Newspaper Page Text
JTfje JiccorD. w. B. FELTON EDITOU Canon City, : : : Saturday, .July 1*• Almost every county in the state is pre paring for a grand display at the Denver exposition. ________ In the English house of commons the motion for female suffrage was rejected by a vote of 130 to 11-1. { A new posi office called Grape has been opened on Grape creek, on the Silver Cliff ! branch, with 'Mr. John Swentzel post master. \ As a result of the bitter light made by the Denver Inter-Ocean regarding high rents in that city, we are pleased to note that a material reduction in this direction is being made. A Pennsylvania court has decided that a sleeping car company is responsible for the valuables of passengers, and a safe is here after to be provided in each car for the storing of such articles. Yellowstone park is to have its opening next month. .President Arthur will attend, and a telegraph wire will be constructed, in order that lie may be iu instant com munication with Washington City. E. S. Watson applies for space iu the Denver exposition building to exhibit models ©fan elevated railway car to run on single rail, and cable tramway for trans portation also 36x450 feet on the grounds to show the above in practical operation. _________________ The United States internal revenue of ficers are raiding Denver’s assignation houses, where wines and liquors are sold without license. A system of blackmail ing lias been practiced by these houses, and their proprietors have heretofore de fied the local authorities. Governor Grant has been overwhelmed, since the recent assassination, with appli cations for appointments to the vacant of fices in Grand county. He says be can make no appointments until officially no tified of vacancies, and then he will ap point no democrat, as men of that political caste cannot he spared. The game laws of Colorado are very stringent. They do not allow antelope, elk, mountain sheep or deer to he killed be tween the Ist day of January and .Septem ber of each year. Prairie chickens or grouse are not allowed to he killed between the Ist day of January and August of each year. Justices of the peace, sheriffs, consta bles, etc., are requested to make, arrests for the violation of this law, and heavy lines are provided. It is riot often that two “charming and accomplished young ladies” marry each other; but, from the following marriage notice, taken from the lluena Vista Demo crat, we conclude that they do such things at Buena Vista : “P. J. Cost on and Katie K. Gibson w< re marrh d at the residence of the bride'? sister, last Thursday evening; Judge Sam Sindlinger, tying the knot. Miss Gibson is a charming and accomplish ed votin' lady, and the same can he said Tins n given neat! as demo cratic, republican, etc., any name printed thereon other than one of the regularly nominated tickets, shall bo presumed to be an error or fraudulent, and shall not be co inted. This does away with pasters, and split tickets will have to he without any heading. The object of the law is to pre vent the outrageous swindling of Arapa hoe and Luk ; counties. An. exchange says no one doubts the immaculate purity of the rural and uew mining districts of the Bod ies. Like Cccsar’s wife, their virtue is above suspicion. PRESIDENT ARTHUR. Mr. O. 11. Rothaker, editor of the Den ver Tribune, is in Chicago, in attendance upon his sick wife. In his editorial cor respondence, published iu last Saturday’s l Tribune, he writes ot the assassination of Garfield; the feeling of the country to wards Arthur at that time, feelings about the matter now. As Rothaker was one of the most bitter towards Arthur, and j has met with change of heart, we reproduce I that portion of his letter, which is as fol lows : "When Arthur first entered upon the j duties of the presidency, it was the firm ‘ . belief of the majority of the nation that he ! Mould be entirely under the influence of the New York gang of politicians, headed by that insufferable snob, Roscoe Conkling. j who was forced out of politics f the fate* are just) by the assembly of bis own state. For a time it -seemed as if this lx-1 i. ] was Well founded. Then there la gan to be ;i gradual change of policy amt runion. •>!'» breach. The president showed symptoms of politi cal intelligence, and began to recognize his party. These symptoms stead idly grew. He became broader, and as he became broader, be became stronger. He learned • that the hiss of the country could drown ! the applause of a selfish Washington clique, ( and he came to care less for the latter ami be more careful to avoid the former. 11< used bis office ami its powers with conserva tism and intelligence. Jfis appointments became less factional and more excellent. Without any violent effort, but by jhc ex ercise of an even and placid judgment, he found the nation Manning towards him. ! Jt a very slow process, and it required time; but still it was in progress. To-day j he is strong with the people -not strong as • Garfield was, because the feeling lor the dead man combined confidence with an enthusiastic affection—hut much stronger than ever a vice presidential successor has been before. Ami when one thinks of the lirst chapters, one can not help wondering I nt what Ins come after, lie came in as the j dnunati* denouement of the filth act ot a) tragedy, and we have hml a pastoral ever since an the sequel. And this because he bus been just. I can say all this with more grace, liccause i was one ol the most in sane in the insanity of criticism and as sault which followed his entrance in office. There was nothing in his past, as men saw it, to hold out the hope which dickered here and there,aud which has met with an un expected fulfillment. I believed that, as the lirst republican president elected by the people had died by the hand of an as sassin, mo hud the last republican president to he elected by tin* people. Great as was the calamity of tin Garfield murder, I re garded the calamity ol the Arthur sueces- M'.n si greater. '1 imeand ei eats Hhveproi cn that I misjudged the man, and J afti frank enough to sav so. If•• rose head and shoulder-—head principally—above his old associations and the honorable work he i. Ims done since he deserves and will get 1 1 credit for. I do not think that he has ' earned a re-election as yet, because there Ij arc other men in the party better entitled j | to its hi ;hest honor ; hut if the next con-< ventjon were to choose him, he would go j 1 Into the campaign with u strong aud clear record. Thirty Years’ War.—For more than thirty years DeLnnd & Co. have been wag ing war upon impure and adulterated Soda and linking Powder by placing within the I reach of everybody a perfectly pure article, i Their goods are No. 1. DIRECTORY. U. 8. CONGRESS. Terms Expire Nathaniel P. mil. U.S. Senator! March 4, 1885 Thomas M Rowon.U.S.Scnntor March ;>, I*B9 jas. R. lielford, Representative.! March 1, 1885 STATE OFFICERS. Terms Expire .Tames R. Grant. Governor ! Jan. 18, I*B6 \Vm 11. Meyer, Lleut.-Governor Jan. 13, 1885 Melvin Edwards, Sec y state I Jan. 13, 1885 Fre lerick Walsen, State Trcns . Jan. 18, 1885 John C. AbtiMtt, state uditor.. Jan. 13, 188 > I avhl K. I'riny. Att’y General.. Jan. 13. 18*.> .1 C. SliattucU, Supt. Schools.... Jail. 13, 1885 Joseph slmttuck, Regent Slate University Jan. 11, 1887 Max Herman,Regent StnteUnl vers it/ Jan. 11,1837 Horace M. Hale, Regent State University Jan. 13,1535 Junius Berkley, Regent State University. Jan. 13,1880 I, s. Cornell, Regent State University Jan. 8, 1889 James Rice, Regent state Uni v.rsity Jan. 8,1889 EXITED STATES CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. Sam’lF. Miller, Circuit.lustice.l Btli Circuit Geo. W McCrarv, Circuit Judge Bth Circuit Moses Ha left, District-Judge....i Colorado Walt. A. U. S Marshal.. Colorado Edward F. bishop, Clerk | Colorado SUPREME COURT. Terms Expire W. P. Stone, Chlef.Tustlce j Jan. 12, 18M> Win II Reek, Associate Justice Jan. 8,1889 J. C. lleljwi, Associate Justice I Jan. 12, 1892 . fiIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. * Terms (Expire ! Chaa. n. Hnyt, District Judge I Jan. 8, 1.v.9 M, s. Adams, District Attorney! Jan. 12, 188t> FOURTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Terms Expire James Moynahan, Senator. I Dec, l, 1886 R. F. Rojkalellow, Rep’tatlve...| Dee. 3, 1834 FRKMONTCOUNTY. Terms Expire «. T. Perrier, Co. Commissioner. Jan. 1,2 1880 Louis Muehibach, “ “ Jan. 8, 188-1 A. F. Alexander, “ “ Jan. 13, 1885 ('has. E. Waldo, County Judge.. Jan. 8,1881 John Wilson, “ clerk.. “ “ John It. Harrison ** Treasurer “ William S. Jones, Sheri IF. “ Geo. 15. Dudley, School Supt Henry C. Webster, Assessor “ “ “ James L. Hyde, Coroner “ “ “ Isaac Whlcner. Co Surveyor “ “ “ W. R. Felton, Clerk Dlst Court J. W. Dawson, M. D , Physician. PRECINCT NO. ONE, FREMONT CO. Terms Expire Jacob Ilart, Justice of tlie| Peace Jan. 13, 1885 J..J Minor, Justice of Hip Peace! Jaa. 8, 1881 W. Riley Agard, Constable Jan. 13, lsf. r » lv. A. Johnson, “ I Jan. 8, 188-1 TOWN OF CANON CITY. Terms Expire Adam D. Cooper, Mayor.. I April I*B3 Fret! tl. SU eele. Recorder “ “ llutlolph J cake, Trustee....- “ “ A Sartor, “ “ | George It. Caß e edy,‘‘ - Charles Pauls. “ “ “ H. F. Sha fTer, Marshal " Ernst Sell, Hi reet Commissioner “ “ Samuel V. Turner, Sexton “ “ THE PENITENTIARY. OFFICERS. Commissioners —W. S- McCuteheon, Pres ident ; I). U. Nichols, Secretary ; Alva Adams. Warden—C. P. Iloyt. Deputy Warden—M. Dueber. * Physician—Dr. 'Yfc Dawson. Book-Keeper—K. B. llall. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer—J. 11. Peabody. Assistant Chlel En-ineer—ll.J.Baughman Relief Hook anil Ladder Co., No. I—J. F. Rogers. Foreman. j F. A. Raynolds Hose Co., No. I—S. T. Ferrier. Foreman. J Enterprise Hose C0.,N0. 2—E. B. Warner, Foreman. •KncTcnY Onler'TJnTted Workmen meet | fv ry Monday at 8p m, at hall over Cum -1 : berlund Presbyterian chuicb. J. E. Kdelin ! J!"'* - " : Utter. M. W.;,J. Gruvextock! • j.*? W. J.Williams, O.; J. Harris, G.; Fred I Band holt, Receiver; I. E. Minor. Re . . eorder ; If. T. Gravestoek. Financier: G. ‘ " • Gregory, I. \V. : S. it McKisaick, O.W. BKLKCT KNIGHTS. Meet at A. O. U. W. Hall on the second mtkJ Fourth Saturday in each month Fred ; . Baiulholt. S. C.; William lliekling. V. C.; Bundholt, L. C.; Jlenry Gravehtock, ite , eorder; J. u. Agard, Treasurer; 11. L. 1 Sweett, R. T.; Charles Collins, 6. B. GRAND AIIMV OF TUB REPUBLIC. Greenwood Post .No. JO meet first and third Thursdays in hall next lo post ollice. L. 11. Sawyer, Corn.; J. S. Logan. S. V. C.; •/- 1- Jlydc, J. V. c.; 11. Sartor, S. It. Baldwin. Surgeon; Rev. N. A. Cnatnber l un. Chaplain; B. F. itockulellow, Officer j "f the Day; K. Weston, Olficcr of the Guard; ..J. Hart, Adjutant; C. C. Rickard, Assistant I Adjutant; J. T. Ashby, Quartermaster Ser | geant. I. O. O. F. Cation City Lodge No. 7. meets every i Tuesday night at their hall, Maiu street, between Fourth and Fi/th. H. S. Ewers, N. G.; Richard Baker, \ . G.; Chas. E. Waldo, See y; It. Jeske, Treas. i Grand Canon Encampment No. 18, meets lust and third Fridays at Odd Fellows’ hall !• rauz Sell,C. P.; it. A. Johnson, H.P.; R. ■ , ? en - W ? A> Bage. Jun. W.; cLas. | L. n aldo. Scribe ; It. Jeske, Treat, j KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Meet on first and third Tuesday nights at Lodge room over Cumberland Presbyterian church. F. P. Blake. i>.; il. N. |{.•**cller, Y\ | D ; J. P. Dr-woody, A. D.; T. I). Palmer, I*.’ I>.: Martin Ryan, Reporter; George l’edley, I' !11 Mli .> l I ...... ..... T f 11... . . : ... * " !• inaiiciul Reporter; J. L. Prentiss. Chap !«*»•; II- Clay Webster, Treasurer: A. 11. I>;»\ is. Guide; John Cratzer, Guardian: G. It. Sawyer. Sentinel. MOUNT MORIAH LODGE NO. 15, A. F. A A. 31. Meet first and third Saturdays at Masonic ball, corner Main and Sixth street*. .las. 11. Peuhoiiy. \V M.; Geo. Hadden, S. W.; Henry Earle, J. \V.; Jag. Clelland, Treas. Geo. M. Mitchell, Sec y. CANOS CITY ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. Meets Second and Fourth 1 uegdny in ench uioiitli. W. T. Bridwoll, Ji. ]*• T. . K.; Chus. Pauls, S.; M. .*1 ilulled, Scribn. FREMONT COUNTY PROHIBITIONJSTB i t every Fi>t and third Monday even ing m ench month, at the llapliat church, M mi street, between Fourth and Filth. G. ! O. Laid win, President; W. \V. M. Barber, \ n-e I re-'denl; W. It. Fowler, Correspond ing Secretary- K. G. Head. Recording Sec letan; .1. J. Phelps, Treastirer - - i——- .... . “SELL’S ISLAM,” Located nhout lutK* mtie from the PoHtofflce. ' Koutl) hide of the river, ii' ar the Mntli-Mieet Bridge, FINEST SUMMER RESORT In Southern Colomdo. Lemonade, Ice Cream, and Other! Refreshments, Eer\od on theOroundH EACH SUNDAY AFTERNOON ENTERTAINMENTS And every luxury will he rurnlNliod to iMiiKo visitors iind pitrons eoinfoitnhle. The finest ARTIFICIAL, LAKE In Colorado, Supplied With Thi'ee EIEGAHX BOATS. Swings, Horizontal Bars and Shooting Gallery. The largest pnvlPlon In Colorado, Nuitnhlo for •‘pceche.s nnd d meing pnrtla*. Hmit* In the to Wdormnoila e .Vjo people. Every thin/ firr-t-e-usa. Thin lieaiiilfui ro-orf in | miHided on the Nouth sddo of the lllvor, two I hlickK mi tof Ninth sit reel hrldtfe \ o toxleatinsc Itevoiimen n i l ho Hold on the pr« miner. J- or lor inn. up| ly u> E. SELL. Proprietor. Or to U T. BLAKE, Kecohd 091 cf», NEW THIS WEEK. A Letter That Speaks for Itself. MESSIIS. BUECHKK & CO., Druggists, Canon t :lf y, Colorado: Gents-I served lu the army faring fl»e re bellion, and during that time contracted N V SAb CATAUHH, and have been troubled with it eversinco. I have used every so-called “ Catarrh Cure *' that I have heard of since, and finally tried your “ J-” Catarrh Cure, and find it the % kky iikst I have used I have recommended it to others who are suf fering wi h Catarrh, and their verdict is the same as mine—that it performs all you claim that it will do. As it has benefited me so much. I shall continue to use it, and think it will finally cure me. Yours hopefully, CAPTAIN W. J. Me AN DREW, Superintending General It. A. Cameron's Fruit Farm, near Canon City, Colorado, JunaSft, 18S3. The above mentioned remedy is for sale by Beecher & Co., Canon City ; D. D. Lewis, Coal Creek; Rockafellow & Co.. Rockvale ; Will him Woodslde, Williamsburg. 2Stf ' ST. JAMES MILITARY ACADEMY, Af’OIV, .YIO. A Family Boarding Schoolfor Young Men and Boys. Pupils prepared for Co. lege or business. f’are ful personal Slip rvison at all times; locat ion lie ltbful; terms moderate; discipline supe rior ; seven expeiieneed le-idem teachers. For catalogue and fuither Information apply to Le Utv. IvriIEnUEKT TaLUoT, A. M.. Hec tor , . . DE PAUW COLLEGE. FOR YOUNG WOMEN, THE HOME SCHOOL. Full Conegiuteand Scientific cour eof study. Music, Art and Elocution Schools fully equipped. Every advantage oft Vied. !• ree Library. Terms reasoni.hie. Send stamp for catalogue. F. \. FRIEDLEY, President, New Albany, Indiana. as-3* Summons. STATE OF COLUKA DO, I County of Fr*mont. j In the t ounty Court within and for the County of Fremont, aforesaid. JACOB H.vKT. Plain tlir, ) Against v EI.IZA TlMif, Defendant. ) THE PEOPLE OF T lIE STATE OF COLO RADO SEND GREETING: ELIZA lIAUT. defendant, tibove- X named, you. are hereby required to .ap pear in an action brought against you by the . above name<l plaintitl. In the County Court 1 | of the County of Fremont, in the Sixth Judi » clal District of the stale *f Colorado, and to i answer the complaint tile i therein, within ten days, exclusive of the day <*f service, if served within this county ; or, if set veil out - of this county, but in this district. within '•> twentv days • otherwi e within f.rtvdxys; or judgment by default will be taken against you,according to the prayci of th complaint. The i-akl action is brought to obtain a disso lution ot the marriage of said plaiutitFund defendant,and a divorce of the said parties from each other, on the ground that de fendant has wilfully. and without cause, de serud and abandoned the plaintiir for more than one year last past; and still continues to live separate and a: art from said pialutilf, a gains' ills will,and without reasonable cause, a d without plaintiir* consent and also on the ground that the dofe dunt has departed from tills state without any intent i n of re turning thereto, as will more ftnly appear by tin- conipmlnt on tile herein, to which reference is here made. And you tire h*-r»by notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said com plaint, us above required, the said plaiutltl vv 1 ap ly to t lie court for the relief demand ed in the complaint Given under my lmnd and the seal of the County Court of the County of Fremont, in the S;n o of Colorado, this yth day of July, A. L). ls'B3. * H.XHLKS F. W.-\LIM», . County Judne and lerk County court fsnAi.j First pm-. I nly It: 1 I <■ ILWLI.IKS u ltd WATCIStItKI Its. L. M. NELSON, v A N U FACTO KING Watch and Jewelry repairing done by com petent workmen, and warranted, Maili Street. t'.iSox < ITY, COLORADO. GEO. R. BHAEFFEK. GEO. K. CABBEDY SHAEFFER & CASSEEY, Wholesale and Retail JEWELERS, CANON CITY. COLORADO. W. £. LLOYD, WATCHMAKER, ALL WORK WARRANTED. Corner of Main and Third streets, at T. R. Roane’s Second Hand Store, CANON CITY. COLORADO. IIAKI) \V A RE. HARDWARE, Qneensware, Glassware, : STOAT IE s , Builders* and Miners’ Supplies, And House Furnishing Goods, l All m A co„ Canon City, Ouray and Silver Cfiff. -I- O. AGAItI>, * Dealer In Stoves, Hardware, FENCE WIRE, ETC., ETC. And manufacturer of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. ROOFING IRON Prepared ho that anyone cun put It on. Main Stroot, bet. 2d and 3d, canon cn v. : cm.oiiAor,. JB.TICE. Of THK PEACE. JACOB HART, Justice of th.o Peace AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts. Etc., Drawn Legady and with Care. Collections Promptly Attended To. Cor respondence Solicited. OFFICE—Up-Stalrs, 1 ir-t Door East of the rostofflee. CASON CITY, . . . COLORADO. J. J. MINOR, of t3ae Peace. Doch a general Collection Business and Hon Is property. Front Hoorn m piielpv’ Illock, Main Hf.,'between 3d and 4th, CANON CITY, * - • - COLORADO. fci*G’IIAAGi; BANK. IRA. A. R. GUM A KR, I’resftjnt. Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK, 1 Cauon viiy, - Colorado. -vgr <2i Co., BANKERS, Will Buy )nd Soil Foreign and Eastern Exchange. PAY INTENT ON TIME DEPOSITS. Money to Loan ’.n V jvrge or Small Amounts. State, county and Town Warrants wanted at Highest vnrktr I‘viee PH VS SCI ANB. F. P. Blake, M.D., Office and Btsidnice corner of Fourth-Si. and Greenwood w*-. > Avenue, CANON CITY, COLORADO. e.aJN l r, m~d. HOMEPC MAH & SURGEON. .005%, *?•,. ell’s block, • Main Street, >■ CANON CITY, COLO. J. "77. Dawson, 2.2. D., Office In Hartwell’s Bloch, MAIN STSEET. CANON CITY. T. D. Palmer, M.D. Office up stairs In Hartwell’s block, IteHidcnce .Sixth Street, between Macon ami Greenwood Avon., CANON < ITY. - - - - COLORADO. J. L. Prentiss, M. D., office «f Bcecber’ii drug »tore, Residence corner of Sixth and River streets. CANON CITY. COLORADO. DR. EDMUND C. RIVERS. Practice Limited to EYE, EAR & NASAL DISEASES. Sixteenth and Stout Streets (Dr. Bancroft's Oflice), DENVER, COLORADO. Offiee Hours from 0:30 a. m. to 3 p. in. roji s ii ».. C'IOAI. LAND FOR H \I.K.-An undivided j one-half Interest In 100 acres of * tail ! mid, t ear this city, for sale very cheap. It Is locat'd next to the Carton ml ♦*, whicn fur nishes excellent cod Apply to this office *l2l-1 1 ___ nOUHK-?930 will buy u good five roonj vrpwigk 1-0 on Ul ver street stile jelieap iV«i 1 t^f^Wp^th I to- hu I MV'- • H' E- e-room bouse audio , not far from the coiirthou-e. ■Apply to this office •i-.vtf HO USB.—A frame at d hrlek house. South . t-'afton, for sale, lias two rooms. Two l" 1 - • r 't , x its* Gooti *lono walled cellar. flood pK.ce for dairy cows. Price, 1175 cash \j.«.iy ! I ** ’ 1 T. Idake. _ K-119 I° r lT* , ! M 0 * r, 'l bu > claht lots, or one-half j a M ck . or Inr from the center of tow ri. a j ply to this office. T <ITS- I’"Mr lots-. IJ Iwo on corner and two In i-cnicr of iM'H*k. Apply to thin office. *tf OHO AN—A new Beatty Sl7*organ for less tl»'«n q i' ». \ .ply to Uii- oGi,-,.. -;r OIL I.ANDs—A Urge tract of oil land for ► nlo at ten doLurs per acre. Apply to : this office. . t f 1> i;sTA t'i: \NT hill Id I rig at William-burg, j I lor r-alc ■ heap, or will trade for a g od team and wh om. Apply to this office. *tf I)OLLES • v’l ES—a number of pairs of V nearly ■ tv roller skates, for sale cheap. Apply to tfcL office. »n r> ESI DEN' !v—A handsome, frame seven- I room r< lenee. In South Canon; lot lio by b r * , l feet. p-.i'od In fruit tet tmrn: I barrel clsteri Will he gold cheap. Apply to IL T. Hlake, . this office. 'tf rpKAM— A i! «f-ela«s span of horses, s-ven 1 years old line driver*, A No. 1 carrla e h'atn, for w. . Inquire of J. 17. Brewster, Canon City, i r George Hadden, < 'oal Cr* *-lr. \|TA«ON- a side-spring, light wagon Lor T? sale vry cheap Nearly new anil In • ''• . t , |■ i y ip |- ~| .... i c vr .% vi noirsi; v antkd to hk T.—A four or llvo-r«K in house. In good order, either furnished or unfurnished; not too fur from the depot, Aj|)iy to 11. T. HhiUc. uf ti.l- otn. .•* Sri I ’ATl'i *s—Two young (ierninn women 'vho*| ik I.ngtlli would like to get sit uations In private families to do gc.-.eiul house work. Apply to Charlcn Hehcll, nt the ■ t ton HOUS Ms -In good localities, with water Min|« jivciilent to town. *tf Hi i'Ni-lll'.ii A nlx-rraim f ir fii.slji J house for rent, near the nehool- I Tour room, twoKfory residence ; m tj, ii‘»i In of Ur. Rrentins'. Apply to! this j Oi \ni> .slkkrin<* rooms—a f.-w more office* »nd sleeping rooms for r»-nt In the Hardline I'look. Apply to Hard-j Ing HrolhctV hardware store. v7<-tI | IJIIoTO JAhLEIIV on Main street, < j-: pout 'to the pos tofll co. Can u-eit fur j other purposes. Kent cheap. Apply to this on u*c. -i r j I.OM. YH-tiLAH^KS —A pair of gold mounted > MIJ eye-;-lasses, lust Monday. The tlndei | will be hul ably rewarded by leaving the same n». >tdH ofHc«». -.•7-1f itllMhLLAmi.ObS. WEBSTER & BLOXHEM, Dealers In New and Second Hand Goods, Buyit and well* ail kind* of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A lurjie assortment of GUNS, RIFLES, and REVOLVERS KEXf HOOK K'KHT OK CANON lIOUHK, njaw city. - - coi iiuAixi. JOHNSON «Sc C 0.7 Plain anil Dccorutivc Paper Hangers, El!1EI SB PAiKTMS, Kalsomining Neatly Done. Shop one duor west of Jeake’s. errr, - - Colorado. REAL ESTATE, ETC. W. H. McCLURE, Heal Estate and Loan Agent, COUNTY WARRANTS, And Current Securities, BOUGHT AND SOI-D. Railroad & Steamship Ticket Broker. Office in HcClnrc gloiiio. 11. T. TSI.AKB, Real Estate Agent r —AND— COLLECTOR OF RENTS. Aectit for tho following property owners : Mrs. It A. Bnln, iColumbus Mann, Thog. Hillman, F. S. McGee. E. C. Basslck. W. K. McGee. Frank Bengley, ! It. W Op linger, J.S Bowl by. i Ins. II Peabody. Samuel Bradbury, I» G. I’onbody. O. M Bryan, M. D., J-J Phelp*. Eli Burnett, K. A. llavnolds, .las (1. Hand. Thomas Rip cv, \V. \V. Douglas, Geo. It. Khaefier, K Fassett. J. I* Sllvornail, Dr. E. Gray, IcoJ. Smith. G. 11. Harvey, Geo. I*. Smith,* J. C. Haulier, K. J. Mnnliek, .T. A. Hoxle, H. Tarbotou, F. Koch, Tims. Thornton, llobt s. Lewis, F. H. Whipple. S B Mack Bn, Jno. It. Witcher, BmiMi • fiiilfrlp,! *«y 11. 1- Bluko for from 6 to 10 oerceui. commission nrSCELLAM VAIUS. n n erpi h Catarrh Ready, 19/v 0 H For catarrh, cold Oixf E 8 In head, hay fb | ver.c'c.. 50 ct IHH. ! trV ■' vrn J Jireclier At o . r) M 5 Hp Cufion city. By fcj m 5 GL-Ci mull on receipt VjA Li of price B3TZEL cSt CO., Novelties in Rsafly-MafleClotliiM For Men, Youths, and Boys. Special llarKnlm to liaurc Heady Sale* Lowest Prices Guaranteed. U. W. IIETHEL A CO., McClure House Block, Canon City, Colo A. WALTER, ' CITY BAKERY, Opposite McClure Ilouic. ' CANON CITY, - - - COLORADO. Oysters Seived in t'very Style ON hIIORT NOTICE. and CATC’S KTH.L TAKE THE LEAD. LIME. Splendid wood burnt white mar ble Lime, the best made, having hydraulic properties, only 40 cents per bushel. Can fill or ders up to 250 bushels per day. E. M. WILLSON, Klin near Bod a HprJngx, Tout Off!co box 1727. CANON CITY. CHARLES VOELKEL, BOOT AITD SHOEMAKER, REPAIRING I An<l FINE Done with nonlneHH and dispatch, Dealer in Leather and Findings, and Boots and Shoes, Next lo 11 »V Co.’«. Main •. 'root, Caflon City, Colo, JESKE, Whole Mile aiid 1 at 1 Denier In ocT SI/ jj£f l c§ « f! igli V p r jfyfcy; c§ Jj 1 * Agent for the Il'iinhnrph Amerlean Htciim- Klilp Co., and I lie Alli-ii I Inti of I loyal Mull HK'iililidil|>« Also agent for the Herman Fite Insurance Company, of Peoria, Illinois, with u chart orod enpl'nl of S6OO oeo. Also proprietor oi me News and Ciimr Aland In Him Post <lfllre. District clerk* A LI. I’KFlftc>N to pre-empt InmJ. ‘‘ltlior by fl 1 1 n « or by inuklng fin,,: proof, mu do tin* MMino before Hie liiidor*lxtie(f unit "kvo the oxi'Aiiru «il Koine to tin- hind ..(lloe nt Pueblo. lieelnr.M lon of In'tmtlon to been ii o» Izrn < f lilt; t nlted Suite* ran i,|* o be nindi' b>'forn tlm undcridgned. Ark noivleds* rncnlM, eti\, taken. mid nil bu«lhc*j| uttended to pronijiily and lu- ura' rly. W It FKf.TON. clerk of fhe filririct Court of I'r*mont Co. OtUry in Front l oom, ndjoinini; Fremont County JlccorU Olllco. if t. M. ROBINSON, Pioneer Barber Shops, AND BATH HOOMB. Oppnnite the Canon ilotiae, and alw» three (loom ount of ponloiine, CANON CITY, - - - COI.oitAT)C*. Birrciiviis. JOHN COX, BTJTOHEB, Freuli .-»IeIII* of Every Kind. In Witcher’* building. Main Street. CANON CITY. COLO. GEO. T. PHILLIP'S MEAT MARKET, Opposite McOec A Mack's. FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Kept constantly on lmml. mot;*. Canon cflty, Colorado. ( OM ItK TOltN AM> Itt ILDHH*. C. J. SMITH, Contractor, Builder and Jobber. Main street, corner of Fifth, CANON CITY. COLORADO. I H. H. XiICIIOUS. j. »»• AKSirUOJCO. Nichols & Armstrong, Builders & Contractors Main Street, opposite Kn<M -*. First shop west of Mack's lumber yard. Canon Cltv. Colorado. IPIONEER LUMBER COMPANY! MACK & CO., Httcceuon to HKNRY MACK A CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS i*apek, - 1 *-*- Aim and Putty, A LARGE STOCK OX HAND AT LOWEST PRICKS. ' " :i!,,i 8!,,h OASOV CITY, COLORADO. msZ) B^ITDECOLT, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, AND DEALER IN Plain and Decorative Wall Paper and Painters’ Supplies glori.i» the PIIKLI’.s UOOCK, Main ,lrrol The Famous Medicinal -eHOT springs^ Of Canon City, Colorado. temperature, io-a degrees. « now ™r" 'll! 1 m"o *ln'v«| l |!" ,, Tl?" t | , . , “ r "iTlTi!’! »" ln.| n.,v, .l |. n'ln* 1,rn111,-i,|„i , ;V b . l "V r | „”wo .fTlnlu- oTl'l " " fr'- T,il ‘••‘•for. ate •"« «•;&* illlSfisis-Mlillii SH.V ; ‘’r vr-"-vr , v..v v;^^: Arkansas nv.-r, and .lire tlv on it... •....!•• .7 f ,l ?* * 0,1 11,, ‘ ”*"***•* h«nk of Hie Cirandß Kalhvuv. nt thomo.nh of thi nranTV'lr vx \""*'°" l>r «»*•• Wo locitlciiH in Colon. Jo. Tlio lmn.«l.V LSi» .TJ J ,ul ' lnK nn " ~f «'»* '•» '•nnltiry other hot spring* in n l( . ~, .... , {*.{' " ,lU k^ llo r ‘‘ ll (»<v»rly •.' •kki !«•«>«• than any i< not wife ord.'"lrobin for ’' V l ,* r i n>U m.,-... n- It a. fonunodationH In Canon Clrv «ro fiist rhifJ ' ll< '*. JJotel PAULS & PENNEY. Snrc.—H.M>rH to Jt’’H litjp, S p, XT^X'TZ r X<Xjx^IH Sewing Machines, Etc. AGENTS FOR THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Opposito Humphrey & Topping's, CAfaON CITY. COLO W. H. FOWLER. t FOWLER & SKEELE: -A. 3ST GZEC .A. C - IE ZEST T S Olllce— Po.ioUlnc. Cnnon Clljr. Colorado. north i^fpT P .7v 8 f nt <ho following Companies: l-KNN« I. VANIA, HIIKMAnWcNI.! sliias'iimtS' L;"" ■.., . . ;_ '■_. .r ,„.•,:v^w.t. n v,'£- ?^ii »: BLAKE'S THEATRE HALL, ~ I/nno, .Slage, ami the following Bn>m*»< - j» Mr ior A .!t l 1 *!,! \v' ,r, i 11 with Kitchen. Opal) Ciinlar Her, K,f„r Kir, sit or Iloak »nP OM„'„i..“ r-'.orw.ll atiure w»th llr*l oln«* ontertnlumetiU. Tin* oivnrr oMho li n!l*|l| , «^ l, '* * , ®. r ntor of fhU |.Bii«r Town lluoum, *r. for the Hr. | mint «ml Sfr .1.2 . ftUo J >ro l>ri- Pupnl.llou, J,r„iu. TLo Mt-argU tlli»lrel. „1„>,..| |„ *,|| 2!^'V' 1 Artdr#t« H. T. BLAKE, Canon City, Colorado. HIII.MNIIItY, FANCY (i Kills, UTO. MRS. E. A. PHILLIPS, Dealer In Furnishing Goods, For Ladies and Children. Opposite the Post Office, CANON CITY STAMPING And Fancy Work of all Kinds A SPECIALTY. Call and examine her goods which will be pold at reasonable prices. Mrs. Theresa Hemmerle, MILLINER &. DRESSMAKER OrcwNc* and I’nticrns Cut by tl»e tailor'w plan ami warranted to fit. Main Street, next cast of lludd's, CANON CITY. - - - « OLOKADO. ATTOItNKYH. A. MAOO*, 11 W. BMWr. MACON & HOBSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OlTlco opposite McCluro House, CANON CITY, -j- - - - COl.liliAllO. JUlll* W. HbU KBl'K-N. HAM. P. UAU. BLACKBURN & DALE. ATTORN E_Y_S - AT-LAW, HI’ILDINU. Up-Halra. CASON CITY. COLoKADO. Practice in tl»c state and Federal ('■■iirti. J. Is. HYDE. Blacksmith and Wagonmake: AGENT run FISH BROTHERS' WAGONS, t'tniinplon Itcnprrs, MOAVEICS HAT HAKES Kir., Etc. *. l] Dealer in all kind, of WAGON MATERIALS, Corner Third and A Sta., ,■AMi\ II IV. .... ■ iil.Hrt Aim.