VOLUME XXV. 1 of the 30 Established branches on the Western glope. Next visit Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday ~ morning, 17-18 Southern hotel. Home office Gnm.i Junction, first week every month Special treatment for crossed eyes nné other difficult defects of sight without drugs or knife. Consult H. Masten Risley, Optometrist and eyesight .pecisliuL S For Sale - Dry cottonwood at $2.50 a cord, stove length. Inquire .of George Turner, or leave orders at The Star office. agtf A full line of school su| li Star office. Eppe: he to the Stockholders of the Industrial Stores Company of Dolores, Colorado. You are hereby notified that the reg ular annual meeting of the stockholders of the saboved named Company will be held on the 14th day of January, A. D. 1922, at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. at the Town hall, Dolo res, Colorado. The meeting is held for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and transacting all other business that may properly come before the meeting. Dated at Dolores, Colorado, December 21, 1921. | J. T. MchiLL, President W. L. GLENN, Secretary. For Sale—Two water motor washers and one ringer. Second hand but in good order. Most any old price. 371tf Rust LUMBER & MERC. Co. Ladies’ Aid Cook Book. Have you bought a Ladies Aid Cook Book? If not, you had better get yours ‘ now. They make excellent gifts, and are easy to send through the mail. Only One Dollar for nearly Four | Hundred tested recipes. | é COMING | : January 23, Dolores Opera House i | ELMAB.SMITH | ¢ i SOOI OPPODOOPOOPODPI DO I reloiod Todo o, Dot Bt Fresh and Cured Meats Home-Rendered Lard 17:c Head quarters for Good Shoes at Fair Prices. Winter Caps at $1.45 Overalls $1.75 Groceries, Cordiments and Relishes Yours for service, INDUSTRIAL STORES CO. DOLORES. COLORADO :“‘&-&A-&‘“.&ana‘afin.&fifia,&‘u&&q » iMember Federal Reserve Bank b ! DISTRICT No, 10 ; 4 b < NAT), S- O : (mlalety B : i ={( A\tability 5 : &\’ Yervice /5 b i s i A b L # 2 # Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits # 5* > ¢ H. ). Porter, Pres. H. F. Morgan, Vice Pres. E {R.Stenger, Cashier AS. Miller, Ass’t Cash. § |LW. W. Byerg R. B. Dunham 1 \ WO g O T VOV VOO THE DOLORES STAR DOLORES. MONTEZUMA COUNTY. COLORADO, JANUARY 13. 1922 MICKIE SAYS— “TWIS NEWSPAPER ADVERTISES OuR OWN IN DISTANT STATES WHERE QR WOST PROMINENT BANKER OR. ERCHANT \S UNKNOWN AND THE INPRESSION TH' QUYSIDE WORLD GAINS OF THIS €Y DEPENDS ON HOW WELL YOO SUPPORT VouLR, HOME PAPER. AND HOW PROSPEROLS T LOOKS About Coal. After haying tried all the other brands, including the Cheap Coal, have you ever tried anything as good as Hesperus conl. It lasts much longer and holds fire until it is completely burned. A new vein just opened, it is better and cleaner than ever. THE RusT LUuMBER & MERC. Co. 40-43. You will miss a rare treat if you miss the next lyceum number. [ know Miss Smith and she is the best reader, imitator of birds and animals and child impersonator | have ever heard. C. L. FLANDERS. LOCAL NEWS NOTES. 1 Mrs. Corene Fulkersin left yesterday for her home in Mancos. e— ! C. L. Flanders of the Baptist church, 'h(‘ld services at Rico Sunday evening. E; W. Caylor of Lebanon was a ‘business caller at The Star office Sat urday. W. L. Glenn of Lebanon, returned Sa(urduy from a ten-days visit in Denver, J. H. Trimble was a Rico passenger on Monday,s train, returning home ’Tuesduy, i | Mrs. J. Q. Russell and children left for the homestead Sunday after a month spent in Dolores. ‘ ‘lc(.- harvest has been in full blast this week and a good quality of ice Wus put up. Lottie Puett and daughter went to‘ Millwood Tuesday after a visit with relatives in this place. ‘ | T e | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Philley were over from Cortez Wednesday shaking ;h:md-fl with old friends. The Dove Creek postoffice with all its contents was destroyed by fire about 11 o’clock Saturday night. Mrs. D, C. Reavis returned Monday from Durango. Mrs. Reavis spent the holidays with her son, John and wife. ~ Mrs. Story died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. For sythe. The funeral will be held today. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Trimble and daughter, Winnie, left Sunday for California where they will spend the winter, Mrs. Guy Fox and daughters re turned to their home at Rico yesterday after a few days visit at the R, S. S. Fox home. Undersheriff Warren Wheatland was oyer to Durango the first of the week on official business, returning home Wednesday. District Attorney George Lane came over from Durango Wednesday to look after official business. He was prose cuting some bootleg cases at Cortez yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelly returned yesterday from Durango where they had been on a short business trip and departed on the afternoon stage for their home at Cortez. 1 The Union service next Sunday even ing will be at the Baptist church. Special music by the choir and a simple gospel meeting should be a sufficient inducement for you to attend. The members of Volunteer Hose Company No. 1, accompanied by their wives, ate chicken supper at the Dodge In restaurant Monday evening. After supper a short business session was held. ‘ The January meeting of the Parent ‘Teachers Association will be held in “the High School building Friday even i ing, January 28. An excellant program will be given and all members are |ur;zed to be present. ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pryor, and 'daughter, Ethel, and Anna Giorgetta iweru initiated into the mysteries of ‘the Pythian Sisters Wednesday even ing. After lodge lunch was served }nnd a general good time enjoyed by all | present. A double-header basket ball game will be staged between the Arriola ‘and Dolores schools tonight (Friday, January 13) at Bp. m. Both boys and ’girls will play. Dick Wilson, the stage driver between Dolores and Cor ‘ tez, has been engaged to transport the ‘visiting teams. ‘ With railroad connection to the south byway of Gallup, and to the west byway of Monticello, and a saw mill that will employ three hundred men and double our population, Dolores will be the biggest and best town in Montezuma county. Prosperity is certainly headed our way. Are you preparing to takej_o.ur share. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kuykendall and Roscoe Kuykendall and family left the first of the week for Montrose where they will make their homes. W. P. Jocated on the Granath mesa several ‘years ago and by hard w_ork put con siderable land under culhvatl'on. He has sold part of his possessions and signed up 160 acres to the San Juan railroad. He is leaving here because he feels that when a man reaches the three score and ten year mark he should ease up a little on hard wurk.i and because he expects to find a pl.ncei where he can make money easier, They have a small tract of land on the edge of Montrose 'whlch he will work‘ to pass away the time. H. F. Morgan went up to Soulen’s mill Wednesday. If you toot your little tooter and lay away your horn, within a week there’'s not a soul will know that you were born. The man who tries to advertise by short and sudden jerks is the man who’s always kicking because it never works. It is the policy of The Star not to ‘publish items of idle gossip nor to men tion the petty scraps that take place occasionally in our community. We racognize the community as one big family —and family quarrels do not look good in cold newspaper type. There may be occasions, however, when the peace and dignity of the entire com munity might become envolved, and at such times we would feel that it was our duty to direct attention in a gen eral way to certain abuses, if by so doing there be hope of correcting them. A good way for anyone to get their names in The Star is for them to do something worthy as well as of inter est. But go away with trouble! Rebekahs Install Officers At the regular meeting of the Re bekah Lodge, Thursday night, January sth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weaver were initiated, and Monday night, January 9th the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs held joint installation. The following Rebekahs were in stalled: Cliffie Thomas, N. G.; Georgia Johnson, V. G.; Minnie St. Claire, conductor; Ethel Jennings, warden; Lilly Dunham, chaplain; A. W. Hoppe, secretary; Lula Brumley, Fin. Sec.; Iva Spyers, treasurer; Helen Bradfield, R. S. N. G.; Pearl Lowe, L. S. N. G.; Alice Akin, R. S. V. G.; Mary Taylor, L. S. V. G.; May McAnear, P. N. S.; Lenore Beaber, 1. G.; Eva Arnold, O. G. A nice lunch was served and all report a nice time. They usually have something doing so watch for an nouncement of the box social soon. LAKE VIEW Miss Emma Ellermeyer 1s visiting her sister, Mrs. Camp while Roy is away with the lambs. J. W. Berry lost a fine young calf by bloat Sunday. Mrs. Frank Dunham visited with Mrs. Berry Wednesday of last week. The Ninth grade girls, under the supervision of Mrs. Taylor, ure pre paring hot lunches which are served to the children at noon. Quite an idea. Several of the patrons of the Lake View school were tagged, while in Cortez with a P. T. A. tag. Too bad that the citizens of Lake View can not see the necessity of this organiza tion. If we had the P. T. A. in good working order we could save gasoline running around with our various peti tions. One day a few weeks ago we needed a small article which we purchased at the Cortez drug store for 36 cents. Shortly afterwards we needed another article exactly like the one purchased at Cortez and bought it at the local store for 10 cents. Whose fault is that? Mr. and Mrs. Rauh and son, Creigh ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kruse. Mrs. Olson spent Sunday afternoon at the Irving home. Myron Kruse has been doing some butchering for Wm. Ritter this week for the Taylor-Ritter trade. Wm. Ritter was in our neighborhood Sunday looking after his interests. One car ventured through this week. We never heard where it thought it was going nor where it went instead. Miss Lola Fitzwater is visiting the Englehart family in Cortez. The Berry pond has been the center of attraction since the young folks found the ice in good condition. Bon fires and shrieks of happy youth are part of the game. Some of the young sters are learning to skate and take a few hard bumps. The Irving children are back in school after battling with chicken pox for several weeks, GRANATH MESA Mrs. Tim Jones has been a patient in the Cortez hospital the past week. Edward Widick was on the mesa Saturday after a stray horse. The Community club spent Wednes day of last week with Mrs. Arthur Starkey. The Schofield family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gross. Ira L. Harmon, Roy Pryor and Mike Spyers went to Cortez, Thursday to prove up on Mr. Harmon's 160 acres. Rev. S. L. Ford took them to Cortez in his car. Mrs. Will Gilliland of Dolores, spent Thursday with the Powers family. W. P. Kuykendall and family left for their new home at Montrose, Colo rado. = The boys and Ralph. Knoble drove the livestock sround by- the lower country to Montrose. Mr. Powers has rented the W. P. Kuykendall place. Wanted—Beef, veal, hogs, mutton, poultry, eggs, Belgian hares, pelts and hides. ____G.D. TayLoß. Itf Try DuPont’s cement the next time you break a favorite china or cut glass piece. Mends perfectly. Lena Bear. Have sold our coal business and mine to W. H. Wallace, who took charge of the same January 7th, 1922, we urgently request that all persons owing for coal bought before that date make prompt payment to the un dersigned. A. D. LYEN CoaL Co. | Dolores, Colo. | MONTEZUMA LODGE NO, 145 ‘ A.F.and A. M. Stated Communica- | tions Second and Fourth Thursdays of Each Month. Visiting Brothers Cordially Invited CHARLES W. LiLLy, W. M. CHARLES L. FLANDERS, Sec’y. THE SOUTHERN HOTEL S # Dolores’ Leading Hotel st s HARRY MORGAN, Proprietor aooD ROOMS. CLEAN BEDS. FIRST CLASS MEALS. M B A favorite with commercial men and tourist o 8 s DOLORES, - - COLORADO Re O R R T R O O R : QUALITY FIRST. SERVICE ALWAYS. ] ; Do You Like Good Literature? 3 P We keep on hand a good assortment of the { ; latest and best magazines. These long winter even- ¢ ings afford you time to read some of the real good : E stories now printed. H P CHAS. H. RASH & CO. § DOLORES, - COLORADO < L&m“‘fififi‘flfiflfi-fln&flfififi-&fi ol LATE AGAIN? : b Why carry an unreliable watch and be inces- : santly annoyed by its falsity, when a good, depend- ¢ able one can be bought for a small sum of money; ¢ or perhaps the one you are now carrying can be 4 repaired and made reliable. Call and see. VINCENT E. ST. CLAIRE ° DOLORES, - - - - - COLORADO 4 L&m“fi&u‘flufl:&flfifi&fihfi“ rmwuag&&unaannnfl } E * J. J. HARRIS & COMPANY » BANKERS k DOLORES, - - - COLORADO : i Capital and Surplus - $55,000.00 : 4 . P 4 We pay 4 per cent interest on ; i Savings Accounts and Time Cer- : 1 tificates of Deposit. E 1 American Banker’s Association § b Travelers Checks for sale. b 3 Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. § A good place for your check- : ing account. : iJ. J. HARRIS, Pres. A. F. HARRIS, Vice Pres. : R. S. S. FOX, Cashier, F.H, RICKHOFF, » i . : - Ass't Cashier p 4 Fora b b : mmmvmvvwvd NUMBER 41 | FORD . THE UNIVERSAL CAR ! NEW PRICES ‘ (F. 0. B. DETROIT) Chassis - - $295 RN | Touring Car - 355 l Truck Chassis 445 . Coupe - - - 595 ! Sedan - - - - 660 i These are the lowest prices of Ford | cars in the history of the Ford Motor j Company. ;RUST LUMBER & MERC. CO. DOLORES, COLORALO