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2 CAMENETTI ATTORNEYS IN FINAL APPEAL 10 JURY ASSAIL GIRLS' NAME %. Sullivan, as government prose cutors, were denounced by Devlin for calling young Caminetti name* and attempting to convict him. M ATT SI LLIVAX VXMOVED . All of Devlin's shrewd challenges did not turn a hair on Matt Sullivan, -Whos? closing argument was as bitter aa-.Kall against Caminetti and Diggs. Bach of the skirmish lines that had been advanced by the defense was -Calmly examined and broken by Sulli van's deliberate'scalpel method. rt Sullivan did not try to fool the tary —he saw shrewd and successful business faces in the box who would pot fall for pathos and dramatics. Hf pinned his argument to the facts. P§ called Caminetti an "excrescence on .yxe surface of civilization," "a vile Jning," "a snake in the grass," and ,3sas no whit easier on Diggs, "the • cqaipanion ln crime." _j7 v Actions speak louder than words." Judge Van Fleet brought that line Into his charge to tho jury in the Diggs case. ACTTOXS LOt'DER THAX WORDS The defense picked it up and made It its argument in the Caminetti case, and the prosecution did the same Aa(ng. ' The old saw as it stands today is, ■iiActlons speak louder than words When.the eyesight is unimpaired." tjfßo me of the-actions of Lola Xorris in repulsing Caminetti yelled through a, megaphone, where spoken words would have fallen on deaf ears. ~Ai;d it was so with Marsha War rington, in her delicate condition, having all the cause in the world to persuade, induce and entice two pure j.our.g men and a virtuous girl to fle«) with her to a castle ln the moun tains. ' , For the prosecution, the talking pic tures and the soundless verbs were ttr.e#sed ln the actual taking of the tcip. the arrangement to live in a bun galow, the agreement as to divorces all that sort of thing. "Even if the men did not ask in so many words for the illicit rompanion- Bhjp of the two girls, there certainly kjls no move on the part of either Sat would lead one to Imagine they njld any other purpose than that stated in the indictment" That is the case of the prosecution. DRAMATIC SCEXE EXACTED The actors ln chief in Thursday's climax of the court proceedings were three: Mrs. Anthony Camlnettl, wife of the commissioner general of immi gtatron. a grandmother; the defend ant. F. Drew Caminetti. accused of the crjme of white slavery: Anthony Caminetti Jr.. a budding attorney. BURGLAR SECURES $ 1,027 IN PLUMES Columbus Avenue Store Is Looted by "Window Smashing Thief" ' Hurling a cobblestone through a large plate glass window of the mil- JJaery store of Joseph Lagana and 'Basqualo Civilatti. SO7 Columbus ave tiuf-. a burglar early today literally cleaned out the establishment. Plumes and feathers worth $1,027 "•were taken. The police believe that it 'Js.the work of the "window breaking burglar," who has been operating ln San Francisco far the last three weeks. The articles stolen were described mj follows: Six dozen white French plumes, worth $S6O; four dozen black -Jfrench plumes, worth $240; three **ozen plumes of mixed colors, $108; dozen birds of paradise feathers, a worth $270; 11 black plumes. $49.50. The damage done to glass by win ilfrw smashing in three weeks amounts to more than $2,500. 2VIARE ISLAND DIKE WILL BE REPAIRED MARE ISLAND, Sept. 5— Authority has be»*n received at Mare Island by the public Works officials to repair and strengthen the dike system in the Mare island channel as well as the Carqulnez straits. The work will be started at once and dikes Nos. 2, 4, «. 8, 9 and 10 in the Mare island chan nel aa well as dike No. 12 and the longitudinal dike in Carqulnez straits iwill be Strengthened In preparation for the coming winter season. The public works department ex pects to receive the approved plana from the navy department before the month i# over for hte renawlng of *ha quay wall for a distance of 200 yards- north of the caisson of dock M 9, 2. Tt ifl estimated that it will take at least $60.000 to repair the wall and the sum of $30,0000 is now available. HUSBAND MISSING; WIFE HERE ALONE | jvirs. j-i. ,i. Miiis oi w inasor, t_ai., is today over the failure of her Ijusband tp meet her ln Oakland, as tie had agreed when he left his home Wednesday to come to San Francisco On business. Mrs. Mills was to meet her husband at the Brunswick hotel In Sixth street. Oakland. Mills has •hof appeared, so the wife asked the p/>;-;ce to assist he;' In her search. The husband is 39 years old, 5 feet 1 Inch in height and weighs 160 pounds. TEXAS USAGtTjC I'K.WAXT HOUSTON, Ta., Sept. s.—The 191$ pennant raof of the Texas league was dbettled yesterday, when Houston, de feating Galveston 2 to 1, took the ;;«ame necessary to put it beyond the possibility of losing first place. Hous tor. won the ui2 pennant, Dallas took Second place witb Waco; San Antonio. Austin, Fort Worth. Galveston ana ;Beaumont in order. The season closes Sunday. PRISON LJM TI RE FOR BOYS . Captain William I. Day, superin tendent of the state prison commis sion, will address the Boys' club of . T'ruitvale on "Human Wreckage" Sun* --day morning at the Congregational .airaory in Fruitvale avenue. ICK BOg 8.4.VK LOOTED i Burglars this morning broke into 'the saloon of Herman Dohler, 600 Grant avenue, and stole $30 hidden tn the ice chest. with his brother's name as his first brief. Anthony the second made the first address to the Jury for the defense. Men who have campaigned with the old warrior from Amador said they wished the old man might v have been there to see and hear. They declared the youngster was named rightly with his father's name. With all the voice at his command, never pausing for inflection or effect, the brother argued with his heart and soul. He hammered the table with his flsts and he screamed at the jury men, but he got by with it. Once Roche interrupted hlni. Young Camin etti came back with a quick anawer, that showed him to be on the alert and unawed by the size of the court or the reputations of counsel. DEFENDS FATHER'S XAME It was his first time before a Jury. "I may err in speaking for my brother," he said. "I could not alt by silently and not raise my voice against the name 'white slaver,' the vilest crime that man has invented, being attached to my father's name." Before the speaker had left off generalities and made hia excellent logical dissection of "the prosecu tion's case of inference" many eyes In the courtroom were swimming. Caminetti, the defendant, sat at the counsel table with his face almost hidden in his hand, his temples livid with the rush of blood as his brother boomed on. He watched his brother admiringly, affectionately. Perhaps his thought was, what a difference in the same blood! Mrs. Caminetti, the mother of them both, gave up to tears early. Ati times her eyes were clear, and her mother's heart must have been thrilled strangely as the brilliant young acholar pleaded for the un fortunate brother. MOTHER'S WAIL OF GRIEF "I do not ask you to remember there is a mother awaiting your ver dict," the boy said in hia peroration. "I do not ask you to remember there is an old father in Washington who has served his country long and well. I will not recall the wife and chil dren who have so much at stake. 1 ask you to remember the prosecu tion is asking you to convict a man on inference, and I ask you to do your duty." A long wail from the mother startled the audience. She got to her feet and rushed from the room, sob bing hysterically, to be alone in the witness room with her thoughts, from which she returned to the world an hour later, dry eyed and expres sionless. ALLEGED OPIUM SMUGGLER GONE Witness Against Indicted Men Disappears—They Were His Sureties John Marney. alleged smuggler, failed to make an appearance in the United States district court this morn ing, and is believed to have jumped his ball so as not to give damaging testimony against three of the in dicted customs officials, who became sureties on his bail before the opium smuggling scandal was revealed. He failed to appear yesterday and the case went over to this morning. United States Marshal Elliott has in stituted a search for the fugitive. It is the opinion of the government at torneys that Marney was induced to flee by the indicted customs guards who had been his sureties. Crazy About S. F., Says Consul's Wife Mrs. J. O. Davis, wife of the col lector of customs, assisted her hus band yesterday in extending the courtesy of the port and a friendly welcome to Mrs. Yasutaro Numano, wife of the Japanese consul general, who was a passenger on the liner Chiyo Maru. Mrs. Numano, who is as pretty as she is accomplished. Is delighted at the prospect of making her home heje. ' I'm just crazy about San Francisco," she said. Two Men Go Fishing; Missing Four Days Frank Purtells, 20 years old, and Daniel Henryage, 25, went fishing off Six Mile houae on September 1 and have not been seen since. Today Mrs. Emma Cash of 31€4 Twenty-sixth street a sited the police to institute a search for the fishermen. AUTO DELIVERY TO LIBRARY BRANCHES j Automobile delivery aervlce of books from the main public library to j the branches makes available ln every ] part of the city the 131,776 volumes of j the main library, according to the re j port of the librarian Submitted at th e i regular monthly meeting of the board jof trustees. For home use last month i 72,993 volumes were Issued and 2,234 new cardholders joined the library, making a total registration of 41,911, j the largest figures ever recorded for the month "Of August. At the deposit stations 7,077 volumes were Circu lated. ! MENLO PARK HOLDS CHURCH CARNIVAL MENLO PARK, Sept. s.—With ma trons and maids of the Menlo Park parish presiding over numerous booths and fancy tables, the annual carnival bazaar for the benefit of the Catholic Church of aNtivity opened in the parochial hall last evening. The fete will laat until Saturday night. XEW DORMITORY MATROX STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Sept. 5. Mrs. I>. S. Green has been appointed matron of Roble hall, the women's dormitory, by President J. C. Bran ner. The new matron has been a resident of the campus for two rears and is thoroughly familiar with its life. _ THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1913. History of Cases From Inception to Trials in Court September, 1912—Caminetti and Diggs introduced to Miss Norris and Miss Warrington. October, 1912—The four be come intimate and spend their first evenings together. January 31, 1913—The two couples go to San Francisco in Diggs' automobile and stay all . night at the Grand hotel. The following night they stop in San Jose. March 10—On a train early Sunday morning, March 10, the two couples flee to Reno. March 14—The party is ar rested at the Reno bungalow. March 1.5— Diggs and Cami netti jailed in Sacramento on charges of abandonment. Girls released on bonds of $1,000. April 12—Federal grand jury, sitting at San Francisco, in dicts Diggs and Caminetti for alleged violations of the Mann white slave act. June 18—Attorney General James Mcßeynolds advises John J. McNab, United States district attorney, to postpone the trial of the cases until au tumn. June 20—McNab wires resig nation to President Wilson in a caustic message in which he says politics has interfered to stay the hand of justice. Res ignation accepted. June 24—President Wilson orders immediate trial of the cases. August s—Trial of Diggs opens before Judge William C. Van Fleet, United States dis trict court. August 20—Diggs is found guilty on four counts of indict ment of six counts. Sentence September 10. August 27—Trial of Cami netti opens before Judge Van Fleet. BROTHERS BRUISE UP SISTER'S BEAU Charles Sousa Makes Game Fight, but Ray and Asa French Win Battle The course of true love did not run smooth for Charlea R. Sousa of Oakland in his attentions to Miss French of 1307 Mound street. Ala meda. He says he was attacked by her two husky brothers, Ray and Asa French, when he went to call on the young woman last night. He waa forced to beat a retreat before their fists, but not until after a valiant fight. Then he called upon the police and had his assailants arrested for dis turbing the peace. Miss French was not preaent during the contest. Attorney Denounced By Logiano Rovigo Logiano Rovigo, member of the Italian bunko ring, in Superior Judge Lawlor's court this morning, de-r nounced from the stand the attempts of his attorney, Al Whelan, to have the present grand larceny charge dis missed. Whelan was about to make a mo tion for the dismissal of the Dodero complaint, when Rov-igo sprang to hia feet ln the docket and shouted: My attorney is not doing as I wish. I don't want that case dismissed. I want to go to trial." The case was Anally continued un til September 11, and Attorney Whe lan announced his withdrawal from the case. Rovigo has a motive in not want ing the Dodero case dismissed. He Is wanted in St. Louis and New York and considers the Dodero case weak est of all. Golfers Delighted With Cool Weather GARDEN CITY. N. V., Sept. 5.— Cooler weather for trie first time dur ing the national golf championship at Garden City was hailed with Joy this morning by everybody who would even prefer a day of rain than a continuation of the conditions that have blistered contestants and spec tators alike. No rain fell early, but this morning clouds portend trouble. The program is down to the semi finals, only four candidates remain ing out of 140 starters four days ago. Jerome D. Travers of Upper Mont clair, present title holder, today meets Fred Herreshoff, Garden City, in the lower half of the In the upper half the struggle is between Chick Evans. Chicago, and J. G. Anderson, Boston. BOXING CLUB FOR WISCONSIN CITY FOND DU LAC. Wis.. Sept. s.—Or ganization of the Fond dv Lac Box ing club, under the provisions of the now Hedding law, was completed yes terday and articles of incorporation forwarded to the secretary of state. The capital stock is placed at $1,600. The incorporators are John O. Brunkhorst. Charles Froehllng and A. M. Trier. Brunkhorst haa just been granted a referee's license and will be un able to officiate before the club in which he is a stock holder. Ap plication will be made by George Dougherty for a referee's license. NOT ENOUGH MONEY IN TRIP TO PARIS CHICAGO, Sept. 5 — Billy Papke, Ke wanee's star middle weight, is going to become a resident of Wisconsin. Incidentally, he is not going to Paris, France, to battle Georges Car pentier, the champion of Europe, in a return engagement, because there is no money ln it. or at least enough to make the trip worth while, according to Billy's way of figuring. GEM EXPERT CAN'T PAY ALIMONY Nat Lichtenstein Informs Attorney Ford He Is Penniless COULD EARN MONEY AS DIAMOND JUDGE- Court Orders Examination of Brother's Books, for Whom He Worked Nat Lichenstein, commission man and diamond expert, told Judge Gra ham today that he is practically pen niless and compelled to rely upon his brother, Mike Lichtenstein, for sup port, and that he is unable to pay any alimony to his wife, Ania Feder Lich tenstein. ~< He was haled Into court on the mo tion of Attorney George Ford to re quire him to pay for the transcribing testimony ln Llchtena*ein's unsuc cessful suit for divorce and for at torney's fees. "What have you got left after you have settled your debta?" asked Ford. "I have my health," replied the husband. Attorney Ford cautioned Llchten steln not to "get fresh,' and after a number of questions elicited the fact that, although Lichtenstein .is not working, he could earn $100 to $200 a month as a Judge of diamonds. Judge Graham continued the hearing one week to permit Ford ,to examine the books of M. V. Lichtenstein & Sons Company, from which Lichtenstein drew $400 a month prior to his action for divorce. I "Beware of Crooks," Says Oakland Chief Chief of Police Petersen of Oak land today issued a warning to the public to beware of pick-pockets and burglars during the Admission day celebration. He advises that doors and windows 'be locked by residents before leaving I their homes, and suggests that they keep porch lights burning and that citizens keep their coats buttoned while ln crowds. In order to prevent accidents the chief warned drivers of automobiles and other vehicles that they must drive slowly ln the central portion of the city and to submit to Instructions from the police during the parade. Streetcars, autos, teams and persons will be prohibited from being on the street between the curb lities while the organizations are on display. Burglar in Flight Leaves Loot Behind O'Connor's saloon. First and Folsom streets, was entered by a thief today, who stole nine boxes of cigars. An hour later Ptarolman O'Connell saw a man ln a vacant lot at Second and Folsom streets, the man rap at the approach of the officer. O'Connell entering the vacant lot found nine boxes of cigars, and then discovered the saloon had been robbed. NEW PASTOR TO PREACH SUNDAY Rev. Caleb S. S. Dutton, the new pastor of the First Unitarian church, will preach his first sermon next Sun day at the church. Franklin and Geary streets, taklno* as his subject "The Goal of Our Effort." On the evening of Friday, Septem ber 19, a general reception will be tendered him and Mrs. Dutton in the parlor of the church. Rev. Mr. Dutton preached here three Sundays ln May and so pleased the congregation that an inyltation to ac cept the pastorate was given him. He resigned the Brooklyn, N. V., pastor ate to accept. STANFORD GREETS ENTERING CLASS STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Sept. 5. Freshmen and other new students were welcomed to the university at a special assembly held this morning. John Caspar Branner, president of the university, addressed the student body for the first time as executive head of the university. His welcoming talk was followed by brief remarks from Mrs. E. W. Allan, the dean of women; K. L. Schaupp, student adviser, and Rev. D. Charles Gardner, university chap lain. 600 COPPERS MADE TO RESEMBLE GOLD MICHIGAN CITY, Ind., Sept. 6. —Se- cret service operatives, here today sorted a few good coin's out of 600 copper discs that had been treated with glue and gilt powder to make a fair imitation of $5 gold pieces. The counterfeits were found among the possessions of Joseph Shleman, who was arrested. Karl Llnkomer, a mer chant, said that Shleman had agreed to sell him all the imitation coins at $2 apiece. SAN RAFAEL LICENSES SAN RAFAEL, Sept. s.—Marriage licenses were granted hare yesterday to the following: Walter J. Richard- Son, 29, and Agnes E. Reetz, 23, both of San Francisco; John S. Hulen, 37, Ingomar, Merced county, and Nettle M. Rhent. 36, Volta, Merced county; William J. Doughtery, 23, and Mabel F. Wagner, 20, both of San Francisco; William Peru, 33, and Susanne Co quelln, 28. both of San Francisco; Michael J. McDonotigh, 29, and Grace E. Leonard, 24, both of Oakland; Fred H. Robinson, 31, San Francisco, and Ella T. Lyons, 27, Corte Maderaj; William P. Grass, 29, and Constance Jongeniel, 29, both of Ross. PLAN SILVER JUBILEE The silver Jubilee of St. James par ish will be celebrated with a pontifical high mass, 11 o'clock Sunday morning, at the church in Gurrero street. Archbishop Riordan will preside, with Right Rev. E. J. Hanna celebrant and Rev. P. C. York* preacher. EXPLORER STUDIES FAIR Sandon Perkins, lecturer and ex plorer, registered at the St. Francis today, coming here to study the expo sition to lecture upon it In Europe. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL will not only be a clean, wholesome newspaper in its hews columns, but will also be a clean, wholesome newspaper in its advertis ing columns. No objectionable medical or indecent advertisements of any character will be published. OAKLAND POLICE TRAIL BLACK HAND Warning in Bottle Thrown Through Window of an East Side Baker Detectives of the Oakland police department are Investigating a mys terious case involving several men and a young woman. A bottle con taining dark colored sand was thrown last night through a window into the room of James Tesora, foreman of the Roma bakery* who lives at 4703 Shattuck avenue. Letters in Italian have been re ceived recently by Tesora. One threat read: "Will you please leave this room?" Another note read: "You will be sorry." And the last: "You are too late.. You have no time to leave now." Miss Caroline Gambrino, employed in a notion store in the building where Tesora rooms, says she was asked, this week by seVeral men to point out Tesora'a sleeping place, fihe says the men were unknown to her. MANY COASTERS IN STORM'S GRIP Steamer H. Vance Making Perilous Trip Towing Log Raft A heavy southeaster of unusual violence for this time of year la blow ing along the coast. The Pacific Coast Steamship com pany's Umatilla, from Seattle, which was due today, is 24 hours .late as the result of the storm and will not arrive until tomorrow. The steamer Scotia, which ar rived today from Eureka, uaually arrived early this morning, was 100 hours making; the run from Everett, instead of 65 houra, as usual. Out in the storm, somewhere along the coaat, is the steamer Edgar H. Vance, with a leviathan log raft in tow. Steamer and raft were off Point Gorda last night, making bad weath er, but with the raft all intact. The raft has already weathered a 60 mile an hour gale encountered off the Columbia river and is expected to come through all right TIME SAVED BY RARE SHORT CUT The British ship Golden Gate, which arrived 'yesterday from Antwerp, made a short cut when rounding Cape Horn through the Le Malre strait. Although the strait is 100 miles wide, it Is only on rare occasions that sail ing ships are able to venture through. As the result of taking thts short cut, the Golden Gate sailed from 50 ln the Atlantic to 50 in the Pacific in 12 days, which is nearly a record. The ship waa oft this port for three weeks. MUNICIPAL BAND CONCERT The Municipal band will give an open air concert at the ocean ter mintie of the Gaary street railway at 2 o'clock Saturday, when the follow ing program will be rendered: • Star Spankleil Banner.'' March, "From Tronic to Tropic." ;.i tlon, "Robin Hood." Waltz, "gottada Fr'iin Jirln." Oriental. "Dervish Chorus in the Soudan." Overture. "J<illy Robbers." Vocal soio, Mlks Anita Heymans. "Heart of Heart*" ami "If I Were in f.ove With Yon." Fantasy, "A Night in Berlin." Solo, "Toreador Song." Popular melodiex— "That Old Girl of Mine" and "Mammy's Khufflln' Dance." Starch, "Federation." "America.'* THREE FALL FROM SCAFFOLD Three painters were injured at the Christian church. Seventeenth and Franklin streets, Oakland, thfs morn ins, when a scaffold rope broke, pre cipitating the mto the sidewalk. They were Chris Peterson, 1926 Harmon street, and Thomas J. Scarber, 4020 Grant avenue. Oakland, and- E. J. Holder, 540 Pacific avenue, Alameda. Their Injuriea were not serious. ANNUAL GRAND BALL TO BE HELD The state executive council of St. Patrick's Alliance of America will hold its annual grand ball artd dance Saturday evening at Cotillon hall, in Church street near Market. j TIMONIUM ENTRIES TIM0N"II:M. Md., Sept. 8.~ Following are the entries f6f tomorrow: First rare. purse $200. maidens, live fur longs—Carolee 112. Casfara 90. Garter Knight 112, Mabrey 112, Judge Lantfia 117. Abbotts ford 115. Ethel Berry 122, Elltrldge 112. Blitz 112. Second race, purse $200, 3 yeat olds, six furlongs—Jean Wagner 107, Lasaja 107, Lynn brook 112, Racing Belle 107, Royal Vine 107, Higu Mark 107. Double F 107. Lord Lelgbto!) 107. Detect 107. Carroll 10A. Third race, purse $300, all ages, ait and a balf furlongs—Whisper Belle 118. Monty Pox 131. Baynrook 120. Little England 125, Pons Neville 125. Golden Castle 120, Slim Prlneesg 125. Dtinamei 93, Royal Vane 120, Ursula Major 125. Fourth race, purse $200. steeplechase, about two miles— Mullahan 151, Voltaire 148. Tom Cat 139, irvin P. Diggs 18». Fifth race, purse $200. all ages, six fur longs—Top Rock 120. Mollie S" 120. Sandr Plash 123. Judge Landls 123, George (i. Hail 123. Balancer 12a. Golden Cluster 188. Steal Away 11S. To Visit San Francisco Without seeing A. Andrews' Diamond Palace would be like visiting Europe without seeing Paris. It is the most magnificent Jewelry store in the world. Visitors welcome. 50 Kearny street. Open 8 a. m. to 6:20 p. m. established 1850.-—Advertisement. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always BougU Signature of C^'/jf^^^g BLACK SCANDAL IS RECALLED BY SUIT Loan Association Would Collect Notes of Cressy Colony Company Suit to collect on promissory notes executed by the Cre'ssy Colony com pany at the time former Senator Black of Palo Alto was its president was filed today in the superior court by the Palo Alto Mutual Building and Loan association, of which Black was a trustee before he was convicted of robbing the association. The association seeks to recover $7,140.48, alleging that the Cressy Colony company promised to pay the money on demand, but that since De cember 19, 1911, it has refused. The plaintiff asks judgment in the amount of th£ notes with 7 per cent interest since December, 1911. According to Attorney J. F. Hutch insonySenatox Black was not Involved In this transaction, although he was president and founder of the Cressy Colony company. Later Black trans ferred his interests in the colony com pany to Hanrahan & Dowling, con tractors. PLAN SOCIETY RAG DAYCe Under the auspices of the Bon Durres, a social and athletic club which recently entered a team in com petition for the state basket ball championship, a "society rag dance" will be given tomorrow evening in Majestic hall. Several other athletic and social clubs, including the Independent clubs of San Francisco, will be guests of the evening. The following committee is in chSrge: Arthur Carey, John Dillon, Edward Costello, Edwin Moriarty, Chris McKeon, Frank Murray, Walter Woodall and Daniel Maher. COUPLE ARRESTED; BIG LOOT FOUND More than $1,500 worth of loot was recovered by the police early this morning in the arrest of Hattle How ard and George Riley, alleged shop lifters. ' Following a series of complaints from the large department stores. Detectives McLaughlin and McConnell raided the room of the couple in the Howard street lodging house where the stolen goods were stored. Five days ago a man and woman stole two valuable purses from I. Magnin & Co. They were seen, but not In tercepted. Miss Howard, a pretty blonde, and Riley, who claims to be a clerk, were -placed in the detinue tank, city prison. LjL§mm\mmmmW Another Brewer afraid of light _^ mmma mm m mmWt-Wm99M»9 m^m ft 'ft . j \ I 1 ***** 1 I I Minneapolis Brewing Co. gttift ■ I tacitly admits on its case 111 9 I cover reproduced above —that fl 1 » w I light affects the quality of fl| 1 1 beer —that the light Bottle is Al I insufficient protection. H I It is not enough to make pure 1 beer —it must be protected \m\ I from the light. I Schlitz in Brown Bottles is Ht^^lfflpl pure and wholesome from the brewery to your glass. ' *r /^s * o The Beer That Made Milwaukee famous Girl Attacked Fights Off Assailant After Desperate Battle The Oakland police Are scouring the suburbs east of the city today for a man who entered the home of William J. Keeton at 1052 Pearman street early this morning, and attacked Miss Ivy Keeton ln her room while she was asleep. Struggling to break the man's hand loose from her throat after he had begun to choke her, the girl fought frantically before the father waa aroused by her outcry. The fiend escaped from a window ln the bedroom. No trace of him has been found. The young woman ia in a serious condition from fright as a result of the attack. HALT MRS. TYSON'S SANITY HEARING Officials Delay Test of Woman Who Sought to Leap Into Bay Mrs. Minnie Dahl Gilmore Tyson, wife of Captain Mitchell Tyson,* who yesterday sought to end her life by attempting to jump into the estuary, apeared In the superior court this morning for an examination into her sanity. The hearing went over until tomorrow. She formerly lived in New York and was widely known ln society cir cles. She married Tyson in 1901. Eleven years later Tyson sued for divorce, on the ground of Intemperance and cruelty. He was awarded his decree last December. He was ordered to pay $70 a month alimony, but there was no property settlement. Mrs. Tyson was dissatisfied with the ver dict and filed an appeal in the su preme court, which is still pending. Worry over marital troubles is be lieved to have led to the despondency which caused the attempt on her life. She has been living with her chil dren at 512% Thirteenth street; while ! Tyson, who is reputed to be wealthy, ! occupies the home at 692 Mariposa avenue, in the fashionable hill dis trict. Mrs. Tyson tried to kill herself with gas several months ago. PHONE YOUR WANTS To the Evening Call. Aak the oper ator for Kearny 86. Your order will receive prompt and careful attentioa. FREE CURBSTONE MARKETS FAVORED Building Trades Council In dorses the Proposal of Thor Heydenfeldt The Building Trades council last night indorsed the proposal of Thor Heydenfeldt, son of the late Solomon Heydenfeldt, to present to the voters a petition for the initiative to pass an ordinance providing "free curb stone markets" where farmers and producers may sell direct to the pub lic. On recommendation of its execu j tive board, the council advised the Tile Setters' -Helpers' union, charged with denying membership to Joseph Dinan and S. Traynor, that "this dangerous and obnoxious practice must cease," and directed Business Agent MacDonaid to issue working permits to the men who had been denied their application to join. Next Tuesaay being a legal holi day, the members of the crafts affili ated with the council will not work, except in. urgent cases, unless they are paid price and a half. Because of the holiday the executive board I will not meet on the night of that day. MABEL SWISHER MATRON OF PARK The recreation commission of Ala meda has chosen Miss Mabel .Swisher of 2255 San Jose avenue matron of Lincoln park.. The mixup caused bjr the temporary filling of the position by Miss Alys Loftus, whom Miss Dor othy Holbrook, park matron until July 1, asserted she had been told by a councilman to place in charge of the work, was settled by the council adopting a resolution to pay Miss Lof tus' salary. Miss Swisher was chosen from seven applicants. WOODMEN TO GIVE J. O. DAVIS DINNER Two hundred members of the Wood men of the World throughout the state will be hosts at a dinner to be tendered to John O. Davis, collector of the port of San Francisco and former national lecturer of the order, at the Hotel Oakland tomorrow evening:. Among the speakers will be several state officers of the order. The com mittee ln charge Is Dr. M. E. O'Neil of San Francesco, atate physician: H. V. Reee, Oakland, state deputy, and H. W. Brunk, Oakland, state lecturer. THREE YEARS FOR FORGERY Percy T. Fitch, a clerk, waa sen tenced by Judge Dunne to serve three years in San Quentin for forgery. Fitch on October 10, 1912, forged a $10 check on Mrs. Bertha Bunner.