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The tri-weekly herald. [volume] (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 18, 1865, Image 1

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V .O
IL mam adda-u
15. Dllars for 3 'eih0)Denoted to the Dissemination of Gehevil iformatione L siawle cope 0Cn~
.0 VLUM I. . -EW BERRY, S.C-T~EDX4ARIL 18, 186'NUBR ~
VOLUE I. NT D--Y, ]?-.IN
Ivery Tuesday, Tfurs1gy anI Saturday,
By Thos. F. & E.. Grensker,
Terms-$15 for three months, in advance.. Ad
vertisements tnserted at the raAe of $5 for first
insertion of twelve lines or less, and 6-1 for sub
sequent insertion.
Arming the Sla ts.
The Wilmington Journal has afways been a
- warm supporter of the admiais:ration. Ju.t be
fore the city fell, however, it took occasion to
dis.ent in strong terms against sone one of the
- measuire-of "the powers that be." It gives a
frank opinion, plainly expres.d, against aring
the- s' . The rguments used are good.
Thk cannot well,be Auswe2rod. Here they are
Asia genera rule our negroes prove faithful, and
will probably continue to do so, so -Ylng as the
enemy conitinues to put th'em in the army, and
.we do not. In this diAl"rence we have our main
guarrantee for their tidlity. Reiove, this guar
anltee and what other have we?
We may say-we may' feel-yea. we mav
know thut we are tr'uer friends of the colored
race than the cremy, but that kQowlodge or be
.ief on our part is not all that is needed. The
colored race must share that impiession-mnst-1
be led to feel that this is their country, and that
they have an interpst ia fighting for it, Can we
feel ans a-surane of thiz? V o'er them free
-dom af:tr' t.e war, as the rewazi of their services -
in Oh war. .The eneniv offTrs it inmedia;eiY to
L 1uny catze thc boon is a- do:.btful one, but
o ori c- a s a : ar d- an u:du cmntt c! r
r . r almit tha: IL is a boo., :nd
e negroegbe ied- to'Sl) co:1SidekO._
ey be disposed to t;e it from us as a cont'n
ane thet war, nr om the Ynee at
e ' i true, (oce in teC hlucAs ofthe e
ev win'A M v.it ofJ ared: t i geI
t t:s to, ti':a sinfodo u: ay 0Ir thre
,)e il of h-s birt,, wi i
the lim:G :ot sui is~ *' temper..g:iu an con
me t imi . y way L o WJLV 4L)A to cy l.
decemenOus enrimdo:To C-re zi;-e "Vit
e1!l. noth,iig 1to3 P-omi;*1-.iad and coun:seatedc
rocrtyolhine'n .-Jple ad i s obl
Dvs -rio::s are now the bare of our armies id
br w'eatei to worL ul' of our _ountry. De
serters are not iml 'ilty of sins o u lminilon
y being absent from e rea,k that defnd the
contry, but they are :: ah4-sA (11lity o: '411z
of c.iviis.io i prevting cp,eitin and co
mitting azts o robciery aad-destruQen, and nen
aouot be spard to repress these outrages ard
coapel t retur. oi these men to their con
mands. cw muh ill the lst of desertions2 be
-swellied if two,h uidred thousad reluctant negros
are to be araed unid nlaced in the ran,-t to Li
tribute their quota ? Is it not td f tat
every swarp wili be alair-a lurking p ' of de
rter, of every hue? Wi3at safety willthere "
for propey ?-What chalce - for culivt.on
when the-nrosLable-bodied laborers. are takel
fromn the r'nkspf tiie producer4 to whom they
will become liablk to bec0me a terror..
'We, do not inciude,in our calculation the mere
question of 1prry. WVhere, the lives' of the
* -~best aznd breves~t are daiily and hourly exp~o-ed,
we do not see whrat extra saLe.t ca hedv'ge
.yy.ere question of property.. Te qruestio.
takes in smpl the practicabil:. of th suee
the ;prbability of im s:ces& , *athc::
quenices likely to Slow fro:n o'- toacopy
i?. We ee'-fess that there ny be e i:a
tions that we have ove: .otd or we ' :: hi'.e
- attached undne weight to the. unfatvo:
pet of the question, but hiowever that mayI be,
.candor compels us =to say that our rn%enons
have nlot-as yet H4thg. effect of commnenxdi sg
-the mneasure-- to our juidgmnent.- The mor"e we
ot a the thing; the more steorgiy does f ur
mind revert to its erst conclusion. The fidelity
* *bf the negro is secured to as by not putting him
- n tre army,' while the enemy does. The carr.y
ing oamt of the measure of a'eming our negroes,
wvoidd, we fear, resuit in a speedy crop of der-r
ter-s of the most dar.gerous class.-C/wroficle ard
Dn~ticr.- Among .the features thamt adorn
the fematle characeeg delicacy vtands foremost
within the province of good taAt. Not that del
zcacy ainays in quesCtCo something to be asha : ei
of, which-mah2es menrit gf a blush, and simpn'ers at
the confetiton whinch its own ingenuity has put
upon an innocent remark : this spurious kinud of
deliency is far removed fromr good sense butr
the high-minded delicaacy which minktiins its
pure and undeviatiug walk amnn women in the
society of men which ,shrinks from no necessary
duty, and can speak, when reouired, wit seris
ness and kindness, of things at which-i: ouki be
ashie.mn, d to smi!e or blush-thee delicacy wh-ich
'ons how. :.u confer a benentr without w.'oundirng
Ce ice ;r:-s -of another-which -e ; ahn
The English Press on Lincoln's Second
Term of Office.
Tnt RCoGNIrTON QrstoN I~ A Nw LIGnT.
The London &andard has an editorial on. the
secor4 inauguration- of 'Lincoln. It says: Mr.
Lincoln, in- 1861, could claim, with some show
of reason, to be the President of' the whole
thirty-four states ; for, though fifteen of them
had unanimously and pereuipto!ily rejected hiln,
they had taken part in the election which~ led
to his triumph. Mr. ;Lincoln, 1865, is manifestly
the President on1Y of the North. Not only hive
the eleven Confederate States taken rio part
whaeier in the eleetion, but they have been ex
eluded from it by formal and'express legislation
The pseudo government of Lonisiar., and
T-nnessee chose delegates to cast the vote of
th-se States; and that vote has been rejected by
the Congress at Washlington. It is formally
declared that the eleven States which form the
Confederacy are out of the Ur ' The pozi
tion of the Federal Go0ernent th-as material
lV changed.
* To treat Mr. tineoIn as Pireidont over
the Southern States, in virt,.e of the receti
election, is to commit ourselyes to a *hole
ti-sue of ubsurd ties ; if those States are portions
of the- Union, he has not been elected at ali i for
that can be no election from which one-third of
the con'stitent bod- is e\cluded. If they are
portions of the Union, Congress could have no
F-ght to exclude or disppnse with their votee.
Is they no longer belong to the Union, then Mr:
Liinoln ias no authoriEy over them, and his
present enterprise is an attempt to conquer an
hide'pnd,.. nat.o , not to subdue rebels. In a
word, ither the election is valid, in which case
the 'eeven Confeder-'te States are not menmbers
of the Union, or it is invalid, and the Union has
no goyernincat iabatever. If Mr. Lineo!n be
lawiu& P'esidentof the Union, the seces-ion of
the Soutir is a legal fact, and Mr. Davis is lgally
President of the Co;federatf Statel. If we re
cognze thie present Governiont, of the United
States'at all, we dLy by implication, recognize
the ildependence o- the South. We have, of
course, io p Lhat any suoh argument will
i!;fluence the policy. of the Adiunitratidu.
W ith thtpoi:1 Cy veither jmtice nor reason has
an.Y. t r( . It d n the comp4rative st rength,
ijot on %.b h;Ionlatie or legal rights, of the two^
Confederae':es that the action of Hvi 'djesty's
Gover. ,nt d . pnrt. tere isia melucholy
in st:ippng away the lst shred of
cxcuSe th:k:. has hidJen from Eng]ind the in
wor:hiess of ie rnrt she has teen rAle to
pLay, and e:posing to all eyes ti0e naked hypocrisy
of Lord uselfs "strict and impartial neutraity."
1th ; s T -N I .VE .-A peculiarjty of the
\iennes is'the multitude of grecetings which
they use in salutatioins,' whether on the prom
en.ade, iti the social circle, 'or in daily inter
course. "I wish that you have had a Zood
dinner, is by far the most u9nal salptation
a'ter dinner, instead of "good afternoon." If
they n,vet you bere dinner, aft hour or two,
thie Slutation is usually, "I wish you may
have a good dinner." This is-everi common
among buisness men. We h:ge seen gentlemen
enter a counting-house full of clerks, silent
and bwsy at their desks, , and excite themr all
by %isDing they may have a good dinner, in.
stead ofsimply saying, "god morning." In
the 4)etter circles it is- not at aIN unc!omnion
for the dinner party, the repast being ended,
to rise, shake hands all rouni ,and expreis the
wish to each other that no ill cifects may b.
experigeed from the dirfner. The parting
sautation at night is infinitely more expres.
sive thain opr "good niightr." The Germans sav.
"yyou sl1eep well, "A pleasant repose,'
"Pleasant dreams." Their "good bye" is al
watys a stron;~ farewell: "Leben sie whoiu
(:ry you live w;ell). The'gentlemen kiss encd
other on~ meeting. rs our fair sex do at home:
-------.h::e more than once enjoy.ed a hear t'y
honTh in our sleeves on m eetinIgsomne iiercely
wis~kered and inoustached friend, 'and sub-~
mnitting to his hugs and kisses, and "mny
dears," before the host of promtenaders. 'Du.
ring these charming performanrces, bands 0'
nIusic sw.tioned at different points play livel:
tunes, and ahtogethe~r we have a lively time.
Ladie's Rep~ository. ___
The Chicago Times of the 25th urges ths
North :.ot to indulge irT :oo sanguine antici
'pations of a speedy victory ; that many 'times
since the beginnin-g of the rebellion, things
looked equally bright, but their roseate an
ticipations were followed by h'umiliating~ dis
appoinment~ "That there are not half odds
againrst the rebels of '65 as of our r'evolutiona
ry fathers of "i6"; that all hist'ory is full of in
stances where people passed through mnore
desperate strai-ts and had been enveloped by
blacker darkp.ess than is found in the situa
tion of the Southern people.'at the present
day, yet who have finally triumiphed. Many
of the.present fatvorable indications ar false,
anti invented by unscrupulous gomd specula
tors. Thinks the prospects of the North high
]y favorable, but success far fromn certain.
A Wen~n in Er-M1!a han iei A-e &i et
[From the Pe.erslmrg Express.]
The Secret of Military Success.
History proves the truth of the Bible, that
the battle is not always to the strong. From
the earliest records of listory to the present
day, the smaller number .has won at least
three battles out of fire. Sudcess, in, war, de
p'ends on efficient organiza.tion, steady discip
line, courage and enddrance. 'Few men have
ever possessed the capacity to esta'blish those
things in a large army.
The Roman Legiqn numbered 8,000 men
--a Consular .armDf about .000, With this
force they conquered the world. A French
corps d'a,mee composes 20,000 men. Napoleori
was in the habit of saying he could not find a.
marshal who could handle trat number. The
Athenian'_, with 10,000 men, defeated the
Persians at Marathon, with 300,000 men, and
with less than three times that numbe: won the.
battles of Plates and Salamis, and drove five
millions of invAder:from their soil. With 500
men, the Swisg at. orgarteen, defeated 20,000
A ustrians. , With an .equally disproportionate
force they fought sixty pitched battles and
maintained their independence.
Bruce defeated Edward of England with his
trained army of' 100,000, at Bannockburn,
with 30,000 half-armed Highlanders.
The Prince of Orange, at the head of seve
ral small provinces of Holland, not one of them
larger than a Virginia county,. maintained
their independence against the mnost powerful
monarch - in Europe, and efeated armies
three times as numerous as Fis. own. and com
manded by John, of Austra, and Aleiander
Farnese, the greatest military leaders of the
Levden withstocd the whole power of Spain,
at that time the most warlike nation in Eu
rope. Maximilian. of Germany, Louis the
X ,f T0FranCe, and Pope Julius If. f6rmed
the infamous league of Canbray, for the de
struction of Venice. With heroic resolve she
entered the field. Superior forte might have
overpowered her, but God is ever on the side
of the right. Discord and dissension broke out
amon- her enenies. Their armies were de
feated,and Venice was preserved.
It will ever be so. The success of s gallant
struggle on the side of righ tai djustice againmst
wrong and oppression, is inevitable. A viitu
ous and ,rave people in a good cause have
never failed. If we are right and do not falter
wt must succeed.
Grart opened his grand campaign with
250,00 men. Has Richmond fallen ? Has
Petersburg ? The fact is, these hilf million
armies are simply humbugs, and are 4most
always the victims, if not of cannon, of pesti
ler.ce, famine and mutiny. Brave. men, well
organized, well equipped, are the sirews, tho
life, the soul of an a-my. Money cannot buv
t11. They fight, when they fight at rll
. principle. Week as we may appear, and
strong as the enemy may'seem, in the hour
of peril we shall have the strength of David,
our enemies the weakness of Gollah.
FooD .for WAK SToMnAC.s.-Tn the Me
moiriet Count Segur, vol. I, page 16, there
is the following anecdnte: My mother (the
Countess vle Segur) being asked. by Voltaire
1 respecting her healtlr, told him that the most
painful'feelintg she had arose from the decay
of het stomach, and the ditticulty of finding~
any kind of aliment thaut it could. bear. Vol
taire, by way of ponsolaition, assured her thA
he was once for niearlyv a y'ear in the same
state, and believed to be i:zurable, but that,
nev*erthC,ess, a very simple remedy had re
stored h im. It consisted in taking no other
nourishment than yo'lks of egg, beaten up
with th. flour of potatoes and water. -Though
this, circumnstance took place as far back as
fifty years ago, and respected so extraordinary
a persogge as Voltaire, it is astonishing howt
little it fs known, and how rarely the remedy
Ihas been psactised- Its efficac-y, however, in
case of debilitf, cannot be questioned. and the
Ifollowing is the mode of prepar-ing th'is valna
ble articia of food., as reconunended by Sir
John Siniclai,: Receipt-Beat uo.an egg in
a bowl, and then add sixz tablespoon-fuls of
cold water, mixing the wholo ,well together;
then add two table-spoonfuls of the farina of
potatoes, to be n.ixed thoroughly witb the
liquor in the bow]. Th:n pour ,in as. much
boiling water as will zonvert the whole into
jelly, and mix it well. It may be taken either
alone, or with the ad'dition of a little milk and
roist or best sugar. not, *only for breakfast,
but in eases of great stomnachc debility, or in
consump tive disorders, at the other meals. The
dish is eght, easily.digested, extremely whole
some ar,d nonrishing. Bread or biscuit my
be taken with it as the stomach gets stronger.
One of our citizens was thus accosted by.
the landlord: "As ev'ery thing is on the rise,
I feel it my duty to raise the rent. "Sir,"
tsaid the terant "I feel uty rtf o
WoMEN IN PAncorAy.-Every body smoles
in Paraguay, and nearly every female abaje
thirteen years of age, cbews. I am wrong.
They do not chew, but put the tobacco in
tl*r mouths, keep it there constantly, except,
w en eating, and instead of chewing, roll it
about with their tongue and suck it. Only
imnagine yourself about to salute the rich red
lips of a magnificent little Hebe, arrayed in
satin and flushing with diamonds; she puts
you back with one delicate hand, while with
the fair taper fingers of the other she draws
forth fro n her mouth a brownish black roll of
tobacco,.quite two inches long looking like a
monster grub, and depQsiting the savory mpr
sal onthe-rim of your sombrero, puts qp her
face, and is ready for your salute. I hiii
sometimes seen an over-delicate foreigner turn
with a shudder of loathing urgder such circum
stance, and get the cpithet.el spo (the sav
age) applied to him by the offended beauty for
this sensitiEe squeamishness. Hpwever ond
soon gets used to this in Paraguay, where yot
are, perforce of fashion, obliged to kiss every
lady you are introduced to; and one half yoii
meet are really tempting enough to render you
careless of consequences; you would sip the
dew of the proffered lips in the face of a to.
bacco battery ; even the double-distilled hon
e3 dew of Old Virginia.
In Missouri, the citizens of which have suf.
fered -more terribly from fiendish barbarity
than any other in the Confederacy, more than
usual quiet prevails. The Yankee troops haTs
gune, and the sad sufferers are allowed a little:
respite, the hours of which will be made the
more bitter by the unavoidable contemplation
uf their desolation and misery. Spots once:
occupied by flourishing villages are now a
blackened waste and as silent as the grave. 1a
numerous instancesthe yankees not only -burn
ed homesteads, but.shot toe inmates, both male
and female, and made their home their funeral
pyre. One instance is recorded in which A
father was shot and scalped, the mother and
li,te son shot down, ansd al, with a sick
daughter, who was unable to move were burn
ed up in their dwelling. The Yankee officers
made sport for themselves by walking through
a t:wn at night. and %.hen they saw a family
grathered rouid the fireside would fire their
pictols through the' window in the, group.
Such has been the cbaracter of the Federal
troops who have held sway in Missouri.
A RE[ARKABLE WOMAN.-We wish it dis
tinctly understood that in publishing we do'not
iouch for the"Veracity of the following remark
able incident. An exchange paper gives this:
account -of an eccentric lady still at large. in
the city in which the incident is said to bave
occurred :
"A lady entred one of the cars yesterday,
and foundvery scat taken. A gentleman iose
and invited her to accept the seat he had va
cated. She did so, politely thanking him for;
his kindness. The lady wore a dark delain
dres., plain shawl, and an ordinary tan color
ed straw hat. She had a fair complexion,
smi'ing countenance, keen black'eyes, and an.
expression .that indicated a good degree of
intelligence. Her appearance was neat and tidy',
hpr face was free from dirt and paint, iei- hair
was smoothly conibed, without .curls or friz
zles, or beau catchers. There was nothing in'
the appearance or deportment of this individ.
.ual that would attract special attention, or
lead any one to suspect that.sbe was 'hot in
sound mind, save the fact that she bowed po
lit ely find thanked the gentleman ,who gave
her his seat. This eccentricity is sufficient to
show that the lady is not in sound mind, and'
she ought not. to be at large."
A t the ball at th~e English Embassy in Paif,
Madamie Rimsky Korsakow adopted the em
blems of the peacock. Her dress was of white'
tulle; embroidered-all over with Argus eyes- .
A tunic reaching from the waist to a little be
low the knee, was composed of striped velvet,
recalling the colors of the peacock ; buncbes
oi peacock's feathers evebry where, beld together
by bouquets or emeralds and diamonds, and a
peacock, perfect in form, shipe and color,
adorned her forehead: The ornament was'
composed entirely of the finest brilliants and
emeralds. The neck of the bird with its crest
being formed 14f the most splendid sapphires.
The whole is said to have been more curious
arnd striking thanistrictly in accordance with
taste, but 3Madamne Rimsky K'orsakow does
but represent the tone and aspiration o.f the.
T:rs Sux FtowE---This plant has now he
come valuable both as a sure erop and useful
one.-From it is made a great quantity of oil
whiich burns well, and is also.ver.y good as a
mixture with the best linreed. for painting;,.
By hydraufic press 19 bushels of sunflower
seed ~have produced 23 galons of oil.

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