Newspaper Page Text
INYEST3IENTS Continued -~ i BB OTT buys BONDS." 145 Montgomery st. tc, will buy Western States Ufa. VTi nl'\ buy Mascot Copper. We w'U bay La Zaeualpa Rabber. V\» *rl'i buy Vulcan Fire Ins. ABBOTT A CO.. 145 Montgomery at. fX VESTMENTS—Ws have capital for oonserv- : ' -' atlve real estate Investments ln California , ; where o.iick action and profit Is assured. Ad dress CHARLES A STANTON A CO.. Inc.. -First- National Bank bldg.. San Francisco. '.AUTOMOBILE Funding Co. of America will sell limited number of shares at par, $10; In dorsed hy tankers and bus. men. 374 Mo WILL take National Wireless as part pay Blent 1 n county road lots at naif Moo- Bay. WILL-buy NATIONAL WIRELESS telephone stock* - P J GOLDEN Merchants' National Bant bniidTng-. phone" Douglas 832. BUSINESS WANTED WANTED To purchase part Interest In good paying cigar stand: I mean business. Ad S dress box 1332. Call office. PARTNERS WANTED___ P^vRTN"BR for'nice little business near fair * g 'l"' 1 — j.. MONEY TO LOAN YOO°bWWBT O* FURNT •* TURF PIANOS ETC ; $10 TO $200; LOW COST; - CONFIDENTIAL; HONEST AND SQUARE DEAL. CVII OR WRITE OR PHONE. 557-9 PsCIFIC BLDG. 4TH and MARKET. PHONE DOUGLAS 3233. OAKLAND office. 518 First National Bank hid. WF T.OAN MONEY TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT: no indorser; .confidential: no red tape methods: $1 a week pays $15 loan. $2 week pays $30 loan; $3 week , pays $45 loan; $4 week pay* $«© loan. Call and see us. THE ROYAL IN VESTMENT COMPANY. 750 Phelan bldg. afoVFT LOANED on furniture, pianos snd ether security: lowest rates: most favorable terms ln tbe city. See others, then see me and be convinced: will save yon money. |2 "C weekl-v pays $S0 loan. Pbone Market ' 8029. GEORGE W. MILLER. 3009 16th St., southwest comer Mission, room 35. BALDWIN JEWELRY COMPANY. Gold snd Silver Smiths, IS IB Kearny «t. LOAN DEPT. RATES 2 PER CFNT PFR MO. C/.sn advanced on salaries: no security: low est rates 313 Merchants' Jvchange hide.; pbone Douglas 1411, and 508 Call bldg., - pbone Sutter 2537. AAA—SALARIED men and women accommo dated "without delay or publicity. Horns -Credit and Investment Co.. 821 Phelan bldg.. third floor. ,AA C A Wage earners, either men or women. can make a loan In strictest conflden-e at the EMPLOYES' CREDIT CO., r. 424 Mo nsdnoct bldg. C'e'SH LOANED to salaried men on note wltb . =.'• -Tint indorser. WORRELL. 1097 Monadnock ':' BAT.A*?Y lOANS. $5 np: cheapest rates. D. D. DRAKE. 940 Market sL TT - FIT.T.MORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT VIBI FILLMORE ST. MONEY TO LOAN—Rp»! Estate^ AA A A—WI LI. LOAN ANY AMOUNT at lowest Interesr on first, second and third mortgages, estates In probate, undivided Interest; des.l ■Mrretlv wjtii lender: no delay. R. Mr COLO AN. 502-603 Call bldg. cor. 3d and Market: phone Douglas 2535. The oldest established and leading- financial agency on the Pacific coast. LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. 6. 6*4 or 7 pef cent fist or Installment. Call or write O. E. EVANS. 2367 Mission St.. S. F. LEGAL AND OFFICIAL TO whom it may concern—l have purchased from Stanich & Boganovich the restaurant at 406 Haves st: any bills owing by them must be presorted within 5 days from date. BOS- I INTEND to purchase the haslnaes cc-iducted by Arthur M. Rice at No. 109 Turk st., San F r ancisco. Cal.. on September 10. 1913. and all persons present claims before said date. PRESENT nil hills hy Sept. 14 due against 1 Classified Directory I for Ready Reference ACCOUNTANTS—CERTIFIED PUB JOHN R. RUCKSTELL, C. P. A.. 3d floor Clauj Spreckels (Cain bldg.; phone Kearny 4151. ATTJORNEYB^__ AA -FREE LEGAL INFORMATION BUREAU with reliable law firm: all cases quickly handled; we advance all costs. 603 Chronicle building. HARRIS A HESS, attorney* at law. W. T. HESS, notary public—Room 709. Hearst bldg. ALL CASES bandied by reliable attorney; tbose of sens'' means welcome: psy when work is done; advice free. 1112 Market-st.. office 122. BABY CAERIAGES FINEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. »10» $12, $15, $20. Strictly borne industry. COULTER'S RATTAN WORKS. 1141 Sntter st. BROMIDE .SOLAR PRINTS PORTRAITS, frames. brorr.lde-solar-albumen prints. Chlca-jo Copy Co.. 1021 G. G. ay. BUTTONS AND PLEA^TLNG_ Steele & Buttoa Wks.. 222 Ellis nr. Mason: tel. Frank. 4321 and C4s2l—Mail orders solicited BUSINESSj:OLLE^ES__ HEAT.D'S BUSINESS COLLEGE—SchooI of CIvB. Electrical, Mining. Architectural; day. evening: established 1863. 425 McAllister st. SAN FRANCISCO -BUSINESS COLLEGE. 908 Market st. opp. sth—Day "and evening ses- ALL oonrt reporters recommeDd GALLAGHER MARSH BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1256 Market. CATARRH^ AND DEAFNESS EAR NOISES positively cured: new: antiseptic; 1 week free- to convince. DR. COTTINGH AM expert ear. nose, throat. 821 Market, rm. 402. C HJR^O-F^CTDC__ PRACTICAL chiropractic taught to doctors and BUTse*. left. W. RIEDL, 2327 Telegraph ay., CARPET CLEANING W * n: d r T ■* r ™ t t f' t UE sp A ' 1 WATT'S reUahte carpet cleaning; alterations. | renovst., laying. 444 Dlvlsadero: pb. Park 569. | Carpet Beating Works—Hampton A Bailey. 344-348 Chnrch: Mkt. 180. Mkt.l9o. A—NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGCY., 542 Pa ■ DO." • Dr. C. E. WILSON. 323 Geary St., DR. IRA *G. : LEEK—AII kinds of dental work. r.?7.'Fnjii.orfc".sr. near Oak. *Z '"' EjiESS MAKING M.-liOWELL s- Dressmaking and Millinery | . School—Eveslng classes; patterns cut to order. 121 Geary st. near Grant sv.; teL | Homes for the aged INSECTS EXTERMINATED" WK guarantee to rid your premises of INKBCTS. THE-INSECTICIDE CO., 659 Phelsn bldg. gYJLMD ( H A IKS SOLD, rested, exchanged, manufacturers of Faa*es tricycle chair. 1714 Market St.; I tel. Park 2940. j o F. LYING IN HOME, 1181 Oak St.—AAoft- j tlon. D'/. LORD. res. phy.; coefmt. $25. J Mkt otm. 11 Hji 1 1 l\ UKolo GkADI.'ATr; nurse wants patients by the hour, j Ttleoboae Park 2«L I CUIMIM VERY NEAR IDEAL That CaHfornia women approach nearest to the universal standard of what constitutes an Ideal woman was the statement of Miss Christine Hart, president of the Laurel Hall Women's club, speaking before the Home In dustry league of the ladies' day meet ing of the league In the Palace hotel yesterday. "California needs her women," said Miss Hart, "not only politically, but economically as well. It Is the women's sphere to aid in building up the industries of this state; therefore it Is the women's duty to be loyal In this respect and patronize goods made In California." Mrs. A. F. Watts, grand president of the Native Daughters of the Golden West, told of the plans for the Ad mission day celebration next week in Oakland, and how 9,000 members of the Native Daughters were all work ing in a campaign to buy California products. President A, C. Rulofson was In the chair. The welcoming address to the women was pronounced by Vice Pres ident J. H. Harbour. Other speakers were Mrs. N. H. Martin, Mrs. Mar garet G. Hall, Mrs. G. M. Bernard, Mrs. Ariena W. Sterling and Miss Mae Wilkin. AUCTION SALES E. CURTIS AUCTIONEER Office and Salesroom. Van Ness at Sacramento. Phone Franklin 2264. The old established house of CL'RTTS—No connection with any branch. — i CfilimiftMn SEaesft Bflettail Wiks Fully equipped to do light m»tal presswork. MODELS MADE AND PERFECTED. 1246 Golden Gate it.; phone West 2T1S. PATENT ATTORNEYS ABSOLUTELY the only registered patent at torney In the city who 1s an experienced me chanical electrical engineer; consequently the ONLY one who can properlv protect your invention. Call or write. ARTHUR L. SLEE. 704 Foxoroft bldg.. 68 Post st. DEWEY. STRONG & 00.. 0. S. and foreign patent'- inventors' guide; 100 mechanical movements free, fll-917 Chronicle bid. S. F. E. C. SCHROEDER, patent. tradrtBawt attor rey. 417 First Nations! Bank bldg.. Oakland. G W. WIEGAND—Patents, tradesmarks, etc. SOS Security Bank bid .Oakland: tel. Oak.25«3. PHYSICIANS DO YOU NEED HELP? If you need the services of a reliable special ist of skill and experience, no matter what your trouble, call at room* 605 and 606, Westbank bldg.. 830 Market st. Sanitarium and nursea when desired. Strictly confidential. Hrs. 10-4. P. BOATSMAN. doctor of mechanotherapy and electro-therapy; specialist In treating ner vous and chronic diseases. 2069 Sutter at.; phone 5746. DR. S. P. BLUMENBEBG, Specialist. 1895 Sutter. SE. cor. Webster it.; hrs, 11-1, 4-7 week days. nu . . —— ROOFING AND REPAIRING IF your roof leaks and needs attention, call west 9313. Carpenter work promptly done. st a infEsnia _ _ 1 STAMMERING —Cure guarantd.: cons, free; est. 25 yrs. Mrs. M. J. L. Crane. 1902 Dlvtsadcro. STAMMER? Method to cure explained FRKE. M. L. HATFIELD. 1918 Grove. Oakland. Cal. ' •mix I 1 _____ WEDDING CAKE BOXES sample by mail, 5c, W. A. HALLIDAY, Fine stationery. 974 Valencia st. bet. Liberty and 21st., S. F. Tel. Mission 3422. STOR \M r>0 MOVING VANS EXCt'RSlON RATES east on household goods; $1 7.1 per hundred to Chicago: through car i-ervice. BEKINS TAN AND STORAGE CO. WILSON BROS. CO., fireproof storage, moving, packing, shipping. Removed to 1636 Market st. near Halght: phone Park 271. P1ERCK-RODOLPH STORAGE CO.. 1450 Eddy St.; phone West S2S. Home S282S TBFNKS AND SPIT CASKS TRUNKS—Second hand and storage trunks of • the leading makes for sale cheap. LEVY'S j TRUNK FACTORY. 707 Mission; Doug. 3192. BIRTHS,MARRIAGES, DEATHS BIRTHS TERRAMORSE —In this city. August 4. 1913, to the wife of F. Terraicorse Jr., a son. MARRIAGES EDELL—HOPP —In this city. September 2, 1913 bv Rev. John Stephens, pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal church. Harry L. Edell EXLIOTT DICKSON —In this citv. September 4. 1913. bv Rev. John Stephens, pastor of Grace Mthodlst Episcopal church. Spencer Elliott of Sacramento snd Edith I. Dickson MARZOLI—JOHNSON-In this city, August 30. 1913, bv Rev. John Stephens, pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal church. John Emil Marxoli and Dora Johnson, both of San Fran- RALYA—WEBB—In this city. August 31. 1913. bv Rev. John Stephens, pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal church. Ellsworth L. Francisco. DEATHS McKENNA—In Portland. Ore. September 3. I 1913, John, (toarly beloved husband of Annie ! McKenna 'nee Remington), snd beloved father of Francis O. McKenna, a native of The funeral will take place tomorrow ' (Saturday i. from the ferry, foot of Market \ street, on arrival of the Oregon express, at 1:10 p. m., theatre to Holy Cross cemetery, SCIIOENKELD —In this city. September 5, 1913, Jtmmt, beloveil husband of Felma Scboenfelri and father of Harold, Walter and Bella S'-boenfeUl. Mrs. Rhoda Simon and Mi>. Amy Meyberar. a native of Westphalia, Service* and Interment private. Please FLORISTS Tft m ______ fS Floral Artists. lib? (v'VA7 Hi) lmOSUBuBWu'w 3091 ICtb near VaL; union: funeral work spec. Tel. Mkt. 5725 PARK FLORAL. 14:;7 Halght at.; phone Park '33c, cut flowers, pl'ts. etc. R. Groves, prop. SlilP.ET.E Y-MANN CO., the leading florists. 1200 Sutter: Kkn. 2094. Frank Sbibcley, mgr. UNION FLORISTS, piione Mkt. 82H8—Funeral j work a specialty. 3017 16th st. near Mission. | WHEN THE UNDERTAKES j BECOMES NECE8SARY SAVE 11 VI.i li e t uneral Expense Telephone Market Til. Oakland 4045. \ Independent of the Trust THE GODEAU FUNERAL SERVICE will | furnish for $75 embalming, shroud, silver mounted, cloth covered casket, hearse and two carriages, and give pair- I sonal supervision. TRUST UNDERTAKER* WILL CHARGE you (75 for the exsket alona, and all tbeir price* are proportionate. Godeau Funeral Service Save* Yon Half. Auto ambulance, carriages and auto* for hire. SAN FRANCISCO. OAKLAND. 41 Van Ness sv. 2210 Webster st. 805 Columbus st. Phone Oak. 4045. THE BAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1913. Three Mile Race Around Lake Merritt Scheduled Tuesday Oakland and Berkeley Y. M. C. A. Relay Teams Will Oppose Oak land Playgrounds Boys Oakland and Berkeley Y. M. C. A. relay teams will compete ln a three mile relay race round Lake Merritt on Tuesday against teams selected from ail the playgrounds of Oakland. There will be one race for Juniors un der the age of 14 and another contest for intermediate athletes up to 16 years of age. The race is three miles, and the Junior contingent relay men will have to run 220 yards each, this taking 24 men for each team. The intermediate team will consist of 12 men, each ath lete having to run 440 yards. The following playgrounds of Oak land will enter teams In the race: Bushrod, Fremery, Mosswood, Bella Vista, Melrose, Allendale and Tomp kins. The Oakland Y. M. C. A. teams will be named from the following ath letes: Junior team —E. Dearborn, R., Klinkenbeard. R. Alvill. W. Hyde, N. Ronald. L. Prescott, M. Buckley, W. Reid, J. Spencer, T. Anossky. W. Ray. H. Martin, L. Hanna, C. Toker, D. Toker, E. Bennett, R. Tubbs. W. Wright. H. Oliver. C. Bowes, C. Stroh heck, F. Behr, L. Thompson, L. Thorp. G. Giant, W. Spear, W. Mortander, A. W. Denman, C. Robertson, F. Bana, C. Carlson. Oakland Intermediate team—C. Bull, A. Poker, M. Ronald, W. Hutchinson, T. White, H. Waterhouse, J. White. L. Wetzel. V. Irish, F. Hyde. H. Miller. C. Kydd, A. Smith, W. Torgensen, E. Street, E. Raisain, D. Reide. Berkeley Y. M. O. A. will only com pete in the Intermediate relay race snd has named the following team: F. Stevens, F. McKechie, L. Bonell, J. Svmea, F. Erskine. J. A. Smith. L. A. Chalmers, A. Naybeek, F. Lloyd. N. Peterson, C. Dezendorn, D. Boyne, P. Griffiths, K. Stanton. Thanksgiving Races At Savannah, Ga., May Be Called Off President Granger of Georgia Club Announces There Must Be Full Complement of Entrants SAVANNAH. Ga.. Sept. 5. —Because of the attitude taken by manufac turers and drivers, Harvey Granger, president of the Savannah Automobile club, announced upon his return from the Elgin races that unless there is a full complement of entrants by tlis middle of October there will be no Thanksgiving grand prize and Van derbilt cup races at Savannah. Granger says the manufacturers and drivers are demanding all en trance fees be waived, and ln many instances freight on their machines to and from Savannah be paid. Granger is emphatic In the state ment that entrance fees must be paid, and unless there is a satisfactory list by October 15 the racing events will be called off. Students Are Urged To Support Referee STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Sept. 5.— "DorTt kick at the decisions. Stand by the referee, even if things are going against you." were the strong words af advice given by Prof. Frank Angell, chairman of the faculty committee on athletics, at the signup football rally held last night. "In order to meet the competition of the growing numbers at California, where the registration of the fresh man class alone this year is almost equal to the entire student body here, we can solve the problem by estab lishing a school of Rugby, where 300 or 400 men are playing the game con tinuously throughout the season. We have the finest athletic equipment in the ways of fields in the west. We must use them." Jack Johnson in New and Novel Role IX>NDON, Sept. s.—Jack Johnson, the negro pugilist whose back was hurt yesterday when a taxicab ran Into his automobile, was better to day. He said he would appear ln court next Thursday to prosecute the taxicab driver. Johnson has been arrested 21 times, and this will be the first time he ever appeared in the role of prosecutor. Doctors who examined the pugilist said that the enormous muscles saved Johnson from a probable fracture of the spine. Baseball Players For School Board CLEVELAND. 0., Sept. s.—Napoleon Lajoie, Yon Gregg and Nemo Lei bold, members of the Cleveland base- ' ball club, have found that they were candidates for the Cleveland board of education. At the recent primary officials of the board of elections found that the three baseball stars had received six votes each from admiring friends who had written their names on the bal lots. "I am too busy with baseball to monkey with politics." said Lajoie when he heard of the honor paid himself and colleagues. Dillon Has Canceled Montana Matches INDIANA POMS, Sept. s—Jack Dil lon, claimant of the middle weight rhiimpionshlp, who was to have fought Frank Mantel] at Sacramento, September 17, and "Kid" Oeorge at Salt Lake City, September 23, can celed the matches on orders from his physician. About a month ago Dillon was in jured in an automobile accident. TOWNS VOTE DOWN j NAME OF WOODROW j CHICAGO, Sept. s.—Women of Spring Road and Villa Park arose at the polls and prevented the name of Woodrow from gracing the map of Illinois to day. The proposition at the special election to incorporate both commu nities into the village of Woodrow, named after President Wilson, was defeated by a vote of 139 to 76. Nine ty-two women voted, most of them against the proposition, and it was due to their strength at the polls the measure was lost. j Notice to Call Subscribers jo ♦o !Any former Morning Call subscriber not receiving the CHRONICLE regularly will please telephone to the ;j CHRONICLE Circulation Department, Kearny 1041, or Oak land 218, or send a postal card, and the CHRONICLE will immediately be delivered. ]J Publication of the Morning Call was discontinued on !! 1t August 31st, and it is important that we have your proper ad- .» ♦ dress in order that the CHRONICLE may be delivered to '! I y° u > :; 1 I I Phone Kearny 1041 ] [ j ♦ Oakland 218 !, WOMAN IS STONED IN CALUMET RIOT Mine Guards Fired On by Strikers—Moyer Denies Walkout Is Off CAX.UMET. Mich., Sept. s.—The strike situation was quiet here today following - a night of disorder, when many shots were fired at deputies and secret service men guarding min ing properties. Three detectives were fired upon north of here, and at Hurontown a mob of strikers fired upon a deputy and stoned a woman. Similar re ports of guerilla warfare were re ceived from other parts of the dis trict. President Moyer of the Western Federation of Miners returned here today following a conference with Governor Ferris. He denied rumor that the federation officials planned to call off the strike. Attorney Clarence Darrow arrived here today. Shortly afterward a pe tition asking for an injunction re straining Sheriff Cruze from employ ing Weddell Mahon or other secret service men in preserving peace in the county was filed. A petition of a similar nature was filed two weeks ago, but It was found to be faulty and no action was taken upon it. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS M. R. Sander et al. to Brltton A Ray com pany, lot commencing 125 N of Green street and 68:9 B of Tavlor. E 24:3 by N 12:6; $10. F. and A. I>evy to Peter Michel, lot In W line of Fortieth avenue, 175 S of H street, S 25 by W 120; $10. Newell Murdock Realty company to Rolph F. Johnson, lot 3, block 17, Forest Hill; $10. Same to Frank G. Johnson and wife, lots 16 and 17. block 17, Forest Hill; $10. Oscar Heyman and Bro. to Emma Fessler, lot ln W line of Forty-seventh avenue, 125 N of Quintara street, N 23 by W 120; $10. Fernando Nelson and wife to Byron Hooper and wife, lot at SE corner of Clement street and Seventeenth avenue. E 32:6 by S 75; $10. Nebon Realty company to James Mearcs and wife, lot commencing 75 N of Lombard street and 137:6 W of Larkln. W 68:9 by N 30: $10. Newell-Murdoch Realty company to Charles A. Hall et al.. lot 15, block 16, Forest Hill, $10. Estate of Bernhard Getz, deceased, by exec utors, to Lettie Williams, lot in W line of Twenty-fifth avenue, 175 N of California street, N 25 by W 120; $1,216.20. Mary B. Connor to Margaret E. Stafford, lot lv W Hue of Howard street, 110 N of Fif teenth, N 50 by W 85, and two other parcels; gift. Marlon E. and James V. Hughes to William Edward Elater and wife, lot in N line of Hayes street, 167:6 W of Cole, W 30 by N 137:6: $10. Josephine Alfs to Marie Reglna Kast, lot in SliDe of Oak street, 112:6 W of Gough, W 25 by S 120; $10. Isldor S. Green and wife to Joseph A. Bo quet. lot In N line of Clement street. 82:6 E of Second avenue. E 23 by N" 100; $10. Johu L. A. Olofson to Adallne A. Olofsou, lot In S line of W street. 32:8 E of Twenty ninth avenue. E 50 by S 100, an one other piece; gift. Mary R. Iheesewrlght to Catbarina Wulff. lot in X line of Fourth avenue, 230 S of Lake street, S 25 by E 120; $1. Catharlna Wulff to James Ward and wife, same; $10. Albert Whitman and wife to Lewis J. Hart and wife, lot in N line of Anza strfet. 107:6 E of Twenty-third aveuue. E 25 by N 100; $10. Christian F. Ruppel to Kathnrlna Ruppel. lot in N line of McAllister street. 82:6 N of Octavla street. W 25 by N 100; gift. Rivers Brothers to G. F. Comstock, lot 38, block 0. Lakevlew; $10. Sol Gets A Sons to Harry N. Ramsdell. lot In E line of Forty-eighth avenue. 230 N of Paraval street. N 25 by E 120; $10. Glenn B. Miller and wife to Karl Yugve, lot 7. block K. Park Lane tra-t No. 7; $10. James Smith to Joseph J. Smith, lot In E line of Kate street, 183 S of Bryant, S 15 by E 50; $10. Same to same, one-half of lot in S line of Lake street, 182:6 W of Nineteenth avenue, W 25 by S 100: gift. John S. Purcell and wife to Adolf Moeller, lot ln W line of Diamond street, 210 S of Twenty-second. S 0:6 by W 115:9; $10. Arendt H. Robde and wife to Leander Shield and wife, lot in E line of Alabama street. 150 S of Twenty-first, S 35 by E $100 ;$lO. Samuel Splro and Matilda Smith, executor and executrix of the estate of Rebecca Furst 'oVceasedl, to Gulseppe and Carlo Feiro. one half of lot In W line of Dupont street. 107 S of Green, E 30:6 by W 68:9; $230. Samuel Splro and wife to same, all same; $10. R. Castsgnola to William Fortls. lot in NE line of Whitney street. 103:5% SE of Ran dall. SE 25:10%, E 101:0%, N 23, W 107:8%; $10. Hartland Law and wife to Herbert E. Law, lot at NE corner of Tonquln and Fillmore streets, N 275 by E 191:4%. and 13 other pieces; $10. Herbert E. Law to Hsrtlaml Law. lot in N line of Jefferson street, 197:6 W of Broderick, N 137:6 by W 131:3, and eight other pieces; $10. George C. Smart to Alfred Read and wife, lot ln SE line of Laidley street. 238 NE of Mateo, NE 25 by SE 100; $10. Anna Strauss and husband to Albert Kauf mann, lot in E line of Brewster street, 178.18 N of Rutledge, N 50 by E 140; $10. Antonio Deluccbl (by sheriff! to R. J. Graf, lot in W line of Lyon street, 25 S of Grove. S 25 by W 112:6: $318. Jacob Welssbeln and wife to Jacob H. Thorup and wife, lot in W line of Twenty sixth avenue, 1(H) N of California street, N 25 by W 120; $10. Lewis P. Meaney and wife to Jennie M. Gunn, lot In E line of Bryant avenue, 55 N of Twenty-second street. N 30 by E 100; $10. Mrs. Mary and Tony Sousa to John D. Ohl roggen, lot in NE Hue of Hamilton street. 173 SE of Dwlght. SE 25 by NE 120; $10. William G. Loewe and wife to William M. Gill and wife, lot ln NW line of Athens street, '100 SW of Russia avenue, SW 26 by NW 100; $10. Jacob Weisabeln and wife to Francises Chris ten. lot in N line of 8 street, 32:6 W of Forty first venue. W 50 by N 100; $10. Richard Pengelly to Elizabeth Pengelly. lot In E line of Arkansas street, 234 S of Twen tieth. S 80 by E 100; gift. Elizabeth M. Carr to Mrs. B. B. Haagpma. lot In N Hue of Montana street. 130 W of Cap itol ivenue. W 23 by N 123; $10. Sol Getz A Sons to Walter C. Roysteu. lot ln W line of Thirty-second avenue. 150 S of Balboa street, S 25 hy W 120; $10. Building Contract* Leonie Mero with MJchele Ostorero—To erect a one story and basement frame cottage ln SW line of Paul avenue, 60 NE of Crane street. SE 25 by SW $100; $1,808. L. A. Mvers with B. C. Van Emon—All work for one electric freight elevator for building ln N line of Bush street between Polk street and Van Ness avenue; $1,850. C. F. Kohl with Butcher A Hadley—All work for narrowing of Montgomery street sidewalk tt NE corner of California and Montgomery street. E 87:6. N 114:3%, W 18:6, N :10%. E 69. S 115:2%; $1,700. Panama-Pacific International Exposition com pany with Sunset construction company—Rock surface for drill ground and racetrack at ex position site: $18,130. Susanna and James F. Vlner with G. Car raro To erect a two story and basement frame fists and garage in W line of Elgin park. 237 S of McCoppln street. S 32 by W 73; $8,790. CORNELL CANDIDATE FOR NEW HONORS PHILADELPHIA, Sept. s.—ln the hope that he might develop a team that will snatch the cross country running race from Cornell, Coach Gorton, one of the most famous run ners of his time, is sending the candi dates through some mighty paces. Gorton feels that he has the material and thnt it only remains for him to develop it. FINANCIAL, SHIPPING AND REAL ESTATE j Vwwv-uT.-.j-LrL.-.L -i.-lei * —— , «. ( Local Mining Stocks | ♦—- ♦ OPENING SALES, SEPT 5 170 West End. 1.32% 200 Best A Belch 08 2000 Jim Butler.. 6§! 400 Ophlr 21 1500 North Star.. 69; 500 Savage 12 1800 Gld Con M..2.001 100 Con Va M 09 1000 Gld Con M..2.05] 100 Crown Pt 21 2000 Gld Merger... 1* 100 Yellow Jacket. 21 Informal Session 63 Caledonia ...1.20 500 Butler 62 10 Caldonia.slO 1.261100 Butler, b 30.. »2 jog Ophlr 22 100 Caledonia ..1.56 1000 Jumbo 3211500 Ton Merger.. 73 700 West End.. .1.35! 1000 North Star.. 72 2000 Rescue 16j 300 Com Frac... 22! 800 Belmont ...,7.05 200 HAN 07 200 Ton Merger.. 721 500 Gld Con 2.00 200 So Eureka...2.soj 200 Mexican 1.25 500 West End... 1.351100 Com Fract... 05 iOO Seg Belcher. OSlloOJnmbo 13 1000 Cash Boy ... 07i 300 West. End ..1.36 CLOSING QUOTATIONS Montana 1.12 — | Con Imp ... 01 02 Ton of Nev.4,50 — Kentuck 01 02 lon Esten.. — 2.05, Alpha — 02 MaoNamara 12 13j Belcher . 25 — Midway 44 —| Confidence' ..18 — Belmont ... .7.05 7.07; Sierra Nev... 05 06 West End...1.82 1.85 Utah — 04 Jim Butler.. 67 su| Bullion — 02 North Star.. 68 7o,Exchequer ..02 — Rescue Eula. 15 18 Seg Belcher. — 08 Mlxpah Ex.. 40 —[Overman ... 35 — lon Merger.. 69 — [Justice 03 04 Gld Cou M. .2.00 2.02| Uuion Con ..10 12 Columbia Mt 01 02 Alta 04 — Jumbo Ex .. 12 14 Julia Con ... 01 — Com Fraction 05 06 Caledonia ...1.50 — Booth m 02 silver Hill.. — 15 Blue Bull .. 03 04! Challenge ... 05 07 Gld Merger.. 13 141 Occidental ..70 — Florence 20 — Andes 08 04 Gid Kew.tuns 02 03! Scorpion 04 — Red HIIU .. 01 OS Blue Bell .. — 02 ° r0 °8 08* Spearhead .. 01 02 Atlanta 14 16] Gld Portland — Ol Great Bend.. 02 03! Yellow Tiger 02 04 Pitts S Peak. 45 — Grandma ... — 02 Nev IHUs .. 80 — Conqueror .. — 01 Round Mt... 40 41 Sand Kend.. — 02 Wlver Pick... 02 04 Boston Ton.. 02 03 6, < l » 03 — Ton 78 Con. 02 — Daisy ;>2 03 5 Cash Boy ... 06 08 DmdHd B Bt 01 _ Lone Star ... 01 02 »„ p rnal — 07 Umatilla ... 04 06 Gypsy Queen 06 06j Great West.. — 01 Halifax ... .1.30 1.8.V Mayflower .. — 01 M Pitts Ex. 07 08) Man Con ... 05 07 victor — 36! Dexter 02 04 OP'iii" 21 2Si Mustang 01 02 Mexican 1.20 _ Mm Hill Con — 01 Gould A 0. 03 04, Mat. Big 4. 30 — Best A Belch 07 OH White Caps. 09 — Con \ a M.. as 01 Gold Wedge. 02 04 ?« v *K p 11 13 Mom Glory.. — 02 Chollar 01 02 Amalgam ... — 02 \ otOHl 01 — j Dexter Un... 01 02 Hale & Norc — 08 Cent Eureka. 17 — iel Jacket.. 20 —| Eagle's Nest. 02 OS ■+ ——. , Grain Quotations f£**9 J - 0, Wilson A Co.'s private wire.) CHICAGO, Sept. s.—The leading futures ronged as follows: Wheat— Open High Low Close September ..SO.BO $0.80% $0.88% $0.85% December ... .02% .92% .91% .92 Com— 97l5 * -97% ■ 00% ' 86% September .. .77% .77% 76% 76% December ... .74 74 73 73 M &ts- T5 '= ** September .. .43% .43% .42% .42% December ... .46% .46% .45% 45% Ma * • 48% .48% .48% .48%, Pork— September . .22.30 22.80 22 20 22 20 January 20.40 20.30 20.22 % 20 25 Ma / 20.32% 20.65 20.32 % 20.40 Lard— September ..11.37% 11.40 11.33 11 35 October 11.42% 11.47% 11.40 11.42% January 11.30 11.35 11.15 11.20 May 11.40 11.43 11.32% 11.35 Short Ribs- September —11.45 11.43 11.30 11 30 October 11.40 11.47% 11.33 11.35 January 10.82% 10.82% 10.60 10 62% May 10.90 10.95 10.75 10.75 * ' — *- Local Produce 4 *■ RECEIPTS INTERIOR PRODUCE BEPT. 5 Flour, qr sks... 4,630! Roll, barley, sks 462! Wheat, ctls ... 1401 Butter, ctU ... 305 Barley, ctls ... 3,110 Eggs, doz 30,600 Oats, ctls 2,8661 Cheese, ctls 70 Beans, sks 1.667: Leather, rolls ... 30 Corn, ctls 10|Tallow. ctls .... 20 2555: i * kH 3 "' Hides, No 340 Middlings, sks.. 40|Pelts, No 15 Potatoes, sks .. 6,830 Lime, bbls 182 Onions, sks 3n Sugar, ctls 6,600 Hay. tons 405jWine. gals 37.80.1 Straw, tons ... 10 Lumber, M ft... 60 Hops, bales ... 626 Apples, bxs .... 700 Wool, sks 43 Raisins, bxs ... 4,300 Feed, sks I.soo!Quicksilver, flsk. 1 Malt, sks 5O0« Livestock. N0... 40 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Martin Hausen to Joseph P. O'Toole aud wife, lot in W line of BeUevue street, 35 N of Twenty-fourth, N 30 by W 75; $10. Patrick Farry to Mary and Elisabeth Farrv, lot in W line of Scott street, 90:3 S of Oak, S 24:0 by W 106:3; gift. Richard Scott to Frederick G. Homer, lot in SE line of Falcon avenue, 181:3 NE of Mono street. NE 25. SE 104:8. SW 25. NW 10.1: $10. Halome Cowell t 0 J. W. Griffith, lot at SW corner of Irvln street and Thirtieth avenue. W 107:6 by S 100; $10. Oscar Hey man A Bro.. to Margaret Kerr, lot In E Hue of Twenty-ninth avenue, 150 N of Geary street. N 23, E 1*8:5%, SE 25:1%. W 140:8%; $10. Sterling Realty company to Frederick Holm, lot In E line of Nineteenth avenue. 75 N of Ortega street. N 25 by E 107:6; $10. Lawrence P. Hourlhan to Mary A. Hourihan. lot ln SE Hoe of Terry street. 3(X> NE of Third. NE 25 by SE 75, and three other par cels; gift. James Packer to Annie L. Packer, lot in N line of O'Farrell street, 123 W of Scott. W 27:6 by N 1,37:6, and one other parcel; gift. Adolph Petry and wife to Peter M. Fsrring tou and wife, lot in W line of Seventh avenue, 75 S of Anza street, B 25 by W 82:6: $10. G. Kellogg Claxton to Bertha M. Kellogg, lot in N line of Washington street, 92:3% W of Taylor, W 35:2% by N 00; gift. Mary A. King et al. to H. J. Dempsey, lot in W line of Forty-fifth avenue, 100 S of Bal boa street. S 25 by W 120; $—. H. J. Dempaey and wife to Elite M. Cockrell, same: $10. Nils boe and wife to Giuseppe Palma. lot 36, block 0. Sunnyslde- $10. Domlnlck Shannon to Leavinia Shannon, lot at NE corner of Twentx-tblru and Eureka streets, E 23:0 by N 60; gift. Newell-Murdock Realty company to J. G. Roberts, lot 13. block !>, Forest Hill; $10. Same to Maurice R. Carey, lot IU, block 9, Forest Hill: $10. Maurice Roenthal Realty company to Alex S. Keenan, lot In E line of Thirty-third ave nue, 175 N of Balboa. N 75 by E"l20; $10. J. N. Gregory, by Marion Houle, to David Houle, lot 18, block H, Columbia Heights; $2,000. David Houle to Hsrry Jaeger and wife, same; $15. Thomas Morffew to David Dillon and wife, lot ln N line of Twenty-fifth street, 76 E of San Bruno avenue, fc 50 by N 100; $10. Moneta Investment company to Gladys L Rasmussen. lot lv S line of Staples avenue, 175 E of Genessee street, E 25 by S 100; $10. Axel Carlson to John Carlson, lot 34, block 2. Fair's subdivision of Holly Psrk tract; $4,300. Mary C. Barry to Helen A. Barry, lot ln W line of Mission street. 245 N of Twentieth, N 23 by W 90 and one other parcel; gift. Adolph N. Schopke to August Gegllng, lot In S line of Garfield street, 50 W of Ramsell. W 25 by S 100; $10. Oscar Heyman and brother to Jen Veen, lot ln W line of Thirty-eighth aveuue. 175 S of Irving street. S 37:6 by W 120; $10. Parkslde Realty company of San Francisco to Coleena M. Stewart, lot In E line of Twenty third avenue, 60 S of Liloa street, S 30 by E 120; $10. Robert T. I.egge and wife to Frederick K. Houston. SW, 50 NW of Harrison, NW 25 by SW 80; $10. Frederick K. Houston and wife to Leon Levy and wife, same; $10. George Barber et al., trustees of estate of Thomas Barber, to Margaret A. Barber, lot ln N line of Vallejo street. 150 W of Van Ness avenue. W 25 by N 137;6, and one other par cel; $7,000. Edward F. Fltipatrlck and wife to Henry Sass, one-fourth of lot In E line of Anne street. 06 N of Pine, N 41:6 by E 6.'>; $10. Niels M. Petersen et al. to John T. Pepee and wife, lot In E line of Stanyan street, 50 S of Rlvoli, S 25 by E 100: $10. Sarah A. Bryan to William A. Breen, lot In E line of Ijiguna street, 107:6 S of Vallejo, S 30 by E 161:3; $10. Louisa M. Oetwsld to Henry Sass, half of lot In E line of Anne street, 96 N of Pine, N 41:6 by E 00; $10. James D. Byrnes to same, one-fourth of same; $1,556.23. Mary Outnertet to Herman Lichtenbcrger, lot In N line of Post street, 75 W of Baker, W 25 by N 100; $10. Antonio Giullanelli and wife to Charles Lin dermann, lot at NE corner of Twenty-second and Dolores street*. E 37:6 by N 94; $10. John Delury to Joseph E. HiU and wife, lot ln N line of Army street, 263 W of Church, W 25 by N 114; $1.0. Building Contracts David Harris with Thompson company, Thompson, Johnson aad Healy A Ekin—To erect a three story and basement frame build ing at SE corner of Ellis street and Farreu avenue, 30x75; $10,068. , Mm. A. Rudgear with Frank M. Garden A Co.—Excavation, concrete cement floor, side walks, sleeper fill, cutting openings into hotel, furnish and set all Joists, bridging, rough doors, roof boards, setting window frames, anchors, joist hangers, for a four story class 0 apartment building In S line of Bush street, 183:1 U of Stocktuii, £ cU;S by S 120; $10,364. BULLISH MARKET, COPPER LEADING Harriman Issues Strong and Union and South ern Pacific Gain By CHARLES W. STORM NEW YORK, Sept. 5.—A bullish ten dency pervaded the stock market at the opening today and there was a general upturn, led by Amalgamated Copper, which advanced 1%. Condi- I tions in the copper metal market were responsible for this result. It is gen erally believed that the price of the metal is bound to advance because of troubles which have beset copper pro ducing companies along the Mexican border, in Mexico and ln Michigan, where a strike is in progress. The Harriman Issues were strong. Union Pacific advanced 1 point and Southern Pacific made a gain of %. The sudden rise in the rate of call money, due to banks calling loans, did not affect the market. Trading was not in big volume, but the list readily responded to purchases. Among other gains were: American Can, %; American Locomotive, %; American Smelting, %; American Tel ephone and Telegraph, %; Baltimore and Ohio, %; St. Paul, %; Chino Cop per, %; Erie, %; Lehigh Valley, %; Missouri Pacific %; New York, New Haven and Hartford, % ; Northern Pa cific. %; Reading, %; United States Steel common, %. The curb was firm. Americans !n London were steady, at gains over New York parity. Cana dian Pacific ln London was strong on repurchases. Considering declines throughout the week it was evident that at least a moderate recovery was to take place. Under the leadership of the copper stocks professionals played for a rally and by the end of the first hour mod erate improvement took place. Union Pacific was practically the only stock lacking in improvement, selling at a decline of %. Copper was up % to 77. Steel was up %, Reading %, Canadian %. and Lehigh Valley 1 % at 153%. New Haven sold around 91 %. The tone was active, shortly be fore noon, call money loaning at 3 per cent. | Opening in Wall Street j (From J. C. Wilson A Co.'s private wire) Open 9 ami Open 9 am Amal Copper 711% 77 X C Son... 25% 25% Am Car F. 46 46*4 Lehigh Va1.152%153% Am Can Co. 33% 33%' L A N 135 133 Do p-M... 94? i 95%jM X A T.. 22 22% Am Ire 24 24% Mo Pac ... 28% 29% Am Loco ..33 35 I Nev Cons... 16% 16% Am S & X 67V* 68 IN T Cent... 95% 95% Am T A T. 131 131 IS & W 104%104% Anaconda C. 38% 37% Pa Ry 112% 112% Atchison ... 94% 94% People's Gasllß 118 B A 0 95% 86% Pr St Car.. 25% 25% B R T 8»% 80% Ray C Cop. 19% 19% Ca! Pet 21% 22 IReading ... 159%159% Can Pac ...220 220%;R 1 pfd 27 27 | Con Leather 23 23 | SLASF2dpfd 9 9 CMASt PaullO-5%106 Son Pac ... 90% 90% Ch A NW.127% 127%jTenn Cop .. 32% 32% Chino Cop.. 42% 43% Union Pac. . 149%180% Corn Prod . 10% 10% Do pfd ... 81 81 Erie 28% 28% IB S Steel.. 62% 63 «'r No pfd..126 126 iU S Stl 55..100%100% IU Cent .. ,108>,i 108% Utah Cop... 85 55 | Interboro M. 16 16 j W Union .. 67% 67% Do pfd .. 62% 62%!Beth Steel.. 35 86 ■* *. I Local Oil Quotations «—, „ .♦, Bid. Ask.! Bid. Ask. Asso Oil ... 41% — Republic .... 10 — Caribou 971 ioo Ifiaure Dough — 140 Pac Crude.. 21 — Shawmut ... — 50 Premier 21 — (Shawmut ... — 232% BROOMHAXL CABLE REPORTS (From J. C. Wllaon A Co.'s private wire.) Buenos Aires—Wheat Closed %'S% higher. Corn closed unchanged to % higher. The situ ation Is strong, with oXers light and buyers meeting the advance at all times. Shipments continue heavy and the quality of arrivals Is not satisfactory, but even the lower grades are being urgentlj taken. Russia—Weather and crop advices are now favorable, with harvesting progressing rapidly, but offers are comparatively light and firmly held. Argentine shipments— This week. Last week. Last year. Wheat 296,000 600,000 976.000 Corn 7,285.000 5.670,000 6,425,000 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CERTIFICATES (From J. C. Wilson & Co.'s private wire.) NEW YORK. Sept. s.—Announcement is made by Kuhu. Loeb A Co. thst further figures furnished by the Central Trust company show that a total of .$810,064 Southern Pacific cer tificates have been subscribed for, leaving only $78,072 for distribution among participants in the underwriting syndicate. The strength ln Southern Pacific is due to the statement that the unn'erwriters will get much less stock than was first thought. South ern Pacific subscriptions of 92 per* cent sre bullish not only on the Southern-Union Pacific group, but on the general situation, consider ing the money market and general hard times. NEW YORK COTTON RECEIPTS NEW YORK. Sept. 5 —The receipts of cot ton at ports for the day estimated at 28.000 bales, against 35,459 last week and 31.351 bales last year. CHICAGO GRAIN RECEIPTS CHICAGO, Sept. 5 —Car lots—Wheat—Re ceipts 132. contract 60. year ago 270. Corn- Receipts 34ft. contract 209. year ago 329. Oats —Receipts 230, contract 18. year ago 426. LOCAL WHOLESALE PRICE LIST San Francisco wholesale price list this morn ing: Hams—Eastern. M. A L. brand. 21% c; Cali fornia, H. 11. brand, 20% c; picnics, 14% c. Bacon—Eastern, IC A L. brand. 6 to 8 aver age, 2Sc: 8 to 10 average, 25% c; California. H H. brand, 6 to $ average, 24 %c; 8 to 10 average, 23% c; Diamond I. brand. 10 to 12 average, 21c. Pure Lard—M. A L. brand, tierce basis. 12c. Shortening—M. A L. best, tierces, 10% c. Compound—H. H. brand, tierce basis, 10c. Salad Oil—M. & L brand. Ssc. White Cooking Oil—M. &L. brand, 75c. , Yellow Cooking Oil—M. A L. brand, 59c. COFFEE AND SUGAR PRICES NEW YORK. Sept. s.—Coffee steady, op tions i to 3 points higher; Rio No. 7 on spot, 9%C asked. Rice—Steady; domestic ordinary to prime. 4((<">%c. Molasses—Steady; New Orleans open kettle. 85f$5oc. Sugar—Raw, qutot; centrifugal. 3.76 c bid; Muscavado. 26c bio"; molasses sugar. 3.01 c bid; refined, steady; tine granulated. 4.«0<g4.8tV; cut loaf, 5.60 c bt<l; crushed, 3.50 c; mold A, 5.15 c; cubes, 4.05@5.03c. CHICAGO GRa7n~OPENIN O CHICAGO. Sept. s.—Opening grain—Wheat- May. »7%©97%e; December, 92%rg92%c; Sep tember, 98% c. Corn—May. 7r.%®75%c: December. 78%® 74c; September, 77%@7.%c. Oats—May, 48% c; December, 46% c; Sep tember. 43% c. Pork—January, $20.40: September. $22.30. Lard—January. $11.80@11.32%; May, $11.40; October, $11.42%; September, $11.37%. RAMAPO STALLION BRINGS BIG PRICE; NEW YORK, Sept. s.—The entire Ramapo stud stable, consisting of five famous stallions and 33 mares, foals I and yearlings, was sold at auction i yesterday for $87,600 to settle up the j estate of the late Charles Kohler. Uncle, one of the stallions, brought j the biggest, price, J38.000, being paid | for him by Frederick Johnson of New I York. —, • TENNIS CUP HERO WINS EASY GAME HAVERFORD. Pa., Sept. 5.— R. Nor ris Williams, second member of the victorious Davis tennis cup team, had an easy time yesterday defeating G. M. Church in the second run of the intercollegiate tennis championships. Williams represented Harvard and Church represented Princeton, Local Securities ♦ _—_ .— 3. P. STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE SALES SEPTEMBER 5 Morulng Session $2,000 Oakland Traction Con 5s 82.50 $5.r>00 Sacramento E. G. A liy. 5s 101.00 $2,000 California G. A E. gen. 5s 100.00 $1,000 Pacific G. A E Co. 5s 86.75 $2,000 Pacific Telephone 5s 07.37% $4,000 Spring Valley Water 4s 90.00 35 Spring Valley Water 54.30 5 Spring Valley Water 64.25 50 Pacific Telephone pfd 90.25 BONDS Bid Askj Bid A«k V. 8. Bonds NCal Ry ss. 102 Quar cp 4«.110% .. [N Cal P ss. 99 Do 3s 108%] Do con ss. .. 89 Miscellaneous Bonds IN El 5s 95 Al Ar 5s 96 ! OGLAH sa. 99%100% Asso Oil ss. 98 99 'O Trn 65..103% .. B C P 5a... 100 101 | Do 5s 103 CGE g ss. 99% 101 iOTrc Con 5a 80 .. IKE g m 5s 99% .. [ O Trac Co 5s 77% .. Do nnf 5s 93 93%' Oak Wg3s 90 96% Cal st C ss. 100 101 Om C Ry 6s 98% 99% Cal Wine 5s .. 96 Oro El 6s 90 " C T 55.. .. 03 P G Imp 4s 86% .. My FA ss. 79 80 ? GAE 55.. 86% 85% CCL4P sa. 82% 95 PEI Ry 5«.100%102 C C Wst 5s .. 69 U LAP 55.. 92 .. Do gen 3s 91% .. ] Do gtd ss. 93 97% Ed El LA 5s 99 .. IPac TAT ss. 97% .. Ed LAP 85.104% .. P A Ocn 6s. 88% .. EI duP 4%s 83% .. Peop W 6s. 70 71 Fst Fed .. SEGA R 55.100%101% f A C H6s .. 100 t SAW Ry 5s 95% .. .} West Pss 80% 80%|SJ LA P ss. 98 98% H C A S 5s .. 101 i Do sA 65.101% .. HR TAL 6s .. 108 ISW El Rss .. 90 I. Hahoe 5s .. 97 ISFNAC 65.. .. 102 L B Gas 5s .. 102 | SFOASJ 55.. 98 LA GAE ss. 98 100 |Do 2d ss. .87 60 Do crp 5s 91% .. jSJASC R4% .. 90 I. A Ry 55.102% .. 'Sierra 6s 98 L A L g 5« .. 101% SPC leg 55.105% .. LAP lcmSs.lOO .. IjPRRCaI a 5.113 117% LAP Cal 5s 93% .. IBPR Irf 4s. S9 90% M WAP 5s 68% .. |SVW g m 4s 59% 90 Mkt RlcmSs 88 88 IUGAE 55... 99%101 MC; GAE 6s .. 101 UR of SF 4s. 56% .. MVAMT 5s 87% .. I Val Co P 5s 98% 98 Nat Con 6s. 77% 78 I NRy Cal 55.105 108 i STOCKS Bid Ask! Bid Am Marin Co .. .. 62% Do com.. .. 135 Peo W pfd. .. 50 j Slant Con .. 84% 60 S Wat 54 33%; Sugar Stock* Gas and Electric | Haw CAS 25% .. •y** l P Con. 80% .. i Hawaiian Sg 20% .. Oro El pfd. .. so Honokaa Sg. 3 5 Do com.. .. ,2%iHutch S P. .. 15 Pac Lg com .. 108 j Onouiea Sug 21% .. Insurance Stocks ! Psauhau ... 12% .. Cal Ins Co I Union 22 Fire Fund..23l .. ! Oil Stocks p C Cas 124 i Amal OU .. 85 .. Bauk Stock* Dsso Oil 41% 42 Amer n b. .. 133 Pac Crude.. 23c .. Anglo c Tr. .. 125 |Sterling Oil. 70c 03c A A L P...142% .. I Mlscellaneoj* Bk of Cal.. 195 163%, Al Packers.. 79% .. Bnk of Cal.l94%lßs%:Armsby pfd. .. 100 Merc Nat... 200 .. I Cal F C....113%114% Say Union.. 240 .. C Wine pfd. .. 80 Union Tr. .2530 .. Do com... 51 52 Savings Bank* IH Bros pfd. 99% . German ..3100 .. jPacAuxFA 3% 4% Hmbdt Sav.l2o .. IPC Bx com. .. 100 Mutual Say. 81 .. Pac TAT pfd 90 Becnrity 330 IDo ctm... 27 .. Powder Stock* -Phil Tel AT 21 23 EI duP pfd S6 82%jBlty Synd 80 I Unlisted Securities SALES. SEPTEMBER 5 Morning Session $.4,000 S F Gas & Electric 4%s (call). 87.50 $7,000 Western Pacific Ry 5s 76.50 $1,000 General Petroleum 6* 57.12% 50 West Sacrumento Land C 0... 32.50 BONDS ~ „, Bid Ask | Bid Ask Al Pfcrs 6s. .. 105 ISFG4E 4%a. 87 .. Am Rlv 5«. 61 97 BFANP 55..100% .. Asst Oil ss. 77 .. ISJ LAP ss. .. 106% Bl Wat tts.lo2 .. !SFASJ 55.. .105%lO« Cal NW ss. 101% .. jSo pac 4a.. 81 Gen Pet 6s. 37 58 jS P0 C 6a. 80 90 Mt Whit 6a .. ioo 8 Cal Sd Sa. .. 60 Nat D 6s. .. 100 |Sperry F tts. .. 100 Nat 2d' se. .. 53 ,Sta P C 6s. 91% .. OAA Ess. 74% 74% Sun TATS«.. 104 104% OA A 55... 74 73 ; Tur Irrl 6*. .. 90 Orp Th 65..101% .. i Union O 554 78 SO Pal Hotel 6* .. 106 | W Sacto Os. 30 P P <>m «* 9 .. 1W Pac 5a... 79 Pkil Tel 6« 88 V V EH 5s BO b3 Do 2d 6s. 81% .. I STOCKS _ . Bid Ask | Old Agk o stock » Sugar Sock- Peo W pfd.. .. 50 iMcßrlde Sg. .. 4% Gas and Electric— (Honolulu S. 19% .. £Jr. £, pfd "?> •" i. Pool--- 20% .. Noble Elec. 2 4 |othu. Sugar. 24% .. Oro Dcv S. 40 .. | oil Stock* PGAEL pfd. 85% 86 jGen Pet 15U Do com.. 38 .. iHono Oil .. .1.15 .. V.sst P pfd 47 ..I C*ment Btoc lk Do com... 14 16 ip ac Por Co. 61 Natomas S. 9 12 [Rlv UPCo 46 .. D ° com 6 Is C P c. .. 37 Insurance .Star P Co.. 18 21 5? 1 • k 14 I Miscellaneous W s „ Llfe -- » .. IBuff B 60 75 „ B » nl L Stock » Cal Cort M.. 76 Merc Nt Bk .. 65 |Cyp Lawn C 8 .. m D B w k ,-; »?%!Haw Pineal 36% 40 WFN Bank. 173 Mascot Con. 1% 2% Lw m S*:' •• 100 iUstsou N c.. 1 Itl-Am Bnk. 12%; Nat Ice Co. .. 138 Bk of Italy. 131 .. iNatomasCo. 5 10 Street R. R. Stocks prpbeum T.. 19 25 v 6D Tl' 10 14% PHAE pfd.. .. 90% Nor El pfd. 44% .. I Do com 25 Do com... 20 .. iSpry F pfd. .. 95 O, Ant AE. 8% .. Weed L Co. 65 .. ? I 5 SI" •• i vpst p » c ay • » . P T. 43 I W States L. 32% .. . Ala Sugar.. 21 25%| BAR SILVER STEADY Sept. 5.-Bar silver, steady, , >EW , n . YOBK ' A***- s—Commercial bar silver, 59% c; Mexican dollars, 46c. j Weather Report United States department of agriculture— I weather bureau. San Francisco, Sept. 4, 1913. RAINFALL DATA " Stations— *i jo-? P j " »§ Hi ¥ S"- ■ H Eureka Red Bluff Sacramento Mt. Tamalpals...'.' San Francisco Sa n Jose Fresno , Independence San Luis Obispo .. Los Angeles San Diego Tr. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 Tr. 0.01 0.11 0.08 0.17 1.81 0.92 Tr. 0.25 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 1.08 0.01 0.18 O.l'S 0.04 0.24 0.10 0.00 0.01 Tr. SYNOPSIS Or WEATHER CONDITIONS™ bJ?J\ Pressure continues low over Alaska " ml Ile northwmern state*: Rain Has been general in the north. A thunder ranin t 'c^,," 1 T " tOOSh - No «1» 2» fallen ln California except on the extreme northern coast. Tbe weather Is clear in \e w..«ht /, b ?* » how,>r y Colorado. Fair b?tis2 I> e re ,7 l " the Mls «'«il»Pl valley and In most of the eastern states. f.n^f , ?J t^ mport * nt * ea, P« r «ture changes are VM S de * reM KSS nnd Buffalo. On the Pacific coast the weather Is gradually 17 --coming warmer. Afternoon temperatures In the great valley range from 8S to 00 degree. FORECAST to midnight, Friday. September 5, •X» *~n. ,n Fr " n . t,lsi-fl . Oakland snd vicinity- Fair trlday; moderate west wind For Santa Clara valley—Fair Friday; moder ate temperature; light north wind. For Sacramento valley—Fair Friday; moder ately warm: light south wind; afternoon temp eratures about 90. For San Joaquin vnlley—Fair Friday; mod erately warm; light north wind. For California south of the Tehachapi—Fair 2SSi jr L. mo , dVrate temperature; light north wind, changing to southwest. A. G. McADIE. District Forecaster. LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS California—San Diego bay entrance—Refer ring to notice to mariners of August 30. until outside bar gas buoy 3SD can be overhauled and relighted It will show a fixed white light which will be visible only about two miles (Cj & G. S. Charts 5106. .1100; Light List. Pacific Coast. 1912. page 10. No. 2; Buoy List Pacific Coast, 1911, page 9; Coast Pilot. Taclflc Coast, 1909. page 42.) California- -San Francisco harbor approach— Bonlta channel buoy 5. second clasa can, per manently discontinued September 2. <N. to M. No. 31. 1913, par. 1254: C. A G. R. Charts 5683, 5530. 5500, 5502; Bnoy List. Pacific Coast. 1911. page 14; Coast Pilot. Pa cific Coast, 1908. page 68.) CallfcrUla—San Pablo bay—San Pablo dredged channel gas and bell buoy J, established Sep I tember 2 In the position of San Pablo dredged I channel buoy 1. first class can. which was then j discontinued. The combination buoy Is conical, with pyramidal skeleton superstructure, and shows an occulting white light of about 120 i candle power every 20 seconds, thus: Light, j 10 seconds: eclipse, 10 seconds. The Illuminat ing apparatus Is a lena lantern burning oil gas. Lower midchannel gas and bell buoy PS, dis continued on the name date. (N. to M. No. 32, par. 1327: Light List, Pa cific Coast. 1912. page 18. No. 46; Buoy List, Pacific Coast, till, page 18; Coast Pilot. Pa-" ciflc Coast. 1»09. page 79.1 By direction of the commissioner of light v, w. RHODES, Inspector, 15 OPENING IS WILD IN CHICAGO CORN Overnight Buying Orders Send Prices Up and Sales Are Heavy CHICAGO, Sept. s.—An accumula tion of overnight buying orders in the hands of commission houses was re sponsible for a wild opening in corn this morning on the Board of Trade, September ranging at 77c to 77% c, De cember 73% cto 74c and May at 75c to 75% c. the outside figure being the highest on the crop with gains of V»c to %c. There Were very heavy sales for profits by longs on the bulge. News from abroad was bearish, Ar gentine shipments aggregating 7,285, --000 bushels. Liverpool was *4d to %d lower when this market opened, due to the liberal exports. Local receipts were 340 cars. Wheat was not influenced by the strength in corn and the firmer cables from abroad and ranged about %c »ower. Expectations were for smaller worlds shipments, the combined ex ports from Argentina, Australia and India being only 2,000.000 bushels, o™ ar rivals were 132 cars against -i 0 cars, while nortwestern markets received 676 cars against 638 cars last year. Oats were easier with September selling between 43% c and 43Vfec, De cember 45% cto 46V»c and May 48*»o to 48% c. Provisions advanced in sympathy with a gain of 10® 15c in hogs at the yards. Western points received 43,900 against 34,600 last year Shipping Intelligence j —- * DUE AT THIS PORT Friday. September 5 From Salina Cruz, stmr Columbian. From Puget sound and Victoria, stmr Cma til la. From Eureka. Fields Landing and Areata, stmr F. A. Kllburn. From Los Angeles, stmr Tale. Prom San Diego and Los Angeles, stmr President. From Los Angeles, stmr Avalon. , From Seattle, stmr Crown of Castile, trom Portland, stmr Klamath. Saturday, September 6 From Portland and Astoria, stmr Bear. From Portland and Astoria, stmr Yucatan. From Fort Bragg, stmr Brunswick. From Los Angeles, stmr Beaver. From San Diego and Loe Angeles, stmr Har vard. Prom San Diego via San Pedro, stmr Ya semite. TO LEAVE THIS PORT Friday, September 3 For Grays Harbor, Aberdeen and Hoqulam, stmr Chehalls, Captain P. If. Kaffold. at 3 p. m., from Union street wharf (pier 19). For Grays Harbor, stmr G. C. Lindauer. Captaiu O. L Snndman, at 2 p. m., from Lom bard street wharf. For Wiliapa harbor, stmr Avalon. CantalT J. L. Cbrlstensen, at 5 p. m., from Lombard street wharf. For Astoria and Portland, stmr Norwood. Captain C. A. Knudsen, at 4 p. m.. from Mason atreet wharf. For Astoria and Portland, stmr Roanoke. Captain R. Dickson, at 10 a. m., from Vallejo street wharf. For Portland, stmr Johan Poulsen. Captain I. Ulveatad, at 5 p. m., from Howard street wharf. For Portland, stmr Aroline. Captain A. H. Sears, at 5 p. m.. from Lombard street whsrf. For Santa Crus and Monterey, stmr Eureka. Captain A. Paulsen, at 4 p. m., from Vallej* street wharf. For Los Angeles and San Diego, stmr Yale, Captain E. P. Bartlett, at 4 p. m., from Pacific street wharf. For Los Angeles, stmr Hanalei, Captain F. L Hamma, at 3 p. m., from Howard street wharf. , For Los Angeles, stmr Klamath, Captain E. Jahnsen, at 4 p. m., from Powell street wharf. Saturday. September 6 For Guaymas. Masatlan anil Santa Rosalia, stmr Homer, Captain C. Wall, at 5 p. m., from Harrison street wharf. * For Seattle. Tacoma and Everett, stmr Presi dent. Captain E. J. Paulsen, at 2 p. m.. flora Broadway wharf. For Seattle and Tacoma. stmr Watson, Cap tain B. Brennan, at 3 p. m . from Howard street wharf. For Wlllapa harbor, stmr Santa Barbara* Captain F. B. Zaddart, at 1 p. nf., from Sec ond street wharf. For Astoria and Portland, stmr San Ramon, Captain Jamleson, at 2 p. ni., from Lombard street wharf. For Astoria and Portland, stmr Y'oeemlte, Captain C. E. Jahnsen, at 4 p. m., from Pow ell street wharf. FVw- Coquille river, stmr Flfleld. Captain J. Llndberg, at 2 p. m.. from Filbert street! wharf. For Eureka, stmr F. A. Kllburn. Captain T. H. McLellan, at 12 m.. from Vallejo street wharf. For Eureka and Areata, stmr North Fork, Captain J. Nelson, at 12 m., from First street wharf. For Eureka and Samoa, stmr Ravalli. Cap tain L. A. Nelson, at 12 m., from Lombardl street wharf. For Iyos Angeles and" San Diego, stmr Yuca tan, Captain A. C. Paulsen, at 7 p. m., from Vallejo street wharf. For Los Angeles, stmr Harvard, Captain E» Jepsen. at 4 p. m.. from Pacific street wharf. For Moss Landing, stmr Coos Bay. Captain James Bowen, at 4 p. m., from Broadway wharf. ARRIVED SEPT 4 8:20 p. m.. stmr Mandalay. Johnson, 49 hours from Redondo Beach. Ballast to Hobbs* Wall A Co. ARRIVED SEPTEMBER 5 9:50 a. m.. stmr Yaie, Bartlett. 18 hours I<J minutes from Sau Pedro; passengers and mer chandise to Pacific Navigation company. 9:40 a. m., stmr F. A. Kilburn, McLellan, 19 hours from Eureka; passengers and mer chandise to North Pacific Steamship company. 10 a. m., stmr Alcatras, Kruse, 10 hour* from Albion; 280.000 feet lumber to L. E. White Lumber company. 1 a. m., stmr Saginaw. Weber, 75 hours from Columbia river; 850.000 feet lumber to McCulloch Lumber company. 1:10 a. m.. stmr Scotia, .lusten, 38 hours from Eureka; 230,000 feet lumber to J. R. Hanify. 1:30 a. m., stmr Oliver J. Olson, Peterson, 100 hours from Everett; bound south, put la for fuel. 3:10 a. m.. stmr Eureka. Paulsen. 26 hours from Port San Luis; merchandise to Monterey Bay Steamship company. 5:30 a. m.. stmr Coos Bay. Bowen. 87 honra from Ventura and way ports; merchandise to Pacific Coast Steamship conjpuny. 7:15 a. BL. stmr Cricket. TVebmnn, 4% days from Port Angeles; 600.000 shingles to Sunset Cumber company. , 7:25 a. m.. stmr Columbian, Blackwell, 11 days from Saline Cruz, via San Diego 41 hours; merchandise to Williams. Dimond A Co. 7:25 a. tn.. stmr Adeline Smith. Olsen, 40 hours from Coos Bay. 1.755.000 feet lumber to C. A. Smith Lumber company. 7:25 a. m.. stmr El McKellar Jr.. 4 days from Astoria; ballast to Standard oil company, with barge 91 lv tow; us nrer di rect. 7-25 ft. m.. barge 91, Monroe. 4 days front Astoria: ballast to Standard Oil company, la tow stmr El Segundo. 8 a. m., stmr Whlttier, Zolllng. Port San Luis. . _ „ „, _ 10:53 a. m., stmr Stanley Dollar, Mctlem ents, Puget sound. 9 a. m.. 0. S. tug Iroquois. James. Saa Diego, with target in tow. 9:53 a. m., U. S. stmr Hull. Jones, cruise. 9:55 a. m.. I submarine. , . 12-10 a. m.. bktn Fullerton. Woldsund, Port San Luis, In tow tug Sea Rover. SPOKEN Per stmr Lansing, from Port San Luis for Honolulu— Sept. 4.10:30 a. m.. latitude 31:41 north, longitude 133:2 west. Fr bark Marechal de Tureune, from Ernden for Sau Francisco. ISLAND PORTS MANILA —Arrived Sept. 3—U. S. stmr Sher mau hence Aug. 5 via Honolulu. tTcTwilson & co. J MEMBERS SEW YO:.K STOCK EXCHASGB NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE! SAN FRANCISCO MAN OFFICE i MHIm Building:. S&n Fraaciaco BRANCH OFFICES—Loa Angeles, San Dleso, Coronado Beach, Portland, Ores Seattle. Waeh.i Vancouver. B. C Private Wire. Chicago, New Tork. ANGLO AND LONDON PARIS NATIONAL BANK SAN FRANCISCO BOND DEPARTMENT Dealer, in Investment BoatU