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Highest Temperature Yesterday 60. Lowest Thurs day Night. 50. For details of the Weather See Page 9 City's Bank Clearings The San Francisco Bank Clear ings for the week ending July 17 reached a total of $41,724,000. f M'CLAVE DENIES MULHALL RULED HIS CAMPAIGN Jersey Senatorial Candidate! Who Faces Election Tues day Denounces Lobby Witness Before Committee ] as Perjurer and Refutes Evidence That He Paid ; Expenses for 1910 Race; ADMITS ACCEPTING FUNDS OF N. A. W Says It Was First Experi ence and He Thought It All Right, as Agent Was Indorsed by Sherman— Attempt to Bribe Samuel Gompers Aired at Hearing | WASHINGTON. July IS.—S. "Wood •IcClave, republican candidate for con gress, in a special election to be held In the sixth New Jersey district Tues day, came to Washington tonight, and fold the senate lobby investigating committee that Martin M. Mulhall, late •lobbyist" for the National Association cf Manufacturers, had perjured himself la his testimony before the committer. McClave denied emphatically that Mulhall had raised or spent money for nim, had managed his campaign or had been his close companion and associate in his fight against William Hughes tor the sixth district nomination in 1910. Mulhall, the witness swore, came un known to him In his office in New Tork in 1910, introduced himself and said he -wanted to help him. "It looks as If you were going to get the nomination." he quoted Mulhall as saying, "and I wanted to know how you stood on public questions." McClave said he replied that he stood for protection and fair dealing to labor and that Mulhall responded: "Our organization stands for the same thing and wants to help you." GLAD TO (iET AID Mulhall had letters from Vice Pres ident Sherman. Congressman Gardner and others, the witness said. • "It was my first experience," he add ed, "and I supposed that a man in dorsed by such men must be all right." The New Jersey man had been held up to the committee by Mulhall yester day as one whose meal checks and other expenses Mulhall had paid and for whom Mu'hall raised and spent more than $3,500. This, McClave vig orously denied as absolutely without truth. McClave said he could obtain no aid from the republican national commit ter, and that when Mulhall came as the representative of tbe National Asso ciation of Manufacturers he said he was willinsr to accept their assistance. What was the National Association pf-Manufacturers to get in return for the money it spent?" asked Senator '•1* was going to get a representative in the American congress who was in faVor of protection to American in dustries." replied McClave. <;oMPERS* DRIHF. DEAL Mulhall gave the senate committee today his story of the effort in 1907 or 1908 to bribe Samuel Gompers to de sert the cause of labor and support the policies advocated by the National Association of Manufacturers. He ad mitted he had no positive information that an attempt to bribe Gompers ac tually had been made; but he said Atherton Brownell of New York had outlined the plana to him and had told him of what was to be done. The committee opened the Gompers' Incident when newspaper clippings ap peared showing that Gompers had made the bribery charges before a court In 1908, and that President Van Cleve of the Manufacturers* associa tion had denied all connection with them. Mulhall said he had been re ferred by Van Cleve and Schwedtman ' to. Mr. Brownell In New Tork, who said he was conducting a publicity bureau for the association. Brownell told him, he said, that a man named Brandenberg was follow ing Gompers; that they had a plan fixed up by which they expected to •get" the labor leader; and that they v. ere positive they could not fall. Mul hall'sald he warned them they would not succeed, and later advised Van Cleve to the same effect. Letters identified covered a wide range of activity, but centered chiefly about the campaign in Indiana in 1908, when Mulhall, according to the docu ments, was working in close co-opera tion *with Congressman James E. Wat eon and with national and state re publican leaders. The Citirens' Industrial Association of America, with C. W. Post as Its president, and many officers of the Na tional Association of Manufactues on its list, figured prominently in the pro ceedings. Several letters on the sta tionery of this association and signed ' James A. Emery, secretary," were read, and Senator Reed suggested it was a "half brother" to the manufac ture! s' association. THE San Francisco CALL Mrs. Franc Lennon Killed in Wreck at Potlatch Feast Mrs. Franc Hewlett Lennon, who was filled in Seattle Thursday when her husband's auto skidded and hit a pole. Glove Dealer's Wife Meets Death When Auto Hits Pole Word was received by relatives here yesterday of the death in an automo bile accident at Seattle Thursday of Mrs. Franc Hewlett Lennon. wife of Arthur J. Lennon, a glove dealer, both formerly of this city. The couple left the city two weeks ago after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hewlett, 251 San Jose avenue. The accident occurred while the couple were leaving the Potlatch cele bration and the machine skidded into a pole. Mr. Lennon escaped with minor Injuries, and Mrs. James Q. Clemmer, also In the car, was seriously hurt. The body of Mrs. Lennon will be brought to San Francisco for inter ment by her father. Beside her moth er and father, Mrs. Lennon leaves a 10 year old daughter, Ruth, and two sisters and a brother, of this city. The brother, Allerton Hewlett, is in the office of the city treasurer. The sis ters are Mrs. H. S. Elliott of 251 San Jose avenue and Mrs. Charles Fergu son of Watsonville. SCIENTISTS LOOK FOR PREHISTORIC PYGMIES Traces of Aboriginal Race Are Sought In Fossil Reds of < olorndn COLORADO SPRINGS, July 18.—Dr. F. H. Knowlton of the Smithsonian institute and E. A. Berrj' of Johns Hopkins university have reached this city en route to the fossil beds ot Florissant. They will endeavor to ascertain the merits of the tiieory advanced about two years ago by Prof. J. E. Farns worth of the British museum that a race of pygmies inhabited this region in prehistoric times. Farnsworth claimed to have found traces of such a race. GRASSHOPPERS POISONED One County in Kansas Hills Half of Them by Spreading Mash DODGE CITY, Kan., July 18.—More than half of the grasshoppers in this county were killed by the poisoned mash the farmers recently scattered over their fields, according to a report by P. A. Claassen, state entomologist, today. Mr. Claassen, after a 40 mile drive through the county, said that another spreading of the poisoned mash would exterminate them. HETCH HETCHY BILL IN Raker Introduces San Francisco Water Measure In House WASHINGTON. July 18.—The finally revised bill for granting to San Fran cisco rights of way through the Yosem ite national park, the Stanislaus na tional forest and other lands in Cali fornia for the Hetch Hetchy water sup ply project was Introduced today by Representative Raker of California. CHILE IS 22D FOR PEACE South American Republic Indorses Principle of Bryan Plan WASHINGTON, July 18.—Chile an nounced today its willingness to con sider the details of Secretary Bryan's peace plan, becoming the twenty-sec ond nation to indorse the project in principle. Seventeen nations have not replied to the preliminary announce m*t. ■ —- - "The People's Newspaper" QUEEN BEGS SISTER RULER TO END WAR Carmen Sylvia, Roumanian King's Consort, Replies That Bulgarian Inva sion Will Go On HER HUSBAND DEMANDS TERRITORY Report of Great Bulgar Vic tory Over Greeks Is Confirmed LONDON", July 19.—A dispatch to the Morning Post from Bucharest says that King Charles of Roumania replied Friday to the appeal of King Ferdinand of Bulgaria for peace terms by refer ring him to Roumania's last note de manding the cession to Roumania of I the Bulgarian territory situated be i tween Turtukai, in north Bulgaria, and | Balchik, on the Black sea, and partici : pation in a general Balkan settlement. I According to a dispatch from Athens to the Daily Telegraph King Ferdi nand has addressed a note to the j French president, M. Poincare, soliclt ■ ing France's intervention and entrust i ing Bulgaria's interest to the powers. j Rumors have been circulated in some iof the European capitals that King j Ferdinand is In flight and that his queen has arrived In Erbstbrunn in j lower Austria, where her nephew, the Prince of Reuss resides. Both these rumors are denied in responsible Bul garian quarters. The Daily Mail's Bucharest corres pondent says the Roumanian govern ment has not actually decided to oc cupy Sofia, but will take all the passes stretching across Bulgaria. Queen Eleanore of Bulgaria has tele graphed an appeal to Queen Carmen Sylvia of Roumania to stop the ad vance of t"..' Roumania army. The Roumanian queen replied that the troops would continue to advance "but with the greatest consideration.'* Telegraphing from Sofia under date of Thursday, the correspondent of the ! Times says that a Bulgarian vie- I tory over the Greeks at Strumitza, which was concealed by the authori jties for political reasons, now is con ( firmed. The correspondent adds that the Greek losses were enormous and that 4,000 Greek prisoners have arrived in Vladaia near Sofia. New Cabinet Formed SOFIA, Bulgaria, July 18.—A coali tion cabinet was formed today by M. Radoslavoff, the liberal leader in the Bulgarian parliament to take the place of the cabinet of Premier Daneff, which recently resigned. The new cabinet consists of liberals and Stambuloff nationalists. M. Guena dieff has been appointed foreign min ister. CREW NEAR DEATH ON BED OF OCEAN Submarine Dives to Bottom fcp Mistake, and Men Are Al most Suffocated STOCKHOLM. Sweden. July 18.—A terrifying accident to a Swedish sub marine, which sank with her crew in 200 feet of water July 2. has Just be come known, despite official efforts to keep the affair secret. The submarine was practicing out side the harbor when, by a mistake, all of her tanks were filled simultaneously and she went to the bottom. The pres sure was enormous and the water began to dent the hull. Desperate measures were necessary and Lieuten ant Beckman, In charge of the boat, ordered the lead keel detached. Then the boat rose to the surface and the gasping crew drew in great drafts of air. It is stated here that never "before has a submarine risen to the surface after sinking to such a depth. ACTRESS' HUSBAND GONE He Disappears When She Alleges He Pawned Her Diamond (Special Dispatch to Tiie Call) NEW YORK, July 18.—Complaining that she was grossly deceived in the man she twice married, Lillian Lor raine, the musical comedy star, lias in structed her attorney to bring suit to have her marriage to Frederick Gres heimer annulled. "Freddy" has not been seen since his wife charged him with having taken a valuable diamond ring and pawned it for $2,250. EDITOR PROMOTES BEAUTY Lillian Russell's Husband Quits Chair to Sell Her Lotions (Special CHspatci to The Call) PITTSBURG, July 18.— Journalism will be given up by Lillian Russell's husband, Alexander P. Moore, in order that he may engage In manufacturing his wife's beauty lotions, according to his friends. Moore is president and editor of the Pittsburg Leader, which is booming Roosevelt lor president in 1916. SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1913. SENATE HURLS HOT RETORTS OVER BRYAN Senator Bristow Starts Tem pest of Oratory by Renew ing Attacks on Secre tary's Lecture Tour BITTER WRANGLE IS PRECIPITATED Democratic Members Point Accusing Finger at Kan sas Senator WASHINGTON", July 18.—Secretary Bryan's policy of lecturing in his va cation time Involved the senate in a bitter controversy today. It began i when Senator Bristow, ignoring the defeat of his resolution directed at Mr. Bryan's action, insisted upon being heard in severe criticism of the cabi net officer. Before the debate ended, charges and countercharges between senators on the two sides of the chamber had brought the senate to a high pitch of excitement. Senator Ashurst produced an old letter of Senator Bristow's, which, he declared, indicated that Mr. Bristow in 1906 had been perfectly willing to take a federal position and devote only part of his time to it. Senator Bristow retorted with the charge that Senator Ashurst had spent over ?100 of public funds sending pri vate telegrams that should have been pai,] for from his own pocket, a charge denied by Senator Ashurst, but which Senator Bristow agreed to prove by producing original telegrnms that had berm paid for out of senate funds. DEBATE BECOMES HOT From these personal accusations the debate went Into the general field of public lecturing and writing, and demo cratic senators called attention to the Chautauqua platform work of Senator Bristow and many other?, and to the newspaper writing that Senator Bris tow had 1 done nt thodast Baltimore con tention. The Kcni»,« senator emphati cally declared that he never had neglected the duties of his office. "I am not on trial here." he said. "I simply want to show that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones," said Senator James. Senators Bristow, Townsend, Fall and o*hers attacked in strong: language the action of Secretary Bryan in de livering paid lectures at a time when they claimed public questions required his close attention to the affiairs of the state department. The Bristow resolution Introduced Tuesday calling upon President Wil son to state what salary would be sufficient to secure all of Secretary Rryan's time was tabled by a vote of 41 to 29 as soon as it came up today, nil the democrats and Senators Borah and Poindexter opposing it. BRVAX'S PI.AY StOREP A prepared attack upon Secretary Bryan's 1 action by Senator Townsend and an extensive defense by Senator Lewis illumined the oratory of the day. Senator Townsend Insisted the ex ample of the secretary In selling his time for private giin when it already had been sold to the government was unwholesome for the entire country. Senator Lewis apked when the sen ator from Kansas and the senator from Michigan had become so "subtly Inocu lated with a comprehension of the dan gers" of a public official spending his vacation addressing the people on questions of vital interest to them. He said this could have been when a re publican president was campaigning at the expense of the tar payers". [ ""Where was the voice of protest when a postofflce official turned him self into a great political machine to elect another public official to the presidency?" he inquired. "Where was the voice when Major Kay abandoned his post In the army to engage In po litical work In Chicago for a presi dential candidate? Why were the voices of the senate silent then? Was It because those men were not dem ocrats? Where was the voice when officials of previous administrations were speculating in the stock market and on tariff bills?" BRYAN TALKS FREELY Secretary Bryan talked freely with the newspaper men today about his much dismissed and criticised plan to spend his vacation on the lecture plat form. He said he probably would make a little more than $250 on each lec ture, and added: "When I return I'll tell you just how much I have made." Mr. Bryan will deliver his first lec ture before the Winona (Indiana) Chautauqua assembly Sunday after noon. He will make as many addi tional lectures as time will permit be fore his return for his conference with Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson, now en route to Washington from Mexico City to make the report to President Wilson and Secretary Bryan which probably will determine the future at titude of the United States toward the revolution torn republic to the south. The secretary indicated that he was making the trip under his own aus pices and said he would not become president of the Winona Chautauqua until its reorganization after its in debtedness had been liquidated. "An Independent Newspaper" \ Dooling Is Named as Judge Nomination Goes to Senate Jurist Is Eminent for Classical Learning President Also Urges His Appointee for U. S. Attorney President Wilson sent to the senate in Washington yesterday the nomina tion of Maurice T. Dooling of Hollister for United States judge of the north ern district of California and Albert Schoonover of Los Angeles for Fnited Stateg attorney for the southern dis trict of California. Judge Pooling was born at Moore's Flat in Nevada county in 1860. His father was a pioneer of the mountains, his mother a sister of the famous early day priest, Bishop Manogue, whose name is recalled in the history of Corn stock days. His early education was the public schools of Nevada county. and later he came to San Francisco to study at St. Mary's college, then lo cated on this side of the bay. Graduating in 18S0, he took the de gree of master of arts in 1881 and then taught classics in the college for two years. In ISS3 Judge Pooling, then 23 years old, moved to San Benito county and the next year was elected to the as sembly from that district, making a reputation for fearlessness and honesty in the legislature. Dooling left the assembly in 1886 and began to practice law in Hol lister, continuing until 1592, when he was elected district attorney as the nominee of both republicans and demo crats. In 1894 he was re-elected and two years later resigned to become su perior judge. Re-election came to him in 1902, when the two parties joined to support him. There was no opposing candidate. His record as a judge is Btatewide. and he has been called repeatedly to other districts to try cases. As an Instance of the confidence placed in him. no civil case in his own county has ever been tried by a jury in his court, the litigants preferring his judgment to that of 12 jurors. Aside from his judicial reputation he is widely known as an orator and a scholar. His standing as a publicist and jurist brought him the degree of doctor of philosophy from Santa Clara college. Judge Dooling is grand vice presi dent of the Native Sons, a member of the Salinas lodge of Elks, Watsonville lodge of the Knights of Columbus, Hol lister Camp of the Woodmen and the San Benito lodge of the United Work men. His home is in Hollister, where he lives with his wife and two sons. DOGS EXPERT IN ELOCUTION ART Tige Can Bark All Night and Not Get Hoarse Be cause He Breathes Right fSp°clal Dispatch to The Cain BERKELEY, July 18.—Epigramatic are some of the statements made by Prof. Robert Irving Fulton in his lec tures on public speaking at the Uni versity of California summer session. Here's some of them: "A Baltimore girl going on the stage drags her heels. A Boston girl puts her toes down first." "A woman is poorly dressed when people turn around to look at her after she has passed." "A girl can say 'quit?, or 'stop' so that it means 'go on.'" To his class Professor Fulton, who has achieved national repute in his recitations and as dean of the college of oratory in Ohio Wesleyan univer sity, said: "Study elocution by watching a baby breathe and how he uses his abdominal muscles. Notice how a dog breathes. Because he breathes correctb' he can bark all night and not become hoarse. A dog understands the elocution of his master —not his words. A dog Is the best sort of elocutionist." MINE CAVEIN KILLS FOUR Two Others Injured >n Pennsylvania Shaft Accident ERNEST, Pa., July 18.—Four men were killed and two others injured in Ernest today when the sides of a mine draining shaft collapsed. ALEXANDRA GREETS PAGE Queen Mother Receives Nerr American Ambassador LONDON, July 18. —The Queen Mother Alexandra received Walter H. Page, the American ambassador, in Marlbor ough house today. IMPERIAL FEELS TEMBLOR Xo Damage Is Caused by Slight Earth quake >h»»ck EL. CENTRO, July 18.—A marked earthquake disturbance occurred here at 4:10 o'clock this afternoon. No dam age was don« "WEATHEB FORECASTS Cloudy loday with fog; brisk soutlrwesf wind 'OGoId for, the Mint £Klfcs& 9,323 FINE , \ M)UNCES BF GOL» to the San . V 1913. Maurice T. Dooling of Hollister, whom President Wilson has nominated for United States judge. YOUTH RESCUED FROM DEATH IN NIAGARA FALLS Human Chain of Four Men, Braving Torrent, Drags Helpless Victim From Raging Waters NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y„ July IS.— Truman Chapman, 22 years old, of Hamilton, Ont., was rescued from the brink of the American falls tonight by four men, one of* whom took a desper- ate chance to reach him. Chapman was sitting on the Iron railing just above Prospect point and was seen suddenly to topple backwards into the stream. At this point the current Is swift and the pull toward the brink of the falls, 15 feet away, almost irresistible. After striking the water Chapman's body lodged against two projections of rock and this undoubtedly saved him from almost instant death. When the cry went up that a man was in the water, John Hughes and Thomas S. Winders of Niagara Falls, Thomas D. Thomas of Toronto and a fourth man. who did not give his name, leaped over the railing. The unidentified man waded several feet, but did not reach Chapman. Hughes, Winders and Thomas then formed a chain from the iron fence and clinging to the unknown's hand enabled him to reach Chapman. Twice the man at the end of the chain was swept from his feet but he clung to his burden and the united efforts of the men nearest, who had better footing, finally swung the two of them out of the grasp of the cur rent. Chapman was unconscious for an hour after being taken ashore. Rela tives said he was subject to fits and undoubtedly was stricken while sit ting on the railing. ARRESTED FOR THREAT TO BLACKMAIL GIRL Yonng Man A conned of Demanding $ 1.000 From Wealthy Society Maiden Caught Telephoning to Her SALT LAKE CITY, July 18.— W. L. Cummings, 23 years old, was arrested here today on the charge that he had attempted to extort $1,000 from Miss Dorothy Bamberger, a wealthy society girl. Cummlngs was taken into custody by detectives while telephoning to Miss Bamberger, who had previously been threatened by an anonymous letter writer that unless she gave $1,000, nitroglycerin would be exploded in her room. Miss Bamberger had arrived from New York the day she received the letter. TOMMIE, 3, BOSSES SENATE Sits on Alee President's Knees and Helps AVleld Cnvol WASHINGTON. July 18—Thomas Marshall Sutherland, who said his age was "free and a half," sat on Vice Presi dent Marshall's knees today and helped to preside over the senate during a lively session. Tomrnle is the son of Rev. Alexander Sutherland of Berkeley springs, W. Va.. and is the vice presi dent's namesake. RUN ON NEW HAVEN BANK Institution Pay* Depositors as Past ai They Present Books NBW HAVEN, Conn., July 18—A run on the New* Haven Savings bank, con sidered one of the strongest institu tions in the city, occurred today. De positors were paid as fast as they pre sented their books. 1 cents. BLUEJACKETS ON RAMPAGE AGAINST I.W.W. AND SOCIALISTS Crowds of Sailors From Pa cific Reserve Fleet Aided by Civilians Sack Head quarters of Party and In dustrial Workers in Seattle —"Your Mayor Won't Do Anything to Protect Flag* So We Are Saving City," Say the Rioters to Police SECRETARY DANIELS DENOUNCES "REDS" Member of Cabinet, Dining on Flagship as Guest of Admiral Reynolds During Disturbance, Declares a Mayor Who Does Not En force Law Against An archic Emblem Is Not Fit to Hold Office—Guard Quells the Trouble Ashore SEATTLE, Wash., July 18.— While the officers of the Pacific reserve, fleet of the United States navy were danc ing at the arjny and navy ball in the state armory tonight, several hundred of their sailors and marines were marching through the streets of the city, denouncing the Industrial Work ers of the World and the red flag, sack ing and burning socialist and Indus trial Workers' headquarters, and in their haste demolishing a Salvation Army meeting room before learning that they had mistaken the place. The city headquarters of the moder ate socialists and the radical socialists were sacked and the books and furni ture carried into the street and burned. A socialist news stand on the prin cipal street corner of the city was de molished, and the big meeting room of the Industrial Workers of the World, in the southern part of the city was stripped of its belongings, which were thrown from a second story window and burned in the street below. POLICE BUST WITH POTLATCH The police offered not the slightest real resistance to the rioters. Some of the officers said that all the force was busy handling the Potlatch crowds, and no reserves were available to cope with the rioters. The hatbands of the cruisers Charles ton, Colorado and California were most numerous among the sailors. A few uniformed members of the Washington naval militia Joined with the naval men. Citizens made up most of the mob. The actual destruction of property was carried on by uniformed men. Among them were a number of petty officers. The damage is estimated at $3,000 or more. A report was widely circulated today that Secretary of the Navy Daniels in a speech at the Rainier club last night, had taken the Industrial Workers of the World as his subject and had de clared that they and all other believers in the red flag should be driven out of the country. L W. W. NOT MENTIONED Those who heard the address of the secretary say that lt was exceedingly moderate and had no reference to any local trouble. Nor did he at any time mention the Industrial Workers. A street fight last night at an In dustrial Workers' meeting, in which three soldiers were beaten, had been represented to the naval men as a di rect attack upon the service. All day some sort of trouble had been expected. Waving United States flags, one storming party swooped down on the cart news stand of Millard Price, a socialist speaker, at Fourth avenue and Westlake boulevard, the busiest night corner of the city. The cart was broken to splinters in a moment, the big stock of socialist papers and magazines torn, tossed Into the street and jumped upon. The sailors and their associates then rushed to the socialist headquarters in Fifth avenue near Stewart, smashed in the big plate glass front and nailed A Wonderful Rockridge Lot For Less Than $20.00 a Foot A superb bome«<ite, with SS* feet frontage; street work all dene, sidewalks laid; a Tlew let. with the whole panorama of Ran Fran cisco bay; the canyons and heights of the Oakland and Berkeley hills spread out In matchless beautr: just a little distance from a ear line that is only 14 minutes from 14th and Broadway. This Is a ROCKRirxiC homeslfe, with all the development and protection and enrlron ment that RorKRITWJE means. The price of this magnificent honieslte Is $1,600. and It can be bought with a first payment of $160. YOU WON'T FIXP ELSEWHERE THE EQUAL OF THIS OFFERING AT THAT PRICE. PBONB IS. AXl> WE'LL TAKE VOL OUT AND .SHOW IT TO YOC. laymancfjreaTestate CO. 1432 BROADWAY. Phone Oakland $28.