DEMOCRACY VERSUS FREE DELIVERY. R«i«cte4 Beneficial Mmiret and Enacted Disastrous L*|iilatiaa. A Malty ol Beneficent Republican Law Fm Homesteads—Ra tional Irrigation—Fm Delivery. The democratic party baa cone on record aa baring strenuously optwsed establishment of rural free delivery aeivlca. an the ground that it was ab solutely Impracticable and too cxi>en elra ta meet Democratic approbation. Yet the only time this same Democratic party baa held the reins of power dur ing the punt forty-live year*. It in creased tbs national debt at the rate of half a Bullion dollars a day during its entire term a € oflice. and each day we t lost a half million dallara In foreign trade. The value of farm products de creased mere than five hundred million dollar*. Mautpsai D*Marr«tl« Mrtlae. The business of this nation, in two tnoothe after the enactment of the Wil aou law decreased six i*er cent. Banks dosed their door*, business houses as * signed, the balance of trade was against as. We had deserted mills, smokeless factories, silent machinery We had trani{>* and beggars and Indu* trial armies and starving women aud children. lu the midst of plenty, with bountiful crofts rotting unharvested in the Adda, at a million hearthstone* sat famine, pitiless and cruel! It shut the doer of Industry and clothed labor In rags It fouoht under the dishonored bai* der of free silver. It subscribed to the driveMng stupidity that a nation can create values by law. that the govern ment could stamp a lie upon firty cents worth of silver and make it a dollar. It opfsiaed keeping our flag in the Orient a ltd advocated that it he lowered in re treat and trailed in the dust of dis honor. And yet this same party which has not learned anything or forgotten anything In fifty year*, oppooed the ex tension ©P the rural free delivery serv ice on the ground of expense. rospls Csailsg lato Thole Own. At least ou per cent of our people are so situated as to he served success fully by the rural delivery service. They and their fathers have been the pioneers of this country. In blazing the traM of civilisation and In subju gating the land for the bcueflt of all the peeplr. They are the legitimate helm to all the benefits this govern meat caa legally and consistently be stow opea them. They are the natural bensfidartee of three of the greatest places of Republican legislation known to recast American history—that trln tty of lawa looking toward the creation ' and development of botnee on the pub lic dooMln for all who wish them— the hem ret cad law. the national lrriga tioa law. and the establishment of a rural free delivery. Each and all of fbaoe have been fought by the Demo cratic party and In after year* two of these measures have brm claimed by that party aa Its offspring. It Is more than probable that before the expira tion of another fifty years, the Demo cratlc party will claim the credit for having established rural free delivery. OsascWa “NlaS-Slghf.** The party's remorse over It* related fallores and Its attempt to deceive the psspte sometimes come* to the sur face and appears In a more or less piti ful light. For Instance, at all modem Democratic conventions the Democrats dow their veneration for the memory af Abraham Lincoln. Although while ho yet lived, while to was doing the deeds for which they now praise him. the Pomoerstic party, north and ooutb. exhausted the vocabulary of vitupera tion In traducing and maligning and revfltng him. They praised the great McKinley only ofter hla death. The mo tive In such casco mny be appreciated while the morals of a political party which seeks to have Its former opposi tion to o public measure forgotten In the loud clamor of Its present appro bation. cannot bo approved. nspslllf «• Pwiwt the Work. The rural delivery service will be rondourd under succeeding Republican administrations until It will be fully provided for the eirtlrtT-Unlted States. It drives home the Impression upon our people that this groat government care fullyJeoks after their Individual Inter ests and personal convenience aa far aa poaslMe. Through this service the gov ernment delivers at the doors of rural etttsmm their mall aa promptly and coneuelontly aa It delivers the same to the residents of cities. The service Is one of the greatest means for the dis semination of knowledge end Informa tion to the people of the country, they ham over enjoyed. By It they are en abled to keep In touch with the markets of the country and with current events In *■ part* of the world. It baa ripened Into a permanent service which will qnittano to Improve and eventually roach the door of the humblest dtlaoa ta Us growing beoeflts. ■s-r tMMtcml Results relieve, tt has removed the nightmare of looOUnem and of Isolation from the eomdry and brought to It many of the benedm of city life. It has allayed the which drove many of the better dam of youag people to the does. It has appealed to the densely populated dtleo whom noxious atmosphere he stone the dread disease of tuhorculedo and la* dnmd thorn to raise the cry of, “Beck to the lead, hack to nature,** and mam ant upon the extended plaint, peaceful wdlopo and the Inviting plateaus of the U |mC free ddlmty, the national trvtpMtau net gad the government tawocu the yoQmmlioef “Doc” Bryan Seems Unfortunate in Both His Remedies and His Appointees. —From the Chicago Tribune. LOST ONLY BIG CASE. Bryan Mad* Poor Showing Before Uni tod States Supreme Court. In a letter to tlie New York World a New York lawyer puncture* Mr. Bry an's legal record as follows: “Mr. Bryan's qualifications for high executive office must he Inferred from Ills record In the four lines of work in which he has engaged—namely, those of lecturer, journalist, lawyer and colo nel. “As « lecturer he is certainly at least the equal of Mr. Boowwlt Aa a Jour nalist he Is probably the equal of Mr. Watterson or Mr. Hoarst In either capacity he Is probably the superior of Mr. Taft. “Aa a lawyer he cun best be Judged by his most famous case. This was the Nebraska rate case. His State Impos ed a tariff of maximum rates upon the railroads and hired him to defend It In the Supreme Court. The case was brought by persons Interested In the railroads agatust the officers of the State to get an Injunction to present the enforcement of the law. This rais ed. of course, the question whether such an action Is not an action against the State and therefore forbidden by the eleventh amendment to the United States Constitution. It la the same tiolnt which many of the Western and Southern States have been endeavoring to make during the past jfrar for the purpose of preventing Injunctions against their two-cent-fsre laws. “The Attorney General of Nebraska took the point In tills Nebraska rate case, hut Mr. Bryan overlooked It when be came to argue the case In the Su preme Court. lie made no defense against the Injunction on this ground, lie was beaten In the case, and Its de cision has been the basis for the devel opment of the doctrine of interference by the federal courts with rate legisla tion. If Mr. Bryan were President would he be likely to get the nation Into difficulty by similar oversights?" Tkt Choir* •( Agrala. The Issue settles down to a choice of agents, and here the Judicial temper, the Industrious energy, the repose of temperament, the unhurried and laaa spectacular art of achieving results commend Judge Taft as the safest laad er. Not In all things docs The Repub lican agree with him. but the measure of hla merit Is large. He has done things, while Mr. Bryan, the foremost political orator of hla time, has been a brilliant and magnetic propagandist. Hla service to the country In this field has been large but who will make the better President? The one man would he ea situated aa to Inspire and compel. In aa far as a President can. congress ta the forward march—the other might ha Farhad and held beck by the senate la a way to make the reactionaries glad, Bprlugtsld Bapubl learn. INSURES AGAINST DEMOCRACY. Big Wool Firm Fears Lose Should Bryanism Prevail. Sigmund Silherman of the Ann of SUberman Bros., dealers in raw wool. Chicago, have offered a premium of SIO,OOO for a SIOO,OOO Insurance policy against the election of Bryan. The firm is one of the largest of Its kind In the west and handles annually 25,000,000 pounds of wool. The stock 'being carried over election Is about 10,- 000,000 pounds. “We could easily afford to pay the large premium," said Mr. SUberman, “for if Mr. Taft is elected we can af ford it. and If Bryan is elected our lorn probably will be SIOO,OOO. We would lose at least 1 cent a pound of w# sold Immediately after his election or If we held It six months It would cost us a cent a pound for storage and care.” Mr. SUberman Is a Republican and Is confident of Taft's election, but aald that his offer to pay a 10 per cent premium on a policy maturing In less than three weeks was entirely a busi ness proposition unaffected by his po litical views.—Chicago Trlbune. A Dvaorntla ••Mala.** Hark! what means that rumbling— O'er the land. Can It be h platform tumbling O’er the land. The “Mule" It looking awful thin. The Bryaultes have lost their grin. They feel their chauce Is mighty slim! O'er the land. They fed that "Mule" the best hay O’er the land. They felt sure he would make It pay O'er the land. They rod* him up against the wall, Thera he bucked—and let them fall, Ha naadad oats—not so much gall O'ar tha land. That Democratic “Muls" Is great O'er tha land. Hla leaders make a great mistake O'er the land. They try to work him night and day! That** what I hear the neighbor* say. He hardly can get time to bray— O'er the land. That tool **Mule" works to bast the hand O'ar the land. He eeeme ta be In great demand O'er the land. The time will come, not far ahead When he will wleh that he wee deed! And will go home end go to bed. O'er the lend. O'er the land. Then that old elephant yon know— With hla majestic step, eo alow; Will give that trumpet blast and roar. That will he heard from abort to shore! And for the poor “Mule" ha may sigh And walk away, with all the pin. -4C.8. Bptelmaa la Topeka Capital. The election of Taft will give aa Im pulse to ell new enterprises; the elec tion of Bryan would he m hold-up of —injaile to Maw up to a huS iMlf MbOhNßto BONAPARTE GIVES DATA. Replies to Daniels's Second Letter on Trust Prosecution*. Attorney General Bonaparte has re plied to a second letter from Josephus Daniels, chairman of the press bureau of the Democratic national committee, at Chicago, in which he complained that in the attorney general's answer to his first Inquiry as to trust prosecu tions be had not differentiated between the prosecutions under the Sherman anti-trust law and those under other lawa Answering the Inquiry specific ally. the attorney general states that under the Sherman anti-trust law pass ed in 1880 there have been sixty-five proceedings In all, fifty-six under Repub lican and nine under Democratic ad ministrations. forty-six since Mr. Roose velt became President, in September. 1001. and nineteen during the preceding elevqn years. Among the prosecutions of the Deiuo cratic administration the attorney gen eral says la Included resistance to the petition of Eugene V. Debs for a writ of habeas corpus. It is also asserted that five out of nine proceedings under IVuiocratlc rule were directed again**, labor organisations and their leaders, and that under Republican rule then have been In all three such proceedings out of fifty-six. Taft Pmcata tka Foots. Those who have been reading Mr. Taft's speeches during the present carn palgn must have observed that the Re publican Presidential candidate illus trates hla argument continuously by the citation of circumstantial evidence. He is not given to a fauciful. glittering generality sort of speochmaking- As lie himself has expressed it, he does not “float away Into the cerulean blue.” He proves his statements with the cart* of a lawyer arguing a case before a critical and discriminating judge. In the speeches which be has been delivering in Ohio this week he has taken up his own record while a judgv of the United States district court upon issues in which organized labor Is In terested. He claims that his act In grant lug an Injunction in what is known as the Arthur case has been not a hindrance to trade-unionism, but has operated to the building up and numerical Increase of labor organisa tions. In hla speech at Zanesville he sakl: “I only expressed achat the law was at that time, in an opinion which It happened to me to formulate. Under that opinion the trade-unions have doubled ta this country; they never were in each a prosperous state; the American Federation of Labor has In creased 100 per cent. The laker organ izations have never reached the point of ueefulneea before that they new have. They have never exercised the useful influence or the power in pro tecting their own Interest* before aa they have under the law aa I laid It down mm ton or fifteen yean ago.**— Baltimore Amortann John Worth Menu toe Democratic caa- BPYAN SIDESTEPPED. Seven Pointed Queries Propounded the Democratic Candidate. Vailed to Answer Any of the Questions. Prior to his recent speech at Omaha Mr. Bryan had pn*pounded to him the following pertinent questions by the Omaha Bee. Mr. Bryan did not see tit to attempt to answer any of them. Th« QaealioM. 1. You, Mr. Bryan, are making much of Democratic friendship for labor. Why Is It that practically no legislation to protect labor has been enacted in the southern States in which Demo crats have absolute control? Why are there no child labor laws in the south i Why are there no laws to protect wom en wage earners in the south? You and your fusion friends had absolute executive and legislative control of Nebraska for several years. Why was no legislation to protect labor passed then? Why did the wage workers of Nebraska have to wait for succeeding Republican legislatures to remove the £*,ooo death damage limit, to get an equitable employer’s liability act and to get a child labor law? 2. You, Mr. Bryan, are trying to make your paramount issue. “Shall the ]>eople rule?” The most advanced step toward popular rule has been through the direct primary. Why is it. Mr. Bryan, that your fusion friends when iu complete control did not give Nebraska a direct primary law? Why Is It that the Republicans of Nebraska had to secure the direct primary law over the opposition of the Democrats? Why is it that the progressive Repub lican States have enacted direct pri mary laws to bring the filling of offices closer to the people, while the Demo cratic States of the south direct pri mary laws have been enacted avowedly to disfranchise the people? 3. You, Mr. Bryan, are bidding for office on your anti-trust remedies. Why is it that all the effective legisla tion against illegal combinations have l*een enacted by Republican congresses and for the most part by Republican State legislatures, while the Democratic States baTe no effective anti-trust leg islation? 4. You. Mr. Bryan, are bidding for labor votes by promising to abolish the writ of injunction in labor dis putes. Do you not know that injunc tion abuses have been chargeable as much to State courts as to federal courts? Can you name a single Demo cratic State which has passed a lew to prevent the abuse of injunction by State courts? Why was no such law passed in Nebraska when your fusion friends were in complete control? 5. You. Mr. Bryan, are bidding for votes on your scheme of bank deposit guaranty. Oklahoma is the only State that has put such a law on its statute i-ooks. Why have none of the other 1 democratic States enacted deposit guar anty laws? You. especially, intro duced such a bill into congress in the early 90’s. Why did you not get your fusiou friends to enact the bill as a state law when they were in complete •'ontrol of Nebraska? A deposit guar anty bill, which you endorsed, was offered in congress last winter as a substitute for the V reel and bill, but only a handful of the Democratic con gressmen voted for it. the remaining others voting against it or refusing to vote. The only Democratic congress man from Nebraska was one of those who refused to vote. If your endorse ment of that bill was unable to make These Democratic congressmen vote for It last winter, bow will you be able to make them vote for It next winter? 6. You. Mr. Bryan, are trying to make much of the popular election of I'nited States senators. We have the statement of Mr. Tibbies, made three rears ago, that a large sum of money, said to be $15,000 or $20,000, was con tributed by “Ryan. Belmout A Co.” In 1004. through your brother-in-law to ward your campaign for United States senator in Nebraska. la Mr. Tibbies mistaken In his assertions? If so, why did you not correct them long ago? If not. why did you not put your name nu the ballot as a candidate for senator and ask a vote of popular preference under the Nebraska law which gives von that right? Why did the Demo crats refuse to submit candidates for United States senator to popular vote in Nebraska In 1898. in 1900 and 1904? 7. You, Mr. Bryan, are making much of publicity of campaign contri butions. Nebraska has a campaign pub licity law. but It was eoucted. as you know, by a Republican legislature after • our fusion state administration bad failed to pass such a law. Why la It. Mr. Bryan, that your brother-in-law iud Democratic campaign managers have persistently and wilfully violated the Nebraska campaign publicity law? Why, If you are so devoted to campaign fund publicity, were you so insistent hat the $50,000 contribution to your campaign made by the Bennett will "liould be kept secret? a Finally, Mr. Bryan, will you obwse tell us why you keep up the dl*- 'looest fusion masquerade In Nebraska? Why do you permit your Democratic residential electors to be misbranded m the official ballot as populists? Are •hey not trying to get votea by false pretenses? la It not for the purpose of fooling populists Into vottag for you. who would otherwise vote for tbs pop ulist candidate for president? If this fusion trick ns played In Nebraska Is lefended by you ns legitimate, why do vou not try to play It on other otatse? Tba Democratic party Is absolutely leceossry to restore prosperity." 4s •larsd Mr. Bryan In bis speech at Max well. lows. Tbs Inst time tbs D—o •relic partywsa rry bed bed sssss prosperity sines then. A BRYAN IN LEAGUE WITH LIQUOR DEATERS Gov. Hoeh Has Some Interesting Correspondence on the Subject. Just as the temperance people off Kansas were beginning to believe that Wm. J. Bryan, the Democratic candi date for President, would make a pretty good standard bearer. Governor Hech comes along with some correspondence that is calculated to put Bryan out of the running as a temperance candidate. Governor Hoch got into an argument with a Democratic politician at Marion and made some statements he could not back up with proof on a moment’s no tice. However, he sent to Nebraska for it and got everything he wanted. The Omaha editor to whom Governor Hoch wrote not only confirmed every statement made by the governor but be sent copies of letters written by Mr. Bryan himself In regard to the pro hibitory amendment when It was up for adoption by the people of Nebraska in 1890. In this letter Mr. Bryan says in other words that he is opposed to prohibition but that he wanted the Nebraska Dem ocrats to make no declaration on the subject. This occurred in the campaign in which Bryan was elected to Con gress. The Democratic platform de clared against prohibition and Bryan stumped the State on the anti-prohibi tion platform. All this is shown in the correspondence In the hands of Gov ernor Hoch and it Is brought out by the criticism made by Democrats of Taft because in a speech in Topeka three or four years ago he made the statement that “it is hard to legislate morals into people." The Bryan letter written to a Demo cratic friend prior to the Democratic convention in Omaha in 1890 reads as follows: “Your favor just received. I expect to attend the convention at Omaha and am glad you are going. I will try and leave here at once, so that we can get together and talk over the platform !>efore the convention. I have no doubt we will agree on tariff opinions, but 1 have been In much trouble over the temperance plank. I, like yon and the great bulk of the party, am opposed to prohibition, but thought as the Repub licans took no stand on prohibition we bad better content ourselves with a dec laration against sumptuary legislation such as we usually have. “We have a number of men who will vote for the prohibitory amendment. They do not ask us to declare in favor of prohibition, but simply to do as the Republicans have done —leave It to each individual to vote as he likes. By de claring against prohibition we will lose a good many votes, while we will not gain Republican votes. We tried that last fall In this county; declared In so many words against prohibition, and the saloons went solid against us. “I wish I could see you before the convention. Can’t you come up her* Tuesday morning and go from here to Omaha, and we can discuss all planks? Will draw up the plank yon suggest. Yours truly, “W. J. BRYAN ” DEPOSIT GUARANTEE AT WORK. Growth of Books to Oklokooo Aro Booatef hr Promoter*. The purpose of the deposit guarantee plan is to secure greater safety for de posits. But the business world wants sound banks as well as safe deposits. The failure of the deposit guarantee to meet the need of the business world, and its contrary tendency to encourago unsound banking. Is evidenced in Okla homa. where, since the guarantee law went into effect, out of seventy-seven hanks organized, forty-two started busi ness with but SIO,OOO capital. One pro moter is said to have planned the or ganization of twelve more. No guaran tee of deposits oan offset the danger of unsound banks. Even if insurance of deposits were all that is needed to per fect the banking system, it must ba recognized that no wise scheme of In surance perpetrates the folly of encour aging or permitting s continued In crease of the hazard. —Boston Herald. The Tw Srym. To attract votes, silent votes, Mr. Bryan is circulating two political docu ments of a strictly personal nature. Ona Is the “Prince of Peace" sermon, which is mailed to members of all denomina tions. It Is expected to do efficient work among the religious and benevo lent, to whom it is a bid to support Mr. Bryan as a truly virtuous man of lofty ideals and altruistic purposes—the good man who could do no wrong. The other document is an account of Mr. Bryan's visit to the Vatican, in which he gives an appreciative and pleasing picture of Pius X. This is sent only to Catholic voters. There Is no reason why any ona should resent Mr. Bryan’s unctuous so licitations to vote for him for reasons of religion. They will react upon him. for the American people* hate a hum bug.—New York Sun (lod.). A*»tkrr VMuwtr*4 Hon. W. J. Bryan—As a laboring man. a supporter of a family. dej>endant upon my day’s work. 1 am interest ad in this campaign. The all-important question to me is work flrst, wages sec ond. Will you kindly In your next address state definitely your answer to the fol lowing questions: What particular peUcy will you pur sue if elected, that will Insure more men work and better wages than they now have? JOHN G. SHUSTBR. Cw«alUMat off Worn. "When ha (Bryan) talks about «wths tag product km be may think be la ntaa kag at big corporations, but what be Is really aiming at. whether mmacwmm of It or net. is the workingmen, for cwvtatt sat of output amass curtail aeaat off work and discharge ef workingman^ (ration of hustnms Industry. Oa foa aaß3j*sCssrs.g.-s uff lEwaalk