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24 FOURTH OF JULY GREETING FROM CALL .Two Thousand Pounds of Red Fire Will Burn MESSAGE TO FLASH TO PEOPLE FROM ! HISTORIC TABLET In Every Direction Will Be j Seen The Call's -Best Wishes and Faith'in I Great State ' :**. -.-■■--■-..■-. - . , . .- .■-.-'- ' * I 7When selecting a location to 7make j a . red fire display upon the night of j July I, The (."all i-hcsc a spot 'full ; of. historical significance, for on tho very -. top of Mount St. Helena, -where, on-the j night of July 1 The Call's red, fire will blaze, stands.- a bronze tablet defying time and weather and telling of a visit made there in 1S41: by the Russians. " The original tablet was long ago ra moved from its place upon*.the rocks because of the value attaching "to it as an historical relic. -This removal took place ,in May. IS"*.*", in the pres-* ence of representatives of the Sonoma pioneer families of General M. G.Val lejo. - Captain Henry D. Fitch." 'Jasper O'Farrell, members of the Dormer parr;. and Senora M. Lopez de Carillo,* Cap tain * Stephen Smith, ''. Alexander o" the bear flag party, the Native Sons of the Golden West, the Spanish. Brit-, ish. Russian and Mexican, consuls at San Francisco. COPY OK TABLET IMAGED Actively in charge of the work .was j* Dr. T. A; -Hylton. who. tooki. a-.'literal. * copy of the Inscription*and it to !'. 1.. Weston,*-who a little over]a year M ago; authorised -Miss Honora and: P. R..j~ Tourney to place ,upon the- rock which-' * bore the original tablet the copy .which j. is now . there. The inscription is as i.■ follows: "Russians. June, IS 11. 7; C.L.:!*. Vosnisenki 111. E. I. Tschernegi. Rus-. ) sians." ' ••■ '.'■'-. The original tabic* .was destroyed , when the Pioneer- "building was lost during San Francisco's great fire, "?nd i to-lay all that remains to mark the J [ visit ,of the Russians to this part "of j ] California at that early period!, of thai state's history- is the present'tablet.' : ■which stands defying the winter's winds ! j and 'snows .and .the blase c of : the , sum mer sun to'"'-tell of that visit of the ! Russians who. scarcely; "realized-; the;t" splendor,- of the domain „ which 4 they j overlooked. AVHEBE MESSAGE WILL FLASH : Within I*l feet-of the* spot .where j tliis tablet rests will- flare on.-the night j = of July 4 a message of good^will, from The Call to its California friends. Two thousand - pounds of red =firo will,- make th* heavens ;*j gleam i t with red.7, Just how far this can *he seen can scarcely be told, for the vision that - unfolds him who is. hardy enough to climb 'the lon up trail to the * summitf of -. the grand old mountain reaches*:miles on miles.- *■* ' 7 -'<-.-* ■ ■ ••' Mountains seem ,to roll.up to the base | of St. Helena, which 1 towers over all ' the. rest, and:, as far jas the j eye can see v great hills spread out like billows, , separated* by blue * and"'deep canyons that convey an 'impression, of immeas urable depth. r Looking far away over the . Sacramento valley on a ■ clear can be seen* the top of the Sierras.;*:'To the south Is San Francisco, Mount Tarn aipais I and Mount Diablo, standing on each side like sentinels'watching over the city of the Golden gate. -The-light from the ferry boats that ply the bay seems" like the gleam of »~dlstepc-f fire flies. -V "7; f - *f ".' • • \. -.-"-.' .f ; 'f .f CONFIDENCE- IX STATE > / . Spreading southward "from the base of I the mounts n,. then southwest. £ Napa valley* forms a crescent,"dotted* by "-j the beautiful towns of Napa, St. Helena and Calistoga,>the latter nestling up against the base of the mountain. .;. ;fi*..'".' ; *'•"'•".', jln Calistoga 'on July ?.4 ■'are going to ( be! big doings, ,the .whole of Napa coun ty taking part in the celebration, and with them will be the San Francisco 'all. sending its -message of; good will out broadcast: through the night. X .'* - In every direction as "far. as the lurid reflection .from . the top :of Mount St. Helena can -be seen ' The Call's' best wishes go and tell of its pride in the past history,: of-. the state, * its j* support In the " present period of development and its supreme confidence in the des tiny of years to come. Brief and heart felt is its message: "Hello northern California; -- let's • shake!" " ■'-' :.* *'. "**'. f f' \ MECHANICS' FAIR WILL HAVE SPECIAL MUSIC Noted Composer Is Writing March : for San Fran cisco Exhibition ';■&s£ ... ~•.'-'*-. '-'.T-'—'.'-l .-•'■■■' 77***",. "f ■ *';-r- '-S'Ci.i - ,: . Announcement' was . made ■ yesterday l>y s Y President Carl torif H. Wall of f the Mechanics* fair that Louis Gottschalk, the noted,;'composer,; is composing a march * especially";"f or/i this year's exhi bition in the Pavilion, Dreamland rink and the National theater. J*' ' '' -.- When in San Francisco a .few.weeks ago, at time his fantasy, "The Tik- Tok.' Man,".';was- playing '-." here, Gott-' : sclialk conferred with the fair officials and a greed to" help* with * the musical end \ of .the • exposition, but " reached fno definite "agreement as. to i just what he would do. " ■'"■'":.' t-. fpy •■ ■ '~:£j .*■":■• After lief; had /gone to * Chicago with The • ; Tlk;Tok-, Man" correspondence kept up with him and. as a result, • the special march has*.just been 7 de cided "upon. . ; * -- 1 * - i HA.FORD GIRL IS MISSING Police Looking-; for' Matilda Sebright, Lost > Seen With Stranger 7 Th* 4 police have begun a search for Matilda Sebricht,? ln 'years',"old,f of j Han-* ford.'She came to San Francisco three flays ago to see her brother, who lives in the; Hotel Arno, Sixth and Mission streets?" ?He was not in, and the police hay c? learned { that he was seen leaving Ihe 7 place*with? a stranger and \ has not been seen since. : She is 5 feet] 8 Inches in height, has 7 light hair? and wears '-: glasses;*!' l John Pruno, Hotel Arno, re ported the case. Policeman James Beach of the south ern station was charged with man slaughter f yesterday . following-^ the death of Sarkis Bagdasarof, a Greek, who -was' shot by the officer Thursday morning.' after the latterjisr; alleged to have attempted to brain- Beach with a heavy iron bar. The officer was re leased by Judge .Deasy on his own rear wee. St£f£s t-f • i ,*f . r. irj-•• i•' i fl -' '.'• ■>f-'**i" rTf*^*^^*?*^ The pinnacle of Mount St. Helena, higher than Mount Vesuvius, on the crest of which will blaze The Calls message of good will (upper picture) ; northeast buttress of Mount St. Helena, where it juts over Lake county (center view), and the Russian tablet commemorating the founding of Fort Ross. TUNNEL RULING ON WORK DELAYED i Labor Council Awaits A.F.L. - Decision on Miners' Fed eration Case Engineers Reject Strike Vote _ .in. Power, Muddled-fV - ; ' Other-News' \Y'"''\>; f ■ *J**S&£!!!!SZTpX**^ f ; The "■ execiitice•,com-» .mittee of the San f Francisco Labor j council has recommended , that part of I the work .' in the Stockton ; street' tunnel j be awarded to the Western federation I of Miners. This brought on a protracted discussion : and the statement that* 7 In vi»w of court proceeding:; it i s doubt* ' : nil if ; the tunnel;'will- be kited this • year..' -~.' '*~.,"•';*-' *'■■,*. '7 :."-. -;7v-ji* ".!;■, :. if A telegram from the secretary of the ! ; building trades department of.' the ; American Federation of Labor, received arter; : the executive committee ha<3 ™f action, gave f notice that * the -Western Federation of Miners' Rele gates be not seated la the council anc denied the claim of the miners': foi .tunnel work. , ';. Action -on- the -, recom niendation of the /committee^ was de i until the American ■ Federatlbr of Labor's executive committee shall decide the question of jurisdiction. r*ll:a RE HO.YD -' ism b , ,Michael Casey, J. Cane and V. A "Arns worth .were, named «a t committee t< assist;.in the matter of the next 'pro posed issue of bonds. ■'•:• - ; The local of | Engineers No. 64 gave notice that would not take a strike vote in the case of the. Gas and Elec tric 7 company, and that < the ; '■ Internal tional president had notified the "local not to join i the srike. - "" - .The <f protest of *. Carpenters' unior No. 483 against the removal fof Delegate E. T. Zant j from the council room * foi being noisy brought < out a - statement from President Gallagher, to the effect that while he Is sorry that- in enforcing order he has to resort to harsh meas ures, he proposes to follow the law the C council,- and if * occasion present? itself he will follow the course 'adoptee* at the previous meeting, and his state ment was 'loudly applauded. ",The pro test was filed. ■ ~ * '■'■•'-• ■' < '■■■'. GAU,AGHEUSIS'DEFIAXT :f President ; Gallagher called \ all entio 1: to the proposed amendment*!'.the traf fic ordinance, to regulate automobile; as to speed and urged organizations ol teamsters to take ; notice of this anc take action. \\ \'_ ," f •'*■' "■ : *••.. ;- >-- f The council approved , a memorial tt the governor of f the \statef to .reprieve :those prisoners under sentence of deatl pending; an initiative■"** vote! on t capital punishment. *" »f ... " . .*" ' •' '■ The , Baggage \ Masters' > * union gave notice that it'expelled William , Prosser, a*; member, i!_ because f off his relatione with ; the Pacific Gas and Electric com pany. ' . * f.' f , T> The Iroquois j club submitted a reso lution indorsing the" Hetch'lHetchy water > project, asking council tc approve it and forward ..the 1 same tc the '} California representatives in con gress. ;:. The request was concurred • in * ♦ * G. Knopf, a contractor, charged by the District Council of Carpenters wltti violatrbn of rules and regulations ol the Building Trades council In relatlor to men T g working £ for }' him, % has beer placed on.the unfair^list. *^^^ H. Peterson of Carpenters' union No 36 was found guilty of working on a building at Twenty-second and Misslor streets with A. Lindell of Bricklayers local No. 17 of Point Richmond, did not have a working card for the current quarter,?? and fined one day* pay and his case referred to the dis trict* councilfbf fcarpehters if or • f urthei action.-- ■■■ ■ . • * -. The Building Trades council has re- THE &m FRANCISCO CALL. SUNDAY. JUKE 15. 1913. cci ved **a $ compla in t': that; Con tract Katz|has'beenjpaying'hi.s "men less than the ffegularl*fseale^of-wages. ; "He' has I been 'cited fto appear before '■'. the exec j utive hoard-and show why he should j not be placed on the.unfair list. The i same order, was made in; the case of I the: ." Flbersfone . Roofing company., chargedi;with 1 violating the trade ; rules I of the council, . ' ..*-."' organizer-' M. U. (.'riinhof: of ■■■''the I Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen"of America j, formed a new union/of the" trade* in San ■ Mateo. ".Local"' No. 115 of the same organiza- j j tion has .placed these in nomination ■ for office: ■ * - " - *. - 7,For; president, G. F. Johnson-srice!president,; | j; A. louder; f guide, William * Dunne j and .Tames 5 Mc- Dermott;; guard, Frank Lansing; trustee, Benja jin in Oswald. 1* Funk. Joseph € Corcoranif and '< I Edward 'Powers; executive board,**"Walter Sennits;*; T. A. B arris,"* August I Mauer.f August*? Ny hind, and! 'Joseph™ Gallagher ;•; delegate* to the S Labor coun cil. A. T. Xylnnd. Jr.* R. Grunhof,tA;tl-«eler,TJ.l J. Krrtimer, G. B. Johnson ' and ' Edward 'Powers.! " • ■•*M*p(«" ' Local No. 66 of the Plasterers' union Iha s's indorsed the agreement presented Iby Internationa^^ F. J. Mc- Glyeinfto the Building Trades council that the work of placing the staff work I on« buildings^o'n'' the exposition grounds Ibe divided between members of that trade arid carpenters pending a deci sion as to jurisdiction. ■.■ ■■■•■■■• ■ 5 ■.. .- „ ■■■„■■■■■. - -::- . * * Deaths .in j labor ** circles 7 during the : ) .last week were reported sas follows:] j I Benjamin Swansom Steam Fitters; Pat-' 1 ricic. :'* U. Hannon, James Boylan 3$ and Charles. Calhoun. Riggers and Steve- j jdores; George H. Hanson and James ' Glackin. Brotherhood of Carpenters; --j Victor Koski. George a'J ac Sari ford • Wilson ; and 1 Knut *9. Thomasen, Sailors; of the Pacific; George Hansen, Pile (Drivers: .lames J. Payton, Brotherhood*) of Teamsters. * # # ; r At the last meeting of the Sailors' I j Union .of the Pacific D. W. Paul, second j patrolman, was granted fa two weeks' ' leave of absence and John W. Erlck- I I son- appointed! to fill the vacancy. Act- ! j Ing Secretary Tennison reported ship • pin g| medium at this port. Tacoma, , jattle, Port Townsend and Portland, '■ good in Victoria, fair in Aberdeen and' 1 San Pedro, dull in Eureka and poor in ,"j .- / ;, . # ,#..-!♦ A telegram from Denver to the cull- j Inary trades in this city says f that the! Hotel and Restaurant Employes and Bar Tender's International alliance : voted that the 1915 session of that body, shall be held in San Francisco. The Workmen's circle will ajive a picnic in Glen park today to aid the fund being raised,for political refugee* •who may come to this city. /-* 'u^SSI # # * jAt the last meeting of the board of directors of * the Musicians' union ■' Ella. ] Smith was admitted to] membership on transfer. T. C. Escobar, H. Hallejo and I Han. Liana w.ra .admittad to tempo ! rary;membership l on transferfand; Frank McCarthy and John Mulieri were per j mitted to withdraw their "transfers. , -*- ; * * . * . V';* I The Stablemen's union has signed a; two ; years' working agreement with I the Stable and Carriage Owners' asso ciation to take effect July 1. " '. . f LONE PIRATE CRUISES BENEATH JOLLY ROGER With Two of Crew Gone, Solitary , Member \ Speeds *: Toward Mexican Shore SANTA BARBARA, June 4.—With a lone "pirate" as : its : entire crew, the power boat Antioch, stolen - several months ago from! Benicla. Cal., was be lieved tonight to *be speeding south .ward, to-Mexican waters. > Sheriff Nat Stewart,returned r here today after he and a posse had • made a fruitless search of Santa Cruz island, across the Santa Barbara channel, for the men who:; stole the boat J and who sent word to the officer that "he could come audi take them —if he could." - . he "pirates" apparently followed the ! posse's boat back to • San fa? Barbara in the night and rifled two other boats in the harbor here of a brand new com pass; a supply; of gasoline and a set of sidelights. The- launches Otter. Gussie M. and Lucy reported such losses today. '.^Sheriff Stewart reported that two of the .Antioch's "pirates" had put aahore last night at Hueneme, where one had 1 been captured. That left the stolen launch with a crew of only one, who was believed to be' "Shorty" .'-Williams, . a .water front character, well known to the authorities of Santa \ Barbara and San Diego. KANSAS CITY DUELIST SUCCUMBS TO WOUNDS Boarding House Proprietor, W-o Ra- Boarding Hon.. Proprietor, ;W_o*R ■lated Intruder. Effort, to too <■ Entranced Wife, Also Near Death m KANSAS > CIT. *,i Mo., Juno 14.-—'M > artin Donaldson, who la»t night was denied admiasion to the room of hit' wife, who had left him, and fought a revolver ! duel with W. Capper, a boarding house proprietor, died today. Phyel clans i say Capper, who was shot twice, ■ ;oan| not recover. . Capper's wifo aided { her husband by reloading hia weapon \ whan ha had emptied It at Donaldson. CLUB FOUNDERS' DAY CELEBRATION JUNE 29 - .. ....... »■ . -*. - — Members of Redwoosl City Orsjaalaatloa iub^iTluTT—i l ' na""mriuii.Muff |, iisMji' r .i«.l'c —"»'■'***'' '•■■•--■■ Jgyfter Be Hostesses ; tor San Francisco and Peninsula Women (Special Dispstch to The Calli REDWOOD, Cliff June 1 14.—Found ers' day, anniversary of the organ ization of the Redwood City Woman's club, will be celebrated at a breakfast in the clubhouse. June 29. The Red wood City Woman's club will guests leading clubwomen - from San Francisco and all parts of the penin sula. Mrs. Timothy Guy Phelps of San Carlos will act as toastmistress. _—_ • TEXAS CITY, Tex., June 14. Assis tant Secretary of War Henry S. Breck ■ enridge today : reviewed the entire sec ond division ?of the United States army in camp here. Eight thousand men were in line. KENNEL DEPARTMENT TOY DOG ROW ■-■.*'.■ ■- -■■ • - «-...-- - - ; The toy dog owners are still in a state of turmoil, and, from reports that come from the scene of battle, it looks as if the battle will continue for some time. Now, while a number of indi viauals may be having the time of their life, the is not proilting oy their» actions. By dividing ranks within the ctub,*"ithe< members f weaken the club as a factor in doggy affairs. Get together and boost. f Cut out tactions. Work for better shows and better dogs. WISE BREEDER Mr." F. R. Clark, a noted*, collie I fan-j cie'rland3ibreeder,|ofifßloomington,iillii*a recently Agave out a little tip that is worth following, especially when it comes i from *a* man who it ha 3 A made g a success of collie raising as a business. Part of his letter to an eastern; dog ; journal reads as. follows: -." ,<" '- - ... *.;'.'• xhere - s nothing to it, the maiial secret r off success in tiie dog busi ness!. One muse advertise; the next is to sell hist class stock. * ■ * ! figure your advertising bill as rent. i Don't advertise your stock in a no ac count'paper-because it is oieap. Adver tise in a first class meuium lor results, the same as you would locate on a busi ness 5 street, where rent is high, instead of an out of the way street, where rent is almost nothing, if you expect to ; make money in any kind of £. business.; It does not matter what a thing costs, 1 * if it is a moneyrmaking proposition 'or can be sold at a profit." '" ..'■'*-. «If Mr. Clark «followed the above, we do'not wonder that, he has. made n a success. UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT The sympathy of the entire' fancy, we are" sure, is extended to Mr. and Mrs. 1 Coghlan of Chicago in the loss of their I little daugnter, Elizabeth. While wait i Ing for a streetcar to pass, she was run \ <iown and almost instantly killed by a i large motor truck. All fanciers will re ' member her, as the little girl holding on; j leashes .' s four -s of the Dorchester arm. ! kennels' ■ bulldogs in the picture "Four lin Hand." .' ~ ~ ~ ' . . BUYS CHAMPION TERRIER . Mrs. Roy A. Rainey of Huntington. L. 1., has just purchased the champion '. wire haired fox terrier Guycroft** Salex. 1i He is a winner of I more than* a hundred ■ ; first and special prizes, and has beaten ! some of the best dogs in Kngiand. He i has, at more than one show, received Wire Haired Fox! Terrier club's cer tificate for the best coated specimen of ■ jail terrier ". varieties. He is 3 yea«s old and * was,; si red; by the famous champion; Southbor'o Salex. - ■*-■ - - PIT BULL TERRIER ADS. i ; The following, which appeared in the [June number of the Dog Fancier, con . tains a grain of truth in Its sarcasm. If or, 8 * were J the f owners,; of fighting?; dogs s I allowed to publish '% all;? challenges or fights, it would take a motor truck to i haul a single issue of the unfortunate i fighting-dog paper: . > * ■-V>*v-'-* ** A fancier, a living in .North Dakota, ! *ends us the following as specimens of! advertisements that would soon be run ! ning our pit l?ull terrier pages if j Home of the fanciers that breed were I given free rein: ."-.'■ '£08 For sale—Bloodthirsty Bearcat, who defeated Biff the Bloods * no- r*> torious Cannibal-in five hours. If fe*fe T Biff denies this he Is a liar and a 1 crook...* Reason for selling, he f," broke into the! >Soo. killed a gVi:-zly bear and two panthers, swallowed '.-&&■ fv a valuable cobra 1 ? and I four rattle- vs.* * snakes and ate the *« bustle ofT of k% ' Mary -'Ann I Flynn -while "~ she was walking with her beau. John Doe, Kokomo. O. - .' ■ , , * , At stud—Terrible Tiger, winner ■-'of* 70 battles, ;in -which he fright-7-J? ~K fully slaughtered "his victims. He p| is the 'I son of If Murderous Madman, who fought for two hourß.after be ing shot dead, hanged, drawn and ~ quartered. John Doe, ijokomo, O. f' -'Challenge r i to '.Mike de Bite—You sneaking, reeking, crook snivel ing yellow car. '. You i are afraid gtoVaj •*rf ! fight and you know J itr:7:l. will put * up a forfeit in the hands of Johnny. • -'. egg or Danny Dip for you tof ' .cover, and will bet a million dollars that my «' Lion if Killer f can lick -$ your Mongrel- Mutt and I can lick . y0u...." i'U John Doe, Kokomo, \ Of.*, %s¥S%ffila*lm? Notice to the Public—Luke 11c ' ,*. Luke, who stated tn the last issue i*fof f this ' paper that his. dog, Furious, j f Fiend, defeated my Hell's Demon, -.£ is E a putrid, mangy, flea bitten liar s < ; g and thief, who steals chickens' for a living. He is a pickup without any breeding, pedigree W. or ancestry: i avf four Mushing bluffer who never v f owned, fought or stole a good dog "in, his life. And Tf I and my famous Champion Ripper eve* get him and ■- ,* T - his yellow streaked bone hound into a pit,^iwer will eat them alive. . John Doe, Jvokomoj-.0.. . ;.f f f A.»,f WHY NOT BEAGLES? f| The appearance on the bench of two Dundreggan MM PROPERTY OF MISS ALICB HAGER ff :Offer.- at Stud, the : --';:-: , •>. .. , - . : . . - . :".-'-.- SCOHISH TERRIERS • - : - ■'-■•• - • _, • —~ - a mm. m * ' , - ' Ch. Tickle' Era Jock - -- $25.00 - Cb. Bruntsford Battler .*.'" .*«£■ Art •-."">■ * Fee $25.00 ■* • . After August "lst, 1913. the fee for Ch., Tickle 'Em Jock will i be.raised .to $50.00. ' '-' " plppies ron SALE -: >fx APPLT f : f'"7- ; ;jOHN.aRADSHAW; * ,- y ;-4iO:ltTH^AyE r^7;fv» SAX FRANCISCO, CAWTORKU AT ; STUD A THo of West's Best Boll**** No; Better, Blood Lines and All Wtaaers CH. KHARTOUM &S&KSi •;-7-f TAVERN- ST-:--.-; -.- v .'f * . . IVAN THE TERRIBLE II KHARTOUM KENNELS Addreaa HBWIY GREEN, Kennel M*r. -Bit I PACIFIC AYE* SAN FRANCISCO * . v : ,.- ! Phone Fillmore 424 T. V ~-;f f ■ ■ ■■ ssi ■ ■ ■ ■ ,m> ■■-»»--■—■■ ii ■ *■ -■■ ie AT STUD -,;:/.• ,:t -t^FEE,;SIS.OO tglifiS.TlM t BOSTON TERRIER POBAMPIOKSTASKBIB. -i MTaMUJI «rOICK|f aft!' rich - teal r brfodle, feet \ white i tsar lag*. • grand i bead, body, Hmbe and ; abort. taK. Beat ahew, eight > tlsnea. Be la Tronng * sad *,- Jgotosa; sad : ' ,a*! ante aire iof amall panNse of the proper type. Matron* f aent* to ? him wilt hare & -tfr jpenessl* at teoUoo.«sßtoc»iaenally«Ber-«le. ;\.: *- i DR. T. MARTIN s SMITH. 101 * Fast ' St. sobhxo. huTLiwro, * < sLur tbabomoo. is^E^Si^ill»ltsl«.ißs fl iWJ BafS. fe*Mi-3S^ie^E«*ft •assw«sjsasM>--->«^MMMi>«-a-«----*>>«M.a-->-< Taa oso. h. chorjir 00.. eai-etr Braaaas S^J*t o £J! ****** "*S«r -sea* **>*■?• G. O. CLEGG, PIONEER RAIL CONDUCTOR, DEAD Veteran Who Had Been la Road Work * ' " for Sixty Years Succumb* lyialrfM! Eacondido *" , ,' ; LOS ANGELES, June . I.— The "' rail road . fraternity mourned today the death of George G. Clegg, said to have been the oldest railroad conductor from ■*-•••* * .-.""".' ' - . „ ; • ■ point "of service in the: west. Clegg," who'died suddenly In Escondido, had been a railroad man for 60 years. The funeral will be conducted In Los An geles. , - 7'" ;f—^ — ♦ " ——'-.. . DENVER. Colo., June 14.—The Colon, j rado state supreme court today refused to take original jurisdiction in the quo warranto " : proceedings fln'f behalf of former Mayor Arnold 5( and f| other offi cials of the previous administration against the five commissioners of Den ver. The case; will be filed in the dis trict court Monday for hearing. f nice beagles at the Hast San -Francisco show reminds"?one that beagles have been, up until recently, practically un heard of on the Pacific 7 coast. Now, I there are many good arguments in favor of the beagle and so few against; him that it is surprising that there are not more of them. They are smaller and i take up less room than Jl the majority of field dogs. They eat less. They are i sweet tempered; dogs, as j a rule, and tare <f air 1 y/easyi to raise. They are crack erjacks in the field and make Ideal com panions. Let .us-, hope that they will v soon J come into their, own on the Pacific coast. ..',* . i-:. "■ >t NEW BULLDOG STANDARD f The Packard* Motor Car company, on the * arrival of Bud Garvin on the Pacific' coast, turned out a rather neat's photo and cartoon poster describing Bud. alias Truck. At the bottom of the poster a*, Lulldog standard is given in automobile 'jargon. 7 The description. r : standard, specifications, or whatever you care to; call it, are given below: •>' '• •/ MOTOR ;'f -'-f'ff'"'"f..'' JCYLINiOERS-i^Castr in a pair, guaranteeing per f<tcti action and * respiration. ! v VAIA FS—Valves 7; naturall.Trl controlled and in '-T?,closeiH to k make I;dust g proof y'y All valves,;are> y$ positively lubricated -a feature Ij kepti*| para-t |S' mount hi the wmtiaction of Sth Is type.'• -_ ;- CARBURETORi-Spetlal | float i feed!type.* When the | mixture Is properly maintained«it| */i|controls the i feed automatically. It has hutS "7; le -| Intake 7 for 7 all' atmospheric conditio is. ff The j float f regulates J the 5 speed of '* intake. If i iffl the mixture &is J too* rich j the J speed r : will- vary. : *J?>Th«TI carburetor *Is i water jacketed; s GASOLINE ;- SUPPI.V—Th» 77Mel is : f-. taken ;in -:';:.;* under tlie bonnet ?by 7 the7approved i method. @ This "£ is I ltrolled iby- a>: two way % valve., .-* IGNITION*—The i-jiltioi -Is Sco untiled ,-, by i eye ■ beams and is of the. jump spur,; type. >'» This y j is & most-r effective / wht-.i7 allt*v-eU 7to ', run open ■; mouthed.' .-. •"■'' .•■ ■>. ..'-,'■ y tl.UUltlCATlON—Lubrication its by the .splash iifis system". of the <up to»Jowl * typp.v from '; theice j ' the lnbriea-U is , distribute.! :^», -.-' •;/>/MvJ-.«!r;.<. \ The oil tank Is ; plated just,.' back ,of the cylin-■ . ders, Insuriiic 'uj.u iit*orur^*" l «:uipciiitur«>>iasd ' E. ]. Blanco s Adois Tempest, Vallejo, Cal. Ch: Khartoum, property of Mrs. F. M. Fenwick of San Francisco FRENCH BILI.DOGS \ l-fT Vendome Kennels i Vendome Kennels Offer at iStud Gamin's V Franco (189, -647), a fine headed young- doe and a proven tire. Fee $25.00. Pol Roger j (130,777), acknowledged to be the best stiid do* on the Coast; already the sire of six winners. Puppies ibyi.l these dogs for sale. M. v,i. 7 RLOCH, "«-OS >Postf- St. 1 * Pkone Douglas- . - - Eltery Arms Go. • Spoiling and Athletic Goods Headquarters for leads, crates, reme dies and all dog and kennel supplies. - " ■ f "THE FANCIERS' STORE" '■■• 583-aSS "MARKET STREET '/ ■f.:if-fs'aV;Fra^el.coff:-: i ff:/v: , Phone .Dcuglaa 4646 AT STUD The smooth > fox terrier. Champion 'SABINEi HE- ' SISTLESS;*/: Fee ; |2*1.-'?;..The,i winner of, .40. firsts and E special 5 prixee. including % once beat f and twl.-e re-* I serve to 1 best dog In show of any breed. He [Is' bv•' Ch. Sabine Ruler—Ch. Sabine j Fad. ; : Not only*'* ! big winner, bnt a producer of winners." V JULIAN:' R. BRANDON 1C32 California Street, Man Francisco . . ' Phone ; Franklin 1258. |w^*^W«- *«■ > f*« ; ..', POMMERANIAN PUPPIES rain cue FOR SALE f^ Thoroughbred, pedigreed, prise ; winning Stflftk. Wlnnere at leaf show. A>-nly to "Mrs. Frederick Spencer /Palmer 2640' STEINER ST. . "?£££%£% Phone ' West *• i 907. >'*y>. J ' '. , . FOR -ale—-prife"? winning ifox terriers. Lola Recall and Champion El Rey. These «grandB dogs bare fe won :.- prises -; in * the keenest j ;v : competition; 7 invaluable -i, for breed Jor as' companions; prices 'reaso-ieble.T* Adrtre-,* E. IT. ; «INO WERBQK.I 4g«> j Michigan a v.. Chi-ago. 111. : ENGLISH BULLDOG FOR SALE. * Classy, prise winning bitch, by Sir ; Michael Beanty Qoeen. Applr % * • .1 Wll. COHN. •: .. -. , 15«» Polk at.; Franklin 2698. KNGUS_f*BL#OD!HOUNr>S. real man trallere; houndipartiy trained for sale. £ BILL TOP a_SCNELfI.' box 7»3. Bjea-fttla, o.l^ f'.Y'-, fef. !•*.-"> /'.*':,. GENERAL MANAGER ON JOB .*■ __: . R. A. Don den of Oakland Assumf-i-t Charge of Nevada County Road ; i (Special, Dispatch to The Call) i? ** . , f GRASS VALLEY. Juno ..*. 14.— R. A. Bowden of Oakland, recently appointed general manager of the Nevada County Narrow Gauge .railway,■'.. has . arrived to ! assume his duties. He ; succeeds C. P. i Loughridge, who was connected with | the line for 33 years, having been one "> -■-..--'::■::..:::..■'..'. .: ! :. ~ ■:■* * - ■'■■■ jof the engineers? who made the original ! ■survey: Mr. Bowden has been con-;. j nected with -the building of the Oak ' land. 'Antioch and Eastern, ''by' which • j company the 7 narrow gauge* -is now I owned. ; * : "'--■-■- •■7 „ NEW WARSHIP .. ADDRESSES NEW WARSHIP ADDRESSES * - -f ' - -T- Following ■■- are , the changes of ad j dress for United States warships of the I Pacific fleet: Alert, F-l, F-2, F-3, Hull, 1 all in Vallejo."ff'f M. '.' , : t' --*. ■■".- ' : ; f "f '" —**— :■ Conducted Byi Julian R. 'Brandon Jr. '•*"*> fluid flowing 7 easily,;, In cold weather. 7 The . -• universal ,: Jointsv are • packed/In fat and are uW-hlde* booted'" *"" v - -■' 7 '!"' ■'".." '<MOTOR CONTROL The control is by the heart .'-system properly 1 governed for nil speeds TU« '/'control' Issautomatic;*through"natural, habit. MOTOR COOLING— Positive circulation of the :'■■ force feed type.7. - '->- y-y- .TRANSMISSION • 7 : . CLCTCH—Jaw type of '; clutch, bringing ' into 7 i.-c the saw tooth -construction. 7 ? [MT PKINCII'LE—The > motor, clutch and "7. transmission are Inclosed'in-a single housing. Lights la -, weight, efficient, perfectly aligned, f,etc77,--.*.■>; <-,■.-,■>■':. y-y-'- / 7-'" : •-. ■'-:* -"f. . 'SPEED? CHANGE—Many forwards and . reterv, v 7 controlled IT inclination 7 -■ 7 - '■''..- > '7--:i-.7.7---7^-RUNNING-GEAR.-;•.' '; -.7 ■ *£* MAIN FRAME -Main ;; frame of green r honsj ! for, $ "• strength and toughness. All parts are sup- ; .ported in the main frame. ..,,.-.. . BRAKES—Brakes are provided on all four *■ wheels, pedal*: controlled and fitted '.with a 7- friction resisting 'surface.*...-,...... ;-.•..•*"," WHEELS —Are of the runabout type for light L-; delivery.:f.-s' lhe a front X wheels *. are **■ dished * ac ..*: cording to : . approved practice. .... **.-i. ■ :7;, ;.- 7. . - BODY 7 ■'. 4 * ":■■'.' DKSI'IN Only one type "of" body Is furnished. s¥■ which t has , been i found ;to 1 meet every, demand. : COLOR 7* SCHEMES—The : - standard r color Is - brlndle - brown ,\ for body and running gear. v- Bounct "and"radiator*are black (standard KENNEL NOTES f Mr. •R. 7; L. Bettis of.' Fresno," Cal., writes as follows: -''I won first bitch puppy at Sausalito with Sweet -Eliza beth (by Red Raven-Clipstone Sunrise). My ;*famous i 52;; pound hunting .bitch* Mittu, has nine puppies * (four males) ' sired by High Ball.*' < ':. 'f 7 'f-.-.'. : - ':-'.': *i*s■?■*'-'-'■■?■ * •'.*■• -*-*•" 7 Mr. A. E. .Miles of the Seminole ken nels, 7Oakland, Cal., reports that his Airedale bitch. Lassie, whelped >. a litter of . eight puppies by EL Stir ; •Roseben. '" ' .7"" V -7 . •"•*' ',' --7. *:* 'f . * ; y*y : ' '.'• Mr. William Cohri' of .San Francisco is offering for sale his classy winning : bull'bitch.-'Mostonf Queen. She is a bis: winner and, has,championship * points to credit. '* • "-'yy: ' , FOX TERRIER PUP A crackerjack. by CHAMPION SABINE RE SISTLESS ex GOLDEN GATE.' *■■ Apply 'by letter to - ■ >> >. <■■■. "KENNEL"—I 632 California St. f ff;'f!ff--**•'.- ~" San Frnnclscn -'■ •. * : -' ■' The Kennel Review •">-.* - The Bc«t Terrier Paper Ever. >» ; .*"M"/-'" - -■ **■- * - --■ "■ -• . .*** - . SUBSCRIBE -.XOVV*. .' " ;; $l.OO Per Year JULIAN R. BRANDON* JR.. Penile Const Mgr. 1632 California ; Street • '.'.;, • '~ «nn Francisco. 7 , v . 7. COLLIES FOR SALE i.. Pups and grown stock;. The best pedigreed, prize winning stock 7 obtainable. Reasonable & prices for quick sale. Phono Berkeley 1417. . Halldene Collie Kennels •A-i-S HIII.SIDE AYE Sti? Berkeley, , Calif. , -: '- ■'-■'-'■ f -:.-.; .■■•»-..,-t-.r.-i.. . . -.. , '■■:. ■ If you are net reading,that classy little maga sine, -,* ■ *jOn DOGGY DOPE; Tou are missing the treat; of your,; life.' It -is a. "Concentrated Concoct lou for Canine "Cranks." |.Sosper s *[year. DOGGY DOPE PUB. CO. 2937 OBSERVATORY AVEME . ** Cincinnati, Ohio 7 JULIAN P.. BRANDON JR.. P. C. Agent. - "7*l BEACL2 HOTJNES A The -'Classy* sort, Sttow Type and ' Fielders, of ' .','''-,■,-"','■.,''■■■•■ ■;.;■- .-'■■',-,•*■ ■-"'".. ■•• • ■-- ••• richest blood tines. Trained huntsrs,; young stock and puppies. "TJiEBONAIR." Box 0. Glorersville, N. T. »i.- •*• ■*" AIREDALES- -Splendid brood and hunting bitch, I«by ajcharoplo.i iSmated'Jt'V imported dog, $50; ft fine young male, trained. $00;7 another.-3 %2*, youne female. $20; B S full' pedigrees. B. li' ; BETTia. : JTreaat. : c*_ *^* - :-*jNS&Q^*f