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12 — £«»»■— ———■ ————— mmmmmmmm^m^mm^immmmmmmmmmmmm^m THE^CALL Address All CouimunioiUionH to THE BAH 1 It A\( 1S(O CAM. «TH«-phom- "Ke:irnv S6 V — Ask for Tl»e « nil. The Operator Will Connect : \ ou "With the Department You Wish. Ibusin-ess office AND editorial r ROOMS, Market and Third .Streets. Open until 11 o'clock every night In the year. ' 12.1A1N CITY BRANCH, 1657 Fillmore Street near Post. ■ •OAKLAND OFFICE, 1540 Broadway. Telephone Oakland 1083.- * . ALAMEDA OFFICE. 1435 Park Btree '.■■■ Telephone Alaincda 559. BERKELEY OFFICE, 2011 Shattuck Avenue. Telephone Berkeley 77. I CHICAGO OFFICE, Tribune Building. W. J. Morton Company. NEW YORK OFFICE, 200 Fifth Ave nue. W. J. Morton Company. * ' LOS ANGELES- OFFICE, 1027 West Twenty-third Street. Home phone 22417. William W. Wincup.-Agent. : WASHINGTON NEWS BUREAU, Poet Buildinjr. Ira B. Bennett, Corre spondent. ' v tXEW YORK NEWS BUREAU, 516 Tribune Building. C. C. Carlton, Cor reßpondent. • . -.v.l^ ■ Foreign Offices Whore The « nil Is on File: LONDON, Eng...3 Regent Street. B. W. ' PARIS, France 53 Rue Cambon \ BERLIN, Germany. .T'ntor den Linden 3 All postmasters ARE author , i zed to receive subscriptions Sample Copies Will Bβ Forwarded When Requested. , ZMa i; Subscribers In ordering change of address should be particular to give both NEW and OLD ADDRESS in order to secure a prompt and correct compliance with their request. ■■ DIVIDEND NOTICES A SSOCIA TED SA VINOS BANKS \ r _OFJSAJWR^^ HANK i ITALY, southeast corner Moptgomery ■nd Clay etc. (MARKET ST. BRANCH), junc tion Market, Turk am! Mason sts.)—For the lialf year ending June 80. 1913, a dividend has teen declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum on all savings deposits, free of taxes, payable M and after July 1. 3913. Dividends not called for are added to and bear th* same rate of interest a* the principal from ■ July. 1. 1613. -Money deposited on or before July 10 will earn interest from July 1. 1913. L. BCATBNA, President.: A. PEDRINI. Cashier. _____ COLUMBUS SAVINGS AND LOAN society, 700 Montgomery st., has declared a dividend at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum on all deposits, free of taxes, for the half year end ing June ."0, 1913, payable on and after July 3. 1913. Dividends DOt tailed for are added to and bear the same rate of interest as tee prin cipal from July 1. 1913. Money deposited Oβ or before July 10. 1913, will earn interest from July 1, 1913. I. W. HELLMAN JR., President. W. I!. HABTWKLJ., Cashier. , },-AMERICAN BANK OF SAVINGS fsavings department), 10S Sntter st. — For the liaJf year, ending June 30, 1913, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent prr annum on all deposits, free of taxes, pay nbln on and after Tuesday, Ju'y 1. 1913. Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of interest as the principal from July 1, 1913. A. I.KC.AI.r.KT, President. BUMBOLDT SAVINGS HANK. 753 Market ft. near 4th—For the half year ending June 30. 1913, a dividend has been declared at the rate ft four (4) per cent per annum on all Havings i>poslts, free of taxes, payable on and after Tuesday. July 1. 1913. Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of in terest as the principal from July 1, 1913. H. C. KI.EVFSAnL. Cashier. ITALIAN-AMERICAN BANK, southeast corner Montgomery and Sacramento sts.-—For the half yesr ending June 80, 1913, ■ dividend has been • declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum oa all savings deposits, free of taxes payable on and after Tuesday. July .1, • 1913. Dividends not called for will be added to the prißurpal ami bear the same rate of interest from July 1. 1913. • Money, deposited on or be fore July 10, 1913, will earn interest from July 1. 1913. . A. BBA.RBORO, President. 'MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK OF SAN FRAN CISCO, 700 Market st. opposite 3d —For the half year endinc June 30, 1913, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum on all savings deposits, free of laxes, payable on and after Tuesday, July 1. 1913. Deposits not called for are added to and b*ar the same rate of interest as the principal from July I, 1913. ' . C. B. nOBSON, rashler. ■ *AVlN<:s UNION HANK AND TRUST COM PANY. Market Kt. at Grant ay. and O'Farrell f-t —For the half year ending June SO. 1913. a dividend.has -been declared on all savings de posits at tUo rate of four (4) per cent per nnnnm,, free of taxes, payable on and after Tuesday, July 1, 1913. A dividend not drawn will 1 b< , added to the deposit account, become a part thereof and earn dividend from July 1, J9T". Money deposited on M before Jnly 10, 191e will earn interest from July 1, 1913. ■ R. B. BUitMISTER. Cashier. -THE GERMANS SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY (Th« German Rank), 526 California st.; MIS SION BRANCH, corner Mission and 21st sts.; RICHMOND DISTRICT BRANCH, corner Cle ment st. and 7th ay.: HAIGHT ST. BRANCH, rorner Haight and Belvedere —For the half jear ending June SO. 1913, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum on all deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Tuesday. July 1, 1913. rtot called for are added to the deposit account and c am dividends from July I. 1913. GEORGE TOPBWY, Manager: BIBKRNIA SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY, corner Market. McAllister and Jones sts. -- • For the sis months ending June 30, 1913. a dividend has been declared at the rate of three and (3%) per cent per an num on ell deposits,, frfe of taxes, payable r>!i and after Tuesday. July 1, 1913. Divl il»n»!s not drawn will be added to depositors' amounts, become a part thereof and will earn dlvldpnd from f :ly 1. 1918. Deposits mad a nn or fore July 10, 1913, will draw interest from July 1, ]9i3. K. J. TORiN, Acting; Secretary. irnrc MISSION SAVINGW BANK, Valencia and lfith sts.—For the half year ceding June 30, 3 013. dividends upon all deposits at the rate r>f four (4) per cent per annum, free of taxes, tvill be payable on and after July 1. 1913. Dividends not drawn are added •to the de portt^account and ftarn interest from .Tulv 1, 1913. JAMK3 ROLPH JR.. President. 6ECURITY SAVINGS BANK. 316 Montgomery : St.—For the half year ending June 30. 1918. a dividend upon all deposits at the rate of four 141 per rant per annum, free of taxes, will be payable on and after July 1. 1913. S. L. ABBOT. Vice President. MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL. BLAKE'S BAZAAR, 11CS VALENCIA. ST. DIYIDEUD NOTIC3EB AT p. • meeting of the directors : held Mar 7. 1313, a dividend of 2-> on the capital stock of the California Scbnctzen Club Park Butld injr Association was declared, payable on and «fter M«H.itiy. July 7. 1913, at the office of the association. 1003 O'Farreu • st. A. L. OTT, President. J. V. rM.KSTiiN. Sei-rotaiy. >! E F II Yes—l>_oDGES____ A. & A. 'i. R. of Free Masonry,. San .: >Ha> Francisco Lodge of Perfection No. 1 —Stated meeting I>jd| Chapter, ' «a' Council and Consistory THIS Fill ff\ DAY, Juno '27, 1919, nt 8 p. in., : &M , Pfottish Rite temple. NE. • corner P&~*v& Van Ness ay. and Sutter «t. Elee- tlon of officers San Francisco Coun- WT* ell No. 1, K. Iv. HENRY ascroft, Secretary. ANNUAL celebration of St. John's c day. SATURDAY. June 23, 3913. /t* nnder the auspcies of the PAST pj\ MASTERS' > ASSOCIATION of £pa, . ' CALIFORNIA, F. & A. M. Concert, J **£\y danclnsr. games.. gate prizes, etc.- """—*H£> >■ SHELL MOUND PARK. Emeryville, by Berkeley trains every 20 minutes: Park ad-' , ml«slon 2SC. Children free. CALIFORNIA Commandery No. 1. K. T. —•_*» —Stated assembly THIS : .(FRIDAY) THt* EVENING, at 7:30 clock. Albert MJ Pike Memorial temple, 1858 Geary st. Order of the Temple. All fraters cordially lv- Tited. .f{y order - - *. wSi c. lIASSLER. Em. Commander. WILLIAM R. JOST, Recorder. A. K. O. SCIOTS. S. F. Pyramid No." 1, 240 Golden Gate ay. /KfF^a®i Bijjplness MMion THIS .(FRI- BraßaeX/SeSw DAY) EVENING. S o'clock. *S*" i^si> l 'S^/ G. R. BROCKMANN. Scribe. . 3^fegSp» A.MITY T>odj;e No. 370. F. &A. M.. Mis- a " *lon temple, 2888 Mission t*t. —Special ~Jf%. - raeetlriß THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING. XI 7 ::0 o'clock. Third 'degree. All 101-'»' ter Masons cordially invited. T. WALTER WALKER, Secretary. FAIRMOrvr Lodste, I*. D., I". & A. ; A , • -Special ' meeting Tnis ] (FRIDAY) -J^. EVENING nt 7:30 o'clock; In Native K3f' Sons' bnllding, 414 i Mason st.: second *^r\ degree. H. A. MACDONALD, Bee. v SiALDER Lodge No. 393, F. &A. M.. 2174 m - Market et.—Third - degree THIS (FRI- <*&%& DAY) Evening at 7:30 o'clock. /k^K -'. ;:-.. 5 -, A. I.r.NDQVIST, Secretary. «^ ■>■ SCO the Officers and Members, of ■ : jfß%s^\ ■- San Francisco Aerie No. 5, V. O. X.: You nrf hereby notific! nffrtfj£x\ to : . attend a resTtlar inin;i, ,! I E^j^al moctine of the Aerie, to be li-M \&tmtJfiß^Rß on FRIDAY EVENING! June' *£S!!ni3r - ..j 27.."* 15)13.' ' at; i'-EngleiiV*. hall. ■:for S%^^ti^/.-i tti« purpose: of ■ acting upon, important amend .; ments :to our. bylaw?". By ; order, of the Aerie. HERBERT (HOYNSKI. Worthy President. ' . , GUSTAVB POULMANN, Secretary. MEETINGS—LODGES 'i-"-■; ; : (Ouliiiuetl .:.-_' _ ; ■ REGULAR: meeting "of Canton :N<k '.-"'~?<*£z;i?\-;'' i r 5. P.: M., .1. O. O. F.—THIS iv^^»^ (FRIDAY i EVEXING. at 8 o'clock. -*'" s - i ■ Special interest. A full iitt.'iniai:'.■ --,/.-*• ■ i . n'Qiiented. •-- 11. j , . CRICIiTON. '■: •><'■•■■■ _ I I.OST AND ForM> w LOST Klk's tiKith wiifci, charm: Elk's emblem on one Ride and the intltals n> K. : <aiv.-d on tho other Kldef return to i:iLKRS Ml SIC j HOUSE, '.'7."« Market st. Art Me G. W. Hop : Lias. ;.- •;;■•■•• . .■;-.-• :: : ':/-". ■..■..-: : . ,■'■■'.-'■ - '■-; j LOST— A Masonic charm bearing tliP name of B. : M. Gopcevie. A . liberal reward will -be paid j for Us return to Ml(. 15. M. GOPCEVIC, j l!i2.'iH l-'illuiorf si., city. j SPIRITUALISM MEMBERS OP CA L.IFORXIA STATE Sl'lHlll M.ISTS' \SM)( l\'»l<)\ 50c clairvoyant readings tor short ti:i»»' only; de veloping class: Fridays 8 p, 111.: spiritual ad vice daily. HE , .". DR. ALLEN, IGS4A EIUs st. : bet. Fiihuore and Stelner; phone: West 353<. : CIRCLES trance — Mrs. McDonald;'R93 Dolores; Mot. 2. Tues/«; r Fri. 8; ~ tra nee; readings daily. MRS. S. SCHRODER—Cir, Mon.. Wed.. Frl.. 8; Thurs., 2; rdgs. daily. V l35T> Eddy; West .'42 S. Mrs. L. H. Klnnaird.crd.; cons, daily," 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.: clrs. Sun., Wed., Fli.. B p. B. 1439 Fillni. j Lottie BimvHl. line, aplr. readings; lessons dally; i circles every nlght.\i;v»9 Webster bt. O'Farrell. i MRS. WALLACE-^Circles Wed., Fri. eve.;.test to all; con, daily. 1219 Fillmorf. r. 4!i: West 7-'.sL'. 7 Z SPIHITUALISM MADAM VAX M KF.NS Institute of ..Psychology. . ' 1826 Sutter it. —Reading , - 2- r «v between 8 and '.1 : iv«.; bring 11 picture;-.pupils in the occult; open door and walk in: cut this out. :":",.- : MRS. I.X PBVRB.B3O Hayes— Healing, spiritual development; different phases. Sunday.-Tiles day ami Thursday.'B p. in. Walk hi. ring apt.2. MRS. ' GOJCTZ, medium and clairvoyant, <a;d reader; Bee and $1. :'.»« Waller st. cor. Fill more; tel. Market 5259. t : " ORDAINED spiritual trance medium, clairvoyant. E. L. HERRING, Country bldg., Van Ness and Ellis. -" .::. ■ :'■.. ;.. --■ --- -- ;:-'■ '■ -'- S)K-» Clairvoyant card readings. Mrs. Laura &«MC Allen. 1684 A Ellis st.; phone West, 3537. ASTROLOGICAL card reading 50c: mall orders for horoscopes. Mrs. Btnbarg, 144."> Fill more st. A—MRS. M. FRANCES, medium, formerly lIS Haight, now 1911 Webster;' phone West 32C3. MRS.: OKlNDLE—Materializing Friday eve.,- 8 o'clock. 12-13 Franklin st. ■--■■ "S(JENTjn(T^KEATM]K>T LA RUB INST. 4M Eddy St.; ph. Franklin 21S1. Electric sweat, hot tub bath,and scientific mas sage: lady attendants for ladies: we treat "' rheumatism, neuralgia and stomach trouble. >, - DR. ISABEL MACAULAY, mechauo-therai.T. will give treatments at patient* home or 625Tay lor St.. apt. 34; lady patients preferred. - 'TRAINED nurse gives elee. bathe; scientific mass, and olec. treat, for rheumatism and stomach : trouble. 400 Sutter, of lice 415; ph. Slitter 4281. VAPOR baths, elee. vib., blanket sweats, mas- I sage; ladies Mori., Wed.. Fri.: gents Tues., Then., Sat. 824 Laguna st. MaVket .3051. THE FRANKLIN— EIec. treat, bikt. sweats; miv. bathe, scientific mass. ; grad.' nurse pphys. ref. office 532 Whitney bids.. 133 Geary st. SAMTARIIM S~ WOMEN'S nursing home and lying in hospital; Dr. Harcouft. M. P.. in charge. 162S Haight st. - BUSINESS PERSONALS ~~ Freidrlch Migge. recently of Carnegie Labora tory. , BellOTiie - Medical College, after " many years' study and practice in Germany and the United States, is devoting his. know*-dge and ►kill exclusively to the bacteria causing loss of the hair. By microscopical and bacteriological examination can be determined the exnet specie of bacteria present indicating the treatment re quired in each Individual case of falling hnlr. splitting ends and other disorders. Office hours — 11 ft. in. to 5:30 p. m.. 642-644 Pacific. bldg., 4th and Market \ toL. San Francisco. Cal. NOTICE;The Call will not knowingly print iile legitimate advertisements. If any reader can furnish information that any. advertisement In this column is not legitimate, send it to The Call in confidence, and If found correct the ad vertisement will be discontinued. MORPHINE. OPIUM and drug habits treated at home; no pain or detention from business; no payments until cured. Call or write in confi dence. INDIA DRUG CURE MFG. CO., ;714 McAllister st. -. :■ ' • ' " T - j AA —My wigs, tupees are ventilated, perspira tion proof. 'Mr. Lederer in charge gentlemen's dent 2271 California st.; ladles'.. I'.aSr ; goods, 1809 Fillmore st. Guaranteed. Estab. ISeO. ! OR sale —Well established bath and massage biis.;down town office building; finely equipped. Box 713. Call of flee. . > MISS BERNARD, steam bathe and electric treat ment; Van's Mexican hair restorer: select pat ronage only. 215 O'Farrell st., 8. F.. office 6. VAPOR and tub baths, mass, treats., rle<\ and manicuring. 1114 Divlsadero st. near Eddy. MISS ROSE. vib. electric treatment; I vapor baths, massage. 1122 Market st," room 7. Miss MOORE—RTEAM BATH AND MASSAGE INSTITUTE, 1709 O'Farrell st. Hours. 10 to 9. GERMAN NURSE; Nauheim treatments; bath, : massage, vibration. 020 Hyde st. near Geary. GRADUATE masseuse; ELMA MADISON. West bank bldg., 830 Market, r. 407. Open Sunday. SCIENTIFIC massage, violet ray. pedicuring, ■chlrop.. scalp treatment. 1012 Fillmore. r. 17. Miss Lawrence, late of N. V. —Baths, massage. elec. treat. 725 Geary,, apt. 17-1 2d floor. MISS F. BUPkIvE. medicated baths.: scientific massage, magnetic wave. 1015 A G. Gate ay. '-~.;• LOUISE PASCOE, eastern massage and elec. v'h. treatment. Room 211. 84 Ellis st.; hrs. 10 to 10. NEW management: Bath and Massage Institute, 1406 Bush; Frank. 5131; first class attendants. MISS F. GIBSON, masseuse Face and scalp - treatments. ;84 Ellis, room 810; hours . 1 to 10. MISS F. RODGERS Hate of Chicago); masseuse —Scalp treatments 34 Ellis. st.. room ML . TUB and steam: baths; massage ;.treatments. and • manicuring., v 25 3d st.v apt. C. near Market. : MISS —Scientific massage; blanket sweats. ,Office 21, 1012 Fiilmore St.; hoars 10 to 9. Wells — MAGNETIC and scalp TREAT MENTS. 1065 MISSION ST.. ROOM 55. MISS-JOHNSON, graduate Swedish masseuse; 1075 Gongh; cor. Ellis; phone West Ttei i ELECTRIC and vapor bathe; mldieal mass.; lady ■ att'd; new mgn't. Uβ Post st.. r 317-18. * STEAM and vapor baths.: mag. treat. for., rheu . niatism and sciatica.* 1122 Market, St.. room B. STEAM bath and scientific massage;"pimples re ';, moved from face. ' 130eV4 Post, nr. Franklin. BATHS' and beneficial treat, given by grad. mass.; rheumatism specialty. ; Mme.Dnmas, 566 Post. MRS. HARRIS. vib. and elee. specialist; rheum., ■ impaired circulation.-chiropody. 757 Pac; bldg. SCIENTIFIC mass., electric. treat, given'by pro fessional nurse. 457 Ellis, apt. 4-5, ground floor. MAGNETIC massage by trained nurse: refined '-.•.patrons only. 1437 Buchanan st.; hours 12 to i>; ETHEL GEARY, bath and massage parlors. G27 >» Ellis; flee, vlbro., elec. blanket; select: pat. : - DRUG LESS meth.: elec. light bath, alcohol; oil. , ( with manip. 1415 O'Farrell: 10-9; tei.W. 8815. ELECTRIC therapeutic - treatment; * tub ; baths. MISS KAY. 406 Sntter. St., :r. 312;:hrs. 11-9. : Mls3 (Jordan —Newly opened; elect, and scientific jjg treatments. ' 569 Eddy St.: new management. :' GRADUATE • masseuse gives - baths, massage. Hours i) to 9. Hf 9th st., Oakland. ■ - BATH parlors for \ sale; flat of 4 rooms. : . 1707 .Telegraph ay.. Oakland. ■. ■■ : :, . ■«'-:.--.-?;' PERSONALS j: UNHAPPY, girls will find a woman friend to ad vise and help them :at Rockhurst Center. 130 McAllister St., daily from 2 to 4 p. m. . Tele j'' phone Park MK>,7. :; :. '■■-.-:■■ ;- ■'■- : KATRTJK)JIAX i SWII &S. IS IP? \{ f " rilon!!aD( J3 » tired fof lirlng alone; : , ilVii<S M iiif\ir\ 11 :congenial, wealthy,' anxious to marry. Call or write MRS. HYDE, 2677 Mission St., PARTIES wishing to marry,Vcall'. or i write MRS." • MILLARD.;22O9 Sutter: . details 25-; W. 4750. 1 CLAIRVOYANTS . s ~~ AA - ; : PROF. J. E. SHAW, - . ,;-*. -.'..'■■; Genuine ' clairvoyant; true : and \ reliable: ? tells » full names; , glvesadvlce on love, marriage, divorce; business, i patents, changes, -r deaths, wills, deeds; j removes evil j influences, - reunites * separated; I read- Ings 50 cents: > satisfaction guaranteed.l 25 1 Third St.. nest, to , Hearst building. : . r ■ "\ " .' MNU:. :ZAZEL.f the : mystic i clairvoyant,:: crystal '•* irarer. palmist, healer : lln what others claim to Ido I nee bet } for j beet {results; how [to : invest | for . success; reunites separated. 4 -, 10 3d st.'off Market MISS ZEMDAR,youne, gifted clalr. and palmist; m a wonderful prophetess; hours 10 to 10; ladies BOc, gentlemen $1;-.? 1106 Divisadero near Turk. IF . you are in trouble or : heart i broken !or have :,; been ; A unfortunate, s; come and % consult * MME : ADA; , she will cure you. 1177 McAllister j et. MME. LEONIDA.'V. palmist; t cards; i clairvoyant; i-■; honest readings; * mines,' spec. 3948 i McAllister. j MME.•.-■■ DEVENA —Card S reading i. 25c ? and m soc."> ' 2331 Mission st. near 10th; ; tel. Mlssion;iBBl.l!S ALMA I.E ; NORE and Anna Diamond '■■ bold circle* ' ..: every Sun, eve., 8 p.' m.; read.' daily. 1122 Mkt. MISSION BRANCH fOF THE CALL BLAKE"! BAZAAR, 1108 VALENCIA ST. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, > TUNE ,2711111 » educational W ANTED—Pupils: EM J piano: hy x graduate of: the -London Conservatory:;of h .Music: ' also teaches ; : ;GiTinaa;;prefers?pupils In .the 1 Richmond I>N- . (rirl. i■;; "'Apply"*-ASSOCIATED CHARITIES.":' j .'-VFranklin; 7Cl>. • " ' - *' , • I.VTE l": NAT I U X A I, , CORRESPONDENCE j : SCHOOL." 1101». Market et. near postoftice.7 Im prove your, span- time. , * V; ? ■ ' I.- I ETIIKi;COTTON STUDIO of ; eipreHslou.'oratory,l .'after dinner, and extempore. tpaakiog, 1112 FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY, 2161 Suattuckav.V Itpj-keley. > I.'.'.- room r4. Wriglir ■ block-"i:i_^i_^_ OIPI OY.MEXT OFFICES Japauese-Chluese male and female help furnished. Tel. West lfivT :>■ " I Quick Service; T. TAMI RA & CO., 1012 T.aguna st. - v; JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE.: C. D. KINNEY, , Chinese - : Employment bureau, :, successor *. to :J.\: Conn, "S3 Clay st. ;\ phone. -fi Douglas 3102. -.;-'; - _ ' j AAA — HOKI & Co., lTlWoet st. l>l. WRST 2803. Japanese and Chinese employment office.' JAPANESE-CHINESE s Employ merit : Office — All ■:_'■ kinds <of ■ best : help.; ;> 2134 = Fillmore; " West ■ 33t>.; M.I. kinds of help furnished with care, dispatch. ; '■;■■. OSCAR■ HATSUMI.' 1313 Geary, st.: West 6688. STAB K.Mr. OFFlCE—Japanese-Chinese:; help. -g" W. KODATA, 1010 Geary;.tei. West 107;'5270C A. N. I K.NOF'U, Chinese and' Filipino emp. ; office. 77" Clay ft.: phoni* Kearn.v 4i>3ft: estab. 35 yrs. -i• M PLOYMSITT WANTED _"_ '■;."'.'.■;'-•.' FEMALK ; ; ,y '.'. '■ -"■ "^;_-^ ; AX old - English . family housekeeper wants ; up stairs , work, <or .will care .wholly/for : business . couple,, man.or woman, in flat; no • washing; good irouer. : MRS. J. K. A., 830 Folsom St. " AMERICAN wouiuti - wishes ■ sit nation 1 as ";. house- V keeper or • cook en : ranch: " neat,' good cook. MARTHA . OOWAN, 2T.61 folk st. .■:. ?' 7= X ACME EMPLOYMENT. CO., ; 1260 Q. G. af.. West, 7296—11 you: want reliable help call or ring us § up; •specialty,*: practical and:trained nurses. :;■':•;.' A— reliable i readings I come to : MOTHERS, 219.". Mission st; between; 17th and 18th. ; V:' ;, CLEVER,;: highly, , educated J lady desires: position as secretary; or 'companion; to lady ;j specialty, ; : ; r eatalogueing libraries,; art collections, etc.'; re "t ■ search. work, reading , aloud. Box, 725. Call. ♦. CAPABLE dressmaker;and tailoress wants work; $3 per ? day. Boom it, , 1455 Pine st.; phone ;. : Franklin 259fi. .;"' : ,- ! .-.- '".,- i_ ■-■-/■". ■ . '. ~;.'--\ COLORED, lady % wishes £ position in ;■ a'? private : family as cook:-'or general ; bouseworker;; good references.■'"■-; Box 2753, [ Call of flee. .-.-■:,;'' COLORED lady would like to ;do housework and 1 * take care '.of 'children;?: city -. or ■ country.? Boy ■ 810, Call office. V v- ''" '■■"": ■'~ -.■■-- '■" ■-■- T COOK, private' family; ; country preferred; $10. .*. Phone, L'aciflc 68W. / .. . - ■ : : j ELDERLY German lady to care for children dur . -ing parents' - absence in afternoon or evening; : I'm used to children. Phone West 2230. 4.;0 ■Broderick st. : • ELDERLY; American woman, excellent cook, wishes position in private family. ■• Apply ASSO- i CIATF.D CHARITIES. Franklin 700. * ,;.. . j EXPERT ; typist, employed j during day, desires . extra work for the evening. •■ Address bos 407. Call office. ::; ; -' "■->.- ■'■:'.■?■ ■■•,:■■.-,■.> '-■< FIRST CLASS girl, second work or in bachelor's : apartment; city references. , 1C33 ■ Webster : st. JAPANESE I girl wants ', position Ito I cook |or do ■ housework; -reference*. West 8804. -.'- .-L.-'-A' LADY ; takes every kind of - embroidery, j sewing, etc.; reasonable prices; best - references. •: Box 710, Call office. ■ r ' :; LET me do your mending: IBe per Lour and car fare.- Box 405, Call office. : : : LADY wishes situation as housekeeper. 21 Isia ; ft. near 12th and Folsom ets. : ; ■-..-'■ .' LADY barber, refined, desires position In country hotel or resorts: also i does manicuring. I Box 887, CaH office. -.-.:■:. J v .■■../■, :>■.:,": ~;...■■-■: \ v=- LACE CURTAINS done up like new; 35 cents a pair. 2GS7 22d fit.; phone. Valencia 2591. v MIDDLE aged woman, flue cook,!; wants position, city or .country;. wages 880; references;* car : fare, : *,.i74o-Btli St.,,; Oakland. - * MIDDLE aged " colored■ lady desires situation In family; city or country. * MISS DILLON. 1138 ~ Turk st. West;64GG.y, ; . ■ . v MIDDLE aged*woman; tine cook, wants position; will; go short distance" in country; wages $30 to $35: good refs. Box C 279, Call. Oakl'd. NORTH •" German ' wishes . 'position ac infant's nurse; good references; wages $35 to $40. i Box (i'jns. Call office. Oakland. yr''-L--; ; • , : XEAt youOg ■ Irish ; housework ' girl wants situa tion, city, $35. MISS : PLUNKETT, 1896 Slitter *t. -West SMB. .'.-'■■ ■' .-, •.- .-.■■: '■-■>'■ ■,:,'. , XORWEGIA_X girl want* work by the day .wash ;;. ing, ironing, and - house cleaning. Address , 1542 i,'. Guerrero ft,' ■ f A ';' '--.- : :»^-,"•-•■••■• •■.".------'• .--■■:; ! PRACTICAL nurse wants position, city or coun j try. 1260 Golden Gate it.; tel. West 7293. ; ' REFINED -young girl would : like position ;' in ; Ii Rood , Catholic 'i family i~, as ; governess • or - com panion;" has ; good • references. :•• Box ■ 767, - Call. i REFINED young' lady '■■ pianist would ,- like posi tion. Address;box ftt&O, Call office.,: :' v REFINED woman to manage,' or take ;' charge apartmewl house; -15 years', experience; : with reference.*; Box (106. Call office. - -V.:* SITUATION WANT ADS IN THE CALL WILL 1•- COST ]'«• for 4 LINKS, FIGURING 7 WORDS J TO A LINE. ■ •■.■' '-:; ■'■ ;-..'r: -->■ ;y v;"-- J STENOGRAPHER and typist; high school - graduate; experienced, neat .and - accurate. Phone Park 3597." ' -.. ■■-. ■ : ■. ---:■"„..■: ■-:.■. ;■; STENOGRAPHER and typist. 8 years'.* experi- I .:; ence, desires position; salary; $15 per week; references; Romlncton operator. "Address I MRS. L. C. KUHLBEEQ, care Hotel Stanford, Kearny st. - - :'■'■ :■ ~: ' :-: :./.-;. : -- : . '■; ■ • • SWEDISH girl ■ wishes laundry, or : housework 1 or 2 days each week. Friday. , ; and .Saturday, whole or half day;.s2.lo a day. Please phone ■ evenings ■; only ; after 6. West 8243. / r ; SWEDISH woman wants work as housekeeper or cook : for few men on < ranch. 1818 38th : ar., i -'-~'Oakland.: -;:.. A.i- ■:-.■■ - - .-- ;, %-/--- :\-:v.:%- STENOGRAPHER ■ and typist, ; S years' experi ence, desire*.; position;., salary $1." per week; references; Remington operator. Address.MßS.' L. C. KUULBERG,: care Hotel Stanford, - Keaniv st. ■•'. .. :. .'■:■ .:■.■•'>*.;.. tX-J-i'Si-S: WOULD like; day work, any kind, today; i young ..woman: exprieticed. Phone Douglas 1802. r. I WOMAN with a ' grown : child decree .work. , " ! I] country, on ranch. $30. MISS DILLON, 1138 j j Turk Ft.; West 6460. . . . > ~.:.% ; j WOMEN'S washing,' or any kind of work, Tues- I ' day or Thursday, half day. : A. 0., 1993, Mis -1 « ; on st. '■■■'.'_.';■ .i '- ■ • "" " - -/■■ ■' j WANTED—Position for a girl of 16 to assist with [light housework; to be treated like one of th« • family: t mall wages. Apply ASSOCIATED I CHA RITIES. Franklin 700. ■: -, • ' '..■■-■•.: --;•-.'. .-,V t ! WHEN.:needing competent woman to work, I•: or hour, please send postal. ALICE REID,' ,911: Howard st. - w H:, ' . - : ■ I j.WANTED— By * middle aged \ widow, positionv as I;. ? cook or housekeeper.' MRS. ALLAN, box 6477, |, Call office. Oakland. : : t'r c i YOING woman," 25, T well educated. "i wants \ posi |. ; tion :of trust In town or country; * references.': I .'Address box 645 C.> Call ioffice. , *;Oakland: , ?,^'vC \ YOUNG i lady, , thoroughly experienced I bookkeeper, familiar with a!! offlce : detail?, capable of tak ing i full charge; j best - references. » Box 567, .Call. YOUNG!: woman n desires | position *as < second" girl. chambermaid or nurse" girl," city. Phone Valen -5 cla ! 223-1. 4582 L'4th St. :v -, : : MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL, BLAKE'S v BAZAAR," 1108 VALENCIA ST. - :( - : EMPLOYMENT WANTED JOALK ABILITY ,to speedily take • down: and' transcribe J dictation, coupled* with "horse - sense," the re . suit of' long Hence, should < appeal >to ' you," 1 ; " Mi. Employer. * If * so. , will ; thank ■• you to t ad- I ■ dress . STENOGRAPHER, * 522 Turk St.; phone h Franklin 125.- v* r.r;■:'•' : -■.'."■'■'::.-■ U ;' .-.;., A-v^Vi AMERICAN. active and handy, would like : ;place i city or country; ; can ,« drive ; and milk or care i taker/ private « place; *•-• good ! :'■ references.. Box : *\ 6212, Call offlce, Oakland. : V i AMERICAN.■ middle aged, not ;strong; but ; active, v-j wants i light , work fin t private'- place; :• can • milk J and care for horses; wages $15 per month. Box .3 740. Call office. BAR • KEEPER.' .'II: ; honest j and : sober; speaks *:\ German. and' : French; can wait at ■ tables: will •■;, Ing,: to t do" porter i work ? also; * city 'or country. :-'S Box 8888, fell offlce. ---~■; .-,.'.-, ; I BARBER; ;young man. soner, no > :, cigarettes,": - ' wants." work ?in short hour ; : shop; ; will work j for reasonable pay. ■:-•.» Box i 084, ' Call :: of flee."": "i;. BOY. 12 years, wants; to [go Into ithe country, "or : work • somewhere: during vacation.:,; 754 Clement V"-',; street. I BAR TENDER (North German); wants position; !' ; good references; long ? experience. Pbone Mar i: iet 60*0. : :: : - cv:.-,:-- A': ; .;vu ■•*?.'■-.:. "/'.r^i BUTCHERS! j How would > you like ito hire ;a * real 0 slaughter I house ', man ja" Don't like [Frisco.;:; 120 ;V 3d St.. Carmel hotel. Box 68. BARBER.*? good} man, wants Rood f job. or shop \to M buy; city or country. Box j63G5h Call. Oakland. BAR j TENDER, German,*:; middle t aged, experi- B enced, wants steady position; city or country; Ja not "^β. f raid fof } work; s honest i and ? sober. a Ad- : .dress, box 1 908. ? Call office. CARPENTER wants work, day or job, shingling *' Box 907. Call office. *. -. CARPENTER ■■ (union) ?,wl»hesf position witli con &tractor whore ■ho can i act ius watchman on } job. .Addre-i!»;boT A, CaM office. '3SHr«S| CHAUFFF.I R. American, aged 4 "years' ex „ perlence; can rhargre ielectric] cars; prefers peo ple st that i want } service; 5 reference!. :*> Box • 905,* Call ofnee. i EMPLOYMENT WASTED ; '-'-; HALF— Cont in gfeg j CARPENTER wants situation at .V 4: first-class j in' • li.tul.-: . A 1; inside"'finisher; reliable. C. M., S6g Filbert st. - ■ . N , I CHAUFFEUR. Qettaaa. speaks ■";■ English,-;:!iml j iVJFrench;';24. wishes position in private; family, [l?| city or country; .*. : year* , experience;' first class j mechanic: nonobjection, to extra work; Iμ-r of i>;.i local references. -Address E. J. W.. 3470 2ntli | I si. .or phon<>» Mission " li2fl. ! CAN mmwoae use an active! trustworthy, mi.l |r; die aged 'man Iα some; capacity: painter, i watch ! 1. . man, drive team, run machinery s or! elevator; f. "grtod^ San Francisco -and Oakland "references; I work theap. v Box- 8486, Call office Oakland. , CARPENTKR. all i around ? man. wants far* : penter work of any Uind; $•'' ; per day. ;; Box ■ G4G. Call J office**- '-.'.'■:. : . ■"-'•. ■" '■■'"■ '■■ , - :-: i CARPENTER, good man on any * kind |of I work. | ,' can cave you v money by : figuring your lumber. j 5 i bill and build your cottage by ■ day"-; < work; can r . get your lumber on time, even if your lot is : : not * paid for. 051 London; st.; > phone Valencia •>■•:2973.-V-;;.-"'.-.'-v "■ ■;--.-■ - : .'■.--■";■ "-■--; -■i-y.S'-- :/-*-- I CHINESE,: age < 29, % all round chief i cook, with \ u i bestireferences, wants position in cleb, hotel. j;r restaurant.'-? boarding < house or ;. any ; kindi of I C; cook: Wages -:sr>o month up. ■ COOKS CO., 015 I J* Grant ay. -;'>■ ,y f-^- -;■:.;. ■'■ ;_;-.;■• . :; ;■. - ..:'■-•.",.'" '■'.'-;;^ j.".-'-.. ': I COLORED man and ndfe desire positions as cook j ! - and helper in «country: 1 : have - experience: can ; I;; take charge of any kitchen. Box t>2o2, Call ; of fice. Oakland. ; '-■■■- '\ ■ ■.\.*..^;'- ; - : >''.".'■;■ '~ '-:■ i CHINESE cook wants situation in family: wages j j $45 to ! ISO. LEE SING." Jill 6th st.t Oakland. L j CHAUFFEUR and coppersmith, doing all repairs. i> married desiresVsteady.; position, in or : out 'of I ;. town.:^Box 179, Call office. :""-" '■'.-»*'■'- CARPENTER. 15 i years'. '-■ experience. , ' save f you I •-j contractor's":profit*:-"jobbing.; repairing; no old : i man or student; old or : new,work; 53.50.' Phone ; -.1) Sunset 594. " .-? .-■'- .'" "-' ; :'- ' -.'■:-' ','"-.-■- , -.'" : ' ': T.''.- CARPENTER, competent forall; work, hardwood ; -. i floor laying*? tint shin?.: takes , work -* by ; day or I contract. CARPENTER, S4S Garilcld St.; tei. -' Valencia ' 27C0. %'.' .;'.-• •■■/ ',".-'■, ■■-.>■*-.■'"'-:• '.-/■■ '.- - j, -'-""-'■ DRAUGHTSMAN—Architectural,; designing. - esti ; mating I details, plans; 12 f years' ; experience; rcf.; $4 per day; want .situation.'Box 678. Call. EXPERIENCED horseman wants work; private ~ place preferred: best references; '■ total ab i stainer. Box 710. Call [ office. ;"- -.-* ■'■-•: ~:: : : , \.:* ■: , GARDENER (head). first class," 38, single,': sober,j H experienced jln I hothouse | (orchids), greenhouse, I landscape and bedding "work,"? wants situation. | :'" Box 338. Call office. ' 'J ; : ' GERMAN 'J- man j wishes night : work,' '■■■ janitor or] '■ night watchman. t. ; Address .; BALENTINB <; HERTERICH.. 24 Sacramento St., Bay; Hotel. 0 GENTLEMAN wants position in a 'first class apartment house as janitor; best of reference." Box 1000. Call of flee. . ; >■"■., , GERMAN wishes position as hotel cook; \l ' - pastry - : and meats; ; wages : $."0 'I to j $75; lin city or country. Box (JW. Call office. -.;■.„, HANDY MAN i WANTS POSITION; WILL DO j ANYTHING. ■;■.-;PHONE MISSION 7507.; • , I WILL drive and wash your Winton or Packard ■••»car; i $45 \ mouth, ; found. -R. ' R., CCS i Geary st. JAPANESE,' - experienced .laundryman; wishes to ■; work :by | the » hour •or . day.'-.-? Box I 682. "■ Call. '"■; JAPANESE laundry boy wants job 2 or 3 days a week. GEORGE." phone Fill more 1851. i --. -. MIDDLE aged man wishes work of some kind In j ■ private house or apartment house;; a good.-will- i '■'■'■ Ing. sober worker; strictly temperate;;-.bandy | with tools; good painter and tlnter; r Address "r- box 814, Call office.*,' ! ;; v>y - :■■ - / MIDDLE '-aged' Croatian,' who , can * speak. : write M and read 8 modern',languages/ wants position translating: guaranteed. Address box 317;- Call. MINER, adventurer and gunman ,of . worldwide : experience Swishes ■»> position to go " anywhere. ! Address box 771; Call office. -.-..;; , ; ; - :- - MAN who lost left;arm on board of ship wishes job as watchman or some such. Box 721. Call. PHYSICIAN,* registered/ best references, wants ■ some position.- Box 831, Call office.: : . - . POULTRYMAN. ;: total abstainer, t reliable; -12 years'; experience, desires position- on poultry 1 place, salary, or shares; place not paying ac cepted, or will start new place lor party. 280 ;' Kearny. st.-.: . . ■■;.• ■■:...;:; ;.-■-.- >■■■ _,: -~:.: _ ...~;. ■ PLUMBER, registered, wants work ;even.;. can furnish material; will do labor by day or con -1 tract; good reference as to integrity and work ; manship; terms reasonable. 1 ;" Box C 42-. Call. •'-:.:;■ I POSITION.' by practical, up to date man. 35. as IJ manager farm 1 : or stock ranch; a hustler that lEj can i produce' results; : would ? accept; bog; rais- U*lng proposition ,on snares, with good future. krißot: 847, Call > office. -' ; -'.:-? : ,, .-.-. : :">:'":. ... ?;<-"•". PAINTER —Good mechanic, reliable, ~ wants work; 'r: good work reasonable; has all tools." 1052 Capp : St.; phone Mission : ' ;: *::, STENOGRAPHER, tn«e<ly and" accurate; age 80; ta best credentials as to ability and I character. :,~ Box 743, Call s *v-;:;; > ..:; . ' SITUATION want All around printer wants ; - position on country- f paper.'- P. P. . lIASSLER; ■'.>. 1605 Milvfa' Bt;:,Berßeiey.-- "- -■ -i-V. "'. ''' K \:-,-V : j STEP washing, garden sprinkling and light chores' j ..", solicited by ; elderly . man; neighborhood * from at LeHvenworth to»Flllmpre; California - - to Green 'l wich. ; Apply ASSOCIATED .CHARITIES. 1500 •Jackson, St.; Franklin 709. •. ;-, .:;-:> SITUATION WANTED ADS IN THE CALL WILL COST 10 CENTS FOR FOUR LINES. FIG- T RING ' SEVEN ■; WORDS TO A LINE. s '^ WANTED—By Al all round offlce man. position I as office manager," credit man or bookkeeper; do not ; use; liquor or ' tobacco of any kind and can ■ furnish , very best'of references./ Address box 3500. Call office. ■ ; WANTED—Stove salesman;;.; acquaintance I with ..; electrical S supplies necessary; -. give - full par ticulars In answer. i Box Tie, 1 Call- office.-.-..■-. YOUNG Scandinavian, talking German and ' Eng ; lish wants a job In saloon or grocery store. Write CARL HANSEN, 730 Central ay.; tel. | .;-■■ West .-3482. -,-.x- ,:,.'■;:.,;..", ,'. ' .:. .:- ..-.■ ■', p" ■■ YOUNG grocer and of all trades desires any j kind of a temporary i position-during; his. vaca tion, beginning this date and ending August 1. ;* ; Address box 707. Call office. ■: ..'; , "YOUNG' man. 27. tall f! cleanciit ) ■' . sten ■l ograpber,*. bookkeeper, 1 ; good pcninin. dtsiros po sition of trust. !Phono- Franklin 461. room 820; if outi please leave phone number. 'a . . YOUNG man wants position as helper to window :; dresser." -with;". chance *of "i advancement. Box jT 720. Call office. ;,-': ; ;;i"v. " -' ■ ■■■-'; YOUNGsman,;; speaks : 4 ;languages,* with ; knowl . edge In bookkeeping and business, desires posi- C ; tion; beet of references. Box 245. Call office. • YOUNG Chinese boy wants position t (is family '- ; cook.- 5 f>4o Jackson "st.: phone China Beo/:"- FEMALff HELP WAITED Eradicates" all inflammation, ; alleviating ■; those ailments i peculiar; to' their , sex. ~-. ■ .".-..; . ; Send stamp or call for - •_ '. -- --'-' '- f ■:' - -: -■ -■■•-. " . -* :\: _-:;*°-'.-'..,'. Gtanlcß C©o 9 Sin)€o 964 Mfinrßsolt, Sana IFirmdss© WANTED— stenographer at j $75 per; month; | I 1 eight hours ' per;day« with half , holiday Satur ; . day . and . two V vacation ;on J full pay after. Ii" • first • year. ~ Must be i experienced ' in} shorthand and : a-; rapid, typlet.' t -> Give, references ■ and ; amount of s school • education. .t Box J 79:'.. CalL '<;■'.' WANTED—Stenographer • and '■>; office s assistant j of Bj good*address.', capable Meeting ladies? in : recep- Ift tlon room: | $75; month» to ! start: j, quick j advance" j ;-' to right ' party; '-, X:i00 cash - required; -.absolute ! '-■■'■. security. > Cull room 18, .*oo4VMarket St.. 8. I. i ADVICE • FREE IN I SACRED ; CONFIDENCE lon ;:; Intimate ; family , affairs,"^. damages, •■% etc.: • suits or ; defenses*: guaranteed; j successful- or no [fee.' ■■ We * advance « costs; r- 3 s wii known ß attorneys, . ;< LAW INSTITUTE, £ 15th ? floor. Chronicle ■ blclj:. wantkd -Experienced girls 3to I work yin ; ; paper j ,•:■% box factory. -p; Call .it. 883 Howard st. -'.'''."; ABE MARTIN : , A siangj-;<.'vansf:list boars 5 about i I J ; th , sanif; relation t" theology as aj I i ?'iU poster do ( ; s t' tir stage. A i I democrat in town yisterday I 1 that dldnt , want anything. • lSß3Bis*"'.: BBS ":'■ ■■■ ■■'■.-'."■.■ ,■'.,-•■ '- FEMALE HELP WANTED Continued^ :-■;-■';'. WANTED. TALENTED WOMAN. •?/; Will J arrange.-* finance,* direct': tour I of; Europe, Weil or dramatic; i might 'consider | promising etu ti«»nt• or ana tear. Write?fully,; inclosing? pono graphs. friPOSTpFFICE;BQXi 2040, jsN^Y.-elty.y;: LEARN" HAIR 'DRESSING—The ; Famous PEATY X; (P. V.i SYSTKVI: :f enroll - now. v CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ; OF?HAIHDRESSINGSCH)7 Market St., <42d floor,' nr. Empress theutiT. Write for booklet., LADIES and ; girls to tint j pillow tops lat - home; Bβ s. %to '£ 960 i per '■ dozen: £ experience unnecessary. J.Pnt starting. WORLD'S !FAIRrART/ARS'N. 927 ""i? Broadway;;; Oakland,"; room 30. • 10 ', to '.4* p. m:~\.' LEARN* how-to; make 'corsets; you can make . $15 ;'" to $25 per week; i corset: makers are scarce: our. system easily learned.- 1/1 DEAL TAILORED • I CORSET; PARLOR, 47 s Grant ay. f ':?■ ■ BOOKKEEPING i thoroughly! taught jin ; 2 months; j " * practical 5 course, private lessons, day ior J even-.; ; ins: get vmy J booklet. s W. .L. DAUTERMAN, : B public accountant, 1256 ; Flood bid.;>Sutter 4394.i SIX J refined t.women; of i good j appearance - to ; dem onstrate: s a ; facial ;• massage ; appliance; expert v - once as , masseuse -desirable but not . necessary.; :'■'> Bacon block,, Oakland. WANTED —Ladiea ;•to \ canvass '1 and take I orders '"p for mide-to-measure corsets; Rood profits.^; ST. .;; LOUIS ; CORSET CO.. St. Louis.; Mo. :; > ■ WANTED^-Young S- ladies -- to '■'"■ train :k forV nurses; £ paid while learning. C< ST. ANTHONY'S . HOS ' - PITAL'. ■ 527 Brush ? St.. Oakland.-' , " ' ■"''• ' -~ MALE ~^ CYLINDER AND * JOB ' PRESSMEN AND - FEEDERS WANTED ON ACCOUNT OF < EX ISTING STRIKE. APPLY LABOR DEI'T., : FRANKLIN PRINTING TRADES ASSN. -;:-; ROOM v. 426 % SHELDON BUILDING. -s S. SK. COR. FIRST & MARKET STS. WANTED • FOR* S U. 'S. ARMY—AbIe « bodied X un married men between ages of IS anil 35;' citizens of United 5 States, %of '* good v character and J tem perate M habits,!!.:. who ) can ':-. speak," read« and s write the English % language. ? For < information apply Sto Recruiting Officer. Market * St.. ■• San Fran cisco, Cal. ..; ■_'.""_ ■;■-- :;:- '■■:-'. '. ':■ -4 • .'■• '-'.; : DO YOU WANT TO d STOP PAYING RENT \ AND OWN YOUR OWN HOME? >■'■ Listen ! -I . can ;- do ; this ! for r you s anywhere Am California ' and*. : on 4 the installment > plan. '■" Agents wanted. GEO. F. HILTON. 783: Market St.. 209 I Bank building. San Francisco. I, " MOLF.It barber /college. •;-• .%;"" l> :Men, women; learn; the barber trade: we;leach ! you in 8 weeks;': pay wapes while learning; Moler i graduates always ;in .'demand;;} positions 'guaran teed; we also give you a complete chemical course , free. Call and let us explain. 234 3d st. , YOUNG man, be a barber: I i teach- you quickly, »■; thoroughly and furnish tools: I give you actual --shop,work and you keep half the receipts; over 16 years;in; business. P.RISCOE. 755 Howard '/- st.; cheapest, and ; best place in city. X' >.;; ; LEARN i barber trade;-' It requires about (5 weeks; ; you can stay as r long 'as you like: chance to make .$lO.OO week-while -learning. : CAL. ■ ■•--BARBERiCOLLEGE, 7 -' 145 3d St. / ' ■ ': ;• WANTED—One.married , coal ; wagon driver;' must .-. be. active and willing to work. THOMAS : A'OUNG.Sausallto,', opposite postoffice. . } ■ . DOUGLAS HOUSE. 75S Harrison st. near 3d—200 : ■■:; hard .: finished" rooms ;i large - reading room;- hot ■water; rooms 25e a day. $1.25 and; $1150 week. ;AA — AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. THOR !, OUGHLY TAUGHT IN THE SHORTEST POS j . SIBLE TIME; POSITIONS AWAITING YOU. ; 2070-78 MARKET ST. ■ ;:i ° ■...■■•■■■ :-■ ■■;/;. '-"f WANTED—SO a men V roomers; [ new hotel; new [B furniture; ; best ; rooms in : the city. $2 per week . and up; one week's rent HOTEL MIN NK-K, 348 .'id st. j, :■■■. - ~:;.'j . '-, ■..:■-;. ,]• ; . -,->.■: LICENSED DENTIST wanted to take full charge I : of dental:office for three months; character and ; workmanship, recommendations required, * Ad- I ■>:• dress; box 06?. Call of flee. ' ■.- : ;. - I WANTED—Married man, 25 to 35 years, office i t and ; collector;i give experience; $15! per • week. r Box 009, Call of flee. : -, ; '■■;.. * ■'; < ' WANTED — Office ' assistant, - wholesale dry goods . : house; :, salary ; $50; ;,; must ', write well * and be ■ quick: : references essential: - give age and' phone ;- number. yl, Bos ;80S,:-Call:office. ' ! '■" • '■■ .; " : -. ; LOCOMOTIVE fireman, ibrakeman; wages about j ;' 5100:' experience'unnecessary; send age, stamp. , RAILWAY, care Call. ' •< ; ; - , .; j WANTED—IO men ■ and women- to work in our I * barber •' shops; no ■ experience «necessary.- Call HAIQHT'B BARBER SHOP. How'anl st. H SEAFARING help wanted— shipped toi all . parts of i the world. : W. P. SWEARS, Pacific! 'Mail dock, pier 42; Kearny 2150. ■:■ ? WANTED—S SPECIALTY OR ADVERTISING MEN. APPLY ROOM 1044 PHSLAN BI.DG. BETWEEN; II AND .."li. O'CLOCK SUNDAY. 'AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. " . ' ( : - Best'.cnance/for ;beginners.f Call "and' w , ? will show you "why.- IS4I-; Market iet.'vC'-i. ' "- ~£3i S AUTOMOBILE ■'■* engineering i and i driving; tanght in least possible : time; -practical? experience. 2070 Market st. ■ ~ " ; --: AUTO MOTOR ENGINEERING SCHOOLS. - Corner 57th nnd Adeline st.«.. Oakland. Est. 1006. WANTED—Two men/. to ; learn ■ automobile ; driv * !:■..", repairing and care, t Apply 312 j Cough st. ; FIVE men wanted to learn -automobile driving lln one week;; guaranteed ; . 510.-. 20 12th ] St. : ':■ Liri\gr*X*>m -*• Auto driving,';repairing;; satisfaction _v*QIU ill! ~. guar.: Eastern Auto Ex.. 312 Cough, i MAKE $1 "an -hour: , ' classes* and :by mail;* !B. P. iSHOW CARD SCHOOL,' 915 Van Ne.-is aye. BARBER;wanted from Saturday noon till Sun ■'day morning at SOl5-Mission st. ■ ■'••-■--.. SALES3!K\ AND SOLICITORS WANTED —4 high class real estate salesmen with .motors to handle outside men on the nv>st r v itorioti!! proposition <on the market today: .' gressive :■ ami 'i extensive '■■ campaign; > unusually ' -large* compensation to the right men. J S. ;' COLLIER. 20: Montgomery: st., room, 200.V - SALESMAN - open f for position; can "; make good * selling - any thing;; lots'* of "-■_, experience «> selling f Stock; 6 prefer • mercantile line; i know ■ machinery; >- and : chemicals; can 1 not consider > anything un f; less ; some ■ salary - attached; "i references. Box • 872,: Call office. ' WANTED—Ageota in every; town la i tlto follow m Ing counties, to sell Blackstone vacuum massage : machines: San Francisco," San Mateo. Alameda. '-'• Contra , Costa r and "Napa. ?, Liberal commission. - For particulars -3 write •■ A. B. : STROCK. 320 Forest st..;j Oakland. Cal.V LIFE Ins. .agents;., good salary ;i for ■ producers; - only - new ! Idea;| one kind of ; policy. . Box 383. " , Call office. ; - -',' ■ ■'•■■ '"■ AGENTS WANTED WANTED—3 ; AAI i high class salesmen to handle >~'• office: : prospects '• on , The % most :' active; class of real estate in California today: unusual exten -.-" sive i advertising *' campaign. J. ■S. COLLIER,' room 809, 2g Montgomery st. • - - BABBEBS AND SUPPLIES I.A Ki'.KRS Our -great reduction : sitle fof .rbarber ■f. chairs ; will : end \in ; •'; days. Remember, *we j are off"ring i a reduction r of: iSS to $20: on j all : chairs j.-.. In our house. .These chairs are made by.Theo." '- a. Li 'Kochs Co., the finest manufacturer ;in V", America." x '~. -.*■: -.-•'-i-"•,'-■;. ~-:■--■• • • ; ': PACIFIC BARBERS's SUPPLY- CO., ■'^jl:i : % ■■■ -> ;; ; 962 Market et.<?> r':"] ■:•,-■ ":■ STRICTLY * first > class!' young * barber *In U Sacra-J ;.'■:- men to has * pleasant, ; permanent. , position; ■ guarantee • $18; i good for c $22; : hours <S■ to 7; H will ; exchange | for I job iin eland .soiasto * be ":■;. home. ; Address BARBER, .715 , N st., ■:-. Sacra .-.'Jimento.? ';*':';'>-<'s. '.■■:'■■' . \"-'----.-:-"' ..'. ': '...'■■ FIRST ""class Germaa or 'American '1- barber, , with .; ; $2,000 to ; invest lin w old established ", shop; ,: I ; '', tun make you rich in '_''.;, years ;"< 1 can guar -■,*•.• c tee tt. Box 712. Call iof flee.* •.-:;•:; /..<?:■..: ■■■ ■~'(£■ FOSTER 'Ac CO., 2'!4 Wettbask bldg.; ' 3 chair K-: shop, 21 steady, one : extra;"'lease after fair;' 1K good i location; % receipts;"* $00 jj to $70; ; for $550.* FOR sale—-First class two- chair j shop; transfer. corner;: a Rood opportunity for two barbers. Box OOOfi.v Call; office. -v.v ;; U v *? •- ; ; :: -. • y Xi RARBERS. ATTENTION! ' :; . .'I OAKLAND j OFFICE. THE l CALL. 1540 i RROADWAY. PHONE » OAKLAND < 10S3. $200; will -.'.buy 2 chair barber shop with bath: rent ■> $8 .. :>er , month. ; Address -; J. L. VELAS „-QUEZ, Auburn. Cal. » FOR» sale, * $:>0O —Two l< chairs; J steady fl good flo ■; cation;'cheap■ rent;; long lease. "; Box: 020.'?, Call '~: office,'; Oakland.-' TWO ; barbers wanted, one ;steady,-; one for Satur- : f'fi day. and • Sunday. ft Corner 42d st. and Telegraph ; ; av.. Oakland. BARBERS —Buy your shop or get i your; locution : now. " SEELY ; has ; everything: a ; barber ' wants. i ,;;■; 304 Hayes st. ■ . PARTLY furnished | barDer shop; best location' in v rMelrcse;;reDt : $10. Apply 45C0 E. 14th > st." .U Oakland. ' - '• , •'•-'' - '- "- 1, " - --.^^ BARBEB ibpp and baths for salff cheap. SARA TOGA BATHS. ISM Park ar.. Emeryville. GOOD yotiiiK burlier wautii work steady. city or-country. Box 90ft. Call office. '~;<-.■' BARBER? working short hours * wants Wed ! and Sat. night 4 work. Box 716, Call office. > : BARBERS' UNION free emp. agency. ROE iH: , gjl BAKER, yec^go4jMlssioa;st;;ttel;|Dpug.U443.- BARBEB wanted 'tm ' partner! for J good thing. J. OBgTCHBN, 17:;2 Telegraph ay.. Oaklaud. ;';; BARBERS' Protective "f, Union—Emplovmeut 2 sec sf, retary. W. BARON, 775 Mkt.; Kearny MM. BEST located and finest fitted up barber shop In , Ifgtbel city for j sate. SACKS, 59 { O'Fsrrell {*t.*|e ; , FOR severe: scalp diseases i use '-s. D." * medicated shampoo. At BAUER'S. 59 O'Farrell st. : WANTED— gbarberltoSrimlbkrberJ shop;! ,i pay and location. 2815 Greenwich BARRKR wanted steady at. 2362 Fiilmore st. WANTED— Chair In f good condition, Beruinghouse Vref erred; state price. 4103 E. Fruitvale. _ , BARBERS AND SUPPLIES ■ a ;X:-':.'. -■."".,"- '■ '.'.'/ Continue- - ]'■/'■ '.'.:.-!— PAYlNGVl"chair;barber shop.';fully■ equipped; « r: sump. 288 Stewart at', corner reUoaa. _^__ i BARBER » ;J nted for: Saturday. :t'i;:4 Aialtna st. ■;.'■ near 63d and' Grove. South Berkeley." WANTED—Porter for barber ! shop; gootl; slilucr. L. i:. DRAKE,;San Anselmo. BARBER-.wanted steady. 093 Foisom -'■ ! BARBER : wanted s for t Saturday. OSS Clay St., ',;}. between ' Montgomery, and ; Kearny. "•- -s;' "'■■"■ •"-■ I BOOTBLACK space: rent reasonable. 388 Va- I leaela st. corner 17th. ■ - : ":■:- ; « - . • FOR ; sale—Two: eliair shop; good location. 1:07 | ■;' Valencia I st. near 14th. -, J ■'• j .WANTED—? student' barbers; steady. 145 3d -:■ St.. below Mission. ;: TV * ■'.■/.' . ' FOUR chairs down , town; , loof lease; low rent. ? t ßox'Boo.-CalUoffice,V- v --• - ■' , BARBER wanted:- Apply at 3025 Adeline St., v Ashby station. Berkeley.' ■•".. " : ":.- : -;- I BARBER;wanted: steady Job. Apply at 0 a.m. ■>,\ at 1700 Geary ; st."; * : 4- : .-.-./..';,-- -.- •-. ■•-■-.' ■ *•; • ~ ■"•' - ;:: I TWO barbers wanted Saturday and Sunday. 400 v : sth st:; ; , Oakland."/ i, yr:-> -..■■'■ : ; * ■_'.• :- ■ ■■■.--" . BARBER ■ wanted for Saturday. 1705 7th St., ;:W.% Oakland. ;-.■:- - ; ..-..; ■ ■ .':■ •-..-" -. ■ '■-'-• BARBER wanted for .Saturday and Sunday. /754 i<: Broadway.; \- '*'■'?'='''■■ "* ■ . BARBER wanted for Saturday and Soaday. ->1 Oth »t.-'. v - : / '■.■-.. "■•'■■• '-•■• --•■■ : -' __-' ■' ■-" v BARBER wanted; for Saturday and Sunday..437 -.-' Broadway. ■'-*. -' ■ '..-, .-- . - . .•.■■'..•■■-•■.•'" BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday at 190 Church gt - -- : ■■■-■■•■■' ■. ! BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. .237 i 4th st. ••";•.•:..;.-:■■■■;..-..; ; : ,■ . -, ■-'.-. . ■ ' ; BARBER for Saturday and Sunday. 471 7th st . ■•: Oakland. •- - SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING jTO^J^XCHAjVGE MODERN, electric fixtures, deer horns,;.deer heads • and others; steins, old- guns, sabers and relics. Box 72.'), Call office. ' : --.-;/■■'-. •; .''. '- '"; ■ ',:"':■''■ \ AUTOMOBILE fitted- for ■ cordwood sawing and • light expressing; value $200, What have you? ', Box 915., Call office. GASOLINE engine. 10 lip., for motorbike, or . ; offer. ; 205e Bryant st.. city. - .: - ; " . ONE Remington 12 gauge auto shotgun, cost $35, ; will ; sell for $20; one .set of -automobile en ■V; plneering;book«. cost .$15. ; will sell for $10: or •both together for $25. Or what in exchange? Box 014. Call office. FURS—What have you to trade for a beautiful mm of Alaskan sable, cost .$230? Box 938, Call office. >■ ; ■.-.•■■ :,-■;.- ■. SEWING I machine |to • exchange for gas range : and hot water heater, or what have you? 730 Heury st;; Oakland. .' -;.- ,^ ; - '"■:--',-■■"" :- -J :'■ '■■ -'i ''P. gas engine, • nearly new. to exchange for 2 hp.iA.C. single phase motor. ■: 2229. Ashby. I have a large soda fountain and other fixtures, cost originally $2,400; will exchange for either . Improved; or unimproved real; estate. I also .know of a good location and will -assist'party v: to start good > paying business.'';- Box (jti.i. Call. WANTED—An - Hxtlvmat lens for : 4x5: will exchange rectilinear lens and cash, or 25 year Waltham gold watch, - , or will pay cash; also want good; field or marine glass. Box 250, OaD'of_e». >, :, ■ • ; LAUNCH, ; 19x4.0 feet, with 4 hp.. 4 cycle, nearly new Dunn engine, also 2 lip. -Regal ma rine engine to reverse: will trade for one 7*4 to 10 hp. 220 V. A. C. motor. A. F. WAL LACE. 417 E. 7th Ft.. Oakland. , j LATE ; model Colt's 41 caliber revolver, belt and tcabbard, a 20 pwt. gold chain and other jew elry to exchange for sets of books i.'i good con dition or phonograph disc records. Box 3375, Call office. ■..•■-■;."■ .-" '.. . .;, -> .. ; ,■■>.<-.:■■■.. WILL trade Al violin for good phonograph, or something of equal value; no agents or dealers. Address L. G. CROSBY, Hotel Gray, 757 How ard St., i, F.. Cal.. box 3290. WHAT liave you to exchange for No. 4 Victor phonograph? Is equipped with $15 mahogany I ."Music Master", horn and . lias 10 loch turn table; is in cplendid condition. Box '.'. Call. WILL exchange a second hand motorcycle •in good condition for ?25, or what you have. The machine Is; at ITS i> st. Address Lux 475, I Call office. :, . SMALL collection of j autograph letters and sig natures of.famous people for revolver, 3S cali ber preferred, and mail's corduroy outing-coat and vest. Box 0348,- Call office, Oakland, y- TWO cocker spaniel puppies, oak bedsteads, man dolln, value $18, small delivery wagon by baud, piano (square) to exchange for upright or any- j thing useful. ■ Box 536.~Ca1l office. j WILL exchange Krlisotl | phonograph. ; like - new. with 45 records, for Eastman ."JA kodak, or for ;» wiiat have yon?, Box 7u."{. Call office..-: -■; ■.: \ GUITAR—Cost $05: will exchange for visible i j, typewriter In . good fonditlon., or diamond. A, A. MONNETTI, 1500 Haight st. WILL exchange vocal lessons* for piauo or. violin .' lessons. ■ What : have you to exchange for fine trio of Jacques white Orpingtons? Box (j:;74, : Call office. Oakland. HAVK Colt's automatic" revolver. Iβ '("hot. and ' Eastman kodak.' 1 , 1 .\4 , ,, ; will trade for bi cycle, 22 In. frame, wit!) coaster brake. Box ' 72::, Call office. ' < • • .. ,- I HAVE a well bred mare, good boggy "and har - ness; will take In exchange a twin motorcycle.' This-is a tough mare, 'fine rider and drives double and single. » Address j box 3013, Call. gj j ADVANZUS. a hook ct>yrieh ted 3913. In ex . ; change for : Information about how to get -in . touch with actors and players an.l their con •'.tractors of the; stage of today. Box 709,; Call. FINE » steel windmill,' large I ranch range. - , farm implements, furniture •of ".rooms and other useful goods. J , Want auto delivery, motorcycle/ or what have you? Box 6316, Call. Oakland. LA UNCI I to e'schange— lS foot, with i : cylinder , engine; also,;hull;4oxls feet; propeller, shaft. ..gear, etc.; no engine.", i What 'hare you? Box . fUus. Call. office. Oakland. HAVE Italian mandolin;with leather case; also f Winchester s :l^s gauge C pump ; gun and -set of ; electrical books: want- small bore shotgun or kodak or what offers. Box C'S. Call office. .";.. WILL exchange slightly- used . Kohler ; '&'. Chase piano, cost §350,",f0r twia cylinder Excelsior or Indian motorcycle : . must be in ■ good condition. " Box 2500, Call office. I : HAVK; a; wire haired male fox . terrier do:;, about i year old.-good watchdog, fond of chil- | dren. --WYhat Uavcyou in exchange? Box-3112.'-i v; Call office. .:■'■;;-.-' '■-"':'■ # '-.; : WILL exchange -l'- $:;." Stewart;banjo,': 1 $2(» pearl ; inlaid mandolin and 12 pianola music rolls 'for phonograph or a good guitar or folding camera. r. Address,box dO6t. ''all office.*; : - EXCHANGE; for 1 ton ! truck or ,diamonds,' fine Victoria. 1 double set of ,silver: mounted bar-: -ness. 1 brougham tO seat -4 -people,' new. cost $1,700; Victoria cost $1.500. Box 3322, Call. WILL exchange a good runabout for Tnra motor ; cycle: • must be-i In i good .condition; value $171}. Brtx C 457, (.'all office. Oakland. ; .-•-;. ' > TO ■ exchange— '£' lots"in*Sunnynide for ionic thing 'I need or for t >!< 't cash and rust in trade; lots - are 0"\1'i0. Address b0x;502,1 Call::offlw: ■}.':- WILL 'exchange Edison * phonograph, ;llke ■ sew. ■ - with 4.1 records, forjEastman dA kodak," or Tor . what have you?,*; Box 703, Call office. % ; AUTOMOBILE Stools,"-first class <<»ndltion: paid ! $30; will exchange. I'hone Franklin 10C6..80x . 777. : Call office. y; '..- -.-,; . .:-.-- .- ■ ■_■- ■ . I i BUY second hand > trunks of ail .-: descriptions; and pay the highest prices for them. ~? Address ; WM. LEE. , 707 rMission st.: tel. Douglas 3192. WILL exchange 1 for diamond • a ryllßder s Ex . eebdot motorcycle, with , tandem attMhmeßta -Js--and J Presto] lamp.'4 Address box; 2642,; Call. . WILL EXCHANGE a twin ; motorcycle.e>l9l2,. cotnplete outfit, for Mascot Copper stock- vaiue ;?. $175. -a Care box : e4lB,>CaH-offlc». s - ; LADY'S :, large« chip \i diamond' heart ■ and.' gold chalu; also gent's gold watch; child's crib pre ,"; ferred. Box Call office. ~ U : NO. r7 REMINGTON typewriter.: in _o.>d condi tlon, ,to lexehanste c for . what: have you ? • r - Box ! 0197, Call office. Oakland. : " ~ - i Will exchange tent, 20x40. used: one season for -•> a ' .".A , kodak:' and* a shotgun." Box 6405," Call office.'Oakland. :?r;-.7 ::= ; ":x . > •' WILL exchange i furniture; of ■ a 9: room I furnished ; flat • for ; a 4■or ; 5■ passenger ; automobile. Box i 8833, Call office. Oakland. ; ,■- ; , ' ;- ■■. I COMPLETE 3 whitewashing,; outfit ;,i Wood In „ ":Little; pump,; hone, etc. What have you to ex : change? Box :3016.' Call office. V -; BICYCLE, almost J new. high ■ grade make, will " exchange for something valued to $15. ' Box 3831* Call office. :.;;-. .. ;y. ; WILL 'I exchange I good i 7 J year'; old s gentle '■ horse " '-:i. will work ior s drive \ single for I double, for cow worth $75. HBox; 6200. Call office. Oakland.? " WILL exchange newiHampden watch. 17 jewels, ? - gold * hunting case, for good thigh power . rifle;' ;,; raluejof watch $25. Box 3985. Call offle*. y^ FA ING I tools, ranch 4 wagon,' -J cart, V buggy,*, har • ness, ! cream! separator, in i exchange '• (or s house-' '; '<•• bold ■ (roods; 'or what 5 have, . you ?; Box. 3907, (.'all. WOULD ; like ?to exchange ;a J $25. -i pearl f inlaid ■.■'•' mandolin, j with case, for a - rolltop desk. Box .~i 0428,1 Call office. Oakland.: ; ; . ": • EXCHANGE : for diamonds ' (perfect unset i. water-1 colors by ? good ' artist jwalue , 515 to $50 each Box 3371.-: Call office..;'; . . • I 1 HAVE If4l months | old I beautiful * mahogany ( col ": ored '■■. brindle ! bulldog; J will exchange ■ for ' almost' anything. Box 3419,1 Call of flee. WIRELESS apparatus or print ing press and trpe for J exchange; , want £a = Graflex ; camera." '*i Box ;;;518,; Call office. for F.XCHANGK -Model 5 BllckfHiadorrn type .■> writer for Si camera ;:,K state make, , sice, ate. l-.~1.:\ C. J., Kearny tbieater, 825 Kcnniy it : I i HAVE a * fine S violin to exchange -5 for typewriter ' ••■-" or , email' print ins ' press. Address ! box 191,' Call. ' * * SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING TO EXCHANGE ; ' - ■ '''■■' ■■.;"-■•■;.*.; Continued-•'.*■■-'"' '_ ■ ■- wit r;i>tcln»ns<»sl"»oVonler on play** piano for Wins?machine.; <>r :: what ;• have you? MRS. fj C. L."wi'Nl>Kß. 517 Ash ay. ' NEW B-iescher clarinet* or - elarlphoae, C. L. P.; *-. will take diamonds Box 0424. .'all of flee; Oafr. ~,-,Mpi I'll'" set of vsrsteme. business forms: 12 : books What have you? Address box 01.-,. Call. SADDLK i with bags: almost new; to sell or otrade.-' What lm ve : you? ;■ 3030 -. 19th at. ■ city. WILL" exchange ?*.OO piano for automobile. Ail , : dress box 72<V ,4 Call office. --■--■ :' \ -■■'--"" PAINT EH can have a nice 4 muni flat'rent free in* exchange ' for work.M Box , 727. t Gall office. WHAT A have '.ron ;to trade for > dlatnood ring. v.Vlne $:»>? Address 730 Henry St.. Oakland. I WHAT have s you to exchange for new 88 note ,- $7(iO Standard player :piano? Box 3SOS. Call. GiS " range and chest <of l drawers' for trunk or " suitcase. 4-"' 4tli nv. near Geary st. LADY'S S bicycle ito exchange for baby folding ' gocart. ■' Box 'VS-*'. '""I , ; "fti"> - ' AUTOMOBILES Alfß BJgPPLIES_ All correspondence will be answered promptly by , the following advertisers: I ___ — .When mi AUTOMOBILE u< PAINTING or REPAIRING, yon want the BEST WORK DONF.i the LEAST POSSIBLE COST, don't you -> Then Ml us. WE CAN and WE DO do EVERYTHING In AUTOMOBILE work. So W. AWT®JFIEIRAm. CO. ; US© VflitaGk §&. Wfo®m® ££arfes& 2M2 OTTO BAUER—RADIATOR LAMP REPAIR C.v. " 548/POLK-ST.. i. I.. SPECIALISTS IN RE PUR Or LAMPS AND RADIATORS: PRICES ; BEA S.; WORK STRICTLY GUARANTEED. I DURABLE DAYTON AUTO TRICKS i~ Owing to change in agency, we have a number of I and 4 ton truck* for sale; liberal discount. 'MOTOR PRAY A« JIT CO.. C 33 Stevenson near Vt; ■ FOR vale—For beat cash offer today, my 1912 Roadster In Al condition: must have money. Better call early. Phone MR. WARD, Frank lin 0110,1337 Pacific ay. BARGAIN—Five passenger. Pope-Hartford SO in>. car- in good running order; will take $750 w= cash for vjufek sale; cost $3,250. 9S4G B *t.. F.lmhurst. - $495— New I*l3 METZ specials; 4 eyl., 22.. Hp . ,-, spaed* f'd. Why buy used care? Write for f, particulars., 1.. J. I'.ORIE. apt.. 125.*, Van Ness, AUTOMOBILE wanted a* first payment on $4,000 ■ artistic bungalow In Claretnont restricted dis trict: bala $30. month.: Box 578, Call office, 7 PASSENGER 70 U. r>- Ttaoma* Flyer; very rea sonable. HOTEL ALEXANDER. ' " WHisn l^— "* Lamps, Hooos, Fenders, re l&fflv£lkaK(S>lrg .patted. CO5 C. g.; \ikt 1254. fi?£<v 'Tfi"ntt\ Golden Gate Vulcanlslne Works— li? EX; l&Ifilll Promptness; Pitt, given. 720 G.G. ay. 'W) Tv? TO A 1710) fluMfT* of Autos our specialty. vsP 2075 Grove st. Pacific 4048. AUTO lamps, and horns,, eaniple line, selling cheap. ROKSCII I.AMI' ('"■■ 11- , Midori st. __ AUTOMOBILE LOANS AAAA—-Money loaned on automobiles at banking rates.. C. E. HEBRICK. Inc., 611-13-15 Mer chants' I-:-ri'li.-VT.-> building: tel. I>niicln> 1351>. BICYCLES AM) BOTOBCYCLES I •'':. ' * eifce^—■»»"»««™™^^^" c ■■ " '■ ' • THORGreatest motorcycle of endurance in the world, barring none. All riders will eventu- I ally graduate to the great THOR class. You *:■ ■re next If you want to own the best; 7 h. p .-■-Twin. 9290.00; ."> li. p. Single, $240.00; 4b. p. Single,- 5225.00; Twospecd, $40.00 -additional. ; Get' our;' catalogue. - * ■ Pay while using: thoroughly overhaule«l second hand machines, V all makes and models, at prices to fit your parse. PACIFIC MOTOR SUPPLY CO.. A. Freed, Tres. ' ' Distributers. 1440 Market et. , Branch— South Main St.. Ijoh Angeles. WE take your old 1012 Excelsior or Indian as part payment OH 1813 Excelsior. BENTF. .v '. BAUM«.;ARDNER. IMS Market Ft., opp. 12th. DAYTON for reliability, strength and perfect fin ,ish;-BPc the Dayton"9 b. p.-S inch tires. $2!*': immediate del. A. miner I in. 1030 G. G. nv. 1913 twin De Luxe, chain drive. 9 li. p.. $.100: I ? t). p., $290. machine & hooker. 162 C Mkt. BEIBE BROS., the old reliable place, experts in ■ motor and bicycle repairing. 1806 Market St. B. S. PIERCE, Emblem motorcycles and bycyeleo. Cal. agt.. .i. T. BILL. g.",Golden Gate ay.. S.F. BABOAIN tea cash: 7 he., 2;* peed Indian; fine condition. 233 A California ay. near 29th !«t. LOT Of second band bicycles cheap, i I. W. )?'ll TTTIV. 11*14 Vklq:v-i.i st. (j MVS I< \ I7T>ISTRT>I KTS MUSICAL bargain?— Expert : repairing; buy and sell. Col. B. &O. : Inst., 40 llaight St.. S. F.; Pk. Sr.O.> -.".4S E. 14th. Oakland; Merrttt 1011. WILL i-eir for Sinn new $300 piano If taken nt ■:once. I 2!>t2 Howard . it. ■■ PIANOS tented, at half rates during summer v season.. HEINE PIANO CO.. 57 Stockton at. PIANOS for rent; no cartage. BYRON M AL'Z Y. . Cold Medal Piano*.. MO Stockton gt. ■ MASSIVE playoia-piano. with music; cost $730; - must Mil. asking $37."- Plmmm W«m 413«. STOKED bargains—sooo player piano, $223 cash. (290 on time.: •37 Stock St.: VICTOR talking machine an'! records for sale. '307 w»-iistf»r -;. " ' ~" FURNITURE FOB SALE ~ Furnished Rooms, > Housekeeping Room*. Rooms With* Board. To Let and For Sale etj»n« Siren away to want ad patrons. Ask the clerk ■ for. one when *><:i ' insert your advertisement. 3 PIECE mahogany-parlor :set, ball stan<\. with , mirror and an 8 foot extension oak table. lOCS Filbert Bt.r- - HOUSF.IIOLD furniture for sale cheap. 2157 IM'i I ;t:t.: parties going away: call Sunday or Tue§- I I.da y: win ho out Mri-iiiflT. t I FURNITURE WANTED * ! .T. ROEDEFELD buys and sells second hand -'■ desks. < library, and office furnishings: complete j Ktcck always on hand. 855 Mission it. between |:.-4th:and.*th : . Phone Suiter 1200. - L: VINCENT, auctioneer. 601 McAllister St.; t*l. Home 53404. Park. ISO.'.—Pay* the highest price ■ for furnlKhed'houspw..flats, etc.; spot cash. _ ,- OFFICE FURNITURE LABOK asi«t. office furniture at very low price; -• wee ■■»* flrwt. CAI.I.ICK. 1-4.'. Mission St. 11 !'K W BITEBS AND SPPPLI K WALTER J. WOLF, 1 dealer—Rebuilt typewriters ;•; of all , descriptions, ' expert repairing, ,typewrit er* inspected and rented; ribbons for el! ma chines; carbon papers'and office supplies. 307 Bush st.; phone Douglas 4113. = * •' —-i ; « Rebullt'Remlngtons and Smith Premiers, $-■"> up; ,- terms: rent ,'! ino.s. S.V Remington Typewriter p <'■'~ 270 Bush st..; Oakland. 1527 Broadway. WE sell at $3 - mouth standard rebuilt Remlns tons j No.-7-Jind Smith Premiers No. -. ?uaran- I ~teed. ALEXANDER'S.' Market st. j OAKLAND Typewriter Exchange, 1435 Broadway, ' Oakland. dealers ' in all makes of typewriters. I ' SEWINe MACHINES: ~7 I ALL aakea repaired; rented." MeNALLY, j, Mission near 2"d: t.l. Mission 202. \t:»-"'' 1 Jalk^miscewTi E ous TTCONAL CASH BMEG ESTEIFIS—Fi3EW I Reglsteringi from 5c to " $1.05, * price $ 10: r**JS terinprifn)m"r>c s to , tape printer, price $53, j;,<TERMS—$sdown'and $5 per month. Slightly used aad second hand registers at big'bargains. ; THE NATIONAL; (ASH REGISTER CO.. .. 1040 Market St.. ■,-.-.:..; „■ FOR, SALE— NEW AMI . SECOND HAND carom and pocket billiard I tables. , -bowline alleys and accessories;; bar j fixtures of all ; kinds; easy pay ments. .We S trust 5 the V people. / The ■ BRUNS WICK-BALKK-COLLENDER: CO., ]707-76» MU-' w I slon st., San Francisco. 5 . •■C 'tisgssmP* Mantidl ID>2siks I I i 1 i Special renin* for Neif Ten r^'T* ' 'wßf •J ''ay. ■ Desk*. chair*. Filing - t i- i feiSUff- Cabinet ".etc.: ' : « > P;} i ' PACIFIC DESK CO., .v : ' 1 4 ■'.?> M..Alli«t*r ! tit.: -Park. IWI. Continued en Acxt Fate •