OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, July 17, 1913, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1913-07-17/ed-1/seq-10/

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City Attorney Long Replies
With Emphasis on "Yes"
to Mayor Rolph's
Minimum Denomination Is
Fixed in Charter at $10—
Change May Be Made
The opfnlon of City Attorney Percy
V. Long to the effect that bonds of any
denomination, even as low at $10 and
$.0 each, may be sold to raise money
Ihe building of the proposed exten
sion of the municipal railway, was
written in answer to the following in
• quiry from Mayor Rolph:'
Inquiries haye been made of me for
iri bonds of lower.denomination than
$i.<ioo-. -AH .of .the city bonds are of the
oar value of $I.OG\O. Is there any way
whereby any part or all of any issue
could be changed into bonds of smaller j
Mr. Lone, in the beginning of his j
opinion, cites a city charter section
which provides that the ordinance call
• jt>g such special election, as the aequisl
•tion of public utilities, shall set forth
the .purposes for which the election is
. 'called, the estimated cost of each util
?tv proposed, the proposed method and
manner of the payment thereof and that
If it shall be necessary to incur a mv
' iii'cipa-1 indebtedness the ordinance shall
specify that bonds of the city and coun
ty shall .issue for the payment of the
«ost of such utility, or utilities, as Is
•' Bet forth in such ordinance.
NOT LESS I'll VN" *.10
Section 10 provides that the bonds
.Issued under the provisions of this ar
ticle shall be of such form as the su
pervisory in the ordinance calling the
election therefor shall determine. ' The
bonds' so issued shall be issued in de
nominations of not less than $10 and
not. more than $1,000."
Decisions of the supreme court to
show that minor changes can be made
are cited by the cit*- attorney.
The first is that of Derby versus the
city .of Modesto. 104 Cal. 515. which
'.was an action filed by a taxpayer to
en.ioin the levy of a tax for the pur
pose of raising money to pay for bonds
w'lich had been issued by the city and
-•.',,; and paid for.
The next case to be decided by the
supreme court was that of Skinner
versus the city of Santa Rosa, 107 Cal.
•s'. lv where a taxpayer protested to the
city council against their delivering to
a successful bidder certain city bonds.
Hr Long next refers to the case of
Law versus . San Francisco. 144 Cal.
.'•S&i- Here a taxpayer brought action
,i" restrain the city from issuing mv
' niclpal bonds. The bonds were claimed
....to :i, e invalid on account of several
■t. l.leged'. irregularities in the proceed
ings- of the supervisors.
■_ '"The Low case Is of importance,"
says the city attorney, in his opinion,
; ':is. showing the undoubted frame of
ibled of the court to follow the early
l o-rbv • case, unless it can be shown
:. .t hat, an Increase burden may be placed
ou. the taxpayer by changing the num
ber, arid denomination of the bonds."
1 p\(.- OPINION
•: .Continuing, Mr. Long says:
. district court of appeal for the
s»cond appellate district,' has, since the
•• :abmv ••supreme court decisions, ren
:.\de-r:ed' a.-decision bearing on our ques
••.trotfc-.'.ln' City of Santa Barbara vs.
!•. ;. .•) ("ai. App. M 2, mandate was
ajjplj d. for to ( onipjT the city clerk
of the city of .Santa Bfrbara to certify
. .a.-ml ••ijus*> to be pubilsflfctd an ordinance
. : of :that city and to sign his name and
hj7).\ the corporate seal of the city to
:;:Certain improvement bonds authorized
:- : ?by- ■■ the said ordinance. A city bond
: is-s-ue had been authorized by vote of
: f people. The ordinance calling the
. V;/ .ia l election contained certain re
t :;, in not required by law. and among
-.cithers, the number and the denomi
•"n.Htioh of tiie londs. The number was
fixed nt 10. The denomination was
five.! at $1.25.0 each, payable one each
•: v-ear. TH« violated a statute which
llmitvd the amount to $1,000 each,
::-Ajf'€ef. .the ejection an ordinance was
•'basaed..'authorizing the issuance of
ji- nds of the' denomination of $1,250
iiKIUV \\( i: \\ \s t BANGED
•■'•' it being called to the attention of j
tire city authorities that thjs was for*-]
l idden hy statute and no bonds hay
.'•'.'ing been Issued, that ordinance was
• epesded. and another one passed flx
i -.- the nttniber at 80 and the denom-
Ination at $625, payable two each year.
}' was tilts latter ordinance that the
iv.clerji refused to certify and publish
ami the bonds provided by that ordin
ance to v\hiclr he refused to attach his
- i..'.-ir..- and the corporate seal of the
. • t. lie placed his refusal on *?he
•gropnd that' the city oouncil had no
'-'-authority...to depart from the denom
l. it.i ion fixed in the notice of election.
t ■ fcourt heid otherwise on the
•grounds: First, tliat there was no
race easily for' fixing the denomination
i f the bonds in the notice of elec
.■t-ion,.' and -so. this may be treated as
■mere surplusage, and second, that no
' ■hardship could result to the taxpayers
fsoni the change.
'It jpay be-claimed that, under our
•.' e.harter, section 8 of article XII. re
quiring the notice of election ta speci
ty the character of the bonds, and sec
. tion 10, requiring that the bonds shall
I t of such form as the supervisors, in
Ik- ordinance calling the election* there
for, 'shall determine; makes it manda
tory upon the supervisors to determine
tb> denomination before the election is
veld. But it would still be true that
t:i?: pa v ers could not show any injury
• !■ ;ocount of a mere change in the
number and denomination of the bonds.
And so. the court's language, at page
545, there is no difference that can or
will in any manner affect the tax
to his disadvantage' is of signlfl
<- '"It to be noted that in none of the
above cases has any objection been
scd by a bond holder, who had al
. dy nurchased bonds of the higher
nomination, to the issuance of bonds
it a smaller denomination. But the
, ourt having held that such a change
not invalidate the bonds. I can
nut .wee that the rulings would have
. been any different had such objection
•een. raised.
"I am. therefore, of the opinion that
; : .e denomination of municipal bonds
already authorised by vote of the peo
de may be changed so long as the de
nominations are fixed at not less titan
tin am) not more than $1,000. ,Also,
iie bonds should be redeemed at such
lines and with reference to the prin
p il due on the bonds, in such amounts
is may, have been determined by the
fu per visors in the ordlna'nce calling the
-ne< ihl election at which the people au
horiled their issuance.
. "And the amount of the tax levy to
.. c made for the payment of such bonds
.should remain as it was described in
, |h« .ordinance giving notice of the
Tli'irt.i-three delegate* to the national
• 'onvention of Christian Endeavorers,
j rvhiclf 'adjourned in Ix>s Angeles Tues-
Iay 4 • a'frived In Sun Francisco last
o night" en route liome. the party,
onaadel by H. N. Lathrop, registered at
;a*» Palace.
Dog Likes John D.'s Place
Travels 150 Miles to It
TARRITOWV, N. V., Jnly 16.—
I annlc, a collie which nas a
favorite with John D. Rocke
feller, haa found its way back
to Its old home on the Rocke
feller estate after a Journey of
over ISO miles from Lee, Mass.
The doer was owned by Irvlnir
L. Bryant, who formerly lived
on the Rockefeller estate, hut
wro recently moved to Lee. tak
ing; the «h>t with him. Fannie
evidently K°t lonesome and «"nn
n « !i y.
Resolution to Abolish Fund
From High Schools Is
Tlie board of education at' its meeting
yesterday afternoon discussed a resolu
tion to abolish the scholarship fund in
the Shlgh schools, which enable some
graduates to go to the university, and
It was adopted by the votes of Directors
Klncaid. Jones and D'Ancona. Director
Power voting no. This fund has in the
past been contributed by the students.
The board also adopted a resolution
to have a conference with the principal
of each of the high schools to discuss
ideas along social lines for the students
of each school. **
Frederick W. Koch, who was recently
elected principal of the Laguna Honda
school, declined the position, as he de
sires to continue his work in the Tvowell
high school.
T. H. Rhodes, teacher of Latin. Span
ish and history in the Lowell school,
was elected to tlie principalshlp.
Director Power moved that two addi
tional evening schools for dressmaking,
millinery and cooking be established
with the opening of the next school
term, one In the Western Addition and
the other In either the central part of
the Mission or in the Potrero District.
This will be carried out.
It was decided that the board shall
take over the kindergartens now in the
department, namely at the Noe, Bernal
and Bryant schools, and that a new one
be started at the Agasslz school.
Edward M. Gregory was appointed
teacher of French in the girls' high
school, vice E. J. Dupuy, who has. been
granted a year's leave of absence. He
will also teach Spanish.
Miss Mary B. "Wyatt was appointed
a teacher of home economics for one
of the high schools.
The North Beach Promotion associ
ation, through President Musante,
asked that the board recommend the
purchase of additional land for the
Garfield school at a cost of $6.'000. The
committee on grounds was requested
to inquire into the request.
The Glen Park Improvement club
made a request that the German lan
guage be taught in the Glen Park
school and this was passed to the
schools committee.
Eleanor Stroud Faure, a teacher at
the Lincoln evening school, who lost
her mother and a brother within a
week by death, was granted a leave of
absence until the close of the year.
The committee on buildings recom
mended the erection *of a temporary
structure for the Lecontl school at
Norwich and Alabama streets.
The civil service commission was
granted the use of the Mission high
school for an examination in chem
istry July 18 and August 2.
Dr. Robert Bridges, Author
of Several Plays and Poems,
Is Named by Asquith
LONDON. July 16.—The new British
poet laureate is Dr. Robert Bridges,
who was appointed by Premier Asqulth
today to take the place of the late
Alfred Austin. He Is a master of arts,
a bachelor of medicine ••and a doctor of
literature of Oxford university. He is
68 years old. %
Doctor Bridges is author of several
plays- and poems. Among his shorter
poems are "The Growth of Love."
"Prometheus the Flregiver," "Eros and
Psyche." His poems have been praised
for their beauty and sentiment. Here
is one of his simpler efforts, entitled
"I Will Not Let Thee Go":
1 will not let thee iro.
Knds all our month long love in this?
Can It be manned dp so.
Quit in a slnele kls-c'-
I will not let thee jro.
1 will not let thee go.
The stars that crowd the summer skies
Have watched us so below.
With all their million eyes—
I dare not let thee go.
I will not let thee go.
Have not the young: flowers heon content,
Plucked ere their bnda could hlow.
To seal our sacrament?
I can not let tbee go.
I will not let thee go.
1 hold thee by too many hands:
Thou sayest farewell, and. 10l
I have thee by the hands,
And will not let thee go!
Miss Genevieve Catherine Xanaton
Will Be Bride of R. W.
PALO ALTO. July 16.—Miss Gene
vieve Catherine Manaton will become
the bride tomorrow of Robert Wil
burn Young, a young San Francisco
business man, whose family has a
country place near Los Altos.
The mnrriaere will be solemnized in
the Church of St. Thomas Aquinas at
3 o'clock. Rev. Joseph M. Gleason will
read the services according to the rites
of the Catholic church.
The wedding will be a quiet affair.
(Special Dlnpateh to Tbe Cslb
CHICO, July 16.—The League of the
Cross Cadets were entertained today
by Mrs. Annie E. K. Bidwell at the
Mansion grounds in this city.
The regimental band serenaded Mrs.
Bidwell in the afternoon.
Afterward the members and officers
were taken on a tour of inspection
through the mansion and the grounds
of the estate.
Tomorrow the cadets will be taken
to the big sawmill plants of the Dia
mond Match company at Stirling City.
Special train will go out in the morn
ing, returning at night in time for the
dance here.
Tin- sham battles have been sot for
Friday and Saturday mornings
Western Consolidated Ac
cused of Defaulting in
Payment of Interest on
$3,000,000 Bond Issue
(Sp»elil Dispatch to The CalD
SAN JOSE, July 16.—Alleging default
in the payment of interest on a bond
issue of more than $3,000,000, Attorney
W. R. Biaggi of this city, as agent of
J. A. Miles, a local bond holder, has
taken steps for the foreclosure of a
deed of trust on 22,000 acres of land
in Monterey. San Benito, Merced and
San Luis Obispo counties, owned by
the Western Consolidated Coal, Gas
and Electric company.
Western Consolidated is the successor
of the Monterey Coal company and the
trust deed with the Metropolis Trust
and Savings company of San Francisco,
as trustee, was given to secure a bond
issue of $5,000,000 for development
Approximately $3,300,000 of bonds
were issued, but the interest at 5 per
cent is said never to have been met.
When the Metropolis resigned the
trusteeship last February Biaggi se
cured the appointment of F. J. Bran
don, an expert accountant of this city.
A demand has been made on Secre
tary J. <\ Corrigan of Oakland for the
books. Biaggi says, but the latter re
fuses to show them, and in a statement
made today Blajrgt threatens to have
him arrested. He expects to show that
876 people holding $125,000,000 worth
of bonds alone are entitled to share In
the sale of the property and that the
other bonds were disposed of without
valuable consideration.
The sale is expected to be forced by-
November 25 from the San Francisco
city hall steps.
"Tyee" of Festival Divides
Honors With Secretary
of Navy Daniels
SEATTLP:, July 16. —The third cele
bration of Seattle's summer festival,
the golden potlatch, was begun tonight.
The weather was beautiful and the
crowds larpre.
The Tyee of the Potlatch divided
honors with Secretary of the Navy
.Tosephus Daniels, who arrived from
Washington at 8:30 o'clock and was
escorted at once to the reviewing stand
past which • filed the electric parade,
the. feature of the night. The Tyee ar
rived from the sea about dusk and
landed with appropriate pomp and
A strenuous program has been pre
pared for Secretary Daniels tomor
Change in Name Proposed
SEATTLE. .Tul\ 16.—Mount MoKin
ley, the highest peak in North Amer
ica, will be given the name of "Denali,"
an Indian word meaning "The Great
One" if Archdeacon Hudson Stuck, the
Episcopal missionary whose party was
the'first to reach the summit. Is able
to prevail upon the national hoard of
geographical names to make the
change, according to George F. Kllroy,
an Alaska newspaper man, who met
the party at Tanana on Its return.
Mr. Kllroy said Archdeacon Stuck,
who will go to New York in October
to attend the general convention of
the Episcopal church, will present his
proposal for the change to the Na
tional Geographic society, of which he
is a member.
Mine Manager on Trial
JUNEAU, Alaska, July 16.—Tlie jury
was completed yesterday in the trial
of Joseph Mac Donald. general manager
of the Consolidated Mining and Mill
ing company of Guanajuato. Mex.. who
Is charged with the murder of N. C.
Jones, a mission worker. May 14. 1902,
at the Treadwell mine. Mac Donald
was then manager of the Treadwell,
and the missionary demanded that be
close down Sundays else the wrath
of God would be visited upon him-
Mac-Donald's plea* is self-defense.
Rice and old shoes did not figure in
the bon voyage bestowed on newlyweds
by relatives und friends at the de
parture of the Pacific Mall liner. Mon
golia. Which sailed for tlie orient yes
The big ship took its departure in a
swirling mist of serpentines and thou
sands of fluttering imitation flower
petals, released by the passengers and
farewell parties as the last lines were
being cast off.
These' petals were made of paper,
tinted to resemble real flowers.' Hun
dreds of small cornucopias containing
petals were distributed on the wharf
and ship. When the wind caught the
dainty, fluttering: testimonials, carrying
them to all parts of the ship and dock,
it made one of the most picturesque
sailing days witnessed on > the water
front. f,
Six bridal couples were aboard,
among them being Mr. and Mrs. George
Russell Carr of Chicago and Mr. and
Mrs. J. L Dobbins of Berkeley. Mrs.
Carr formerly was Miss Katherine
Moretson. The wedding ceremony took
place at the Fairmont hotel Tuesday
night. It was witnessed by two cler
gymen and a party of 15 friends, who
accompanied the bride and groom west.
They will leave the ship at Honolulu.
The San Francisco Restaurant
Men's association held its monthly
meeting at a banquet at Tail's cafe
last evening.
President Gusto ye Mann discussed
the alignment of the association with
the Property Owners' league in op
position to the redlight abatement bill
and announced that the subscriptions
for the Portola festival would be more
than $4,000.
The workmen's compensation act and
the game law were also discussed.
Other speakers were: John .Lewiston.
John Tait, P. B. Conolan, E. T. Mc-
Gettlgan, J. J. Eppinger, A. C. Morri
son and Ct J. "Wetmore.
Games and Amusements: Water Polo
• and Other Sporta
Reduced Rouad Trip Rates from San
Francisco, Oakland. Alameda and
Berkeley, San Luis Obispo. Sacramento,
Bakersfleld and points between to Pa
cific Grove. Tickets on sale via South
ern Politic July 17 and 18. Return
limit, July 21st.—Advt.
Refusal of Mrs. Daywalt to Pay
Duties on Fine Hosiery Likely to
Necessitate an Auction Sale .
When nest the United States customs
appraiser holds an auction sale of con
fiscated goods, some dealer in women's
apparel will probably have a chance to
acquire a choice collection of silk ho
siery. For there now lie in the ap
praiser's warehouse heaps and heaps of
the finest silk stockings.
Until they were seized by hard
hearted customs men. these delicate
stockings were the property of Mrs. C.
A Dayvvalt.
'As Mrs. Daywalt indignantly refuses
to reclaim her property and pay three
times the value of the articles to re
deem them, it seems that the stockings
will repose in the appraiser's ware
house until such time as he shall en
hance the revenues of the United States
of America by offering them for sale.
Board of Trade Adopts Res
olution Favoring Route %
Outlined by Commission.
(Special Dispatch to The Calli
BAKERS FIELD, July 16.—The Kern
County Board of Trade has adopted a
resolution in regard to the state high
way as proposed by the state high
way- commission. The resolution favors
the direct route as outlined by the
commission. The resolution is as fol
Whereas, the hoard of state highway commis
sioners have, after thorough investigation and
atOd] <>f the various routes suggested for the
*tate highway, by themselves and a competent
corps of engineers, recommended the direct route
along the main line of the Southern Pacific- rail
iopcl throughout the San Joaquin valley: and
Whereas, the people from all over the state.
•SCapt those who reside directly along tbe pro
posed zigzag routes, have individually and
through various crgiinlznti'ons. such as boards of
trade, newspapers, mito eluba, etc.. unanimously
Indorsed the direct route along the Southern
Pacific railroad: and
Whereas, there Is no record of any instance
where any person or organization, other than
those living immediately ' nlong zigzag routes,
have ever in any way eipressed themselves an
favorable to hii.v deviation from the direct route;
Whereas, there are numerous instances where
Individuals, newspapers and organizations such
as boards of trade, auto- clubs, etc.. situated so
that tiiey would hove access to the. state high
way, whichever way lt may be routed, have
co:ie on record as favoring the direct route, be
cause, as they have stated, any other routing
will be less iiatisfactory lo a majority of Un
people, of this stnte. tor the very good reason
thut it will reoaire more time and hence more
expense for each person who may travel over
the highway, should it be routed over a zigzag
route, and. too, because many localities will be
precluded from the use of the highway if con
structed over a zigiag route that switches the
road first to one side of the valley and then
to the other; and
Whereas, the people- of Kern county have,
through their board of CoaatJ highway commis
sioners, recently laid out a system of county
highways to conform to the direct route of the
state highway, having Implicit faith -that the
"recommendation" of the state? hiebway cum
mission favoring the direct route will, without
doubt, be adopted as the final decision of tbe
board of state highway roaualaatooera; aud
Wbereaa, upon the belief and understanding
that the direct route will be the only possible
route for the highway commission to select. 1»?
--cause of the fact a most competent corps
of men have recommended it after months of
work, and thorough iavewtlgatloii.. aad. vast ex
penditure of money, tin' people of Kern county
have voted ttond;* to the amount of two million
rive hundred tbotiaind (JIT.-HXt.OOtD dollars for
tU«' construction of a s.\ste-m of county high
way,, as laterals connecting with the stute high
way along the direct route; therefore be lt
BesOived, that' the board of trade of Kern
<■> inty does tnos'i henrtily Indorse the direct
route along the main line of the Southern Pacific
railroad for the state highway; and be it further
Resolved, thai this board of trade extend to
fhc hoarii of state highway commissioners its
earnest appreciation of the good work done and
tlie sound luelginent e\erelsed by said state high
way commissioners, which has resulted In their
having recommended the direct route for the
stiiu highway throiiahoiit the San Joaquin val
ley; end be 'it further . '
Resolved, ihiit this board of trade urge upon
each member of the atate hichway commission
the very significant fact that practically all
tlie people of this vast state 'are asking- for the
direct route, while only a very few. and» those
few being prompted by selfish'motives, are ad
vocating a Bbjzas route; and be It further
Resolved, that a copy of theae resolutions be
forwarded to the board of state highway com
mi--s;oners at Sacramento.
Politics, the police bunko graft ques
tion, Hetch Hetchy plans, educational
matters, Nortii Beach ferries and tun
nels rfnd -the beautification of Russian
hill were touched upon at a lively meet
ing of the North Beach Promotion as
sociation in Washington Square hall
last night. A resolution protesting
against the filling in of the bay at
Black point cove was also adopted, the
matter to be taken up with the harbor
commissioners hy a committee of the
Russian hill may be made artistic in
appearance, but not without a light.
Opposition to the proposed Russian hill
designs came after an address by Mrs.
Elizabeth Gerberding. who* told of the
fame of the hill in verse and storj.
Mrs. Gerberding lives on the east side.
Ehii A. Kllgore and Emilio Lastreto
and others who live on the west side
are opposed. Mr. Lastreto was on his
feet to oppose the Ideas set forth by
Mrs. Gerberding before she had been
seated after her talk.
A. Kllgore was opposed to the road
way and garden plans on general prin
ciples. The Russian hill question was
referred to a committee.
A resolution praising certain police
officers for honesty, integrity and faith
fulness was tabled.
An invitation for delegates to assist
in districting the city and selecting
representative men for nomination as
supervisors was read from the San
Francisco Nonpartisan league.
Other speakers were John Mazza,
president of the Marin County Promo
tion league, advocating a North Beach
ferry system for the northern bay coun
ties and Andrea Sbarboro. chairman of
the harbor committee of the associa
tion. A committee was appointed to
take up the ferry question.
(Special Dispatch to The OH)
SACRAMENTO, July 16.—That A.
Caminetti, commissioner general of im
migration, was summoned from trie,
east to California to attend to some
urgent matters In the estate of the
late Mose M. Drew of this city, former
sheriff, was the statement today of
Mrs. W. C. Whitman, an heir.
She declared that she had tele
graphed Caminetti to come west and
he has been straightening out affairs
in the estate for two days.
Caminetti was administrator of the
estate up to the time he left for Wash
E. O. Child, local manager of the
Orpheum since last September, has
been appointed to the management of
the Orpheum. which is now being com
pleted in Salt Lake. He leaves next
Saturday to organise the house staff
and arrange for. the opening of the
playhouse on August 3.
Coast Artillery Reserves
Who Came Here for Prac
tice Are Out of Luck
Colonel Ix'a Febiger of the Sixth in
fantry returned to the Presidio yes
terday morning and resumed command
of the post, relieving Colonel George
Bell Jr., of the Sixteenth infantry.
Colonel Febiger ha; been on an ex
tended visit to the Yosemite.
Colonel "Walter L. Finley of the First
cavalry, who has been in southern Cali
fornia for several weeks, is expected
to return to the Presidio this morning.
* * *
The coast artillery reserves we're out
of luck again yesterday when a heavy
fog bank rolled in through the
straights early in the morning. The
militiamen spent the day in instruc
tion in gun parts, cleaning and the
general handling of the 10 and 12 inuh
The plans of the camp were to give
the militia gunners three days' prac
tice on the 10 and 12 inch rifiles of
Batteries Godfrey and Marcus Miller
with full service charges. Tuesday was
too foggy and yesterday they lost a
second day. The camp will break up
Saturday noon and if the weather does
not clear up this morning it is possible
there will be some night practice with
the big guns.
* * *
Leaves of absence have been granted
Second Lieutenant Simon W. Spcrry,
coast artillery corps. Fort Stevens,
Ore., for a month attd 15 days, com
mencing October 1. and Captain Franc
L-acocq, coast artillery corps, Fort
Rosecrans, Ore., 10 days.
* * *
The ghost walked yesterday morn
ing and afternoon at Forts Barry and
Baker. Major Hampton, quartermas
ter of the Presidio, paid out $10,000 to
the artillerymen.
*. * *
Major John W. Heavey of the Four
teenth infantry has been ordered to
Massachusetts as inspector instructor
of the organized militia in that state.
Sergeant, first class. George Rey
nolds, hospital corps, ambulance com
pany No. 2. Presidio, has been ordered
to roport to the commanding officer of
the transport Thomas on its arrival
here to relieve Sergeant Nelson A.
Hobey, detailed to Fort Canby, Wash
Henry !„. Nelson, second lieutenant
of the First calvary has been pro
moted to first lieutenant, with rank
datine: June 20.
* — ,
Wife of Sun Francisco Attorney and
K«'Mi)lcni of BerkolfT 30 Years
* Pa«ae« in Oakland Hospital
Mr.-. Anna Sarah Barnett, aged
a resident of Berkeley for 30 years,
died yesterday afternoon In an Oakland
hospital from pneumonia. She was 55
years old and a native of New Zealand.
Her husband. W. T. Barnett. is as
sociated with the law firm of Madison,
Tlllshury & Sutro in San Francisco.
In addition she leaves four children,
Arnold, Maude. Stanley and Gladys.
The family home is at 2130 Ashhy
avenue and the funeral will be held
at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon from
St. Matthews Episcopal church.
Tony PajKge, owner for many years oi
Barnum's restaurant at Seventh
street and Broadway. Oakland, is dead
at his home in that city from com
plications of rheumatism, lie came
to this country from Italy and had
lived in Oakland 38 years. He was
prominent in fraternal circles and in
the Italian-American colony, and en
joyed a wide and varied acquaint
ance. The funeral will be held Fri
day morning: from Sacred Heart
ItiiMi Evelyn Crowe, aped IG. nativo of
California, a daughter of Rev. S. E.
Crowe, pastor of the Santa Clara
. Avenue Methodist church of Alameda,
is dead at the home of her parents
in that city. She is survived by her
parents and by a brother, George,
and two sisters. Grace Crowe and
Anna Crowe. The funeral will be held
from the church Friday afternoon.
John M. Greenlenf, aged 74. a v.-el
known resident of Santa Clara, died
yesterday morning at his home in
that city. Ho had been ailing for
some time and a stroke of paralysis
two days ago hastened the end. He
. was a native of New Hampshire.
.Tarkaon Tinker, aged 46. one of the.
veterans of the corps of Washington
correspondents, died in Washington
early today after an operation for
William Smltli. 52 years old. former
cashier of the Bank of Ohico. died
last evening at his home in Chit-o.
Marriage Licenses
Thr following marrt»cc licenses were Issued
Wednesday, July 16. IMS:
BERNETT —HAWKER —Richard P. Bernett. 21.
1002 Ellis street, and Alice C Hawkes, 18,
158 A Carl street.
BLOBM—N HOI. AlSEN—Hermann Blohm. 28,
208 Hermann street; and Esther M. Nicolalsen,
21. 408 Dolores street.
BVCHXER —BRESNAN —Charles O. Buchner. 41.
Santa Rosa, and Lizzie A. Bresnan, 30. 501
PlTmouth street. t
CANNON—JACKSON —Hazen Cannon, 25. and
Ella S. Jackson. 23, both of Sausallto.
DIMMLER—POYLE—CharIes L. Dimmler. 28.
and Dorothy L. Poyle, 27. both of Berkeley.
ELLIOTT— STELTZ —Rosecoe S. Elliott, 23, 20T.4
Mark«t street, and Agnes If. Steltz. 21, 520
Hares street.
FITZGERALD-Ml" RrHY—Robert W. Fitter
aid, 24. 322 Sixth street, and Helen E. Mnrphy,
24, 270 Hanford street.
GALIATA—SHLREEN—Amerigo Galiata. 22.
127f> Florida street, and Bertha Sbureen. 19,
1289 Florida street.
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knows he must keep it constantly in
stock. Trial free; Dept. 8-P, Resinol,
Baltimore, Md. Works wonders tor
Births Marriages, Deaths
HARTMAN —HOLLAND —Simon Hartman. -1.
114 Precita avenue, and Knthvyn C. Hollanu,
27. 188." Howard street.
HEISE— DIXON- Arthur R. Belae. 30, Arviia.
Cal.. and Julia Dixon.'3o. Newman.
HILL —G A I.LOIS--Horace L. Hill Jr.. 27. I niver
slty club, and Jeanne M. Gallols, 25. I alruiout
hotel. 0 ,
TSAKSEN -OVERAA—Anker M. Isaksen. 2*.
1008 Guerrero street, and Anna Overaa. 21. 4..4
Vienna street. _
LYNCH -- WILLIAMSON .Toeph R. Lynch. -1.
504 Valencia street, and Nc-llie M. Williamson.
22. Antioch. / _
MOORE—NAYLOR—Marvin E. Mw-c S4, Bop
Angeles, and Grace H. Naylor, 23. (. hi-ngo.
OLSOX -RICHARD*— Erwin W. Olson. -'1. 13W
O'Farrell street, and Jessie Richards, 10. i£iO
Gearv street.
PA RDEE —HOG A X —James R. Pardee. 32. Eu
reka, and Susie C. Hogan. 32. Stockton. 1 •
PRE VETERA-! ARLl—Giuseppe Prevetein. 3-.
and Sarah Carli. 30. both of 769' i Filbert
PRL'XK —NooyAX—George E. Pnmk. 21. 1139
Leavenworth street, and Kathryu E. Noonan,
[ 19. 1371 California street.
SMITH -HALI John Smith. 62. and Flora A.
Hall. 45, both of Vallejo.
Th* following marriage licenses were issued
Wednesday, July 16, 1915:
COELIIO--AI GCSTIXE—Man i' i F. Coeibo. 58.
Walnut Creek, and Isabel Augustine. 34, Ala
meda .
Gf'MMI NOS FORBES —Earl R. Cummings, 25.
San Fraiiciseo. and (Jcorgia M. Forbes, 21, Oak
DEXER—FIIICKE-Albeit L. Deater, 25, and
Ada A. Fricke. 24. both of Alameda.
POSTEB--McNF.il.- -Sydney 11. Foster. 27. Oak
laud, and Florence J. McNeil, 22. Touopah.
SMITH HAMBIRY Alfred H. Smith. St, Se
t>Hsto[)Ol, StMjoma county, and Fay E. Ham
bury, 40. Napa.
WEBNMRR—GLIDDEN—Herman Wernmer, 28.
and Aibeu A. Glldden. 19. both of Oakland.
HUMPHREYS—In this city. July 15. 1913. to
the wife <rf Milton A. Humphreys, a son.
KOTHLER —In this city, June; 2'J, 1913. at the
German hospital, to the wife of A. 11. Kothlcr.
a' daughter.
SMILEY —In this city, July 13. 1913, to the
wife of J. A. Smiley, a daughter.
BERTELSEN—VOLZ—In this city. .Tune 21,
1913, by Rev. C. A. Walton. Enill T. Bertel
een of Alameda and Florence L. Vols of this
Bebm. Joseph DO, Krazanich. Jozo 21
Blanchard, Michael J. 24: Lc-vcke, Krlch 32
Bresse, Eugene 441 Muller, Philip 05
Burrow. Mary —'Nassau, Bernard. ... 28
Chloesi, Adelina 20 ; O'Cunnor, James ... tVJ
Crowe, Ruth E 16; Ott, Louisa 81
Dlson, James 78| Pagge. Antonio .... 55
Donovan, Daniel 60i Palmer. Mary 78
Dugan, Delia —j Simons, Henry SI
Fandrei, ( ai-lona B.! Supple, Nellie 45
Fuller, Mary 85'Taaffe (Mass)
Garner. Dolly G 1 Thomas. Leonurd . .. 56
Ginocchio. Joseph . *S[Wider, Lma -
Hlggs, Blanch A - Wolfe, Edward o9
Jennings, Gilbert H. 40:
BEHM—Entered into rest, in this city. Joir 16.
1913, Joseph Behm, dearly beloved husband of
Barbara Behm. and loving father of Rosa. Leo,
Otto, Ernst and Barbara Bebm, Sister Uarj
Seraphlca. O. S. D.. and Adelph and Anton
Behm, a native of Germany, aged Gtt years 3
months and 27 days. A member of the Third
Order of St. Francis.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In
vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Friday),
at B:3u o'clock a. m.. from his late residence.
1559 Turk street between Stelner and Pierce,
thence to St. Boniface 's church. Golden Gate
avenue between Jones and Leavenworth streets,
where a solemn requir-m high mass will be
celebrated for the repose of his soul, com
mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. interment Holy
Cross cemetery, by carriage. Kindly omit
BLANCHARD—In this city, July 14. 1913. Mich
ael J., dearly beloved son of Joseph J. and the
late Catherine Blanc-bard and h»ving brother of
Mrs. T. F. Martin, Mrs. E. B. O'Grady and
Joseph and Annie Blanchard and Sister Irene
of the Sisters of afenej and the late Richard
Blanchard. a native of Pittsburg. Pa., aged 24
years. A member of tbe Glass Blowers'
Branch. No. 22.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in
vited to attend the funeral today (Thurs
day), July 17. 1915. at 8:30 a. in., from his late
residence. 493 Twenty-ninth *reet corner
of Noe. thence to St. Paul's church, where a
requiem high mass will be celebrated for the
repose of his soul, commencing at 9a. m. In
terment Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage.
BRESSE—In this city, July 14, 1913. Eugene
Alfred Bresse, beloved husband of -Margaret
Bresse. luring father of Luclle Bresse, son ot
Mrs. Caroline Bresse, brother of G. L. Bresse
and Lucy Galobotti, a native of San
Francisco, au*''d" 44 years 6 months aud 5 days.
Friends are ie>pe. tfnlly Invited to attend the
funeral ■errteei today (Thursday). July IT,
at 12 o'clock at his late residence, 2233
Washington street. Interment private. Please
omit flowers.
BURROWS— lii this city. July 15. 1913. Mary,
beloved wife of the late Thomas Burrows, aud
beloved mother of Thomas and Charles Bur
rows, Mrs. F. Thogodc, Mrs. A. Harrison. Mrs.
A. Aaron and tbe late John and Revert Bur
rows, a native of Scotland.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully
Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Fri
day i. at 9:30 o'clock, from the parlors of
Martin ft Browr, 1868 Geary street (temporary
parlors of Career & English)- thence to Sacred
Heart church for services, commencing at 10
o'clock. Interment Holy Cross cemetery.
CHIOSSI—In this city, July 16, 1913. Adellna
Chiossl. dearly beloved daughter of Carol and
Celestlna Chiossl, and loving sister of George.
John and Attllio Chiossl. a native of San
Francisco, Cal., aged 20 years 5 months and 1
Friends and .acquaintances are respectfully
notified that the funeral will take place tomor
row (Friday), July IS. 1915. a» H» o'clock
a. m., from bcr late residence, 2010 Fell street
near Cole. Please omit flowers. Interment
Italian cemetery.
CRO\VE--ln Alameda. July 15. 1915, Ruth Eve
lyn Crowe, beloved daughter of Rev. S. E.
and Carrie Crowe, loving sister of deorge,
Grace and Anna Crowe, a native of California,
■Cad 10 years 10 months and 21 days.
DIXON—In San Andreas. July ti, 1013. Janes
Dixon, brother of the late George Dixon, a na
tive of Tasmania, Australia, aged 78 years and
4 months.
DONOVAN -In tills city. July IC. 1915. Daniel,
dearly beloved brother of Jeremiah and
Michael Donovan, and uncle of Michael, Rich
ard aud George Donovan and Daniel and Jere
miah Mahoney. a native of the parish of Drlmo
league. County Cork. Ireland, aged CO years.
N"tlce of funeral hereafter. RemalriS at the
parlors of Mcßrearty & McCormlck. 915 Valen
cia street near Twentieth.
DUGAN—In this Hty. July 15. 1913. Delia
Dugan, beloved sister of Annie Tburuan and
Margarete Bruner, a native of Ireland. *
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In
vited to attend the funeral today (Thurs
day i, July IT. 1913. at 9 o'clock a. ax., from
tbe parlors of the Western Cndertaklns: Com
pany, 1236 Valencia street, thence to St.
Mary's cathedral, -where a requiem high mass
will be celebrated for the repose of her soul,
commencing at 9:30 a. m. Interment (private)
Bt. Mary's cemetery, Oakland.
FANDREI—In Oakland. July 15, 1913. at her
late residence, 483 Forty-fourth street. Carrona
Fandrei. beloved wife of the late Nickel
Fandrei, and loving mother of George, Mlnne.
Cnrlona. i'andnind. I>ouis, Mickel. Henry and
John Fandrei and Mrs. Anna Hlsedt. a native
of New Russia, aged S3 years 2 months and
15 days.
Friends arc respectfully invited to attend the
funeral services tomorrow (Thursdayi. July 17.
1913. ut 2 o'clock p. m.. at the First German
Methodist Episcopal chnreh. corner of Thlrtv
elghth street and Telegraph avenue. Oakland.
jjlifj tv"lF.lr.m A. Halsted E. P. Handed .
IS 8822 Sftttar S'.irosft
Phone Franklin 0265.
I ] Established by Wnj. A. Halsted. 1883 |!
No connection with any other es- j Ij
SAVE HALF the Funeral Expense,
JULUS So &®1B)11AU
Market 711. Oakland 4045.
Independent of the 1 run
furnished for $75 embalming, shroud, sil
ver mounted, cloth covered casket, hearse
and two carriage*, and give personal
you $75 for the casket alone, and all
their prices are proportionate.
Godeau Funeral Service Saves You Half.
Auto ambulance, carriages and autos for hire
41 Van Ness ay Webster st.
5u." Columbus ay. Phone Oak. 4045.
Interment Mountain View cemetery, by auto
FULLER—Io this city. July 16. 101"!. Mary,
widow of the late Charles Fuller, and aunt of
Mrs. Joseph Oliver and Miss Mary Burns. *
native of Ireland, aped 85 years.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in
vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Friday l .
July 18, from St. Francis chnreh. Vallejo
street, where a requiem mass will be ceie
brated for the repose of her soul, comment lo«r
at 0:30 o'clock a. ra. Interment Holy Cross
GARNER—in this city. July 11. 101."?. Pellr
Grace, beloved daughter of l.eroy and Resie T
Gamer, and sister of Violet, l.co and Joseph
Oarner, a native of Salem, Ore, aged 1 year
and 22 days.
GINOCCHIO—In this city, July 10. 1913. Joseph
Glnocchlo, dearly beloved son of Mrs. Teres*
Racigaluoi and the late Joseph Ginocchio. and
lov ing brother of Mrsi Mary Cella, Mrs. Ixwitsa
Perata. Dr. L. D., Henry. Julia and Beatrice
Bnclgarap!. a native of San Francisco. Cal .
age,i 43 years.
Remains at his late residence. 2129 Green
street. Notice of funeral hereafter.
HIGGS—In Oakland. July 15. 1913. Blanch Ann.
beloved wife of Thomas Hlggs. and loving sis
ter of Airs. A. B. Coryell. Mrs. Cora 3. Mitel
ell and Mrs. Zerlena MeLoughlln. a native of
San Francisco.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in
vited to attend the funeral today ' {Tbnra
dayi. July IT. 1.013. sf 1:45 p. m.. from tlie
funeral chapel of Julius S. Godeau. 2210 Web
ster street, thence to St. Francis de Sales
chi:rch for blessing, at 2 o'clock. Interment
St. Mary's cemetery.
JENNINGS— In this clfr. July 15. 1913. Gilbert
H.. dearly beloved sou of Elizabeth and th»
late Patrick Jenning*. and loving brother of
Peter and Margaret Jenninsrs and the late Mr-.
Rebecca McCarthy and loving nephew of Peter
Jennings, a member of Laundry Workers'
Union and Loyal Order of Moose No. 26. a
native of San Francisco, aged 40 yeara I
. month and 2 days.
Friends and acqonintanees are respectfully in
vited to attend the funeral today (Thnrs
day). July IT. at !) o'clock a. m.. from DM late
residence. 1" Couvler street, off Bosworth.
thence to St. John's church, where a' requle->
high mass will be celebrated for the repo-» of
his soul, commencing at 9:30 a. m. Interment
Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage.
KRZANICH—In this city. July 14. 1013. Jozo.
beloved son of Ivan and Matija Krzanicb, and
loving brother of Ivan, Pere and Antiea Kr7
nlch, a native of Todgora. Dalmatla. aged 21
years. A member of the Servian M. L. A D
Society, and the Croatian Sokol.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In
vited to attend the funeral services fodsv
(■Thursday). July 17, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the
Nativity church for services. Remains at th
parlors of Julius S. Godcau, 41 Van Ram
LEVEKE—In this city. July 14. 1913. Erich
Leveke, a native of Germany, aged 32 years ."«
months and S days. A member of the Sau
Francisco Backer Vereln: Bakers' Cnlon No.
24; Baker*' Singing Society and Court German
America. F. of A.
The funeral will take place tomorrow tF
day), at 1 p. ni., from the parlors of Suhr \
Wieboldt. 1385 Valencia street near Twenty
fifth. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by
electric car from Twenty-eighth and Valencia
MULLER—In this city. July 14. 1013. Phil p
beloved husband of Adrle Muller, stepfather of
Alfred and Anne Giilet, uncle of Mrs. W.
Petersen and Fred and Emil Nobauer. a tin
five of Germany, aged 05 years and 8 month-
A member of Harmonic Gcsong Vcre'm a-nl
Gescllscbaft Tentonla and Hermann Lodge No.
127. F. & A. M.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully i"
vited to attend the funeral today (Thur-
day), July 17, 1913. at 2 o'clock p. m.. at
King Solomon's hall. Sutter and Flllmoc
streets, where services will be held nnder th»
auspices of Herman Lodge No. 127, F. & A.M.
Remains at the parlors of Julius S. Godeau. 4:
Van Ness avenue. Interment Cypress Lawn
cemetery. Kiectrlc funeral and special cx
will be at King Solomon's ball at the dispo-al
of members and friends.
NASSAU—In Chicago. Bernard, dearly l>e!ov.-.l
son of S. X. and Hcnriratta Nassau, a id l>°
loved brother of Joseph Nassau, Mrs. p,. Ro*e,
Abe. Dave. Pearl. Esther and Henry Kassat
a native of New York city, aged 28 years and
4 months.
O'CONNOR—In this city, July 18, 1913. James,
dearly beloved husband of Kate O'Conmn. and
loving father of Evelyn O'Connor, a native ol
County. Kerry, Ireland, aged 60 years.
member of the Widows' and Orphans' As-o,
tion of San Francisco Police Department and
Retired Police Officers Association.
The funeral will take place tomorrow > I'r
day), at 1:30 o'clock p. nr., from his resiib v, i
.'5828 Army street. Interment strictly private.
OTT—In this city, July 10, 1813. Louisa tttt.
dearly beloved wife of John Ott. loving moth- r
of 11. J. Ott. and devoted grandmother o."
Millie, Illldegard and Herman Ott. a native
of Switzerland, aged SI years 0 months aioi
20 days.
Funeral services will take place tomorrow
(Friday), July IS. 1913, at !»:3o a, ra.. at tbe
parlors of Valento, Marin. Marais A Co.. 843
Green street. Interment (private) Monti I
Olivet cemetery.
PAGGE—In Oakland. July 15. 1913. ftntoaii
uncle of Bartolomeo Pagge, cousin of
Pietro and C. Zavattore and Fellcio Peone. a
native of Italy, aged Go yeara 5 months and 2>
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In
vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Friday >.
July 18, 1913, at 8 o'clock a. ia.. *Rom tit*
parlors of Cunha A Caporgno. Kigiith and
Myrtle streets, thence to Sacrrd Heart chu-c;,.
Fortieth and Grove streets, where a reoiie,r.i
high mass will be eelebratedl foi ma n«kt ...
his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. '»•
terment St. Mary's
PALMER—In this city. Juiv 16. mi::. S i -
wife of the late John H. Palmer, beloved
mother of Francis H.. George E. Palmer. M
Sara J. Bocarde, Mary E.. John .\.. Thoflta*
Palmer, Mrs. Charles M. Field. William. t;ie
late James and Alfred Palmer, a n.-.five i r
Yorkshire. Eengland, aged 78 years 11 montha
nnd .'! days.
SIMONS—In Auburn, Placer county. July 14.
.1913. Heury Simons, beloved father of Mrs. 1..
A. Duryea of East Auburn, Mrs. George T.
Hesser of Folsom. a native of England, aged
81 years 11 months and 5 days.
Funeral services at the resilience of 1.. A
Duryea. East Auburn, today (Thursday. July
17, at 2 p. m.
SUPPLE In this city. July PS. 1013. Nellie, he
loved wife of B. j. Supple, sister of Edward
James Boylan. a native of San Francisco, a get)
45 years.
Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at tie
parlors of Julius S. Godeau, 41 Vaa N>«.
TAAFFE— will be an anniversary
high mass celebrated for tbe rep ana
the soul of foe late Lawrence Taaffe. at Si
John's church. St. Mary's avenue, tomorrow
(Friday), July 18, at tbe hour of 8:30 a. id.
THOMAS—In this city. July 15. 1913. Leonarn
beloved husband of Annie Thomas, a Mtivi of
England, aged 56 years.
Friends and acquaintances are reaped full r
Invited lo attend the funeral today iThu.
dayi. July 17. IMS, at 11 o'clock a. m.. fro I
the parlors of tbe Western Lndertaking > oni
/ pany. 1230 Valencia sir et. Interment private.
*by 11:30 a. m. train.
WIDER —In this city. July I*. 1913. IrWa,
dearly beloved daughter of William an'! Joseph
me Wider, and sister of Fred, Florence ami
William Wider, a native of California, aged 2
years 11 months ami 5 days.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully ia
Tiled to attend the funeral Saturday, July in.
1913, at 11 o'clock a. m.. from the mortuary
abata)] of the Golden Gate T'ndertakinp (>-,■>
pany, 2475 Mission street near Twenty-9r«:.
Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by eleefie
funeral car from corner of Twenty-ninth ano
Mission streets, ai 11:30 a. m.
WOLFE-In this city, July If.. 1913, Edward
Wolfe, aged 59 years 10 months and 6 days.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In
vited to attend the funeral today (Thurs
day), at 2 o'clock p. in., from the Mlssioa
Masonic temple. 20<W Mission street, nnder th,
auspices of Mtssi".:, Lodge No. 169. F. ft A. St
lnter:neut Mount Olivet cemetery. Remains a.
the funeral parlors of Bunker A Lunt, 266 ! 1
Mission street.
TION NO. 35- Officers and members are re
quested to attend the funeral of our late
brother. Edward Wolfe, today (Thurs-lay >.
July 17, 1913. at 2 p. m.. from Mission Ua
sonic temple, 2670 Mission street near Twenty
third. E. C. MACSSMARDT. Prealdent.
. Val.: union: funeral work spec. Tel. Market 5725,
i May Wlbwws
tel. Mission 5988. Funeral work a speelalty.
SHIBEI.EV MANN to., the leading florists. 120 •
Sutter; Franklin 2004. Frank Shibeley. m»r.
' UNION FLORISTS, phone Market 3285—Fun*,a.
, work a specialty. 3017 loth »t. near Mission.
| PARK FLORAL, 1457 Halght st.: phone r*-k
I 336—Cut flowers, plants, etc. R. Graves, pron
Cypress Lmym
i SUTTER 695. HOMK J4167.
Cemetery Phone. Mission SMI.
AH arrangements for burials or cremations
made «l city office or cemetery. Special atten
tion giveu to REMOVAL from old city ceme
i terles. Entire cemetery under perpetual care
guaranteed by our Perpetual Care Fund of

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