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14 THE^CALL Published by the Call Publishing company every evening except Sun day. F. W\ KELLOGG, President and Pub- Uaher. JOHN D. SPH ECKELS, Vice Presi dent and Treaaurer, W. D. K. GIBSON } J. D. SPRECKELS JR. ( Directors. A. r. HOiUKIgON ) One rent * eopv every evening except Sat- BnUv. Pi lon for "Saturday edition* two cents. Delivered at the home or sent by mail >» Cent.- a month. Addrean All Communications to THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL ftntered at the Posfnfflce «t San Francisco, Cal., as second class matter.l Telephone "Kearny S6"—Aah for Tbe Call. The Operator Will "! , t , '^. , You With the Department You W lan. BUSINESS OFFICE AND EDITORIAL ROOMS. Market and Third Streets. MAIN CITY BRANCH, 1657 Fillmore Street near Post. OAKLAND OFFICE. IK4O Broadway. T'l. phone Onklsnd I»S3. ALAMEDA OFFICE. »4t5 Park Street. Telephone Alnmed-i 559. BFRKFLEY OFFICE. "011 Shattuck Avenue. Telenhono Berkeley 77. CHICAGO OFFICE. Tribune Building. W T Morton Cnmnjrv. NEW YORK OFFICE. 200 Fifth Ave nue. W. .1. Morion Oomoanv. THE RATE for Inserting Want Ads In The Evening Call Is 10 cents a line (eonnt six words to a line) each Insertion. mlnlmnm rharge 20 cents. Six Insertions will be al lowed for the price of fonr. EXCEPTIONS ■ ••Situations Wanted." four line* one time, 10 rents: "Rooms to and "Boarding." prl vste houses two line*, six times. 30 cent*: "Birslne** Personals." 25 cents a line, one time subseqnent Insertions. U cents a Mne. LEGAL NOTICES. 15 cents a line one ttme. Subsequent Insertion* 10 cents a line. TELEPHONE your Want Ad* to The Even ing Call. Your order will receive p-ninp- and csrofni attention. Bill will be rend;rjd the folli-.wlng day. THE EVENING CALL will nrt-1* rupon slble for more than one Incorrect Insertion of env advertisement ordered for more than one time. ANY ADVERTISEMEN" ordered to run "Mil forbid'• mu*t be *tonped by written order. Verbal or telephone orders to discontinue or chsoee can not be accepted OUT OF TOWN advertisements must be ac eomennled with remittance*. MEETINGS—LODfIES APOLLO Lodge No. 123. I. O. O. _gr"r-__ F will confer third degree jfifinb THIS .FRIDAY) EVENING. Sept. 5. 1913. Vl*itor* cor disllv invited. BEN D. RINTOUL. If. G. LOUIS J. HAMMERSMITH. Re v Sec. LOST AND FOITNP Lost—Lady's red leather vanity case, on Daly i'itv car. Thursday evening. containing watch, keys. etc. Kindly return to MRS. GEO.' MEYERS, 413 Vienna St. near Brazil *v.; reward. I.OST—Between postnfflce. 7th nnd Mission, and Flood building, gold watch and chain with diamond set ln case; reward. Return to 726 Fillmore st. LOST—A goM spider b-ea«tpln. with eatseye reward. Box 1328. Call office. SPIRIT' ALISM Madam van aukevs institute of Faxebul • gv 1626 Sutter st.—Beading* 23c. between s and fi eve.; bring a picture: pupils In the aeeottt open door and walk in: cut this not. \< s«i LE KKVKB. MO Hayes—Heallag. s - |r P (tiaal development: different phases. Sunday. Tv« -day and Thursday, 8 p. m. Walk In. M v «M YON" WALT—Readings dally. 1111 El'is ati nr. Gongh: no. West 9196: no sign. MRS ,;OET7. medium, clairvoyant, card read >r ."I".- nn,l $1 396 Waller st. cor. Fillmore; tel. Market *2«n. ilr- L H. Kinnalrd. ord.: con*, dally. 10 *. m. to 4 p. m.: clr* Sun.. Wed.. FrL. 8 :n. 1 t"9 Fillmore *t. S4 lENTIFIC TREATMENT IV M ' rtKCHAL NEIL. 40« Sutter st.. rooms T2l. 322. 3d floor—A scientific, legitimate bathing and treatment establishment, sani tary and w>ll equipped, where patients are helped and many cured of rheumatism, lum bar, ■ and kindred aliments. Hours 10 to 9. GRADUATE nnrae: elec. light. «alt water. Nauhelm baths: ultra violet ray treat, for weakness. Union Square bldg.. r. 308 fleav • Ing elevator turn to right), 350 Post. Phone Douglas 5585. TRAINED nurse gives elec. baths; scientific | mass, and elect. tre«t. for rheumatism and atomach trouble. 4C6 Sutter, office 415; ph. Sntter 4281. THE KUAN KLIN—Elec. treat., blank, sweats., mm. bath, scientific mass.; grail. nurse:phvs. ref. Offloe 532 Whitney bldg.. 133 Geary st. Lit. ISABEL MACAULAY. tnerheno.tberapv. will give treatments at patleuts home or 625 Taylor St.. sr.;. 34: lady patients preferred. BUSINESS PERSONALS Maw Actoly IRestoirsdl Friedrleh Mlgge. recently of Carnegie Labor atory. Bellevue Medical College, after many •ears' study and practice In Germany and the fcnlted States. I* devoting his knowledge ana ekill exclusively to tbe bacteria causing lots of the hair. By microscopical and bacteriological examination can be determined the exact spe cies of bacteria present. Indicating the treat ment required In each Individual case of fall ing hair, splitting ends and other disorder*. Office hour*—ll a. m. to ,1:30 p. m. 700-1-3-5 Call bldg.. 3d and Market sts., San Fran cisco. Cal. NOTICE—The Call will not knowingly print Il legitimate advertisement*. If any readers ear furnish Information that any advertise ment lv this column Is not legitimate, seou It to The Call In confidence, and if foond cor rect the advertisement will be discontinued. MORPHINE. OPIUM and drag habits, treated at home; no pain or detention from business; no payments until cured: call or write la confidence. INDIA DRUG CURE MFO. CO., 714 McAlllater st. GRADUATE masseuse give* baths, ma**age, «11 Williams st. cor. San Pablo, nr. 19th. Oakland. ETHEL GEARY, bath and manage parlors, 627 Ellis—Elec., vibra., elec. blanket, select patronage. SCIENTIFIC mas*., electric treat, given by professional r.urae. 457 Ellis, apt. 4-5, ground a floor. MISS F. ROGERS. Chicago specialist; facial snd scalp treatments. Rm. 301. 34 Ellis «t. ELECTRIC light batns. medical ma**.; new management. 350 Post St.. rooms 317-318. GERMAN nurse; Nauhelm treat., medicated l s-iis. vibration. 620 Hyde *t. near Geary GH AI'I A TE masseuse. ELM A MADISON, Westbank bld.SSo Mkt..r.407. Open Sunday. BTBAM RATH and scientific massage; pimples * removed from face. 1306.;, Post nr. Fra iklln. MAGNETIC mass, by trained nurse; refined patron- only. 1437 Buchanan st.; 12 to 0. MISS F. BURKE, medicated hatha, sriaa. mas sage, mag. wave. 1015 A Golden Gate ar. CORVFZ—Steam bath", scien. mass.; elec. vlb. <. 91.*. Van Ness cor. Ellis, r. 203: hr*. 11-10. DRI GI.ESS method' elee. light, cabinet, ale, * oil manip. 1413 O'Farrell; 10-9; teL W. 8918. ELECTKIC therapeutic treatment; tab baths. U**fl RAY.'4O6 Sutter «t. r. 312: hr*. 11-9. MRS. HARRIS. ehI|SUW*Ht. scientific electric trents.. scalp treat, manicuring. 737 Pac. bid. MISS ROSE. rib. electric treat., elec. blanket; vapor baths, massage. 1122 Market st.. rm. 7. MATHS, beneficial treat, given by grad. mas.; rheum, spec. MME. DTTMAS. S6»i. 872 Post. CLAIRVOYANTS AA VERA MARSH, noted rlairvovant-palm iM. TELLS YOU It FULL NAME, occupation, who and when you will marry, give* reliable advice on tmslne** ehauges. travels, law, lovs and family affairs: reunites those sep arated, settles quarrels, brings about mar riage, removes evil Influences, cures weak lialilts: special readings, 50c; strictly con fidential: satisfaction guaranteed. 964 MARKET ST.. opp. EMPRESS THEATER. AA— PROF. J. E. SHAW, Genuine clairvoyant, true and reliable; tells full names: gives advice on love, marriage, divorce, buslues*. patent*, changes, deaths, wills, deeds; removes evil Influences, reunites separated; reading*. 50c; satisfaction guar -0 o ojtntcod. 25 3d st. next to Hear»t building. iIME. ZAZELL. The mystic clairvoyant, crystal gaser, palm ist, healer; In what others claim to do. see ber for best result*: how to Invent for sne er**: reunites separated. 10 3d St. off Market. C'ARI' reading by lady, very successful and reliable; will call by appointment. Telephone Frankllu 7320. ,■ ASTRoI/OGICAL rard reading .V>c: mail orders for liorosrope. Mr*. Sanburg. 1445 Fillmore st. ANNA DIAMOND, clairvoyant, palmist and o healer. 1122 Market st., room 2. CHILDREN'—Come Sat., bet. 2 and 4 n. m.. ■ get cash prise for best Seotrh dancer in ros tume; admission 10c. 2226 Fillmore «t.; C phom- West 7JMS. AA—SHORTHAND AND TYPING (legal and commercial i: TNDIVIDt'AI. TRAINING. PIT ' MAN STI'DIO. 7>2Z Hearft bldg. FISK TE AriIERS" AGENCY. 2101 Shattuck " | ar.. Berfcol<"T. Cal.. room 4. Wrlsht block. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS STUDY WITH A WESTIIUN SCHOOL. Elerfiitli year: thousand* of students: 60 If yen want a better position, write j for particulars and free catalogue. MODERN SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE. 82.". Market st.. S. F.. Cal A. N. KNOPH. Chinese and Filipino «mp. of « fiee. 777 Clay at.; pbone Kearny 4C30; es f tab. Xi yeara. ■ STAR EMP. OFFlCE—Japanese-Chinese help. W. KODATA. 1610 Geary; tel. West 187. R2706. JAi'ANBSE-CniNESE Emplevmont OfHce— All kinds of best helo. 2134 Fillmore; West JEW. EMPLOTJTEXT WANTED FEMALE A PERSON (female* of Tcry suitable age, ap pearance and social acquaintance and expe rience, desires a position as manager of an apartment liodrc or hotel. For full partic ulars apply by letter or by personal appli cation to F. P. McLellan. 133 Geary at., ; room T. 02. 12 to 12:30. Bt'SINESS MEN'S REGISTRAR. Sntter 1130. 660 MARKET ST., ROOMS 219-220. '■. Mogln CmH® ©tfic© U®^> ■ COLORED woman would like general house work: good cook. Call Douglas MOB. LADY with boy of 6 wishes place as house keeper or general housework. Box 13G2. Call. MISS FKXNKR. 571 A Nxtftsaa st. nr. Tth. op stalrs: plain sewing: doll outfits. NEW GRANT AGENCY —Rest Chinese. Japs nese. Filipino cooks sm ] waiters: any work. 417 Grant ay. near Bush. Tel. Douglas 1406. TWO ladles wish to care for children In offi cer's family for transportation to Manila on government transport. MRS. A. C. HAGKL. GANA. Winchester Hotel. . — TYPIST. large office experience, desire* extra work or work evening or Sunday: can give best of reference. Address box 1245. Call. TYPIST would like copy work to do at home; reasonable. Address box 1373. Call office. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER will keep books of small cor peeatteaa, merchants. Arms, by eoatraet; books opened, closed, statements, etc.; day it evening. Box tSlg, Call office. CHAI'PFEI'R—First cla.s driver and repair man wants position driving car or truck: not afraid of wo-k: will go anywhere; best of references. Box 1321. Call office. CARPF.N'TKH wants work, day or lab; $3. Phone West 2!'3-». EXPERIENCED advertising snd sales manager wants position with rellahle firm or corpora tion Box 1323. Call office. FIRST CLASS man would like !*>sltlon on a ranch: good worker: will go anywhere. Box 2*. Lafayette. Contra Costa county. HAVING experience In mining, hut losine »!i that I had In the world. Including mr wife. I areata like some one to grubstake me to go to Alaska; good chance for some one; will play fair. Box 1345. Call office. HOTEL clerk, middle aged, rxperle need, city I reference, can furnish liond. denlres alteatloa day or night: moderate salary. Box 1341. Call .-ffl'-e. or phone Kearny T.^74. MAN wishes a position; bandy all around and | can do gardening: can furnish best of ref erences. Rox 1344. Call office. POSITION by respectable man and wife as caretakers of cor.ntrr house anywhere. I.sNTZ. 14*. South St.. Richmond. jPAINTKU. paper hanger anr/ tl'iter wants i work from owner, day or contract: all tools: | g'xxi work: low prices; references. 14S1 j ndtea st.: phone West 7."' H. j I'AINTKR wants work; provisions taken 1n part payment: all round man- sober and re i liable Box 1347. Call office. I SITI'ATION wnntefl to take charge country store representing absent or busy owner: am experienced, capable, active; also b «ikkeeper. i typist : IK-st reference*. Rox 1331. Call. ! SITUATION wanted as collector or other out side Work: part or all time; refs. Phone | West 5432. i WANTED—Expert chauffeur wants place; can rVrlve anr make of car and make own re j pairs. Address EDWIN C. PARSONS, box X*. Hisbee. Arlx. WANTED— Poattsaa by first class cabinet | maker In furniture store. Box 1.110. Call. YOI NG man wants position with photo en graving establishment: can draw: under stands photography; salary no objert to start. RfDOXETT. .'.3.' 2oth St.. Oakland. ] YOI'NG man. 2" years of age. is desirous of acquiring a position with opportunltv for advancement: fair wages to start. H. Rl'M j MEI>BI'RG. 3H44 Howe st.. Oakland. YOI'NG colored man wishes position of any kind In -nr out of town; can furnish best of references. Box 4004. Call. Oakland. FEMALE HELP WANTED | WE want lady workers and also managers In every city and town In the west: easily aver age $5 to (26 per day: write or call for par ticulars. CHI'ALE COMPANY, Inc.. 064 Market St.. San Francisco. | WANTED—Stenographer and office assistant of good address, capable meeting ladies In re ception room: «7r. month to start: qnlck ad vance to right party; $300 cash required: ab solute security. Call room 18, 964 Market at.. S. F. | ADVICE FREE IN SACRED CONFIDENCE on intimate family affairs, damages, etc.: snlts or defenses guaranteed: success or no fee; we advance costs; 3 w»ll known attorneys. Law INBTITLTE. 15th floor. Chronicle bldg. ! WORKING housekeeper on large ranch: also must be able to use typewriter, keep time and entertain; must be unincumbered and willing to work: 140 with raise: give refer enoes. age and nationality. Box 134fi. Call. GOOD cook for ranch. $40 raise, where housekeeper assists; do laundry nor house work: must be imlncumtiered: give national ity, age. Address box 13.V1. Call office. LADIFS and girls to tint pillow tops st home: $6 to $60 per dozen; experience unnecessary at starting. WORLD'S FAIR ART ASS N. 927 Broadway. Oakland, rm. 30. 10 to 4 p. m. A—Young ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicur ing, beauty culture; mfg. hair goods: undlvld. instruction. MME. MARIE. late of J. Andrea. New York. 120 Tost St.. suit 609. 610. ML ANY girl In sorrow, perplexity, needing a friend adviser. Is Invited to call or write MISS TANNER. Salvation Army Headquar ters. 417 Market st.. S. F.; hours' 2 to 4. WANTED—LadIes to canvass am! take orders for made-to-mea«ure corsets; good profits. ST. LOEis CORSET CO.. St. Louis. Mo. LADIES xi anted for home work; stamping ap plied; $1 dozen upward paid. Call, don't write, room 404. 1278 Market st. WANTED—Ladies to sell acre tracts and city lots. Italian and German preferred. Apolv Sl2 Mills bldg.. San Francis.-,,. SALESWOMAN for outside werk: short hours good pay Csll 9-10 a. m.. HAUSLER STC DIO. 173 ft Fillmore st. LADIES—Turn spare time Into cash: conduct profitable business at home. STERLING. 4th *t.. Jersey city, N. J. MjLLE^TELPJffAj^ED DO YOU WANT TO STOp PAYING RENT AND OWN YOUR OWN HOME? Listen! 1 can do this for you anywhere In California, and on the Installment plan Agents wanted. GEO. F. HILTON. 78.'. Mar ket at., 209 Humboldt Bank building. San Fran elsco. BRISCOK BARP.ER COLLEGE* ! Gives you 2 days free trial to convince yon thst we have steady practice and expert in structions. Good pay while learning. Don't be deceived by worthless diplomas and mis leading propositions. Call and be convinced. 7f>.*> Howard st. WANTED—Straightforward man who Is will ing to Invest $2fK>. with bis services, to work In well established Market st. business; will pay $12.". month: light work: no pre vious experience necesaary. Call SCO Market I at., room 700. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men. wom»n, learn the barber trade; w» teach you In 8 weeks; pay wages while learn ing; Moler graduates always in demand: posi tion guaranteed; we also give you a complete chemical course free; call and let v* explain. 234 3d st. AA— CAL. BARBER COLLEGE I earn barber trade; It require* about (! wks.: you can stay as long as you like; chance to make $10 week while learning; shaving 10c. MB Third st. BOYS wanted; some to work evenings, others to work afternoons and evenings; must be neat appearing; good hustlers. Apply 221 Mechanics' bldg.. at noon. WANTED —Boys with own motorcycles; news paper work; afternoons; good pay. Apply circulation department, Saa Francisco Call, 3d and Market at*. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1913. # j f Every day users and advertisers in the "WANT AD" section of THE V SAN FRANCISCO EVENING CALL will tell of great results received y <?> ODDOrtlll\ltV THE SAN FRANCISCO EVENING CALL wants to know these STO- A « » */ RIES OF SUCCESS. X 3£ ou nave secured results, made an advantageous trade or a quick sale W B JGL*OI 11 at a profit or had any other beneficial experience, write a letter to this <J> % office, clearly and plainly statin? the circumstances. It will only take *X _ a few minutes of your time and you may win one of the many cash <U> A *EaT prizes offered. *tTH II Im JP n writing simply stnte the facts —do not generalize or indulge in a X A. literary outburst. State plainly the results obtained. X SDo not exaggerate. Be truthful, be exact, stick to the point, and be pre- 4? D.. pared to back up your letter with an affidavit subject to verification by <j£> Dj CI this office. i Write on one side of the pacre only : name all parties connected with all p| X IT A? Mr transactions yon have made through SAN FRANCISCO EVENING V X MY CW JYIIHUICS CALL "WANT ADS." If names in some instances have been forgot- T X ten, state the date of the transaction as nearly as possible. TM% l%at No User of CALL "WANT AD" COLUMNS is barred from this con- A h J[ HOllCntj test exce^,t members of THE CALL STAFF and an V member of the A family of a CALL EMPLOYE. tDo you want the first prize? You have equal opportunity with any con- A testant. THERE ARE SIXTEEN PRIZES! <f X wk Think over results YOU have obtained and write us today of the good X X fortune you have had by ADVERTISING IX THE "WANT AD" 1? A j| I COLUMNS OF THE EVENING CALL. V V J| X For any details or further information write to "THE WANT AD A <& CONTEST DEPARTMENT," care of THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. X | j These Are the Prizes I tT« the peraon Mending- tn a true atory detailing; the moit mint aticceasful use of EVKMXr. CALL "WANT ADS" wtll he aurcensful uae of EVESISG CALL "WANT ADS" will be given ijiven $23. H'*r»o ' [ A To The peraon aendlne in n true atory detalllna; the next X. y. To the peraon sending In a trne atory detalllna; the next " ,0 "* •uooeaaful «■* ot EVENING CALL "WANT ADS" will be *V moat auceeaaful uae of EVENING CALL "WANT ADS" will be K«*en $15. $P Given $100. To the peraon aendlna; in a trne atory detalllna; the next <P t&> ~. . ... j * ... . moat auceeaaful uae of EVENING CALL "WANT ADS" will he X To the peraon aendlna: In a true atory detalllna; the next " 3 °«> £*«, A moat successful uae of EVENING CALL "WANT ADS" will be X v ' n * 'X Klieu *50. To <he P"aons aemltns in ten other trne atorlea detalllna; the next moat auereaafol uses of EVENING CALL "WANT ADS" A To the peraon aendlne; In a true atory detalllna; the next will be given $3.00 each. A£* MALE HELP WASTED „ BOYS wsnted, $1.50 day. Apply 387 Pine and 1461 Polk. BOOK KKEPIFW thoroughly taught in ■ m*-: practical course, private lesson*, day or even ing; get mv booklet. W. 1.. DAt'TERMAN. public sect. ÜBI Flood bldg.: Sntter 4304. WE teach you the barber trade free; we fur nish you with tool*; make good money while learning. MODERN* BARBER SCHOOL. 804 Howard st. WANTED—SO men roomers; new hotel: new furniture: best rooms ln tbe city; $2 per week and up; 1 week's rent free. HOTEL MINNICK. 343 3d st. POCGLAS HOI SE, 758 nsrrlson st. nesr 3d - 200 hard finished rooms: large reading rooms; bot water; rms. 25c day. tl .25 and 11.50 wk. BAILORS and firemen, steamer. Chile and re turn. SHIPPING OFFICE, im Steuart st. iIEN snd BOSS wsnted to learu barber trade. We teach you free of charge. Come and see for yourself. 804 Howard st. PARTNER for a traveling photographic propo sition: one with road experience. Address thix 1453. Call office. MEN and women learn the barber trade: spe cial Inducement* to next 5. INTERNATION AL BARBER SCHOOL 790 Howard St. AL'TOMOBILE SCHOOL—ijnod chance for be ginners. Call for particulars st 1841 Mar ket st. WANTED—Two men to learn automobile driv ing, repairing and care. Apply 312 Gough st. MEN to learn automobile driving and repair ing; $10. no more, no less. 1065 Mission St. BRIGHT Imv wanted after school hour* to as sist private detective. Box 1346. Call. SALESMEN AND SOLICITOUS ACTIVE salesmen: wages $250 per mo. Write HALPRUNER MED. MFG. CO.. Elmhurst. Cal. BABBBBS VND SUPPLIES SEE Seelv'* new plan before you buy any BARBER FURNITURE: lie has the largest variety snd loweat price*. 394 Hayes St. BARBERS. ATTENTION' OAKLAND OFFICE. THE CALL. 1540 BROADWAY. PHONE OAKLAND IMS, WANTED—First class barber; no other need apply; good Job: $18. 2305 Telegraph ay.. corner of Bancroft way. Berkeley. WANTED—To buy. first Cass barber shop in Mariu or Sonoma county: state all in first letter. Address box 4909. Call office. BARBER shop for sale; doing good bu&lne**: leaving the city: mu*t sell at once; living room in rear. 3404 Mission st. On account of sickness, 2 chair shop, large living room: rent $10. paid till 25tb, at a bargain. 4034 24th st. FOR sale—Two chair barber shop; good fur niture; good location, and cheap. 825 Frank lin st.. Oakland. WANTED —Location for barber shop In Bay District. Send information to DOS 1348, Cull office. FIRST CLASS barber wanted for Saturday anil Sunday. 1803 Geary st. corner Fill more. FOR sale—Old established barber shop: no rensonnble offer refused. 444 oth St., Osk- Isnd. BARBERS-TRY a 1915 DRY HONE: they are good: price $1. For sale by DECKELMAN BARBERS' Protective Union—Employment sec retary, W. BABON, 773 Mkt.; tel. Kearny 5384. BARBERS' UNION free emp. agency. ROE H. Baker, sec.. 801 Mission st. : tel. Doug. 1443. MISSION st. 2467 -For rent, s fine window for a bootblack stand: elegant location. TWO chair* "teady; 3 year lease; good busi ness: must sell. Box 4996. Call office. Oakland. BARBER wanted. 20 Sacramento st. EXPERIENCED barber wants stendv work; start next week. Box 1343. Call office. WANTED -2 barber*, steady: 10 cent shop. 219 Columbus ay. near Pacific st. FIRST CLASS barber wanted; steady work: no Sunday. ISO Golden Gate sv. BARBER wanted, steady. 547 16th St., Oak land. Phone Oakland 5421. BARBER shop for sale; long lease. CENTRAL HOTEL BAR. 566 3d St. GOOD barter wanted for Saturday and Sun day. ICSI O Farrell st. WANTED—First class barber; steady Job. 19 3d st. nesr Market. BARBER wanted for Saturday nnd Sunday; $o. 7M Broadway. WANTED—One barber chair: give price. Box 18S4, Call office. BARBER wanted for Saturday afternoon at 16:> Valencia st. BARKER wanted for Saturday; $5. 701 How ard St. TWO chair shop for sale; cheap; rent $15. 1380 Eddy st. WANTED Barber shop porter nnd shiner. 17 2d st. FOR exchange —12 ostriches for a good car; blrdj 2 vesrs old; csr must be In good condl- I tlon. B. F. D., box 1470, San Diego, Cat AUTOMOBILES AND BUPPLIEB II Ts* i£\ u7?R*l Au, ° driving, repairing nnd LWiS*4"iilNa \J rllre . guaranteed results. Come ami see us. EASTERN AUTO EX CHANOE. 312 Gough st. ROBES—CotnpJet,. line; nrice» right: 300 pat | terus. OP AST tc SON. 320 Sanchez «t. IUZX; 6"rrG S 'G.?Mkt r 'l2'S j STUDEBAKEB "jo." completely e<KnPped. for sale. W. It. HBYER, 728 Mission st. ! AUTO lamps and horns, sample line, selling i cheap. BOESCH LAMP CO.. 1130 Mission St. $100 —Four cvl. Franklin d-Ilverv car. ruuning order. MR. WALL, phone Park 6434. • THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS j AT 1607 FILLMORE STREET. j. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES EXCELBIOB twin cyl. $303, on »asy payment*; It's the only motorcycle with complete han dle bar control; write for catalogue; call for demonstration: Immediate delivery; open till 8 p. tn. EXCELSIOR AGENCY. 1348 Mkt. | WANTED—Boys with own motorcycles; news paper work: afternoons; good pay. Apply j circulation department, San Francisco call. j 3d am! Market sts. DAYTON for reliability, strength snd perfect finish; see the Dayton 9 a, p. 3 Inch tires. $2W: im. dellv. A. Elmmerlln. 16. H. G. G. ay. B. 8. PIERCE. Emblem motorcycles and hl cvcles. Cal. agt.. J. T. BILL. 30T Golden Gate »v.. 8. F. EXCELSIOR, j Like new; $100. 1009 Santa Clara ay.; Ala meda 1988. 1913 twin De Luxe, chain drive. 9 h. p., $300; 7 h. p.. $290. MAGGINE & HOOKER. 1626 Market st. HEISE BROS., the old reliable place, expert* ln motor and bicycle repairing. 1806 Mkt. St. 1913 INDIAN twin, good condition; cheap. 3218 Adeline st.. Berkeley. .", iifi-«enger Auburn. 2 cyl.; ln good condition; $100. 1832 Page St. THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1657 FILLMORE STREET. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES WALTER J. WOLF, dealer—Rebuilt type writers of all descriptions; expert repairing; typewriters Inspected and rented: ribbons for all machine*; carbon paper* and office sup plies. 807 Rush St.; phone Douglas 4113. WK sell at $3 month standard rebuilt Reming tons No. 7 and Smith Premiers No. 2. gusr anteed. ALEXANDER'S, 512 Market St. OAKLAND Typewriter Exchange. 1435 Bdwy. Oak., dealera In all makes of typewriter*. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WILL sell my nearly new player piano and 50 rolls music at sacrifice. Phone Sutter 2SOO. PIANOS rented $1 per month up; no cartage; rent applied. 37 Stockton st. VICTOR talking machines snd records for sale. 307 Webster tt. PIANOS for rent: no cartage. BY RON MATTZY. Gold Medal Pianos, 250 Stockton st. THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1607 FILLMORE STREET. SEWING MACHINES ALL make* sold, repaired, rented. McN'AI.LY 2664 Mission, nr. 23d; tel. Mission 202. W3S3*. FURNITUREFORJULE AT Freeman's, cheapest and best place to buy furniture In city; largest atock. Sample* of prices: Folding beds. $0; dressers. $4: carpet. 25c up. Everything in housefurnlshlnga at aliont 1-3 value. 1953 Sutter near Fillmore. AA—KING FURNITURE CO.. 738 Larkln st.. has the largest stock of furniture, rug*, car pets, stoves to select from at lowest prices, THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1637 FILLMORE STREET. L. VINCENT, auctioneer. 601 McAllister *t.; tel. Home 53404, Park 1805—Pay* highest price for furn. booses, flats, etc.; spot cash. OFFICE FURNITURE LARGE asst. office furniture at very low price; see ns first. GALLICK. 941-45 Mission st. FOR SALE—MISCELLANKOIS TOTAL A © BMW <G 'NA TIONAL CASH ESTERS—NEW Registering from Be to $1.95, price $40; reg istering from 5c to $5.95. tape printer, price $.-,.-,. TERMS—SS down and $5 per month. Slightly o»ed and second hand registers at big bargains THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 1040 Market tt. ELECTRIC Peerless plane. $700 grade, good as new. $300: will sell on easy payments. 601 Broadway corner 6th. Oakland. FOR sale—First class machine shoe repair shop. Inquire 3520 17th st. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS Continued FOR SALE -NEW aad BSCOND HAND esrom J and ponket billiard tnhles. l>owllng alley* and I accessories, bar fixtures of all kinds' easy 1 payments. We trust the people. The BRUNB- ! I WICK BALKTC-COLLENDER CO.. 767-769 I Mission st.. San Francisco. | SECOND HAND PIPE, j Largest dealers tn standard pipe and screw ' casing: dipped: prices right: guaranteed first I elats*. PAC. PIPE CO.. Main and Howard »ts. REAL STOVE MAN:«. water hearer* $5 up; waterbscks, $2 up; repairs, lobbing. A. I -» MORSE. 816 McAllister st.; phone Mar j ket 0960. CASH REGISTERS. " Rig *tnck second timid Nationals; guaran teed; cash or time. Cash Mercactile Co.. 247 ' Pine st. I <;A . S A>' r> ELECTRIC FIXTURES AT ROCK I BOTTOM PRICKS. SEE OUR DISPLAY ! IKS MARKET ST. C °. t 2£3L B *-' SHOWCASES. REFRIGER . ATORS. GROCERY BINS ETC B W j Co.. 3.V. VALENCIA ST. SATES, new and second hand, cheaper than , evfr THE HERMAN SAFE CO., 120 Fol som *t. PIPE threading machine. Hoe mixer*. French t rang**, steam tables; new and second hand. I WESTERN RANGE CO.. 532 McAllister st. | MOT'i>GRAPH moving picture machine- wbole •alo headquarters. EDWARD H. KEMP, 833 i Market St.. San Fram Nco | HIGHEST PRICE paid for old buildings. RAPID WRECKING CO.. 115 Church St.; j Market 8264. I SAFE—Big second hand steel lined leweler'* j safe; snap. 06U Mission st. below 3d. I 500 FOLDING chairs for sale cheap at 989 Mls j slon st. Must be sold Monday. i ELEC. signs, names, .cafeteria, pool, club, oy* | ter grill; steam table cheap. 579 McAllister. j 38 ft. mahogany fixtures for bar and back bar | I for sale cheap. 301 Oth st. THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1607 FILLMORE STREET. __^LSCELI^NEO1 T S WANTS WILL pay $20 for full list of raultlgraph users of Chicago. .lEA N DONNELLY. 1103 North 20th st.. Philadelphia. DRESS SLITS, tuxedo*, other good suit* bought. L. SKOLL. 320 Kearny at.; tel. Kearny 2250. DIAMONDS. Jewelry, old gold bought: full value paid. OJQS Market St.. room 202. ROOMS TO LET F1 RMSIIEn AND CNFI'IiNf SHEP RUSH st.. 2410 -Sunny, front, nicely furnished room with alcove, $14. DIVISADERO at.. 1809— Nicely furnished, airy room: $7 per mo.: all conveniences. FILLMORE st.. 3313—First class room or suite near fair grounds: cheap. JONES St., 099, Oakland -Nice, large, sunny furnished room, bath, phone; rent $7 month. LEAVENWORTH St.. 1327 1 or 2 beautiful rooms; very sunny; marine, world's fair views; walking distance; refined folks em pi- red; $10. $12 00. McALLIBTER, 1688 -2 suite sunny front bay window rms.: nice kitchen; sunny yard; rent $12, $10 month. NATOMA St.. 2«7. n«ar 4th—Nicely furnished rooms with baths; running water in every room; 20c a night, and $1.30 a week and up. O'FARRELL st., 1240— Nice, clean, airy, sln gle rooms for gents, with or without board; bath. TOST St.. 1489—Large front room; hot and cold water, shower nnd tub baths, phone; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen: also single rm. PINE St., 1828—Newly furnished sunny room*, single or en suite, arranged for light hskpg. | SCOTT st.. 1737—8 ' nicely furnished sunny rooms in private family. $2. West 1614. THE EARI.E. 140 Turk st.--Elegantly furn" ulshei! rooms, with private bath; single risuns. $2 week up; transient. TURK st.. 822 Large sunny frout room. 1 or 2 gents; running wnter; also single; $7 to $10. NTH st.. 749 -Sunny front fur. room; also two housekeeping rooms: furnished. RO(mS_FOJR^OUS j COTTAGE row, 7. bet. Webster and Fillmore. off Rush -Sunny front hskpg. room, kitchen. 1 running water; reasonable. CAPP st.. I!©• —Complete housekeeping rooms from $2 to $2 30. with gas. GOLDEN GATE nv.. 1038—2 or 3 sunny con necting hskg. rooms; every eonven.; rea*. OCTAVIA st., 1207, nr. O'Farrell—l large room. $14; 1 room, $10; single rooms, $6.50 up; gas ranges, phone. OCTAVIA st.. 13H9, nr. O'Farrell—Nice large back parlor with regular kitchen. $10; In rear, room, kitchen, $7 mo. SHIPLEY St., 204. near 6tii and Folsom -Fur nished housekeeping room. $2.20 week; 2 ft ~vis. $2.7.",; adults. SCOTT st.. 2040—Large, clean, sunny attic | rooms; $1.00 per wk.: light hskpg.; YV. 2014. j WALLER st.. 1720. near park -fatally apts., 1 -2 rms.. bath: separate kttrbert: $3 week up; lanmfry; Janitor service. Phone Park SITS. ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED EDDY St.. .904 —Nicely furnished sunny rooms ! with excellent board; home cooking; reaa i enable; walking distance. ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED . Continued : HANDSOME room, suitable for*l or 2. open .iLtrP„ 1? r f^ : b , ath c " D *"'<'tiug; hot water, electric light*; u rgP closets; very best of home eookiug. 900 Pierce at.; phone West ' H v!I Er^E , G J£ AU> SM 9th Nlee large rooms and GOOD BOARD. $5 per week and ho . t ." n<l , cold water: on «-'« con- Tf °'*"t to all parts tows. W tn? T i, ED ~ B 7 the A««>el»ted Charities, board i l,h Infants, iv city „ D |y : *10 a month: milk and extras furnished. Apply by letter. 1500 Jackson st. ____^P^URTMENTS AAAAAAA - ' ,„„ r KCIL APARTMENTS. 1333 Washington st. near Jones. men Tor*"', residential . ptrt . lar?. i . '" r * fe an ~lth each anil lerden^ , .'' : roa J« in l«S every modern con venlence—steam heat, hot water, high oven ga* range*, wall safe*, etc.: elegantly car ta?ns Axm.nater carpet* and ?.ee c"- Z,;. K r ' r J- iM ; fmported paper* and color «cheme by W. A J Sioane; otherwise unfur el~ ;, Won,l 'rf'" mnrlne view of bar and w.i t H. P ?" ntS at " 'e"*«n.ble rate; walking distance to business center. Don't r?hL iT* t hMr> at <mcc - rp,lt " »40 to S5O. f. - vo,, l°r!'f f S , 4 ' ar " l ""'"rnobUe will call for you and take you to premises. SHA IN WA LD. RUCk'bEE A CO Agents. 27 Montgomery at. PIERCE APARTMENTS. 900 OAK ST.. CORNER PIERCR. f * > 2£**hl *!? h "*idsomest. most com mncisco' m ° b '* •P artment « "> Saa 2 3 AND 4 ROOMS' AND BATH. Contlnnoij* steam heat and hot water: wall htnw. l» if < "J l '- bt,, U ,Dtorlor f'Phone; Uno- , k,,ch ;n «nd bath; gat range and sundry tray In each kitchen: handsome en {or D servrcV. P ' ted h<, ' U >Dd unaur P« s -«<» „.,..„ Rentals J25 to $40. MA iEB ST. (No. 6) CARS PASS THE DOOR. ST. A]PtK~ TX-n OEARY ST. AT HYDE IV, Pt . 13 aa on " of ,ne bandsom-s* . h,,lj »?« 'n th* eitv: front of pressed nru-k and terra eotta ornament: vestibule aad lOßoy of marble, tile and hardwooil There nre 118 rooms, arranged In suites of 2 and 3 room,, with private hall* and bathrooms V elal hall and children's playroom in basement and upon the roof a garden for tenants vatlon* may be made on premise* from 10 until _: walking distance to basin*** center fail to see these at once; fashionable Beighbor hpao; exclusive. A-CARMELITA APTS.. 15th and Valencl," sts.. 3 block* from Market at.—Modern sunny. 2-3-4 rm. apta.; 2 room* from $22.50' o rms. $32.50 un, 4 rms. $37.50 np. Including steam heat, hot water, electric light, auto elevator: tel. connections; all large outside rooms: private baths, private halls, Valencia ears from ferry; tel. Park 2314. M@©lWJ<s AIPTS. Workingman's hotel. 2 blocks from Empo rlnm: modern; free baths; 1 and 2 room apart ments; fully furnished for housekeeping- l room. $2.50 up: 2 rooms, $3.50 up; bedroom. $1-50 up. 31.x ftth St. KOLRTHETO AFFS. 980 Pine st. bet. Mason and Taylor—Com pletely fur. 2-3-4 rm. apts.. finest In city; steam heat. Janitor service; Just opened. MADTA AIPA&TMEKTS All smoy outside 2 and 3 room apts.: cleg, furn.: elevator; phone each apt.; $20 mo. up. 200.*. Market cor. 14th. Phone Franklin 0144. Mtsidflxsftllii MfS&sßil Ap&s. 745 Geary; new, elegantly fur. single rms. 2 3 rm. apts.; 4 blks. from St. Francis; $35' up. EMs® IK!®2*©3 ApmiL.m@iniileS Cor. O'Farrell and Hyde; 2 rim-., and bath. completely furn.; mo. up: reft, required. 2(51112 IPaiMl® Ap)4!llrliM(Sl!uiiS Summer rates. 2 to 4 rmt.; elegtntlv fnrn.. $12 up. San Pablo at 26th at.: Oak. 1148. ST. CATTOME AIPTST Cor. Bush and Polk *ts; 3 street frontages; plenty of sun; high class service. _ A A—COLUMBIA APARTMENTS, cor. Ellla and Polk sts.; ttrlctly modern; unfurnished family apartments; references required. SAN LOHETTO. 11.V. Leavenworth, err. Sao ramentO Sunny furn. 2 and 3 apts.; elev. and janitor service; steam heat; rents reas. THE I.AUGHTON APTS.. 272 Hth st.—Sunny, modern 2 rm. furn. apts.; rates $.1 week up. SPECIAL—ONE WEEK'S RENT F"REE. I ST. DOMINIC APARTMENTS—I to 5 ROOMS. FURNISHED; BUSH ST. AT JONES: REFS. ARCADIA apt*.. 522 Hyde—Sunny outside 3 j rm. apts.; furn.. unfurn.: refs.: rate reas. i HOTEL NEWTON 383 9th St. —2 in. house- j keeping apts. $3.30 up: ga* Inc. walk dls. FULTON St.. 2440—Completely furn. housekpg | 3 or 4 rooms; facing O. G. park: $20. THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1907 FILLMORE STREET. APARTMENTS Conttn^ed^^^^.^^^ Gates Hotel apts.. Fillmore cor. Gesry—Strictly mod.; 2 rms.. $25; sin. rm.. priv. bath. $13 up, DOIXIRES St.. 673—New sunny 3 room apt.; complete service: garage: rent $2."». THE HOME APTS . 1222 Folsom St.—Modern 2 and 3 rm. apts.: light, water, linen free; $3 up. HOUSES TO LET ITSFPRXISHED EDDY' st.. 1932—House. 0 rooms, bath; large yard; basement; sunny side street; rent $27.50. HOUSES TO LET FIR\IBHEI) FROM Sept. 10—2177 Pacific ay.; 8 r., 2 baths; modern, complete; open today. Phone Douglas 371.". . OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET SEND or call for onr printed catalog. GEO. W. AUSTIN. 1422-1424 Broadway. Oakland. I ■ L J! BERKELEY HOUSES TO LET UXFURXISBED FOR RENT—NORTH BERKELEY—SIOO house for $75 If taken at once; 10 rooms. 3 baths, furnace, laundry, etc.: large sleeping porch; unsurpassed marine view: unexceptionable neighborhood. Or will sell on terms at bar gain. Phone Berkeley 3090 or Kearny 4337. FLATS TO LET lrsmivlSMßU _ WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF DESIRABLE FURNISHED FLATS; FREE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE TO SHOW THESE PLACES. B. W. BLANCHARD JR. & CO. BTH FLOOR HEWES BUILDING. OTH AND MARKET; PHONE SUTTER 2596. SMALL flat, fully furnished; light rooms; gas water heater, electric lights: low rent; near fair grounds. Phone West 1078. PAGE st.. 500, cor. Webster. 1 block from Halght st. cars—s fine rooms; sunny: adults. PROSPECT ay., 199— Sunny, modern. 4 room furnished flat and bath: comfortable. FLATS TO LET PACIFIC HEIGHTS—New snd artistic; hard wood interior; marine view; 9 rooms. Phone Douglas 3713. HOTELS HOTEL TOWAKM JONES ST. AT GEARY. Just opened; newest, most elegantly fur nished, hontelike. up to date, fireproof hotel ln city; nil sunny rooms; near theater and shopping districts; entrance on Jones St.; ex cellent service; special rates to permanent guests; fashionable neighborhood. Don't fall to see this. "hotel meotome ELLIS AND JONES Will open Aug. IS.—BO elegantly furnished rooms, each with private bath: absolute privacy; no counecfif- rooms: everything up to date. RATES. $:.50 $3 PER DAY. $6. $lo PER WEEK. H©fcß] FITBS GOLDEN GATE AY. AND nYDE ST. Take McAllister st. ear to Hyde St.. 3 block* from Market; sunny corner room nnd bath $1 l>er day. $18 to $20 per month: modern. HOTEL WENTON 445 O'FARRELL ST.—Modern fireproof bolld Ing: all cuteide rooms; rstes (room with bath) $1.50 dsy up: tingle rooms $1 day: weekly rates $3 up: special rstes to permanent guests. Franklin 19SS. HOTEL AET Newly furnished: hot snd cold wster In every room; private baths; transient: 50c to $1.50 ; night: $2.50 to $5.50 week. 833 Kearny st. HOTEL I©YO,OET 072 Sutter st. New. select rooming hotel: city heat ami hot water every room, with bath; transients and permanent*; rates reasonable. HOTEL LE EOM) 456 GEARY ST.—New and modern; bot water, baths: rooms $3 and up. Phone Franklin 630. AIS&EY HOTEL P fl o r : t St., opp. St. Francis. Ph. Sutter 1830. $3.50 week to $3: with bath $5.50 to $7.30. HOTEL VEEMOW 976 Sntter St.—New, modern rooms, slngl* and en suite; showers; dining room ln connection. •HOTEL ST. ©AMEL 20 6th, corner Market. Just opened: steam heated; sunny corner; rooms $3 to $4 week. HOTEL WINTTON 415 O'FARRELL—Modern, ail outside rooms: $1 day up. with bath $1.50. Franklin 10SS. HOTEL ATLAS, 117 4th St.. corner Mission— Just o|ienexl; fireproof; 2 elev.; large lobby; prlv. exch.: 100 rooms, 75c up. $4 wk.; 100 with priv. bath. $1.25 day, $3 wk. up. HOTEL OREGON. 14tl> and Valencia —All sunny outside rooms, $3 wk.. $10 mo.; hot, cold water; steam heat. D»ione Park 5*73. HOTEL CABLING. 1154 Market. 43A City Hall ay rstes, 75c day op; $S week up. HOTEL AMFS. 46 Mason st.. block Market —Rates $2.50 week up: trsnslent 50c. AA -SUNSET HOTEL. 133 Market st.. one block from ferry—2oo modern rooms; family snd commercial trade solicited; 35c to $1 a day. $2 to $6 a week. HOTEL ST. GEORGE. 1259 Market, next city hall: sunny rms.. $2.50 wk. up. 50c-$l day. AURURN HOTEL. 481 Minna st.—Modern: hot water, bath*. lobby: $2 Week up. 50c day np. HOTEL GREEN—Just opened; all conven.; 50c day up: $2.50 wk. up; transient. 237 3d »t. HOTEL ST. GEORGE. 1250 MARKET. NEXT CITY HALL: $2.30 WK. UP: ,W. $1 DAY. HOTELS—ROOMING HOUSES HOTEL MARTINET. 1103 Geary, cor. Van Ness — Single rms.. $2.50 wk. up; free baths; cleanliness a specialty; housekeeping allowed. COTTAGES TO LET FIVE room cottage, furnished: 3 blocks to local: modern; $16. 5715 Ofh st.. Golden Gate. Oakland. OFFICES AND STORES TO LET DO YOB WANT AN OFFICE, or do you want to change your location? We can give you space In the best located and best appointed office building In the city at the most rea sonable rates. Addres* box 1353. Call office. HyILJLS TO LET ELEGANT hall to let for all occasions; maple floor, stage, hat and smoking rooms; rent rea sonable. Phone West 7948. (ITY REAL ESTATE $23.600 —Large cor. on Vateneta St.; rents $215. $2,000 oA>wn. $50 per mo.; flats; rent $K>o. $2,000 down. $80 per mo.; Fell st.; 3 fiats; opposite Golden Gate park; fine bldg. $5.250~F0150m St. 2 flats at 25th St.: $2,000 down. $35 mo.; chance for auto; gnat bargain. $4.250- —Treat nv.: 8 rms.. b. j chance for auto. $3,750 —367 Hill st. nr. proposed Church st. car line: $400 down. $20 per mo.; new 5 rms. and b.; will take good lot as first payment. $2,800—2 flats. 4 rm*.. b. > $500 down. $30 mo.; nr. Church st. proposed car line. $1.230--Eureka St. at 2tstj lot, with stieel work all done; easy terms. $1,000 —HHI st. nr. propped Church st. car line; only $30 down, $10 per month. E. M. LONG. NW. tflt ft and Mission sts. Tel. Market 2937. $s©o CASH NEW HOUSES of 4 rooms, bath and Urge pantry, porch, wall bed; mission finish: pay $15 * month on your own home. CONTRACTOR box 3015. Call office » houses for sale A bargain ln the Rels tract: 0 rooms and 2 lots, at 320 Raymond ay ; $1,600; one-third caah, balance on easy monthly payments, or $1,450 for all cash. Telephone Mlasfea 2135. G.W.OWEN. A BIG RARGAIN-?3cO. ! Building lot, 23g123, on De Ixnjg st. near I Shu .Lwe ay. CSJ lio< I ?1" down and $5 per ! month. HOMESTEAD REALTY" CO.. INC.. 7<Tl Market ; St.. room 202. FOR sale —SE. cor. IPC, ;ii,d Hartford «ts.. 27x i 86, with L: make offer. 2131 Santa Clara ay., Alameda. FOR sale—On Na teens st. bet. S»h and nth. ! four flat*: a good income; alw.ivs reuted. ' See owner. 3347 22d «t.: plume Mission si 12. HAVE Standard Title Insurance Company. Mills i bldg.. Insure your title; save time, save money. : jCOVyj^JiV A L ESTATE 25 ACRES, nearly all plow laud: 4 room nnftn i l*h»d house; spring, creek: good rotla; IVi . miles from station; $2,000. half cash. ADAMS & DAVID, SURVEYORS. 323 Bush st, j COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Continue* One Art* Of Good Land J Well Located Ii worth more than TEN ACRES Of Equally Good Land Poorly Located. Go and see the Beautiful Clayton Valley Lands ln the MT. ©HAIL® COUKTR.Y Ton can grow anything—walnuts, almonds, chestnuts, all berries, all fruits, all vege tables. Perfect climate, perfect health con ditions: no excessive he;it: no malaria. Otjly one hour's ride from the bay cities. Our terms will please you. $14.14 Paid In cash and $14.14 Paid, monthly Will purchase $I*ooo worth of this land. Ask about our lands In the Clayton Valley. R. Si. PC ROES* COMPANY. 734 Market «t., B*an Francisco. Branch Offices: 1538 Broadway, Oakland. Walnut Creek; Danville. Fine sandy loam 20 to 30 ft- deep: proven orchard district; near Vaeaville Solano Co.: station on land; earliest fruit, berries and veg tables; fine for alfalfa; pay $11.80 per acre down and take possession; balance $1 per acre per month. HICKMAN. 142 Lick bldg.. 33 Montgomery St.. S. F.. Cal. I Ml .ST sell either part of my farm. 1 to 5 acres. In Santa Clara valley, or 3 flats In Sunset District. S. F.: terms to suit: bar gain. If cash. W. CAMBER. Mountain View. Csllfornla. WALNUT creek 3 acre tract. 4 room house, on electric, only $1,800; terms Putnam Co., Wal nut Creek, or College and Bhafter ay.. Oak. 10 ACRE farms, rich valley soli. nr. school and station; $93 an sere: $30 cash. $10 monthly. R. ATTHOWE. 6*23 Hearst bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED I will exchange n» for* yenr cltv or country property. D. DAVID. 121 Chronicle bldg. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—2*4 acres of level land at town of Lafayette, Contra Cost* county; brown loam soil, plenty water, eiegant climate; school, church and stores right at hand; Oakland nnd Anfloch railroad Is operating 14 trains dally through this growing district: commu tation fare to Oakland and San Francisco very reasonable. For further Information concerning above property fill ln name and address and mail to bog 4987, Call office. Name Address BUNGALOW, S rooms, of plaster, brick and sione; garage, driveway and l>orte cochere: Inclosed glass sleeping porch: Interior finish highest quality hardwood: Inlaid oak floors; library, den and all modern devices. Roule yard Heights, overlooking Lake Merritt 2 blocks from cars; a bargain. Apply OWNER. 44.'. Hanover ay.. Oakland. Merritt 1477. $7,250. part cash—2 cottages on Clay near 6th; always rented; hualness corner: adjoining Just sold for $500 a front foot. A. LE CRECHT. 1420 Linden St. Tel. Oak. 3078. IF you want a borne in the best location on terms the same as rent, see us. We have thera In all prices. WENHAM A- PAUL. 1444 San Pablo ay. RICHMOND REAL ESTATE BEST close In property ln Richmond; lots $150 snd up; e.tsy terms. WENHAM A PAUL. 1444 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. Richmond office. 11th and Potrero ar. CONTRA ESTATE LOTS FOR SI MMER HOMES—Permanent bom* and camping In Redwood canyon, right oa tbe new Oakland-Antloch railway; $100 and np on easy payments: only 17 mlnntes from Broadway. Oakland: send for map. GEOBGB W. AUSTIN, 1422 24 Broadway, Syndicate building. Oakland. _ MILL YjiLLE!MR EAT, ESTATE SPECIALIST In real estate bargains; rlgkt trcaucut; your Interests cared for. WILL FALLEY. • MILL VALLEY. ATTENTION—MILL VALLEY LOT. $125. A beautiful wooded lot, 10 mm. level walk from station: street work done: water ln: terms or cash. Address box 1330. Csll. JffAJRUJMI^ FAIRFAX and San Anselmo real estate: Ideal climate: Ideal conditions; Ideal railroad serv ices; everything Ideal; our machines meet all trains at San Anselmo. Lansdale and > Fairfax. CROKER A CO., the leading ** agents. ___PENL^UXA_PRJ»F^ 12)$ acres Menlo Park, $630 per acre. 50 "acres, improved home. $250 per acre. 26 acre orchard, $500 per acre. £17,000 home at Palo Alto; bargain. $!o.(<k> home at Palo Alto; bargain. $7,000 home at Palo Alto; bargain. $3,000 home at Palo Alto; bargain. $4,000 home at Palo Alto; bargain. EXCHANGE FOR S. F. PROPERTY J. J. MORRIS. Palo Alto. Cal. TORRANCE___ CALIFORNIA'S MODERN INDUSTRIAL CITY, located on stesm and electric railroads be tween Los Angeles and Its harbor. For In formation relative to business opportunities, rest estate Investments and factory sites write KARL BREHME. 1031 37 Phelan build ing: phone Sutter 4299. FONTAN A LOCATED on electric line between Riverside and Los Angeles. Write for handsome Illus trated booklet on orange and lemon growing to KARL BREHME. 1031-37 Pbelan building. San Francisco; phone Sntter 4299. SANTA CRUZ REAL EBTATE~~ HOMES, ranches, acreage: exchange; price list, WILSON BROS.. Santa Crua. Cal. QOTERNMENT LANDS HOMESTEADS, southern Oregon; fine farming land, near railroad nnder construction; plenty of wster; we pay transportation and fees; act promptly. Farm & Home Co., 60S Pacific bid. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR exchange—l want laud ln trade for Pied mont residence of 14 rooms, 3 bathroom*, pantries, etc.; hardwood floors and finest construction throughout; price $30,000; will accept $10,000 or $12,<>00 iv land: $4,000 or $3,000 cash; mortgage for balance or any reasonable proposition. Apply to W. Q. URIDGE. 132 Hillside ay.. Piedmont. $2,000— Equity $l.400 : S 1-3 acres 1 mile from I>*]l on Mokelumne river; finest deep sedi ment soil with 5 acres In full bearing grapes with $300 crop now on It; balance low bot tom, fine for pasture, hogs or poultry; no buildings: exchange for equity eqnal value, lay cities. OWNER. liox 1320. Call office. I HAVE two tine, clear lots; will put in as part payment In clear cottage. OWNER. y 2277 East 14th st.. Oakland. M SAN DIEGO acreage for San Joaquin; Calgary. Canada, for California. Rox 1304. Call office! CITY or country property sold or exchanged K. ANDERSON. 317 Hearst bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED—Party with $4,000 or $3,000 to In corporate and manage company; patented novelty, moving picture line. Address box 1334. Call office. FOR sale —Small mufg. plant (furniture spe cialties); established business; centrally lo cated; suitable for contractor; as * whole or plant separately. 326 3th st. VALUABLE patents pay better than gold mines, write for list "Patents for Ssle " RANDOLPH A CO., Pstent Attorneys, Wash ington. I>. C. FOR sale—First class newspaper route on morning paper. Apply Circulation Depart ment. San Francisco Call.. CORPORATION with business of exceptional merit wants lady or gent to act as secretary - duties very simple: experience unnecessary sl,ooo cash required: fully secu.-rfV liberal salary and Interest lv profits. Room 13 004 Market St.. 8. F. ' LADY or gent of Intelligence with $2,000 cash snd services (or furnish substitute); plain of fice work; experience unnecessary; excep tions! opportunity; ground floor proposition; handle your own money; salary $2io month am! percentage of Immense profts. See man ager, room 23. 964 Market St.. S. F. HOTEL for sale or rent: established 29 rears; railroad workingmen and the best transient trade In town; opposite 8. P. depot and N P depot; man and wife preferred; small capital Apply or write JOS. P. HAN MAN, Stockton! 1 HAVE 40 agencies for sharpening safety rasor blades: slso msclilne; will sell business for £?' <;■ »• / ''NNINGHAM. Gordon Hotel. 7tn and Mission sts. Ri s: \; ranT f,,r sal.- s<n; Howard St. INVESTMENTS PARTNERS wanted to Join me In the beat man ufacturing proposition o n eartb; it win n« v * yon to Investigate this. Call at room 838 If Mooodnock bldg. ' *