Newspaper Page Text
12 THE CALL Address All Communications to THE SA\ FRANCISCO CALL Telephone "Kearny 88"— Ask for The Call. The Operator Will Connect You %VHh the Department You Wish OFFICE AND EDITORIAL. ROOM?, Market and Third Streets. Open until 11 o'clock every night ln ttAJK CTTT PRANCH, 1657 Fillmore Street near Post. OAKLAND OFFICE. 1540 Broadway. Telephone Oakland 10SS. AT. *. MED A OFFTCF. 14 35 Park Street. Telephone Alameda 559. BERKeLET OFFTCE. 2 011 Shattuck Avenue. Telephone Berkeley 77. CFTOAGO OFFICE. Tribune Building. TT J. Morton ComDany. NEW YORK OFFICE. 200 Fifth Ave nue. TV. J. Morton Comnany. WASHINGTON NEWS BUREAU. Post Building. Ira E. Bennett, Corre spondent. — —_ \"FW YORK NEWS BUREAU. 516 Tribune Building. C. C. Carlton. Cor respondent. nri'lgn Offices Where The Call Is oa FD>: LONDON. Eng.. ..3 Regent Street, fl W, PARTS. France 53 Rue Oambon BERLIN. Oermanv, Unter den Linden S ALL POSTMASTERS ARE AUTHOR IZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS Famnle Copies Will Be Forwarded When Requested. Mail Subscribers ln ordering change of nddress should be particular to give both NEW and OLD ADDRESS ln order to secure a prompt and correct 'omnHanro with their reotiest. MEETINGS— EXCELSIOR Lodge No. t6«. F. ft A. M. m -Officer* and members are reapeetfuily ifW requested to assemble tn Masonic tem pie, Rerkelev. on WEDNESDAY. July 30 at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. to attend the funeral of our late brother. GOTTLIEB ADOLPH AMMERUP. Take 1 p. m. Key Route. By . rtter Of the W. M. H. J OWEN. Sec. EXCELSIOR lodge No. 166. ISA af„ _ IT.f9 Fillmore st. —Third degree THIS yIT I WEDNESDAY) EVENING at T:3O /\/\ k H J. OWEN. Seo. MISSION Ledge No. MS, F. ft A. M. _ Special . n »*H«g THIS .WEDNESDAY- «#\p EVENING at 1:39 o'easck. Third de- Jf_* pee PRANK W SMITH. Sec ' ~ CROCKETT Lodre No. 13°. F. & A M . A 2135 Sutter m. Third .iefixee THIS i WEDNESDAY t EVENING at 7:3o^^^ - •••• k R II Mi I'IIERSON. Sec. * ?T*RR KING I»dre No. 344. F. ft A. _ M.. 1730 Fillmore st.—Third degree a-fma' THIS < WEDNEKDATI E\ ENING at , 7;30 o'clock. H F. WRIGHT. Sec. j LOST AND FOIWD UOST Sunday, between Berkeley and Lands End. San Francisco, purse inclosing chamois bag •ontaining 1 solitaire and 1 oioater diamond ring. Finder gladly rewarded on return to CHARLES H. O'CALLAGHAN. attorney, 26 Montgomery st.. room 211. LOST—Gentleman's small, tbin. open faced, gold "atch and bead fob; watch engraved on back and initial M oo fob. Reward If returned to 1428 Washington st.. rity. LOST—Solitaire diamond ring, between Richmond District "and the Mission; liberal reward. Ad ,.c«v TOP IN ft TO BIN. Hibernia bank. I.i»ST Gold watch. Initials F. S: Golden Gate park t" Powell and Market sts. Return to 142". Washington st. Reward. LOST— Lady's horseshoe brooch; imitated dia monds. Reward if returned t0'948 Market St., room 517. * I 1 'ST Brooch, with diamonds and emeralds, liberal reward if retu/aed to MRS. S. M. "P H. V BUS, Gearv st. srnmiAiaisx M KVRERS OK CALIFORNIA ST4TE SPIRITIALIXTS- ASSOCIATION IRUMPET seance, rf j Donnelly. Tuesdays. S p. m. sharp: test circles by Dr. Allen Monday and Wednesday. 8 p. m.: developing class Fri day. S p. m.: readings daily. 1684 A Ellis st.: phone West 3537. v s i n. Kinnalrd. ord.; cons, daily. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.: firs. Sun.. Wed . Frl.. S p.m. 1438 Flltm I otl a Busweli. Hoe. splr. readings; lessons daily; cfrejajj every night tS_g Webgtcr nr. VTvn MADAM VAN ACKEN'S In*titute of Psychology. 1626 Sutter »t. Readings 23c. between 8 and 9 eve.; bring a picture; pupils in the occult; open door and walk In: cut thla out. MRS. LE FEVRE. 930 Hayes—Healing, spiritual de\elopmenf: different phase*. Sunday Tues day and Thursday. Bp. m. Walk in. ring apt. 2. ORDAINED spiritual trance medium, clairvoyant. E. L. HERRING, Countryman building. Van Ness and Ellis. ASTROLOGICAL card reading ,W : mail orders for horoscopes. Mrs. Sanburg. 1445 Fillmore st. 5* irvoyant card readings. Mrs. Laura Allen. 16S4A Ellis St.; pbooe West 3637. MRS. tiOETZ, medium, clairvoyant, card reader; {*>.- and |L 396 Waller ror. Fill.: tel Mkt. 5289. REV. MATTIE YON WALT. 1111 Ellta St. nr. G'-ug'u: 1.-a.ltngn meetings. Tues., Kri.. 18. m. ~SfIENTIFITTjREATMENT ~ THE FRANKLIN—EIec. treat. blanket sweats, mm. bath, scientific mass.; grad. nurse; phys. ref. Office 532 Whitney bldg.. 133 Geary at. I>R. ISABEL MAi Al LAY. mechano therapy, will give treatments at patient's home or 625 Tay lor st., apt. 34; lady patients preferred. TRAINED Durse gives elec. baths: scientific mas. and elec. treat, for rheumatism and stomach trouble. 406 Sutter, office 413: ph. Sutter 4251. HAIR on face never grows again when treated by me with electric needle; 25 vrs.' practice. MRS. NETTIE HARRISON. 1008 Sutter near Hyde. DAMON Institute of Massage. 1300 Golden Gate ay. cor. Fillmore; lady attendants. West 5774. BUSINESS PERSONALS Freidri.h Migge. recently of Carnegl* Labora tory. Bellevue Medical College, after many years' study and practice in Germany and the Catted States, Is devoting his knowledge and skill exclusively to the bacteria causing loss of the hair. By microscopical and bacteriological examination can be determined the exact sped* of bacteria present indicating the treatment re quired in each Individual case of falling hair, ►putting ends and other disorders. Office hours— II a. m. to. 5:30 p. m. 700-1-3-5 Call bldg., 3d and Market sts.. Snn Francisco, Cal. HAIR DOCTOR KLESTER. 1325 Washington st . Oakland, retired from active office practice at wife's death 20 months ago, but aa hair is too valuable allowing experimenting, will give those who wish to profit by my 47 years' ex perience verbal advice, or send self-treating Information gratis, as each case differs; mail stamp for question list. NOTICE—Tbe Call will not knowingly print ille g-tfmate advertisements. If any readers can tarnish information that any advertisement la this column Is not legitimate, send It to Tha Call in confidence, and tf found correct the ad vertisement will be discontinued. MORPHINE. OPIUM and drug habits treated at home; no pain or detention from business; no payments until cured. Call or write In confi dence. INDIA DRUG CUBE MFG. CO.. 714 McAllister at. AA—My wigs, toupees ar* ventilated, perspira tion proof. Mr. Lederer in charge gentlemen's dept.. 2271 California at.; ladies' hair gxKja, 1809 Fillmore st. Guaranteed. Estab. 1860. SCIENTIFIC healing and teaching; wonderful re - test its merit*, daily 10 a. m. to sp. m. DR. J. R. OHMSTEDE. :i774 Manila ay. near Mo»s; phone Piedmont 2668. Ml if BERNARD, steam baths and electric treat ment; Van* Mexican hair restorer; select pat ronage only. 215 O'Farrell St.. S. F.. office 5. TV ARTS mol'w and birthmarks removed without a knife. PROP. N HLYMAN, SSM 10th St.; tel. Park 7070. * GRADUATE masseuse. ELMA MADISON". West hank bldg.. BM Market, r. 407. Open Sunday. VAPOR and tu!> baths, mass, treats., elec. and mani'uring. 1114 Dlvlsadero st. near Eddy. MISS LAWRENCE, late N Y. Baths, massage, elec. treat. 72."> Geary, apt. 17-18. 2d floor. STEAM BATH and sci jtlfle massage; pimples removed from face. IVHJ'i Post ar. Franklin. GRADUATE BtaSHOSS Manicuring, face and scalp treat. 1026 Ellis St.; Franklin 1788. MISS ROSE, vlb. electric treatment; vapor baths; massage. 1122 Market at., room 7. LOUISE I'ASCOE, eastern masaags and elec. vib. treatment. Room 211. 34 Ellis at.; hrs. 10 to 10. MAGNETIC massage by trained nurse; refined patrons only. 1457 Buchanan st.; boors 12 to 9. BATHS and beneficial treat, gisen by grad. mas.; rtteom. spec. MME. DUMAS, 866. 872 Post St. MISS REED—Scientific mass., baths and elect, --ear. ilfnce 21. 1012 Fillmore; hours IS to >. SELECT BATH MASSAGE INSTITUTE, 1409 Rush. St.; ph. Franklin 5131; Dew management. BUSINESS PERSONALS MISS MOORE—SCRAM BATH AND MASSAGE INSTITUTE. 1709 O'Farrell Ht. Hours, 10 to ». TUB and steam hatha: massage treatments aad manicuring. 26 tj at. apt. C near Market. SCIENTIFIC mas*., alectrlc treat, afvoa by pro fessional eurae 457 Ellis, apt. 4-S. ground Sear. JUST opened: vfb. face and scalp treat, and maa sage. 832 Market and 33 Ellis at., room 108. MISS F. RODGERS Hate of Chicago), mnsseuse; scalp treatment. 34 Ellis St.. room SOL MISS GORDAN—NewIy opened; elect, and scien tific treatments. BSB Eddy; bow management. DRUG LESS METHOD- elec. light bath, alcohol, oil manip. 1415 O'Firrall; 10-9; tel. Weat 8915 MISS F. BURKE, medicated baths, scientific massage, magnetic wave. 1015 A O. Gate ar. WELLS — MAGNETIC AND SCALP TREAT MENTS. 1065 MISSION ST., ROOM 55. ELECTRIC light baths, medical mass.; new man agement. 3r>o Post st.. rooms 317-318. MISS MAY —Steam and sulphur baths, elect., blk.. mass., vib. treat. 1122 Market, room S. MRS. HARRIS»--.Vib..elec..blanket sweats.chirop ody; special treat, for aching feet. T57 Pac.bld. GERMAN nurse: Nauheim treat. Medicated baths, vibration 626 Hyde st. near Geary. ETHEL GEARY bath and massage parlors, 627 Ellis. Elec. vibro.. elec. blanket; select pat. ELECTRIC theraoeoile treaiment: tub baths. MISS RAY. 406 Sutter st.. r. 312: hrs. 11-9. GRADUATE masseuse gives baths, massage; hours P. to fl. .IPS oth st.. Oakland. PERSONALS UNHAPPY girls will find a woman friend to ad vise and help them at Rockhurst Center. 130 McAllister st., dally from 2t04 p. m. Tela nhone Market <2.-. Q. IN FORM AtT6n "WANTED PATT.TF. you must write to mamma. GET married; marry wealthy members, all ages, tired living alone, anxious to marry; details free. Call or write Mr*. Hyde. 2077 Mission St. PARTIES wtshlnr to marry. call or write MRS. MILLARD. 2209 Sutter: details 25c: W. 47P0. CLAIRVOYANTS AA —- PROF. J. E. SHAW QeaahM clairvoyant, true and reliable: tella full names: gives advice on love, marriage, divorce, bus! Bets, patents, changes, deaths, wills, deeds; removes evil influences, reunites separated: read ings 60 ceuts: satisfaction guaranteed. 25 Third St., next to Hearst building. A PRINCESS ZORAIDA: she has no equal; she. ti lis your name and exactly what you called for without asking a question; special reading 50c; hours 109: closed Sunday. 1843 Fillmore, st. MME. ZAZEL. the myatlc clairvoyant, crystal gazer, palmist, healer: In what others claim to do see her for best results: how to Invest for success; reunites separated. 10 3d st. off Market MISS ZEMDAK. young, gifted clair. and palmist: a wonderful prophetess: hours 10 to 10; ladles 50c. geltnemen 31. 1106 Pivlsadero near Turk. WANTED—Good medium or clairvoyant at 1144 Market st. MME. LEON IDA. palmist, cards, clairvoyant: honest Tendings; mines spec. 948 McAllister. MME. D EVEN A—Card reading 25c and 50c. Minion st near 19th: tel. Mission 13SL INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. 1109 Market st. near postofflce. lm prove your spare time. ETHEL COTTON STUDIO of expression, oratory, after dinner and extempore speaktng. 111.- Mkt. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY. 2161 Shattuck ay., Berkeley, Cal.. room 4. Wright block. ~ EMPLO YMENT OFFICES Japanese Chinese cleaning help furnished. Japanese-Chinese Emp. office, 1711 Post st Ta Tm & Co. SST »-* ployment office. 1612 Lagana St.. West 17SL C. D. KINNEY'. Chinese Employment bureau, snccessor to 3, Conn, 785 Clay at.; phono Douglas 3162. JAPANESE-CHINESE Employment Office—All kinds of best help. 2134 Fillmore: West 339. ALL kinds of help furnished with care, dispatch. OSCAR HATSUMI. 1513 Geary St.; West 6688. A. N. KNOPIL Chinese and Filipino emp. office, 777 Clay st.; phone Kearny 4«36; estab. 35 yrs. STAR EMP. OFFICE- - Japanese-Chinese help. W. KODATA. 1810 Geary; tel West 16T. 52706. " EMPXOTM ENT WANTED FEMALE A A F ciass Cerman girl wishes second work end waiting; g.KMI worker; country '>uly; ref erep.e. Telephone Park 2289. Call at 1130 Market St.. room 21. At ME EMPLOYMENT CO.. 1260 G. O. ay.. West 7295—1f you want reliable help call or ring us up; specialty, practical and trained nurses. COMPETENT American cook; capable of taking entire charge in private family; city reference. West 7028; room 10. COMPETENT woman wishes position as a good cook; willing to do plain wash'ng; city, or short distance la country. Call at 1167 Harri son st., bet. 7th and Bth. DESIRED Position as corresponding secretary. bookkeeper, publicity expert or any position Where responsibility and Intelligence counts. h\ a young woman with high recommenda tions. Franklin 1407. apt. 311. DRESSMAKER and tailoress wants day or time work: remodels. Room 16, 915 Polk St.; phone Franklin 1733. GERMAN woman wishes position In hotel or res taurant; speaks French and English; refer ences. MRS. ROTHENFLUH, William Tell hotel. 663 Clay st. GOOD, competent woman, good cook, desires situation; home more than wages; $30. MISS DILLON. 1138 Turk st. GERMAN hotel cook desires situation, city or country. $40. MISS DILLON, 1138 Turk St.; tel. West 6460. GOOD ranch cook desires work, any part coun try. $35. MISS DILLON, 1138 Turk St.; tel. West 64C6. I WANT light housework: am a good cook; un derstand canning a.d preserving fruit. Phone West 2785. LADY wants position as a good plain cook and housekeeper. Apply room 15. 830 Folsoni st. No summer resort work, but ranch work: hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. LADY artist model, age 19 years, would like work afternoons in studios in San Francisco; would call. 2612 Hlllegass ay.. Berkeley. Cal. NORWEGIAN girl wants work by tbe day Iron ing. washing and bousecleaning. Address 1542 Guerrero st. REFINED lady wishes position as manager of up to date apartment house; thoroughly com petent; best of ref. For further information telephone Franklin 7642. STEADY', competent person wishes position to do general housework in small family; no objection to short distaaee in the country. 2300 Post st. near Divlsadero. SITUATION WANT ADS IN THE CALL WILL COST 10c for 4 LINES'. FIGURING 7 WORDS TO A LINE. STENOGRAPHER and typist wauts position. Telephone Park 3397. STRONG woman would like day's work; $1.60 per day. 15998 Treat a.. SPANISH lady cook wanted; very good position. Apply 1653 Mason st. TRAINED nurse would take any kind of nursing or invalid cases, day or night duty: finest ref erences. Phone Park 3595. TYPIST, expert, employed during day. deslrea extra work ln the evening. Box 25. Call office. WANTED—Position, housework aud plain cook ing, city or country: wages $7 per week. Call before 5 p. m. GERMAN WOMAN. 430 7th St.. near Bryant. WANTED—By experienced laundress and house worker, work in private family Saturday each week, whole or half day. Please pbooe' even ings only after 6. West 8243. WOMAN wishes washing and sweeping. Apply at 3919 21st st. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE AM 27, have experience at carpentry and cabinet work: want any position where I can be useful. L. KOPERSKI. phone Market 0245. ACTIVE elderly man, good plain cook, general handy man, wauts work; country. Box 1183, Call office. BOY between 17 and 18 wants position at any thing; can drive; knowa streets in Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley; also city. Box 1054, Call office. BY" elderly handy man, good help, work round house, city or country: good treatment preferred to high wages. R. 8., Humboldt bouse. Mis sion at. bet. 7th and Btb. BAR TENDER, nonunion, wanta position: middle aged Germaa; trot afraid to work: wages do object; references. Address box 1165, Call. BOOKKEEPER—GeneraI office man, wishes position: 8 years' experience; best of local refs. Address box 1197, Call office. CHINESE rook wants position In famtly; $45 per mo. LEE SING CO., Sll 6th St., Oakland. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1913. EMPLOYMENT WANTED CHINESE young saaw, speaks, reads and writes English, wants Job as janitor or porter In apt, or hotel, day or night work, box 106S, tall office, . CARPENTER —Oompetant for all work, wishes work hardwood floor laying, reflolablng; day, contract. 848 GarSsld St. Pbooe Valencia, 2769. f CHOREMAN about private place or institution; cars for few horses, garden, milk cows; handy, reliable man; can give first claas ref. Box 8001. Call of flee, branch 1667. Fill—ore st. CHAUFFEUR-GARDENER; Ufa experience with family; do repairs; knows city and bay cities experienced on mountain roads; abstainer; local reference. Box 11S6. Call office. CHINESE, excellent cook, meat and pastry, wishes position, hotel, boarding hoeso or pri vate family; good references; satisfaction. CHARLES WTLLMOX. 936 Stockton st. CODE, reliable man. neat, sober. 87. wanta sit uation small resort, boarding or private place; good family cooking, tee cream, etc; wages *45 up. Address H. F.. 237 8. 3d. San Jose. DRY goods and furnishing; good man of experi ence, ln general store or for any dept.; city or country; best of references. Box 1075. Call. DIVER, with world wide experience, seeks en gagement la any part of the world; Al refer ences. Box 1080, Call office. EXPERIENCED, sales-man, stoves, ranges, etc.: 0 also furnishing goods; open for position. Ad dress E. F. G.. box 206, Oakland. Cal. FLAT or cottage. 3 rooms aud ga*. iti exchange for painting, papering, etc. 408 Albert lane. GRADUATE male nurse wants a case for 4 or 6 weeks during vacation: thoroughly knows hi* business. Box 1085, Call office. GENTLEMAN stenographer, uses owu type writer, best references, wants office work by day, week or month. Box 1052. Call office. LATHING and plastering dove by day or con tract very reasonable, city or country; work guaranteed. Box 1073. Call office. MAN AND WIFE WANT POSITIONS TcT GETHER: REFERENCES. PHONE MISSION 7507 OR WRITE 2730 MISSION ST. MAN —Strong, good appearance, age 29, would like a steady position. A. PAOR, 952 Ellis St., S. F. Franklin 4593. (No canvassing.) MAN would like a job in restaurant or hotel as dish washer. JACK OCHSMER, Helvetia hotel, 637 California st. MIDDLE AGED German wants steady position as janitor or houseman. Box 1121, Call office. POSITIONS wanted; man and wife: excellent on meat, bread rolls, salads, puddings, ice creams, sherbets, freeses of all kinds; good on bill of fare, table d'hote, hotels (American plan*, hospitals or Institutions; can take full charge. Hotel Comfort. 744 Howard, room 11. POULTRYMAN—TotaI abstainer, reliable. 12 years' experience, wants position on poultry farm: salary or shares; place not paying ac cepted, or will start new place for party. 1214 Geary st. PRACTICAL INTERIOR PAINTER WANTS A STEADY JOB: CAN BE FOREMAN. AD DRESS 2218 9TH ST.. BERKELEY. POSITION as watchman or caretaker; reliable and trnstworthv; good references If required. Box 1113. Call office. RELIABLE young man. graduate auto school and some experience, wants position in shop or garage; wages no object; want chance to learn and prove ability. ('. E. R.. 1177 Dolores St.; tel. before 9. after 5. Valencia 3038. Rf'i.i \BI.E young man desires position as clerk or time keeper: uses typewriter: recommenda tion from law and abstract office where last no liqitor firms considered; referen ces exchanged. Bos 1193, Call office. RESFECTABLE. temperate, middle aged man wishes work In private house or Institution; a good painter and tlnter: not afraid of work; city or country. Box 1053. Call office. RELIABLE young colored boy. 20 years, wants work at anything; can do little plain cooking; bandy at anything; hotel or private. Add. E. S.. 532 Grant ay.. city. SORER, reliable, experienced, elderly German wants light work of any kind, who Is familiar with bouse cleaning, porter and janitor work: willing worker; good home more of an object than big pay; city or country. Box 1182. Call. STENOGRAPHER, large legal and ofri-e experi ence, desires extra work on week nights or Sundays. Address P. O. box 671, city. SALARY OF NO CONSIDERATION AT START; young man: office manager, expert bookkeeper. Box 1189. Cail office. SITUATION WANTED ADS IN THE CALL WILL COST 10 CENTS FOR FOUR LINES, FIGURING SEVEN WORDS TO A LINE. WATCHMAKER In Colorado wishes position in California October 1 : 25 years' experience: 3 years railroad Inspect ion; capable of taking full charge of department. F. H. WALKLEY. 1111 E. Washington St.. Stockton, will put you In correspondence with him. TEACHER, man of experience, wants position ln California or any other western state; best references; prlncipalshlp or high school work preferred. Box G. Call office. San Jose. YOUNG man. 30. wishes work on ranch; can milk; with nice family preferred. Box 4510, Call office. Oakland. YOUNG man with experience as an electrical contractor desires position in ehvtrle shop or wholesale house. Box 1112. Call office. FEMALE HELP _ WE want lady workers and also managera In every city and town in the west; easily aver age $5 to $25 per day. Write or call for par ticulars. CHL" ALE COMPANY, Inc., 964 Market St.. San Francisco. WANTED—Stenographer and office assistant of good address, capable meeting ladies ln recep tion room; $75 month to start: quick advance to right party: $300 cash required; absolute security. Call room 18, 964 Market St.. S. F. ADVICE FREE IN SACRED CONFIDENCE on intimate family affairs, damages, etc.: suits or defenses guaranteed; successful or no fee. We advance costs; 3 well known attorneys. LAW INSTITUTE. 15th floor. Chronicle tldg. LEARN HAIR DRESSING—The Famous PEAVY (P. V.) SYSTEM: enroll now. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING. 967 Market St., 2d floor, nr. Empress theater. Write for booklet. LADIES and girls to tint pillow topa at home; $6 to $60 per doxen: experience unnecessary at starting. WORLD'S FAIR ART ASS'N, 927 Broadway. Oakland, room 30. 10 to 4 p. m. LEARN how to make corsets: you can make $15 to $23 per week; corset makers are scarce; our system easily learned. L'IDEAL TAILORED CORSET PARLOR. 47 Grant ay. ANY girl ln sorrow, perplexity, needing a friend adviser, is invited to call or write MISS TAN NER. Salvation Army Headquarters. 417 Mar ket st. S. F.; hours 2 to 4. BOOKKEEPING thoroughly taught in 2 months-, practical course, private lessons, day or even ing; get my booklet. W. L. DAUTERMAN. public accountant. 1250 Flood bid.; Sutter 4394. WANTED—3 lady solicitors; good appearance; steady employment; salary. Ask to see MRS. W. D. JOHNSON, 975 Market st. WANTED—Ladies to canvasa and take orders for made-to-measure corsets; good profits. ST. LOUIS CORSET CO.. St. Loula. Mo. LADIES wanted for home work; stamping ap plied; $1 doxen upward paid. Call, don't write, room 404. 1278 Market at. GET married—Many weathy members, anxious to marry, details free. MRS. HYDE, 2677 Mission st. WANTED—A young woman; must be a first class plain cook. Apply 1590 Broadway. Wages $40.00. WOMAN to work few hours a day in exchange for housekeeping room. 1457 Geary St., Hotel A led a. WANTED—A woman, first class cook; wages $45 to $50. Call 1590 Broadway. BUTLER. SCHUTZE ft CO.. 7oi Market St.— Milllnerv makers sad apprentices wanted. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Men, women, learn the barber trade; we teach you in 8 weeks; pay wages while learning; Moler graduates always In demand; position guaran teed; we also give you a complete chemical course free. Call and let us explain. 234 3d st. BRISCOE BARBER COLLEGE Wants men to learn barber trade; only 6 to 8 weeks required; tools furnished: wages while learning; positions secured; I own and conduct my own school; over 10 years in business, for merly with the Moler system 40 years; write, or come see for yourself. 755 Howard st. DO YOU WANT TO STOP PAYING RENT AND OWN YOUR OWN HOME? Listen! I can do tbia for you anywhere in California and on the installment plan. Agents waDted. GEO. F. HILTON, 755 Market st, 200 Humboldt Bank building, Ssn Francisco. WANTED OFFICE ASSISTANT For rity office of large manufacturing cor poration established on Paciflc coast; applicant must invest $500 in stock of company; former companies prove the security; good salary. Call after 9 a. tn.. 417 Market st. RICHMOND WOOLEN MILLS. HOP PICKERS—Men. women and children wanted for our Russian river hop yards; beau tlful camp grounds, excellent water, firewood and tents free. Register at once. E. CLEM ENS HORST CO., 150 Plae St.. room 9, 3. 9°. MANAGER for Sacramento branch of local mo torcycle specialty house; $150 month; must deposit $200 for 0 samples snd furnish refer ences. Address box 1106. Call office. WANTED—3 live salesmen familiar \gith motor trucks: good, liberal proposition aid perma nent. See sales manager. LINCOLN MOTOR SALES CO.. 690 Van Ness ay. WAGON BOY. 16 years old. Apply at superin tendent's office. THE EMPORIUM. . EXPERIENCED rug salesman. Apply at super intendent's office, THE EMPORIUM. MALM HELP WANTED _ Csssatlatsssst _ BOY wanted about 16 years old to keep stock clean and general work la shipping room. Call between 8 and • a. a., MILTON-BRADLEY CO.. 676 Market st. LEARN RARRER TRADE—It reanlrea about 8 weeks. Yea can stay as long as yon like. Chases to saaks $10 weak while learning; ahav lag 10c. CAL. BARBER COLLEGE. 146 Sd at. WANTED—Man with $380 to take half Interest in cabinet and carpenter shop; carpenter pre ferred; one partner retiring. Call 40 Kearny St.. roam 410. WE teach yen the barber trade free; we furnish you with tools: make good money while learn ing. MODERN BARBER SCHOOL. 804 How ard st AA— AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING THOR OUGHLY TAUGHT IN THE SHORTEST POS SIBLE TIME: POSITIONS AWAITING YOU. 2070-78 MARKET ST. WANTED —50 men roomers; new hotel: new furniture; best rooms ta the city. $2 per week sDd np; one week's rent free. HOTEL MIN NTCK. 345 3d at. DELIVERY BOYS. 18 years, to work after school and Saturdays. Apply at superintend enfs office, THE EMPORIUM. PAINTER wented; plain work, pay every night; give phone number and wages wanted. Ad dress box 1066. Call office. DOUGLAS HOUSE, 758 Harrison st. near 3d—200 hard finished rooms; large reading room; hot water; rooms 25c a dsy, $1.25 and $1.50 week. AA—DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. Will positively pay the highest price in city. Strictly confidential. 995 MARKET. ROOM 202. SEAFARING help wanted—Men shipped to all parts of the world. W. B. SWEARS, Paciflc Mall dock, pier 42: Kearny 2159. BOOKKEEPING thoroughly taught la 3 months; practical course, private lessons, dsy or even ing: get my booklet. W. L. DAUTERMAN, public accountant. 1256 Flood bid.: Sutter 4394. MEN and boys wanted to learn barber trade. Ws teach you free of charge. Come and see for yourself. 804 Howard st. MEN and women learn the barber trade: special Inducements to next tee. INTERNATIONAL BARBER SCHOOL, 790 Howard st. AUTOMOBILE engineering and driving taught tn least possible time; practical experience. 2070 Market st. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen; wages about $100. experience unnecessary; aead age, stamp. RAILWAY, care Call. GET married —Many wealthy members, anxious to marry, details free. MRS. HYDE, 2877 Mission street. SALESMAN for draperies and curtains. Apply at superintendent's office, THE EMPORIUM. WANTED—Boy for messenger and office work; wages $8 per week. Address box 1076, Call. WANTED -Two man to learn automobile drlv tng. repairing and care. Apply 812 Gough st FIVE men wanted to learn automobile driving in one week: guaranteed: $10. 20 12th st. AUTO MOTOR ENGINEERING SCHOOLS'. Corner 57th and Adeline sts.. Oskland. Eat. 1906. SAILORS and firemen, steamer. Chile and re tnrn. SHIPPING OFFICE, 11*4 Steuart st AUTOMOBILE school -Good chance for begln ners. Call for particulars. 1841 Market St. CLEAN baths good service. RENO HOTEL BARBER SHOP. 248 Bth st. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS $5 DAILY—Fast seller: 100 fine printed visiting or business cards, with nice identifica tion cardcase. only 3©c; samles free. 8. ROB KINS NOVELTIES, 1180 41st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. __»UJ3aa3f AND WLICTTOBS TWo advertising solicitors on labor day edi tion of labor paper; reference. 356 Albany block. Oakland. S;:;o to 10 a. tn. barbers" and" SUPPLIES ~ THE qualify and guarantee on the BARKER REVOLVING POLE speaks for Itself; over 40 sold in San Francisco In the month of June; don't let any one tell you they have something Just as good; prices and terms are within reach of all. JAMES BARKER. INC.. 88-88 Turk st. FOR sale—2 chair barber shop. Al fnrntture and equipment; good lease: best location: town 20 miles from Sacramento: population about 4,000. monthly payroll $100,000. For particulars 515 20th st.. Sacramento. Cal. MUST sell at ouce; the best bargain ever offered In this city; $riso buys this fine little 4 chair barber shoi ); rent $30 per month, with a lease and fine location; worth investigation. Box 1 ISO, Call office. WE have a large stock of second hand chairs and shop fixtures at very low prices and the lowest of terms JAMES BARKER. INC.. SB-.88 Turk st. FOR quick sale: Barbers get this! One chair shop, .; livlog rooms, furnished: price $125 for all; other business awaiting me. 3121 Hopkins st.. Fruit vale. BARBER shop, with 2 living rooms, for sale; all furnished; rent $17.50; average receipts. $25 per week: price $200 ; fnrntture for living rooms included. 102 7th St.. Oakland. FOR sale—First class barber shop, running 2 chairs: fine furniture, good location: sell at a bargain. 825 Franklin St.. Oakland. ALL furnished shop for Bale or rent; transfer corner. NE corner 23d ay. aud 21st st, Oak land. BARBER —Steady for Wednesdays S a. m. to 8 p. m.: sll day Saturday; union wages. 695 Hayea st. FIRST CLASS barber, 20 years' experience, wants work, either short or steady Job. Ad dress BARBER, box 1091. Call office. SHOP for lady or gentleman; all kinds of BAR BERS' CHAIRS CHEAP; see my new CREDIT plan. 394 Hayes St.; phone Park 1242. $225 buys one chair shop. Including furniture of 4 room cottage; bath; rent $8; receipts over $100 a month. THE GLOBE. SunoL UP TO DATE psylng hotel shop: transfer cor ner, near fair grounds; lease; cheap rent; sell at great sacrifice. Address box 1083. Call office. BARBERS. ATTENTION! OAKLAND OFFICE. THE CALL. 1540 BROADWAY. PHONE OAKLAND 1083. BARBER, aged, reliable and good, wants posi tion; country preferred; small wages accepted. Box 1093. Call office. BARBER apprentice with couple years' experi ence wanted: steady Job; good pay. Address box 1084. Call office. WANTED—First class barber to buy half or whole interest in first class shop. Box 4511, Call office. Oakland. FIRST CLASS union barber wants Job, evenings. Saturday. Sunday, steady. ■C. H. ORDLER, 643 McAllister st. WANTED—A first class barber who works down town to help out evenings; 50 cents per hour. 4006 26tb st. FOUR chair tranalent shop; transfer corner; lease: rent $50; will sacrifice. 17 2d st., near Market. FOR sale—Best 3 chair barber shop in the West ern Addition; lease till after fair. Inquire 1628 Ellis st. BARBER coats, $1.25: coata while they last for $1. Phone Park 672. Call 412 Duboce ay. WANTED—Barber for Saturday hud Sunday; $5. 1771 Myrtle St.. Oakland. ONE chair atop for sale; rent $10; average $20. Call at 2209 25th ay.. East Oakland. CORTEZ —Steam baths, scientific masseuse; elec. vib. 915 Van Ness cor. Bills, suite 208; hrs. 11-10 FOR sale—l chair barber shop, good location; price $100. Apply FRANK BAKER. Hollifiter. IF you want to make easy money use "Beef Gall" shampoo. At BAUER'S. 59 OTarrell st. WANTED—Good shaver and hair cutter. Cell at 1214 Laguua st. and ask for Mr. Slmert. BARBERS' UNION free amp. agency. ROB H. BAKER, sec. SO4 Mission st; tel. Doug. 1443. FOR sale—Half Interest In 4 chair barber shop. For particulars address box 182. Maricopa. Cal. BARBER wanted: steady Job: short hour shop; bring tools; good salary. 504 Battery at. THERE is danger in using cheap face creams. Get the •best, at BAUER'S. 59 OTsrrell st. CASH 'paid for barber's furniture and tools at 904ti| Buchanan st. near Fulton. BARBER shop for sale on account of sickness. 1708 16th st. SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING J^iJ^c^mE____ BEES, several healthy stocks, and op to data fittings, specially sdapted to S. F. conditions hustlersi and tractable. Want Remington 22 rifle, good gramaphone, or what have you? Box 1072. Call office. • 1 HAVE a fine wirehnired male fox terrier dog .about 15 months old: good watch dog: white with yellow spots. What have you to offer? Address box 1190. Call office. FOR sale or exchange—t room cottage and barn, $1,100; near Cortland ay.; might taks carpen ter work as part payment for $300, or what have you? Address box 1074. Call office. ICE box, bed davenport, 9x12, rug settee. 2 chairs, antique bookstand. 2 center tables and some cash for small team, harness snd spring wagon. Address box 1199. Call office. BEAUTIFUL, marine view villa site. 3,000x2§0; Santa Our, city; want cottage, flsts, vactfnt lot ln 9. F.: will pay difference. Box 4308, Call office. Oakland. $50 child's willow crib snd baby carriage; also j?as range (eleratsd oven) snd library tsble; value *$40 now; went gramaphona records. Box 4907, Call "office; Oakland. i SOMETHING FOB SOMETHING TO EXCHANGE A $78 VlctroJa and $30 worth of Red Seal records to exchange for motorcycle ln good shape. Box 1104, Call office. NEW hand yacvtum cleaner, regular price $7.60; will take $3.60 cash, or .what hare you? Box 1178. Call office. _ ANNALS of San Francisco; floe, well bound volume, gilt top: value $10; exchange for other old California books. Box 1192. Call. TWO room house; deep lot. south front; trees and berries: chicken run: all fenced: for wagon and team. Box 6298. Call office. Oakland. I WANT a 7xll foot power press with type, etc.; will exchange new salable merchandise (at cut price) for same. Address box 1154. Call. Wl LI. exchange $75 Rex B flat cornet, satin finish, engraved, for reflex or graflex kodak. T. O. R.. 232 Main St.. Petalnma. Cal. ONE Dr. Moorefleld hath cabinet, value $25. for good camera, rifle or Elgin watch. Box 1196. Call office. _ PRINTING—SmaII nice plant to exchange for cheap lot. Address box 90, Call office. BEAUTIFUL eucalyptus portieres and bed com plete; want sewing machine. 606 Ellis st. FIVE passenger 1911 auto: trade on cottage or lot. Address box 4515. Call. Oakland. EQUITY of $600; Al Richmond city lot for auto. 2or S passenger. Box 1049. Call office, automobilYs and sctplies • All correspondence will be answered promptly by the following advertisers: WE HATE ABOUT 15 SECOND HAND CARS, ROADSTER AND TOURING CAR MODELS. ALL STANDARD MAKES. WHICH WE HAVE TAKEN IN TRADE ON OAKLAND CARS. OUR FACTORY HAS INSTRUCTED US TO CLOSE OUT THESE CARS BY .TULY 31 AT THE BEST FIGURES OBTAINABLE. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A HIGH GRADE USED CAR. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US DURING THE NEXT FEW DAYS. NO REA SONABLE OFFER REFUSED. AND WILL GIVE SOME TIME TO RESPONSIBLE PAR TIES. 542-4 Van Mess Awbiibb© Acute Exqpsiiiis© Rdifeccid Put a Howes Gas Aerator on your car. The only device on the market working automati cally from the throttle. It also has hand ad justment from the steering post. Will reduce your gasoline consumption 20 per cent. Will inrrease the power of your engine and do away with carbonizing. Gives a perfect mixture of air with gasoline, and Insures perfect combustion in the cylinder. Installed with a guarantee to give satisfaction or money refunded. A„gß®°Ainia®r o Aeiraftoir Co. 536 GOLDEN GATE AY. OHIO electric coupe. 4 passenger model. This car cost $2,000 about a year ago and has been used but very little. Have no further use for this car and am offering it for Immediate sale at $1,100. This Is a wonderful bargain at that price. Can be seen all day Sunday at 608 Golden Gate ay. MAXWELL roadster. 1912 model, fully equipped and in fine condition. One of the classiest carg on the street. Has foredoor botly and practi cally new fires. Am going to sell this car im mediately and will accept best cash offer. IPtae WtmbMa (513511 MITCHELL 6 cylinder 7 passenger touring car. Owner has left city and instructed us to Sell this car for the best Immediate offer. This would make a fine family or rent car, and very little money will buy it. Call at WINTON 6 cylinder touring car. fully eqnippei and ln excellent mechanical condition: for im mediate cash sale will accept $700; car worth twice that amount. Can be seen Sunday at 608 Golden Gate ay. LOZIER 7 passenger touring car. fully equipped and in excellent condition: car worth $1,500. but for immediate sale will accept $1.100. and give some terms if sold by Monday noon. Phone Franklin 6131. PACKARD delivery truck. This car in good me chanical condition. For Immediate sale; will cept $300. Phope Franklin 6151. CHALMERS DETROIT roadster, in fine condi tion, cheap for cash. Delivery car. inclosed: newly overhauled; light and strong. Apply 240 McAllister st. SLEEP In your car when camping: outfit Is sim ple, compact and economical; no tent«. cots or mattresses needed; fits any touring car; booklet free. AUTOMOBILE BERTH WORKS. Oak land. Cal. AUTO lamps and horns, sample line, selling cheap. BORSCH LAMP CO., 1135 Mission st. 7 PASSENGER. 70 h. p. Thomas Flyer; very rea sonable. HOTEL ALEXANDER. AUTOMOBILE loans AAAA —Money loaned on automobiles at banking rates. C. E. HERRICK. Inc., 611-13-15 Mer chants' Exchange building: te__ Douglas 1359. AUTOMOBILE S JfTED AUTOMOBILE wanted for cash; must be a late model and good make. ALEX BOND, 2205 Scott st. nr. Clay: Phone West 0217. AND M^O^CTCiTeS^ THOR—World's great motorcycle; THOR own ership denotes distinction and intelligent selec tion; the better class of riders are naturally attracted to the THOR because they appreciate true worth and are willing to pay for It; get our catalogue and terms of payment; 80 thor oughly overhauled second hand machines, priced to fit your purse. PACIFIC MOTOR SUPPLY CO., A. Freed. Pres., Pacific Coast Distributors. 1440 Market st.. ° San Francisco. . Branch in Los Angeles. MY 1913 Excelsior 7 H. P.. equipped with Presto tank, large lamp, spring tandem. 28x3 auto tire, for $240. At BENTB & BAUM QARDNER. 1548 Market st. DAYTON for reliability, strength and perfect fin ish: see the Dayton 9 h. p. » inch tires, $290; immediate del. A. Zlmmerlin, 1630 G. Q. ay. 1913 twin De Luxe, chain drive, 9 h. p.. $300; 7 h. p.. $290. MAGOINE 9c HOOKER. 1626 Mkt. HEISE BROS., the old reliable place, experts ln motor and bicycle repairing. 1806 Market st. R. S. PIERCE, Emblem motorcycles and bicycles. Cal. agt.. J. T. BILL. 357 Golden Gate ay,. S.F. LOT of second hand bicycles cheap. I. W. HOUCHIN, 1104 Valencia st SQUARE PIANO for sale at 136 Steiner st. PIANOS for rent: no cartage. BYRON MAUZY,' Gold Medal Pianos. 250 Stockton st VICTOR talking machine and records for sale. 307 Webster st. _ FoWJsTIE COMPLETE furnishings of an artistic Pacific ay. apartment flat to be sold singly or as s whole. Phone Fillmore 3023. FUltNiTUßir^^ A—WANTED, AT ONCE. FOR CASH— Furniture, carpets, completely turn, homes; desks, sofas, typewriters, showcases, etc. MARK J. LEVY AUCTION CO.. 855 Mission St. bet. 4th and sth; tel. Sutter 1209. FURNITURE, carpets,, completely furn. tomes; desks, sofas, typewriters, showcases, etc. MARK J. LEVY AUCTION CO.. 855 Mlslon, bet. 4th and 6th; tel. Sutter 1209. L. VINCENT, auctioneer. 601 McAllister st.; tel. Home 53404. Park 1805— Pays tbe highest pries for furnished houses, flats, etc.; spot cash. ANY kind furniture for 150 rm. house; no deal- IMlJilLll-—f 4 19^ st ' PBOnw Val - * g - 9 7 LARGE asst.. office .furniture at very low pries; sea us first. GALLICK. 941-45 Mission st. SEWING MACHINES ALL makes sold, repaired, rented. MoNALLY, 2864 Mission sear 23d; tel. Mission 202, M 3634. wTITER jf WOLF. dealer-Rebuilt typewriters of all descriptions, expert iMjrirtssJj typewrit era inspected snd rented! ribbons for *\\ tna chinas; carbon papers snd office supplies. JOT Bush St.; phone Douglas 4113. WE sell st $3 month etsndard rebuilt Reming tons No. 7 sad Smith Premiers No, 2. gusran teed. ALEXANDER'S, 512 Market at. OAKLAND Typewriter Exchange. 1435 Broadway. Oakland, dealers In all makes of typewriters. TOTAL ADIMNG NA 11TIONA1L CASH RffiG ESTEL&S—MEW Registering from 5c to $1.95. price $40: regis tering from 5c to $5.95. tape printer, price $...>. TERMS—SS down and $5 per month. Slightly uaed and second hand registers at big bargains. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 1040 Market st. ~ FOR SALE. 2Ys horsepower gasoline engine, almost new; complete with pulleys, cooler tank, belt; mount ed on heavy timbers: all ready to operate; cost new $125; will sell for $55. H. W. KENT, 1540 Broadway, Oakland. FOB SALE—NEW AND SECOND HAND carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories: bar fixtures of all kinds; easy pay ments. We trust the people. The BRUNS WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 767-769 Mis slon st.. San Francisco. SECOND HAND PIPE Largest dealers In standard pipe and screw casing: dipped; prices right: guaranteed first C'ass. PACIFIC PIPE CO., Main and Howard sts ALL SIZES SECOND HAND WATER PIPE Best quality standard water pipe and screw casing: guaranteed good as new: prompt sblp ment. WKISSBAUM PIPE WORKS. 131 11th st. ~ CASH REGISTERS Big stock second hand Nationals; guaranteed; cash or time. Cash Mercantile Co.. 247 Pine at. FOUR English setter pups. 2 male. 2 female. 6 mouths old. by Captain Wbitestone; price reas onable. WM. J. HAPKE. Wahoo, Neb. REAL STOVE MAN: stoves, water heaters. $5 up; waterbacks. $2 up; repairs. Jobbing. A. J. MORSE. BDi McAllister st.: phone Mkt. 0900. PIPE threading machine. Doe mixers. French ranges, steam tables: new and second hand. WESTERN RANGE CO.. 532 McAllister st. PIANO for sale for storage; in good condition. Reklns' Van and Storage Co.. 13th and Mis sion sis. ELEC. signs, names, cafeteria, pool. club, oyster grill: steam table cheap. 579 McAllister st. SAKE Rig second hand steel lined Jeweler* safe; snap. 669 Mission st. below 3d. EDISON AGENCY moving picture machines and stereopticons. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. SAFES, new and second hand, cheaper than ever. THE HERMAN SAFE CO.. 120 Folsom st. MOTIOGRAPH moving picture mach.: wholesale headqrs. EDWARD H. KEMP, 833 Mkt., 3. F. 500 FOLDING chairs for sale cheap at 989 Mission st. Must be sold Monday. HIGHEST PRICE paid for old buildings. RAPID WRECKING CO.. 115 Church st.: Market S2rt4. MISCELLAN^ DRESS suits, tuxedos, other good suits bought. L. SKOLL. 325 Kearnv st. ; tel. Kearny 2280. MOVING PTCTITBg MACHINES MOVING PICTURE machines, all makes; also supplies. G. A. METCALFE. 153 Eddy St. JHORSES, HARNESS AND WAGONS 14TH AND VALENCIA STS. A SUP I'LY OF GOOD HORSES ALWAYS ON HAND. GUARANTEED AS REPRE SENTED E. STEWART & CO. TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION By order of J. A. Steele of New Excelsior Stables. I will sell at public auction, for feed bill, buckskin mare, 1 single harness and 2 buggies, formerly the property of Dantal Han i,ilmii. August 1. 1913. at 12 a. m. at Mission Sale Stables, 4SO Valencia st. FOR sale, cheap—l bay mare, high bred; 2 bug gies, ] sulky, 2 sets of harness. Call for in formation at 853 Ist ay.. Richmond District. FOR sale—Fine marc, also wagon and harness, at 23d and Noe sts.; coal yard. HARNESS. Saddles, auto robes; big cut In prices. Qt AST. 325 Sanchez st. near Market. POULTRY, PIGEONS, ETC. WHITE Or;iington chicks, 50 cents up. Year old cockerels. $$ and $5. 1735 Clmnnlng way. Phone Berkeley 1483. ROOMS TO LET _FC RNISHE AJVJJJUN FURWIRITED_ CALIFORNIA St.. 583. nr. Kearny—Large fur nished room, hot and cold water; bath, closet; $3 month. EDDY st., 962—-Sunny room: running water, hath, electricity, phone; walking distance; $3 per week. GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1038—Large room, running free cooking, gas, bath, phone, elec tricity: $2.50 week. JONES St.. 830—Newly furnished, running water, steam heat: walking distance; gentlemen pref. JONES St.. 836—Newly furnished, running wa ter, steam; walk, distance: gents pref. LEAVENWORTH St.. 939. near Bush—Sunny, modern rooms; fine location; phone, bath; walk ing distance. MINNA st., 719 —Newly furnished front room and bath; $2 week. Call after 6 p. m. NATOMA st.. 287. near 4th—Nicely furnished rooms with baths; running water ln every room: 25c a night, and $1.50 a week and up. PINE st., 2002. 2 blocks to Fillmore—Large sunny front room, furnished or unfurnished. $8. PINE St.. 1790—Two small sunny rooms; sep arate entrance; $1.25 and $2 a week; large room; quiet house. WILLOW ay., 424 (Eddy and Gonghl — Nicely furnished room; sunny; bath; gas; electricity; walking dlatance; $7.50 month; lady or elderly gent only. WEBSTER, 1901—Lovely sunny corner room with osvwlthout kltch.; run, water, elec, bath: reas. McmwAimo ELDERLY lady wants pleasant housekeeping room in home of elderly couple. Box 1184. Call. BOOMS FOB HOUSEKEEPING BUSH st., 2377—Newly furnished front 2 room apartment: very reasonable. ELLIS St.. 1438, near Webster—Large, sunny room, with kitchenette; $12. FIFTH St.. 365—Furnished housekeeping and rlngle rooms; running water, gas and electric ity; quiet place. GOLDEN GATE ay. 629—Sunny housekeeping suites and rooms; running water, elect, light*, gas range; $2.50 up. SCOTT, 2040—Clean, sunny attic housekeeping rooms. $1.50 per week. West 2014. SCOTT. 2040—Clean, sunny, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; complete. West 2014. VALENCIA St.. 925 —2 sunny rooms; every eon venlence; also large single room; phone; bath. 184 CLARA ST.. near fith. 2 furn. rooms for housekeeping; also 3 nnfurn. rooms with bath. PIERCE st., 815. near McAllister—Furn. front rms.; bath; fine neighborhood; excellent board; 2-4 people, $18 month. ROOM and board ln a country home- terms rea sonable. Apply MRS. L. EL THOMPSON, Oc cldental. Cal. "DARROCHLERGH"—A private home for~paT tlcular people, with country surroundings: rates reasonable and table unexcelled V ST CLAIR HOWARD, 120 College ay.. Los Gatos' Cal. J^A^^J^NTS PIERCE APARTMENTS. 900 OAK ST. CORNER PIERCE. Just completed, tb* handsomeat. most comfort able and most livable apartments in Saa Fran cisco. TWO. THREE AND FOUR ROOMS AND BA TB Continuous steam heat and hot water- wall beds; electric lights; Interior telephone; linoleum in kitchen and bath; gas range aud laundry tray in each kitchen; handsome entrance, carpeted halls and unsurpassed Janitor service. Rentalg $23 to $40. HAVES ST. (No. 0) CARS PASS THE DOOR, " REDUCED SUMMER RATES A AAA —COSTS LESS than keeping house at OAKLAND'S REFINED FAMILY HOTEL KEY ROUTE INN. Noted for its excellent meals and perfect cleanliness; besutiful gardens and chil dren's playground: kindergarten: homelike with every comfort; all electric trains to S. F. at our door. Absolutely fireproof. Protection A D T. system Installed. Must he seen. Inspection invited. " Half rates lor children. Plioa* o«k laud 5924. AA —LUCERNE API'S., 766 Sutter near Jones— Elegant eunny apts., complete service, 2 3 4 • rooms, turn, or unfurn. Phone Frank. 7808' APARTMENTS Continued .._ nj^rwvv .... WBUM iitTa tei? a partments ©EAUTOFUL CASA MAID)IR.©IMA Built along the restful old Spanish 'n'"'° n lines around a sunken Italian nrd«n; furnl.h«l or not: 2 to 6 rooma; rents $35 to $125. 118 Frederick st. Hayes car I No. g passes door. In heart of amusement and business district. San Francisco's handsomest, neatest and mo-t couvenlont 2 m>d 3 room apartment house: extri large. lUrbt halls: fast elevator service; sanitary bathrooms; private hall*: commodious dressing rooms; best of service. 50 Golden Gate ay.. ha.f block off Market st. References. A—CARMEUTA APTS.. 15th and Valencia st* 3 blocks from Market st.—Modern, sunny. room apts.: 2 rms. from $22.50. 3 rms. $ up 4 rms. 37.50 up; including steam heat, hot water, electric light, auto elevator; tel. connec tions; all large outside, rooms: prlv baths, prlv. halls. Valencia cars from ferry; tel. Park 2314. APTS. 950 Pine st. bet. Mason and Taylor—Completely fur. 2 3 4 rm. apts., finest in the city; steam heat. Janitor service: Just opened. S®_ NMo Aip&irtasnuSs Summer rates. 2 to 4 rms.; elegantly furn.. $12 up. San Pablo at 2t_ sr.; Oak. 1148. ARLINE APARTMENTS—EIIis nr. Taylor; Fire proof- 3 rooms and batb; wall bed; steam heat:'hot water: furnished complete housokpg. AA -COLCM HI A Al* A P.TM E NTS. .or .Ellis an I Polk sts.: strictly modern; unfurnished fami.y apartments: references required. DOLORES *t., 075. opposite Mission pirk (2 new. sunny. 3 room apts.; complete service, garage; $25 and $57.90. SIN room apartment: new. modern: wall beds, city steam. MONTEREY APT.. 872 Sutter st. Gates Hotel apts.. Fillmore cor. Geary—Strictly mod.; 2 rms.. $23; Bin. rm.. prlv. bath. $15 up. YERBA BEEN A APTS., 1114 Sutter—2-3 rooms, bath; furn. complete; hotel service; references. FULTON st.. 2440—Completely furn. housekpg -3 or 4 rooms; facing G. G. park; $20. ST. H1 LA IRE. Lnffeaa bet. Post and Geary—l, 2. 3. 4 rm. furni *r.ed_jipts__J]jujn^^ Unfurnished Apartments to Let GUERRERO St., 93—4 r. apt.: marine view; papered and paneled walls; all modern cony.; rent $"0; refs. BRAIN APTS. 131 Albion ay. nr. Valencia and Irtth-—Modern'2 and 3 rooms. $is hp: will fnrn. APABTMENTS TOLET TWO room furnished apartment until August 1. 055 Pine St.. apt. 5. PACIFIC a v., 1720, near Van Ness -Select 2 3 room furn. apts.. sunny and modem: $2Q S3 " FURN f SHED APA RTMENTB 4 ROOMS: sunny: all conveniences: $30 and up. MARYLAND. 303 Page; phone Mark't IPSO APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS FOR SALE AND TO LEASE HOTEL or apartment boose; 40 to 175 rooms. NE WELL-MURDOCH CO.. 30 Montgomery st., S. F. BOTELS~-BOOMINQ HOUSES HOTEL MARTINET. 1108 Geary cor. Van Neaa - Single rms.. $2.50 wk. up; free baths; cleanli ne g s a specialty; housekeeping allowed. "~HOTEL9 MARKET AT SEVENTH ST. Just opened: newest and most modern fireproof hotel In the city : right in the center of the the ater and (hopping district; not a dark room in building; large lobby; entrance from Market st and also Stevenson st. opposite postofflee. Rates 75c to $2 per day; $4 to $10 weekly. Special rates to permanent guests. "Live downtown and cave carfare." Phone Market 6026. mw wmmoß motel 238 EDDY ST. No. 4 car direct to door from ferry; city steam heat, boiling water; phone in every room (Frank lin 3522): elevator service 24 hours; lobby; cen ter of shopping and theater districts. Rates—Room with private bath. $1 per day: $5 weekly; with detached bath, $3.50. Special rates to permanent guests. A— ROSEMONT, 214 Height st. : Idea! place for tourists; single rooms snd apts of 2. 3. 4 rooms with bath; cleg. fur. room $3.50 wk. up; beau tiful resting lobby; grand panoramic view from roof garden- Halght st. car No. 7 direct from ferry. MRS J. J. ANDERSON, prop.; Park 589 MOTEL 445 O'FARRELL ST.-Mode-n fireproof building: all outside rooms: rates (room with ba'hi $i SO day up; single rooms $1 day; weekly rates $3 up; special rates to permanent guests. Franklin 19%. MOTEL TOMSOT© 910 GEARY ST. -A family hotel, under new management; elegantly furnished rooms; g*<ri service; moderate prices. Phone Franklin 4181. HOTEL MEML® 340 O'FARRELL ST. near Mason- Rooms with detachable bath. $3.50 a week up ; rooms with a private bath. $5 a week and up. MOTEL BALTIIM«E TAN NESS AY. near Geary st.—American plan family hotel: modern Improvements; 100 rooms; room and board. $40 a month up. MOTEL LE 48« GEARY ST.—New and modern; hot water, baths; rooms $3 and up. Phone Franklin R3O. MOTEL WOMOtXT 730 EDDY ST. near Van Ness a v.—Single roeM $3 up: rooms with bath $4.50 up per week. From ferry take Turk snd Eddy st. car No. 4. AMEY HOTEL Absolutely fireproof. 440 Post st.. opp. St. Frsncis. Ph. Sutter 1880. $3.50 wk. to $3; with bsth $5.50 to $7.50. AfoooHariteßy Fnirei^ir®®^ 440 POST BT. opposite St. Francis- phone Sutter 1830—53.50 week to $5: with bath $5.50 to $7.50 MOTEL LESLOE Under new management; newly renovated: fins rooms. $2.50 per week snd up. 179 O'Fsrrell st. HOTEL EMPIRE. 11l Taylor cor. Turk—Newly renovated; shopping district; close to theaters: day 75c up. week $3 up. bath $1 day up. Eddy car at ferry; 3d-Townsend S. P. car to Taylor. AA —SUNSET HOTEL. 153 Market St.. one block from ferry; 200 modern rooms; family and commercial trade solicited; 35c to $1 a day, $2 to $0 a week. HOTEL ST. GEORGE. 1259 MARKET ST. NEXT CITY HALL. Sunny rooms, $2.30 week up; 50c and $1 a day. Phone Market 3784. HOTEL GREEN—Just opened, sll conveniences; 50c day up; $2.50 wk. up; transient. 237 3d -:. HOTEL ALEXANDER, adjoining St. Francis hotel, Geary st.—Absolutely fireproof; rooms, with private batb. $6 per week and up. AUBURN HOTEL. 481 Minna sr. - Modern; hot water, baths, lobby; $2 week up. 30c day up. HOTEL MARSHALL. 1208 Market, car 8 -Beau tiful rooms. $3, $2.50 week: 50c to $1 dsy. HOTEL OCTAVIA- Elegant fur. sunny rms.; all conveniences: $2 wk. up: transient. 539 Octavia. HOUSES TO LET J?ISJ! x J[ s Ji? :,) CALIFORNIA St.. 3010. near Baker—Partly fur nished: rent reduced to $45. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET SEND or call for our printed caltalog. CEO W. AUSTIN. 1422-1424 Broadway. Oakland. „ LET FINE t ROOM COTTAGE. WITH BASEMENT AND LARGE YARD. KEY AT 2304 FI I TO' FLATS TO LET WK HAVE A LARGE LIST OF DEsTraBI.H FURNISHED FLATS: FREE AUTOMOBILB SERVICE TO SHOW THESE PLACES. B. W. BLANCH ARD JR 4c CO . STH FLOOR. HEWES BUILDING, 6TH AND MARKET; PHONE SUTTER 2598. QERMAKIA ay.. ISt, bet. Fillmore and Stein.: sts.—A cheerful up to date suonny 6 room flat. WALNUT st . 484 bet. California and Sacra mento—6 room Oat, nicely furnished; piano; $30 a month. 6 ROOM flat for sale, reasonable; newly fur nished; reut $25. Apply 1302 Saersmento st. near Jones. LYON st.. 1412. near Sutter—Furn.. upper. sunny. 4 room flat: bath and gas: nut $m FLA T SWAN TED FURWISHKP FURNISHED 4 or B room fiat or apartment; must be modern, sunny and clean. Addrc-,. giving full particulars, box HO4. Cm* Plate.