Newspaper Page Text
6 BUSINESS CHANCES . Continued -?.'"- ■■■ •- --- ": : .'■?■;■'• BIGGEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED ?* In Mail Order Business for Beginners anfliOthers., I. The address of 3 firm* who will print your circulars (your own copy) free. ft •"- ; *-'. Address of firm.who will print your Letter Heads-Ffec.- ft '? ft -'" : ::" '-.-■. -">"-'" ■?:-?• 3: *llo\v: yon can get Envelopes (your return card-printed) Free. > . * : : , vsft-. *, 4.y Address of'so firms.who want: Commission Circulars Mailed: ft - 'ft - . '.. Tea . firms . who , furnish; you Free . Imprint Circulars. (Your name printed da them.l .--* 9. A Big Combination of 'Several Hundred Papers and ■ Magazines, -in , which • you can insert j"tir ad. * at: very. loss cost. ft. * . **7.* Copy of "The Monthly Mail" for yon. , the Great Exchange Story Mail Order Magazine and Mailing Directory. 8. List of. 500 ; Reliable • Circular Mailers with whom you can; exchange and;who will help; you Before bttetnesa, ■•* - ■*">-. _. .9. * c.-pies of " "The Mechanical Dlpcst.*'. The Booster .Magazine. Advertising World. Order Journal, Agents' Magazine? Circular Mailers' Di gest. .Mail Order Advocate, : Mail Order Herald and several other good Mail Order Papers. These alone worth $3. :.. - m S ft 10. The address of -7- Syndicates in which yon can start publishing a Magazine: of 'your own for $1. ?f-: y 11. Names of 50 small papers which insert yonr ad.'.* for a few cents and you, mail : 100 copies. ' -' *'; *; •' •■ ":■*:'? ?' - ■ . .."_?'■' 12. 1.000 of our Assorted Commission Circu lars, which should pay you not less than $10, to $30. . . ■''■■■"' „.'^-'-^ 13. 300 names of people who sent us 2*»c each. 14. 'Copies of hundreds of Circulars and Small papers.- ■:,':•--' •'-'■:*. 15. "My Book." "How Yen Can Make $50 or Better Per Week.'! Price, $1. ft • 16. The names of 20 firms who pay. me cash for mailing circulars. - v 17. How yon i can have i your » ad. Inserted In publications at less than publisher's price: is. All of 4 the above and much more valuable information for. only 23c. Address ft MELVIN C. CHURCHILL.ft Houston, Texas. '-~ FINE OPENING FOR MAN WITH $300 TO $500. There Is a big opportunity awaiting the right man to control the local : business of the Ken ney Needle Shower Bath, which; is sweeping the country." It's the only shower that doesn't need a curtain.' Can be attached to any bath tub without tools. Retails ; for only $6. -ft Ad vertised in ' all magazines. :- A : big ' money maker. No competition to fight. Will ' close with the first man who has the right qualifi cations. Write today. "* GRAEFF MILLER.' Pres.. REDDING SPECIALTY CO., INC.. . * SB West Broadway,, New York. - : . JACOBS YOST, -Room 404, 244 > Kearny st. \ If you want * a partnership in a', good -- paying business, reasonable, see us at once. JACOBS . YOST. , ■ '" 'ftft-ft ..'■ ? ■ •*■ -••'■;?:' ':* : " -'■ .ft ft r : ■v\ft; HOTEL for sale or rent; established 25 years; railroad worklngmen and the best transient trade In town: opposite S. P. depot and N. P. depot; man and wife preferred: small capital. Apply or write JOS. P. HANMAN, Stockton, .. Cal. ft? ???-.: - -.*. ■■» -- y-y.-'y- : l HAVE complete butcher shop lln ; ray grocery for. rent; rent cheap; big; business « for J good butcher; If yoa are experienced,; do not* work for boss; come and take-a- chance. ft Address "00 Virginia ay., S. T. * : .. -■-."•.;-.,-. LARGE oil company will sell third interest: con trols 6,400 acres of first class oil land;, have expert reports;** real chance to be. worth mil lions; ,s7sfr cash required. Call 46 Kearny St., room 410. ft ..*■' ft "' " :■*'"'- * ft.. : "■--''•' - - " ■ $200— Shooting gallery; est. 2 years; all expenses $1 per day. •. 612 Stanyan st. ft ft/L - ft BOAP MAKER. 50 years In business, wishes to retire and sell.small plant (reasonable); will teach purchaser from Ato Z. Box 6433. Call office, Oakland. ft ■-.■■■ : 'ft 'ft 'ft ~■::•?":■'--? : ' '• SALOON. $1,250; established and doing business In same location 26 years; rent $30. Full In vestigation and particulars from owner at 17th and Dolores sts. .".?.?-'- MUST be sold; center of Oakland; grocery and bakery: counter cash sales $2,000 monthly. For particulars, box , 6458.ft Call office. Oakland.'; $ 150 cash will V buy .* interest ft in t business ft that will clear from - $150 to * $200 a month ;ft will teach yarn :business. — Box ; 543,; Call -• office.-ft;*, ROOMING HOUSE IN ft 3D ST.; 46 rms.; -hot and cold water; no dark rooms; rent $3.50 per room. 786 Market St.. room 506. 22 20 GALLON Instantaneous gas water kitchen boilers. $8 each; heating boilers, $30 up; coun ters. . $S; pipe fittings. 147 Welsh st. FOR —Old established business and ' coantry . borne. $15,000. Accept; hay property In' part payment. OWNER, box 3436, Call office.? f STORE IN POWELL ST. . Lease 1918: cheapest * rent i and best block Is Powell: will sell lease or sublet. For de tail* call room 506. 785 Market st. ft"■?*•';>? WIN SUCCESS, learn- the real estate business; great chances now; represent us; "-. we'll teath you: free booklet. "How to Win." "AMERI ?t;AN REALTY, LEAGUE.; San; Francisco, ft; LEARN REAL ESTATE BUSINESS; great oppor 'trinities now to earn big income: represent us; we" 11 teach you: tree book, * "How to i Win." AMER. REALTY LEAGUE." San Francisco." FACTORY for. rent, suitable for any kind of busi ness; water, gas and electricity; 2 story; brick building; cheap rent. .Inquire at 2939 Harrison. Will give 5 free and clear - lots | near * Bakersfield for email business that man and wife ; can handle. Box 8578. Call office. ■ .yyXXy^yy $350 buys a taxale parlor; doing good business; the owner must go to * the * old country. For particulars, box 44. Vallejo. MOVING PICTURE operators earn from $30 to $40 per week. Why not you"! We furnish posl tiouK. C City Hall ay.. room 518. FOB sale—First ; 'lass newspaper route oa.morn ing paper. Apply Circulation Department, San Francisco Call. ? 'ft r ft "' - $173 —Candy. * notion. Ice cream ' store; •: rent, $10; 1 living -room; good; street. 2110 A Market st. YOUR ttst.-li repaired aud cleaned for $1; 2 years', guarantee. ft &64 Market st., rms. 17-19. LOON license, stock and - fixtures, ft HOTEL NORMANDIE. ■■■... :> :■*: -ftft' ;' ft'ft- -'-.y-.y ■':',' -.- RESTAURANT for sale: ft cheap: long ' lease; owner '.-nttri-r ~ifr. Call 232'fith'st. :r -: ~8l SIN ESS CH A N(Z>T WANTED PRODUCE BUSINESS. ft Advertise* • wishes to . hear .of. a '. produce. * bnsl n»v- in which an active man of sound commercial training and experience I can I become - Interested, with a view, to partnership; if business andiAMte elates sre salisfaet.'-ry. Box 616." Call office. * ■ •'PARTNERS WANTED PARTNER wanted; physician preferred; fine' of-; ttrcs and liglit; work.- Call at 3470 Mission st. LODGING HOUSES FOE SALEf" -A— ' -.:■'< -- "CAMERON'S? CO.. ft « ??" 714 MARKET ST.. ROOM 501 (opposite Call). BANK REFERENCES. "HOTEL, ROOMING, APARTMENT HOUSES. FLATS. , ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. ..TITLES GUARANTEED. . SWELL •55 rm. apt." house near : Powell , st. rent $0.70 ran.: - well fur.; * part: cash; bal. time. BARGAIN Am nam., '-veil fur., close in; rem $5.4i> rin.: best buy i in; city: ; only .' $3,800. ft HOTELS and APT. * bouses to lease unfur nished: ail *i»ee; new,buildings.' HOTELS ROOMING AND APT. HOUSES " i OR SALE OR LEASE. WHERE? UNDER THE HEADING OF BUSI NESS CHANCES IN THIS PAPER. READ ALL ABOUT OUR BIG BARGAINS. LUBECK'S "ROOM 002. PACIFIC BUILDING, MARKET AND 4TH. SIXTH FLOOR. .BUSINESS property, in a' live country town, con sistlng of a a story building of 4 stores and 30 rooms on a second - floor, for ,; Bale, :or t will . ex change for city or bay property. -Apply L. C. : WALLACE.* 36 Kearny St.. San Francisco; .*; : 73 ROOM hotel ; on corner;' no ' dark |rooms;I good location; well-| furnished, steam *;- heat, hot nater; , cheap ; rent;: lease t over ( , fair; : $8,000: or will trade for ranch, ft Box 208. Call office.ft? $5;500—4. fiats: income : $55 iper?mo. ;*; all ■ rented; would. consider half amount In-.unimproved property ec assume, -ft Owner, box '■ 684, CalL, i I HAVE inquiries for well located rooming houses and hotels every day. ft If you wish to selL see JAC085.;244 Kearny St., room 404. FOR sale—Commercial 1 hotel lln Sonoma | county; Al bar trade; Investigate. Box 3780. Call. +* ; RIG snap— sunny rooms, all rented; no reason able price i ref used, y 1367 st. ear. Post, A PTB: for sale; i2B 1 rooms * must 'f be? sold * this week: no reas. offer refused. Ph. Frakln. SACRAMENTO it., ?OIS-f Rooming ft house; li rooms:* rent-SflO. * -'■ ■' ■ '"'-* *•'•'- "'*■ - ■■'■• y—■■*'---> EXCH^i^ESrWAJiTEiP EXCHANGES—We ? have exchanges of ft all de scriptions ; ft- have -ft businesses ft to _■? ex change for farms and homes;" country properly to exchange| for » city realty; In fa.'i if you have? anything to ex chanpe, call ; for' our list, ft LUBECK'S,"* 1n... Cth floor,: Pacific bldg, Ask for Mr. C. Lubeeiv. .Manager 'of this department. - : -*-:.- :-■-■ LODGING?HOUSES? FOB -t SALE ? O A X L AICJD „ 48 ROOM apartment house, partly ; furnished; steam heat,. sleeping ! perches, wall 1 beds; j rent £6 per ft room: 5 year -lease;?: $2,250; ft terms. L W.. JACKSON, care Jackson ! Furniture Co., ■ Oakland '•- ■ - ' ft*.- v:.ft. ft .-ft" Xyyyy ■ f *——■■—'■ ' —^———■■ , FiyAKCIAL ? WANTED—Capital ;to i plant 1 80 ? acres of '?pears and care for same for 3 .years ft for i" one-ball Interest la 135 acre farm la. Lake county. .-. ■"'. :"i, m, ■: .' ■.":*"-: .'■-: .*' : -«' ■•'■":•* ft-Tf-;-*--. : - . ,_ ' 41' , ". I.WESniENTS BEHIND THIS '"AD = lies a LIFETIME TKKCEftto; MAN or WOMAN who AN SWERS. Have -i yen s never * spent * more' than 1 2 rents . searching i for aft WISE i INVESTMENT ? Box-..773. .'Call j office. - - - f 4 *4 '■ft..'-: v-'-< , ■„• , , ..■■... ..',••.-> -■.--;.■■ -.-. ; ,--y yy-yy ■-'■■ y-'y: INVESTMENTS Comtlnue**!^^^^^^^^^ ? A. E. WHITE COMPANY. " STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, \ *:.'-* 323 niONADNOCK' BLDG., ? : ? Principal Dealers in Nonlisted Securities. >. WE WILL SELL: o ' ICO-American Telographone -•$ --J .>'soo Calamont 'X Copperiy**fr??>t*fr-TTrf^X*'*■'•'■ '*„' .-.0 Chic. N. Y. Electric Air Line -•>•> 100 California State Life lu<*. Co 14.(0 1,000 Haynes ; Copper ..:. , _ - 2 5 Hidalgo aiubiM*riff?y?tr??*rtrrrr7Tr7f I ">-00 2"" Mascot Copper .:"'...■...:'.........•• -'•™ Li.i Mt.'i Olivet Cemetery .*.:..*......*. • LoO I,ooo'National Wireless T. & T. C 0...... g IHK) North American Hospital Assn.:... .-■« 100 Oxford : Linen Mi 115...-. 1-23 30 Oakland 'Hotel:Co <«-00 I,ooo"Pnn.-Pac.: > Exposition Co Bid 1.000 Prudential Loan I Society with 109 ■■■ - ' y. --■ per cent ' bonus.*.*.**;"?: "0 10 Realty Syndicate 6%?.::.."...'..."-. Bid 100 Sunnyvale Land Co -45 50 Southern Pacific Milling C 0..... 100.00 1,000 Tidewater Southern Ry..... •.' _•••<> ,-■■.■■-■ 5011.*; S. Cashier.".r..." "....... C.OO 300 I. :I. Co. (Stockton T. A- 18. Co.). . .4.> 20 United Properties Ist mtg. 9% bonds r- 40.00 100' Vulcan ; Fire »Ins. * C 0.*.:...:..:.;:: -'■ , 12.30 - .'► Wetmoic Rowen C 0........... ■■'••• .00 3") Western 'States Life ; Ins. Co :".:.... 9.50 WE WILL BUY: ■?'-/ California State Life Ins.,*:Vulcan s Fire Ins., •-■- Western States Life Ins.? Mascot.Copper, Coin, Coin. Lock, Haynes:Copper. ; " -•Marconi^Wireless, Paulsen Wireless.. Tidewater Southern Ry. Call; Swltclf.: Beaton Pacific, Pyramid,-Buick Oil. United Properties ; Bonds,*; Am." f Drug Sy nd. :??'v:s'.ami many; others:":, ;:: . ..•--.'■. - ? WANTED None but good men ■ need * apply :- to . place ; the i treasury ,' stock * of - an established -X land - company. : '~ 332 BANKERS' INVESTMENT BLDG.. ' ' "' 742 MARKET: ST. :??;,- :. DO yon : need ? capital? ?" I ■ organise? i incorporate --■ and ? finance complete ? meritorious 1 business;- en ; - terprises : anywhere. .w Make;' your problems; ours " ? when; you ' need ; money to develop j or, expand | le ?" gitimate s business i propositions. Our methods ■ are *- universally ** recognised i ast straightforward * and resultful. We also furnish valuable; or-" mation In business building and financiering; all answers strictly confidential. '. Box. 772, Call. FOR; sale—l2,ooo ' shares ** of "i stock %in•, a large smelter; : here Is ]a [ chance Ito make lan I Invest ment out *' of the ordinary, and •at- a : price i that will: pay 25 per ' cent t on, the investment: " sell .- - any "amount from 100 shares, up; please write '-.' amount you " can Invest. - For interview, * box 774. Call office. .-7 ?■':■•■•■:?• ' ft.--'::''''.'- : ;-, : -1,500 Pacific Slope Securities for sale..® $0.53 100 Mascot Copper :...;....".".....:.. Wanted 3,000 Boston ; Pacific Oil r.:...'..:...... Wanted ■-■j 100 California State Life ? Ins ........ Wanted 2,000 Pyramid '-. Oil ".'.'..... .*". - Wanted CHESTER. B.?ELLIS & ; CO.. i 714 Market st. COMPANIES INCORPORATED and ' PROMOTED Entire i stock " issues ? bought : and Bold.';; - I-'' Legally: organized * under • laws' of ' all " states. BUTTNER A- CO.. 709 CHRONICLE BUILDING, Corporation»' attorneys % and ■, financial V agents. Established 1902.:: Bank and commercial references INVESTMENTS—We I have | capital for I conserve : ; tlv€ - real ■-' estate \ investments .in r California, : where quick action : and profit la;assured. Ad ?* dress: CHARLES jA. STANTON ; * &*; CO.. >* Inc.. : First j National j Bank ] bldg.. ; San j Francisco. CaL AUTOMOBILE * Funding. Co. of America* will sell .-limited number of shares at par,* $10. Indorsed ? by bankers and bus. men. * 374 Monadnock bldg.: WILL buy ? NATIONAL WIRELESS telephone; stock. F. J. GOLDEN, Merchants' National -> Bank :building; phone Douglas 832. ft : * •-•■■■"'■ : ~ jgggs, am L.™™L FOR sale—Piacer gold mine"ln' California,ft pro ducing $S yard; complete equipment: .500 acres " patented < land. . Fur 5 further particulars, "''A."-. 3. - GLOVER & CO., International Bank bldg.; Los - Angeles. Cal. ;- . : ;■: • ; '*:° .y:= : -yy, • ■-■ - -ft " MONEY TO LOAN ? ~~f WE * LOAN * MONEY. $10 or more? on* FURNI " TURE. PIANOS, SALARIES, etc.*, at REASON . ABLE RATES; LONG .TIME and EASY IPA Y MENTS. You get the money oa TWO HOURS' NOTICE.. ■ *, "wft'ft $ .B."*. "weekly . pays *a * $15 • loan. ft St.""*, weekly pays a $30 loan. $1. »'.**> weekly ? pays* a- $50 > loan. ft . >. Other sums In ; : proportion; you ' can ; pay —-, monthly; if : yon wish. It tis s easy ft to«borrow money, us: no PUBLICITY.* no DELAY. X If you don't place; your loan with, us we both lose money. .:.■*. -, * PEOPLE'S LOAN CO., ■■■bI 229: Monadnock . bldg.. ?CM •■ Market ". St. >. x- ft..-■ *y y-Xxy Second floor. 8. F. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION, -■**-. 43 -FIFTH: ST. >--*- ' •■ ; '"* = TELEPHONE? KEARNY 5349. - MONEY ■TO LOAN. ON f PLEDGES," consisting of , Jewelry, ? precious * stones, ; watches and * other personal ; effects. ■■■.-"ft. -Rates on all - pledge loans . . 1% PER CENT -PER' MONTH. -?- MONEY LOANED ON - HOUSEHOLD • EFFECTS AND OTHER-CHATTELS ?AT 2 , PER CENT i PER MONTH. Transactions held confidential.';. ; : No fees *or extras of i any ; kind. : NEED READY CASH' IN/A * HURRY? $10 OR MORE? Phone, ft write *, or J call. Yon : will Sbe agreeably surprised *at ft onr a liberal ■■* methods. - ' NO PUBLICITY; . nothing unreasonable. * Just plain. pod ' business methods. We quickly ad vance ANY AMOUNT needed on FURNITURE, PIANOS. HORSES.? WAGONS, SALARIES, etc.>'■: You : can - repay •us; In « small i monthly.; or weekly installments 3to suit your .*.convenience. If MONEY: will help Tou. see s us:todays;>ftft PEOPLE'S LOAN COMPANY. 229 Monadnock building, .1 - ? ; $81 ; Market ; St.. ■ second floor. . : . . . STRICTLY ft' confidential ft loans "on ft* furniture. f ilanos. real estate at 2 per cent; goods remain a your possession; loans can be repaid In small ■ weekly or I monthly I Installments; Iwe can * make ? yon better j terms than any t one In; the ; city; It . will ■ pay: yon to •. call and t investigate. - - ILLI NOIS FINANCE - CO.. formerly ILLINOIS .TRUST; CO?"rooms; 410-411 Mechanics' bldg. Douglas 3547: market st. y ft 'ft; ft. AAA—HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY WILL LOAN YOU MONEY.ON■ FURNITURE. * PIANOS. "-.' ETC.: ? $10 :to - $200; LOW COST; CONFIDENTIAL; HONEST AND SQUARE DEAL. '■'■■ ■;■: •'■ <-:■"■.-."-•,■•*•'■-■.•■■* *'- * : ,' ; -* J :.*- CALL OR : WRITE OR PHONE. $57-9 PACIFIC BLDG.. FOURTH and MARKET. PHONE DOUGLAS 3263. -, OAKLAND offlce. ; 3181 First National Bank bldg.; ,WE ~ LOAN MONEY TO I PEOPLE WHO HAVE PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT; ft no indorser; confidential; no red tape methods: $1 a week pays $15 loan. $2 week pays $30 loan? $3 week pays $43 loan." $4 week;pays $60 loan; call and . see us. THE .? ROYAL ? INVESTMENT COM PANY. 750 Phelan; bldg. ft ft;:-; ft . - MONEY ft loaned on i furniture, pianos ; and V other security;, lowest rates;, most .favorable-terms, ln ■ft the , city; 5 see ' others, then' see |me and {be'con-. '.- vinced: : will ? save J you ft money; s $2.23 > weekly pays $50 loan. Phone Market 3029: ft GEORGE W. MILLER. 3009 "16th: st, southwest corner Mission, room 35.'SS§&BiR93Sl£@E&»'.' **• S LOANS *" to salaried persons.~ft WAGE"' earners." TEACHERS. CITY j EMPLOYES ; and. OTHERS with FIXED incomes; also OTHER '-proposi tions, including advances on INSURANCE and WAREHOUSE receipts; i rates v reasonable: .-pay . , ments easy. 433 Phelan bldg.: ph." Douglas 3244. ATREMAIN. with absolute privacy, 8 any amoont at 'i per cent on furniture.**,pianos. etc., without : removal, payable in installments or straight ; loans ;at < lowest rates [cash? payments J reducing :< 'interest •„ no commissions. 833. Market St., next ;, Emporium, room 811;' phone Douglas , 2433^m MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AND others upon-their "own'names;'cheap rates; easy, payments; ! confidential. ft D. ;H. TOLMAN. 949 ■ Phelan | bldg. and rm." 9, 7 470 13th j St., Oakland." -?BALDWIN^ JEWELRY CO.. Gold and Silver Smiths, .:i ~?;;:--:-. yy- -35 Kearny st. LOAN DEPT. ? RATES 2 PER CENT FEB MO.' $$$— Luadky -Moii^y—sss' Any "amount'on diamonds, watches, jewelry. 2%: MAXFERD LOAN ' OFFICE.; 17 4tb st. nr. Mkt. . CASH advanced loa salaries; Ino | security;l lowest rates. 313 Merchants' Exchange building; phone ;' Douglas 1411. ft and ■ 308 ' Call > building, phone Sutter,. 2337. v 'yy, ... ft ft ft"?-.-' -'.ft' OUR f PLAN ? for advancing i money: to salaried ■■; people IS DIFFERENT;: printed rate card tells ■".,"■ story. DYER BROS.. 12 Geary st, room 505. 1 AAASALARIED men* and women accommodated : . without f delay \or *■ publicity. Home I Credit t and ■; ;Investment t Co.. ; 321 : Phelan bldg., third? floor. $10 :to ' $100 advanced; on !your; salary.** Our rates ■y are the cheapest :in this city. Don't fall Ito see y us. UNION CREDIT,OO.-1860 Phelan bnilding. ' AAA—Wage ; earners, either 'men? or women, can' •ft" make: a-. loan in \ strictest j confidence? at the < EM PLOYES' CREDIT CO.. r. 424. bid. INVESTIGATE ; our discount plan; we loan all ft'salaried ? people; j see; us; save I money ;| dealings * 4confidential. 521 Phelan building; Kearny 3247. SALARY LOANS—EVERY, TRANSACTION CON FIDENTIAL:'■» Easy »; to' get • and easy ito pay. \ P. A. NEWTON. 739 Pacific building. GOLDEN I GATE I LOAN I OFFICE. 110' Kearny at. ftfttLow; rates on Jewelry. W. 3. HESTHAL. CASH LOANED Ito salaried men on ! note 1 without t'-*; indorser. MORRELL'.I 1087 Monadnock \ bldg.'/ft SALARY LOANS, $5 up; * cheapest rates. D. D. DRAKE, 948 Market st, y -u:r- .- - - :.>•>-._ MONEY TO LOAN—Heal Estate we Shave l several's thousand s DOLLARS «■**. TO '£ LOAN-gupon % city. Oakland. San % Mateo,: Richmond i and I Point j Richmond ? property,| first if or second j mortgage, at 10 i aud \li per.' cent. "SX, No i trouble! or f unnecessary ; delays. Pay off * same as rent.* -If in need of money to improve, or ? clear off J indebtedness j about Jto be closed, call "? on lus and! we can help you out. ',".■" ..- F. A-MBROSE & CO.. '■: ■ ; y. 0 Mission | st. near 29th.\:-. ft „?- AAA A—WILL LOAN ANY AMOUNT at lowest p Interest lon § first, second ? and I third 1* mortgages. i* estates *in f probate, undivided j* ? interest; * deal i*' directly with ? lender; fno ; delay, R.ft McCOLGAN. M 502-503 Call i building, corner 3d land - Market; phone Douglas 2333. Tbe oldest established and tfv leading i financial i agency jon \ the j Pacific coast. MONEY* to* loan :on?reaL estate by private party: NO COMMISSION TO PAY. Box 390. Call office. ,THE SAN ■ FRANCISCO CALL, 15, 1913. ■•'-■5:.' *" MOSEY TO LOAN—Real Estate Continued „___^„_ AAA—NOICOMMISSIONiCHARGED " US&aE BANK * INTEREST— f and S2d H MORTGAGES -: v.- LOAN 220 i per I cent § morel than J BANKS. San : Francisco, Oakland. Town I and Farm * Lands. Is SHADBURNE % CO.. 715 Monadnock 5 bldg. ANY amount on ; real I estate, first or second ' mort r i gages; Ino i delay; t very*"" lowest} rates. If I your, -f property J| Is S mortgaged : and you & need 'A more ■ money | see lus ! immediately.*® O. W. BECKER. to Monadnock i bid.. j Market; * tel. Douglas 2150.1 LARGE' OR j SMALL AMOUNTS. C. 6%tor 17| per ■*X cent, flat! or * installment.!*; Call !or 4 write •O. E. !ki EVANS. 2367 Mission * f>tM-mim®mms££mm%m MONEY WASTED \" r I HAVE several? applications for' to Jjj $5,000, first g mortgage on "§ closein f improved H Oakland real estate "at \7i per! cent I net; Ino | ex -'?:'pense *to lender. ftCall. write or 'telephone and let !me tell rrore about this. - i , George w. Austin, ..->'■" 1422 Broadway*k Oakland, Syndicate bldg. . WANT $20,000; j will repay ! loan and $10,000 f a*«'! i *-? ditional s within 6-■ months; *, gilt 1 edge »security; I principals only. T. J. PROLE, 1453 Broad way, Oakland, ft ■ ;.-'. yyyfl ■*-."?" .?""'**; ' MONEY : Wanted: for Al security ;at ; 7 per ccnt?§|||l| Box .'.llO. call'office."'; Oakland.'tggs^g if? MOKE Y&lVANTED^BealgEstate??? WANT BORROW $2,000 on new bungalow; ;; first mortgage &7ft per cent, ft: Box 6336, Call :~' office. Oakland. » j ■-"-"**; y.'y-y-. ■- ■'yyy.Xjyy^ PROPOSALB AKP BIDS OFFICE Q. M., FOR YELLOWSTONE, WYO MING? June 3, 1913— SEALED ? PROPOSALS. In triplicate." will .be I received at this office; until 111 a. in., June 1 17, 1913, and 3 then ; opened, for j fur nishing wooden window and door screens for hos pital this post. '. Information furnished3 by apply ing this office.'** Herman Kobbe, 2d Lt., i Ist Car. f j Q..-M. !? . LEGAL A2ro7OFFICIAL __„_ ! APPLICATIONS are desired I fori the] position of ; Chief Examiner and one assistant for the Board ft ft of; Civil; Service Commissioners of Los Angeles * county. ' » - Examinations will be held 1 at 1 their: office aln * ■ the ' Hall !of i Records on , THURSDAY, * July 1 17, ° 1913, *at*lo a. m. "."ft •,-.-X"-y' ■- \y- Special ft; subjects, x training ft and;-.. experience. j ? will be'ascertained; under the* following, heads:; .-? ~ First —County government and administration j In the county of Los Angeles. ': Second—; merit system * and ~ civil • service I ?■'■*'- law. Third—Administration of, county civil service law. - '-->"?.;':-?:.•.•*,.;.'' X -ft?,; Departmental organization, • system "ftatization and efficiency methods. . Fifth—Oral} examination ;of ••" candidates and I - consideration fof references. , ■-..■.■ 1 '-..-■- DAVID EVANS. President;?;.; .1. M. HUNTER,*' . "-ft *-'-«.? - .-■ ;.?-,- *?'';;■.:??: IRA" J. H. SYKES. ?■"?'" ■;■?..- APPLI CATIONS I are | desired | for J the | position | of ?; Chief - l Examiner > and " Secretary for n the r * Board -? of . Civil * Service : Commissioners :of .' Los Angeles county./ *■ ' , '.-"..*: I The "' examinations ..will ?be ? largely : oral, X to ,--i gether with J investigation of ft all * references. ? Salary to; be. fixed • commensurate 1 with ? . experi ■ ence and general; qualifications. Examination vto be • held *: not - earlier ? than July 17th.* " . . ~ ' • - . Address all i communications or Inquiries to y Los Angeles ; County ; Civil; Service . Commission-' >' ers, ? : Hall of j Records,"; Los Angeles. California. 1 ;,?DAVIS EVENS., PRESIDENT;'-•-•:. :J. M.' HUNTER, ;., :.■??-; ?. ? IRA J. H. SYKES. '. ' " :., -y- TO ALL WHOM :IT - MAY S CONCERN: r, From ? this, - the sBd $ day £of ? June. 1913, I, W. R. .: BOYDSTON, will not.l be j responsible for- any . -debts 'Incurred: by my ■ -'. wife. Mrs.*.;, W. R. Bojdstou. a'resident'of ; B7l** Turk > st. * '. ' : .'".;'-:;.' y- . .■-.' '■':.;. -V"-'/ ;:'■ W. R. BOYDSTON.?? NOTlCE—Having left my bed and J board, I t will not ;be < responsible for s any? debts Incurred by «my 'Wife,** Emma J. : Lciser. ; Dated June 14. ?'JOHN.C.''LEISEB. -.X-yy--yy-yyyyyy . :y-y , -.-. -"■..... . . 1 Classified Directory for Ready Reference A^OPNI^TS-^EBTIFiED;;PCB.? JOHN R. RUCKSTELL.?C?PSAS?3d * floor? Clai/s M Sprockets '* iCalli h building: i phone f. Kearny 41' l. ? ? f ARCHITECTS^ _ IF. c YOU > contemplate building or want a capable ' :■■: architect; to l - rip*-Intend : construction :of ( build ing, ". call or V7rite O. >E. v EVANS, ,N. C.?- 2367 ■■.. Mission • st. ■- *".>■": y- .**"* ;>-* < ■■...■■'•-■y-yy '-•:'■:..■-. ■[■£:?■ ff'f ?'f?ATTOByEYS?f? '"■ ">UF[ Lsgai Mvm _T__^ m V& a ?_ZZ lutely, confidential;; results gtd. Rm. 801.' Call bid. R. W. KINO? attorney,, Grant I bldg? - Market and 7th, room i 320—A1l ; cases; j low fees; 1 nothing Ito ?,: advance or for consultation. : Phone Market 012. AA—FREE S LEGAL « INFORMATION ?BUREAU M with I reliable j law firm; 1 all | cases I quickly han ■>*.. dled; we ; advance ; all costs.l 003 Chronicle bldg." ALL - cases | handled }■ by : reliable attorney; those of ?small j means " welcome: i pay £ when s work »is .:,?! done; ; advice, free. 112 Market * St., offlce 1 122. FRANK ; P.; MEDINA,*; 610' Hewes |building? 6th .'; and Market sts.; (evenings) phone Sutter 2119.'; "ADVICE; free; \ decrees, damages, collections and all; law cases quickly, and: quietly bandied. 823 4-*? Market at. near 4th. room 507. ' ■.:, HARRIS A HESS, attorneys at law. W. T. Hess] M notary public. - Room , 709, * Hearst building. I: OROVILLE lE. JACKSON, corporation, i partner ■*^ship andimining man. 401* Call building. ?:■--. v.-; y' JLCARIMAGEST" ?~ FINEST AND CHEAPEST IN" THE 'CITY. $10,: $12, $15, $20. Strictly home ; industry. COULTER'S RATTAN- WORKS, ' ■> -.yy--y-y--- 1141 Sutter at. : -"*' CATARRH fAJTD^DEAFKESS?f^ EAR noises I positively cured; 1 new: antiseptic: 1 week tree to : convince. DR." COTTINGHAM.' m expert ear, nose, throat. 821»Markets room 402. _CORS^ETS3^^R^R~ LEARN! how«to" make corsets; you can make $15 to $23 per week: corset makers are scarce; our y, system - easily i learned. :' LAI FRANCE', TAIL ;? CORSET PARLOR. 47 Grant sv. , ? PA AN I models; i surgical; corsets. 2408; Fill ;; * more * Bt.; * phone West * 5368. Formerly with * ■: Llcbau Corset • Parlors. " , :??"* COLLECTIONS? ?-;?;:-:-, BRING your slow debts to"us.* 6 We'll collect them. I ■ 500 Call I bidg.: Sutter 4496; i prompt service. ?£STUMES^ ~^ LADIES' elegant costumes for theatrical, private entertainments, masquerades; costumes *. made : m to; order J and s rented. Trans-Pacific Amusement as Enterprise .'*: 1420 Hewes I bldg;; j Douglas: .1234. __BROMID£ SOJLAB^MNTS^"' SOLAR prints broin. Convex, per copy; m frames 30c up. Chicago Copy Co., 1021 G. G. it. -'.1.-,^™^^^^p^gAmnrQ^a STEELE'S ': Button Wks., ; 222 ! Ellis nr. Mason ;ph? IB Franklin 4521 and 1C4321; I mall orders solicited.' BUSINESS?COLLEGES J ~" HEALD'S BUSINESS I COLLEGE—SchooI of Civil, ■ Electrical. s Mining."." Architectural; 8 day, even ?? ing; ■•*, established ; ISC'*. 4251 McAllisters nt:%^ SANS FRANCISCO JJ BUSINESS? COLLEGER 1008 Market; st. opp.lßth—Day land evening sessions.' ALL court I reporters I recommend i GALLAGHER mMARSH _ Business I College. 12361 Market ■ at^gl CARPETSCLEANiyG ~~ S.? F. COMPRESSED AIR '*> CLEANING I CO., 397 Sutter*.st.; phone Kearny 5832 "(BLUB WAGON) —Carpets, rugs I quickly, thoroughly is cleaned I on f floor | without | removal; p estimates ii free. , . _ . WHEN yon become disgusted with 8 poor r work, m send ; your J carpets Ito* J. SPAULDING I A CO., ih 353 ; Tehama ■ at.; i Douglas ? 3048. Home * J2347;^8 WATT'S « reliable carpet cleaning; alterations, grenovating,! laying. 444 Divisadero; ph. Park 669.« AA—National Carpet I Beating Works—Hampton mg\ Bailey. 344-348 Church: « Mkt. 189. Mkt. 190. ADVICE free —Family | matters; organizing cor ' porations, damage | suits, bankruptcy; % all f enfrJ '». cialtlee. 14] 4 ' Call ■ bldg. **&jmt_&!^n6nßti_&*\ _.__ DENTISTS? ['^[^S[iy[[ ARTIFICIAL TEETH—"THIS t ONE I THING i I ff DO." DR. C. B. WILSON, 323 Geary, suite. 604. DR. IRA--G. LEEK—AII kinds of dental work." m 517 Fillmore t st. near * Oak. ss.fju ■——■■■!—ggg DETECTIVE AgEHCY LUCAS i DETECTIVE AGENCY, 713-713 S Pacific' bldg.—Trans, con.; |OLDEST ESTABLISHED ff AGENCY 'on i Pacific coast. Gives i results. GOLDEN ? GATE? DETECTIVE AGENCY. 812-18 m Grant! bldg., bonded I and' licensed, expert opera tives. Phone Park IS4O. Night. Park' .1694. ,; .. (. ELECTRIC SIGHS ;'- "VV ELITE f ELECTRIC I SIGN CO., 281 2d St.—Elec »trie 1 signs »our j spec.; j jobbing. Tel. Dong. 6661. HOMES FOR THE AGED COMFORTABLE home for old people. 341 East 14th st., Oakland. WSkWy „„rivfl - McDOWBLL'S Dressmaking and Millinery School —Evening classes; | patterns I cut to I order. j_i Geary st.. near Grant | ay.: 'tel. Doug. 47,>i. DRESSMAKHR—.Miss Hale, 078 1 Sutter 1 st.: one ,' piece r dresses, $5-$Ui; i evening f gowns specialty. & Phone I Franklin IIto&WSSm&V-^^*^®*®, ARTISTIC modish work. $1; dresses, 8 up. Phone Mission 3037? arm ; 23d j st. near Douglass. '^T^^^gHAlßfGOOM^^^M C. HOFFMAN I CO., importers jof i humanB hair, manufacturers of : wigs J and jail | kinds of f hair i gt.^ioakland.'^ag^^^^^ jH^IHSECTSSEXTEmrorATraQW WE guarantee to rid I your" premises of ' INSECTS. THE INSECTICIDE*CO., 659 Phelan building. llf ? :^^OTAMgCTAIBBBg^g SOLD, rented, exchanged: manufacturer of Eames ■8 tricycle chair. 1714 1 Market st.; tel. Park 2940. JEWELERS WATCH *f CLOCKS JEWELRY REPAIRS. Called s for and ■' delivered; S main i springs 50c; 2syear t guarantee. Call «up Wes_t_g7fjg. _LADDEBBT~ JXMBEK FOr3ALE NEW LUMBER t $10. shingles $1.50. rustic $20, doors $1.10; send lists. SWIFT & CO., 10th aud Mission sts. MATERNITY*? HOMES PRIVATE home before and during confinement; Hj safe; | restful location; I light, airy J rooms; f grad - Date • nurses; adoption." ft Address v Resident! Pa y siclan,*; 3751 ■ Shatter jay. corner j Moss, Oakland. S. F. LYING ;IN f HO4ME. 1191 Oak; St.—Adoption. m DR.* LORD, res, phy.; confmt.*s2s." Mkt. .4469. FLEXIBLE Meat Market? 1254 9th Sunset. IRWIN BERG, proprietor. Phone ; your orders to Stnnset 1301. ~~" . MEDICAL? ?_.'?:-???■:' INVALID chairs, plastic hosiery, abdominal belts. t?359 Sutter st. PERCY J. MEYER & CO?" ft? BEXOID ; cures i weakness in : men; $1. , RAYMOND REM. CO.. 19 7th st.. S. F. :'*-"-■* **■*'-•■-*- »--■'- ■■■' THE " Inventor's machinist; I machinery i experts. ft A. SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING WORKS, ■■' 15th ' and s Shot well : sts.. S. F.:- '"■ - ■■■ • "->'• v- y *-' BjjgjßßgggS!———— mmmm —. ————i—^— :•' , . ;: '" MANTELS ■___ WOOD?mantels for sale:? 511 Shotwell st.?be tween lSth'and*'l9tli.ft?:> '■■-.- ■ ■-yy-y-ty?-.a., METAL ffOHKS?'---?'^ Ciataß&tfcStoeftßiafteri W@irlks V? Fully equipped' to ! do light ~- metal :press; work. MODELS ft MADE AND ft PERFECTED. -1246 "»Golden * Gate t ay.: t phone «West * 2718?-; ft fKIBiOWS -:- -■-.--- -~ M. H. SAMMIS. pension atty.; pensions, back pay, lost army papers secured. 1064 Larkin. suite 5. SPECIALIST IN FEMALE COMPLAINTS— "Established in? S. F. for* 20 1 years; « sure ? and *.V quick « results; I strict, reliable j grad. s physician; ft no "detention*: from 'i home 5 or". occupation; my *f methods ¥ are *l original ; ; and ft are ft not *, used \by ,? other J specialists; r antiseptic 1 and j painless %my ?; offices i are so arranged that the utmost ; privacy « ■ Is assured; I consultation ': and advice ' free. * Room -* 8, "'> 1025 i MARKET: ST. ; bet. 6th I and f 7th sts.; ? hours 10-4. «:30-9; Sunday. 11-3. -ft?f,ft;?a: * A— SPECIALIST FOR -WOMEN ft"; ft *When worried consult* this specialist; anti "ft. septic, '* painless 'i treatment: ; immediate | results; I advice free; sanatorium when required; HOURS 'M lO-4. Westbauk I bid.. ft 830 < Market i St.. rm. 605. IF worried, consult lat * once; | painless I treatment; \'i confinement,ft $23," with ; , nurse.". Suite i 101, 787 Xy Market st. DISEASES men '. and • women specialty; f physician, ;,■ surgeon, ft PENN DRUG CO.. 123 3d st. -ft ALL'S obstinate and t chronic . diseases j specialty. IBM Sutter. cor. Webster; 11-7 week days. CANCER successfully i treated by? direct medica ;t ft tion and X-ray. CANCER INST.. 703 V.Ness ay. MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL. BLAKB'S BAZAAR. 1108 VALENCIA ST. " ft* ■ r .-. .- PATENT ATTORXEYS? 7 SOME patents do not protect: secure MONOPOLY ft-" on: your l invention ; In* U.ft S. and - foreign; coun ? tries.'* Frank P. Medina, attorney and ■ counselor >ft at ' law; ; electrical, mechanical | and chemical ex ?? pert; | registered l patent t attorney??* 619 * Hewes ?; bldg., cor. 6th } and' Market; i tela Sutter 2119. % PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND | PAY—Advice ;>' and f books t free; "i highest r° references; g best 8 re r ?suits; promptness assured: send sketch or model "ft for free search. WATSON E. COLEMAN, pat ?; ent lawyer;; 624; F st.. Washington. D. C. ft* DEWEY. STRONG & CO., founded 1860— U. S. %:y and 5 foreign, patents;! inventors' guide; 1 100 me chanical movements s; free. ; : 914-916 ft Crocker f ? building, San Francisco. ARTHUR L. BLEE;s California's leading ! patent ;« attorney and' mechanical expert; always correct. i>;: Rooms 704-705. Foxcroft | building. M Post ! st. C. P. GRIFFIN, ex-examiner U. S. patent; office; ftj|,U.*i S. and ; foreign \ patents. 704 ; Pacific j bldg.lCti DILLON? W. E., patent lawyer,' pensions: charge! ft: moderate; I always successful. * 527 Pacificlbldg. H. C. ISCHROEDER,"? patent."* trademark I attorney. m 417 t First National Bank building. Oakland. Vc: G. W. WlEGAND—Patents, trademarks,?;etc. ■ 803 Security^Bk." bldg., Oakland; ph. Oak. 2563. FRANK <P?f MEDINA, 619 Hewes i building,** 6th • * and 5 Market ; sts.; (evenings) phone Sntter 2119, MISSION * BRANCH <OF • THE ! CALL, ft BLAKE'S m, BAZAAR. 1108 VALENCIA ST. : EXTERIOR painting, tinting, paper hanging good work, prompt" service. ;", ROBERTS, 73C Eddy st. Franklin 4200. ' * : ft piajco ypiniro PIANOS tuned, s polished and repaired: work gnar anteed. Laguna'Piano! Repair ;^.?.727£l^gnna. MAY IR. NICHOLS, 806-7 1 Humboldt I Bank I bldg.; E|tel.*« Douglas ? 5447—Public * stenographer, legal Kf work, technical ■? reports, ft plays, parts, cues, multi-color press work. ft ■'■■""'- -ft •■ STAMPB for collections, albums, catalogues, etc.; ?"■ collections bought.i E. P. Seebohm. 250•' Market. ML --__ «l-~- W_WMi STAMMERING STAMMER S Method Ito cure explained FREE. HjMa L. HATFIELD, 1916 Grove, Oakland, CaL? STAMMERING—Cure guaranteed; cons, free; est. 35 years. Mrs. M. J. L. Crane. 1902 g^9Mgg„MP-¥ OYiyG VANS ?AA—LINCOLN WAREHOUSE AND VAN CO.— p Low I rates; -i storage, moving, packing, shipping". ft;.- 2316-20 j Fillmore % st.; phone West Si4lo4:i^aE EXCURSION rates east on household good; $1.7? ?g per hundred to Chlesgo: through car; service, VAN _ STORAGE CO. [ .WILSON 1 BROS. CO.?' fireproof I storage, moving, 111 packing, l shipping. _ Removed to 1636 Market st, nesr Haight; phone Park 271. • PIERCE-RODOLPH • STORAGE f CO.. 1430|Eddj :■» St.; ' phone« West '■ 828. Home' 52828. ■^S^g^fWjLLL^FAJPEßla^fefeS 1 WALLPAPERS 4c-6c roll: honse lining, 3%c ydJ; ' M paint fsl gal. M. Merigan tm Co.. 144,7* Ellis, Building Contract* '.wSHi A. Pommo with J. R. Reite and B. R. Hallinj —To ? erect 3 a 3 three i story j and * basement 1 framt apartment house In line of Larkin street. 3! :S of Pacific avenue, 32:6 by 08:9; $10,214. Csntagne & Ducasse with Metter—Al :work, except plumbing, gas fitting, electric work j shades \ and j gas l fixtures, for ja i three I story f rami (store and flats) in line of Seventeenth, 54:1! i E of i Capp. E! M by 100; I $4,313. Es Moore s Investment g company with Sf Farrell Btl I Reld—All work, except ;on tilde foundation walk steel | frame, prepared t roofing,? skylights | in! roof ' j three j fire j doors ; In ? shop, v elevator i work I and l firs story i floor, for a i two i story brick building _in I*o | line of • Second * street. 100 y^lj^»**j'J3 50. 160; $8,734. Wilhelm Klrsch and Marie SiemoVwlthftQeorsp V. McCansland—To i erect ta 5 tiro I Btory and«base ment | frame I building .s (apartments )"i in I NI line I o: Tehama j street. 375 sW<Of i Fifth, 30x73; i $5,200. - "" -- * c*e * " * . ... ... ,".,-,-*.,-„... .-4 - Dried Fruits la Ken York . . - NEW YORK. JnM3i4;—Evaporated Apples- Quiet. Fancy, 7*;i®s*'4e; i choice, 6Q6%c; • prime 5 H ®3?4 Prunes—Quiet. '.California.^ B'i®l2c; Oregons s^i®9c. Apricots—Stesdy. ! Choice. IKailUesWexto choice, 11%®12c; | fancy. UK&l**.l»_mmm Peaches—Quiet. Choice, 6?4@7c; : extra , choice «%®7%c; I fancy, 7\®Bc. Raisin*—Dull, mnacatels. 4V4.aß*4e choice ?to ) fancy i seeded. »®«He;= seedless. n%c; London layers. $1.20@1.40. Snnt* Roan Eur Mnrlcet m SANTA ROSA, June i 14, There was fno changt today In ithe, local egg prices.'-; On receipt of, ad vices ehowlng ** s morning transactions on, tb« San rrenciaeo Dairy. Produce and Egg ewhitoft toc f?:Sff*s ? paid f 2Se pat) down for am «*S3« and 10% c for: second or pullet grade eggs del! v ered resterdav. NORTHERN SUMMER CAMPS COMMENCE GOLD PRODUCTION Outlook Is Extremely Prom ising for Quartz, Placer _m—&tt_______Am_mmm_Zy*>*---- '- •'*--- ""-ft*'--- -'. and Drift Gravel Properties ?' With, the annual exodus of' miners - 111. 1 Ji|l>>" 'I'ISIIOMH' 1 lllnl. 'UN. J ' from the bay and valley regions in • full swing, the gold camps in the central ■pspap* B^,^ -. „ - — *- - '-...*• * a£j**:wti_wM®£s and northern California counties are rapidly filling up with claim owners, leasers, prospectors and laborers," and the outfitting centers in widely sepa rated districts report that supplies and equipment are being forwarded to the mines in a steady stream. At most of the northern ! summer camps—which are opening up rather late this year be cause of snow and weather conditions — the placer, quartz and drift gravel properties have already started or are about to start the active producing under conditions | that bespeak uniformly good results everywhere. The deep | mines of | the lode, that are active the year around, are turning out the usual big tonnage of ore, while the dredging companies are f steadily en larging their scope of operations in old and* new fields." . Bonding and leasing operations in all branches of the in dustry are also increasing at a rate that promises to make the 1913 season one of the busiest and most prosperous in the history, of the industry. — ——— , >_ i a • California j A.—"" " '*' " : *'"" "' '"'" ':': "' "'' '"''* " " , -m. Easterners in El Dorado ?ft Eastern?capitalists have bonded the large g group ;5 of ft mines < near 4 fFairplay known as the Slug Gulch property and have eight men at work night] and day openings a tunnel and other men build ing and repairing flumes on the ditch. The company has been incorporated as the Slug Gulch Mining! company. The officers it of this If corporation are: Alex Molr, banker of Burlington, la., presi dent; James Molr, banker of the s,ame place, treasurer; li Frank f*j E. Abbey .of BiggsviUe;^lll^secretary;'«Edward? J. King of Galesburg, a member of the Illinois legislature, attorney, and W. J. Scofleld of manager. The prop erty originally belonged to Nathan B. Hall, and the gold values first attracted his attention in 1878. In the 16 years he ! lived on the property several | large nieces lof gold were taken out, ranging in value from $224 to $1,100 each. »,.-,-,. The 1 property! was 1 named 1 Slug Gulch lon account of the abundance free j nuggets and slugs found there. An ancient gold bearing lava capped rivers channel | extends & through the re gion, and there sisf abundance of water to-mine | the placer deposits.? ft ft?; -.v: tf The main water right is known as the Slug - Gulch water ft right? flume and ditch,, which extends southwesterly to Spanish creek, a' distance of about eight miles, and easterly 10 miles farther to the intake on the? south fork of the middle fork 'of .the i Cosumnes \ river/vl? 7 55; The development work now going on promises to is revive! the fame; of. Slug Gulch as Sal gold bearing region.—Plac- erville Republican. Cl i_ • SB* r%- t Gambrinus Mine Rich 11. W. Rogers, superintendent of the Gambrinus j mine, , and F. A. Denison, secretary? of the corporation, came in from Stella last week with two speci men chunks vof ore, that are on exhibi tion at the. Redding Chamber of Com merce. ,'. '~ .-. . ?* This ore, the sample running $500 to the ton, was taken from the 1 250 foot level, the lowest level at present? .The quartz ft contains chalcopyrlte, iron ore and -free gold. ; ■ ' , «?'. The mine has been wbrked fori three years and during this time has produced $250, The mine is really in the de- ! velopment stage. It is located 11 miles ! northwest of ft Redding. The ore aver ages $16 . per .i ton.—Reading Register. Del Norte Claim Bonded ■ John MoTrls, Lee Crafts and H. Davis of Forest City J have secured a bond on the I Del Norte quartz claim, near that place, and intend ito open the property." In former days it was worked as a placer, yielding a fortune, and" much of Its yield was -t: in the shape ft of S coarse i i , and heavy nuggets, some of them run ning Into i hundreds of I dollars in value. The mine was a deposit of .If ancient channel gravel, from which the ande sitic cap j had been eroded by glaciers j and it was worked by hydraulic giants. The source of the; coarse gold,: however was believed to be . a -"ledge that traversed the bedrock of the claim, and a*^prospector ' known ■'•*;as "Porphyry ; Smith" spent a i good ** many years en deavoring to -locate thess shoot. It is this shoot that the bonders will en deavor to uncover, expecting to find a bonanza. . There 'is a known ledge on ! the mine which has some milling val ues, and this will also be developed. : The Del Norte is a west extension of ; the Oriental? quartz mine, which in its day produced several millions in gold." —Grass Valley Union. Activity at Georgetown iJ. 11. Robinson of San Francisco was In Georgetown last week looking after : ! his mining interests. He reports that the** parties ft.who.. sampled? the ftßeebe , mineas in this place a few weeks ago ; will begin ?actives operations on the property about the middle of the month. Two engines, an air compressor! and! a* , new hoist with direct connection from : one of the engines will be installed. ; Machine drills will be used, and other ?up to date equipment will be purchased ; ;as development work progresses. A two stamp mill is being installed ; on the Homestead claim for prospecting purposes. Later on a Huntington mill : will be added to the equipment.* The l ! pulp will be forced through a quarter ! ; inch screen and passed on to the Hunt [ ington mill. It is claimed that a large amount ? ore *g can JSbejgf successfully ; treated by this operation. This prop ■ erty is just north of the Mulby Point ■ mine. - . ' .._"■; i. James Walsh of Auburn *■•, recently ; purchased a fine specimen! gold nugget which was taken from the Tiedemann , mine, about eightf miles east of town. \ The nugget, which is of pure gold ' without a particle of quartz, weighs ! nearly five ounces and is valued at $sr>. jJ. C. Horn is in possession of a gold ; specimen about the size of pat double' eagle gold piece and which resembles : a mass of ; ; thin gold wire crushed to gether. In the center of the piece two ; small quartz crystals protrude through I the gold, which adds beauty to »the' i specimen. ? The nugget was found in \ i the Golden Egg mine, the property of j the Gaydon brothers. . *Mgpaf| , and Forni continue to take \ out good pay rock from their claim I south of the mine. Some of the ore shows considerable free gold. J It is reported that the mining com ' pany which recently secured an i option i: on the Mulby Point 1 mine will i com mence active j operations lin the near fu >. ture. —Georgetown Gazette. Gravel Properties Bonded ■ __%V m^_^^__^_rz^"': 'lf^f f t&**ea&f*>****tjmmiss^^^ 1 Lake City Is looking forward to bet " ter times. Extensive gravel holdings up that way have been bonded by F. !M. Phelps | and others, and? it is :expected , that a tunnel will be run into the hill - side to tap the blue gravel channel. • Among the claims secured are those of the Howlett brothers, known «| as the ! > Golden '* Oriole I group. The main ridge j channel passes through Lake City and ! has never been worked to any extent. f It is believed that it will pay to work • | the 1 gravel by the drifting. process, and Fred Phelps :is I now at Lake City having i tests made. Drillings * are i being j made ,at various places, and later on the tun • nel will be started.' i Hi On either side of Lake \ City, at 'North < Bloomfleld and Columbia Hill, the chan j nel paid handsomely. - * .;"./•*.*> On a tributary stream of the ancient river, on Grizzly ridge, a deposit Is now \ being drifted upon by the Mourning I brothers of Los Angeles, and a large I body of l auriferous gravel has been | ex posed.—Grass .Valley. r Union. ; ?\?"..; ~■; The Amador District i. • The S prospecting* operations that have 1 been in progress at the mine for some time have reached the bottom ft , " 4 ~ - 4*^"*,"'*4 ; PJUMN SALES E. CURTJS Pwfsie!*- . •- 44 -*.~y-.y •"• AUCTIONEER .TT^TT.-.-■.." .-ft-,; Office; and fSalesroom. Van < Ness at Sacramento. fe Phonal Franklin '."264. The old ft established S bcuse iAt g CURTIS— *s connection R with any t?brspch:r?? ?■■-'■::]:'■ y-r.-'.'■:;■:. -.' .?>";•: '- > '.--,.-. ..,:<-;*.' ___f*___ -___}____'** • 4 bIKs B^HMk''-'.': AT AUCTION 100 Horses 100 - . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1913 By order of Abel A Eoinaz of Winnemncca, Xev., we will sell 100 head of all purpose horses,, weighing from 900 to 1.400 pounds, ; broken and % unbroken; •* many ,>good % bea vy ji boned wagon I horses I being jin I this j lot; I also light | stock, suitable for ;> butcher, bakery I and | milk ft wagons. «%*Sale takes i place at illj ay m., Wednesday. Juno 18.ft at ;, J. ■ B.i« Horan's S sales Iyard,\ corner 510 th and Bryant Sts., S. V. Positively,ft no outside horse*. " Da not send them. XV. 11. HORD, Auctioneer. 704 Market St.. S.: P. Jfes> FOR SALE — 338 and 340 fcfl St. «*OneTe«Foflialdlnga from the Rancho del Norto, Ban & Lola I Obispo. Cal. Bayav»bl»eks. sorrels and grays; ft weight 1,250*. to I.iOO lbs.; ages j4l to IT;, good 5 chunks ? for J orchards for * wag ons, etc.; sin 1 fine ' condition; * all. well broke fee any * kind ?of work. - Phone Market '; 3877. Ne» York i Sale J Stable. JOS. LBVBT.ft ...?* ft-:*ft.ft? S ■',?,.. ... ■?" ~ .......... — of the shaft in the old workings only time the bottom has been un covered i since the mine was shut, down years s ago. ft The 1 mine is being worked on a bonding proposition by W. Hooper, who is judiciously using :fthls?- money imS finding out j* what ;« there ft is at ft the bottom of the shaft. The shaft is 600 feet *ft deep and xit is? reported? that a a good body ft of milling * ore has been found *at 1 this ft depth. ft The outlook |is very promising for '-the: development of a paying mine. The outlook for the north end fof ? the **-: county «* is \ more * en couraging than at any j time since , the closing of the ft Pacific y more than .20 years ago. ~ - The ; English 5 company s operating 5 the Pacific is more confident than ever of placing this ft one :-, time? premier gold producer of the county on a dividend basis again. iftft,? • i.y.-y ? ft- 'ft?-*?'*? XX *? : ?:- Good ore has been encountered ft in such quantity/that the talk of erecting a mill during the present year is freely heard." : ft.'?ftftft ft-'*-'' - '**'■'?'* ; -"-??? ■:'-'-. * pf After running "the I crosscut' about *30 0 feet ft at ;ft the 3900 foot level, ft the ore bod yi has been encountered ? in? the %Ar gonaut The rock is reported: to be as rich %as i any heretofore i opened %up '*» in this famous mine. The Argonaut, likfe its big neighbor, the Kennedy?- is '■ prov ing richer with 4increasing 1 depth. ft- ? PlAfter* at rest of | about 18 months I the South Eureka has 3 again *« entered $ the list of J dividend 1 payers. The r profits of last? month ? enabled ? the ft company to distribute 3 £ cents? per share, making a total disbursement of $9,000. It is ex pected that this rate will be maintained and perhaps I increased fin* the near fu ture. A" portion of the Oneida mill is being put in condition to ft crush ore found am v the - drifts iof * that* portion *of the t: South ? Eureka holdings.— Ledger. '♦■'■'■ "•"■■"' '"■"- '■"■"" ——— ~ -—♦ Nevada .♦. ... .. . -?--. ■..,.'.' . : -:-.,.:. ■;■ -ft. .' ♦ Manhattan Placers Prosper An air of general prosperity pervades the f_ main ? Manhattan? gulch—home »of the placers—from the substation to the canyon mouth, a 1 distance *of about « four miles. < Good; cleanups :are being made daily, and the gulch Is sending to the mint * many J thousands % of I dollars i every month. The placer * operators are very optimistic, as a rule, and J believe that the gulch will continue its golden » out put! fori years to come. Several of the mines are running three shifts a day.*?? i The lowest »\ point l' down the gulch where work «is * being done *isft on ? the American Flag ground, under lease to *immmm^ia^m»a»atammmmmmmmmmmmmwammaammmi>mam*msamtsam STATEMENT OF THE CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS OF TH* THE HOME INSURANCE COM -* ( PANY OF ■'•■ NEW YORK; IN i THE '- STATE? OF NE*H I+-; YORK, on * the 31st " day *of . December, A. ** D ?? 1912. and ** for | the l year x ending aon ;, that , day ft Published pursuant to the provisions of sectloi -y- 611 of i the % Political ; Code : and; compiled * fronr :\ the \ annual statement filed;with the Insurant* Commissioner of the State of California. ; ff? '' CAPITAL * ? Amount of capital stock, paid np in cash ft...........;........... .*.; $3,000,000.0< , ASSETS Mortgage" l loans ?;...?:::.:;;?;.. ? $21,300.0( Cash market value of all stocks and * M bonds' owned ; by, company >".'. .'.;..*: 29,071,826.0( Cash in banks 1.759.494.71 • Interest f due, and accrued ft;*.T.ftft':*'.'T'.: 226,086.0( Agents' balances representing; busi *ness written subsequent to Oct." 1, ?f 1912*;*".....ft ...".*."". ::'':■:-.. .:.:;.;; 2.327.747.8J ':• Total assets...? . f. ............. $33,406,434, I LIABILITIES Losses adjusted and unpaid .?.';;:.. .';■ $279,685.71 ; Losses imf process ;of adjustment or .■■'.--• ?*y • is in 1 suspense rft".".*.*".'*."? V. r.*.".*.'ftft.'ft 864,810.9* Losses S resisted, Including ; expenses -; ; 119,500.6" Unearned \ premiums 'i on *. Are * risks ■ . : ' ?-*running ione year or less, 60; per * ft cent .v?;;-...r:;?ft. r. ;...?,.v?... 3,920,414.0( Unearned ?, premiums | on f. Are S risks ; -.-.■ running more :than?on*; year, ipro"- .*-. ft, it rata iff: ft?.', .--ft.*; :".•';'? 8,026.747.0( j Unearned premiums on inland navi- -«■ ■. ■■-. W gation risks,*; 50 per cent 515.276.0 C Unearned; * premiums on ... marine ft s.?risks;ilooip*r<centr:..?:v.;:;:. : ft 73,985.0( Estimated i taxes i hereafter i payable IKg based • upon this year's ■ business.. .* 200,000.0. Commissions, and brokerage due or ' --'-** *? , 1 alto : become due ft. .*...' 91.201. I Belnsnrance : premiums ft;?..;;.'.. ft. * 258,060.1; Reserve asa conflagration surplot. '"'1,800,000.0< I All other, liabilities *; *. *.'•';..'. r;,;ft?ft. ft . , 100,000. j?f Total;liabilities ??.'. :. ??A . ?...ft.516,054,678.3: . ■'•■ INCOME ■ Net cash actually received for Are ? ' premium5.?".....•..*.^ft..ft;*.r.t..512,411, i Net f cash * actually received or ma rine I premiums • 612,700-8* Received for 4lnterest on mortgages 1,885.31 Received I? from S interest i and » dlvi | *« dends on bonds, stocks, leans, and "; ; from all other sources yy::-.:ryyy. 1,316,814.2: Gross! profit "on I sale ;or ; maturity ;at ? - v •:, m ledger I assets w.TTTrfr.'.TZTT; ;tr; ■■ 111,568.11 Agents' balances previously ; charged ft - s .«; m, off.itft-.T.-*;".....;*. :::..r. .v.*.*.... ft... '?;.ftv37.3< Income from all other sources 676.01 ■ ■■'...,■'■•."■■ :■■■■:■.■■■■■■■■. 'ft : .'?■'■:- —■ '■ Total Income * -.. $14,455,151.6) ■ ' - c f EXPENDITURES ?:?f ?•'"??,'-"-; f-f Net "amount paid for Are* losses /... ; $6,688,823.6" Net amount paid for marine losses. . 291,223.1' Expenses! of s adjustment and settle- - m ment . of , losses ft."............... 155,138.3.' Dividends ?to § Stockholders "........ 1,050,000.0* Paid or allowedt tor commission or «hrokersf^yrr^rrfrr:' , :T7T".T;*'-.''fr.".'*.2,5i8,280-.6 Paid 5 for : t salaries, fees ?and f other ft-* * _-«, * *. • ;« charges for officers, clerks, etc yy-yy 921.845.7 Paid ? for ; state, ft national ; and i local. -~^"v:,■ • ft-ssa taxes • ■• 862,452.8! Gross decrease in book value of led *'ger?as•ets.rr^Tr^:*r^;':;:.*.?ftv..*;.-..'■-•; , .; 11,595.01 Gross loss on sale or matnrlty of ■■yyyy ledger j tweffrnfrrirrr.-;T;v.. :-.?■; 26,160.0* i Rents ! *f^^.*TrrrrrnTrr7jTrrrrrrr; , ft ' * 130.455.51 All other expenditures .*•:"..'.;.*.\. *- 696.367.6: Totsl expenditures . ........$12,752,376.51 Fire ■ Marin*- Losses incurred during *:-<the year • :. .$6,697,513.96 $302,093.9" RISKS AND ; PREMIUMS ? Fire Risks ■' . Premiums : Net amour : of risks written " during the ' ■'" -??--."' * ■ ■ rear $2,027,945,515 $18,527,888.7 Net amount of risks expired during the ysar 17,137,292.7: ;Net amount In force?ss-n • * Dec. 31, 1912.... 2,811,875.897 22.864.439,0 Skggga*' ' Marine Bisks ft Premiums Net amount of, risks ■".■:■' . - -"■• t written during th* year $812,302,906 $1,134,882.1 Net i amount of risks Wm II Hill I 1 ■liillßllll . M expired during the -year......:.../. 314,777,727 1,189.792.1 Net amount ln fores »a^^ Dm. 31, 1912 25,788.396 ** 712.535.0* B. G. SNOW. President. [______ f CHAS. L. TTNBR. i Secretary. » Subscribed a and f sworn ito 1 before! me this 22) day of January, 1913. JOHN ft H. HATS, Notary Public. HARRY L. ROFF, General Agent JOHN J. SHEAHAN, ■ ■ Asst. Qen'l Agent. ?' 824 Saaaoiae Street BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Phones Kearay • 853; Kearayj»4|| AUCTION SALES „ WILLIAM HAASE, Auctioneer 533 MARKET STREET Phone Sutter 199*1 • ..-■ « 4-4 ! AUCTION ANNOUNCBHENI At the Salesroom, 535 MAHKET STREET Opposite Sansome and Sutter Sts. Tuesday, June 17, 1913 ft SALE STARTS AT 11 A. M. "'On 'account „of . departure; for L, the- east 'of i I prominent I family, name withheld ?byj request jI? will sell ?tuc...'. great ft collection of 600 im ft;. I ported'wine* and champagne; glasses,? Germai J steins, ft bric-a-brac,; art goods, antiques, rugs. ma i bog Soy desks and chairs: also a ; great collect I of oil paintings by European, eastern and west I em artists, about 00 in all AT PUBLIC AUCTION ,1 must enlarge my? Salesroom arid eTerythinj : , must' be; sold." There; will •be: no limit and not h ing 'reserved.? .;•,.:*.%,• ■'-■'■'ft ■-•■^l L '■" JOS. BASCH & CO. /' 1244 SUTTER; ST. -"v. - : Phone: Franklin 114::. -. t Auction Sale Of Magnificent Home Furnishings from home ol wealth and refinement Elegant'lBth century.mahogany bed suite (cos $1,000), inlaid Circassian walnut bed suiteft mas "' sire 4' post | solid i mahogany bed suite? Inlaid' nw -A. hoganyp period ['dining:; suite,? English?- 1 oak? an< / 'cane;llTlngiroom.6ult©;of;Jacobean - * mahogany «carved ft.library ft suite,.".:Englishl*atn * chairs and rockers'in'finest oriental % cabinet; ft finest I crystal - and i glaaswaro white and gold* HaTiland. dinner 2 set, J orients i Miction Sale ■~• > Of Magnificent Home rnisnings from home ol vealth and refinement want 18th century mahogany bed suite i <0), inlaid Circassian walnut bed suite, mas 4 post solid mahogany bed suite, inlaid roa A, ny period dining suite. English oak an< * liring room suite of Jacobean period, solic >gany carved library suite, English am •a and rockers in finest leather, wonderfu tal cabinet, finest crystal and glaaswaro c and gold Ilavlland dinner sat, orients marbles, bronzes, tapestry CbeeterfleM Chippendale \ chairs, * complete chest of - cutlery . etc.,i etc.? - »- , 'ft ■•' ?Tomorrow,f Monday, June 16, At 11 A. M. ft Salo :to] ba held in * the I ballroom iof Assembl j Hall in Sutter st. between Van Ness and Polk st ;; ?? JOS. BASOH, Auctioneer. Goods on ' View. Today from 3 to 4 P. ' M MARK J. LEVY AUCTION CO. Office and Salesroom, 855 Mission st. .? Pays highest price. for: all J kinds .of ■ furniture, merchandise, etc. Houses bought in taslr en tirety. Goods sold on commission. . - -■" ■'■■ ??'? ? Phone— * 1209. .????f??f' - ■ • ■ *% ,X E. L. Hoi lings head and associates. The • shaft j has? reached ? bedrock at SO feet, and drifts will beftrun east and west. In the bottom ?of the shaft a high reef was 'encountered,"and it is believed that with about 25 feet of drifting the chan -. nel will be struck. -.*ft:.; '-..• ft Other claims in a the gulch that ft are being profitably* worked by,;the owners* and sleasers i are* the I*Jumbo • No. • 2?' San Francisco, Independence, ;Fairviewf Black: Cat, Robust, September, Rainbow, and VxWolf tone.? A On ? several v of ? these claims 1 the .average- value of .-the grave washed*, is around $5 a yard.—Manhat tan* Post. ■, v * ■, New Searchlight Producer ' Another.*big, productive property will be on the list of Searchlight's gold pro ducers *in "» the H near/* future. Negotia tions are now pending between th( Marion Mining company, owners of 'th€ ', Marion a group ;, of amines;? and ft the- Na , tional j Pulverizer? company of Denver ; Colo.;; for the installation of a 100 tot plant capable of treating «their - base ores ;at a very low cost with •an excel lent 'percentage; of the values saved. ft ft i? The shaft .values? average in.-* the; - neighborhood ? of* $7•• per ton. . while the main ft ore body ?- gives values? in gold . from $2.50 to $90, with a general aver-; ;'. age of $B;per.;ton.-r ; -Searchlight Bulletin.; 1 STATEMENT OP THE CONDITIONS r AND*AFFAIBS Or THB QUEEN INSURANCE COM : Q PANY OF AMERICA OP, NEW YORK, in the state of NEW YORK,* on the i 81st I day: of . December, ; A.*: D.*- 1012, i and , for I the year ending on that day. Published pursuant j to th* provisions of Section 611 of the Political Code and compiled from ' the j annual statement filed with the Insurance Commissioner of ths state of California. - ft CAPITAL r f . Amount of capital stock, paid np is ?? cash .:...................... $1,000,000. OG ' ?"?f ;:: ?ft;???f?.? .' ASSETS; ; ? "'' yy-.L-.':-. - Mortgage loans ... '.'. ....'......".". '.'. $63,000.00 Cash market value of all stocks and - — bonds owned by c0mpany.......... 8,607,482.24 Cash in 0ff1cerr..";.....r;..'........% 7,869.97 Cash in banks .. r., X.. .'."":'...........; 430.650.6.1 Interest due and accrued............ ■? 85,304.17 ft; Agents' balances * representing ... busi-. -ftmess. written subsequent to October 1,, 1912rrr.-..:..;..;..:.;......;.. 779,082.4- Bills! receivable, not « matured, taken *-■ for Are and marine risks .?;/... 293.40 Due I from * other j companies ■; for ! rein- . ■: ft surance on losses already paid...'.'? 15,148.63 Commissions on unpaid reinsurance premiums .......................• 13,666.44 f Total a55et5.................. $9,994,460.01 LIABILITIES _ • Losses adjusted and unpaid ........ $186,038.66 , Losses in process of adjustment or •: <•-"■■ in suspense r.':'TVi*'.".'T:';'t.''.'T:'TTr'2ls,Bl7.67 - Losses resisted. Including expenses. .' 59,961.0*) . Unearned premiums on fire risks ran- ■ ning one year or less. 50 per cent.. 1,405,125.73 Unearned premiums. on Are risks run- • - ning more than one year, pro rata 2,755,854.51 ?■ Unearned premiums 'on f inland i navi- ? ;.% gation risks, 50 per cent.:*..-..*.*.*.'?. 205,798.98 Unearned premiums on marine risks, ?" 100 per cent«v.*r.".*; , n*r.**:rrr7;'.':.. 16,093.5* Estimated taxes hereafter {payable, * ■ .- based upon this year's business.... 96,004.24 Commissions and brokerage due or to .*« become <* doe :v: :y: r :T:y.. r : ;-.*.*;v. :*:".'c-.ft' 13,664.29 ' Reinsurance premiums and return . . r"premiums C.-rrr.Trr.'vr:.......**.... ! * 69.447.29 - Pension obligations .;........... 82.280. All other 1iabi1itie5..........;...... . 27,218.08 Total 1iabi1itie5................. 16,038,304.03 INCOME , fU 1 Net: cash vactually.. received . for Are ft »^™ '•- premiums?//.-....'/."/.....".:...... $4,476,334.70 Net i cash i actually : received *. for ma , J-2 rine premiums .vrrrr.T?',':. .TV." .*... ? 532,691.39 Received for interest on bonds and wnK>rtgage»rr.''::r.r.*;':~..?*...-...'.... . 2,950.00 * Received from interest and dividends . *,ilon bonds, stocks, loans ' and *. from . - '.. i*all other 50urce5.'.?...".".**?."...".'..".. 847,152.00 X Gross profit! on sale-orft. maturity; of '- *r j /^ledger assets .'.;..:.'..:.;.....-. 28,609.89 '. Agents' balances previously charged ' -",o_?:i J ?:r.7y.-..-.:.x.-;y.y.-....y.:yx 9.5 a Total income " $3,388,747.53 EXPENDITURES - ' Net amount paid for Are losses?..... $2,819,702.58 '; Net amount paid for marina losses.. ■ 225,317.98 Expenses «of adjustment and settle-- * \ ment of losses..;. r.ft':Vft ..v..;;..; - 64,730.27 Dividends to stockholders.*?'.*..:.*-;.... ; 800,000.00 '"■ Paid or i allowed -, for; commission or ft-ft 1 '.brokerages... ..: 951.067.53 :* Paid S for salaries, .;*fees? and 3 other ft 1 charges for officers, clerks, etc.'."*..* 510,130.61 Paid ; for state, national and local 1 taxes 121,258.92 I Gross j| decrease ft in book vain* of >."."" '*"*• 1-5 ledger 'assets .*.....*. ... I •] Bents rt-fr:y:r::':Tfr:~'.~r:ry::r: :r;;*;' .ft 67.060.W r-" '. All;other expenditures r..~..;...;. 276.905."c j Total expenditures ........ ......$4,843,710.91 j IWB|^i-4ft :; :ft: ft' Fire - Marine and ' Losses incurred .during--ft. % ?: Tornado , the: year .-rTTTftrrrr.. 52,302,634.48 ft $264,863.00 ft ?? RISKS AND PREMIUMS ... ' Fire Risks Premiums • Net amount ft of * risks \ ':-'... *-'•■ ft written during tbe ? year •..$532,871,425 86,065.268.:'« •■.'■ .' Net amount of risks v.:'-"**- 1 -"''. ' "ft '■';'--"i-■•■*. ft-*- *■■ •' -expired 'during' the -ft * ftft ... » ? year..-...v........:.? 497,620,277 5,793,610.41 ' NetL amount .in ft force - . , "- December 31, 1912.. 730.867.190 8,058.660.54 Marine Risks .Premiums I; Net £ a mount of risks I written during the , -ft* .4 > : .;• year \". $135,072,888 .$659,184.37 ; > Net amount.; of ■ risks y .-< expired during the »;;-. i?:v. 127,719,884 481,410.19 Ii Net amount lln I force pk|M»i-ft.-'' ?., *r -ft - y *-■- y- 'y •*•■■' December 81, 1813.. 16.629.120 437.691.57 GEORGE W. BUBCHELL, Tics President NEVETT S. BABTOW. Secretary. : ?* : > i Subscribed and sworn to before ma this 286 dv«S? n of January, 1915.%*>* f - > a3*"* ; . T. LIVINGSTONE KSXNBDT. ' ft Notary Publle. ROLLA V. WATT, Manager. Pacille Department, y-y-yy.----- _ _-■ -~- -•— -■ *■__-*.. .;--'-*-..'ft- -■ -* / ••''•'•'• Royal laaaraace Balldtas, a Saa fl Fraaaiace. "" CaL \