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NEWS WRITTEN BY LEADING EXPERTS BIG LEAGUE REPUTATION NOT FULLY SUSTAINED BY SLABSTER O'BRIEN Pitcher Who Helped Boston Red Sox to Win Pennant Last Season, Also Participating in Two World's Championship Games, Fails to Show Oakland Class as a Spitballer JOE MURPHY Buck O'Brien, who helped the Boston Red Sox to win the nennant last season, as well as participating in two of the world's championship Jpmes. made his debut on-the hill in this section for the first time yester day at Oakland. Buck, whose chief stock in trade is moisture, failed to work up to his big league reputation, and his initial appearance in this neck of the woods was anything but a success. After going along lor eight innings he was derricked for a pinch fritter. Bill Malarkey finishing the job. During his eight rounds on the hill the Beavers straightened out 13 of his offerings, and there was nothing about his work to re mind one that he had ever been in the big league. The northerners started to hit him from . the opening session, and they kept up a steady bombardment for the first four frames, during which time they gained what proved to be a safe lead. O'Brien is essentially a spltball pitcher, and nearly every one of his offerings are saliva laden. They were not at all puzzling yesterday, but Buck might improve with more- work, »ts he has had but little action on the hill this season. The Oaks had one of their bad days, and the foregoing statements needs no explanation. There is no team in the league that can play worse ball than the Oaks when they want to. Yester day, on their own lot, where good games are few and far between, the 1912 champions gave one of the raw est exhibitions of the national pastime that has been dished up to the fans this year. O'Brien did not have much on the ball, but it mattered little whether he had or not. ar the Oaks would have i lost for him if he had been in tiptop form- They rolled up five errors, Het ling and Cook being the principal acrobats of the game. Unless the Oaks take a brace .there is but little chance of them giving the Beavers any serious opposition during the remainder of the series. However, the transbay boys are noted for their inconsistency, and they are likely to •how their 1912 form at any time. In this afternoon's game at Recrea tion park Bill Malarkey is slated to pitch for the Oaks. The veteran hurler Worked out the last frame of yester -- - contest, but the work he did could hardly be termed pitching. He simply lobbed them over. Malarkey has had a nice rest and he should come out freshened up. Ervo Higgln bottom or Hi West are slated to pitch today for the Beavers. There was no change in the stand ing of the clQbs yesterday. The Beav ers retained their lead of eight games by virtue of- their victory over the Oaks. The Venice Tigers downed the Seals in a hot extra inning battle, but failed to gain on the Portlanders. Tyler Christian, the Oaks' clever boxman, who has been seriously ill from typhoid fever, was a visitor at the game yesterday. Te appears to be Improving ln health, but there Is no chance of him getting back into the game this year. The loss of Christian was keenly felt by the transbay club, •s he was pitching a creditable arti cle of ball at the time he was taken til. Bill Leard has been playing a fine game for the Oaks, and the, fans are wondering whether it is the appear ance of Innelder Seitz on the Job that has caused the little fellow to hustle. Then, again. Leard is paying leas' at tention to the bleacherites, who have picked him out as a mark ali season, because he would fall for their bait. When he gets down to real, serious business and plays the game for all it is worth there are no better in flelders in this league than this same L<»ard- At times he has shown an in clination to "dog'"' it, but not recently. The Seals tossed away another game yesterday which they should have won. When you read the box •core-It gives you a headache to think of a team losing a game like the one the tigers grabbed from them yester day. They outhit the Tigers three to one, outflelded them, and still they lost. Something must be wrong when you read a report that seven Seals laced Mitt in th* opening inning but only one of them scored, tt was truly a hard luck lose for Overall. He fcnjt bad bis share of bad luck since Jarring the Seals. gharry Downs fell down on Howard, /yesterday. In the twelfth frame, when -the bases were crammed, and but one ;«Hf>wn. All that was needed Was a liang fly. but HUt retired Dowti« oft rUtrikes. while Corhan, who followed, "<nras -out On h fly. Joe Tobln busted into the game in the south and he -nlade pood by Retting three safe wal ttba in seven trips to the bat. Ty Loiter, of the Beavers, who is tbe fading swatsnian of the league, made up for his weakness at th<; bal On Wednesday by cracking oat three Safe hits in Aye trips to the rubber" yesterday, txtber is a natural hitter, amd it requires but a glance ,at him In action to know that he 1* a swat ter of the fir«t rank. The Scale play a djQrfißlP'header in the er>uth today. The first game starts •at 1:30. Henley and Lelfleld probably -will be the moundmen for Howard, while Baum and are due io work for Hog-an- The Seals have dropped three straight to Mogans bunch. There is but one game difference in the standing between the Seals and the Angels. By tonight our favor ites may be back In fifth place. Oak land is fighting hard to get out of the cellar, and the club only requires a few gam.*** to step out Of last place. Speed McDonnell, Hogan'a clever Utility man, proved the stumbling block ln Overall's path yesterday, as he seemed to relish the offerings of the big fellow. In fie trips to the rub ber McDonnell swiped the ball safely on four occasions, and it was his drive in 'the thirteenth frame that sent Kane over the plate with the winning run. .Tack Klawitter, who has had some tough luck in hia recent games, found hie stride yeaterday and sent the down to defeat. He allowed hits, but was unusually effect ive in the pinches. The Senators should have no trouble In winning a bunch of games off the fast sliding Angels. Hetling is getting to be one of the crabbing champions of the league. Seldom does Ous strike out unless he wheels around, shows his teeth and snarls at the umpire. Yesterday a fan in the grandstand riled him and he dropped his bat and wheeled around, and ln plain words threatened to get the individual. Apparently McArdle played a star game in the south. The box score shows that he handled 18 chances without a slip, and he had one assist to his credit. He was a little weak with the stick, getting but one safe crack in six times at the rubber. Lynn, the Wolves' new catcher, ap pears to be a good man by his work yesterday. But one base was stolen off him. He secured a timely two base hit and showed considerable class behind the plate. Johnston, Hogan and Tobin did the best hitting for the Seals yesterday in the south. Each of them secured three safe wallops. CLOSE FINISHES IN BIG LEAGUES Standings of Americans and Nationals Same in Num ber of Games The standing in both leagues of the leaders and the runners up Is exactly the same today, as regards the num ber of games. The Giants lead the Phillies 7H games and the Athletics have the same lead over the Naps. The Dodgers and Giants broke even in a double header yesterday. The Dodgers clubbed Marquard for six runs In the sixth inning, giving them the first game, but the Giants gar nered the second conteat 2 to 1 in a pitchers' battle between Tesreau and Yingling. Zelder, the gentleman who had a bunion extracted from his foot some time ago, and who has been reported as in the "crippled" class since, stole home in the seventh inning yesterday with the run that won for the Yan kees over the Senators. The Athletics went down to defeat twice yesterday at the hands of the Red Sox. losing the first. 8 to 5, and the second, 6 to 2. Cobb and his mighty war club proved the undoing of the Naps yes terday. In the twelfth inning the Georgia Peach cracked out a hit that sent the winning run across the plat*. Duffy Lewis of the Red Sox got five hits out of 10 times up yesterday. The Browns defeated the White Sox in the eleventh inning yeaterday, when Williams singled and scored Pratt, Who had singled and been sacrificed to second. It took two hours and 10 minutes to play the second Athletic-Red Sox game yesterday, which is near the season's record for elapsed time for a regulation game. One of th* most painful recollec tions the Nap management has is that in 190 Vlt spurned an offer of the Tigers to trade Ty Cobb for Elmer Flick, the slugging outfielder. Flick long' since has passed into the dis cards, while Cobb, who is only 27, "fig ures that he still has about 13 years Of big league baseball ln his system. Errors in the first inning gave the Cardinals three runs, which ♦ere enough to win the game from the Pirates. NEW CHECKER RECORD IN SERIES BINGHAMTON. N. V.. Sept. s.—The twehtleth game In th* world's checker series between Champion Alfred Jor dan of London. England, and M. E. Pimeroy of this city was played last nlfrht and leaves both men tied, noth ing to nothing. Together with 10 games privately played between the two to a draw' lakt winter, this makes a total of 30 games "tied, in contrast to the 32 games tied that constitute the world's record. ADMISSION DAY TROTTING RACES Luke Marlsch and Al Hoffman, working as a special committee Of the California Driving club, ar* ar ranging a good program of trotting races to be held at the Golden Gate park stadium Tuesday afternoon. A large number of valuable tro phies have been secured, and a num ber of owners who art at present participating try the breeders' meet at Santa Rosa have notified the club that they will enter their horses. DI'KFV CAN'T MAKE IT CHICAGO, Sept. s.—The proposed Charlie White-Jimmy Duffy match for Milwaukee on September 22 may not be staged. Duffy declares the best he can do is 135 pounds, and this White's manager refuses to accept, since Charlie can do 129 easily. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1913. Uncle Joe Cannon Starts the Ponies K..NKAKEE, 111., Sept. 5.— Livestock day at the Kankakee Interstate Fair association attracted a crowd of nearly 40,000. Among the notable* present waa I'n cle Joe Cannon, the guest of Secretary Len Small. In the second heat ot the 2:24 pace Vncle Joe mounted the Judge's stand and started the pacer*. He ' received the ipplauae of the many thou sands present. | STANDING OF CLUBS j PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Clubs— Won. Lo»t. Pot. Portland ftg 63 569 Venice 80 76 614 Sacramento 71 78 60S Ban Francisco 74 (1 478 Log Angeles 71 80 477 Oakland 78 88 466 GAMES TODAY At San Frsnonco—Portland ts. Oakland. At Los Angslfs—San Francisco Ta. Venice. At Sacramento—Los Angeles ts. Sacramento. NATIONAL LEAGUE Clubs— Won. Lost. Pet. New York 86 42 670 Philadelphia 74 46 617 [Chicago 71 56 659 Pittsburg 67 69 589 I Boston 62 62 600 Brooklyn 64 71 432 | Cincinnati 54 78 409 St Louis 46 85 851 AMERICAN LEAGUE Cluba— Won. Lo«t. Pet. Philadelphia 84 44 668 Cleveland 77 81 697 I Washington 70 58 656 iChioagj 67 64 511 Boston 64 69 608 Detroit 87 71 446 !St. Louis 49 88 371 New York 44 60 355 NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Cluba— Won. Lost. Bet. I VancouTsr 88 66 597 I Portland 78 61 641 \ Seattle 74 68 621 I Victoria 68 77 468 I Tacoma 65 SO 448 Spokane 61 81 430 CALIFORNIA LEAGUE Club*— Won. Lost. Pot. Stockton 64 87 684 [Fresno 60 41 688 Watsonville 48 61 408 San Jose M 64 378 NORTHWEST LEAGUE Victoria 7, Spokane 3 R. H. E. Victoria 7 12 2 Spokane • " 3 11 3 Vancouver 3, Tacoma 0 R. H. E. VaneooTer 3 7 2 Tacoma O 4 3 CALIFORNIA LEAGUE Fresno 9, Saa Jose 1 R. H. E. Fresno O 12 1 Saa Jose 1 4 • Stockton 18, Watsonville t R. H. E. Stockton IS 18 2 Watson Tine 8 10 8 ! YESTERDAY'S RESULTS j AT OAKLAND Portland 9. Oakland 1 Prtland R IT PA E Oakland RHPAE 2 2 3 0 o:Leard.2b.. 1117 0 0 3 0 0 03ardnr.lV 0 0 14 0 0 Rogers,2b 12 13 0 Hetllng,3b 0 12 3 2 Lndsay.Sb 2 2 8 2 o'Coy.rf 0 I 1 1 0 Doane.rf. 1110 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 2 0 OKavlor.rf. 0 2 0 0 0 112 3 l' 0 0 4 2 2 Fisber.c. 117 1 OKreltt.c... 0 0 3 2 1 Uagrmn.p 0 2 0 0 Oi O'Brien.p. 0 0 0 4 0 Clemmons. 0 0 0 0 0 Total... 8 17 27 9 ljUalarky.p 0 0 0 0 0 I • Total... Ifl 27 Ift 3 Clemmons batted for O'Brien in the eighth. RUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS Portland 112000104— 0 Basehlts 2232003 1 4—17 Oakland 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—l BaseblU ....2 001 0600 2—S BUMMARY Fire runs and 13 hits oft O'Brien In 8 In nings; charge defeat to O'Brien. Three base hits—Chartbourne, Leard. Sacrifice hits—Korea. Ilagcrinan. Sacrifice fly—Doane. First bass On called balls—Otr Hagerman 2. Struck out—By H.igerman 7. by O'Brien 1. Left on bases— "Oakland fl, Portland 7. Earned runs—Oakland L Portland, 2 off O'Brien, 2 off Malarkey. Wild pitch—Hagerman. Double play—Coy to Kreltt. Time of game—2 hours and 2 minutes, empires—Held and McCarthy. AT SACRAJLENTO Sacramento S, Lo* Angeles 1 Los A. R H PA E! Sac'to. RHPAE Maggrt.ef 0 0 0 1 0 Young, at. 0 0 3 I 0 Metsgr.fte 0 0 2 1 0 Lewis, If.. 113 10 Ellis, If.. 0 0 2 0 OSblnn. rf.. 0 10 0 0 How' 1 2 6 2 0 Tennant, lb 0 10 10 Page. 2b.. 0 0 13 OlMoran, cf. 1 1 3 0 0 Krucgr.rf 0 111 o'Hal'nan.Sb 12 0 3 8 2 o|Kuwthy.2b 0 0 B t 1 Byrne, c. 0 2 3 2 ljLynn. c... 0 1 2 2 1 Klagle. p.. 0 0 0 6 0 KUwlttr.p 0 0 0 1 0 Wilson... 0000 0 . . mJ T0ta1.... 3 727 I.'! 3 Total... 1 824 17 1] , RUNS A>'D HITS BT INNINGB Los Angeles 00000100 o—l Basehlts 02020201 I—B Sacramento 02000001 x— 3 Basehlts 01010412 x—7 SUMMARY Home run—Lewis. Two-base hits—Lynn, Hailluan, Tennant. Sacrifice hits — Metxger, I'age, Hallinan. Kenworthy (2). Struck nut - B> Slagle 2. by Klawitter 1. First base on called balls—Off Single «. off Klawitfr ::. PouNe plays—Page to Howard to Goodwin: Krneger to Howard: Young to Tennant. Left on bases—Los Angeles 7. Sacramento 0. Earned runs —Los Angels 1. Sacramento 1. Time of game 1 hour and 35 minutes. Umpires—Fin ney and Phyle. AT LOS ANGELES Venice 8, San Francisco 2 S. F. R H P A E! Venice RHPAE Tobin.rf.. 13 2 6 OiCarllsle.if 1 0 2 0 0 M' o 118 0 2 2 5 0 0 Jhnstn.rf. 0 3 3 1 0 BtfleSa.rf. 0 0 1 0 0 Hogati.lf. 0 3 3 0 OlM'Dnll.ib. 0 4 6 1 2 Powti9.2b 0 117 o,o' 0 13 0 1 Corhan,ss. 0 1 0 3 o|!>ltsehl.3b. 0 0 24 0 Charls.3b. 0 1 2 0 0 0 212 3 0 Schmidt, o 0 0 9 2 0 Elllett.c... 0 0 7 4 0 Overall,p. 1 2 0 2 0 114 0 Mndrff.rf. 0 0 0 0 01 1 Total... 3 10 39 21 3 Tots!... 2 •SatlS Si Two out When winning run whs scored. RUNS AMI) HITS BY INNINGS San Francisco. ..10n06 0100 0 o 0 O'- 2 Basehlts 2 10 0 12 110 2 13 I—ls Venice 2 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1— 3 Basehiti 3 11101600001 2—lo SUMMARY Three base bit—Kane. Two base hits Hit). Overall, Sterrett. Sacrifice hit—Hogan. stolen bete Sterrett. First base on called balls—Off Hltt 2. off Overall 1. Struck out—By Hltt 6. by Overall 9. Wild pitches—Hilt. Overall. Hit by pitched ball—Carlisle. Time or game—2 hours and 25 minutes. Umpires—Bush and Qui arte. ] AMERICAN LEAGUE \ ♦ •■- -• ■■■ ■• ■■'♦» At Philadelphia: First game— R. H. c Boston 8 10 6 Philadelphia fi 10 1 Batteries—Moseley, Bedient and Thomas. H-Mirk; Bush And Lapp. Second game— R. H. E. Boston 5 12 1 Philadelphia 3 2 I Batteries—Moseley and Thomas: Houek and Lapp. Umpires—Ferguson and Evans. At Washington— R. H. E. New York 3 « 2 Washington 2 0 0 Batteries—Fisher and Sweeny: Gallia and Ainsmlth. Umpires—Egan and Connolly. At St. Louis— R. If. E. Chicago * * St. Louis N fl 1 Batteries—Bunnell and Seatlk; Schwenk and Alexander. Umpires—Dineen and Sheridan. A t Cleveland-- R. H. K. Detroit 4 It 4 Cleveland 3 7 2 Batteries—Dubuc and McKee; Gregg and O'Nell. Umpires—Htldebrand sad O'LougbJln. * ] «At New Tork. First game— R. H. B. Brooklyn « 8 1 New York 2 7 3 Battefles—Walker. Ragon and McCarthy; Manjuard. Crandall and Myers. Second game— R. H. B. Brooklyn 1 a j New York 2 8 0 Batteries— YlagUng aad Fisher; Tesreau and Slattery's Spikes WELL, it looks as though the boys" are going* to have rather a lough time of it down south this week. They have taken three tnockouts now without a comeback, and to make it even sadder still, two of them were inflicted upon the three star specials, Fanning and Overall.. It's up to Lefty Leifield now and if they can't get by with him the fans of this city, at least, will be forced to admit that thos-e once forlorn Tigers are going to figure in the run after the rag. THERE must be a whole bundle of joy around Boston today after that double crusher which the Red Sox applied to the Athletics yesterday afternoon right on the Philadelphia lot. Had been Boston been able to turn these sort of tricka a couple of months ago they might be right up and fighting for another crack at that championship title. HATS off to Earl Rogers of Los Angeles for the way in which he is going to the bat for the good old game of boxing. Rogers Is one of the most able men in the state of California today, so there must be a lot of merit to the ancient sport when he sees fit to neglect a lot of im portant business for the purpose of defending Jeea Willard and the others who have been Impli cated ln the unfortunate accident which cost the life of "Bull Young. EVERY time that the Olants lose a game the Gotham fans say that Muggsy McGraw is again kidding the other fellows. This may sound all right, but those outside of New York know very well that McGraw is not the sort of fellow who Is given to kidding when a ball game is at stake. ONLY a month ago Joe Azavedo was an official punching bag for boxers who had ambitions to become' champions. Now Joe has signed up as a full fledged star of the footlights. Joe ought to split his earnings "with Ad Wolgast, for if the former cham pion did not try to pick up some thing soft by signing with Aza vedo, the latter would still be a punching bag. MAURICE McLOUGHLIN has done more within the last year to advertise California than any other of her far famed native sons, yet when it comes right down to talking of his achievements the little San Fran cisco tennis wizard has practical ly nothing to say about his won derful conquests on the courts all over the world. Willie Ritchie, please take notice. IT'S no wonder that the wyte . Sox wished Buck O'Brien on to Oakland after the Red Sox had previously wi6hed htm on to the White Bo*", Buck has started three times for the Ocrks thus far and every time his offerings were furiously assailed by the hostile batsmen of other clubs. And only a year ago he loomed up with the champions of the baseball world. Where will be land next? TOM O'ROURKE has doubtless learned by this time that the days of the Walcotts and the Dixons have passed and passed forever more, and the days of the Palsers have come to stay. This leads one to believe that even managers can't come back any more. Tom stayed out of the game for a long time. He should have consulted Jim Jeffries before he took Palzer under his wing. THE wise ones all knew that Jack .lohnaon was broke when he slipped quietly out of the United States, but still we notice that he is motoring around Lon don in his own car, and that he still flashes those big rocks on his fingers Evidently the despised black must have been under cover with a lot of stuff when he took It on the run to the old world. MAY BECOME MANAGER ROCHESTER, N. V.. Sept. 5 — Wil liam (Wld) E. Conroy, formerly of the Washington American league team, and for two sessions with Roch ester in the international league, was released to Elmira yesterday, subject to International league waivers. It is understood Conroy will manage the team, vice Law Rltter. NEW LIGHTWEIGHT LIMIT CHICAGO, Sept. s.—According; to a ruling by the Wisconsin boxing com mission, the lightweight limit in the Badger state will be 135 pounds, in stead of 133. the weight at Which all of our noted lightweight contests wore fought. RUSSELL TO BOX MOORE NEW ORLEANS, Sept. s.—Frankle Russell of New Orleans and "Pal" Moore of Philadelphia, lightweight*, have been matched for a 10 round, no deolelon bout here the night of Sep tember 15. (AMERICAN ASSOCIATION! -• ———— i —-«* Toledo 10. I/riilsvilla 1. flt Paul 0. Milwaukee ». Myers, empires— Brennan snd Eason. At Pittsburg. First gsme— U. Tl. E. St Louis 4 8 0 Pittsburg 2 » 3 Hntteries—o*yet and Roberts; McQuillan and (Tihson, Simon. Second game— R. H- St. LOOil 4 II o Pittsburg 8 10 1 Batteries- and Roberts; McQuillan and fSibson Kellv. fmpirfs KlPni md Ortli. For Your Vacation Glacier National Park A VkONDKRFIT, SCENIC REGION Ttraru by Anto, Stage, Horseback or Afoot—BoatlnK—Fiablna Coat $1.00 to iS.OO per Day fiend for Free Illustrated Booklets. «. W. COLBY. General Ascent 065 Market St., San Francisco Telephone Kearny 2148. Plao Alto High Practicing Daily For Rugby Honors f Aspire to Repeat Their Splendid Showing of Last Year, When They Won Championship STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Sept. 5. With aspirations of repeating their splendid showing of last year, the rugby footballers of Palo Alto high school are again in suits, practicing daily, under the direction of "Jumbo" Morris of Stanford and Olympic club fame. Palo Alto won the championship title of the A. A. I. last year, and ex pects to have little trouble in dis posing of the Peninsula Subleague championship, with eight returning veterans as a necleua around which to build a fast fifteen. Forty-one candidates are out for the team, among which are numbered a strong bunch of last year's second team ruggers. The team will be minus the services of Davidson, Lach mund, E. Jtialing, Nagel, Gladstone McOllvray and McKaig. The gap ln the back field will be hard to fill, but a number of players , who showed up strong on the second team during the last season should j be gilt edge this year. The returnig vets are Captain Card, 1 OCEAN jrßAYMj_____ HAMBURG^VAMERICAN I Largest 400 Ships WORLD M TON 3 /"IMPERATOR'I f World's Largest Ship 1 SAILS AGAIN 1 SEPT. 20, 12 Noon I ir.d every threa weeks thereafter Enabling passengers to arrive tn i)Nl«)N and PARIS on sixth am* i HAMBURG on seventh day looks now open for season. » ONDON. PARIS. HAMBURG MPennaylvanla Sept. 11, S p. m. •Viotoria Luiae Sept. 12, 9 a. m. 'mperator Sent. SO, I' 2 noo tSPatricia Sept. 80, 12 noon Amerika Sent. 88. 10 a. m |2d cabin only. jHamburg direct. •First cabin only. ESTaC S. PENNSYLVANIA and S. 8. PRETORIA sail frcra New I'ier foot of :t3d St.. South Brook 'yn. All other sailing* In this service fiom our Hn)><>ken piers. MEDITERRANEAN Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa IT? All steamsra In this servica leave from MEW PIER. 88d St.. 90. Brooklyn. Take 89th «t Ferry. 8, S. Hamburg Ml.oon Tons). Sept. 17, 10 a. m. 8. 3. Holtke (12..'00 tons) Oct. 7. 11 a. in. NEW CRUISE ORIENT—INDIA JAN. 15, 1914. DURATION 93 DAYS. Cost, Including •here trips and S^*!(\f\ ill necessary A / lIIJ up. ■xpensca, » Booka Now Open. inyOur Tourist Department I V arranges Toura by sail or ■ ■ Steamer to all parti of the M M Write for mrnrttation. M A HAMBLRu-AMERICAN # leg Powell St. Boons M Kearny 8946. AW •¥ Francisco, C *^4^^*' FRENCH LINE CIE. GLB. TRANSATLANTIQUB DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE)—PARIS FROM NEW YORK TO HAVRE BalUnga every Wednesday at 10 a. m. and Saturday a' 3 p. m. Francs Sept. 10i;<a Lorraine.. .Oct. 8 La Savoie.. Sept. 17 1* Savola Oct. 13 La Provence.Sept. 24(La Provence..Oct. 22 France Oct. 11 FROM NEW YORK TO HAVRE Every Saturday at 3 p. m. Niagara Sept. 13'Nlagara Oct. 11 Rochambeau .Sept. 20(Rochambeau ..Oct. 1* Chicago Sept. 27ICarollne Oct*. 22 La Touralne. .Oct. 4| • FUOAZI BROS., Pacific Coaat Managers. 610 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. CABIN OFFICE. 678 MARKET BTRIET. I splendid 10.OOS Ton Steamera SIERRA, SONOMA and VENTURA $110 Hwolulu Roijfe, ol^ ; Sydney $300 SYDNEY-g 0^ 7 AUSTRALIA UMTS VIA HONOLULU AND SAMOA S32S Grand Tour, Sooth Round Ike World, t*2s Seas, $325. Honolulu. Ist class: 2nd class Si9i Samoa. Acatralla. Sew vis ting five continents Zealand. Tahiti etc and world's gttat dtles. Honolulu Safiiggs Sept 9, 23, Oct. 7. etc.. 2p. m. Sydney sailings Jep . 23, OA. 21. etc- 2 p. m. Writ* or * ire Row for Bertha. Send tor Folic. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO* «73 Market St. Paoae Saner *4W AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND Sydney via Tahiti and Wellington S.S. MOA N A (10,000 tons) sails 11 a. m.. Sepl«mber 17. 8. 8. WILLOCHRA (18,000 tona) sails 11 a. au, October 15. S. S. Tahlti (12,000 tens) sails 11 a. a., November 12. UNION S. S. CO. OF N. Z„ Ltd HEJD, ROLPH A CO.. General Agsnta. I»L Doug. 8190. Tiokat efflee. 670 Market at, Shot Putter Will Become White HoDe , — NEW YORK, Sept. 3.—Al Reich, the Irish-American Athletic club's shot put- > hl2 ter, today announced that he 'will quit the amateur ranks and enter the professional prise ring. Reich la more than alx feet tall, weighs more than -'©0 pound* and gained the Idea hat he might be a hopeful •white hope" after he knocked out a Boston policeman ln the amateur heavy weight cham pionship. Le Count Slocum, Grant Olaine, Rich ard Sherman, forwards; Foster Weeks, iwng; Harry Wallace, center three quarters; Morris Kirksey, fullback. Manager Foster Weeks has arranged a long schedule of practice games, with the first contest scheduled for September 13 with Cogswell polytech nic fifteen of San Francisco. During the ensuing season the poly team will meet the Stanford freshmen three times. Games with Lick. Mission, Alameda, Cogswell, Manzaitfta, St. San Mateo, Belmont, Oakland and the Insurrectos are also on the schedule. Tlje Peninsular subleague games will ftart next month. Palo Alto, Manza nita and San Mateo will tight it out for the right to play the winner of the San Jose, Santa Clara, St. Mat thews group of the league. All the Palo Alto high games will be played on the Stanford turf, with the exception of the contest with Bel mont, which will take place at Bel mont. Last year's subs who are out of the team this year are Boulware, Arnot, Graham, Flugel and Stevick. ; RAILWAY TRAVEL | = SEE THE = | Grand Canyon of the Feather | | River and th~ Royal Gorge | S The "Panama-Pacific Express" 5 = with Observation Cars and S | The "1915 Mail" Train* = S Leave Union Ferry Depot Arrive 25 EgiOi ( Stockton, Sacramento, ) p, O = = B.loa V Sa , t LaVe Denver / *«"P = =710 ■ / Omaha, Chicago. Kan- f a«« = . = ■ v sas City. St. Louis ) *** * = : = 4.10 a Stockton 10.80 a = I EE Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping ss I ~ Cars via Den. & Rio Grande and Missouri EE j = Pacific, Rock Island Lines and Burling- EE EE to.i Route. EE = ALL TRAINS ELECTRIC LIGHTED EE EE EXCELLENT DININC CAR SERVICE EE EE Ticket omega EE . = 685 Market St. —rhoae Sutter 1651 = £ 1326 BmdwiT, Oakland-Phone Oskland 132 S OCT! S Portland BEAVER 13 SOON, SUNDAY, BEAR , BEAR BrbAMHep KB j ' 1 ' ** PACIFIC MAIL , HONOLt LC—.JAPAN—CHIN A I'HILIIM'INES S. 8. MANCHURIA i21.0n0 tons) calls at Manila.. .Sails Wodnesdar. Sept. 10 8. S. NILE (11.000 teas) calls at Manila t Sails Saturday. September M Cuisine under personal supervision of Mr. V. Mcrrnii, one of the World's most famous caterers. NEW rSATUKE TOTRS AND TRIP DEPT. PANAM \ LI\E Mexico—t 'entra l A merles—P* ns m i New Y>irk--South America—-Europe S. S. CITY OF PARA iCslls at Maaat Un) Sails Friday. September 12 PANAMA DIHKfT S. S. AZTEC (freight l . .Sails September 11 8. I. PENNSYLVANIA (freight an.l pass.) Sails Thursday, September 2." PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. Flood bldg., S. T. Bhena Kearny 8620. AMERICAN.HAWAHAN |W| STEAMSHIP COMPANY TEHUANTEPEC ROITK I Iteigular Fast Freight Service NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST : PORTS AND HA-WAIIAN ISLANDS, sailing from New York every six daya, making direct connections with Pacific steamera Bailing from Salina Crus, Mex., every al* days for San Fran i Cl PACIFIC COAST PORTS. TO NEW YORK. Also to Mexican and all prin- I cipal European ports under through rates and through bills or lading. Sail ings from San Francisco every 12 daya. For rates and further particulars ' apply to DEARBORN & LAPHAM. ; General Agenta, 8 Bridge street, New j York. WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO., General Agents, Pacific Coast. I 110 Sanaoms St.. San Francisco. Backers of White Pull Down Winnings CHICAGO. Sept. s.—Backers of Charlie White in the latter's 10 round contest at Canton. Monday, with Johnny Griffith today pulled down their winnings. Stakeholder Haber man being satisfied White won. The verdict was left to. three Cleve land papers. Two decided the go a draw, the third giving the mill to White. .Haberman wired to three outside newspapers, which decided White won easily. Something like $10,000 changed hands, Phil Barteistein of Chicago, who is a strong admirer of White, winning $3,200. MILLER TO PLAY FOOTBALL (Special Dispatch to The Cain VALEJO, Sept. s.—The members of the All Vallejo football eleven are elated over the announcement that Lieutenant A., Miller, U. S. M. C. is to Join the team. Lieutenant Miller, who Is one of the most sensational players ever turned out of a college, played halfback for the winged V's against the Century eleven of Oak land three years ago and won fame for himself by hia clever work in that game. t RAILWAY TRAVEL . ON AND AFTER AUGUST 1.1913, TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE AT SAN FRANCISCO, !j. VIA OAKLAND PIER | ■ RV (Foot of Market Street) Arrive (Subject to change without notice) ; 2.15 a Kilea, Livermore, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton, Lodi, Gait, Elk Grove, Sacramento, Roseville, Auburn, Col fax, Truckee, Reno, Sparks 10400 I 2.15 a Sacramento, Marysville, Biggs, Chico. Io4op 2.15 a Void, Williams, Willows, Tehama ... Io4op 6.40 a Richmond (Valiejo), Port Costa, Mar- ' linez, Antioch, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Loa Banos, Ingle. Kerman, Fresno I 1.20p 640 a San Leandro, Hayward, Niies. San Jose 6.10p 7.00 a Richmond, Port Costa, Benicia, Sui sun, Dixon, Sacramento 730p 7.00 a Elmira, Vaeaville, Winters LI Op : 7.00 a Roseville. Marysville (Oroville), Red ding, Dußsmuir 10.4 Op ' 730 a Davis, Woodland. Williams, Maxwell, Willows, Hamilton, Corning, Red Bluff 730p 730 a The Statesman—Richmond, Vallejo Junction, Port Costa, Benicia, Sui sun, Dixon, Davis, Sacramento 6.50p 720 a Niles, Pieasanton, Livermore, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton (Oakdale), Lodi, Sacramento 7300 740 a Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Loa Banos, Ingle, Kerman, Fresno 4.30p 740 a Richmond, Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga, Santa Rosa, Crockett. Port Costa.. 6.1 Op 740 a Avon, Walnut Creek, San Ramos.... 6.1 Op B.ooa Newark, West San Jose, Los Gatos, Wright, Felton (Ben Lomond, Boul der Creek), Santa Crua 8.50P 840* Richmond, Port Costa, Martines, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy (Stockton), Merced, Berenda, Madera, Fresno, Fowler, Selma, Traver, Goshen Junc tion (Hanford, Armona), Tulare, Bakersfield 430p 840 a Visalia, Lindsay, Porterville, Ducor... 7.10p 840 a Ycsemitc Valley via Merced 430p 9.00 a Irvington, San Jose 730p '9.00 a Niles, Pieasanton, Livermore, Stock ton, (•Milton), Valley Spring, lone, Sacramento 430p 9.00 a Tuolumne, Sonora, Jamestown, Angela 2.50p 9.00 a Port Costa, Beaicia, Suisun, Davie, Sacramento Io4op 9.00 a Vallejo, Nana, St. Helena, Calistoga.. 430p 9.00 a Goldfield Pass.—Truckee(Lake Tahoe), Hazen, Wabuska (Yerrington, Hud son), Mina, Tonopah, Goldfield, i . Laws, Keeler | B.loa 840 a Richmond, San Pablo, Pinole, Vallejo Junction, Crockett, Port Costa, Mar tines, Avon, Concord San Ramon.. 6.60p 1030 a "Pacific Limited"—Ogden, Cheyenne, Omaha, Chicago—Salt Lake City, Denver 2-501 1030* Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento, Col fax, Truckee, Reno, Hat-en, Love lock, Winnemucca, Battle Mountain, Palisade. Elko, Wells, Cobre B.Boa 103Oa Niles. Irvington, San Jose 11 .20p 1040 a Stockton .' {13 j 1040 a Loa Angelea Passenger—Richmond, Port Costa, Martinez, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Stockton, Merced, Madero, Fresno, (Hanford, Coolinga, Visalia), Bakersfield, Los Angeles... 7.1 Op 1040 a El Paso, Kanaaa City, 8t Louis, Chi cago 12.50p 1130 a Shasta Limited De Luxe—Portland, Tacoma, Seattle 8.50p 12.00n Richmond, Port Coeta, Benicia, Sui sun, Fairfield, Dixon, Sacramento.. 4300 12.00n Elmira, Vaeaville, Winters..... 730p 1230 a Davis, Williams, Colusa June, WMow*, Germantown, Orland, Hamilton 6.50P 12.00n Marysville, Chico, Red Bluff 4300 I.OOp Niles, Irvington, San Jose 1.50p I3op San Leandro, Niles, Centerviile, New ark (Redwood), San Joee 7.50p N|3op Newark. Alviso, Agnew, Santa Clara, West San Joee, Loa Gatos, Glen wood, Felton, (Boulder Creek), Santa Cruz, WaUonville 9.1 Op ! 240p San Leandro, Niles, San Jose.... 730p S-OOp Richmond, Benicia, Suisun, Sacra mento—Woodland, Tudor, Yuba City, Marysville, Oroville I LlOa i S.oop Elmira, Vaeaville, Winter*, Ruroeey.. I l.lOa 3.20p Richmond, Port Coita, Martinea, Byron Hot Spring*. Modesto, Mer ced. Madera, Fresno .. 1040p S 430p Overland Limited De Loxe—Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Chicago - - w • t4oa 1 4.00b Port Costa, Martinez. Concord. Wal nut Creek, San Ramon, Livermore.. B.loa 4300 Vallejo, Napa, St. Helena, Calistoga, Glen Ellen, Santo Rosa B.loa \ 4300 Nile* (Centerviile, Newark), Sunol. Pieasanton, Livermore, Tracy, Stock ton, Lodi, Sacramento 12.509 440p San Leandro, Hayward. Nile*, Pleas-/ J 8.30 a aafan, Livermore.. I 110.10 a 440p Irvington, San Jose 930 a 440p Tracy. Patterson. Newman, Lo* Banos, . Kerman, Freaao 1040p 440p Valley Flyer—Port Costa. Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Modesto, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Goshen Junction, Tulare, Bakersfield, Mojave, Loa Angeles 12-809 •30b Vallejo. Port Costa, Benicia, Suisun, Sacramento, Roeeviile, Lincoln, Wheatland, Marysville (OroviUe), Gridley. Bigg*. Chico ,o "*°w B3op Da via, Arbuckle, Williams, Willows, Orland, Tehama, Red Bluff 10.40b B.oob Newark. West San Jose, Lo* Gatoa. . lO.lOa B.OOp Saturdays and Sunday*—Glenwood, Felton. BanH Crua . |I0.I0» B.OOp Niles. Pieasanton, Livermore, Tracy, Btockton ■■■■ 10.10 a ! 830p Richmond. Pinole. Crockett, Port Costa, Martinez, Avon and Way Station* Io3op I 830p San Leandro. Lorenzo, Hayward, Niles. Pieasanton, litermore, Tracy Btocktoa 230p [ 0,20p Owi Limited-Port Costa, Tracy, Fresno, Los Angeles B.loa 030b HavwarJ. Niles and San Jose 6.1 Op i 8408 Eastern Express -Ogden, Pueblo. Den ver, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago. I 30b j 84Op Richmond, Port Costa, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Stockton, Sacra mento, Colfax, Truckee. Reno, Spark* 1300 730p (Sunday only)— Richmond (vallejo), PortCoet*.Martinez,Concord.Walnut Creek. Pieasanton. Nile*. Oakland 1245 a 7.20* Sleeping Car to Truckee for Lake Tahoe 730 a •30b Oregon Express-Richmond, Sacra mento. Roseville, Marysville, Red ding 'Klamath Falls). Ashland, Port land, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane ... 1.1 Op 8300 Mt Eden, Alvarado, Newark, Santa Clara, San Joee 730p 8400 Bakersueld, McKHtrirk, Hazeltoa, Monarch, Moron, Fellow. Shale 730 a I 840b Richmond, Port Costa, Tracy, Mo desto, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Hanford, Tulare 730*) 940p Hanford, Armona. Lemoore, Huron, Cosuinga 730 a 840p Visalia, Exeter, Liniaay, Porterville, Dueof. Famoso 7.50 a 1 10300 Portland Express—Richmond. Davis, Willows, Red Bluff. Weed, 'Klamath Falls), Ashland, Roaeburg, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle 730 a 11400 California Mail-Ogden, Cheyenne, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chi cago 8.30b 11400 Richmond. Port Coeta, Benkia. Sui sun, Davis, Sacramento, Colfax. 1 Truckee, Reno. ... 8.30p UNION TRANSFER 0001 PANV j Agent., ciilect jJu cioi-e ou - rair!i 0 boats of fiouthern Pacific Compmy and dslivcr I baggage to residence. They are fcatKerlatd • 1 check baggage direct from reaidenca. 7 Athletic Card for School Athletes Eustace Peixotto, athletic director of the Public Schools Athletic league, has announced the dates of the league championship and the various district championships in field ath letics. The big championship meet will be held at the South Side grounds, October IS. In this event the winners ln the various cham pionships will be the only competi tors. The dates of the respective meets follow: Ou September 20 tbe grammar schools of the first district will compete at North Beach, entries closing on St>pteml>er 11. The second district meet is slated for September 27 at the (.olden Gate park stadium, entries closing on the IWh. The contests for the schools of the third district will take place at the Smitli side playgrounds on October 4 and the entries will close on September 25. The fourth dis trict schools will meet at the Jackson play grounds on October 11, the entries closing Oc tober 2. Following aro tbe events for all the meets: Eishty pound class, standing high Jump, run ning broad lump, baseball throw for distance, standing hop. skip anil Jump, tug of war for teams of eight: 80 pound class, three standing broad Jumps, running high Jump, eight pound shot put. running hop. skip and jump. rug. of war for teams of eight: 113 pound class, run ning broad jump, running high Jump, eight pound sbotput. running hop. skip and Jump, rope climb, tug of war for te«ms of eight: dn llmited class, 12 pound shot, rope climb, run ning high jump. VIA COAST LING Leave (Third and Towcsend Streets) Arms (Subject to change without notice) t 8.05 a Valencia Street, Ocean View, Colma, Cemeteriea, Baden, San Bruno f 6381 l 645* South San Francisco, San Jose, Mor ganhill, Gilroy, Sargent, Watson ville, Aptos, Capitola, Santa Cruz.. 3.00b 545 a College Park, Campbell, Los Gatos, Glenwood, Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crua *l i.30« 7.00 a Coaster—San Jose, Morganhill, Gil roy, Salinas, Soledad, King City, Paso Robies Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo, Surf (Lompoc), Santa Bar bara, Ventura, Oxnard, Los Angeles. 10.308) 7.00 a Hollister, Tres Pinos—Watsonville, Santa Crua—Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 10308) t 7.05 a South San Francisco, Palo Alto, San Jose, Way Stations 3.250 t 7.05 a Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos .. 7.20p B.ooa Shore Line Limited—Paso Robies Hot Springs, Santa Barbara, loa Angeles. 9.500 8.05 a Mayfield, Los Altos, Los Gatoa, Wright, Glenwood (Boulder Creek), Santa Crua, Watsonville, Castrovilie, Dei Monte, Mon terey, Pacific Grove, 9.059 9.00 a San Jose, Morganhill, Gilroy, Sargent, Salinas, Soledad, San Miguel, Paso # Robies Hot Springs. Ban Luis Obispo. 4.000 9.00 a Hollister, Tres Pinos—Watsonville, Santa Cruz—Dei Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove *. 4.000 10.40 a South San Francisco. Burlingame, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Mayfield, Los.' 1230 a Altos, Lcs Gatoa \ 7.200 1130 a Valencia Street, Ocean View, Colma, Cemeteries, Baden, San 8run0.... 1.53b 11.40 a South Saa Francisco, San Jose t 8.20 a I. 20p Saturdays only—San Mateo, Red wood, Mayfield, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Glenwood, Felton (Boulder Creek';, Santa Crua e10.35a 230b Del Monte Express—San Jose, Mor ganhill, Gilroy, Sargent, Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, (Salinas) 12300 2.08p Easton. San Mateo, Paio Alto. San I Joea 8.40 a t 2.10p South San Francisco, Redwood, Santa I Clara, San Jose tM3O»i 3.00b South San Francisco, San Mateo, San Jose, Morganhill, Gilroy, (Tres Pinos), Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Del Moots, Monterey, Pacific Grove 10.1083 3.20p Fridays and Saturdays—Mayfield, Loa Altos, Los Gatos, Wright. Glenwood, Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Cruz, Capitola, Watsonville X 10.000 3.25p Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto, Mayfield, Los Altos, Loa Gatoa 8300 335p Wright, Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crua, Watsonville 6300 4.00p Sunset Express—Tucson, Deming, El Paso, Houston, New Orleans, Chi cago 9.10 a 4.00p Washington Sunset Route—Washing ton, D. C, New York and East.... 9.10 a 4.00p Salinas, Paso Roblea Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura lad Los Angeles 9.10 a 4.00p Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago 9.10 a 4.20p South San Francisco, San Jose t 735* t 4.55p Santa Cnu Limited—Mayfield, Los Altos. Los Gatos, Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crua t 8.45 a t 5.05p Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto. Mayfield, Santa Clara. . San Jose t 6.30 a t 830p Redwood. Atherton, Mcnlo Park, Palo Alto, Mayfield, Mountain View, Bun- , nyvala, San Joss t 9.00 a | 6.20b Los Altos, Monta Vista, Loa Gatos.. f 840 a T 6.25p Easton, San Mateo. Redwood, Moun tain Vl*w, Saa Jose 940* t 630p Loop—Valencia Street, Ocean View, Cemeteries, South Ban Francisco, 23d Street, 3d and Townsend t 8400 6.40p San Bruno, San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Saa Jose.. 7450 1 5.40p Mayfield, Los Altos, Los Gatos X 940* t 6.00p Millbrae, San Mateo, Redwood, May field, Loa Altos, Los Gatoa t B.ooa B.oob Saturdays—Glenwood, Felton, Santa Cms JlO.OOO t 6.050 23d Street, Viaitacion. South San Francisco, Valencia Street t 7.150 6.30p South Saa Francisco, San Jose 5460, B.oob The Lark—Santa Barbara, Los An geles 945 a B.loa San Jose and Way Stations 730 a IO.OOp Los Angeles Passenger—Morganhill, Salinas, Paso Robies Hot Springs. San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and , Los Angelea 835* 10.05 a South Sao Francisco, San Jose 11360 11.45 a South Saa Francisco, Palo Alto, San I Joea 735J LOCAL FERRY TRAINS—ELECTRIC SERVICE' Via Oakland Pier \ To Oakland. 16th St., and Berkeley, via Shattuck Aye. and Ellsworth St. Lines.—Daily—From 6.00 a. nr.. aad every twenty mm utes until 6.20 p. m.. inclusive: then 9.00,9.40,10.20, 11.00. 11.40 p.m., 12.20 and 1.20 a.m. Additional boat* Saturdays and Sunday* only, 8.40 p. m., 9.2.1, 10.00, 10.40 and 11.20 p. m. \ Te Berkeley via Califof nig St. and Wast Berkaltv. Albany via Ninth St. Lines.—Daily—From *600 a. nv. 1880, *6.40, t7.00 a. nv. and every twenty minutes unbl 620 p. m., moluaive; then 9.00,9.40,10.20,11.00,11.40 p. m -12.20 aad 1.30 a. nv Additional boats Saturday* sod] Sunday! only, 8.40 p. m., 8.20, 10.00, 10.40 and 1130 p. tn. Te Oakland, Washington-Broadway. East Oakland, Fruitvala and Melroae, via Seventh St—Daily—From 6.00 a. nv, then every twenty minutes until 5.20 p. oa* inclusive; then 9.00, 9.40. 1030, 11 00, 11.40 p. ra_ 12.20 snd 1.20 a. m. Additional boats Saturdays aad Sundays only, 8.40 p. m., 9.20, 10.00, 10.40 and 1110 p. m. 4 Horseshoe to Oakland, Washington-Broadway, Fruttvole, Alameda. North Side.—Daily—From 6.00 a. nv, fS.2O, 6.40. 7.00, 7.20. 7.40, 8.00, 8.40, 9.40 a.m.; then 4OQ p.m., 430. 4.40, 5.00, 530, 5.40, 6.00, 630,6.40,7.00 and 17-40 p.m. To Stonehurst (Steam S#rvie*)-t6.00. t6.<o. 17.30, 19.00. { a. by. tl .20 p m., $2.00, 13.00, t3.20» •4.00, *5.00, *5.40 and 16.2U p. m. _1 Via Alameda Pier To Oakland. 14th and Frarklln Sts.— 6.15, 6.45 a. m. and then 13 and 45 minutes past flat hour until 7.45 n. nv: then 830, 9.15, 104X1, 10.46* 11. 30 p. m. and 12.15 a. m To Alameda, North and South Side— 6.15, 6.45 a. nv, and then 15 and 45 minutes past too hour uatil 7.45 p. nv: then 8.30, 9.15, 10.00, 10.45, 1130 p. ay, aad 12.15 a. a. J OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES AND VEHICLES 1 From Saa Francisco, South End of Ferry Building, fas? Broadway Wharf, Oakland.—From 6.00 a. nv, daily, and every half bour until 9.00 p. nv, inclusive, then 19.30 p. n»., '10.00 p. nv, 11Q.30 p. nv, "11.00 p. m., •13.00 tndn., * 1.00 a Jn. Boats leave Broadway Wharf— From 8.15 a. nv, daily, and every hail hour until 8.49 p. nv, inclusive; then 19.15 p. ta., '9.45 p ny, tIU.IS p.m. •10.45 p. m., *11.45 p. nv. '12.45 a.m. j a for Morning. 'Daily. p for Afternoon. 1 tSuaday excepted. tSundsy only. c Monday only. JSundays and Mondays oaly. J NETHERLANDS ROUTE From Pacific Street Wharf, P\tt No. 7 Thii touts offers exceptional opportunity for Auto* mobilists to reach ail points oa the Sacramento Riven Collinsvilte. kmmstin. Rio Vista, Isleton, Ryde, Walnut Grove, Vorden, Courtland, Clarksburg, Sacramento. Steamer Navajo leaves San Francisco 8.30 a. nv daily except Sunday, arriving Sacramento 7.00 p. m. Stopping at ail points en route. I/eaves Sacramento 9.00 p. ta. daily except Sunday, arriving Saa Francisco 7.00 a. nv No atopa en route. Steamer Modoc or Apache, leaves San Francisco 13 Boon daily except Sunday. Leave Sseramento 10.00 |a. nv daily except Sunday; stopping lKith ways a; alt j points eft route. Arriving time San i'raac'iaco aad i|hß«aweatoiade6jUM,»«couatfnut aeaaoa.