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12 THE^CALL Address All Cononnßl<«tioiis .to " : : ■4 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL 4y ' Telvpboue «Ke*ray ;86;'-—Aak: for. the Call. Toe Operator Will Connect You .* With the Department .You Wish. BUSINESS OFFICE AND . EDITORIAL - ROOMS, Market and . Third Streets. .Open until 11 o'clock every nj-g-iit in -'. thd^'year/. - • ** * • y,„, • !_AIN CITY i BRANCH. •• 1653 Fillmore "■-' Street near -Post. * : " • OAKLAND OFFICE; 1540 Broadway. Telephone Oakland-1083. ' ALAMEDA OFFICE; 1435 Park Street 'Telephone Alameda 559- . • •, BERKELEY OFFICE. -2*oll Shattuck .Avenue. Telephone Berkeley 77. CHICAGO: OFFICE. Tribune Building:. ' "W. J. Morton Company* . ■ NEW YORK: OFFICE. 300 Fifth Aver ■•* mie..- VS. J. : Morton * Company. LOS ANGELES . OFFICE-. -West •.-' Twenty-third Street". .Home phone . ' 22417. ." William W.'. Wlncup, Agent I .WASHINGTON NEWS BUREAU. Post -..•■;.. Building. * Ira. .E-- Bennett .Corre ;■ spondent • *. • i " * • - ' NEW • YORK NEWS BUREAU. 515 ■"•• Tribune Building. G. C. Carlton, Cor • .'respondent ■.. • '.-.': -""'-**-, Fereisu Oflleea. Where The Call la on ■.•.•.■:."-:*.'.*;-." * -Pile! ."-.■*..■" . __ JLONDON, Eng. . .3 Regent. Street, S/ W. PARIS,' France. ....>. .53 Rue Cambon -BERLIN, Germany. .Unter* den Linden 3 ; ALL • POSTMASTERS ARE AUTHOR ■ IZED TO RECEIVE.SUBSCRIPTIONS Sample -Copies Will .Be ' Forwarded :■"• When Requested.'.* * - *", * • Mail .Subscribers in* ordering change of address should be particular to give : both : NEW and OLD -.ADDRESS -in •;•:■'. order' to secure a prompt and correct :"■ compliance with their request. ■"■ ■ MEETINGS—LODGES A. & A. S. R. of Free Masonry.' -.. "veegmi' ■''■■- &aa:> Francisco Council, K. X., »'•■'^Sj'■;'■»' •:--..*NV.-/": •• J --Twent.v-nint.U. ' degree ■!______!: ,: ' THIS TUESDAY. June '17-, 1913, ._________B -..'-:'•,at-'.■'&'• p':_ m., "Scottish.-'Rlte : tern- : ij —H —?& _■•.... pie;; NE. cor, Van Ness "ay. and ' . - J^^- Slitter st. •■ ' - • .' ' , • " '■• 'V ASCKorr. Recorder.. . : CALIFORNIA Chapter No. 5. R. A. M. ■Pl'ffc : ; ':."..-Stated- meeting THIS (TUESDAY) S.WB "JCVBNING-at'7:3o o'clock.-2105 Sut- ■ter'St;'. li. A. degree. -. ,' * vIbJ&S 4 '.-.:- ■ DWARD PKABODV. . Sec: SBBBr '. Mission Commandery" No. 41,. t- - _____i .' Sfated,.,assembly- THIS TUESDAY.. TSn '" EVENING at 8 o'clock. Mission Ma- Wt ■:.'.sdnlG .temple, 2668 Mission st. Re- i-a-snl end drill.* All fraters '.cordially in ■■"• -.vited.-.-By- «rder at- •' :•• , ( -:■. .*■■ - " ;■*■• --/ H,-HALL'. Commander.: '-..■■ A. HAWKSLF'Y.. Recorder. . * . SOUTH' SAN FRANCISCO Lodge No. 212, - : : F. ft A;'M.— T Offleers and members are «J%^ ■'. hereby requested'to assemble at. Mission XJ\ * ;Masonic hall. 2668 Mission street, '.'-/ ▼ >. y MORROW (WEDNESDAY!. June-18, at 1:30 ■'■.pym.: to conduct ".funeral services over the re ":-■ ...trwifls .'of our deceased brother',. Dledrlch*Kuhl •"*• mann; 'By order of the W; M. •'■-.-■■ -.'■.■ : 4.4:"■''-'.- - : '• *W. J: B..WAUNER. Sec : GOLDEN GATE !x»dge No.. 30,- F. &A. M. • '".Third degree THIS (TUESDAY .TNG.; 7i-10 «■ clock. Fraternal- ball, I. O-TCJT : ;' :o;'.F.'..bldg., Market and 7th si's.. Master « ■..'-Masons cordially • Invited.' • ■'■*.'--. ' EDWIN 'L,-MEYER. Sec. ■' FAIB-MOUNT Lodge U. . DC, F.. *.•' A. '• : M.—Special meeting THIS (TUESDAY) Jb EVENING, 7:30 o'clock.- .Native Sons' /\J\ .-■' building, 414 Maswn st. ■ S- oad fie- »▼> y-;'-.-cr«A.*.'-.: : ". H. A. MACDONALfi... Secretary. SAN FRANCISCO Lodge, No." Bdo, I*. A- . __, y.:-Ai'-.M.,. 1759 Fillmore St.—Third- -de--^#% -: gree THIS • (TUESDAY) EVENING- at JUK y:- 7:SO O'clock. LEW E. SAWYER, Sec* '*. w » . ; PARNASSUS Lodge No. " 388. - : >> ■ & ""A." :ji .'* •': M.—Second degree THIS (TUESDAY.) «J|f y EVENING st .7:43; o'clock. • - " - - , JU\ ~:-C4-:y4y4'-'. W. A. HOYT, Seorttary*- - * ▼ V BURLINGAME Lodge No." 400* F: ft A. Ja ■ M.—Second degree THIS .(TUESDAY) _#W y. EVENING, 7:30 o'clock. Sojourn ing r9 m .: craftsmen cordially invited. By .order .~ *, *-;.;.rvf. V?-.: M. W>LJ; KIDD.- Secretary. PACIFICvLodge No. 136," F. & A. M., : - :: 1759 Fillmore St.. meet THIS-(TOES- '.*_%# :: DAY) EVENING at 7:80 o'clock...Third 4KX degree. GEO. L. DARLING, Sec.. j ▼•> I BHIPMASfTERS' Association — Reipi- /&<£&\ -. Jar meeting TUESDAY, June 17, l/__rl IJ '■-.:' 2:80 p. m. Important■ business. .". EljjSSMaf • O. ;O. ANDERSEN. Secretary. "\; \S!&#jx& MAGNOLIA Lodge No. 29. I. Q. 0.--.-• ••-'•:•'F., -7th -.and- .Market sts/—Regu- -_H_9S___ yjlar'.Whist party THIS (TUES- ■..-.-.DAY) 1 EVENING. Valuable' pres- 7«Mm^. ents. ,N. H. .'NIELSEN, Noble Grand. : I HOUSESMITHS' Local No. 78 will hold a special ..; call meeting Wednesday, • June IS, .1*913.-.■ Mem ; : *bers must attend. Fine for-nonat'tenda-nee. '■'*" ' '.ii- ' ■ w«~>~~i*£ST^^^ '■■.:fcdST*-A" ; passbook; With the Hibernla Savings '.-.. and Loan Society -of ■ San-Francisco in the name of CHARLES GLARE, or JULIA CLARK. y : No. 814-1467. The finder will please return V* Bk_l. Unless same is returned within 8 ' : ««ya:a. new book- will be issued to. the ap y plicant. - - *• • ' •. ; :. 4 -.:'; :LoST—Saturday, June 14, Between Key Route - : ferry and Buchanan ■ st.. via California, gold | bar pin. with diamond .solitaire setting. Be -4y-■ turn to 2127. California ' St., San Francisco, or ty .902 Rose ..ay.,-/ Piedmont,-, and receive reward. frOUND—Lady's mesh bag, Sunday afternoon in -;:Ferry bldg.; owner .can have same upon Iden :. tification and payment of ad: 902 Filbert st., Oakland. ■•.•-•.. • LOST—-A" gold Watch. Sunday, June 15! at Boves v Springs. ■ Finder return to ?770 22d. at. • Liberal *. reward. - Walthsm movement*. . FOUND—Scotch collie. Owner mast prove same. :■ Address C. L." BENTON, Sansallto. Cal. 4 : SPIEITUALISM MEMBER'S OF ' CALIFORNIA STATE :60c'clairvoyant' readings for "short time only; de - veloping class' Fridays, 8. p. m.; spiritual. ad- \ 'vice, daily, REV. PR. ALLEN. 16S4A Ellis st. 1 beL Fillmore and Steiner; phone West 8537. ! DR. ELIZABETH SANDERS, spiritual medium, I . teacher of mental telepathy. 1134 McAllister V St. 'Phone. Market €464. , ■ CIRCLES (trance)— Mrs. McDonald, 393 Dolores; I -.-.;■ Mon, 2,,Tues. 8, Fri. 8;-trance reads, daily. i . MRS. S. SCHRODER—CIr. Mon.. Wed.. Fri. 8; ■;"_;' Thnrs;..,2"; -rdgs. "daily. 1355 Eddy; West 5428. ..M.r#;-L.-K-..Klnnaird- or.d.; .cons, daily, 10 a. m. to .«:p.. m.;c4rs. Sun., Wed., FrL, 8 p. m. 1439 FU!m. MRS. WALLACE-rCircies Wed., Fri. eve; test to .- all; can, dally.- 121,9 Fillmore, r. 49; West 7582 L_ r-.-yj* . SPIKITUALISM MADAME * * REYNOLDS, Ordained Spiritualist ■;,' Clairvoyant Medium—l give you Just what I .' see j»n4 get." My place is privste: no signs. :'-.-/. Hours, 9a. m. to Bp. m. Rooms 104-6 Wln4 -'-. . -soy hotel-. 238 Eddy st. ;* Franklin 3822. . t)R. AND MRS. FAY— Lecture and messages; • magnetic healing: King Solomon's hill. 1739 ' Fillmore -st; Sunday, circle 6 p. m., lecture 8 ... .P. ta.'; Tuesday, Friday, circles at 8 p. m., 1443 FUlmore St.. room 2, • MADAM -VAN AUKEN'S Institute of Psychology. I .. 1626 Sutter st.Readings 25c, between 8 and 9 .. eve.; 'bring a picture; pupils in the occult: I :. open door and. walk In; cut this out. ; ; .: MRS, LE FEY.RE, 426 Haight Healing, splr . Dual development, different phases. Sunday, .-. Tuesday and Thursday, 8 p. m. MRS. GOETZ, medium and clairvoyant card . reader; 60c and' $1-. 396 Waller st. cor. Fill •■- . more; tel. Market 5289. - LOTTIE BUSWELL. line, spiritual readings; .lessons dally; circles every night. 1359 Web '■_ kteg st near- O'Farrell. ORDAINED spiritual trance medium, clairvoyant. ■••'.: E. L. HERRING; Countryman bldg.. Van Ness and Ellis. . :■..'.■■ .:..-;,-... '5! %'tr* Clairvoyant card ; readings. Mrs. Laura • Allen. 1684 A Ellis st.; phone West 3537. ASTROLOGICAL card reading, GO cents. MRS. .*■ SANDBERG. 1445 Fillmore st; hours 11-9.- A—MRS. M. FRANCES, medium, formerly 118 ". ' Haight, now 1911 Webster; phone West 8263. '• I '■ ■ _ ■ . _ _ !■ y_J|WEJfTIFIC T^AI^ENT^ j LA RUE INST., 454 Eddy st; ph. Franklin 2181. '.- Electric sweat, hot tub bath and scientific mas-' ... s age ;„ lady attendants : for ladles; ;j we treat -.* rheumatism, neuralgia and stomach trouble. ' TRAINED nurse gives elec. baths; scientific mass. .. and elec. treat. I for (rheumatism ■ and stomach :- trouble.. 406 Sutter, office 415; ph. Sutter 4251. VAPOR baths, -elec.; vib., blanket * sweats, mas .: - sage; ladies "Mon.,- Wed.. FrL; gent? Tues., •'■* .fours., Sat .824* Market 3651. ;. THE FRANKLIN—EIec. treat., blkt sweats, I - .-mm. -baths, scientific mass.; grad. nurse; phys.' -.y-iyf.-;: Office 532 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary st y ' DR.. ISABEL MACAULAY. meccano-therapy, will . give treatments at patient's home or 625 Tar ' -Tor .St., apt. 34; lady patients preferred.: •STEAM and sulphur bath: electric treatments; new manager.' 1122 Market st, room 3. • .MISS JOHNSON, graduate - Swedish maaaeuee. '• 1075 'Gough cor.* Ellis: phone West 7862. .>"" ". I " '' '" "'' " - . r SANITARIUMS WOMEN'S nursing : home: and - lying *In hospital; ' Dr. Harrourt. M. P.. in charge. 1628 Haight st. . BPgQfggg PERSONALS MISS BERNARD, steam hatha and electric treat • a ment; :, Vsn's Mexican i hair restorer; select pat «£a<« only. 215 O'Farrell St.. 33. ¥~ office 5. • [■ • * BUSINESS PERSONALS L.■," 4 .y'4j,4t4-" Continued '-■.'. y ■-. ■.•''-.••■' '•'.",:'.---' -|| . -MfflSsr -AkAiiiMlHyiß®^<_so^B^l. ; Freidrich , Migge, recently *•■ of Carnegie : Labora -1 tory. Bellevue Medical { College, * after : many years': study * and : practice ■In * Germany f and t the United States. is devoting his knowledge j and skill exclusively .- to ' the | bacteria causing loss at the • hair. :y By ; microscopical 1 and bacteriological examination can be : determined I the exact specie of bacteria|present Indicating tha : treatment re- ! quired in \ each i individual case of falling hair, splitting ends, and other disorders. Office hours 11 a. in. to 5:30 p. m., 642-044 Pacific bids.. 4th and -. Market * sts.. - San : Francisco.; Cal. NOTICE—The Call will not knowingly print Ille .: gitimate advertisements. If any reader can ; furnish ■ Information' that any advertisement In j this column is not legitimate, send it :to . The , Call in confidence, and if found correct the ; ad vertisement will toe discontinued. ANYBODY knowing | the whereabouts of jW. Menne will Inform, him: that-unless his per-, : sonal * effects are / redeemed .at ■ 6502 Dana street, Oakland, within 1 the next week they will be disposed of at once. » : :■ • ■■- MORPHINE. OPIUM and drug habits treated at 'heme; no pain or. detention -from business; no payments until cured. *■, Call or write-in confl-' dence. INDIA DRUG CURE MFG. CO.. 714 McAllister -st '■'-:-.■-- ■■, :.-. ....,-;"-.-.-" ■ '--:.,-■■->".'. AA—MY wigs, toupees are ventilated, perspira tion proof. Mr. Lederer in charge gentlemen's - nept, 2271 j California st; ladies' hair goods, 1809.;Fillmore st Guaranteed. Estab. 1566. GRADUATE nurse; elec. light, salt water. Nan helm baths; ultra violet ray .treat for weak knees.: Union Square bldg.,tin,* 308 (leaving ele vator turn,to right), 850 Post; Douglas 5585.,.---' ANY firm having sold furniture to W. Menne at 643 6.'id st, Oakland, will communicate at once with 6502 Dana st., Oakland;tel.- Pled. 3441. ; VAPOR and tub baths. jnass. treats., elec. and I manicuring. 1114 Dlvisadero st. ■' near Eddy. I Miss Lawrence, late of N. Y'.—Baths, massage, • elect treat 725 Geary, apt 17-18, 2d floor. MISS P. BURKE, medicated baths, scientific massage, magnetic wave. 1015 A G. Gate ay. MISS MOORE—STEAM BATH AND MASSAGE : INSTITUTE. 1709 O'Farrell st Hours 10 to 9. GRADUATE masseuse. ELMA MADISON. Vftst bank bldg., 830 Market, r. 407. Open Sunday. GERMAN NURSE; Nauheim treatments; bath, massage, vibration. . 626 Hyde st. near Geary. MISS F. GIBSON, masseuse -Face and scalp . treatments." S4 Ellis, room 310; hours 1 to 10. LOUISE PASCOE, eastern massage and elec. vib. treatment. Room 211. S4 Ellis St.; hrs. 10 to 10. > ' I MISS F. RODGER*! (late of Chicago!, masseuse —Scalp treatment. *34 Bills £t., room 301. ,-■ RODIA INST., newly opened; elect, and scientific treatments, 669 Eddy st.; Franklin 7847. : ; I BATHS and beneficial treat, given by grad. BUM, ; : rheumatism specialty. Mine. Dumas. 866 Post. , FACE, scalp and all kinds of. massage by diplo matic nurse. S3? Market; Ellis: r. 999. MRS.HARRIS, vib. and elec.: specialist: rheum.. impaired circulation, chiropody. 757 Pac. bidg. I SCIENTIFIC mass., electric treat, given by pro- j fessional nurse.; 457 Ellis, apt 4-5, ground floor, j j MISS HlLL—Scientific massage, blanket sweats. | Office 21. 1012 Fillmore St.: hours 10 to '.>. ."-.- MAGNETIC massage by trained MUM; reared patrons only. 1437 Buchanan st.; hours 12 to 9, ! ETHEL GEARY, bath and massage-parlors. G27 j Ellis; eleo.: vibro.. elec. blanket; select - pat. THE PENBROKE, 750 Lark in cor. O'Far.— Furn. j rms., apts.; transients. Miss F. Williams, prop. j NEW management; Bail, and Massage Institute, | 1409 Bush; Frank. 51.11: first class attendants. MISS F. GIBSON, masseuse—Face and SCalp treatments. 'M Ellis, room 810; hours 1 to 18. j WELLS — MAGNETIC AND SCALP TREAT M.'.VIS 1065 MISSION ST.. ROOM 55. TUB and steam baths; massage treatments and -■ manicuring. 25 3d St., apt. C, near Market. —: : 1 MISS MARTIN, vib., mass., scalp treat. Office j 17, 1012 Fillmore; hours 10 to 9; Sun.,l2 to 5. i DRUGLESS meth.; elec. Tight bath, alcohol, oil. with manlp. 1415 O'Farrell; 10-9; tel.W. 8915. ELECTRIC therapeutic treatment; tub baths. j MISS RAY, 466 Sutter St., r. .112; hrs 11-9. STEAM bath and scientific massage; pimples re moved from face. 130 C-, Post nr. Franklin. MISS ROSE FACE, scalp treatment, manicuring '•; and massage; 1122 Market st, room I. GRADUATE masseuse gives baths, massage. •Hours 9 to U. 598 Sth St., Oakland. ;_;.__- personals; UNHAPPY girls will find-a woman friend to ad vise and help them at Rockhurst Center, 1.10 -McAllister st; daily from 2 to 4 p. m. Te-le phone Park T. 937. - 7 .- .-■ INFORMATION WANTED __ JOHN B. FARROW end SEIGFRIED ROEB LING will find it to their advantage by com municating by -'telegraph'or otherwise with S. V. MoONEY, G24 Folsom St., San Francisco, 'Cal. ... ."■■■-- --..-■ .--:--.-. . .■■- ■■■■,-. 1 JttATRMONIAL Thousands tired of living alone; (SftitfUr* 11 congenial, wealthy, anxious -. to j marry. Call or write MRS. HYDE, 2677 Mission st. PARTIES wishing to marry, call or write MRS. MILLARD. 2209 Sutter: details 25c; W. 4780. CLAIRVOYANTS * AA — PROF. J. E. SHAW. Genuine clairvoyant; true and reliable; tells full names; gives advice on love, marriage, . divorce, business, patents, changes,* deaths, wills, deeds; removes evil Influences; reunites separated; read ings BO cents; satisfaction guaranteed. 29 Third St., next to Hearst building.: . * * : ; A—PRINCESS ZORAIDA; she lias no equal; she tells your name and exactly what you called for I without asking a question; special reading 50*. Hours 10-9; closed Sunday. 1843 Fillmore st. IF you are In, trouble or heart broken or have been unfortunate, -; coma t and consult MME. ADA; she will cure you. : 1177 McAllister st. i VERA MARSH, medium. 966 Market st. 'opp. Empress theater— name and. special read ing 50e; hours, ,10-5; until 9- p. n*. Mon.-Sat. W.M S. DALE, noted clairvoyant—Special atten tion to all business and love affairs. 906 Mar ket St., suite 9; hours 10 to 8. 4 '■:■-■.. .... yy... : y MME. ZAZEL, the mystic clair., crystal gazer, : palmist, healer; In* what; others claim to do I-'. see her for best results; bow *to invest for success; reunites separated...-10 3d st., off Mkt. MISS ZEMDAR, young, gifted clair. and palmist; a wonderful prophetess; hours 10 to 10; ladles 50c; gentlemen $1. 1106 Divisadero near Turk.' JEANETTE WALLACE. 2266 Mission St., tells names. '■: everything you , want to know; read ings 25 cents. MME. IDEVENA—Card reading. 25c and 50c." 2331 Mission st. near 19th; tel. Mission 1881. MME. LEONID A, palmist; cards; clairvoyant; .honest readings; ".mines spec.: 94S McAllister.- ALMA LE NORE and Anna Diamond hold circles every Sun, eve.. 8 p. m.; read, daily. 1122 Mkt. EDUCATIONAL INTERNATIONAL Correspondence School, 1103 -Market st,: near pest offlce. Improve your : ,: spare : time. =■:>■: 4yt...;:yi y ; .y- ■".-*' ty. [ETHEL COTTON STUDIO of expression, oratory, 1 : after dinner and extempore speaking. 1112 Mkt. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY, 2161 Shattuck av.^ - Berkeley, * Cal. .-room *4. Wright block. -it-.r.t-' -!,, '. ,' ■ .". ".," '~, „', ~ I ~| EMPLOYMENT OFFICES Tel. West, 1731. ' Quick Service. * T. TAMURA & CO.. 1612 La gun a St. JAPANESE CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. C. D. KINNEY. Chinese Employment bureau; suc cessor to J. Conn, 785 Clay at., puone Douglas 3162. ";-■ "7 ■■:■;:.-..- .■_■■■-. ,: : -. •■-.-: ; 7 *.:-....- .-.,. ..* .■■■:,- I JAPANESE-CHINESE Employment Office— j kinds of best help. 2134 Fillmore; West 388. ALL kinds of help furnished with care, dispatch. j West SSSB. OSCAR HATSUMI. 1518 Geary st. [ STAR Emp. Of Japanese-Chinese help. W. i : KODATA', * 1610 Geary; tel. West 167. 52708. * jA. N. KNOPH, Chinese and Filipino, emp. offlce. " 777 - Clay' st.; phone 4636; estab." 35 years. yy:. ,110111 & CO..* 1711 Post St.. TEL. WEST 2803— Jspsnese-Chlneie • emnloyment office.. • EMPLOYMENT WANTED ;-:■";:■■:':■.'''-" FEMALE ':'■':■::.' '' V " : 4y : A STEADY- competent j person Wishes » position *7to*v do general I housework :: in - small family. No .objection short -distance In .the country." : 2300 Post st., near Divisadero. ;....:. .* AMERICAN ,". woman * wishes : situation >as house : keeper or cook on ranch or -camp; neat, -* good : j cook. 4 MARTHA GO WAN, 2651 j Polk st. f ACME EMPLOYMENT CO.. 1260 O. G. ay.; West * 7295—1f you.want reliable help call or ring us =: - up; i specialty, ; practical; and % trained ; nnraes. - A—For reliable readings come to ;• MOTHERS, 2195 Mission -. St., ■'. bet. , 17th : and ". 18th,v.-y>-,.--, ;< COMPETENT young Finnish girl, 1 speaks a little -y, English, -* wishes . a .position' for | general. house work; * wages 835 per 1 month. Addresa .- MISS P. R., 88 Bay ay., San Francisco. CAPABLE! dressmaker sad talloress wants work; : S3 per day. Boom 9. 1483 Fins st ' phone y Franklin 8886.' -*..:: . 7--: ;-■:"' COLORED lady wishes position la private family : r as: cook or general bouse worker; good refer y ences. 7 Box * 2755. Call ?. offlce. COOKyprivate. family; country preferred; $40. Phone Pacific 5566. COOK wanta place, city or country. '1260 Golden Gate} ay.; tel. West 7293.:: .-.-.-;■ ;yy -yy-yy- .-.. COOKING and "housework '■ is wanted' by a compe y tent' woman; : small wages: city or country. Bex 563, Call office. SHE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1913. EMPLOYMENT WANTED '-"' ' :: ' v "'- FEMALE—Continued -,-.-- COMPETENT ; woman to do chamber f work; ' good references:;will take position In country. fßing ii up Franklin 709. ? ' 4 ■'■■-. * -'-.- tyy-.ty -ty- COLORED ladvl would like to do housework and .take care of children; city or country. .Box y SIP. Call office, 7 ..,--■-■- "-':■:: -'*. ■-y -..:-■/ ■■■■■■*>■■;,. :y DRKSS ! MAKER, - first class, * with ; beat city ref ? erence*, fine designer; cloaks, S:piece suits and :, gowns; a few ■. more engagement*; •$3 per day. i: Phone | mornings or evenings Sunset .; 1068. DRESS j MAKING, plain ; sewing of all kinds and alterations. 1459 Franklin St., apt. 1; phone 4: Franklin : 9701. t-1 "i-:" -;-y-* :-'"** :y;-tt:-/..t-.^ EXPERIENCED young lady .wants a position as cashier; can i give best of references. - Address yC. P.. 227, Clara st- ' '4 :.'-:" .■*.-" --'4. yyyy EXPERT typist,: employed ; during < day, desires extra work for the evening. "; Address;; bog y 407. Call of flee. ,-.- ;-:■* :"■ ■ -:44- ... -.'.'-'*■ ;'■''.;- ;t FINNISH girl wants general light housework .la eftv or I country. 832 | Grayson at.. Berkeley; V phone Berkeley 8021. GOOD, steady woman *to do housework i 3 " days a week. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday;* first -, it class ■;■ laundress and ■-• house cleaning. ] ft- Phone ' Park 88*0. 1303: Harrison st, : ; v * X :: >';. GOOD, -. reliable: woman wishes to do family ■or :::-; small washing or care of infant few hours daily. 20c per hour. Address X., 1431 £ Web ster" st. near Gear?'. ■ - - ■ >■ GOOD ranch cook desires situation; good work * er; , »35. MISS DILLON, 1138 Turk St.; phone y" West 64f»"*. ■ GOOD strong kitchen helper desires situation injj city or country; 26. * MISS ? DILLON, 113S v Turk st; phone West 04C0. • i : y:-4-\ JAPANESE girl wants position to cook or do housework; references.,-.-,■ "West 5604. v: : - I ,—,— ■ ■ LAUNDRESS wishes %to fill in - Tuesday * and | Wednesday; $2.10 per day. Phone Sunset 2391. LET me do your mending; per hour and ear I fare. Bog 465. tCall offlce. -yy -tt-yt. yi- -„- I LACE CURTAINS done up like new; 85 cents a pair.*-2687 22d at.; phone Valencia 2581.77 y; MIDDLE t AGED French * widow, good,l practical nurse, * wishes * position - to **■ take ; cart ■ at i in ■ valid; * have best reference*; . city or i country. Address box STO6, Call ■ office. -- * : ~* ■ :-■: - y MAN AND j WIFE WANT POSITION; GOOD AND STRONG ; WIFE GOOD COOK.'; PHONE '-;- MISS. 7507, A BOX 620,' CALL OFFICE. .<.-.-:-; . .■ '■ . ■"". ■ * MIDDLE aged woman," floe cook, wants I position: will :go short 7 distance In the ■ country; wages :, $30 to $35; good refs. .Box 6279.. Call.* Oakl'd. 1 MARRIED.. woman wanted to; do some -'chamber, j ■*: work. In exchange for room. : 1208 Market: st.; ..-■,-": corner Sth.>.: *. - NEAT, young Irish girl desires situation in city ;:- or: country; $30. = MISS DILLON. 1138 Turk y si.; phone. West 040(1. ■.:--;. ■-■/-'--'■-..-:■. '-.-■-'.-:, NORWEGIAN, girl wishes i work by the day. 1 washing, . • ironing '.:, and -... housecleinlng. ,".-1542 * Guerrero . st. tt'. :;.-■: ! -;4y \ POSITION* as housekeeper by a refined widow with boy 6 years: city or country, Address L. I-'. M.. Mountain; View. -Cal.. box 35**. PRACTICAL mm wants position, city or coun try. 1260 Olden Gate ay.; tel. West 7295." RELIABLE elderly woman : wishes : position as housekeeper; wo "children; $20. Ring up Asso ciated Charities, Franklin 709. REFINED young : girl" would : like position ,in good Catholic, family : as: governess or com •;-.panlon; .... has good references..:, Box 707. Call. RELIABLE woman would take > cure fit children during parents' absence in the evening. Apply ASSOCIATED CifARITIES:' tel. Franklin 709. REFINED young-lady pianist would like position. Addrns bos 3310. Call office, STENOGRAPHER, and typist. 8 yearx* experi ence, * desires position; salary $1." per. Week; references; Remington operator. Address MRS. 1.. C. KUHLBERG, eat* Hotel Stanford, -'Kearny, st. - - SITUATION WANT ADS IN THE CALL WILL COST 10c FOR 4 LINES, FIGURING 7 WORDS TO A LINE.- -~- ■--. : -. ■-■■■■ ...-■-.-..■ -'-.. ..- • . SWEDISH ■_ woman wants ,- Washing and ironing by the day; can do a large washing and iron ; ing In one day. - Address 3911 :Folsom St SWEDISH girl.wishes place to do general house work. 'Phone Market 15285. :: SWEDISH woman wants work as housekeeper or cook for few men 'on ranch. 1818 .".Sth ay., Oakland. ■> . . -i " STENOGRAPHER wishes position as beginner* with reasonable .wa-gres; Oakland preferred. 6225 :*.: San Pablo ay.. Oakland. -.--.y-'--;: - ■ THOROUGW-Y'gond cook and baker wants place, .to cook* for a number of '-. men:' ranch.* mine. ; where $40 to $50 is paid: has child 12 years. Box (RGB. Call office. Oakland. :-- ..-.♦" j WOMAN with references wants washing, house ■ work; $1.40 flaar, SO cents half day. Address I * box s£B. Call office. ■ ' ! WANTED—PIain sewing at rlndies*:houses.l|iti'i(j | per d,?y Boa 2779, Call office.n. ,i WANTED—By middle aged widow, position as cook or housekeeper. MRS. ALLAN, box 6477, Call office, Oakland. V ,v -. YOUNG woman, '.'5. •■ well educate.!, wants posi * tion of trust in town -or country; references. Address box (Ml, Call office. Oakland. YOUNG woman : from": Wisconsin, wishing to earn* west,: would like a position as managing ;; housekeeper for widower or bachelor; or would V act- as ; governess for children; -capable and j educated. Address box 770. Call office. J ' | YOUNG Swedish: woman; wants j washing and ironing "by the: day; $2 per day and ; carfare. i Phone West 6794. # YOUNG woman desires position as second girl, I chambermaid or nurse girl. city,* Phone: Valen cia 2234, 4532 24th at . " .-.-.. -. : YOUNG woman wishes' work In small family; 1 good cook: wages $25." Address box 230. Call. I EMPLOYMENT WANTED : ';' y ; .'_"' '--yvMALE'-->;■■■-' -*:; ' 44'iy'' "~-;\ Al ELECTRICAL man of 16 yrs. experience j :y wishes ' a position. : Capable :of handling men j and producing results. ; At • present employed..] I Refs. 1 from present employer, if desired. ~ Ad- I dress Box 431, Cal! Office. -i,-tt : 4yy 4y-4.-44 1 AMERICAN, middle aged, not strong but active,; y-f wants light work in private place; Cftti milk and care for horses; wages $15 * per month. ' :; > Box , 540, Call office.; 4.-. i t ■ •'; : -.- " " :--- *- ; ALL round waiter, middle -aged, desires a : posi tion ia a hotel or boarding house; city or coua try. Box 3333., Call office. . 1 BAR' KEEPER. 81: honest and sober; speaks * German and French: can 'wait at tables; will ing to do porter * work also; • city or country. y-Box.3SS9..:Call*offlce.-y -~-,. ..:;.-, .. y.-y.' BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced young I man I desires position; can j open : and close I set of books; capable of, taking charge of office 1 and managing business: used to; meeting the -public; beat local fata. BOX 574. Call office. ; BAR TENDER (North German) wants position; ■;■"good references; long experience. - Phone Mar ket 5040. BUTCHERS! How would you like to hire a real ! slaughter house man; 'don't Tike Frisco. 126 ' ;: 3d st.; Carmel hotel. Box 68. ; : ! BARBER, good man, wants good job, or shop to 4 boy; city or country. Box 6365, Call. Oakland. BOY .wants Job in machine shop; has 1% years' experience. Address CARL CARLSON, 232 Cbeaery st. BOY, 12 : years, wants : a job as cash boy for : vacation. ;.Box*s4l..*Call office. y CARPENTER * (union) wishes position with con tractor where he can act as watchman on Job. 'j Address box A, Call offlee.: ■-: : : . CARPENTER, good *U * round man, • wants *a ! -< position:: builds cottages cheap; day or con- ! tract. Phone: Mission 7752. CARPENTER wants 7 work r by * day or contract. I Address box 597. Call office. . - j CARPENTER, age 84, wants any kind of work I * Box 355. Call office, i -: 'y-i;-*-v.::':-::.;■:;-■ y - CARPENTER wants situation at $4: flrst class i mechanic; Al inside finisher; reliable. C. M.. . 856 : Filbert st-::-..: •::.:.y:. - : ~•'.■•■- ':., '.. I CHAUFFUER and coppersmith, doing all repairs; a married; desires steady position In or out of town.: Box 179, * Call office. CHOREMAN. WILLING WORKER. WANTS Po"- SITION, CITY OR COUNTRY. PHONE MISS. 7807, WRITE BOX 803, CALL OFFICE, t: CHINESE cook wants position In private family: wages $45 to (50 per month. LIS SING, 311 :6th st,, Oakland. >.-.-.-■■• ■-.y-yyy-. CARPENTER, * age 84, wants any kind of work Box 579. Call offlce. » i * ' CARPENTER} competent for all work: hardwood Ei floor : laying, finishing; takes work by day or .contract Carpenter. 848 Garfield St.; tel. Valencia 2769. CARPENTER— A J good, v all; around : man s wan carpenter work of any kind; fine on repairs and remodeling; $3 per day. ; Box 600, Call office. :..-* DENTIST, licensed. Apply at once, Sunset Den tal Parlors. 812 Washington: St., Oakland..;. DRUGGIST, : registered -and - reliable, desires position, r permanent or \ relief, city or country; : experienced I prescriptionist aud good salesman Address BOX 573. * Call. ___*__*2y v * DRAFTSMAN— designing, - plans, estimating; 14 years' : experience; : expert; rAI references;: salary $4; want situation; eastern I and wa»tern training. -j Box 021, Call office. - * : EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position; can , do - typewriting «nd also furnish bend. . Box 778. Call offlce. EXPERIENCED stenographer I and clerk desires ,:: employment with seme reliable: eonetrn ia the j country; first : class references. r Bog 41, Call. ; *: EXPERIENCED waiter and .bar *: Under; good y reference; wishes position. T. J. HOLDEN '..- Sunset hotel. 153 Market st..: city. : ■; : *» GERMAN elderly man wishes * work as bed * maker,- Janitor, elsrk,-. watchman In apartment *;. hoase or :any other: place. W. ■ BOWLING, C*7 -Clay St., city. . GOOD ;Japanese! want*. position at Janitor «r porter. H. ¥~ 2668 Post it. { rfaijrlla 4141, .:* l yy;.;.. . :yyy-yyy _ EMPLOYMENT WASTED MAI.E—-C»ntlnnedyyy^yy^y GARDENERf (head).* first class,* 38. single, sober,* -- experienced 1 in: hothouse (orchids), greenhouse, 4 landscape and * bedding' work, wants situation. Box 338; f Call office;:**;-*.. *-*/*- -. : -::;:.: GERMAN butler wants position: in family or to ;> assist sick ■= man:;:; Box : 698, \ Call.; office. ;*;■::■'. JAPANESE, - experienced ' laundry man.- wishes" to work ■by . the > hoar« or day. '; Box * 682.: Call. 'yy.-. JAPANESE, experienced and competent, wants ffl position frs office or store boy; speaks ; English y well. Kearny 2725.7 ':.-' :.■■■ ■■■■•■ '-'.-■■ t' r -4t-4^.. :y MIDDLE I aged ; man wishes : work: of i some | kind' .rf in private house or apartment house;: a good, '"'•:■: willing, ,; sober wqrkcr; strictly v temperate; : handy with tools,* good painter and tinter. Ad ydress: box 814, . Call office. : yj ■■"-■..■■"; MAN and wife (colored) wish positions In coun try :as j cook and helper; reliable: excellent on y salads, 5 bread and pastry. Address G. B. D., :; 1917 Grand st., Alameda. -*: - > MIDDLE * aged Croatian, who can : speak, write and -■ read eight modern '". languages, wants posi tion translating; guaranteed.-Address box 317, ■-ac.all-pfficc.-v : :;.-.,,-:,-;-.--; .;-•:.:*■:.-• -::-■ .-■-■"-..- ■■:-. ■'■ MINER, adventurer and gunman of worldwide y experience : wishes position to;. go anywhere. Address , box 7' 771, -Call .office. •-■■--.: .-j -.' :::,,:"-:-:■ MAN AND* WIFE; MAN AS CHAUFFEUR; yi WIFE AS MAID- REFERENCES. ADDRESS BOX-3333, CALL OFFICE. , . NEAT I man.; capable family cook, wants situa- private family or small -boarding; place, y where second help is: kept preferably; refer? y ences. ; Box 534, Call office, v.; :-■*; y.:?,-,-, y.y POULTRYMAN. 14 rears' experience, total ab v: Plainer, managing successful egg farm.; desires to start poultry plant for party, and manage ".-: same ; for , part: of profits; - electric system of f poultry » raising; booklet free. CONBOIE.*. 846 7; Sutter; st. .:;* .,,-.. i ■■ ,-..;-.•--:■■-.• --■'.■ .-'■'--:-■/ :-■ :. •.■ ■ a PHYSICIAN, middle aged, of ability,. registered, :: wants position 'of : any kind; good references. X Box 582, Call office. -■-- *-* .-- ■-"• ' ■'"'"'- 4'4-,-i- :■: PHYSICIAN I and I surgeon I without license want* , position; * anything; pleasing v, appearance; big y personality; will travel. j Box 34. 1 Call office. PAINTER; * paper hanger and ? tinter, all tools, '•.wants work from Owners,: day or contract; .:: low.-prices; refs. 1484 Fulton st. -■. -Phone West 7501. ~■■'■,"-■-■■■ 4-t"4 .".■■: -, ; -'.-' ' -■- PAINTER, good mechanic, reliable, wants work; good >, work reasonable; has all tools. 1053 yCapp'.st.;.; phone 7. Mission 5818. -—" ::-'■. :;...:-:. I POSITION wanted by man 45; good appearance rand habits; reliable; in or • out of city. Box y 539, Call office; y - - ■-"-■ - -' :■-■'- :.-:-' - RELIABLE, sober man of , family wants post ;:* tlon as . night or day watchman at moderate wages, ,in apt.i house or other placa. Box 61, y Call ■• office. :■• '-.;.- -■-.--'■ •--.■ . : *" ■?:''■-■-■'■■: " '-"'■■■-■:: -: SPANISH SPEAKING AMERICAN - Well educated; can speak,- read and write lan guage ilk* a native. Phone Oakland 3804. .or J rt. address: box 6291. Call olJlce.JJaklntjd.. and ; :■'"-will7 gladly ;talk things, over. .y ■y—--?'t ■* -. SITUATION wanted by experienced grocery mati; -wants place wholesale or retail store, *or ; com missary clerk railroad. AddreH ADAMS. Bay . Hotel, room 223.'. -.. -"'■'■ - ..;-*.-- ■■•*.'. ■ ..-'■-.?-:■-.: :■: t j SITUATION wanted—All around printer wants : position on -country paper. P. P. HASSLER. y 1605 Milvia St.. Berkeley. ■■.[■ t- _____ :-. I STRUCTURAL! and general construction drafts mnn,- good estimator ami layout man,' desires position.: Box 500. call office., SITUATION In country wanted by. schoolboy; surveying or cattle ranch preferred. 1613 Arch st.,; Berkeley. - | SITUATION* WANTED ADS IN THE CALL WILL COST TEN CENTS FOR FOUR LINES, "FIGURING SEVEN WORDS TO A LINE ; TWO well appearing young ; men with business ability; wage- and commission. THE INDE PENDENT CLEANING WORKS, 2328 Filbert St.; Oakland. i WANTED Situation, city or country, by." a sober, j - willing, mi.ldle aged man; understands oars of : horses, garden, chickens and rooms; nod ref- | erences furnished; willing to work -for room, ! - board ami laundry as a starter. Box 707, ('all., j ..WORK evenings, tracing, designing or detailing | : . by competent draftsman. > Box. 762." Call office. WILL" drive and wash your car; $4.". mouth and j found. ;Phone Douglas 5422 between 5 and 7 I -■ p. m. today. - ' --. : : -,-■ ; WORK of any kind desired by an energetic and l . reliable young man, -8 years of age; neat* in appearance; * cap. furnish good reference. ■* Box \ -..- 02 j,** Cniy-ef flce v ,■ ■■>-.-. :-jt : ry. -~'\-.•::--■■--; -; j | WANTED—By roan of middle age. with refer- j • ence* -to date* from .last place, a position to ' .care : for poultry, horses;;garden and ! lawn; n*t | i sirs id of* work. "'Please address at ouco JOHN ' D. O'SHEA. ? room 14. Goldiieid - House. 652 ■.;- Sacramento., st. j , *, : * .;■-..-...■' I WANTED —By A 1 yi round office man. position 1 as -'office; '.manager.-. Credit man or bookkeeper; j - do ' not * nse:. liquor or tobacco? of - *any . kind ; and can furnish >. very best of references. Ad- | ;-- dress lH3x*'»noo|. Call = ; office. >.;;.;,.::.:.*".: . '--y-i'i- I ,>OUNG : Bcar.diiui tdaii. talking ."German and " English,'* wants' a Job *In saloon .'or grocery ore. Write CAUL HANSEN, 7.10 Central y ay,; tel. W.'-1452.: :-.:■■ y.4- YOUNG man, -7. tall, . cieanctit; appearance, ; ."stenographer, bookkeeper, • goad penman, .'-.- de- j sires positions of trust. ; Phone Franklin 481: Man ; R26; If out: please leave phone : number. j I YOUNG man wants position as • machinist. >..- Ad- \ dress 23? Chenery at, \ "- : :• ' YOUNG barber, -yt years' experience, " tracts i i " job in- city' or country;, wages $12 a; week, j f Address box ~M. Call office. ;. -;' : :;; YOUNG Chinese >boy- wants' position ,as family I y cook. ■•:; 049 Jackson st. "Phone China 080. ; YOUNG man," speaks four languages, with knowl- | ; edge in bookkeeping and business, desires * po-, I sit Ion; best of references. Bos 245. Call office, .female' help wanted VMlulSPlii© WOMEN I Eradicates all inflammation, 'alleviating ; those ,; s , ailments ~ peculiar to their sea. ■'■• y Send "stamp or call for * IFfREE SAMIPLH; Ctente G®o 9 Bn_€o 9(E4* ftflgjgga SSiEI ITg«BbC-_CO LADY going - camping in | Sonoma | county j wants ; boy or girl,:B to 12; for,company, as husband will be away part of time; good care; best of "•'--. everything; expenses and ::$3 > week. :-Address - hot 8065. Call,: branch. : . 1657: Fillmore st. WANTED—Stenographer:and office assistant of : * good address.* capable meeting -ladies In recep- | tiou room; $75 month to start;; quick ranee to right party; $300 cash * required; absolute security. ; Call room l*. 964 Market st., S.; F. WANTED—-Families; to work in fruit on a home place near San Jose, Santa: Clara Co.; camping ground, wood and water free; season lasts from July . to*--November;: no pickers wanted. For further particulars address ORCHARD, box 45, Eden vale, Cal. WOMEN 1 wanted i to \ act as "t agents ; for an; article ■ all ■ women; need; * large I working field and fine ;-. profits; make $3 "to $5 : dally,? easily; steady . employment; :we > ars manufacturers. Writs quick for ■ attractive terms * and* particulars. MERUM SPECIALTY CO.. 003 7th ar.. Seattle. Wash. ■ .;;':*>:■'.'■- .:■'■"';.. .;' t -:,■.". -,■'.■■■ WANTED—Lady stenographer at $75 per month; eight hours per j day with half holiday . Satur -day and two weeks' vacation on full pay after H first year. 7 Must ibe esp«srlenced Pin shorthand -4 and a rapid <; typist. Give references and '- - amount of school education. ; Box 1 793, Call. ; LEARN how. to make corsets; you can make $15 . to $25 per week; corset makers are scarce; our system easily learned. "-i L*IDEAL TAILORED CORSET PARLOR, 47 Grant ay. PRACTICAL help will : be given I any woman or fir! whose livelihood is affected by the passage of the redl t injunction and abatement law. Apply by; telephone. V: San Francisco.; Park 2797; Oakland. Lakesld*':3229. v:;v^ ADVICE FREE; IN ! SACRED CONFIDENCE on :■ intimate s family affairs, damages, etc.; suits ; or defenses guaranteed; * successful or no fee. : We advance - costs; * 3 .well y known /attorneys. .-•-> LAW INSTITUTE, 15th: floor, Chronicle :bldg-' LEARN HAIR DRESSING—Tbe Famous PEAVY (P. -. V.) "SYSTEM;; enroll now. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, 867 Market St., ; 2d floor, nr. Empress theater. Write for booklet LADIES and girjg sto tint pillow: tops lat home; j " $8 to $60 * per *< dozen; : experience unnecessary Cat starting. WORLD'S FAIR ART ASS'N, 927 : Broadway, % Oakland,? room ; 30, 10 to 4: p. m.; BOOKKEEPING > thoroughly taught :in 2 months; ' practical coarse," private lessons, " day or even '- ing; get my % booklet." W. L. DAUTERMAN, - public accountant,* 1256 Flood bid.'; Sutter 4394. WANTED—Quiet, refined I woman for few j months I In country home to assist sewing and mending, ';--: occasionally companion;; for - children. -Apply 1, 4 bos n 377, Call offlce. -4:-■■-.- -t-■:,.-: ty- ■ *~ i I WANT*a ladr solicitor : (only the best) :who i y ean-ii Invest f $200- \ and: handle - agents; * big; re !■ :- turns ; suae. 29 ; Bacon $ block,.* Oakland. v ; EXPERIENCED f bands on J glove i work; steady 1 v employment; "; also apprentices. - Apply *S. I FEAR. IS2 7 2d* st. I ■ . 1, ■>«>»' 1 — I WANTED—Experienced I>wtag machine * demon i y strator 2 and *„ operator. :•> Apply i Supt's office. 0 to 11 a. tu.. Market at Sth ,5t;,;7.-:;: ;*:;;.-7-..:.::- WANTED—For * private family in city, German >;,; or ,-- Swedish woman ;* who understands boms ; cooking.:; Address Box-4Q9, * Call office. * , WANTED—-ladles to train for nurses: paid while learning. ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL. y 82T Brush i st.. Oakland. - GOOD; woman - for general* housework,- plain. cook-". * ; ing; 1 wages * $30, yi Call ;at 1 2735 * Elm wood ay., : * Berkeley. WANTED—A compstenti lady * book»te«p»r;| state H age, salary j expacted ' and references. Bog 284. ,:*:.. Csll office -~:":■.* .ty-.yyy■;..:,-: :': ::;y'f yy^ L y-::- ■ HOTEL 7 IRIS, 298 G. G. ay.l cor.; Wanted, &?9 maids, one for all day and one for half day. PNP4IP WAGES COLLECTED ! KNOX. 1205 Call bid.—Suits,*: liens, attachments; I I time checks cashed: debts' collected everywhere, I MAtg HELP WANTED WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY—AbIe bodied un married men 7 between ages of 18 and 35;: citizens of United : States, of good character,? and temper : ate habits,*; who; can * apeak,"; read s and :- write * tha : English language. - For information • apply. to Re cruiting Officer, 2 660 'Market' St., Saa Francisco, Cal. ■-■„■:■-■■. .yy4-. "-'4'y44 4 '-y-y-yyj, ____ DO YOU WANT TO STOP PAYING RENT "'• AND OWN * YOUR J OWN; HOME i '■-•■-: Listen I ' I can do this * for * you " anywhere ?In f California and on 1 the Installment plan. Agents wanted. 2 GEO/ F. • HILTON* 785. Market at., SO* Humboldt bank building, San Francisco. : ■$1,000 1 for |aX short -story; < that's 4 what many ,: authors receive. *-.*■':*' If i. you : are : gifted,: start right. I tell you bow to write, what consti tutes ! a plot, *a - denouement, where to '{ sen,-: I what j you -. should get. Send 50c now! for full j : instructions.; : J. FORTE. Fairfield. Cal. . j y MOLER:BARBER COLLEGE. ,' -j Men, women, learn;the barber ; trade: we teach j you In 8 weeks; pay wages learning: Moler j; graduates3always? in | demand; « positions guaran teed; we also give you a complete chemical course free. : Call and .. let us \ explain.'*: 234 3d at. > WALL PAPER salesman large mercantile house in city. State references and salary expected, y BOX 757, Call. $10 to $25 weekly for women at home;* no can vassing or peddling; light,* easy and profitable work; can be made a permanent business; send :50c today and get started on the road to pros perity. J. FORTE,, Suisun City. Cal, : :: LEARN;barber trade: it requires:about 6.weeks; "-you: can stay as long as you like; 5 chance to 'make $10.00 - week while learning, v CAL. y BARBER COLLEGE, 145 M st. --~.;■■■'.■:- i-y y I NEED GOOD MEN everywhere, part or fall' , time; learn my business; make money with me; f no experience needed; desk and full outfit free.: * W. .M. : OSTRANDER, Dept 25. 12 West 31st y st. New York.■ : -■.-:.■- -■ .-..-:■. -■ ■:■■•■ - :"■:■'.•.;■- -.* -'-r'i' YOUNG man, be a barber; I teach you quickly, v thoroughly and furnish tools; I give you actual ,: •bop work and you keep half the receipts; 5 over ylO years. In business. BRISCOE,: 755 Howard : : st.; cheapest and best place in city. -■■■:-.-'- :.i4 GOVERNMENT -POSlTlONS—Thousands : of » ap pointments to be made; : booklet 184, telling , where and what they, are. salaries paid, > etc., '.'• :* sent *-.'•: free: ■■■• special- course - for postmaster?. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE INSTITUTE, ';•':Washington;"* D. C. ,-. .-.■ :■■■■■:' : '-.'.---'\ : I MADE $50,000 in 5 years In the mail-order ,: business; 7 began with $5; "I will show > you how to do the work; send for my free booklet today; 7 tells how. HEACOCK, $300, Lockport, -. V N. ■ V...-' - -:■■:■■: ■*.-..* yy-- -.-.- -', -7..-; * ■-.--.. -■ -_-: WANTED immediately—Good salesman for wide | ly advertised subdivision;., goodf proposition; for live ,- wire, who can .-■ produce . results; , liberal commission..-", SONOMA VISTA LAND COM PANY, 20 Montgomery st. " : WANTED- YOUNG MAN LIVING WITH PA RENTS .FOR CLERICAL WORK; MUST HAVE SOME KNOWLEDGE OF SIMPLIFIED BOOKKEEPING; STATE AGE, REFERENCES AND SALARY EXPECTED TO BOX 88. CALL. AA — AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING THOR OUGHLY TAUGHT IN XHE SHORTEST. POS y BIBLE TIME; POSITIONS AWAITING-YOU. 2070-78 MARKET ST. y ; ; ■ .- 4 WAffTBD—3 young men to drive paint wagons; must know the city streets; wages $1.86 to $2 per day. Apply 273 Valencia st.: ask for MR. THOMPSON. 7 ■--"-"..-: :' -.-*-' ... :- ■'~ .:■,■>-■» y-yyy-- PARTY to take contract, sinking abaft on mm. ::■' ing. property in Nevada; everything furnished. , Apply Hawthorne hotel, 13th-and Washington sts., .Wednesday. June : 18, > from -10 to 2. --■■. *.: FLOORMAN: fur museum of anatomy; give .full : experience ami .wages desired; must be a re ",; liable man, competent in every way; if Pratt : sees this apply. - Bos 788, Call offlce. WANTED—SO men roomers; | new I hotel; new * furniture; best looms in the city. *2 per week and up; one week's rent free. HOTEL MlN •nick. 3*15 3d st. -;■■•■■- yy.'y.y - -y- LOCOMOTIVE fireman, brakeman;. wages ; about v-7 $100; experience unnecessary; send age, stamp. RAILWAY, care Call.y _ WANTED—Two neatly; dressed young men, 18-22 ..-'. years of ; age. to travel: salary or commission. - 203 Mulrhead bldg..: 127S Market st. WANTED--40 men and women ■to : work la ■ onr ■' barber shops; "no' experience necessary. Call HAIGHT'S PARSER SHOP. 700 Howard st, CAN you wait 0 months if you can make enough"; * ; I will assign over: $1,700 due the from anes :. tate for7good auto. Box 537, Call office. -vy SEAFARING help wanted—Men" shipped to all parts, of the world. W. B. SWEARS. Paclfia "■- Mail; dock, pier 42; Kearny 2159. WAITED— SPECIALTY OR ADVERTISING : MEN. APPLY. ROOM 1041 PHELAN* BLDG. j BETWEEN 11 AND 1 O'CLOCK SUNDAY. :: \ DOUGLAS HOUSE. 758 Harrison st near 3d—200 j . hard finished rooms;: targe reading * ; room:; hot ; : water: rooms 25c'a day.;-, 51.25 and $1.50 week. <■ WANTED—Men-to work on gold dredger; wages | . $2.50 to $1 per day; must have $300 to loan or ; as investment. Box 762, Call Office.y. GENTLEMAN who g can invest $200 can find . agreeable employment and good income; per ; manent 29 ijaco*i block, Oakland. * '7 ■■'.:■■;■ AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. * . B;*sf chance for beginners. Call and we will show you; why. ■; 1841 Market st. ! DRAPERY salesman, large mercantile . house in :: city; state reference* and salary expected.: Box ! * 75«. Call office. ' . WANTED—Show • card :- writer. :* Must; be experi- j -; enced, competent, original and energetic. Ap ply to MR. BROWN, 151 Grant ay. Tuesday. LABORERS wanted. CO WELL PORTLAND : CEMENT COMPANY. Coweil, Contra Costa county. via Bay; Point. California. *.* LABORERS wanted. COWELL PORTLAND : CEMENT COMPANY. Coweil. Contra Costa county, via Bay Point, Cal. . * : AUTOMOBILE engineering and driving taught In least possible time; practical experience. 2070 " : Market st. : ;.,yy ■■:.-.--.. -..."--:-"''* .. : ," -ty^ AUTO MOTOR ENGINEERING SCHOOLS. > Corner 57th and Adeline sts,, Oakland. Est. 1008.; WANTEDTwo ; men;;to learn * automobile . driv ;.;-- ing, repairing and care. ;-:• Apply 312 * Gough st, FIVE men wanted to learn automobile driving la one week; guaranteed; $10. 20 12th st.;. Lamm Auto 'driving.;, repairing;:* satisfaction leaWTlUl guar. * Eastern; Auto - Ex.. SI? ; Qongh. MAKE SI an hour: classes and by mall. S. F. SHOW CARD SCHOOL. 915 Van Ness ay. WANTED--Young .man for city salesman;' small bond required.;-Call 540'Octavia st. SAILORS for Sydney Australia;:, wages I $30. SHIPPING OFFICE. 11*4 Steuart st. SECOND mate. British ticket,, Japan and return. SHIPPING .OFFICE,-;! I^::Stenart st, WANTED— class -: bootblack.; ; 2200.,Uni0n ---■■* street, - ':"-"'■ ■•-;•-'"■-;: ■-'.'-'..-..'■ .■.••■-;-■. -.-- -,--. ■.-•■.:..- ■■_-.-.■■•::■■ WANTED : for * California and : Colorado, 1 ;, experi m enced salesman for * a strong, medium , priced y line 3of I suits, j cloaks t and ; skirts ? for 1a * promi .- nent ' bouse -in Philadelphia, established , since 4, 1860, "that caters *to the leading j houses. j Must mbe posted in * the line ■ and - well acquainted - with the trade. yNo objections to carrying noncohfllctlng: lines. '■>. Party with'At references - only h considered. MARGOLIES ; A HARRIS, : Philadelphia,; Pa. :* . * ; WANTEDMen ; and '~ women Of high character to' I solicit savings: investments *■ with an y estab ; .v. lished r company; city :, and ■•- country, exclusive II district; no money, advanced;. first class refer .-,:■* ences : required; * ready ,* July 1. : * Apply by.: let y ter; state experience. MANAGER, 550 Cali fornia 1 street. "* * -■-■ . SALESMEN "7 wanted—No*." experience required; I § earn: while; you >- learn: write: (or call) I for * list of ; positions ; open paying i $1,000 *to $5,000 a ■ year. NATIONAL SALESMEN'S TRAINING I ASSOCIATION, 4048 Phelan. bldg., San Fran . : Cisco.:: Branches everywhere. ,- ..- : SALESMAN:-wanted:to4 handle as side line on I ■y commission * basis, ** Parisian sugar , ice cream 1 : cones in country. , BOSTON CONB' CO.. 2054 i y Powell st., San Francisco. | ENERGETIC sales manager "to establish head- i --quarters In San Francisco and look after entire I B business , : of California; i exclusive % contract • is «sued; ; -business:*: reference- required.- - DIA- I y GRAPH,CARBON .CO.; Philadelphia. : Pa. | WE' have: a special I limited: proposition [of excep- \ *';*: tional merit and want Immediately experienced ' -. "and-competent salesmen to represent.- us* in ex- ! ,: elusive territory. C.IM.WOOSTER,& CO.. 3031 yi I'helan building, San, Francisco. y:-y t- : y4'iy '] ENERGETIC salesmen -to * assist *.In Increasing | *V: the j attendance at - the exposition liberal com .- pensation; attractive 4 duties. .: :* BIS *: Crocker j ::; bldg.; call bet, 11 and 12. - SALESMAN open tor position; can make good selling ; anything; lots of experience selling y stock; prefer | mercantile line; I Know \ machinery, . -. and j chemicals; - can • not I consider f anything 1 un -1; less - some ; salary - attached;'« erences. %*. Bos 872, Call offlce. -..-■.: y.-'tyy- >..-. . ..- , WE want i first:class' solicitors to write members y for ) our | mutual ' profit - sharing | tailoring - asso :': ; elation; : pleasant : work,.; highly % profitable: to '■; ,-v agents ; and : beneficial, to :■ members. -' Addrest : ANDREWS' TAILORING ASSOCIATION, 1 •:,'• "06^':, X j at.'.'.; Sacramento.: CaL SALESMEN I territory open; must be pro-. ducer; ~ excellent ; opening;;: staple - line; :.* t. -. j penses advanced. against commission I contract; yi references' required. BARROWS COMPANY, 600 Woodward ay.. Detroit. Mich. LIFE y ins. agents; good " salary ft for i producers; " only new * Idea; on* kin<V of : policy. «* Box 283, Call -office. *■ ■■ v.--:.- ■ ■.■--.-■■ - .- : ... 777:.; ~■/■.:..-)-.. ■.■-* ■-.->--. -y BARBERS ASP SUFPHES :~ FIRST ': CLASS ** 4 : chair hotel f shop.: 2■■ running: | y. splendid: location; > gbod | transfer corner; % cheap \ 'yy. rent; % long % lease; i- good £ business; *; good s reason' I :»jfor selling;)in7 fine condition. :iBi>6.Haight st i BARBER' wanted with "- couple ' yaara'/experience; y-wages SOe on tha dollar; first clam trad*. Ad dresa bos 619, Call office. ' j BARBERS SUPPLIES ';.- .4ty.y--.yi"; '■ tt. Coat in lie d ..-'L-.i BERBERS— Already a number v have "taken ad vantage of the big reduction which we are .7 offering and 1 will continue this month; chairs, 4 No. 500,7 regular $05, cut to $.80: No. 1 300 D, 4 regular $100. cut: to - $82.50; No. MO, regular 1 $S5, cut to $74.75; No. 278. regular $80. cut to "$O9 50; No. 315. regular $70, cut,to.s64; >" s J7O -5 regular $58. * cut to $50; No.« 100.; regular ' - $0.1 cut to $54.50. The above chairs are all hydraulic," operated ; with one lever, * made of - white porcelain enamel. ;It will be worth your 1 while to call and I see, the remarkable bargains. If you are not ready to buy now. pay down a small deposit and we will hold chairs for you. : Write or ask our salesman for descriptive °° PACIFIC BARBERS' SUPPLY CO., ' - 962 Market st. FOR sale—The best, up to date, 2 chair barber shop In Berkeley. This is a bargain.:- Come * and see. It. 3025 Adeline St., : Ashby station, 4i ßerkeley. *.., : :: ... -.'.'•'■"■■. -"':': •:;.■..."';- ;■' -•-'.- -- : 't'--' ■ '■■.'■ L -• FOR sale—Half interest in barber shop, cigsr "'.'.-'stand, pool hall; good business; long lease; cheap i rent; $300 will handle it. Box 6476, Oakland. ;. - ..■..-- :■ ' ■'■*- ■'-■ ■:.-- i- ' -■"-.'" BARBERS. ATTENTION! • OAKLAND OFFICE. THE CALL. 1540 BROADWAY. PHONE.OAKLAND 1083. $250 *: will buy 3 chair barber shop, well fur k nished, ; near S. P. 1 depot: 2 years'. lease. 7 JNO. ;/NICOLAS, ; 829; 2d St., Sacramento. FOR ; sale Finest up to date barber | shop: 4 j chairs; cost $1,400; will sell for $800: cash or *: terms. \ Box 770, Call office. , YOUNG barber wants position in good shop; in • answering please state wages can pay. Address y box C 99, Call office. . . ■"■;'- FIRST. CLASS BARBER wanted steady; SIS ;: guaranteed; DO - Sunday work. THE OAK, .Point Richmond.:. -,--.:.:'*■'' '-■: -. - - . BARBERS' UNION free emp. agency. ROB H. . BAKER, sec., 804 Mission St.; tel. Dotfg. 1443. $60—Half interest In transient barber shop. * 13 >. Sacrament, st. : near Market and the ferry. t THB "Bee" Vibrator is the smallest and strong -11 est made. ;At BAUER'S, 59 .o'Fafrell st. I GOOD barber, tired of city, wants country Job. i -3. - 0.. 709 Washington at.. Oakland.: I, BARBERS' Protective Onion—Employment sec | retary. W. BARON. 775 Mkt.; tel. Kearny 5384. i % CHAIR barber shop tor sale; first class: going j; to country. 616 Columbus ay. near Green st. I POSITION wanted; barber; sober young man; in :.-:.- city or country.*: BOX 105, 520 Hayes st: ' .WANTED— good young barbers for good coun try ' work. W. vBARON, 775 Market st. YOUNG man wishes position: last 21 Powell st. Address 1576 Bush St.; Franklin 8306. i BOOTBLACK. -955 Larkin st. corner Post. i FOR SALE— Finest up to date shop downtown; cash or terms. Box 598. Call offlce. ."".: -":■ -WA\Tr:i' good barber. 126 East st. r JABBER wanted for "Wednesday, Saturday and ; Sunday at 1544 Kentucky st, , * FOUR student barbers want to finish trade. 145 :T;Old. St.. ,-• below7Mission st. 7:--.-.y -* .■*.." .* ■ "-■'.'". WANTED—Good barber for Saturday, $5. 1795 7th at.. West Oakland. BARBER wanted for Saturday. Apply 4033 18th st. near Castro. ;* .:';■■"-- ■,- - '.- ■■■-■-'. - - / WANTED—Barber next week. 2068 University -.7 »v.. Berkeley. ''.- ; ■''■-, "' '■-: '■ ' - ■■'- ' ''. EXPERIENCED barber shop porter; short hours. ■yl7 2d st. ;■. -' '*.':.■ ■-,::: 7*-. ....: . ■■-;*,. .--■■•:- ■■'■ ',■."--. COLORED porter wanted for barber shop. 1233 : it! ii ay. - -.-■' -.-' r "' ,'i tjt, y ■::■■'. yt y- ■-■ .'' :.,;..; ! LADY barber wanted at 21*7 Valencia St. cor. ;•;'■: 14th. -■ ..:: ; ; ".' ;--' -.'■'-" ■' ■■'■. ':- ■- "■":.-* "'"-. i BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 280 I ■--.- 3d st. ■'*...-*- .- -■ .-' '.' ■'■■-■■ '' '' - ■ ■a ■"■ J ! SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING TO EXCHANGE i WHAT haTe you to exchange for an electric fan, child's willow crib, mattresses, carriage and gocart; also 300 yards of carpet, rugs and fold- I ing bed, value $130? For whole want motor- I cycle or autocar and pay difference., Box 6300, I Call office, Oakland. I COMPLETE set of systems, business forms; 12 j," books. /What have you?. Address box 615. Call. COMPLETE course of bookkeeping and business ' I, form In the'L C. S. What have you? Address ['* box 018, Call ' office. y •-""..-;.: "V ■ : -.'"---" »*■'. ! WILL exchange a good runabout for Turn motor-; cycle; must be in good condition; value $175. Box 0457. Call offlce. Oakland. i LAUNCH, 19x4:6 feet, with 4 hp., 4 cycle, ! [ nearly new Dunn engine,, also 2 hp. Regal ma- j rine engine to reverse: will trade for one 7% ' I: to 10 hp. 220 :V. A. C. motor. A. F. WAL- | j LACE, 417 E.ith st.. Oakland. .:; . | WANTED— *xlo view camera or Goers Dagor*l * lens In exchange for new 3A Premo filmplate | camera with Goers Dagor lens,-metal tripod, 6; holders and film pack adapter. Box 601, Call. : ONE iron orchestra music desk, ; two : Hamilton • I music racks, -.nickel plated; leather case for - ene; one new* platen roil for typewriter; one ,*: A. I. M. coat and cap. 44 and 7%; one I. C. S. V bookkeeping - and • business course. s - Trade "ef sale. * Box 196. Call of lice. ....',■ - : I HAVE 4 very large, 3 medium and 2 small trunks, also 6 leather suitcases and grips In good order; value $75 for lot; cost over $250 originally; want,- something I can .use. What have you? Box 6420, Calf office. Oakland. I, HAVE a large soda fountain and other fixtures, .cost originally $2,400; will exchange for either . improved or ; unimproved real estate. I also know of a good location and will assist party , to start good paying business. . Box 603. Call. S WANTED—An astigmat lense for 4_5; .will exchange rectilinear lens and cash, or 23 year Waltham gold watch, or will pay cash; j "also want good Esld or marine glass. Bex 250, Call office..; . -I HAVE an .excellent gas range and hot water i 7 heater with connections; used about 3 months; also a reversible Scotch rug, 9x12 feet, new; will exchange for anything useful. What have you? , Box 3321. Call office. ■ WILL exchange one 1912 7 11. P. twin Indian and -one 1912 7 H. P. twin Yale | motorcycle, completely equipped * with presto tanks, lamps, speedometer, etc., for nearly new launch; must be in,perfect condition. Box 3232, Call office. HAVE fine: Shetland pony, harness and saddle.■ This outfit cost, me $200.-Will exchange for Indian;or'Excelsior motor bike of late model; must be 1912 and twin. Box 6406, Call office. Oakland, t- v --",.","-': : **:-:.- EXCHANGE for 1 ton truck or diamonds, fine Victoria, 1 double set of silver mounted har ness. 1 brougham, seat 4 people, new. coat $1.700; Victoria cost $1,500. Box 3322. Gall. I HAVE a fine violin to exchange for typewriter or small printing press. Address box 194. Call. LATE models Colt's 41 caliber revolver, belt and 6cabbard, a 20' pwt. gold chain and other Jew •',''. elry to exchange for sets of books in good con dition or. photograph disc records.- Box 3378, Call office. * v: >'■'.-.* --- -•-...;.---/ WILL j trade |Al violin for good phonograph. •or something of- equal value;-no agents or dealers. Address L. G. CROSBY. Hotel Gray. 757 How , ; ard at., S." P., CaL. box 3380. • ' WHAT : have you 'to "exchange | for * No. * 4 Victor - phonograph? :Is equipped with $15 mahogany "Music ; Master"; horn and hasl 10 inch turn table; la in splendid- condition. Box 9. Call. WILL *- exchange a second hand motorcycle "In .good condition for $25, or what you have. The machine is ,at ; 172 O st. Address box 478, i,: Call of flee, ...-'-. TO exchange-—2 lots in Sunnyside for something I need or for part cash and rest in trade; lots are 95x100. Address box 592. Call offlce. ;■* y\ WILL exchange j $35 oxygenator * (modern method i of curing diseases by > using oxygen to purify ! the blood): for typewriter, L. C. Smith pre . ferred, ,? or /what have ; you? Box ■ 3338. Call. / | WILL exchange vocal ;lessons for piano or violin i lessons. /What have you to exchange for fine i . trio Jacques white Orpingtons ?; Box 6374, Call ' office, Oakland. ; I HAVE a well bred mare,. go*.! buggy and har ness; will take In exchange a twin motorcycle. This is; a; tough mare, fine rider and drives -■.-■■ double and :single,*/ Address box 3013. Call. t-y FINE * steel ; windmill, i large ranch ranee, . farm = - implements, /furniture *of 5 s rooms 1 and | other nsefnl goods. Want auto delivery, motorcycle, Tor what I have | yon? Box 6316, = Call. Oakland.' EASTMAN kodak. 3A, with tripod and leather : carrying *; case , and extra lens; will exchange for a • good watch, Howard watch preferred. Box 3025. Call 'office. >'.■■ .- * ■/.;...., WILL/ exchange ; slightly used ': Kohler.-' & Chase piano.- cost $350. for twin cylinder Excelsior or Indian' motorcycle; must bo In*good condition. Box 2509, Call office. / - / ■'.'■:'- I:; HAVE 1a .: wire -•; haired / ma! tox - terrier do*, about ljear old, good watchdog, fund of chil ; * dren, : what have you in exchange? Box 3112." Call /office, y ~ --.--.;- ....... y... . WILL exchange 1 $35 Stewart banjo, V $20 pearl Inlaid j mandolin < and il2 pianola '■ music roll* \ for phonograph or a good guitar or folding camera. ; Address box f3057, Call offlce. , $8."'0 ior $400: worth |of new salable merchandise for late Ford-runabout in good conditio:]. Box y 600,? Call ■■office.-.'":-■■/.--.- .■;....* ;, - : -. ..-;-. .;■ -EASTMAN ; kodak No. JA and carrying case,' brand new; 'also 25 volume -/Werner encyclope -5 dia, new, with fine bookcase. What have you* -':'■■ Boa / 113. /Call t office. / ; ; -,:■ -/:-, :-■- ..:.*-.. WHAT ! have you 'f to? exchange 5 for * tha rent of nleely * furnished ■ room in ? modern '-> flat? v- Also good Garland gas range, elevated ovea? Ad dress ■ box i 200,7 Call office. yy.-, 1 HAVE ,*, complete l - C." 8. course In s*ls.*man *-ship.fully paid: up. This course Is strictly un ~ to -the minute: and cost $60. What have you Mto trade ifor: it? .. Box : 3027. Call . office. ' -.-.. STEEL windmill.' large range, 2 Incubators MO mto 1 400 egg '■-. capacity; ' lawn mower: , total value i-.*-. $160.-. to .'exchange.-*--What have you to ofi*r? V;: Box 6294, \ Ca1l offlge,/Oakland. FIXE new; bay county map, shows* roads,"; resorts'"-' everything, coat $5, for singing canary or Aire % «ale ' pup, aor what * bar*: 00 * - Atldresa k bex 8769, Call office. yy ■yy - //.' - ' _ ~:'yy ■ : SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING- '*" to EXCHANGEE -■.'.■.■-■■-'. y-y--' Continued " ■ ■ WILL exchange some good lots at Redwood City-^ for a5O to 100 room.hotel; must be.a Darga (M* '4 Box 812. Call office. .../' . .- V 44 ' SMALL collection sof autcTgrnph letters .and sis-." • natures of famous people for revtgver,. 99 e*all-.' ber preferred, ami man's corduroy' on ting coat and vest. Box 6348. Call office. Oakland. , * I HAVE nice mahogany bookcase, office table, 4*" chairs'; cabinet letter file find mitnensraph; also.' 8 assorted brushes. - Want ■ first abacs grama-.*' phone, or what have you? Box 682. Gall. Oakld. • TRUNK 36, in., paid 99.50. used 4 months: will* - exchange for leather suitcase. Phone Frank-.*. 4"' lin ' 4006.* / -.-■.■■-.. ' ... .- /- ... •:'''■.-----• CAN you wait 6 months if you can mate enough? ' Have large amount money due from estate;. I tit. will assign for.good auto. Box ."..'>7. Call office. AUTOMOBILE tools, first .'lass condition, pail , $30; will exchange. Phone Franklin 4006. Box- . 777. Call office. - "*- ''-', - . *, WANTED —To exchange or sell one Mcndetl ■ postcard camera and 800 films. Address, 1., •' B. S., care Call of AW- . ■-'.''' - - ,; I BUY = second hand* trunks of all descriptions, . and pay the highest prices for them. Address . WM. LEE, 707 Mission St.; tel. Donglarf 31g2. 1, CHILD'S foot brace, age 3 years; dressmaker's chart; ; 2 young Maltese kittens: will trade for. something useful. Box 6425, Call. : , Oakland.- '* TWO cocker spaniel puppies, oak bedsteads, man- .'. doiln, value $18, small delivers wagon by hand,'-' piano (square) to exchange for upright or any- '* thing useful. Box 530. Call office. - WILL exchange lor diamond a twin cylinder Ex-'. •' " celsior motorcycle with tandem attachments . and Presto lamp. Address box 2642, Call. . ■'• : . WILL EXCHANGE a twin motorcycle, 1912, ; '•' complete outfit, for Mascot Copper stock;/..' -value $175. Care box 644§, Call office. -■: -/.' LADY'S large chip diamond heart and gold-, chain; also gent's gold watch; child's .crib pre- ; ferred. Box 3377, Call offlce. .* ■ ■„•*.,..■.•-. •'. NO. 7 REMINGTON typewriter in good.comlD-.-... i tlon, to exchange for what have you? •• Bog -.' 6197, Call offlce. Oakland, . ... ~ .'. WILL exchange tent, 20x40, need one season, foe : ', a 3A kodak and a shotgun. Box/6405,. Call -. office. Oakland. '/•.... . ,• ''.-■'./•-•/:'.:' WILL exchange furniture of ft «room furnished.../ flat for a 4 or IS passenger automobile. Bo*. 6332, Call offlce. Oakland. , .*-.*■.•!' '" •• '•: COMPLETE whitewashing outfit) l" Woodln '<&".:■■• Little pump, hose, etc. What bava you to ex change? Box 3616. Call offlce. '.■;'. ,■>'-.; . A BICYCLE, almost new, high grace make, will.'. -- exchange few something valued to $15_*. Bos •, 3831, Call office. -' . * _______ ... -.-■. ." WILL exchange good 7 year old gentle horse, • will work or drive single or double, for cow.- worth $75. Box 6200, Call of See., Oakland. ;,;„. rVILL exchange new Hampden watch, 17 Jewels, gold hunting case, for good high power rifiej value of watch $25. Box 3985. Call offlc*. * FARMING tools, ranch wagon, cart, buggy, ha*. ■ ness, cream separator. In exchange for boas*. .'hold goods; or what have you? Box 3907, Call. ■ WOULD like to "exchange a "pK",, pearl Inlaid . •■ mandolin, with case, for a rolitop desk. Bog ■-, o*2B, i Call office,. Oakland. . ' . ■ '.. - EXCHANGE for diamonds (perfect unset), water- • colors by good artist; value $15 to. $50 each;: Box 3371. Call office. * -:, ■ y, - I HAVE 1 months" old beautiful mahogany col- --. ored brindle bulldogs will exchange for almost ."' anything. Box S4lll» ' Call office. t , '."'" ■{■''•' AUTO wanted in exchange for country;, bowling J*. alley business. Value $300. .C. A. ' HART- ••.. VIGSEN, R. R. No. 3, Watsonville, 01. .'■. -_. WIRELESS apparatus or printing press and tyi>• for exchange; want a Graflex camera. Box : 518, Call office.. * ■'~-■ •*,-.•.., . '/■/■.- FOR EXCHANGE—ModeI s.Bllckfinsdorfer type- ■ writer for camera; state make, size, etc. L, •.* C J., Kearny theater. 825 Kearny. .'■• j _ —— *- J -*- a ~.,.■■ i- ■ WILL exchange $150 order on flayer piano for: sewing machine, or. what have yoa? MRS. • --C. , L. WUNDER. .517 Ash *ay.--.•-=.*; "y.; . I WILL exchange a good bicycle for a camera, ''■! Box 104. Call office. •-■• ' y *' . t m GOOD milk goat. 2 quarts daUy; ''8* kids la a years sold for $20; want a* Shetland pony or : value equal to $15. Box 8034,' Call office. , y HAVE a diamond ring; wish 'to "exchange for -A . '.• ■ row accordion, Miller's preferred. ' Address box 3340, Call office. ■-.". . • • * •.-."■ :/ PHONOGRAPH disc records; will Exchange 04.- -, records, 25 12 Inch and 25 10 Inch -for same number of records. 'Address box 2333, Call. '; - WILL exchange a female English • setter, l-» 'years old, well trained for hunting, tot an l* : cubator. Box 3341. gall office. ~*.'. - ■-■■" . FOR exchange— handsome seal coat, size , 36. almost new. latest design, for.good upright.-..-■ 7 piano. Box 6354, CaR offlce, Berkeley. ■■ WHAT have you to exchange for new 88 not* : * $700 Standard player piano? Box 3898. Call. WANT typewriter in exchange for Belgian bar**, , ; j PeklnJducka? good baby buggy. Box 22, tj#, NEW Buescher clarinet or clarlphone.-O. rL. P-i • will take diamond. Box 6124, Call office. Oak.,- BOXED candy and chance cards, cost $60. What have you to offer? Address box, 3764. CalL .:;•'.; HEAVY 22 caliber rifle la exchange for sewing • ':;; machine. Call 732 A Natoma at. ~'.-' ';..*•,* ~ ONE collie dog for furniture: prefer library table- ' . ,or writing desk. Box 3807, Call offlce. . -4 y WIRELESS—I want a tuning coll or a.laoia' coupler. Box 6481, Call office, Oakland,. - _-, :.. FINE BANJO, cost $100. What have you t_ «x»". •• change? Box 4832. Call office. Berkeley. ■ y_ m% , TO exchange— Fine violin for. aaaophon*. . Bo* '•.'-' 8302, Call offlce. ...... '"'•',- ONE?4xB pool. table to trade. -. 8315 East 14th .;, ;, st., Oakland. * *■* * WHAT have you to trade tot -diamond ring, : value $90? Address 730 Henry at., Oakland... v . ■ i GAS range and chest of drawers, _». tQxA-at v -*g ■suitcase. 425 4th ay. nr. Geary st. * , ~ \ J AH correspondence win be answered promptly. - by the" following advertisers! T ■--.... •._. - 1 —— i i ■ ' ■ —■ m~*emm. —i% .- -•—'. -A*'. ' - ■■'. 4-■ - ,'-)'.. .. ... .. -... . --. .•- • : • When your AUTOMOBILE needs* PAlNTOtfci • or REPAIRING, you want the» BEST WORK ." DONE at the LEAST POSSIBLE COST,' doa't" you? Then- see us.* WE CAN and WH DO 9* --. EVERYTHING In AUTOMOBILE WORK. *•".•'.* S. IF. AUTO IREIPAIIIR.XOi*;:; P!ao__3- Mates 23©2f;..;-'.'•:. C . ' " I- '•>■<■■ OTTO BAUER— RADIATOR LAMP REPAIR 00*-'.' 548 POLK ST., S. F.. Ed ALT I IN RE'«--' "PAIR OF LAMPS AND RADIATORSi PRICES-. REAS.; WORK STRICTLY GUARANTEED. _. -~ 1913 WINTON SIX: never been delivered; *IH' cut price. Box 763, Call office.* *. -•'.•' DURABLE DAYTON AUTO TRUCK'S. y* .* Owing to change in agency, we have a numbet , of 2 and 4 ton trucks for sale: liberal discount..'',' MOTOR DRAYAGE CO.. C 33 Stevenson near 7th. ! AUTOMOBILE wanted as first payment on $4,000 . * artistic bungalow In Clararaont restricted <!:s -trict; balance $30 month. Box 578, Call office. * $495— New 1813 MET 2 specials; 4 cyi.. 22*4 h. p.. * ; 6 speeds f'd. Why buy used cars? Write far particulars. L. J. BORIE. agt.. 1251 Van Ness. . CAN save yon $150 <>v a new 1813 or 1814.WW- '• ton 6. See' Barry Cool. Pathfinder Motor Cat '■-■- Co.. San 'Francisco. .: - - ,;... W'AVERLY electric auto, wan In Examiner con- * ■ test: make offer. C. F. PEGG, 414 Blat, at, Oakland. 7 PASSENGER. 70 h. p. -Thomas Flyer; very rea sor.abie. HOTEL ALEXANDER. I- 881 ?'. Hoods,- Fenders, 're- ','• -^.^A)^a iU ,_t>J S paired. M 5 G, G.; Mkt.- 1254. • AUTO ■.{ lamps and horns, 'sample ■' line, ("riling 1 cheap. : BOESCH LAMP CO.* 1138 Mission st. ' ■.'',,, , , 7 * 7; Ww tPrKTO Golden Gate Vulcanizing Works— ?..?**. iX '' ma : Prompt,,^,,,,■ est, given. 720* G.G. ay. y„ AUTOMOBILE LO AN S ■ " * _ [4 AAAA—Money : loaned on automobiles at banking rates. 0. B. HERRICK, Inc.,-: 611-13-15 Met- -. j chants' i>.'.'iii;;....' building:'tel. Douglas 1 ■<■>••*- „ . r:.... . „■".'', ■■'. ."vrvTir," "■: r — r — : —i BICY£LEB A3m M<mi*CJCLß9_* . •' 1,,", ii i_• ■ * ' -; -' "..~. * n ... - FOB SALE ' ■*■•-■ 1313 * model. Motorcycles -and* Motorboata at ■ , ; bargain* prices, all;makes, brand- new machines, * ioa easy, monthly * payment plan-. ~: Get our prop- '* ositlon> before s buying or you will regret it, alaa i bargains in (taed Motorcycles. , Writs us -todjjT» I Enclose s stamp: for * reply. Address lock " box 11. Trenton, Mich. ; . ~.-'- ■ * Continued on -WexA Fata --• — -