka.. 12' — 1 *' *. ..-.; y ..--.';..: A r NEVADA .:.-;.. ' *;--.•• X:'-'-;.r -. *,- ',; . • Comstocks ■> ' "*- * - ' " Bid.Ask.l - Bid.Ask. Alpha ....... 01 02 Hale A- Nore.. OS *08 Alia .....:-.'..- — ' 03! Julia. Con .... — 02 Andes'/. .'.",'.*.'. —, 01 Justice£.:'.:":"..'oP;,%=-: Belcher".....'. 15 17 Kentuck Con.. — 02 Beat & Belch. 05 "00 Mexican .. 02 63 Brims- Chollar. 10 — Occidental .... 70 7 — BrunslPotosi.. 10 — jOphlr vjrr.r*-:.:., 07 OK Bullion »rr.v.. — 02 Overman v.- -- 25 Caledonia 75 — Potosi :....... 01 03 Challenge .... 01 — Savage "X.- 06 07 Chollar ..'.... 01 03|8eg Belcher|n«o4Mas Confidence ... 18 20 Scorpion Sff^TTTM 03 If 04 Con Imperial.. — -01 Sierra? Nev ... 02 ffi 03 Con Va i M ...." 05 ,S 00 Silver ; Hill ... 04 . — Crown ** Point. 16 '— Union Con .... 09 -.- (Hi Exchequer ... •— - 02LUtah . ..err. ..'. — 05 Gould*,& Cur. 01 . 02| Yellow,;Jacket.' 20 22 Tonopah District - Belmont :.. 6.20 0.30 MonffPltts Ex. ;.nl|fj2 Boston Ton .. 02 103 North Star ... 80 si Cash Boy .... 07,v*-A;08 Rescue, Eula ~ .13 * 16 Crt West ' Son. 01 %-J 02 Ton I Exten ' ..': 1. 97 i J.OO : Halifax 1.12 X J '— Ton;Oypsy;Qn.]os&oC Jim Butler '.: 71 7 .72 Ton.; Merger > ... 71 * ',:t | MncNamara .. 17 1S Ton of; Nev... —6.00 Midway.* :.... 4iy.U2 T0n5.76?C0n... — 06 Misi'Ah-.Ex .. to 48 llmatilla •'..r.V'iiaiHo* Moataaa .... .1.20 1.30 West End-.:. .1.22 1.25 * ' "JS - OoWBeM -aDistrict ' Atlanta v...... 13 14'Ctd Kewanas.. 02 04 Blue Bell ... — . 02 ; Old Merger iM.'fllsßia Blue Bull ... 02 ..o:iuGrandma^"rfr*TMs*MOP Booth-T-rvr::'.; 03 6 : 04 Oreat Bend .. 01 02 CO D :*.:-..... .03 05 Ort Bend Am. ; — .: 01 Columbia Mt.. 01 02 Ort Bend Ex.. -- 01 Com Fraction. 04 -" 05 Jumbo*Ex'/T*."'a22»23 Conqueror.'. Con 02 aO3 Star Con, .01 '02 Cracker,, Jack. -- 01 Oro -• "'"rrTSglS WW ■Dmdi?B:s Butte. 02 •ml Bed Hills 01 02 Dmdflil Daisy. 02 0:1 Red Top Ex.. — 01 Florence 37 38'SamIstnrm- Ken -- 02 C.1,1 Bar Gld. — 01.Silver Pick Con .;OSMO4 Old Bulldog ... -.'— n:>, Spearhead Gold — 03 Oldlcon'-;. M...1.80 1 .86] Vernal 13 Old Portland.'. . — 01: Yellow Tiger.. vo3j£§o4 j Bullfrog 'Oistrict Mayflower Con — ..- OllTrarop S Con .. ,'— 01 Manhatfs" lost-let Dexter Union. — : 02 Man3Dexter,.?.'.^o2^o3 Gold % Wedge.. 02 04 Man H w Caps, or - Man Amalgam 01 02!Min Hill Con.. — Oil Man Rig Four 50 52:Mornlng Olory. — 02\ Man Con ~.. oil 06 Mustang Man.. — 02] .*%&m&' Other : District-;**.- ' * Atlas S Wonder. — T ll'Pitts S P*stt.. -~ W» Eagle's Nest.. -* 02 Raw " Coalition. — 01; Falrvw (} Bid 02 03' linimi »o . .*» •« | Nev '.HUN ..-.>,9.V, {„; 1 - .- . .'-— 'Wmm Dried Kmlts In New York ia.NEWJ. : YORK." : .lune -' 12. -Evaporated ' : Apple* - I Quiet. Fancy choJc. 6<Q6«nc; prime. svi«fs">ic."- -~..: '^3Sm%m j Prune*-Firm. California*. '3V«@ 12c; Oregon*. :>'.y,t9<- - -.ifAaMaa! Apricots— Quiet. ' Choice. IllS-Hie; extra ] ri.olcp. 4 ftil2c: fancy 2 <ai3c. »Sf^ I H Peaches--.Q„i et b „ t S Steady. m Choice, 1 6-%g7c; axtra choice, !4'<iTHc; taoej, 7%f««. I | SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE | ■♦ ——. , ! — , , j —■ —•■ In sympathy with the improvement on the NeW York market, there was a better feeling and better prices prevailed yesterday on the .San Francisco, Stock and Bond exchange than for many Associated Oil stock opened at . and rose a quarter point in tbe morning session, while in the afternoon the price gained steadily from $37.50 to $38, two blocks going at the highest figure. •Spring Valley Water also showed a rising tendency. Northern California Power, for which only $24.75 had been bid on Wednesday, sold f yesterday ; at' J2o:o0 and $26. In the bond department Pacific Telephone and Telegraph as. Southern Pa cific first refunding and I'nlted Railroads were stronger than for several days. Bond sales totaled $49,000, while 460 shares of stocks were transferred. In the open market Western Pacific bonds made a new low record of $74. The only unlisted stock sold was Pacific Gas preferred at $85.75. LISTED SECURITIES ' . SALES JUNE 12, 1913 Morning I Session .- ? : }.V/.:££ .*'y-' ' Afternoon Session Board — - • Board 70 AwKxrUted Oil Co ,16.7-, ' 5 Amalgamated Oil Co .' *>.<*> 2*. Associated Oil* Co /;////::/ :17.00 15 Associated Oil Co.iiv;..;///.: .37:50;.. 10 (Jian! ■;* Powder .:.'... ,*. 80.00 3.1 Associated ; (Ml C 0.............. 38.08 ."><> Northern Cal power Co (on 25.30 43 Associated Oil ;Co .17.75 lft Spring Valley Water Co 53.06 60 Associated Oil Co:/:/.*;/..:/.*.'.. 37.87^ ; Cal & Kl»ctrie unifying ss. Hi .00 * 50 Northern 'Cali Power J Co"s Con /'./.'26. $5,000 Cal Ac Blectrio unifying ' l" Spring Vallpy Water Co ....... -VI. 00 - | $]Losf Ang-Paeiflc «X? R .of; Cal - ss. fi.1.50 50 Spring Valley»iWater| Co 7'X. X. :\ 52.75 i ; Ss2,ooo'PaclflckT^l*&tTeWs«f^rrftlf*.lo6:7s V 25* Spring Valley Water; Co 5U.02V. $4,000 S P It It- Ist ref '45./.;:..:. SB.«K)C - $1,000 Associated Oil Co. 55.'.././/.':;'.'.'' OS. 00 |$*S* Vjll M Ist ref 45..-::.:... 87.75" $3,000 Joaquin l.t * Pow 6s. ser A..100.00 ■ $5,000 Spring Val Water ■ gen intge 4s. BS.OO $7,000 United It Ii of 8 [" 45........ 55.00; --fI.OTK) Street— R.v s<: \ ?.*l.«X>O street— Oil Co 5-.......... ">S.OO . $4,000 Pacific Electric R.v 5s 100.00 $3,000 Associated Oil Co 5s W».00 $2,000 I.ns Aug Pacific R R of Cal ss. 93.50 *1.000 Pacific Tel & Tel 5s 06.75 la.OOO Sacramento &#Woodlaud R 55.. 95...0 CLOSING QUOTATIONS BONDS i Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. fS[vJ{ S. Bonds— '. ; Bid. ■ Ask!' OaklandtGasHLAlLss.'*; 9i»% — Cm 1 Fruit fanners .. 116 ■-' -- 4s|quar« coups (new) 13^ — Oakland Transit Co 6s. — MOS'/- Cal Ins Co 1 par $40). — /:.•> --3s quarterly coupon 101 V* — j Do 5s ...*.......... — lOt cal Wine Assn t pfd.. -*81 Ji Miscellaneous Bonds — '' " Do-Con 55......... —"- 102 :Do common ... ..'//•; — B»1> Alameda! Artes W ss. — O"" Oakland iTrac: Con ss. —:90',K Idv Pont deN; pfd,; 88 '-x 95, - •Associated * Oil « Co i ss.' 9" .' - — Oakland Trac ; ; Co ss. — 00 I Fireman's * Fund Ins../ — "'•>•* » Bay Counties'Pow ss. 99%101 Oakland Water gtd '5s — ;;OOV4 First Nat Bank of.S K.220a .— , Cal Cent Gas &El ss. —** Omnlbos Cable By 1001; —;. German 5 & L0an.3160 ' ■—~. Cal El Gen ss, ser A. — 88 ; Oro I Electric! Corp Bs. — v 05/ Giant f Powder : Con ..— 80V» Cal.G&EPg;m»&:cts~ -- 102 Pacific Gas Imp ,45.. 80- — \ Hawaiian Coml& Sug. 25; --- Do unifying 5R."-:"-*rH91*}ii03# Pacific; fias & Flee ss. Ss l ; — I Hawaiian Sugar C 0... — '•■- '->\ California;St (able 55.101 ,102: Pacific; Electric Rv ss. 99%10i Houokaa;SugariCo///. ; 2i4 -5 r California Wine ss. —- 1 ; 07 i Pacific Light & —n92 ' i Humboldt Savings. Bk. — 1-0 Cent (al Traction ss.— 05 Do guaranteed 55.. — 99 Hunt Bros Co pfd... — 101 City. Electric ICo 55.. — 85 (Pacific Tel & Tel ss. —X 99 'Hutchinson Sug Plant. — 16 , Coast Counties L&P 5s —100 : j Park A Ocean R R. 68.-100% Mercantile Nat Bank. 210 , Contra Costa Wat — 97"i People's Water Co 5s — 7.*.ii Mutual Savings Bank. — .y. •as Do I gen i mtge ss/./. 90 94 Sac, 81, Gas &Rv Ss.ioo 101 NI Cal! Power Cot, Con. 25',, '-»:~; E(ll«,oiiiiElSofßLa|."'s"*;»9'i4t--f* S Sac & Woodland.R'ss9s";4>—* OnomeafSugar Co.*.. 21 — Edison t Eight Sf P 106% —* 8 f Joaquin Lt & P ss. —" .99 * jOro Electric Corp pfd.;— <*> E I I duPont;Pwdr;4»4s;B.l , 4— j Do Cor 6<«. aeries A. 99'-i —; ' : Dos common _!./»./. .* — '14 First Federal ss. -- - S"F" Electric Rv 55.. —' 90 ! Oro Water, Light ft P.IOO v — ' Ferries & CllfTH ROs. 96 — SF.Napa & Calls It o*. VtM — ■'.• Paauliau; Sugar Plant. 12% -- <Jreat Western Pow 5s - ; >«3 SF. Oak & S JRj-5«. *— 102 Pac Aux Fire Alarm. 2% — HawsComl,& Sug ss. — 101 i Do Con Ry 55.?./. — 90 Pac ConstT. Borax pfd. 100>j101,. --; Honolulu !R;T &I. 65.106 ,— S J'&S Clara R4tys/—' 00/ Do coaimon /...:.*. 80 ; a—. Lake Tahoe R& T ss. — 97 Snntaf BarbaraG&El6s/i97.; /--./ \ Pacific Const Casualty, — 12* Long Beach C 6s. — 100 , sierra Ry of Cal 65.. — 100 Pacific^Crude>Oil?Co..- — ..,*'■.3 ; .c; Los Angeles Elec 5s 99' 2 —ffi SPRRsof cleg 107 ; 109 Pac.= Light : Corp com.. — v ■ LosrAne!Gas:& El ."». —" noiiJSPßranth Rof Cnl 6s — t -120 V. , Pacific f Tel-& t TcLpfd.-r- 92 Do Corp 5«........ 90 95 S P R R Ist ref 4s. — 88 f- Do common ...... 22' _ — Los Angeles Hv ss. .103., —'* If Val'Wat gen m 4s.B7ts sm, People's Water Co pfd. - -'0: LosTAngjLlghtgtd ss. — loo' Oas & Elec ss. «9«10Oi 4 , Philippine, .Tel&T Corp —? 24 - L"?A:PacrR->R*icm ss. — 103 Cnited Rof S 4s 55 :«;'— si [Realty Syndicate/.//.' — 132'«_ LfA-Pac?RR ofJCal ! ss f 9.1;/— -X Val Counties:Powsg/; — ; 100% Savings In Bk & Tr.250 — Marin Wat & Pow ss. 90' — ! STOCKS Security. Savings Bank. — * »40 Market St Ry Icm ss:— v9O i Alaska Packers* Assn. ' 83% S F-Oak Ter Rys.A pfd— W"Jt MilHVair&'MtTmßSe.fOO — V Amalgamated" Oil Co. 80 ; .'*,-"—■■ Spring Val Water Co/.522 - Natomas Con of Cal 6s — *f"9l y American Nat 'Bank.. 131% — Sterling fl Oil & Tier. . —-;. 1% Nor R.v Co of Cal ss. 107% — 1 Anglo-Cal Trust C 0... •—; 126'j Union 5 Oil Co ;of CaL. 80 ; — Hat Cal Hy 5s — Jo7»i Anglo'& Lon*P Rank. — 15L".j!Lnion Sugar Co ..... 11 li — Nor Power Co ss. — 10014 Armsby Co of NY pfd!- 1 - 100 UnlonlTrust Co . /./:25."0 — ; Do Con ■55:.:../.*.. — 90' Associated '01HC0..: / 37"» 38's' West; Coast Oil pfd/. »<) ; 325 Nor Electric Co 55... — 95 , j California St R'R.... 124 h — ; . * I LISTED SECURITIES SALES JUNE 12, 1913 y . 10 Pacific Gas & Electric (pfdt.. 85.75 I .SI,OOO Western Pacific Ry 5s . ,74.00 -.SI,OOO Western Pacific ;Ry:* 5s . i .-.....'/:. 74.25 •-. ' The following: are the latest; quotations for unlisted securities on the San Francisco Stock and Bond exchange: ",;.".-. 7\ '.; ."■;."'' BONDS ' Bid. " A«k.l Bid. ; Ask. Bid. Ask. Sunset Telephone 55.. 100 102 V Northern Elec? Ry pfd/ 443 — I Alaska ' Packers Cs. 1 :. 104% 105 Vi Sperry t Flour! «s /.: /:.' — : 99*4 Do common >...... 20 — Amer fßiTcriElec?ssn94Hj97"ii Turlock Irrigation 55.,— / 88% Oakland, Hank of ,Say.:— 202% Associated ' Oil Ist S ref; 80 90 ; Union: Oil Co 5s: 1 ./:: ■;.—".; M. [Oakland Traction pfd. — ;.<o..' Bay! Counties Pow 6s. — 103 United Light & 6s. — 90 /j- Do common ....... — 20 Blue Lakes Wat — : '--i United Properties ss. — 45 | Oahu Sugar ../....:'. 24 ;—- Cal Northwestern .".100 Hi 102 >*, Do debenture 6« r... *5 ;» 15 Ocean: Shores Ry/..... — 12 * Coast Val (;&Elslst6s.loo 101 Union Traction Co ss. — 94%, Oak,;Antioch*Ac E/:.. — * 17% Gen Petroleum'6s.... — 57 Villa Site A Dcv Co 6s 95% — ; Olaa Sugar, C 0....//./ 1; . — .". Honolulu Plant 05....— 101 West Sacto Land tis. . — 100 lOro Development Co.: -- ...40 Huut;Land &Imp 6s. — 101 I West Mtg A (Juarauty— -97 / Orpheum /5t0ck;.....:: 19% — Modesto Irrigation bds — 90Vi' Western Pacific Ry 5s 74 ;. — ; Pac Coast Borax (01d).206 — Monterey & «rv 6s. — 97% Yokcmlte Val Ry. os.. — S3 .Pacific Hard & S pfd. — ,95/ Mt .Whitney Pow 68.100 101% STOCKS * Do .common ;......:—, 25 Natomas i Dcv 65..... — - 100 [Alameda Sugar *..:...— 20 Pacific J Port; Cement... 759 — S«Do:Land?&iMin 6s.'— ' 100 2 IBank of 'Italy :C/.r.V:i3l—/ Pacific. Gas'&Elec pfd 85%; S«.", 'wDoS 2d a mtge' 6s — 61 '& j Bank of San Jose — 170 J;;Do a common;;;::/...: — »,...«?i NoriCalsPow|debs6s.. — v 96% | Buffalo Brewing Co.. — 75 Palace JHotel'.stock.'... — ;80 ** Nor West (subs!.los 115 [Ca! Cotton Mills .'.. — 75 People's 2 3 . Oak*& Antioch Rv ss. — 81 * Cal J State Life Ins... —.14 , Pet & Santa; Rosa Ry. 20% — Oak..Ant & E Ky'ss.'- 81 Cal Paclflc v Title pfd. — 100 • i Portuguese-Amer Bank — 62 Orpheum :6s ..»... ..:. 100 — ; Cal I Electric gen pfd. 78*4— • I Poulsen* Wireless .; ■-.... —* 26 Pacific Port Cement 68 99 — * Central Traction. 11% 13%. Riverside Cement .... 45 — .. Palace Hotel ris /— 107% Central "Nlßlof I Oak. —, 170 | Seaboard: Nat Bank... .—/ 125 , Pet A Santa Rosa ss.;— 97 Central Savings Bank. ; 77%; Southern Cal Cement/ — 55 • ■ rDo 65«../*: f ..::...:. 94% '—'X Cefctral- Trust ......:116 —;■ [Standard ; Cement ■x.";.X 17 22% Philippine Tel ■' 55.... — 91 Cypress Lawn 3 -- Standard OH ;of 7 CaL. — >•' 187 .*-••;* Do 6s — 98 Ewa Plantation Co. — 26 is & oak Term Ry.. —V 45 ; v Riverside Cement 65.. 77. 79 First Nat:Bk: of 0ak.200 :'■' — San Francisco Secur: .50 "X 57b' Val Power 65.. — 90S French-American Bnk. — 100 , San Joaquin Light &1* — 22% San Diego Gas,-. EI 5a .—, 92% General Petroleum ... 15 17% Do preferred .*///;.//•—"/ 90 v S . F.'&iSi Joaquin Vss. — Hawaiian-Pineapple.. — . 40%, Santa* Crux Cement;... — 37% S:F?&;Nor Pacific ss. — 102*.* Honolulu Plantation.. 20.,— Slurry;; Flour /.: .i'. : i."x~y 25 x- San "Joaq L' &P. ser B — •'-, 92% i Do » pool ".•.":-/.■/:*/// 20 XX 21%| -' Do preferred'■".'.'-*..'.. - — '*- 97 Sierra AS F Pow ss. — 97b Honolulu ;011f.'7.* .".*:" 50c> '.HH- | Union Savfßk?of Oak. — 300 Standard! Cement s 65.. 91% — »■* Italian-American Bnk. — 112% I Weed Lumber..; C 0..... — 108 Standard I Electric 5». 81 96 |Key Route pfd 84% — (Western Pacific Ry. .:'■■■ 7-8 Santa' Cruz Cement 6s 80 v 84 ! Do common — i 22 .; ! Wells Fargo Nov Hk. — '175 S Gas & Elec 4%5. — 90 ?j Mascot i Copper 1% 2% West Coast Life Ins.. -—'200 '• Do non callable.... 85 88 Metropolis Trust .... 70 — j West Sacto Laud Co. —: 68 South CaL Cement bds —.76 Mat son Navigation ... — 130 Western Amer Realty.— xx 20 -. South Cal; Edison ss.— 95 (.Merchants' Nat Bank. 85 95 | Western Meat Co :l02bl!6 ' South! Yuba Water 6s. — 105b Noble Electric Steel./--.• 1% Western! Slates Uft... 8% 9 South; Pacific roast '4s 87% — * Natomas Consolidated. lib Western Power pfd... 47 — So Pac SF Term 4s. 80 87 [Nor West Electric... 30 — Do common .......— 16 I Oil Stocks | -a—— X— _—'"' ~* - '- " ■ ——; a j \ SAN 4 FRANCISCO j* STOCK v EXCHANGE Bid. Ask' Bid. Ask.* I Asso Oil a : .36.50 ; — Peerless .... — ; 4.25 Bay '"City .. — ' 5.*), Pyramid xXX •*";: ;;io:.". ; — Caribou .... 75 -—i Republic,. ."-.'■ a- 10 XX IS Claremont.*.:: j53 X -'SacramentoV. 7X7— "'-il .00 Coal. Central 20 —,S F-& McK. — 12.00 Maricopa 36. 15 . — Sovereign ... xx 08 **.>.'.' 09 Monte Crista ,75 SO 4W ; „ 8..: .; 19 V--':.— New; Fa Pet";:— •',. ' 55"Trader» ..:.;: — -.1.05 oreutt Oil.. ,*7O — Turner :i?■;::■'.; l.3s — Fac ;i Crude.. ■_.£; 14:. '■-•. ■■ ttJW * X »Oil = Co.;'--"—-;-;: 2.30 LOS ANGEL.****. OIL, EXCHANGE 'Special Dispatch to The Call)' y. LOS ANt'EI.ES. June 12.—Business ;": at : '; the local % Stock exchange \ todays, was I, the J best wit nessed * for some time. Trading J was very active. .The* oil issues were the main i attraction! and! the, hammering ;; of IS Union i continued unabated. A very .* low -; mark* for 5 the I yea r;, was -made ;In ; , this stock."*?, the l closing quotationS' being $73.87 , < i . the opening call $75 was bid. 'A week ago stock was selling for ,SBO. United ret rolenm; was sold !at $77"\ with ' sales' of ; 100; shares. This ' issue has dropped 10 points within two weeks. Union posted sales lof ISO shares, the % price i ranging from I $73.87 V_! to $74.75. Twenty-live s shaves |of ■ Associated 'were sold iat | $36.50 "to [ $37. National 1 Pacific posted sales of 4,000 shares at 3%c.'"-l',The call: --.;.. -- Producers ' Bid Asked Amalgamated Oil C 0......... 70.00 80.90 American Pet Co ■' tpfd) .".".*."..> 70.00 SO.OO American Co (com) V 50.00 * 65.00 Associated. 01U.C0>.....-...... 36.62*..*, 37!00!§ Bear Creek oil & Mining Co. 50 65 BrookshlreiOinCo. :........:. — - , fiO . Central Co 7.x......:.:.. 40 * 1.00-1 Columbia Co ............ — ;85. Enos'OtU Co. 1......* — 05 Euclid; Oil Co.. .:...* — "20" Globe Oil Co .' 01 *03 Jade Oil C 0.......".:........, ot; os Maricopa Northern Oil C 0.... 0.114 -.7*04%* Mexican Pet Ltd Co: (pf)!."... — ■ 100.00 a Mexican 5 Pet Ltd'Co (com) .".:. 58.75 : . »./ *-— ■ Midway Northern ';Oil.Co;":': fi . .... i.s \' t 11*55' National Pacific" OU I Cor..';'?". . 03» C3»4 OlindaiOil Co .:;....; ' — Palmer Oil Oo 10 — Pennsylvania Midway Oil Co. * 07' i„— '■ Petrol H Oil I Co.trrtTrf.V.". — 3.00 ,' Bice, Ranch Oil Co 75 1.10 Traders' Oil Co :.:..*...:. 37.50 43.00 - L*nion3oiigc». k tr.-rr:tr*Tr ! rr;".%73.oo 74.00 8 r UniontProTldent* Oil, Co .. 77:50 . 85.00 ,Un1ted'101KC0....".\.V....... is TA—-h West Coast* Oil Co'ipfd )...:*. — 100.00 Western r Union? Oil Co. fr..*..' — . 90.00 - : - ' SALES -. •;.. ■ Morning Session ■-. • - "fM"jfAßsoclatediOH?"V.'".'*r.'."';.'. 36.50 . 5 Associated Oil Co 36.62% j||f 5 Associated 5 Oil! Co 36.75 "i mm :> Associated |Oil Co.'???r™7TTZTr?;'i 36.87"^ P»fAssoelated?Oll{Co^»"?r"-»-^^ 37 00 [4.000 1 Nationals? Pacific " Oil Co OS_\ I KM) Cnited Pet »cor* 77 00 -' 10 Union Oil Co :.-.-:. ..*:r.'-.*i'-.-?rfnl74'7sfi Mi 101 Unlon 1 Oil 1 Co^TTf^V^.'7TfTTfVTTTr^'i4 * W •M2ojllnloDji)llJ.C6.-'T!r*r_lll , 74.50™ 5o Inion Oil CorrvTrr:':; .*Tv: :.v-.74 ; 251fi 2<> 1 nion Oil Co 741014 m_aO', Union | oil iCof v .?n x r-^Tff^fTfffTt%l4^onSi '" ';"'•"' _» <" .; -_ ; 73.871* 1 Lnion Provident Oil Co 81.00 .1 J I'lovtoent I Oil 5 Co"^r? i J?r"-*"TI S()!tK> Afternoon' Session - -50 UnionSOillCo.' 1 . TT*. r:.V". ,J .. ,i t'73 . soM : 5 Associated ' Oil Co*"*?tTrfff?!?f''**« i *''* i f 37 M 15 Associated Oil * Co.'fr.: .* .'..;*- ' 137 VI ' Off Board— ' "^asflHS-S fit) Inion Oil Co - 74.00 30 I'nlon Oil Co ........ S0»O0 HnraiL ■■ —; -*9&mSiai Wilson's View.Jon?the> Markets ;(From J. Ci Wilson A Co.'s private wire.) NEW YORK. .Tune 12.—This seems to have been a day of reckoning for the stock market I ;bears.":-. y l/tndon 1 was weak early on fears of I settlement j day finals, but as f. the traders 1 there I j have been I enormous .1 buyers all afternoon 11S la l 1 probable that ihe period of weakness has passed ! without any of the ' feare<l I financial ' troubles.* S*§p The I promise 'of 1 Secretary of I the Tressurv Mc i Artoo !to provide funds for the crops wasiwell' re ! cetved. and resulted in Hip tension in the money | market 1 being \ relieved.. - >%s£&&£&s&% Ml t| appears to ns that the worst Is over and iiJ I ?.^ prices 5 will eventually seek higher levels. '- f' | »^otton— advanced for X various reasons. ! lite weather |I"'a1 "'a s ? still * cooler or cold I throughout; j most " r * the belt. Liverpool was £ active and f i July short* became n-rrows, causing many&Wali! street l people to cover. •, •? _^f«il_t .. The covering movement ban been going on : tively for about two weeks. Better weather it M ErV«,.'! v"" 1 . " '"•"'Hon I will g not be surprising. I BOS l ON. June 12. -A radical change in senti ment w»s manifested .in spited of the lower London quotations, * following th» wrefC I slump yesterday, price* opened ntrong and with J ... -.... .. . --.. ... ..'-. •- '■ a rising tendency. •;; Local coppers were not '.very active.>; but' this ■ was due ' largely to * scarcity ■ elf offerings. S CHICAGO.' -June 12—Wheat—The": cables ; were rather • unresponsive ; at : the I start,"; but « did ; better later.*. •-;, There were IM » rains in J the C northwest and S Canada and Stbls I became g the 1 dominating i factor."^!?Apprehension', in % regard ;' t0"... the crops in Sthat region ;is great *; Some, people r claim \ that; conditions - are j shaping ■ for.-; a I crop I scare j in ; spring, wheat*, such "i as J has * not J obtained ?. for 1 three years. % ti f, is ?. distinctly rfaf weather ■? market Sand If any; rain "; northwest lor in; Canada! would j cause; a ? set-' back.-J but every^day^wl t f rain will almost surely«mean higher - price*. a, a ''' : W___Jj_f__M MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS .' Cotton Market 7 ; : B. I*. Mutton A Co.'s private wire) a NEW YORK. June. 12.— weather was favorable. cables were lower than 'due and south ern sjiot marker remained unchanged, but heavy ihort covering, stimulated by foreign ' buying.; which -looked to M for trail- < account, carried values to ' new high . levels today for this move men'. The i recent break :In Stocks was i not reflected In price [changes'; here. In fact, today- improve ment In j Wall street f encouraged bullish endeavor in ' cottou: The ! market I acted; overbought In tIM last hour, and,;; with * the; short interest £ heavily reduced, there;; was fa tendency on the part of local trader- to take profits on long cotton. «.-: Spot j closed" steady, *, 5 ■: points" higher. . Middling uplands, 12.30 c; do gulf. 12.55 c. Sales, : 610 bales. 1 ;';; .. • ■ * 7'yy: , L V, . - COTTON* FUTURES . - Year . j Optica Open; High Low .;> Close June 11 Ago -i June ..... ?.... 11.98 11.85 XX.SB ■1n1y.... 11.00 12.17 11:88 ! 12.05 11.03511.38 Aug 11.73 11.0!) 11.73 11.80 11.70 11.44 Sept*»Vf:Vvll.39,ll;sS 11.38 11.54 11.43 12.48 Oftr-.-rr'.'-. 11.21 11.45 11.21 11.37 ' 11.24 v, 11.50 XoT^T"i»r?^:.;.; xx ;;.:v: 11.34 11.23 11.W Dec.*-r. yx 11,21 11.41 11.21 11.35 s 11.18 11.66 Jan :*V. V : 11.10 '; 11.38 7 11.15 11.20 "71 1.18 .7 11.03 Feb..'.* 11.30 '11.19 11.07 March... 11.28 11.48 11.27 11.40 11.28 11.76 . New York Produce ]■' NEW YORK, June 12.—Butter—Steady. Re ceipts, ;t 12.172 * tubs, a Creamery extras. 28H41 SBV_e) firsts, 27'< J ''(t2Se: J seconds,! 26tg27c: ; state dairy finest ,t 87 Vie; good to! prime," 25%@88%c; a process extras, 2,'"i>- a c: firsts, 24"4 imitation creamery J firsts, 24£ @ 23c: f, factory s fmt*X 23 <$ ■ j 24c:? packing;stock,, western i best," 2l» 3 &i22c; do southern best. 21c. "* 'X-xyxy. ... X y -X-A '^Cheese—Firm. Receipts. ; 4.037 boxes. .State, 1 whole milk, white and jpaleland colored specials ;| 14'..e; x do average fancy. 14' 4 c: skims. 7*4<s, 10%c?^49 i --X^X Eggs- Irregular.'* Receipts,,24.992 cases. J Fresh gathered 5 extras. 2223 c; do s"extra ff firsts ** 20*8 * j 21c; firsts, lfoii 10>..,c; seconds. 18©18M,c; thirds. | 17 (d 17Vic;:;' Pennsylvania p and nearby ,*; hennery j whites, "as to style and quality, 23@25c; western gathered whites'. 20ft 23c . Clilcuko Produce Market ■ CHICAGO. .Tune ; 12.'—Butter— Unchanged. j Creameries.'2tViffi27M-*- ; Eggs—Unchanged. Receipts. IS.**.. cases.fc-At mark, cases Included. IC.ioi&UW: ordinary firsts. 17c: firsts, , -• _ * . - . :; Cheese—Higher. yx Va Isles, ■-;■ 15<Sl.''*c; . twins. 14*";" ( ii 15c; Young Americas. 15fii15 He; lottghorns; is«aisUc " ■ ■■■■..,- % -.■ -x; ,- ■_•-. ,• .. Lou Anjgel>* Produce" Market..". (Special Dispatch to The Call) I.OS ANGELES. June 12. —Receipts of produce ! on the & Eos Angeles Produce X exchange t tod.iy were: Eggs. 404 * eases: butter, ; »>8.8.i81 pounds; cheese,; 41.00.*! pounds: potatoes. 550 1 sacks. f'4 Oregon! ootatoes. $1.40 ctl: new pota toes 2V4©3>4<" lb: string beans. sig(«- per lb; wax' do J lit"' - Kentucky wonder*. -*MBBB Hotter iper = lb' —Prices to trfide. 8c above quo tations: California creamery, extra, 28c-: cream erv first's/, **?&&&£&$:- " t „ *-»4 - Eggs (per* dozen i -Local ranch.,;candled, 3 *24 c;, ease count. northern, case count. 23c. Cheese (per -Northern fresh. 144 c; eastern singles eastern twins, eastern cited-*: rtnrs s -19c.*{eastern Uonghorns,? 17c: t Oregon daisies, i7>..*eits<-- i ' _______ • ' , .-.•■■■ ■:-.,:■',-'*:" .-'.-:'-.'*..» 7—y--' ■" :■•:-■' ''■'-.'■■ Xevf York and London Metal Market NEW YORK, . June * 12. Copper —' Nominal. Standard.^' spot. 14.87flll4.88: Inly and August. i4.87-5t14.73r" electrolytic, IV; ! hike. 151-115.25 c; fasting. 14.75 c. - •^ffiGQ Tin—Spot. tß.Rs(|i4S.73c; June. July ami I ffiivt. 45.30tt40.75e. '~,'* I I port —Stesdv af Jt'ift4..M-f. ~ :■ Spelter—Weak f at .VKXHS.2I-. , ' ; ,-'.;■. \nfimonv—Dull. 1 ;;;: Cook-son's. S.7."»ft*oc. -. ron -Quirt ! and s unchanged. i|tond«>n-markets: closed' as ?fo.I lows; ■„.;.■. I?Copper Firm. :; Soot. £65 10s; "j future*. IlOsA Tin- -Strong. Snot, £208; futures. I.ead--£2O ss. '* ' Spelter—£22 15s. Iron —Cleveland warrants. 34s lO^jd. .**--'-'• BULL INFLUENCES LIFT DEPRESSION Reaction From Continued Period of Falling Prices Sends Stocks Up Secretary McAdoo's Promise •a;.., , - ■..'■-:■...■- A. ■-- -,■--. . ■ of Emergency Relief is Potent in Finance NEW YORK, June After a long and gloomy period of 'falling prices, Wall street 'experienced today tho dis tinctly novel ; sensation of -V having a genuine bull market. Unfavorable factors which; weighed i so'; heavily over the market a few days ago ,seemed to have been temporarily lost sight or. and from the time the market opened until the day was done*, the « forward movement went ion" -uninterrupted. Canadian Pacific -bounded up 7? points, Union Pacific 16S Southern Pacific ."14 %. Lehigh Valley and Reading, 4, and most other. active stocksr 3 or more. Trading was-active. J* - ~ : SF&Ji REACTION IS TWOFOLD Various "; developments ;of the day helpedsto' send up the market. .-Under lying them?all. however,'-waa the "the-; lief, of .t many a traders that the *. recent downward '?' movement ■; had , been A over done, that ears had been exaggerated, hat pessimism ihadl run iout: of | bounds. • Technical conditions called for a reac tion, the force of which was Increased by a concurrent reaction Jin,sentiment. Perhaps the most potent of these in fluences y was '4. Secretary McAdoo's ,■'■ an nouncement that lie would sanction; issuance of "emergency/currency. ;Tt was not generally believed that banks would find it necessary I to-'avail them selves J immediately of this I measures of relief, but . the y prospect;; of continued tightness in time ; money, with the pos sibilities of a serious squeeze In ;• the fall, had been causing no little anxiety and this Vindication a that the secretar" would do all In his power to avert such conditions was definitely. helpful to the market. '.". ,- LARGE INTERESTS HOPEFUL While few time loans were placed, hat market continuing to be v mostly. nominal, heavy purchases of mercantile paper were made by larsre banks. One institution took up $7,000,000 of prime mercantile J paper; a t ? 6 j, per i cent.*,- This was accepted as an vindication: of In creased f confidence "on 1 , the part of large financial« interests 1 -in'- the = outlook. Union Pacific's plan to trade its Southern Pacific stock * or \ Pennsylva nia's holdings of Baltimore & Ohio ap parently opened \ a way for disposing lof a * substantial?,party of Union Pacific's $126,000,000 «iOfi'; Southern Pacific, ana was vat large ifactor: in the <: strength \of the Harriman stocks. ::xx.~xxx : ; Bonds were; irregular: total sales, par valued $2,900,000. * .. y U. S. bonds -were unchanged on ,* call. Hutton's New York Letter "The announcement in ; the morning papers x- of the :.: preparations ■; to % supply the; demand ifor currency.; issuesvunder ' the Aldrich-Vreeland: plan ' was taken as a bull factor by the street; generally. ! The belief * that -this* suggestion*; will afford relief to the tight monetary con ditions *;induced* buying from 7 many j sources, and early dealings- were in nearly all; cases at, substantially.higher prices. London was a large buyer of. Canadian Pacific. The advancing, move ment continued up to within a few min utes of 12 o'clock, making the best fore noon Wall street has seen in many a day, as there were J advances |of a three points ?, in '; some stocks. Bears S argued that, the T advance was too rapid and 'that the market had weakened Itself by ' Its upward movement. On ' this ?argu ment .they "tried 'raiding; a few issues -in; hope of ? causing' ! a reaction, but stocks; were well taken. The Harriman]issues were strong features '* and made ." excel-; lent leaders. The tone at the close was stronger ,than T for weeks s past." ';-.... TONDON ACTIVE ON LONDON ACTIVE NEW YORK 'CHANGE ! (Special, Dispatch to The -Call) NEW YORK, June ' 12.London opera -were active traders on the "stock I :exchange today, -* over the ; arbi trage rail, their operations footing up between. 50,000 and 60,000: shares. ; On balance there .was an excess of pur chases l or foreign account, but it .was difficult, for arbitrage men to figure how ; large that excess had been. The * I general, opinion was that: it had been moderate. - Canadian Pacific was bought heavily { for foreign traders, and copper? stocks | and the 1 low» priced \ railroad issues were well taken. ;'; But; at the " same «time the ; i high* priced rails were sold. London i would undoubtedly have bought here I at the opening; of the day 'had. the mar* j ket not "got away" from it." ' **•?*??£?* ?-;'Before the local x: opening, London | quoted United States ? Steel-;* common *.%*: i below a parity with yesterday's New j York closing and Union Pacific 6H4' below. A:j large/number "of, orders from abroad Ito buy here tat"* less than -the quotations'*:;of yesterday afternoon could mot be executed on the] market, * ■"*• * *i The unqualified' statement' is 'in . "Wall - Street aY dangerous thing and there j ought; to be xy.- better understanding I among the commentators*; on railroad j financing, operations, which would pre-«: vent one railroad president from; say-1 ' ing | emphatically that lit is 1 criminal to finance i capital expenditures with f short I t*rm "7 notes,;** just as ¥ the *directors; of some other announce * the sale of j'10,000.000 or $20,000,000 of notes for that very; purpose.*?* If it does nothing else it makes ;' confusion &in the ; mind i lof the potential Investor.v , • - ; ■ .*:;• ;x*7-; :>-•».' -"."VBg(BWPK ;?* There are plenty of bonds ; and stocks which the prudent investor could buy now without Rencountering the specter of insomnia Such a man would r.ot wcrry over a decline in tie price of his security, if such a decline occurred, so long as he was sure of his quarterly or semiannual or annual interest pay ment unimpaired. If ■he 'bougritiwlselyj he could look upon an.-' further de cline In his security -with indifference^ well knowing that the abnormal J con ; ditions which brought it about were i merely temporary in character. SOCKEYE PACK PLACED AT 1,000,000 ; CASES ; Piiget .Sound Fish Men ; Preparing for i. .Inly Run, Expected to Surpass I.;-' ■■■■■■■..*' Last • Season I■- ■■■ ■ A...- .--.-■■, . ....A -.--■ A -■ , r-A-AA', - ! (Special Dispatch .to The (.'all* SEATTLE. June IS. Expecting the isockeye; salmon * : pack a to" aggregate 1,000.000 cases this year. Pugetfsound packers are improving their plants and getting them in readiness ■« to-f handler fish cargoes. The gockeyes make their big appearance in July. The increase expected this season over the pack last year, which was an "off" season;* is ex | pected to be about cases. The humpback run will be unusually large. Pf '. XV "■ • York Coffee Market tXefrvYork Coffer Market NKW VOKK. June 12.— futures at a dei line of 8 to u> point* under a renewal of I yesterday's selling movement. Realizing |by re-1 con ti aelfrrt I and J moderate buying f for a i reaeti»nl : ; earned " * rr.ll.v ot i several [ point*.*; but ) prie«< broke I '>n larger receipt* at Sao Paulo. A final ; rally of 12,'orjai points en TTering gave; th* mar- * ket a steady ; ton*- at 'the <-lose. - Spot >a*y:. Rio Xo. 7, 9""me; ■ Santo* N*. 4, 13c. Mild nnit>t; '■ Cerdova. I4'<ii7c ; nominal.' --"-'''yy- ~ Option— op.Mi High x-l*wr " Olos« July 0.:;7<- n..i&e 9.8 M ».4r* j Angmt *».?:<■ September a.fisfc- 9.7 ie S.r»l»e o.fiio iV-iober D.K3<! T»«»ember ....'..:'..'. 'u.~\l : i»*.7«c b'.Mr. l»!fi«3 : *| Pwember !».71<- tt.Tf.c !>.fi4c n.KC,^, .laiiimry 5.70,- : ( ».7<v^9'l6»el».'*«H ''cbrnary p. 70,. March r>.«rv- n. «.V !».TT»e ft 7"5» April 9,77; M«y • 8.82 c 9.84 c *.T"k •,»c j Sales. 04,750 bags.