OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, August 24, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1913-08-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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THE San Francisco CALL
EX TEE, another style as a charming relief and as a very easy suggestion
for using remnants. You remember the jumper dress of several years
ago? Well, this is the same idea, only more similar to the suspenders
worn by your brothers. The use to which fashion gives its sanction is just
another proof of its vagaries.
The suspender dress is to be found in all types of gowns. It is here in
the linen morning frock, the silk afternoon dress, the elaborate evening gown.
All kinds of fabrics form the straps over the shoulders, and these vary from
one-inch bands to extremely broad pieces. The suspender idea bids for your
favor. Look at the expressions of it and decide.
In the corded crepe frock there is a pointed bib effect above the black
taffeta girdle. Over each shoulder are two narrow straps of the crepe stitched
into stiff form. Pearl buckles are used to complete the effect. There are two
long straps, pointed and buckled on the front of the skirt, which has a deep
hem cut to carry out the idea of the bib. Under this dress is worn a guimpe
of figured lace, with a sailor collar and full sleeves strapped in at the cuff.
Striped chiffon in black and white shows a use of velvet ribbon which
extends over each shoulder, under the silk pr: idle and down each side of the
front panel to the hem. At the back the velvet bands are caught at the waist
line in a knot with short sash ends. Any plain fabric can be used as this velvet.
The afternoon frock of striped silk has suspenders of chiffon in dark
blue placed over the shoulders and eixling in short tabs a few inches below
the waist line, where bows of silk fasten the ehiifon. This gives a broad effect
and the transparency of the chiffon prevents too much contrast. Net, mousse
line or lace can be v-< d with equally good effect.
Extending from Ilie back collar are two embroidered straps on the ratine
dress. The suspend*, r ;dea is here in modified form. The ends are rounded
and held in under a vclver airdlc. The figured material used gives modish
contrast over the white upper bedice and ratine bib. Buttons on each side
of the straps add an attractive finish.
Bands of plaid ratine are used to carry out the suspender idea on the
white voile dress That shows a crossed fichu of net. long sleeves and triple
bands of plaid on the skirt. The suspenders are broad on -kis modes and
pass over the shoulders, ending under straight bands at both back and front_
of the waist line.
Suspenders, or bretelles, may be used to carry a skirt of fabric that is a
contrast to that of the bodice, up over the shoulder. The narrowest lines
make a skirt equal a dress if you know how to use them. The suspender dress
fchows how this can be done.

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