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A. Clean, Wholesome • 'Paperjbr • \ 3an Francisco Hornet VOLUME 114.—N0. 98. JEROME FLEES: THAW EXULTS VIOLA LUX PUTNAM SUES BELL BOY HUBBY MAKE IN GOOD AND PROTECT WOMEN - Society's Salvation Depend-! ent on Improvement in \ Moral Standard of Males MARY AUSTIN Three things j have been! brought out 1 very clearly in \ the recently ; concluded trial | before the United States i district court j under the j Mann act. The first of these is, the growing) .—«. Mary Austin 1 * tendency of so ciety to estimate the bearings of jthe case in terms of its social re actions. The second is the as tonishing numbers of people competently prepared for life at every point except the one which has to do with the conduct of • their love life. And the third, whch is the most pressing, as • the need of establishing suitable • restraints and penalties to meet "' similar offenses in the future. NO TENDENCY TO CONDONE OFFENSE It is not alone in expressed .public opinon that the new atti tude toward such irregularities is demonstrated. In the sort of men chosen for the jury, in the court's interpretation of the law, and especially in the charge to the jury, there is a notable absence of the disposition of men mutu ally to condone offenses peculiar to themselves as men. Here in the west it is certain that a suffi cient number of citizens have gnftvn up and out of this an cient unconspiracy of sex to Stamp our public rating of this affair with the impress of social consideration. Any obloquy resting upon us fits a community in which such things can happen has been more than counterbalanced by spirit in which it has been met. But the other two items are stil lto meet. The one of them involves a measure of preven tion,' the other concerns the question of the cure. Upon the second I touched yesterday; it is the extraordi nary insufficiency of the knowl edge of the principles of human conduct, shown by the parties to the case. They knew, of course, that what they did was called wrong, "wicked," but they did not know it to the degree which prevented them from doing it, as they would have been prevented by knowledge from exposing themselves to smallpox or the plague. And yet the social conse- Contißaed ©* Page % Column 1 THE San Francisco CALL Revolvers of 1846 Mintage Purloined From Park Museum WHO in San Frandac© wasted five old rusty, worthless rtvolrem of the type of 184«, mo bad ly that he became a burglar to seen re them f That is the question the po lice are considering today. The weapons—that is. they were weapons year* afro, but are so old iotf that it hey are useless— were stolen last night from a relic case in the Pioneer hall of the Golden Gate park mu seum. Professor Barron, curator of the Golden Gate park museum, •aid today that the revolvers were probably stolen by some one who has a mania for col lecting gnni. "The revolvers are not worth a cent, commer cially," he said. CAMINETTI JURY WAS SPLIT Three Stood for Acquittal on All the Counts, but Finally Compromised If the jurors who found F. Drew Caminetti guilty of an infraction of the Mann white slave traffic act last evening; had known a recommenda tion for leniency was within their rights that rider to the verdict would have been returned. It was only by a compromise that the son of the commissioner general of immigration, Anthony Caminetti. faces a sentence in federal prison for his part of the excursion to Reno, Nev. with L*>la Norrls, Maury I. Diggs and Marsha Warrington. COWitTED OX OSE COI'ST By voting for a verdict of guilty on the first count the Jurors who be lieved Caminetti entirely innocent of "persuading, inducing and enticing" either of the girls won out. Cami netti was convicted on the first count of the indictment. On the second, third and fourth counts he was ac quitted. The first count pertained to his aid ing in the transportation of Lola Nor ris in interstate commerce for an im moral purpose. The second was a like charge, only Marsha Warrington was named. The third and fourth counts concerned "persuading, Inducing and enticing." FACES PEMTEXTIARV Caminetti is open to a sentence of five years in the penitentiary and a fine of $5,000. Diggs, his partner on the trip, was convicted on four counts, being open to a sentence four times as stiff. Both will be sentenced Wednesday, September 10. After the jury retired at 12:12 p. m. yesterday it elected C. P. Michaels foreman. Michaels is a wholesale druggist. Then a ballot on the first count waa taken. The vote stood nine for conviction and three for acquittal. Bailiff Ed Dryden herded the jurymen into an automobile bus and ran them out to dinner. They resumed delibera- Continued on Pajte 2, Column S German Liners for Pacific Coast Ports BREMEN, Germany, Sept. 6.—Serv ice by the North German Lloyd liners will be inaugurated between Pacific coast ports and London, Paris and Bremen just as soon as the canal Is thrown open to traffic, according to an announcement today at the offices of the steamship company here. The North German Lloyd has com pleted all arrangements for the serv ice and liners have already been chosen. This is the first large At lantic passenger service company to complete its plans for canal trans portation. "Drinks on House" Barred'in Boston BOSTON, Sept. 7.—A new excise law went Into effect here, prohibit ing "drinks on the house" In local saloons, "It is against the best In terests of the proprietors and may be morally and physically injurious to customers," the license board sayß in its notice, TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. — SAN FRANCISCO. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1913. —PAGES 1 TO 8. YOUNG MATE UNABLE TO PROVIDE Income From Answering "Front" Not Enough to Satisfy ■With the tame degree of secrecy ' which marked her entrance into the matrimonial state with Hubert I» Putman. stepson of H. A. Gabriel, an attorney and politician of San Jose, Mrs. Vloia Barbara Lux Putman, granddaughter of Henry Lux. the mil lionaire cattle king, today filed suit in the superior court of this cotinty for divorce from her youthful spouse, charging failure to provide. Putman. who won the heart and hand of Miss Viola Lux when she was a student at Notre Dame college in San Joee two years ago, does not make enough money "hopping bellB" to provide the necessities of life, accord ing to the complaint filed by Mrs. Put man's attorney, former Judge J. E. Barry. The Putmans were married in Red wood City January IT, 1910. Mine Lux was then 17 years of ago and counted ! beautiful. Her boy husband was one] .year her senior. The young couple j eloped and kept their secret for sev eral months. Mrs. Putman occupies an apartment fiat at 1270 Pine street. She was not "at home" to interviewers. POLICE SEEKING AUTO SLAYERS B. Liasner, a commission merchant living at 1134 Jackson street, owner of automobile No. 84,494, which was run into .the Pacific garage. Pacific and Polk streets, ea/ly this morning, was taken in charge by Detectives Minihan. De la Guerra and King to day and asked to explain his move ments last night and this morning, In the hope that some light might be thrown upon the killing of Mrs. Gale Dooley and the serious Injuring of her brother, Louis J. Ward, on the Great highway at 1:15 this morning, Lissner's machine had a broken lamp, and he was stopped In the park r by a policeman shortly after the ac cident. He admitted to the detectives that he was out with a young woman: He said he spent the time from 10:C0 p. m. to 1:40 a. m. at Hopkins' place on the Ocean boulevard, but strongly asserted that he did not run into any one when he returned to this city. POLICE HUNT GIRL, The detectives are making an effort to finde the girl who was with JAaa ner, and went to Hopkins' resort to see if Lissner was there during the time he says he was. In regard to a broken lamp, Lissner said that the glass was knocked out a month ago. Park police found the body of Mrs. Dooley, and Ward, unconscious, on the great highway between A and 13 streets. Mrs. Dooley, who is 20 years old, is the wife of a machinist in Vallejo. * ,' " " AVTO FAILED TO STOP Ward is a machinist, 25 years old. He is at the central emergency hos | pital in a serious condition. He is suffering from lacerations and con tusions all over his body. It was more than an hour after being found before he recovered consciousness. He says all he remembers is being struck from behind, and that the ma chine that hit him did not stop. Broken glass was found near the scene of the accident and detectives have been busy all morning visit ing garages i nthe city to see if any machine has put in to be repaired for a broken wind shield or lamps. $300,000 Fire Loss In City of Syracuse SYRACUSE, N. V., Sept, 6.—-Fira of imknow origin today caused a prop erty loss estimated at nearly t506,~ 060, and for a time threatened the entire Industrial section of the city, The heaviest loser was the Green way Brewing company, whose los* is es timated at |200,000, REDSKIN PRESENTS LANE WITH ARROWS MAKES SECRETARY TRIBE'S "BIG CHIEF" AGED MAN KILLED IN DYNAMITE PLOT SAN DIEGO, Sept. 6.—Peter Han son, 74 years old, was blown to pieces early today and his home where he lived alone was demolished by an ex plosion of dynamite placed under his bed. The house was a small struc ture. Hanson for 10 years was em ployed by the city water department. No arrests have been made. No Attack Made on Girl; She Dreamed It, Say Officers That Miss Ivy Keeton, 14 year old daughter of William Keeton, 1052 Permaln street, Elmhurst, dreamed she was attacked by a man early yesterday morning is the belief of Captain of Inspectors .Lew Agnew, who detailed several detectives on the case, The window through which the In truder was suppotted to have gained entrance to the girl's room was found nailed down with a spike. There were no fingerprints on tha sill and no footprints on the soft ground be low the window, A similar dream was experienced a few weeks ago by Miss Keeton'e, elder sister, the police Bay, i Ishi, protege of Professor Kroeber, presenting arrows to Secretary Lane, and naming Interior Department "Big Chief of the Deer Creeks. Ishi, Attired in New Togs, From Hat to Socks, Presents Magic Wands to Interior Secretary Until yesterday noon Ishi was the only Indian in the United States not under the jurisdiction of Secretary of the Interior Lane, but now he is a subject like all the rest, for he has given Lane two arrows of his. own make and, made him "big chief" of his tribe. Standing patiently outside the Fair mont hotel, Ishi, last of the Deer Creek Indians and two years ago totally ■unacquainted with any white men, waited for Secretary Lane just like the horde of faithful democrats inside, except that Ishi had some thing to give him instead of some thins to ask for. When Ishi was first shown a pic ture of Lane several days ago and was told that Lane was a "big chieT' in Washington, his first remark, was: "Look at him; he hasn't got any But yesterday the secretary of the Woman's Torso Found; Murder Baffles All NEW YORK, Sept. 6.—Detectives at Cliffßide, N. J., today were trying to unravel the mystery surrounding the death of the unknown woman whose torso was found in the water near that place yesterday. The woman undoubtedly was mur dered and her head, arms and limbs severed. Surgeons who have exam ined the torso declare the work of removing the parts of the body was that of some one skilled in the use of surgical instruments, had his hat on when Ishi saw him, so the broad grin on the Indian's face is believed to have been only one of pleasure at meeting Lane and not one of scorn for the white man's inability to keep from getting Lane was smiling, too. when he approached Ishi, and had he known that Ishi had bought with his own money a new khaki coat, sombrero, shiny black shoes and a new pair of socks for the occasion, he would have smiled even more widely, for Ish! never spends a cent if he can help it. Through Prof. A. L. Kroeber, cu rator of the Affiliated College mu seum, who is Ishi's guardian and in terpreter, the Indian explained that he had made the arrows himself and wanted the "big chief" to have them as a sign of his authority. "You are the only Indian in the Continued un Paste 2. Column ft Jailed; Picks Police Phone Till; Escapes PITTSBURG, Sept. 6.—Arrested on a charge of being a suspicious person, E. F, Campbell asked permission to telephone friends from a booth in the , north si<ie police station. While I talking, Campbell picked the lock of the telephone till and took out $7.80. J He then was arraigned, paid a nom inal fine and left before the theft CHOCOLATE! MAX DIES PARIS. Sept. B.—H. Munleur, a rich j and famoui chocolate manufacturer, I died today at his home in Pontol*. j i San Francisco's j Fiivst Great Daijy 1 Founded -1856 PAPA GUNN ORDERS SECOND KNOT TIED Youthful romance capped by sober parental conservatism seems to have marked the wedding of Miss Gertrude Hood and Kenneth Gunn last Thurs day, which was made doubly secure I by two ceremonies. Just one marriage between the youthful pair came as a vivid surprise to their friends, and today it became known that preceding the nuptials J announced to the public as having taken place Thursday at the Episco pal church of the Advent, there was a quiet little wedding earlier in the day at which Justice of the Peace A. T. Barnett officiated. While an engagement had existed for some time, there had been family counsel that the marriage be post a more secure pinnacle of business I True love will not be denied, how- J ever, so young Gunn :;nd his pretty I fiancee hied themselves to the clerk's j office, obtained a marriage license and then sought the justice. When B. M. Gunn, the newly mads father in law, was told the news he Objected to the form, or lack of form, i and ceremony of the proceeding and ' < ecreed that a second marriage, i with benefit of clergy, should follow j at once. The bridal pair cheerfully acqui- i esced. j PRICE TWO CENTS. IS WON BY ESCAPED sura Former New York Prose cutor Fails to Answer Gambling Charge— Quits Canada 'COATXCOK, Que., Sept. 6.—One year may elapse before it is legally deter mined whether Harry K. Thaw, the fugitive from the Matteawan asylum for the criminal insane is to be de ported from Canada or is to receive the protection of its laws. Assurance to this effect was given to Thaw to day by his counsel. Thaw is certain that he has won a long delay, and immediately after breakfast lie began packing up for the journey to Montreal, where he must be produced In the supreme court September 15, when arguments will be delivered on the writ of habeas corpus. It had been supposed that the at torneys who obtained the writ had withdrawn from the case, seeing noth ing but defeat, but their retreat was only a masterly piece of strategy by which the doors may have been opened for a test of the constitutionality of the immigration law governing de portation. Complications have been added to the general aspect of the Thaw case by the events subsequent to the ar rest of William Travers Jerome, for mer district attorney of New York, on a charge of gambling. Jerome was to have been arraigned before Magistrate McKee at 9:30 o'clock this morning, but Hector Verretti, acting for the New York lawyer, had the hearing postponed for a week. Mean time Jerome left Canada, going to Nortons Mills, Vt. In a sense Jerome thus made of rflmself a fugitive from justice, reversing the position of Thaw, who is a fugitive in Canada. Jerome, if convicted, would have to go to Jail, as there is no fine under the gambling law. Influence has been brought to bear upon Crown Prosecutor A. C. Hanson to have the charge agalsst Jerome, who is at liberty on $500 ball, dropped. The crown prosecutor re fused to do this. "I received a great number of com plaints about the open gambling of Mr. Jerome, and I consider it my duty to push this case against him," said the prosecutor. "He was setting a bad example for the children of this community by gaming in public for money. Every one could see bim and his companions playing." Thaw is undoubtedly a popular idtol here. Crowds surround his quarters in the immigration detention room Continued on Page a, Columo 5 Marine View in Forest Hill is only 14 the present established price of bay shore- view lots. The demand for view lots for high class homes is greater than the supply. Buy in Forest Hill before Twin Peaks Tunnel start s. Very easy terms. The profits will be immense. The home advantages great. Hayes-Market car No. 6. Neweli-Murdoch Co. 30 Montgomery St.