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4 BARBS AND O'S TO OPEN SEASON SATURDAY "Each Will Tackle Univer sity of California Fresh man Football Team HAVE SPLENDID TIMBER An Ambitious Program of j More Than a Dozen \ Games Arranged i WILLIAM UNMACK j The Barbarian and Olympic club |footba'l teams both open their foot- Jball season on Saturday with contests the University of California 'freshman teams. Both clubs are put . "ting their strongest teams in the field. f ?though neither aggregation has up to ; the present been able to get enough • practice work to strike the beat con dition. I Commissioner Phil Johns of the Barbarians will have a big squad from which to pick his men for the coming season. Johns Intends to in troduce a lot of new blood into the ranks of the Barbs this year, and 'btates that the old players are going to have a hard time to hold their ..positions on the team. The new blood has been recruited from the best high school players of last year. from the University of Santa Clara. College of the Pacific, both ! Stanford and California and also in cludes one of last year's Nevada var .eity stars. Napoleon Smith was a member of last year's Stanford team and'will be seen "in the Barbarian scrum this year, his brother, Harry, who made "such a good showing against the AVaratahs last year with the Barba rians, will be out to retain his old berth at wing three-quarters. Jack Glascock, something of a bird •of passage ln the Rugby world, has <ome back to his first club affiliation, the Barhs. Jack originally learned 'his Rugby at the University of Cali fornia, back in 1906 and 1907. Then -he migrated to England, where he learned a little more. Then he made dash for gay Paree. where he repre sented the gesticulating nation ~as an Internationa! player against England. Returning to gunny OHifornia he joined the Barbs and made a great showing with the original Rugby 'club team in 1911. Last year he {played with the Olympics, and now |the old Barbarians will have him on hheir lists once more. " Cris Momson, who played interna tional football for America against Australia last year, will be a break away man for the Barba. The Uni versity of California will be strongly represented on the Barbs with Merl Price, who will hold down the full back position for the black and white team. * Charlie Perkins, one of the best forwards on the Nevada 'varsity team last year, lias signed up with the club "men. and will have little trouble in 'landing a berth in the scrum. - [ The College of the Pacific has con tributed Turton and McNair, two 'husky forwards, and Wlthrow, a five eighths of ability. Berkeley high "will be strongly represented with 'men who last year helped win the •Interschol&stic state championship Jfor the cross hay school team. Bill Knowles. the crack five eighths: Norm Slater, a scrum half; Micky Forbes, the dashing center -three-quarters; Dave Shuman, a front ■ranker for the scrum; Irwin Reimers, • a husky forward, and Spider 'Haynes, another forward, are all Berkeley boys who will try out for •the Barbs' team. Of last year's Barbarian veterans on hand who will be a big asset to the team are old reliable Fred Brown, who is the only original Barbarian man still playing the game; Dave Boulware. the scrappy forward, and Fairy Fairbanks I Commissioner Johns does not in tend to let his team be idle. He has arranged an ambitious program of more than a dozen games, which in cludes contests against California. "Stanford and Nevada universities, as as other educational Institu tions. The team will also clash with the 'New Zealand All Blacks, which are to visit this state, and then the Olympic club will be accommodated for the club championship of the state. The Barbarian team is the present staff club >hamplons and will be ready tp defend their title against [the winged doughnut, boys about Thanksgiving day. ■ The fpll schedule for the clubmen 'follows: September 6, vs. University of Cali fornia freshmen; September 9. vs. ;Kanta Clara university at Santa Clara: iSeptetnber 13, vs. California varsity at Berkeley; September 20, vs. Stan ford at Stanford; September 27, vs. California varsity; October 4. vs. Stan ford nt Stanford; October 11. vs. New iZealand at St. Ignatius; October 18, vs. College of the Pacific at San Jose; October 25. vs. Stanford at Stanford; November 1, vs. Nevada at Reno; No vember 15, vs. St. Mary's: November ?27. va. Olympic club. LONG DISTANCE RUN FOR MOTOR BOATS Thirteen motor boats have entered tHe much heralded long distance race from "Sacramento to Sausalito. The race will be started from Sausalito in the early hours next Tuesday morn ing and the finish at Sausalito will *be late in the afternoon. The handicaps have been worked out on the new time allowance sys tem which has been arranged by the -American Power Boat association -of New York. The local regatta committee, con alsting of f. H. Cory, Harry L. Burle aon, A. F. Umbourne, C. .Swain and W. L> Macfeley. have announced the handicaps for Tuesday's race as fol lows: • No. Boat. Club and Owner Hdop. I—Speedwell tr. V. C. >, K. Hownrrt. .■.•:30:4.-. - I •rmtbian IC. V. C. <■ t. Baker 2:11i:.",T 'S— I'llgTlnj (.S. f. V C), K. A Hyde.. 1 r.V2': Ola (!'. M. B. C.). J. Jlawkln.-. .1:36:24 ; 5--Lizite M (P. It. B. C), L. 7vans. .1:S4:14 fc—Enrlaa! (JCnclaal), W. Corson 1:|0:13 Kil l, qnlllaa i.S.F.Y.C. i. A. I»ng.1:27:00 a—Wenoaab -Enelnal). F. Hohrhardt. . 1:24 :(»> te—Wanderer (1.M.8.C). F. Bowers. .I:<tt:'.l 10— Pruwl.r (S.F.y.O.r. Garden 1:00:20 11— Virginia (1.M.8.C.) Dr. Bean 0:5fl:21 12— Liberty (1'.M.8.C.).'8. Hax 0:30:41 13— Bounle Boon (S. F. Y. C), W. L. Oliver ScraUb BERKELEY FEDERATION The foliowing are new officers elect ed to the Berkeley Federation of Churches: President, Rev. Harry R. Miles, First Congregational church; vice' president. Rev. W. R. Hodgkin, Chapel of All Souls; secretary. Rev. Jtlchard White; treasurer. Rev. Guy D. Yoakum, Park Congregational church. PHOTOS OF FORMER HUBBIES IN ROGUES' GALLERY OF WOMAN Mrs. Strong, Ihree Times Wedded, Says She Knows Nothing About Men NEW YORK, Sept. 4.—" 'A man's a j man for a' that (with reverse Eng lish on the man)," is only one of the! quotations which Mrs. Ella M. Strong has twisted, changed and contorted to i show her utter contempt for the male sex. and, with Its parenthetical re- I marks, is one of the three which adorns a tricabinet photograph fold ler which reposes on a table in Mrs. | Strong's apartment at 171 West I Ninety-fifth street, and contains llke- I nesses of the three men who at dif ferent times, of course, have occupied ! the apex position in the heart of Mrs. Strong. She calls the cabinet her | | "rogues' gallery." But despite the fact that the lady | |n question has been wedded to the three, or because of it. she declares , : that she as yet knows nothing about I Further than that, she declares most emphatically that she is not going to try to learn. In speaking of her latest matri monial adventure. Mrs. Strong said: "Why, Mr. Strong'-s contention is absurd. He knows I got a divorce from my second husband, Raymond E. France, aome time before I mar ; ried Mr. Strong, and he helped me to get it. iHe was then connected with the legal department of the Mu } tual I-ife Insurance company, and 1 when Mr. Fro nee and I had trouble jlt was -Mr. Ktronp who advised me what to do, and shortly after I re turned from Heno, in 1910, we were married. We were married in Jer sey City, and at that very time Mr. Strong had my divorce papers in his pocket." According to Mrs. Strong, the love between her and Mr. Strong waned shortly after the wedding, and in February, 1911. upon Mr. Strong's declaration that he was going to leave her she told I,lm to "pack his trunk and go." She says that she, and not her husband, owned and fur nished the house in which they lived, and that when he left he had noth ing but his trunk, which he took with him. COUNTY BUYS CARS FOR SUPERVISORS It begins to look as though prizes were to be offered to all those win ning county offices ln Alameda»county hereafter, in the shape of six cylinder touring cars, for Supervisors Bridge and Murphy have each a big car on the way and Assessor Homer is to get another. The supervisors de manded machines to facilitate their road inspuection and Homer ordered his to help assess the county. The cars purchased thus far by order of Purchasing Agent Sabin represent an outlay of "$7,113. LAST SERVICES FOR M. L. DOE The funeral of Mellen L. Doe, nephew of Charles and Bartlett Doe, founders of the Doe library at the University of California, was held yesterday in Oakland. Doe died in Santa Cruz, September 1, after Buffer ing many years from paralysis. SOCCER CLl'B DANCE The Burns and San Francisco soc cer clubs played an interesting game to a draw last Saturday. Next Satur day the "Burns'' will hold a social dance at the Auditorium as a recep tion to old friends and players and an Introduction to the new ones. GRANDE ADMITS DEFEAT VALLEJO, Sept. 4.—Charles Grande, | the local middle weight, arrived home last evening from Sacramento. Grande shows the effects of his fistic battle | with Clabby Monday night. He states that the easterner waa entitled to the decision, as he knew too much for him. . , r _ THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1913. Bride Pays Expense Of Wedding With Man Bored by Work | "Isn't He Droll?" Says Wife as She Pungles Justice's Fee and Tip to Stenographer CHICAGO, Sept. s.—"Work to me is | such a bore. I'm going to retire." This statement was made today by Howard Klinger, 25, a railroad switchman, until his marriaße in Au- J rora. 111., to Mrs. Mollie Welcome, a ] widow, aged 46. Mrs. Welcome-Klin ger, after the ceremony In the Jus tice's offtce at Aurora, gave the I "squire" a $25 tip and handed a $5 bill to the stenographer, j "Mrs. Welcome-Kllnger has money," said the groom today. "I will not ' work any more." "Isn't he a droll chap?" said Mrs. Welcome-Kllnger. ALBANY DRYDOCK WILL AID BERKELEY j Government aid for the harbod projects of Berkeley, Oakland and Richmond will be easily secured If Uncle Sam builds a drydock at Al bany, according to Captain O. C. Hamlet of the United States revenue service speaking before the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce yesterday. He recommended the building of a hreak water half a mile long to secure deep water, for the Oakland harbor, and said that the building of dry dock in Oakland would mean much for shipping. V. W. C. A. TO HOLD OPEX HOUSE The Young Women's Christian as sociation of Oakland will hold open house at Its headquarters on the evening of September 12, when the fall term In the educational depart ment will open. There will be a mu sical and literary program. "Los Angeles Back" Also SAN BERNARDINO ■ r W PASADENA ■ m RIVERSIDE JL'jgL 8 Daily Trains Quickest Service—Shortest Routes "Redlands and Back"—sl2.4o "San Diego %\H ™J Back" * ' SEPT. 6th and Bth Return Limits September 20 and 22 Stopovers Returning Southern Pacific THE EXPOSITION LINE-1915 SAN FRANCISCO: Hood Building. Palace Rotel. Ferry Station. Pboae Kearny Sl*> Third and Townsend, Street! Station Phone Kearny ISO OAKLAND: Thirteenth Street and Broadway. Phone Oakland 1«2 Sixteenth Street Station. Phone Lakeside 1430 Firat Street Station Phen* Oakland TSSO CALIFORNIA INVITATION DAY—SEPTEMBER 10 JUNIOR 'PROM' IS SET FOR NOV. 28 Committees Named to Han dle Annual U. of C. Celebration O. E. Jones, president of the junior claps of the University of California, has appointed committees for Junior %ay. Colls Mithcum is general chair man. The Junior day celebration will be held November 28. The farce and curtain raiser will be presented at the Macdonough theater in Oakland. The junior "prom" will be ln Har mon gymnasium in the evening. The committers: Floor manager— V. W. Berk. Arrangements—H. V. Towle (chairmani, J. H. Todd, E. L. Kellas. F. H. Relmers. W. F. Sanford. E. W. rowers. M. li. Curtis*. Mildred' Van Gulpen. Ruth Johnson, Ysattet Corker, Haael Pfltaer, Margaret GurtUwaite, Mildred Knoa. Decoration—E. T. Parrisb. (chairmant. J. (). Hoektos, E G. Buriand, H. M. Monroe. A. B. Paraona. F. P. Takgart. R. 8. Rboades. S. ft Fountalne. F. G. Kuoop, Leslie Wilde, F Q. Vuere. Mabel McClyment. Anne Spring. Helen Havens. Blanche Latta. Antoinette Dye. Reception—T. G. ChainberlHin (chairman!. E. F. Wiley. H. H. Hope. 8. M. Wynne. K. C. Abies, C. W. McClt-an. A. P. Conkltn. Zelma I'ottw, Jessie L'lifford, Dorothy Coombs. Viu nie Robinson, Evelyn Wagener. Doris Hutchins. Farce—R. P. Minor (chairmani. S. C. How ard, J. X. James, Gladstone Reed, L. B. Bailey. ('. A. Sparer. J. A. Ferguson, O. F. Bradway. Ruth Brown. Edith Loean. t'lara Mortcnson. Margaret Weeks. Mildred Helfrick. Dorothy Etllnger and Hertha Todd. Favorites in Front At Breeders' Meet SANTA ROSA, Sept. 5.—-The three sulky races yesterday resulted In vic tories for the favorites. During the day's racing the favorites and near favorites trotted across the line ln practically the same positions in every heat. The Driving club trot was the only race where the heats were at all spilt up. The performance of Albaloma. driven by Willie DurTee, in the 2:12 trot was the feature of the day. Albaloma won ln three straight heats, the clocks catching him in 2:09 for the mile in the second heat, this being the fastest time recorded this year. Summaries: MOVE TO LIMIT OAKLAND TAX RATE A resolution was adopted by the Oakland city council yesterday recommending that the city charter be amended to fix a natural limit of the tax rate, and directing the com missioner of revenue and finance to furnish the council with a statement covering the city's financial condition for the last 10 yeara. Recommendations for improvements in the fire department, to cost $74,000, are made by the civil service commis sion in a report of a survey made under its direction last spring and filed today with F. G. Turner, com missioner of public health and safety. ATTACKS RIVAL WITH BEER BOTTLE In a fight over the affection of a man by the name of "Joe," Juanlta Fober, 23 years old, this morning broke a saucer over the head of Clarice Heed. She followed the lead with a beer bottle. The fight occurred in a saloon at Pacific and Montgomery streets, where the women are employed as dance hall girls. The Heed girl's scalp was opened by the bottle, and several stitches were necessary. The Fober girl was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, with the bottle and saucer as evidence. BURGLAR CAUGHT WITH STOLEN SUIT James Welch, a burglar, is today in the city prison by reason of haste to don a suit he had stolen not three minutes before from a Chinese laun dry. Instead of wrapping up the garments and teklng them away, Welch went into the alley behind the laundry and was wearing his cap and a genial smile when Inspectors Gallagher and McSorley found liim. By his side lay the clothes iie had removed and the stolen onea he had hoped to wear. REPORT DECLARED "BINK" SPRINGFIELD. 111., Sept. s.—Phil S. Haner of Taylorvllle, attacked yester day ln the report of the state civil service commission on conditions In the livestock department, today de clared the report a lot of political bunk. He says that instead of having defrauded the state ln hog deals or otherwlae he is about $2,700 In the hole. CASTRO BAND TO GIVE DANCE Castro band, composed of members of Castro parlor No. 232, Native Sons of the Golden West, will give a recep tion and dance tomorrow night at the Auditorium, Page and Fillmore streets, in honor of the visiting Na tive Sons and Daughters on the eve of their departure for Oakland to take part in the Admission day cele bration. Seminole Hikers Lost in the Brush The bikers of the Seminole club have returned from their annual tramp, made this yabr to Bolinas bay, after being lost in the brush and losing their "guides" for an entire, night. The members left camp with the guides, who were William Andrews and George Fallahy, two club mem bers who claimed to know the coun try, lost their leaders and waited a night for them to turn up. Twenty-five members made the trip, declared to be the best ever made. The committee in charge Included William Andrews, George Fallahy, Dr. Edwin Slmard, Haywood Brooks and J. E. Lyons. New Matson Pier Ready for Ships At the meeting yesterday of the harbor commission. Engineer Jerome N'ewman notified the board that the San Francisco Bridge company had completed the construction of pier 28 and recommended that it be ac cepted and paid for. The new pier is of reinforced concrete and is 677 feet long and lt>o feet wide. It cost $358,400. and was built for the use of the Matson Navigation company. The Matson company will move from pier 38 tp the new pier Monday, and Wednesday the liner Lurline will be docked there. Pier 38 will be turned over to the Southern Pacific company, to whom the wharf was originally promised. U. OF C. FRESHMEN LOSE TO FjREMONT The freshmen ruggers of the Cnl versity of California met their third consecutive defeat yesterday after noon on California field, losing to Fremont high school of Oakland by a score of 3 to 0. The U. C. babies showed Improvement, as has been the case with each successive game, but the backs played ragged football, and missed many passes. BERKELEY BELLE ENGINEER'S BRIDE Miss Jessie Graham, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Graham, became the bride Wednesday night of Carl Fox. a min ing engineer of Globe, Ariz. The ceremony wat held at the residence of Mrs. Graham, at 6417 HUlegass avenue, Berkeley. The home was decorated in pink flowers and ribbons. Only a few members of the family and intimate friends were present. The couple will live In Globe. GIRL TAKES VEIL TO KEEP PROMISE In pursuance of a promise made when on what she supposed was her deathbed. Miss Kathryn Johnson, 221 Pacific avenue. Piedmont, is preparing to assume the veil of a nun and de vote her life to nursing the afflicted. When Dr. O. D. Hamlin announced her recovery' from cancer as hardly possi ble, some months ago, the girl prayed to be spared and vowed to devote her life to the sick on her recovery. Boys, are you selling The San Francisco Call ? J|l||if If not, you are missing a golden opportunity. P^Plf The San Francisco Call is going to give to some |||ft||| fllrS news k° v a ye " acre Solano Irrigated Farm. This farni will be giveii absolutely free, and when we say free we mean SlfMSi Kvery boy, no matter where he lives or sells papers, will have a fair and honest opportunity to own this farm. All that is necessary is to sell 20 or more Calls daily, and The Call is the easiest seller ever placed in a p|||||!uf ■ boy's hand. Biggest and Best, and only one cent. Come on, boys, if you are not selling now, start at once. 300 CLASSY DOGS AT OAKLAND SHOW Judging of Toy Pomera nians Opens Piedmont Rink Exhibit Dogs of distinction gathered in Piedmont rink, Oakland, this morning at the opening of the exclusive shqw of the Oakland and Alameda County Kennel club. More than 300 blue blooded animals were entered, the toy Pomeranians and poodles being spme what in'the majority. Quality rather than quantity marked this showing of the newly organized kennel club. The Airedale setters attracted con siderable attraction. The judging started with the toy breeds. This was marked with some of the latest and most interesting ef fects in mug "Poms" and poodles, while the spidery little hairless Mex icans paraded daintily on pillows. Following the toys, pointers, Eng lish and Irish setters were taken up. Cocker spaniels and collies will be judged tonight. The Airedales and • bull terriers will be Judged tomorrow morning, followed by Boston. Fox, Irish and Scotch terriers. English and French bulldogs. The remaining breeds will be judged tomorrow night. PLANNING Y. W. C. A. GROUND BREAKING Arrangements are being made for the ground breaking ceremonies for the $188,000 Y. M. C. A. building to be erected at Fifteenth and Webster streets. Miss Grace Fisher, president, will turn the first spadeful of earth at the ceremonies at 12 o'clock, Tuesday, September 16. I Arthur L. Adams, first vice presi dent of the Y. M. C. A., will preside. Greetings will be extended the as sociation through Miss Fisher from Mayor Mott on behalf of the city, and sirens will herald the beginning of construction work. The ceremonies will open with an automobile parade of city officials and members, Mrs. Walter Henry of the board of directors, acting as marshal, assisted by Mrs. H. P. Carlton, Mrs. J. J. Valentine and Mrs. J. B. Richard son. SORORITY GIRL TO WED Miss Dorothy Kuchell of Alame<la and Theodore Leydecker, son of for mer Postmaster Leydecker of the En clnal city, will be married Monday evening at a quiet wedding in the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. F. O. Kuchell, in 839 Oak street. The bride to be is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority and has been the motif for several social functions since the engagement was announced. GARDNER B. MORGAN BURIED The funeral of Gardner B. Morgan, brother of Julia Morgan, architect, who died of typhoid, Wednesday, will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence, 754 Four teenth street. Oakland. Morgan was 33 years old. Chinese Girl Rival For Miss Kellerman A rival to the famous woman swimmer. Annette Kellerman. has been discovered at the University of California in Miss Zamlock Lowe, young Chinese girl, daughter of a Chinese merchant of San Francisco and the only woman of her race tak ing the law course at the institution. On taking the measurements of those entering her class Mrs. W. E. Magee, instructress of physical cult ure at the university, discovered that Miss Lowe's height was exactly that of Miss Kellerman's. and then found that her other physical measure ments rival those of the girl swim mer. The Chinese girl is 5 feet 3 inches in height and symmetrically formed. * , Player Green Loses His Salary Claim CINCINNATI, Sept. s.—The na tional baseball commission reversed a decision by the national board in the case of Player G. H. Green against the Indianapolis club of the American as sociation. Green claimed that he had been in jured ln some manner unknown to himself while a member of the Indian apolis club and asked for full salary for two weeks, half salary for two weeks, and full salary for the re mainder of the time that Indianapolis retained him. ■ The national board allowed his claim. ■■ _ The commission held that Green s injuries could nojt be traced to having originated during the time he was with the Indianauolis club, and there fore reversed the decision and dis missed Green's claim. Scientific Study Of Indian Tongue For the first time in the United States an American Indian has pre pared a scientific study of his mother tongue. The author is Juan Dolores of the Papeo tribe, and the mono graph, which is called "Papeo Verb Terms," will be published by the Uni versity of California. Dolores was used by Prof. A. L. Kroeber of the university in working out a system of Indian myths. The aborigine became interested in the scientific study of his own language and acquired a grammatical knowl ege of it. The new monograph will be used by the university and by the United States government in making comparative investigations of other Indian tongues. Berkeley Financier Dies in San Rafael James H. Follis, Berkeley mining man, ranch owner and president of the San Carlos Park syndicate, died yesterday morning at his residence ln San Rafael, after an illness of several months. Follis was 41 years of age and leaves a widow and a 10 year old son. His marriage to Miss Belle Gwynn, 12 years ago in San Fran cisco, was a notable event. Among his business associates for several years was James Flood and his father in law, the owner of the famous Gwynn mine. >He was a brother in law of Frank Griffin of the Natomas Consolidated. CLOSE GALL FROM QUICKSAND DEATH Eel River Nearly Swallows Secretary of Oakland Commerce Chamber A hairbreadth escape from death in quicksand is related by A. A. Denl son. secretary of the Oakland Cham ber of Commerce, who has Just re turned from his vacation on the Eel river. Denison was In an automobile and tried to cross over what appeared to be a dry ford. When in the middle of the innocent looking bed of the old stream the machine started sink ing. Denison leaped out and himself started to go down. Both the ma chine and the man were rescued by persons on the bank. A second narrow escape occurred when Denison's machine took a drop of seven feet over a cliff the follow ing day and alighted right side up. Natural Alkaline Water To regulate the Stomach and relieve Indigestion, your will recommend the use of Q VICHY ■H (FRENCH REPUBLIC PROPERTY) A delightful water, ■UHA unexcelled for all SbQBSp? table uses. Not Genuine withont the word Act Well! And that you may, profit by the health-restoring, strength giving properties of the time tested famous family remedy BEECHAM'S PILLS Seld everywhere Id boxes 10c, 25a.