OCR Interpretation

The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, November 11, 1851, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053240/1851-11-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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f v" ,. OF y, 4 .t 1 E 4 Y 2 "
tF jI ti t '.y r
1 "'
4' 1
i71' o t t
O A S , P t7i
i .rt : t'Kf thin'-'flourishing
Q ie' a :tile
a . lteti".
d I ha of
eNiTwlH5 thhpe,'o
i ratlroae, , . the
f .Yore, pail l ariior , and
' o tigr; f o r . whft:h w t
fl; ' ''hni 1i ttl jr - ru 1'ile l
p>f' r liire tte fro irurces
'?Pr i. 4 i f r) 'attil' clunate
tit tirte.nf our - wide
f {?,;,.r ..u11'AC)t j;,~ in. her 'ter".
4Of cewerpI Itiindrod
i le','%ti itll so oral degrees
ngif tde,',:Ke.lii ifi r pro.
0; ali tlta+s gthl .,and
:a for i. nnd. iv anotherr, a li.ako
h nd theluxuries of.tlto
ptt, tgl cO, eat,:eorn,, rye,
,jiltha.l itrthorn range,
fi t iattldt fiof.tiro:S!'at''degriro of
7tt rils till. eugar," :cotton,
tt +ihal..'(ruits
ttid', of Pail Jut:idto " Texas
drt ed1tt n thoueand?eows; ells
ti rly: thr '-huitIrj:"thoueand.
" ?Fo'f ooe-3t6ndrbd organized
i '01i -s0pplied n ith " vows
"s p 1?o i es .tthrougliout the
-!- ar nt 111 nt'tra : ,-, duel er, " tvhn.. tns
j t' A d 1loY' Unlr- W itty,
l h istnigrattcirlrto.thht . Hatt of
q t 3':aS.'ar exceeding anything,.he
Th", firt rtes eitiflux of on.
ecEt the ;natural con.
utai, elirali deinaiul.for
. ttiing the value of land
Yhit b " 47-almtt;J n ;recedented.
c: "00A 4cst" vest ;,;fi r
! r. r1h peace, can now bo
h ?:oa~a q; attil'euch as
NO Woo. fise Bity: cents
"stout gold..for d;:dollars
ante"tions , have been
le a piton per acre4-St'. the
1ios th hea j f t'a ti , o
<1 s"
au_ r cp?,}t
p n' t, ,ottr , a'4sugavwiIl
ltl; rltex ihatu al:.
ou , o a u t o
etenPuiv i : e tn
oOn Uunpaed ihb,39not 4acl-.
o aynd man hereafter,. *hon ttn fr.
actl6ii kanlly coineR be Inclined to nor't -t
n tism,' sre but a repetionof to
-tmofthe Blnmtn36~, to44;
b heitar preci it :nc -a'ti e a
Ifec t~r p tlte tion friei'.he rd
one c to harm the cause of. the Sotto..
and the South BIdothern:t .ndar
From the 8ouU'Sthndiil1. ?
CutIhAw 4th November, 151. A
-. PrgIde D *y. ear'.i: t fi tIle eA
Southern Standard of the 29th ult., we fnd T
lthaj wlowIng:statentonL. copied fron Use j
Camden S.,uthorn Rep blic -
"The btiler day,f tir sor sixty praods, i
$arceliod tiiaudbn th:ieeorts fh - th
.g4Jtirathg. for Abolition: never: fivnel S
any negroes, and. 'uvier .would--huzar for to
a olitinuI i4,oe one asked why thesy wele 4t
tIttt)ttt(OWISaitd ial answered, that e t
are t strong enbough V' ' *
--Row all this is nere fiction 'Wokre; of
perfetdily sure ihat no such orcurrence, Iser of
thab;jiipg likeit,1 everdlid take place In at
Chrrppor we should certainly. hive heard. bi
ofit. We have torg. esided'in the tows, a
find ieen in the constant habit of free in- it
tercourse with tio penple of both the tCown. t)
and notghborhood. Frm ii tljo uhinent .b
of, .ho Llgislature in Decuiber last; till n
t ecston min Octobor we, on every suit- d
4 o occasion,- freely ltiterchange vi eWs
with-our fIllow-clitisa, wshonorer Imet
them, on the great political:qustin wthicht V
was agitating the State ; bui never, .in any. d,
sin le iista'nce, did we hear any word or
.l t:ation of hostility to the institution of
slavery; and we are fully satisfied 'hat to
population in the State, or atywhore else,
at be !noe peifectly, free fro: the.least.
tai;st onatilitionjam. ,We ahnost feel that
an apology is due to the honest, manly and
patriotic yeomanry of the District. for ,in
gravely noticing :so silly a slander upon Al
them; .. i is not done for: their saukq They "
do hot need it. But to dutahuse.the public. 0
Very respectfully, your ob't erv'ts. t1
M. MfcLF ir,
Jont LYNcH
Siuatervile, So. Ca.
g ----___ ____ -----..:
Qo' Messrs. A. WHITE & Co., are
Agehta for the Banner in Samterv'ill.- i
i in
Our Prisuc mis..
j' ?here is one point on ehic there can' be no
diversily of opinian in is'n South among' those
'heere true to:het, or cho hat..mde ip their
sli not to be slaver; that; is {f e ashuld by
f )rcc'l erA oossbetwren resistance aatttbjni'
rd: seesance. a' all Aar'da.
-. - -.'. -me. c
tray~ldafAenloc vb
an myvadetv, es
uIO-N. P
zCourt of Common Pleas and C*
SSessions fur Sumter District com- e
megdits sitting yesterday, Monday, the
19hinstajit.: .is-Ilonor JudgeWzutain foi
pesiding. Dockets all -light..a
Thll auaksgivisag. b
It wdbe seon by a proclamation of se
Gov. MEANs which is to bo found in anoth- hy
er'column, that ho has se aprore2s
giinsgtob observed as a day of Thanks. te
... . ...-cit
Stop snay Paper. hr
The Carolinian has beeni comnplaining
that tle ihidependece of the press is in'dan- tic
ger, because it has received several ordersF
in the language of the head) of thais article. 11
It 'is certainly disagreeable to have sneh Fr
orders e'ming in on an Editor, but we do 5i~
not fake the 'iewv of the subject that the al
Cdiolinaiafidoes ; our opinion is that ide- i;i
pendenep' of the press remains safe, whilst wi
the the press is allowed to disseminate doc- co
trintes suitablo to one portion (of the public he
in-spite *of any who. mny be opposed to tr
thema. It is certainly a novel doctrine, that to
the independence of the press is in danger,
unless cachintdividual is bou nd to take and st
pay-for a paper teaching political doctrines Ito
ountirely contradictory to their onin private, me
sentinidnts. We Can symnpathise with thd vic
Carolinian (or we- have hoard the cry of cli
"stop my fer,i' too,. but' we wvill en- da
tivor to bear' it.
What is to be Done.
This question has been asked again and c
again by the Separate Action Party, nawum. b
ing that the late electioni haw lhaced the U
State under the control of thoeco'operation a
party., But if i~ be remembnered that the of
Legiuluture .is -S'eeession by a majority, ti
that the Convuntion islargely in favor of
Separnae Action, this question might moure tht
properly come froti the othler side. W'ill mil
the.Conlvention after the sovereign people let
are tried still venture to ecede single and
ilono or will they be controled in their no
action bty the opinion of those whom- they try
represent? The co-operat ion party stands
where it stood before the May Convention.
Whe~re it-stood before the elect ion, golding
the doctrine *.that tunited secession is the wi
onywise an) practicable, remedy for our ag
wrongs. They believe that the Stuate is to
eniy piedged- to this. extent and that lie t
lssue of~ keparato- Seocession was prema. ti
turely forced upotn tiles people to the groat pe
idjuaryoV tho cause-of Southern Rigthts. at
Tza Tasun.--The nett amoumnt sub- cO
c odaft in the 'Ttessury of the United di
Sr e~ Gi tho etstna nt as *14,57h,187 49
'~ ~ ' ,lai
? ti 3,+1 yr5 3 '/.rS 7S " "' ^+-' c;y l i' Y'lt N; S-'a
. 1 ^li" Fi'!U'.3'ic' .. tt h{, +: f'"' 3'" .,:.,.tw'.. ' 4, i;
f" .t . c . M.
y tt }
: . L Cti 6r
e ,arn ddtee pR., ;oc:: tHo : Leiters
? b1Q.' 'o1+rl?l'dfmhn l rss
speiittral skt , Ct urtcousf ono Xtneriart ;
' d he't Y+t: ? .r}trgFr , " <wt,; , F _.
h'ltQV1 khlna toli er a to -hiM ' ".
at. bty b
at t ie btrioit t c htyi. 1 '
froth Mr. (rice tt w' 'ti
Ad"td :une aof::the.;editor . of st tiNorrih ;,,
morican in We6111 f tan. t tin hos
iidJ nfitr'ttw'r'itf ftia'fttterpeet* ton ,T tAerrf
he Tglgt tho-. tdneed itaitxit: c
* " ' , _' n ,' .at e
g3 ' mi!. ". ! "r F - , r " j'nrkt r si a ";. h" r
! p " Arlo .j " 6ni ue l by" thl4..te .13rit
h A dmi'rsl n utlta_" u? nunilwr' ofd t!
Or h vitE ' ; 0t ct;t lto 1aititig' tEio
Mthern.Vtsaet afrt iot ntc tates, ands A
t"apture ; ,U 9An 'r tia.= 4a"iwhicft' C
o ea aq tq,, Y y, b.ddxtined
ba with. hoXl to tntentinni; This "c i
'r'Is nntt ss .ppt1,' ilil 'ii .,; tt ul .t he tiiotvl 1 +o c
, f o
its:;natlif.i'tti t iii ltb tieiii hf'ttiaaett r>
Mi :Ct'ilteiiden.lo''ttie,; 3rit tiii jlifilf{atei.; a
W .. i e bolietio a similarorder .'losii d
the Freuah, yernrngnts;;called; for
like letter to. diet . ,vorp pteni .through
i represcntntive ..here. ,:;Wei can, feed.
me starving au octa:.;'off" Great Britain
s not.,neo, , tits pcrv ces pf.. nor} .
vv.as Poltcq{t 4rcg, ,9, pp;" ,
ill<' not-li .rta . tt c iat 't,'n, it r
'ituntotiy nir.sut!'. Sltitpcit op Aatsnrc tie v
as sts -r-Ttie: ,:Sltaton;' co rresport- :a
tttoaf :;h Nprthc t'n paporsliing
e,>contnuo tho. r
:ports reccntlp current that the . French:
ul'Fngitalt governments Mite issued or
ire, in case Af=tlie=:sailing of any mojrei .M
rpeditiona against Cuba .to tieach a1!=ves":
PIS,: or:.a, suspicions character, - :whether:
Jilin under-United States or other. colors,
It a' nhty dhtincily" stated ,that' Mr.;
tampion, 'the'Briiisli' Charge, ,'ad micrim,
is had an intervlew"with' Mr: Webat +r, in,
ldich be ha.icommunkated .these alleged
dero of his.Govor rwrlant.: Ve still think i
are must "be srimoeriror''in..thesestate..
nntR: ' 'hat ~Ihq.-;$ritisli' Governiment
smuld re:Asaert'tile: right at'saarah a pw ,v
" the exercise. of; which', is; s n.dh+tastoful r
the American poApie, and : which has ,ii
ever been conceded by our Government, the latitude l:ere"clain:oil,-;seems veryi0rabable:'
Ttrs u tIA Cnanife.---Telegraphic '
'spatchee from; Washii gtnn infirm us
at the Austrian- Charge.d'Aflaireai, Mr.'
ulseman;' lips demanded his par pnrt't
id Z will be off. , :We canno n nd - ii
Is, who" the same deapatches'infcrm us c
at-Kossuth is not coming to thiscountrv 11
t11e Missis3ilp v i. r
Pk. r,
WAautncrOX, .Ost, 2l. ' $M.-'Des
Itches have been' roceivoda pis"tg
epartmenr; f n " "
rr ' I ISM"t iS 'y l 7e ',ti "1ti pe
1 V tir r p - 'J
tit 'c py .'f!u t q , t
+tb0 'i' hr a ka g
o iope Ij)e to? ", mac- ,.,;, G " -,
* : a. su: -,ty. tp aur .Its
iu litt!' tall; :tll' r ehd
b on tp sred toOot errlo
a111ertd dl' ildgil rnanteri(n ; ltir. ia
dircllair i9c 'tis tie p J=ta tiie .h fu " '
r t ae
build" n , ., .I ' ntCUT 'n ors
die. 4 t ,
3 Wiwi
en Corimer aI j>atirt., et
,F + j' 1 .=:.f , -. .'4."fit 'U
f T:
11jil ctg"Aiorlftts= >zif i.l ntee t L;tytpxil ,
thgl ete c ttlyd AISAUe eplt'tt,,ayu n lt'ote
Lope at isi;Lll ffattbandt ahico y. Int
moth ii clapy n er t
1lii ! 4 t n1 4 ti.
tfe wasbra e. a n
i#eiF'dtte;'liunegt, thou h
liceipl3it . 1tii4 i'in decelv tig .,{ .
ail emi ngaiiiet: than sinninjt "; We 2. '
lect life' etor tAft', As ou h : Qf xltt+i3 4 to
to, t: to b }his wit'e r t : Eipit
oeyre .<' :We'arf'gladt- 6.
istigind doi s not i 1t npoi ,>,b4'. o, f ry b ' t't
cbrah tniti:i: 1V pti;rlieh",y itirlleaaul
the'fullowiggloit?r ftoi J(1 el q'' " ;
r r SjcuL,-.. )ear S1? JiuyQ I i "' .
or iif adtlt'eaa.In 'flicuti l'o i li -Sr" t yy tt".,
request oftho uafi rtunn C'Dori:{'N L$j*
executed ins Utis.cit -ttie lire ;df bla "yy++
m tlth. lr.b to made to 1 ae 11
his ' btot1tar.inr lti t ; tiua }ts' t all tnonln
ercoeut r.. I' was permitted to mtfar 'ltt
him, in prison, a' few tiwnctrta hereto 'iifs
death, Ad be t!hargdd, me jtt a'ma t'.parti : lt,
ular iin nner to transmit tij ;you. j ie,(abt; .x
adieu, and the expressions of ;jiid ,iatm at. U
fecti , n ahif gratitude i'Ur, ypur cdnsln at tt
kind ems, an:!, great"arrvicea--to Tien, I)e . '"
ntl;o raquistcd tnc; and mentioned -t't.sotjar .< kt,
as 1ha ei
al .tiinga, biaistix r'o tfd ,
should ask yo u as a is a or l e ,t 19 41
trunk' of papors, letters, etc" u'htelai.ilo'1gYt'
.with'you, in Iny pcutiiesaian, ao "that' 1 rght.
Own') y'such ps olato:tohI cxpedi:Io Is"to
tills I:tl.apd,""rs .a chars tor '
n the least On .peljyots ,coplr moil ,wiflr
these eiitei pnrct4.
I, therefore, entreat ten to:an'(wiiub t' b
facilities" of exoc!nting the iut-wilthos ofour tt
common frietntl, and as .1; catinut tt } el",to
)our;eity, I beg You: p ln!'arsti,.".ste it You
arer disposcii to accede - to liin dtsirwl "hi
which ?case F will rend .yoq a ppeerepn cIntli=. ,
ed-wit h ftiio prnperpowers,. -who- Vill viii . tl
cute, iii .yqur presence, t!ie'destruction, Qf 'b
those papers, rescr 4inotliy x4ct(as;inter it
elt 'Ills: eon 'nns ':'fiol'r, tiow. 'rce ding In
Geneva; ...:
ImIsis -loot tnamients,;nhiut lto *11 atot with his coiures or, and tnatrchinIt..,ro .,thit
place of c, ectttlon,;lw r urncei pgfIn.ta it
tills Subject,- entreating the g ao pr
remind kill ofhia_%vI:+lioA--j illie t.
I = a if. m ag)#aP tljts an ioecuu l 4to
unite mjgrateful.thanki ifih-4 idstt.ol',tiio
deceased, fgryour tr4entlsilip ;artcj sgfgicg
and relge1n, r .
Yottt<i, edlent anti itutif CoA ,j, ittt
i} t .r
Jy., J
rignsitt..* L1
i , r y,777 ??y
E iffin A%1 n .
lid PON - --C
ga tt sr v to
i tea i c: k(f Glib
htot: , oaf is
t1iot'ti, rail=
1!. TI herd {tt i@t' yl nll'it nn ;
ifa pliri?t aI eater aft ix ttld
' be Ott jtat t o ,;dr yt t are ," e i
Jt , trtt ft ry'(tb fg j
rn extt4l n
~a aa ;k;ha ay t tto n W3 r
incu br, the mo rtue , e Jib.
no t 4
. as hOht. h nt a i
pgredw beree1f , iiev lr gtsatt ":
ecome the: i f tiq 11 lr+?1t .
W7jre -dg
. C7t tq init 1
2ty{{ jut"ZT Mv , "jf tl T ,I T! f ." /(";l ' .
.! ,"]' 4 'fir ", :
h 9d d ,,.' iY@r " A 1 '' . tart
<T'f itfj i. nnf;p
r cl 45 , ,7v.) t s 5 te- r f "- "' 3 o
5?t+. S tl ,,""i _. 4eti>.'= 1"r t w'1f1-.7 - , ,t
.i e , r"f ? .4} t {a' tt'L?{ i^ k r err '", , _:
t ",11 " xT r t } Y'' t.} . i7 ' r t T ::.r " .
yr }Utrs' - l 7 . *a F;r-y t+ -. .. -( + s
-- _' "ll i "b
s t
sll Ca, f "1 u r ,r !.i ( Y s c '.! r t .-Z
i j" a t^ ,t 1 " _
Y f ,
"-1 It ,+ y
. s 4t ,. I Si" rt s
tl .. t"C .- l S ,.,.r r. L " h
I. 't - l s 2I { l ' rl
f ; 1 ' ''} r ! .i 1 i' . I.., . " T, r ;r 3 z" Qfl f f" t
7w n-]
4 i a' l#/1 Pe} " -t i-,y f . _e.: t ' t = ' y St+a Y'.yL 1 2
ht i * " ~' 1. tir Y" 4 ,"4cr , .. t y S ' A .' , .- 1 .1 ' ,.
--, ii#1"r yr jyir S 1 i t? J" ti tT r -I{, ry.. "i
.. ! i 'aJ 2-ai r l R_ i La t iM r{ f.' ltt } t :'' yV. ""ly. Jy.o'
" xf3'3, 'T'i' ' r' -rY" '"t
! ] ik [7E A>
"1 +" 'i Tyyn 7''t, Yb r ta - y!Fb,.,f..3 ,e r ... att ?c A --
t y y' < , r .r 1} h" y la I- r: :.r , u r . elR'et
?.4 '.f,'; ie; J J.,s."4tt. ''- -i, u ~R Lt.7
'J ' y, ': '1'.'"'Jl1J"'t .1:Y E. ,,, t_.y i:. v_^"1"'t ' t JJ;
rt ., dt' !'f " " . 47C? i r 1 "V"! 'i 't f '/r+' . .: _ r cli'' L.i
1 .t ..*{ s ' ':' i ccs ,"L sp;c. -,,".: .C . rm "SC..
"iYY " il .'+'' 'il J ' "1 :"'r-y1 t 'S.y pl. S
" 'IS 1 ,, 1. fr..
.rr ,'- ta.r'i:t r
t t 'Y .i 1 1 1. " { " . f , ' f
I1. 4 i' j, 'yam _.'
r, " fy[ ",-:1 '.!'171 ;'. y' A ~t
"fir. "J l" '"} .: "i" _ Zir.r}. . _-_'sy!, ,
1 v-!+ }
4+t r ht lei J. ,ft.i t " ')l. t r t
*'t ) ,)!11 it- :1 1 F' 7 4 r "5 s f .C.'y t "'
Mfr Y.c j! t ...a ,L i t 7f , 'f'.r " il..' N r'T
ti3rJ". Y 1 2cri4 -,;lL 'y i;% -A t ~'
*^"."g1 ) ;ter +' r ' ;' '
e do e y
tt t . i1 i d toutak
,ea itto Cieniot .ard t i as also
}ted .hi i an ianterapreser ho invIted tI
ol seat a Gitomiers. After ndti
o a' 'mmi.loo .t nomLmiate permnont
ii i& Cietin idjotneJ;i :
';Qt eguody, a( r 'MrghinItion ;bys'the
l oi o . ofie nn tionof fi Q H61t,
r Alabadia.w~, en iteo of. cwenty uih'e
p e 'rtbus ' for' the
tidn of the Conv oitmn' '
,Me rndCrootn a;owdey,'Hoh anl Tat;
.r Albama ' iorad ni o d Torrell
4t ?Dat ped'mnersoin, of te6
knhe, 13oenrm llnbry andJIlfwei di
'iridla; Bryan,. 4f: Louisiana: Eamrly.aind~
roweli, or C uth. .Carolina;. Arcimt.,
iriniat. aind 'iayo,' of Tenne"dde, aplo
ted Miniid Conmittee.
Variouts Ians of actirmi wfer tibeti by'
f~usrs. Birowne and Gamble, .of'Fmori,
iciles and ,Ioltj of Alabama, tortm and
it, 9dorgh1, and, Sayo, .of Tennresmiee,.
hO iuei i're sevorally referred to the
'ott of M tlu e ri t on oty-one o
On WVednesday, xirt Blayrand being
eqoested'addressed the .Cor,venition-'after
f ering the foliowing resolution,, whi~c~h
Reklv f te s.Titi Convc-ohtie
orke nim rosy adortod:Iul n gi
yyreate the importance o directin-.
ranco orf direct" imtercouIrse vith: the
ontint ofrEurope for thLe idirect export of
S Irods prodt of he 8outh, "a the
direct Im ort' to our Souithern pats fthem
rduci anl manufa.cturemi of curop
onnsmed oi ithe Sotth.'ec
2d. ioRegled, Thot this. Conventigt
ecognez and feel o ima porir fdirect
rdi m onit its. liranche M, sf a niitesary
rincipide hat sietm fe d intotah 'bhcome
part of any plan wh1eh this Convention
n its tviadrsn may now or hereafter -adopt
-as commerce nu'st be its .basis, .and
direct trade Ihe d iroper morium through
nthich it sou as---for the remedy of
or evils is- no acomplete -sodong; na our
pomrtscomotf foughnand are controlled by
be North and nnatoand.
WI: R't 'g'veo , iThat this Convention
econimd to hel: . planters of the South
pmediaeacion on this suCj as one f
e means of bliinig abort a er dontining
ao-peration .inrolatoni to ths future
dtion oflthie bpdy.
4-h Uoaholyda,-That we recognioe te
uparlanc 'of =pending our inerke: and
rent comnethIn; and recommer.ded to
mepilian ero to.ropostion of the
tolnmia this ^ uji i t aHonJet'of
e en o r ith the mouth oftiein
Rh1 enirnent of' uileo
erhion o n-rect trado"hniises
no~t ip b "fored,-A:r this
4 oal. nvei ot
.oype , proposition that immfediate
ion whould- followthe dthlheration of this'
ongelion hf~ shipping a jborllon di their
ps.-say one-tenth. or nme twentieth, or
ayilhm t, more or less, as is most
mnvenient-for the purpose of forming a
mmercial . basis, to .be extended - or
edified hereafter as may be' beat to,
tablish thoe"*Commercial Independence"
ti e South.
6tlh. Rtesolved, Thmat this Conventioni
acmmend tihe instant employment of tihe
cansnow wiithin our power, of eve'ry
nd, for tihe promotion ofi Eonhernm inter
1:s-'i13 P'anting, Manufaceturing, and
Mr. Andrews, of Ga.. oliered a resolution,
hii.hi being wemnded to read as folluws,
ais then rejec ted:
Resolved, Thant a Comnmittee of five be
>pointed by time Chair to arrange tihe basis
a direct trede of plantrs, umerchants and
hers, with ~foreign countrices, andl time
rlmmittee report at their earliest con
On Thmursday time Committee of'Twenty.
0o reportedi, amid after a long debatic wich
as renewed oin Friday momurning, thme
port wasm finally rejected amnd a minority
port which recommiemnds an aociationf of
attomi p)lnters' with a captital of tell
ill.omn', to bie chuartered by lime States of
)lth-.Carolinam, Georgimn, Alabama, Iou
inmna andi Florida, tihe object of time
sociationi being- tom prevent flutctuatons
the price of Cotton. Tme following
soutismnn attaehe~d to te report, were
Y'our Cmmittee have thus considered,
famr as theire meamns of investiit ion have
owed the~mm the questions of over pro
Iction, anid our cat pachxy for over prducion,
e ininmence of irrcgula mr produiction, anid
a fossibility of controling its efiects, our
lity tim increase time consution, im
ove thme price, amid emave a large portion of
n anmnual chatrges amid ex pemises now paid.
lie it thereflore Remsolvedi, 'That this
)mventionm re- pectfully recommend to the
>ttonI piamters of every country imn thme
>ttont growimng States, the organmizationm of
lmnty Asociations to act as auixihmaries to
Ceonral Asmsociamtionm, to be comaposod of
legatta frommm time coumuty Associationsa.
Resolved, T1hamt time great obiject of such
sociatmions inhoul be time comlection and
eetminationm of' information on the sumbject
productoon and conmsumption, and gen
ully to aid and facilitate a perfect or
Imizationi on thme part of pilaters.
Resolved. Thuat in accordance with the
.ews not forth in time foregoinug report, a
nmmittee be nppointd by time Chmair to
ucuro the pamsgo of uuch acts of
corporation mas they may deem unecemsary,
>m time live States niamned in time report;
Meir si i committee shall act as - a
iuniral Commimttee of thmis body, mind may
ii a Convenitioni of P'lanters wvhen in thmeir
ulgmonemt it mam~y be ncessary.
ltesolved, That it is distinctly under.
>Cide that time action' of tidi Convenitioni,
airramnging for procurinig charte,-is ntot
tended or expected to commit amty Chitaon
inter to this or any othmer mode of ope
Rtesolveud, That we deem it expedient to
Id a Cotton Planter's Conventionr coma.
sod of dolegates- elected fron' the cotmty
sociat ions.
Resolved, That for thme futrtherance of
id organization, wer the nmmbers of this
)mvention, pledge our efforts to inicite lhe
imitera to act. .
Resolved, That some gentleman com.
tent for imtsk, ae.nne iilhognd ti nder.

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