Newspaper Page Text
JiTif- Jiccorfl. Canon City. : : : Saturday, July 1-4. n. T. BLAKE CITY 'El* I TOR Meteorological. TEMPERATURE ANT) STATE OF WEATHER AT CANON THIS WEEK. Readings taken at 8 a. in . 12 m. ami 6 p. m. DAYS. j READINGS. j THE WEATHER. Saturday ! 60’ IMP O l°i (Tear and Kaln Sunday’ i 63! 74 72 I (J car and Calm Mondav |6»|B3 ;80 | clear and Culm Tuesday t*s ! HI | 82 Clear and Calm Wednesday.! <o , t>7 ; 66 ! Clear and calm T hursday 1 fxs : HO Hi Clear and Calm Friday 7> 88 60 1 Wind a d Hun Denver and Rio Grande Time-Table. On Sunday, June 3, at 12:01 am., Time- Table No. 2t, Denver and Rio Grande > ail way, went Into effect, and under which trains leave Cation as follows: GOING EAST. No. 2. Denver Kxpress 12:02 p. m “ 10. Immigrant 12:27 p. m | “ 8. Atlantic Kxpromt 2:50 p.m i “ 4. Eastern Express 12:19 a. m No. 2 reaches Pueblo at i:4op. ni.; Denver at ; 7:15 p. in.; stopping at all stations upon signal j or to leave passengers, This train loaves Lead vllle at 6:15 a. ni., and .-Hilda at 9:15 a. in. No. 10 stops only at Florence and lleaver i Crock, arriving at I’uoblo a! 4:;f) p. in., and at Denver at. 6:o'i a in. Htops also at Howard, Co topaxi, Texas Creek and I'arkdale. No. 8 stops at only one station, < anon City, i between Sal Ida and Pueblo. It leaves Grand Junction at l ea. m.; Gunnison at 7:12a. in.; Halida ut 11:55 a. in.; Canon nt2:-V» p. in.; Pue blo nt 15 p. m.; arriving at Do ver,9:oo p. in. No. 4 stops nt Florence, and at i eaver Cfi-rk audDa.vU.xle,sp'rfiivH. onlv upon signal, r u'Timg l’li ‘bio at 1:55 a. in'.. a.vd Ivnvorat 7:10a in. This train leaves l.eudville nt 0:.>0 p. m., and Salida at 9:*o p. m. Stops nt all sta tions between Salida and ( af.nn, except Vul lle, some of Inein being signal stations. GOING WEST. No. 3. Lcadvllle Express 2:3.5 a. m •• 7. Kxpress 2:10a. in •• u». Emigrant ISrfKtp. m *• 1. l.eudville Mall .*!::» p. m No. 3 stops only at IV-.xus creek, Cotopaxi, Howard and Dadger upon signal, arriving at Salldaat s:t>* n. m.. and headville at H: ;on. m. T his train leaves Denverat 7: l‘> p. m., and Pu eblo at, and su*ps always at Florence, and ai Heaver Creek upon signal. No. 7 stops at only one station. Canon City between Pueblo and Salida. It leaves Denver at 7:5) p. in.; Pueblo at 12: ill a. in.; Canon nt 2:16 a. m.; salida at -4:55 a. m.; Gunnison at 9:32 a. in.; Grand Junction at 3:50 p. m. No. 19 stops at Texas Clock, Cotopaxi and Howard, reaching .-alula at 4:50p.m. T his train stops a ways at Heaver Creek and Flor ence. No. 1 stops nt all stations, some of them being signal stations, reaching .Sulida at 6:25 11. ni.. and Leadville at 9:15p.m. T his train leaves Denverat 8:55 u. in.; Puebloat 2:00 p.ui., stopping at a 1 stations east of Cafion, except ing Thompson, some of them being signal slat ions. SILVER CLIFF BRANCH. Leave Cation Daily at 4:10 p. m. Arrive at West el life at 7:05 p. m. Leave Westell tie Dally at 8:30 a. m. Arrive at Clat 1 m. CITY AND VICINITY. The Arkansas is slowly falling. A scarcity of eggs is noted in our mar kets. The city council will meet next Monday evening. The “ Rouse Ice Wagon ” never misses a customer. Mr. McMillan is looking after his mines at St. Elmo. Remember that Levi llciley is always on baud with ice. The Silver Cliff branch changed conduct ors again Monday. Mr. TV. S. Littlejohn has just finished a ■*- '* vsidence at Florence. •Aing the bridges on the . W>««il»letcd next week. i • iiiet*.4ig at the Baptist church next Monday evening. Everybody invited. Mrs. Ferguson, a lady of high reputation, opened a private school at Coal Creek last Monday. Read the programme lor the temperance meeting, at the Baptist church, next Mon day evening. A pipe is being put in at the corner of Main and Seventh streets, for tho use of the sprinkler. Hear the “ Prohibition Choir ” in some fine new songs, at the Baptist church, next Monday evening. Mr. W. E. Embrey is pushing assessment work on his new linds, about six miles south of this city. Mr. Fred. Alt house this week put up a new stairway, leading to tho second story of the Harding block. A number ol graders, with wagons and scrapers, were brought in off the Silver Cliff branch this week, and shipped to the front. Mr. V«\ S. Henderson, the defeated democratic candidate for legislator from this county, last fall, is enlarging his saloon at Pueblo. Raspberries ore ripe. Strawberries had but just gone when the rasplrerries ramo ulor.g to take their place, and they do it very satisfactorily. Master Stevie, son of Manager Grey sham, of Hi a Colorado Trading Company's store at Oak Creek, fell from a buggy last wock, and fractured an arm. Mr. Edward Lowndes will present some int* resting blackboard representations, in illustration of tin- ’essou of the day, at tiio Baptist Sunday school u, morrow afternoon. Our friend, A. F. Alexander, one of Fre mont’s county commissioners,contemplates going out of tho urv goods business al Coal Creek, and is selling off his stock at cost. A party of Mr. Llewellyn Davis, Thomas Lewis, D. Mort, Richard Davis and Mrs. Marshall, of Coal Creek, Hta ted on Tuesday for Washington terri tory. _ During the w.»ck tin- grass and weeds have been cut from the margins of all tho ditches throughout the city, under the superintendence of Mr. Peter Teclc, mate rially improving appearances. “ Grape " is the name of a postoffice re cently established on the Hilver Cliff branch of the Denver and Rio Grande Railway, be tween Soda Springs and Blackburn, at the point formerly known as Benton station. Our Catholic friends—old and young— will hold a picnic at Sell’s Island Summer Resort on Tiiutsday, July ‘id, to which a general invitation is extended. A most enjoyable day’s festivities may be assured. Mr. Sell offered his r*-.-»ort to the Baptist Runday school picnic for the low price ol s’2s; but the committee decided to accept the generous offer of Mrs. King, and the picnic will therefore l»e held at the Hot Hprings. . Mr. E. Sell requests u* :o return his sin een thanks to the Canon City Fire Depart uer>t and citizens generally, tor the liberal patronage bestowed upou him on the occa sion of the entertainment of Thursday even ing. # The subordinate lodge and grand en campment of C>M Fellows, of this city, have both Installed officers for the ensuing term Th»- naint* ot these officials will be found In opr direrto-*- on the r'fwod rage *Ff this p*r*r A GRAND PICNIC. ; To be Held at tlio I!ot Muriate* by the Kaptist Munday Hcliool. | The committee —consisting of Meadamea ; Baldwin and Jackson, Miss Rosalie Gibbs, ! Messrs. Sawyer, Baldwin and McClure — i appointed last Sunday to arrange for the j annual picnic of the Baptist Sunday school children, met on Wednesday evening, and I decided to hold the proposed picnic on TUESDAY, JULY 17, j At the Hot Springs, Airs. King, the pro prietor of that inviting resort, having cour ! tcously tendered the use ot her grounds to the committee. j The following named committees were | appointed: OX GROUNDS. i Messrs. Prentiss, McKay and Johnson, ! who will prepare the necessary tables, j swings, croquet sets, etc. ON SUPPLIES. j Mesdames Sawyer, McKay, Baldwin, Jackson and Miss Kosalie Gibbs, who will I superintend the preparation and collection of edibles, arrange the tables, and have charge of the feasting portion of the day’s festivities. ON TRANSPORTATION. Mr. W. 11. McClure, who will arrange with Mr. S. li. McKissiclc for vehicles to j transport the children and teachers to and from the grounds. ON FUNDS. Mr. P. G. Head was appointed a com mittee of one to solicit funds to defray ex penses. THE PROGRAMME. /JT'e wnnyhep; of the school will assem | ble at the Baptist church on Tuesday wfter noon next, at 2 o'clock sharp, and ftom thence be conveyed to the Hot Springs. THE REFRESHMENTS Will consist of ice cream, lemonade, cake, pies, coufections, and such substantiate as , roast chickens, and other choice edibles, | for the preparation of which our Caiion ladies are proverbial. The day will un doubtedly prove a most enjoyable one —for both old and young —and it is hoped every member of the school will attend. Anson Itiuld’H Anniversary. Thursday was an anniversary of Anson Rudd’s natal day. We don’t know how many anniversaries he has had of that day, but we trust that lie will have many more be fore he dons the robes of immortality. Al though his outer form show* the wear and , tear of age, his inner form—the real man — is young and fresh, because his life has; been temperate and pure. Age has not chilled and soured the generous aud sympa thetic impulses of his heart, consequcnlv 1 he is young in spirit. When he lays aside the natural body liisspirituul body will be the fresh, symmetrical body of youth. With some tlic reverse is true. The outer form is tair to look upon, but the inner man is wrinkled and decrepit. Britishness, unchar- i tableness, ungoverued passions, and a ma lignant heart, have set their seal upon the inner form, and it has become palsied. There will be a meeting of some of Mr. Rudd’s friends, in liis orchard, to-morrow, for the purpose of eating some of his fruit, in remembrance of his birthday. Prohibition Programme. At the regular meeting of the Fremont County Prohibition Society, to be held at the Baptist church on Monday evening next, the following programme will be pre sented : Opening Hymn Choir and Audience Prayer Rev. N. F. Hoyt Reading of the minutes, Reports, Unfin ished ami New Business, etc. Singing Prohibition Choir Select Reading Miss Lottie Baldwin Essay Miss R. Gibbs Siugiug Prohibition Choir discussion. Question —“ Woman’s Office in the Temper ance Cause. Could she work more effect ually if enfranchised ? ” Five-minute speeches. Signing the Pledge. Benediction. The Kxcurling Editors. A special to the Lcadville Herald of the 12th, dated at Gunnison City, July 11, says: “ The editorial excursionists arrived here this forenoon. After driving to the hotels und partaking of some refreshments, ■ the newspaper men went to Crested Butte, and spent the afternoon there. They seemed to heartily enjoy their visit, and took great interest in examining the coke ovens and coal breakers. Before returning to Gunni son, the excursionists were dined by the Crested Butte authorities on baked trout. To-night they were the guests oft he people of Gunnison, who tendered them a supper. A large number present, and several speeches were made. To-morrow morning ! the large party leaves for Grand Junction. Messrs. S. 11. McCulloch nnd George W. Westlake have purchased the grocery es tablishment of Mr. 11. W. Sanders, and will continue the business at the same place. Mr. McCulloch was formerly agent lor the A’lims Express Company in this city, and M:\ Westlake is well known here. Both are young and excellent business men, nnd the Record joins their numerous friends in wishing the new firm of McCul loch & Westlake success. Last Sunday morning, as the Silver Cliff • train was coming down, it encountered a thirty-ton rock that had fallen so near the i track that it could not pass. Fortunately, a • I number of men were convenient to the : i place, and the train was delayed only a ■ short time. On Monday morning a couple of the old bridges were partially washed out, between Blackburn and Marsh, and the train was delayed a couple of hours in consequence. The 10-year-old daughter of Mr. E. N. KirLham met with a very painful accident last Saturday. As she was passing the stove her dress caught the handle of a skillet. ' filled with hot grease, which emptied into j her stocking. The burn was quite a serious one. and confined her to the house for four |or five days, and she is now scarcely able to get around without suffering u great deal of pain. Mr. O. Knecht has sold his bookstore to Mr. George Pedlcy, formerly of the firm of Earle «Sc Pcdley, of this city. Mr. Knccht, we arc glad to state, will continue to reside in Cation, and, while we are sorry to lose ■ him from among our business men, we are glad to have such an energetic,enterprising young man for his successor. Mr. Pedlcy has moved the stock into Dennis & Few’s 1 art gallery. Prof. Leotard will give a series of his wonderful musical entertainments at Blake's Hall, commencing Monday evening 8 o’clock, of which the details will be : i given by posters in due time. These per ■ | forraauces arc both instructive und entcr ! tain mg. Monday night will be free to all • —a contribution being taken up to pay ex penses. it is reportod to us that the county bridge, below Florence, is badly in need of ' I repair, and that there is danger of losing ; it unless it is attended to. A stitch ill time I saves nine, as well in county as in private _ I affairs. ,! Hacks beguu running lie tween the city ' and Sell’s Intend at ’.l o’clock on Thursday afternoon,carrying passengers free until (J. j After that hour they charged regular farce, ; and were kept busy until midnight. , | Our city authorities have done a good i work at the soda springs. The new fnun ; tain has been neatly walled, a tine walk j constructed hiding to it, and the general , improved. PERSONAL POINTS. Mr. Thomas Stafford is quito sick. Harry linker went to Pueblo yesterday. Mr. Tebbs, of Ula, was in Cation ou Mon day. Mr. M. Duebor is ill, from » bilious at tack. Mr. G. N. Udell went to Denver on "Wed nesday. Mr. J. T. Ashby left on Sunday for Scolield. Miss Clara Brewster is visiting friends at Bonanza. Dr. Bradbury, late of our city, has located at Salida. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Harp visited Denver this week. Cashier Campbell returned from Saguache on Sunday. Mr. O. B. Myers was in the city a few days this week. The Misses Brankev, of Pueblo, visited Cation this week. General K. A. Cameron was in Cafion a few days this week*. Mrs. Thomas Hazel left on Monday for her home in Denver. Mrs. E. N. Bouse haß moved to Crested Butte for the summer. Professor S. 11. Baker returned Tuesday from a visit to Denver. Mrs. Hartwell and Miss Jessie left on Monday for Georgetown. Mrs. P. C. Helm left on Sunday fir ! home at Colorado Springs. Rev. X. F. Hoyt and General H. “». v ver visited Clinton on Tueadnv Mr. 'Edwin Lobach and elo- i «!>*. ithri.r are visiting at Colorado Spring. Mrs. John C6*. and children am; r»;. ; :*> for an excursion to the mountains. Judge Dale returned yesterday from business visit to Rosita and Silver Cliff. Kev. B. F. Moore went to Pueblo on Tuesday, to be gone a few days, on busi ness. Mr. W. W. Wallace, late of the Coal Creek Enterprise, was in the city on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nutter returned to Cafion Tuesday, after quite a lengthy visit to New Mexico. Mr. W. C. Minger and wife left Tuesday for Georgetown, which place they will make their home. Mr. Will McClanahan, of Independence, Missouri, arrived in Cafion Satuiduy, and is visiting his parents. i Bernard Murray and Robert S. Lewis went to Kansas City Thursdaj', to be gone about a week. I Mrs. JJ. X. Le«tcr ami little daughter re ! turned to Cafion from Princeton, Pcnnsyl ! vania, Thursday night. { Rev. 1). C. Pattee is spending a couple of ; weeks with Arthur Monk, on Saguache creek. Saguache county. Mrs. Conley returned last week Irom a visit to her sister at Idaho Springs, who she left much improved. Miss M. E. Franks, of Denver, arrived Wednesday* evening, and is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Bowlb}'. Mrs. J. Swentzel, of Grape, returned home last Friday, after a pleasant week’s visit with Mrs John Cox. Messrs. George Westlake and George R. Sliaclfer started up the river on a lisbing excursion Wednesday evening. Mr. Paul Brandt, who is traveling for the Colorado Journal, was in town Thurs day, and made us a pleasant call. E. W. Fassctt and wife, of Lamoille, Illinois, arrived last Saturday, and are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Franck. Messrs. Samuel and Louis Tod, of Inde pendence, Missouri, are visiting their sister, Mrs. A. Sartor, and other relatives. Mr W. 11. Kaye, of St. Louis, arrived in Cafion Thursday, nud is stopping at Mrs. M. M. Sheet/,’. He is hero*for his health. Miss Belle Minor, of Nebraska City, Ne braska, arrived on Sunday, and will make her home with her uncle, Judge Minor. Miss Sarah M. Taylor, who has been staying at Emporia, Kansas, since she left Cafion, has gone to Schoharie, New York. Mr. William Schoolfield and family, of Wet Mountain valley, arrived on Sunday, and aro visiting relatives in South Cafion. Mrs. E. M. Bigelow, mother, of Mrs. Fred 11. Skeele, who has resided here for the past year and a half, returned to Chica go Wednesday. Messrs. F. Bandholt and George J. Die mer went to Coal Creek, Tuesday evening, to attend the Ancient Order of United Workmen’s installation. Mis. Raymond Gregg, of St. Louis, and Miss Havens, of Chicago, who are doing Colorado, stopped in Cafion Tuesday for a few days rest and to visit points of interest. ! Mr. S. It. McKissick and wife and Sheriff | W. S. Jones and wife went to Coal Creek Tuesday evening, to attend a public instal lation of the Coal Crock lodge of Odd Fel lows. Mr. G. C. Ross, of Benton, Illinois, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Park er, left for home Tuesday morning. He was accompanied by his nephew, Mr. A. D. Parker. Mr. J. W. Briggs, lately roadmaster on this Denver and Rio Grande Railway at this place, is now roadmuster on the Texas and St. Louis Railroad, and resides at Tyler, Texas. Mr. John W. Harrison, of flt. Louis,' treasurer of the Rocky Mountain Mining and Developing Company, was in the city j the first of the week, and vi.dted the com pany’s Green Mountain property. Mr. A. Sartor and family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. McClanahan, Mrs. Tod and sons, and a number ot other relatives, started for the Wet Mountain valley Fri day, to lie gone about a month or six weeks. ! Messrs. George O. Baldwin, Rev. N. F. j | Hoyt. Mrs. J. R. Storms ami daughter, Bes-1 sie, Misses Lottie, Addie and Carrie Bald win, and Masters Allie and Howard Bald win made a very pleasant trip to the top of the Royal Gorge yesterday. Dr. Herbert S. Hill, of Owatonna, Min nesota. brother-in-law of Professor Samuel H‘. Baker, arrived at Cafion on Wednesday. Dr. Hill is a man of means, beside* having a large experience as a physician, and ns he is looking for a location we trust he will decide to cast bis lot among us. Special Sale. Messrs. Dewey Ac Rockwell will offer, on Tuesday, July 17, an elegant line of silks, in all varieties ; also, a largo assortment of ribbons; at prices for that day only, ft* will coat you nothing to see them. We are informed that the ladies of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, of this city, are about to merge their organi zation with the Fremont County Prohibi tion Society, thus massing foreis for a more determined warfare upon the liquor traffic. They will meet with a cordial welcome from the latter society, should they deter mine upon sueh a course. The Presbyterian Sunday school last Lord’s Diiy elected Judge Charles E. Wal do, superintendent; 11. Clay Webster, as sistant superintendent. The other officers of the school were left to the selection of the superintendent, subject to the approval of the school to-morrow. A snake, four lead, six inches in length, was killed by some l>oye f near the residence of Mr. H. A. Bilsby, in this city, yesterday morning; but, out of respect lor the pro jected Baptist Bunda3’ r,chord picnic, next Tuesday, the slurers didn't ‘’hang if on a p'Vrt.' COTOPAXI ITEMS. Cotopaxi, Colorado, July 0. There will be some fine specimens of copper, guleua and zinc ores sent from this district to the Denver exposition. The new brick depot, which the Denver and Rio Grande company contemplates erteting here, will soon be commenced. All the minors are anxiously looking for ward to the time when Cotopaxi will again open up with bright prospects, which they trust will soon coihc. Thft Jbcavy ruins we have liad during the phs: few days have greatly improved grow ing crops, and ranchmen all wear smiling countenances in consequence. - The Zebra mine, owned by the Messrs. Schwcigerl, Ryan Sc Campbell, is about to be spld to a large eastern company, which is expected to put on a large working force. An Odd Fellows’ lodge was opened here on the evening of the Fourth, with twenty members, and promises to lie one of the beW—flTTii most iulluential lodges in the county. It was christened ‘‘Eastern Star,” No. 53. Installation of officers followed. Tho Cotopaxi Literary Society gave a picnic on the Fourth, alxiut a mile altove tow r. There were many people present— from I'almer, Texas Creek and Wet Moun tain va'loy—and the affair by far exceeded the expectations of the most sanguine of the society’s members. Arbors, swiugs, ete., were erected, lemonade and confectionery standa-were well patronized, and croquet ’ ills were kept rolling. Judge Bardiue was > -nan, ami Mr. John Swnggart read tho iop of Independence in a very ex *cr. A graud dance succeeded ** y. J midnight everybody went 1 U-**.* J6;*vy. Cdi: It es l'os r> kXt. /-■ . * -vliiblt. ;• ? .-v •' ■ . Jommissiouers, I ,\L . J*. ■ u»« k and ... T. Ilill, have \ * . iveral weeks iu gut'jcvw • . live tt the resources of oui •* .• on, and samples of ore, t •; mining districts, for exliibi. M .National Mining and In dustrial ion. which opens at Denver next Tuc Jay. Mr. Franck lias visited every mining camp in the county, and is now in daily receipt of ores from different sections. He informs us that, from present prospects, although there may not be sam ples of ore from so many camps as last year, the exhibits will embrace a much finer class of dm. and no sample will be received under ‘2OO }»ounds. It is proposed to fill tho comity’s showcases with beautiful and valuable specimens, and allow these to re main then* until the fruit exhihitsare ready, when they will l>e given positions in the, the ores being otherwise provided for. The stone columns and other speci mens from our incomparable building stone quarries, placed on exhibition last year,are still there, and will remain permanently. The exhibits of grains will not be made for about om* month yet, and promise to bo the finest and most varied yet made. Mr. Hill has been especially superintend ing the gathering of information for publi cation" in tlio pamphlet representing the rcsonees of our county, and has already re ceived a number of valuable articles, upon which tho printers are already at work. In .i few weeks we shall be able to give a more detailed report of Fremont’s exhi bit, which promises to compare favorably with that of any other county iu tho state. / A Maysville Lynchlnj;. L On Wednesday morning James Lynn ami a Swede, name unknown, who had ls*en working on the grade for Orman Sc Crooks, near Maysville, drew their cheoks, and started for Halida. Three miles below Maysville they were met by two roughs, j named Denis Haggerty and Henry Dowl ing, who demanded their money. Upon j refusing to deliver, Lynn was shot and ‘ mojrtfiliv wounded by Haggerty, anil the .Swede f»eaten almost to death w ith a elub by I>mvling. Lynn and the Swede were a iter wards found, almost in a dying con dition, and the former wus taken to Mnys •ville, while the latter was sent to I’oncho Springs. The two robbers crossed the river and entered Maysville, where they were arrested by the local officers, and t ikon be fore Lynn, who identified them. They got from the two victims $32 in cash and from Lynn a silver watch. Haggerty and Dowl ing were jailed, but at 11 o’clock Wednes day night a mob overpowered the guard, took die prisoners out and htTAg them in the northern part of the town. Attention, Veterans! Green wood post, Grand Army of the Re public, will hold its last session previous to ; the national encampment and grand re i union, at*Denver, on Thursday next, July : IS, at H o’clock sharp. Officers will appear |in bill uniform —sword, belt and while | gloves—-comrades will also report in uni- I form, as far as possible. Those who are I entitled to membership, and desire admis sion* to the post, should make application jat once. Secure blanks for applications of Adjutant Hart. The j *st, having decided to gd by rail to Camp "an Der Voort, will leave Gallon City a little after midnight, on the morn ing* of July 23. The committee on trans portation will secure the best rates possible. It i# earnestly desired that every member oftlwvpost attend the encampment and re union. All members of the j>ost*are re quested to meet on the college parade ground, on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o’clock, for drill. E. H. Savvykh, Commander. f Tho Smelter. The Royal Gorge Smelter is doing splendid work now. It is no experiment. It has successfully overcome some little imperfections in original construction, and is noyv* running successfully upon a good, i.avtog basis. It k. turning out $2,000 womfrof bullion per day. and is doing it at a profit, probably of SSOO, per day. This enterprise is of vast inijiortaiice to Grnon City in a commercial sense, not. only Recallse of the money weekly distributed .oar citizens, but also because its success will in time attract otrer like en terprises. Had this entorprisojwen a failure, it would have lH*en many years before another smelter would have been started l*re. T‘> the men who have furnished the means, persevered against all oljstaclOH, to /fibestablishment of this enterprise upon its present solid basis, nil honor is due. They labored not alone for their own success, tor their success directly or indirectly benefits every citizen ofCafion. f Tho Grand Encampment. 1 Following is the programme of the re ception and welcome to the seventeenth an nual encampment of tho Grand Army of the Republic, Tuesday, July 24,at 3 o’clock p. m., at the Tabor Opera house, Denver: First—Address of welcome to tho National Fneitinpiiient to tho stiito by Ids Kxcolicncy, .JtwiicH |». (Irani, governor of Colorado. Koeund —Address of welhoine to tho city by Ills Honor. John L. Itoutt. mayor. T hird—welcome by the Department of Col orado to the members of the National Kn cumpment by B. K* Htlinson, department commandnr. ItesoonM'M to the above addresses will be de ll .ered by Paul Van Ist Voort, eoniinander ln-ehlef, General .John A. I.<>kuii, find olliursj, Those exercises will bo Interspersed with ap propriate music. j Rev. N. F. Hoyt, of Albert Lea, Minne sota, who is sojourning in Gallon for the benefit of his health, occupied Dr. K. H. Sawyer’s pulpit ut the JJuptist church last Sunday morning, delivering an earnest dis course Irom St. John X:l7, IH. Mr. Hoyt tea h u classmate of Dr. Sawyer, at college, is a ripe scholar and a high-minded Christ ian gentleman. His health haa been some what shattered by too close application to ministerial work and study, but we ho|*c to sec him regain vigor bv a stay in this lMry» of the •.rest FIREWORKS, FUN AND BUSINESS. Tho Finish or Oar Celebration—An Cvenißs ou Kcll'k Inland—Our Opinion at the llelort. Last Thureday evening, as pdr previous announcement, that portion of the Fourth of July programme—the exhibition of fire works, balloon nfccenaionw, and dancing— w hich was cut out on the day wo celebrated by a rainstorm, wan completed —ou tho very spot whore the descending showers gained a victory on our nation’s day. This time tho Fates were propitious; or, rather, a kind and loving Father smiled benignly upon our city, aud gave our citi zens one of tho most charming evenings for a pyrotechnic display we evet saw. The air was balmy aud cool, the rising moon partially obscured by clouds, which ever aud auou broke into silver rills, when her pale rays would bathe both lake and tree in a soft and mellow sheen. The boats were constantly tilled with gay aud happy parties, the groves rang with the merry laugh of happy hearts, thrilled by sounds of sweetest music, and an air of ecstatic pleasure pervaded the entire resort. Tho committee ou fireworks occupied a comumndiug elevation ou the opposite shore of the lake, au<i gave a display of pyrotech nics that was at ouce a credit to our town aud a source of infinite delight to the hundreds who witnessed it from their rustic :,eats along the margiu of that sil ver sheet of water. At 0 o’clock, when music ‘‘arose, with its voluptuous swell,and soft eyes looked love to eyes which spake again,” votaries of Terpsi chore thronged the spacious platform to “trip the light fantastic toe” beneath arbors through which gleamed a weird light l’roti a hundred miniature lamps. Everybody so inclined mingled iu tho revelry, and our scribe left them to the pleasures of their mode of enjoyment. The refreshment stands, shooting gallery, ! and numerous tables were constantly occu- I pied, many of our people having sought the I grounds early in the afternoon, to husk he j neath its welcome umbrage, taking with them their “little porringers, to eat their I porridge there.” | The firemen may well congratulate tliem solves upon the success of their entertain incut, which lost none of its pleasure or at j traetiveness by liaviug lreen deferred, i We have but one word in conclusion, and ! this we commend to the careful perusal and sober thought of our people, especially that portion w ho desire that a place of innocent amusement may be sustained In the suburbs of our bcautifhl city : Mr. Ernest Sell, who has expended some S7OO in preparing and furnishing a cosy pleasure resort in tho suburbs of our city, j assures us that, if tho good people of Carton will make it a point to patronize him ! whenever societies, church organizations, i Sunday schools, etc., give picnics or entcr | tainnients of any kind, he will guarantee that no intoxicating beverages or improper characters shall l>e admitted, and the re sort kept up to a standard that anyone may visit it without the slightest offense. In view of this amurrnce, it certainly is to the best interests ot all respectable citizens that Mr. .Sell be encouraged in his laudable enterprise, and enabled to keep this re-sort up to this standard. Iu a few years Sell's Island, with its beautiful lakes, supplied with all kinds of fish, tine boats, etc., and shady groves nnd green swards, if so man aged, will become one of the most delight ful places in this section —a resort where all may go and enjoy themselves, without being thrown in contact with anything low or immoral. If he is not so em-ournged, self-protection may lead Mr. Sell to rent his resort as best he may. ■ ■■ Grand Army KxcumlotiH. The long discussed question of Grand Army excursions from Denver, at the Hose of the approaching encampment, has at last been settled. The Denver and Rio Grande ami Union Pacific having submit ted special rates, the following programme was finally agreed upon by the board np- I>ointcd to superintend the proper expendi ture of the funds appropriated for that purpose: July 23—Make an excursion to Greeley, Fort Collins, Longmont and Boulder, re turning to Denver in the evening. July 29—Go to Moulton over the Dcti vef and Kio Grande, visit the Garden of the Gods and remain all night nt the •Springs. July 30 —Breakfast at Pueblo and visit the steel works. In the evening go u» Gunnison, crossing the famous Marshall Pass on the Denver ami Rio Grande road. July 31 —Over the Alpine Pass to Lead ville and remain all night. August I—Return to Denver, over the South Park. This excursion will give the entertainer** an opportunity to give the visitors a go**d idea of the natural and developed resources of the state, nu experience iu traveling in • the mountains on model narrow gauge railroads, and varied scenes of characteristic mountain grandeur of beauty. performed rather a delicate surgical o|>efatTnn~ttpon--th£_liait<l of Mr. J. | T. Milton, this week, splitting that mem ber in search of a piece of rock, supposed to have been embedded between the thumb and index finger by a premature blast, two years ago, and which gave the patient con siderable pain and inconvenience. A llinty particle was discovered, anti successfully removed. Tho Land Investr *nt Oil Company is again at work. Tho • coble arrived July 0, aud lioring w fenced on the 10th. On the 11th -ins of oil were struck. On th il was standing l. r >o feet in the ie up frothy and full of gas, ar oring go*-* on. Advertised 1 PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN ' T COUNTY It F. COL ( List of letter* icmaining ’ of-! fiet* st ('afton City, Fremont • .*>.,< for the week ending July 1 ti le*** called for will to* sent t • 1-. ter oilier Aug. 11, 1088 : Ashley, Oeorge McMa 1 Arnold. John It. Me Don f \ Itoocrnft, r>eorgn Mallett > rnrnes, Wllllain May, M t onnell, John OTonn* * ! i '-oak, Julian. Peoland, Crater, * Iro. K. Phillip*. Curtis, Wm. D. Rdhnr, .»« I'avis, John lUthb, Wii » . J»lven, l>. il. Khodov. J • Klrner, George Jtupr.Johi 11 nb Copper Mine. Hmlth, Ml* •- KiMrntz. l-'.mmn [J| Heoggs, J. I Kussntz. Mim.J.* Lunch bunt, Tho*. J. N. flow LBV, Posin' non*. \ MrKAY—N»*ar thin city, on tho lltli 1 ' V. lolliMvlliM-f Mr. ,1 !•;. Mfltwy,Kw« NEW BUSINESS LOCAI Hats and Caps—An Immo Stock at Bothol & Co's. 28t3 Fresh California and (,'afion City fro always in stock at W. F. Raker's. Car load Trunks at Bothel > Co’s. 28t37 \ Frwlt randies just received nl W. F. Baker's. Gents' Fine Boots and Shoes I at Bethel & Co's. 28t37 ' Headquarters for Clothing, j Bethel X Co's. 28t37 Bargains at Bothel X Co's. *371 GREENWOOD ITEMS. Trom Cur Special Correspondent, “ T. It. W.” OItEEN'WOOIX Colorado, July 7. Greenwood park celebrated tho Fourth at Wefcmore. 11. G. Wood lord, of Coal Creek, spent tho Fourth with us. Edwin Gobacli and family spent tho Fourth with us. Jason Blakeslec’s new brick dwelling is well under way. New potatoes are ready for tho table, raised in this settlement. , Our pork has supplied tho Uosita market with strawberries this year. Garden sauce of all kinds is being en joyed by the grangers hereabouts. Wild gooseberries are scare in tho moun tains, but wild currants aro abundant. Harvest will be commenced soon. The rye fields are nearly ready for the reaper. Three days of steady rain insures our crops of small grain, and gives the corn crop a ueeded lift. Some of us (and our number is fast in creasing) are hoping that prohibition will soon save some of our wprthy citizens lroru filling back into the mire which their better manhood led them, long since, to abandon. Mr. King, late of Johnson rouoty, Texas, has brought his family, and come to stay with ns, having purchased a home on Adobe creek. He is tired of depending on tho un certainties of cotton raising for a living. FOREIGN NEWS. Cholera still mges in Southern Europe. England has forbiden the impoitation of American Auttle./ The choll-ra i'j re|M>rtf*d to be raging violently at Swatow, China. Carey, the iulbnner. has left Ireland, and gone to the Eastern Hemisphere. .Storms and landslides have ruined nearly all the cultivated hunt iu the district of i’recknierd, Switzerland. Seventeen persons, chiefly women and children, arc knowu to have been drowned in the flood at London, Ontario, The pauper emigrants who were returned on the steamers Fumessia and Spain ure in an extremely destitute condition. A great battle is reported lictween the forces of Cetawayo uud Obam, in South Africa. The latter chief was captured. 'Hie joint committee of the English house of parliament, to whom was referred the chaund tunnel scheme, lias rejected it. All attempts thus far made to raiso the sunken "tenmer Daphne have been unsuc cessful. Eighty bodies have been rocovered. The hou)*c of lords committee, which has t*een considering the Irish I .and Act, has reported, practically admitting that it is a f • 1 Mr.-. BUSINESS LOCALS. The best assortment of men’* aud boy** Brogans, just received at Anxti tt & I’e’i I shoo store, and are telling cheaper than you can buy them of any other bouse, of course. 27- 1 -2 U. ON l>and For Sale. A large tract of oil land for sale cheap. Apply toll. T. Blake at thin office. *tf A car load of Hough and Heady flour re ceircd at McGee & Macke. Try a sack of the finest flour in the market. Every sack j warranted. I The finest five-cont cigar in America at Walter'*. Onto Johnson dc flo. for vour painting, calcimining and paper-hanging. Wo do good work, and avoid making ouuecMsory dirt in calcimining or pointing. Johnson <*k Go. do the cheapest and beat paintihg, calcimining and j*aj»cr-hanging in the city. The most delicious bread in Cafion*nt Walter*. The best Five and Ten-cent cigars in the city at Brown *. It you want a fine imported cigar, try tho lienry Clay, at Brown’*. Messrs. Tynor «fc Odell, the saddlers, have increased their btisinms their removal one door cast. All of the best brands of flour at Brown’s. Warranted. McKissick is agent for the Thornton coal, which he will sell for f't per ton. Go to Johnson & Co. for good painting, kalsomining or paper-hanging at reasonable price*. Next to JeskcV The licet Ice Croam in Colorado at Wal ter’s. Another car load of Charter Oak stove* just received at AgardV 45-tf “ CHARTER OAK ” STOVES AT J C. AG A HD’S. We have an assortni* nt of gnu** seeds in stock, which w* will sell nt the lmvr-t mar ket rates. McGki: A Mack. Try a sack of our patent Snow Flake flour, the whitest flour in the mnrkcl, nnd warranted to please. M< Gku \ Mack. The Best Five-eent cigar in the state at Walter’s City Bakery, opposite the McClure house I’ig* for sale hy E Sell. Charter Oak Stoves at Agard’s DRUGS, ST/ FANCY GOODS A lid 4 PRESCRIPTIONS MeClur* nouns block I . . I V. UAYNOLDB, President. iFremont Cc CANON CITY, O L I) E S T 13 A N K INi Money to Loan In Larj \TE, COUNTY AND TOW! THE HIGHE INTEREST PAID Of € refer to any llsnk In Colorado nnd to J. H. PEAB< ft TTERS $ GEN' MEASURES . MADE CLO; DEALE B rMADE BC V CA.VO N I'ITl I BUSINESS LOCALS.® J I-'lsl* Wanted. jH A quantity of 15lack l>ass and wanted l»y E. Sell, Gallon City. Any ties able to furnish such will please (!o v|i pond with that gentleman iinmediate^BjS* I have in stock the linest cigars fered in this city for the money. A« '? them the following popular brands: SH ton & Storm, of New York ; SeidenboWi Co., Key West, and a genuine Importtßß' gar. Smokers desiring tirst-class low prices cannot do better than coll E. Brown's Cash Grocery. Ladies, We have a choice line of plain and hanging-baskets and flower i*ots. tiou A I.LIMP Sc C^B Barbed Wire. V Don’t buy until you get our prioes. V are prepared to make lowest rates. Allino Sc OH Try our maple syrup, on draft. H McGee Sc Macsß Pure apple eider at Walter’s City cry, opposite tho McClure bouse. Call on P»rown, the cash grocer, some Of his fr«-<h roasted and ground co^B Day School and Music. Mias Emma Freeman and Miss will continue their school during the mvr, and will tench the different E branches. Miss Ida Freeman will i iauo instruction. For particulars terms apply at the residence north public school building, on (ireenwcsnl n ue. * ‘i£t!^^B Thornton . coal at f 3 per U*n. order* with MrKissiik.r J. II i’cubodj^H A rar load of etone jars just rcc'<i McGee Sc Mack's, which are wholesale nr retail. ) NEW THIS WEEK 1 W. F. BAKER, l i P I'KAIIH IN Candies, Fruits, Nut. 4 AND ALL KINDS Ok , » CON FKCTIONI® THE BEST ICE CREAM ® To be had in the City. Try It. « B COMPOUND l BTTCETJ riTTSSSr AUK TI!E ItEST I For nil Kidney and I.lm TrooblM, S *l». Mio* il« »<)».<-j,... NrrvawinfM. and J GENERAL DEBT ! IT IB * M SPLENDPINOS 1 And Wh.t j * I . Tone Up J Piir.v S #nri Putty. & V u hot am! r * THV IT. For H»l. SF - llr.- hrt A Co., (,'af.on A.- jti * , Rcckefollow A to. Kockvlk^ John Austin, (Jalcna. yg P. D Uvli, Coal Crewk, * MtSTunillfw ft Mhcldor., Flnrpn.w. William U’oodstde. Wllllaiuibnrc W. A. UttlMon, Hester. M. I*. Ad»m»,furr»nl Greok r. M. Vlrdeu. Titusville. « *tSMHtb |» J. E. BROWN, CASH GROCER^ Has added A FINE COFFEE ROASTER To bis already largo and complete st ck ol the Th« Best Groon Coffoeni Which arc Roasted In hla Store. t Customers May Have Their Coffee Ground Without Extra Charge, and Ue assured thsf It Is *!**•>■ Irrsh win! Nice. JOHN IF BREWSTER, ir., , County Surveyor, Residence) corner Eighth and Macon * Avenue. PoatoOice Hex. 26A.Y. Cnnon City, ~ Colorado. tTIOHERY, , >, PAINTS, OIL Glaae, 5 A SPECIALTY. A r<cv “K. CA.MritF.bL~ Cashier. 4 iunty Bank,- COLORADO. IN THE COUNTY. ILL its branches. jo or Small Quantities. N WARRANTS BOUGHT AT iST PRICES. M TIME DEPOSITS. > the First National Itnnk of New Tork. DDY & CO., TS’ FURNISHERS. TAKEN FOR THING AND SHIRTS :rs in ?OTB & SHOES. COt.OIIABO.